
blkperlhi, so if a bug was filed in 2008 for intrepid, should it be invalidated?01:19
micahgblkperl: not necessarily, depends if the bug applies to a supported release01:20
blkperli don't think the package exists anymore01:21
blkperloh it exists in lucid :)01:21
micahgblkperl: what bug?01:25
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blkperlmicahg: #30408001:34
blkperlalso im new :)01:35
micahgbug 30408001:35
ubot4Launchpad bug 304080 in ruby-gstreamer0.10 (Ubuntu) "[Intrepid] Inconsistent state return by ruby binding for gstreamer (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30408001:35
micahgblkperl: yeah, we have to see if it's reproducible on a hardy -> lucid upgrade01:36
micahgthere's a test scripts, so anyone can verify01:37
micahgblkperl: really, it should still be there, so my guess is the bug might have been in another package, idk01:40
micahg-4 and -5 were only packaging changes01:40
blkperlthe bug still exists, ran the script on lucid got the same error02:00
micahgblkperl: k, please comment that and you can mark it confirmed02:01
blkperlthanks micahg02:01
blkperli think bug 702437 can be set to triaged03:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 702437 in libcompass-ruby (Ubuntu) "Missing rubygems dependency (affects: 1) (heat: 25)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70243703:11
chewyTreeanyone have any help for what i should do next for this?https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goldendict/+bug/80116604:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 801166 in goldendict (Ubuntu) "missing icon in unity launcher and from systray (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Incomplete]04:05
chewyTreeseems more like a work around for whats happening this an actual bug, since its just adding the app to the whitelist04:06
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nigelbheh, awesomeness from paultag http://pault.ag:8080/firehose.html07:32
nigelbThis would be the web equivalent of the channe where the bot anounces the bugs07:32
zombie_should I mark a bug as confirmed if I get it duplicates?11:00
arandzombie_: If it's a reasonable confirmation of the issue, yes.11:11
paultagnigelb: hahaha :)13:22
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zombie_how do we search for bugs without a package assigned to them?13:57
zombie_i mean bug reports in lp13:57
Ampelbeinzombie_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.has_no_package=on14:12
zombie_k thanks14:12
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chewyTreecan anyone help me with where to go with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goldendict/+bug/80116616:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 801166 in goldendict (Ubuntu) "missing icon in unity launcher and from systray (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:21
chewyTreeit just seems its a work around adding the app to the whitelist16:22
AmpelbeinchewyTree: upstream (the developers of goldendict) need to add support for app-indicators.16:26
AmpelbeinchewyTree: the "fix" is indeed only a workaround.16:26
chewyTreeso put it confirmed?16:26
AmpelbeinchewyTree: yes, it is a valid report.16:27
chewyTreeAmpelbein, thanks, now do we need to forward this to the devs or just confirm it and thats it?16:28
AmpelbeinchewyTree: yes, it would be helpful to send the report to the developers.16:30
AmpelbeinchewyTree: you can point them to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators#Porting_Guide_for_Applications for examples.16:30
zombie_In one of the Unity triage guides I encountered "When a bug is determined to be a design bug, it should have an Ayatana design task added to it"17:13
zombie_How do I do this?17:13
zombie_That is add a task?17:14
Ampelbeinzombie_: via "also affects project" -> ayatana-design17:34
arandWhat's a good reference to give in a response to link the process of requesting removal of a package?17:47
arandhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removing_Packages ?17:47
bil21alwhen we press alt +F2 than a dash come..while reporting a bug what should we call that dash????20:03
penguin42how do you mean a dash - where?20:04
bil21alwhen we press alt F2 than a search window appears where we  write and search20:06
yofelThe window that comes up when pressin alt+f2 in unity is called dash20:06
yofelfor some reason20:06
bil21althank you yofel20:06
yofelI *think* it's part of unity, but not sure since I don't use it20:07
bil21alyes it is a part of unity20:07
penguin42anyone seen any bugs with the mouse cursor disappearing at odd occasions ?20:32
Ampelbeinpenguin42: bug 774434 for example20:33
ubot4Launchpad bug 774434 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev (Ubuntu) "mouse pointer disappears in ubuntu 11.04 (affects: 11) (dups: 1) (heat: 54)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77443420:33
penguin42Ampelbein: Yep that's the same - I'll dupe mine into it20:34
penguin42Ampelbein: I do wonder if it's actually an X issue at all or gtk/window manager say20:36
Ampelbeinno idea, sorry.20:37
* penguin42 might try edgers on it20:38
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