
paultagif anyone needs something to look busy :) -- http://pault.ag:8080/firehose.html06:17
czajkowskimhall119 eh07:09
dakerthis is the last time i'll fix a bug on a project i am not working on it18:32
nigelbdaker: heh, which one?18:33
dakerany other project18:34
nigelbdaker: No, I meant, which project made you feel that18:36
dakerit's not the project but the people working on it18:38
nigelbit always is :(18:38
dakeryou made a fix for a bug, then propose it for a merge, then they don't merge it, they just take the code, push it directory without any attribution18:41
nigelbdaker: wtf :/18:43
nigelbdaker: isn't that sort of wrong because you own the copyright for your code?18:43
dakerya maybe18:46
dakernigelb, how can we look for bugs with "Fix released" status ?18:50
nigelbdaker: advanced search, you can specific the statuses you want18:54

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