
NRWlionbeautiful rainy saturday to all :D10:53
pleia2morning all!15:41
holsteinpleia2: o/15:41
* holstein visits https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en15:41
pleia2summaries needed :)15:41
* pleia2 waves17:57
pleia2https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfODlkODNxNnRnZA&hl=en is the document we need summaries put in17:57
pleia2right now it just has titles and links17:57
Tubuhi pleia2, what need to be done? (first time i "see" the news, so not sure I can help in fact but necerknow...)18:05
pleia2Tubu: right now we're working on getting summaries written for the articles listed in the link I posted18:05
pleia2also looking for more mainstream news about Ubuntu that we can include (non-official news not from ubuntu mailing lists or planet.ubuntu.com)18:05
Tubupleia2: hm, my english is probably too poor to write...but... how long have to be the summaries? ==> any link to previous news (so I can see what is needed as "end product")?18:12
pleia2yep! https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue22118:14
pleia2that's the one from last week :)18:14
pleia2don't worry too much about your english, we'll review them before publishing18:15
Tubuok I go check the link...18:19
Tubuseems to be more "copy/pasting" the news with some relayouting for the wiki, isn't? I mean no "re-writings"...18:22
Tubuoups, no I'm wrong, sorry, there is writings...18:23
pleia2yeah, we write the summaries18:24
Tubui try to make one for "Call for Testing Maverick Language Pack Updates"18:32
pleia2thanks :)18:32
Tubudone (it was a simple one!)... I look for a second one on my level... let me know if 1rst is ok18:49
pleia2I made a little edit but otherwise that one was great18:52
NRWlionhey there19:22
Tubupleia2: just made "Ubuntu Oneiric Open for Translation"...19:23
pleia2Tubu: perfect!19:23
jyopleia2: Yeah, helping my folks install hardwood floors today; I'll try to write some summaries or copyedit later.19:25
pleia2jyo: I'm sure there will be more to do later and tomorrow :) thanks!19:25
NRWlionpleia2: if you have a min pls pm me19:25
pleia2NRWlion: I'm available now19:25
pleia2what's up?19:26
NRWlionjust wanted to ask some questions about the restructure things (still looking for an appropriate desk for me ;) )19:27
pleia2NRWlion: did you see my reply to your email the other day?19:27
NRWlionso no urgent matter. i know you are in release process19:27
NRWlionpleia2: affirmative19:27
NRWlionjust wanted to ask if there is any organizing stuff to take of your shoulders19:28
NRWlionso that you can focus on release19:28
pleia2NRWlion: not really, nhandler is handling the actual release stuff on monday, and right now all we're doing is writing summaries and collecting links :)19:34
pleia2most of my job this weekend is asking people to help with those things, not much of a burden19:35
NRWlioncollecting links made me fail last time i tried :(19:37
pleia2it's certainly not a simple job19:37
NRWlionso if you need me then ping me ... sitting in front of tv19:37
pleia2akgraner had a list of news sites she would pull from but hasn't had a chance to pass it on yet19:38
NRWlionpleia2: if you want i can give her a message on skype/Facebook19:38
NRWlionin case you didnt reach her19:38
pleia2I've sent emails and messages, she's going through some medical stuff right now so I don't want to push too hard19:38
NRWlioncopy that19:39
Tubupleia2: for info: red = what I have done/where I'm busy...  easy to see what is ready for revieuwing...19:44
pleia2Tubu: oh good, thanks19:46
TubuNRWlion: see... it's necessary! :)20:16
* NRWlion is standing by if needed20:17
pleia2ok, heading out for the afternoon, thanks for pitching in everyone21:09
NRWlionpleia2: enjoy!21:17

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