
bobweaverhey there02:23
ArTiSTiXhey !02:24
bobweaverso when you do a modprobe what ever the mod look for the depens on p[art02:24
bobweaverI am sorry a modinfo02:24
ArTiSTiXwhich mod exactly ?02:24
bobweaverlet me see a lsusb and a lspci -nn02:25
ArTiSTiXbluetooth depends on rfkill, and btusb on bluetooth02:25
bobweaverpaste bin please that cool one that you know of02:25
bobweaverso are there other mods that are loaded that could be getting in the way?>02:26
bobweaveralso let me see that bluetooth error in dmesg02:26
bobweaverrfkill unblock all02:27
bobweaverERROR: modinfo: could not find module blueetooth02:27
bobweaverthat is not good02:28
bobweavermodprobe blueetooth02:28
ArTiSTiXi did a unblock all02:28
bobweavernever mind typo02:28
ArTiSTiXbut it leads nowhere02:28
bobweavershow me rfkill list all are they all unblocked ?02:29
bobweaverthat is better02:30
bobweavernow the bluetooth02:31
ArTiSTiXthe bluetooth ?02:31
bobweaverI have to find out the model # and I did not see it on lspci or lsusb do you know where it is ?02:31
ArTiSTiXi always had the bluetooth in rfkill02:32
ArTiSTiXhow does it looks like ?02:32
ArTiSTiXthe bluetooth adapter is the first entry of lsusb02:33
bobweaverubutnu 10.10 or above?02:33
ArTiSTiX"Toshiba Corp"02:33
bobweaverthanks I must have missed I am talking to three people right now02:33
ArTiSTiXhumhum... in fact this is not ubuntu... but fuduntu02:33
ArTiSTiXnobody from fedora wanted to help me (cause it's too close to ubuntu)02:34
bobweaverdo you have bluz and installed and the python libs02:34
ArTiSTiXbluez, bluez-utils, etc...02:35
bobweaversudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart02:35
bobweaverrhat happenes02:35
ArTiSTiXi added blueman, which tells "No Adaptor"02:35
ArTiSTiXand bluetooth restart doesn't notice any adapter02:35
bobweaverok go though your lsmod and find all the ones that say bluetooth or have any thing to do with bluetooth DO NOT use grep02:36
bobweaverthen pastebin that to me02:36
ArTiSTiXI already posted it before02:37
ArTiSTiX(with all the entries)02:37
bobweaverI dont have time to go through that my self you have to do it as I said I am talking to 3 people right now please dont take that the wrong way02:38
ArTiSTiXmaybe it's related to my wireless chipset02:40
bobweavercould be02:41
ArTiSTiXit seems that it is used for both wlan and bluetooth02:41
bobweavermight help02:42
ArTiSTiXi have a NB 520, chipset : AR928502:42
ArTiSTiXbut according to ath9k, coexistence with buetooth is supported02:42
bobweavermodinfo rfcomm02:42
bobweavermodinfo bluetooth02:45
bobweaverthere it is to many mods listed02:46
bobweaverneed to black list rfcomm02:47
bobweaveror does rfkill use that02:47
bobweaverno it does not02:47
bobweavertry that also try to black list btusb if you need to you can always pull them out of there or is the bluetooth black listed and that could be whats going on02:48
ArTiSTiX:/ it's been hours i'm trying to turning this sh** up02:49
bobweaveryum ;)02:49
ArTiSTiXi did not understand.. why and how to blacklist btusb ?02:50
bobweaverbecuase the mods could be getting in the way02:50
* bobweaver fat finger s soory 02:50
ArTiSTiXand how i do that ?02:51
bobweaverecho modname >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:52
bobweaverIn ubutnu02:52
bobweaverfat fingers02:52
bobweaveryou could also use gedit02:52
bobweaverif you want to do it gui style02:52
bobweavergediut /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist02:53
ArTiSTiXnono... vim02:53
ArTiSTiXand then ? reboot ?02:53
bobweavervim works to and nano02:53
ArTiSTiXi added only btusb02:53
bobweaverdo you have a wireless usb in02:53
ArTiSTiXno usb is plugged... the internal bluetooth is considered as usb02:54
bobweaverBus 001 Device 004: ID 0bda:5801 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.02:54
ArTiSTiX... maybe because it's the wlan chipset which do bluetooth too...02:55
ArTiSTiXwhat if i also blacklist ath9k to test bluetooth ?02:55
bobweaveryou could try that02:56
bobweaverthen get the compat wireless driver for your kernel02:56
bobweaverthat has the patched ath9k for aireplay in it02:56
bobweaverdont know if you like aircrack or not02:57
ArTiSTiXno need... it's a home server02:58
ArTiSTiXit's connected with eth02:58
bobweaverwhat are you using blur tooth for phiosne?02:58
ArTiSTiXbut i want bluetooth to connect a wiimote, use it as joystick02:59
ArTiSTiXand yes, maybe phones02:59
bobweavergot ya02:59
ArTiSTiXah ... after reboot... no more bluetooth at all02:59
ArTiSTiX(no bluetooth-applet)03:00
bobweaverits old but have you read this03:00
ArTiSTiXyes, but without bluetooth, it said "No adapter found"... so i tried to find out why...03:01
ArTiSTiXand the fact was that my bluetooth adapter has never been up...03:02
ArTiSTiXi find fuduntu is more stable than ubuntu...03:04
ArTiSTiXbut maybe the issue is solved with debian03:04
bobweaverI am at a loss on this one03:06
bobweaverumm anyone else want to jump in ?03:07
bobweaverit has to be firmware or mods or something I just cant put my finger on it03:07
ArTiSTiXi'm gonna give up03:08
ArTiSTiXwhat is strange is that the issue is recurrent with some adapter03:08
ArTiSTiXand nobody found any solution03:08
ArTiSTiXand the issue occurs with fedora, or debian/ubuntu, etc...03:09
ArTiSTiXcan't find if it's due to drivers, mods, firmware or sth else03:09
bobweaverdid you check launchpad and googlubuntu.com?03:11
ArTiSTiXi checked almost all google results about this timout issue...03:12
ArTiSTiXthis is typically the kind of post i found...03:14
philipballewhow secure is vnc?03:26
holsteinyou want vnc over ssh03:27
philipballewalright. I just reinstalled on my desktop so i need to se set up ssh03:29
philipballewgonna be a fun night!03:29
bobweaversounds like it will be03:34
bobweaverhave fun with that03:36
bobweaveranyone here know chilli555 ?03:36
bobweaverfrom ubuntuforums03:37
ArTiSTiXbobweaver: i give up, that's all !03:37
ArTiSTiXi think this is a kernel, or bluez issue03:38
ArTiSTiXand i can't solve it alone03:38
ArTiSTiXi will hope someone will make a fix.03:38
bobweaverArTiSTiX, good luck sorry I could not do more03:39
ArTiSTiXbobweaver: thanks for your help03:40
ArTiSTiXi think we can't do more...03:40
bobweaverArTiSTiX, I am so busy tring to find people that know my mentor I am makeing a thread on ubuntu forums a little surprise for him03:41
bobweaverfor his 10,000 post03:42
dr0pb3arI have a questions: I bought a new 500GB hard drive today and broght it home and reformatted it straight away as ext3 now when I try to put data onto it I get this " Error while copying. The folder "XXXX" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.06:09
dr0pb3arI have a questions: I bought a new 500GB hard drive today and broght it home and reformatted it straight away as ext3 now when I try to put data onto it I get this " Error while copying. The folder "XXXX" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions to create it in the destination.06:09
dr0pb3arany idea what to do here06:09
dr0pb3arI have tried reformatting it a few times06:09
semitoneshow did you mount it?06:12
Udonnomehey guys is there an search option with apt-get?10:51
tsimpsonUdonnome: no, but there is with apt-cache :)10:52
Udonnomeou,ok thank you10:52
Udonnomehow to get codecs with apt-get,i mean whan name should i use11:39
Udonnomecouse i cant play any video media :(11:40
squaregoldfish!codecs Udonnome11:42
ubot2Factoid 'codecs Udonnome' not found11:42
squaregoldfishUdonnome !codecs11:42
ubot2For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:42
squaregoldfishGot there in the end!11:42
Udonnomeyes i saw it,thank you11:44
Udonnomebashee is 130 mb and it dont have a single codec,who write thise apps11:44
squaregoldfishWhat format are you after?11:44
Udonnomeall of them,i am looking for something like codec pack11:45
squaregoldfishThe w32codecs package is probably a good place to start.11:45
squaregoldfishYou may need to get it from the medibuntu repository.11:46
Udonnomeis there any video player that has buily in codecs?11:47
squaregoldfishVLC plays pretty much everything.11:47
Udonnomedoes it have sub?11:48
squaregoldfishDon't know.11:48
geirhaUdonnome: It does.11:48
Udonnomeok,will check it11:48
Udonnomeoen more thing how do i uninstall something from the terminal11:49
geirhavlc and mplayer installs with codecs included, and they play virtually any movie file you can throw at them.11:49
squaregoldfishMost developers don't include codecs as they're shared across the system. Also there's distribution issues in many cases, particularly with the closed-source ones.11:49
squaregoldfishsudo apt-get remove <package>, or sudo apt-get purge <package>. The latter will also remove all config files.11:49
Udonnomethank you,again11:50
geirhaTo get codecs for the standard player, you can install the special package ubuntu-restricted-extras. It'll install extra codecs, and also som other non-free stuff like MS truetype fonts and adobe flah.11:52
geirha*adobe flash11:52
Udonnomei tryied with those codecs but banshee somehow dont use them,and dont wanna play anymedia :(11:53
squaregoldfishgeirha: Didn't know there was a meta-package for that stuff. Very handy!11:53
Udonnomeis there gomplayer for linux :)?11:54
geirhaNever heard of it11:55
Udonnomeit for win,but i use it from log time,and i was wondering :)11:55
Udonnomeuh,wired vlc dont wanna run,and mlpayer is missing from the menu11:59
geirhamplayer is command-line. You need gnome-mplayer if you want a graphical one that'll also be available from the menu.11:59
geirhaWhat do you mean by wired vlc?12:00
Udonnomei ment "wired,vlc dont wanna run" :)12:01
geirhaOh, "weird"? :)12:01
Udonnomeye,sorry for my english :(12:02
Udonnomenow everything is fine with gnome-mplayer12:02
Udonnomeand it has subs \o/12:03
Udonnomealso can someone recomed me good mp3 player,amarok look like win media player,and i dont like it12:03
ubot2Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs12:06
Udonnomethank you12:07
Udonnomedone,thank you alot guys12:08
ubot2Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P12:09
geirhaHm. That factoid needs updating. Azureus is called Vuze now.12:12
geirhaIf you run Ubuntu Desktop, Transmission will already be installed.12:13
Udonnomei have a little bit different ubuntu :)12:13
ubot2To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:49
Udonnomepf :(12:50
coalwateri like using adobe square for flash, the flash in the repo was causing me some problems before, i dont know how good it is now, don't use it any more13:17
Udonnomeok,will check it out,thank you :)13:21
coalwateru need to place the file manually in the mozilla plugins folder13:22
coalwatermine is located at /usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins13:24
AdidasI have PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.1, and apache installed via apt get, but I keep getting ' Call to undefined function mysql_connect()'. Furthermore, when I check phpinfo() the mysql extensions do not show up? How do I get php to recognize the MySQL functions?14:42
coalwateru need to install php mysql extention i think15:10
coalwaterAdidas, try doing apt-get install php5-mysql15:11
AdidasThat got me past that error thanks15:14
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
stolynhello people15:46
coalwaterhi stolyn15:48
erbunafternoon everyone!  anyone have any experience with dhcp3?  I have tried to install it and while it created a dhcp3 direcvtory, it did not put any config files or such in it.  Only a fhclient-enter-hooks.d folder.  any thoughts?20:21
holsteinerbun: maybe start with what you are tying to accomplish... are you making a router appliance?20:22
geirhaLook for documentation in /usr/share/doc/package-name20:23
erbunholstein, trying to experiment with airbase-ng.  but just trying to follow the tut on ubuntus website also jus tto get it configured20:24
holsteinerbun: feel free and link to the tutorial if you'd like some help with it20:26
holsteinright, but thats for dhcp320:27
holsteinwhat about the bigger picture... why do you need dhcp?20:27
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server looks pretty clear20:27
holsteinwhats the issue?20:27
erbunbasically setting up a wireless AP on a wireless interface, so that when clients try to connect they get assigned an IP.20:28
erbunI have no config file located in the position stated by the tut.  I tried just creating one and was still unable to get the app to start20:29
holsteinwhat app ??20:30
erbunairbase starts fine.  but when I try to start the dhcp server on the opened interface, ato, thats where Im having problems.20:31
holsteinerbun: what are the error messages?20:32
erbunIm following along to "Hacking Wireless Exposed" which tells me to start the server with the command "dhcpd3 -cf some other stuff here" but I am getting the error "no command dhcpd3 found20:34
holsteinmaybe its a typo20:34
holsteintype in the terminal dhcp and hit tab20:35
holsteinid need to read what the -cf flags do20:35
stlsaintor read the manpage on it20:36
erbunI may be an idiot.  I took the typo thing and removed the 3 from the command it appears to start working.  the -cf flags tell it which config file to load with.  I'm gonna play with it.  THanks for the help man!20:37
erbuncan't believe i didnt think of that myself haha20:37
holsteinDhcpd can be made to use an alternate configuration file with the -cf flag20:37
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erbunholstein, just for info in case someone else stops in with the problem - dchpd3 was removed from Natty archive, and is replaced by a package isc-dhcp.  So it wasn't a typo, just outdateed dhcp server info.  thanks again21:12
holsteinAH... good to know21:12
holsteinim using lucid to, so what im finding locally was no help21:13

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