
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
wgrantapachelogger: Sure, either poke me or ask at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion06:20
apacheloggerwgrant:  https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/162746 :)07:54
apacheloggershadeslayer: google runs dbus?07:55
wgrantapachelogger: Ah, indeed. I will hopefully look at that tonight if I am not too jetlagged.08:01
apacheloggerwgrant: thanks08:02
wgrantapachelogger: Renamed, and I've added a redirect.08:03
apacheloggeruh, now that was fast :D08:03
* apachelogger hugs wgrant08:04
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer for wgrant08:04
* kubotu gives wgrant a nice frosty mug of beer.08:04
* wgrant -> further flights08:04
CIA-52[kde-wallpapers] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626085121-4k64juw9s5eadbsa * (11 files in 4 dirs) import from whatever once was kdebase-workspace09:51
CIA-52[kde-wallpapers] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626085154-4lgj6eb1vflw3kiq * debian/source/lintian-overrides remove plunder09:51
apacheloggeryofel: ping10:18
apacheloggeryo bambee10:18
apacheloggeryou should totally become packager ^^10:19
bambeeuntil I get a response from upstream, I can continue to work on kde-workspace :(   (or we need to package kdelibs-experimental)10:19
bambeeapachelogger: me?10:20
apacheloggeryes, like full time, stop doing stupid coding and such ;)10:20
bambees/I can / I cannot/10:20
kubotubambee: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"10:20
bambeekubotu: shut up!10:20
apacheloggeractually, talking about coding ... patch the stuff away10:20
apacheloggerkde-workspace as it is yellow, must not be delayed really10:21
apacheloggeryofel: why did you not upload akonadi to the archive right away?10:21
bambeeso we don't package the plasmoid which required kactivies+kdeclarative?10:21
apacheloggeror perhaps that include is bogus anyway10:22
apacheloggerwho'd know10:22
apacheloggerbambee: you might however want to drop a mail to plasma-devel@kde.org to speed things up a bit10:22
bambeeapachelogger: ok10:23
bambee"stop doing stupid coding and such "   heh... :P10:23
apacheloggeryofel: we should consider formattting the dep graph differently10:25
apacheloggerit is sorta unreadable10:25
bambeesee you 10:36
=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu
yofelapachelogger: I'm open for suggestions. What I thought about was remove any package that only depends on kde-sc-dev-latest. Problem: not all packages actually depend on that so that would be bogus11:30
yofelapachelogger: as for akonadi: I'm no kubuntu-dev?11:30
CIA-52[kubuntu-default-settings] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626104605-bb3e4apvb3ajocwd * (5 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)11:46
CIA-52Reintroduce 80qtgraphicssystem to set raster system for testing once more In Qt11:46
CIA-524.8 raster will be the default rendering system, thus KDE needs to work well11:46
yofelraster works fine for a while now here, what did that even break before?11:47
apacheloggerand kwin11:47
apacheloggerand the combination of them11:47
apacheloggerand rekonq11:47
yofelcan anyone reproduce lp 802131 ? WFM in oneiric11:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 802131 in Kubuntu PPA "Unable to select text in KMail2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80213111:54
apacheloggerthat goes beyond typo11:56
CIA-52[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626105653-1gbcio0wtzjtwqtp * bin/kgetsource add script to branch/pull source and grab src tar from upstream and add changelog entry11:57
CIA-52[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626110631-gd5p0q4md8sn157t * bin/kgetsource introduce new tar class and link upstream tar to orig.tar.bz2 name12:06
CIA-52[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626110831-hpiyb78rvbw0m43w * debian/changelog (log message trimmed)12:08
CIA-52Introduce kgetsource to help with getting bzr branches, upstream source tar and12:08
CIA-52other related stuff. Currently only supports ftpmaster. Usage like: kgetsource12:08
apacheloggeroh 12:10
apacheloggeryofel: what to do with kdepim?12:10
yofelleave in experimental and upload 4.6.90 to oneiric12:10
apacheloggerbut why12:11
yofelwhy leave in experimental?12:11
apacheloggercause I have not seen evidence that it qualifies for major distribution12:11
apacheloggerneither have I seen a call for testing12:11
apacheloggerbut that is a given as the entire team fails to community stuff, but that is no news12:12
yofelright, partly my fault too I guess, esp. since it took me a while to get the packaging review done12:13
yofelbut it's true that 4.6.0 isn't something to put into the archive12:13
yofelright now it doesn't list my mails in the kubuntu-devel folder for some reason o.O12:14
yofelI would see if 4.6.90 fixes anything and then think about where to put it12:14
apacheloggerif anything 4.6.90 should go to experimental too12:14
apacheloggerwhich of course introduces inter-ppa deps and brrrrrr12:15
yofelWell, now that I have (hopefully) fixed any packaging bugs in kdepim I can put an announcement out that it would be nice if people could test it (if they know how to backup stuff)12:16
apacheloggeryofel: oh, here is a good question: should the changelog contain entries from the old package?12:22
apacheloggersuch as kdeedu -> blinken12:22
yofelso far nobody seems to have done that, so I would start fresh12:23
CIA-52[blinken] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626112603-0wwku2cg6zc8c3i5 * (11 files in 4 dirs) import12:26
CIA-52[blinken] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626112935-b6f91f6mlu3jjfxo * debian/control bump kde-sc-latest12:29
bulldog98apachelogger: I can’t confirm the KDEPIM stuff on oneiric, but it seems like he/she is using natty12:29
yofelright, I have a natty PC I'll test on later12:30
apacheloggerI am on natty and cant confirm it 12:30
apacheloggerbest just have the dude create a new account and test with a new setup12:31
CIA-52[blinken] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626113318-16z963smj3s9mije * debian/control add kdelibs5-dev bdep12:33
apacheloggerlicense fail12:51
apacheloggerI really dunno what shadeslayer was bitching about dep512:56
apacheloggerutterly nice thing12:56
yofelIt's confusing, but if you're right, if you handle it like a control file it's understandable12:56
yofel*bug you're right12:56
yofel*but you're right12:57
yofeltypo day12:57
apacheloggerkubotu: order beer 12:57
* kubotu gives apachelogger a nice frosty mug of beer.12:57
apacheloggertypo day must be celebrated12:57
apacheloggeryofel: if I repack a tar to get copying in do I suffix the version with +copying or +repack?13:08
yofelno idea, did you take copying from the old tar, or..?13:09
apacheloggeryofel: nah, upstream13:14
apacheloggeryofel: you mean debian/copyright?13:14
yofelyou were talking about COPYING, but I would say repack13:15
yofeldo you know where to complain about missing copyright in smoke?13:15
apacheloggeryofel: upstream13:18
apacheloggerrdale IIRC13:18
CIA-52[blinken] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626122032-p7qmdz8guvfnh74e * debian/copyright update copyright13:20
CIA-52[blinken] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626122045-ao2rtq5m8bpyivbh * debian/changelog Repack tarball to include copies of GPL2 and GFDL1.213:20
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasanapachelogger: I shall be absent for the upcoming week13:46
QuintasanWorry not for I shall help with 4.6.90 packaging today13:46
yofelk, if you get everything done today I won't complain :P13:47
Quintasanyofel: What's with kdepim-runtime13:47
yofelwhat's the problem?13:47
QuintasanWell, it's yellow and nobody is doing it13:47
* Quintasan claims13:47
yofelwell, it's... well, you know... kdepim :P13:48
apacheloggermore importantly we do not know where to put it13:48
yofelthat too :/13:48
QuintasanWhy is that?13:49
yofelask rysiek :P13:49
QuintasanOh, that13:49
* Quintasan does modules instead13:49
yofelwell, that too, but when I tried it just now it didn't want to list my mails13:49
yofelwithout any kind of error13:50
yofeljust that the mail list was empty (after letting me wait for a minute)13:50
QuintasanI do not think we should bother with it until it somehow works13:51
QuintasanWe are not *cough*Chakra*cough* to put something like that into archive13:51
yofelright, which brings us back to the question where to put kdepim 4.6.9013:52
yofelthen I need to give out a warning to all users of 4.6.0 that we'll be putting 4.6.90 in there which depends on kde 4.713:52
QuintasanWell, isn't it better that shipping it to everyone?13:53
yofeland staging isn't supposed to be used for something like this, though it would actually be an option13:53
yofelwell, true13:54
QuintasanI'm not everyone here so you'd want ScottK's and apachelogger's opinion on tht13:55
apacheloggeralong with kdelibs and kdepimlibs copies of 4.6.9013:57
apacheloggerkdelibs and kdepimlibs are covered by ABI stability policy, so this should not inflict damage outside the pim modules13:58
yofelI'll post a news item for 4.6 later with a message to disable experimental if you don't want 4.713:58
apacheloggeroh and akonadi needs to go in13:58
apacheloggeryofel: how so?13:58
QuintasanThis entirely sucks13:58
yofelah, I forgot about the ABI policy. I guess there shouldn't be too much damage then13:59
apacheloggerif anything we'd include 4.7 + 4.6.90 surely holds vast improvements over 4.613:59
QuintasanWhy on Earth 4.7 depends on something so not isable?13:59
QuintasanTypo Day13:59
yofelwell, upstream considers it usable13:59
QuintasanThey considered 4.0 usable too :)13:59
yofelwell and we shipped that, didn't we? ^^13:59
QuintasanWell, at least 4.0 was marked as TP14:00
Quintasannoone forced anybody to use it14:00
yofelhm, kdebase devs are lazy. no symobl updates in kde-baseapps...14:00
apacheloggerthis all would be much less a problem with https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/37319714:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 373197 in Launchpad itself "Virtual PPA (exposes subsets of packages as separate APT sources)" [Low,Triaged]14:00
jussiQuintasan: so how about you tell me some words you want in that factoid, and Ill fix it...14:00
* yofel subscribes14:00
Quintasanjussi: Fair enough14:00
jussiQuintasan: we could also teach Princess butterfly how to do it at the same time ;)14:01
apacheloggeryou tought me like 5 times already14:01
apacheloggernot important enough knowledge14:01
apacheloggeror too much booze consumed meanwhile14:01
apacheloggerwho'd know14:01
* jussi smacks apachelogger over the back of the skull :P14:02
jussibe good :D14:02
Quintasanjussi: Project Neon provides set of daily builds of KDE and releated modules | See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon | More support in #project-neon14:02
apacheloggerI always get them beatins14:02
apacheloggerand never know why14:03
apacheloggerit is wicked14:03
apacheloggeryofel: promoting all that plunder to main is gotta be fun14:03
jussiQuintasan: that should be under !neon?14:03
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE/Info for more | Support in #amarok.neon14:03
Quintasanjussi: yeah14:03
yofelyeah, esp. since I have no idea how the current smoke packages are supposed to survive a MIR14:03
jussi!no, neon is <reply> Project Neon provides set of daily builds of KDE and releated modules | See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon | More support in #project-neon14:03
ubottuI'll remember that jussi14:03
yofelneed some redo14:03
ubottuProject Neon provides set of daily builds of KDE and releated modules | See https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon | More support in #project-neon14:03
yofelthe techbase page would be nice to have in there14:04
jussiyofel: generally we try to keep it to one wiki link, unless really necessary14:05
Quintasankdeadmin done14:05
apacheloggeryou know14:05
yofelwell ok, we do have the link on the wiki page14:05
jussiis that link on the wiki page?14:05
apacheloggerthe ~team/pkg/ubuntu branch naming is sorta stupid14:06
apachelogger~team/ubuntu/pkg would be much bettar14:06
yofelmake Riddell add aliases for that14:06
apacheloggerwell, generally it sucks a bit14:06
yofelwell, ubuntu/* is taken...14:06
yofelmake a 'packaging'  Project14:07
apacheloggerwell, that could also work14:07
yofelwe just need a kubuntu:kde-runtime alias and all would be fine14:09
apacheloggerI asked jr for that14:10
apacheloggerhe did not yet come up with code14:10
yofelyeah :/14:10
apacheloggerof course superior VCS can have alises out of the box :P14:10
yofelyeah, though getting Riddell to add alias support is easier than making LP devs implement git support14:11
yofelfooey, konq-plugins is in kde-baseapps now14:12
yofelwell, one source package less at least14:12
yofelwgrant: can you please rename the 'kdebase' project into 'kde-baseapps' ? Thanks14:16
CIA-52[kruler] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626131931-tegmmq8qc0uhs6wq * (9 files in 4 dirs) import14:19
apacheloggeryofel: do you know of a script that can link an arbitary tar to one that qualifies as orig tarball?14:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: or you perhaps?14:21
yofelhm, I think uscan does something like that when it gets a new package version from the watch file14:21
apacheloggeryeah, but that is built in14:22
Quintasanapachelogger: No idea, can't you just write a quick and dirty?14:24
apacheloggerquick and drity haha14:24
apacheloggertake a look at kgetsource in kubuntu-dev-tools :P14:24
apacheloggerthat thing to 3 classes14:24
* Quintasan waits for build to finish and pushes kdeadmin to bzr14:26
Quintasanapachelogger: no such file in there14:27
Quintasanbsides, ruby14:27
Quintasanapachelogger: want a proof that GIT is not actually superior?14:29
apacheloggerQuintasan: does it include prn?14:32
Quintasannope, it includes 4.6.90 tarballs14:32
apacheloggershow me prn14:41
yofelI believe that would just end up in proving that Dirk isn't superior and have no actual value for git :P14:41
Quintasanapachelogger: any idea if we still want http://paste.kde.org/88033?14:45
Quintasanyofel: ^14:45
apacheloggerQuintasan: so what is with me prn?14:45
apacheloggerabout that patch14:46
apacheloggerit is dirt14:46
apacheloggerdirty package = dirty patch14:46
apacheloggerand I blame you14:46
apachelogger The person named in the Author field signed this changelog entry.14:47
apacheloggerAuthor: Michał Zając <quintasan@kubuntu.org>14:47
* Quintasan purges it with fire14:47
QuintasanBlame me if something bad happens14:47
yofelmeh, and there I was wondering why the list-missing output in kde-baseapps was empty14:52
CIA-52[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626135710-kqisj8mx230c2i7a * (bin/klinksource debian/changelog) Add klinksource to link arbitary tar.* to a qualified .orig.tar.*14:57
apacheloggeryofel, Quintasan^14:57
QuintasanCool, but why bother?14:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: how do you get hold of a .orig?14:58
Quintasancopy and rename14:58
Quintasanprobably worng14:58
yofelcopy and rename in the same line :P14:58
QuintasanGOD DAMN14:58
apacheloggerthat still requires you to change the stuffz manually14:59
Quintasanwhat is the shortcut for ubuntu packages?14:59
apacheloggermajor pointlessness14:59
yofelwell, I have the new source in a seperate folder, so I would've to edit the script I guess14:59
apacheloggerthe pattern is silly enough to script that crap, just tell it the tar you want an orig for and be done with it14:59
apacheloggeryofel: why do you have the new source in a seperate folder?14:59
apacheloggerbuild-area is all one needs15:00
apacheloggeromnomnom build-area15:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: which one?15:00
yofelapachelogger: I use rsync to get the new tars?15:01
yofelso they end up in a new folder15:01
apacheloggerscp FTW15:01
apacheloggeralso that is where the new kgetsource script comes in15:01
yofelwell, I did use sftp and 'get *.bz2' for a while, but still15:01
yofelI'll consider it at some point15:02
apacheloggerkgetsource :P15:02
yofelmaybe for the next package 15:02
apachelogger[Build #2593633] i386 build of kde-baseapps 4:4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa3 in ubuntu oneiric RELEASE (kubuntu-ninjas PPA)15:05
apacheloggerwho be uploading kaput software?15:05
yofelme, I messed up konq-plugins15:05
yofelI wonder if I should just merge them into konqueror now that they're in the same source15:06
QuintasanDO ET15:06
QuintasanHow do I force sed to write the change back to file?15:07
tsimpsonadd -i15:08
yofelnah, rather not, the source dir is seperate and there's no knowing when they'll move that around again, I'll leave the worrying to the debian folks15:08
Quintasantsimpson: grep 4.6.0 *.install | sed s/4.6.0/4.7.015:08
QuintasanI do it like this15:08
tsimpsonah, well then you need to script it then15:08
mfraz74Will this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/797067 get fixed in the Kubuntu Natty PPAs?15:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 797067 in kdeutils (Ubuntu Oneiric) "kerfuffle_libarchive_readonly.desktop missing in package ark in natty 11.04" [Undecided,Fix released]15:08
apacheloggertsimpson, Quintasan: actually that moots the point of having the files with their so version in the installs15:09
tsimpsonQuintasan: something like: for f in $(grep -l 4.6.0 *.install); do sed -i s/4.6.0/4.7.0/g $f; done15:09
Quintasantsimpson: I did it with sed s/4.6.0/4.7.0/g *.install15:10
yofelapachelogger: how? we're bumping to .715:10
tsimpsonI don't trust sed with multiple files, not sure why now I think about it15:10
Quintasanyofel: It's just apachelogger mumbling15:10
yofelthat's the same for ALL kde libs 15:10
tsimpsonbesides, mine is 133715:10
yofelmfraz74: add a task for the 'kubuntu-ppa' project and I'll look at it later15:11
apacheloggeryofel: for kdelibs15:11
apacheloggernot for everything else15:11
yofelwell, pretty much any lib that's shipped in a kde package was bumped15:11
apacheloggerah dang15:13
apacheloggerforgot copyright15:13
mfraz74yofel: how do I do that?15:13
apacheloggerno copying15:14
apacheloggergood lawd15:14
yofelmfraz74: also affects project -> kubuntu-ppa15:14
Quintasankdemultimedia done15:17
mfraz74yofel: done15:19
Quintasanto kmix.install?15:21
yofelprobably, doesn't look like a speperate mixer widget to me15:21
* Quintasan rebuilds and uploads15:22
CIA-52[kruler] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626142303-hxytsko89n2n598q * debian/changelog repack baby15:23
CIA-52[kruler] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626142331-qbg1yufhdg0s9t6y * debian/copyright copyright++15:23
QuintasanONWARDS, TO GLORY!15:23
* Quintasan builds the easy stuff first15:24
apacheloggerwatch out for missing license copies!!!!!!15:24
Quintasan[ninjas]% kgetsource                                                              (quintasan@nightwalker:..e/packaging/ninjas)15:35
Quintasan[ninjas]% kgetsource --help                                                       (quintasan@nightwalker:..e/packaging/ninjas)15:35
Quintasanapachelogger: 15:35
QuintasanHOW DO I USE THIS?15:36
Quintasanapachelogger: fcking useless15:41
yofelkdebase copyright is fun, I didn't know someone named15:50
yofelCopyright (c)  YEAR  YOUR NAME15:50
yofelso much for proper copyright files from debian...15:52
yofelCopyright (C) 19yy  <name of author> Isn't quite up to date either15:54
apacheloggerQuintasan: kgetsource kdepim 4.6.90 unstable16:01
Quintasanapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/8808716:05
shadeslayer_plz review : https://code.launchpad.net/~rohangarg/kate/ubuntu16:05
yofelmorning JontheEchidna16:05
shadeslayer_then i'll push to kubuntu-packagers16:06
yofelyou sure notice that nobody cared about the kdebase copyright file for 2 years...16:07
apacheloggerQuintasan: ah, right, you need to define the epoch16:08
apacheloggerfor the tarball download it will be stripped automagically16:08
CIA-52[kruler] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626151420-g2cehely0m0tkko9 * debian/control use ksnapshot page on kde.org as homepage16:14
apacheloggeryofel: well, you really ever only write a copyright file once :P16:15
yofelyeah, I'm at least stripping out the parts that are long gone and add konq-plugins16:15
yofeland trying to update the rest as possible16:15
apacheloggerperhaps spdx will improve this at some pont16:16
yofelwe need something to auto-generate a dep-5 file so one only has to recheck it16:16
yofeltrue :S16:20
apacheloggernot without having a format for copyright and license info first16:20
apacheloggerwhich might or might not be doable for corekde16:20
yofelwell, the GPL header is somewhat specified16:20
yofelthe rest...16:20
apacheloggerit is not just that, it is how the license and copyright is formatted and placed etc.16:21
yofelk, kde-baseapps should be Done™16:21
apacheloggerthere is a reason dep5 is so very strict in its definition16:22
yofelyeah, that dep-5 is script parsable is nice, that doesn't help in its creation though16:22
apacheloggerI reckon that is what spdx is meant to resolve16:26
yofelshadeslayer_: can you make kate-dbg Break/Replace kdebase-dbg? kwrite was in kdebase16:26
CIA-52[ksnapshot] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626152644-g73mmuayd3vmx9zs * (9 files in 4 dirs) * New upstream release * Initial release (moved out of kdegraphics)16:26
yofelkdelibs-dbg probably too16:26
apacheloggerwhy is there a kate-dbg?!16:27
yofelbecause there's a kate source?16:27
apacheloggerwe haz dbgsym16:27
yofelyeah right, make them enable that for PPAs16:27
apachelogger-dbg packages for 50 additional packages are nothing good at all16:27
yofeluntil then I'll always add -dbg stuff wherever possible16:27
apacheloggeryofel: tell them16:27
yofelapachelogger: there is a bug, they don't want to do it16:28
apacheloggeryou drain production system user resources by introducing a bazillion dbg packages16:28
yofelthey made it theoretically possible though16:28
yofelok, I'll add an empty override_dh_stip: target then, better?16:28
yofelcome on16:28
apacheloggerthey do show up in the package lists16:29
yofelwe can't debug stuff without debug packages16:29
apacheloggermeans apt-get update takes longer, meaning the local cache will use more space etc etc16:29
yofeland we're using PPAs rather excessively16:29
apacheloggeryofel: there surely is a better option than adding them manually16:29
yofelfor PPAs no(t yet)16:29
apacheloggerwhy not16:29
apacheloggerhow about dbg package injection16:30
apacheloggergiven soyuz allows this at all16:30
yofelI'm all for -dbgsyms, but as long as pkg-create-dbgsym is disabled in the PPA builders we can't use them°16:30
apacheloggerpkg-kde-tools could inject the appropraite package into control when the build is in a PPA16:30
shadeslayer_yofel: ah yes, i forgot about that16:30
yofelhm, that might actually be an ide16:30
shadeslayer_yofel: why kdelibs-dbg?16:31
yofeliirc that kate kpart was in kdelibs16:32
shadeslayer_kate was in kdesdk16:32
* shadeslayer_ checks16:32
shadeslayer_ah, yes16:32
shadeslayer_anything else>16:32
Quintasanapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/8812316:33
yofelcontrol line 8 shows ascii junk, at least on the web 0;115;0c16:33
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes?16:34
yofelVcs lines are missing16:34
Quintasanapachelogger: look at the link16:34
Quintasanand pwd16:34
yofelare you using pkg-kde-tools?16:34
apacheloggerQuintasan: that explains why my link is kaput ^^16:34
QuintasanFix thos16:34
yofel~karma typoday16:35
kubotukarma for typoday: -116:35
shadeslayer_yofel: done16:35
CIA-52[kubuntu-dev-tools] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626153511-id3l07r8m1pm1ht4 * bin/kgetsource go into build-area and link the stuffz16:35
apacheloggergood lawd16:36
apacheloggersomeone write a mail to kde-devel and kde-core-devel about proper licensing16:36
apacheloggerI am going mad here16:36
shadeslayer_yofel: anything else that you find wrong?16:36
yofelshadeslayer_: did you push? LP didn't update yet16:37
shadeslayer_oh ... haven't pushed, one sec16:37
yofelwell, you could remove the version from kdebase-dbg, but nvm that. Can't see anything obviously wrong there16:39
QuintasanSO MUCH FUN16:40
yofelapachelogger: want to look at smokeqt? That has no licensing information whatsoever16:40
shadeslayer_i find versioned breaks/replaces better16:40
apacheloggeryou epople will have to look at the ksnapshot copyright file16:40
apacheloggerit is ludicrous16:40
apacheloggerlike every kde developer holds copyright on them 10 files ^^16:40
yofelsure, just that the package is gone now -> kde-baseapps-dbg16:40
yofelbut right, less breakage potential16:40
shadeslayer_ok then, will push to kubuntu packagers16:41
yofelsure, can you review lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kdebase/ubuntu r173 if you're done?16:42
* yofel takes a break and looks at #79706716:43
QuintasanIt's me or kubuntu_05_samba_sharing.diff just got upstream?16:47
QuintasanThe best day in kdenetwork's history16:47
shadeslayer_Quintasan: i think so, not entirely syre16:48
shadeslayer_rbelem: ^^16:48
* Quintasan hates bzr-buildpackage16:48
shadeslayer_Quintasan: have fun at the skateboarding rampage :D16:50
CIA-52[ksnapshot] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626155020-etrupqcvxwrn1maa * debian/copyright add copyright ole!16:50
Quintasanshadeslayer_: Any idea how to hook up bzr-buildpackage with pbuilder?16:51
shadeslayer_oh oh16:52
shadeslayer_Quintasan: --builder pdebuild ?16:52
shadeslayer_Quintasan: found it here : https://wiki.edubuntu.org/DesktopTeam/Bzr16:52
* Quintasan uses pbuilder-dist16:52
shadeslayer_pbuilder-dist then ?16:53
yofelwasn't that a backport of the 4.7 samba sharing stuff in the first place?16:53
CIA-52[ksnapshot] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626155434-xaoownvl6hb08ogd * debian/changelog repack++16:54
shadeslayer_wtf :   Uploading kate_4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa1_source.changes: 2k/3k550 Changes file must be signed with a valid GPG signature: Verification failed 3 times: ['General error', 'General error', 'General error'] : Permission denied.16:54
shadeslayer_Note: This error might indicate a problem with your passive_ftp setting.16:54
shadeslayer_      Please consult dput.cf(5) for details on this configuration option16:54
QuintasanIgnore it16:54
QuintasanLP haz some screws loose today16:54
yofellp 79895716:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 798957 in Launchpad itself "Uploads are seemingly (but not actually) rejected" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79895716:55
shadeslayer_oh so it was alread uploaded?16:55
shadeslayer_ah there we go16:55
shadeslayer_just got them mails16:55
shadeslayer_yofel: question, shouldn't the branch be renamed as well?16:56
shadeslayer_( for kdebase )16:56
yofelit should, but I need wgrant to rename the project16:57
shadeslayer_ah ok16:57
QuintasanI think we dropped our biggest patch file16:57
yofelI changed the vcs lines already, just the LP side of things needs to be done16:57
apacheloggerQuintasan: we dropped shadeslayer_?16:58
shadeslayer_what 16:58
Quintasancat shadeslayer_16:58
shadeslayer_imma patch? 0.o16:58
shadeslayer_kshadeslayer.patch :P16:58
shadeslayer_Quintasan: i did blogz16:59
Quintasancat "blog moar" > /dev/brain16:59
shadeslayer_Quintasan: yeah, i have another one coming up, but its about GSoC Work16:59
CIA-52[ksnapshot] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626155948-14tzvg4z24rp0xdg * debian/control add xfixes and kipi, fortunately enough kipi is not packaged yet17:00
yofelQuintasan: you frogot that dev/brain -> /dev/null17:00
shadeslayer_. . .17:00
QuintasanU mad?17:00
shadeslayer_/dev/brain is actually /dev/random17:00
apacheloggerQuintasan: y u no blog?17:00
yofelwell, I need to write up a summary for neon again soon17:01
apacheloggershadeslayer_: libkipi!!!!!17:01
yofelmight as well think of some random blog topics17:01
shadeslayer_yofel: another question, weren't we aiming for modularity? why was konq-plugins merged into one package17:01
Quintasanapachelogger: No working EGL yet?17:01
shadeslayer_apachelogger: yes, i'm working on it right now17:01
yofelshadeslayer_: how should I know?17:01
apacheloggerQuintasan: no, didn't look at it anymore17:02
shadeslayer_apachelogger: nearly done17:02
apacheloggerkaput beyond repairz17:02
Quintasanapachelogger: then no blogs17:02
shadeslayer_apachelogger: want to do the copyright file? :P17:02
yofelat least kde-baseapps has copyright info17:02
yofelunlike smoke -.-17:02
shadeslayer_yofel: wait, so, all these plugins were seprate earlier?17:02
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you could tell me if the kispey has appropriate copying files17:02
apacheloggeror else I could fix that17:02
apacheloggersince I have all them stuffz open17:02
apacheloggeryou know17:02
apacheloggerwe could like write a gui for dep517:03
apacheloggerit would be ultimately useless17:03
yofelshadeslayer_: huh? they were in konqueror-plugin-* until 4.6.1 when debian put them into konq-plugins and now the source was put into kde-baseapps17:03
shadeslayer_oh ok ^^17:03
yofelso not much binary diff from 4.6 to 4.717:03
yofeljust different source package17:03
yofelbut yeah, it was seperate before17:04
apacheloggerit was only sep because it was extraaaar gear17:04
yofeloh right17:05
shadeslayer_new moin moin sux17:05
yofelnow what did I want to wrok on again...17:05
shadeslayer_^^ typo day17:05
yofelah knosloe17:05
yofelmm works ok for me recently17:06
yofelafter I finally managed to log in17:06
apacheloggershadeslayer_: new?17:06
yofel /mute apachelogger17:06
* apachelogger needs to go for a smoke now17:06
shadeslayer_ok kipi is mostly GPL \o/17:07
yofellucky you17:07
apacheloggerI once had GPL17:07
apacheloggerthen I switched to BSD17:08
apacheloggernow I haz no code no moar17:08
shadeslayer_not alot of copyright authors too17:08
shadeslayer_only 64 including dupes17:08
=== ximion2 is now known as ximion
shadeslayer_apachelogger: wth is that?17:09
apacheloggeryofel: shadeslayer_ is holding up the entire machinery17:09
shadeslayer_. . .17:10
yofelthere's plenty of other things todo :P17:10
apacheloggerno there isnt17:11
yofelwhich reminds me I need to do smokekde17:11
apacheloggerI should be preparing for them exams17:11
shadeslayer_apachelogger: gimmeh 30 minutes17:11
apacheloggerand for them train rides17:11
apacheloggeroh gosh17:11
yofeland I wonder if I should send a mail to -packagers re copying -.-17:11
* yofel wonders what he should do with the bug that's crawling across his screen........17:12
apacheloggeryofel: copying?17:13
apacheloggercopy the bug17:14
yofelcopyright stuff I mean17:14
apacheloggertoday is not typo day, today is day of insanity17:14
shadeslayer_hey packagers, i have a bug for you17:14
apacheloggeryofel: copyright stuff?17:14
apacheloggerwhat ye mean?17:14
yofelapachelogger: the missing of it?17:14
apacheloggershadeslayer_: actually that would get yofel flamed for being funny17:14
apacheloggeryofel: of where?17:14
yofelmake that absence17:14
apacheloggerno distro but youbuntoo gives a rats booty17:15
apachelogger(I think)17:15
apachelogger(I am pretty sure)17:15
apachelogger(actually I know for all the ones that upstream cares about)17:15
yofelapachelogger: well, try to do the copyright file for smokeqt, using None as copyright17:15
shadeslayer_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 5 2011-04-26 06:26 /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL -> GPL-317:16
yofelor can we actually say the package has no copyright17:16
* yofel doubts that somehow...17:16
* apachelogger thinks that copyright is not important as long as license is free17:17
Quintasanwhat do I do with that one?17:17
apacheloggerjust like there is no obligation that the copyright holder must be a real person17:17
apacheloggerQuintasan: copying17:17
shadeslayer_so if licensecheck says the license is GPL, do i assume GPL 3?17:17
yofelQuintasan: that should be batchpatch -v 4:4.6.9017:17
shadeslayer_since it's not specified which version of the GPL its refering too17:18
yofelmaybe the file is so ancient that it means ^17:18
Quintasan  #MISSING: 4:4.6.90# _ZNK6Kopete12OnlineStatus12protocolIconEv@Base 4:4.3.417:18
Quintasanbump on libkopete?17:18
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you should look at the source file17:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: red alert, red alert!17:19
shadeslayer_its GPL 2+17:19
yofelQuintasan: if the symbol is public I think yet17:19
shadeslayer_licensecheck is busted then17:20
Quintasanapachelogger: huh?17:20
Quintasanhow do I know if it's public yofel?17:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: is there a libkopete?17:21
apacheloggerQuintasan: more importantly do we package libkopete?17:21
yofelget the function name from c++filt and check the source17:21
yofelfirst check if the file is even installed17:21
apacheloggereven more importantly do we package the headers for that libkopete?17:21
yofellisten to apachelogger17:21
Quintasanlooks like we do both17:22
* Quintasan bumps17:22
yofeldo we install the header files that provide that function?17:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: shoot the upstream17:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: right now17:23
* Quintasan shoots #kde-devel17:23
* Quintasan goes unicorn stampede in #kopete17:23
apacheloggeryofel: regardless of whether we install it, they need to bump their so before release17:23
yofelah, right17:24
QuintasanShould I go and complain about that?17:25
Quintasanapachelogger: more like, should I go there and make hell there17:26
NCommanderScottK: I looked at your patch for QT4, its san17:28
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes17:31
apacheloggerI demand war!17:31
apacheloggeronce more unto the breach, dear friends, once more17:32
QuintasanWhat do I want them exactly to do?17:32
Quintasanto bump it and poke Dirk to include it in tarball?17:33
shadeslayer_btw would this package name be alright? : kipi-libs-data17:37
shadeslayer_or do i make it kipilibs-data / libkipi-data17:37
apacheloggerleaving for train17:41
apacheloggersee y'all tomorrow or so17:41
shadeslayer_apachelogger: bye :)17:41
DarthFrogWill KDE 4.7 RC be packaged for Natty?17:58
yofelshadeslayer_: libkipi-data would be my choice, as long as the package is libkipi18:13
shadeslayer_hmm .. ok18:13
shadeslayer_ok kipi is done18:14
=== ximion is now known as ximion2
shadeslayer_yofel: do we create new projects for every package?18:18
shadeslayer_ok then, need to have a libkipi project then18:18
shadeslayer_plz review :18:25
shadeslayer_yofel: kdebase looks good18:26
shadeslayer_or rather kde-baseapps18:26
yofelhey bambee18:31
bambeeyofel: hey18:32
bambeeI will ask on #plasma/plasma ML (don't worry), but in my humble opinion we should package kdelibs-experimental18:39
bambeesee yourself http://paste.ubuntu.com/633147/18:39
bambeeand conclude18:39
bambee(libs/kworspace, kwin, plasma/desktop/shell ....)18:40
yofelno, plasma in kdelibs was fixed to not depend on experimental, same should apply to kde-workspace18:40
bambeereally? I did not know that18:40
yofelthat list is just great...18:40
yofelah, you're not on packagers...18:40
yofeland Harald is gone -.-18:41
bambeeI should?18:41
yofelwell, the pre-release discussion is done there, although you probably should do some more packaging since we need someone to vouch for you (e.g. Harald)18:42
bambeeyofel: I already had a discussion with Riddell about that, he does not want to subscribe a non member user :)18:44
yofelI know, I remember it18:44
yofelshadeslayer_: do you know how one should name experimental packages? libkactivities5-experimental ?18:49
shadeslayer_we shouldn't ship experimental packaages18:49
yofelsure, but look at bambee's paste18:50
bambeeyofel: I can disable  plasma/generic/tools/remote-widgets-browser18:50
bambeebut the rest...18:50
shadeslayer_yofel: it was decided on the plasma ml that they will insert headers in the plasma sources18:50
shadeslayer_and thus statically link against the18:50
bambeeI propose to disable it because we cannot drop kdeclarative from it (see plasma/generic/tools/remote-widgets-browser/main.cpp)18:50
* yofel clones kde-workspace git18:50
shadeslayer_it was on the plasma ml, and i can get you the thread name, but can't get the actual email link18:51
shadeslayer_cuz i can't access most of the kde websites18:51
yofelwow, kde-workspace git is huge, and it doesn't even have the wallpapers...18:53
shadeslayer_btw any issues with libkipi?18:53
yofelah, didn't look yet, sry18:53
shadeslayer_the thread name is : [4.7 Beta1 blocker] plasma depending on kdelibs/experimental18:54
yofelI remember *that* thread18:54
bambeeyofel: you should get it from ftpmaster.. :)18:54
yofeland kdelibs/plasma was fixed18:54
bambee(I mean, ftpmaster.k.o)18:55
shadeslayer_here's the thread : http://paste.kde.org/8823118:55
yofelbambee: I wanted 4.6.90+18:55
yofelbambee: sure it's failing?18:56
bambeeyofel: what?18:56
yofelthere is kde-workspace/libs/kworkspace/kactivityinfo.h18:56
yofelso it shouldn't need kdelibs/experimental18:56
yofelor do they just include the headers and try link statically against kdelibs?18:57
bambeewhy there are exactly the same headers in kdelibs-experimental ? o_O18:57
yofelbambee: so it doesn't depend on kdelibs-experimental 18:57
yofelwhich isn't allowed as we just discussed18:58
yofelhm, no, the .cpp files are there too, so there should be no reason for it to fail18:58
shadeslayer_bambee: try again with new tarball from git18:59
bambeeshadeslayer_: ok18:59
yofelnah, there doesn't seem to be a change from 4.6.90 three18:59
shadeslayer_oh .. then why does it fail 0.o19:00
yofelbambee: what's the actual failure19:00
bambeeI will try again19:00
wgrantyofel: What needs renaming?19:02
yofelkdebase -> kde-baseapps19:02
yofelshadeslayer_: libkipi looks fine19:03
wgrantyofel: Done.19:03
* shadeslayer_ does the upload dance19:03
shadeslayer_wgrant: oh while you're at it, can you move a branch ?19:04
* yofel hugs wgrant19:04
wgrantshadeslayer_: Possibly.19:04
wgrantWhich, and where?19:04
shadeslayer_one sec19:04
shadeslayer_https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/kdegraphics/libkipi now has a project : https://launchpad.net/libkipi19:05
shadeslayer_https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/kde-baseapps/kate now has a project https://launchpad.net/kate19:06
yofelwhile at it:19:07
yofellp:~neon/kde-baseapps/kde-baseapps should be lp:~neon/kde-baseapps/master and linked to lp:kde-baseapps19:07
yofelkill the existing trunk branch19:07
shadeslayer_yofel: can i upload ksnapshot?19:08
yofelask apachelogger, in his absence I would say yes19:08
shadeslayer_well he isn't here so ..19:08
wgrantshadeslayer_, yofel: I can't move those, but you could through the API.19:09
yofelI'll read the docs later then19:10
shadeslayer_alright, thanks!19:10
wgrantfrom launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad; lp = Launchpad.login_with('blah whatever', 'production'); lp.load('/~neon/kdegraphics/libkipi').setTarget(project=lp.projects['libkipi'])19:10
* shadeslayer_ tries19:25
shadeslayer_wgrant: well i used lp-shell and it gives me a 404 when i run lp.load('/~neon/kdegraphics/libkipi').setTarget(project=lp.projects['libkipi'])19:26
shadeslayer_here's the entire paste : http://paste.kde.org/8824319:27
shadeslayer_more weirdness ... staging gives me a KeyError 0.o19:32
wgrantshadeslayer_: Ah, launchpadlib bug. It tried to reload the entry with the old URL.19:32
wgrantSo the move succeeded.19:32
bambeepiou... I have cleaned my processor fan... I won 25°C  o_O19:34
shadeslayer_fixed kate too19:35
shadeslayer_wgrant: can you link those branches to lp:kate and lp:libkipi?19:35
wgrantshadeslayer_: Both done.19:37
shadeslayer_thanks :)19:37
yofelwgrant: and lp:~neon/kde-baseapps/master to lp:kde-baseapps19:38
bambeeyofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/633168/19:43
yofel/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lkactivities is not linking statically...19:44
bambeehave a look at plasma/desktop/shell/CMakeLists.txt (it's explicitly linked against kactivities)19:44
bambeeshadeslayer_: found, http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-core-devel&m=130596894032402&w=219:48
yofelright, which sounds wrong... try to remove kactivities in that line19:48
shadeslayer_ok wth .... i can open that url 0.o19:48
shadeslayer_but i can't open kde.org19:48
shadeslayer_gwenview : image viewer19:51
shadeslayer_thats it? 0.o19:51
bambeeso the solution would be to link plasma-desktop against kactivities statically ?19:52
shadeslayer_bambee: yes19:52
shadeslayer_more of a workaround till kdelibs is fixed really19:53
bambeeI agree19:53
bambeeyofel: ping me when you've done for libkactivities 19:55
shadeslayer_can't access launchpad now 19:56
* shadeslayer_ kills his ISP provider with fire19:56
yofelwell, if we can fix kde-workspace I would rather leave kdelibs as it is19:58
shadeslayer_any ideas what a debian/installgen file does?20:12
shadeslayer_there's nothing about it on the new maintainers guid20:13
kubotushadeslayer_ meant: "there's nothing about it on the new maintainers guide"20:13
yofelnope, was wondering that too...20:13
yofelcould be an ancient predecessor of the .install files20:13
shadeslayer_well what is it doing in kdegraphics/debian/installgen then :P20:14
shadeslayer_yofel: oh also, are you using the "Kubuntu Packages" text while building packages?20:17
shadeslayer_in the rules file20:17
yofeldon't think so....20:17
shadeslayer_should/shouldn't we?20:18
yofelI only see the kdelibs cmake file looking for that, but haven't check too many packages20:19
bambeeyofel: fixed20:21
yofelbambee: good20:22
bambeeworkspace-wallpapers has been moved outside kde-workspace ? (no wallpapers are installed )20:25
yofelright, that's kde-wallpapers now20:25
bambeehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/633179/ :D20:26
bambeeyofel: ah ok20:26
bambeeit does make sense then...20:26
shadeslayer_i think this is the longest copyright i've seen in KDE : Copyright: © 1991-2009, Thomas G. Lane.20:30
shadeslayer_oh fooey20:32
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
apacheloggerwhat is the deal with them stupid mountains and their even more stupid tunnels20:54
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you spammed me!20:54
shadeslayer_did i?20:54
apacheloggerfailed ksnapshot20:54
shadeslayer_apachelogger: the FTBFS?20:54
shadeslayer_ah blame launchpad for delayed publishing of packages20:55
apacheloggershadeslayer_, yofel: installgen is used to generate .install files based on the ruleset in installgen20:55
apacheloggerlord modax wrote it some time ago IIRC20:55
shadeslayer_apachelogger: do we still require it?20:55
apacheloggerdh_installgen is the bin that does the work20:55
apacheloggershadeslayer_: why yes20:55
apacheloggerdue to the split you mostly can install everything and your mom 20:55
apacheloggeras one source == one binary, thus rendering installgen useless for those usecases20:56
apacheloggerfor multi-binary sources it is still useful20:56
shadeslayer_apachelogger: is this file documented somewhere?20:56
apacheloggerexcept no one of you knows how to use it :P20:56
shadeslayer_couldn't find it20:56
apacheloggerpuny humans20:56
shadeslayer_hahaha 20:56
apacheloggermust be the reason yofel is no kubuntu-dev20:56
apacheloggerthen again at UDS some comments from Quintasan_ made me wonder why he is :P20:57
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I think dh_installgen is in pkg-kde-tools20:57
apacheloggerthere should be documentation one way or another20:57
apacheloggerthough with modax I would say, he implemented a documentation paradigm like mine, meaning commit message documentation :P20:58
shadeslayer_well there's no man entry for dh_installgen20:58
apachelogger... what I said ...20:58
yofelyeah right, apt-file can't even find dh_installgen21:02
yofelwhich century is that from? ^^21:03
shadeslayer_apachelogger: my terminal is all sorts of fluffy :P http://i.imgur.com/GsIyY.png21:05
yofelhttp://old.nabble.com/Learn-packaging-td29507365.html indicates they're not used anymore21:06
yofelapachelogger is outdated :P21:06
apacheloggerI said they are useful, I did not say that they are used21:07
ScottKNCommander: And as an added bonus it seems to be working.21:08
yofelapachelogger: <apachelogger> for multi-binary sources it is still useful21:08
yofelat least we know we can ignore them21:09
apacheloggerthe format is rather tedious and IMHO prone to error though21:09
shadeslayer_apachelogger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DGPYSE4nXUM21:09
apacheloggerwhat would make more sense is associate packages with folders then decide where to put stuff based on what target cmake got the files from21:09
yofel. . .21:09
apacheloggerI might just implement that21:11
shadeslayer_ok wth everything just got installed into /usr/local :/21:11
apacheloggeryou haz broken the packaging21:12
shadeslayer_i have a idea what i did wrong21:14
* shadeslayer_ tries to fix21:14
sheytan_apachelogger did you see this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykwqXuMPsoc ?21:29
shadeslayer_nope, not working, still wants to install to /usr/local21:32
shadeslayer_sheytan_: thats quite old ^_^21:32
yofelwhat happened to lightdm-kde btw.? (though the rc has priority right now)21:32
sheytan_shadeslayer_: but still cool :D21:33
shadeslayer_yeah :)21:33
* yofel uploads konsole21:41
yofelthat dput error is getting annoying...21:41
shadeslayer_btw any ideas why gwenview is installing stuff into /usr/local? ( rules : http://paste.ubuntu.com/633212/ , build log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/633213/ )21:43
yofelshadeslayer_: and where is the problem there?21:46
yofelyou DO realize that svgpart is in another package?21:46
* shadeslayer_ stares at changelog21:47
* yofel thinks shadeslayer_ is too tired to package21:47
yofelshadeslayer_: you should rather stare at svgpart-4.6.90.tar.bz221:47
yofeland then wonder why your gwenview install file wants to isntall svgpart21:48
shadeslayer_i actually didn't check the build log thouroughly and thought it wanted to install stuff into /usr/local like last time21:49
yofel. . .21:49
shadeslayer_yeah, i'm going to take a bit of a break after gwenview21:49
shadeslayer_i guess gwenview will also require svgpart as a depends now21:52
yofeldoesn't in neon21:54
yofelcould be a runtime dependency though. Or plugin21:55
yofelPlugin I guess21:55
shadeslayer_runtime dep imo21:57
yofelwell, try to run it without it and you'll know ^^21:58
shadeslayer_heh :P21:58
shadeslayer_ or i could just remove the svgpart neon package from my install and run gwenview21:58
shadeslayer_ah well, it runs21:59
shadeslayer_yofel: i'll put it in Suggests then22:00
shadeslayer_yofel: question, why does konsole-dbg only suggest konsole? why not depend on konsole?22:10
shadeslayer_because i usually put suggests and i got dbg-package-missing-depends from lintian22:10
yofelah, I just kept that from kdebase, since it's a single binary package now Depends would be right22:10
shadeslayer_plz2review : https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/gwenview/ubuntu22:13
* shadeslayer_ goes on a break22:14
apacheloggersheytan_: it is on me facebook22:19
* apachelogger arrived in graz once more22:20
apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer_: you should voice opinion on branch moving thread on ml22:20
apacheloggerif we move we better do it now before creating the other 30 projects22:20
ScottKapachelogger: You saw I updated my opinion?22:21
ScottKI think I'm now up to "Fine, as long as I don't have to do it."22:21
yofeltrue... I don't care much about the links, but the projects are annoying22:21
apacheloggerScottK: yeah22:21
yofelIt does put our neon imports into the right place though22:21
shadeslayer_^^ 22:21
shadeslayer_was about to say that22:21
apacheloggerI do not care so much about the work you have to do :P22:22
shadeslayer_i'm actually quite fine with setting up a project22:22
shadeslayer_( for each of the branches we create )22:22
shadeslayer_it's like 5 minutes of work ...22:22
apacheloggerkde core has some 200 indivdual apps/libs22:23
apacheloggerthat is 200*522:23
apacheloggernono I say22:23
apacheloggerbesides, it goes beyond the scope of core KDE22:24
apacheloggerlike any thing we track in bzr needs a project22:24
apacheloggerextragear, playground you name it22:24
shadeslayer_but not all of those 200 apps/libs have their own git repos do they?22:25
apacheloggerthey will once the great migration plan is worked out22:25
apacheloggerthe long-term target is to have individual repos22:25
shadeslayer_even moar splitting? O_O22:25
apacheloggerso we do 100 now and 100 more when 5.0 comes around22:25
sheytan_apachelogger what do you mean not you on facebook?22:26
apacheloggerthe narwhals are on the friendface22:26
apacheloggerI postered them like ages ago22:26
shadeslayer_apachelogger: sure, its a bit more work .... but it will only benefit us in keeping things clean and organized more appropriately22:28
yofelwell, in absence of strong arguments for all those project I'm fine with a kubuntu-packaging project22:28
yofelYOU do the moving though this time22:28
yofelscripting it would be a good idea...22:28
yofelit means we need to fix all Vcs links again though too22:29
apacheloggerpyth0rn scripting22:29
apacheloggeryofel: well, we are packaging right now, so... ;)22:29
apacheloggershadeslayer_: how does it make things more clean or organized?22:29
shadeslayer_apachelogger: everything is associated with their project pages?22:30
shadeslayer_*because everything ...22:30
apacheloggerand the project page is bigtime mumbo jumbo because it is really just a pointless replica of the one on projects.kde.org22:30
yofelas I said, It makes some sense for us neon maintainers, for the others it's probably pointless22:32
shadeslayer_yep ^^22:33
apacheloggerkubotu: roll a dice22:33
shadeslayer_ofcourse i'm biased22:33
shadeslayer_so don't heed my advice ^_^22:33
apacheloggerQuintasan_: okular package is bogus, it misses a copy of FDL for the documentation22:41
apacheloggershadeslayer_: you broke the ksnapshot table row22:42
shadeslayer_table what22:42
apacheloggershadeslayer_: kate has no license copy whatsoever22:42
shadeslayer_apachelogger: you mean there's no license in debian/copyright?22:43
apacheloggerthere i no complete copy of the license22:44
apacheloggerin the source22:44
shadeslayer_upstream issue then, want me send them a email?22:44
apacheloggeryou have upstream commit access, no?22:44
apacheloggerfix it, repack the tarball with copies22:45
apacheloggerupload new version22:45
shadeslayer_hmm ok22:45
shadeslayer_apachelogger: oh wait, i can't commit22:45
shadeslayer_commit server is down for me22:45
apacheloggeryofel: FWIW konsole also misses FDL copy22:45
apacheloggershadeslayer_: whut?22:46
apacheloggerping git.kde.org22:46
shadeslayer_From so-2-0-0.0.ejr01.fra002.flagtel.com ( icmp_seq=2 Time to live exceeded22:46
shadeslayer_apachelogger: most of the kde sites are down for me because a router at hetzner is down22:46
apacheloggerwrong ip22:47
yofeloh true, I forgot about the docs :(22:47
apacheloggershadeslayer_: use a proper DNS22:47
apacheloggeropendns for example22:47
apacheloggergoogle dns also should be up-to-date22:47
shadeslayer_apachelogger: i use google's dns 22:47
apacheloggerso it is no up-to-date :P22:47
apacheloggeruse opendns22:47
yofelapachelogger: how do I fix that?22:47
apacheloggeror edit yoru hosts file22:47
apachelogger195.135.221.71 is the correct ip for git.kde.org22:47
apacheloggeryofel: do you haz commit access?22:48
apacheloggershadeslayer_: gwenview also suffers from missing FDL22:48
apacheloggeryofel: cp /usr/share/common-licenses/GFDL-1.2 COPYING.DOC22:48
apacheloggermind that you need to fix it in KDE/4.7 and then forward cherry pick to master22:49
yofelk, lemme check how you did it for ksnapshot22:49
yofelright, now I first need to read the docs again how one does that...22:49
apacheloggerjust open the docbook :P22:49
yofelwth is GLGPL2 o.O22:50
apacheloggercontains the authors 22:50
shadeslayer_apachelogger: i'm on a break right now, will fix laterz22:50
apacheloggeryofel: in celebration of typoday22:50
yofelah lol22:50
apacheloggeralso mind that the authorgroup markup can contain other stuff than the actual authors22:50
apacheloggerlike reviewers for example22:50
apacheloggershadeslayer_: oh for gwenview it is not actually a problem22:50
apacheloggerthe FDL notice is commented out there22:51
apacheloggeragateau: your docs have no license my friend :P22:51
shadeslayer_apachelogger: the ip is fine22:53
shadeslayer_shadeslayer@yofel-thinkpad ~/packaging/ksnapshot-4.6.90 » ping git.kde.org22:53
shadeslayer_PING git.kde.org ( 56(84) bytes of data.22:53
shadeslayer_the router at the dc is borked22:54
apacheloggertracepath to the rescue22:54
shadeslayer_can't access quassel core, kde.org, projects.kde.org, edu.kde.org and other stuff22:54
apacheloggerall kaput22:55
shadeslayer_yeah, its been like that for 3 days22:55
apacheloggeryou should like call someone somewhere22:55
yofelmake a tunnel through my server (note: I have no idea how to do that)22:55
shadeslayer_^^ iirc you use ssh -D 500022:55
shadeslayer_but idk what to do next :P22:55
shadeslayer_apachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/8840522:56
apacheloggerthe google does22:56
apacheloggerit is made out of knowledge22:56
shadeslayer_apachelogger: do i need any special perms for this?22:58
apacheloggerthe google knows22:58
apacheloggerit is made out of knowledge22:58
shadeslayer_nope, still out ...22:59
shadeslayer_obviously i'm doing it wrong :P23:00
apacheloggerit happens23:02
apacheloggergerminate be using the  old core-dev branch in the natty23:03
apacheloggersilly beast23:03
* yofel looks for that git thread in kde-core-devel23:04
yofelbefore I do something totally silly...23:04
shadeslayer_apachelogger: would yofel  need to open up a port on his router as well?23:07
yofelapachelogger: ok, where do I fix that first? master or KDE/4.723:07
yofelI have a few ports open, lemme look what range23:07
apacheloggershadeslayer_: the google will know23:08
apacheloggerit is made out of knowledge23:08
apacheloggeryofel: branch then cherry-pick to master23:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 553484 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Reconsider ooo draw on CD" [Low,Confirmed]23:10
apacheloggerplz tell me opinions23:10
yofelshadeslayer_: 23301-23400 is forwareded, something in the middle of that should work23:10
yofelk, I think I've gotten where in that docbook the licensing info is. It doesn't state the license though23:12
shadeslayer_Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections.23:12
yofelah wait, FDL23:13
apacheloggerspam spam spam spam23:13
apacheloggerspam 23:13
apacheloggeregg with bacon and spam 23:13
yofelfried spam23:14
shadeslayer_apachelogger: if nothing else deps on ooo draw ( except impress ) kick it off23:14
apacheloggershadeslayer_: well, that cuts impress in half23:14
apacheloggerI am not even sure it would be possible23:14
shadeslayer_debug2: channel 12: pre_dynamic: have 023:15
apacheloggeri.e. it is a highly integrated part23:15
shadeslayer_dunno what that means23:15
apacheloggerall the box drawing mumbo jumbo is done by draw I reckon23:15
shadeslayer_apachelogger: kick both off the CD?23:15
apacheloggeryou propose we do not ship a presentation app by default?23:15
apacheloggerwhat have you been smokin' :O23:16
yofelhard to make my mind up here, I used draw like... twice?23:16
shadeslayer_Google Docs++23:16
shadeslayer_move everything to the cloud :P23:16
yofelnever used that yet ^^23:16
shadeslayer_^^ never used OOo23:16
shadeslayer_oh btw Kubuntu on the cloud would be fun23:17
yofelk, switched to branch KDE/4.723:17
shadeslayer_apachelogger: multiple kubuntu instances running on a Amazon EC2 machine23:19
kubotushadeslayer_ meant: "multiplepachelogger: multiple kubuntu instances running on a Amazon EC2 machine"23:19
shadeslayer_LOL ^^23:19
apacheloggeryou my dear friend do not know how to use sed23:19
apacheloggeralso 23:19
apacheloggerTBL's original WWW proposal was less vague than what you are talking about23:20
yofelI'll use your commit message23:21
apacheloggerwith the typo plz23:22
yofelI don't add any LGPL :P23:22
apacheloggerthat was no typo :P23:22
yofeloh wait, konsole HAS stuff under the LGPL...23:23
yofelheck, even MIT -.-23:23
shadeslayer_huh interesting, i can use : curl --socks5 localhost:23340 google.com 23:24
apacheloggeryofel: MIT is a copy by itself :P23:24
apacheloggershadeslayer_: that is one way to operate the googlez23:25
shadeslayer_alright, i can curl sites23:25
shadeslayer_but firefox doesn't want to open them :P23:25
=== claydoh is now known as Guest4250
yofelgaah, your stupid typos are confusing me -.-23:28
apachelogger"A: My shoutcase is not working; B: Hit your capslock key"23:28
apacheloggerit is one of me favorite quotes from randa23:28
shadeslayer_i haz kde.org23:31
yofelwrite a wiki page on how you did it23:32
yofelor get me your shell log :P23:32
apacheloggerblogz it23:32
yofeloh yeah, preferred method23:32
apacheloggerit is rather boring news23:32
apacheloggerI haz kde.org for years23:32
yofelGLGPL2 makes you dizzy just trying to understand it...23:35
apachelogger[x] bug fixed23:37
yofelsure, it's still abbreviated by LGPL :P23:37
apacheloggernot my fault that people cannot read :P23:37
apachelogger[x] qed23:37
yofelI know, blame whoever did it...23:37
apacheloggerI shall blame shadeslayer_23:38
apachelogger[x] blame distribution successful23:38
yofelah well, people will at least know who got me to add the files...23:38
apacheloggergeneral question of interest: whatever happened to JontheEchidna23:39
JontheEchidnasummer job23:39
yofeliirc he has a job now, and WAS there today for a minute23:39
yofeloh hey23:39
apacheloggeryou are a poor soul JontheEchidna23:39
yofelapachelogger: ok, now I have: http://paste.kde.org/8844123:40
yofelin KDE/4.7 - push?23:40
JontheEchidnaworking on a 1.1.85 release for muon. Waiting on tarballs to propogate to the various KDE mirrors23:40
apacheloggeryofel: yus23:40
apacheloggerand master23:40
apacheloggerdont forget the maters23:40
yofeladds COPYING.DOC and COPYING.LIB23:40
apacheloggeror else23:40
shadeslayer_apachelogger: heh typo23:40
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: talking about the muonz, do we put the manager on the CD?23:40
apacheloggeralso the updater has scary UI23:41
apacheloggershadeslayer_: perhasp it was, perhusp it was not23:41
shadeslayer_heh :)23:42
JontheEchidnaSince MSC doesn't do non-app packages, I think we should get muon on the CD. (It is currently on the CD in a provisional manner)23:42
JontheEchidnaI'm also planning on a separate UI for the updater in 1.3. I have some notes in the todo in the source23:42
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: couldn't you add search based no-app capability to the MSC?23:42
yofelyay, first kde git commit ^^ http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=konsole.git&a=commit&h=f04e45f421c476d614550cc78401b3f34686102a23:43
yofelnow... how do you cherry pick again...23:43
shadeslayer_yofel: git cherry-pick <sha1>23:43
shadeslayer_ok bbiab23:43
yofelso, git checkout master -> git cherry-pick... ?23:43
apacheloggeras a matter of fact the short sha should be sufficient to cp23:44
apachelogger(and you should have the short sha in your terminal somewhere from the commits)23:44
yofelwell, you can use any part of the sha as long as it's not bogus23:44
shadeslayerquassel core tunneled over SOCKS xD23:45
yofelthat wasn't as complicated as I feared...23:46
apacheloggeryofel: are you in #kde-devel?23:47
apacheloggertsdgeos will probably poke you about your funny spelling of LGPL then :P23:47
shadeslayerhaha :P23:47
yofelsure, I'll blame you23:48
yofelthat guy sure is persistent about negative kcalc behaviour...23:49
yofelk, now to fix konsole package...23:50
shadeslayerok now i have no idea how to get a SOCKS proxy in a shell23:51
yofelshadeslayer: ksnapshot_4.6.90+repack.orig.tar.bz2 haz no COPYING files23:55
apacheloggerI wonder if me bug report was too uglies23:57
apacheloggershadeslayer: great job there23:57
apacheloggers/bug report/bug comment/23:57
kubotuapachelogger: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"23:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: where?23:57
apacheloggerwhere what?23:57
yofelre-upload as repack2, this time WITH copyrights23:58
shadeslayer<apachelogger> shadeslayer: great job there23:58
shadeslayer^^ where?23:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: kaput ksnapshot tar23:58
shadeslayeroh derp23:59
apacheloggernow the only way to get a new tar in is repack123:59
shadeslayerapachelogger: sorry23:59
shadeslayeri should have realized that before i uploaded that ...23:59
apacheloggerthere is a reason I suffixed with +repack :P23:59
apacheloggerthough I probably did not mention why in the changelog23:59

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