
Tubuis pleia2, maco or nigelb there? i would have some (short) briefing on the following of the bugs in launchpad... :o)00:01
pleia2Tubu: hey16:14
pleia2Tubu: oops, I think I fixed the issue you were seeing with the pointing to the wrong css file - it was a server-side thing, apologies16:23
Tubuhey pleia2, ok I will check it...16:30
Tubuwoohoo-yoooo! it's working now! :o)16:31
pleia2sorry about that16:32
Tubuno problem... so at least I know I won't be kill when I'll do mistake... :o)16:33
pleia2oh - for the link color bug, nigelb is working on it but he hasn't made progress in a few days, if you want to read Pendulum's comments in the bug you're welcome to pick up where he left off16:34
pleia2just make a comment in the bug when you have something to test so he knows you're working on it too16:35
pleia2also nigelb ^^16:35
Tubuhi nigelb17:31
Tubuyou don't want to work, hé? :)17:32
nigelbDidn't get what you meant17:33
Tubuthe pleia2 call...17:34
TubuSo, my first steps under the launchpad-bugs are writen for eternity... woohoo!17:34
TubuI mixed up little bit the assignee yellow button...17:35
pleia2don't worry about it, we can always changes things back17:36
pleia2and that paragraph bug is a great one17:36
Tubuhow happen the approval of a proposal?17:37
pleia2we just talk about it here :)17:38
Tubucool!... so when someone have a proposal I just have to switch from theme to see and discuss about it...17:39
pleia2oh dear, the day got away from me already, I need to leave in 20 minutes17:40
Tubutime... the biggest enemy ever!17:40
nigelbAlanBell: We really haven't come up with anything for Ada Lovelace day.17:57
MichelleQnigelb: have they stopped moving the date for ALovelace Day around?18:00
nigelbMichelleQ: heh, yes. For now :)18:00
nigelbIts 7 October 201118:01
* MichelleQ recommences blog-day planning. 18:01
nigelbMichelleQ: Do you have any suggestions for AlanBell and I? We volunteered to run a competition for it18:02
MichelleQLet me think on it a day or two.  jledbetter & I were going to organize a UW blog-day.18:03
svakshameh, the date has changed again?18:03
MichelleQthen they moved the date.  :-/18:03
MichelleQsvaksha: I guess 7 Oct. is final18:03
* MichelleQ crosses fingers anyway18:03
nigelbIt only moved once right?18:04
svakshafor ada lovelace day, i'd suggest a coding sprint/translation sprint/bug sprint <--choice for the women who participate.18:04
pleia2svaksha: can you lead that up?18:05
pleia2(we're struggling to find volunteers for the events we have planned, let alone adding more)18:05
svakshapleia2: is there something already planned? i thought there wasnt and suggested one.18:07
pleia2svaksha: oh, they're doing a competition and coordinated blogging18:07
* svaksha didnt want to add on anything :)18:07
svakshaah, ok18:07
pleia2it's a good idea though, and we could probably make such a thing eaiser to plan if we team up with the existing teams (talk to bugsquad about hosting an event with us, for instance)18:11
svakshayup, i'm not sure about my time commitment as oct is the time i'm supposed to finish writing a book chapter i committed to. so its kinda unfair to commit and backout later.18:18
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
jledbetter+1 to sprint. We can blog how it went.18:35
jledbetterKind of like how the pyladies had a sprint. Was really neat :)18:35
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude

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