
ray_hi all00:00
=== sayakb is now known as sayakb_away
ray_i need help setting a network printer in win 7.00:01
ray_i have samba and i can see other shared folders in win 7 but not hp laserjet printer00:03
ray_am i missing an app to make this work?00:03
lcbray_:  you need to share that printer in your win 7 machine. then System Settings | Hardware | Printer Configuration. Then "New Printer"00:06
ray_it is shared...Ubuntu 11.04 sees it but not kubuntu00:06
szalray_: who or what?00:07
ray_printer is connected to win 7 box and shared. Ubuntu has no problem. Kubuntu can not see it00:08
lcbray_: after New Printer, select "Windows Printer via Samba" or the one listed that matches yours, in case it shows up...00:09
ray_tried all that but nfg00:09
szalray_: samba-client is installed?  not sure if you need it, but..00:10
ray_checked network...win 7 shares available except for printer. HP Laserjet printer is shared and Ubuntu can access it00:10
lcbray_: on the *Samba* config details enter the workgroup - to see if it shows up00:11
lcbjust the workgroup00:11
ray_kubuntu cannot see the f printer00:11
ray_workgroup the same for my network00:11
ray_samba is installed00:11
lcbout of f ideas, for now00:12
ray_already edit the smb.conf00:12
ray_this is my first time with Kubuntu...00:13
OerHekslast thought, try localhost:631 and see if there is any setting of test .00:14
ray_i like it but Ubuntu seems to be a lot easier to deal with00:14
szalray_: the smb.conf has got nothing to do w/ it if the printer is shared from a Windows machine00:18
szalthe smb.conf is needed if you want to share something from the *buntu machine00:19
ray_i only configured the smb.conf to match the workgroup name00:20
szalthat won't have any effect unless you have a Samba _server_ running on *buntu00:21
ray_kubuntu can access all my win shares except for printer. printer is missing!00:22
ray_im dual booting ubuntu and kubuntu00:22
ray_on my laptop00:23
ray_connecting to my window 7 network wirelessly00:23
tiagolcb: thanks ;) are you also portuguese?00:34
ray_hi all00:35
lcbtiago_: yes01:01
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sorush20how do I permanently turn off special effects on kwin?01:48
kavurtmy browsers cannot connect to the internet. but skype works. it says: make sure firefox is permitted to access the web. what might be wrong?01:54
tiagokavurt: maybe you have port 80 closed?02:08
kavurthow can i open it tiago02:09
tiagokavurt: i think you can manage your traffic with iptables https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo02:16
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ray51hi all02:41
cpatrick008hi ray5102:43
ray51fresh install of kubuntu and i cant get my network printer to connect. the weird thing is my win 7 shares are available except for the printer!02:44
ray51my printer is connected to win 7 box02:44
cpatrick008what printer do you have02:45
ray51samba installed and workgroup configured02:45
ray51hp laserjet 210002:45
ray51i can see my network shares but the printer. Im running kubuntu from my laptop connecting wirelessly.02:46
cpatrick008ray51: do you hae drivers installed for the printer02:47
ray51im dual booting ubuntu and kubuntu on the same laptop.02:47
ray51when running ubuntu 11.04, i can print from my network printer.02:48
cpatrick008ray51: if you go to http://hplipopensource.com/ you can get the driver for kubuntu and use hp-setup to get it to work wirelessly02:49
ray51which distro...NO kubuntu only ubuntu02:51
ray51will this work?02:53
cpatrick008the ubuntu one will work for kubuntu and the other buntus02:53
ray51ok i give it a try02:53
szalray51: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3936016&postcount=502:54
ray51still not working...03:09
cpatrick008well it was worth a try sorry i could not help you solve your problem03:10
buzzmandtJust wanted you guys to know, i'm lovin muon.  good choice03:11
ray51i didn't have any problems installing the printer in Ubuntu. Cant figure it out in Kubuntu....03:11
szal[03:54:23] <szal> ray51: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3936016&postcount=503:12
ray51i tried it also ... nfg03:12
buzzmandtbetter than kpackagekit03:13
ray51hooked up my printer via usb to my laptop and installed instantly. Why not through my network?03:18
ray51do i need to create a net bios name for kubuntu?03:23
LINKSWORD2Hey guys!03:58
LINKSWORD2Got a couple questions.03:58
LINKSWORD2Is it possible to execute the Show Desktop keyboard command without having the Show Desktop icon on the desktop or taskbar?04:04
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: try making a permanent binding to a specific key press combo?04:14
Linkmasterlet me see real fast04:15
LINKSWORD2So... Results?04:23
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LinkmasterI'm finding *where* they are, I just cant figure *how* to edit/add/change them04:25
LINKSWORD2... I'm waiting. :/04:26
Linkmastersystem settings -> shortcuts and gestures. hve at it04:31
LINKSWORD2Shortcuts & Gestures, huh?04:34
LINKSWORD2Is there a way to remove the Show Desktop widget from the Widgets panel, so as to not accidentally re-add it to the desktop?04:39
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LinkmasterI dont know..is it possible to build FF3 in ~ so that I can use it and FF5 at the same time?04:42
LINKSWORD2Let me guess. Add-on compatibility?04:43
LinkmasterYep :l04:44
LinkmasterSince 99% of add-ons work in FF3, I'm going to guess at that one04:44
LINKSWORD2There's an option to remove the compatibility check in FF5.04:45
LINKSWORD2Let me find it.04:45
LinkmasterWouldn't that cause all sorts of hell to break loose?04:45
* Linkmaster of course wouldn't mind trying it though04:45
LINKSWORD2Apparently not. I've used it before.04:46
LinkmasterHmm..well, I found the cnet download. Put the .tar.bz2 file into my ~/kde4/src folder :D04:47
LINKSWORD2I've got a couple of add-ons that worked with FF2 on FF5, thanks to that.04:48
LINKSWORD2Let me know if it helps.04:54
Linkmasterlet me try that before I go off on my tangent04:54
LINKSWORD2Well, I've gotta close my screen.04:55
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Apple_CatDoes anyone know if it is possible to enable desktop effects but keep the old Alt+tab task switcher? Is there a config file somewhere that I can change?09:26
bbeckApple_Cat: sure you can do that.  Check out system settings --> Window Behavior --> Task Switch --> Then in about the middle of that screen is a drop down where you can select No Effect.09:59
sylvainsalut a tous !!10:49
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Guest70385je suis un petit nouveau Kubuntu !! :)10:50
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Graf_Westerholt!fr | Guest7038510:52
ubottuGuest70385: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:52
Graf_WesterholtSalut, Guest70385. :)10:52
MidnightGlowdo you know how to fix XCHAT TRY ICON - over try icon11:31
MidnightGlowi have white in icon and  my bar is in transperancy  mode11:31
MidnightGlowkde 3.5.911:32
szal(1) XChat != KDE; (2) KDE3 is UNSUPPORTED11:32
szal(3) KDE 3.5.9 also implies an unsupported *buntu release; iirc, 3.5.10 was already available when Lucid came along11:34
szalwhatever that's supposed to show..11:35
MidnightGlowthat is my problem11:35
szalMidnightGlow: cat /etc/issue11:35
MidnightGlow.. BackTrack 4 R2 Codename Nemesis \n \l11:35
szal-> #backtrack-linux please11:36
MidnightGlowoki sorry11:36
MidnightGlowand thanks!11:36
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bibliothequehi guys12:25
bibliothequeis there anyone here by chance having installed succesfully xbmc on kubuntu?12:26
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=== BondMan is now known as Goliath
rethuskmail2 is released. when does it come to kubuntu?14:27
dineshnnhow to configure samba network14:36
dineshnnany expert is there config samba share14:38
rethusif you are no knowledge about samba - maybe try webmin or swat... or look here for some simlar tool: http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/smbweb.htm14:49
rethusi recommend to setup a firewall, if your pc is connected to the internet - firestarter is good and easy dineshnn14:50
dineshnn#rethus : can you advise how to config that14:51
rethuscconfigure what14:51
dineshnn#rethus : or any tutorial is there14:51
dineshnnto connect both the system14:51
dineshnnone is laptop and one is desktop14:51
rethusyou have to spend some time to get knowlege about it.No way out to read yourself something about this.. or spend money for someone who realize it for you14:52
rethusi send you some information ... go and read it14:53
dineshnnplease i am waiting for that14:53
rethussome of that tools are quite easy to use.14:53
rethusso give them a try14:53
dineshnnthanks rethus...14:53
rethusyour welcome14:53
dineshnni am waiting for the information14:55
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kurtulmy browsers cannot access to web. there's no proxy. network is normal. skype and teamviewer working. browsers are not offline.15:38
kurtulapt-get update && apt-get ugrade fails to fetch url. says: connection refused. any ideas?15:40
BluesKajkurtul, ping google.com15:47
BluesKajusing sudo with apt , kurtul ?15:48
kurtulBluesKaj: it says, 2 received, 0 packet loss15:48
kurtulBluesKaj: sorry i did use with sudo. it says connection refused. some index files failed to download. it seems theres a network issue. but skype and teamviewer work15:49
BluesKajare you on a school or business network ?15:50
kurtuland ping looks slow, but result looks ok15:50
kurtulhome network15:50
kurtulit's my friends computer. i installed kubuntu. but he can't connect to web now. i'm trying to solve the issue through teamviewer.15:51
kurtuli've never seen this before.15:52
kurtulit seems to me, it's kind of a network problem. not related with kubuntu. but i can't make sure15:52
BluesKajok , try  this , sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart15:53
kurtulit said: ignoring unknown interface wlan2=wlan2, ignoring unknown interface eth2=eth215:58
kurtulit's weird, isn't it?15:58
BluesKajkurtul, wonfder if this will show a router/modem address,  ip a | grep inet16:01
kurtulBluesKaj: there's: scope host lo, scope host, scope global eth2, scope link, scope global wlan2, scope link16:03
kurtulit's connected through eth now16:04
kurtulthere shouldn't be nat or anything. but ip is
kurtulit used to be normal ip before, when i connect it with eth16:05
BluesKajkurtul, you mean we were talking wifi all along ?16:07
kurtulBluesKaj: oh, forget the last one. there's a nat.16:08
kurtulso it doesn't matter i guess if it's wifi or eth16:08
BluesKajyes it does the settings are different16:10
kurtulBluesKaj: if i upgrade from 10.10 to 11.04, do you think it'll fix this issue?16:10
BluesKajdoubt it '16:11
BluesKajso what are you going tod o try to use wifi or ethernet?16:11
BluesKajto do16:11
kurtulnow the computer is connected with eth. but the other end is in wifi router.16:12
dineshnnhi i am using a kubuntu 11.04 desktop amd 64 bit version..16:13
dineshnncan anyone guide me how to install the printer.16:13
dineshnnin 32 bit i have installed easily installed..16:13
kurtulBluesKaj: it was working yesterday normally. is there a log file, we may be able tosee what was done wrong?16:17
dineshnnplease help me on installing the printer16:17
Eruaranhi dineshnn, what printer is it?16:18
dineshnncanon mf4320d16:18
dineshnni have downloaded the driver from canon site16:18
dineshnnfor 32 bit its easily installed16:19
dineshnnin 64 bit i dont know how to do that16:19
Eruarandineshnn: let me look it up I'll see if I can find out for you16:19
dineshnnthanks eruaran16:20
dineshnnEruaran : which i have downloaded there is 64 bit folder.. but there is no deb files to install16:21
Eruarandineshnn: is it a tar.gz?16:24
dineshnnEruaran :its a rpm file16:24
Eruarandineshnn: ah... rpm is for Fedora and other distributions that use RPM16:25
dineshnnthen how to install in kubuntu 64 bit version16:25
Eruarandineshnn: if there's no .deb there should still be a tar.gz to download (I just downloaded one of a similar model)... if you extract it, it should have 32 and 64bit driver folders in it16:26
EruaranI see what you mean16:26
Eruaranthere's only an rpm in there16:26
FloodBotK1Eruaran: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:26
Eruaranwell done Canon...16:26
kurtuli just found out something weird. my browers can access to gmail. but nothing else16:27
BlackBerriesCould be a cache issue16:28
BlackBerriesIf they can only access gmail16:28
BlackBerriesI have a VPN issue, using openvpn - it works in ubuntu 11.04 but not kubuntu 10.1016:29
Eruarandineshnn: I have found something that might help... just reading it a bit first16:29
Eruarandineshnn: I have found something that might help... just reading it a bit first16:30
BlackBerriesOpenvpn Networking Issue - It won't let me apply settings so I am unable to connect to Work16:30
dineshnn_Eruaran: ok friend i am waiting16:30
Eruarandineshnn_: so you have the latest UFR_II_Printer_Driver_for_Linux_V210_uk_EN.tar.gz?16:31
Eruarancovers your model (MF4320D)16:32
dineshnn_this is the driver i have16:32
Eruarandineshnn_: have you used the konsole before?16:33
dineshnn_Eruaran: UFR_II_Printer_Driver_for_Linux_V220_uk_EN this is the driver i have installed in laptop KUbuntu 11.04 32 bit16:33
dineshnn_what is konsole16:33
EruaranOk, try this link: http://support-sg.canon-asia.com/P/search?model=imageCLASS+MF4380dn/MF4370dn/MF4350d/MF4320d&menu=download&filter=0&tagname=g_os&g_os=Linux16:34
EruaranIt should be correct16:34
EruaranIt has 32 and 64bit RPM's in it16:34
dineshnn_yes you are correct16:35
dineshnn_which u sent the link is same driver i am having16:36
Eruarandineshnn_: ok16:36
dineshnn_so i am having the proper driver16:36
Eruarandineshnn_: yes16:36
dineshnn_if yes can you help me to install16:36
Eruaranhmm the information I have might not be up to date enough16:38
Eruaranjust a sec16:38
Eruarandineshnn_: first it looks like you need to install RPM16:40
dineshnn_impossible to install this is the message i am getting16:41
Eruarandineshnn_: click on kickoff menu (K menu) and then system settings and software management16:41
EruaranK > System Settings > Software Management16:41
dineshnn_yes i did16:42
dineshnn_guide me will do the same16:42
Eruaranin the search box under 'get and remove software' type rpm and hit enter16:42
Eruaranyou should see a list of rpm related packes16:42
dineshnn_which i have to install16:43
Eruaranthe one you want to install is just called rpm with the description 'package manager for RPM'16:44
Eruarandineshnn_: just click the install button that appears next to it when you mouse over it, then click apply16:45
Eruarandineshnn_: now you need to install alien16:46
Eruarandineshnn_: so in the search box type alien and hit enter16:46
dineshnn_yes did16:47
Eruarandineshnn_: you should see the third package down the list is alien - convert and install rpm and other packages16:47
dineshnn_s installing16:47
Eruaranwhen thats done we can move on to the next step16:48
dineshnn_ok its installing16:49
Eruarandineshnn_: next you will need to open konsole (K > Applications > System > Terminal (konsole)16:50
dineshnn_yes didi16:51
dineshnn_yes i did16:51
dineshnn_isntallation completed16:51
Eruarandineshnn_: next you will need to open konsole (K > Applications > System > Terminal (konsole)16:52
dineshnn_yes i opened16:52
Eruarando you know where you downloaded the files to?16:52
Eruaranyou will need to navigate there16:53
Eruaranfor example16:53
dineshnn_it is in the documents follder16:53
EruaranIf its in my downloads folder I would type:16:53
Eruarancd /Downloads16:53
Eruaranyou only need the rpm files16:54
Eruaranso you can put them in the same folder to make it easy16:54
Eruaranonce you are in the folder that you have the rpm files in at the command prompt we can do the next bit16:54
dineshnn_yes i did16:55
Eruaranwere going to install both16:55
Eruaran32 and 64 bit16:55
dineshnn_i have pasted the driver folder in downloads folder16:56
dineshnn_can you give the exact command which i have type16:56
Eruaranin the one I  downloaded I just noticed the 32bit folder actually has a Debian folder in it16:57
Eruaranwith the 32bit deb in it16:57
Eruarandoes yours have a debian folder?16:57
dineshnn_debian folder ... i have installed in 32 bit version and it is working properly16:57
Eruaranit is right now or was last time?16:59
dineshnn_32 bit is in on other system.. means in laptop i have installed 32bit version.. in desktop i have a amd processor.. so i installed 64bit version16:59
dineshnn_now i need to install in desktop17:00
Eruaranwere going to convert the rpm files to deb17:00
Eruaranso if in konsole you have cd /downloads/myfolder etc gone to the folder where the rpm's are we can continue17:00
Eruarantype (or paste) in this command:17:01
Eruaransudo alien --to-deb --scripts cndrvcups-... (the name of your printer rpm17:02
Eruarancndrvcups... is for whatever your rpm file is called17:02
dineshnn_impossible to install17:03
Eruarannot installing yet17:03
dineshnn_same message i have received17:03
Eruaranjust converting17:03
dineshnn_i have a team viewer.. could you able to work on that17:05
dineshnn_sorry for troubling17:05
Eruarandineshnn_: you're nearly there17:06
Eruarandineshnn_: this is what I typed on mine17:07
Eruaransudo alien --to-deb --scripts cndrvcups-common-2.20-1.x86_64.rpm17:07
Eruaran(even if your rpm file is a different name it works the same)17:07
Eruarandineshnn_: it will ask for your password17:07
dineshnn_i will give17:08
dineshnn_later i can change it17:08
Eruaranyou should eventually see something like this:17:08
Eruaranndrvcups-common_2.20-2_amd64.deb generated17:08
dineshnn_team viewer is installing will give the user name and pw17:08
Eruaranjust a sec17:09
Eruarandineshnn_: I am downloading teamviewer17:12
dineshnn_any networking experts here17:35
Graf_Westerholt!ask | dineshnn_17:35
ubottudineshnn_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:35
dineshnn_i am using kubuntu 11.04 in laptop and desktop.. i need to connect it through networking17:35
dineshnn_Graf_westerholt: hope you got the thing what i am asking17:36
dineshnn_Graf_westerholt : did you got my problem17:39
Graf_Westerholt!network | dineshnn_17:39
ubottudineshnn_: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:39
Graf_Westerholt!detail | dineshnn_17:39
dineshnn_i need to connect the two systems through networking.. both i have installed kubuntu 11.0417:40
Graf_WesterholtAnd what is the problem?17:40
Graf_Westerholtdineshnn_, you have to say what is problem.17:42
dineshnn_i dont know how to do that17:43
Graf_Westerholtdineshnn_, you have a cable pluged in in both PCs?17:44
dineshnn_yes one is pc connected with cable.. laptop is connected with wifi17:45
Graf_WesterholtSo what is the problem?17:45
Graf_WesterholtWhat do you want to do? Share files?17:46
Graf_WesterholtAccess the Internet?17:46
dineshnn_share files17:48
dineshnn_to connect with printer and share files17:49
Graf_WesterholtI am not very familiar with that. Try „Network“ in Dolphin.17:50
dineshnn_tyied it .. but its not showing17:51
Graf_WesterholtI am sorry, I am sure someone else can help you.17:52
dineshnnany networking experts18:36
Linkmasterwhats the problem?18:36
dineshnni need to connect two computers through network18:37
BluesKajdineshnn, how are the computers connected to the network ?18:45
dineshnndesktop by cable laptop by wifi18:45
BluesKajdesktop works and wifi doesn't I bet18:47
dineshnndesktop connected in lan cable18:47
BluesKajdesktop ethernet18:47
dineshnnlaptop connected through wifi18:48
dineshnnin home i have wifi router18:48
BluesKajyes.ok, describe your problem18:48
dineshnni need to connect both the system to share files18:49
BluesKajyes, but what's wrong ?18:51
dineshnni dont knw how to connect18:52
dineshnnneed your support18:52
BluesKajdoes the laptop connect ok?18:54
dineshnnok if i connect through lan cables18:56
dineshnnboth the system in lancables18:56
excognachi all. Anyone has an idea why the files in my desktop folder does not appear on my desktop? (a small odt file and a jpg)18:58
cousin_mariohas anyone noticed instability with kde and the nvidia drivers from xorg-edgers?19:01
cousin_mario(kdeinit4 segfaults, to be exact)19:04
BluesKajdineshnn, ok so you want to share files  ..look at samba19:05
BluesKaj!samba | dineshnn19:05
ubottudineshnn: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:05
BluesKajor smb , dineshnn19:05
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:06
BluesKaj!ssh | dineshnn19:08
ubottudineshnn: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:08
dineshnnwill try this things19:09
BluesKajcousin_mario, is there a reason for not using the recommended nvidia drivers ?19:09
BluesKajdineshnn, I prefer ssh , myself19:10
dineshnnwill try that now19:10
cousin_marioBluesKaj: they don't work properly on kde19:11
cousin_marioBluesKaj: screen corruption or outright crash when resizing konsole for example19:11
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BluesKajcousin_mario,, which kde version?19:19
dineshnnsuggest some software equal to photoshop19:21
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.19:29
dineshnnwhat about krita19:29
Peace-dineshnn: it's nice19:30
Peace-for me19:30
Peace-i prefer to gimp19:30
Peace-but you have not all the effects19:30
Peace-that gimps has19:30
dineshnnis it19:30
dineshnnthen will try gimp19:30
BluesKajdineshnn, gimp isn't photoshop, but it's qwuitegood19:31
BluesKajerr quite good19:31
cousin_marioBluesKaj: 4.6.319:59
cousin_marioBluesKaj: sorry, 4.6.220:01
cousin_mariothe one supplied with kubuntu 11.04 anyway20:01
BluesKajopen an app like dolphin and just look in help , anout kde20:08
BluesKajcousin_mario, ^20:09
cousin_marioBluesKaj: ...20:09
cousin_marioBluesKaj: what part of "it crashes right after login" is not clear?:)20:09
BluesKajabout kde , tells the version20:09
BluesKajoh guess I missed that20:10
BluesKajI thought that new nvidia driver solved that prob20:11
cousin_marioI have an intermittent problem now20:11
cousin_mariokdeinit4 segfaults20:11
cousin_marionot sure what to do about it20:12
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lcbhello SIR_Taco22:15
SIR_Tacowhat's going on today?22:16
lcbslow, since about 30 mins ago. only happy users22:17
SIR_Taconothing wrong with happy users :)22:18
lcbppl don't abuse kubuntu so... no problems22:18
SIR_Tacoany idea if Linkmaster got his wireless printer working?22:18
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Linkmasterlcb: helped me out yesterday :D22:18
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: does it work now?22:18
lcbLinkmaster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are alive!!22:19
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: he went hunting and wrung googles daughter till she spilled her secrets. found the austrailian secrets22:19
ZweiDreiTrying to insall Burg on Kubuntu.22:19
LinkmasterYes I am! The printer spat fire and my computer screamed like the demons, so I know all is well! :D22:19
lcbis working? :o22:19
ZweiDreiDone it before on Ubuntu, but not here.22:20
SIR_TacoZweiDrei: have you tried going through: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/install-and-configure-burg-in-ubuntu.html22:21
lcbmatter of fact i'm trying to find now two drivers, one for an olivetti d-color mf201 and another for canon pixma mp50022:21
lcbthis olivetti d-color is the tricky one22:21
Linkmasterlcb: try the austrailian secrets...they seem to know22:21
lcbLinkmaster: i looked already - no luck :/22:22
SIR_Tacowhy are the Australians keeping it a secrect? lol22:22
SIR_Tacosecret event22:22
SIR_Tacoforget it... can't type today it seems lol22:22
lcbSIR_Taco: that's where i found his drivers, all way to australia22:22
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: the austrailians aren't sharing with the americans...I think its because the american-canon companies have a secret deal with mircosoggy22:22
SIR_Tacoaaah... interesting22:23
LinkmasterI'm just going to leave this here......www.rinkworks.com/stupid/cs_os.shtml22:23
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: so the printer works now? no problems?22:23
lcbLinkmaster: is it safe to click on it? :o22:23
lcbLinkmaster: sisnce22:24
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: its perfectly good :D22:24
Linkmasterlcb: Only if you backed up /home in the past few hours...22:24
lcbsince you burned my computers i don't believe you, Linkmaster22:24
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: excellent, good to hear. Was I on the right track atleast? or way off? haha22:24
ZweiDrei@Sir_Taco: No haven't gone to that page before.22:24
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: you sort of were. lcb went through the same troubleshooting you did, and I went along to make sure I wasn't being stupid, and then he wrung googles daughter for her secrets22:25
ZweiDreiI only hope it works on Kubuntu.22:25
Linkmasterlcb: you know you enjoyed it :D22:25
SIR_TacoZweiDrei: no problem. The base system for Kubuntu and Ubuntu (and any other *buntu) is more-or-less the same.... a boot manager is as basic as it gets, should work fine for Kubuntu as well22:26
lcbLinkmaster: appropriate drivers are most likely a solution for printer issues22:26
LinkmasterUsually, unless the company is shady22:26
ZweiDreiI just started using Kubuntu.22:27
LinkmasterI searched high and low through canon trying to find a driver..22:27
SIR_TacoZweiDrei: well welcome then :)22:27
lcbyoooopiiiii another future happy user22:27
LinkmasterZweiDrei: yes, welcome :D22:27
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: I've had my share of printer woes in the past... I know what you mean. Now I research a bit before I buy any printer. My CLP-310 is awesome :)22:28
lcbthat's a good one22:28
SIR_Tacoonly paid $120 CDN.... it was a steal22:29
LinkmasterSIR_Taco: I was doing it more for my mom. I've been slowly introducing her to Linux, talking about it, and shes starting to show a little interest. Her only setbacks that she knew about was her Creative Memories photo manager thingys. She forgot about her printer, but I solved that one xD22:29
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: excellent22:30
LinkmasterYes, I'm happy about it. And if I can get the switch through, I'm never going to have to worry about her wasting 1000's of dollars a year22:31
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: good point22:31
LinkmasterI'm a thrifty person. Linux works better then MS in 90% or more cases, and its free compared to the 200-500 dollar tag MS hands you22:32
SIR_TacoZweiDrei: Just keep in mind that you can use any software from Ubuntu with Kubuntu.... if it's GUI related, you might be installing programs you'll use rarely if at all, but it has little to no effect on your system (unless you have a small hard-drive I guess)22:32
LinkmasterLinux offers FOSS that others actively maintain and develop...MS consists largely of proprietary things. Lets say that we need word processing. LO gives us that free, MSoffice costs another 300 dollars. Now, MS has cost us 800.22:33
LinkmasterLinux has NO viruses[viri?]. MS has upwards of 3BILLION. Good AVware for MS costs a good 400 dollars. Just download Clam for Linux if your contacting a windows server/etc.22:34
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: I agree completely, compatibiility is the only issue really22:34
lcbZweiDrei: ... but avoind mixing gnome and unity with kubuntu. could cause some problems22:34
SIR_Tacolcb: that's a good point22:34
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
LinkmasterYeah, since Ubuntu's jump to Unity, compatability is less[though the jump to Unity was a brilliant choice IMO]22:35
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: having said that, compatibility between  MS Office versions in general is an issue22:35
LinkmasterBut thats because MS upgrades their versions in such a way to FORCE users to upgrade22:36
LinkmasterThats one of the biggest reasons Vista was such a fiasco; not only did they release crappy software, but they made it so the only way you could use up-to-date software was by buying it22:36
SIR_TacoFrom a developer standpoint, I can see thier resoning for dropping support for older formats.... but it's just not practical22:37
LinkmasterAnd since the core of Vista and 7 is drastically different from XP and previous versions, there was really no option22:37
LinkmasterThe least they can do is like the *buntus. absolutely brilliant to release the LTS versions22:38
LinkmasterXP would be an example of that. Its their studiest software, and they know that. But they are dropping support for it in a very short time, I think they already have actually22:38
ZweiDreiOkay, I'm gonna try it out now.22:39
LinkmasterGood luck :D22:39
LinkmasterI'm going to [/rant], its probably not a good thing to keep going22:39
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: Windows 7 is actually not too shabby (yea, yea I know)22:39
LinkmasterOh I will never say Windows7 is bad, because its not22:40
LinkmasterThey basically got XP and put it through cosmetic surgery22:40
Galluswhere do i install dolphin services in kubuntu?22:40
SIR_TacoI need to restart, brb22:41
lcbGallus: Dolphin->Settings->Configure Dolphin->Services (->) Download New Services (if needed)22:44
Galluslcb i was looking for the folder22:46
=== dark is now known as ZweiDrei
SIR_Tacoseems home folder encryption just broke on that 11.10 update... oops22:48
Linkmasterwelcome back22:48
excognachi all22:48
SIR_Tacohi excognac22:48
excognachow is that possible that there are files in my desktop folder but not displayed on my desktop?22:49
LinkmasterThey aren't exactly the same thing..I don't know the best way to explain it22:50
SIR_Tacoexcognac: the 'Folder View' widget show a folder.... doesn't have to be the Desktop folder... could show any folder22:52
lcbGallus: look for it  in .kde./share/apps/servicemenu*22:52
SIR_TacoI think by default it's set to your "home" folder, if you unlock the widgets, click the wrench on the side of the space, you can switch it to desktop folder22:52
excognacthanks a lot22:53
SIR_Tacoexcognac: you're welcome22:54
lcbGallus: found it?23:01
Gallusyep lcb thanks23:01
lcbGallus: you want to remove some leftovers, isn't?23:02
lcbthere are indeed some services not installing correctly23:02
Linkmasterlcb: SIR_Taco: you should look at this: www.artlung.com/smorgasborg/C_R_Y_P_T_O_N_O_M_I_C_O_N.shtml23:04
lcbLinkmaster: that looks suspitious. let me look at it from my MS-DOS machine23:05
lcbsuspicious too23:06
LinkmasterIts just an essay :P23:06
SIR_Taco it looks long also... and I'm feeling lazy... but I will look at it lol23:06
* Linkmaster cackles evilly23:06
lcbLinkmaster: i started reading that. can i continue it when i'll go to the bed?23:07
lcbLinkmaster: or ...if you make it short :p23:07
LinkmasterI never said when you should read, or even if. I just put it out there to be seen23:07
lcbLinkmaster: i know you want all happy Kubuntusers for you and make us busy with the eyes somewhere23:08
SIR_Tacomy eyes are better suited for looking at other things.... :P23:09
lcbbookmarked for better reading23:09
LinkmasterI only answer is I know, otherwise I keep very silent and wait for someone smarter to answer so I can learn something knew23:09
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: my thought is that with enough information I can solve any problem.... sometimes that backfires though haha23:10
LinkmasterWell, I currently don't have have enough knowledge; I can get all the information in the world, but if I don't know, I don't know :P23:11
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: it comes in time... and helping someone through a problem you don't know about, well help you down the line23:12
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lcbSIR_Taco: tell me about it... right before i got here i almost had an accident, for the same reason; "my eyes are better suited for looking at other things.". on one side of the road very good looking specimens. on the other side some not so good ones. i almost went over an elderly couple :(23:12
LinkmasterI sometimes try to do that, and it often helps you smarter people too23:12
* Linkmaster chuckles23:13
SIR_Tacolcb: lol, well you need to be selective :P23:13
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: many heads are better than one23:13
LinkmasterYes, and I can turn that into another rant but I won't23:14
SIR_Tacolcb: I had the luck of training first-aid to life guards this morning.... good day ;)23:14
lcbSIR_Taco: WOW. did you went over the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation lesson  already???23:15
lcbmost ppl pass out during that session23:15
SIR_Tacolcb: lol, no I behaved23:15
lcboops, this is kubuntu23:15
lcbpass out, meaning, passing out to another dimension23:16
SIR_Tacoand the conversation is dead lol23:20
szalseems we have a case for a bug report against the nVidia driver23:20
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
szalthough it wouldn't hurt to know whether similar behaviour exists w/ the fglrx or one of the open source drivers23:22
SIR_Tacoszal: what's wrong with the nVidia driver?23:22
szalin my case, it's impossible to resize Konsole from full-screen to not maximized w/ the widget or resize a non-maximized Konsole w/ the mouse -> result: everything freezes, mouse pointer comes back to life after a short while, disk activity (e.g. cronjobs) continues, Internet connection stays alive (radio stream in Audacious continued to play)23:24
szalanother user reports similar behaviour for gnome-terminal23:24
SIR_Tacoszal: an that's with the nVidia Proprietary drivers? not the Nouveau drivers?23:25
szalSIR_Taco: yes23:25
SIR_Tacoszal: with Kubuntu 11.04?23:26
szalLinux zalle 2.6.38-8-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Mon Apr 11 03:31:24 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux23:26
SIR_TacoAnyone have nVidia drivers installed on 11.04?23:27
szalSIR_Taco: and w/ KDE 4.6.4 from Kubuntu PPA23:27
lcbszal: did you try ALT+F3 while in full screen?23:27
szallcb: huh?23:27
szallcb: I tried Ctrl+Alt+F1 while the thing was frozen, but didn't switch away from X23:28
lcbszal: is it real full screen or fully open?23:28
szallcb: covering the whole screen sans the panel23:28
szali.e. maximized23:28
SIR_Tacolcb: sounds like it's locking up when in full-screen/maximized23:28
lcbszal: konsole or tty? i got confused now23:28
szallcb: Konsole23:28
szalthe KDE terminal emulator23:28
lcbso.. if is a full screen you could get the menu tu disable it with ALT+F323:29
szalhttp://www.privatepaste.com/630b52b7ff <- last entry from Xorg.0.log23:29
SIR_Tacoszal: when's the last time you did an update?23:30
szallcb: I didn't hide the menu bar, if you mean that23:30
lcbszal: on konsole, clicking on "Menu" (very top left) then Advanced | Full Screen23:31
szallcb: nah, just maximize (2nd widget from right)23:32
lcbto undo it, just hit ALT+F3. but looks like you get different way of doing it23:32
lcb yeap23:32
szalnothing else23:32
szalthen un-maximize, results in freeze here23:32
lcbso you mean full extend of the window ;)23:32
SIR_Tacolcb: szal is getting errors from the nvidia driver....23:33
lcbSIR_Taco: got it. just trying to figure out how to unlock that situation23:33
lcbhi bt23:35
szallcb: btw, there is no such thing as "Advanced" in the Konsole menu23:35
btone room in portuguese,please,........23:35
btdo u know??23:35
szallcb: what you mean is the window behaviour & has nothing to do w/ Konsole in itself23:35
lcbszal: i have it. no fancy addons or whatever installed23:35
szal!pt | bt23:35
ubottubt: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:36
lcbszal: right next to "On All Desktops" small circle23:37
szallcb: as I said, that's the window menu, not the Konsole menu23:37
SIR_Tacoszal: left-clicking the icon in the top right corner of the window and/or alt-f3, should show the menu that lcb is talking about23:37
szalin other words, functions from the window manager to apply to the current window23:37
szalSIR_Taco: I figured that out in the meantime ;)23:37
SIR_Tacook haha23:38
lcbszal: "<lcb> szal: on konsole, clicking on "Menu" (very top left) then Advanced | Full Screen" Not Konsole Menu23:38
szallcb: got that, anyhoo, that's not what I was talking about23:39
lcbthe "menu" is on all open windows23:39
lcbpas the mouse over it and you get the name of it :p23:40
LinkmasterJust going to through this out there....: "Managing programmers is like herding cats"23:40
SIR_Tacolcb: honestly didn't know that the "tool tip" was 'menu'... was wondering what you were talking about haha23:40
lcbSIR_Taco: hey... i call the name that is on it hehehe23:41
SIR_Tacolcb: unless you have 'tips' turned off lol23:42
lcbi know that name misleads23:42
lcbprobably. i'll check that later23:42
galatHello there :]23:43
lcbhello galat23:43
Linkmasterand this: "There are two ways of constructing a software design. One way is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies. And the other way is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies."23:43
galathow are you guys doing tonight?23:43
SIR_Tacohi galat23:43
lcbgalat: not so good. then, you arrived :p23:44
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: I really want to argue that... but I can't lol23:44
Linkmastergalat: lcb will refuse to admit that its because I'm here to make everything better23:44
LinkmasterIts true and you know it23:45
LinkmasterI left one in the #kubuntu-devel channel that they will probably drop a +b on me for xD23:45
galatLinkmaster: I would gladly receive some... make-things-better-part from just anyone :D23:45
LinkmasterIs your computer on fire?23:46
lcbLinkmaster is showing his modesty ;)23:46
galatNope... err, not yet, at least.23:46
LinkmasterWell, when it bursts into flames you'll be fine23:47
lcbgalat: so keep talking with Linkmaster23:47
lcbyou'll smell the smoke, first23:47
SIR_Tacojust turn all your overclocking settings in the BIOS to maximum... that should set the thing on fire23:47
lcboh... isn't that the bios noise feature?23:48
LinkmasterAnd make sure you run as much as possible right afterwards....or install Windows. That would work too23:48
szalSIR_Taco: the problem doesn't exist w/ Kubuntu Natty 32bit and nVidia 173 on my other machine23:48
galatlcd I meant no offence23:49
galatlcb, I meant.23:49
SIR_Tacoszal: do you have "nvidia-current" installed?23:49
szalSIR_Taco: yes23:49
SIR_Tacoand it's 173?23:49
lcbgalat: i know. we like to kidd around a bit here. too serious makes us less helpful23:49
szalSIR_Taco: no, it's 27023:49
galatActually guys, I try to figure out one thingy in my newly installed kubuntu.23:50
szalSIR_Taco: the 173 is legacy for GeForce FX only23:50
* Linkmaster notes that this is why he tries to catch the computers on fire....makes life interesting23:50
SIR_TacoLinkmaster: makes my life hell :P23:50
SIR_Tacoszal: ah, ok, so you have an FX card?23:50
* galat lends a candle to Linkmaster ... here, help yourself :D23:51
lcbLinkmaster: you want to waste some money? insert a 20 $ bill in your cd tray and hit play :p23:51
SIR_TacoIf I have to go to structure fire tonight, I'm blaming you all lol23:51
lcbLinkmaster: better: Rewind23:51
szalSIR_Taco: you're mixing stuff up..  I have an FX 5900XT in my other machine running Kubuntu Natty 32bit, here I have a GTX240 and am running Kubuntu Natty 64bit23:52
Linkmaster<-- Linkmaster (~quassel@pool-72-66-222-199.ronkva.east.verizon.net) has quit (No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)23:52
lcbLinkmaster:  probably you did /ignore Ping23:53
SIR_Tacoszal: ok, but which isn't working... the GTX240 isn't working?23:54
szalSIR_Taco: and the aforementioned freeze is happening on this machine, while the other machine doesn't exhibit any such problem23:54
LinkmasterNo, I got careless with the candle galat lent me23:54
szalSIR_Taco: yes23:54
lcbLinkmaster: that was a nice move. just accept it23:54
* galat lends another one... ups, curtain caught fire ;]23:54
LinkmasterI loved it :D23:54
SIR_Tacoszal: when's the last time you upgraded the system though?23:54
szalSIR_Taco: yesterday or so23:54
* Linkmaster subtly starts to make galat's fan run faster23:55
SIR_Tacoszal: ok, so you did a "sudo apt-get update" and a "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?23:55
lcbLinkmaster: fun club?23:55
szalSIR_Taco: (1) I use aptitude, (2) why dist-upgrade?23:55
galatLinkmaster: mind a techie question?23:55
Linkmastergalat: shoot, I might be able to answer23:56
lcbi second that23:56
galatLinkmaster: Cause it's not something I am able to google ;/23:56
szalgalat: strengthen your google-fu you must ;)23:56
Linkmasterlcb: you might have to wrangle googles daughter if thats the case23:56
LinkmasterBut whats the question?23:57
galatI am running kubuntu 64-bit, and I'm sitting on KDE 4.423:57
SIR_Tacoszal: this will explain the difference between upgrade and dist-upgrade http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/whats-the-difference-between-apt-get-upgrade-and-apt-get-dist-upgrade-165998/23:57
lcbi was expecting that Linkmaster. you are starting being predictable23:57
szalSIR_Taco: I know what the difference is, the question is, why would you recommend running dist-upgrade?23:57
Linkmasterlcb: maybe thats the ploy23:57
SIR_Tacoszal: because I use it myself I suppose23:58
lcbgalat:  kb 64 .. kde 4.4..23:58
galatLinkmaster: I just have this strange condition in my KDE - when I close any app, it closes it's window, then restores for a split second and shuts down completely :]23:58
LinkmasterIve seen that before23:59
lcblooks like it comes up again and takes a last breath23:59
LinkmasterQuite possibly23:59
galatYeah, for a blink only.23:59

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