
penguin42Mat84: OK, so if it's not the X server that crashed it must be something else, can you pastebin the output of dmesg ?00:01
Mat84wow that's long00:01
penguin42Mat84: There's a command you can install called pastebinit00:02
Mat84_hm, not sure how I'd get it from my laptop to this one00:04
penguin42Mat84: Other than not starting graphics is the other laptop connected to the net?00:04
Mat84_I don't know00:05
Mat84_haven't used the internet from the console before00:05
Mat84_sorry :(00:05
penguin42Mat84_: No problem; issue the command sudo apt-get install pastebinit00:05
Mat84_"WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!"00:06
penguin42It shouldn't do that00:07
Mat84_python-configjobj pastebinit00:07
Mat84_yeh, does that mean it's not online?00:07
penguin42does it carry on and ask if you want to install it?00:08
Mat84_"install these packages without verification"00:08
Mat84sorry, got disconnected, back now00:10
penguin42Mat84: OK, so I think you can now do sudo dmesg | pastebinit00:12
Mat84_yeh, the laptop isn't online, it failed to resolved gb.archive.ubuntu.com00:15
penguin42Mat84_: Bah ok, erm what's the last few lines of the dmesg say00:15
Mat84_it's all stuff about the wireless card00:15
Mat84_cycling through the channels00:16
penguin42Mat84_: hmm that's boring; hmm - well look, what you can try and do is move all the config files out of your user directory and see if that lets you loging00:17
* penguin42 eats that last g00:17
Mat84_ok I'll give that a try00:17
penguin42Mat84_: So, logged in on the console try something like     mkdir   baddotfiles;   mv .g* .c* .X* .x* .m* baddotfiles00:18
penguin42Mat84_: Then logout of the console and see if you can login on X - I may have missed some00:18
Mat84_ok, and that will leave all my work stuff alone yeh?00:18
Mat84_is says "mv: cannon stat .m* : No such file or directory"00:23
Mat84_what folder do I want to be in when I run the command?00:23
penguin42your home directory; just leave the .m* off00:26
Mat84_is says it for all of them00:26
penguin42Mat84_: It'll only move the files into the 'old' directory, it should leave work files etc - but even if it doesn't it'll dump them in old00:26
penguin42odd - you really should have some dot files00:27
Mat84_this is from user@computer:~$00:28
Azelphurhaha, my brother was messing around with the 3 site trying to get it to send him the 3 skype android app, messing around changing the URL and stuff to trick it00:29
Azelphurand three just sent him a text message, "No."00:29
Mat84_there are some .files, but nothing starting with those letters...00:35
Mat84_could it be that be the problem?00:36
Mat84_ok, ignore my blatent disregard for English00:36
Mat84_*could that be the problem00:37
GaryLittlemoreI'm running Ubuntu 11.04 x64 I've install program and then removed it but when I go into 'Application' the icon is still in there. But when I click it nothing happens. How do I remove the icon?00:39
Mat84_penguin - should I maybe try creating a new user and see if they can log in?00:41
penguin42Mat84_: Yes that's definitely a good idea00:44
Mat84_*crosses fingers*00:45
Mat84_ok, they've logged in fine...00:46
penguin42Mat84_: Cool; so one or more of the . files in your old users directory is probably broke00:48
Mat84_so for this user there is a .config folder00:48
Mat84_but there was not for me00:48
Mat84_would it be a stupid idea just to copy that directory?00:52
Mat84_I just created the empty directory .config00:59
Mat84_and it now works!!00:59
Mat84_can log in00:59
Mat84_thanks so much for your help penguin00:59
penguin42Mat84_: I wonder where the heck your .config directory went?!01:02
Mat84_no idea01:02
Mat84_but it's a pretty big thing to have gone wrong!!01:02
Mat84_and why, if ubuntu didn't find one, it didn't create a default one?01:02
Mat84_all my application configurations have gone, but that's not a problem01:03
Mat84_maybe a few saved passwords in firefox I won't remember, but that's hardly the end of the world!01:03
Mat84_all my data is there which is the important thing01:03
Mat84_(and to be fair it was mostly backed up anyway)01:04
penguin42Mat84_: Actually youre mozilla stuff probably is still there01:04
Mat84_nope :(01:05
Mat84_even though that was in a different dictory01:05
penguin42Mat84_: Are you using encrypted home directory?01:06
penguin42ok, keep an eye out to see if anything else has disappeared - sounds like ecryptfs had a bad day01:06
Mat84_hm, so you think some of my files might be corrupted/missing?01:07
penguin42well, if .config disappeared who knows what else did01:08
Mat84_man I hope not01:08
Mat84_everything looks fine...01:09
Mat84_files I've checked all open ok, and anything important is backed up01:10
Mat84_I was thinking of installing gnome3, but I might leave it, had enough issues with ubuntu for this week!01:11
jacobwgnome3 has bigger controls than gnome201:11
penguin42yeh, you should only install it if you know how to dig yourself out of the whole it might create01:11
jacobwother than that.. the differences are minimal.01:12
Mat84_and as you can tell penguin, I can't ;)01:12
Mat84_jacob, I am not a strong enough linux/ubuntu user to fix any problems that switching to gnome3 might result it01:14
Mat84_*result in01:14
jacobwi wouldn't bother with gnome3, unity is better01:15
Mat84_I'm not a big fan of unity01:16
jacobwit has its cons01:16
* jacobw thinks 12.04 will be great :D01:17
Mat84_I'm just happy to not be using windows7, ubuntu broke last Sunday, and tonight was the first chance I've had to fix it01:17
jacobwwhat's up with it?01:18
Mat84_nothing now :D01:18
Mat84_thanks to penguin01:18
Mat84_but as it turned out, after a normal shutdown, couldn't log in, and the .config folder had gone!01:19
jacobwi've also had trouble with ecryptfs01:19
Mat84_nothing I have is super confidential, maybe I should turn it off?01:19
jacobwi'm sure its possible01:20
jacobwnot sure01:20
* jacobw is silly with negations01:20
Mat84_ah ok01:20
Mat84_hm, one thing that doesn't work, is evolution01:25
jacobwmitnick is awesome01:25
jacobwthe guy who inspired me to learn about computers :|01:25
jacobwin a time lapse however.01:26
^aDaMMorning all :)01:33
danfishahoy hoy saveloys!09:31
danfishgonna be a scorcher in the UK :)09:31
MartijnVdSdanfish: what, with 15C and clouds?09:33
danfishMartijnVdS: heh - nah, already 24C in my garden :)09:37
MartijnVdSdanfish: Sounds good :)09:38
MartijnVdS"Deep South"? ;)09:38
danfishjust call me Bubba ;)09:39
danfish(apologies to any Americans from Louisiana for that gross generalisation)09:40
danfishlocal resident's association BBQ today - I'm wearing my Natty T-Shirt and have a few CD's in case asked :)09:44
kvarleyIs there a gnome app which will let me shrink a dvd9 to dvd5?09:52
MartijnVdSkvarley: there's dvd9509:52
MartijnVdSkvarley: which should help :)09:53
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Thanks :)09:53
MartijnVdSnever tried it though09:54
kvarleyconversion error with dvd95 lol10:01
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:21
brobostigonmorning daubers and MartijnVdS10:32
alexcockellHI all, I'm a little worried on the Firefox front with what I'v eread..11:14
alexcockellAt least I trust Ubuntu devs will shim it to not lose too much in usability...11:17
alexcockellI'm an LTS-LTS user - I am not looking forward to having to relearn or yank more and more per-user addons to regain functionality..11:18
alexcockellMajor releases every 6 weeks?!11:19
AlanBellalexcockell: it is a browser. URL bar at the top, content below, click on the links to go other places. What could possibly go wrong?11:19
alexcockellStatus bars?  Adblocker, Noscript version handling...11:20
alexcockellCitrix plugins...11:20
alexcockellEven the handling of site login info, cookies, histry, cache...11:21
alexcockellHow the hell am i supposed to verify that plugin x isn't going to bork my browser?11:21
AlanBellhmm, dunno, how do you do that now?11:22
AlanBellthe only plugin I use is firebug11:22
alexcockellI use Adblocker (ok, from the repos)11:22
alexcockellBut I also have a lappie running XP that I use to remotely work..11:23
alexcockellAnd that's still on 3.6.18... as are the Lucid client..11:23
AlanBellI am missing the part where it is going to lose functionality or break cookies etc.11:24
alexcockellBut it seems crazy that Mozilla haven't thought of the enterprise.11:24
alexcockellYeah - but a tab-bar which scrolls?  Rather than being able to tell at a glance all the tabs you have open?11:24
* daubers sorts out his workspaces11:24
alexcockellApparently there are *all kinds* of usability own-goals..11:25
AlanBellyeah, it has a tab bar that scrolls when the tabs get unreadably small11:25
AlanBellthere is a little dropdown to the right of it which gives you a menu list of all the tab names11:26
alexcockellThe problem is - there is no easy way for a nontechie to revert that behaviour in Edit/Prefs (or Tools/options inm Win version)11:27
AlanBellwhy would a non-techie care/notice?11:27
alexcockellYou'd be surprised.11:27
alexcockellI now do capacity planning - but I used to do support..11:27
popeypeople should be beaten until the stop getting annoyed by the littlest changes11:28
popeyor something11:28
alexcockellAs in "user blindly accepts update - functionality is apparently broken without warning"11:28
AlanBelluser blindly accepts update, sees facebook still works, shrugs, continues pretending to work11:29
alexcockellHmm - however most of the user community have learned through "monkey see monkey do" processes.11:29
alexcockellBut reverting this behaviour apparently requires a developer-level change.11:29
alexcockellRather than a check-box on the Appearance tab.11:29
AlanBellwell it is just a UI improvement for people who have more than 14 tabs open11:30
AlanBell20 tabs on my other screen before it scrolls11:30
alexcockellYeah... but the methods for chaning/reverting requires the modification of a stylesheet...11:30
directhexmozilla don't really care about long-term support models. and their enterprise support generally is pooey11:31
alexcockellWhich, if a user got it wrong, could bork the browser (effectively)11:31
directhexstill no group policy stuff on windows11:31
alexcockellYup - they're just handing it back to MS on a platter..11:31
AlanBellyou could write a plugin to change the tab behaviour11:31
alexcockellYeah - but another 3rd-party app.. another potential security issue.. another app to maintain...11:32
AlanBellin general I think there should be more ldap/policy stuff in open source software, that is a fair point11:32
Myrttiits nice to see that the world still rotates and the problems stay so small especially on IRC...11:33
daubersproblem is.... ldap is both hard and sucks11:33
AlanBellyes, ldap should suck less11:33
AlanBellI never entirely got my head round it, everything seems to want a totally different and conflicting schema11:34
popeyfriend of my /211:35
daubersWifes laptop stops responding to the network, she pulls the router power, I lose a half completed 4.3GB download11:41
MartijnVdSwget -c :11:43
daubersserver doesn't like you doing that11:43
daubersI think it upsets the sources load balancer11:43
MartijnVdSGet a better server ;)11:43
daubersMartijnVdS:  Not mine! Apples11:43
popeywifey tells me one of her friends (who is a windows-hater) wants to get a 'netbook' for her daughter. but doesnt want windows on it.11:44
popeydunno what apps she'll need but this is 'for school work' (hah)11:44
alexcockellSo she might need a Windows VM wayway?11:45
popeyI wouldn't put a Windows VM on a netbook11:45
alexcockellYeah - point taken.11:46
popeyit's also two OSs to manage rather than one11:46
AlanBellhttp://chrome.angrybirds.com/ works on firefox too \o/11:49
AlanBellsmoother in chromium11:51
popeyheh, just opened firefox on this computer, last time I used it was december last year11:56
daubersOoooh new phones week next week \o/12:00
daubersNeed to ask O2 for my PAK code12:00
popeyITYM PUK code12:01
daubersthats the welly12:01
daubersGetting a Nexus S from work as my new work phone and a galaxy s 2 on my personal contract \o/12:01
AlanBellpopey: sometimes things open in firefox, sometimes in chromium, mostly I don't know which I am using12:03
AlanBellso for messing about with compiz plugins I decided I needed two computers, so I can ssh into the one I will be breaking12:05
AlanBellshould I install oneirirc on it I wonder12:06
popeytempted to switch to SSD on all my computers now12:07
popeyjust lack of storage space that's annoying12:07
MartijnVdSpopey: you could use a NAS for that (like my Synology.. ♥)12:08
popeyi have a server with lots of space12:08
popeybut right now its..12:08
popeyDirectory inode 2848245 has an unallocated block #3452.  Allocate? yes12:08
popeydoing a fsck...12:08
popeyi shrank the volume12:09
popeynow fsck is reporting lots of those12:09
BigRedSshrinking volumes is essentially playing russian roulette with your data :/12:28
dauberspopey: I have a NAS in the office thats stuffed with SSDs \o/12:30
daubersDo want one for my mac mini and one for my laptop though :(12:30
BigRedSAlanBell: smartphone ssh client?12:31
AlanBellirssi connectbot12:31
BigRedSah, I missed the beginning of that conversation :)12:32
penguin42hmm last nights xorg-edgers seems to be very unhappy for me12:45
MartijnVdSwhat happened?12:54
penguin42black screen on kde, but some stuff running; when I did a kwin --replace form a console I got streams of errors 'this is a driver bug' out of it - unfortunately didn't remember the rest of the message - pre-breakfast bug12:57
penguin42I'm a bit surprised actually to ind xorg-edgers contains a rebuilt kdebase-workspace12:58
penguin42only noticed it while doing a purge12:59
penguin42hmm breakfast is a good idea13:06
=== Monster_Killer is now known as MonsterKiller
AlanBellanyone use unetbootin? it just comes up with Boot Error for me14:11
BigRedSI've used it several times without that error14:12
dwatkinsI've used unetbootin many times without problem, both using a manually downloaded ISO and the ones it downloads for me.14:13
BigRedSIn fact, once I've got over it's weird insistence upon my having already mounted the volume, I don't think I've ever had a problem14:13
daubers_AlanBell: IIRC I get the boot error with the server CD14:13
AlanBellah, think it is because the usb was formatted to fat3214:13
BigRedSthinking about it, it's been a while since I did a ubuntu with it14:13
BigRedSAh, or anything other than ext14:14
* AlanBell reformats to ext3 and tries again14:14
popeyit _should_ be fat3214:14
popeyor vfat or whatever you call it14:14
dwatkinsI was about to say what popey said.14:14
daubers_Mac Minutes are rubbish14:19
gordfor all the things i dislike in gnome shell, there are a few nice things - its nice that when you open activities all your windows are there - never really used expose ever14:30
AlanBellwell it doesn't seem to work with ext3 either, but different error14:30
BigRedSgord: I _love_ the empathy integration in gnome 314:31
AlanBellwith fat32 I get Boot Error, with ext3 it says missing operating system, then boots from hdd14:31
penguin42AlanBell: I'm confused - I thought unetbootin did everything needed to the drive; I don't think you need to format anything14:31
BigRedSor gnome shell or whatever it's called14:31
penguin42AlanBell: You are telling unetbootin to use /dev/sdx not /dev/sdx1 ?14:31
AlanBellpenguin42: I didn't either14:31
gordthe main thing that bugs me about shell is how damn slow it is14:31
AlanBellpenguin42: I did tell it to use /dev/sdb14:31
BigRedSI really dislike how it removes my workspaces just 'cause there's nothing on them14:31
BigRedSI've no idea who thought that was a sane idea14:32
penguin42gord: Javascript - what else do you need to say?14:32
gordi mean, it took us six months of effort to get away from mutter, but it was worth it. you just can't stall the rendering pipeline in the window manager like clutter does14:32
gordi can't figure out how to get it to launch a second instance of some application without it going to a new workspace, but i assume i'm just using my computer wrong14:39
BigRedSthere's a lot of htat in gnome3. "No, that's not what you want to do, so I did this for you"14:40
* AlanBell gives up on unetbootin and tries startup disk creator14:50
AlanBellboot error15:07
AlanBellyay, fixored15:16
AlanBellthat is worth writing up somewhere15:16
AlanBellthe bios was set to treat small USB devices as removeable disks and large ones as fixed disks15:17
AlanBelltell it to stop that auto detection and treat it as a fixed disk and it boots15:17
AlanBellnow to plug in speakers for an eyes-free install15:20
mfraz74is this the new netbook?15:21
AlanBellno, it is an atom 230 desktop15:21
* AlanBell debugs sound issue and plugs speakers into power for enhanced audio performance15:25
daubers_Hmmm, new version of xcode integrates git into the ide15:28
daubers_Also, my chair needs oiling15:29
BigRedSI think mine needs new seals15:29
BigRedSI'm about 2" lower than I was this morning :/15:29
daubers_people complain about eclipse being memory hungry, at least it doesn't freeze the whole desktop like xcode does!!!16:14
hamitronlets just..... complain16:16
shaunorabble rabble16:16
hamitronafter watching that last Grand Prix, I don't think my brain is active enough to think of stuff to complain about16:17
shaunoI've been finding xcode relaly quite strange.  I'm used to vim.  I'm not used to it constantly whining about how sloppy I am16:17
BigRedSshauno: and "Syntax error: unexpected :w" all over the place?16:18
hamitron"but I wanted it like that damn it!"16:18
shaunohitting cmd-s I'm used to.  having it constantly inject little threats about uninitialised vars is funky16:19
hamitronhow do you remove a new line in vim?16:19
hamitronI can never get that working16:20
BigRedSor s/\r//16:20
BigRedSor \n16:20
BigRedSyeah, \n16:21
hamitronit is removing the new line in vi on debian now16:22
hamitronI swear I've had problems with it before16:22
BigRedSwell, it depends what the newline is16:23
BigRedSthat wont match a dos newline16:23
AlanBellyay, oneiric installed and working16:23
AlanBell just wish unity would play nicer with other compiz plugins16:23
BigRedSoh yeah, any unity-on-a-laptop users fancy confirming whether bug 685338 is in unity? I can't see it not being so...16:26
lubotu3`Launchpad bug 685338 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Cannot ignore pressing of hibernate button" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68533816:26
MartijnVdSAlanBell: I wonder if "a compiz plugin" is the right place for it16:26
directhexi repeat, this time when not knocked offline: argh16:27
AlanBellMartijnVdS: I don't object to it being one, but it has some silly dependencies and settings which really shouldn't matter to unity16:29
AlanBelllike it depends on largedesktop, which is provided by wall, and cube, and someone chose wall as the one it would insist on16:30
AlanBelltry to turn on cube and it gets all in a fluster and you end up with no desktop no nothing, so have to ssh in and do unity --reset16:31
AlanBellwhich breaks all the other settings you changed16:31
MartijnVdSah yes, things like that16:31
DanielRMHello all.16:36
Azelphurhavn't seen you around in a while DanielRM :P16:38
brobostigonDanielRM: good afternoon, long time no speak.16:38
DanielRMI've been feeling the IRC itch recently. :P16:42
DanielRMPlus I have a decent phone now so I can use IRC on the go.16:43
DanielRMHow are you all?16:43
=== tom__ is now known as Aquilum
brobostigonDanielRM: not bad, interesting things have happened. and you?   also we have been looking after ##politics-uk.16:44
DanielRMI'm fine thanks.16:45
DanielRMWho thought of the current topic there incidentally? I owe them a drink, it made me laugh. :)16:46
brobostigonDanielRM: i think that was AlanBell.16:46
penguin42what is it?16:46
DanielRM'Current topic: AV Yes, No, or a quantum entanglement of Maybe?'16:46
DanielRMAlanBell: should I ever meet you then I owe you a drink, be sure to remind me. :P16:47
alexcockellHmm - how to really cane an ADSL connection.. outside lots of Linux maint work..16:51
alexcockell... lots of video or audio streams from BBC servers...16:51
alexcockellOh - was meaning to ask - when 12.04 is being approached... are there plans to offer definitive hardware compatibility info based on actual systems?16:53
alexcockellConsidering Mark Shuttleworth's intention to go after consumers...16:53
MartijnVdSpeople aren't really thinking on that level about 12.04  yet16:54
alexcockellNot so much "will this or that component behave, but more akin to the netbook maint list...16:54
alexcockellAs in - "Will the upgrade take on my Lenovo Ideapad S12"16:54
MartijnVdSalexcockell: there's the Ubunty Friendly program16:55
alexcockellBut offering lookups based on complete systems.16:55
alexcockellYeah - OK - I bypassed that by buying my machines preinstalled from Linux Emporium - but I am a little concerned with all the issues around Unity and how much of a relearn it might be..16:56
MartijnVdSit's not that hard :)16:56
MartijnVdSand as long as the machine is not older than ~2-3 years and has hardware acceleration, you're fine wrt. 3D support16:56
alexcockellGoing from Windows to Hardy to Lucid on my Thinkpad R61 was only a little incremental... but muscle memory was usable.16:57
MartijnVdSUnity is the same, as long as you turn off the global menu bits16:58
BigRedSAll the keyboard shortcuts remain, as far as I can tell16:58
alexcockellYeah - but maybe that ought to be sensed - so if someone is upgrading from Lucid it switches it off by default and gives you the option of turning them *on*?16:59
BigRedSbut the global menu is seen as a feture16:59
BigRedSby that logic, if you're upgrading to 11.04 it should notice and leave gnome 2 as the default DE17:00
alexcockellMaybe if you're a Mac user coming across - but not coming in from Windows.17:00
BigRedSSurely a feature is a feature, irrespective of what other things you might've used?17:01
alexcockellYeah - ease people in - cos they might be concerned if they;'re upgrading and maybe the WLAN card craps out.. or the display plays up.. they don't really want to be mucking about with a new UI as well.17:01
alexcockellQuestion - have you wirked in 2nd line support?17:01
BigRedSbut then you'd never change anything by default17:01
BigRedSand then you'd be running Debian17:01
BigRedS(which, incidentally, is why I'm running Debian)17:02
alexcockellHmm - yeah -- I can kind of see where you're coming from...17:02
* brobostigon is on debian right now, with gnome3/gnome-shell, and it is pretty much perfect.17:02
alexcockellBut I'm thinking of people tracking LTS-LTS on a machine they've bought preinstalled..17:02
BigRedSstill, at some point they'll get given unity17:02
MartijnVdSthey bought it 2 years ago! time for a new machine! :P17:02
DanielRMArgh, apparently IRC doesn't like staying connected.17:03
BigRedSand were it believed by canonical/ubuntu that unity was confusing enough that you don't want to risk using it, they'd not ship it at all17:03
BigRedSthe problem is that canonical disagree with several vocal users :)17:03
brobostigonMartijnVdS: yep, netbook-remix.17:03
MartijnVdSBigRedS: and common sense17:03
BigRedSMartijnVdS: have you been watching those MS ads? :)17:03
alexcockellNetbook-remix makes sense... on a netbook.17:03
MartijnVdSBigRedS: no, and I don't work for a hardware company either ;)17:03
MartijnVdSI just like the shiny -- waiting for Intel to release Ivy Bridge i7s so I can upgrade :)17:04
alexcockellUnity probably makes sense on a display up to about 11 or 12in...17:04
BigRedSms's current ad is basically "This woman's running an old PC and that makes her an idiot. You wouldn't want to be an idiot, would you?"17:04
popeyi use it on a 23" screen alexcockell17:04
BigRedSUnity works as fine for me on this biggy screen as gnome2 or kde or whatever did17:04
MartijnVdSOoh look, popey has more inches :P17:04
DanielRMApparently I just got 'outed' as a member of LulzSec. 0_017:04
BigRedS23" or something, it's vast17:05
MartijnVdSBigRedS: "Staggeringly vast" </Coupling>17:05
popeywow, coupling.. blast from the past17:05
BigRedShah, yeah, that took a moment or two to register17:06
MartijnVdSpopey: Moffat has always been good :)17:06
alexcockellI would, however, like to suggest that maybe easing people into the more jarring parts of the UI would be a good idea for the next LTS..17:07
BigRedSeasing people in? So supporting not just two UIs but several degrees between them?17:07
popeyMartijnVdS: was that his work!?17:07
DanielRMWhat's Unity like for day-to-day use now?17:07
alexcockellMaybe have it detect that it's being upgraded rather than clean-installed...17:07
MartijnVdSpopey: yes :)17:07
BigRedSDanielRM: I find it absolutely fine. But I don't use menus and that's where most of the dislike appears to come from17:08
popeyblimey, news17:08
BigRedSalexcockell: still, that's another setup, so more support & more bugs17:08
popeyDanielRM: in my experience the vast majority of hatred for unity comes from three camps:-17:08
MartijnVdSpopey: (also, "Steve" and "Susan" vs "Steven" and "Sue" irl)17:08
popeya) people who have used it and don't like it17:08
popeyb) people who don't use it and don't like it17:08
popeyc) people who will never use it and don't like it17:08
popeyb) and c) are bizarrely quite vocal17:09
BigRedSThose could all be the same person :)17:09
MartijnVdSpopey: because they want to keep the option to not use it17:09
MartijnVdSpopey: and that option is becoming harder to find by the day17:09
popeythat option has never not been there17:09
BigRedSit's as easy as it always has been17:09
MartijnVdSpopey: no but it's been cleverly hidden :)17:09
popey^ professional opinion17:09
popeyhidden on a fedora cd17:09
DanielRMpopey: I think that's always the same really.17:09
DanielRMThe most vocal ones are those least affected.17:09
popeythe rest of us who just use it seem not to be very vocal17:10
BigRedSwell, I'm quite vocal about my dislike of gnome 3 despite not using it currently17:10
alexcockellAll I'm suggesting is that group B could be people who are non-technical users using 10.04 as a tool and are worried that they'll come to update in about June next year then get thrown completely.17:10
alexcockellThe ones who will trustingly accept updates.  End-users.17:10
BigRedSyeah, and rather than that you'd like to upgrade them to something that nobody else is using - some halfway-house between gnome2 and unity?17:11
BigRedS_every_ ubuntu upgrade (IME) breaks at least one default17:11
BigRedSthis is just a bigger one than usual17:11
alexcockellbut a hell of a lot more visible this time..17:11
alexcockellIt's basically going from something akin to Windoes Classic to Mac without warning, from what I understand17:12
BigRedSso at least it's obvious rather than the browser just not having any bookmarks in it any more17:12
BigRedSit's nowhere near as big as that17:12
popey"without warning"17:12
alexcockellBrwoser no longer has bookmarks?  WTF made Mozilla do that?17:12
popeyI think you're _somewhat_ over dramatising for comic effect here alexcockell17:12
BigRedSno, when the default changed17:12
MartijnVdSalexcockell: "people don't use them"17:12
popeyI never use bookmarks, I don't care17:12
* MartijnVdS uses the bookmark bar all the time17:13
BigRedSwhen on upgrade sensible-browser went from FF to chrome (or whatever) people probably logged in, opened the browser and found no bookmarks17:13
MartijnVdSas a "quick links" bar17:13
alexcockellMaybe.  But I also remember where a "minor" change has meant hell on a Monday morning..17:13
popeyso set you infrastructre up better17:13
popeydont let users update their own machines17:13
alexcockellYeah - but I'm not talking corporate...17:13
jane_#tog /join17:13
popey /join #tog17:13
popeyi think you mean17:14
MartijnVdSjane_: other way around :)17:14
jane_thanks I am a bit stupid17:14
popeyalexcockell: oh, sorry I thought your main point was corporate. my bad17:14
popeyno more than MartijnVdS17:14
MartijnVdSpopey: :(17:14
alexcockellI'm referring to some who, say, bought their machine from Linux Emporium...17:14
* popey hugs MartijnVdS 17:14
MartijnVdSpopey: I'm Dutch, not stupid :P17:15
popeyI like that17:15
popeyget that as a tattoo17:15
alexcockellCome June - they see the Upgrade Distro option - they click on it.. "WHAT?"17:15
popeyalexcockell: LTS users only see that in LTS17:15
popeyso they wont see it for 2 yearas17:15
alexcockell1 year.17:15
popey10.04 to 12.04 is 2 years17:15
alexcockell2012 is next LTS, right?17:16
BigRedSalexcockell: but your intended solution isn't ot just not upgrade, it's to invent yet another WM and upgrade them to that?17:16
popeyok, 1 from now, yeah17:16
alexcockellNot quite.17:16
alexcockellPer-app menus are still available by removing a package?  Something?17:16
BigRedSper-app menus?17:17
alexcockellCan't remember it - but saw it in passing when people were complainign about scrollbars etc..17:17
popey!info indicator-appmenu17:17
BigRedSoh, having the menu bar in the app window itself17:17
lubotu3`indicator-appmenu (source: indicator-appmenu): Indicator for application menus.. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.1-0ubuntu2 (natty), package size 23 kB, installed size 136 kB17:17
alexcockellMenu bar on the app window as opposed to a Mac-llike menu17:17
BigRedSI don't think that confounds users that much, perhaps it does, though. It's not what most people complain about from what I gather17:18
BigRedSIt irks me, though...17:18
alexcockellScrollbars was the biggie..17:18
bigcalmOh, not me17:18
shaunothe global menus aren't awful.  you drag the widget off the toolbar and everything goes back to normal17:18
BigRedSAll the complaints I've seen are about the main menu17:19
BigRedSwell, >90%17:19
alexcockellThat as well..17:19
BigRedSthere's a guy here whose desktops keep magically realigning themselves which is hilarious17:19
alexcockell.. but a bastard to work with...17:19
BigRedSoh, probably. But I find it amusing when there's a sudden tirade of expletives behind me17:19
MartijnVdSit's hidden by default, that's broken already17:20
BigRedSI think he's back on gnome 2 now, though17:20
BigRedSgot bored of spending several minutes finding the right xterm window or something17:20
alexcockellGIMP was also one that came up again and again - multiple subwindows - and with no minimise option...17:20
alexcockellDunno whether, if a bar at the bottom wasn't wanted, borrowing somethign from maximus might have been an idea?17:21
alexcockell(running 10.04 UNR on this Ideapad)17:21
BigRedSare ideapads the thinkpads with rouded edges?17:21
=== OmNomDeBonBon is now known as syphilis
alexcockellThe netbook range.17:22
alexcockellWhich of course is another question - will Unity behave on a Atom+NVidia ION?17:22
=== syphilis is now known as RaycisCharles
BigRedSall I can find of maximus is a gnome 2.x theme17:23
shaunopersonally, I'm convinced no-one actually uses unity.  they sit on gnome2 and claim there's nothing wrong with unity.  it's the only way any of this makes sense to me :)17:24
BigRedSI use unity on my home pc and my work pc17:24
BigRedSbut I also don't use windows or do very much with the mouse17:24
BigRedSso, er, it feels almost exactly like gnome 217:25
* TheOpenSourcerer hasn't moved to 11.04. Still on 10.10. My brief experiences with Unity were not very encouraging...17:25
BigRedSdon't use windows? Don't use menus17:25
BigRedSLies. You installed 11.10 earlier! :)17:25
alexcockellConsidering that most Wintel users coming in are more likely to be using Win Classic at work...17:25
alexcockellJust thought I'd bung that in...17:26
BigRedSIf they're looking for windows classic, they should probably carry on using windows classic17:26
BigRedSif they're not, then it doesn't much matter that unity's not a lot like it17:26
alexcockellS'pose so... but if they're using Citrix off a home linux box to remote into work?17:26
BigRedSI don't see the question there17:27
JGJonesalexcockell, I've got Unity running off a rather old Celeron laptop with Intel graphics and about 756MB of RAM - it's pretty smooth - I would imagine an Atom with NVidia ION should be fine.17:35
gordugh O is in such a  bad place today, i can barely install anything18:58
MartijnVdSgord: it's been like this all week19:00
gordokay shell threw up a notification because i started playing a new track, obscuring the bottom line of text on my screen, thats it, experiment over!, i need that line of text for my terminal!19:02
=== denny- is now known as denny
brobostigonnew topgear, bbc1, 8pm,19:41
* BigRedS wonders how long this series will be...19:50
Azelphurwtf why did my servers load average just jump from 0.5 to 1219:51
Azelphur1.5MB/sec read and 200KB/sec write isn't bad for pretty much any modern drive right?19:56
hamitronwhat sort of drive?20:01
penguin42Azelphur: Depends the IO pattern20:01
penguin42Azelphur: A drive shoul;d be able to do ~125MB/s20:01
penguin42Azelphur: But random accesses all over the drive can probably only do ~150 a second20:01
penguin42and a 150 wkb accesses is less than 1MB/sec20:01
Azelphur150 > 125? o.O20:01
penguin42Azelphur: 150 accesses - not MB20:02
Azelphuroh right20:02
Azelphurmy server just jumped to 14 average load and I have no idea why20:02
AzelphurI couldn't even ssh it, whatever it was doing20:02
penguin42Azelphur: move over there, read 4kb, move over there, read 4kb, etc - the moving takes ages20:02
zleapHow do you spell the 11.04 code name thing is it natty narwhal20:23
* zleap is trying to make my poster for 11.04 better, 20:25
zleaphave put a direct link on there to the uk ubuntu loco team20:26
marxjohnsonCan someone recommend me a decent UK-based VPS provider?20:26
AlanBellhi marxjohnson20:26
AlanBellbitfolk or bytemark20:26
marxjohnsonhi AlanBell20:26
marxjohnsoncool, those are the two I'm looking at :-)20:26
zleaphi AlanBell20:26
marxjohnsondo you have a particular leaning?20:27
AlanBellto the left20:27
AlanBellnot really, they both seem good20:28
marxjohnsoncool, thanks20:28
AlanBellthere is a console on both to reboot your vm, but really they just never go down20:28
* AlanBell enjoyed being stunt double for marxjohnson20:29
* zleap is listening to latest podcast20:29
shaunobitfolk have been fantastic, but I haven't used bytemark, so can't make a fair comparison between the two20:29
* marxjohnson enjoyed being able to listen to UUPC and not know what was going to be said20:29
popeypip pip21:54
bigcalmHey czajkowski21:54
bigcalmIt appears to be rather warm21:55
BigRedSexceedingly so21:55
* AlanBell suggests ice cream21:56
* BigRedS would very much like some21:56
BigRedSmiddle of nowhere, sunday evening = everywhere closed :(21:56
brobostigonmonty pythons,meaning of life, itv4 now.22:32
emorrishi, occasionally I want to start an addition X server to run a particular application. From a VT, i can do something like startx /foo/bar -- :2, but attempting this from my existing X session gives "X: user not authorized to run the X server, aborting.". Is there any way I can give myself permission to start an X server from an existing X session?22:38
BigRedSooh, good call22:38
zleaphow do i edit the ubuntu south west loco team wiki page22:39
zleapi clicked login,  logged in then didn't get taken back to the page to edit it22:40
popeyzleap: wiki is probably still broken22:42
zleapwhy what is wrong with it22:44
popeyits broken22:44
bigcalmJust copied a 77mb .tgz from FirstServ to RackSpace at 7mb/s22:44
* bigcalm wants that bandwidth at home22:44
shaunoemorris: there's an option for that somewhere.  by default, it'll only let you start X from a local terminal.  trying to remember where the option lives :/22:45
gordi downloaded a file from the internet to my laptop over 3g at 400kb/s today22:48
* gord wants that bandwidth at home22:48
emorrisshauno, I know you can do some xhost stuff, but I'd rather not22:49
bigcalmgord: heh22:49
shaunoemorris: if it's what I think it is, man 5 Xwrapper.config and dpkg-reconfigure x11-common22:50
shaunomost likely your existing config (/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config) has allowed = console, so you can only start it from a VT22:50
emorrisshauno, bingo, thanks!22:52
shaunoiirc it stops startx from working inside screen too22:52
shaunoxhost controls who can connect to a running server; xwrapper controls who can *start* a server.  it's a much rarer fiddle22:54
emorrisshauno, good to know, thanks23:04
shauno:)  feels good when people actually want to know arcane stuff from 10+ years ago.  it's all this modern stuff I'm useless with23:05
=== roger_ is now known as Zill
zleapi have updated this a little and the wiki seems to be working now23:10
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.23:48

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