
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !removegnome3 is To remove !Gnome3 if you are having issues please see this guide: http://lkubuntu.wordpress.com/2011/06/23/downgrading-from-gnome-3-to-gnome-2/00:19
bazhangnow he's trolling -cn, what a surprise01:19
ubottuTeamColtra called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:12
FlannelHmmm, maybe Guest21598 is reading like... an hour ago.03:05
IdleOnereally bad lag03:06
FlannelHalf hour, it seems.03:06
FlannelIdleOne: or he's page-upped and doesn't know it.03:06
IdleOnethat is possible03:06
IdleOnebeen there and done that03:07
ubottuJeruvy called the ops in #ubuntu (rigin)04:07
ubottusoreau called the ops in #ubuntu (Rigin)04:07
emHey is anyone here authorized to remove bans in #ubuntu+104:09
IdleOneon you?04:10
IdleOneem: done04:10
emYes why would that matter?04:10
IdleOneconnection all fixed now?04:10
mneptokemma: you got banned *again*?04:10
IdleOneem: actually that was a silly thing of me to ask04:10
emTo the best of my knowledge. I think there was a kid in Iraq DDoSing me. He got klined.04:11
IdleOnebut the forward has been removed04:11
emOkay great thanks.04:11
emsame thing in #ubuntu-uk and #ubuntu if you can lift those04:12
IdleOneI don't see one for you in #ubuntu04:15
emoh okay good.04:15
IdleOneas for #ubuntu-uk you need to ask in #ubuntu-irc04:16
IdleOneor message on of the ops04:16
emOkay sure. :)04:16
IdleOneem: please try joining #ubuntu now04:19
emokay sure04:20
emThanks for all the help folks.04:20
IdleOneem: Please follow the guidelines :)04:21
IdleOnehave a good day/night04:21
emtata (don't mind my part message - it's a quote from Dune but I can't remember how to change it in irssi)04:21
ubottuIn ubottu, mrdeb said: where is grubcfg05:15
bazhang!grub2 >mrdeb05:15
* Pici checks under the couch cushions05:16
mrdebso this is the special room huh05:16
bazhangroom 101, yes05:16
mrdebubottu sent me here05:16
ubottumrdeb: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:16
Picimrdeb: When you use 'is' in a message to ubottu, it thinks you are making a factoid.05:16
Piciwhere 'is' grubcfg.05:16
Pici00:15:38 <ubottu> In ubottu, mrdeb said: where is grubcfg05:17
mrdebyes, where is it05:17
bazhangask without the !05:17
PiciIts a bot, not a person, ask a user in #ubuntu05:17
Picibazhang: he was in pm05:17
bazhangin #ubuntu , and I sent you the factoid to read05:17
mrdebi did ask and then they sent me t o obutto05:17
IdleOnemrdeb: ubottu is a program that provides information, when you see it speaking to you it means you should read and most likely follow the links it provides05:19
mrdebyes like the link to this room05:20
IdleOnecorrect but had you read what the bot said is that it forwarded your edit request05:21
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2  <---- this link mrdeb05:21
ikoniawhat a surprise MadHaTTer66610:42
ikoniabeen a problem many times10:42
genii-aroundHm, !backtrack just seems to end with listing Ultimate Edition15:33
PiciI think that is how the factoid is.15:33
bazhangultimate is now Super OS I though15:33
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:33
genii-aroundon the factoids page it has at the end:  Ultimate Edition $hr$<deleted>cut off...15:36
bazhangubuntuser seems familiar aka pythonsnake15:44
bazhangasking very odd questions: what is the best DE to compile python15:45
jpdsthe best Germany?15:45
Picibazhang: Where?15:45
bazhangPici, a bit earlier, but many more such15:45
Pici10:41:24 >>>> ubuntuuser is now known as PythonSnake15:46
bazhangis making a windows usb stick (with ubuntu) on topic? seen several requests for same of late16:38
Jordan_Ubazhang: I'd say no as the technical issues are more to do with Windows than with Ubuntu, and ##windows should have people knowlageable enough about *NIX to help with that side of things.16:45
bazhangJordan_U, yep. wonder how many of these folks get their iso from technet as well16:46
oCeanone more word about frankcox75717:37
oCeanas soon as he was told that support for mint was in #linuxmint-help on _irc.spotchat.org_ he did join #linuxmint-help17:38
oCeanonly on freenode17:38
oCeanso no one was there, then he came back in #u17:38
oCeanoh, and ikonia: p57976C8E.dip.t-dialin.net/ is definitely lars17:47
ubottunomodeset is A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:46
oCean^Apparently I had to use !nomodeset is <reply> A common...18:47
oCeanWhat's the proper way to edit this?18:48
IdleOneoCean: !no nomodeset is <reply> ....18:49
IdleOnebut it looks fine as it is18:49
IdleOnehehe ok18:50
oCeanit says blah is ... is blah18:50
oCeanlet me try18:50
IdleOneyou might have to do it twice18:50
oCean!no nomodeset is <reply> A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:50
ubottuI'll remember that oCean18:50
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:50
oCeanIdleOne: thanks!18:51
IdleOnesure thing18:51
IdleOneah, ok I see where it looked funny18:51
zubHi. As I asked yesterday... got a ban on #ubuntu and I don't know why.19:30
zubyest. I was told to try later, as the person who banned me was n/a19:30
IdleOnezub: The issue appears to be complicated and I am not in a position to make a decision on the ban removal. I suggest you return in a few (5 or so) hours when the op who set the ban should be active19:37
zubalso, may I know who is the person who gave me the ban? I coudl then discuss it directly with the person19:38
zubah, "correct", now I know what's going on :)19:38
IdleOneyou do?19:38
IdleOnefeel free to clue me in19:38
zubblah, wrong statement19:38
zubin fact it was supposed to mean "I'm annoyed as "correct" doesn't help a bit"19:39
* zub is not native speaker19:39
IdleOneI am not annoyed.19:39
zubwell, I am, though it's not your falt, so /me calms down19:39
zubit's just frustrating19:39
zubso, to comply with local rules, I'm to leave and return in $NOW+5h?19:40
zub$NOW+5 = 1:40am... so I will be asleep19:40
zubIdleOne: (once again) may I know who set the ban/it there a way I can talk directly to him/her?19:41
IdleOneI understand the frustration and appreciate your understanding. At this point I don't have more information than to say come back in about 4-5hrs19:41
zubok, thanks19:41
IdleOnethank you.19:41
mattmattehwabi ban please ?20:05
mattmattehLjL: thanks20:06
LjLthank you20:06
Picimattmatteh: Can we help you with anything else?20:32
mattmattehPici: i was just tabbing through the channels i was in and noticed that, probably not at the moment20:39
wabiwow..i got it now.. thankz to marinez :)21:05
marienzwabi: don't forget to verify your email address21:05
wabijust about to do it, marienz21:06
wabidone :) thankz again, marienz for helping out21:07
LjLwabi: if you have any more issues with it please inquire in #freenode. on the other hand, if you want to discuss your ban in #ubuntu, you can do it here.21:07
LjLwabi: please, leave if you have nothing to discuss here21:14
LjLwabi: also you can speak here, no need to keep sending me notices21:15
bazhang* [perme] (~digger@cable-178-148-10-56.dynamic.sbb.rs): Break Into A Server!22:58
bazhangseems to be advising how to zero a partition22:58
LjLuhm, it's *sort* of appropriate given the question was how to uninstall ubuntu...22:58
bazhangrisky for a brand new user, imo22:58
bazhangalphapsi did not read a single link given23:49
bazhanghope he/she has backups23:49
zubHi there. Any luck of discussing my "favourite" issue? Or am I too early?23:51
zub(talking of my ban at #ubuntu)23:53
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:57
mneptokzub: looking ...23:57
zubmneptok: you possibly don't have context... soprry for not providing any23:58
zubI first discussed it yesterday here, it was oCean I talked to23:59
zubwas told to ask later, as the person who banned me wasnt available23:59
zubthen I was here several hours ago and was told pretty much the same thing by IdleOne23:59

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