
shadeslayerwhat happened to my sound00:00
CIA-52[ksnapshot] Harald Sitter <apachelogger@ubuntu.com> * apachelogger@ubuntu.com-20110626230033-8y13dp5p7abix6gk * debian/changelog Repacked tarball to include COPYING files00:00
shadeslayeri'll bbl00:01
* yofel looks up how CIA-52 was set up00:04
CIA-52[ubuntu] Philip Muškovac * 3 * debian/changelog use repacked tar to include COPYING files00:12
yofelhm, branch.nick is fairly unhelpful is the branch is called ubuntu on LP00:12
kubotuyofel meant: "hm, branch.nick if fairly unhelpful is the branch is called ubuntu on LP"00:13
yofelsed fail00:13
yofelouch, forgot docs/ in the copyright00:14
ScottKapachelogger's new branch location proposal would also fix that.00:17
ScottK(... unhelpful ...)00:17
yofeltrue ^^00:17
apacheloggerI shall write a scripty tomorrow00:17
CIA-52[ubuntu] Philip Muškovac * 4 * debian/copyright include documentation licensing in copyright00:21
shadeslayerok so continuing01:12
yofelsmokekde doesn't build. fun...01:12
shadeslayerhahaaha ... i just saw ScottK's reply on collibri notifications :D01:15
shadeslayerhow does one deal with multiple copyrights in kate01:30
shadeslayerwe have GPL/LGPL/LGPL-2+01:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: do i put all of these licenses in the repo?01:31
yofelGPL would be COPYING, LGPL COPYING.LIB, not sure about muliple LGPL versions...01:35
shadeslayerwell overall its GPL01:40
shadeslayerbut it has 57 files under LGPL, 81 under GPL-2+ 01:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: yofel trolololol http://paste.kde.org/8846501:53
shadeslayerthe networks are trolling me01:53
yofelnice loop01:54
shadeslayeryofel: my git commits are now routed via your server as well :P01:54
yofelas long as it works...01:54
shadeslayerheh " Arrgh! Debian shall play their narrow-minded legal games without me.01:59
shadeslayerKonsole is gone to Artistic Licence."01:59
shadeslayeryofel: did you see that? :P01:59
shadeslayersomeone removed COPYING and COPYING.lib earluer02:00
shadeslayerand you just put them back again ^_^02:00
yofelwhere? I didn't see anything in the git log02:01
yofelwell, I'll blame someone then that LICENSE.readme is missing :P02:02
shadeslayerhahah :P02:02
yofeland I obviously didn't check the log THAT far back =Þ02:04
shadeslayergit log --grep to the rescue :P02:05
shadeslayerwell, i'm not commiting anything till we sort this out with apachelogger02:07
rbelemQuintasan_, yup... kubuntu_05_samba_sharing.diff is upstream :-)03:13
yofelgah, used up this months mobile bandwidth. 60kbps is too slow...06:47
yofelyay, libkdcraw doesn't have copying.lib either...07:26
yofelat least here it's just one version of the LGPL07:27
apacheloggeryofel: what was shadeslayer's commit-blocking-problem earlier?07:35
yofelas I understood it he (and me) didn't know whether to put multiple versions of the LGPL into the package07:37
yofellike lgpl-2, 2.1, ...07:37
apacheloggerlike it matters07:44
apacheloggerbesides, that depends on whether they are + or not07:44
apacheloggerif so then you obviously can just drop the newest explicitly mentioned version07:44
apacheloggerif not then you could name them COPYING.LGPL2 COPYING.LGPL21 etc.07:45
apacheloggeror you just concat them together into COPYING.LIB (which is of course less)07:45
yofelviel erfolg07:46
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NCommanderScottK: yay for added bonuses08:58
yofelgreat, yet another gimp crash in #kubuntu09:12
yofelanyone remember what the problem was?09:12
bambee"kdebase-runtime but it is not going to be installed"  (on launchpad)  wtf ? o_O09:16
bambee(missing deps)09:16
bambeeaaahh!! it's kde-runtime now o_O09:16
bambeeepic fail xD09:17
yofel(found the bug for gimp btw.)09:18
agateauapachelogger: am I missing licenses?09:41
* agateau sucks at licensing09:41
tsimpsondon't feel bad, everyone sucks at licensing09:42
yofelwell, you can't do worse than smoke, so don't feel bad ^^09:43
yofelwhat kind of version bump is libkdcraw.so.9.0.0 -> libkdcraw.so.20.0.010:22
yofelthey're not following their own docs10:23
yofel# 1.3.0 => 10.0.0 (Released with KDE 4.7.0)10:23
yofel# 2.0.0 => 20.0.0 (Included into digiKam 2.0.0 collection)10:23
bulldog98yofel: maybe the tarball contains the wrong sources?10:37
apacheloggeragateau: your docs as commented a line that goes like FDLLicense or something like that10:37
apacheloggerhence the docs have no defined license10:37
agateauapachelogger: I take it this is a bad situation10:37
apacheloggerwell, not unless no one notices ^^10:37
agateauapachelogger: I kind of remember changing it a long time ago, back when Debian said they would not ship FDL-licensed doc10:38
apacheloggeryes, but that is not particularly a solution10:38
agateauapachelogger: I think the idea back then was that it would make the doc GPL-licensed, as it was part of Gwenview10:38
apacheloggeragateau: only implicit, if so you need to state this in the docs IMHO10:38
apacheloggerotherwise it is to be considered not free software at all, as it is not clear that it is covered by the GPL10:39
* agateau looks at the code10:40
agateauapachelogger: is Gwenview documentation already packaged?10:49
jussiapachelogger: Harald... you here? 11:03
apacheloggerjussi: always11:18
apacheloggeragateau: it is part of your git repo ;)11:18
apacheloggerwhich makes it part of the tar, and the tar is primarily concenred with licensing11:19
agateauapachelogger: I know about that :), I was referring to a Debian package :)11:19
apacheloggerwell, dunno, if you install it then it is packaged ^^11:19
agateauapachelogger: master CMakeLists.txt says it is installed, but that may be a new situation11:20
agateauapachelogger: mmm KDE/4.6 branch says it is installed as well, but I don't see the doc in Gwenview package11:21
apacheloggerin 4.6 it might be stripped into kdegraphics-doc11:22
jussiapachelogger: can you share your image? 11:28
apacheloggernakkid pictures?11:29
jussiapachelogger: no...11:29
apacheloggeryou gotta be more precise11:29
jussiI mean for the mx5311:29
apacheloggerjussi: the linaro one?11:46
jussiapachelogger: yep11:46
apacheloggernot before friday11:46
apacheloggermy QSB is like 100km away from me11:46
apacheloggerjussi: just follow the guide on the wiki11:46
jussithe guide is somewhat unclear11:46
apacheloggerhow is that?11:47
kubotuapachelogger meant: "why is that?"11:47
jussito start with, linaro-media-create doesnt seem to be in my repos... 11:48
jussido I need some ppa? 11:48
jussior is it only a 32 bit thing? 11:49
apachelogger64bit ought to work too11:50
apacheloggerjussi: linaro-image-tools11:51
jussiwell that would help :)11:51
* jussi fixes the wiki11:52
yofelsomeone should fix gstreamer0.10-qapt12:04
yofelSetting up gstreamer0.10-qapt (1.1.85-0ubuntu1) ...12:04
yofelupdate-alternatives: <link> and <path> can't be the same12:04
yofelJontheEchidna: ^12:04
jussiapachelogger: Am I missing something, or is this ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/633570/12:09
jussinvm, looks like I need python-testtools12:10
ulyssesJontheEchidna: the title is wrong here: https://projects.kde.org/news/6512:17
jussibah, still getting the following 2 errors, if anyone knows what Im missing: 12:18
jussiERROR: Python module hardwarepack_format not found12:18
jussiERROR: Python module FetchImage not found12:18
jussiapachelogger: :(12:26
apacheloggeroh my12:26
apacheloggerjussi: I do not even have no such files12:27
jussiapachelogger: this is rather annoying. 12:37
jussiand weird12:37
apacheloggeralso I am busy rightnows12:38
bambeeI've a question: why kdebase-runtime is not found from kubuntu-ninjas ? it's not into the ppa I agree, but it should be found into the main repositories...13:12
bambee(I need to change the dependency to kde-runtime, I know, however kdebase-runtime should be found anyway..)13:13
ScottKDo you require a minimum version that's not available as kdebase-runtime?13:29
bambeeScottK: see the build failure for kdebase-workspace (into the ppa), it depends on python-kde4 which depends on kdebase-runtime AND kdepim-runtime => both are not found 13:31
ScottKbambee: You're misreading the build log.13:34
ScottK python-kde4 : Depends: kdebase-runtime but it is not going to be installed13:34
ScottK               Depends: kdepim-runtime but it is not going to be installed13:34
ScottKThat doesn't mean it couldn't find them, but that they aren't installable.13:34
bambeewhy are they not installable? I mean, launchpad does not use main repositories?13:36
bambeewell, I've probably misunderstood something... :\13:49
shadeslayeryofel: networks fixed :D14:19
ScottKbambee: There isn't enough information in the build log to know why it's uninstallable.14:22
ScottKbambee: I'm sure it does use the main repositories.  The best way to find out why is to add the ninjas ppa to a chroot or VM and try to install it.14:22
bambeeScottK: I will try14:24
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yofelshadeslayer: yay :)16:46
shadeslayerapachelogger: could you ping me when you're free, this is regarding the license of kate in the git repos17:25
yofelshadeslayer: read backlog17:26
yofelfrom ~10h ago17:26
shadeslayeryofel: alright, you guys already discussed this?17:26
yofelwell, somewhat17:27
shadeslayerah hmm ....17:28
shadeslayerwell the solution seems to be COPYING.LGPL2 ,  COPYING.LGPL2.1,  COPYING.GPL17:28
* shadeslayer adds17:28
yofelI'm wondering if you need to fix the source comments though17:29
shadeslayersource comments?17:29
yofelif they say see COPYING.LIB and you add COPYING.LGPL2 I don't think we won much17:29
yofelwell, you do ship a copy though17:30
shadeslayerthere's no COPYING.LIB 17:30
shadeslayernot in kate anyways17:30
yofelwhat I mean is that the sources have:17:31
yofel   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License                                                                                                                        17:31
yofel   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.17:31
yofelin the header17:31
yofelheh, there's a kate/COPYING.LIB17:33
shadeslayeri don't see it anywhere ^_^17:37
shadeslayerah under kate/17:38
shadeslayerkatepart has the required COPYING.LIB too17:40
yofelthis is chaos17:40
shadeslayershould we send a email to KDE Devel?17:40
shadeslayerbambee: i know your FTBFS issue i think17:45
shadeslayerbambee: is your packaging pushed somewhere?17:45
shadeslayer python-kde4 : Depends: kdebase-runtime but it is not going to be installed17:45
shadeslayer               Depends: kdepim-runtime but it is not going to be installed17:45
shadeslayerthere's no kdebase-runtime anymore17:46
yofelwe already concluded that :P17:46
shadeslayerheh :D17:46
shadeslayerdid you fix it? :P17:46
yofeldon't think so, he was looking at what actually pulled them in I think17:47
bambeeshadeslayer: not yet17:47
yofelif workspace really build-deps on python-kde4 we need to figure smokekde out17:47
bambeeshadeslayer: you can get back the source from the ppa, i think...17:48
yofelsure, apt-get source will fetch it17:48
bambeeI could also be wrong, as I said I've probably misunderstood something...17:50
bambeepython-kde4 is required by plasma-scriptengines, but it's a runtime dependency in this case...17:56
bambeeshadeslayer: kdebase-runtime is not into the ppa I agree, however it should be found into the main repository used by launchpad :)18:00
bambeeand as ScottK said, they are not installable, the message is not really well explained... the problem can be a conflict or another thing...18:02
yofelbambee: yeah, but plasma-scriptengine-javascript comes from kde-runtime18:06
yofelis at version 4:4.6.9018:07
yofeland kdebase-runtime depends on plasma-scriptengine-javascript = 4:4.6.3-ubuntu318:07
yofelif you force version 4:4.6.3-ubuntu3 for plasma-scriptengine-javascript then it works18:08
yofelbut that's not default apt-get behaviour18:08
bambeeI am talking about plasma-scriptengines-python 18:08
yofelnor aptitude18:08
yofelhm, aptitude complains about -javascript though18:09
yofelprobably the same reason18:09
yofelthe solution is obviously to use kde-runtime18:09
yofeland to fix kdepim-runtime18:09
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yofeldid we reach a consensus about the packaging branches btw.?18:44
yofelit would good to know that before I create more projects...18:44
yofel*would be18:44
* ScottK looks at apachelogger as holder of the consensus cookie.19:04
yofelheh, need to debug byobu anyway, locks up all the time in O :(19:06
yofelnow... why the hell does smokekde build against neon but the package fails to build...19:30
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bambeewhy the hell kdebase-workspace builds JUST FINE with pbuilder ? (using an oneiric chroot with kubuntu-ninjas-ppa)19:47
yofelpbuilder uses aptitude to install dependencies, launchpad sbuild, and sbuild has some oddities19:48
yofelat least I think it uses sbuild19:49
bambeeyofel: in your opinion the solution is to use kde-runtime, but python-kde4 will depend on kdebase-runtime anyway (it's a runtime dependency)... 19:55
yofelright, fix python-kde4 and kdepim-runtime 19:56
yofelon the todo list anyway19:56
bambeehowever if the last python-kde4 is upload, it should depend on kde-runtime (using the new symbol files)19:56
bambeeyofel: ok19:56
yofelpython-kde4 is stuck on me getting smokekde to build though :S19:57
yofeland I don't get what the problem is...19:57
* yofel tries again19:57
yofeland I still haven't found the libkdcraw devs...19:59
yofel/usr/include/kjob.h: In member function 'void __smokekdecore::x_KJob::x_30(Smoke::Stack)':20:00
yofel/usr/include/kjob.h:356:10: error: 'void KJob::finished(KJob*)' is private20:00
yofelsure, but why doesn't this fail if I build against neon??? kjob.h is exactly the same20:01
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yofelbambee: on an additional note: why is your package named kdebase-workspace? ^21:50
bambeedo you mean that it should be named kde-workspace?21:51
yofelit should21:51
yofelthere is no kdebase anymore21:51
yofelwe'll stick to the upstream naming, or we'll have to rename it every time21:53
yofelno point in doing that21:53
shadeslayerapachelogger: uh .. i think i'm starting to see things http://i.imgur.com/QlcUc.png22:00
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CIA-52[lp:~kubuntu-packagers/smokekde/ubuntu] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (37 files in 4 dirs) add initial packaging for smokekde22:26
yofelcan someone try to build that? I'm out of ideas...22:26
shadeslayeryofel: i can try a test build, hold on22:40
yofelthe 'private:' statement in kjob is wrapped in 22:42
yofel#if !defined(Q_MOC_RUN) && !defined(DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS) && !defined(IN_IDE_PARSER)22:42
yofelso I guess in a local build something of that is defined, but I don't get why it breaks in pbuilder22:42
ScottKMissing build-dep?23:14
yofelcould be, but if yet I don't get what23:15
kubotuyofel meant: "could be, but if yes I don't get what"23:15
shadeslayeryou won't like what i did, but atleast its building at 11 % right now23:29
shadeslayer@_@ /usr/include/kselectionproxymodel.h:271:10: error: 'void KSelectionProxyModel::rootIndexAboutToBeRemoved(const QModelIndex&)' is private23:31
yofelyep, if you manually comment kjob.h stuff out you'll get that ^^23:41
shadeslayeryofel: it looks like you're missing deps23:44
shadeslayercan't quite figure out which ones23:44
yofelgood to know we're at the same point now...23:44
shadeslayeror the macro's are foobared23:44
yofelno idea, there's no diff between neon smokekde and 4.6.90, but neonbuild runs fine, while 4.6.90 fails23:46
yofelexcept the build-deps23:46
yofelnot the amount, but neon/4.6.9023:46
shadeslayeralso, i might have found the solution to our neon dbus issue23:46
yofeloh, really?23:46
* yofel checks smokeqt buildlog...23:47
shadeslayeri'm testing and will let you know if it work23:47
kubotushadeslayer meant: "i'm testing and will let you know if it works"23:47
shadeslayerdbus uses something called session-local.conf to add custom locations23:49
shadeslayerso we just install that in .project-neon-kde/ and it *should* work23:49
yofelerm, in ~/.project-neon-kde/ ?23:50
yofelwell, we can copy that in the session script23:51
shadeslayeryofel: http://paste.kde.org/89089/ < here's what the config file will look like23:53
yofelif you say so ^^23:53
* yofel just realized we're 2 days away from 4.6.5 tagging23:55
yofelsomeone invent cloning23:55
shadeslayeryofel: we need to put that file as session-local.conf in /etc/dbus-123:56
yofel*that* is a problem23:56
shadeslayerbut that might interfere with the normal session23:56

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