
AlanBellbug 80201411:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 802014 in onboard "SRU: Upgrade to an appearance more suitable for Unity (new release)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80201411:04
AlanBellthat is cool :)11:04
* AlanBell fires up compiz development machine11:42
AlanBellgoing to try an eyes free oneiric install in a bit13:41
charlie-tcaoneiric is not ready for that, actually13:55
charlie-tcaIf you can't get all the installations to work without orca, good luck 13:56
AlanBellyeah, orca doesn't run at all15:47
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AlanBellthis ppa https://launchpad.net/~frafu/+archive/ppa contains a shiny new version of onboard, would be great if some people could try it out23:43
MrChrisDruifOnboard is that virtual keyboard or sorts, right?23:43

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