
DaekdroomHow interesting. Updating to oneiric from natty is currently not possible.01:10
DaekdroomMaybe it's the PPAs.01:10
BUGabundowell, don't think its ready yet01:11
DaekdroomBUGabundo, it fails to calculate the changes.01:19
BUGabundocomment every ppa01:20
magn3tscouldn't figure out why Unity looked so funny... then I found out it was probably unity2d.05:23
magn3tsWhy is unity/unity2d in different code bases?05:23
magn3tsRather than just rendering differently:/05:23
magn3tsgod these gnome3 apps are awful. I don't know how much longer I can put up with gnome. Where would be a worse place to put a glare gradient than on the background selection screen >_<05:25
magn3tsand wouldn't you guess, but even the freaking bg selection window has LOST FEATURES.05:25
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lucidfoxAny idea why GTK3 applications ignore the icon theme setting in dconf-editor?07:36
guest_hey, I updated today and rebooted, after it came back up and I logged in, all my files in the ecrypted home dir are now named ECRYPT_blah (or similar) any ideas?08:43
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trijntje_oneiricHi all, why does oneiric have this ugly grey theme? Am I the only one with that problem?10:38
arandThat's just that there is no gnome3 theme installed, iirc, you can install one manually to get around that10:39
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BluesKajhmm , all seems well on kde and nvidia , so far :)15:27
gnomefreakwhy is it fglrx is removed in 11.11 or wants to be removed also anything with it like fglrx-amdcccle? is it being replaced with something or is it just not updated?16:11
gnomefreakalso what is the main libqt package for libqt4?16:13
gnomefreakmaybe libqtcore4 :)16:13
Ampelbeingnomefreak: re fglrx: if you have fglrx 2:8.861-0ubuntu1 and mesa 7.10.3-0ubuntu4, all should be well16:14
gnomefreakok atm im on 11.04 and and it seems remove libqt* it wants to remove fglrx16:15
gnomefreakwell it seems that as of 1 hour ago upgrading it still wants to remove ubuntu-desktop and flgrx and the like16:16
Ampelbeingnomefreak: on 11.04?16:16
gnomefreakfglrx even16:16
gnomefreakatm yes16:16
gnomefreaki have a broken 11.1116:16
gnomefreakdue to the above reasons16:16
Ampelbeingnomefreak: maybe your mirror is out of date, the updated mesa was uploaded 28 hours ago, see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mesa/7.10.3-0ubuntu416:17
Ampelbeingnomefreak: and you probably mean 11.10, the release will be in october.16:18
gnomefreakAmpelbein: thanks. still kind of odd that removing libqtcore4 removed fglrx16:18
gnomefreakAmpelbein: yes sorry, my mind is somewhere else16:18
gnomefreaki guess i will see if ubuntu-desktop will be removed, that i dont like16:20
htorquewhat magic has to be done to make virtualbox 4.0.8 run unity? 3d is enabled in the vm settings, guest additions 4.0.8 installed, yet there's no unity16:46
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bcbc2how much disk space does it require to build an oneiric kernel?21:02
bcbc2I'm at 6.5G and counting. I am going to cancel and resize my partition and try again, but knowing what to expect would be nice21:08
penguin42oh I wouldnt' have guessed that big21:10
bcbc2I didn't either... (I already resized once).21:12
bcbc23.9G src/ubuntu-oneiric/drivers21:14
bcbc2that's 4 G just for the compiled drivers21:16
penguin42probably a whole bunch of different builds as well21:16
bcbc2that's possible. I've never had to do this before. oh well, I'll add another 10G and go from there. Thanks.21:21
MK``May be better to ask here: How is the progress on fixing the power regression?21:52
kubu2any idea why "failed to load session "gnome" ?22:20
kubu2or "ubuntu" and then no option but logout22:21
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bcbc27.3G - that's what it took23:15
penguin42heck that is a lot23:25
bcbc2more than I expected - for a kernel that's smaller than the regular one23:28

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