
LinkmasterI'm feeling fairly good about myself with what I did, just by troubleshooting, and double-checking what I thought to do. It not only proved that Linux is an extremely useful operating system that doesn't take long to work the hoops if you try, it also shows that an exwindows-fanboi can, and will, learn how to use Linux :D00:06
Linkmastersione: hello00:07
sioneI pinned Konsole from the menubar to the panel, I modified the icon of Konsole on the panel - I thought it just was a shortcut - by adding --enable-transparency to the "command"... then it didn't work and the icon disappeared (it was a black terminal now it is a white paper)00:10
sioneI removed it, and Konsole disappeared from the menubar, how to readd it ?00:10
Linkmastercan you still invoke konsole via "alt+F2 -> konsole"?00:11
sioneyes, but there is no icon (black terminal) anymore00:11
sioneI see the little icon jumping while it loads00:12
LinkmasterThats fine, it means we still have it in your system which is good00:12
sioneand it is not a black terminal00:12
LinkmasterOkay, let me find the konsole run command real fast00:12
LinkmasterWait, its not a black terminal? What comes up?00:12
LinkmasterWait, nevermind, I know what you mean. The little white page is whats bouncing, correct?00:13
sioneits a blank thing00:13
sioneif I open chromium I see the chromium icon jumping, but konsole now is blank, and it disappeared from the menubar... just by modified the app lol00:14
Linkmastersione: I think I know how to get konsole back in your menubar00:15
sioneLinkmaster: tell me please00:15
LinkmasterFirst, right-click on the Kmenu, and click 'edit applications'00:15
Linkmasterafter that,click on 'system' when it loads00:16
LinkmasterOn the application list00:16
LinkmasterOnce its highlighted, on the top click "new item"00:16
Linkmastername it konsole00:17
Linkmasteror terminal, or whatever you want00:17
LinkmasterOnce its named, highlight it, and on the 'general' tab, where it says 'command' click the little option that lets you browse00:17
Linkmasteractually no, close the box, and type in /usr/bin/konsole00:18
LinkmasterSo that this ^^ is directly in the line, sorry about the backtrack there00:18
Linkmasteronce that is in place, click on the square box right above that line to choose a picture00:19
Linkmasterscroll down to find one you either like, or until you find the 'terminal' option00:19
LinkmasterOnce you've done all that, hit 'save' let it update it, and tell me if it worked00:20
sionethere is a way to reload the default menubar ?00:21
LinkmasterYour menubar is shot too?00:22
LinkmasterI remember at one point...but did what I tell you work?00:22
sioneI dont see where to change th picture00:22
sioneabove the "command" line ?00:23
Linkmasterare you still on the kmenu application edit thingy?00:23
Linkmasterand you've done everything else, correct?00:23
sioneyes, just need a picture00:23
LinkmasterMake sure your in the 'general' tab00:23
LinkmasterOn that same context plane, there will be a square, around 1"x1" that is blank. Click on that square00:24
sioneoh lol00:24
LinkmasterIt will be along the right, above the 'comment' line, and beside the 'description' line00:24
sionethanks... it was invisible00:24
LinkmasterYou got it, good. Now, pick a picture you like, or type in 'terminal' and hopefully it'll be in there00:24
LinkmasterYeah, its pretty sneak with certain themes00:25
sionethanks man00:25
LinkmasterDoes it work now?00:26
LinkmasterGood :D00:26
sioneI'm not used to kde yet, I am use to no GUI at all lol, its like a labyrinth for me00:28
sionekde is like*00:28
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amnitequic question hot do i change the bg for logon on screen in natty?00:53
OerHekstype in your KDE menu 'start' and you will find a manager for splash screens00:56
Linkmastersione: trust me, it an amazing desktop environment01:00
BloodyRain2khi, I managed to wreck my Kubuntu again and was wondering if it's possible to reinstall it without having it overwrite my userprofile of the wrecked installation, it's an older version though, 10.10 going by my only dvd and the fact I never updated. Is that possible?01:04
LinkmasterBloodyRain2k: how did you 'wreck' it? We might be able to fix it01:05
BloodyRain2kI partially doubt it but surprise me, what I did last was having the great idea of updating things with the Synaptic (I think) Package Manager, well that install thing, so I selected all packages that were marked upgradeable, were around 272, some failed, most went fine and it wanted to restart, so I did01:07
LinkmasterWhat is going wrong?01:07
BloodyRain2know I get only error lines when I try to boot with second timecodes in [] like [64.6] and some ata.xx error01:08
LinkmasterDid you upgrade a kernel?01:08
BloodyRain2kcan't really remember, well I got that for the recovery console too so I figured it was wrecked. I guess I accidently did that too, as I suddenly had a new one for launching, both were giving these errors though01:08
BloodyRain2kif you want me to write down some errors give me a min, then I'll boot it up again01:09
LinkmasterOkay, you did have a kernel upgrade. are you using a seperate computer, or dual booting?01:09
LinkmasterAh, I assume dual-booting then. Yes, please write the errors as you see them, then go to pastebin.com and type it in there01:10
BloodyRain2knah, seperate pc, but the one that has it is dual booting anyways01:11
BloodyRain2kok gimme a few min01:11
BloodyRain2khttp://img196.imageshack.us/img196/7659/s5003883z.jpg ok here it is01:18
BloodyRain2kway easier and more accurate than typing it myself01:19
Linkmastermakes sense, let me load it up real fast01:19
BloodyRain2kit shows these lines going till around 500 to 600 sec, then my usual glitched screen (driver problem) comes which normally indicates its loading the GUI, Bluetooth turns on too, hdd runs for a short time longer, then nothing anymore01:20
LinkmasterSo it spams those lines for a long time?01:22
BloodyRain2kyup, sometimes it starts at 64 sec, onetime it started at 500+01:23
LinkmasterI'm guessing you can't get to KDM, and neither the newer or older kernel 'recovery' modes worked?01:23
BloodyRain2kI thought it could fix itself if I let it run for some time a few times but this time not : (01:23
BloodyRain2knope, I can't get into nothing, which is why I considered it wrecked, again01:24
BloodyRain2kthat was the reason if linux can reinstall but still keep userprofiles like windows can sometimes01:24
LinkmasterAlright, so what are you trying to save?01:25
BloodyRain2knot that much, mostly the work of setting everything to my liking again01:25
Linkmasterokay, most of that will be in .kde01:25
Linkmasterwhat you'll need to do is grab a LiveCD and whatever you use to back up your stuff. To make life easy, just back up /home01:26
BloodyRain2knice that my install cd is both, live and install, so for backing up i guess you mean just a place for it like an usb stick? or do I need to get some application for that first?01:26
LinkmasterOnce its backed up, reinstall it, and then from your backup, move /home and overwrite the current /home. Once thats done, restart to ensure all changes work fine01:27
LinkmasterYou can use a USB stick, external harddrive, whatever you want01:27
LinkmasterUse Dolphin thats on the LiveCD01:27
BloodyRain2kmhm, if i wanna back up my installed applications, will that be much harder?01:28
Linkmastersuch as what?01:29
LinkmasterThough yes technically it will be. Some would be involved by hunting through the system folders, which isn't that hard, but from a new installation you may/may not have the required dependencies, so its better to just re-install them01:29
BloodyRain2kmhm i guess, isn't that hard with synaptic01:30
BloodyRain2kok thanks, gonna do that :3 ill report back if it worked or i got stuck somewhere01:30
LinkmasterPreferably the first!01:30
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greenKremlingcan anyone help me? i have 5.1 surround and i'm trying to change the channels (front, rear, subwoofer...). i cannot seem to find these settings. i just get a general 5.1 volume control but beyond that i cannot configure anything else.03:59
OerHeksopen terminal: alsamixer04:02
dinesh_how to format pendrive in Kubuntu 11.0404:07
dinesh_any advise?04:15
dinesh_how to format pendrive in kubuntu 11.0404:15
dinesh_how to format pendrive in kubuntu 11.0404:23
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.04:24
C_Smith_hey, how can I check my GPU's Memory?04:56
LinkmasterYou can load up the system module, which shows all the processes running04:57
Linkmaster'kmenu -> applications -> system -> system monitor'04:57
LinkmasterC_Smith_: ^04:57
C_Smith_ok, thanks04:57
C_Smith_I'm not seeing my Gfx card (GPU)'s memory on there, but I'm seeing my CPU usage which is quite nice.05:00
LinkmasterHm.....i have no clue then, I have onboard graphics D':05:00
C_Smith_have a Intel Integrated, so would that affect the memory findings in the command "lshw"?05:01
LinkmasterI dunno05:02
LinkmasterI don't think so05:02
LinkmasterBut thats just me thinking05:02
C_Smith_well, tbh, I have no clue what part of "display" I would look for the memory at, my guess is this "resources: irq:44 memory:d0000000-d03fffff memory:c0000000-cfffffff ioport:5110(size=8)'05:03
Linkmasterput it in a pastebin, and send the link. I'll take a look at it once my file is done compressing05:03
C_Smith_here's the pastebin of my lshw http://paste.ubuntu.com/633414/05:06
* Linkmaster 's file is still compressing05:08
C_Smith_just take your time, no rush.05:10
C_Smith_hey, in Amorok, how can I create a Smart Playlist?05:16
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IAmErrorIs there a way to install the software centre from Ubuntu, onto Kubuntu?05:25
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C_Smith_I don't believe so, but I'll let someone a little more experienced answer that.05:27
frogonwheelsIAmError: really the only difference between 'ubuntu' and 'kubuntu' is that it defaults to kde rather than gnome...05:38
frogonwheelsIAmError: what's the problem with the Software Management  in the system settings?  which bit are you after?05:39
C_Smith_Linkmaster, is that file still compressing?05:39
frogonwheelsIAmError: I tend to be a fan of aptitude myself, but that's personal preference :)05:39
LinkmasterIt just finished05:39
C_Smith_cool, big file?05:40
LinkmasterEh....I'm not a hardware techie :/05:41
C_Smith_hmmmm, is there anywhere I can go to find this out?05:43
C_Smith_or should I just default the setting to "512"?05:44
C_Smith_so, it looks like my GFX card (an intel GMA4500MHD) relies on storage from elsewhere, so I'll just put the setting to default.05:51
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p896gbmhey folks, where are the program shortcuts in kde?07:47
p896gbmthe .desktop files wh07:47
p896gbmwhich go in my 'start menu' or whatever it's called07:47
yofelthe .desktop files are in /usr/share/applications/ and ~/.local/share/applications/07:48
p896gbmperfect thanks yofel07:48
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abkdeHi, kpackagekit says it can't get exclusive lock, anybody knows what to do?08:59
szaldon't use it09:00
McWebbis there another kpackage process running?09:00
McWebbwow..that's the first thing I've said on irc in over 10 years...hope it was worth it09:02
abkdeszal: same problem with ubuntu software center09:02
szalbtw, anyone noticed that JuK is weird? -> turn off crossfading between tracks, then put 1 track in its collection list & it will repeat that ad infinitum, put 2 tracks in its collection list, and it will stop after track 109:03
abkdeMcWebb: no, there is not, even i restarted system and problem still exist09:03
yofelabkde: does 'lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock' or 'lsof /var/cache/apt/archives/lock' say something?09:04
abkdeyofel: let me check09:04
yofelthose are the only lock files I can think of...09:05
dinesh_i have installed gimp in my kubuntu 11.04.. it has installed but its not opening09:06
szaldinesh_: it's not supposed to open automagically ;)09:06
dinesh_szal : how to open it09:06
dinesh_szal: please advise how to open it09:07
szalenter "gimp" in the menu09:07
szalicon will be available after next login09:08
dinesh_yes i clicked it but its not opening09:08
szal(same for all other newly installed programs)09:08
dinesh_yes i agree09:08
dinesh_its not opening ..... how to do that09:09
szalrun "gimp" from terminal & observe eventual error messages09:09
dinesh_(gimp:3191): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/goption.c:2132: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 009:09
dinesh_Segmentation fault09:09
dinesh_this is the message i got09:10
yofel*sigh*, you're not the first one with a gimp crash, not sure what the problem is there...09:11
szalstarting fine here, just installed09:12
dinesh_how to clear that09:12
yofelright, starts fine here too, but for some people it  just crashes09:12
dinesh_can you advise i am new to kubuntu09:12
yofeldinesh_: try to follow the workaround described here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp/+bug/778414/comments/309:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 778414 in gimp (Ubuntu) "gimp crashes on starting (segfault) in Kubuntu Natty" [Medium,Confirmed]09:15
dinesh_below mentioned error is coming09:16
dinesh_(gimp:3191): GLib-WARNING **: /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/goption.c:2132: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags (8) on option of type 009:16
dinesh_Segmentation fault09:16
szalbug 78502709:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 785027 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "Annoyning warning with several applications: ignoring no-arg, optional-arg or filename flags" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78502709:16
yofeldinesh_: as I said, follow the instructions in the comment, should work09:17
abkdeyofel: following the error messege instructions solved the problem, how i didn't noticed that before! i don't know!09:17
abkdeyofel: tnx :)09:18
dinesh_Its not opening09:21
dinesh_i did the option what you have recomded09:21
yofeldinesh_: what theme did you use?09:21
yofelyou *did* press the apply button? ^^09:22
dinesh_there is no simple there09:22
ZweiDreiDoes anyone know how to stop the Synaptiks Touchpad app from autostarting???09:22
yofelwell, anything other than oxygen-gtk should work09:22
dinesh_i checked with all the options09:22
yofelyou did change theme -> apply -> try to open gimp using that theme?09:23
FlashDeluxehi! does anybody know a good keylogger for kubuntu?10:08
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olskolircI'm using kate.  How do I set a link behind words please?12:05
uberfrauhey guys, i need help installing wine and stuff so i can view .xml files12:08
uberfrauerr, wait, i can open with firefox, duh12:09
uberfraunvm ;D12:09
dinesh_how to install nimbuzz in kubuntu 11.0412:15
dinesh_How to install nimbuzz in kubuntu 11.0412:17
raul_Hi everyone, I have troubles with apt and aptitude I did so many nasty changes so I decided to reinstall from 0, I removed aptitude but apt stills unremoved I trided dpkg --purge and dpkg --remove but it complains about dependencies, anyway I tried to reinstall it after downloading de dpkg package and doing sudo dpkg -i apt.... but it does not solved my problem whichs was "E: Method /usr/lib/apt/methods/ did not start correctly"12:35
raul_Any tip in how to remove all the apt stuff and reinstall it will be really apreciated, thanks in advance12:36
frogonwheelsraul_: just remember apt stuff is your package download management!12:37
frogonwheelsraul_: so if you're gonna try reinstalling it all, you better have the .deb packages lying about.12:38
frogonwheels(they'll be in you apt cache to start with)12:38
raul_frogonwheels: I have the apt.deb package already I tried to install it does not worked out12:39
datorCan somebody help me to put in autostart?12:40
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soeeany news about KDE 4.7rc1 in Kubuntu ppa's ?12:40
raul_frogonwheels: And when I try to force de pruge of the apt package with sudo dpkg --purge apt it complainas about several dependences12:40
anonbooFreze, What is your question?12:41
Frezeanonboo: I was writting ;), I`m connecting my VPN with terminal how do i put it on autostart (when Linxu starts)12:42
FrezePlus you have to write password and username12:42
anonbooFreze, put the script in ~/.kde/Autostart12:46
Frezeanonboo: Thanks but the script remains12:47
anonbooFreze, Rephrase please.12:47
FrezeAnoonboo: brb12:49
FrezeAnonboo: I have to write in terminal to connect to my VPN: sudo openvpn /etc/openvpn/PrivatVPN-SE.conf12:49
anonbooFreze, Sorry, I don't understand what the problem is.12:51
FrezeAnonboo: Haha? When I connect to Linux, I`m not connected to my VPN (Virtuell Private Network). And I have to write all these commandos.12:52
FrezeBut how do I write a script that does this automatic12:52
Frezewhen linux boots12:52
OerHeksFreze there is a wiki about setting up your VPN connection and save the connection details > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN12:55
FrezeOerHerks: Checking in out brb12:59
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neurochromehey folks, i'm a new convert to kde4(.6) and have to say it is running very well on my latest machine, so kudos to the devs for that... one question though, I have the 'search box' on the panel, and it does nothing... is there something I'm missing here?  enter does nothing, and nothing is searched for... what am *I* doing wrong? ;)13:49
BluesKajneurochrome, that search is for particular apps installed on the system , use nepomuk for system file searches13:52
Muhammad-TahirBluesKaj i m on Lubuntu but i cant hear the voice it simply goes off :(13:53
neurochromeBluesKaj, I thought this was nepomuk?  It doesn't even find apps to be fair though.  I could quite easily search apps using alt+f2 if I know the names13:53
BluesKajyes neurochrome , the run command ( alt+F2 or right click on the desktop ) is for file paths etc..check in system settings>startup&shutdown>service mnager to check the runnining daemons13:56
BluesKajMuhammad-Tahir, do you meanthat there's no audio or sound ?13:57
Muhammad-Tahirthere is but i dnt know how it just went off13:58
BluesKajsorry Muhammad-Tahir , I'm not sure what you mean14:00
Muhammad-Tahirin the right click menu on Speaker in the tray the " Vlume control Setting is not enabled" i cant  clickon it14:00
BluesKajMuhammad-Tahir, did just update/upgrade?14:01
Muhammad-Tahira fresh install14:02
Muhammad-Tahiri m having trouble with sound14:02
Muhammad-Tahirin the beggining its okay but than it simply goes off14:02
Muhammad-Tahirn the right click menu on Speaker in the tray the " Vlume control Setting is not enabled" i cant  clickon it14:03
BluesKajok , Muhammad-Tahir , open a terminal , sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras && alsa-base alsa-utils14:04
BluesKajor look for those apps in the software sources14:05
Muhammad-TahirThx Man its working14:05
kyubutsudownloaded 64bit flash from adobe, where to cp this for firefox14:09
Muhammad-TahirBluesKaj u there ?14:13
Muhammad-Tahirit is saying14:13
Muhammad-Tahiralsa-base: command not found14:13
kyubutsunice, although it wasn't showing, at least i can see icedtea showing up in ff about:plugins14:14
BluesKaj kyubutsu , just install kubuntu-restricted-extras , it contains java and other media apps/codecs required14:14
kyubutsui did that.. no results. so i installed icetea via kpackagekit14:15
BluesKajMuhammad-Tahir, sudo apt-get install alsa-base14:15
Muhammad-Tahirndiswrapper-common libdmraid1.0.0.rc16 archdetect-deb python-pyicu14:16
Muhammad-Tahir  libdebian-installer4 cryptsetup reiserfsprogs rdate libcairomm-1.0-114:16
Muhammad-Tahir  libglibmm-2.4-1c2a libatkmm-1.6-1 libsigc++-2.0-0c2a libpangomm-1.4-114:16
Muhammad-Tahir  btrfs-tools libgtkmm-2.4-1c2a localechooser-data apt-clone dpkg-repack14:16
Muhammad-Tahir  libcheese-gtk18 libdebconfclient0 dmraid libgnome-desktop-2-17 hwdata14:16
Muhammad-TahirUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.14:16
FloodBotK1Muhammad-Tahir: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:16
kyubutsuso, my question is: where to place the flashsquare driver so ff can register14:17
BluesKajkyubutsu, then you have to enable the repository sources in the packagekit , some must be diasbled14:17
kyubutsuicetea seems to be working .. i need the directory for flash14:18
kyubutsuif it is /usr/lib/firefox/plugins , do i have to reboot for it to apply ?14:20
BluesKaj  /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives usually kdesudo will work14:22
kyubutsuwhat's dpkg has to do with firefox14:24
kyubutsuBluesKaj: where is your flash.so14:25
kyubutsuwhat directory14:26
BluesKajfirefox-flashplugin in /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives14:26
BluesKajkyubutsu,, personally I think you're going about this the wrong way , enable alkl the repos in the packagekit and install kubuntu-restricted-extras ... then the proper plugins etc will be instaled for FF etc14:28
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BluesKajcherry picking with flash isn't good practice IMO14:30
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kyubutsui installed the restricted-extras via kpackagekit already14:30
kyubutsueven before ff14:31
BluesKajthe alternative can also work tho , install flashplugin-installer14:31
kyubutsui did that too14:31
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kyubutsui'll just drop the flash driver i got into ../dpkg/alternatives and see what happens14:33
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Ddpbfis there kde 4.7 rc1 packages in kubuntu-ppa?15:26
genii-aroundNot yet, latest is 4.6.415:27
Ddpbfi ment in kubuntu beta backports15:27
Ddpbf4.7 will not be in kubuntu-ppa till 4.7.1 afaik15:27
genii-aroundThey might know a better timeline for this in #kubuntu-devel15:28
Ddpbfmight be15:29
Ddpbfit seems they have some problems15:30
svakshamy wifi card is not detected in kubuntu. Any ideas? I have tried,15:31
Ddpbfsvaksha: wich wifi card?15:31
svakshabroadcom 43x15:31
Ddpbfsudo lscpci -nn | grep -i network15:31
Ddpbfand sudo lshw -C network15:31
svakshasudo: lscpci: command not found15:32
svakshatried that, returned nothing15:33
Ddpbfsudo lspci -nn | grep -i network ?15:33
Ddpbfit must tell you some thing15:33
Ddpbfok what says other one?15:34
Ddpbfsudo lshw -C network15:34
svakshaDdpbf: http://dpaste.de/COyK/ <-- the broadcom card is not detected. Isnt that odd?15:36
svakshamy wirered commection works btw15:37
Ddpbfthat s good15:37
Ddpbfwhat said lshw -C network15:37
Ddpbfit should see your card?15:38
svakshait only checks the PCI, CPUID and returns nothing15:38
svakshaDdpbf: no, it does not list any output15:38
Ddpbfsvaksha: do you hawe usb wifi adapter?15:40
svakshanope. this wifi card worked fine till i updated the kernel15:40
Ddpbfyou could install15:41
Ddpbfolder kernel15:41
Ddpbfon natty15:41
* svaksha is on lucid15:41
Ddpbfok then you could easy instal older one15:42
svakshathe kernel version that came with lucid was fine but a sudo apt-get update killed something15:42
sioneHello, I am looking for "menu.lst", where is it ?16:04
genii-aroundsione: normally in /boot/grub  directory. menu.lst is for older grub version 1 however.16:16
BluesKajback..taking a break from the lawn mower...musn't overdo it16:20
sionegenii-around: I am looking to change the boot resolution, I talk about the inputs at the startup before the splash screen, 'cause I can't see those... my monitor says something like "PC resolution out of range" while starting up, then the splash appears and everything is fine16:23
genii-aroundsione: If you do command: apt-cache policy grub grub2      it should say which one of them is installed. From there we know which files to edit16:24
kubu2sione: look in /etc/default/grub16:26
noaXesshey all16:27
noaXessis there any way to boost up internal cpu fan in a asus notebook.. over a comand?16:27
sione2genii-around: look at that16:28
sione2  Installed: (none)16:29
sione2  Candidate: 0.97-29ubuntu6116:29
sione2  Version table:16:29
sione2     0.97-29ubuntu61 016:29
FloodBotK1sione2: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:29
sione2        500 http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty/main i386 Packages16:29
kubu2sione2: look in /etc/default/grub16:29
sionegenii-around: your command says that there is no grub installed, is it possible ?16:31
sionekubu2: yes I'm in16:32
yofelyes, it's possible, grub-pc should be installed16:33
noaXesssione try with grub-common16:33
yofel!grub2 | sione16:33
ubottusione: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)16:33
sioneI think my computer do not support grub216:34
kubu2sione: have you looked in that grub file? the resolution is there16:35
Ddpbfsione: which kubuntu do you have?16:36
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sioneDdpbf: last one16:37
Ddpbfand how that yor computer does not support grub2?16:37
Ddpbfif it can take full kde16:37
Ddpbfthan grub2 is peace of kake16:37
yofeldoes it show the grub screen if you hold left shift pressed on boot? (It doesn't show itself by default unless you dual boot)16:38
notslad_I've manually installed Firefox 5 but java (not javascript) is not working in the browser.  I've uninstalled all of the openjdk packages and installed the sun-java6 packages (including sun-java6-plugin) but Firefox still believes that it doesn't know what to do with java code.  Any ideas where I should start looking from here?16:38
sioneyofel: ok I'll try that16:38
kubu2sione: edit the file /etc/default/grub and look for #GRUB_GFXMODE=640x48016:39
sionekubu2: should I uncomment that ?16:39
yofelnotslad_: the only thing the icedtea and sun-java6-plugin packages do is link the java plugin to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.so, so it should be able to find it as long as it looks for it there16:39
kubu2uncomment it and change the res you want16:39
sionekubu2: then it will show up on boot I guess ?16:40
sioneinstead od that "PC resolution out of ranger" error from my monitor lol16:40
yofelin Natty the grub resolution handling was changed to use gfxpayload=keep and vt.handoff=7, maybe it's those16:40
notslad_yofel: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.so exists.. and ldd says that it isn't missing any libraries.. but when I go to http://www.java.com/en/download/testjava.jsp the page says "Something is wrong.  Java is not working"16:41
kubu2sione: once you have it changed then do sudo update-grub then reboot16:41
notslad_yofel: when I did an "ls -p $(pgrep firefox) | grep plugin it shows that firefox is using the libflashplayer.so plugin in the same directory that you pointed out..16:42
soeeis there any app similiar to gtk pavucontrol for kde ?16:42
yofelno idea what's wrong then :/16:42
yofelsione: additionally to GRUB_GFXMODE, adding  GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text to /etc/default/grub could help16:43
notslad_soee: I usually use kmix for audio volume control...16:43
notslad_yofel: thanks for taking a look, though.  I'll keep digging :^)16:44
sioneyofel: thanks, I'll try first to press "left shift" to see what happen, then I'll modify the grub file16:45
soeenotslad_, yeah but i want to configure 5.1 speakers etc. pavuctontrol was quite nice16:45
notslad_soee: since KDE uses pulseaudio I would think you could still use pavucontrol16:46
soeenotslad_, ok thanx for help ill give it a try16:47
notslad_soee: if that doesn't work, kmix has some more settings in "Settings -> Audio Setup" that might adjust what you need16:48
noaXesssome laptop users here?.. what overal temp does your cpu have the whole day on working?17:07
noaXessmine is 66°17:08
noaXesshm.. ok.. i develop often, some browser open, eclipse.. normally 18-20 open programms..17:09
kyubutsujust came by to say if one installs kubuntu without internet connection/thirdparty stuff/update.while.installing, it turns into a pretty messy experience to get java/flash working17:13
BluesKajkyubutsu, check out the alternate install17:14
kyubutsufirst time around, i installed just the base system and could not get flash/java to work on rekonq or even firefox17:15
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classical text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Kubuntu download page - See also !minimal17:15
solifugusSo what (lately) is the best way to install nvidia drivers?17:15
yofelhardware drivers app (jockey-kde)17:15
solifugusI see it..17:15
kyubutsuBluesKaj: you and i never seem to be on the same page, sigh17:16
BluesKajsolifugus, open the kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers , choose the recommended driver17:16
kyubutsuanyhow, i got my issue solved17:16
solifugusBluesKaj: strangely, it says it's already activated.  This is a fresh kubuntu 11.04 install17:17
solifugusBut even 2D performance is quite slow..17:17
BluesKajkyubutsu, the factoid doesn't mention the alternate install is the preferred methos for installing kubuntu without an internet connection17:17
BluesKajsolifugus, what's your nvidia card17:18
solifugusVGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8500 GT] (rev a1)17:19
kyubutsui was making a point that using the normal install without an internet connection is near useless as far as being web ready17:19
solifugusIt said one was activated.. but the one that said "current" was not.. so I am activating that now.17:19
BluesKajsolifugus, the current is the recommended driver , correct ?17:20
solifugusBluesKaj: Yes.  The one that showed as activated already was the other..  had (173) in parenthesis..17:21
BluesKajkyubutsu,  I prefer the alternate install cd for both linux machines here , an older one that needs it due to it's HW and this pc because of the greater number of opr=tions17:22
Linkmasterare there any hardware people who can help me with a possible compatability issue?17:22
solifugusThis newer KDE looks much nicer..17:22
solifugusgetting closer to how nice kde 3.x was to use..17:22
BluesKajsolifugus, which kubuntu version are you running and which nvidia card ?17:22
yofelBluesKaj: he already said natty and 8500GT17:23
RabenvogelKurze Frage. Gibt es bei Amarok auch eine Möglichkeit Onlinestreams (in meinen Fall Radio) abzuspielen und zu verwalten?17:23
Linkmasterwait, nevermind17:23
Rabenvogeluh wrong channel sorry17:23
BluesKajoh sorry i missed that solifugus ... I was away for a couple of mins17:24
BluesKajnvidia-current is definitely the driver for the 8500gt17:25
BluesKajLinkmaster, what issue is that ?17:27
BluesKajerr was that :)17:27
solifugusBluesKaj: yeah.. I'm running between two computers, myself..17:28
solifuguswill restart now to see how it works..17:29
BluesKajhad to switch to the tv input ....wifw wanted to watch the weather forecast17:29
BluesKajer wife17:29
Rabenvogela short question: can amarok replay and bookmark online audiostreams?17:30
BluesKajmy timing seems to be off today ...better have some lunch17:30
solifugusNow my desktop is much, much faster..17:33
solifugusbut i still want to get one of those shiney new 6-core AMD processors.17:33
kyubutsunice! so cool rekonq is working out.. won't have to install firefox17:39
kyubutsuvictory is mine!  muahahah17:39
kyubutsureally excited; i was testing out unity for a bit , was good until it crashed and burned on me.17:41
BATikyubutsu: I was testing out unity, until I crashed a burned it :)17:42
kyubutsukde has a nicer set of default apps in my opinion too17:43
kyubutsuubuntu/unity has alot of kinks to iron out at this point17:43
kyubutsushort of not using the word 'disaster'17:44
notslad_yofel: someone in #firefox helped me figure out my browser/java-plugin issue.. Firefox's "Download" button has a 32-bit version.. you can go to their ftp.mozilla.com site and download the 64-bit version.. because I had been running 64bit java and 32bit Firefox the plugin failed to load17:46
yofelgreat -.-17:46
kyubutsuit did not occur to me to check on #firefox when i had flash issue .. /chuckles17:48
kyubutsualthough, reinstalling with the proper options was much better solution anyway17:49
kyubutsubelieve this, googling for answers only added to the confusion17:51
kyubutsukde seems to be pretty obscure still17:51
kyubutsuubuntu gets all the coverage17:51
jjjjoeWhen I do an apt-get update I get the following error:17:57
jjjjoeReading package lists... Error!17:57
jjjjoeE: Encountered a section with no Package: header17:57
jjjjoeE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty-security_main_binary-i386_Packages17:57
jjjjoeE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.17:57
FloodBotK1jjjjoe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:57
jjjjoewoops!  Didn't know it was that long.  Sorry17:57
jjjjoeAnyone seen this error?17:59
genii-aroundjjjjoe: You can just remove all in that directory, it gets rebuilt when you do: sudo apt-get update18:00
evmohello to all18:04
jjjjoegenii-around, I still get the error even after i delete that file18:05
genii-aroundjjjjoe: Is your hard drive extremely full?18:07
jjjjoegenii-around, nope18:07
jjjjoegenii-around, I just did a sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/18:08
genii-aroundjjjjoe: Thats fine, as I said it gets rebuilt18:08
jjjjoegenii-around, thanks!  Its working now! =)18:09
* genii-around celebrates with a fresh coffee!18:09
BluesKaj!list | mrCK18:24
ubottumrCK: This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:32
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keitoJust installed Kubuntu 11.04 and it asks for my KDE daemon password to unlock the NetworkManager ... EVERY BOOT!!! How do I get it to stop doing this?  I've selected 'remember' and it still doesn't work.  I read installing wicd will do it, but is there no other way?20:19
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foormeahi. i had an ubuntu-desktop dstrib installed, i installed kubuntu-desktop metapackage for the switch to kde. i want to remove all the ubuntu-desktop-related stuff. i have a list of installed packages that contain *gnome*, but when i issue a sudo aptitude purge <lits of packages>, i get warning messages because of dependancies20:50
foormeaalso, *gnome* is not a proper fit for ubuntu-desktop dependancies20:50
foormeai really want to remove all gnome stuff because it's messing with kde20:50
foormeabut i'm not sure now how to go about doing that20:50
foormeaoh, consider i cannot reinstall my system :)20:51
yofel!purekde | foormea20:51
ubottufoormea: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »20:51
foormeafound this: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde20:51
foormeathanks yofel20:52
jamesiarmes_I have an HTC Thunderbolt and I'm trying to Tether it to my laptop. When I try using the mobile hotspot, it does not appear in my list of wireless networks and I can not connect by typing in the SSID manually. When I try to tether to USB I don't see any devices listed for me to connect to in the network manager. I'm running Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE 4.6.420:58
LINKSWORD2Greetings, all. :)21:18
* Linkmaster starts his fires21:19
* LINKSWORD2 burns Linkmaster's files.21:19
LinkmasterWhy'd you do that? D:21:20
LINKSWORD2I felt like it.21:20
LinkmasterGood enough for me21:20
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amichairis it possible to boot and run partition editor from the regular hard disk installation (without live cd/usb) and modify the system disk?22:33
yofelas long as you're not trying to modify the system partition, yes. The partition that is being modified needs to be unmounted IIRC.22:34
James147amichair: yes, but it is highly unwaise to edit disks that have mounted partitions... hence why you should boot a live cd if you need to edit root22:34
amichairyofel: I do want to modify the system partition22:35
yofelthen use a live disk. I think fdisk can edit the system partition, but you can only use the changes after a reboot22:35
amichairthat's what I guessed, but I was wondering if there's some way to boot in 'read only' mode or somesuch22:35
yofela live disk is less likely to cause a mess22:35
yofelwell, you could remount,ro the partition22:36
amichairafter all, everything that's on the livecd is already on the disk, no?22:36
amichairit actually sound like it would be pretty simple to add such an (advanced) option to the standard boot menu22:37
yofelwell, the disks are mounted ro at boot and are later remounted rw, so it would be trivial I guess22:37
amichairif only I knew how to fiddle with the boot commands22:38
prometheus777aaxhi, anyone noticed that video played fullscreen in dragonplayer/vlc/smplaye goes black for a moment when pressing right mouse button or moving mouse?22:38
prometheus777aaxanyone knows how to fix this?22:38
James147amichair: the safest and easiest option is to boot a live cd... though  I know its possible to resize ext filesystem while mounted I dont know how resizing a partition would act22:40
yofelprometheus777aax: try to go to the desktop effects settings -> advanced -> suspend desktop effects for fullscreen windows22:41
yofelmaybe that helps22:41
prometheus777aaxyofel: suspended already22:45
yofeltry to not suspend them22:45
prometheus777aaxyofel: it works, thanx, you saved my day :)22:46
footrootanybody to help me22:49
James147!help | footroot22:49
ubottufootroot: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:49
footrootok, thanks22:49
footrooterror "Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal."22:52
footrootI try to reinstall but I can't22:53
footrootanybody knows why?22:53
yofelfootroot: can you pastebin the full error output you get?22:58
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:58
footrooti'll try22:58
footrootNo se pudo instalar uno de los paquetes seleccionados.22:58
footrootEn el informe detallado puede consultar más información.22:58
footrootPackage is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal.22:58
yofelok, what exactly are you trying to reinstall?22:58
footrootI don't need it but I can't do enything else if I don't install it22:59
footrootsomebody knows what's my problem, why I can't install the package?23:07
yofelsry, was busy. can you open Konsole and run 'sudo -E LANG=C apt-get install language-pack-sd' and post the output to http://paste.kde.org and give me the link?23:08
=== kari is now known as oh8gfa
footrootI think i did well23:13
yofelfootroot: this time run 'sudo -E LANG=C apt-get install -f' and post it again23:15
footrootI'm not sure what's happening, can you explain?23:18
yofeltry: 'sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/language-pack-sd_<TAB>' where <TAB> means pressing the tab key since I'm not sure what the version would be23:19
yofelshould autocomplete the file23:20
footrootok, i'll try23:21
footrootI do copy and paste23:21
yofelwell, *something* broke the package management status files for that package, no real way to find out how that happened other than reading the logs23:21
footrootdidn't I?23:21
yofelwell, run that, then try apt-get install -f again23:22
footrootI think it run23:26
footrootI'll post again23:26
footrootso, now I have to install the rest of updates23:28
yofelshould be fine now23:28
footrootthank you23:28
footrootcould you explain me what we did?23:29
footrootor, why the package was broken?23:30
footrootjust if you can23:30
footrootit can be because I tried to upgrade without success23:33
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footrootthe system did something estrange, it start the upgrade and at 28 % stoped23:34
soeeany plans to ship KDE 4.7 rc1 via ppa ?23:34
kameelhi all, yesterday everything run fine and today I had a login loop. Nothing helped and I destroyed my root user account. Now I created another one but this one doesn't has root (can't install apps or anything). How can I delete the /home/snew/ partition in terminal so that it gets created by scratch by next boot up? I want to delete the whole /home partition so I don't have anymore the loop problem and get my apps and their23:38
kameelconfigs back from my backup23:38
kameelIf I now try to login with snew I get an error that /home is missing23:39
yofelkameel: go to the grub screen (hold left shift pressed at boot), select recovery mode, then in the recovery shell you'll be root23:41
yofelif you want to give your new user sudo permissions you need to add him to the admin group23:42
kameelis there a possibility to delete the superuser snew from recovery shell, recreate him with a fresh home partition?23:42
kameelor wait23:43
kameelok answered it myself23:43
kameelwill try, thanks23:43
footrootthank's guys, I'm learning just reading23:43
footroothow can I know where is the web folder of my server (LAMP)?23:46
footrootwhere sould I put my webpages?23:47
Ddpbfyofel: is there any plans for 4.7 rc1 in kubuntu ppa.  I believe that you heard this question lot of times, but I need it for news on ubuntu-rs.org23:47
sialguém fala meu idioma?23:47
footrooteu puedo tradure23:48
footrootmais o menos23:49
yofelwe're working on it. END. here's the current state: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging23:49
sieu sou novo neste tipo de bate-papo23:49
yofelDdpbf: ^23:49
Ddpbfyofel: thanks.23:49
footrootfaces a tua domanda23:50
siserá que ninguém aqui fala português-do-brasil?23:50
Ddpbfsi: try #ubuntu-br23:50
footrooteu poso fala español23:50
Ddpbfor #ubuntu-pt23:51
Ddpbfsi: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList23:52
jwashhi everyone, can someone assist me getting my workspace situation corrected? i have enabled 4, but I can't switch between them. I do have the workspace switcher enabled and showing, but it only shows one workspace.23:54
sialguém aqui é um expert em ubuntu 11.04 e que possa me dar uma ajudinha?23:56
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.23:56

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