
JonathanDMorning PA.03:05
ChinnoDogtoo soon04:08
ChinnoDogJonathanD: try again in 8 hours04:12
JonathanDMorning PA11:07
rmg51morning  JonathanD11:16
JonathanDMorning rmg5111:17
JonathanDyou missed one great camping trip.11:17
rmg51maybe one day I like camping  ;-)11:17
JonathanDThe nature center was pretty cool too.11:18
rmg51right now I can't leave Mom home alone for a whole weekend11:18
rmg51she's no longer allowed to drive11:19
rmg51starting to loose her memory11:19
rmg51I can still do a picnic :-D11:20
JonathanDpicnics are good11:21
JonathanDwe'll do one soon (July?)11:21
rmg51sounds good11:23
rmg51if we do one soon maybe Teddy will stop pouting :P11:23
JonathanDmight have to be august actually.11:24
JonathanDHave josh's summer camp and fosscon in july.11:24
JonathanDthats 3 weekends we're gone for.11:24
rmg51I'll just have to feed him more chocolate :-/11:25
waltmanIs Teddy coming to fosscon?12:08
waltmanThat might really cheer him up.12:09
rmg51Teddy is all about fun12:23
rmg51fosscon isn't his idea of fun12:24
rmg51anyhow it's time to leave for work12:24
ChinnoDogJonathanD: Who was at camping?14:29
teddy-dbearnot me :'(14:34
InHisNameI was at a ballet recital.14:38
JonathanDChinnoDog: no one from philly.14:47
JonathanDexcept scott14:48
andrewI was in West Virginia17:43
ChinnoDogStill have all your teeth?17:46
SamuraiAlbaGood bacon to all, and to all some crispy baconz17:52
JonathanDhello SamuraiAlba17:52
SamuraiAlbaThe dual core Athlon BE 7750 is all sorts of jacked up and side to side17:53
SamuraiAlbaUncle was using it (it is my sons PC now) and disabled AVG, installed frostwire and utorrent, and started downloading17:53
SamuraiAlbaNow NONE of the control panel apps work17:53
SamuraiAlbaamongst other things, that is the least of the shiz17:53
SamuraiAlbaPorn popups..17:54
SamuraiAlbaXP Antivirus 2012 is on it too17:54
SamuraiAlbaI litereally am nuking the drive thursday, and reinstalling win 7 ult, truecrypting the boot partition, and installing a BIOS boot password17:54
JonathanDthat'll only help if you don't let them on it after :p17:58
JonathanDThe real viruses are users.17:58
SamuraiAlbaThe real issue is my uncle is a cheating jack...18:02
SamuraiAlbaHe uses my sons PC (grandmother bought it from me) to get around his wife checking up on him18:02
SamuraiAlbaI'm gonna block a ton of crap at the router...18:02
JonathanDreporting > blocking.18:03
SamuraiAlbaComputer is so jacked, it isnt funny18:04
SamuraiAlbaGonna print the history out :)18:06
SamuraiAlbaBTW - The Lexmark X5650 printer grammie has, is cheaper to buy NEW, thn to get ink18:06

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