
arandHow does one do chan-specifik factoids again?00:30
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, tritium, Madpilot, gnomefreak, elky, mneptok, Pici, Gary, Myrtti, PriceChild, topyli, jussi, genii, ikonia, Flannel, lhavelund, gord, h00k, funkyHat, nhandler, Tm_T, hypatia, maco, or rww!00:30
IdleOnelike that00:30
IdleOnesorry about the pings everybody00:30
* elky hits IdleOne over the head with the nearest heavy thing.00:31
IdleOneI didn't think before hitting enter00:31
IdleOneowwww :(00:31
elkyThat'll learn ya.00:31
arandI was trying to do:00:31
arandubottu: !bugresponses-#ubuntu-bugs is <reply> Several templates for Bug Squad bug responses are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses00:32
ubottuarand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:32
bazhangdont preface with ubottu00:32
arand!bugresponses-#ubuntu-bugs is <reply> Several templates for Bug Squad bug responses are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses00:32
ubottuarand: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:32
arandAny suggestions?00:36
IdleOnelooking up how to add channel specific factoids but can't seem to find it00:37
IdleOne:/ my ubottu fu is limited00:38
m4vafaik the syntax is correct.00:41
IdleOne!bugresponses-#ubuntu-bugs is <reply> Several templates for Bug Squad bug responses are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses00:41
ubottuI'll remember that, IdleOne00:41
IdleOnethere you go00:41
IdleOneshould work00:41
ubottuSeveral templates for Bug Squad bug responses are available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses00:41
m4vkk, ubottu gives misleading replies, not new.00:42
arandSo she listens to you but not to me :(00:43
IdleOnecorrect, because I give her snacks00:43
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!00:44
m4varand: it should have replied that forwarded the request to -ops, I guest it only does that in private.00:46
arandm4v: I did the same in private, with the same response, did it forward it still?00:54
m4vIdleOne: did it? ^00:55
IdleOnelooks like theres a bug and didn't forward the request00:55
IdleOnenow you need to wait for ubot4 to sync00:58
IdleOneor ping jpd s00:58
IdleOneand see what's up00:58
arandWell, I'll check back tomorrow and see.01:03
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l
emhey how's it going.10:21
emanyone from #ubuntu-uk here?10:21
popeyhi em10:22
popeyI've unbanned you10:22
emoh thanks :)10:22
popeyYou were bouncing in and out a lot10:22
emsorry about that. Some kid in Iraq was DDoSing me somehow from right here on Freenode.10:22
emHe goes by 'IRAQI' if you ever see him but he got klined too.10:22
=== k1l_ is now known as k1l

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