[04:14] my wireless shows not icon and disconnects under lubuntu, but works fine under gnome and unity [06:31] hi [09:41] Hi, is there any possibility of installing lubuntu over pxe? [09:58] i accidently deleted my lubuntu-rc.xml. where can i find a copy? [10:14] hi [10:14] ive just a question to lubuntus key shortcuts [10:15] how is it possible to create a shortcut to lock the computer? [11:10] ok i have the solution [11:11] xkeybindkeys and gnome-screensaver-command --lock [11:11] the editing in the lubuntu-rc.xml hadn't worked === kp is now known as Guest20664 [17:17] any peeps here? [21:19] how do i disable sound effects in lubuntu?:) [21:20] i disabled them inside "customize look and feel" but that didn't help [21:30] how dare you to make a screencast about panel configuration when lxpanel works like a great pile of crap? [21:31] code better then [21:34] nothing wrong with lxpanel, it's just not ready yet. but the screencast was rude... [21:35] I liked the part when he tried to change width of the left panel to 30 % and failed. hilarious [21:38] also it was fun watching him try to align icons in the middle using spacers because dynamic panel size doesn't work [21:39] but there was a possibility to add two spacers on different sides and stretch them [22:03] Neosano: what/who are you talking about? [22:39] good night [22:44] Hey [22:44] For some reason my laptop is refusing to let me ssh it [22:45] I get permission denied when i try [22:46] >.> [22:47] !help [22:47] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) [22:56] Where can I find the power management options? [22:56] using 11.04 [23:35] How do I kill a running process. I tried doing ps -A | grep amarok and then kill 8202 (the job ID for amarok) but it's still running frozen. [23:41] Nevermind I got it