
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
bazhang* [Santorum] (troll@wikipedia.has.been.pwned.biz): Piss off!02:32
oCean!bootoptions is On some hardware configurations you need to set some kernel parameters for ubuntu to boot or work properly. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use nomodeset, acpi_osi and noapic/nolapic12:27
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, oCean said: !bootoptions is On some hardware configurations you need to set some kernel parameters for ubuntu to boot or work properly. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use nomodeset, acpi_osi and noapic/nolapic12:27
oCean!nomodeset is <alias> bootoptions12:29
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, oCean said: !nomodeset is <alias> bootoptions12:29
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions12:29
oCeanLjL: there's no nomodeset which was the trigger to add one12:31
LjLRightLegRed: hi12:39
RightLegRedLjL, hey, I was sent here by #ubuntu-read-topic12:39
LjLRightLegRed: i see that, however what i don't see is a banforward for you in #ubuntu. are you sure you can't join that?12:40
RightLegRedI was actually looking to get tested due to being disconnected from other channels - I googled it and I found the ubuntu site12:40
LjLRightLegRed: ah, i see. i will enable the testing for you12:40
LjLRightLegRed: try again now12:41
RightLegRedThanks very much12:42
LjLRightLegRed: you seem to be fine12:42
RightLegRedThanks for your help, I assume you'd rather me leave - as I see the topic states you remove idles12:42
LjLRightLegRed: yeah you should leave this channel, feel free to pop back for anything though12:43
RightLegRedThanks very much12:43
gryJustasic excess flooding at #ubuntu12:43
tsimpsonoCean: you should be able to actually edit factoids if you @login12:44
oCeantsimpson: ah, ok. lemme try12:45
oCeantsimpson: do I have to @login every time I reconnect freenode?12:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:45
oCean!bootoptions is On some hardware configurations you need to set some kernel parameters for ubuntu to boot or work properly. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use nomodeset, acpi_osi and noapic/nolapic12:45
ubottuBut bootoptions already means something else!12:45
tsimpsonunless you tell ubottu about your cloak12:46
tsimpson@help User hostmask add12:46
ubottu(user hostmask add [<name>] [<hostmask>] [<password>]) -- Adds the hostmask <hostmask> to the user specified by <name>. The <password> may only be required if the user is not recognized by hostmask. <password> is also not required if an owner user is giving the command on behalf of some other user. If <hostmask> is not given, it defaults to your current hostmask. If <name> is not given, it defaults to (1 more message)12:46
ubottuyour currently identified name. This message must be sent to the bot privately (not on a channel) since it may contain a password.12:46
tsimpsonalso, it's probably better to keep the original wiki link in the factoid and just add the modeset options to the wiki page12:48
tsimpsons/wiki/help wiki/12:48
oCeantsimpson: the thing is that the wikipage in much more detail explains about the usage of nomodeset12:50
oCeanwhat if I set !nomodeset to A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen (and link the wikipage)12:51
tsimpsonpoint to the forums link from the wiki page12:51
oCeanoh ok.12:51
tsimpsonor that ^12:51
tsimpsonbut you'd probably want to edit !bootoptions to have "see also !nomodeset" if you do12:52
oCeanyep, allrighty12:52
oCeanhehe, I once edited a wikipage and was told not to do so without contacting the owners/editors. But only after a month or so after my edit :(12:53
tsimpsonwell the ubuntu wiki/help is supposed to be edited by everyone, as long as it's not spam/malicious...12:54
oCean!nomodeset is A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:54
ubottuI'll remember that, oCean12:54
oCeantsimpson: would this edit be ok? bootoption is <sed> /$/ See also !nomodeset./12:57
oCean!bootoption is <sed> /$/ See also !nomodeset./13:00
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm13:00
oCean!bootoptions is <sed> /$/ See also !nomodeset./13:00
ubottuI'll remember that oCean13:00
ubottuFor a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.13:01
oCeantrancegeek has a +q, but is now in with different ip13:21
LjLoh he does?13:21
oCeanoh, and his link pasted as soon as he entered deserves a ban imo13:22
LjLoCean: what is the +q?  pool-74-110-29-195.bflony.east.verizon.net?13:23
LjLwhy does searching for "trancegeek" in the bt not return anything even though the mute is recorded13:24
oCeanyes, that is strange, I muted him, but ubottu did not ask for a comment13:24
oCeanis it because I had not done @login?13:25
tsimpsonno, you don't have to login to ban/quiet13:25
oCeanno, the quiet succeeded allright13:25
tsimpsonI do see a comment from you though13:26
LjLthere is a "trolling" comment recording13:26
tsimpsonBT is foobar, especially with quiets13:26
oCeanwas through the web interface, that comment13:26
oCeanhi zub14:23
oCeanhow can we help you?14:23
zubIt seems I have a ban on #ubuntu - and I have no idea why.14:24
oCeanok, let me see if I can find anything about that14:24
zubI looked into my logs... and to the extent of my knowledge last time I was in #ubuntu was 10th May:14:25
zub23:56 -!- zub [U2FsdGVkX1@linux.fjfi.cvut.cz] has left #ubuntu []14:25
Tm_ToCean: 4013414:26
oCeanTm_T: yes, I'm there14:26
oCeanzub: there is clearly a ban, but I'm not sure why14:30
oCeanzub: since a fellow OP placed the ban (may 15th) I suggest you come back later and see if that op is in14:30
zubI'm not aware of any particularly stupid behaviour on my side14:30
zubmay 15, hm14:31
oCeanI pinged the OP responsible, so I hope we can get this sorted out14:31
zuboCean: what is the mask? is it specifically me?14:31
zub(I don't know freenode in particular, but I assume it could be a mask for hostname or only for ident or whatever)14:32
oCeanit's on U2FsdGVkX1@14:32
zubso, what should I do - try coming here later?14:33
oCeanthat's the best option, yes14:33
oCeanI'm sorry it cannot be resolved at this moment14:33
zubalternatively you/(s)he/whoever might jsut /msg me, even if I'm not at the comp, I'd read it eventually14:33
oCeanbye now14:33
Tm_Tcomments in bantracker would help, I notice again14:35
LjLthere were a lot of seemingly malicious users connecting with U2FsdGVkX1 ident14:37
oCeanseemingly malicious?14:38
oCeanall I have is several users using that ident but different hostmasks joining. I don't see any malicious behaviour14:40
LjLthat's why i said seemingly, the hostnames are pretty worrying14:41
oCean@mark #ubuntu seachcoz (aka LarsTorben, bjoern, das, gr, marktler and many others @57906E1F.dip.t-dialin.net, now: 7976c8e@gateway/web/freenode) still asking about his unity issue, never in a cooperative way. Exact time-wasting manner as before17:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:29
guntbertjust a heads up: juest has just got  a cloak :)21:20
guntbertace? whats that?21:21
ikoniasorry, uk talk21:21
guntbertok, bye then :)21:22
ikoniahello frankcox75721:42
frankcox757I was called a liar and rudely booted from # ubuntu without cause21:42
frankcox757hi ikonia21:42
ikoniaoh ?21:43
ikoniawhen was this21:43
ikonia(I'll get the logs now)21:43
frankcox757I asked for help with mint and when told that was not kosher I asked for help with ubuntu 11.0421:43
frankcox757couple hours ago21:44
ikoniaone moment21:44
ikoniafrankcox757: I see why the confusion has occured21:46
ikoniafrankcox757: even when you where asking for help with ubuntu, you kept referencing your mint installation/issues21:46
ikoniafrankcox757: is your connection ok ?21:46
frankcox757_I only did so to explain -not to ask again for help with mint21:47
ikoniafrankcox757: you where offered help with ubuntu, and then you explained that you had done that on your mint install21:47
ikoniathat's referncing the problem on your mint install, not your ubuntu install21:47
frankcox757_I am having trouble with the ethernet cord-it is worn out it seems21:48
frankcox757_I wa never offered help with ubuntu-I was told to go to miny-help21:48
=== frankcox757_ is now known as frankcox757
ikoniafrankcox757_: you where, I'll show you21:49
ikoniayou where given some commands to try and you said21:49
ikonia<frankcox757> I have done that a dozen times -after I do it says to use apt-get remove on some files and iced tea is still there.Mint has sun java preconfigured, could it be my machine won't run ubuntu correctly?21:49
ikoniaso again - you referenced your mint install/issues when someone was helping you, and after oCean had asked you to stop with mint support21:49
ikoniayou said you wanted ubuntu support, then referenced the mint issue again21:50
ikoniahence why people believed you where still using mint/asking for mint support21:50
ikoniacan you see how it appears you are ignoring the request to stop asking mint help ?21:51
ikoniafrankcox757_: did you get my last messages with the quotes ?21:51
frankcox757_please resend-in fact let me switch machines so I can stay connected21:52
frankcox757sorry for the inconvenience22:03
ikonianot at all22:03
ikoniafrankcox757: you all stable/set now ?22:03
frankcox757would you like to read my fdisk -l ?22:05
ikoniaerrrr no ?22:05
ikoniawhy would I want to see that22:05
frankcox757I take great offense at having my integrity attacked, paticularly for no reason and with no way to defend myself22:05
ikoniafrankcox757: one moment and I'll get the logs again and show you why the confusion happens22:06
frankcox757oCean called me a liar-he decided I did not have so many os's22:06
ikoniafrankcox757: one moment please and I'll show you why the confusion happens22:06
mneptokthis is the Internet. you're going to need some thicker skin. ;)22:06
ikoniafrankcox757: ok - just got the logs22:07
frankcox757I have thick skin -but I refuse to accept this new age lack of integrity , maybe I can not change it but I will never accept it22:07
ikoniafrankcox757: so to skip a little, you understand that you asked for mint help, where told it's not supported and asked not to ask again, yes/no ?22:07
frankcox757Ceanrankcox757: stop the mint discussions22:07
frankcox757YOU (frankcox757) have been booted from #ubuntu by oCean (don't lie)22:07
IdleOnefrankcox757: Please calm down a little. there was confusion going on and ikonia is trying to explain that22:08
ikoniafrankcox757: did you understand what I've just said ?22:10
frankcox757I did not think using it in the context of explaining why i was now kosher and asking for help with natty constituted a grevious offense, what was that about thick skin you said/?22:10
frankcox757I type very slow. my hands a mess.22:10
ikoniathat's ok - don't worry about slow typing22:11
frankcox757I didd not ask for help with mint again22:11
ikoniafrankcox757: do you understand what I've said, you asked for mint help, and where told it wasn't supported and to not ask again, yes/no ?22:11
frankcox757I mentioned that there is no mint-help right now anyway22:11
frankcox757I did not ask again.22:12
ikoniafrankcox757: you where asked not to ask for mint help again - you understand that yes ?22:12
frankcox757show me where i asked for mint help again/22:12
ikoniafrankcox757: can you read the questions I'm typing and actually answer them22:12
mneptokfrankcox757: "yes" or "no" are the answers ikonia is looking for.22:12
ikoniafrankcox757: you understand that you where told to not ask for mint help again, yes or no ?22:13
frankcox757yes-do you understand I did not do so/22:13
frankcox757rankcox757I have done that a dozen times -after I do it says to use apt-get remove on some files and iced tea is still there.Mint has sun java preconfigured, could it be my machine won't run ubuntu correctly?22:13
ikoniafrankcox757: ok - so you where told not to ask for help on mint again.22:13
ikoniasomeone then gave you some commands to run for your "ubuntu" problem22:14
frankcox757I only mentioned why , i did noit ask for help again22:14
ikoniayou then replied with the following22:14
ikonia<frankcox757> I have done that a dozen times -after I do it says to use apt-get remove on some files and iced tea is still there.Mint has sun java preconfigured, could it be my machine won't run ubuntu correctly?22:14
frankcox757now you are questioning my integrity22:14
ikoniafrankcox757: you referenced your mint issues/PC again, after being told not to ask for mint help again22:14
LjLoh lord22:14
LjLput your integrity to the side please22:14
frankcox757'ubuntu" , ?22:14
LjLhe's *pasting logs*22:14
frankcox757no, that is all a man is or has-you take nothing to the grade but your word and mine is gold22:15
ikoniafrankcox757: those are the hcannel logs22:15
ikoniafrankcox757: I'm trying to show you where the confusion happened and why22:15
mneptokfrankcox757: protip: when told not to ask for support with Mint, it's a really good idea to never type the letters "m-i-n-t" inot the channel ever again.22:15
ikoniafrankcox757: after you where told not to ask for mint help again, someone gave you commands to help you with ubuntu, you then referenced your mint problem again22:16
frankcox757I agree there was confusion, but unless you can see into my heart you have to accept my intent22:16
ikoniafrankcox757: do you see why it is confusing to the operator ?22:16
ikoniaI don't have to accept anything22:16
frankcox757I was not the one confused22:16
ikoniafrankcox757: clearly you had confusion about "stop asking for mint help"22:16
ikoniathat's not really helpful to him22:17
ikoniafrankcox757: from the operator who banned you, he asked you to stop asking about mint, and you responded to questions referencing your mint install22:17
ikoniafrankcox757: can you see/understand why you where kicked from the channel now ?22:19
mneptok(this is another "yes/no")22:19
ikoniafrankcox757: you there ?22:25
frankcox757I was kicked for no reason . people who call people liars without cause lack any personal integrity whatsoever so there is no defense for me. You have the button and if you want to ban me go ahead but I do not compromise my integrity , ever , even at the choice of death. That seems old fashioned to you but I pity anyone who would ever compromise, that is prostitution and I am no whore.22:29
frankcox757You will not get me to lie and say that i was treated fairly by threatening me with banishment. I am not a person you can ever understand.22:29
frankcox757do what you will, we can just forget it happened or you can ban me.22:29
frankcox757But to compromise my honor for a silly thing like getting help with a free operating system? I see no hope for America. We are in decline because the onl;y way our sytem will work is if people are honest enough to govern themselves and it seems that honor no longer exists with the masses.22:29
ikoniaok - well done for not listening to a word that was typed22:30
ikoniaI'm done now22:30
ikoniacome back when you actually want to listen to what's being typed to you22:30
ikoniawe can discuss it then22:30
LjLlol @ this having to do with "America"22:30
ikoniait's just nonsense22:30
ikoniafrankcox757: come back when you can discuss something with reason without your stupid rants and pointless comments22:31
ikoniawe'll be happy to look at resolving it then22:31
frankcox757discuss/what ?you choose what to listen to ? That is nonsense friend.22:31
ikoniafrankcox757: good bye22:31
frankcox757i only see 2 choices -ban me or forget it22:31
ikoniaok - you're banned22:32
frankcox757hope you feel superior22:32
ikonianot at all22:32
LjLfrankcox757: you should leave this channel now, please. come back later if you want to appeal the ban again.22:34
IdleOne!appeals > frankcox75722:34
ubottufrankcox757, please see my private message22:34
frankcox757then why try and force me to abondon my honor-to prove it does not exist to justify yourself/22:34
frankcox757You insult me by even imaging I would do so . we may as well be22:34
IdleOnesent you a link from the bot just in case you need it22:34
mneptokat least it wasn't spelled "AmeriKKKa"  :/22:35
ikonia p57976C8E.dip.t-dialin.net/
ubottum4v called the ops in #ubuntu (salva is insulting in spanish)23:03
jpdsLjL: barely*23:07
jpdsNow he crossed the line.23:08
jpdsThough the second part was true.23:08

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