
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
nibalizeri just want to say that i think the ubuntu server documentation is pretty sweet01:39
nibalizerits not exhaustive or tells you exactly how to set up/tune services01:40
nibalizerbut its really nice to have a page or two per service on how to get running in ubuntu01:40
nibalizerso thanks!01:40
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pmatulisnibalizer: you can climb aboard and contribute to the docs as well!01:50
nibalizertheres an idea!02:04
malevhi folks!03:19
malevI'm having big issues with my server, I have a wordpress blog and when I try to access it, it offers me to download a .php file. any ideas where to start searching?03:19
patdk-lapat your webserver and php03:22
ChmEarlmalev, /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf:          DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi index.pl index.php index.xhtml index.htm03:24
malevChm I have this03:25
patdk-lapdirectory index wouldn't matter at all03:25
malevChmEarl, I have that03:25
ChmEarlmalev, sorry that is for dir03:25
patdk-lapit's just that his webserver doesn't know about php03:26
patdk-lapand there are hundreds of different ways to configuer php with a webserver03:26
ChmEarlmalev, dpkg-reconfigure libapache2-mod-php503:28
ChmEarlguessing that might help03:28
malev/usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: libapache2-mod-php5 is broken or not fully installed03:30
malevI'm going to grab a bite, brb03:30
ChmEarlmalev, echo "<?php phpinfo(); phpinfo(INFO_MODULES); ?>" > /var/www/html/test.php03:41
ChmEarlwhatever top level dir you setup03:42
ChmEarlif you go as far as installing wordpress before you test php, its too late to isolate the problem03:42
ChmEarlin your browser: http://localhost/test.php03:43
malevChmEarl, nice idea! I'm gonna test it right now!03:58
qman__malev, sudo apt-get -f install04:08
qman__your mod php is broken according to that04:09
malevqman__, I'm pretty sure about it. I'm gonna try to make it work04:26
Fastmoverso i got this cloud04:52
Fastmoverwell not really yet, but my nc isn't giving me any resources in - euca-describe-availability-zones verbose04:53
Fastmoveri've unregistered cc and nc many times now04:57
Fastmoverand reregistered04:57
Fastmoverany ideas?04:57
GlaxiHi, Pathin06:07
SyriaHello there, Could you please tell me how to protect a folder located in /var/www/folder-to-be-protected in my site with a user name and password? using .htaccess probably?07:35
SyriaCould you guys please help me with this? http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-setup-apache-password-protect-directory-with-htaccess-file/07:49
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Alfafawhois Daviey09:40
AlfafaDaviey: Hey :)09:41
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airtonixyou shouldn't ask questions when you're angry14:02
RoyKairtonix: ?14:29
airtonixjust sayn14:31
RoyKto anyone in particular?15:19
sp00fzanyone built hp proliant g4 server with sata disks?16:01
RoyKsp00fz: I have a few proliant servers running ubuntu, if that's the question16:06
RoyKanything from G2 and up16:06
sp00fzi was wondering if there is any chance to install sata disk instead of sas?16:08
sp00fzlets say g3 or g4, which raid card do you need?16:09
RoyKdepends on the HBA, but I'm using SATA drives on several SAS controllers16:09
RoyKjust try16:09
RoyKnormally, SATA drives work on SAS controllers, but SAS drives won't work on SATA controllers16:10
sp00fzactually i am buying server, but don't wanna spent my whole fortune for sas drives this is why i am asking16:12
RoyKas I said, SATA drives should work on a SAS controller, but not the other way around16:14
RoyKif in doubt, ask the seller16:14
sp00fzbut they dont work on scsi, do they?16:14
RoyKSCSI is a completely different interface16:15
RoyKas in parallel scsi16:16
sp00fzaha, ok thank you very much for your help RoyK, much appreciated16:17
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ChmEarlif I drop an IP via iptables rule, does it get logged.. which log?19:16
RoyKChmEarl: if you use -j LOG, it does19:22
RoyKman iptables19:22
Ursinhahello people :)20:02
Ursinhaanyone in Dublin already?20:02
ioUrsinha: is there something you need help with?20:33
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DavieyUrsinha: on the coach atm.20:48
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Ursinhaio: not really, just looking for my team mates21:19
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ioUrsinha: oh sorry! :-)21:34
Ursinhaio: ah, no problem :)21:35
UrsinhaI need to rest as jetlag melted my brain L/21:38
Ursinhasee you tomorrow :)21:38
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uvirtbotNew bug: #802270 in exim4 (main) "package exim4-config 4.69-11ubuntu4.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80227021:56
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