
dakermhall119, concerning this item : Read-write API for LD, what i need to do ?13:03
dakernigelb, ^13:06
nigelbdaker: The API should probably be an oauth provider so we can have clients connect to it.15:27
dakerand what the point of having a write permission ?15:29
nigelbdaker: so that wwe can have things like Unity Places15:30
nigelbor a phone client15:30
nigelbdaker: Its not high priority, one of thins that came up15:31
nigelband its not an easy item to do.15:31
nigelbOauth spec is needly complicated.15:31
mhall119I don't think Unity places need write capability15:34
nigelbI don't remember what was the train of thought back then.16:43
cjohnstonI'm not sure about write api.. Not sure I see the point18:07

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