
samdhi, im in the process of making my first deb package. The software im packing has no version, what version should i put?00:33
arandsamd: What software is it, is it taken from a revision control of some sort?00:38
arandsamd: Normally, one would use the date of the release as a stand-in version00:38
samdarand: yes, its mjpg-streamer, it was taken from the svn repository because it was the only source i found, if i download the tar.gz package from them, they use "r150" as 'version' where 150 is the last commit00:39
arandAs an example I am using "lugaru-data_0~20110520.1+hge4354-1" for a game from mercurial (hg) with no versioning currently00:40
samdarand: alright, sounds good, ill use the date00:41
arandsamd: So following that it would be "0~$date.1+svn150-1" or something to that effect00:41
samdarand: sounds good, thank you very much, ill continue with the packing00:43
samdarand: im following the guide from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic00:43
arandsamd: Alternatively r150, I think that might just be your preference00:43
samdarand: i tried that , but for some reason dh_make didnt recognized "r150" as a version, i might had it wrote wrong, but i changed the version to 1.0 just to see, and it worked.00:45
aranddh_make might be a bit more strict there.. you can always change it afterwards in the changelog though00:46
arandI meant 0~$date.1+r150-1 is also an alternative00:47
samdarand: alright, , i think i will go and try with  0~$date.1+r150-100:47
arand(replacing $date with the date of the commit, just to note)00:48
samdyeah, something like YYYYMMDD i got that00:48
tumbleweedno need to include both a date and a commit number. one of the two will suffice00:49
samdoh ok00:50
arandI'm not sure but I've had some discussions with debian folks who are of the opinion that the revision number is not relevant at all, I personally think it is though, even in the case of hashes, ah, there we go ^ :)00:50
tumbleweed0~YYYYMMDD-1 or 0~svn12-1 (or bzr) are both sensible versions00:51
samdi see, what does the 0~ mean?00:51
arandIt allows for any kind of 0something to be a higher version than 0~something00:52
tumbleweedrevision number is not a good idea for git (where the number of revisions is variable), but svn, bzr and hg have monotonic revision numbers (within a single tree, in hg and bzr, assuming no rebasing or commit removal)00:52
tumbleweed0~ is smaller than 000:52
samdi see00:53
arandSo basically, it means that you don't have to worry about upstream releasing a version, it will always be greater than 0~00:53
samdgot it00:54
samdlet me try to build the package , ill probably throw out more questions as i advance.  thank you!00:55
* tumbleweed is going to bed, enjoy :)00:56
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Laney(in before dholbach who isn't evne here!)08:29
vishLaney: he is at Dublin sprint, so … that might be the delay08:30
Laneyvish: I am going to claim this as a victory nonetheless. :-)08:31
nigelbLaney: got a min for a PM?08:33
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nigelbI made a mistake in the spelling of a word in the dep-3 patch tagging guidelines.16:57
nigelbDo I send a patch to debian or should I just leave it16:57
Laneythe guidelines themselves?16:58
tumbleweedone presumes debian package maintainers all read the patches they receive and edit if necessary16:58
tumbleweedalso, not much actulaly depends on having valid dep3 headers16:59
Laneyassuming not, I'd just reply to the bug and point it out (if it's not archived)16:59
nigelbOk, I'll add a reply to the bug17:01
nigelb\o/ DD replies back with thanks and he fixed it in git :-)17:13
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