
cyphermoxfta, correct there are issues due to gnome-desktop3-data, and possibly also evolution-exchange00:21
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
m_conleychrisccoulson: hello!  how are you today?14:48
chrisccoulsonhi m_conley14:49
m_conleychrisccoulson: I merged your Messaging Menu pull request last week - thanks for that. :)14:50
chrisccoulsoni'm good thanks, how are you?14:50
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks :)14:50
m_conleychrisccoulson: I'm good!14:50
chrisccoulsoni might do some more on that later. i was stuck this morning trying to figure out how to fix a firefox regression14:50
m_conleychrisccoulson: gotcha, no worries14:51
BUGabundobRoas o/19:19
ftamicahg, hi, ch security update expected soon19:38
BUGabundofta: why does this fail? http://www.ro.me/19:40
ftafail how?19:40
BUGabundoWe are very sorry, but “3 Dreams of Black” is an experiment and unfortunately does not currently function on every configuration. It appears that your computer's graphics card doesn't support WebGL technology. You can find more details for troubleshooting here and obtain a list of recommended graphics cards.19:40
BUGabundo14.0.803.0 (Developer Build 90472 Linux) Ubuntu 11.1019:40
ftaBUGabundo, chrome://gpu/19:45
BUGabundoCanvas: Hardware accelerated19:46
BUGabundo3D CSS: Hardware accelerated19:46
BUGabundoCompositing: Hardware accelerated19:46
BUGabundoWebGL: Hardware accelerated19:46
BUGabundoWebGL multisampling: Hardware accelerated19:46
ftahm, should work then19:46
BUGabundothat's why I'm asking19:46
BUGabundotried a new profile19:47
BUGabundoGPU maybe?19:47
ftamaybe. did you try the webgl demos?19:47
ftayou should :)19:51
micahgfta: thanks19:53
BUGabundolink ?19:58
ftadamn, i opened mplayer, boom, X froze. that webgl thing was h/w accelerated20:02
ftaand of course, i lost all the indicators20:05
gnomefreakhow do you back-up bookmarks in ff520:11
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== davida is now known as davidascher

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