Corey | bazhang: Yes, it is familiar. | 00:10 |
Corey | He was the guy we booted out for responding to !ping | 00:10 |
bazhang | Corey, thanks! | 01:14 |
bazhang | Nickkkkk, hi | 01:14 |
bazhang | Nickkkkk, was there some reason for joining here? | 01:16 |
Pici | Theres a banforward from -ot | 01:17 |
bazhang | ah right, thanks Pici | 01:17 |
Corey | Nickkkkk: Help you with something? | 01:23 |
flyback | any chance of a 11.04.oh.boy.did.we.f***.you.fix.2 respin? | 01:24 |
flyback | err | 01:24 |
flyback | you/up | 01:24 |
Corey | flyback: Help you with something? | 01:24 |
ldunn | apparently not. | 01:24 |
Corey | You aren't where you think you are. :-) | 01:24 |
flyback | also if I make a liveUSB with persistance, can I install updates | 01:24 |
flyback | wtf | 01:24 |
flyback | goddamn xchat | 01:24 |
Corey | flyback: No, you're banforwarded here. | 01:25 |
flyback | the fuck did I get here? | 01:25 |
flyback | oh hahaha | 01:25 |
Corey | Due to, once again, your inability to control your language. | 01:25 |
flyback | awesome | 01:25 |
flyback | i'm glad | 01:25 |
flyback | more proof of the bullshit of life | 01:25 |
Corey | flyback: Yes, life is unfair because you can't stop from spewing profanity on IRC. | 01:26 |
flyback | no | 01:26 |
Corey | Please let us know when you're ready to abide by the code of conduct. | 01:26 |
flyback | life is unfair because God won't let me off myself | 01:26 |
Corey | Until then, please /part this channel. | 01:26 |
flyback | yeah let me know when you guys release sw that doesn't make microsoft look good | 01:27 |
flyback | about the same time | 01:27 |
IdleOne | Nickkkkk: are you there? | 01:28 |
bazhang | mrdeb thought it was a good idea to bring his random questions to #ubuntu | 02:17 |
bazhang | Luxe, hi | 02:24 |
Luxe | huh? | 02:25 |
Luxe | hai. | 02:25 |
Luxe | I'm not sure. | 02:25 |
Luxe | WhyI joined here. | 02:25 |
Luxe | -.- | 02:25 |
bazhang | Luxe, you're banned in #ubuntu-offtopic | 02:25 |
bazhang | forwarded here | 02:25 |
Luxe | For what? ;o | 02:25 |
Luxe | ;c | 02:25 |
bazhang | no recollection? | 02:26 |
Luxe | I had colors ;o | 02:28 |
Luxe | Oh. | 02:28 |
* Luxe is harmonizing to ==> Freak (feat. Kardinal Offishall) by: Estelle from: Star | 02:28 | |
Luxe | ^ | 02:28 |
Luxe | that? | 02:28 |
Luxe | You know, I've fixed it to not work in there -.- | 02:28 |
bazhang | the joining cursing and quitting part I would imagine | 02:28 |
bazhang | !guidelines | Luxe please have a read | 02:29 |
ubottu | Luxe please have a read: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 02:29 |
bazhang | !codeofconduct | Luxe and this as well | 02:29 |
ubottu | Luxe and this as well: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see | 02:29 |
bazhang | odd | 02:30 |
bazhang | ferlegend talking about ddos attacking someone | 03:26 |
bazhang | <ferlegend> I need to do ddos attacks to this address to DDoS the server disallow left | 03:30 |
bazhang | * [ferlegend] (~ferlegend@ ferlegend | 03:31 |
bazhang | whoever suggested a -complaints channel should get a medal | 03:36 |
ubottu | FloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16)) | 04:04 |
bazhang | perhaps we should amend the ppa factoid with the actual command needed to get them going | 04:13 |
bazhang | does gnome3 use connman? or still network-manager | 04:15 |
bazhang | | 14:45 |
bazhang | wonder who | 14:45 |
oCean | ah, themarket, marktler, bjoern et al | 14:47 |
bazhang | lars_torben | 14:47 |
oCean | i've been dealing with him a couple of times yesterday/today. He keeps talking about his unity/window maximize problems. | 14:48 |
bazhang | yep. same exact time-wasting as before. | 14:49 |
oCean | there's no active ban? | 14:49 |
bazhang | removed | 14:50 |
bazhang | that can be remedied, however | 14:50 |
bazhang | same deal. when prompted for a real question, he falls silent. | 15:03 |
oCean | not surprising huh | 15:04 |
bazhang | my problem | 15:04 |
bazhang | is | 15:04 |
bazhang | with unity | 15:04 |
oCean | I wonder if he actually is on ubuntu/unity | 15:05 |
oCean | yesterday coz_ helped him out with ccsm, but later he told that he wrote it down, he had to reinstall first | 15:06 |
bazhang | Lars Torben Kremer his own bug, already marked as invalid | 15:18 |
oCean | haha | 15:18 |
oCean | i just read that | 15:18 |
oCean | weird that the bugreport doesn't say what's its duplicate is | 15:21 |
oCean | oh, there are many (751605) | 15:22 |
bazhang | This bug affects 1 person | 15:23 |
bazhang | <thefeds> iTunes robbed me. | 15:24 |
oCean | bazhang: I don't really agree with his bug not being valid. Since there are many duplicates of that issue, and those have status 'confirmed' | 15:34 |
oCean | however, his behaviour starts to get really annoying. | 15:34 |
bazhang | he does not want a fix. he is on a jihad against unity | 15:35 |
oCean | agreed | 15:35 |
bazhang | same exact behavior in #compiz | 15:36 |
bazhang | jungli^ | 15:43 |
oCean | hello, I lost the key to my house. In my house there's a cd with ubuntu. Now help me | 15:58 |
bazhang | hehe | 15:58 |
bazhang | jjovereats just seems to be giving nonsense "advice" | 16:03 |
bazhang | hi | 16:10 |
jjovereats | You might want to think. Were your actions appropriate against a SEVERELY mentally disabled person (Asperger's Syndrome) | 16:10 |
bazhang | jjovereats, you were offering nonsense commentary to people wanting tech help | 16:11 |
bazhang | if you are unable to control yourself then you should not be in the channel | 16:11 |
bazhang | jjovereats, making death threats against people in #ubuntu-offtopic is not OK | 16:12 |
jjovereats | Well MAYBE. I am impatient enough to want to kill myself. You can't Q-line somebody for an isolated few incidences. | 16:12 |
jjovereats | I am trying to show that if nobody responds, I can get wound up. Just like in real life. | 16:13 |
bazhang | then if you cannot abide by the ubuntu channel guidelines, you should not be in them | 16:13 |
bazhang | !guidelines | jjovereats please read | 16:14 |
ubottu | jjovereats please read: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 16:14 |
bazhang | !codeofconduct | jjovereats and this too please | 16:14 |
ubottu | jjovereats and this too please: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see | 16:14 |
jjovereats | I can when I'm sane, but in a headache like the question I have, Google is not my friend and has never been. | 16:14 |
jjovereats | this is why debian is better. | 16:15 |
jjovereats | darn me, kill me, kline or qline me, do whatever you can to get me out of your face. | 16:15 |
jjovereats | And to bazhang, you are now treating me more severely than the Toynbee headmater would if I did a BIG boo-boo. | 16:16 |
jjovereats | I'm back to Iceweasel on the remote server. | 16:17 |
bazhang | jjovereats, please return when you wish to sensibly discuss your issue related to #ubuntu | 16:18 |
mneptok | and think on this. in most societies, those with behavioral issues severe enough to cause them to make death threats, threats of suicide or threats of self-abuse are usually separated from society. this is why such hospitals exist. so excluding you from IRC channels is perfectly in line with how society chooses to deal with such matters. caveat: i am NOT a mental health professional. | 16:20 |
jjovereats | Confusing :S . I did wish to. But insane asylums are UNFAIR. And I am never insane enough to go to one. Nor is 100% of everyone else. | 16:21 |
mneptok | so if you can control your behavior, please do so. | 16:21 |
jjovereats | I can when I'm sane, but during a TECH HEADACHE, I can't. So darn me. | 16:21 |
mneptok | if you cannot, then freedom of movement in Ubuntu IRC namespace will be a casualty | 16:22 |
mneptok | jjovereats: so don't connect to Ubuntu channels when afflicted with these headaches. | 16:22 |
mneptok | simple. | 16:22 |
mneptok | bazhang: i hope you don't mind me inserting myself into this convo. | 16:23 |
jjovereats | bum. Look. I can adhere to the rules when doing SOME things WHEN I'M SANE. But not when tech is going against me. | 16:23 |
bazhang | mneptok, au contraire. thanks very much. | 16:23 |
jjovereats | I'm out. Back to #ubuntu - to ask the SAME question. And I'll idle in -offtopic, waiting for people to call my name. | 16:24 |
mneptok | jjovereats: again, you are *aware* of the fact you are out of control. this is really, really good news as regards your overall mental health. truly crazy people don't know they're crazy. ;) | 16:24 |
jjovereats | I an not *ever* totally OUT of control. | 16:25 |
mneptok | jjovereats: being aware of it, just avoid Ubuntu namespace channels when your self-control is dimisnished. | 16:25 |
jjovereats | I just get lost on this pear run. | 16:25 |
mneptok | *diminished. | 16:25 |
jjovereats | Actually, the syntax for telling people about errors is: s/error words/correct words/(g if neccesary) | 16:25 |
mneptok | i am trying to hand you, on a silver platter, a way to smooth things over and move forward. if you're unwilling or unable to grasp the olive branch extended to you, i will stop wasting my time and move on with my day. | 16:27 |
jjovereats | more like on a cheapie wooden one (the ones I prefer) | 16:28 |
bazhang | jjovereats, please dont idle here | 16:29 |
jjovereats | I'm out then. Just waiting to see: Why am I Q-lined - once and for all! | 16:29 |
jjovereats | Over and out! | 16:29 |
bazhang | jjovereats, hi | 16:37 |
jjovereats | I need to know - If Q-lining somebody with a mental disability who freaks out when that happens is appropriate, then how is implosiveness not? | 16:37 |
IdleOne | What is q-lining exactly? | 16:37 |
bazhang | jjovereats, did you wish to sensibly discuss it? | 16:37 |
bazhang | +q I guess | 16:37 |
jjovereats | channel mute button. | 16:37 |
IdleOne | that is not a q-line | 16:38 |
IdleOne | but ok now I know what you mean | 16:38 |
jjovereats | I was trying to before I got: #ubuntu: Cannot send to channel | 16:38 |
bazhang | you are muted. yes. | 16:38 |
bazhang | failure to read the guidelines and code of conduct, making death threats , not a way to get it lifted | 16:39 |
jjovereats | If I had an IRC server to deal with, ops that mute people will instantly be warned that their behaviour cannot continue. | 16:39 |
jjovereats | I'm warning you, you are making negative examples. | 16:39 |
bazhang | jjovereats, return if/when you wish to sensibly discuss this | 16:39 |
jjovereats | I'm warning you, you are now trying to wind me up. THIS IS VERY EASY TO DO, so do not do so. | 16:40 |
IdleOne | I need to know - if your mental issues affect the rest of the channel in a negative way, why should everyone else suffer? | 16:40 |
jjovereats | It only happens when things REALLY go wrong. | 16:41 |
bazhang | jjovereats, there s nothing to discuss now. come back when you are ready to discuss in a rational manner | 16:41 |
bazhang | d'oh | 16:41 |
IdleOne | Don't think we have to stand for his "warnings" | 16:42 |
bazhang | and the answer is: install backtrack! | 16:43 |
bazhang | he was crossposting in #xubuntu as well. not very much info on that vpn issue | 16:44 |
IdleOne | !mintsupport > naryfa | 16:52 |
bazhang | pastebin to troll | 17:23 |
oCean | trolls always seem to get an audience | 17:24 |
=== oCean_ is now known as oCean | ||
jjovereats | Hello? | 20:36 |
oCean | hello there | 20:36 |
jjovereats | I've finally calmed down. Solution to tech headache - sudo shutdown now. | 20:36 |
jjovereats | I'm not saying that you should run that, but it's a workaround now I have to use Lxdm. | 20:37 |
IdleOne | jjovereats: Do you think you can manage to follow the channel guidelines and when you feel yourself starting to lose patience remove yourself from the situation? | 20:37 |
* jjovereats asks why this question was asked and says "I'll try" to that question. | 20:38 | |
jjovereats | You did not have to announce that. | 20:40 |
IdleOne | jjovereats: I unmuted you in #ubuntu you are welcome to participate | 20:40 |
IdleOne | I didn't but I did. what does it matter anyway | 20:40 |
jjovereats | Let me tell you again: You did not have to announce that. | 20:40 |
jjovereats | I'm out, I'll tell people about this in -offtopic. | 20:40 |
IdleOne | jjovereats: Let me tell you something. I do not like your tone of voice. Do not think you impress me or intimidate me in any way. check your attitude at the door. Have a good day | 20:41 |
jjovereats | Don't get antsy or I will uninstall Xchat. | 20:41 |
IdleOne | hell uninstall ubuntu for all I care... | 20:41 |
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