
roryyi know it's a tired refrain, but *damn* is it cold10:09
nlsthznsuperfly: Hey, the blog feed in planet, does it use specific tags or just grab the whole blog?11:11
* KerberoMobile ondervind internet ontrekkingsimptome13:09
nlsthznMaaz: tell superfly Hey, the blog feed in planet, does it use specific tags or just grab the whole blog?13:20
Maaznlsthzn: Righto, I'll tell superfly on freenode13:20
Maazsuperfly: By the way, nlsthzn on freenode told me "tell superfly Hey, the blog feed in planet, does it use specific tags or just grab the whole blog?" 4 hours, 23 minutes and 5 seconds ago17:44
superflyMaaz: tell nlsthzn it just takes an rss feed, so if you give me a feed based on a tag, that's what we'll see17:46
Maazsuperfly: Okay, I'll tell nlsthzn on freenode17:46

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