
onehundredthirty(completely) new package from Debian Sid (namely: uwsgi) after a week of presence in archive still not imported into Oneiric. should I just wait a bit longer or filing of explicit sync request is needed?02:14
ScottKonehundredthirty: Just wait.02:48
onehundredthirtyScottK: OK, I'm all the patience then. thanks for clarification.03:18
ruhili am getting the error "dh: unable to load addon translations:cannot locate Debian/Debhelper/Sequence/translations.pm in @INC (@INC contains <some folder names here>)" while building the package with the command "bzr bd -- -S -us -uc"08:49
ruhili am running natty please help me in resolving this error it's my first build08:49
Ampelbeinruhil: hmm, that is part of the dh-translations package.08:52
Ampelbeinruhil: where do you get that error?08:52
ruhil"dpkd-buildpackage: error: fakeroot: debain/rules clean gave error exit status 2" is it what you were asking?08:54
Ampelbeinruhil: no, what package are you trying to build?08:55
ruhilthe package is unity08:56
Ampelbeinruhil: ok. it should work if you install 'dh-translations'. I can't help further though.08:58
ruhilAmpelbein: thanx it worked ( i had to install another package quilt)09:05
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shadeslayer_hi, i was wondering if someone could tell me what the debian/installgen file does20:21
Ampelbeinshadeslayer: I think they were used to automatically update the *.install files20:23
Ampelbeinshadeslayer: I don't know if there is still a helper that actually uses them though.20:24
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shadeslayer_Ampelbein: thanks :)20:59
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