
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build #74: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 20 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/74/01:47
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #670: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 50 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/670/06:34
lifeless et voila, une microservice - lp:~lifeless/+junk/gpgverify13:20
wgrantlifeless: That was easy.13:39
lifelesswgrant: its a little incomplete21:08
lifelesswgrant: its missing: - a test fake for other services; oops integration21:09
lifelesswgrant: and it could -really- use some internal tests ;)21:09
lifelesswgrant: oh, and a timeout facility ;)21:11
wgrantlifeless: Indeed, but it is more of a microservice than we've ever had before, so it is a good start.21:26
lifelesswsgi oops could stand to be -massively- refactored ;)21:27
wgrantPerhaps rethought.21:28
=== michaelh1|away is now known as michaelh1
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk

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