
linuxman410wrst u here02:46
linuxman410cyberanger u here02:46
cyberangerlinuxman410: sorry, I am too distracted tonight though02:47
cyberangerI just leaving work now, gott eat02:48
cyberangerthx for understanding linuxman410 ttyl02:48
cyberangersorry linuxman41003:13
cyberangerI am glad for IRC on my G2, at least I can see messages and reply, hate it more when they just sorta sit idle with no clue03:13
Unit193He be gone03:14
cyberangerUnit193: yep, he's fitting his norm (and my norm of saying it anyhow, on the offchance a logbot tells him ;-))03:21
cyberangerUnit193: Have you tried Weechat?03:22
Unit193Didn't remember what I had? ;)03:24
Unit193I have tried it once, but I have this all configured03:24
cyberangerUnit193: sorta, was afraid I was mixing details up (and if it said xchat or purple, I had other questions in mind too)03:25
Unit193There are some features of weechat I miss, but I like irssi. What one do you use?03:25
cyberangerUnit193: what about bitlbee?03:25
Unit193cyberanger: Nope on bitlbee, I still use Finch for that stuff03:26
cyberangerI use weechat and irssi, but since I use bitlbee, I've really leaned on weechat lately (the nicklist on the left is well suited for IM, more than IRC, so with bitlbee it's a plus)03:26
cyberangerUnit193: I used to use Finch, idk exactly why I quit03:27
Unit193It's heavy ;)03:27
cyberangerperhaps I got to a point where IRC just sorta got more intelligent than IM, so I did that, ignore the facebook pm's (seems to be where the junk is from)03:27
Unit193I don't have facebook on that one. I almost use it for email and if I want to send a quick link to my sis03:28
cyberangerI wish I could convert everyone to a better platform, but eh03:30
Unit193platform = OS or friend networking?03:34
cyberangerwell, one step at a time, but overall, how about both03:34
cyberangerAIM, YIM, ICQ, Facebook Chat -> Jabber (I'd settle for GTalk, but ideally, a full server)03:35
cyberangerand Windows, Mac, Dos, -> Debian (or do I mean Ubuntu, the world may never know)03:36
Unit193People don't really still use that one I don't think...03:36
cyberangerwell, MS-Dos -> FreeDOS at least03:37
cyberangerand it'd be rare, but I'm keeping in mind work, and not just personal setups03:38
cyberanger(not saying my work has Antiques, but I bet you if you look, you'll see somebody on old setups03:38
cyberangerI do have VirtualBox with FreeDOS (idk why I did that over DOSBox, but anyhow) for the same sorta reasons the Commodore64 is a geek toy still03:39
cyberangerit may not be cool, but it's old school03:39
cyberangerand it has old school games03:39
Unit193A few questions if I may? 1. What killed off ubotuTN 2. Why did you change from infocop411 > cyberanger 3. I found an old ML with the talk of logging bots in all channels, what do you think of that idea now? (I'm for logging, just not google friendly logging >_> )03:41
Unit193Feel free to ignore some/all questions03:42
Unit193One Must Fall 2097! ;)03:42
cyberangerI'll start with one that I presume you already know an answer to (Since you know of my old nick, I presume you saw an IRC Log or email on it)03:43
cyberangerToo many people knew it, it was too hard to tell where they knew me from, and it was the butt of enough jokes, this one holds similar meanings, but could be read 3 different ways (at least)03:44
cyberangernow on, it's mainly the OSS community that knows me as cyberanger (and only from IRC)03:45
Unit193infocop41@swissknife/adak/infocop411 and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TennesseeTeam/UbotuTN03:45
cyberangerthat hostmask isn't a old nick, it's the username (different setting, I could have that set to nearly anything)03:46
cyberangeras for UbotuTN, I presumed that was probally one of 4 sources for that, 3 bots and a mailing list03:46
cyberangerwhat killed off ubotuTN, our maintainer was Binarymutant, he hosted it, supported it, and was it's driving force, then he was compelled to adjust his life some (recession has been hard)03:47
cyberangerand with that, nobody stepped up to continue it03:47
cyberangerthe logging email, you may want to be more specific03:48
Unit193Yeah... Sorry about not being clear... I'll see if I can find it again03:49
cyberangerall questions are reasonable, no need to ignore, if I've not been detailed on the questions, I'll try again (However, we've had various discussions on logging, over the years, that's unfortunately vauge)03:50
cyberangerhowever, from my perspective, which hasn't shifted much over the years, I can state that easily03:50
cyberangerthis is a public channel, from a public irc server/network, with alot of idle clients (vs join/part & connect/disconnect clients)03:51
cyberangeranyone can log from a few methods03:51
cyberangerincluding myself, and anyone can output those logs onto a server (which google could potentally index) including myslef03:52
cyberangerthe only reason I don't, is I don't need to, we've had logbots here before I joined the loco, and I cannot stop you from doing that anymore than you can me03:53
cyberangermy only defence is hoping your honest about logging, as I am03:53
cyberangerand here is my honesty, We do Log, The logs are searchable, members here may or may not log (and we cannot stop them from logging, since we cannot tell who is and is not)03:54
cyberangerI am pulling up the email as we speak, but I think I already recall that one03:55
Unit193My question had more to do with canonical logging bots, but thanks for ALL the info!03:55
cyberangerwell, again, I cannot tell they're a bot, unless they're honest about it03:56
Unit193All channels I'm in get logged by me (So when I forget, I can just look it up :P )03:56
cyberangerI hate how they dictated policy so broadly, but we already had the bots, so it was moot03:56
cyberangerbut that sort of one size fits all really isn't a wise thing, esp when they have in the past had a double standard (or maybe more accurately, a sliding scale)03:57
Unit193I do like the idea of -offtopic LoCo channels (So when I look stupid, it's not quite as easy to find :) )03:58
cyberangerlocobot_4: isn't a canonical bot, it's the Ubuntu EU teams bot (which wasn't forced on us afaik) and I think that is the way to do it03:58
cyberangerunfortunately, idk of any loco that is on topic 95% of the time03:59
cyberangerso I sorta hate that, if it's a loco discussion, call mootbot, invite the logbot in04:00
cyberangerthen ask it to leave, that is another option04:00
Unit193Ours gets "offtopic" all the time (We have even helped somone with their windows computer)04:00
cyberangeras have we, which is fine, someday they might switch cause they see the people consistantly helping them prefer a different system, and get curious as to why we're so loyal to it (however, honestly, my taste for ubuntu has soured lately, with unity mainly, but prior changes haven't helped either)04:02
Unit193I asked about ubotuTN because I noticed (And someone else liked it too) Kubotu was rbot and it has some better features when you look at supybot (We started a close because it was kicked, but we don't have it in any *ubuntu* channels)04:02
cyberangerI think ubotuTN was more personal than technical at the starting moment of it's demise04:03
cyberangeroh shoot, running late (it's gonna be a long 24 hours)04:04
Unit193Yeah, I wasn't sure if you found something that really didn't mesh (with ubuntu or otherwise)04:04
Unit193cyberanger: Sorry I kept you!04:04
cyberangerUnit193: you didn't, it's more my nature (actually I'm not running late yet, merely behind my own plans, old spook saying "Early is On Time, On Time is Late, Late Is Death")04:05
cyberangerme personally, I found bloat upon bloat every few releases, and features that weren't really tweakable like the previous options, and things consistantly implemented more like a test release than a stable release04:06
cyberangerand found more and more modifing their own ideas, like Zenity, Openbox, SuperOS, Sidux, so on04:07
cyberangerand I then went down that road myself04:07
cyberangerUnit193: I don't mind carring this on another time, but better prepare for a long 24 hours04:08
cyberangeranother time mate04:08
Unit193Have a great one!04:08
* cyberanger detaches GNU Screen and shows off a little (and makes a note for later, rewrite my script for weechat announcing this when GNU Screen detaches, without my intervention)04:09
cyberangerUnit193: You too!04:09
* cyberanger detaches GNU Screen04:09

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