
choelI'm new to NZ. and I'm trying to find the best ISP. What I noticed here is that all ISP got a roof. I there any ISP that dosen't got a roof of data traffic. ?14:37
ojwbchoel: as far as I'm aware, you either have a cap, or you pay for the data you use14:51
ojwbI think it's because of the higher costs of international bandwidth compared to most other places14:52
choelwe'll either way. it's odd. europe and usa doesen't have it.15:00
choelso why is it so expensive here?15:00
ojwbthere's a lot of undersea cable to get to pretty much anywhere15:11
ojwbwhich isn't true in the US or Europe15:12
ojwbmost of the UK ones actually have a "fair use" limit if you look into the details, but it's pretty high15:12
ojwbnot sure about other countries15:12
ojwbunmetered national traffic used to offered by some ISPs, but that seems to have died out sadly15:13
ojwbI guess it's potentially confusing that a ".nz" website could be hosted overseas, so not count as national traffic15:14
choelA cable from NC to Asia isnät longer from europe to the states.15:24
choelAnd even so..... satelites...15:24
choeljust strangely more expensive here.15:25

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