
uhgttjust wondering got one more problem to p u off with bfor ebed ha. i have windows and ubuntu dual boot. i would like to get all my files off windows a bld be gr8nd on to ubuntu partition. i would then like to put ubuntu as the only operating system . what is easiest way to do this please ne suggestions would00:00
uhgttbe gr800:01
szalany decent English would be even greater00:02
gry_uhgtt: Mount the Windows partition, move the files you need to the Ubuntu partition, use gparted to format the Windows partition after that.00:02
Gaming4JChey guys, simple question that feels noobish. How do I make a user an admin from terminal?00:02
Gaming4JCI know adduser makes users... but I need to upgrade one of them to admin00:02
uhgttgr8 gparted. i was wondering if i would then have to back up everything on ubuntu, then reinstall and reload all files00:02
yeatstaraduffy: what kind of drive is it that you're trying to mount?00:02
gry_Gaming4JC: sudo visudo00:02
ChheapI just installed compiz on my xubuntu 11.04, how do i make it start automatically and how I can stil keep my old hotkeys (alt f2 for launcher etc...)00:02
Gaming4JCgry_: thanks much :)00:03
taraduffyyeats: hard drive of machine. Something went wrong suddenly was working fine.00:03
Somelauwcoz_ and qin: thanks, when changing the opacity, it works00:03
uhgtthow do i get my computer information on ubuntu its easy in windows00:03
gry_Gaming4JC: err see "man usermod" maybe, apparently you just have to add user to group  "admin" there00:03
uhgtti can tell u hard drive and everything thn00:03
SomelauwWill try to instance on of them out later00:03
gry_uhgtt: Nautilus.00:03
taraduffyyeats: I get s for skip or m for manual recovery option00:04
uhgttright one second then will use it00:04
gry_uhgtt: Left pane. :-)00:04
yeatstaraduffy: so you're able to boot... this is a secondary drive?00:04
=== green91` is now known as green91
taraduffyyeats: can boot to grub loader screen, then gets stuck.00:05
soreauevince: error while loading shared libraries: libX11.so.6: failed to map segment from shared object: Permission denied00:05
soreauWhat is going on here guys?00:06
TrevIncsoreau: you broke it, duh00:06
yeatstaraduffy: (big storm coming through - may lose power) so when it gets stuck, can you do Ctrl-Alt-F1 to get to a prompt?00:06
taraduffyyeats: yes00:07
uhgtti dont know nautilus scripts00:07
yeatstaraduffy: okay - so you can log into that prompt?00:07
SomelauwSeems like cuz_ is already gone.00:07
uhgtti used it to get access to rkunher log00:07
uhgttbut dont see any system info00:07
uhgttnething i can type into console00:07
taraduffyyeats: yes. Then I get the usual options (drive is partitioned); so I select normal option and then get stuck00:07
sw0rdfishuhhh crap, I had another xchat session open and was minimized to the tray but I deleted the panel, and uhh I added all the necessary items to the panel but the xchat session won't show?00:07
sw0rdfishwhat can I do...00:08
gry_uhgtt: http://i.imgur.com/eHP4P.png00:08
chewyTreeuhgtt, are you on the bug squad?00:08
uhgtthold on00:08
uhgttscuse me00:08
uhgttvery rude00:08
th0ruhgtt: if you are looking for something like Device Manager try lshw lspci and lsusb in terminal00:08
yeatstaraduffy: I'm confused then... you get to the GRUB screen, then Ubuntu starts booting until you see "s for skip or m for manual recovery option"00:09
lyczkowski I got xfce .  how make icons apear on desktop with full name?00:09
uhgttme too00:09
uhgttok will try that command thanks00:09
taraduffyyeats: yes.00:09
th0ruhgtt: that is three commands <smile>00:09
uhgttyes i figured (just!)00:09
yeatstaraduffy: okay - when you get to that point, type "m"00:09
uhgttdo i need sudo bfore them00:09
taraduffyyeats: OK.00:10
uhgttsudo lshw oh ill just try it00:10
uhgttctr alt t00:10
th0ruhgtt: not sure about ubuntu. And there is a ton of info, so you might want to pipe each to a file 'lshw > lshw.txt'00:10
yeatstaraduffy: I'm assuming that puts you at a bash prompt where you can login, no?00:10
uhgttlshw comes up with warning you should run this as super user00:10
uhgttwhat have u made me do00:11
th0ruhgtt: yeah...it just shows all the hw info00:11
taraduffyyeats: yes, I get root@taraduffy-lapto:00:11
uhgttok hold on00:11
th0ruhgtt: just tried it in my debian, no lshw....hmmmmmm...but the other two work00:12
yeatstaraduffy: oh good.  now type "mount -a" and tell me what message it gives00:12
yeatstaraduffy: if it's alot of output, please paste to http://goo.gl/ixcN9 and share the link00:12
taraduffyyeats: no medium found on /dev/sr000:13
Wiesshundguess they really want to push the unity GUI in 11.04 eh?00:13
taraduffyyeats: mount point does not exist.00:13
Ribertyhow do i get my mic to work on ubuntu 10.10????00:14
Ribertyactually my headset doesnt work00:14
TrevIncWiesshund: there's always selecting Ubuntu Classic at login00:14
TrevIncwhich is what I do tbh00:14
uhgttok how to use pastebin00:15
Monotokois Gnome3 going to be included in 11.10?00:15
uhgttneone post a link00:15
qinuhgtt: echo foo | pastebinit00:15
WiesshundTrevInc yea but seems none of the compiz stuff functions. i do get a normal ubuntu desktop, but no cube etc which i used alot00:15
gry_taraduffy: You don't have to /login/ as root on Ubuntu.... Just use 'sudo' to run the tasks which require access, but to login as root isn't necessary or expected00:15
yeatstaraduffy: /dev/sr0 should be your CD/DVD ROM drive, not your HDD00:15
TrevIncMonotoko: that's the goal00:15
gry_!pastebin | uhgtt00:16
ubottuuhgtt: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:16
yeatstaraduffy: what happens if you reboot and type "s" instead of "m"?00:16
subtenhow do i connect to another channel00:16
gry_subten: /join #channel00:16
MonotokoTrevInc, so what will be happening with Unity...which one will be used?00:16
uhgttok theres my computer specs00:16
uhgttfor techies00:16
pat201i need help with running a virtual machine00:16
subtendo you guys know any good irc channels for hacking help00:16
gry_pat201: ask00:17
taraduffyyeats: I am doing what I normally do. If I just type s then it just gets stuck it seems indefinitely. Now that you mention this is started when I perhaps removed a DVD to fast(?)00:17
uhgttne good?00:17
gry_subten: irc://irc.rizon.net00:17
subtenhow do you connect using that adress00:17
taraduffyyeats: do I have to change something to boot from the HD - maybe this got skewed somehow?00:17
yeatstaraduffy: can you pastebin the contents of your /etc/fstab?00:17
Successdo a /server irc.rizon.net00:17
WiesshundI wouldnt mind unity if it was not such a pain to change whats on the launcher bar00:17
subtenthanks got it00:17
gry_subten: /connect irc.rizon.net or /server irc.rizon.net00:17
uhgttwhats my hard drive name00:17
qinAcidRain: Right, ps do not support usernames, but apache seems to be run by you, grep 8 /etc/passwd00:18
subtenhow do you clear the screen in irc00:18
gry_subten: /clear00:18
uhgttno idea00:18
Successcan someone help me with symbian/android/webOS emulators?00:18
gry_Success: ask away00:18
yeatstaraduffy: when that error you're seeing happens, one of the filesystems listed in /etc/fstab is not available to be mounted for some reason00:19
pat201im trying to run mandriva on virtual box OSE, but when i insert the mandriva install disc virtual box does not recognize it00:19
Successsymbian didnt work00:19
yeatstaraduffy: but it's booting from your HDD, not trying to boot from CD-ROM (you are able to login after all)00:19
ActionParsnippat201: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?00:19
hilikushey guys00:20
gry_uhgtt: the hard drive name is "/" or sda1 (see "mount" output)00:20
ActionParsniphi hilikus00:20
gry_uhgtt: sd2, sd3, ... or similar00:20
pat201i have not, how do i proceed?00:20
subtenwhy cant i join gry_ to irc.rizon.net00:20
taraduffyyeats: I am following; cant get an output from /etc/fstab - it says permission t=denied or command not found.00:20
ActionParsnip!md5 | pat20100:20
ubottupat201: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:20
gry_subten: PM me the error you're getting00:20
subten* Permission Denied - You're not an IRC operator00:20
pat201thank you!00:20
gry_subten: ok, try to /server irc.rizon.net instead of /connect00:21
yeatstaraduffy: try 'cat /etc/fstab'00:21
taraduffyyeats: am typing:/etc/fstab00:21
ActionParsnippat201: you just need the hashes of good mandriva images. You have failed to MD5 test the ISO so you have no way of knowing if the image is good00:21
wsagentFinally I got something to hide my IP and bypass Gov proxys in ubuntu00:21
uhgttgood computer considering its a couple of years old00:21
hilikusim having problems with hibernation. it works except the screen is all screwed up. there are rows of pixels gradually filling and in the backgroun the real image flickers. i have to go to standby and back to fix it. the weird thing is that the same computer with the same version of ubuntu on an external hdd works fine. any idea what can cause this? i'm trying to avoid a reinstall if possible00:21
Successshould i bug u guys or android ppl first for android sdk00:21
subtengry_ now it says i didnt join a channel00:22
gry_subten: Then join one00:22
uhgttis there going to be a stable alpha release of 11.0400:22
bazhanguhgtt, no00:22
subten* Looking up irc.rizon.net00:22
subten* Connecting to eu.iso.rizon.net ( port 6667...00:22
subten* Connected. Now logging in...00:22
subten* Please wait while we process your connection.00:22
subten* *** Looking up your hostname...00:22
FloodBot1subten: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:22
subten* *** Checking Ident00:22
gry_uhgtt: stable or alpha? 11.04 is stable currently00:22
Wiesshundbe back in a bit, off to reinstall 10.1000:22
ActionParsnipuhgtt: 11.04 is stable00:22
taraduffyyeats: I cant pastbin as I am a second machine: I get 4 lines: which one is likely to be the problem?00:23
uhgttso is this 'best' version of linux or is something else better for beginners. this came from mag bundled with all apps built in so easy to use not just bare os.00:23
gry_subten: ?00:23
subtenit says it wont connect00:23
gry_subten: PM me the error you're getting please00:24
uhgttis nething else worth a try bfore making leap entirely to linux00:24
bazhanguhgtt, this is ubuntu support. try ##linux if you want opinions00:24
phishfoodtry the backtrack irc00:24
subtenits the one up top00:24
ActionParsnipuhgtt: there is no best distro00:24
subten* *** Couldn't look up your hostname00:24
bazhangMarin_M, dont paste that here00:24
taraduffyyeats: dev/sr0 /home/taraduffy/desktop udf/iso9660 user,ro 0 000:24
ActionParsnipuhgtt: each has its own strengths and aim00:24
gry_subten: that line is ok, it shouldn't prevent you from connecting00:24
uhgttwell i have to say if people make a little effort then linux so much better00:24
gry_johnnywhite: hi00:24
FlannelMarin_M: #ubuntu-offtopic for that, this channel is for support only.  Thanks.00:24
uhgttit is quite a thing to even consider making jump so much time hassle00:25
uhgttbut have been pleasantly surprised knew nothing about it bfore.00:25
ActionParsnipuhgtt: you could try one of the many distros around, one may suit you better00:25
taraduffyyeats: (was 1st line). I recall I was trying to change a DVD format or something with a line of code in a terminal involving fstab00:25
gry_uhgtt: Welcome.00:25
uhgttand have learnt alot without realising it already00:25
BilljuikHey guys, I've been trying to get ubuntu working on my hp pavilion p6777c-b, but it just doesn't want to work right. Whenever I install it, I have problems with the window manager and lose the ability to interact with my screen and or minimize close or maximize windows, can you guys give me a hint as to what the problem might be or how I can fix it? thanks!00:25
beachbuddahuhgtt:  Last Nov I backed up my stuff and reformatted to Ubuntu - haven't looked back since00:26
TrevIncBilljuik: does the bar at the top with the window buttons disappear?00:26
ActionParsnipBilljuik: what video chip does it use?00:26
Billjuik@trevinc yes it does00:26
ActionParsnipBilljuik: did you MD5 test the ISO you used?00:26
BilljuikGive me a second to search00:26
BilljuikNo, but I used 6 different burnt cd's, and they worked fine on my friends pc00:26
Billjuikbrb to check graphics chip[00:26
BilljuikATI Radeon HD 4200 integrated graphics00:27
uhgtti regret being put off for life when my dad gave me the machine code and assembly language book with my 48k spectrum when  i was under 10!!!! worst thing he could have done. finally getting over phobia may eve00:27
uhgttmay even learn c00:27
ActionParsnipBilljuik: ok then when the CD starts to boot, test the RAM and test the CD for defects00:27
hilikushow can i tell which video driver i'm using?00:27
TrevIncASM is a hard way to start00:27
BilljuikOkay, I will do that00:27
bazhanguhgtt, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please00:27
ActionParsnipuhgtt: I had the 128 +2, was coding it at around the same age :)00:28
soreauhilikus: /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:28
uhgttok ta for help00:28
BilljuikThanks @ActionParsnip :)00:28
pat201if the partition i have the VM on is 20gigs, how much space should i allocate to mandriva?00:28
yeatstaraduffy: can you type 'nano /etc/fstab' (assuming you're still root, here) and add a '#' to the front of that line, then type Ctrl-X to exit saying yes to the changes?00:28
bazhangpat201, try #mandriva00:28
soreauhilikus: It's typically the name that's mentioned repeatedly in capital letters at the beginning of lines in the middle of the file00:28
ActionParsnippat201: I'd ask in the mandriva channel how much it needs and such00:28
uhgttit almost matched my hatred of latin but wont ever get over learning that. ha. amo amas amat amamus amatis amant.  au revoir x00:29
ActionParsniphilikus: of:  sudo lshw -C display00:29
yeatstaraduffy: you should then (probably) be able to reboot into your normal setup00:29
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llslimhow do i reload the pam so .pam_environment is loaded?00:30
taraduffyyeats: I get to where you direct me: but cant seem to get out: maybe I am not logged in as root user.00:31
Gaming4JCok that didn't quite work. How would I go about upgrading a user to an admin from terminal... :P00:31
Gaming4JCgoogle befalls me...00:31
JaWSneed some help intalling Puppy Linux!00:32
froqhave any of you used Picard?!  to fix all your metadata?!?!00:32
Gaming4JCJaWS: this is #ubuntu00:32
JaWSsorry  ;(00:32
taraduffyI end with file name to write: /etc/fstab then a cursor but cant get out00:32
qinGaming4JC: sudo adduser <username> admin This adding user to admin group00:32
JaWSso, who can help me out?00:33
bazhangJaWS, the puppy channel00:33
Gaming4JCqin: the group 'admin' does not exist... :( ?00:33
pat201i have a bad mandriva image, is this because i downloaded/burned using linux?00:33
bazhangpat201, doubtful , ask mandriva support in #mandriva though00:34
yeatstaraduffy: do you get "error writing /etc/fstab: Permission denied"?00:34
fartypantsI have a ubuntu 9.0 cd... if I just install that and update is that ok?00:34
llslimwhere to put GIT_EDITOR environment variable.00:34
bazhangfartypants, no. it's end of life.00:34
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:34
qinGaming4JC: You sure it is Ubuntu?00:35
fartypantsbazhang: I know00:35
fartypantsbut what if I update00:35
Gaming4JCqin: ubuntu 10.10 server00:35
fartypantsthe grub, the system00:35
fartypantsdoesn't it have automatic updates?00:35
yeatstaraduffy: if so, just do Ctrl-X and answer no, then do 'sudo nano /etc/fstab'00:35
ActionParsnipllslim: add it in ~/.bashrc00:35
taraduffyyeats: I did at one point, but now it says modified in top right of screen.00:35
yeatstaraduffy: try Ctrl-X and answer no00:36
taraduffyyeats: trying. .00:36
fartypantsSurely you dont have to uninstall the ubuntu and reinstall the new one00:36
fartypantsif someone used ubuntu since 9.0, is there a real difference if they just update it?00:37
taraduffyyeats: i get same screen but says read 4 lines (Warning no write permissons).00:37
ActionParsnipfartypants: you can, it creates fewer issues. Release support eventually stops00:37
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades fartypants00:37
llslimActionParsnip,  this indicates .bashrc/.bash_profile is not the place to put them.00:37
brian_limanyone know how to make sound louder in ubuntu 11.04... I have it set to max in sound preferences00:38
ActionParsnipllslim: if you add it in ~/.bashrc it will add for that one user00:38
yeatstaraduffy: hmm - this is after doing 'sudo nano..."?00:38
bazhangbrian_lim, adjust alsamixer00:38
taraduffyyeats: yes/00:38
mads-If I have a given zip-file, how do I unzip it to an absolute location?00:38
brian_limbazhang: thx00:38
Gaming4JCbah I'll just install ubuntu desktop I guess00:38
ActionParsnipmads:  unzip filename00:39
yeatsokay - exit that and type 'whoami' and let me know what it says00:39
taraduffyyeats: I can make the change of the # on the line then do control x but then screen does not exit, also does not say permission denied.00:39
ActionParsnipllslim: you will add:   export GIT_EDITOR=nano           or similar00:39
mads-ActionParsnip, that just unzip it where I stand, doesn't it?00:40
fartypantsDoes the new ubuntu have the problem of not waking up from sandby00:40
yeatstaraduffy: what comes up when you type Ctrl-o?00:40
ActionParsnipmads: yeah00:40
fartypantson a laptop00:40
bazhangfartypants, check launchpad for bugs00:40
mads-ActionParsnip, but that was not what I asked.00:41
fartypantsno bazhang what I mean is...00:41
llslimActionParsnip, i understand that. guess i'm trying to understand how to use .pam_environment as said by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables00:41
fartypantswhen you close the laptop lid... it goes to standby00:41
ActionParsnipmads: so you want to output the extract files somewhere else?00:41
fartypantsand then when you open it.. it dos not show anything00:41
taraduffyyeats: File name to Write: /etc/fstab [blinking cursor]00:41
yeatstaraduffy: type enter00:41
taraduffyyeats: thanks for patience :-)00:41
bazhangfartypants, that is a very broad question. it works fine on *my* laptop.00:42
yeatstaraduffy: sure ;-)00:42
mads-ActionParsnip, yeah.00:42
ActionParsnipmads: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-howto-unzip-files-in-root-directory/00:42
pat201i deleted grub by mistake on another computer, how can i reinstall it?00:42
taraduffyyeats: I get read-only file system00:42
bazhang!grub2 | pat201 have a read00:42
ubottupat201 have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:42
mads-ActionParsnip, thanks00:42
fartypantsbazhang: ok00:42
ActionParsnippat201: sure, boot to live CD and you can reinstate it there00:42
ActionParsnipmads: did you TRY to find a guide yourself at all....?00:42
mads-ActionParsnip, I did. I just end up searching for the wrong stuff.00:43
yeatstaraduffy: okay - can you reboot into recovery mode?00:43
taraduffyyeats: ok00:43
ActionParsnipmads: here is what I used: http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=unzip+file+other+directory00:43
taraduffyyeats:doing. .00:43
taraduffyyeats: m for manual recovery option?00:44
ActionParsnipllslim: then use /etc/environment as the guide says....00:44
fartypantsbazhang: you got a thinkpad?00:44
bazhangfartypants, yes00:44
yeatstaraduffy: no... from GRUB, select the option that says "[recovery mode]"00:45
fartypantsbazhang: could it be a driver issue that could cause the "coma" symptoms :)00:45
bazhangdoubt it00:45
taraduffyyeats: done. then I s for skip m for recovery.00:45
taraduffyyeats: sorry: i get s or m option00:45
taraduffyyeats: manual recovery?00:46
hilikusim having problems with hibernation. it works except the screen is all screwed up. there are rows of pixels gradually filling and in the backgroun the real image flickers. i have to go to standby and back to fix it. the weird thing is that the same computer with the same version of ubuntu on an external hdd works fine. any idea what can cause this? i'm trying to avoid a reinstall if possible00:46
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llslimActionParsnip,  thats what i ended up doing. just wondered if anybody actually used the .pam_environment file successfully.00:46
gry_hilikus: Can you give hardware details please?00:46
hilikusgry, what exactly? its an msi wind netbook00:46
yeatstaraduffy: type 's'00:46
ActionParsnipllslim: not used it personally, other may have00:47
taraduffyyeats: done00:47
varunthackerMy ubuntu hangs as soon as I start to enter my password00:47
yeatstaraduffy: you should see a "recovery menu" - do you?00:47
taraduffyyeats: y00:47
varunthackerI already tried deleting the .gconf/.gconfd/.gnome/.gnome2 folders and it didn't help00:48
yeatstaraduffy: great!  arrow down to 'root' and hit Enter00:48
taraduffyyeats: done. now repeat nano /etc/fstab?00:48
yeatstaraduffy: yes please00:49
llslimActionParsnip, thanks for help00:49
ActionParsnipllslim: np man :)00:49
taraduffyyeats: add # on first line then control X?00:49
yeatstaraduffy: yes00:49
=== dustin_ is now known as htmlinprogress
taraduffyi get modified in top right, and File Name to Write: /etc/fstab [flicking cursor]00:51
yeatstaraduffy: hit Enter00:51
taraduffyyeats: ! error read only file system00:52
yeatstaraduffy: argh!00:52
taraduffyyeats: add "root" somewhere?00:52
yeatstaraduffy: no - unfortunately it's not privileges that are the issue... ready only is read only :-(00:53
yeatstaraduffy: do you have a live CD around?  (easiest if it's an Ubuntu CD?00:53
* yeats is confused about this problem...00:54
taraduffyyeats: no.00:54
MarcoHi, if I'm writing an upstart script, will environment variables changes I make remain after the script runs?00:55
taraduffyyeats: can I mnake one on this second machine I am using running the same ubuntu version?00:55
midwinter_anyone have any idea why my dell mini would only have sound when the lid is half closed??00:56
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TeamColtraOkay so I found http://askubuntu.com/questions/40683/how-do-i-share-my-connection-with-ics-and-an-xbox-360 to help me share my internet connection with my xbox (and I tried it with another device too still no dice) -- They get IP addresses assigned to them and all is good but they cannot actually connect to the internet00:56
yeatstaraduffy: sure - you'll probably have to download the ISO file, though so that will be a while00:56
taraduffyyeats: OK then what do I do?00:56
pat201I used GTKHash to test a mandriva iso, how can i tell if they are good?00:56
taraduffyyeats: ie do I download ubuntu as if starting all over with a new install?00:57
yeatstaraduffy: yes00:57
bazhangpat201, why are you asking mandriva support here? #mandriva00:57
taraduffyyeats: OK, then what do  I do - boot from that and then?00:57
yeatstaraduffy: can you try doing 'sudo apt-get update' on the station now?00:57
taraduffyyeats: yes. . .00:58
ubundoes anyone know of an ubuntu 10.04 compatible video capture device00:58
bazhang!hcl > ubun00:58
ubottuubun, please see my private message00:58
ubunbazhang, thank you00:59
taraduffyyeats: I am rebooting to navigate to root in manual recovery then will try.00:59
yeatstaraduffy: ok00:59
yeatstaraduffy: if you can install pastebinit on the machine, it will make sharing things a bit easier01:00
ideaman007in XChat-Gnome, is there a way to turn off displaying of Joins/Parts? ... is XChat-Gnome a simplified version of XChat?01:00
ulysses_how to change the nick in irssi?01:01
TeamColtra /nick ulysses_01:01
ideaman007XChat-Gnome's website from their help > about is a dead link :/01:01
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taraduffy yeats: i get could not open package & status file error.01:01
ideaman007what irc app are most people using here?01:01
qinideaman007: /j #xchat01:01
ActionParsnipideaman007: irssi and pidgin01:01
qinideaman007: irssi01:01
yeatstaraduffy: I thought it might not work :-(...01:01
je0rJeyTeamColtra: how to set up irssi to start with a default nick ?01:02
taraduffyyeats: if I make reboot disc, what do I do with it? will I always need to boot from it?01:02
phishfood irssi01:02
yeatstaraduffy: without seeing it, it's hard to know for sure, but it appears that your /etc/fstab is misconfigured to mount your OS read-only01:03
TeamColtraje0rJey, no not default... sorry01:03
ActionParsnipje0rJey: irssi --nick=name01:03
yeatstaraduffy: no - my hope is that you can use it to get to the /etc/fstab and make some changes01:03
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taraduffyyeats: I see. is my hard drive data OK probably?01:03
Disturbed1Is there anyone here that can help me with setting up conky?01:03
yeatstaraduffy: is it backed up?01:03
TheMatrix3000_when i make a bash script01:03
ActionParsnipje0rJey: I suggest you read:  man irssi01:04
taraduffyyeats: yes on a USB chip/01:04
qinje0rJey: In ~/.irssi/config01:04
TheMatrix3000_can i just put commands like shown -R user:usergroup userdir01:04
ActionParsnipTheMatrix3000_: yes01:04
TeamColtraOkay so I found http://askubuntu.com/questions/40683/how-do-i-share-my-connection-with-ics-and-an-xbox-360 to help me share my internet connection with my xbox (and I tried it with another device too still no dice) -- They get IP addresses assigned to them and all is good but they cannot actually connect to the internet01:04
yeatstaraduffy: if it's backed up to your satisfaction, then worst case scenario is:  you reinstall the OS and move the data back into place01:04
ActionParsnipTeamColtra: can they ping ?01:04
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taraduffyyeats: OK. it is probably OK. what option do I pick on the new startupCD?01:05
TeamColtraActionParsnip, :P unfortunately one is my docked tablet and the other is my xbox neither of which have "ping" capibilities01:05
yeatstaraduffy: "try ubuntu without installing"01:05
ActionParsnipTeamColtra: makes sense, xbox sucks for anything intelligent01:05
Disturbed1Is there anyone here that can help me with setting up conky?01:05
TeamColtraActionParsnip, thats why its built by Microsoft ;)01:06
taraduffyyeats: OK. Thanks very much for your help I really appreciate it :-)01:06
ActionParsnipTeamColtra: try amnually setting the DNS servers to  and
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 Disturbed101:06
ActionParsnipTeamColtra: Windows is built by the same and has ping capabilities, your xbox is just an even more crippled windows system01:06
yeatstaraduffy: sure.  I'm going to exit for a minute and be back - I want to change computers ;-)01:07
taraduffyyeats: :-) downloading will take some time. .. .01:07
ActionParsnipTeamColtra: you may not be broadcasting DNS settings so you may need to manually set it01:07
Disturbed1ty bazhang will return if need more help.  probably will since i'm not real good at this kind of stuff lol01:08
TeamColtraActionParsnip, and did not fix it01:09
draiochhi runnin lubuntu 11.04 having problems getting chat plugin for firefox to work, when it says install pluging from the plugin finder nothing happens, got latest java installed also anyone any ideas pls01:09
ActionParsnipTeamColtra: can you web browse to your routers IP address (assuming you have one)01:09
TeamColtraActionParsnip, can you rephrase that into dummy terms? :P (or if that was dummy terms -- 5 year old terms :P )01:11
qinTeamColtra: traceroute google.com and point your browser to first ip you will see (number 1)01:12
Wiesshundthis is kind of sad, ive actually find a revision of ubuntu i dont like :(01:13
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maco!cn | caoxiaomin01:15
ubottucaoxiaomin: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk01:15
caoxiaominFBI  is  what cao zuo xi tong01:16
bazhangcaoxiaomin, no01:16
caoxiaominno ge qiu le .01:16
bazhangcaoxiaomin, using pinyin is not using english01:16
TeamColtraqin - it took me to google01:16
bazhangcaoxiaomin, you know very well #ubuntu-cn is for chinese, here is for english01:17
qinTeamColtra: Sorry, second ip (listed as 1.)01:17
caoxiaominenglish is pig01:17
bazhangcaoxiaomin, then exit01:17
WiesshundHmm i think i like 11.04 better than coaxiaomin01:18
Wiesshundand i'm uninstalling 11.04 LOL01:18
Danny_Joris_hi all, I have a pc with windows 7 on it and it has troubles. Blue screens, freeze ups etc.. I want to figure out if this is a hardware or software problem so that's why I want to try Ubuntu. My usb startup failed and I'm reading now about the WUBI installer. I was wondering: you install it through windows, but when you run it, is it still on top of windows or more independant?01:18
TeamColtraqin, it brought a popup asking for my username and password01:19
qinTeamColtra: Thats your router01:19
Revvy___I have a laptop. When it's plugged in (AC), USB works, but when I unplug the AC, all the USB ports stop working, why?01:19
WiesshundDanny_Joris_ it is running itself but from a compressed filesystem on the windows partition01:19
TeamColtraYAY I FOUND MY ROUTER :D -- but I am not actually sure what that means01:19
Guest21598Revvy___, because your laptop is broken it would seem01:19
Danny_Joris_Wiesshund: cool thanks I'll try it then. So it doesn't touch any windows files...01:20
wolsDanny_Joris_: more independant, but still not a very good idea to run ubuntu like that01:20
TeamColtra(I know what a router is... I don't know what I do with the information that i have)01:20
Danny_Joris_wols: it isn't?01:20
WiesshundDanny_Joris_ no it doesnt01:20
Revvy___No, I remember enabling something in Powertop that caused this behaviour, I just don't know what01:20
Guest21598Danny_Joris_, it will be fine if you are just testing... unless your windows file system has issues also01:20
Guest21598Revvy___, that is useful information... heh01:21
Danny_Joris_I just want to figure out if the pc issues are hardware or software related. I wouldn't really use it every day.01:21
Guest21598good luck with reversing what you did :)01:21
Danny_Joris_I'm using ubuntu in a VM every day already01:21
Guest21598Danny_Joris_, it should be fine.. if you find ubuntu unstable... it could definitely point to hardware or hard-drive issues, especially since its running off the same hard-drive01:22
qinTeamColtra: That was idea of ActionParsnip, honestly not sure what supposed to be next step. What is problem (simply)?01:22
Danny_Joris_cool, thanks all!! :)01:22
TeamColtraqin, I am trying to go xbox <-eth0-> laptop ((( Wifi ((( router01:23
Wiesshundwhy not just go Xbox >>> router ?01:23
TeamColtraWiesshund, because my router is upstairs01:24
Wiesshundor Xbox >>> WIFI01:24
TeamColtrawifi dongle = $10001:24
Guest21598Wiesshund, assumably distance and no wireless adapter for the xbox ;)01:24
TeamColtraThere is also a bit of a "because I can" side to it as well.01:24
TeamColtraI am typically not using my laptop while I am playing my xbox -- so I have the available technology to do it, why buy more stuff?01:25
Guest21598TeamColtra, you need to find a howto to turn your ubuntu install into a gateway/forwarding router for other computers01:25
painhello! Does anyone have any information about the attacks against the Brazilian government sites?01:25
Guest21598TeamColtra, unfortunately "doing it yourself" usually means reading and research :) not just the "how do I do this guys?"01:25
TeamColtraGuest21598, http://askubuntu.com/questions/40683/how-do-i-share-my-connection-with-ics-and-an-xbox-360 <- That guy seems to have got it01:25
aeon-ltdpain: #ubuntu-offtopic01:26
anonboo!ot | pain01:26
ubottupain: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:26
TeamColtraYeah well I found a lot of this on my own already but the steps that I already knew were not working fully... so I needed some extra help from my friends here. (Even though I sound like an idiot, I know at least a little bit of my way around)01:26
Guest21598TeamColtra, what have you done so far?01:27
TeamColtraWell I tried firestarter first -- because I remembered that it had an internet sharing tool... but it doesn't play well with dhcp and is highly out of date. So then I learned that Ubuntu now comes with internet sharing by default so I found the link I provided above. Followed it. I also plugged another device in to see if it was my xbox or my computer01:28
qinTeamColtra: Not sure what xbox is (mean how to use it), but you want to build bridge interface binding wlan0 with eth0, and set iptables.01:28
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TeamColtrathe other device didn't work either.  I then tried (at the suggestion of the guy above) setting dns to and
TeamColtraand then thats when he left after asking me to do a traceroute01:29
Guest21598qin: if he bridges it, I don't think he'll need to use iptables01:29
TheMatrix3000_haha i did a chown on 40 folders and im at 3.5 load lol01:29
TheMatrix3000_on a 8 core server01:29
qinTeamColtra: In other hand never seen wifi-cable bridge.01:29
TheMatrix3000_wifi to ethernet bridge?01:29
Guest21598create a new bridge (br0) bridging the wireless & eth0, use br0 with dhcp to get your IP from the wireless router, and the xbox will have direct access to the dhcp on the wireless router as well since its simply bridged/switched01:30
qinGuest21598: It make sens...01:30
TheMatrix3000_it would work01:30
TheMatrix3000_all you have to do is bridging01:30
Guest21598that is a "simple" way.. but bridging and ubuntu network-manager is not simple for a novice01:31
TeamColtraso bridge-utils?01:31
TeamColtra:P Well I am just going to have to muscle my way through it, thats how I go from novice to expert01:32
TheMatrix3000_hey, i am a windows admin, in a linux world01:32
TeamColtra(lol and when I say muscle my way through it... try and try... and then maybe come in here and get more input from you guys :P )01:32
qinGuest21598: How br0 can get lease from router?01:32
TheMatrix3000_i have a ton of windows server certs, and yet my company i work for is 98% ubuntu01:32
Guest21598un-installing network manager would be a good first move.. but mind you, you are using wireless... that makes the learning curve to do it all manually much steeper :/01:33
TheMatrix3000_to bad there aren't ubuntu certs01:33
Wiesshundjust a side note, i found new xbox wifi dongles for 36 dollars :)01:33
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Guest21598TheMatrix3000_, there are linux certs (LPIC/LPI)01:33
TheMatrix3000_but those arent just ubuntu lol01:33
ntr0pyIs a GF215 chip fast enough to run Compiz / Natty on it?01:33
TheMatrix3000_there's differences from system to system01:33
TheMatrix3000_i mean distro to distro01:33
bazhang!ot | TheMatrix3000_01:33
ubottuTheMatrix3000_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:33
TeamColtraWiesshund, but again -- I have a fully capable system right here... why would I buy something new?01:34
Guest21598qin: assuming you are not using network-manager, you simply refer to br0 in your /etc/network/interfaces file the same as you would for an eth0 eth1, etc01:34
kartarules shmules01:34
Guest21598ntr0py, I would assume no problems with that card01:34
ntr0pyit needs one second to resize windows...01:34
cyperbgguys I have a very weird problem with my wifi connection - once I install the Ati video drivers it get corrupted01:35
cyperbgany ideas?01:35
qinGuest21598: Hm, did not crossed my mind, thanks.01:35
TheMatrix3000_picky picky, here this may help you01:35
TheMatrix3000_that may help you solve your issue, as they look into performing bridging or "ICS"01:35
Guest21598cyperbg, your wifi gets corrupted?01:35
ntr0pyWhat graphic Chip would be best to run Compiz in 1920*1080?01:36
cyperbgGuest21598 I don't know how to explain it better, but it is working up intil the point where I install the Ati drivers and restart01:36
Guest21598TheMatrix3000_, I think ICS would normally mean you are acting as a gateway using forwarding... not bridging.. but of course both can accomplish the same thing01:36
rufiananyone can help me with something that looks like a kernel panic?01:36
gerdonubuntu installers won't detect my IDE hard drive in my antique dell for installation.  sudo fdisk -l however does see the drive.  i can never manage to install to it.01:36
anonboorufian, Ask away01:37
Wiesshundgerdon how antique is said dell?01:37
Guest21598gerdon, have you tried an older version of ubuntu? circa 6.06 or something?01:37
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gerdonits a pentium 4 3.2ghz01:37
gerdoni'm using 10.0401:37
Guest21598oh.. current ubuntu should be fine with that01:37
qingerdon: Did you try to mount it?01:37
gerdonthe partition table is wiped on that drive01:37
rufiansometimes... my laptop crash. I leave it idle... and then I found it with blank screen, and fans at full speed. I have to make REISUB to reboot it.01:37
gerdonnothing to mount.01:38
Guest21598when you are in the installer, does it list the drive?01:38
gerdonit does not list the drive in the installer01:38
cyperbgguys anyone to help on my weird wifi connection problem?01:38
qingerdon: Is it /dev/sda ??01:38
gerdonit sure is qin however its an IDE drive01:39
ntr0pygerdon: is there a /dev/sdX device?01:39
Guest21598and yet if you change to tty1 (L-CTRL+ALT+F1) and sudo fdisk -l, it lists it?01:39
ScuniziI have a lot of music cd's to rip.. what's the preferred method of doing it.  via Amorak? or Banshee or a stand alone ripper like ripper-x?  I would rather the program self discover the tracks etc and do the MP3 id tags itself if possible.01:39
gerdonit lists the hard drive in gnome terminal but does not see it for the installer.01:39
qingerdon: So, sudo mkdir /media/IDE && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/IDE01:40
rhin0maybe cyperbg01:40
gerdonqin, can in install after its mounted ?01:40
qingerdon: Rather check and reformat drive first.01:40
ntr0pyWhat would be the minimum requirements to run compiz smoothly in fullhd?01:41
cyperbgrhin0 what about me?01:42
rhin0whats the problem cyperbg01:42
Wiesshundntr0py any decent 3d card, compiz is not that terrible01:42
rhin0I don't know how your video driver would be interfering with wireless cyperbg01:43
rhin0looking at output now01:43
ntr0pyWiesshund: Is Nvidia or AMD better for lnx drivers?01:43
cyperbgrhin0, I've detailed it here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10985073 Please have a read, it's not long01:43
wolsntr0py: either is fine01:43
j4xt0rwhat do i need to write drivers on linux?01:43
cyperbgrhin0 - it definitely is interfering somehow - something about the video driver installation01:43
wolsj4xt0r: knowledge01:43
Wiesshundntr0py that i can not say, i have ATI and have had no issues, but other people have.01:43
ntr0pyI not have nvidia-current on nvidia gt240 gf215 chip and its too slow to run compiz with 1280x102401:44
j4xt0rwols yea and linux is all about free knowledge i thaught so01:44
BlackSound1337hello :)01:44
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gerdonformatted drive with gparted successful.  installer still wont see it01:44
BlackSound1337can help me ?01:45
wolsj4xt0r: you basically need the kernel sources and a C toolchain. Ubuntu comes with both01:45
rhin0bit out of my depth that problem cyperbg sorry01:45
wols!ask | BlackSound133701:45
ubottuBlackSound1337: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:45
j4xt0rwols may you direct me?01:45
ntr0pyWiesshund what GPU would you recommend for fullhd?01:45
BlackSound1337how to install display drivers on BT401:45
anonboo!backtrack | BlackSound133701:45
ubottuBlackSound1337: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition01:45
j4xt0rwols or how do i use them?01:46
Wiesshundntr0py ive never had any problems with anything remotely capable of playing a 3d game at hi rez. the rez you are stating is not very big01:46
wolsj4xt0r: can you program in C?01:46
wolsj4xt0r: and your question is way too broad for this channel. offtopic too01:46
ntr0pyweird thing is maverick was fast as hell on it, natty feels very sluggish (one sec to resize a window)...01:47
Wiesshundoh natty? no idea there i could not even get anything in compiz to function outside of unity, so i am rolling back to 10.10 for now01:48
j4xt0rwols yea i know c and c++ and a couple of other languages01:48
wolsj4xt0r: then you wouldn't ask01:48
anonbooj4xt0r, http://www.linux-books.us/linux_general_0012.php01:48
TeamColtraqin, I just tried http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5637735&postcount=4 and restarted my computer... and now the xbox isn't even recognizing that it is plugged into a network01:49
j4xt0rwols lol no its just i thaught it was more to it then just writing code. like setting up an compiler to build them01:49
ntr0pyWiesshund: so you are using Maverick now?01:50
wolsj4xt0r: the compiler is already set up. you can trivially compile your kernel in ubuntu01:50
Wiesshundntr0py i will be soon as i finish building the flash drive01:50
j4xt0rwols kool thanks01:50
wolsj4xt0r: go into a kernel source tree and run "make" and it will work01:50
wols|build-essential | j4xt0r01:51
wols!build-essential | j4xt0r01:51
ubottuj4xt0r: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)01:51
ntr0pyWiesshund: you are building a flash drive?01:51
Wiesshundntr0py yes01:51
Guest21598gerdon: you may have run into a bug where the installer won't see your drive... possibly try an older (or newer) ubuntu installer (10.04, 10.10, 11.04)01:51
qinTeamColtra: What interfaces you build bridge on?01:52
Wiesshundntr0py i mean making a bootable one of course, not making the drive itself01:52
TeamColtraqin, thats my new interface file01:53
Guest21598ntr0py, i don't recall if you said you installed latest binary driver from nvidia or not?01:53
ntr0pyGuest21598: the one shipped with natty01:53
TeamColtraOh well I see one error already I changed auto eth1 to auto wlan0 but I forgot to change line 801:54
ntr0pyWiesshund: what drive would you go for?01:54
qinTeamColtra: ifconfig | pastebinit01:54
Wiesshundmy problem in natty was nothing i turned on in compiz actually worked aside from the unity stuff.01:54
Wiesshundntr0py drive? not sure i get your meaning? i am just using the sd card out of a camera01:55
Guest21598ntr0py, when you go to System > Administration > Hardware Drivers, what does it show for extra drivers for hardware01:55
TeamColtraqin, http://paste.ubuntu.com/633335/01:55
qinTeamColtra: Yes, it do not look that ok.01:55
ntr0pyGuest21598: It lies about proprietary driver of nvidia is aktivated mut not in use (its activated and in use actually)...01:57
TeamColtraqin, looking at that link it looks like br0 is up and working.. .so hopefully now that i have edited the eth1 to wlan0 it should be all better now eh?01:57
Guest21598TeamColtra, line12 is wrong01:57
Guest21598you are missing wlan001:57
Guest21598nvm :>01:57
TeamColtraOh and that01:58
TeamColtraSo pay more attention and replace all the eth1s with wlan0 and all should be good... then do I need to restart my computer again?01:58
Guest21598ntr0py, and when you go to System > Preferences > Appearance what does it have for Visual Effects?01:59
qinTeamColtra: Just networking01:59
Guest21598TeamColtra, yes, reboot is simplest method to guarantee clean changes01:59
qinTeamColtra: ...or reboot.01:59
TeamColtra:P This is why I love #ubuntu always get two sides of a coin01:59
ntr0pyGuest21598: none, compiz is running01:59
=== quiesense is now known as quiescens
TeamColtraMeh I will just reboot its not like it takes more than a minute anyway02:00
blarggI've got a program that's ending with "Segmentation fault". How can I get a backtrace or similar?02:00
TeamColtrawait before I go... was there anything else you guys noticed that was wrong that I should fix?02:00
Guest21598ntr0py, what happens if you try either of the other two options on Visual Effects?02:00
Guest21598mhm, sec TeamColtra02:00
Guest21598TeamColtra, give it a try...02:01
TeamColtra:) okay brb02:01
ntr0pyGuest21598: i dont know what you are talking about in apperence there are no visual effects anymore...02:01
Guest21598ntr0py, ahh.. I am on 10.04 ... sorry02:01
ntr0pyGuest21598: but i missed them there too...02:02
Guest21598how much memory you have?02:02
ntr0py1GB gfx02:02
Guest21598i would try following manual install of latest nvidia drivers... find a howto for it02:02
Guest21598no reason your GF215 shouldn't work02:03
Guest21598with natty02:03
Guest21598work better*02:03
ntr0pyGuest21598 i think there is something wrong with the compiz mods of natty02:03
ntr0pyGuest21598 unity and stuff, maybe thats the reason its so sluggish02:03
optiohey guys can i ask a support question here?02:03
Guest21598you have latest updates & kernel installed?02:03
DoranI just installed Ubuntu 10.10 (went with older for more stability) on an old Toshiba Satellite using the alternate disc because I couldn't get any of the live CDs I tried to work on it, and it gets to login window, but if I actually log in, it just plays the sound and shows the wallpaper and freezes02:04
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Guest21598!ask Operaattori02:04
Doranany ideas what I should do next?02:04
Guest21598!ask optio02:04
DoranI haven't had to do this sort of tweaking to make an install work yet, really02:04
Doranand don't know where to start02:04
qin!ask | optio02:05
ubottuoptio: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:05
Guest21598Doran, i would suggest logging into console (L-CTRL+ALT+F1) login, sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and then reboot when its done02:05
DoranI don't want to upgrade to the latest because I plan on converting it to Mint02:05
Doranthe older version of Mint02:05
Doranthat goes with 10.1002:05
Guest21598mhm.. it will only update it to latest 10.10 with those commands02:05
anth0nyQuick question about Evolution:  How do I get to see ALL inboxes mixed into one window?  I googled it but everyone's asking how to see them separately, I don't have that aggregated view.02:05
Guest21598not 11.0402:05
Doranoh, ok02:05
optioi am trying to update software and i need to accept the EULA for TrueType Font, and I cant figure out how to click on "ok" or move to the next screen. this is all through the console BTW02:06
Guest21598why not download mint 11 or the new debian mints?02:06
szalDoran: Mint is off-topic here02:06
Doranwell, it's Ubuntu right now anyway02:06
Doranand I have to get that to work02:06
DoranI have to hand this laptop off to its owner and have it work for them02:06
PehnepHmh, is anyone here using their Ubuntu Linux system to function as a wake up alarm?02:06
Doranand they know very little about computers02:06
qinoptio: Spacebar asisted by TAB02:06
Guest21598anth0ny, create a filter (forget if thats the name) and choose what inboxes you want to display in it, and it will show up at the bottom of the account list, and be a "view" of all the boxes you chose02:07
optiowow thanks guys, im such a n00b lol02:07
qinPehnep: Sure02:07
Guest21598Doran, unless an updated 10.10 won't work for what you need, I would try my suggestion to see if it gets you into ubuntu02:07
Guest21598any luck TeamColtra ?02:08
ntr0pyGuest21598 what card would you go for a full hd setup?02:08
PehnepQin, I am using RTCwake right now, but usually when it emerges from sleep it doesn't continue the radio stream properly, usually only for one moment.02:08
NTUi dont like ubuntu cuz it sucks02:08
NTUwhy does ubuntu suck?02:08
TeamColtraopposite of luck -- it made my internet connection for my laptop not work, it still didn't work for the xbox, AND now the xbox wont recognize that it is plugged into a network anymore02:08
Guest21598ntr0py, practically speaking any new card (that is compatible with the linux drivers & ubuntu) is capable of 1080p ...02:09
Guest21598anything from a $40 card to a $400 card02:09
cyperbgguys do you see anything not being right here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/633339/02:09
NTUits like really bad02:09
Guest21598full hd isn't very difficult... its the 3d for new games that is demanding02:09
NTUhow about making a distro that doesn't suck?02:09
NTUthank you02:09
Crazed47irc.2600.net /join #lulzsec02:10
ntr0pyGuest21598: im just thinking about abandoning nvidia  alltogether and go for an ati card (in natty compiz lags and there is no hardware acceleration for video decoding)02:10
NTUreal linux people dont use ubuntu02:10
TeamColtraNTU, stop your trolling.02:10
Guest21598Pehnep, I would suggest not pursuing that method... its too unreliable for an alarm clock... 1) worrying about computer waking up properly 2) relying on internet connection working 3) relying on radio stream not only working, but re-starting properly02:10
wrapashNTU you're a fucker02:10
NTUno you're a fucker02:10
wrapashUbuntu rockz02:10
Guest21598ntr0py, there are problems with both, its no guarantee by switching to avoid problems.. kind of a case by case :/02:10
PehnepQin, would you know what might be the problem? Or what could be a good alternative? I'm using Totem Browser Plugin 2.32.0 to listen to an browser-based radio stream.02:10
cyperbgGuys please check this it is very short: http://paste.ubuntu.com/633339/02:10
cyperbgdoes everything seem right?02:11
NTUlol hey KindOne02:11
ntr0pyGuest21598: any idea how i could find out where the problem is?02:11
KM0201cyperbg: what problem are you having?02:11
PehnepGuest21598: What would you suggest instead?02:11
NTUthe problem to all of you people..02:11
cyperbgKM0201 my wifi connection doesn't work02:11
qinPehnep: RTCwake? Well, I use: sleep 12000 && amixer set Master 100 % && cvlc myfavouriteradioorsong02:11
FloodBot1NTU: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:11
KM0201cyperbg: whats your wireless device?02:12
KindOneNTU: that is highly offtopic here02:12
NTUbullshit it is02:12
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!02:12
cyperbgTP-Link TL-WN821N listed as compatible and using he ar9170usb driver02:12
ntr0pyGuest21598: vainfo just tells me "Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"."02:12
PehnepQin, "12000" being the time in seconds?02:12
cyperbgKM0201 can I ask you to read my thread in the Ubuntu forums which details my exact problem - it's not very long. Please02:13
Guest21598Pehnep, 1) not relying on internet radio (use mp3's or cd's) 2) if you find sleep/resume to be reliable then okay, otherwise run your pc 24/7, or buy an alarm clock with radio :(02:13
KM0201cyperbg: yeah, sure.. not sure i'll have an answer, but i'll take a look.02:13
qinPehnep: Yes, you can use more sophisticated script to just give it a time, or use "at"02:13
cyperbgKM0201 it is a very weird problem, you might find it interesting02:13
PehnepHmh, let me try this whole sleep thing for a second, thanks so far.02:13
Guest21598qin, or crontab for a repeatable alarm02:14
cyperbgKM0201 basically I install the Ati video drivers and my wifi connection gets corrupted02:14
KM0201cyperbg: so am i understanding correctly... your wireless device works fine, then you install the ATI driver, and it stops working?02:14
cyperbgKM0201 exactly02:15
KM0201cyperbg: yeah, that is a weird one....02:15
cyperbgdid at least 5 reinstalls already - everytime the same problem02:15
qinGuest21598: Yeah, I could make use of it right now... How to make linux serve coffee?02:15
stercorI'm using 10.04 netbook remix on my, um, netbook.  I'd like to upgrade to a non-netbook-remix.  How can I do this and keep my files?02:16
KM0201cyperbg: that is very weird..02:16
cyperbgKM0201 please have a look here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/633339/02:16
cyperbgfirmware=N/A - is that good?02:16
cyperbgalso bus info: firewire@102:16
Guest21598ntr0py, http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html02:16
Guest21598try installing the drivers from nvidia.. is my first suggestion02:16
KM0201cyperbg: well, i'd say the firmware=n/a could be a problem.02:17
qinstercor: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop ?02:17
stercorqin: yes.02:17
cyperbgKM0201 can you guide me on how to install the firmware for my wifi device?02:17
KM0201cyperbg: honestly, i'm not aware of firmware out there for atheros devices...02:17
Guest21598cyperbg, try running your lshw with sudo for more info02:17
Guest21598and try lspci02:17
stercorqin: I'll try that.02:17
stercor qin brb...02:18
qinstercor: You will need to choose session at gdm login.02:18
KM0201cyperbg: i have a ton of atheros devices, and have never needed a firmware upgrade to make them work... actually, they all "just work".. sd02:19
KM0201cyperbg: wait a second.. you have ubuntu 32bit... you're installing the ATI 64bit driver02:19
cyperbgKM0201 mine also just works but not when I install the ati driversa02:20
KM0201cyperbg: you're using ubuntu 32bit, why are you installing the 64bit driver?02:20
Guest21598you don't need a firmware upgrade, but you may need the windows driver and ndiswrapper or something02:20
KM0201Guest21598: atheros doesn't require ndiswrapper either02:20
cyperbgKM0201 isn't that the 32bit version? http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-11-5-x86.x86_64.run02:20
Guest21598cyperbg, that looks like a x86 & x86_64 version .. so it should be okay02:21
KM0201cyperbg: x86_64   looks like 64bit to me.. i dunno.02:21
Guest21598it should run if its incorrect anyway02:21
Guest21598KM0201, looks like both in one file02:21
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TeamColtraGuest21598 qin --  I think I might just give in and buy the WIFI dongle :(02:21
cyperbgAti website this as the latest x86 version: http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-11-6-x86.x86_64.run02:21
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cyperbgI'm thinking of offering a prize for anyone that solves my problem02:22
qinTeamColtra: Do you have any other device to test bridge?02:22
KM0201cyperbg: dunno, that's the strangest problem i've ever read.02:23
plumhey guys, can someone help me install a different browser in lxde that i am controlling over vnc?02:23
TeamColtraqin my other device is a tablet and hasn't been working either02:23
aciculacyperbg: are you having a problemm with wireless or graphics?02:24
cyperbgacicula wireless02:24
aciculacyperbg: then you will not need those drivers02:25
cyperbgacicula are you suggesting I don't install video drivers?02:25
qinTeamColtra: can you paste ifconfig, will test similar setup and get back to you in few hours.02:26
aciculacyperbg: i dont see how that would solve your wireless problems, and in general its a much better choice to stick with the ubuntu provided drivers which can be installed via the hardware driver program02:26
cyperbgacicula, I will be using this machine for bitcoin mining and I'm not sure the source drivers are suitable02:27
stercorqin: Well, I installed ubuntu-desktop.  How can I change the GUI away from the remix; like the one on the Ubuntu desktop?02:27
IsleVegangreetings. my drupal 7 site on ubuntu 11.04 is not sending email for account creation, password retrieval, etc. i think this has been a problem since it was freshly installed. not sure where / how to start a resolution. i already asked in the #drupal room but have not received a response yet.02:27
cyperbgbtw are they source of proprietary?02:27
TeamColtrahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/633346/ but this is back with default setings since I can't be online with the bridge method apparently02:27
aciculacyperbg: if you activated hardware drivers then the proprietary ones were installed02:28
cyperbghm I might try that then02:28
optiohow can i add a repository to apt-get?02:29
aciculacyperbg: ah i see, your forum post is a bit cryptic, you do not have a wireless problem, but you are trying to install those drivers and then it gets hosed?02:30
aciculacyperbg: afaik you can just grab the stream sdk and compile the test samples, if those work with the hardware driver ubuntu installs for you then it'll work with that bitcoin program02:30
szalIdleOne: ping02:32
aciculaoptio: you can add repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list or create a yourrepo.list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ just be sure to include proper repos, including things like debian repositories will give you a lot of problems02:32
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aciculaIsleVegan: best check where your drupal installation is sending mail to and whether that gets accepted?02:33
IdleOneszal: ?02:33
szalIdleOne: connection spam02:33
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cyperbgacicula the wifi connection gets corrupted before even installing the AMD Stream 32-bit SDK02:34
IdleOnethank you02:34
cyperbgacicula on my last fresh reinstalled the only thing I installed was the Ati Video drivers02:34
cyperbgand then bam - no wifi02:34
IsleVeganacicula : not sure how i would check that. drupal tells me "Error message Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists." when i request password for an existing account.02:35
aciculathe ati video drivers the way that guide describes them/02:35
Mysterytrainhow do you turn off firewall in ubuntu? I can't ssh into my box from the lan02:35
aciculaIsleVegan: sounds like you need to check if you can actually send mail?02:36
qinTeamColtra: Ok, will /msg when something cross my brain.02:36
aciculaMysterytrain: sudo ufw disable, but is off by default02:36
midoskiI need a script to run as another user02:36
midoskiwhat's the best way to go about this02:36
wildgooseMysterytrain, only open the port you need.02:36
IsleVeganacicula : most likely yes. what is the best way to do that?02:36
MysterytrainI did sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start but my ssh client says connection refused02:36
cyperbgacicula on my last fresh reinstalled all I did was: sudo apt-get http://www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-11-5-x86.x86_64.run and then sudo sh ati-driver-installer-11-5-x86.x86_64.run02:36
jribmidoski: give more context.  One time?02:36
learningcwhat 's the difference between a live version of ubuntu and the installed version?02:37
jribMysterytrain: use « service » not « /etc/init.d »02:37
midoskijrib, lighttpd needs to spawn fcgi servers per virtual host02:37
midoskii want to spawn the fcgi servers as the user the site is for02:37
jriblearningc: on the live version, your changes are lost when you reboot02:37
midoskior hosted under, rather02:37
IsleVeganlearningc: one difference is that the live version does not save or change anything on the computer.02:37
jribmidoski: where will you be spawning them?  Cron?02:38
Mysterytrainjrib wha:t's the difference?02:38
learningcbut is the directory structures the same?02:38
IsleVeganlearningc: it is mainly used to see what ubuntu looks like, check for hardware compatibility and maybe do some hard drive partitioning / resizing02:38
midoskijrib, well in the lighttpd config you can execute a shell script if the fcgi server isn't found02:38
jribMysterytrain: service plays nice with upstart02:38
midoskijrib so it's up for discussion as to /how/ the fcgi server should spawn02:38
midoskieither way i need it to02:38
Mysterytrainso sudo server ssh start02:38
IsleVeganlearningc: i don't know much about that, sorry. perhaps you can be more detailed in your inquiry to get a response from others.02:39
jribmidoski: well you can use su or sudo to execute things as another user, but you need to authenticate (as the user for the 'su' case and as a the user executing the command, who should have sudo access, in the sudo case)02:39
green91can anyone explain to the the difference between the "service" command and simply using /etc/init.d/(prog) to control service reloads/start/stops ?02:39
Mysterytrainhrm. connection refused02:39
jribgreen91: in the case of ssh, the /etc/init.d/ script does NOT go through upstart02:39
jribMysterytrain: try « ssh localhost » locally on the server02:40
midoskijrib, alright, is there a way to pass su (or sudo) the password without interactive mode?02:40
midoskii didnt see it last time i glanced02:40
aciculacyperbg: yeah dont do that, just use the hardware driver tool, ubuntu should probably ask you if you want the proprietary drivers02:40
Mysterytrainconnection refused. this is ubuntu in a vm.02:40
Jamesboo_hi, I am trying to use Ubuntu from a 2Gb flash drive.... It seems to be working fine, I have booted up a new mahince into ubuntu, but it wont let me download anythin02:40
jribMysterytrain: you can't ssh localhost on the server?02:40
Jamesboo_is it becuase my flash drive is out of disc space?02:40
jribMysterytrain: is sshd running...?02:40
learningcif I verbatim copy the live cd on my harddisk and mae my harddisk bootable to that partition, will it be the same to a regular installed ubuntu apart from no change saved due to a config file?02:40
aciculaIsleVegan: whatever drupal/php has configured as maildaemon has trouble sending it02:40
MysterytrainI got ubuntu running in vmware player, with bridged connection. I then fired up cygwin and tried to ssh into user@ and got connection refused02:41
aciculaIsleVegan: if you dont know how or why then thats why its not working02:41
jribMysterytrain: I didn't tell you to do that02:41
Mysterytrainthat's what I did before I got here02:41
rewtMysterytrain, cygwin in ubuntu?02:41
jribMysterytrain: what about what I asked you about?02:41
green91jrib: what is upstart02:41
jrib!upstart | green9102:41
ubottugreen91: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/02:41
aciculaMysterytrain: exists only within the is, you have to attach a nic to the bridge you made, assign that an ip and use that to ssh into02:42
cyperbgacicula I'm gonna do a fresh install now and try that02:42
Jamesboo_anyone can help me?  Im trying to use ubunutu from a 2GB flash drive....02:42
Mysterytrainok lemme do this. I'm going to restart the virtual machine and try it fresh02:42
Jamesboo_I have ubuntu booted02:42
jribmidoski: you could give the user that will be executing the command the ability to execute it without requiring a password by using sudoers.  But are you sure there isn't some standard, well-documented way to accomplish what you are asking about?02:43
sudokill\''/ (^_^) \''/02:43
jrib!who | Mysterytrain02:43
ubottuMysterytrain: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:43
midoskijrib, lighttpd + django isn't mega well documented02:43
midoskiespecially in multi site setups02:43
midoskiwhich is what im doing02:43
jribmidoski: what user does lightppd run as and what user do you want to spawn the fcgi instances?02:44
midoskijrib, lighttpd runs as 'www-data' and i have a 'start_fcgi.sh' script on UserA and UserB02:44
simonei'm italian ;)02:45
aciculalearningc: no, the way the live cd/dvd is packaged is veyr different from a normal disk installation, best to just follow the normal installer02:45
midoskicurrently I just joined www-data to the UserA and UserB group so it can spawn it itself, but it's not safe since now any python scripts from UserA could technically look at UserB's shit02:45
szalsimone: and?02:45
linux_is_my_herohow do remove things from the little envelope menu on 10.10?02:45
bsmith093im using top to see whats running, does the time+ column mean total time running, or cumulative time active02:45
midoskiso i need www-data to run start_fcgi.sh as UserA if needed but also run start_fcgi.sh as UserB if needed02:45
jribmidoski: well what I suggested above about using NOPASSWD for that command in sudoers should work, but I'd suggest asking lightppd to see if they are familiar with what you are doing02:45
anth0nyso, what's the standard go-to for a text-editor for programming in Ubuntu?02:45
rewtMysterytrain, if sshd is running in the vm, and you want to connect to it from the host, it's not, you have to use the ip of the vm02:45
midoskijrib, I'll head over to their IRC, it's pretty dead though02:45
midoskithank you for the help02:45
midoskiwww-data is a very protected user so NOPASSWD might get me somewhere02:46
Mysterytrainrewt: ok, I've just rebooted them vm.02:46
jribmidoski: just give NOPASSWD to that user for that specific command02:46
midoskijrib, i'll try to see how to do that02:46
midoskijrib, I'm sure the answer is in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers02:46
jribmidoski: « man sudoers » certainly02:47
midoskijrib, of course02:47
IsleVeganacicula: Drupal 6 on previous versions of Ubuntu worked fine to send mail to new users before. I don't think I did any configuration. However, since Drupal 7 has been installed on Ubuntu 11.04 it does not send email and I don't know what to do.02:47
jribIsleVegan: you definitely need to install some sort of MTA to be able to send mail02:48
linux_is_my_heroanyone sick of 11.04 yet?02:48
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: why would someone be sick of it?02:48
cyperbgJamesboo_ what's the problem exactly?02:49
linux_is_my_hero10.10 is faster, more stable, and has a better gui.02:49
szalthere can be reasons, but this is not the place to discuss them02:49
IsleVeganjrib : i did the apt-get install of all the lamp stuff, like i did before.02:49
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: so use 10.1002:49
linux_is_my_heroi do :-)02:49
aeon-ltdlinux_is_my_hero: stock maybe and perhaps only in your case02:49
Jamesboo_cyperbg....im trying to use ubuntu....booting my machine from a flash drive02:49
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: it sounds like your cmplaint w/ 11.04 is unity.02:49
Jamesboo_I only have a 2Gb flash drive02:49
aciculaIsleVegan: if this is a server you must have had some smtp configuration set, its not something that automagically works. best place to start is in your log files,syslog,mail etc if it was working before02:49
jribIsleVegan: there's no MTA there...02:49
linux_is_my_herowhat in 11.04 would make it slower?02:50
Jamesboo_it boots....but to i need to install the desktop to be able to download diles?02:50
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: use xubuntu or lubuntu if you don't like unity.02:50
cyperbgJamesboo_ that's what I do at the moment, but during installation it tellms me it needs 4.4GB of space02:50
cyperbgmaybe you don't have anough space02:50
Jamesboo_i dont think i do....02:50
Jamesboo_do you mine bitcoins?02:50
linux_is_my_herolubuntu...what's that?02:50
IsleVeganacicula : ok, this is a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04 on a linode.com virtual server02:50
IsleVeganjrib : ok, i'll have to see what mta means02:51
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: ubuntu w/ lxde02:51
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.02:51
sw0rdfisherr! did they remove the "mget" command in sftp????02:51
jribIsleVegan: try exim for example02:51
aciculaIsleVegan: then you need to install an mail daemon and configure it to send out emails02:51
cyperbgJamesboo_ not at the moment, but I will when I manage to solve my problem02:51
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: it'll have official canonical support for 11.10.. up to now, been a community version02:51
=== Pilif12p|DQ is now known as Pilif12p
aciculaIsleVegan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Exim402:51
Jamesboo_cyperbg: whats your problem.,,, what size flash drive are you using?02:51
Scuniziwhat do I use to rip cd's? audio?02:52
cyperbgJamesboo_ 8GB - I have very weird wifi issues02:52
vorbis5Help: when I try to update GeoIP database for tor I get the error:02:52
Mysterytrainok, we have progress somehwat. from another box on the lan, I get connection timed out when connection to the address of the vm. from the same box, I get connection refused02:52
aciculaheu thats for receiving mail, he needs one for sending02:52
jribMysterytrain: on the server, run « ssh localhost »02:53
vorbis5Help: when I try to update GeoIP database for tor I get the error: "The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources" tor tor-geoipdb!02:53
linux_is_my_heroKM0201: for now...how do i remove  and add things to the little envelope menu on the top bar?02:53
robinschanyone here using rtorrent02:53
Mysterytrainjrib: give me a bit here, I'm shuffling back and forth between two computers.02:53
Logan_!anyone | robinsch02:53
ubotturobinsch: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.02:53
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: dunno, i dn't use it.. i just uninstall it.02:53
linux_is_my_herohow'd you do that?02:54
IsleVeganacicula & jrib : ok, looking at exim, via the link provided.02:54
linux_is_my_heroKM0201: how'd you do that?02:54
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: I uninstalled it02:54
robinschcan I get help with rtorrent?02:54
aciculaIsleVegan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer also has more pointers02:54
cyperbgvorbis5 I'm not a linux guru but have you enabled the required sources from the Synaptec Manager?02:54
aeon-ltdrobinsch: again ask your real question, if you're using ubuntu then yes02:54
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: oh, how did i uninstall it?.. it's an indicator applet... just search synaptic for it, and uninstall it... and away it goes... i can't remember the name of it specifically02:55
Mysterytrainjrib: ok, I did ssh localhost and got the usual "the authenticity of blah blah cannot be blah blah"02:55
linux_is_my_heroanyone know how to remove or add things to the little envelope menu on the top bar?02:55
reliablenerdrobinsch, not sure what you need http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/RTorrentUserGuide02:55
linux_is_my_heroKM0201: okay02:55
jribMysterytrain: and you ignored it and you were able to login?02:55
robinschthe thing is when I change .rtorrent.rc file, rtorrent nolonger starts up02:55
vorbis5cyperbg, not sure which ones those are02:55
IsleVeganacicula : i will read that too, thank you02:55
aciculavorbis5: on the website of tor where you can find the repositories you can also find instructions on how to add the keys for that repository02:55
KM0201linux_is_my_hero: but it's something like notification-indicator or something like that02:55
Mysterytrainjrib: yes02:55
robinschi don't know what I am doing wrong, i just set dht to disable02:55
jribMysterytrain: then ssh is fine, the issue is with your network setup02:56
vorbis5acicula thanks ill take a look02:56
robinschi looked online and no help02:56
cyperbgvorbis5 check that: http://g3n1k.wordpress.com/2011/01/14/the-action-would-require-the-installation-of-packages-from-not-authenticated-sources/02:56
Mysterytrainjrib: where should I look. portforwarding?02:56
dr_willisrobinsch,  you edit one file.. restart the client.. and it then fails to load?02:57
johnnynyquistHi folks- I just finished an upgrade to lucid and I am having X problems.  X reports: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/intel_drv.so: undefined symbol: drm_intel_bo_disable_reuse02:58
dr_willishow are you editing the file?02:58
IdleOnethen undo the edit02:58
dr_willisYou are quiting the program first?02:58
johnnynyquistxorg folks tell me that libdrm_intel is "out of sync with the driver" but dpkg reports both packages are current02:58
robinschI undo the edit and it works02:58
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robinschbut I want to disable dht02:58
dr_willissounds like the docs maybe out of date. or you are doing the edit wrong.. (a typo)02:59
aciculajohnnynyquist: how did you upgrade?02:59
dr_willisthere is proberly an #rtorrent channel02:59
johnnynyquistmanually from jaunty to karmic (edited sources.list) and then do-release-upgrade from karmic to lucid02:59
maverikhhi, i have Ubuntu server 11.04 and Webmin 1.550 and Samaba server installed.  Im having issues setting up a share the way i need too.... open a chat window with me please, its easier for me to follow02:59
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.03:00
dr_willismaverikh,  best to not use webmin on ubuntu based systems. Its not supported on ubuntu. and you can edit the samba configs directrly as you need for the most part.03:00
dr_willis!info samba-doc | maverikh03:00
ubottumaverikh: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 (natty), package size 1627 kB, installed size 7744 kB03:00
aciculajohnnynyquist: the error is due to binaries that are mismatched03:01
aciculayou could try purging the package the driver belongs to, and make sure there are no old packages left in the sources.list file and directory.03:02
maverikhi think i figured it out.... i had to set the main folder to 777... forgot that step03:02
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mcurranI have some avi files that I'm trying to play, and I'm just getting a black screen (video).  There are some codecs availalbe on the disc that has these avi's, called VerintVideoSolutions Codecs.  I tried installing these codecs on a VM and the avi's won't even play on Windows 7.  Anyone got any ideas for me?03:02
johnnynyquistacicula: when I apt-get remove libdrm-intel1 it wants to dump the entire system ("3,347 MB of disk space will be freed...") what's the trick to tell it to ignore dependencies?03:03
linux_is_my_herohow do i install angry birds on ubuntu 10.10?03:03
aeon-ltdlinux_is_my_hero: use chrome, then install inside chrome03:04
Guest21598cyperbg, http://www.quora.com/Bitcoin/Is-the-cryptocurrency-Bitcoin-a-good-idea03:04
aciculajohnnynyquist: eh i think you can use a --ignore-deps flag or someting. man apt-get describes the options03:04
Guest21598IsleVegan, drupal issues would be out of scope for this channel... check back to the drupal chan, or go googling I would suggest03:04
FlannelGuest21598: Please keep offtopic chatter out of this channel, thanks.03:04
aciculajohnnynyquist: though id probably just wipre and reinstall at this point03:05
linux_is_my_heroafter that where does it put it?03:05
linux_is_my_heroaeon-ltd: where does it put it after you install it inside chrome?03:05
IsleVegangotta find that ignore feature03:06
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johnnynyquistacicula: I was afraid you'd say that03:07
edbianlinux_is_my_hero: Are you familiar with the hidden folders in your home directory?03:08
linux_is_my_heroedbian: no not that, i mean how do i launch angry bird once its installed03:08
edbianlinux_is_my_hero: I have no idea.  I don't even know how you installed it inside chrome03:08
aciculajohnnynyquist: upgrading by bumping versions in sources.list is a guaranteed way of creating  heaps of problems03:08
linux_is_my_heroedbian: neither do i, lol03:09
robinschmmm true blood03:09
MK``When I am booting up, it says "Starting K Display Manager", but I uninstalled kdm. Where can I find the source of this error?03:10
aciculaMK``: probably the startup script that does it03:10
aciculait should have removed that if you removed kdm though03:11
fusss2Hi, I installed Ubuntu via WUPI to sit alongside Windows. Now, how do I remove Windows & make Ubuntu permanent OS? I have 300GB disk and Ubuntu only see a max of 30GB03:11
MK``Should i reinstall kdm, and purge it?03:11
KM0201fusss2: wubi depends on windows...03:12
aciculadoubt that will work MK``03:12
KM0201you' have to reinstall03:12
MK``ok, where can I find the script?03:12
edbianfusss2: wubi actually creates a file on your NTFS partition.  If you delete windows you will also delete your wubi install.  ARe you faily attached to this install?03:12
FlannelMK``: That'd be something to try, yes.03:12
fusss2KM0201: awwww :-| I have already grown into my setup03:12
kruxlinux_is_my_hero, you use gnome ?. if so do you have a wine folder under Applications ?.. at least that is what i found out online..03:12
aciculaMK``: eh /etc/init probably03:12
TrevIncfusss2: you need to copy your files in your ubuntu folder03:12
KM0201fusss2: wubi is a mess anyway, you're lucky you haven't bricked ubuntu and windows03:12
TrevIncone of those enormous files is your ubuntu virtual disk03:13
fusss2edbian: I don't mind reinstalling if: 1) I can somehow get back all my installed apps, via backup/restore. 2) migration doesn't take more than a day03:13
edbianfusss2: There are ways to migrate wubi to a real install.  I suggest simply saving your personal files (home folder) and installing ubuntu a-new03:13
edbianfusss2: migration and re-installing are the 2 alternative.  They are not the same.03:13
edbianfusss2: re-installing (by definition) means not having your apps.  But how hard is it to download them from the repos again?03:14
edbianfusss2: The hard part is your personal files.  Those cannot be re-created.  (your home folder)03:14
fusss2edbian: yeah, I know. I have those in external HD + dropbox anyway03:15
edbianfusss2: Then I would just re-install.  Either way it will take less than a day.  Unless you count the time it takes to learn how to do a wubi install03:15
midoskiwhen I edit the sudoers file via visudo03:16
midoskiwhen do the changse take effect?03:16
MK``Should I delete kdm.conf?03:16
fusss2edbian: installation is alright.03:16
fusss2cheers all!03:16
FlannelMK``: No, it'll do that when you purge it03:16
Flannelmidoski: once you save it (and it actually saves)03:17
midoskiFlannel, alright03:17
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midoskiFlannel, well I wrote a sudoers rule, and it didn't stick03:17
midoskiI guess I'm doing something dumb03:17
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Flannelmidoski: Did it successfully save?  visudo checks the syntax and won't save (although I always thought it gave you an error)03:18
midoskiFlannel, yes03:18
Flannelwont save if there's a syntax error03:18
midoskiFlannel, "/etc/sudoers.tmp" 28L, 643C written03:18
Flannelmidoski: right, that's your editor saving it to a temp file, then you close the editor, visudo realizes you're done, and does its magic (copies it back, etc)03:18
midoskilemme give it a try03:18
MK``ok, installed and purged and that config file is gone. I wonder if that was the source of some issues I was having03:18
midoskiFlannel, it's still not working apparently03:19
midoskiFlannel, http://linuxlol.pastebay.com/127272 I have this little config03:19
midoskithat should let www-data run that command as user 'max'03:19
midoskibut it asks for a password03:19
awaadIs there any free tutorials for LPIC-3 ?03:19
midoskii'm doing su -c the_command max03:19
Flannelmidoski: if you visudo again, do you see your changes?03:20
midoskiFlannel, yes03:20
midoskiI also vim /etc/sudoers and the changes are there03:20
Flannelmidoski: Alright, so it's a config issue, not a sudoers editing issue.03:20
midoskiFlannel, all signs point to yes03:20
midoskiFlannel, I linked you my current additions to the sudoers file03:20
darkenergyHey, how do i use rmdir to remove a directory that has children?03:21
midoskidarkenergy, rm -R ./thedirectory03:22
quickslvrWe have 50GB added to a mount point in Logical Volume. How do i verify the 50GB is available on the mount point before extending?03:22
darkenergymidoski, oh so it doesn't work at all with rmdir huh?03:22
Flannelmidoski: first off, you want to use sudo, not su.03:22
midoskiFlannel, baaah!03:22
* midoski kicks over a table03:22
Flannelmidoski: did that fix it? ;)03:23
midoskiFlannel, 1 sec, trying03:23
dvanderwerf /join #math03:23
FlannelI'm not sure it will, but it's certainly a step in the right direction.03:23
Flanneldvanderwerf: You're already in #math, by the way.03:23
jimjamhi all - is it possible to 'show technical items' by default in ubuntu software centre?03:24
midoskiFlannel, :O might have worked03:24
midoskiFlannel, it certainly ran, that's for sure03:24
mik-mocHi,  i am running Ubuntu on a flash drive and was wondering why when I log in with the default account it shows my OS Drive and I can access it.  But when I log in with another admin account I can not see it.03:25
dvanderwerfanyone here interested in automated theorem proving, automated theorem verification, proof assistants and formal systems?03:25
Flanneldvanderwerf: You might try #math ;)03:25
dvanderwerfthey probably are not either, seems like not too many people are03:26
aciculadvanderwerf: can you formulate that as a question?03:26
Flanneldvanderwerf: You haven't asked in there yet.  I'd say that'd be the most likely place on freenode.03:26
stercorHow do I determine which screen manager I'm using?03:28
Guest21598stercor, you can usually see which one you are "picking" on the login screen03:28
Guest21598from a drop-down list03:28
Guest21598gnome, gnome safe, kde, etc03:29
davricI am trying to delete the 5th line in a directory full of html files. I am trying sed '5d' *.html but it's not quite working out03:29
stercorI just upgraded my netbook to ubuntu-desktop.  I'd like to have the same screen manager on the netbook as I have on my desktop.03:30
davricany ideas?03:30
MK``Ok, the only thing suspicious left in my boot process is "Starting automatic crash report generation     [fail]"03:30
dvanderwerfwell it would take a while - I'm interested in math but I don't like proofs in natural language - I'd like to learn Mizar or something like it.  I have problems learning math informally.  One question I have: is it possible, and if so, how easy, and how long would it take to write proofs about probability in a formal language and then use a proof verifier on it.  Take for example Sterling's formula.03:30
Guest21598stercor, is gnome installed? (I assume it is...) if gnome is installed, you should be able to pick it before you login... if you auto-login, you may need to disable that first03:30
aciculadavric: sed operates on tex files itself03:31
stercorGuest21598: That sounds reasonable.03:31
Guest21598davric, google for examples... that sounds like a simple task that should have lots of examples03:31
davricacicula, what can I do to accomplish my goal?03:31
davricit doesnt seem like it03:31
stercorGuest21598: The login screen has all the users in /etc/passwd.  Does this mean that there's no auto-login?03:32
dvanderwerfoh sorry wrong channel03:32
stercor...well not _all_ of them.03:32
Guest21598davric, http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1145&bih=788&q=use+sed+to+remove+line&aq=1&aqi=g10&aql=f&oq=use+sed+to+remove03:32
Guest21598try that search03:32
Guest21598stercor, all the users, including system accounts?03:33
Guest21598kayve, lol ;)03:33
Guest21598install it...03:33
Guest21598(gnome that is)03:33
wildgooseor caps lock?03:34
stercorGnome is --- I believe --- installed.03:34
Guest21598kayve, hmm.. I don't have 11.04 installed atm, but I recall it being on the menu.. or if you type "term" into the search box it shows it03:34
kayveAPT-GET install gnome2 ?03:34
stercorI don't do KDE...03:34
Guest21598apt-get .. lowercase03:34
mik-mocKayve: in ubuntu?03:34
szalkayve: log out, then in the login screen choose session type 'Ubuntu Classic'03:34
darkenergykayve, how did you turn it into a mac?03:35
stercorGuest21598: It can't find gnome2.  Is it gnome2-dev?03:35
Guest21598i think he means unity ;)03:35
Guest21598stercor, nope, not -dev03:35
darkenergyGuest21598, lmao, i still haven't touched unity03:35
darkenergyDon't plan to either03:35
mik-mocin unity you can just hit the windows key and type terminal03:36
kartahrm, teamviewer is much more faster and responsive on ubuntu than windows03:36
kartago figure03:36
kartanow my phone technicaly has ubuntu :003:36
mik-mocif you don't have a windows key hit the ubuntu logo in the upper left hand side03:36
Guest21598stercor, try just apt-get install gnome03:36
TrevIncwindows is not bad in and of itself but it is the #1 target for crapware03:36
Guest21598karta, good to know team viewer is available for linux?03:37
stercorGuest21598: k03:37
Guest21598stercor, what version of netbuntu did you start with?03:37
stercorGuest21598: netbook-remix 10.0403:39
kartaGuest21598, i diddnt know either, i was jsut thinking it would be great to get into ubuntu as well as my win 7 laptop, works better for linux actualy03:39
kartaand looks nicee with unity03:39
mik-mocKarta, did you find the terminal screen?03:40
TrevInclooks nice with unity is like saying "looks great with your tumor" :(03:40
lnbanyone know a fix for update manager failing to update or trying to install package and getting Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support'03:41
kartaits not a tumor :arnold voice:03:41
WFeathergot a network/samba question:03:41
WFeatherMy server is setup with Ubuntu 10.10 64bit, has all the drives setup to do sharing with Samba, it is accessible on my windows machines by typing in the network address and using the user/pass to get in, however it will only on occasion show up in the "Network" for windows..  However, when i go into a Kubuntu 11.04(or any linux VM) VM on my desktop (Win 7 x64), I am able to go to: network -> Samba Shares -> Workgroup -> Server -> Fold03:41
Guest21598stercor, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=921737403:41
Guest21598should be what you need from the looks of it03:41
Guest21598TrevInc, unity isn't for everyone... and its not hard to change to gnome or kde, etc ... no point in bashing on it.. its still very useful for people that are new to linux or just need a simple interface03:42
Guest21598WFeather, I find network browsing unreliable in 10.04 with a mixed linux/windows network as well...03:43
WFeather10.10 here03:43
taraduffyI had a HD mounting problem and had to boot from an ISO disc - can I fix it from here?03:44
TrevIncGuest21598: thank you for your opinion. However, forcing left side docking is a bit silly especially considering the OS X launcher docks on the bottom and is otherwise identical in functioning03:44
TrevIncso wouldn't that be a turnoff?03:44
kartaincase anyone wanted it and diddnt have it, its kinda lame since it is useless, but there has been times when i left things on desktop and forgot to copy over for work etc03:45
kartaso it can be a lifesaver03:45
dr_Willisnetwork browsing is basucally totally non funvtional for me. i allways enter the full path to the shares and they do work03:45
WFeatherdr_Willis: is that from a windows machine ?03:45
dr_WillisWFeather:  i find it flakey from both os . win and lin.03:46
WFeatherhmm, k, so its a known issue then...03:46
dr_Williswin7 seems to made it worse.03:47
kayvetill looks like mac03:47
WFeatherany way to have XBMC on a windows machine look there directly all the time ?03:47
WFeatheror should joining a XBMC channel be a better choice ?03:47
kayvehow do I get rid of this macintosh nonsense?03:47
yeatstaraduffy: in the live CD, open a terminal and do 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit'03:47
kayveI installed gnome03:47
dr_Willisenter full host/sharename and they DO work however03:47
WFeatherdr_Willis:  yes it does, my issue is accessing it w/ XBMC03:48
dr_Willisxbmc can access the shares for me fine03:48
WFeatherhmm, what do you add as a source ?03:48
dr_Willisi use static ips. that may help03:48
WFeatherserver is a static IP03:49
i9chey guys if I only have 3gb of ram is it worth getting ubuntu 64bit? or should I just go with x8603:49
tntci9c: meh. Unless you're planning on upgrading to > 4gb, I'd go with 32-bit03:49
kayveI hate mac window behavior with a passion03:49
dr_Willisi got xbmc in the front room. is accesses my nas. and  ither servers ok.03:49
i9cwell it's for a virtual machine03:49
WFeatherdr_Willis: what do you add for the source ?03:50
taraduffyyeats: OK.03:50
mik-mocif I have ubuntu with unity how can I install gnome03:50
tntci9c: well, > 4gb is supported via PAE, but it's not as good as real 64-bit03:50
tntci9c: is it going to be on a server?03:50
yeatstaraduffy: are you running 11.04 live with Unity?03:50
i9cno, just inside virtualbox to mess around with03:50
WFeathermik-moc: on logon screen, tell it to do classic03:50
dr_WillisWFeather:  it sees the machine. or i enter the ip. nothing special i recall.03:50
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10 To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.03:50
WFeathermik-moc:  on the bottom03:50
tntci9c: meh. than yeah, 32-bit, I'd say03:50
i9cthanks guys03:51
WFeatherdr_Willis: the issue is my windows does not see the server03:51
taraduffyyeats: yes. in 'try it' mode.03:51
mik-mocI on the new version 11.04 I think..03:51
WFeathermik-moc: before you log on, in the bottom there is a drop down box that will have the option for "Classic"03:51
WFeatherthat will give you Gnome 2.x03:51
dr_Willisenter the //server.ip.num/sharename  by hand in windows and mount the lovation to x: oerhaps03:52
TrevIncYou are being MSG flooded from ~jordfan2@c-68-41-203-167.hsd1.mi.comcast.net, setting gui_auto_open_dialog OFF.03:52
TrevIncAnyone else get this?03:52
mik-mocok.  I'll give that a try.  Thanks,03:52
kayvewill apt-get install ubuntu-desktop get my window navigator back?03:52
yeatstaraduffy: okay - you'll need to find "Places" and locate your HDD... I'm not running Unity, so I don't know exactly where...03:52
taraduffyyeats: it cant find package pastebinit03:52
WFeatherdr_Willis: just have it auto mount that location in windows then ?03:52
taraduffyyeats: I found it: it is locked as root?03:52
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taraduffyyeats: can we change the normal boot system we were trying to before from within the 'try it' Cd version?03:53
dr_WillisWFeather: i do that on the wifes pc normslly. ir enter the info by hand then make a shortcut03:53
yeatstaraduffy: yes - that's the goal03:53
kayveI installed Gnome, ubuntu-desktop already installed I want to get rid of this mac behavior03:53
WFeathergot a link to how i can have it auto mount the address ?03:53
WFeatheri'm not too savy into this stuff03:54
taraduffyyeats: OK, cant install pastebinit?03:54
yeatstaraduffy: no problem about pastebinit... it would be convenient but not necessary03:54
dr_Willismy one dimpke.net nas. is the only guzmo that does show up on netwirk shares i recall.03:54
stercorGuest99545: Success!  The pointer you gave me to ubuntuforums.org had the answer: System> Administration> Login Screen03:54
wildbatanyone know how to add/del items to  the Unity panel ?03:54
kayvehow do I get rid of this stupid side bar and get the top menus back?03:54
stercorGuest99545: Thanks.03:54
hsc2104i'm having some issues with my wireless connection...just installed jolicloud on my ASUS 1015PED...I'm a complete newbie...help!03:54
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".03:54
yeatstaraduffy: if you can't open your HDD, close nautilus, and from the terminal do 'gksu nautilus'03:54
MagusOTBHow do I go about getting /proc/bus/usb to exist in 11.04?03:55
hsc2104i tried for hours to find a solution online but couldn't find any online...03:55
dr_Willishsc2104:  jolios is not ubuntu.03:56
lnbanyone know how to fix: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support' using apt-get -f install03:56
dr_Willishsc2104:  it has issues. i gave up in it.03:56
van7hu!info xen03:56
ubottuPackage xen does not exist in natty03:56
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen03:56
van7hudoes anyone compile xen under ubuntu?03:57
kayvei HATE THIS SIDE Bar and i can't find systems administration!03:57
dr_Williskayve:  webupd8 site has tweaks covering that03:57
Riginhai everybody gud morning03:57
kayveI hate the stupid icons telling me03:57
hsc2104dr_Willis, any recommendation for a lightweight linux os that has good wireless compatibility for ASus 1015PED?03:57
Nobgul-bncKayve, then use clasasic gnome desktop03:57
kayveI can't organize all my dang browser windows my mcuekd03:57
=== tum is now known as Guest58981
dr_Willishsc2104:  nirmal ubuntu shouls work fine03:57
kayvehow do I admister this?  I can't find administration03:57
Riginya ubuntu03:58
hsc2104the netbook version?03:58
Nobgul-bnc!classic | kayve03:58
ubottukayve: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".03:58
hsc2104cuz my computer is REALLY slow...03:58
=== Guest99545 is now known as Wiesshund
dr_Williskayve:  i got list of good links at   delicious.com/dr_willis03:58
lnbkayve: logout, then before you login, look at bottom of your screen and choose 'classic'03:58
dr_Willishsc2104:  my netboks run ubuntu fine03:59
jamesboohi, im trying to get ubuntu on a flash drive...03:59
lnbanyone know how to fix: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support' using apt-get -f install03:59
lnbi cannot install anything03:59
WiesshundI seem to have forgotten something. got 10.10 reloaded,  but forgot how to fix emerald to it loads the themes when they are chosen03:59
lnbnot sure what has happened03:59
jamesboocan anyoen help me get a bootable version of ubuntu on my flash drive?03:59
mwallacesdHow can I set the some Latim caracters using their code, as the combination in Windows for exemple alt+135.......03:59
dr_Willisthere are classic gnome menu things you can add to unity03:59
Nobgul-bnclnb: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479003:59
getdarker_I need to move a file into /opt but when using GUI it does not work could it work in terminal ?04:00
getdarker_im using Ubuntu 11.404:00
hsc2104thank you dr Willis04:00
Nobgul-bncgetdarker_, If you sudo it yes.04:00
dr_Willisgetdarker_:  it should04:00
kruxlnb, try this sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a04:00
IsleVeganacicula & jrib : you are both FABULOUS. exim4 is making it happen. Yay for Yoo.04:00
Nobgul-bncgetdarker_ You can also open terminal and type sudo -i04:00
Nobgul-bncgetdarker_ put your pass in then move in the gui04:01
OerHeksunity slow ? maybe you have this issue too, ubuntu-one taking up 1 core, for no use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/desktopcouch/+bug/77429504:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 774295 in desktopcouch (Ubuntu) "desktopcouch-service hangs up CPU" [Undecided,Incomplete]04:01
getdarker_ok cool - what wull that do ?04:01
Nobgul-bncIt logs you in as the root user04:01
getdarker_oh sweet04:01
krakatoa_deathhi guys04:01
taraduffyyeats: for some reason I am stuck on initializing nautilus-gdu extension04:01
getdarker_nogul-bnc: thanks man04:01
krakatoa_deathI have that firefox nightly installed, but it wont work with firebug, how can I fix it?04:01
Nobgul-bncgetdarker_, No worries04:01
Nobgul-bnckrakatoa_death #firefox ?04:02
yeatstaraduffy: the window isn't open anywhere?04:02
mwallacesdhow can I do this in the ubuntu? I need to imput the caracter ç, what keys combination I need to do? something as alt+0135 in Windows????04:02
mik-mocinteresting, when I log in with an account I set up classic mode works04:02
WFeatherty dr_Willis got it figured out04:02
taraduffyyeats: no04:02
Nobgul-bncmwallacesd, there is a char map. You can find it there i think04:03
tensorpuddingmwallacesd: what character is that04:03
mik-mocbut with the default ubuntu account it only goes to unity...04:03
Rigini have windows free software04:03
Riginany body want it04:03
getdarker_the sudo -i didnt work with the GUI04:03
Nobgul-bncthen just sudo mv04:03
lnbkrux: it does update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.38-8-generic and thats it04:03
getdarker_i will learn how to move files in the terminal04:03
Nobgul-bncin terminal =(04:03
Nobgul-bncits mv to move and cp to copy04:03
kruxnow try what you where doing04:03
taraduffyyeats: trying again. . .04:03
yeatstaraduffy: can you pastebin the output of 'fdisk -l'?04:04
mwallacesdhi tensorpudding, it is: http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/00e7/index.htm04:04
lnbi was trying package manager update04:04
getdarker_nobgul-bnc: thanks giving it a go, linux is hard for newbie but cool04:04
tensorpuddingç you mean?04:04
mwallacesdNobgul-bnc,  yes I could find it in the caracter map but I need to copy and paste all the time...04:04
tensorpuddingthere's charmap, or you can set up a compose key04:04
yeatstaraduffy: sorry - needs to be 'sudo fdisk -l'04:04
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:04
Nobgul-bncmake sure to use full paths ie: mv /path/to.file /path/to/destination/file.name04:04
mwallacesdThere is another way to imput that, Nobgul-bnc ?04:05
Nobgul-bncyer 1 sec04:05
Wiesshundanyone remember how to fix emrald so you dont have to do  emerald --replace &  in console to make it work?04:05
tensorpuddingmwallacesd: you can set up a french keyboard04:05
AzelphurRigin: it's source code, and your stupid for attempting to abuse a channel to spam someones email/phone :P04:05
Nobgul-bncmwallacesd, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38340804:05
lnbkrux: apt-get install -f04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
tensorpuddingRigin: stop that04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
FloodBot1Rigin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
hendaus_hi friends, i need a help plz04:06
FloodBot1Rigin: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
edbianWhat does that even mean?04:06
WiesshundRigin how bout shut up. and it is called source code04:06
taraduffyyeats: paste.ubuntu.com/63339304:06
lnbkrux: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'multiarch-support'. Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
Rigini have windows Xp programming code  if any body want it contact me @ +919495788191 or riginoommen@gmail.com04:06
tensorpudding!ops Rigin04:06
edbianban him!04:06
lnbwhat is this 'muliarch-support' ?04:06
tensorpuddingugh, that doesn't work04:07
tensorpuddingi always forget04:07
Jeruvy!ops | rigin04:07
ubotturigin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:07
jamesboowhere do i download ubuntu?04:07
soreau!ops | Rigin04:07
ubottuRigin: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!04:07
tensorpuddingit's too late, he was K-Lined04:07
Jeruvyeven better04:07
dr_Willisjamesboo:  ubuntu.com04:07
yeatstaraduffy: okay - great... now do 'sudo mkdir /mnt/disk && sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda5 /mnt/disk'04:07
IsleVegangood grief, somebody trying to flood a room full of linux people. how long is that going to last. :-o04:08
mwallacesdNobgul-bnc, yes it is! Thank so much brow!!! It is exactly that I was looking for!!!04:09
marcuyany Entity-Relationship designer ninja out there?04:09
taraduffyyeats: cannot creat directory /mnt/disk04:11
jamesbooany one tell me how to get a bootable version of ubuntu on my flash drive....04:11
john__jamesboo, have you tried YUMI?04:12
yeatstaraduffy: grrrr... hold on04:12
taraduffyyeats: OK. .04:12
jamesboois that the version i need?  My friend helped me do this the other day, but it was a 2GB drive, when I finally booted my rig, i couldnt downlaod any files becuase I was maxed out of space...  Now I have a new, 8GB flash drive, but i forget how to get bootable version o fubuntu on it04:13
dr_Willisjamesboo:  tutorials at the pendrivelinux website04:13
yeatstaraduffy: okay - try 'sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda5 /mnt/'04:13
jamesbooIm using a program called Bootable USB Drive Creator Tool04:13
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mik-mocjamesboo, do you have an OS on you machine now?04:14
dr_Willisjamesboo:  thwres several tools you could use04:14
mik-mocjamesboo, is that for windows?04:15
WiesshundAnyone use Emerald? can not remember how to make it load themes properly04:15
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110404:15
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100404:15
taraduffyyeats: no error with that one.04:16
yeatstaraduffy: great!  now do 'cat /mnt/etc/fstab' and pastebin that please04:16
jamesboomik-moc_:  I have a few different machines.... right now im in windows XP04:17
jamesbooI also have a laptop with Win 704:18
taraduffyyeats: paste.ubuntu.com:63339604:18
lnbapt-get anything wont work04:18
MagusOTBHow do I go about getting /proc/bus/usb to exist in Natty?04:18
jamesbooim trying to use ubuntu on a flash drive to run another mahine04:18
lnbcrap! have to reinstall04:18
CooKieMonsteris there any web data extrator  app for ubuntu ?04:19
MagusOTBCooKieMonster: web data extractor?04:19
zuztowhat about the 11.04 ?? are u already install it??04:19
mik-mocWhat is did with win7 was download the ubuntu ISO04:19
mik-mocthen from the ubutu site http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download downloaded the universal USB installer.04:20
CooKieMonsterweb data extractor is a type of software that can extract data from a webpage04:20
yeatstaraduffy: okay - thanks - now do 'gksu gedit /mnt/etc/fstab' and add the # before the first line04:20
mik-mocIt is very easy from there.04:20
taraduffyyeats: and save?04:21
hendaus_help please! when booting it doesnot show anything just a black image until it appears ubuntu login,... plz help04:21
mik-mocI am running it on an 8GB USB drive on my Win7 Laptop now.04:21
john__jamesboo, try unetbootin.04:21
taraduffyyeats: in new window opened: save?04:21
yeatstaraduffy: yes please04:21
taraduffyyeats: done [and thank you:-)]04:21
jamesbooJohn__: i alreadu have this live-usb-install04:21
jamesbooi want to install ubuntu onto my flash drive04:21
yeatstaraduffy: yay! now try to reboot without the live disk04:21
jamesboohow do i do it04:22
taraduffyyeats: OK. . .04:22
mik-mocif you go to the link I sent you it has step by step instructions. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download04:22
taraduffyyeats: same problem!!!! argghh04:24
yeatstaraduffy: weird!04:24
hendaus_help please! when booting it doesnot show anything just a black image until it appears ubuntu login,...04:24
john__jamesboo, i don't know the program.  What's it ask for when it starts?04:24
jamesboowell i might just try to use unetbootin04:25
john__it's pretty easy to use04:25
yeatstaraduffy: okay... I think that's all the time you should spend on it.  Since you told me you have your data backed up, go ahead and reinstall04:25
john__just point it to the iso you downloaded.04:25
getdarker_Nobgul-bnc: How do I delete a file -- it worked but I had to put the file in it's own folder and now there is an extra copy of the file in the /opt folder and I am not able to delete it04:25
yeatstaraduffy: I think that would be easier than beating your head against a wall.  You can chalk it up to experience ;-)04:25
taraduffyyeats: OK - thanks so much for your time too. I agree with your philosophy :-)04:26
yeatstaraduffy: happy to help!04:26
* yeats goes to bed now04:26
john__getdarker_, "sudo rm filename"04:27
getdarker_thanks john_ appreciate that04:27
zuztohi people... kind of newbie here..04:28
=== derp is now known as derp|gone
hendaus_help please! when booting ubuntu 11.04  it doesnot show anything just a black image until it appears ubuntu login,...is there any solution04:28
getdarker_hi zuzto me too !04:28
john__zuzto, welcome.04:28
lnbhow the heck does apt-get become so screwed nothing can be updated/installed/removed04:28
zuztothanks.. and excuse my poor english, im from mexico04:28
zuztoim using xchat, someone else??04:29
john__lnb, how old is the os version?  out of date repos?04:29
=== ThinkPad is now known as crazyworm
Wiesshundhendaus_,  that is normal when grub has quiet set.04:29
getdarker_whats the difference between sudo rm -i "filename" and sudo rm "filename" ? Already being root ?04:30
zuztoa noob question, if a change of server, my connection with the channels in the other server closed??04:30
john__getdarker_, rm -i prompts before deleting.04:31
john__hendaus_, http://thedaneshproject.com/posts/ubuntu-11-04-blank-screen-on-boot-solved/04:32
hendaus_Wiesshund:  so it stills the same but neither shows the grub menu when it shows memory test and ubuntu recovery mode and ect..04:32
Wiesshundhendaus_,  hmm mine showed the menu etc fine once i told it to actualy wait at it04:33
john__zuzto, i'm not sure.  you can always just try it. :)04:34
getdarker_thanks john_ so theres not much difference really, a prompt just the tells the command what to act on as google tells me :)04:35
john__hendaus_, did you try holding down shift on reboot?04:36
getdarker_it worked by the way john_ quite satisfying to see it dissapear :)04:36
john__getdarker_, good.  unwanted files are evil.04:36
zuztojohn: ok... thanks04:37
hendaus_john__:  yes thanx, but where to edit or replace quiet and splash to nomodeset04:38
john__hendaus_, nomodeset isn't showing up on the grub menu at all?04:38
hendaus_it shows ubuntu 11.04 and recovery mode and memorty test04:40
hendaus_which one04:40
john__hendaus_, try highlighting ubuntu 11.04 and pressing "E"04:41
=== ghsh is now known as fuga
hendaus_john__:  ok, but is it necessary the live cd inserted or not?\04:41
john__hendaus_, wait, you're running from livecd? or is this installed to hard drive?04:42
hendaus_john__:  no from hd04:43
john__hendaus_, okay, good.  no live cd necessary.  just select the normal boot option, then...04:43
john__press e, then add nomodeset to the boot options04:44
john__hendaus_, You'll probably see "quiet splash"04:44
john__hendaus_, just go behind splash and add nomodeset like:04:44
john__hendaus_, "quiet splash nomodeset"  then press ctrl-X04:45
hendaus_john__:  ok so dont delete quiet and splash just add nomodeset beside it?04:46
john__hendaus_, yep.04:46
hendaus_john__:  ok i try thanx04:47
john__hendaus_, but to make this permanent you'll need to edit grub after you boot.  almost forgot...04:47
mrdebdoes anyone know how to make openoffice fonts looks normal in lucid. it is too small04:47
john__edit /etc/default/grub04:47
john__then add the nomodeset options the same way you did at the boot menu04:48
Z_GuruHello all.  Need serious help.  Any takers?04:48
john__should be a line that says grub_cmdline_linux_default="options..."04:48
john__Z_Guru, what's the prob?04:48
emmrdeb: you mean in open office or those fonts across the whole system?04:49
mrdebem: openoffice fonts are smaller only in lucid compared ot system fonts and nothing affects it. in 1010 and ofrward its fixed04:49
mrdebwheres is the setting04:49
magn3tsOh look, Empathy again failed to save my password.04:51
magn3tsWhat a buggy piece.04:51
shivaprakashhi any body know how to print LPCWSTR datatype value to stdout04:51
mrdebhas anyone heard of jupiter04:51
magn3tsmrdeb, elementaryOS04:52
magn3tsmrdeb, yes.04:52
Z_GuruThanks, john.  Well I first installed Ubuntu Studio on a virtual machine in Windows XP.  Then discovered Wubi and installed Ubuntu standard that way...04:52
pLr!ask | Z_Guru04:53
ubottuZ_Guru: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:53
puffAnybody know about proprietary drivers for the thinkpad t520 nvidia graphics?04:53
mrdebhow do you turn off the plymouth boot logo04:53
hiexpo!nvidia > puff04:53
ubottupuff, please see my private message04:53
magn3tspuff do the default nvidia drivers not work for you?04:53
puffmagn3ts: I've got a thinkpad t520 running ubuntu 10.4 LTS.  Resume from suspend does not seem to work.  I'm not sure if it's really not resuming or just the screen staying dark or something.04:54
shivaprakashhi any body know how to print LPCWSTR datatype value to stdout04:54
magn3tsshivaprakash, wrong channel, almost surely.04:54
Z_GuruFell in love with Ubuntu, and was migrating all I could from XP to Ubuntu, like Thunderbird etc., went back to XP to clean up...04:54
puffmagn3ts: So, the thought occurs that maybe with the proprietary drivers it might work better....04:54
magn3tsshivaprakash, guaranteedly wrong channel.04:54
magn3tspuff, oh, I assumed you were already running the nvidia drivers.04:55
magn3tspuff, just let Hardware Drivers (jockey-gtk) install nvidia drivers from the repo04:55
magn3tspuff, if you're feeling cutting edge there is a PPA for more cutting edge nvidia blobs for X.org04:55
Z_GuruAnd accidentally ADD/REMOVED my Ubuntu virtual drive instead of the virtual machine.  Is there a way to recover my virtual drive etc. after windows accidental removal?04:55
magn3tsZ_Guru, probably want to be in #virtualbox.04:56
magn3tsZ_Guru, I'm still confused...04:56
magn3tsyou removed the virtual drive taht ubuntu was installed on... what do you mean "Windows accidental removal"???04:56
NeutronIserver ifg.ircnode.com04:56
hiexpopuff,  there are also driversyou can use from nvidia  check there site see if your card is listed04:56
john__Z_Guru, i haven't used wubi, but it should have run ubuntu from a single file on the windows partition...04:57
puffmagn3ts: Okay, Ill try System/Administration/Hardware Drivers first.04:57
magn3tsI'd recommend the PPA over straight from nvidia. The nvidia installer never is as seamless and the PPA I mentioned is current with nvidia's official site releases.04:57
john__so if the wubi app was removed and the ubuntu disk was removed with it...04:57
magn3tspuff, I'd start there, even if you do that and add the PPA later for newer builds, it will just apt-get update/upgrade for you! cheers, good luck.04:57
puffmagn3ts: Hm, it says "no proprietary drivers are in use wtih this system'04:57
Z_GuruI meant to delete my virtualbox Ubuntu but instead, like an idiot, removed my Wubi virtual drive install.04:57
magn3tspuff, hum. you can try installing nvidia-current from repos.04:57
john__then I'm not sure how you'd recover it unless it ended up in the $recycler directory.04:57
LuxeHey. Wondering if y'all could help me.04:57
magn3tsZ_Guru, wow, that's quite a mixup.04:57
LuxeI'm trying to install macbuntu on my Computer.04:58
LuxeAnd it's not working.04:58
LuxeAnd it's giving me an error message.04:58
magn3tsZ_Guru, I don't know the process of wubi-removal so I can't tell you how likely it is taht that data's still there.04:58
LuxeDo I have permission to paste it here?04:58
magn3tsZ_Guru, if you're not having data loss from it... you're better off starting from scratch and doing a true partition this time.04:58
magn3ts!paste > Lukosanthropos04:58
ubottuLukosanthropos, please see my private message04:58
magn3ts!paste Luxe04:58
john__Z_Guru, maybe a system restore? though I'm not sure a system restore will put back application files.04:58
magn3tsLukosanthropos, sorry.04:58
hiexpoLuxe, no paste in here use pastebin04:58
magn3ts!paste | Luxe04:58
ubottuLuxe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:59
Luxe^that's what I'm getting when I follow the directions.04:59
john__Z_Guru, agree with magn3ts.  fresh install would be best.04:59
LuxeI've done it before but it doesn't like... Work.04:59
magn3tsZ_Guru, your chances of recovering a fully working WUBI/Ubuntu install is next to nothing04:59
magn3tsZ_Guru, your best hope would be if you need to recover just one file or something.04:59
LuxeDoes anyone know why that's happening?05:00
mrdebdoes anyone run without a swap file05:00
OerHeksLuxe, seems they don't know you05:00
WilliamCI'm installing Ubuntu on the computer right next to me and it just crashed on install.05:00
bc81hi. how i check the integrity of ubuntu 11.04 cd?  there is no menu when i boot the disk05:00
WilliamCKnow of any work arounds?05:00
LuxeWhat do you mean OerHeks? ;o05:00
hiexpo!swap > mrdeb05:01
ubottumrdeb, please see my private message05:01
jimjamhey - is there a quick way to copy a file's absolute location to the clipboard?05:01
Z_GuruThanx all.  Yeah, had a few drinks and got Ubuntu happy and hit the button to fast.  I am trying to do a third party restore, which I get all but the root.disk an swap.disk file so far, so I am freaking.05:01
magn3tsWilliamC, not a lot of info to go on there.05:01
OerHeksLuxe error is >  cannot verify downloads.sourceforge.net's certificate05:01
Z_GuruWas going to save system restore as a last resort.05:01
magn3tsLuxe, remove the HTTPS in the wget line and replace with HTTP.05:01
LuxeOhkay :D05:02
magn3tsLuxe, or is this a script you're running?05:02
=== totem is now known as BigMomma
WilliamCmagn3ts, I'm using the latest beta and it said "installer package error" and then after that it said "Installer has crashed"05:02
puffmagn3ts: Okay, installed, do I need to reboot or something to enable it?05:02
pat201can someone give me a general idea of what checksum means?05:02
magn3tspuff, yeah, um, you may need to add something to xorg conf to get it to utilize it... honestly, I'm not sure how it's changed... the last few versions of ubuntu have done all the work for me.05:02
john__Z_Guru, again, i don't know wubi, but it appears that ubuntu should have been installed on the root.disk file, so...05:02
magn3tspat201, think of it as a unique signature for a file.05:02
magn3tsWilliamC, wait, beta, beta of what?05:03
magn3tsWilliamC, beta of Oneiric?05:03
john__you might try reinstalling wubi, then ubuntu, then replacing the root.disk file with the recovered one.05:03
john__not sure how well it would work.05:03
magn3tsWilliamC, there's no beta out for anything right now.05:03
magn3ts11.04 is stable... 11.10 is in alpha....05:03
puffmagn3ts: Okay, ran System/Admin/Hardware Drivers again, it says the nvidia drivers are in use etc.05:03
puffmagn3ts: So I'm going ot just reboot on general principles and see how it works.,05:03
magn3tspuff, oh you might be good to go. restarting X/gdm would be a base minimum.05:03
WilliamCmagn3ts, I downloaded the wrong version it seems05:04
magn3tspuff, and puff only, sudo service /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:04
Z_Gurujohn, I am unsure of that due to windows deleating the folder that the root.disk was in.05:04
magn3tsWilliamC, lol, are you looking for the most recent stable version?05:04
magn3tsWilliamC, ubuntu.com look for the big download button :)05:04
Z_GuruThe root.disk being 30GB bypassed the trash bin.05:05
pat201does anyone know of a ccleaner type program to run on ubuntu?05:05
arunkumar413hi, i want to convert some html documents to pdf based on a index file. The structure should be preserved. Is there any package in ubuntu?05:05
WilliamCmagn3ts, I was looking for the latest beta but it seems there is none so just as well05:05
john__Z_Guru, well, if you can't find it in the c:\recycler folder, then that may be all she wrote.05:06
almoxarifepat201: look at fslint05:07
bc81how do i check live cd for errors 11.04?  there is no option to do this as in old versions of ubuntu05:07
john__Z_Guru, if it was vista or 7, I'd say check previous versions (volume shadow copy), but xp05:07
john__is no help for that.05:07
puffmagn3ts: Well, it all seems to be working fine, but suspend still doesn't work. Drat.05:07
magn3tspuff, yeah, suspend and hibernate are always a nightmare and I'm the last person you want helping you with that.05:08
bc81what happened to this menu on the 11.04 live cd? http://www.dailycupoftech.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/08/ubuntu02.png05:08
=== jadedsecurity_ is now known as jadedsecurity
Reno__hey, does 11.04 play nice with a SSD?05:09
magn3tsWilliamC, like I said, there are nightlies and alphas for 11.10 (to be released in... Oct?)... but they're completely unusable in a VM... let alone on a desktop05:09
bc81or maybe there is a key combo to access it?05:09
WilliamCYeah, I don't really trust alphas, or betas.05:09
WilliamCIt always seems to pick the worst time to crash during install05:09
pat201how can i check if my OS is 64 or 32 bit?05:11
magn3tsWho likes? http://i.imgur.com/50PLJ.png05:12
mrdebhi where is grub.cfg05:12
cn28hpat201, what does uname -m print?05:12
oxyzenHow do I make Ubuntu show only bits around the system, kilobit, megabit, and so on? No bytes anymore.05:13
Z_Gurujohn, Figured I would ask here in case someone might had been as careless as me and ficked it.  But I am still running a 3rd part disk restore, hopefully I will find root.disk if not I will try the XP system restore and hope and pray.  I did extensive migration, so I would hate to loose the stuff and restart due to microsoft's oversight and my stupidity.05:13
pat201im not sure i understand05:14
sphikais it okay to just ask a question here? there's no one in the beginners channel who seems to be responding..05:14
magn3ts!grub > mrdeb05:15
ubottumrdeb, please see my private message05:15
oxyzensphika: No, here you may only write statements. Never ever may you ask a question.05:15
WilliamCWhy did Ubuntu choose brown and orange for its colors?05:15
oxyzensphika: (just kidding)05:16
sphikaoh. well I'll just paste my question from the other channel: I recently had an issue with a video streaming software called veetle, so I decided to upgrade to the latest version to see if that would fix my problem. I ran "sudo sh" to install the program. Since then I have experienced a variety of issues, including, my ICEauthority can't be updated, the sound control can no longer communicate with the sound device, and I don't have the permission05:16
sphikas to save files in gimp. Can anyone help me?05:16
hamneggaAnyone here know how to edit the new default bootloader used with LinuxLiveUSB LiLi?  I don't know why they changed from syslinux, was the simplest one...  Now it's some sort of BartPE loader05:16
oxyzenWilliamC: Because they are great colours.05:16
WilliamCoxyzen, I hate them, same reason I hate Thanksgiving and Halloween decorations.05:17
Reno__Hey, anyone know if 11.04 plays nice with a ssd?  I read use ext4, but thats about it.05:17
WilliamCReno__, it really should, as should all up-to-date distros.05:17
oxyzenWilliamC: You could move. I've never celebrated Thanksgiving nor Halloween.05:17
WilliamCoxyzen, I like the food.05:18
Z_Gurujohn, I will let you know if I succeed or not to help others.05:19
WilliamCmagn3ts, how many chatrooms are you in?05:19
oxyzenWilliamC: But isn't the food brown and orange-ish?05:19
bazhang!ot | oxyzen WilliamC05:19
=== adrian is now known as Guest91517
ubottuoxyzen WilliamC: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:19
magn3tsWilliamC, lots.05:19
magn3tsBitcoin, Android and linux keep me occupied.05:20
sphikaso no one then?05:20
Guest91517anyone is able to use video chat on xubuntu with msn accout05:20
magn3tssphika, yikes.05:20
magn3tssphika, what random script did you run exactly?05:20
magn3tssphika, and do you have any idea if it was meant to be used with the version of ubuntu you're in?05:20
Guest91517wie for video chat does it ork?05:22
noisewaterphdGuest91517: never tried. what DOES work is Skype,, and Google Talk05:22
noisewaterphdat least those are the two I have used05:22
sphikamagnets, I installed a .run file I believe. it was the installer directly from the program's website.05:22
Guest91517what o you ue to get skype05:22
Z_GuruSo sh stands for a script in Linux?05:22
sphikai ran sudo sh to install and just started pressing enter. i realized after doing this that there was a warning i agreed to that said they don't recommend installing as root05:23
magn3tssphika, I can't help without the script, god only knows what it could have done (literally anything)05:24
noisewaterphdGuest91517: sudo apt-get install skype05:24
magn3tssphika, also, if you type 'magn' and press TAB, it will autocomplete my name and notify me when you reply :)05:24
WilliamCmagn3ts, think Ubuntu is easy enough to use on a computer I'm going to sell?05:25
WilliamCI think it's userfriendly, but I've seen people get confused by Windows.05:25
sphikamagn3ts, the site is http://www.veetle.com/index.php/download, and the file is  veetle-0.9.17-linux-install.sh05:26
noisewaterphdWell, Windows is certainly not a model for usability05:27
noisewaterphdbut along those lines, I've seen people get violently upset with television remotes05:27
mrdebcan someone point out the advantage of ubuntu over other distros05:27
noisewaterphdpackage repositories05:28
noisewaterphddebian based05:28
noisewaterphdgood community05:28
magn3tssphika, ugh, its a compressed binary, I don't know what that script does to be honest.05:28
noisewaterphdsmall download size compared to other full distros05:28
qinTeamColtra: Hey! You fixed?05:28
magn3ts+1 for everything noisewaterphd said.05:28
Guest91517sudo apt-get install skype  I tried but nothing05:28
Z_Guru"sh" is what type of file, script?  Anyone?05:29
noisewaterphdGuest91517: might need the PPA or something first, just go to skype.com05:29
sphikamagn3ts, like I said, I know that it broke it because it basically said not to install as root because it could break stuff, but I had already done it by that point.05:29
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: shell script05:29
sphikabut yeah, I have no idea what it does either haha.05:29
magn3tssphika, it's the very reason I don't install software from scripts like that.05:29
Guest91517I'l do that05:29
TeamColtraqin, no :(05:30
magn3tssphika, well some things DO need to run as root. Installing software NEEDS to run as root... so that wasn't the mistake.05:30
magn3tssphika, the mistake was with the script and whatever it did.05:30
sphikalet me try to reproduce the output05:30
Z_GuruThanks, noisewaterphd.05:30
qinZ_Guru: try: head -n 3  your_file.sh (scripts are text files), also: file your_file.sh to see type05:30
magn3tssphika, but honestly, the only solution is asking in the Veetle forums or producing more precise error messages that we can eliminate one by one.05:30
melissitais there any way to upgrade from 10.04 to 11.04 without having to upgrade to 10.10 first?05:30
qinTeamColtra: Can you open edit connection, from nm-applet?05:31
Z_GuruThanks, qin.05:32
noisewaterphdmelissita: http://tinyurl.com/3mw7ada05:32
sphikamagn3ts, this is more fyi; the script says: "You are running this script as root. Veetle recommends against installing05:32
sphikaon the superuser account. We suggest you press <Control-C> now and reinstall05:32
sphikaon the user account you typically use to run Firefox or Mozilla.05:32
TeamColtraqin, yes05:32
Z_GuruWhat is the XP equivalent for control+alt+del in Ubuntu?05:33
qinTeamColtra: Wired tab > Auto eth0 > Edit > IPv4 Settings tab > Method: Shared to other... and restart xbox (if nesssesary)05:34
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: to do what? get a task manager? shutdown?05:34
TeamColtraThats where I started05:34
Z_GuruTo shut down a non-responsive program.05:34
noisewaterphdto kill an unresponsive program do: ps aux | grep nameofprogram05:35
Z_GuruOr restart when all is frozen?05:35
qinZ_Guru: menu > System > Admin > System Monitor (or something), also htop in terminal, or just top.05:35
noisewaterphdwhen it lists it do a: kill -9 ID#OFPROGRAMLISTED05:35
TeamColtraqin, after I did that the xbox was at least talking to the laptop... now that I have done all these other things, even after rolling them back my laptop isn't communicating with mr xbox05:35
magn3tssphika, lol, well that was a bit of a mistake05:35
ZykoticK9Z_Guru, in addition to the kill and killall commands from terminal, there is also the gui xkill program.  NOTE! don't do -9 as noisewaterphd recommended!05:35
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: as you can see, many options05:36
noisewaterphdyes do -905:36
noisewaterphdjust kill that sucka dead05:36
ZykoticK9noisewaterphd, that's actually a BAD idea.  You should CERTAINLY try with -9 first!05:37
qinTeamColtra: Just: sudo ifconfig br0 down05:37
ZykoticK9noisewaterphd, s/with/without/05:37
noisewaterphddefinitely, cut to the chase man05:37
Z_GuruWow, but the situation I was in the PC froze while playing a video and no keys on the keyboard responded..05:37
qinTeamColtra: does xbox uses dhcp?05:37
ZykoticK9noisewaterphd, that's poor advice05:37
noisewaterphdqin, yes05:37
TeamColtraqin, no like I removed all that stuff from my interface file05:38
sphikamagn3ts, yep, I was actually afraid to ask for help. anyway I guess chown'ing the directory fixes it..05:38
noisewaterphdZykoticK9: and I think your's is, so leave it be05:38
TeamColtraso now my computer doesn't try to bridge05:38
magn3tssphika, good05:38
TeamColtrabut even still I must have changed something and didn't realize it because I am certainly not at "factory defaults"05:38
qinTeamColtra: Well, leave lo, and restart networking.05:39
Z_Guru-9 in the terminal?05:39
TeamColtraqin, are those commands?05:39
TeamColtra"leave lo"05:39
TeamColtraSorry for being an idiot sometimes :)05:39
ZykoticK9Z_Guru, try CTRL+ALT+F1 to see if you get a VT, CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back BTW05:39
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Z_GuruYeah, absolutely none of those combos do anything here.05:40
ZykoticK9Z_Guru, BTW you could use ALT+PRINTSCREEN+k to "restart" a locked Xorg05:41
qinTeamColtra: No, networkmanager do not use /etc/networks/interfaces anyway, but "auto lo" line should be there.05:41
john__Z_Guru, I've seen where ctrl-esc or ctrl-alt-esc can bring up applets to kill processes....05:41
qinTeamColtra: line 2: iface lo inet loopback05:41
noisewaterphdZ_Guru, if you've got no keyboard response there isn't much you can do other than restart, unless you have another machine you can use to ssh into the frozen box and kill the locked process05:41
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: the -9 is an arg to the kill command05:42
TeamColtraqin, http://paste2.org/p/149120105:43
TeamColtrathats what I have (before editing it to what you told me)05:43
Z_GuruNeat, didn't know you could do that from another machine, cool.05:43
LuxeWhen I try to install a theme, it says that it's invalid. Do you guys know if there's a way to fix that?05:44
LuxeOr if I'm doing it wrong?05:44
qinTeamColtra: Yeah, you will need to restart: sudo service networking restart05:45
magn3tsLuxe, probably need to extract it and put the folders into ~/.themes05:45
LuxeHow do I do that? ;/05:45
TeamColtrateamcoltra@paradoxicon:~$ sudo service networking restart (line2) restart: Unknown instance:05:45
LuxeUgh, I swear I'm too stupid for Ubuntu.05:45
TeamColtraConsidering Ubuntu is more user friendly than Windows is... I highly doubt that05:46
Z_GuruOne more question, is there anyway to stream media files from Ubuntu to an Xbox 360?  Like being able to do so trough Windows Media Player?05:46
LuxeI'm not tech savvy.05:46
noisewaterphdLuxe: not true man, don't give up, you will LOVE Linux if you give it an honest chance05:46
LuxeI just can't figure out how to do anything :c05:46
LuxeI'm trying so hard :P05:47
TeamColtrayou are on IRC, thats a great start05:47
LuxeI've been on IRC for years.05:47
LuxeLike 5.05:47
FloodBot1Luxe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:47
LuxeIRC is easy.05:47
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: yes! I don't remember the name of the program, just google for it though05:47
LuxeIt's installing this stupid theme that I want that's a pain.05:47
qinTeamColtra: Tested gui made bridge with any device under the hand (4 different distros &  android tablet) 100% success rate.05:47
TeamColtraThen maybe I should have just restarted my xbox when I did it from network manager05:48
qinLuxe: What theme, metacity, compiz, emerald?05:48
LuxeI don't even know. I'm just getting them from gnome-look.05:48
TeamColtraLuxe, just link us to where you found it05:48
TeamColtra;) lets go with baby steps here.05:48
LuxeThis one's the first one I was wanting.05:49
noisewaterphdLuxe: sorry man, I always just go with default themes so I cant help really. and personally I find the ambiance theme quite nice05:49
* hiexpo passes spoon 05:49
noisewaterphdLuxe: wait, you are using gnome, not unity right?05:49
noisewaterphdLuxe: what version of ubuntu05:49
LuxeYes. Gnome.05:49
meLonIs there any way to not have to run "export TERM="xterm-256color"" every time I open a new terminal (gnome-terminal)05:49
LuxeIt's Maverick.05:50
noisewaterphdLuxe: ok, just checking05:50
Z_GuruMy wife say, glad you love Ubuntu, but I can't stream all your movies and songs like I used to!  So me must find the alternative.  I hate Microsoft!05:50
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: ushare05:50
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: http://www.themanfromdelmonte.co.uk/2010/02/09/stream-video-to-xbox-360-from-ubuntu-with-ushare/05:51
TeamColtraqin, is there a way of me just restoring all my network settings back to default? Because I had it soo close before with exactly the recomendation you gave me05:51
TeamColtraqin, but I must have changed some setting along the way and I can't tell which it is05:51
TeamColtra(apart from a reinstall of course :P )05:51
qinTeamColtra: this how server ifconfig lookslike http://pastebin.com/2bDZVKQk , and ip of client ...05:51
milamberZ_Guru: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xbox360Media05:52
qinTeamColtra: Did you add any rules to iptables?05:52
TeamColtraI was told that I didn't need iptables so I kept away from it05:53
Z_GuruExcellent! Thank you!  noisewaterphd rules!05:53
noisewaterphdTeamColtra: have you tried temporarily turning off iptables and testing just to be sure there isnt an issue05:53
qinTeamColtra: So, restart of network-manager should do, also...05:53
Remedy--has anyone ever had a problem with dhcpcd saying invalid UDP packet from 192.168.x.x?05:53
TeamColtraI will purge bridge-utils because thats the only thing left05:53
noisewaterphdZ_Guru: check out milamber suggestion as well, cause I've never actually used either of them, one might be a better fit for you05:54
qinTeamColtra: iptables for server http://paste.ubuntu.com/633435/05:54
TeamColtraqin, that doesn't tell me much (or what I need to do)05:55
qinTeamColtra: If your setup is same, it have to work, and you would need to check setting of xbox05:55
qinTeamColtra: your ifconfig, how it looks like? 10 minutes, coffee.05:55
TeamColtraqin, I know that the support ettiqutte is to do all of our conversing in the public channel to help everyone but do you mind us querying for a bit so I can get a grasp on everything?05:56
XMD_hellp, can anyone help me with installing ubuntu05:57
XMD_i have boooted Ubuntu from my flash drive, but when i try to install it... it says No root fule system05:57
XMD_im trying to install it to the same drive I am booting it live05:58
TeamColtraXMD_, are you saying you want to install it to the flash drive?05:58
XMD_TeamColtra: yes05:59
TeamColtraIt already is05:59
Remedy--has anyone ever had a problem with dhcpcd saying invalid UDP packet from 192.168.x.x?05:59
XMD_i get it05:59
XMD_that swhat I though05:59
XMD_so then how to i use a .run file?05:59
TeamColtraYeah it will show you the install link... but its already installed.06:00
ActionParsnipRemedy--: how are you connecting?06:00
Z_GuruYou guys are the best!  Thank you both, I will explore both options and get back to you to let you know what worked.  Thanks noisewaterphd and milamber!06:00
ActionParsnipXMD_: mark it as executable and run it in a terminal06:00
Remedy--ActionParsnip: what do you mean? its wlan006:00
TeamColtraXMD_, ^06:00
milamberZ_Guru: no problem.06:00
ActionParsnipRemedy--: then its a wireless connection06:00
XMD_ok thanks so much for this help, im a new user to ubuntu06:00
Remedy--ActionParsnip: yes i wasnt sure what you meant06:00
ActionParsnipRemedy--: tried a different wireless channel, or different (or no) encryption06:01
TeamColtraXMD_, its what we are here for :)06:01
Remedy--ActionParsnip: ill try a different wireless channel but id rather have my router running WPA06:01
ActionParsnipRemedy--: can the wireless interface connect to other wireless routers?06:01
TeamColtraThat and the free coffee canonical gives us...06:01
ActionParsnipRemedy--: not all wireless interfaces can use WPA under Linux06:02
Remedy--ActionParsnip: ive had this working before under ubuntu with no problems before06:02
ActionParsnipRemedy--: thats a ood sign06:02
noisewaterphdyacc, use WPA2, even WPA is dead simple to crack06:03
Remedy--ActionParsnip: i literally cannot figure out where the invalid UDP packet is coming from tho...06:03
ActionParsnipRemedy--: think about it..... your interface is asking for DHCP. What is most likely the ONLY DHCP server you have.....06:03
noisewaterphdin fact i use WPA2, mac address filter, and change the password weekly here at home06:04
Remedy--ActionParsnip: obviously i mean tho im not sure why im getting an invalid UDP packet now when ive had this working before06:04
noisewaterphdbut I am required to for work at home purposes06:04
XMD_TeamColtra:  how do i mark the .run file?06:04
XMD_i am tryin got use ubuntu as a OS on my bitoin mining rigs06:05
ActionParsnipRemedy--: possibly interference on the channel with another router using the same06:05
XMD_XMD_: mark it as executable and run it in a terminal06:05
WilliamCOkay, Ubtu crashed06:05
WilliamCUbuntu crashed on install06:05
WilliamCDuring the Installing Language Packs screen06:05
TeamColtraXMD_, did you view my link?06:05
noisewaterphdXMD_: well chmod 777 will work for sure06:05
noisewaterphdif you are just trying to test it out06:06
noisewaterphdthen scale it back for just the proper user afterwords06:06
ActionParsnipnoisewaterphd: not necessary06:06
ActionParsnipXMD_: if you run:   chmod +x filename       it will mark it as executable06:06
XMD_TeamColtra: didnt see your link06:06
TeamColtraXMD_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage06:06
noisewaterphdwell and if you su to the user running it you can set x for just that user as well06:07
WilliamCGod damnit06:07
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo06:07
noisewaterphdbut I dont even know what program we are talking about or what kind of security risks are invloved06:07
mrdebdoes relatime make any difference on lts kernel06:08
TeamColtranoisewaterphd, he is a novice using GUI -- I am going to presume he isn't comfortable with CHOWN06:08
ActionParsnipmrdeb: its a low latency kernel, great for sound developers06:08
noisewaterphdjumping in late, ill shush06:08
hiexportight click file   change ownership than06:08
mrdebi asked if addting relatime makes any difference06:09
magn3tsmrdeb, do you mean "realtime" or "relatime"?06:09
TeamColtraXMD_, I normally wouldn't "over ride" other people -- but trust me follow the link I just linked to (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingRunPackage ) and follow that and you will have no problems. Disregard the other stuff06:09
Remedy-ActionParsnip: cheers changing the channel worked perfectly06:09
ActionParsnipmrdeb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime06:09
WilliamCmagn3ts, it's giving me the same error with the regular version.06:09
ActionParsnipRemedy-: not just a hat stand ;)06:09
magn3tsWilliamC, is it during install? before? during booting the live cd or what?06:10
WilliamCDuring install06:10
magn3tsError msg again?06:10
WilliamCIt just says that installer has crashed.06:10
ActionParsnipmrdeb: I answer your question on realtime. It makes a difference but only in few situations, for standard desktop activities you won't see the benefits06:10
WilliamCIt was during the language pack installation phase06:10
magn3tsWilliamC, hm06:11
magn3tsWilliamC, after it crashes... what do you get/see?06:11
WilliamCA desktop06:11
ActionParsnipRemedy-: someone nearby just got a new router and wasn't courteous (or smart) enough to scan to see what channels should be ok06:11
XMD_TeamColtra: after i run the thing in the terminal, the terminal just disappears/06:11
magn3tsAlso, have you tried booting it? I think it install the lang packs after installing grub (but I could be wrong)06:11
TeamColtraXMD_, then its probably installed.06:11
WilliamCThen it tried to boot into desktop and show me the error log but that kept giving IO errors06:11
XMD_oh wow, i have never used this before...06:11
WilliamCI tried booting normally but my computer behaved as if no OS was installed06:11
XMD_where was it installed?06:11
ActionParsnipXMD_: what filename do you have which you want to run?06:12
XMD_its the ATI drives06:12
WilliamCWhat other Linux distro should I use?06:12
Remedy-ActionParsnip: well im glad it works now, this actually wasnt an ubuntu problem i recently switched to arch linux and i just tried asking in here hoping someone had the same problem before06:13
XMD_drivers for my video cards06:13
ActionParsnipRemedy-: arch isnt supported here06:13
somethingintereshi all can someone tell me how to find the /dev/ path to my internal mic. I see /dev/snd but using that path with ffmpeg results in an error06:13
ActionParsnipRemedy-: ask in the arch channel in future, or switch to ubuntu06:13
rcmaehlMy computer at a random time hard-freezes when runnning java. How can I find out the cause?06:13
tadasbizguys quick question, i got older supermicro server laying around and just curious when it comes to pci-x/e - lets say i wanna put newer raid contreoller in it, does it really depend on the mother board, or "as long as it fits - it will work" ?06:14
TeamColtraRarely do you need to install drivers from anywhere else but Ubuntu... and I would say more often than not you don't need those drivers in the first place. Is it a special GPU that doesn't have its driver in the Ubuntu repos yet?06:14
ActionParsniptadasbiz: i'd ask in ##hardware06:14
tadasbizthank you, will do.06:14
rcmaehl11.04 64-bit06:14
NielsMknhey guys, How do I remove the grub loader and get my windows loader back?06:15
rcmaehlNielsen: reinstall windows?06:15
mrdebNielsMkn: windows repaid option off cd06:15
NielsMknah can I use syslinux for this?06:16
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ActionParsnipNielsMkn: use your windows CD, ask in ##windows06:16
NielsMknok thanks :)06:17
WilliamCI just did upgrade from the failed install06:17
folivoraHello. I've got weird issue with my Ubuntu. After upgrade, i have used my ubuntu about two weeks. Now sudently, none of the applications wont start. Firefox ect... No errors in logs.06:17
joarNielsMkn back in 2004 or so I remember MAndriva / mandrake had an option on the installer cd to restore/ recreate windows boot06:17
ActionParsniprcmaehl: is the ram healthy?06:17
AcidRainNielsMkn: this is a linux irc server06:17
folivoraAny idea ? I've checked HW, by dmesg it is allright.06:17
ActionParsnipjoar: good ol mandrake :)06:17
rcmaehlActionParsnip: Memtest detects no errors and it only happens with java06:17
ActionParsniprcmaehl: how did you install java?06:17
folivoraDesktop works fine, no lag or issues, but when i am trying to start some app. IT wont start06:18
ActionParsnipfolivora: run firefox from a terminal, what is output?06:18
rcmaehlActionParsnip: umm repos i think06:18
ActionParsniprcmaehl: try: http://www.multimediaboom.com/how-to-install-java-in-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal-ppa/06:18
rcmaehlActionParsnip: ok06:19
WilliamCWhere can I find known installer bugs?06:19
rcmaehlActionParsnip: what about what I'm using now06:20
rcmaehlWhich is openjdk06:20
ActionParsniprcmaehl: not sure of that, that is a very good PPA with 64bit and 32bit java. If you want to use openjdk then I've no idea there as I don't use it :(06:21
updatewhats the best hacking book to read06:22
magn3tsupdate, what kind of hacking? this may not be appropriate for #ubuntu.06:22
NielsMknlater guys06:23
updatemagn3ts what channel would i go to06:23
rcmaehlActionParsnip: ill let you know if it works06:23
magn3tsupdate, well like I said, depends on what you're really asking about. You can PM me if you like.06:23
WilliamCmagn3ts, if Ubuntu doesn't work, what distro would you recommend?06:23
magn3tsWilliamC, did you answer my last question to you?06:24
magn3tsWilliamC, depends on if it's a hardware thing or a bug in the installer.06:24
magn3tsyour disc is bad or your CD ROM is broken probably06:24
magn3tsOr your HD is failing.06:24
updateeverytime i start up ubuntu my screen freezes and i have to use a keyboard shortcut to unfreeze my screen.  Anyone have any ideas whats wrong?06:25
magn3tsbased on IO errors... I'd recommend checking the disc on boot WilliamC06:25
WilliamCmagn3ts, I already did that for hours06:25
magn3tsWilliamC, the memory check or disc check?06:25
WilliamCI ran the Boot and Nuke06:26
magn3tsThe disk check should not take hours...06:26
magn3tsWilliamC, uh, not what I'm talking about at all.06:26
magn3tsDBAN isn't helpful in any of these scenaris06:26
WilliamCmagn3ts, it checked for HDD errors at the same time06:26
magn3tsuh, DBAN? No, not the kind of check I'm talking about.06:26
Cyddwhat are these kinds of websites called http://tagwarrior.com/preview/?theme=BlueSteel%202.0  -- where the top bar extends across the screen like that? See a lot of sites like them but do they have a name?06:26
Jordan_U!ot | Cydd06:27
ubottuCydd: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:27
Cyddjordan hates me!06:27
magn3tsWilliamC, DBAN is only used for Hard Drive wiping, which isn't really of concern to us right now.06:27
magn3tsCydd, what do you mean? That's just a style property, not hard to reproduce on any old site.06:27
WilliamCmagn3ts, maybe I should turn off update while installing06:28
magn3tsWilliamC, lol, I told you things to try ;)06:28
magn3tsWilliamC, when the disc loads, don't press "Run/Install Ubuntu"06:28
magn3tsclick, "Check Disc for Errors"06:28
magn3tsthat shouldn't take a long time and I suspect is going to tell you that there is an error with the CD you made.06:28
thunder1212am usin' ubuntu lucid, should i install gnome shell from repos and it will have gnome3 desk environment??06:28
magn3tsthunder1212, you shouldn't install anything related to gnome3 in that ancient install.06:29
magn3tsthunder1212, gnome3 ppa break Natty... I'd hate to see what it does to Lucid.06:29
WilliamCCan I have Ubuntu continue from the point of failure?06:29
hammoommahhello all, whats the easiest solution for sharing my media dfiles between local users on laptop ubuntu 11.0406:30
magn3tsWilliamC, you mean when you go through can the installer pick up where it left off?06:30
magn3tsWilliamC, no. It can't do that.06:30
magn3tsEven if there was a way to code that reliably, the feature would probably never be developed for time-cost.06:30
thunder1212magn3ts, ok so the upgrade is not yet stable, and i should stick to gnome 2.. right : ) ?06:30
magn3tsthunder1212, yes06:31
WilliamCWhere is the crash log located?06:31
magn3tsthunder1212, I wouldn't really think about gnome3 until Oneiric.06:31
magn3tsWhen it will be available and supported.06:31
ActionParsnip!info gnome-shell06:31
ubottuPackage gnome-shell does not exist in natty06:31
ActionParsnipthunder1212: gnome shell isn't in the repos06:31
thunder1212magn3ts, will Oneiric will release with gnome 3 ?06:32
thunder1212ActionParsnip, i enable lucid proposed and its showing there06:32
hammoommahshould i create share folder in /share dir and use symlinks from each home folder?06:32
magn3tsthunder1212, not on disc or in the install.06:32
ActionParsnipthunder1212: oneiric isn't discussed here, ask in #ubuntu+106:32
magn3tsyou would have had to have enabled the gnome3 ppa to see gnome-shell in lucid.06:32
thunder1212ActionParsnip, ok06:32
hammoommahhow do i get around permissions for sharing too?06:33
WilliamCI found the error06:33
thunder1212magn3ts, ok its there and its 5 Mb file i think its something incomplete.. anyway, i will stick to gnome 2 thnx ; )06:34
WilliamCSQUASHFS Error: unable to read data cache entry06:34
qinhammoommah: Sharing?06:35
hammoommahbetween users on local machine06:35
hammoommahall their media06:35
bhaveshIs the Ubuntu Software Center used in Ubuntu 11.04 version 4.0?06:36
hammoommahjust wondering what the easist solution is06:36
ActionParsniphammoommah: you could make a group and add the users you want to give acceess to the folder to the group, then make that group the group owner of the data06:36
qinhammoommah: idealy, make group sharingfolks and add users to that group, chown (ownership) /share for group and match permissions group in /share06:37
hammoommahok coolies can do thanks06:37
qinActionParsnip: Neat.06:37
magn3tsWilliamC, like I said, I'm willing to bet it's a problem with: Your CD drive, Your CD, Your Hard Drive.06:38
magn3tsWilliamC, something, somewhere is trying to read something and is either unable to, or is getting corrupt data.06:39
magn3tsThe chances of it being physical/media related is greater than a bug IMO (as a developer and troubleshooter)06:39
WilliamCIt failed at both spots so it's probably the CD06:39
WilliamCI'm running a full RAM check right now06:40
bazhangWilliamC, md5 the iso and do the disk integrity check yet?06:40
IsrafelI've been trying to install Virtualbox, but every method I've found doesn't work.06:41
bazhangIsrafel, which version06:41
Marcohi, is it possible to pass a path to sudo?06:41
Israfelbazhang, 4.0406:42
Israfelbazhang, virtualbox-4.0_4.0.8-71778~Ubuntu~natty_amd64.deb06:42
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Israfelbazhang, Also tried the script here: http://www.multimediaboom.com/install-virtualbox-4-0-4-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-10-04/06:43
qinIsrafel: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose06:43
magn3tsWilliamC, :/ just check the CD. RAM check will take over 10 times longer than the disc check....06:43
magn3tsits really, really, really easy to check too06:44
ice9Hey folks, I've got a line6 ux2, a piece of recording hardware, essentially an external sound card, and I found some drivers for it, but I'm not sure how proceed from there06:44
magn3tsice9, not supported out of the box? What form are the drivers in?06:44
magn3ts(I don't really know how to help you, but that question is helpful to whoever can)06:44
ice9magn3ts, its from a subversion repository06:45
magn3tsice9, link06:45
ice9svn co https://line6linux.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/line6linux/driver/trunk line6usb06:45
Israfelqin, unmet dependancie.06:45
ice9is where I found them06:45
magn3tsice9, looks like it should be included in ubuntu according to the readme...06:45
magn3tswell, maybe not, I can't quite tell here.06:46
ice9how do I get to them?06:46
magn3tsice9, the README tells you what you need to know06:47
magn3tser, INSTALL: https://line6linux.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/line6linux/driver/trunk/INSTALL06:47
Cyddomfg amazing voice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22Br5N3jOes06:47
magn3tsCydd, do you need IRC rooms to post random stuff too? I have plenty that would appreciate it more than #ubuntu.06:48
anonbooCydd, wrong channel06:48
bazhangCydd, dont paste here06:48
snimavatDoes ubuntu work on i7 sandy bridge CPU's ?06:48
snimavatWill it work on my Dell XPS www.dell.com/us/p/xps-l502x/fs06:48
ActionParsnipsnimavat: should be fine06:48
snimavatWill it support the Nvidia G force 525 optimus ?06:48
Cyddthe hate06:48
Cyddwhy dont you guys just lynch him06:49
bazhangCydd, stop06:49
* Cydd grabs rope06:49
FloodBot1Cydd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:49
magn3tsCydd, it's a high traffic channel and you're spamming. what do you expect.06:49
magn3tssnimavat, probably?06:49
snimavatOkey, Great06:49
SwedeMikesnimavat: I wouldn't base purchasing decisions on guessing. you need to do more research than ask here.06:50
snimavatI have ordered, Dell xps i7, 8GB, 750GB, Nvidia G force 525 optimus, blueray. Was concerned about ubuntu working on it06:50
marcusg67hello all, i have just set up a new comp, and when i boot, my new monitor says that Grub's resolution is "out of bounds" how do i change resolution that grub boots witbh06:50
magn3tssnimavat, SwedeMike is very right.06:50
snimavatSwedeMike : I am not in the process of deciding, i have already ordered.06:50
DarsVaedahi, I miss the network-manager symbol in gnome / natty cause I'm on ethernet, how do I get it?06:50
ice9magn3ts, I'm sorry, I'm relearning all of this, but I get an error message doing the rpmbuild from that readme06:51
SwedeMikesnimavat: well, then the only way to know is to try it.06:51
magn3tsDarsVaeda, Open your Networking app and click the check box :)06:51
DarsVaedawhere do I find that?06:51
marcusg67snimavat: that system should work nice with ubuntu06:51
magn3tsice9, :/ you don't want to do RPM stuff in ubuntu. RPM is for redhat-related distros.06:51
SwedeMikesnimavat: I am a lot less sure that it'll work ok than other people here.06:51
snimavatSwedeMike: Have not received it yet, but thanks06:51
=== marcusg67 is now known as gartral
magn3tsDarsVaeda, you in Unity?06:51
DarsVaedanope gnome06:51
WilliamCmagn3ts, how long do you think it should take?06:51
DarsVaedaI was in "network connections" but there is no said checkbox06:52
magn3tsWilliamC, the CD check? idk, when doing it in Ubuntu it takes less than 3 minutes... can't imagine ti would take much longer.06:52
magn3tsDarsVaeda, hm, you're right.06:52
ice9magn3ts, the source isn't working either, but I think I'm missing a step06:52
snimavatI have heard that Linux doesnt support the new i7 quad core cpus yet06:52
magn3tsDarsVaeda, How did I do this before. Give me a sec.06:52
DarsVaedaI also know there is such checkbox anywere06:52
DarsVaedaor was06:52
magn3tsice9, "make install" didn't work?06:52
gartralsnimavat: that is a lie06:53
WilliamCmagn3ts, no errors06:53
magn3tssnimavat, I have no idea why or how that could be true06:53
magn3tsWilliamC, :/ uhm...06:53
snimavatOkey, Thanks to you all friends here06:53
ice9magn3ts, the first step of "tar xjf line6usb-0.9.1beta.tar.bz206:53
ice9says not found06:53
magn3tsI would either try installing from a USB or download a HD check utility from your HD manufacturers' site.06:53
magn3tsWilliamC, does your HD click or anything?06:53
magn3tsice9, lol you need to be in the directory where you downloaded the line6usb TAR.GZ (think of ZIP) file to.06:54
* V3NG3NC3 taps the mic06:54
V3NG3NC3this thing on?06:54
magn3tsyes V3NG3NC306:54
ice9magn3ts, where does it go by default?06:54
bazhangV3NG3NC3, ubuntu support issue?06:54
WilliamCmagn3ts, I think I'll disable the update during install setting06:54
magn3tsWilliamC, I'd google the error message you found, make sure you have the terminal-ending error message...06:54
V3NG3NC3This is my very first time on IRC ever, very first room06:54
IsrafelApparently "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian natty contrib" is a broken repository.06:54
magn3tsice9, IDK, /home/ice9/Downloads ?06:54
magn3tsIsrafel, doesn't look like it to me. http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/pool/contrib/v/virtualbox-4.0/06:55
V3NG3NC3is this a chill room or support room?06:55
magn3tsV3NG3NC3, support, there's probably #ubuntu-ot or something.06:55
bazhangV3NG3NC3, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:55
V3NG3NC3oh nice06:55
V3NG3NC3wish I knew about this last nigth06:55
VerticalAsymptot 06:55
Israfelmagn3ts, Synaptic is giving a Broken error.06:55
V3NG3NC3was installing Lubuntu06:55
magn3tsIsrafel, pastebin it to me, it's probably nonfatal. I get broken errors oftne.06:56
Israfelmagn3ts, How do I do it outside the GUI so I can echo it to a file?06:56
=== VerticalAsymptot is now known as Clamor
magn3tsIsrafel, `` sudo bash -c "apt-get update; apt-get upgrade" &> out.txt06:58
c_nickhow to check the CPU temperature?06:58
magn3tsIsrafel, that will place standard and error output into out.txt06:58
bazhang!sensors > c_nick06:58
ubottuc_nick, please see my private message06:58
gartralsnimavat: that system should work nice with ubuntu06:58
gartralhello all, i have just set up a new comp, and when i boot, my new monitor says that Grub's resolution is "out of bounds" how do i change resolution that grub boots witbh06:58
dr_Willisgartral:  edit /etc/default/grub06:59
gartralbtw im on ubuntu 11.04 wit grub 206:59
dr_Willisgartral:  one line to uncommet for a 640*480 grub screen wirks for me07:00
ice9Magn3ts, thanks for the help, got it all installed, the device is usb, how do I get it to power on or register?07:00
dr_Willisthen update-grub07:00
magn3tsice9, uh, no clue from there buddy07:00
gartraldr_Willis: i just changed it07:00
WilliamCmagn3ts, I'm installing on the other HDD07:01
magn3tsWilliamC, good call.07:01
WilliamCBut the other one is bigger and made by a better company07:01
dr_Willisgartral:  i had to use that on a few problem boxs. i think thats the only edit i did.07:01
magn3tsIf it breaks now, it's either a bug or a problem with the CD-rom itself, but that seems unlikely since it passed the disc-check07:01
Israfelmagn3ts, http://pastebin.com/5CUVD16t07:02
magn3tsWilliamC, man, I've had bad luck with every consumer disk brand to be honest07:02
magn3tsIsrafel, that error is a problem with something else.07:02
dr_Willisthey make disks cheap these days07:02
gartraldr_Willis: well, imma reboot. i'll brb if it failed07:02
WilliamCIt's an 80 GB SeaGate and a 60GB WD Caviar07:02
IsrafelIsrafel, yeah, it doesn't mention the same error as the GUI.07:02
magn3tsIsrafel, if you read it there, you can see: for some reason it's unable to install some dependency of virtualbox. I don't know how to cause or undo that configuration.07:02
magn3tsIsrafel, not sure what you mean...07:03
DarsVaedamagn3ts: the solution was simple, although really uncomfortable ">: nm-applet"07:03
magn3tsDarsVaeda, hahaha, enjoy yourself.07:03
magn3tsDarsVaeda, in Natty it's an app-indicator ;)07:04
Israfelmagn3ts, In Synaptic GUI it says I have a broken repository and to find it using the Broken filter.07:04
DarsVaedaI still have no idea how to make it stay there permanent thou07:04
magn3tsIsrafel, does it say why it's broken?07:04
Israfelmagn3ts, Nope07:04
magn3tsIsrafel, I'm willing to bet money it says "broken package" and not "broken repository"07:04
Israfelmagn3ts, Maybe, i had to close it to run the CLI07:04
magn3tsIsrafel, you can try it again if you like and let me know... I bet it will say that Virtualbox-4.0 is in a broken state.07:05
snimavatBTW: for i7 Sandy bridge CPU, I will need to download the 64 bit verion of ubuntu ryt07:05
magn3tsIsrafel, I can show you how to remove Virtualbox-4.0, but I can't help you resolve that dependency problem... outside of saying to try enable multiverse/universe/etc.07:05
Israfelmagn3ts, maybe I'll download 4.08 and give that one a try.07:05
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magn3tsIsrafel, wat.07:06
magn3tsIsrafel, if you download the DEB and try to install it... it's going to tell you the precisely same thing.07:06
Guest99221hi, is there anybody using an Intel Sandy Bridge CPU+GPU ? it seems the GUI will lockup in Ubuntu 11.04.07:07
=== Guest99221 is now known as hechu
hechuhi, is there anybody using an Intel Sandy Bridge CPU+GPU ? it seems the GUI will lockup in Ubuntu 11.04.07:07
TvL2386is there a simple way to tell rails to use left joins instead of inner joins without writing the sql yourself?07:08
Israfelmagn3ts, Well, I was going to try the source. Since there deb package isn't available from the website yet.07:08
magn3tsTvL2386, #rails07:08
magn3tsIsrafel, oh.07:08
TvL2386magn3ts, whoops... wrong channel :D07:08
magn3tsIsrafel, also, there are DEBS very available on vb.org.07:09
SwedeMikehechu: it locks up on a 2.5 year old intel centrino 2 as well, 11.04 is the most unstable release so far, and I've been running it on my thinkpad x200 since 8.1007:09
magn3tsIsrafel, lol right on the Linux_Downloads page.07:09
Israfelmagn3ts, Oh, thanks. I was on virtualbox.org07:09
magn3tsIsrafel, I meant virtualbox.org07:09
magn3tsIsrafel, all the i386 and AMD64 links are downloads: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads07:10
Israfelmagn3ts, Victory baptist Church?07:10
Israfelmagn3ts, Ah,ok07:10
hechuSwedeMike, oh, that's suck. Ubuntu usually runs fine on my old Dell laptop, but after I bought a new HP i5 laptop, the lockup occurs always almost every time as long as I use Intel driver. I have to switch to "fbdev" driver.07:11
Rommewhat can i do if i find myself unable to switch to virtual consoles?07:14
gartraldr_Willis: nope. didn't work, i think it's something to do wit the Westinghouse monitor the machine is hooked up to07:14
IsrafelRomme, You can always just use screens instead.07:15
RommeIsrafel: i'm in xorg now07:15
gartraldr_Willis: this is quite annoying as now i can't see Grub boot into windows07:15
WilliamCIt installed07:15
IsrafelRomme, Ah, you're in a GUI and want a console?07:16
RommeIsrafel: yep07:16
updategentoo vs. ubuntu07:16
instantlywho'd win?07:16
dr_Willisgartral:  odd there should be some mode/options that give you a basic text based grub menu. thsts what i use07:16
ActionParsnipupdate: tat is offtopic here07:16
updatemy bad actionparsnip07:17
dr_Willisgartral:  im not at home so cant check my vonfigs07:17
IsrafelRomme, Ctrl-Alt-F1. F7 for GUI again07:17
RommeIsrafel: if it worked, it would be cool :)07:17
WilliamCHow do I setup autologon?07:17
IsrafelRomme, It's not a virtual console, but it's a console if you need one.07:18
gartraldr_Willis: can i pm you my email07:18
ActionParsnipWilliamC: its in "login screen"07:18
dr_Willisill just lose it gartral  im on my vellphone.07:18
tadasbizguys can you run dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync or hdparm /dev/your_drive just curious what is the usual i/o.07:19
dr_Willisvery basic irc vlient here07:19
gartraldr_Willis: i can now confirm it's a monitor issue as the VT (F1-F6) gives me the same problems07:19
RommeIsrafel: nevermind, i found the issue07:20
gartraldr_Willis: ok, ok. i'll remember too bring it up later if that's ok. when will you be home?07:20
dr_Willisgartral:  hmm there is the text option that may gix the consoles. but not grub07:20
Rommeit was the gnome keyboard layout switcher, or whatever it's called07:20
dr_Willis8 hrs from now. unless i get To do 12hrs07:20
Rommeit was telling xorg to capture Ctrl + Alt + Whatever keys07:20
gartraldr_Willis: i'll remember tomarrow. if that's ok?07:21
dr_Willisgartral:  check askubuntu.com also07:21
ActionParsniptadasbiz: http://pastie.org/212766107:21
gartraldr_Willis: will do07:21
dr_Willisill be here sometime. heh07:21
ActionParsniptadasbiz: its an 80Gb PATA drive07:21
WilliamCI don't see where the administrative settings are in the new version07:21
arneyhas the alt-f2 pasting issue been fixed?07:21
gartraldr_Willis: lol. ok07:21
ActionParsniparney: what was the issue?07:22
arneythat I can't paste into the unity alt-f207:22
OerHeksarney, yes you can paste with click on mousewheen07:24
OerHeksor wheel07:24
Milosshhow much RAM does ubuntu 32 support?07:24
Milosshubuntu 11.04, that is07:24
OerHeksMilossh, 4 Gb07:25
WilliamCHoly crap, my Seagate has 46 bad sectors07:25
Milosshok, then I'm switching to 32bit :)07:25
Milosshany easy way to downgrade to 32 bit version?07:26
WilliamCSo, do HDD sectors just go bad over time?07:26
wildbatWilliamC: they do07:26
WilliamCThis computer is about a decade old, well, the one I'm installing on07:27
ActionParsnipMilossh: 32bit will run about 4Gb, 32bit PAE can use 12Gb07:27
ActionParsnipMilossh: reinstall will be needed to switch to 32bit07:27
MilosshActionParsnip, full install?07:27
Milosshas in, remove everything and install?07:27
ActionParsnipWilliamC: they wear out, yes. I'd ask in ##hardware07:28
pcypherhas anyone had luck getting 5.1 sound using a realtek acl892 chipset on an asus p8p67 mobo running 10.10 ?07:28
ActionParsnipMilossh: yes, you can restore user data and settings from backup07:28
MilosshActionParsnip, which backup software would you recommend?07:28
ActionParsnipMilossh: there are many, I just use a cheap and cheerful copy and paste. Why do you not have a backup?07:30
MilosshActionParsnip, never needed it :/07:30
sandGorgonPhoronix bisects linux power problem for upto 15% battery life savings http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=16181 . try adding "pcie_aspm=force" to your boot commandline07:30
Milosshbut this is the first time I'm using 64bit07:30
Milosshand it sucks, big time07:30
MilosshI mean, os as distribution, is ok. but apps for it just suck07:31
Milosshskype, for one07:31
dr_Willisi cant think of any 64bit iddues iv ever had07:31
ActionParsnipMilossh: there is 64bit skype07:32
Milosshalso, is there a plan for thunderbird to replace evolution?07:32
dr_Willisi imsgine skype for linux will vanish soon07:32
ActionParsnipdr_Willis: nar, too much revenue loss from users07:32
Milosshdr_Willis, yeah, I expect nothing less from Microsoft07:32
dr_WillisActionParsnip:  time will tell07:32
V3NG3NC3is there a nice room for ubuntu nto full of trolls?07:33
ActionParsnipdr_Willis: microsoft love that money07:33
ActionParsnipV3NG3NC3: here07:33
V3NG3NC3So what's the convo?07:34
V3NG3NC3oh got a few questions07:34
bazhangV3NG3NC3, ubuntu support only07:34
V3NG3NC3ubuntu ?07:34
bazhangV3NG3NC3, yes07:34
V3NG3NC3I use cinema4d on windows07:34
V3NG3NC3what is a linux equivlant?07:34
bazhangV3NG3NC3, ##windows then07:35
bazhang!equivalents | V3NG3NC307:35
ubottuV3NG3NC3: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot07:35
pcypherone more shot... has anyone had luck getting 5.1 sound using a realtek acl892 chipset on an asus p8p67 mobo running 10.10 ?07:35
ActionParsnipV3NG3NC3: is it a 3D photo viewer?/07:35
V3NG3NC3nah, 3D how you say,...07:35
V3NG3NC33D video moddleing07:36
bazhangV3NG3NC3, check the link yet?07:36
V3NG3NC3looking now07:36
ActionParsnipV3NG3NC3: blender07:36
dr_Willisnever heard of it. what dies it do07:36
ActionParsnipV3NG3NC3: http://techcityinc.com/2009/01/20/free-3d-graphic-design-applications-for-linux/07:37
pcypheroops sorry07:38
V3NG3NC3Crystal Space looks promising07:39
V3NG3NC3blender makes me wanna vommit07:39
magn3tsthey just redid the whole ui07:39
c_nickon running sensors I get temp1 (which i presume is CPU) M/B temp: (which is presume is Motherboard) but there is also a temp3 (which is remote) what is this remote temp ?07:40
V3NG3NC3wow this looks kewl07:40
bazhang!ot | V3NG3NC307:41
ubottuV3NG3NC3: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:41
petsoundspcypher, 5.1 sound when playing dvd? or are you trying to upmix stereo file to 5.1? at home i have p8 too and have no prob getting 5.1 sound, it's out of the box.07:44
arneyargh, I just updated ubuntu and my unity alt-F2 still doesn't take pasting.07:45
arneyHow do I fix that07:45
magn3tsgiven unity as a whole, you probably dont07:45
LuxeI finished my desktop <307:46
StarminnBanshee will not open. I have tried purging it and reinstalling, but it continually gives me this error: http://pastie.org/2122608 while launching it from terminal gives me this: http://pastie.org/212261107:46
pcypherpetsounds: all I can do is stereo... if I try to select 5.1 no sounds from any channel. I have not tried from a dvd yet, just file playback07:46
pcypherpetsounds: my reading led me to believe this was a common and known issue07:47
magn3tsLuxe, you're only missing Cardapio07:47
arneyany alternatives to Alt-F2?07:47
nawkis there a known issue with multi-monitor setup (xinerama) in Natty Narwhal?07:47
LuxeWhat's that again?07:47
magn3tsLuxe, http://images.maketecheasier.com/2010/06/appmenu-cardapio.png07:48
arneynawk: edge finding is broken in comy piz07:48
nawkI've been using the exact same xorg.conf for my triple monitor setup w/o problems,  but in 11.04 the other two screen goes black07:49
petsoundspcypher, did sound volume icon looks mute? also try to install pavumeter you can configure per channel volume from there.07:49
nawk*but* you could clearly see the cursor being able to move between the *3 monitors07:49
pcypherpetsounds: ill give that a shot, thanks07:50
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
petsoundspcypher, yw07:50
dimas_i am trying to start jackd alsa ans says that the default server is already running...how i know what is running?07:50
LuxeI don't want that magn3ts07:51
=== coconutz is now known as Guest54601
dimas_what could be running as a default server using the sound jack?...and i just restart the computer07:53
hondjethis is stupid, but where do i change the ntp server?07:53
dr_Willisdimas_:  the service command07:54
dimas_the service command?...what is that?...using the sound jack?07:55
dr_Willisnawk:  natty well unity. had some muitidisplay issues07:55
dr_Willissudo service --help07:55
dimas_i am trying to start an application and dont start cause the jack is in use...so how i can terminate the default server using it?...or is it possible?07:56
dr_Willishmm ibe never needed jackd.07:56
dimas_me either07:57
dr_Willispulse service nay be using it07:57
dimas_but how i find out who use it?07:57
StarminnBanshee will not open. I have tried purging it and reinstalling, but it continually gives me this error: http://pastie.org/2122608 while launching it from terminal gives me this: http://pastie.org/212261107:57
dr_Willispulse is about the only other audio servive i know of07:57
dimas_willis the terminal display the help but i dont really know much about what to do with that info...lol07:59
hondjenvm found it08:00
leagrisHello, what's that update-apt-xapi taking 99% cpu ?08:03
dr_Willisdimas_:  puse audio is rhe only other thing be default that is a sound relatwd serbice08:03
dimas_i dont think i have that08:04
dimas_i check08:04
dr_Willispulse is default in ubuntu08:05
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions08:05
leagrisdr_Willis, look like you messed the order of your fingers this morning when your brain returned from suspend mode ;d08:08
Guest95677is there a way to restore groups after using chgrp?08:15
_NiCGuest95677, from backup, I guess.08:16
_NiCor just use chgrp again.. :)08:17
Guest95677_NiC: I ran chgrp -R http / which got to run for 2-3 seconds before I realized what happened and aborted it08:18
Guest95677Are there some logs produced by chgrp?08:18
_NiCGuest95677, wups. :) No logging unless you used verbose and piped to a file..08:19
DNDhi guys, do you know any cloud based file server that offers also some "collaboration"? i mean something like: one file can be edited by multiple users08:19
_NiCGuest95677, you can at least find out what's been changed: find / -user http and if you're lucky, there's a fair chance that it'll be fine by setting those to group root.08:20
DNDwe wanted to implement our own server08:20
_NiCGuest95677, depending on which files are affected of course08:20
Guest95677_NiC: can I exclude a dir with find?08:20
_NiCGuest95677, yes, but I can't remember the exact syntax08:20
FlannelDND: try gobby (and sobby is the server if you want one, or you just pick one guy to host from gobby)08:23
DNDwell that's a unique name. (sob)by08:23
FlannelDND: It works on the internet.  It's not "cloud based", but that's a silly requirement to begin with.08:23
fairuzGuest95677: I think it's something like find thedir -not -name thediryouwanttoexclude ......08:24
dr_Willisleagris:  on my cell phone08:24
DNDhmm we wanted to implement something like dropbox. i mean i will just mount a network drive to windows and upload08:25
DNDwe're talking about end-users here :D08:25
DNDwho complains everything tough :D08:25
DND*is tough08:25
dr_Willisisent there some gpl dripbox clone out?08:26
DNDim checking out ifolder and owncloud08:26
DNDbut i havent seen something like locking a file while its being edited08:26
dr_Willisgoogle has somthing like thst. dont they08:27
Brett6781_phoneanyone have a clue as to how to install 10.10 on a PS3?08:28
Brett6781_phonebeen looking through tons of guides for the PPC distros08:28
Brett6781_phonesince the PS3 is running a PPC processor08:29
yuikeif i have a screen session on my mac, then i ssh and have another screen session, how do i detach from the screen session within the ssh session, and not the one on my mac?08:29
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ08:29
yuikei am sshing into ubuntu btw, but maybe this is a osx question08:30
Brett6781_phoneyeah, saw that...08:30
OerHeksBrett6781_phone, this will work if you have the old bios > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_308:31
Brett6781_phonesomeone convered merkat though to work on PPC08:31
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Brett6781_phonethanks, now just to get aroung sony's BS blocks08:31
Brett6781_phonelooks like I'm gonna have another fun night of BIOS modding... uggggg08:32
OerHeksBrett6781_phone, 10.10 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/10.10/release/08:32
OerHeksthis is all i have08:33
StarminnBanshee will not open. I have tried purging it and reinstalling, but it continually gives me this error: http://pastie.org/2122608 while launching it from terminal gives me this: http://pastie.org/212261108:35
pankaj_sharmaStarminn, whats the error?08:37
dr_Willisremoveing stuff via apt does Not remove user settingd. try making a new user see if the apt works fir them08:37
dr_Willisif it does work. clean out the problem user settings.08:38
=== adan0s_ is now known as adan0s
danslo1dr_Willis: use apt-get remove --purge package, instead of just remove08:39
danslo1dr_Willis: oh. you were responding08:40
danslo1nevermind me :)08:40
dr_Willisdanslo1:  that will not remove USER settings in /home/08:40
Starminnpankaj_sharma: IT's in the link..08:40
danslo1dr_Willis: yeah, I've always wondered how you properly keep your home folder clean... I always check the files manually and delete if necessary08:41
Starminndanslo1: By the way, sudo apt-get purge is the same as sudo apt-get remove --purge (to my understanding, anyway) so less typing08:41
dr_Willisits a complex problem08:41
danslo1same goes for installing packages from source, there isn't really a way to remove everything properly unless you still have makefile and it has proper uninstall rule08:42
danslo1it's an annoying problem imo :)08:42
Duck_So... I'm going to be traveling with my new ubuntu netbook. Is there anything you would recommend to do for protection on open wireless networks?08:42
dr_Willismy android phone is cluttered also08:42
danslo1Duck_: don't do anything that you dont want public :)08:42
Duck_Should I setup a firewall or something?08:43
dr_Willisif you want08:44
danslo1Duck_: I wouldn't be too worried about your netbook being infiltrated... more worried about people sniffing your network traffic ;)08:44
sandGorgonDuck_, make sure your Facebook and Twitter accounts (amongst others) have HTTPS enabled08:45
Botnethi all08:46
ActionParsnipdanslo1: bleachbit is good :)08:47
=== ksinkar_ is now known as ksinkar
Razor11excuse me guys.. i would like to ask a question..08:52
ActionParsnipRazor11: ask away :)08:52
Razor11is ubuntu and kubuntu the same?08:52
gener1chey , i got a protege 835 with ubuntu 64bit 6.390generic kernel08:53
gener1ci upgraded to this kernel from 6.3808:53
ActionParsnipRazor11: under the hood, yes. They are the same OS with different DE and default applications08:53
gener1cbecause the notebook kept on freezing08:53
Razor11so which one do you prefer?08:53
gener1cbut it still does after the update08:53
ActionParsnipRazor11: lxde here08:53
ActionParsnipgener1c: ask in #ubutu+1 if you are using the 39 kernel, that is the oneiric branch08:54
Razor11how about julinux? is it an ubuntu os??08:54
gener1cyeah i wanted to ask what that branch was08:54
gener1cwhat does this oneiric mean08:55
ActionParsnipRazor11: its yet another spinoff and is not supported in any of the official ways the official canonical releases are08:55
gener1cit has the same kernel versions08:55
ActionParsnipgener1c: its the codename of 11.1008:55
gener1canyways ActionParsnip i was using natty 64bit08:55
ActionParsnipgener1c: i'd test your RAM08:55
gener1cupgraded kernel because there was a post about it fixing my issue08:55
gener1cbut it didnt08:55
chat_xwjexcuse,how can i list the channels according a command?thank you08:56
gener1cActionParsnip: thanks, plus the fan goes crazy if it helps08:56
ActionParsnipRazor11: there are tonnes of spinoff OSes based on Ubuntu  which are equally not supported here08:56
ActionParsnipgener1c: maybe there is a bug with ACPI with your system, I'd check for bugs too08:57
gener1chow would i go about doing that?08:57
only:'( tutorial install nessus in ubuntu 10.1008:58
ActionParsnipgener1c: websearch09:00
gener1cwell when using a livecd to check my ram all is ok09:01
gener1cbut when i use the test that came with ubuntu it freezes09:01
gener1cand the fan goes crazy09:01
MagePsychoguys how to search for files with word: function __()09:02
default_Всем привет09:02
default_У меня есть папа, который любит порносайты и я хочу ему поставить ubunutu, чтобы вирусы не хватал, подскажитье нормальную убунту для хомячков09:03
ActionParsnipMagePsycho: you can use grep, or one of the GUI apps09:03
XylaneO.o I'm just here because I can't sleep o.o09:03
* Xylane counts sheep09:03
MagePsychoyes grep but whts the full command.. since i am very new to ubuntu commands09:04
XylaneIs there a channel on freenode for insomniacs or something o.o?09:05
fairuzMagePsycho: find -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F 'yoursearchstring here'09:05
StarminnXylane: #ubuntu-offtopic09:05
StarminnXylane: No, I mean you should go there. :)09:05
XylaneOh, ty09:05
* Xylane bows to Starminn09:06
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MagePsychothanks fairuz09:07
MagePsycholet me try09:07
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MagePsychofairuz how to ignore .svn file during search?09:09
fairuz-not -name '.svn'09:09
fairuzI think so ^^09:09
MagePsychothanks i will try09:14
MagePsycho"find: invalid argument `-not' to `-type'"09:15
MagePsychonot working fairuz09:15
fairuzwhat's your command09:16
fairuzf is couple with -type you know...09:16
dodinohi all09:16
fairuzMagePsycho: find -not -name '.svn' -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 grep -F 'searchstring'09:18
StarminnGrep only searches the contents of files (or a string), and not files themselves, correct? File names are what find is for, yes?09:19
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fairuzStarminn: afaik, yes...09:21
* brogger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvkyX1Kp5YA09:24
gener1cwhen i run the ubuntu memtest from the harddrive the laptop freezes and when i run it from another linux livecd it runs smooth09:27
gener1cah and the fan goes crazy09:28
gener1cthis is a brand new toshiba r835 its hard for me to belive its hardware related09:30
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=== Commander1024_ is now known as Commander1024
stefan_Hello! May I use an Xfce Applet in Gnome?09:31
stefan_And if yes, how can I do?09:31
xrfanghello, I need to learn the structure of a deb package and process to build it, is the debian policy manual a good document for this?09:33
ActionParsnipxrfang: i'd say so, also look into checkinstall09:34
xrfangActionParsnip, thanks. I need detail about the package format, not introduction about debian archives, I do see some relevant chapters in the policy manual, hope it is *detailed* enough09:35
ledjoacicula morning!09:36
oxyzenxrfang: i'd say take a look at the other packages as well09:37
windparadiseis there a way to decode a mobile phone using ubuntu?09:37
xrfangoxyzen, what other packages? you mean "checkinstall"?09:37
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
oxyzenoxyzen: rpm and others09:37
oxyzenhaha, xrfang09:37
xrfangoxyzen, hehe.09:38
xrfangthat would be too much, but I do want to learn the basics, tools like dh_make are not what I need at this moment09:38
windparadiseany suggestion?09:39
kat32can someone help me connect to the internet wirelessly? only wired connection is recognized09:39
xrfangkat32, that could be a complex process if it is not done automatically ;)09:40
gener1cok i googled it and the solutions in the forums didnt help, my comp freezes on memtest from harddrive and the fan goes crazy (the ubuntu memtest choice on bootup) but when i run the memtest from my old archlinux livecd it works like a charm09:41
kat32mmm really? that is :(09:41
ledjoa question: I installed samba and I can see both windows and xubuntu comp on either one of the comps, but I don't see shared folders...09:41
gener1canyone has an idea what could cause that?09:41
xrfangkat32, well, it depends.09:41
xrfangkat32, do you know what is the chipset of your wireless card09:41
kat32i dont09:42
ActionParsnipkat32: sudo lshw -C network    will show the wireless chip and you can use it to find uides09:42
ledjokat32 I know09:42
ledjo1: install ndiswrapper09:42
gener1cActionParsnip: memtest gives good results only when ran from livecd , when ran from grub it immidiatly freezes the notebook and the fan goes nuts09:43
ActionParsnipgener1c: failing memtest isn't good dude09:43
ActionParsnipgener1c: i suggest you power off and remove a stick of ram, then retest09:44
gener1cActionParsnip: it doesnt fail thats the point09:44
Thornhello. I'm trying to install 11.04 on an asus P5N-MX mobo (nforce 610i) but get an error right when cd boots (a pseudographics table that says err=8). cd works fine on other  systems. any ideas?09:44
ledjokat32 this is if u cant find drivers from your wlan card for linux u can then use windows drivers09:44
gener1cwhen i run it from livecd it gives perfect results AcidRain09:44
gener1cwhen i run it from livecd it gives perfect results09:45
kat32xrfang how can i find this?09:45
gener1cok im gone09:46
xrfang kat32: as ActionParsnip said, sudo lshw -C network    will show the wireless chip and you can use it to find uides09:46
xrfang *guides09:46
Thornany alternate booting method that I can use?09:47
kat32there is alot of informaton with this command09:47
ledjobut if its older wlan card like mine, I couldn't find linux drivers09:47
xrfangkat32, what kind of computer it is? desktop or laptop? brand and model?09:47
kat32dell laptop09:48
ledjokat32 do u have windows drivers for the wlan card?09:48
xrfangkat32, that could be simpler, just search for linux driver for this model09:48
kat32ledjo i think so. windows are broken and i m using ubuntu09:49
kat32xrfang any sugestions? :)09:50
xrfangkat32, there are a couple of ways to get your wireless working. you just follow one of them09:50
SomelauwWhat is the thing called that pops up when saving a file?09:50
xrfangI suggest you either try ndiswrapper, or try goole your model09:50
ledjoinstall 1.ndiswrapper then then 2.ndisgtk the go to applications -> system -> windows wirelles driver and add inf. file from your windows driver folder09:51
xrfangkat32, there are already suggestions given ;)09:51
ledjo* .inf09:52
TrevInccan someone assist me with accessing a Windows Share from Ubuntu?09:53
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kat32i need both ndiswrapper and ndisgtk?09:53
ledjoso 1. ndiwrapper , 2. ndisgtk and 3. go to applications - sys - windows wireless lan (the last 1) and add a windows driver (.inf)09:54
SomelauwCan I change the dialog that pops up when saving a file from openoffice?09:55
ledjou have to download ndiwrapper, ndisgtk and windows driver of your wlan..09:55
MilosshI'm looking at the gnome-look.org, and I was wondering if GTK+3 are the right themes for me, for ubuntu 11.0409:55
adi_anyone der ?09:56
adi_does the system gets destabilized if I remove all files in /var/log/ directory ?09:57
jattwhy remove? there is logrotate.09:58
adi_@jatt are you sure I'm desperate to remove lol09:58
ledjoso what about my problem: I can't see folder I shared on my windows pc nor other way around..09:58
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ledjoI can see both computers on either of the networks but when I click xubuntu in windows it just emty and when I click windows pc in xubuntu it can't access it...10:00
adi_no jatt I just wanted to see all the new log after a fresh boot up. so I want to remove everything and I can see new log10:00
=== Guest62786 is now known as izwan
jattNot sure really :), but it can be a program chokes because it cannot write to a file that was in /var/log10:00
ledjokat32 any luck?10:01
adi_@ledjo is samba installed properly did you try ubuntu to ubuntu via samba10:02
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ledjoyeah I installed it like everything else, I only have 1 notebook with ubuntu insatlled on it10:03
adi_@jatt any program just appends new log to the old file. if the file isn't present it just creates a new one and appends to it rite ?10:04
ledjothe desktop pc has 7 on it10:05
ledjoI can see comps in network but not access them10:05
adi_ok how are you trying to open the shared folder in win 710:06
adi_try opening the drive through "run"10:06
=== mike is now known as Guest40057
ledjoI can't cause I can't access the ubuntu pc in network10:06
ledjoonly in 7 when I click on ubuntu comp it opens but it's empty10:07
kat32ledjo, no luck yet. i ve installed drives then you mean network>windows network?10:07
varunthackerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10985005#post10985005 -- any comments on how to solve this problem10:07
ledjodid u install ndiswrapper and then ndisgtk?10:08
adi_ledjo if you no ubuntu pc's IP try running this command on RUN "//IPadrress/folderlocation/"10:08
ledjoapplications menu - sysytem - windows wireless lan?10:09
ledjou opened it10:09
sudiptais Dictionary not installed in natty by default?10:09
ledjowindows wireless driver I mean10:09
sudiptaif  not then how to install is10:10
kat32cant find it10:10
Steristhow do i change my password?10:11
adi_@sudipta its already installed in it10:11
siton# passwd yourname10:11
Steristsiton not IRC lol ubuntu10:11
adi_@sudipta just enter windows key and enter dictonary10:12
ledjobut if u installed ndiswrapper and then ndigtk, after u install ndisgtk u get this entry in applications menu -> system10:12
sudiptaadi_:i have....no result10:12
ledjou sure u installed them both properly?10:12
SquarismHow does dpkg relate to aptitude really.. i can use both for installation but how do they differ and do they interact?10:13
Steristhow do i change my password?10:13
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:13
kat32Γίνεται εγκατάσταση ndiswrapper-common (1.53-2ubuntu1) ...10:13
kat32Γίνεται εγκατάσταση ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 (1.53-2ubuntu1) ...10:13
kat32Γίνεται εγκατάσταση ndisgtk (0.8.4-1) ...10:13
ledjondisgt is windows wireless driver, if u don't see it in menu it means u didn't install it10:13
adi_@sudipta try gnome-dictionary in terminal10:13
adi_@sudipta lol then try installing it "sudo apt-get install gnome-dictionary"10:15
adi_@sudipta else try dictionary keyword in synaptic10:15
ledjoI used that for this laptop and I'm on internet right now, kat10:16
kat32ok ty guys, i'll try again10:17
sudiptaAdi_:ok...i've got it...thnx10:19
adi_sudipta: cool10:19
sudiptaadi: :)10:20
ledjothe problem with ubuntu or other distros is that u have to do a serious of sometimes very complicated or annoying operations just to get simple things like to connect to internet or to connect 2 computers in a network or some things that u do just like that in ex. XP..10:20
ranjancan anyone help me in getting my mails to inbox of reciepients instead of spambox10:21
ledjonow for some computer freaks it can be interesting or challenging but for me it is really annoying..10:22
dimas_i am experiencing some problems after restart the computer because a application wasnt responding...but from that moment i can not open the application because it says that one of his components is already running...-what should i do?10:22
sudipta<ranjan>by any chance u happened to live in kolkata,jadavpur?10:22
velofilleledjo, cant say i have ever had any major problems with that10:22
KrUpTiOnHello.. I'm kinda new here. I have a question/problem.  I am running Unbuntu and Windows 7, dual boot on a netbook. After I installed Unbuntu, the boot loader/menu's option to boot into Windows won't work. Any ideas what the problem might be?10:23
ledjolook in task manager if its really running and shut it down10:23
ranjansudipta, no, why?10:23
adi_@dima_ try killing that app10:23
dimas_task manager?10:23
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adi_try this command "sudo killall -s 9 <appname>"10:24
sudiptaranjan:nothin' ...happens to know someboby by that name who is a ubuntu lover :)10:24
adi_@dimas_:try this command "sudo killall -s 9 <appname>"10:24
dimas_adi that is going to terminate the whole computer?10:24
adi_@dimas_ lol no it just kills that app10:25
ranjansudipta, i was an ubuntu lover till the launch of unity :)10:25
dimas_i tryed10:25
KrUpTiOnI'm having trouble with my boot loader, I have Unbuntu 10.4 and Windows 7, Can't boot into windows. Can someone msg me to give me a little help please?10:25
adi_@dimas_ so start it again10:25
dimas_cause i already reinstall the application from diferent sourse and still having the problem10:25
sudipta<ranjan>why...now u aint?10:25
ledjoI have problems all the time, with samba, then for example I connected psp for the 1 time, I copied files from there I needed for wlan etc, I unmounted and when I connected it again it didn't show on desktop anymore so I found it in /media but I couldn't access it anymore unless I do it as root10:26
ranjansudipta, i dont like unity10:26
sudipta<ranjan>unity needs lots of polishing though,I feel10:26
dimas_adi oke i will try that10:26
ledjoso I did and then starting from today I can't see it any more even as root10:26
adi_@dimas_ I didn't get ur problem10:26
sudipta<ranjan>perhaps the developers might do smthng abt it10:27
ranjansudipta, i wonder why ubuntu didnt work with gnome310:27
adi_@ranjan I don't like unity too10:27
ranjansudipta, afterall both unity and gnome3 looks similar10:27
ranjanadi_, yea10:27
adi_@ranjan I missing gconf-tools10:27
sudipta<ranjan>wait till october.11.10 will support gnome310:27
ledjothen there is a screen saver problem, after ca. 5 min when screen saver plays it freezes and I can only shut it down10:27
SomelauwCan I replace the file open/save dialog to something better?10:28
SomelauwMaybe by not using gtk?10:28
dimas_adi should i restart the computer before i try again?10:28
ledjothen this samba issues, I mean every day u get another new issue..10:28
adi_@dimas_ no need. May I know what app are you trying to run ?10:29
sudipta<ranjan>gnome3 breaks some dependencies in natty and the dev team have managed to overpower it10:29
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ledjoor sometimes I wait for 'ages' till it opens my user folder after I click it..10:30
dimas_adi i am trying to run idjc (internet dj console) but after it cratch dont want to start anymore and is a problem with the jack cause it says is running already10:30
ranjansudipta, no, i was thinking about ubuntu contributing to gnome3 instead of moving with a separate project10:30
=== adi_ is now known as aditya
dimas_adi so i just killed jackd with the bullet you gave me and going to try again10:31
dimas_i let you know10:31
ledjogenerally I'm far from satisfied with this ubuntu version10:31
ledjoit's an older laptop, I killed xp cause its slower comparing to xubuntu, but I didn't have any software problems with it. on desktop I got 7 cause I play wow too but nevertheless I don't think I'd install any linux on it..10:36
arneyfirefox: no screen specified10:37
arneyIm trying to run it from ssh10:37
arneyany ideas?10:38
ledjoI mean if I'm just going to use this laptop for surfing, I could have 'installed' puppy and not this one!10:38
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ledjohaha madha10:40
rhin0you can't run firefox through ssh you need it as part of your desktop ie. .... ssh doesn't give you control over your graphics on your desktop10:40
ledjokat32 what happened?10:40
rhin0ssh is text only for remote manipulation through command line10:41
jpdsrhin0: Actually, it does.10:41
jpdsrhin0: With X forwarding.10:41
arneySo there is no way I could tell it to run firefox on my desktop?10:41
rhin0jpds I suspect arney doesn't have anything like that set up jpds10:41
jpdsrhin0: I think it's like that by default.10:41
MadHaTTer666fucking shit cunt bitch licking dog eating motherfucking whore10:42
arneyHow do I forward it to my active xorg10:42
rhin0if I run a gui app through ssh it will report exactly what arney is seeing jpds 'no monitor' no screen10:42
velofillerhin0, assh -X says you can10:42
jpdsarney: ssh -X your.machine10:42
velofillessh -X otherdesktop10:42
rhin0it'll throughput the gui app onto your own X session?10:42
jpdsarney: Then run 'firefox' when you get a shell.10:43
velofillethen run commands10:43
rhin0just ssh -X?10:43
jpdsrhin0: Yes.10:43
velofillessh is full of hidden awesome10:43
rhin0its essential10:43
jpdsrhin0: Of course, sshd will need the config allowing X forwarding, etc.10:44
velofillejpds, i think by default on ubuntu it works10:44
jpdsBut that should be on by default.10:44
velofilleyep :)10:44
arneyThat sounds cool. Im running ssh on android though :b10:46
Steristhow do i install a file in a .tar.gz ?10:46
rahin88@Sterist first extract the archive10:47
ikoniaSterist: what do you want to install ?10:47
ledjosterist what what what?10:47
rhin0sterrist to install that you type gunzip filename.gz then tar -ivh filename.tar (after typing the gunzip you will see the tar file)10:48
rhin0then you will be left with a .configure file within the directory10:48
=== Datura is now known as lotcor
rhin0run that10:48
ikoniarhin0: slow down - taking the defaults of a configure script is not always a good idea10:48
rhin0afther configure maybe make10:48
ikoniaSterist: what is it you want to install10:48
rhin0well -- sterist always read the README file that you'll see in the extracted directory first10:49
rhin0or INSTALL file10:49
Steristikonia bitcoin10:49
KrUpTiOnI'm having trouble with my boot loader, I have Unbuntu 10.4 and Windows 7, Can't boot into windows. Can someone msg me to give me a little help please?10:49
Steristrhin0 readme isn't always in english lol10:49
rhin0does bitcoin give you free money?  Oo10:49
appi_uppihi, I'm using ubuntu 10.04. Please help in providing the command to delete the contents in pendrive from terminal10:50
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rhin0i just thought it must as it was created out of nothing10:50
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ikoniaappi_uppi: where is it mounted ?10:50
velofilleKrUpTiOn, im not seeing the problem with that :D10:50
rvsjoenwhats the proper way of executing "xrdb --merge ~/.Xdefaults" on startup, .bashrc, .xinitrc, .bash_profile and the likes do not seem to work10:50
rhin0appi_uppi: you can format a pen-drive using a program called 'gparted' install that10:50
velofilleKrUpTiOn, you should get a menu when you start the computer offering linux or windows, windows will be at the bottom of the list10:50
KrUpTiOnvelofille:> If I could figure out how to use my sprint mobile account in unbuntu I wouldn't even use windows... :(10:50
ikoniaSterist: the readme is in English, as is the INSTALL files, there is also the channel #bitcoin on this network for help10:50
rhin0otherwise its just another volume appi_uppi10:51
KrUpTiOnThe problem is, after I  installed unbuntu, when I click on the Windows 7 option, it won't boot into windows..10:51
jiltdili had unchecked the volume option and there is no volume showing on screen i want to take it back but i forgot where is the option for it please help10:51
velofilleKrUpTiOn, sorry i cant help, im heading to bed. Google though should be able to solve the sprint mobile thing as well as the grub10:51
rhin0do you see any messages KrUpTiOn ie.  does it try to boot into windows10:51
velofilleKrUpTiOn, ahh, maybe its got the wrong partition setup  in menu.lst (check /etc/grub ?)10:52
KrUpTiOnI called sprint, they said they 'don't support' anything but Windows on their netbooks.. stupid...10:52
rhin0it won't be grub if it shows windows messages (trying to start windows) it'll be a problem with windows10:52
rhin0if windows is on the grub menu as you say10:52
velofilleKrUpTiOn, its probably just drivers then initiating ppp or similar10:52
KrUpTiOnYea, it gives me a error message then goes back to the bootloader menu10:52
jiltdiloh  i got it.10:52
velofillewhat error message?10:52
rhin0KrUpTiOn: the windows directory structure (volume) will be viewable (mounted) in ubuntu so you will still see your files10:53
velofillerhin0, not sure thats gonna help him boot it though10:53
rhin0well it reassures him that his files are still intact10:53
velofilletrue, i suppose you could always make it a VM10:53
KrUpTiOnYea, I can use the windows partition fine, but the the loader won't boot to windows.. let me try it again, so I can get the EXACT error code it gives me10:53
rhin0and he could even then get away from using a dual boot and setting up windows running within ubuntu10:53
KrUpTiOnI'll be right back...10:54
velofilleim heading to bed10:54
velofilleits lateish here10:54
rhin0its a windows fault KrUpTiOn10:54
velofillesorry i could not be of help10:54
velofillerhin0, lol10:54
KrUpTiOnYea, I hate windows.. if Sprint would give me my username and password for the mobile broadband, I wouldn't even use windows...10:54
rhin0ubuntu may be powerful but it can't fix windows10:54
KrUpTiOnbrb...  rebooting to get the exact error...10:55
ledjobut what about samba, what files should I install apart from main one?10:55
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Fudgehi anyone here using hamachi ?10:56
ledjothere are 12 of them in synaptic10:56
izgoiПривет всем!10:56
izgoiя так понел тут не одного Русского?10:56
rhin0niet izgoi10:57
acicula ledje just installing samba will pull in anything you need10:57
* Siton is away: 我很忙10:57
izgoiвесело будет =)10:57
shomonhi, I was editing a text file and now it's gone all wierd. How do I find out what character set it's in, and convert it to something like utf8 again?10:57
shomonin gedit, sorry10:57
ledjobut I did that and I can't share folder properly and I can't access windows pc folder I shared10:58
ledjoin ubuntu I can't set permission properly10:59
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:59
rahin88any suggestions for irc clients on ubuntu10:59
appi_uppirhin0, yes i have downloaded and using it now10:59
* Siton is back (gone 00:02:19)10:59
rhin0will enable you to completely blank the drive appi_uppi click on the right hand drop down menu to select drive then select format from one of the menus11:00
b26morning ya'll.. can anyone recommend a good random wallpaper changer?11:00
izgoiI know it is simple with you cheerfully =)11:00
b26ie: change wallpaper from 'x' dir every 'y' mins?11:00
appi_uppirhin0, sure, thanks a lot :-)11:00
izgoiIn current turnips this chat was has solved попробывать that it for an animal11:01
* Siton is away: 我很忙11:01
shomonhi, how do you find out a file's character set inubuntu?11:01
* Siton is back (gone 00:00:12)11:02
appi_uppirhin0, it says unable to find the mount point11:02
rhin0does it show the drive should be dev/sdb something11:02
rhin0you will be able to see what drive it is by the size11:02
rhin0so it looks like your drive isn't mounting?11:02
appi_uppii can see the size11:03
keithbshomon: what about the command file filename11:03
izgoiAll while11:03
rhin0have you been able to use it from the system before -- if you just need to delete the files you should be able to just delete them through nautilus (file manager)11:03
shomonfile just says "html text" or something - nothing about the charset keithb11:03
appi_uppino i 'm able to delete the file11:03
shomon"HTML document text"11:03
x3__iVaNhi all11:04
shomonand I just got enca, which says Unrecognized encoding11:04
rhin0shomon i've just googled to see and there is a command        enca -- detect and convert encoding of text files11:04
rhin0maybe its corrupt11:04
shomonah, but for the file that isn't showing up, it says "UTF8" - I want to make it unrecognised again :)11:04
appi_uppirhin0, pendrive is corrupted?11:05
shomonno, I cut and pasted an accent into it and it shows up all wierd in my web browser11:05
shomonso yeah corrupted by accents11:05
rhin0can you see the files on it -- you are unable to delete it?  -- gparted I have always used to format -- also there is an 'erase drive' facility in the command 'usb-creator-gtk' (used for writing iso disk imiages to the pen drive -- but the erase command may work if the gparted format doesn't work)11:06
appi_uppiyes rhin011:06
rhin0if you can see the files you can delete them appi_uppi11:06
rhin0no need to format it11:07
rhin0appi_uppi: was taling to shomon about corrupted stuff - not you11:07
keithbshomon: try editing with vi and removing the accented characters11:07
appi_uppirhin0, I am not able to delete one particular folder it's like SVN2.011:07
rhin0shomon you've corrupted your file its not a case of unrecognised encoding -- you need to repair it11:07
appi_uppirhin0, :)11:07
shomon:) no... there are soo many... there were some already in the document, and I just cut and pasted something in...11:08
shomonthanks rhin0 will see...11:08
rhin0appi_uppi -- mount it from the command line (not completely sure how) -- change the permissions on the folder and zap  it11:08
shomonaah I think it was a microsoft character, sneaking in11:08
rhin0probably you can change permissions through gui also -- not sure -- but the folders permissions are stopping you from erasing it11:08
KrUpTiOnok....  I have the error my bootloader gives me when trying to boot into windows...11:09
shomonwhen I copied in the phrase with the offending character, gedit asked me "I can't save in this format" and gave me a choice. I chose utf8... But maybe I should choose western european or some other one...11:09
rhin0is it the bootloader giving you the error or windows error11:09
keithbshomon: .$s/<charctercode>//g will get rid of all of one type of character11:09
shomonit's a 15 page data document :S11:10
rhin0shomon you've completely corrupted the file now if you've completely changed the encoding -- when you saved it as utf8 you obliterated whatever format it was in ...11:10
rhin0its been saved as a completely different file type shomon11:10
shomonaah... and enca or others can't convert it back then11:10
KrUpTiOnit says: try (0,0) fat16 no wublidr (line 2) try (0,1) NTFS5 no WUBILDR (line 3) try (0,2) NTFS5 error prefix not set11:11
shomonhmm, gedit should offer to save as something else when that happens :/11:11
keithbshomon: it can't as the character does not have an equivalent in non-UTF-811:12
KrUpTiOnDoes anybody know what this error means when trying to  boot into Windows 7 from the bootloader:11:12
KrUpTiOnDoes anybody know what this error means when trying to  boot into Windows 7 from the bootloader:11:12
shomonI've replaced it now.. it was only a line of text so it was an m$ hyphen I think11:12
KrUpTiOnit says: try (0,0) fat16 no wublidr (line 2) try (0,1) NTFS5 no WUBILDR (line 3) try (0,2) NTFS5 error prefix not set11:12
rhin0kruption -- there is stuff on ubuntu forums relating to that -- I would think that it may be a corrupted volume if you're selecting the grub option from straight boot (as you must be)  -- corrupted in some way -- ask someone else -- no idea really11:13
KrUpTiOnSomething else I did. when I installed Unbuntu, Windows 7 turned it's bootloader on, it had windows 7 and unbuntu listed. figured I didn't need both boot loaders, so I disabled the windows one. which was stupid of me, without figuring out which one would work...11:14
ravenany tool to manage sms with huawai internet device?11:14
rhin0sounds like you need to configure grub to boot windows KrUpTiOn11:15
rhin0grub is very configurable11:15
LuxeFinished my computer - http://i.imgur.com/3rMbN.jpg11:15
TrevIncnice fractal background.11:15
rhin0that sounds more hopeful KrUpTiOn -- your copy of windows will still be intact -- grub just doesn't know what it is (& how to boot it)11:15
KrUpTiOnYea, I dunno how to do that though. I know the /dev my windows 7 partition is on but not really sure how to do that11:15
LuxeThanks TrevInc11:16
LuxeFractals <311:16
KrUpTiOnexactly! :) not sure how to tell grub how to boot into windows...11:16
rhin0you need to research grub -- see what your current settings are for the entry for windows that you see on the grub menu and check that they are the same as what the manual says they should be for booting your particular copy of windows11:16
rhin0grub is relatively simple to set up -- just a control file11:16
xskydevilxI'm getting an error message when trying to run add-apt-repository: http://paste.ubuntu.com/633545/11:17
KrUpTiOnk..  I know how to use lilo.. I haven't used linux in about 3 years, out of touch.. I tried playin with the grub config, but no luck. guess I'll hafta research more...11:17
shomonrhin0 and keithb - I just fixed it without converting! I just had to change the charset in the meta tag in the html document...11:17
LuxeTrevInc, I'm kinda mystified you knew that was a fractal.11:17
keithbshomon: brilliant, congrats11:18
TrevIncLuxe: I've had to take a lot of math for biomedical engineering, you stumble upon these things11:18
rhin0excellent shomon -- this will teach you to make more backups just in case and not just save in a format thinking its just s save -- it actually re-formats11:18
LuxeI didn't do this in math.11:18
shomon:) thanks keithb - yeah it's a pretty dangerous option there rhin011:18
KrUpTiOnThanks for all your help! Much appreciated!11:18
rhin0hi sunn_er11:20
TrevIncHmm... Ocala should be really nice this time of year11:20
rahin88guys I have a specific problem with my microsd card11:22
rahin88i can't format it11:22
elkyis there a way to change the order of stuff in the unity dock?11:22
movan2011@elky:  I think you can move the icons that aren't grey.11:23
elkymovan2011, how? i click and drag and the whole toolbar moves.11:23
elkyooh, i click and hold.11:24
movan2011@elky:  Right11:24
elkykind of a shame i can't reorganise the grey ones though11:26
dkkdwhat reserve space do i give for the dialog box in first screenshot here? in MB http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/11:27
jpdsdkkd: Whatever, you don't even need it.11:27
dkkdjpds: thanks11:28
xskydevilxCould anyone help, here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/633545/11:28
aciculaxskydevilx: when did it still work?11:29
rhin0xskydevilx: "could not find a " aptsources.distro.NoDistroTemplateException: Error: could not find a distribution template" <-- whatever you are trying to install isn't there i think11:29
rhin0maybe you can install whatever you are trying to install some other way than using apt11:29
rhin0even as far as building (compiling it) which is actually safer11:30
xskydevilxrhin0, I was trying Chromium Daily builds11:30
rhin0I generally just install chrome through firefox no idea ... daily builds?  you want the latest latest chrome right?11:30
xskydevilxrhin0, Yes.11:31
frenzzHello, Hello, how create 'mysql' user in the machine ?11:31
rhin0I think it's best you get the package file of whatever type (deb, rpm) onto your system and examine it11:31
rhin0frenzz sudo adduser mysql11:31
aciculaxskydevilx: does apt-get still work?11:32
xskydevilxacicula, Yes.11:32
xskydevilxacicula, I'm using Lucid, btw.11:32
aciculaxskydevilx: what command do you use that gives you this error?11:32
xskydevilxacicula, add-apt-repository11:32
acicularhin0: installing stuff from source almost never makes it better wrt fixing problems11:32
pappijoHey, can you tell me what is the purpose of the class IndicatorServiceManager in Unity2d?11:32
aciculaxskydevilx: try adding a different repository perhaps?11:33
aciculaxskydevilx: maybe it does not have a lucid repository?11:33
xskydevilxacicula, I doubt it.11:33
xskydevilxacicula, Let me try ubuntu-tweak PPA11:34
sayz /msg NickServ identify11:34
xskydevilxacicula, Same thing11:34
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aciculaxskydevilx: maybe this can provide some help https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/36409211:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 364092 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "software-properties-gtk doesn't start" [Undecided,Fix released]11:35
pappijoHey, can you tell me what is the purpose of the class IndicatorServiceManager in Unity2d?11:36
aciculapost 6 and 711:36
_eXeCuTeRdo i need to stay online on internet in order to install ubuntu or it's not neccesary?11:37
jpds_eXeCuTeR: Not necessary.11:37
acicula_eXeCuTeR: its not required, you can install updates afterwards if you want11:37
acicula_eXeCuTeR: with a reasonably fast internet connection and disk id recommend being online though, as it will install all updates straight away11:38
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yugiohfan2011I've just had Ubuntu run its fsck utility at startup, and I noticed that it ran relatively quickly compared to when I tell Windows Vista to run its CHKDSK utility. In fact, fsck appears to only take from 5 to 10 seconds to apparently check the entire file system. Now, I'm thinking that surely fsck can't check a whole file system that quickly, so I figure something must have gone wrong with fsck. Are my suspicions correct? Or is fs11:38
_eXeCuTeRok, thanks11:38
hateballyugiohfan2011: ext4 fsck is fast11:38
aciculayugiohfan2011: ot checks the filesystems metainformation11:38
TrevIncyugiohfan2011: fsck just checks to make sure the file system is in order. by definition, it's not a full disk integrity scan11:38
TrevIncit just makes sure the file system isn't somehow messed up11:39
yugiohfan2011What would I need if I wanted a full disk integrity scan?11:39
aciculayugiohfan2011: you would need to set fsck to a full scan instead of just chcking the journal11:39
yugiohfan2011And that would, say, check the disk for bad sectors?11:40
cobra-the-jokerhey guys ... will next ubuntu be on unity ?11:40
mrceeznew to linux/ubuntu hw can i remove an installed program?11:40
xskydevilxcobra-the-joker, Yes.11:40
aciculayugiohfan2011: you need to pass -c to fsck11:40
_eXeCuTeRim trying to boot linux of my CD i just burned, and it's booting the window in which it writes: ubuntu and some dots..it lods for a long time, then goes to a terminal, tries to execute LOTS of commands and just stops booting..11:40
aciculayugiohfan2011: you can not run fsck on a mounted disk though11:41
xskydevilxacicula, I just went through the file "Ubuntu.info" and found out that every distro is listed there. Is that considered as normal?11:41
_eXeCuTeRwhat could be the problem? i booted linux with Nero, when choosing to burn CD image along with this iso image i downloaded11:41
aciculaxskydevilx: i have no idea, ill have a look11:41
xskydevilxacicula, OK. I'll wait.11:41
aciculaxskydevilx: for me it only lists my current distro11:42
mrceeznew to linux/ubuntu hw can i remove an installed program?11:42
xskydevilxacicula, Can You copy/paste the file to ubuntu pastebin?11:42
TrevIncmrceez, how did you install it?11:42
mrceezi compiled it11:42
aciculaxskydevilx: no use, i have a different distro11:42
mrceezlibusb 1.011:42
xskydevilxacicula, I want to compare, not to copy11:43
cobra-the-jokermrceez: you just delete it .... there is no formal way to remove a compiled program11:43
aciculaxskydevilx: actually i misread, it lists all distributions here as well11:43
mrceezbut there was a newer version whith i also compiled afterwards11:43
yugiohfan2011Interesting. I see Ubuntu is much more resilient than Windows after a disruptive shutdown.11:43
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:43
xskydevilxacicula, Really? That's werid.11:43
basselany buddy11:44
aciculaxskydevilx: the file is part of the python-apt-common package11:44
mrceezi am trying to compile another program that uses libusb 1.08 as a dependancy11:44
aciculacould try forcing a reinstall of that package, but not sure if your problem is even caused by that file11:44
mrceezbut it only recognise the lib1.0 and not the 1.0811:44
aciculaits just what came up when i googled your error11:44
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solayagimhello people11:45
xskydevilxacicula, By the way, first off when I tried to run add-apt-repository it said command not found, then I installed "python-apt-properties" I belive and the problem started.11:45
aciculawindows uses journalled filessytems too11:45
rhin0hi solayagim11:46
aciculaxskydevilx: i see, idk you could just remove that package again and just add the repository by hand i guess?11:46
xskydevilxacicula, I could try. I doubt it'll work, though11:46
z9irc isnt dead... cool!11:49
anakinCloudWalkeguys can some one tell me how i can iterate over a variable using shell script. That is if the variable has the follwing "some var some val" i wanna iterate over the words in the variable11:49
khalidmanlooking for some help guys11:49
sattu94khalidman: yes ?11:50
anakinCloudWalkesattu94: guys can some one tell me how i can iterate over a variable using shell script. That is if the variable has the follwing "some var some val" i wanna iterate over the words in the variable11:50
aciculaanakinCloudWalke:  for i in $(ls); do echo "$i"; done;11:50
khalidmani used befor 11.04 but garfiphics did nto worked to me11:50
khalidmannow i use ubuntu 10.04 and it works will11:50
anakinCloudWalkeacicula: i wanna iterate over a single variable not over the output from ls11:51
xskydevilxSpeaking of Ubuntu, I tried the Ubuntu 10.10 daily builds, and when trying to run them live, the GUI disappears and the "terminal" alike appears. Why is this happening, and what's the command to restart the GUI (or to resume it)=11:51
xskydevilx*Ubuntu 11.1011:51
aciculaeh anakinCloudWalke it works similarly, check bash scripting, or awk11:51
dkkd_booted via unetbootin. i want to install it in another partition so i choosed advanced option. now when i click next it is showing some warning "root fs is not defind". how to choose dev/sda7(my preferred partition) here?11:51
dkkd_any help apprecxiatd11:51
aciculaxskydevilx: its probably broken, also support for +1 in #ubuntu+111:51
xskydevilxacicula, Awesome, thanks.11:52
ikoniadkkd_: you tell it where to put /11:52
zombieSLAYERi cant delete samba shares?11:52
aciculazombieSLAYER: you have a share on your computer you can not get rid of?11:52
aciculazombieSLAYER: how did you create the share?11:52
DNDserv identify passw0rd11:52
dkkd_ikonia: yea i selected dev/sda7 ?11:53
aciculaDND: best change your irc password now11:53
DNDi know :)11:53
zombieSLAYERsome from right clicking some from samba config gui11:53
ikoniadkkd_: how did you select that ?11:53
aciculaDND you can use /connect to automaticaly ident11:53
aciculaby using /connect irc.freenode.org yourpass yournick11:54
dohomidoes anybody uses skype successfully on ubuntu 11.0???11:54
Abhijitdohomi, working here on lucid11:54
dkkd_ikonia: it gives a list of prepare partitions with change revert and delete buttons11:55
aciculazombieSLAYER: did you right click a directory in the filebrowser and select sharing? if so you can just untick the share option and click apply to disable the share11:55
aciculadohomi: i've used it before11:55
dohomisorry im very new with linux11:55
DNDim using xchat on ubuntu11:55
ikoniadkkd_: yes, but that window doesn't normally allow you to set a file system to a partition11:55
dohomiand just try to switch from crap win7 to ubuntu11:55
zombieSLAYERokay i have to re-share it and then un share it and it goes away11:55
dohomibut skype is not working11:55
Abhijitdohomi, what is actually wrong?11:56
aciculazombieSLAYER: there is also a console based short hand, you can use net usershare {list/add/remove}11:56
dohomiit shows available all the time but the messages doesnt get send11:56
dohomiand for other users im offline11:56
dohomiim using ubuntu 11.04 with gnome desktop11:56
dkkd_ikonia: ok so where do you think i am going wrong? the use as option says do not use as partition.11:57
dohomiwith unity i had less hassle11:57
shogoothi people what is the command to find my devices? i cant play a dvd i got and i think it because th eplayer is directed to /devices/dvd ..... any thoughts?11:57
zombieSLAYERacicula thanks thats tits11:57
ikoniadkkd_: partition the disk, drop out of advanced mode and set the file systems up properly11:57
aciculashogoot: can you see the dvd in the filebrowser?11:57
shogootacicula, yes11:57
aciculashogoot: can you see the files on the dvd?11:57
D-F3NShi there, im using ubuntu 11.04 on a eee pc. Could anyone tell me how i can check if ACPI is working properly?11:58
shogootacicula, yes11:58
aciculaD-F3NS: if you press the power button does it shutdown?11:58
aciculaD-F3NS: pres, dont hold11:58
D-F3NSacicula, it asks me i want to shutdown,reboot etc.11:58
aciculaif it pops up the powerdown menu its working11:58
sayzfrom consol?11:58
oetzihi guys I have two questions about unity interface11:58
D-F3NS"if i want..."11:59
aciculashogoot: did you install the dvd libraries?11:59
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:59
cafenethey guys i get my printer driver and installed it and even have samba installed but my printer only work fast on windows but in ubuntu i need to turn on and off my printer11:59
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oetzifirst how can i go to real fullscreen inside apps11:59
oetziwithout this stupid unity panel on top11:59
dohomi@oetzi, switch back to classic desktop12:00
dohomiworks without problems12:00
dkkd_ikonia: i am one step back now at -- prepare disk space. could i get some direction ?12:00
dohomiin unity the desktop freezes lot of times...12:00
aciculaD-F3NS: if you close the lid will the laptop suspend or enter hibernate mode as well?12:00
rhin0dohomi when you log in -- click on the user and set the desktop as classic (no effects) for now -- obviously your graphics card can't handle unity/compiz12:00
ikoniadkkd_: in what way direction ?12:00
rhin0thats why your system is locking up12:01
aciculashogoot: usually its either missing dvd libraries, see the links from ubottu on dvd's, that are missing, or if your dvd player needs a regional code set, this is also explained in the playingdvd wikipage12:01
D-F3NSacicula, coze im wondering, can run the system for about 5+ hours. thats not rly much. also the FN+Space key wont work( slow down the cpu)12:01
oetzi@dohomi there are no freezes on my side only this panel is really anoying12:01
shogootacicula, i installed the package... not helping12:01
D-F3NSacicula, yes it does when i close the lid.12:01
aciculashogoot: a good way to test is trying to copy the big files from the dvd to your harddrive, it probably is not working now12:01
dohomihi thin0: im using t410 lenovo and compiz with nvidia 310012:01
shogootacicula, tried taht, im just gonna reboot and se iff it helps12:01
dkkd_ikonia: i mean i want help12:01
dohomiso it actually should work12:01
aciculashogoot: did you set a region code?12:01
ikoniadkkd_: with what ?12:01
dohomibut it wasnt stable for me12:01
dohomiso i switched back12:01
shogootacicula, yes12:02
aciculaD-F3NS: then acpi seems to be working12:02
aciculashogoot: hmm can you try copying the big files from the dvd then?12:02
aciculashogoot: or just start copying the entire thing12:02
acicula(not all files are css secured)12:02
oetziand I have another question which I'm not sure it is a unity issue12:02
dohomibut can somebody give me a hint how to use skype? its not working at all over the day12:02
rhin0dohomia I have had the same trouble with nvidia --- there are propietary hardware drivers fror nvidia (available from 'hardware drivers') on the menu -- there is also support for 3d facilities that unity desktop may use. they may improve the situation12:03
wols_D-F3NS: run powertop12:03
dkkd_ikonia: there are options like== instakk them side by side and -- advanced options. (on unetbootin hypermedia boot)12:03
shogootacicula, copying is going fine.12:03
ikonia!skype > dohomi12:03
ubottudohomi, please see my private message12:03
wols_D-F3NS: ceck your cpu governor, etc12:03
oetziI want to configure this info bubble which shows up by pidgin on state changes12:03
dkkd_ikonia: i am clueless12:03
shogootacicula, im might done the region thing wrong, hold on :)12:03
ikoniadkkd_: have you actually read the install information ?12:03
ikonia!install | dkkd_12:03
ubottudkkd_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate12:03
D-F3NSwols_, cpu governor?12:03
aciculashogoot: copying failed?12:03
dohomisorry ubotto im really slow12:03
dohomiand this chat windows flying on my 14 ''12:03
oetzii want to move them to another position12:04
dohomiits hard to follow12:04
wols_devkhadka: the thing that governs speedstep or cool'n'quiet12:04
shogootacicula, copying is doing good, it is working fine12:04
aciculadohomi: right click the channel and tick  hide join/part sp,etjomg12:04
aciculashogoot: ehm then your regional code should be ok i think12:04
aciculacan you open the individual video files in the movie player?12:04
aciculadohomi: if you are using xchat that is12:05
spc_in_plcHello Guys. Is there any support for running Ubuntu OS on Android tablets?12:06
ikoniaspc_in_plc: not really12:06
ikoniaspc_in_plc: nothing specific12:06
Dan_Ene1 use icecat?12:07
spc_in_plcikonia, Ubuntu announced that they're pushing for a Ubuntu Tablet back in January of this year. What happened to those plans?12:07
ikoniaspc_in_plc: no idea12:07
aciculaspc_in_plc: not all tablets are created equal, android tablets are almost eclusively arm based12:08
shogootacicula, do you know what region USA is? i bought a dvd from there you see12:08
aciculaor all are arm even?12:08
spc_in_plcikonia, damn it would be so useful to have one right now.12:08
aciculashogoot: you can only change your regional codes a few times12:08
dkkd_ikonia: i couldn find unetbootin help. what do i do12:08
shogootacicula, i know12:08
ikoniadkkd_: unetbootin is just another way of booting the normal installer12:08
shogootacicula, im gonna rip this and change it back :)12:08
aciculashogoot: but idk what the region code for usa is, you have to check the dvd for the regional code it requires12:09
spc_in_plcdkkd, What are you trying to do?12:09
aciculashogoot: but were you able to copy the entire dvd to your harddrive?12:09
shogootacicula, i did not complete the copying... i aborted12:09
dkkd_ikonia: but i am stuck in the install process after boot choosing different partition. i am not so used with partitioninmg12:10
aciculashogoot: id really test that first, if you can copy all the files then copy protection is not the problem12:10
ikoniadkkd_: the instructions explain it12:11
shogootacicula, hmmmm  http://pastebin.com/HTXr93et and my dvd is region 1..........12:12
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aciculait has no code set?12:13
shogootacicula, the default path to the dvd player is /media/dv0?12:13
D-F3NSshogoot, /media/dvX12:13
aciculashogoot: no devices are in /dev12:13
aciculaso probably /dev/sr0 or /dev/cdrom or /dev/dvd12:13
aciculathose all point to the same device btw12:14
acicula/media/somename is created by the filebrowser when it opens the dvd12:14
shogootnow its eorking, i directed my dvd palyer to /dev/sr0 its working fine now :)12:16
aciculawhat are you using to play dvd's?12:16
dkkd_ikonia: i am using usb install for the first time. there is the parttion sda7 already. but when i try it gives not root file sys. what gives?12:17
dohomimy empathy broke down12:18
dohomimy problem is not install and running of skype, its simply not working12:18
peri_Hello. I have a stupid question about disc space.12:18
dohomiit shows that im available and online, but i cant receive and send mails12:19
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:19
aciculadohomi: when you click the applet what do you see12:20
peri_I have Natty loaded on a box with a 2TB HDD for media storage and a 1TB HDD for system and text files.12:20
dohomii see skype running...and after a while nothing happening anymore12:21
dohomiand people see me as offline, but my skype shows online12:21
peri_The system is saying I only have 235 MB left but I have ober 1TH on one disk and 810 on the other12:21
aciculaskype integrates with the notifier applet?12:21
peri_I can seem to work out what is going wrong.12:21
aciculaperi_: can you pastebin the output of df -h12:22
dohominot sure what do you mean, the notifier on the top right?12:22
aciculajust open a terminal or console, type df -h, select all, right click and copy and put it on pastebin12:22
peri_I'll try - I'm still learning.  so command would be sudo dh - h?12:22
aciculadohomi: the notifier looks like a mail icon12:22
dkkd_i need some help with unetbootin install?12:22
aciculaperi_: df -h12:22
aciculadkkd_: is using the nonadvanced option and option so the installer will just setup the harddrive for you?12:23
peri_Thanks. Here is it:12:23
peri_Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on12:23
peri_/dev/sda2             5.6G  5.0G  254M  96% /12:23
peri_none                  1.8G  680K  1.8G   1% /dev12:23
peri_none                  1.8G  436K  1.8G   1% /dev/shm12:23
peri_none                  1.8G  348K  1.8G   1% /var/run12:23
peri_none                  1.8G     0  1.8G   0% /var/lock12:23
FloodBot1peri_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
acicula!pastebin | peri_12:23
dohomino its just the skype symbol on the top right, like in windows12:23
ubottuperi_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:23
aciculadohomi: ok, so it is not related to the notifier then, its just a problem you have with skype12:24
peri_Ok. Sorry, still earning. Apologies12:24
aciculaperi_: thats ok, its a common mistake12:24
aciculaperi_: you may have 1Tb of disk space on your drive, but you have only a 5.6Gb partition for ubuntu in use12:24
dohomiyes, i hadnt had the problem with unity desktop, but since gnome classic its working unstable12:24
dkkd_acicula: yes i want to install in other drive(partition) than where my windows is installed. i am on step 4 of install whih asks for nonadvanced and adv. how do i proceed?12:25
aciculaperi_: which is why you seem to be running out of space12:25
aciculadkkd_: the nonadvanced option should resize the existing partition to make room for ubuntu, but you should really read the installation wiki page ikonia linked12:26
peri_OK. Thanks heaps acicula.12:26
peri_I am most obliged. How can I fix it?12:26
aciculaperi_: you need a larger root filesystem, id make the / at least 20GB12:27
peri_Ok. Will I need to reinstall Natty?12:27
aciculaperi_: you can use gparted from a livecd/stick to resize the / most likely12:27
peri_Dont mind if I have to.12:27
aciculaperi_: though reinstalling is quicker then resizing probably12:28
mac_nibbletCan someone help me with iptables?12:28
dkkd_acicula: i just have 31 GB on existing partition. will the non advanced partition increase it? which part do i read in the install page ikonia linked?12:28
dohomiis resizing safe? i also need to do it12:28
peri_Ok. I am learning heaps talking to you. Many thanks. apologies fro the idiot questions. Is it stable to do that - or it is better to reinstall from the beginning? I don't mind doing it.12:28
aciculadkkd_: do you have an existing free partition?12:28
dohomiill running a ssd 128 gig and the ubuntu is bit too small12:29
aciculaperi_: well resizing or any disk operation always carries risks, so make backups12:29
anonboomac_nibblet, Ask your question.12:29
aciculaperi_: but its mostly just slow, reinstalling takes like 20-30minutes12:29
acicularesizing is slow i mean12:30
naxahi! anyone know a good channel for noise reduction questions?12:30
aciculanaxa: electronics or math12:30
naxaacicula: for image noise reduction?12:30
naxaacicula: well i will give it a try, thanks :)12:31
aciculaeh image noise reduction?12:31
dkkd_acicula: by existing do you mean what is shown using the graphics. dev/sda1(windows) sda5 and sda6 with 78 and 105 gb? is this what you meant?12:31
aciculadkkd_: i cant tell you if those partitions are free or if you have data on there12:32
naxaacicula: yes12:32
naxaacicula: i have this http://people.inf.elte.hu/naknaat/problem.png and it drives me and my applications crazy12:33
dkkd_acicula: i know which is free. how do i install there?12:33
peri_Yup. I think I will reinstall. BTW:  I have home, boot root and swap. What sizes do you recommend for each?12:34
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aciculadkkd_: you can right click the partition i think, then you set the filesystem type and the mount point. you need at least one filesystem with / and formatted as ext4. you also need a swap partition12:34
Mandrewhello i have a apple airport base station but the i macbook had to connect to it is dead and i cant remember the PW for the base station, so i wonder how i hack it to get my PW back to it?12:35
Cube``Mandrew: nice try12:35
wols_Amaranth: not ubuntu related. ask apple for tech support12:35
aciculaperi_: boots a bit big , kernels take 10megs or so each and thats all that goes in there, so anything above 200mb is fine. for swap if you want to suspend to disk you want the size of your memory or twice that if you dont have much mem12:35
wols_Mandrew: ^^12:36
Mandrewmy ubuntu distro feels lonely :S12:36
aciculanaxa: you want to get rid of the small dots?12:37
peri_Thanks Acicula. I have 3.4 GB memory.12:37
naxaacicula: yes12:37
Mandrewwols_, my apple care has run out :( so they dont help me with it, and if i tell them that im running ubuntu now, they hang up on me ;)12:37
aciculahmm the gimp channel might be a better choice then12:37
dkkd_acicula: could you link me to a page on install wiki where this info is given?12:38
aciculaMandrew: no hacking support here, even if its your old grannys wifi you are tring to fix12:38
wols_Mandrew: you don't have a ubuntu problem so please stop12:38
naxaacicula: i will try thanks!12:38
ForerHey guys, My mother is looking around for computers and she just needs something for the standard "web browsing, youtube, email, facebook" and I was looking into new computers. I found http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboBundleDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.638451 and wondering if I can get her to use it but I ALWAYS have driver issues with ubuntu that I have to spend hours to fix12:38
aciculadkkd_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall12:39
Mandrewwols_, it a ubuntu problem cuz i cant connect with my ubuntu distro ;)12:39
wols_Forer: we don't do hardware support12:39
aciculaForer: #hardware12:39
wols_Mandrew: stop it already12:39
RevSpecies116cuz = because12:40
RevSpecies116i = I12:40
dkkd_acicula: that was precisely what i needed. thanks a ton12:40
aciculadkkd_: glad i could point you in the right direction12:40
__BetaSomeone can help me with a gnome3 issue?12:41
RevSpecies116GNOME 3 and Ubuntu?12:41
RevSpecies116I don't think that is supported yet12:41
ikoniaRevSpecies116: it's not12:42
__BetaYes, added by ppa, clean install12:42
RevSpecies116\j @gnome12:42
RevSpecies116\j #gnome12:42
acicula other slash12:43
RevSpecies116Lovely :)12:43
RevSpecies116__Beta: try #gnome :)12:43
peri_Acicula - thanks for your help. Much appreciated. Final question. does the root partition fill up and should I purge it from time to time?12:45
aciculaperi_: /var/ can accumulate data like log files over time, and its also the location where downloaded packages are stored12:46
aciculaso it will increase some12:46
cloudyLightshi all, when I insert a usb disk I get the message: unable to mount12:48
peri_Ok. Thanks. Explains a lot. Thanks for your help acicula. Needless to say I learnt a lot tonight and thanks for your patience.12:48
cloudyLightsa window12:48
aciculaperi_: your welcome12:48
aciculacloudyLights: what kind of usb disk?12:49
cloudyLightsdisk on key12:49
aciculai dont understand, can you rephrase that or give me a brand/model?12:50
RevSpecies116cloudyLights: What are you unable to mount?12:51
cloudyLightsa usb memory stick12:52
RevSpecies116Ahh, a USB Flash stick :)12:52
Cube``RevSpecies116: lol :D12:52
RevSpecies116Has it worked in the past, cloudyLights? on a Windows OS?12:52
cloudyLightswhen I insert the usb flash stick I see this error window12:53
cloudyLightsI click ok12:53
RevSpecies116And has that USA stick worked ever since you got it out of the wrapper?12:53
RevSpecies116USA = USB :(12:53
progre55Hi guys. I'm installing nvidia-current drivers using apt, but there's nothing under /dev/nvidia*. Any suggestions, please?12:54
cloudyLightsI then do dmesg|tail and see it was identified as sdc112:54
RevSpecies116I ask that, cloudyLights, so that we don't have to format it and delete things off the stick if we don't need to12:54
aciculaprogre55: should there be?12:55
cloudyLightsI mount it as root12:55
RevSpecies116So it looks like you know a little Linux, cloudyLights - that is a good thing :)12:55
cloudyLightsafter manually mounting it , it works fine12:55
cloudyLightsI am using xfce4 and gvfs12:55
cloudyLightsis this a permition issue?12:56
RevSpecies116Ahhh, so, cloudyLights - just to confirm the stick is not automatically mounting?12:56
aciculaprogre55: also what nvidia card do you have, and is this a headless installation ?12:56
progre55acicula: I'm not sure, but I cant get python-pyopencl working. I get "clGetPlatformIDs failed: invalid/unknown error code"12:56
cloudyLightsusing ubuntu 11.0412:56
progre55acicula: gtx 27512:56
RevSpecies116Ubuntu 11.04 doesn't come with xfce though :(12:56
cloudyLightsI installed it12:57
aciculaprogre55: is X running?12:57
RevSpecies116What happens if you use Ubuntu proper?12:57
Cube``acicula: i think so12:57
progre55acicula: umm.. no x, as it's on a server =)12:57
sudokillcloudyLights, i think theres one called xubuntu12:58
progre55acicula: wanted to set it up for bitcoin mining12:58
aciculalsmod | grep nvidia does tht show anything?12:58
RevSpecies116OK, what happens cloudyLights is you load Ubuntu proper with no xfce?12:58
aciculaCube``: what?12:58
cloudyLightswinodws manager issues in gnome12:58
cloudyLightsmissning boards12:59
RevSpecies116If you choose 'Ubuntu Classic' at the login screen, for example? does the drive auto mount in Ubuntu proper12:59
progre55acicula: thats what I get from lsmod "nvidia              10220950  0"12:59
aciculaprogre55: i guess it is loaded12:59
RevSpecies116Missing boards, cloudyLights? Like no GNOME panels?12:59
RevSpecies116You may need to load Ubuntu Classic, cloudyLights12:59
cloudyLightsI use startxfce4 -- :1 from shell13:00
cloudyLightswhich works13:01
cloudyLightsits just that gvfs issue13:01
RevSpecies116If could be an xfce issue, cloudyLights - that may not be supportedf here, I don't know :(13:01
aciculaprogre55: not really sure why your opencl tool fails, but it seems you have the driver module loaded13:02
RevSpecies116OK, cloudyLights - just so I know... Has that USB disk been formatted so a windows machine can see it too [FAT, FAT32, NTFS]?13:02
progre55acicula: I probably need to export the LD_LIBRARY_PATH var13:02
RevSpecies116OK :) And just to confirm, cloudyLights, can a windows machine see it OK?13:02
RevSpecies116OK, and do you have an Ubuntu liveCD handy, cloudyLights?13:03
aciculaprogre55: are you running the script as root?13:03
progre55acicula: not really.. let me try running it as root..13:04
jvargashow can I get information about a package I am about to install from console?13:04
cloudyLightsbut min13:04
jvargasI'd like to see version number and description before perform 'install'13:04
cloudyLightsI will be back13:04
aciculajvargas: apt-cache show13:04
glontudoes anyone know if the ubuntu kernel will support multipath routes by default ?13:05
aciculajvargas: or apt-cache in general for querying metainformation13:05
jvargasacicula: thank you so much, will give it a try.13:05
RevSpecies116I apologise if it sounds like I am stepping through a script, cloudyLights - but I just don't want to give you wrong instructions13:05
aciculaglontu: multipath as in what protocol?13:05
stixHi guys. Can I apt-get downgrade my firefox to 3.6.x?13:05
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glontuusing ip route13:05
glontuinstead of adding just one default route in there13:05
rhin0stix can't you just uninstall it and install 3.6.x?13:06
wols_stix: you can try, but it's unsupported13:06
RevSpecies116But I would say my next step, cloudyLights, would be to load the computer with the LiveCD, and see if the USB disk mounts from there automatically13:06
glontuadd one with 2 gateways13:06
rhin0never heard  of a "downgrade" stix13:06
cloudyLights<RevSpecies116> ok13:06
cloudyLights<RevSpecies116> thnaks13:06
RevSpecies116And if it does, cloudyLights, the problem is with XFCE and not with your disk13:06
stixrhin0, well other package managers support downgrade13:06
cloudyLightsgot it13:06
sipiorglontu: you can add as many routes as you like. multiple default routes are possible, but slightly complicated to set up.13:07
aciculaglontu: that does not work13:07
RevSpecies116:) Best of luck, cloudyLights13:07
glontuacicula: why not?13:07
glontui am trying to follow this: http://lartc.org/howto/lartc.rpdb.multiple-links.html13:07
glontudown there where they say load balancing13:07
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glontuthat is the kind of multipath route i want to add13:08
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glontuno bgp or stuff like that13:08
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PythonSnakeHi all13:08
aciculaglontu: you are using two distinct ip addresses and balancing outbound connections between the two13:08
glontuacicula: yes13:09
aciculayou can do that just fine now?13:09
dwossjshi, i read somewhere that we can use procfs to connect to another host treating the connection as a file, any pointers on this?13:09
glontui can only ping my gateway13:09
RevSpecies116stix: You may be able to purge a repo where Firefox was, and uninstall Firefox X.XX and install firefox 3.XX13:09
glontubut can't go through my gateway13:09
antodanielhow to add xchat-irc in top right corner panel in ubuntu-11.04 ?13:09
progre55acicula: even using root I get "pyopencl.LogicError: clGetPlatformIDs failed: invalid/unknown error code"13:09
glontupinging google for example13:09
RevSpecies116stix: What Ubuntu are you running? What FF are you running? What repo did you get your FF from?13:10
aciculaprogre55: dunno then, try the nvidia cude/opencl sdk and compile the samples13:10
aciculaglontu: you cant just route, you will need to apply nat13:10
glontuacicula: i will deal with nat later13:10
progre55acicula: thanks man, appreciate13:10
PythonSnakeHow to install GNOME 3 ? I'm actually on Unity. Thanks13:10
glontufor now i can'tuse internet on the box itself13:10
stixRevSpecies116, I am running Ubuntu 11.04 and FF was auto-upgraded to 5 via the default repos13:10
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glontuthe box itself can't go through it's own gateway ( the isp )13:11
RevSpecies116PythonSnake: We can help as long as you realise if you gave GNOME3 issues, you will get no further supprt :(13:11
htmlinprogresshow do i stream over my network13:11
DMKitschi need help with user permissions actually13:11
RevSpecies116I am also sorry I just shouted13:12
RevSpecies116Silly Caps-Lock key13:12
DMKitschi have just installed vsftpd13:12
sipiorRevSpecies116: consider remapping it to Control; vastly more useful :-)13:12
DMKitschi made a group ftp-users13:12
RevSpecies116sipior: I may just have to do that :)13:13
DMKitschand an account "dave"13:13
DMKitschi mapped it to /home/website13:13
DMKitschbut i need to set write access to my folder13:13
aciculaglontu: eh remove all routes and just enable one interface with one default route and see if your internet works again?13:13
DMKitschdo you have any ideas?13:13
PythonSnakeDoes File Manager have less functions than Desktops environment ?13:14
RevSpecies116PythonSnake: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-GNOME-3-on-Ubuntu-11-04-194085.shtml13:14
aciculaDMKitsch: user dave will need write access to /home/website13:14
RevSpecies116Just remember PythonSnake That GNOME3 is not currently supported by Canonical or this room [yet]13:14
DMKitschany takers?13:15
RevSpecies116And once you go to GNOME 3, it is VERY HARD to return to default 11.04 without a re-install13:15
PythonSnakeRevSpecies116: Thanks a lot.13:15
htmlinprogressDMKitsch,  for what ?13:16
DMKitschthe question i posted above13:16
RevSpecies116I wish you well, PythonSnake - and report back your success :)13:16
DMKitschi need to give write permissions to a user13:16
htmlinprogressDMKitsch,  i didnt gtet to see it , i just got here13:17
PythonSnakeWhat is Gnome 3 Shell ?13:17
aciculaDMKitsch: make dave the owner of the website directoru13:17
aciculachown will do that13:17
aeon-ltdPythonSnake: the next gnome DE13:18
aciculaRevSpecies116: actually with ppa-purge its been remarkebly easy for me to switch back and forth13:19
RevSpecies116GNOME Shell is the GNOME Fountations version of Unity13:19
aciculaRevSpecies116: though you have to jump through some hoops here and there13:19
htmlinprogresshow do i stream a movie from my house   to  my moms house ?13:19
RevSpecies116acicula: You mean from GNOME 3 to default Ubuntu 11.0413:20
iceroothtmlinprogress: you can do it with vlc13:20
aciculaRevSpecies116: yes13:20
antodaniel_how to xchat in panel. It disappears when Minimised to tray13:20
DMKitschthere is too much is occuring on here, i guess it isn't supprising so i am off13:20
PythonSnakeIs GNOME 3 already installed on 11.04?13:20
antodaniel_how to add xchat in panel. It disappears when Minimised to tray13:20
DMKitschyou really should stop the joining and leaving thing13:20
RevSpecies116Have we got the purge commands handy acicula - just incase we have a few people wanting to rid themselves of GNOME3?13:20
ikoniaPythonSnake: gnome 3 is not supported by the ubuntu project13:21
RevSpecies116DMKitsch: If you use ChatZilla for FireFox, you don't get the joining and leaving things13:21
RevSpecies116I really want them, but Chatzilla removes them automattically13:21
aciculaRevSpecies116: sudo ppa-purge ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3/13:21
RevSpecies116Thanks acicula :)13:22
aeon-ltdPythonSnake: no13:22
htmlinprogressiceroot, i have tried for a very long while time (2-6 weeks) and tried others ways,,,,  im so stuck that i dont know what to do13:22
aciculaRevSpecies116: its a oneshot deal though, if you fail you have to readd the repo first to be able to purge it. It basically purges the gnome3 packages and pulls the old packages back in, so its not exactly bulletproof13:22
RevSpecies116I thought not, acicula - but all moot by 11.10 :)13:23
bobbydI seem to have stopped rsyslod from writing system logs. It's running, but I get no output. I think I misconfigured the rsyslog.conf file. How would I get the original file back (no I didn't back it up, sorry :( )13:23
htmlinprogressbobbyd,  hi13:23
RevSpecies116PythonSnake: - if you really want GNOME3, I believe it will be default in October with ubuntu13:23
bobbydcan I reconfigure the package and get it to overwrite the conf file?13:23
RevSpecies1164 months away, PythonSnake - I'm sure you have patience for then13:24
ikoniait will not contain gnome shell13:24
RevSpecies116Unity is Ubuntu's future13:24
RevSpecies116I love Unity13:24
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iceroothtmlinprogress: http://wiki.videolan.org/Streaming13:24
RevSpecies116Although my laptop may love Unity2D better ;)13:24
PythonSnakeRevSpecies116: Do you know a good professional Desktop Environment/ File Manager for programming Python ?13:25
ikoniaPythonSnake: desktop and file manager has nothing to do with programming python13:25
antrorsync only prints "sending incremental file list" but doesn't update the files ... How to solve this ??13:26
DMKitschhi again13:26
RevSpecies116I am sorry, PythonSnake I do not :( The only IDE for programming I know is Eclipse [for Android]13:26
DMKitschguys i only want one user being able to access my FTP accounts, i don't know how to change it!13:27
DMKitschany helpers13:27
DMKitschi got a security risk at the moment13:27
icerootDMKitsch: dont put other users in the ftp-group13:27
ikoniaDMKitsch: you'll need to set it to use virtual user, define a virtual users list with one users13:27
ikoniaDMKitsch: or use the "deny" list option13:27
bobbydok I fixed it, the conf file was corrupted13:27
RevSpecies116Is that OS side, or server side settings, DMKitsch13:27
DMKitschit seems to use all users in all groups13:28
DMKitschnot sure13:28
sipiorDMKitsch: if you really want only one user accessing this data, surely it's better to simply transfer it via scp/ssh/sshfs?13:28
DMKitschdeny list?13:28
DMKitschi got an anonymous user which i need to set up too13:29
DMKitschfor file transfer13:29
hnwy #linux11013:29
RevSpecies116anonymous upload or anonymous download?13:29
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RevSpecies116OK - so to confirm: Only 1 person can every upload, but anyone should be able to download, DMKitsch13:30
RevSpecies116every = ever13:31
DMKitschyes, revspecies11613:31
PythonSnakeRevSpecies116: http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/gnome-shell-vs-ubuntu-unity-which-desktop-wins/2291 -Take a look at the poll13:31
PythonSnakeGNOME 3 has 4x more votes13:31
RevSpecies116I'm not your man to help with that one, sorry, DMKitsch - but I am sure you can get some help with that one13:31
DMKitschthanks for the help13:32
RevSpecies116I've never done it myslef, but I may need some pointers for the furture, DMKitsch13:32
bazhang!cn | lhjlxa13:32
ubottulhjlxa: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk13:32
RevSpecies116!cn | lhjlxa13:32
antrorsync only prints "sending incremental file list" but doesn't update the files ... How to solve this ??13:33
RevSpecies116PythonSnake: Shuutleworth has the last say - polls mean 'nothing' here :( :) But I really do prefer Unity to GNOME Shell13:33
rhin0nobody appears to like unity13:34
PythonSnakeWhy ?13:34
RevSpecies116GNOME Shell has speed regressions too :)13:34
rhin0I had to get out when I couldn't even start a terminal13:34
PythonSnakeGNOME 3 is more responsive13:34
arucreiddid you have any problems with fans in notebooks, after installing ubuntu with unity?13:34
rhin0i'll say this : what I saw of unity it didn't even look finished -- scrappy graphically13:35
dr_Willisita w13:36
rhin0also -- the only problams I've seen with ubuntu -- gpu hangups have been caused by unity13:36
rhin0im close to ditching 11.0413:36
AkoustikosPeripahow tohow to change the buttons of the windows and put them in the right of the box. /13:36
AkoustikosPeripaubuntu 11.0413:36
dr_Willisits a work in progress.13:36
phuxrhin0 is right, they should have waited till october13:36
rhin0i'll probably sort it but don't need this ie: unity integration13:36
RevSpecies116PythonSnake: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_desktop_managers1&num=113:36
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".13:36
RevSpecies116GNOME3 and Mutter are categorically shown to be scientifically more 'slow' than Compiz/Unity :)13:37
PythonSnakeWill GNOME 3 causes me drivers problems or any kind of problems that I don't have on Unity ?13:38
dr_Willisgnome3 is also a work in progress. :)13:38
ikoniaPythonSnake: no13:38
RevSpecies116Unknown, PythonSnake - could be better, could be worse... I would say it depends on the kernal, not the OS13:38
dr_Willisdrivers are kernel/x related. not really unity specific13:38
RevSpecies116Hello htmlinprogress :) Can we help?13:39
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PythonSnakeRevSpecies116: By solving his problems if he has any :).13:40
RevSpecies116AkoustikosPeripa: how tohow to change the buttons of the windows and put them in the right of the box?    I would help, BUT YOU LEFT13:41
ubottuStarting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263313:41
ikoniaRevSpecies116: if he's left, there is no need to mention it13:41
RevSpecies116PythonSnake: Thats if he fills us in with his issue ;)13:41
ikoniaRevSpecies116: you don't have to pounce on everyone - not everyone needs help13:42
RevSpecies116ikonia: It is so sad when they hit and RUN :( he just dropped the question and RAN awy :(13:42
RevSpecies116Very sad :(13:42
PythonSnakeHow to remove Pidgin ?13:43
ikoniaPythonSnake: why do you want to remove it ?13:43
RevSpecies116at least 3 different ways, PythonSnake13:43
dr_Willisvia the package manager tools PythonSnake13:43
PythonSnakeBecause I already have Emphaty.13:43
RevSpecies116Apt-get/aptitude; Synaptic; Ubuntu software Center13:44
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116, yes :) im at my wits end ... RRRR    !!!       so i would like to  a video for my gf and stream it  from one comuputer to to a pc (ubuntu to windows and in in backwards )    through a lan and  through  the internet , like a vlc server13:44
dr_Willisbut why bother.13:44
ikoniaPythonSnake: remove it via the package manager then13:44
ikoniadr_Willis: quite13:44
PythonSnakeItems cannot be installed or remived until the package catalog is repaired. Do you want to repair it ? Help13:44
ikoniaPythonSnake: yes you want to repair it13:44
dr_Willissay yes....13:44
PythonSnakePidgin is still there13:45
ikoniaPythonSnake: now remove it13:45
DMKitschplease stop the log in and log outs13:45
dr_WillisDMKitsch:  huh?13:45
RevSpecies116htmlinprogress: That should be relatively easy :) Can both computers see each other over the net? Have both computers got VLC installed?13:45
DMKitschthere are more messages telling me somebody has logged in than comments13:45
rhin0synaptic package manager - search for pidgin - right click on it -- click 'completely remove' and then 'apply' pythonsnake13:46
RevSpecies116DMKitsch: Change IRC programmes13:46
dr_WillisDMKitsch:  hide parts anf joins on your client13:46
htmlinprogresslol  or you can kick them out lol  who ever they are  DMKitsch ,13:46
RevSpecies116Use Chatzilla, DMKitsch - I get NO login/out messages13:46
dr_Willisits not login13:46
ikoniait's web chat, he can't13:46
dr_Willis.. its joining..13:46
RevSpecies116Oh, webIRC :(13:46
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  i dont know , and yes13:46
=== Monotoko is now known as Guest38816
RevSpecies116OK, what I mean, htmlinprogress, is can you MSN/Pidgin/Chat with your GF over the internet?13:47
invlpg[1]how can i make pidgin appear on the top panel (skype is there but pidgin is not)13:49
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  i dont understand what you mean, and she dont have msn or pidigin13:49
PythonSnakerhin0: It won't let me apply.13:49
RevSpecies116what does she have where you chat together, htmlinprogress ?13:49
Lukosanthroposhtmlinprogress look in the little envelope icon13:49
antodanieladding xchat in panel issue got resolved13:50
RevSpecies116Ahhh :) FaceBook chat :)13:50
rhin0you click on apply after the box for the package pidgin is unclicked PythonSnake -- after you have right clicked on the line 'pidgin' and clicked on 'remove package completely'13:50
RevSpecies116Still no issues :) So, htmlinprogress - if the webcam/video/audio you want to stream on her computer, or yours?13:50
RevSpecies116If it is webcam - that is easy, and there are many programmes both windows and linux to help you13:51
htmlinprogressits on the to do list , :)  but later down the road, i just what to steam movies i own  at home to her pc13:52
RevSpecies116OK, you have the movies you want to stream, and she wants to watch them: OKies :)13:53
swim_hey, i have installed an ldxe interface to run on my ubuntu 10.10, for some reason when i log into it, it shows no network manager of any kind.  does anybody know what the deal is with this??????13:53
RevSpecies116Both of you need VLC - it works on Ununtu and Windows13:53
RevSpecies116Ununtu = Ubuntu13:54
PythonSnakerhin0: Thank you13:54
rhin0yw. PythonSnake13:54
satanic<--- command line specialist online now ladies and gentlemen. Questions will be answered on a first-come-first-served basis.13:54
htmlinprogressdo i need ubuntu on both computers ?13:54
RevSpecies116You, htmlinprogress, need to 'Stream' it, and your GF needs to 'Open Network Stream'13:54
StavaIs there any program that would let me view all fonts installed on the system with my own custom text?13:54
RevSpecies116Nope - if you have ubuntu, and she has Windows/Mac, it will still work13:54
qinhtmlinprogress: Is your buddy on same lan?13:55
DMKitsch_hi again13:55
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  can you make video  ?13:55
RevSpecies116Yep, you can make video, htmlinprogress13:55
RevSpecies116But the key part is that YOU have to 'stream' it and she has to 'Open Network Stream' it, in VLC13:56
Abhijitstamina, fontmatrix13:57
AbhijitStava, fontmatrix13:57
DMKitsch_how do i turn log-off's in quassel IRC13:57
htmlinprogressqin, yes , and later  i want to save money  so i want to  make my own "nextflex" type thing  for my house and when im on the go with my evo 4g13:57
RevSpecies116Unknown to me, DMKitsch_13:57
DMKitsch_how do i select peoples name like that?13:58
RevSpecies116start typing their name, and then press TAB13:58
RevSpecies116It should autofill the name in :)13:58
qinDMKitsch_: dmk<TAB>13:58
invlpg[1]how can i see all the current programs running on my ubuntu without needing to wait for the panel on the right to show up?13:58
bazhangDMKitsch_, ask in #quassel13:58
DMKitsch_qin: ..13:58
DMKitsch_ask qin13:59
qininvlpg[1]: In terminal, or console: ps aux, or top, or htop13:59
rhin0invlpg[1]: I always just type "ps -ef" in a terminal to see the last processes run -- "top" to see the processes using the most cpu14:00
qinDMKitsch_: Ask me.14:00
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,   can you please make a  how to video,  ,,, i how you can make  a good one , i have tried wating like 5 to 20 videos and its a no go ,14:00
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  i have watched *14:00
DMKitsch_Ask qin14:00
arnaud__chocolate rain14:00
invlpg[1]qin, i didn't mean that actually - i meant, like gnome (right now im on unity), where you could see a task list of running programs on the panel14:00
gener1ci just updated to a new kern and i was looking in the /boot/grub/ for menu.lst and its not there O.O14:01
DMKitsch_oh well14:01
qininvlpg[1]: I am Unity noob, and it will stay that way.14:01
Abhijit!grub2 | gener1c new grub has new files to edit14:01
ubottugener1c new grub has new files to edit: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:01
qin!grub2 | gener1c14:02
ubottugener1c: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)14:02
invlpg[1]qin, why? :)14:02
rhin0are there logs available for this channel?14:02
qinAbhijit: ups14:02
RevSpecies116htmlinprogress: I am not a graphics designer/video editor, but if you just have an .avi file to stream [for simplicity] that can be acheieved14:02
bazhang!1984 | rhin014:02
ubotturhin0: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/14:02
RevSpecies116But I cannot 'make' you a video ;)14:02
rhin0ty bazhang14:03
qininvlpg[1]: LTS versions only, too many machines to bother.14:03
icerootbazhang: very nice trigger :)14:03
bazhangiceroot, heh yeah14:03
icerootbazhang: and a great book (sorry for ot)14:03
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.14:03
Abhijitqin, yes?14:03
bazhangtrue again14:03
invlpg[1]qin, aha. ok14:03
zikalifyis there a way you can buy just one ubuntu cd with actual cover and printed cd?14:03
RevSpecies116yes, zikalify14:03
rhin0zikalify I think that ubuntu will send you those for free14:04
dr_Willisshipit is gone14:04
qinAbhijit: Disregard, same ! to ubottu14:04
RevSpecies116rhin0: That shipit service finished with 9.1014:04
Abhijithe is askng to 'buye'14:04
dr_Willisubuntu store perhaps14:04
RevSpecies116rhin0: That shipit service finished with 9.10But you can buy it from the ubuntu store14:04
R0d4HolyCan «root» open the home directory of a user, if the user is cifred?14:04
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  then keep it a raw footage , its fine with me ,, i just want to study  it so i know how to do it right14:04
zikalifyubuntu store only do them in packs of 5 and above :(14:04
icerootR0d4Holy: root can open everything14:04
icerootR0d4Holy: expect encrypted drives14:05
RevSpecies116zikalify: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=1714:05
Abhijitzikalify, there are other websites too which sells linux cds14:05
dr_Williszikalify:  try cheapbytes.com14:05
rhin0they're very smooth -- ubuntu gift disks14:05
R0d4HolyThere is a way for desencrypt encrypted homes directories If I have the password and the password for crypt?14:06
RevSpecies116htmlinprogress: is that in AVI/WMV/FLV/something else format?14:06
htmlinprogressavi format14:06
RevSpecies116OKies - then doable, htmlinprogress14:06
htmlinprogresscan i do iso s ?14:06
RevSpecies116You have to install and open VLC in 'stream' mode14:07
dr_Willisavi is a cotainer. the codec is the imporntant bit14:07
R0d4Holyiceroot, There is a way for desencrypt encrypted homes directories If I have the password and the password for crypt?14:07
RevSpecies116And the other party has to open VLC [for mac/windows] in 'Open Network Stream'14:07
icerootR0d4Holy: you only need the password for the crypt14:07
dr_Willisvlc can play isos14:07
icerootR0d4Holy: because of that, never give your password away14:07
bluewulfrealistic dreams are too realistic14:07
R0d4Holyiceroot: I wanna do it from another user and use the terminal.14:07
bluewulfand horribly timed.14:08
unclemantis_homeI am getting this error when running a cronjob. /usr/bin/env: ruby: Not a directory14:08
icerootR0d4Holy: no problem if you have the crypt-password14:08
unclemantis_homelittle help here, thanks14:08
R0d4HolyI have it.14:08
icerootunclemantis_home: use the absolut path for ruby (which ruby tells you the path) or set the PATH-Variable in cron14:08
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  stream mode ?14:08
R0d4Holyiceroot: I have them, how can I do it?14:09
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htmlinprogressdr_Willis,  ok  thanks14:10
RevSpecies116http://www.videolan.org/doc/streaming-howto/en/ch02.html <-- htmlinprogress About half way down the page :)14:11
midnightmanhi everyone!!14:11
htmlinprogressRevSpecies116,  been there14:12
icerootR0d4Holy: ecryptfs-mount-private14:12
dr_Willisvlc has some amazing features and trcks it can do14:12
midnightmannewbie to linux, let alone ubuntu here! nice to see you all! :)14:12
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icerootR0d4Holy: this should do the job, its an interactive program for mounting crypted homes14:12
midnightmanoh ok, thought i wasn't registered or something and nobody can see my message14:14
htmlinprogressdr_Willis,  then why cantn i do not one ?14:14
PythonSnakeI can't join any IRC channel with Emphaty. Feel free to help me.14:14
RevSpecies116Bummer, htmlinprogress If those instructions don't work I'm out of ideas :(14:14
Serafjkeecan somebody help me?14:15
=== hi_im_jack_im_fr is now known as jack^_
R0d4HolyHow to use sudo in a non-admin user? (I have another user with admin privileegs, I want to use it)14:15
dwarderhello, i need to update my from 1.6.6 to 1.6.12, am i need to compile it?14:15
dr_Willisplay with it htmlinprogress  it has worked for me in the past14:15
dwardermy SVN14:15
mysticsoulPythonSnake: How are you trying to connect using Empathy? I'm on IRC at the moment using EMpathy.14:15
icerootR0d4Holy: not possible to use sudo with a user when he is not in the admin-group14:16
PythonSnakeNevermind, I resolved it.14:16
Serafjkeei need driver for my tp-link wn722n wi-fi adapter14:16
Serafjkeehow can i get it?14:16
R0d4Holyok, thanks iceroot, I have finished this.14:16
icerootR0d4Holy: was it working?14:16
midnightmani was told to come here for help, I am a very newbie to linux could anyone point me to where I could get basic help? as in basic for begginer help kinda for dummies? help would be appreciated thanks14:16
R0d4HolyI am triying to fix my pc.14:16
icerootmidnightman: just ask your question here14:17
no_facemidnightman, we are all here to help14:17
htmlinprogressdr_ i have been at this for 2-4 months , im get a bit tried of being in the dark , and the really good help of ho-to videos are in a differnt language14:17
icerootR0d4Holy: what went wrong?14:17
ashugeekHi PythonSnake14:17
llutz!manual | midnightman reading this might help for the 1st steps14:17
ubottumidnightman reading this might help for the 1st steps: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/14:17
bazhang!wiki > midnightman14:17
ubottumidnightman, please see my private message14:17
midnightmanok i saw the PM14:17
RevSpecies116htmlinprogress: 'how to stream using VLC' google stearcb, then click videos14:18
Serafjkeecan you help me?14:18
RevSpecies116I think the first top 5 will help you14:18
R0d4HolyI only ahve the problem in one user, when I enter appear this message: error of GCOnf: fail to contact with the server of configurations (...) maybe it will be a DBUS demon bad configurate (...)14:18
mysticsoulR0d4Holy: you can try sudo login and then login as that user.14:18
midnightmanthanks for it will start reading, and then already clickd on the link thanks to llutz and ubottu14:18
biamihow do I access blocked websites using proxy on Ubuntu... on Windows, I used Ultrasurf.14:18
no_facehave fun midnightman14:18
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
theholyghostSerafjkee: with what?14:19
dr_Willishtmlinprogress:  all i csn suggest is to goole for a video tutorial of how to do it. you are proberly overlookubg somthing trivial14:19
midnightmanthanks no_face14:19
RevSpecies116biami: No supprt for that here - where do you live?14:19
Serafjkeei need drivers for my tp-link wn722n wi-fi adapter somebody know where i can get them?14:19
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:19
PythonSnakeHi ashugeek.14:19
midnightmanI was looking for a something that would get me going on the terminal, kinda like how the whole command thing goes, do i have to have a basic understanding about programming to do this?14:20
htmlinprogresson the destation part what do i put ?14:20
biamiindia... but my college banned facebook on campus wifi... i can change http to https and still access it... but that doesn't seem to work in youtube... the videos are retrieved using http it seems14:20
TrevIncmidnightman: it helps14:20
dr_Willismidnightman:  dozens of bash guides online14:20
TrevIncbiami: proxying is your best bet for that, then14:20
R0d4HolyOthe cuestion: I need to change nautilus options of an admin (I can enter in another admin account, but no in that admin) for make that that admin can see hidden files. Ideas?14:20
PythonSnakeWill my applications close if I switch to terminal 1 ?14:20
qinPythonSnake: No.14:20
biamiTrevInc, how do i use proxy??14:21
no_facemidnightman, bash is easy to learn... http://linux.die.net/man/1/bash14:21
RevSpecies116We will NOT help you get around a campus ban of facebook - wait till you get home :)14:21
rhin0midnightman -- there are commands which are relatively easy -- each command you type 'man (commandname)' to get a manual page on it ... no programming experience needed -- then there are shell scripts which link commands together much like your windows batch files *some* programming experience to do that14:21
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak14:21
SerafjkeeUbuntu doesn't see this adapter14:21
Picimidnightman: Theres also #bash if you need shell help.14:21
R0d4Holyiceroot, any idea? «Othee question: I need to change nautilus options of an admin (I can enter in another admin account, but no in that admin) for make that that admin can see hidden files. Ideas?»14:21
leagrisbiami, proxy settings are in gnome-network-properties from preference menu14:21
PiciR0d4Holy: Everyone can see hidden files.14:22
PiciR0d4Holy: In Nautilus all you need to do is press ctrl+h, or select it from the view menu.14:22
TrevIncbiami: Tor is probably your best bet. Google will help you there. Also this information is for educational purposes only and you agree that I will not be held liable for the consequences of actions involving the implementation of this information, to include violation of your school's honor code.14:22
midnightmanwill do reading now, thank you for those who helped me, be back in a bit though for more questions :)14:22
theholyghostbiami: what about vpn, have you tried using one?14:22
TrevIncThank you for flying TrevAir.14:22
koichiroseHello, I'm having trouble starting mysql-server on my ubuntu 11.04. I'm willing to give sudo access to my server to solve it... some info: http://pastie.org/212897514:22
dr_WillisR0d4Holy:  the other admin cant use the  "show hiddes"menu in the filemanager?14:22
R0d4Holythere is a shotcut? thanks! a lot!14:23
rhin0koichirose you'll probably find there is a startup shell script for your sql server in the directory /etc/init.d14:23
=== unclemantis_home is now known as unclemantis
dr_WillisR0d4Holy:  err yes14:23
DrDamnitI ran apt-get upgrade, and accidentally closed the window. Is there a way to reconnect to it, or do I have to kill the process and start over?14:23
dr_Willisctrl          h    show hinnen i think14:23
rhin0koichirose which runs with ./startupscriptname start (or stop)14:23
koichiroserhin0, yes, the output is the same as "service mysql status"14:23
theholyghostbiami: you can even use google translate as a proxy, google anonymous surfing14:23
biamiTrevInc, thanks... i don't think it matters to college much... everyone uses ultrasurf on windows... not a big deal... i was looking for something to run in ubuntu14:23
biamitheholyghost, will check out14:24
biamithanks guys14:24
compdocDrDamnit, you may need to kill it14:24
theholyghostbiami: but a vpn is going to faster and no need to worry about what a proxy allows and can't handle14:24
TrevIncI support freedom of information, in every form.14:24
koichiroserhin0, ?14:25
rhin0yes koichirose14:25
biamitheholyghost, will installing openVPN help?14:25
koichiroserhin0, http://pastie.org/212897514:25
theholyghostbiami: idk, but you want to connect to a vpn server as a client14:26
deploymentHow can I see what hard drive's are attached from terminla?14:26
rhin0maybe 'sudo service mysql start' koichirose14:26
deploymentfrom live CD...14:26
rhin0looks like your sql isn't booting anyway koichirose14:27
biamitheholyghost, i don't understand what you mean14:27
dr_Willisdeployment:  sudo fdisk -l14:27
biamii am not a networking guy14:27
koichiroserhin0, it is already running (see grep) : http://pastie.org/212897514:27
rhin0maybe try it again with sudo in front of it koichirose -- maybe it doens't have access to the file14:27
koichiroserhin0, I did. see the updated pastie14:27
theholyghostbiami: i'm saying you don't want to run a vpn server for others to connect to you, you want to connect to other machines and use them as your tube to the internet14:28
rhin0well its up and running already koichirose didn't need starting -- maybe stop and start it to be sure14:28
deploymentdr_willis: will this show unformatted disks as well14:28
biamitheholyghost, ya... but where would i get vpn servers if i want to access it as client???14:28
koichiroserhin0, I tried many times. It has to be something else14:28
theholyghostbiami: google free vpn14:29
dr_Willisdeployment:  yes.. you partition disks.. format filesystems on partitions14:29
theholyghostbiami: and look for one that does not require you to download software14:29
rhin0you can't get your sql shell when you type 'mysql' sql (or whatever?)  -- but it says its running koichirose14:29
lewis1711when I log into a particular account, the scroll lock button lights up, and keyboard input is different - ie pressing 'p' gives me 8. what settings control this?14:29
koichiroserhin0, exactly. weird right?14:29
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rhin0yep -- I would rightaway -- reboot the machine -- then see if its turned off start it again (etc)14:30
rhin0if its not in the startup koichirose14:30
koichiroserhin0, it's something with the socket, mysql is up and running..14:30
rhin0well thats your comms -- unrelated to sql  koichirose14:31
rhin0sockets = communication -- you have sockets doing something through whatever to sql right? koichirose14:31
odigemу кого 11.04?14:31
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bazhang!ru | odigem14:32
ubottuodigem: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:32
koichiroserhin0, I don't think so. It's a freshly installed ubuntu 11.04. The only thing I did was "apt-get install mysql-server"14:32
Picikoichirose: I've seen this bug before, looking for a solution right now, although my browser has decided to take a nap, just a moment.14:33
rhin0have you followed the howto (setting up an sql server) koichirose -- may not be as simple as just installing the package mysql-server14:33
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:34
koichiroserhin0, I did. I had no trouble doing the same thing on ubuntu 8.04. I even tried reinstalling the OS and using 'tasksel' to install LAMP server14:34
koichirosePici, thanks14:34
unclemantisI just put this line in my bash shell script file PATH=/home/unclemantis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin14:34
rhin0you'll have to talk to someone with experience of mysql server koichirose14:34
Picikoichirose: Is the exact error: "No such file or directory - /tmp/mysql.sock"14:34
unclemantisand now i am getting the following errors actions.sh: line 17: dirname: command not found14:35
unclemantistions.sh: line 17: readlink: command not found14:35
unclemantisany help would be awesome14:35
rhin0test to see if the commands 'dirname' and 'readlink' actually do exist (within a terminal session) unclemantis14:36
Piciunclemantis: You normally don't want to set your path to anything, but rather append to your current path.14:36
rhin0by typing 'dirname', 'readlink'14:36
unclemantisya they do. I am running this script from a cron14:36
koichirosePici, no. Please see here: http://pastie.org/212897514:36
unclemantispici how do i APPEND?14:36
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm14:36
Piciunclemantis: so, change that line to PATH="/home/unclemantis/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/bin:$PATH"14:36
jihelbonjour est ce un salon francophone ?14:36
Pici!fr | jihel14:37
ubottujihel: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:37
theholyghostubottu: domo arigato, mister ubottu14:37
ubottutheholyghost: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:37
unclemantisok let's try that14:37
unclemantisok well that took care of one thing. now i have to deal with something else!14:38
* unclemantis kicks cron in the nuts14:38
=== MrSmurf is now known as xSmurf
adamski35hello ewerybody14:40
Cognition33Hi everyone. After an upgrade of my GRUB on ubuntu server 10.10, I lost the ability to boot.14:40
Cognition33After much of googling, I learned the problem is with respect to GPT partitions using GRUB214:41
=== albert is now known as Guest77389
Cognition33I am simply stuck in trying to reinstall GRUB, any ideas?14:41
arucreidCognition33 do you check what you have in grub.cfo?14:41
adamski35uncle google14:41
Cognition33arucreid, I believe the installer rewritten it14:42
adamski35and grub.cfg14:42
theholyghostadamski35: uncle fester ;)14:42
phuxCognition33: http://www.supergrubdisk.org14:42
Cognition33A normal grub-install /dev/sda won't cut it14:42
bibliothequehi, i can t get nvidia drivers work...14:42
Cognition33phux tried that already, no go14:42
phuxoh ok14:42
PythonSnakeBonjour bibliotheque14:42
Picikoichirose: Do you have data in this database that you need to keep?14:42
bibliothequehi PythonSnake14:43
Cognition33rescue CD shows all partitions intact14:43
koichirosePici, no, it's a fresh install14:43
Cognition33however, grub-install /dev/sda doesn't do anything.14:43
Cognition33I'm pretty sure it's because my drives are GPT based14:44
Cognition33but I have no idea where to go from here.14:44
=== Guest77389 is now known as baruchel
AI__Cognition33: http://www.wensley.org.uk/gpt14:44
bibliothequeI can t use xbmc neither Desktop Effects cause it says14:44
Picikoichirose: Okay, lets try this then: sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.1 && sudo rm /var/lib/mysql && sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.114:44
bibliothequePythonSnake: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver.  Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.14:44
PythonSnakeWill my applications close if I go to Terminal ?14:45
chiiiiizis it possible to modify the association file/program in command line?14:45
Cognition33AI__ I tried that, I used parted /dev/sda set 1 bios_grub on and then reinstalled grub14:45
Cognition33no go14:45
koichirosePici, rm: cannot remove `/var/lib/mysql': Is a directory - should I do rm -rf and add a / ?14:45
bibliothequei actually ran nviia-xconfig, as root, and the appropriate xorg.conf file has been genereated, with "nvidia" as a driver,.. but it still appears not to be using this one...14:45
Picikoichirose: yes, please. sorry.14:45
unclemantisLittle help here. I am getting the errors that i mention in update_transactions.log. Thank you https://gist.github.com/da813d9464fc0d72e36f14:45
Cognition33I told you guys I did an insane amount of googling14:45
chiiiiizthe protocole "file://xxx" is open with my web browser instead of Thunar14:45
theholyghostpythonirc101: mine dont14:46
rostayobI have a laptop with a ubuntu 10.04 installed, I have added this ppa https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable but when I try to apt-get update it says "https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable"14:46
AI__Cognition33: did u try a grub-install --recheck?14:46
rostayobif I try to wget the file manually it succedes14:46
Cognition33AI__, no trying ...14:46
Picirostayob: Your message got cut off. What does it say?  Please use a pastebin if it is more than one line.14:46
koichirosePici, http://pastie.org/212897514:46
AI__Cognition33: u have GPT support in kernel?14:47
PythonSnakeWhy am I automatically disconnected when I use Emphaty ?14:47
Picikoichirose: Can you gain interactive access to mysql now?14:47
bibliotheque    Driver         "nvidia"   is in /etx/X11/xorg-conf, but i still get the message "you do not appear to be using the nvidia dirver".... Anyone?14:47
PiciPythonSnake: Empathy has poor IRC support.14:47
AI__Cognition33: CONFIG_EFI_PARTITION must be set to y14:47
Cognition33AI__, absolutely, I installed and it worked fine for months14:47
koichirosePici, no, same exact error14:48
AI__Cognition33: okay14:48
PythonSnakePici: Better go to Pidgin ?14:48
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Cognition33AI__, it's that god damn APT upgrade that wiped out the bootloader14:48
koichirosesudo service mysql status -> mysql start/running14:48
PiciPythonSnake: Pidgin has slightly better IRC support.  Using a dedicated IRC client is suggested.14:48
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rostayobPici: just a sec14:48
Cognition33ok, no go for grub-install --recheck14:49
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Cognition33Maybe I should clarify stuff14:49
AI__Cognition33: --recheck /dev/sdX14:49
AI__Cognition33: after that update-grub14:49
rostayobPici: http://pastebin.com/sA2T8tky14:49
padhuPidgin works fine than empathy14:49
Cognition33I have 4 hard drives, 2 raid-1 housing / (including root)14:50
AI__Cognition33: you need the chroot-method for the recheck14:50
Cognition33AI__, chroot to what? root?14:50
AI__Cognition33: chroot to recheck you grub config and also renew the grub.cfg14:51
Cognition33AI__, I'm sorry I'm not following, chroot to what exactly?14:51
Cognition33AI__, the root directory, boot, or what?14:51
AI__Cognition33: u probably need a live-cd, then ´sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash´, ´grub-install /dev/sdX´, ´grub-install --recheck /dev/sdX´, ´grub-update´14:53
Cognition33AI__, I already have the ubuntu installer CD, I've been able to chroot to my root (which is /dev/md1 RAID 1)14:54
Cognition33/dev/md1 is sitting on top of sda2 and sdb214:54
bibliothequeok i am stupid. my card is an ATI. What should i install then in order to get the accelerated work?14:54
Cognition33AI__, do I need to then grub-install --recheck /dev/md1 && grub-update?14:54
Picikoichirose: I'm finding so many people having this same issue, but all with different solutions.14:56
koichirosePici, I have been googling for two days...what's the most recent ubuntu without this upstart thing?14:56
AI__Cognition33: just try it ^^ do u get an error-message from grub-install?14:56
bibliothequei am installing the fglrx drivers.14:56
Picikoichirose: Ranging from for some reason /etc/mysql/my.cnf is missing, to being out of disk space, to /etc/init/mysql.conf missing a space.14:57
Picikoichirose: 8.04 iirc.14:57
bibliothequeguys, will the xorg.conf be generated automagically or do I have to execute some aticonfig script?14:57
Picikoichirose: Althoug 10.04 had less upstartisms14:57
koichirosePici, :( too old, I need php 5.3... my mysql.conf is not missing a space (just checked), I have plenty of space, my.cnf is where it should be...14:57
Picikoichirose: You could try asking in #mysql and/or #ubuntu-server as well.14:59
koichiroseI will, thanks14:59
Picikoichirose: Sorry I couldn't be of more help.15:00
dohomihello again, im still having the same problem with skype...its showing that im online but for everyone im off and if i try to send messages it says: not delivered yet15:00
koichirosePici, no problem :) thank you15:00
TrevInchave you checked the skype server heartbeat15:00
dohomiwhats that?15:00
Cognition33AI__, same error, unable to identify file system in hd0,gpt1; safety check can't be performed15:01
dohomiis it possible that skype crashing because of port problems? im running apache2 with mysql15:02
AI__Cognition33: ask the official ubuntu-forum15:02
Guest38816dohomi, I think skype only uses port 80 for actual calls...not messages15:03
Guest38816although you can try to switch off apache to check: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop"15:03
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dohomii even didnt try to call, im struggling with sending15:03
mjrelvisnewtondohomi have you enabled logging for the skype application?15:04
Monotokoas I said...try to switch off apache for a sec15:04
Cognition33AI__, is it possible to at least direct me to "where" exactly to install the boot loader? do I install it under the first partition (boot_grub) of each hard drive? and does GPT have anything to do with that?15:04
ExterminansHow can i create a second pulseaudio device? I need to be able, to use digital and analog output of my laptops soundcard simultaniously. I can use them independent if i access the alsa subdevices, but the default pulseaudio configuration forces me to choose one of the subdevices15:04
SirShmoopyhey im having a problem i was wondering what happened15:04
dohomiill try apache15:04
stefan_Can anyone help me? My Skype does not transfer the video signal from my webcam in my HP 625. I installed webcam and cheese and cheese works fine. In Skype I can transfer my Desktop. But the Webcam signal is only white.15:04
dohomino the apache doesnt effect15:05
Monotokostefan_, lots of skype questions today hehe...have you tried to change the settings?15:05
dohomimjrelvisnewton: what do you mean, where can i enable loggin?15:06
SirShmoopyeverything was working fine last night, today i boot up and apt upgraded, it updated evice and two other things? now my processors are fluctuating between 10-30 and 30-100% respe3ctively15:06
SirShmoopyand everything is laggy15:06
stefan_well, no, i use normal DSL connection in Germany. No Proxys or whatever.15:06
stefan_@Monotoko, Sorry15:06
Monotokostefan_, I meant the skype settings...you need to tell it to use your webcam15:06
Monotokothe lil skype logo in the bottom left, click that then click "options"15:07
stefan_Ah, OK, I will give it a try :D15:07
mjrelvisnewtondohomi try to enable logging for Skype, try to send messages, then check the logs15:07
mjrelvisnewtondohomi: sorry, try here: developer.skype.com/SkypeGarage/LogFile15:08
SirShmoopyive also been receiving packets over time and sent 1MB at one point15:08
dohomithx ill check that15:08
AI__Cognition33: install the bootloader for each hd in the grub-console (sudo grub). ´device (hd0) /dev/sda´ ´root (hd0,0)´ ´setup (hd0)´´device (hd0) /dev/sdb´ and so on15:09
stefan_@Monotoko: Thanks, maybe the Video receiving test PC did not accept my Webcam. Skype can grab its signal. Thanks alot.15:09
AI__Cognition33: dont rly know if it has anything to do with gpt15:10
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Monotokostefan_, you called the "Echo/Sound Testing Service"?15:10
saburoIs intel HD Graphics a good Graphic card?15:10
Monotokostefan_, it's just a sound tester, not video ;)15:10
SirShmoopylooking at system monitor the only thing that is using cpu is gnome-system-monitor, and occasionally 2% for xchat15:10
AI__Cognition33: after that just fix ur menu.lst15:11
Guest15433posso fare  una  domanda?15:11
vltHello. What do I need to do to make evolution re-read the file I saved my email signature in?15:11
bazhang!it | Guest1543315:11
ubottuGuest15433: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:11
Guest15433sapete  se  su  ububntu  si  puo  instalare15:11
Guest15433il pauwerscrip?15:12
BluesKaj!it | Guest1543315:13
ubottuGuest15433: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)15:13
DragonUbuntuhey all15:14
SirShmoopycan anyone at least help me figure out wh my proccesor?15:15
dohomimjrelvisnewton: i got now the log file15:15
dohomihow can i open it?15:15
bazhangSirShmoopy, what does top in the terminal show15:15
DragonUbuntui keep getting this error when trying to run update manager or package manager15:16
DragonUbuntuanyone know what could be causing that?15:16
mjrelvisnewtondohomi: you should be able to use a text editor?15:16
blackbeardhow to change the default user name "root" in ubuntu15:16
SirShmoopyokay there is something i havent seen before. korker/1:015:16
deemblackbeard: you can't change the name of the root user. root is always there. you cant change / :D15:17
bazhangDragonUbuntu, had that same error myself; some of the entries there are in .html for some reason15:17
bazhang!pl | ania15:17
ubottuania: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:17
mads-Hi. How would I make a copy of a file but with a certain string replaced by another?15:17
dohomimjrelvisnewton:  no, the log file has no charset15:18
sipioractually, as long as the uid is 0, i believe the account can be called whatever you like. interesting experiment; wouldn't try it on a system i cared about :-)15:18
DragonUbuntubazhang, how did you fix it? i am competely unable to get any updates right now :(15:18
SirShmoopyand now kworker/1:115:18
epzil0nlol, hej means hi in swedish too, stupid bot :D15:18
bazhangDragonUbuntu, I deleted them (there were a ton) then continued with apt-get update and apt-get upgrade15:18
deemblackbeard: im blocking dcc per default. and i don't want talking to you in a query. talk here15:19
bazhangepzil0n, not with a .pl address15:19
mjrelvisnewtonoops sorry dohomi: Both log files will appear as gibberish to everyone outside of Skype. Log files do not contain any private data about Skype usage, like users instant messages etc.15:19
epzil0nbazhang: huh?15:19
phuxignore -channels #ubuntu,#vim,#archlinux * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS15:19
epzil0nahh u mean the host..15:19
bazhangepzil0n, the person saying hej had a polish (.pl) address15:19
epzil0nbazhang: mm15:20
dohomiwhat does it mean ?15:20
blackbearddeem:no probz dude i'm new to here..thz ma first time.15:20
RA_drchello, i am on ubuntu 11.  how can i search the contents of a file?15:21
webg33kI have a turnkey configured VM, and I'm trying to setup postfix to just relay mail...only problem is that I cannot even telnet into port 25 to test it out...I have opened TCP/25 in the firewall, but it's still denying the connection...anyone have recommendations as to how I can further troubleshoot this?15:21
ravenany tool to manage sms with huaway mobile device?15:21
AbhijitRA_drc, man find15:21
vltHello. Is there a place wher I can ask for help on Ubuntu's email application "evolution"?15:21
Abhijitraven, wammu15:21
bazhangvlt here15:21
kkulhavyI have Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS, scanner works only under root, followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingScannerPermissions and it still doesn't work.15:21
RA_drcAbhijit: duh.  i mean, is there a GUI equivalent that comes with ubuntu?15:21
DragonUbuntubazhang, ah ok i did a sudo apt-get update / upgrade and its working ok now. thanks :)15:21
vltWhat do I need to do to make evolution re-read the file I saved my email signature in?15:22
blackbearddeem:first time here, want to learn linux adminstration,hoped that u might help15:22
AbhijitRA_drc, no idea15:22
sipiorwebg33k: what's the exact error message you receive?15:22
obserhi.  i'm root and i'm trying to su aUser, but i'm getting /bin/bash permission denied..  why?15:23
kkulhavyI have Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS, scanner works only under root, followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingScannerPermissions and it still doesn't work under normal user. Can u please help to make it work?15:23
webg33ksipior - could not open connection to the host, on port 25:  Connect failed15:23
deemblackbeard: if you're asking a question, maybe somebody in here would help15:23
vltobser: Maybe that particular user has no access to /bin/bash15:23
sipiorwebg33k: the target host is on the local network?15:23
bazhangkkulhavy, no need to repeat so quickly15:23
observlt, how can i validate that?15:23
vltobser: Look at the file permissions of /bin/bash15:24
obseri did.. it's normal15:24
obser-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root15:24
vltobser: And /bin itself?15:24
RA_drcAbhijit: seriously?  ubuntu 10 had a gui application built-in.  you're telling me that ubuntu 11 just decided to remove a useful function from one of its gui apps?15:24
observlt, drwxr-xr-x 2 root root15:25
AbhijitRA_drc, i said "no idea" that means i am not aware of any such application. i did not told there is no such application. :-)15:25
vltobser: hmmmm ...15:25
webg33ksipior - any suggestions?15:26
sipiorwebg33k: i asked if the target host was on the local network; you didn't respond.15:26
sipiorwebg33k: so, is it?15:27
Faustus2i've changed the desktop folder in: ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, and this works, but some application or service is also recreating the ~/Desktop folder. Any idea how to stop this?15:27
mez2261Faustus2: maybe check if ~/Desktop is set as download location in firefox15:29
phuxFaustus2: ln -s newlocation ~/Desktop15:29
Faustus2i want an empthy ~ :)15:29
Faustus2mez2261: ill check if OPERA is ;)15:29
observlt, any idea?15:30
blackbeardwhich is the best bluetooth adapter compatimble with backtrack?15:30
bazhang#backtrack-linux blackbeard15:31
phuxFaustus2: why do you want to empty your home-dir15:31
bazhang!backtrack | blackbeard15:31
ubottublackbeard: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition15:31
Faustus2phux: its a preference, i just like a clean workspace15:32
webg33ksipior - I'm sorry, i missed that.  Yes, the test system & linux system are both within the same VLAN15:32
phuxFaustus2: clean != empty :)15:33
sipiorwebg33k: do other connections proceed normally to the test system?15:33
sipiorwebg33k: (ssh, http, etc.)15:33
phuximo the default structure of a fresh ubuntu install is pretty clean, just a ~/Projects is missing15:34
webg33khttp & ssh work15:34
sipiorwebg33k: can you connect to postfix from the test system itself?15:34
hchangjoin #litl goyankees15:34
kkulhavyI have Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS, scanner works only under root, followed https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingScannerPermissions and it still doesn't work under normal user. Can u please help me to make it work?15:35
ZonettiIs there a way to make an installable ISO from my linux, so that I can install later and keep the same configuration I have now?15:36
RA_drcAbhijit: so how would you recommend i use find to search the contents of files?15:36
Michiellll-laptowhy didnt the install ask me to set a pass for root?15:36
Pici!root | Michiellll-lapto15:36
bazhang!sudo | Michiellll-lapto15:36
ubottuMichiellll-lapto: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:36
ubottuMichiellll-lapto: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:36
webg33ksipior - how would I attempt that?  I only have SSH access to the box, as well as a web interface care of turnkey15:37
kkulhavy Zonetti I can't imagine a way, the only way I can imagine is to copy /etc and maybe some other dirs on a CD-ROM15:37
sipiorwebg33k: can you install telnet temporarily on the test machine?15:37
KuzadI'm on 10.10, and I've enabled my wifi drivers, yet it seems that only auto eth0 works.15:37
Zonettikkulhavy, hm.. =/15:37
sipiorwebg33k: or hell, just use netcat15:37
webg33ksipior - my bad, I have telnet on there, and have tried to connect via port 2515:38
webg33kwith no luck15:38
stefan_Hi guys, in Synaptic, I can save marked changes. May I edit such marked-changes-files with gedit? I seems one can simply press enter, type in a package name, press tab two times and type in "install". Can I do so or is this dangerous?15:38
phuxKuzad: does iwconfig return your wlandevice?15:38
sipiorwebg33k: same error? the turnkey system came with a firewall up and running?15:38
Kuzadphux, no it does not.15:38
webg33ksipior - yes15:38
KuzadWell, it might phux, hang on.15:39
KuzadWell, it might phux, hang on.15:39
sipiorwebg33k: time to turn it off, at least for now :-)15:39
sipiorwebg33k: or just flush the offending rule15:39
AbTuXZonetti, Check Clonezilla , not sure  but i think this is what you are looking for15:40
webg33ksipior - working on that...figured that's where you were going :)15:40
bil21al_i want to subcribe the  empathy or telepathy bug how can i??????15:40
KuzadPhux: http://pastebin.com/ywVpAXxy15:40
=== ubuntuuser is now known as PythonSnake
bazhangAnToNio1, ?15:41
phuxKuzad: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8830615:42
bazhangAnToNio1, dont paste that here15:42
kkulhavyWhere else can I get help when I don't get reply to my question here?15:43
Picikkulhavy: try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/15:44
kkulhavyPici, thanks\15:44
obserhi.  i'm root and i'm trying to su aUser, but i'm getting /bin/bash permission denied..  why?15:45
AnToNio1what the hell!15:45
AbhijitRA_drc, read man find15:45
phuxkkulhavy: or come back later, then eventually somebody's here to answer your question15:45
AnToNio1êàêîãî õóÿ15:46
AnToNio1ðóññêèå åñòü çäåñü15:46
RA_drcAbhijit: i did, and there is nothing there about searching the contents of files.  have you read man find?15:46
bazhang!ru | AnToNio115:46
ubottuAnToNio1: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:46
AbhijitRA_drc, oh sorry its grep15:46
rhin0RA_drc: if they are plain text files you can use grep to find what is in a file15:47
itistimetodrinkobser: works for me:15:47
itistimetodrinkcirque@alpha-notebook:/$ sudo -i15:47
itistimetodrink[sudo] password for cirque:15:47
itistimetodrinkroot@alpha-notebook:~# su cirque -15:47
FloodBot1itistimetodrink: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:47
rhin0grep string filewildcard15:47
ironshotare there any alternatives to open office?15:47
bazhangironshot, libreoffice15:48
Piciironshot: abiword15:48
th^^google docs =P15:48
kkulhavyPici, thanks15:48
ironshotyeah might have to go with google docs15:48
AbTuXironshot, LiberOffice :)15:48
ironshoti will take a look at that one now15:49
th^^libreoffice is openoffice15:49
kkulhavyPici, how can I determine which of the HOWTOs are safe to apply to my system?15:49
th^^all office apps suck tbh :P15:49
ironshotlol the jokes on me15:49
itistimetodrinkth^^: libreoffice is fork of openoffice15:49
Picikkulhavy: Which HOWTOs?15:49
th^^itistimetodrink: that's what i meant, it's same junk :P15:50
kkulhavyPici, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo15:50
kkulhavyPici, or sometimes the howto refers to a bugreport and in the bugreport people mention various tricks to make it work15:50
Picikkulhavy: None of them look like they would harm your system if you did them.15:50
kkulhavyBut at the same time I read there were changes from Udev to HAL and things that were done before shouldn't be done anymore15:50
kkulhavyBut some of the howtos or bugreports don't indicate which version it's safe to apply15:51
kkulhavyPici, in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo they say "Add saned to the group which owns your scanner device:"15:52
kkulhavyPici, my scanner device is owned by root. But I am not sure if it's OK from security point of view to add the saned to the root group15:52
obseri'm getting permission denied on everything on my server .. why15:53
=== gf3 is now known as gf3ruyman
obser[/etc]# su k15:53
obsersu: /bin/sh: Permission denied15:53
learningcwhat's the *brand* of the c/c++ compiler found in ubuntu?15:53
kkulhavyobser, what you get when you type "id"?15:53
squarebracketis there a way of disabling desktop fanciness? i like it and all, but it makes my laptop barely function if i have too much stuff open :(15:53
Picikkulhavy: Its a bit weird, yes.15:53
kkulhavylearningc, GCC?15:53
obserkkulhavy, root .. 015:53
Picikkulhavy: But if it works, it shouldn't be an issue. If it doesn't work, then remove the user from the group.15:53
bazhangsquarebracket, use classic then ?15:54
kkulhavyPici, my scanner device is /dev/bus/usb/002/002 and changes every time I unplug and plug the scanner15:54
obserkkulhavy, uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel)15:54
bazhang!classic | squarebracket15:54
ubottusquarebracket: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".15:54
kkulhavyPici, and the persma are rw-r--r--15:54
squarebracketbazhang, don't know how to find anything under unity :(15:54
sipiorRA_drc: might be of some use to you: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/real-files-folders-search-unity-lens.html15:54
bazhangsquarebracket, unity-2d is quite nice as well15:54
Picilearningc: gnu15:54
kkulhavyobser, can u give example of a thing you get permission denied when u try to do or access it?15:54
squarebracketoh shit, i didn't even know there was a different session... never even looked since i reformatted15:54
squarebracketthanks, bazhang15:54
SirShmoopyokay i think my system is behaving now, i shut down and pulled the power/battery15:55
kkulhavyPici, it doesn't work15:55
obserkkulhavy, su k, says: su: /bin/sh: Permission denied15:55
pobri19hi guys, i've got a cron job that executes a ruby script every hour, and my script does logging. if i manually run the line in the crontab -l it works fine, but the cron doesnt appear to be ever executing as its not creating a log file nor doing what the script is supposed to do. what can i do from here to fix this? it's causing me major headaches :(15:55
learningcis gnu the best compiler?15:55
RA_drcAbhijit: rhin0: i'm using grep, but nothing is ever showing up, and grep never finishes....15:55
kkulhavyobser, k is a name of a user?15:55
obserkkulhavy, yes15:55
AbhijitRA_drc, i cant help.15:55
rhin0RA_drc: if its all scrolling past use grep searchstring wildcard | less15:56
PiciRA_drc: What are you typing, if you don't mind sharing.15:56
kkulhavyobser, what u get from grep ^k /etc/passwd15:56
obserkkulhavy, k:x:32008:32010::/home/k:/bin/sh15:56
rhin0if the information you wish to search for is plain text grep will work RA_drc15:56
kkulhavyobser, what u get from "ls -la /bin/sh"15:56
obserkkulhavy, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Nov 19  2009 /bin/sh -> bash*15:57
RA_drcsipior: while that looks better than the default unity files & folders lens, it still seems like it doesn't search the contents of files15:57
kkulhavylearningc, best compiler in which reggard?15:57
j3rothQuestion (ubuntu 11.04) when i log into my box, I select Ubuntu Classic and it plays the log in sound. However there is no top or bottom panel and nothing loads. When I hit alt+f2 no run window comes up. I can however ctrl+alt+f2 and reboot. Ubuntu Classic No effects work. Any ideas?15:57
kkulhavyobser, can u change the /bin/sh with /bin/bash in the k's line in /etc/passwd?15:57
kkulhavyobser, maybe then it starts working?15:58
captainjamieHello everyone. Can someone help me out? I've been following a python tutorial (trying to learn... It's complicated!) but my program won't work, it's my first attempt.15:58
RA_drcrhin0: it's not scrolling past, there is simply nothing showing up.  and it is  plaintext15:58
obserkkulhavy, no.  i manually changed it to sh .. it was bash before and wasnt working15:58
Picicaptainjamie: #python is more appropriate for programming questions.15:58
sipiorRA_drc: i'm fairly certain it does.15:58
learningca compiler that gives best performance15:58
captainjamiePici oh ok thanks15:58
kkulhavyobser, ls -la /bin/bash15:58
anevno sound works through firefox -- is there something i can do to sort this?15:58
onrehi. i have 10.04.2 LTS on a basic x86 laptop. i've come across a rather weird bug... when i choose files to upload via HTTP in Firefox, i select a certain file in the selection dialog, but end up with another file getting selected. what could this be? :)15:58
obserkkulhavy, nothing strange with bash perms..15:58
kkulhavyanev, happened to me 2 days ago, reboot fixed it15:59
RA_drcPici: sudo grep -H -r "ARCH_MXC"15:59
RA_drcsipior: then i'll give it a shot, thanks15:59
anevkkulhavy: i've tried rebooting - no joy. this is a fresh install too15:59
anevthe system sounds are working grand though15:59
kkulhavyanev, in other program sound works?15:59
anevkkulhavy: yeah15:59
anevcould it be a flash problem?15:59
rhin0RA_drc: that means its not there you try for instance cat * in the directory or cat filename.* or cat filename ( | less) and you can see the file contents -- within | less you can also then type forward slash / and it will ask you what to search for so you can check -- you can then type cat filewildcard | grep searchstring15:59
kkulhavyanev, how u test sound in firefox?15:59
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
anevkkulhavy: youtube etc16:00
kkulhavyanev, so video runs but sound silen?16:00
obserkkulhavy, i just tired: adduser -d /home/y y -s /bin/bash, [/etc]# su y16:00
obsersu: /bin/bash: Permission denied16:00
johnmlearningc: if you want the performance to remain fairly reliable, and the compiled code to be portable, use gcc. Else, if you have an intel processor, icc producers a better result.16:00
kkulhavyobser, when u type /bin/bash16:00
pobri19hi guys, i've got a cron job that executes a ruby script every hour, and my script does logging. if i manually run the line in the crontab -l it works fine, but the cron doesnt appear to be ever executing as its not creating a log file nor doing what the script is supposed to do. what can i do from here to fix this? it's causing me major headaches :(16:01
obserkkulhavy, works ..16:01
labomediai'm very tied that ubuntu load files in many emacs window16:01
rhin0log files for cron will go through sendmail pobri19 - it emails you with the job status16:01
anevkkulhavy: success - it's working again :)16:01
anevkkulhavy: reinstalled flash16:01
kkulhavyanev, how?\16:01
kkulhavyanev, LOL16:01
j3rothQuestion (ubuntu 11.04) when i log into my box, I select Ubuntu Classic and it plays the log in sound. However there is no top or bottom panel and nothing loads. When I hit alt+f2 no run window comes up. I can however ctrl+alt+f2 and reboot. Ubuntu Classic No effects work. Any ideas?16:01
pobri19rhin0: i don't get any emails or anything16:01
labomediahow to tell ubuntu to eopen file in the already opended window ?16:01
pobri19rhin0: and the log i'm referring to is being created by the script16:02
kkulhavyanev, I find this user unfriendly16:02
dodinoanyone have never been able to create a USB stick with ubuntu that is bootable on a macbook with rEFIt?16:02
rhin0ah -- pobri19 -- I would set up a command to do something else on your system for instance just touch a file -- to check that cron is actually working ...16:02
obserkkulhavy, ?16:02
kkulhavyanev, a message should pop up "Sound has suddenly stopped working. Please reinstallflash to re-enable it again"16:02
pobri19rhin0: okay thanks i'll try that16:02
RA_drcrhin0: i'm not sure that the search ever finishes16:02
anevkkulhavy: got nothing like that16:02
Michiellll-laptoany ideas why i cant run cfdisk in ubuntu?16:02
kkulhavyanev, how should the user determine he has to reinstall flash?16:03
kkulhavyWhy not firefox? kernel? or the whole system?16:03
rhin0RA_drc: will depend on the scale of the search -- try to narrow it down like I said -- by using wildcards and examining files using cat16:03
klaMichiellll-lapto, have you tried running it with sudo?16:03
Michiellll-laptokla yea16:03
MrNemusso I am trying to set a static route and I keep getting SIOCADDRT: No such process16:03
kkulhavyobser, no idea, I would try strace, but I cannot say what exactly I would do with it16:03
RA_drcrhin0: -r means that it will search the files within a folder recursively?16:04
kkulhavyobser, I would have to sit at the machine and play with it with root privileges16:04
rhin0yes RA_drc16:04
Michiellll-laptokla  FATAL ERROR: Bad logical partition 6: enlarged logical partitions overlap16:04
pobri19rhin0: */1 * * * * touch /home/deploy/lol.tmp16:04
pobri19rhin0: does that look good?16:04
=== mRy is now known as Guest82289
Michiellll-laptoi didnt have this before instlling ubunutu16:04
rhin0pobri19: no cron expert not sure what /1 is I thought it was hour minute day month etc whats /116:05
rhin0its pretty simple16:05
pobri19rhin0: yeah it worked. so any idea why my script doesnt appear to be working in the cron, but if i copy and paste the command in the cron it works? lol16:05
rhin0well try to run your script manually pobri19 maybe the script is failing -- the script should run from the command line -- if it does and you have tested cron - cron should run it16:06
pobri19rhin0: yeah it works fine when i manually run it16:06
kkulhavyMichiellll-lapto, is the harddisk without errors?16:06
rhin0but cron doesn't run it -- but cron runs other commands -- no idea really now pobri1916:06
klaMichiellll-lapto, ouch tough one :( - see if the man page has any options to get around that, or maybe fdisk doesn't have the same check16:06
rhin0pobri19: does the script require the GUI (graphical user interface) -- X windows?16:07
Michiellll-laptokkulhavy, how do i check without having to reboot?16:07
pobri19rhin0: nah, the weird thing is it also works on my development box which has the same OS.16:07
rhin0you have an obscure one there pobri19 I think16:07
rhin0it'll be something obvious though16:07
pobri19rhin0: yay, lucky me lol16:07
rhin0I would try to look at/get working cron logging -- if cron has failed it will email about it -- get cron to talk to sendmail16:08
dodinoanyone have never been able to create a USB stick with ubuntu that is bootable on a macbook with rEFIt?16:08
obserkkulhavy, http://pastebin.com/gX12ciPp16:08
pobri19rhin0: okay thanks16:08
kkulhavyMichiellll-lapto, I don't know any method how to check without reboot16:08
Picipobri19: How are you editing your crontab?16:09
Michiellll-laptoḱla kkulhavy http://pastebin.com/1Rjjh4ug16:09
Michiellll-laptothats what fdisk gives me16:09
invlpg[1]how can i look at the current open windows on ubuntu unity?16:10
bazhanginvlpg[1], click the workspaces icon in the panel?16:11
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invlpg[1]bazhang, i mean just to have a task bar..in which i can just click to open the windows16:12
pobri19Pici: nano, but i'm creating the cron with a bash script i made. i just checked the cron log, the command is clearly being executed. but the script never generates a log file or does what it's supposed to do, so it's obviously not executing properly. but i dont understand why since i can copy and paste it and it works? i'm really confused.16:12
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labomediaubuntu launch nex emacs instance each tile i opened a new file from nautilus16:12
delinquentmeso i've got a basically brand new install of windoze 7 .. and its got pshop installed on it .. now im about to drop in ubuntu .. do i need to shrink the size of the volume of the windows.. before running the ubutntu install CD?16:12
labomedia$how to change this ?16:12
Picipobri19: crontabs don't have the same $PATH settings as normal user login shells, you might want to try echoing the $PATH to a file from the crontab and ensure that anything that you need to run is actually in there.16:13
kkulhavyMichiellll-lapto, /dev/sda3 and /dev/sda5 overlap. Not sure if this cannot cause problem.16:13
labomediaubuntu launch new emacs instance each tile i opened a new file from nautilus or filezilla, how to changes this ?16:14
kkulhavyMichiellll-lapto, /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda3 as well16:14
kkulhavyMichiellll-lapto, /dev/sda7 and /dev/sda3 as well16:14
pobri19Pici: oh that's interesting, maybe you're on to something, i'll try that now!16:15
Michiellll-laptokkulhavy, afaik sda3 was never made, all the linux partitions were made by ubuntu install and theres one windows partition en an almost empty ntfs one16:16
rhin0labomedia -- maybe there is a way of launching emacs without a new instance - possibly you will see the emacs launch options using emacs (or whatever the emacs command is) --help16:17
Michiellll-laptowhat is this extended?16:17
Monotokohey guys...if I cancel my subscription to Ubuntu One, will it just drop the 20GB package I bought (currently using 450mb...so I'm in my free quota), or will it drop everything?16:17
rhin0and then a way of launching it with that command option (an action dependent on file association) within ubuntu labomedia16:17
bazhangMonotoko, try in #ubuntuone perhaps16:18
Monotokobazhang, cheers16:18
labomediarhin0: thanks, i found this :16:18
invlpg[1]how can i see the current opened windows? in order to click on them if needed..is there a task bar in ubuntu unity?16:18
pobri19Pici: it's only got /usr and /usr/bin, but i'm executing with the full paths i think, so will that even matter? here's the line my cron is supposed to be executing properly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/633684/16:19
rhin0so thats it labomedia -- it is an option -- now you have to make your file associations launch emacs with that option16:19
deucepIf I use grep -l 'search string' *txt how can I then move the files to a directory?16:20
Picipobri19: 'cd' is a shell built-in. You can't run that from a crontab.  If you put that in a script and then ran the script, it should work.16:20
pobri19Pici: OH! so it works on my other machine because i'm guessing the path is different on that?16:21
rhin0deucep I would (apart from writing a python script to do it) -- get that command to get a plain list of the files -- then use that16:22
pobri19Pici: thanks for your help, you're awesome :)16:22
Picipobri19: Did that fix it?16:23
rhin0deucep: possibly pipe the file list into another command (somehow)16:23
pobri19Pici: not sure yet, i'll have to modify code, but if it doesn't you'll definitely hear from me haha :)16:23
Picipobri19: Okay ;)16:23
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deuceprhin0: Ah piping16:23
rhin0or direction not sure which deucep16:24
rhin0 deucep | > >> etc16:24
deucepi use grep -l to get a list of file names that match a certain string how would I pipe that to the move command?16:27
rhin0deucep if you have the list of file names you can easily I think use the mv command with that list16:28
rhin0deucep : hint : learn a bit of python -- stuff like that is incredibly easy with a python script (just a hint) -- bash shell scripting is far more fiddly16:29
bittyx-laptophi, i'm having some trouble using mutt. when i do: echo "test" | mutt -s "subject" my.mail@gmail.com, i get the mail fine; however, doing: echo "test" | mutt -a /home/user/picture.jpg -s "subject" my.mail@gmail.com, displays the error: Can't stat my.mail@gmail.com: No such file or directory, my.mail@gmail.com: unable to attach file. - but the file exists in the path i entered16:29
rhin0if you need a shell script16:29
deuceprhin0: Ill give python a shot16:29
bittyx-laptop(for the record, i'm using ssmtp, and have it configured to use a gmail account created just for this purpose; as i've said, i can said mail without attachments fine)16:30
deuceprhin0: thanks for the help16:30
rhin0np deucep -- you just need to get that file list out of grep into the mv command16:31
rhin0could even do it I think on one line of bash16:31
PwnusMaximushi guys, im trying to install 11.04 64bit on an HP Z600 but it hangs at the purple screen with the "ubutnu" logo for hours16:32
PwnusMaximusany tips?16:32
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edbianPwnusMaximus: If it hangs for 5 minutes it's been too long.  Is this a CD ?16:32
rhin0PwnusMaximus: are you installing from a cd, dvd or usb key16:32
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RyuGunsPython <316:33
Picideucep: Its rather easy to do with xargs as well.16:34
pobri19Pici: should ./home/deploy/script.sh run it properly? or do i need to do something like: bash /home/deplopy/script.sh16:34
Picideucep: something like: grep -l stuff location | xargs -I '{}' mv '{}' destination/     (test with echo in front of mv)16:34
PwnusMaximusrhin0: CD16:35
Picipobri19: Just the path of the script is fine, you shouldn't need the . in front of that.16:35
pobri19Pici: oh :)16:35
rhin0PwnusMaximus: cds are incredibly slow -- 1st off try to cut a dvd -- prior to that run the "test cd" (test integrity) on the menu option when it boots -- if that fails your cd install won't work16:35
FlimFlamManhello.  i have a 10.04 install and would like to ugprade to 11.04.  what is the best way?16:36
johannaC'est nul ici !16:36
deucepPici: exactly what I was looking for16:36
PwnusMaximusrhin0: ok thank you. i would try a USB stick but i cant find it in my mess of a desk16:36
rhin0usb keys are easiest of all to install off PwnusMaximus if you have a usb-key get the program usb-creator-gtk and just write the image to the usb key -- boot off that -- installs in minutes16:36
PythonSnakejohanna: Salut16:36
bazhang!fr | johanna16:37
ubottujohanna: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:37
rhin0cds are the worst way to install these days PwnusMaximus16:37
Picideucep: np16:37
rhin0much better dvds16:37
RyuGunsAm I the only one who likes Unity? :D16:37
Tuxeris there a way to make a windows xp bootable usb? (using ubuntu)16:37
PwnusMaximusrhin0: ill keep that in mind in the future. thank you (and USB drives dont get scratches :)16:37
rhin0yep PwnusMaximus16:37
PwnusMaximusrhin0: checking disk integrity now16:38
rhin0PwnusMaximus: last time I tried installing off a cd -- same scenario -- install takes hours if it gets through at all16:38
PwnusMaximusrhin0: i was thinking maybe it was a hardware incompatability16:39
kkulhavyPici, thanks, with your help I found my problem is Bug #217571 which was open 3 years 2 months ago and still has status "Confirmed" and is unassigned.16:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217571 in sane-backends (Ubuntu) "xsane only scans as root" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21757116:40
RyuGunsTuxer: I don't think you can boot windows from CD :\16:40
* kkulhavy now feels disappointed by Ubuntu16:40
rhin0really I would try to find that usb key PwnusMaximus16:40
rostayobis there a way to show the applications from all the workspaces in the taskbar?16:41
kkulhavyrostayob, not sure, but I would be surprised if there were one16:42
PwnusMaximusrhin0: 2 errors found on disk.... time to bust out the swiffer and fabreze because im cleaning this place till i find that key16:42
rhin0lol PwnusMaximus16:42
kkulhavyPwnusMaximus, there are magnets inside disk that can be used for fridge16:42
edbianrostayob: Right click it, -> preferences    It's a setting in there16:42
kkulhavyrostayob, now I am surprised, to stand my promise :D16:44
rostayobedbian: you are very right16:44
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edbianrostayob: sure16:44
edbianrostayob: I keep it set that way :)16:44
FarmerMcNuggetIs there a way  to mute FireFox?16:45
edbianFarmerMcNugget: Just firefox?  No16:45
kkulhavyPlease keep questions on one line, include all your system information in question, and keep lines shorter that 80 characters.16:45
FarmerMcNuggetIs there a way just to have one thing playing?16:45
rhin0you want to mute ads don't you (and not your whole sound)16:45
edbianFarmerMcNugget: Although Ubuntu switched the x plus and minux to the left side to make room for apps that could do that.  Then they never wrote those apps.  Called windowlets16:45
rhin0maybe you could turn flash off or do something with flash settings FarmerMcNugget (not sure)16:46
RyuGunsUbuntu should have a sound mixer by now.16:46
rhin0to stop the irritating ads playing16:46
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, start Firefox from xterm and press ctrl-z on the xterm where it was started from?16:46
* kkulhavy is going to try16:46
rhin0maybe chrome has a feature16:46
PythonSnakeIs there anyway to change system tray icon to set pidgin when I click on chat ?16:47
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, sorry, it doesn't mute. Just the sound starts repeating in an endless loop.16:47
FarmerMcNuggetMeh, I just wanna shut these ads up, but I'm watching a video with flash...16:47
DJonesFarmerMcNugget: I use a flash block in chrome & just allow flash to run when I want it16:48
rhin0going to be tricky I think FarmerMcNugget -- its filtering -- I know that apple browser now filters ads16:48
edbianFarmerMcNugget: use flashblock.  It makes it so you have to click on a flash item before it runs.  You simply click on the video and not the add.  It's a firefox addon16:48
PiciFarmerMcNugget: IIRC, you should be able to change your per-application sound volumes via your sound preferences tool in Ubuntu.16:48
rhin0has to distinguish between an ad and your media -- not possible really16:48
thinkpadHey guys, how do I find out the owner of a specific file? Im having trouble getting rsync to copy this certain directory16:49
deanHi all could someone tell me if there is vbox channel?16:49
siavoshkcRyuGuns: you CAN boot windows from cd or anything16:49
Faustus2i've changed the desktop folder in: ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs, and this works, but some application or service is also recreating the ~/Desktop folder. Any idea how to stop this?16:49
RyuGunsDidn't know that.16:49
edbianthinkpad: ls -l /path/to/file/16:49
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, Flashblock addon16:49
* Mandrew is away: I'm in the Hammock dont disturb16:49
Pici!away > Mandrew16:49
ubottuMandrew, please see my private message16:49
RyuGunsOkay, I thought windows needed a NTFS Partition on the harddrive16:49
OsmodivsHello. Is there a tool in Ubuntu to customize the BIOS splash screen?16:49
RyuGunsHollie :D16:50
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, flashblock replaces every flash with an icon, which u click and first then it runs16:50
FarmerMcNuggetHi, Whyooo! It's me. The all mighty master of TheNewBoston IRC!16:50
dr_willisOsmodivs,  cant say ive ever seen a tool to do that.16:50
RyuGunsHi Holiverh16:50
* Mandrew is away: I'm in the Hammock dont disturb16:50
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, so you will click the flash icon on youtube and will hear youtube video, but ads stay blocked16:50
RyuGunsWhy is it down?16:50
FarmerMcNuggetGah! Don't ever call me gay again!16:50
rhin0that sounds good kkulhavy -- is that a userscript?16:50
PiciFarmerMcNugget: Stop that.16:50
RyuGunsFarmerMcNugget: We're going off-topic, PM me :)16:50
kkulhavyrhin0, not sure what it is, you google flashblock and then just click Yes, Yes, Yes in Firefox16:51
Osmodivsdr_willis,  Well, there is MM_Tools in Windows, so I thought, there is gotta be a Linux ersion16:51
rhin0it'll be an add-on then kkulhavy16:51
FarmerMcNuggetPici, what's the source of IIRC? I can't find it in the software manager./16:51
dr_willisOsmodivs,  cant say ive ever seen it done in windows.. but its the sort of thing i disable om my machines anyway16:51
PiciFarmerMcNugget: Its not in software manager. It should already be installed.16:51
FarmerMcNuggetHow do I use it?16:51
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/flashblock/16:52
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, then download now, [Install]16:52
FarmerMcNuggetKkulhavy, I only wanna block the youtube videos.16:52
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PiciFarmerMcNugget: If you are using Ubuntu Classic, its in System>Preferences>Sound (or 'audio')16:52
PythonSnakeanyone can help me I wanna update but16:53
roastedDoes Ubuntu's Disk Utility not like solid state drives? I have a 16gb SSD in my laptop and when I try to run an extended test, it self cancels itself after 5 seconds.16:53
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, yes, that shoudl work16:53
PythonSnakeI ran sudo apt-get update16:53
kkulhavyFarmerMcNugget, with flashblock only those flash things will run which you explicitly click.16:53
edbianPythonSnake: That just updates the package cache.  You wanna run sudo apt-get safe-upgrade to actually update the packages16:53
deanHi is there a reason why games don't work on vbox or am I doing something wrong?16:54
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kkulhavydean, this is Linux, it's not only games that don't work16:54
FarmerMcNuggetThanks so much Pici!!16:54
PythonSnakeI want to update cache16:54
edbianPythonSnake: sudo apt-get update    then16:54
deankkulhavy, But Vbox runs xp and I am wondering why the games don't run16:54
Pici!ppagpg | PythonSnake16:55
ubottuPythonSnake: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »16:55
bazhangPythonSnake, remove the ppa or fix the gpgerr16:55
PythonSnakehow to fix gpgerr ?16:55
dr_willisgotta love it when the answer is given befor the question is asked...16:56
bazhangPythonSnake, see the link above16:56
bazhangerr factoid16:56
RyuGunsUbuntu should have a sound mixer by now.16:56
dr_willisdean,  what games? vbox dosent really do '3d video' very well.16:56
Ben_StoneHello, I just upgraded from Ubuntu 10.10 to 11, and I seem to not be able to boot. It stops just after "Stopping Userspace Bootsplash"16:56
jpdsRyuGuns: audacity ?16:56
kkulhavyBen_Stone, maybe the boot function was removed from Ubuntu 11?16:57
RyuGunsI mean like the mixer on windows...16:57
VelmontI have a problem with Ubuntu 11.04 hanging on login. It doesn't always do it, and it only happens when logging in to Unity, not classic. Any known errors like that? Unity won't start, just hangs on the login.16:57
Ben_Stonekkulhavy: ?16:57
RyuGunsTo control how much noise a Prapplication can make.16:57
PiciRyuGuns: There already is one.16:57
dr_willisRyuGuns, pulse audio has similer features i recall16:57
deandr_willis, Hi its neohasreturned from yesterday you ok? Well I tried cue club in the past and I wanted to run american mcgees alice?16:57
dr_willisdean,  i doubt if any 3d games will work well in vmware or virtualbox.    Why dont you try them in wine.16:58
dr_williseven old old games like those. :)16:58
kkulhavyRyuGuns, I agree16:58
Ben_StoneRyuGuns: what game? Steam runs perfectly in Wine, as does TF216:58
dr_willissteam may work in wine.. but not all steam games work.16:59
RyuGunsWe shouldn't have to run windows Applications to enjoy gaming.16:59
Ben_Stonedr_willis: all of them that I have do, but I never said that all of them do ;)16:59
deandr_willis, But I thought when you install xp in vbox it users drivers from the installation?16:59
RyuGunsWe should be able to enjoy games like Windows users.16:59
dr_willisdean,  virtualbox emulates a video card..16:59
deanRyuGuns, I agree its frustrating17:00
dr_willisdean,  theres some 3d support in vbox.. but its limited to special cases i belive17:00
Ben_StoneAny advice on Ubuntu halting before it loads the GUI? TTY mode works.17:00
edbianRyuGuns: Well then tell game developers to start releasing linux versions of their games17:00
deandr_willis, Oh I see wine is very hard to configure to get things working?17:00
dr_willisdean,  ive rarely had issues with wine.. see the wine app database.17:00
dr_willistheres front ends to wine also.17:00
dr_willis!appdb | dean17:01
ubottudean: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:01
Ben_Stone>> PlayOnLinus is good for games17:01
dr_willisPlayonLinux = a wine front end.17:01
Ben_Stoneah, yeah, excuse my fingers17:01
RyuGunsLinus lets us play games on him... AWSUM17:01
bazhang!ot | RyuGuns17:02
ubottuRyuGuns: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:02
kkulhavyedbian, "oh sorry, we would release Linux version of our game, but noone told us"17:02
deandr_willis, What is front end without sounding thick lol17:02
dr_willisits an interface that uses wine  behind the scenes17:03
klaan extra layer of abstraction, usually but not always improving user friendliness17:03
pobri19Pici: it didnt work :( WHY OH WHY:?!?!?!?! This is driving me mental.17:03
thinkpadAnother question rsync just skips this certain directory on my server. The permissions seem to be the same as evrything else but rsync refuses to do that directory, and suggestions?17:03
deandr_willis, Oh ok is playonlinus any good for gaming then?17:03
dr_willisdean,  its a fancy front end to wine.. it does the same games that wine can do.17:03
edbianthinkpad: turn -vv on in rsync.  It will tell you what is going on (very verbose)17:03
Ben_Stone:/ w3m google it is17:03
dr_willisdean,  PlayOnLinux = is designed to play games on linux in wine...17:04
thinkpadthanks edbian17:04
deandr_willis, Fair enough lol I will give it a bash lol17:04
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edbianthinkpad: sure17:04
dr_williswine /path/to/the/game.exe     works for me most of the time..17:04
delinquentmedr_willis, good for starcraft 2 on linux?17:04
dr_willisdelinquentme,  see the wine app database.17:04
deandr_willis, I will let you know my findings lol17:05
dr_willisdean,  means very little to me :) i got a windows box to play games on.17:05
dr_willisit has 10x the power of this linux box.17:05
deandr_willis, For some reason my laptop don't like dual booting17:05
dr_willisI play more games ion my android phone then i do on the pcs17:05
deandr_willis, I love american mcgees alice and cue club only problem lol17:06
FSXHi, I get "Out of range" when I boot with 11.04. But when Ubuntu is booted everything works. What could be the cause?17:06
=== Ben_Stone is now known as Thomas_Bates
dr_willisI recall doing that alice games years and years ago...17:09
dr_willistry them in wine..17:09
deandr_willis, I have installed playonlinux its wine?17:10
dr_willisgrub is giveing/trying to use a refresh rate that the monitor dosent like17:10
dr_willisdean,  playonlinux USES wine...   its a front end to wine...17:10
dr_willisFSX,  i edit my /etc/default/grub to set it to use 640x480 res. and then i get a simple low res grub menu.17:10
deandr_willis, Do you know how to install games on it?17:11
dr_willisdean,  you can proberly just copy the installed game from your windows drive to your users home dir.. and use wine directly17:11
dr_willisdean,  I dont use PlayOnlinux. check its help docs.17:11
deandr_willis, thanks anyway17:11
dr_williscopy game to game dir.. wine game/whatever/gamename.exe         <--------------- works for most games17:11
FSXdr_willis: I can't do anything atm. Only have a out of range error.17:12
dr_willisor install it with wine so you get an icon.17:12
FSXdr_willis: Grub doesn't doesn't show up either.17:12
dr_willisFSX,  You said everything worked after it boots... edit the file after  you get tio the desktop17:12
dr_willisgrub is trying to display a fancy menu on a res that your monitor dosent like.17:13
dr_willisthe GDM login screen works?17:13
FSXdr_willis: That was before today.17:13
Thomas_BatesUbuntu 11 hangs on "Stopping Userspace Bootsplash" anything I can do about this? (w3m Google isn't being very helpful)17:13
FSXdr_willis: I'll make a bootable USB and see if I can edit stuff.17:13
dr_willisFSX,  so the system fails to boot at all then?  You said it did work earlier...17:14
dr_willisFSX,  you may want to try to get ssh installed on the system. that way you can ssh in, and try to fix things remotely. makes it a bit easier.17:14
JamesBoo_hello, i am a new ubuntu use, i am trying to use ubuntu on my bitcoin mining rig.... I am in ubuntu and follow instructions to install all the stuff I need, and Im having a slight mental "mis-step" while tyring to figure this out... ... Next, you’ll attempt to build your proprietary drivers. You need to download ati-driver-installer-11-3-x86.x86_64.run from AMD’s Support site.  Go back to your terminal window, and navigate to the 17:14
Thomas_Batesugh Bitcoin17:14
FSXdr_willis: It suddenly shutdown and now the display only shows an out of range error.17:14
JamesBoo_i cant seem to navigate the directory ot run the driver17:15
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  you proberly want the drivers that are in the repos...17:15
=== OmniBus_ is now known as Unibus
FSXdr_willis: I don't really know if it boots completely. But I'll try ssh.17:15
kunguzI am using ubuntu-arm in my beagleboard, but I could not figure out how to connect to any SSID, can some one please help me with it?17:15
JamesBoo_dr_willis: repos? already installled?17:15
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  the default ati drivers that are included with the os. in the package manager tools.. run 'jockey-gtk' and see what it suggests17:15
JamesBoo_i downloaded the file to downloads... how do i navigate that file?17:15
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  forget about using the ones you downloaded.. try the ones from the repos first.17:16
dr_willisrun jockey-gtk - and see if it will izntall them for you17:16
JamesBoo_ok, so instead of running that file, i should just run jockey-gtk   ... This is the link to what Im trying to do... Im on the step where it says to run the drivers i downloaded from ATI http://foreverrising.wordpress.com/2011/04/16/bitcoin-mining-and-ubuntu-10-10-ati-radeon-5xxx/17:17
koppeWhich is the best MTA - postfix or exim?17:17
jpds!best | koppe17:17
ubottukoppe: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:17
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  those directions could break your system . what if those drivers are not supporting your card....17:17
JamesBoo_but they are supporting my card, i got them from the manufacturer.,...17:17
dr_willisI would be suspect of the rest of the directions as well.17:17
j3rothIf i hit ctrl + alt + f2 to drop out to a console. What do I hit to return to the same X session?17:17
JamesBoo_anways, i just ran jocket-gtk and it says no proprietary drivers are installed17:18
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  ati drivers dont support ALL ati cards.. they are constantly phaseing out support for older chipsets.. what is your exact chipset?17:18
dr_willisand newer chipsets may or may not work with ubuntu and the latest ati drivers.17:18
JamesBoo_chipset ont he card?17:18
JamesBoo_why wont you just tell me the file path wher ei downloaded the drivers?17:19
JamesBoo_I downloaded the drivers....Go back to your terminal window, and navigate to the directory where you downloaded that package.  cd [path to download directory]  Then run the file.17:19
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  if you really want to install the .run drivers. you should  read up on shell fundamentals.    you basically  'cd Directorywheredriversareat' then 'sudo sh ./thed4riversname.run'17:19
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  yes. thats rather basic bash ussage..17:19
JamesBoo_i know, but ive never uised ubuntu, what "Directorywheredriverareat"17:19
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dr_willisI dont think you can install the drivers while X is running either.. you may need to do this from the cosnole17:19
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  where are they at?17:20
koppeNot taking a poll... just wondering which one I should install.  Surely some have experiences with either one or both, and could tell me which the prefered.17:20
dr_willisYou downloaded and put them somewhere...17:20
JamesBoo_i dont know, they are in "downloads"17:20
=== MorphyNO1 is now known as MorphyNOR
johnetomatim getting the error "could not update ICEauthority file /home/myuser/.ICEauthority" when trying to login. ive googled it and people are saying it's a permissions issue. ive tried correcting every set of permissions people have suggested but still nothing works... does anyone have any insight in to this?17:20
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  so you just answred the question. :) and CASE is imporjntant in linux.. its 'Downloads' not 'downloads'17:20
Picidr_willis: so is spelling ;)17:20
JamesBoo_I downloaded the file ati-driver-installer-11-3-x86.x86_64.run and its in file "Downloads"  Ive17:20
JamesBoo_so just cd Downloads17:21
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  try it and see...17:21
johnetomatalso.. cold anyone tell me how to create a user through the command line so that i can autologin as them through gnome?17:21
dr_willis :)17:21
dr_willisautlogin is a gnom/gdm setting. You would have to use the gdm config tools . or edit the gdm config files to autologin the new user.17:21
JamesBoo_dr_willis: it says sh: Cant open the "ati.driver...17:22
invlpg[1]how do i see all the open windows on ubunutu unity, like we had a task bar in gnome?!17:22
dr_willisadduser billgates   -> then edit some file i cant find...17:23
johnetomatdr_willis, i can do that, but if i create a new user with 'adduser' it doesnt create the .ICEauthority file, so i get the same error msg when trying to login as that new user17:23
dr_willisJamesBoo_,  you did spell it correctly? proper case and so forth.17:23
dr_willisjohnetomat,  thats odd.. i use adduser all the time.. and they can always login via X.17:23
dr_willisjohnetomat,  the newly added user does have a /home/USERNAME directory?17:24
johnetomatdr_willis, yeah, they get a home directory17:24
johnetomatbut they dont get a .ICEauthority file, so i still get the "could not update ICEauthority file ..." error msg17:25
dr_willismy .ICEauthority is -> /home/willis/.ICEauthority17:25
dr_williswillis@Cowbuntu:~$ ls -al .ICEauthority17:25
dr_willis-rw------- 1 willis willis 1630 2011-06-24 07:31 .ICEauthority17:25
dr_willisdo they have the file? whats its permissions?17:25
PsydollIm running the lts version of ubuntu can i still keep the same gui etc in natty i heard they completely changed it?17:26
Darkdrakei have a problem with nvidia geforce 6100 on unbuntu17:26
johnetomatthe original user had the .ICEauthority file, it's permissions are 644. when i create a new user with 'adduser,' they dont have the file at all17:27
Pici!classic | Psydoll17:27
ubottuPsydoll: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".17:27
Darkdrakecan someone help me17:28
Pici!ask | Darkdrake17:29
ubottuDarkdrake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:29
PiciDarkdrake: Please provide more details than what you previously did. Ubuntu version, whats wrong, etc.17:30
Darkdrakemy problem is the x server don't save the settings17:30
DarsVaedahi, how do I deactivate the snap to edges function that will fullsize an application window in gnome natty?17:31
PanarchyI'm getting some errors, how do I download the dependencies?17:34
PanarchyCan't locate IO/Pty.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Expect.pm line 22.17:34
PanarchyBEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Expect.pm line 22.17:34
FloodBot1Panarchy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
varunthackerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10985005#post10985005 -- any comments on how to solve this problem17:35
YukinorohI gave it a try to Gnome3 but is it me or it looks like Unity?17:35
xmdi am having some serious issues installing ubuntu... I am a new user and I am trying to install but i am having issues with disc space...17:35
dr_willisjohnetomat,  the file is made as part of the X startup scripts i imagine..17:35
pobri19what would make a bash script behave differently when being called by a cron opposed to manually on the command line?17:36
Hells2011which the server ubuntu brazil?17:36
dr_willispobri19,  cron does not use the same default path, or alias's or other things in  the bash configs perhaps?17:36
dr_willispobri19,  also the user may differ.17:36
xmdI have put a bootable version of ubuntu on a 250GB external USB hard drive...I can boot it fine into my machince, when I am in ubuntu, it keeps sayin I am out of disc space, but the external hard drive is wide open17:37
pobri19dr_willis: the user is the same, and the bash path is the same as the one on my dev box which works17:37
alienmindtrickhow do i switch from gnome 3 to gnome 2 in natty?17:38
cna_apt-get remove gnome317:39
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rhin0xmd the separate drive is not the same as your ubuntu machine it won't use that separate drive/volume as main storage -- the disk space required for your OS must be on your main machine (it doesn't count if it's on the external drive)17:39
rhin0the usb drive is a separate mount17:40
rhin0you need more disk space on the main machine -- or possibly put the swap onto the external usb drive but i'm not sure how you would configure that -- swap is disk buffering the OS requires to run if you only have a small amount of memory17:41
catarinafelixhi everybody17:41
catarinafelixI was wondering: when i create an analysis in biserver, with a cube created in schema-wonkbench, is there a user-friendly way to alter the cube?17:43
catarinafelixinside biserver17:43
catarinafelixeven if it's only to hide dimensions17:43
hajmolahey I'm trying to use make and I get: fatal error: GL/glut.h: No such file or directory17:46
hajmolabut I have glut installed, according to synaptic17:46
danopiayou need the glut-dev package, i forget its exact name17:47
danopialibglut3-dev for me17:47
hajmoladanopia, freeglut3-dev?17:47
hajmolaahh, thanks17:47
danopiatry it, see if it works :P17:47
Michiellll-laptoubuntu doesnt make a separate /boot partition by default?17:48
sipiorMichiellll-lapto: easy enough to add if you want it.17:49
g-manSo make it by hands, what's the problem?17:49
xmdrhin0: thank you for your response about my memory problem.  I figured it had something to do with the external drive.... I do not have a HDD, and that is why I am booting ubuntu from a flash drive17:49
alienmindtrickhow do i revert to gnome 2 from gnome 3 in 11.04 natty using the classic theme?17:49
tjk11can someone help me isntall ndiswrapper17:49
io!softare | tjk1117:50
g-mantjk11: sudo aptitude install ndiswrapper17:50
io!software | tjk1117:50
ubottutjk11: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:50
rhin0thats it xmd -- not enough room to cram ubuntu/swapspace onto it17:50
xmdanyone know who I can use my external hard drive as my main OS memory.... ubuntu wont recognize my external hard drive as my memory17:51
xmdrhin0: what do you mean "thats It"17:51
rhin0xmd you want to know whether you can boot ubuntu from an external drive17:51
xmdi already have booted it17:51
rhin0I mean thats what the problem is xmd17:51
xmdI am actually tlaking here through the Ubuntu17:51
Michiellll-laptosipior, i can make one after install?17:51
xmdthrough firefox17:51
ioalienmindtrick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174473717:51
ypkHi in there, i have a little grub issue, my computer is starting over and over again after loading the ramdisk. Any idea how to fix it? I it one time but I had to reinstall... trying to avoid that this time. Already chrooted and ran update-grub2 also grub-install on the boot disk.17:51
xmdi cant install anything because ubuntu doesnt recognize my disc space17:51
neobitHello. Is it possible to use Ubuntu One space as an SVN server ? Or ftp server... or something else than just synchronisation by OS?17:51
sipiorMichiellll-lapto: in principle, yes, but you'd need to be careful about it.17:52
Michiellll-laptoheh fstab is using UUID's :/17:52
dvgsvcanyone knows of an app for taking shots from the webcam17:52
rhin0you won;'t be able to its a usb flash drive17:52
rhin0v small17:52
xmdi have no HDD, all I have is the external USB drive but it has 250 + GB free space17:52
hajmoladanopia, I get this when I try cmake: GLUT_Xmu_LIBRARY not found17:52
Dbl_Tapdvgsvc: cheese17:52
danopiahajmola, i don't konw that that means :P17:52
rhin0you need to find out if you can BOOT ubuntu from an external drive -- you probably can -- install the OS/bootloader onto it17:52
xmdrhin0: its a 250GB flash drive17:52
dvgsvcDbl_Tap, other than that?17:52
dvgsvcmore configurable17:52
hajmoladanopia, ha, that's cool thanks17:52
alienmindtrickio:  Thank you!17:52
Dbl_Tapdvgsvc: sorry only one I have used.17:52
PanarchyHow do I find out what network card I have? - I'm trying to see if mine can be set in monitor mode17:52
rhin0why the capslock xmd17:53
xmdbecause you keep saying you dont know if you can boot it from a flash drive17:53
rhin0talk to someone else xmd17:53
xmdcan seriously, no one fricken help me about the disc space thing17:53
xmdim abotu to use a fucikign windows cd17:53
Picixmd: Mind your language here, and be patient.17:53
IdleOnexmd: calm down please. Just got here what is the issue?17:53
xmdIdleOne:  I am a new ubuntu user, i just decided to use it two days ago....17:54
dr_willisdisk space thing?17:54
IdleOnexmd: that isn't a problem :)17:54
xmdIdleOne: I have booted ubuntu successfully from my external hard drive17:54
rhin0xmd you said you are running ubuntu off the flash drive -- you say its running out of space -- then you say 250gb flash drive -- so that really is not the issue -- then I tell you you need to get ubuntu to boot from the external drive -- and you are ignoring me17:54
xmdyea, i just dont have any disc space17:54
xmdit wont let me install drivers and programs17:54
rhin0xmd your setup is atypical17:54
xmdI alreadu have it booting from the external drive!17:55
arnprohow do I find out which MTA my ubuntu server is using?17:55
dr_willisa 250gb flash drive? you mean an external Usb hard disk ?17:55
IdleOnexmd: ok so you are using the external HDD as a live USB?17:55
rhin0can't be a 250gb flash drive they are rare and extremely expensive17:55
xmdIdleOne: exactly17:55
dr_willisxmd,  how did you install to this drive?17:55
xmdIdleOne: I am in ubuntu now, it works great, but it says i have no disc space17:56
xmdi used the universal USB installer17:56
arnprohow do I find out which MTA my ubuntu server is using?17:56
rhin0xmd in a bash shell type df and pastebin the results17:56
dr_willisxmd,  you told it to make a persistant 'save' file?17:56
Dbl_Tapxmd: sounds like you mounted the disk in read only mode. Did you use the boot now feature from the startup or did you actually run through the install to the usb disk.17:56
dr_willisxmd,  this is the universial usb installer from the Pendrivelinux web site?17:57
rhin0ok scrub that xmd -- you may have mounted it read-only17:57
sipiorarnpro: quickest is just "telnet <hostname> 25". most MTAs introduce themselves.17:58
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
sipiorarnpro: or just figure out which package you've got installed.17:58
dr_willissounds like xmd either did not make a persistant save file. or it has finally filled up.17:59
IdleOnedr_willis: I might be wrong but unless the drive was already partitioned before creating the USB boot wouldn't the entire 250GB be mounted when he boots?18:01
dr_willisIdleOne,  if he did one of the tools like unetbootin.. it made a live-cd type insatll. and a persistant save file.. using the vfat filesystem.18:02
dr_willisthe rest of the 250 could be accessed. but not  as a linux partition...18:02
dr_willisbut we seem to be getting ignored now. :)18:02
dr_willissudo fdisk -l output would clarify a lot of things.18:03
arnprosipior: nothing comes up when telnet. I need to know which MTA I got because I did mail in command line and I got the email but with a unknown sender...18:03
sipiordr_willis: i believe he has left the building :-)18:03
rhin0dr_willis if he'd have stuck with it and not lost his temper and blown off he may have got it solved pretty quickly18:04
dr_willisif he had done a 'normal' install to the usb hd... (like i am using now) he would be able to use all the hd as if it was an internal hd.18:04
dr_willisbut people dont want to 'learn' these days.. :()18:04
IdleOnehopefully he will be back. Next!18:04
ypkhi, i'm currently facing a boot issue, the pc restarts after loading the ramdisk with the latest ubuntu. Can this be grub related or do I have to try to regenerate that ramdisk in some way that it works?18:05
dr_willisramdisk? you mean the initrd ?18:05
dr_willisHmm.. never had an initrd issue18:06
sipiorarnpro: try grepping through the output of dpkg -l, or just see if you have a /etc/postfix directory.18:06
TumainiHello! I'm having a very elusive problem/bug that I thought I'd check with you if you know what it is, to give me a clue as to the solution.18:07
TumainiI'm running a graphical program, that uses OpenGL for drawing in a window using Java and I'm getting the following error for this one application:18:07
Tumainijava: ../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `req == dpy->xcb->pending_requests' failed.18:07
TumainiAny clues?18:07
=== dvgsvc is now known as adv_
ypkdr_willis: me neither but with this one computer i got that problem... once i run the update-grub2 command the thing stops booting18:08
phuxrunning apt-get gives me a lot of Ign lines. As i found, this means nothing has changed since i last checked. doesnt it mean, that after an apt-get update |apt-get upgrade there should be just Ign lines? or do i get something wrong?18:08
HabeebHey everyone, I'm having an issue with Flash under 64-bit ubuntu in Firefox18:08
arnproyou're right sipior, I got postfix, but I'd need  to configure it, right? because I just bought the server ... and it has no plesk or cpanel, just the ubuntu 10.0418:08
sipiorarnpro: yes, you'd definitely need to configure it properly.18:09
stercorWhere is the PATH set?18:09
sipiorarnpro: have a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix18:09
TumainiDoes anyone have a clue what "java: ../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request: Assertion `req == dpy->xcb->pending_requests' failed." implies?18:09
arnprowill do, thanks sipior18:10
rhin0habeeb I think there is a firefox extension specifically for 64 bit flash18:10
XDM_hello again, can anyone help me with my disc space issue?18:11
XDM_( i got disconnected)18:11
arnprosipior: is it possible to have a custom config per virtualhost??18:11
TumainiIt seems the problem appears in many places in 11.04 - spotify, cheese and other apps that are graphical.18:11
kunguzhow do I connect to a open essid using /etc/network/interfaces, can anyone please help I am really stuck with it?18:11
rhin0you can't scroll back -- because some people here posted the answer for you xdm18:11
dr_willisXDM_,  if you did a 'live' cd type insatll to a hard drive. it should have made a 'persistant save file' - that file could be getting filled up.18:11
arnprobecause it is asking me to set up a root account, but I'll have multiple sites in my server.... sipior18:12
dr_willisXDM_,  you used the Universial USB installer tool from the 'pendrivelinux' web site?18:12
XDM_dr_willis: Im not sure if I did a "live" cd, but I think I am running ubuntu "live"18:12
XDM_dr_willis : yes i think so18:12
sipiorarnpro: sorry, what's asking you to set up a root account?18:12
XDM_so what do I do to get ubuntu to recognize my entire 250GB external hard drive18:13
dr_willisXDM_,  that method is normally used for smaller flash drives like 4-16gb. with a small (a few gb) persistant save file. I think the max save file it can use is 4gb normally18:13
dr_willisXDM_,  the BEST solution would be for you to do a 'normal' install to that external usb hd. as if it was an internal hd.18:13
dr_willisalternatively you can resize the save file. but ive only done that once..18:13
dr_willisthe live-setup with save file - can have other quirks. but its great for small flash drives and speficic cases.18:14
arnprosipior: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix, What I want to have is 2 email per site I got hosted... for example email@site1.com and email@site2.com18:14
XDM_yes i have been trying... but it gives me this error when i try to install it to the external hard drive....No root file system defined18:14
sipiorarnpro: sure, that's not a problem. the documentation is pretty thorough.18:14
dr_willisYou are installing from the external hd to the same external hd?18:14
arnprowhat would I need to implement in order to accomplish that? sipior, postfix+ldap? or something?18:15
XDM_why wont it let me install ubuntu to the external drive I am running live from18:15
dr_willisXDM_,  when doing that instasll you need to make some partitions and define one to be the '/' partition, and one to be a swap partition.   the easy route would be for you to burn a cd. and boot the cd. and insatll from taht to the hard drive18:15
dr_willisXDM_,  because it will want to resize the partitons that are IN USE...18:15
sipiorarnpro: how about reading through that link i gave you :-)18:16
dr_willisXDM_,  if you partiton the hd with a live cd. that may be doable.. but  thats getting very weird way of doing an inzstall18:16
XDM_yea this is getting complicated18:16
XDM_dr_willis:  could i boot ubuntu from another USB drive, and then install it to the external HDD?18:17
dr_willisXDM_,  its because of the way you installed it.. the normal way is boot a cd, or flash drive. and isntall to the other location18:17
dr_willisXDM_,  you can do that.. thats exactly how i normally do it.18:17
dr_willisboot a live-flash drive i have tweaked.. install to my real hard drive.18:17
themexbobhello everyone - how can i edit windows ntfs permissions with ubuntu?18:18
dr_willisI have a multi-iso flash drive setup that lets me boot Kubuntu, ubuntu, lubuntu, or others.. i can then install whatever one i want to what pc i want.18:18
dr_willisthemexbob,  you set them when you mount the drive normally.18:18
dr_willis!info ntfs-config18:18
ubottuntfs-config (source: ntfs-config): Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-9 (natty), package size 89 kB, installed size 900 kB18:18
dr_willisthemexbob,  the ntfs-config tool can tweak them a bit. or you make a fstab entry that defines exactly how you want it done.18:19
XDM_dr_willis: so if i boot from a different USB flash drive, my big 250GB drive will be free and ubuntu will let me use it as the HDD ?18:20
XDM_dr_willis: is ubuntu going to recognize the external USB HDD as a HDD if im not using it as a LIve drive18:20
dr_willisXDM_,  it can repartiton and use the usb as a real hd.. thats EXACTLY how i am running this sytem right now18:22
dr_willisit can be a little quirky in ways.. I have to be SURE to tell GRUB to install to the MBR of the usb hd.. and i have to tell the BIOS to boot the usb hd when i bootup.18:22
kanupatarcan u get the path of zmodem source in ubuntu?18:22
dr_willisXDM_,  you can tell the installer to use all of the disk..  and it should auto partito9n it as needed.18:22
XDM_Dr_willis:  I am not following you, which installer are you referring rto?18:23
dr_willisXDM_,  the normal ubuntu installer...18:23
dr_willisnot the universial installer.. that one only does live-setups18:23
nimbioticshello everyone. I don't like the mozilla 5 thats in the latest ubuntu release. Can someone please tell me how to downgrade to version 4?? TIA!18:23
XDM_i dont knwo what you are talking not18:23
slutheranyone know what file contains the command that loads the iptables config at boot?18:23
dr_willisboot flash drive.. get to ubuntu desktop.. run the installer...18:24
kanupatarcan u get the path of zmodem source in ubuntu?18:24
kanupatarfrom Chuck18:24
dr_willisor use the 'install' menu item when you bootup.18:24
alessio_alexHow can I close all programs that use a certain port?18:24
XDM_dr_willis: i now have no idea what you are talkinbg aout18:24
XDM_i am about to now boot my mahince from a second, smaller USB drive with Ubuntu one it18:24
XDM_and then it shoudl allow me to install it to the external HDD since I wont be using the external USB HDD as the live device18:25
invlpg[1]how i view all the open windows on ubuntu unity, like the task bars in gnome?18:25
zambai have a rfid reader that's connected as a serial interface on /dev/ttyUSB0.. i want to convert what's read in as keyboard input.. kind of like a barcode scanner works.. how can i do this?18:25
dr_willisXDM_,  yes. thats how i always install.18:25
XDM_ok, so you are confusing me with the other stuff....18:26
dr_willisi said earlier -> <dr_willis> XDM_,  you can do that.. thats exactly how i normally do it.18:26
NewbieToKernelwhere can i find ubuntu source code including the kernel?18:26
dr_willisboot little flash.. install to big hd..18:26
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:27
olx69does anybody know why chromium doesn't show flash any more? chromium shall have flash build in18:27
NewbieToKerneland how do i build it?18:28
BluesKajolx69,  type about:plugins in the addressbar18:28
genii-aroundNewbieToKernel: Are you migrating from Gentoo ?18:28
olx69I did it, there is no flash related, only totem ...18:29
dr_willisolx69,  the built in flash i thought was enabled by an optional   keyword option when you started the app.18:29
dr_willis or was that in google-chrome18:29
NewbieToKernel@genni :no , I basically want to try and build ubuntu from the source code18:29
dr_willis!kernel | NewbieToKernel18:29
ubottuNewbieToKernel: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)18:29
BluesKajdr_willis, i believe it's embedded18:30
NewbieToKerneli dont want to compile the kernel18:30
dr_willisNewbieToKernel,  you should proberly learn some linux fundamentals first.18:30
nimbioticshello everyone. I don't like the mozilla 5 thats in the latest ubuntu release. Can someone please tell me how to downgrade to version 4?? TIA!18:30
olx69google-chrom --help doesn't show anything about flash18:30
NewbieToKernelbut the front end18:30
dr_willisget source,  ./configure, make, make install    :)18:30
dr_williswhat front end?18:30
invlpg[1]how i view all the open windows on ubuntu unity, like the task bars in gnome?18:30
tjk11can anyone help me? why is it aborting? ~/Desktop/driver$ unshield x data1.cab18:31
olx69orifinL FROM GOOGLE18:31
NewbieToKernelso where do i get the source from?18:31
BluesKajolx69,  I'll repeat ,type,  about:plugins,  in the addressbar18:31
TrevIncnimbiotics: version 4 is hardly different! you'll want to go back to 3.16, at least, certainly18:31
dr_willisNewbieToKernel,  you can get the source for spefific packages via the proper apt-get commands..18:31
olx69sry, I thought thta no flash was relatedto ubuntu build, but isn't. D/L from google shows the same18:31
tjk11can anyone help me? why is it aborting? ~/Desktop/driver$ unshield x data1.cab18:31
TrevIncanyway what specifically do you not like about it?18:32
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:32
BluesKaj!who | olx6918:32
ubottuolx69: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:32
tjk11how do u use the unshield command in terminal?18:33
NewbieToKernelso what apart from the linux kernel constitutes ubuntu?18:33
dr_willisolx69,  check out that url above18:33
dr_willislinux technically 'is' just the kernel...18:33
tjk11how do u use the unshield command in terminal?18:33
dr_willisits all about layers and layers of software building up like lego blocks of goodness..18:34
GoogleApparentlyNewbieToKernel: just how it's setup and what's included18:34
GoogleApparentlypatches etc18:34
GoogleApparentlyotherwise... who cares18:34
dr_willistjk11,  start by reading   'unshield --help' output perhaps?18:34
dr_willis!info unshield18:34
ubottuunshield (source: unshield): extracts CAB files from InstallShield installers. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1 (natty), package size 10 kB, installed size 68 kB18:34
dr_willishmm. that does the same thing as cabextract ?18:34
dr_willis!info cabextract18:34
ubottucabextract (source: cabextract): a program to extract Microsoft Cabinet files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3-1 (natty), package size 48 kB, installed size 184 kB18:34
dr_willisoh. installer (unshield) --> cab (cabextract) --> actual files..18:35
NewbieToKernelso what all constitutes the "ubuntu" flavour? and how do i get the source code for all those? for example ubuntu has a distinctive desktop. Where do i get the sources of that and build it?18:36
dr_willisNewbieToKernel,  you use the pacakge manger tools to get the source from the repositories.18:36
dr_willismint has its own repos.. and specilized source packages for their changes18:36
dr_willisand so on.18:36
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LasersAnd so on.18:37
=== GoogleApparently is now known as jmad980
dr_willisthe offical ubuntu variants all use the same repos. Ubuntu, kubuntu, lubuntu, xubuntu, (any i missed?)18:37
TrevIncNewbieToKernel: you're looking for GNOME if you want the desktop environment18:37
dr_willisOther variants (unofficial) have their own extra repos.18:37
TrevIncChristian Linux18:38
nimbioticsTrevInc, and how do I do that?18:38
olx69BluesKaj: chrome://plugins/ doesn't show something about internal flash, only vlc and totem related18:38
TrevIncsudo apt-get gnome I'd imagine18:38
el_rusoHi, i have a HP LaserJet 1020, when i try to print with OpenOffice my Ubuntu 10.10 restarts, why?18:39
NewbieToKernelbut the packge manager is after i have ubuntu. say if i have only the kernel then how do i install ubuntu packges one after other?18:39
olx69TrevInc: this is where I get it18:39
dr_willisabout:plugins  shows flash here in my google-chrome setup.18:40
coz_NewbieToKernel,   which packages do you want?18:40
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olx69dr_willis: ubuntu 11.04 64bit?18:40
dr_willis'using flash player with google chrome' --> http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/839/cpsid_83950.html18:41
dr_willis11.04 32bit i belive.. its my lubuntu box right now.18:41
PwnusMaximushi guys im back, trying to install Ubuntu 11.04 (64bit) on a HP Z600 using a USB flash drive and its hanging on the "ubuntu" logo.. and the dots are not changing color... any tips?18:41
dr_willisyep - this is 32bit.18:41
dr_willis!nomodeset | PwnusMaximus18:41
ubottuPwnusMaximus: nomodeset is A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:41
dr_willisPwnusMaximus,  thers other options that may also help. but i forget the other factoid..18:42
TrevIncPwnusMaximus: from a USB flash drive? Be extra patient before you decide to restart.18:42
olx69dr_wills: I know this page; libflashplayergc.so isn't there /opt/google/chrome/18:42
olx69even if repo enabled for apt18:42
PwnusMaximuswow, thanks. ill try to change the options and see if it helps18:42
coz_PwnusMaximus,  does that machine have a cd burner?18:43
olx69dr_wills: som week before it did work :(18:43
PwnusMaximusyes, i tried with a CD before the USB but had the same issue18:43
PwnusMaximusthought USB would fix it18:43
coz_PwnusMaximus, you might want to try the minimal install cd18:43
dr_willisls -l /opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so18:43
dr_willis-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12562420 2011-06-13 14:36 /opt/google/chrome/libgcflashplayer.so18:43
dr_willisit seems to be on 32bit.18:43
dr_willisor did i spell it wrong.. look for the wrong file.. :)18:43
coz_PwnusMaximus,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:43
PwnusMaximuscoz_: thank you.18:44
dr_willisPwnusMaximus,  did you try the nomodeset option? what is your video chipset?18:44
coz_PwnusMaximus,  it is  only 19 megs,, everything installs by downloading18:44
nimbioticsTrevInc, How can I get version firefox 3.6?18:44
PwnusMaximusmy video chipset is a ATI Radeon 485018:45
coz_PwnusMaximus, go with the minimal ,,, you will get to a point where you have options for install,,, arrows to scroll and  space bar to tick the box  not the enter key18:45
PwnusMaximusdr_willis: im unsure how to ad installation options.. i jest get the list screen "boot into ubuntu, install ubuntu, check memory etc"18:45
TrevIncnimbiotics: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20110522062920AATtTNW18:45
PwnusMaximusoh ok18:45
PwnusMaximusill try that18:45
TrevInchope this answers your question!18:46
dr_willisPwnusMaximus,  that url given have screenshots that show you how18:46
dr_willis!nomodeset | PwnusMaximus18:46
ubottuPwnusMaximus: nomodeset is A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:46
PwnusMaximusim buring the 11.04 minimal cd now18:46
olx69dr_wills: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=137c4f5168313948&hl=en :(18:46
dr_willisolx69,  not for 64bit?18:47
coz_PwnusMaximus,  cool,   it is NOT a live cd  but much easier to deal with and very fast18:47
nimbioticsTrevInc, THX!18:47
PwnusMaximusso will it "boot" into a shell?18:47
olx69dr_wills: it seems :(18:47
coz_PwnusMaximus,  once installed it will boot into Unity  yes.. and be completely up to date18:47
PwnusMaximuscoz_: i mean when i stick in the cd what will it look like clone zilla?18:48
olx69dr_wills: even more http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Chrome/thread?tid=7f535ed8481afea0&hl=en18:48
tjiggi_foPwnusMaximus, no, it is not a live CD18:48
coz_PwnusMaximus, I dont use clonezilla sorry,, so not sure how that looks ,, but it is not a live cd  but easy to follow through with18:49
PwnusMaximusok, burn almost done18:49
coz_PwnusMaximus,   when you restart  you may get a flashing cursor  , just hit enter18:49
LasersPwnusMaximus: When you stick it in, you'll see blue screen of death. Select options and whatnot.18:50
PwnusMaximusLasers: thanks, here goes nothin!18:50
coz_Lasers,  mine is always purple :)18:50
LasersPwnusMaximus: Text-based installer -- So it's not graphical. :)18:50
ezrafreewhat can i do if suddenly my icons in the bar at the top of gnome are no longer displaying?18:51
WorkGroupGerman Channel?18:51
PwnusMaximusLasers: as a side note how do you like unity?18:51
LasersPwnusMaximus: Dunno. I never tried it. :P18:51
tjk11can someoone show me an example what u would imput into terminal to use unshield on data1.cab18:51
coz_ezrafree,  is this 11.04  Unity?18:52
PwnusMaximusLasers: arnt you running 11.04?18:52
ezrafreeyes 11.0418:52
LasersPwnusMaximus: Nope. I'm no.18:52
ezrafreeno not Unity though, gnome18:52
LasersPwnusMaximus: Gnome 2.30.18:52
wonka_arabic channel, please18:52
PwnusMaximusim mostly a mac person and ive heard its a lot like mac18:52
coz_ezrafree,  ok right click the upper panel ,,, Add to panel... you want the indiactor applet18:53
PwnusMaximusok guys, splash screen is u[18:53
tjk11can someoone show me an example what u would input into terminal to use unshield on data1.cab18:53
ubottuLa comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe18:53
invlpg[1]how i view all the open windows on ubuntu unity, like the task bars in gnome? no one knows? o:18:53
coz_ezrafree,  unless you mean  when a window is opened and it is not showing in the panel18:53
LasersPwnusMaximus: It is trying to be -- but it's still too early to mimic OSX.18:53
escott!sa | wonka_18:53
ubottuwonka_: For the Saudi Arabia team : /join #ubuntu-sa : للانظمام الى قناة الفريق السعودي - For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية18:53
el_rusoHi, i have a HP LaserJet 1020, when i try to print with OpenOffice my Ubuntu 10.10 restarts, why?18:53
coz_el_ruso,  not sure,, does it print well otherwise?18:54
el_rusocoz_: i'm using a custom format18:54
tjk11how would you use the unshield command to extract a .cab file?18:54
webpowerhow to remove the letter icon near time in natty?18:54
PwnusMaximusLasers: im not sure if people in the linux community hate macOSX for being proprietary but on a usability standpoint i much prefer it to windows18:55
coz_el_ruso,  what I mean is,, can you print in another application,, even gedit  , withouth this happening?18:55
tjk11how would you use the unshield command to extract a .cab file in terminal?18:55
escotttjk11, have you checked the man page, it usually has examples at the bottom18:55
el_rusocoz_: yes, i can18:56
LasersPwnusMaximus: I don't like OSX. In fact, I do have one myself.  However, I think if you're new to Linux (from Mac Background) -- You may hate Unity. (But that's just me).18:56
green91pwnusmaximus: from an opennes standpoint, its more constricted than even windows.18:56
escottel_ruso, do you get a full restart or does the gui crash?18:56
LasersPwnusMaximus: I mean -- I don't hate*18:56
tjk11escott, what is a man page?18:56
Lasers!man | tjk1118:56
ubottutjk11: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/18:56
Heinz_L_Maennchehi, using recordmydesktop i run into the problem that the background will not redraw (only in the video) when closing a window (so even it was closed u can see it in the recording) what can i do?18:56
escotttjk11, in a terminal type "man unshield"18:57
PwnusMaximustjk11: a page made of men18:57
pietro10Hi. I'm trying to remount my flash drive so I can run Linux binaries stored on it (I use it thold my source code) and sudo mount -t vfat -o rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush /dev/sdb1 /media/FD doesn't apply the execute bits. What's going on? Thanks18:57
tjk11ok thanks18:57
pietro10It did work before 11.0418:57
el_rusocoz_: usually is a gui crash18:57
PwnusMaximustjk11: :) actualy is a "manual" page. with instructions on how to use a perticular program18:57
tjk11thanks im new to terminal18:58
PwnusMaximustjk11: for example "man cd" would invoke the "MANual" for the command "CD" and tell you all about it. (CD stands for Change Directroy btw)18:58
coz_el_ruso,   then not sure ,,, I dont use open office at all,, I will back off from this one,, it may be openoffice  if the printer works with other applications , and being an HP  I would assume it is  or should be working18:58
dr_willisactually  some commands are 'built in' to bash or other shells and may not have a man page.. :)18:58
tjk11ok that makes sense thank you!18:58
escottPwnusMaximus, cd is a bash builtin there is no man page. the best example is man man18:59
dr_willisman cd -> bad example....    man ls --> good example18:59
el_rusothat's what i think coz_18:59
DrSlonyHelp, I wrote a guide where I explained what to do to get a package called LCMS version 2 from a ppa called dasprid, the command is "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dasprid/rawtherapee && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install liblcms2-dev". I tested and it works fine in Ubuntu 11.04. Do I need to change anything for it to work in 10.04?18:59
PwnusMaximustjk11: to learn more about MAN, type "man man"18:59
dr_willisman man  -> seems just weird..18:59
el_rusothank you coz_18:59
PwnusMaximusescott: really? i thought there was..18:59
PwnusMaximusescott: my bad18:59
dr_willisman more   that way you learn about the man pager.. more.. and what keys it uses..18:59
leeeroooy_JDrSlony: one thing I'd check is dependencies19:00
dr_willisot was is it 'less' these days..19:00
coz_el_ruso,   open a terminal,,   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    <-- that will update  everything ,, see if there is an office update  during that19:00
LasersDrSlony: I don't know if 10.04 have "add-apt-repository" -- I can't remember it. :(19:00
el_rusogood idea coz_19:00
LasersDrSlony: You want to install 10.04 on VBox -- Test it from there -- Yourself.19:01
DrSlonyLasers I'm not going to install 10.04 in vbox just to test a simple command... thats why I came here19:01
DrSlonyAny Ubuntu 10.04 users here? How does one add a ppa from a terminal?19:01
Gjyvmfor some reason firefox crashes when I visit www.gsick.com, and only when I visit that site, I've been using that site for a long time and this has been happenng since I upgraded to 11.04, what could it be?19:01
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: what version of firefox?19:02
genii-aroundDrSlony: sudo add-apt-repository ppa-name-here19:02
IdleOneDrSlony: sudo add-apt-repository19:02
* genii-around slides IdleOne a coffee19:02
LasersGjyvm: Could be the new Firefox 5. Random thought.19:02
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, 3.519:02
* IdleOne accepts and hands genii-around a fin for his troubles19:02
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: re you using 3.5 on ubuntu 11.04?19:03
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, thats how i roll19:03
DrSlonygenii-around IdleOne are those 10.04 compatble?19:03
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: may i ask you when you installed ubuntu 11.04?19:03
IdleOneDrSlony: should be yes.19:03
DrSlonyIdleOne do you use 10.04?19:04
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, couple of days ago19:04
willvarfarhow do you downgrade all packages from a ppa so they are all at a version before some point in time?19:04
leeeroooy_JGjyvm : and you installed 3.5 personally?19:04
escott!info ppa-purge | willvarfar19:04
ubottuwillvarfar: ppa-purge (source: ppa-purge): disables a PPA and reverts to official packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.8+bzr56 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB19:04
IdleOneDrSlony: not currently19:05
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, yes19:05
DrSlonyCould I trouble any 10.04 users to see whether "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dasprid/rawtherapee" works?19:05
xmdDr_willis:  im back, i have problems insalling19:05
IdleOneDrSlony: if that doesn't work you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add the deb http: line to that file19:06
xmdubuntu let me install from the flash drive to the external HDD19:06
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: ok, does that site use flash or something?19:06
xmdit goes throughe veything correctly, and even says install complete, and then says restart19:06
xmdit restarts the system but it doesnt boot ubuntu19:06
xmdjust comes up Error: file not found grub rescue>19:06
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, i dont think so, but i cant be sure19:06
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: try visit without flash, does it still crash?19:06
xmderror: file not found grub rescue>?19:07
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, yes19:07
=== JGJones_ is now known as JGJones
DrSlonyIdleOne ok, thank you19:07
leeeroooy_Jxmd: did you change your boot order to boot from the external HDD?19:07
escottxmd, do you know what drive the bootloader was installed to?19:07
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: try disabling javascript, does it still crash?19:07
IdleOnexmd: you need to install grub to the MBR of the HD19:07
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:08
oCeanDrSlony: that ppa does not seem to conaint packages for lucid19:08
willvarfarubottu, not purge; simply set all the packages to be before the most recent update which happened around the 23rd19:08
ubottuwillvarfar: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:08
xmdIdleOne: install grub to the MBR of the HD?19:08
PythonSnakeI'm owner and can't set as executable19:08
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, yep19:08
mads-Can anyone tell me why google chrome looks to /usr/lib/sun-java-6.0.22 directly and how can I change that link? I have a newer version of java installed, which chrome keeps asking for19:08
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: so it crashes with both flash and javascript disabled? what about disabling images too?19:09
willvarfarescott, I don't mean purge a ppa; I mean downgrade to versions in the ppa that are before some recent point in time19:09
IdleOnexmd: yes, you will need to boot from the small usb drive again19:09
xmdIdleone: grub2?19:09
MadGirlit has been said that grub2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)19:09
escottwillvarfar, i dont know any easy way to do that. i would check the apt logs to see what was installed when and then manually downgrade to the older versions manually19:09
webpowerhow to remove the letter icon near time in natty?19:09
xmdok, what do i do after i boot from the smaller usb again?  run ubuntu live or install again?19:10
BluesKajolx69,  ' about:plugins ' in the addressbar ..anyway did you install flashplugin-installer ?19:10
IdleOnexmd: correct, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub219:10
Gjyvmleeeroooy_J, already tried that19:10
leeeroooy_JGjyvm: with no results? thats some odd problem you re having, i assume you cleared your cache too?19:10
PythonSnakehow to set permission with terminal?19:10
IdleOnexmd: run live and follow directions on that link I jujst gave you.19:10
xmdthose directions are like 50 pages long?19:11
DephenomIs it possible to integrate Skype and/or xChat into the Messaging Menu?19:11
escottxmd, it contains multiple methods19:11
oCeanwillvarfar: PPA's are unsupported 3rd party repositories. We cannot 'promise' that older versions are available. Having said that, to install a specific version of a package, you can use command like this:  sudo apt-get install zip=3.0-2build1  (to install that specific version of zip)19:11
escott!permissions | PythonSnake use chmod19:12
ubottuPythonSnake use chmod: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions19:12
xmdescott: im just in awe, why do i not already have grub2?19:12
IdleOnexmd: because at install you didn't install it to the correct place19:12
* jiltdil is python have uses these days?19:12
xmdIdleone: oh, i see19:12
tjk11unshield [-c COMPONENT] [-d DIRECTORY] [-D LEVEL] [-g GROUP] [-GhlOrV] c|g|l|t|x CABFILE19:12
escottxmd, sounds like what happended was grub was installed to the mbr of the drive physically in the machine but is looking for the usb, ever time you boot the usb appears in a different spot19:12
tjk11can someone give me example of this Syntax:19:13
tjk11unshield [-c COMPONENT] [-d DIRECTORY] [-D LEVEL] [-g GROUP] [-GhlOrV] c|g|l|t|x CABFILE19:13
xmdescott: there is no drive physically in the machine?19:13
escottxmd, so you need to follow the "lost grub after installing windows" instructions to put grub onto the usb drive19:13
tjk11unshield [-c COMPONENT] [-d DIRECTORY] [-D LEVEL] [-g GROUP] [-GhlOrV] c|g|l|t|x CABFILE19:14
IdleOneescott: he is booting from Live USB to install onto external USB19:14
xmdoh ok, so I installed ubuntu from a small flash drive to another 350GB external HDD USB drive19:14
IdleOneescott: the install is done but yeah he needs to put grub on the right /dev/sdX19:14
xmdi will tip a $BTC if you help me19:14
xmdhow do i just get the drug file wher ei need it?19:15
xmd*grub file19:15
escottxmd, the install you are describing is a bit unusual im pretty sure it couldn't figure out the right drive. boot the live usb19:15
escottxmd, then figure out what /dev/sdX is the external harddrive, then use the chroot instructions in !grub to run grub-install /dev/sdX19:16
xmdok im booting the slamm usb live, do I go into ubuntu live or ubuntu install?19:16
escottxmd, ubuntu live19:16
escottxmd, then follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot to chroot yourself into the external drive19:17
xmdok im in live....how do i figure out what /dev/sdX is the externalHDD19:17
escottxmd, use the disk utility19:17
xmddesk utility is the link ?19:17
escottxmd, no there is a gui tool called disk utility which tells about the disks (im assuming its on the live cd)19:18
escottxmd, you could also use gparted19:18
xmdyes im inn it19:18
pietro10Hi. I'm trying to remount my flash drive so I can run Linux binaries stored on it (I use it thold my source code) and sudo mount -t vfat -o rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush /dev/sdb1 /media/FD doesn't apply the execute bits. What's going on? It did work before 11.04 Thanks19:18
xmdim in disk utility....19:18
willvarfaroCean, thx; is there a way to do it bulk for all packages?19:18
pietro10what Disk Utility19:19
pietro10all I know is the OS X Disk Utility19:19
PythonSnakeHow to use a command as a prgram to run something ?19:19
beigeUnity & Gnome 3, I tried to use both and hate them. Am I missing something?19:19
xmdescott: im following the directions in the link19:20
coz_beige,  probably not...19:20
escottxmd, find your external drive and then on the right below the "Volumes" it should say what device it is.19:20
coz_PythonSnake,  which program do you want to run?19:20
beigecoz_, I understand how to use them but having to bring up that dash in g3 to change applications is annoying19:20
oCeanwillvarfar: I never heard of a tool that could do that in bulk. In /var/log/apt/history.log you can find your recent updates though19:21
coz_beige,  the "trend" towards an appliance interface,, image drivern menus instead of list driven menus,, has thrown many people off balance19:21
xmdescott can i private chat you for a sec?19:21
willvarfaroCean, thx19:21
xmdescott: I am following the directions in the link, I also have the Disk Utility, the directions in the link become compliated after step 419:22
coz_beige,  you can just use classic gnome in 11.04  or in gnome3  the fallback mode19:22
pietro10or kubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu studio (GNOME2 now, xfce later), etc.19:22
pietro10or another distro -- find whichever is right for you =P19:23
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coz_beige,  gnome3 in fallback mode is pretty nice  and compiz runs fine but for a few plugins,, mainly be cause gnome3  no longer uses desktop windows19:23
coz_beige,  that can be overcome by using the wallpaper plugin19:24
coz_beige,  the biggest complaint I am hearing about gnome3, are the lack of settings,, many are either hidden or removed19:26
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beigecoz_ I know a few who have moved to Mint as they kept the classic gnome interface as defacto19:28
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coz_beige,  gnome3 isnt that bad ,, especially in fall back mode,, at least compiz works,, the lack of settings is often a sore point and a " not so smart" move in my opinion19:29
sysop-workhey I have messed up the sudoers file and I dont know the root pw. what can I do?19:30
escottsysop-work, livecd to fix sudoers file19:31
cdavisHow can I change my cpu mhz in natty?19:33
cdavisI have an i7 which could run at 2.67 but /proc/cpus says they are running at 119919:33
escottcdavis, its likely the power throttling you may be able to make it more aggressive with some files in /sys19:34
webpowerhow to remove the letter icon near time in natty?19:35
fairuzafaik, when it has nothing to do it will do frequency scaling (lower the freq to minimize power usage)19:35
trismwebpower: it is the indicator-messages package, uninstalling it will remove the envelope19:35
trismwebpower: you may need to log out/back in to see the change19:36
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siskerAnyone know how to get ATI driver version from command prompt, using the proprietary 11.6 drivers, but don't know how to see that without opening up CCC app.19:36
c|onemanwhere are the desktop effects in 11.04?19:36
coz_cjaredrun,  Unity or classic?19:37
sysop-workescott, thanks thats the conclusion I reached as well.19:37
ravenhow to record soundcard output?19:38
webpowertrism, ok, thanks19:39
webpoweranother thing19:39
webpowerwhen i log in, it asks me to type the key logger password19:39
webpowerit's boring :\19:39
ravenhow to record soundcard output?19:39
BryanRuizim trying to enable the partner repository, what is the tool i need to install to do that?19:39
DciteBryanRuiz: Synatic Package manager -> Repositories -> 2nd tab?19:41
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wildc4rdevenin all19:41
BryanRuizthx Dcite19:42
uraganhow unpack ddd.rar into ubuntu ?19:44
DMKitschiv'e just installed PHPMyAdmin, how do i access it online?19:45
ravenhow to record soundcard output?19:45
uraganhow extract files from .rar into ubuntu19:45
fairuzuragan: unrar19:45
escott!info unrar | uragan19:45
ubottuuragan: unrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:4.0.3-1 (natty), package size 104 kB, installed size 260 kB19:45
BryanRuizDMKitsch: read the tutorial by googling ubuntu phpmyadmin and then visit http://localhost/phpmyadmin19:45
uragani know about that19:46
escottraven, arecord in alsa-utils is a real minimal recorder for alsa19:46
uragansee my quest attantivly19:46
fairuzDMKitsch: You can make it online if your PC is accessible from outside. (e.g you have a fixed IP)19:47
trismuragan: installing unrar allows Archive Manager (file-roller) to extract them, or you can use: unrar e filename.rar; from the command line (if that was your second question)19:47
iouragan: '$ sudo apt-get install unrar; unrar ddd.rar'19:47
ioor whatever options unrar requires19:48
DMKitschBryanRuiz i followed this: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies19:48
wiggmpkcan anyone pastebin their /etc/default/grub19:48
uraganfrom terminal i do not whant19:49
DMKitschBryanRuiz it said how to install it but it has not appeared in the www folder :/19:49
ravenescott, ok but how to route the souncard out to arecord?19:49
uraganmay be easy way for unpacking?19:49
iouragan: then install 'unrar' through a GUI package manager and then use Archive Manager to extract it19:49
fairuzuragan: That's is easy, 2 line command19:49
uraganwithout terminal19:49
escottraven, ok sorry didnt read that closely enough. im not really sure how to do that.19:50
fairuzinstall unrar, then right clock on the archive then you can unpack it that way19:50
Michiellll-laptocan anyone tell me how to get menus at the top&bottom instead of having this fancy bar on the side?19:50
iothe Terminal method is alot easier, though19:50
SubCooli am having a problem with my phone. WHen i plug it in, i receive this error. [79185.320244] usb 1-1: device descriptor read/64, error -7119:50
fairuzMichiellll-lapto: Use Ubuntu Classic19:50
ravenescott, hm but tnx19:50
uragani trying19:50
wonka_this is such a weird error19:50
Michiellll-laptofairuz, i tried that but it was grey :S19:51
nesteaIs it possible for linux to have two connections open at the same time (say eth0 to stream to my ps3) and wlan0 for my inet connection19:51
nesteaI don't wanna have to choose between watching my movies, and playing on the inet19:51
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escottnestea, yes, the routing is the tricky bit19:52
shockrateshow is the last ubuntu codenamed?19:52
fairuzDMKitsch: Do you have /var/www ?19:52
nesteaokay, mind helping me figure out how to do this exactly? cause thats what im trying to do w/ Knetwork manager19:52
io!codenames | shockrates19:52
ubottushockrates: Ubuntu has awesome release codenames. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames for more19:52
nestea(i dont mind using something else if it is required)19:52
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Michiellll-laptofairuz, last time it said i didnt have the hardware to  use unity and it was like that, i reinstalled and now i have this19:53
Michiellll-laptoi dont like it19:53
Michiellll-laptobut i dont want it to be gray19:53
nesteaor atleast point me to a guide?19:53
escottnestea, a few more specifics are needed, exactly what are you trying to accomplish.19:54
nesteaokay, well I just wanna stream say my movies/music from my laptop here to my ps319:54
daniel__if i am compressing files what is the best format to compress in .zip .tar.gz ect19:54
nesteabut I still wanna be able to say go on facebook while said streaming is going on19:54
wiggmpkcan anyone give me a pastebin on their default/untouched /etc/default/grub please19:54
nesteawlan0 is my inet connection while eth0 is going through my router to hook up to the ps319:55
pythonirc101I'm running ubuntu server , am new to ubuntu server...I've run centos before. Is it ok to put an ubuntu server with ssh open on the web? Is there any security issues i should look into before i do this? Just ssh port. Later on i plan to open http port, but not yet.19:55
DMKitschfairuz yes i do have var/www19:55
DMKitschfairuz i just make a link from the phpmyadmin to the directory so now it is working but i get a #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server19:56
escott!best | daniel__ if it is for other unix systems tar.* is often preferred19:56
ubottudaniel__ if it is for other unix systems tar.* is often preferred: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:56
uraganUNRAR 3.90 beta 2 freeware      Copyright (c) 1993-2009 Alexander Roshal19:57
uragan/tmp/Dic.WPA.rar is not RAR archive19:57
uraganwhats are19:57
fairuzDMKitsch: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset19:57
uraganits exectly rar archive19:57
DMKitsch#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server is it an incorrect password error?19:57
uraganwhy i cant extract19:57
uraganku ku19:58
uraganok tommorow19:58
daniel__escott, ok first of all it isnt a poll  am asking witch would be best for my ubuntu as there are so many options i am looking to make the file as small as i can so what is the best for that19:58
uragani go to sleep19:58
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nesteadaniel__, well .tar.gz is actually very good but if you really wanna do it i've noticed a slight difference between .tar.gz and tar.bz220:00
escottdaniel__, the highest compression is probably lzma. not sure if lzma does directories, but you could tar and then lzma the file. see what wikipedia says about compression programs20:00
nesteawhich is bunzip220:00
nesteatrue, didn't even consider lzma20:00
daniel__ok thanks thats what i was looking for20:00
ravenhow to record soundcard output?20:00
nesteaescott, know where I might be able to find  guide or something that could help me with my question?20:02
escottnestea, i think what you need is either samba or ftp or something20:03
escottnestea, its a question of what your ps3 supports20:03
xmdI am a new user of ubunut and have i spent the past 24 hours trying to get ubuntu to allow me to install the fricken program on my external hardrive20:04
wabican i say "pussyfucking" here without beeing banned ? smile20:04
nesteai've tried that20:04
xmdI finally successfully installed in on my externalHDD and nwo it won boot20:04
xmdwhen i boot it says error: file not found.20:04
escottif you install dhcp-server on your ubuntu system and configure it to serve ip addresses in 192.168.2.* on eth020:04
xmdgrub rescue>20:04
nesteai guess i just dont know what im doing (as another thing im on a mobile hot spot for inet, and it doesn't have file sharing like a normal router hence why im going this route)20:04
wabiwow..an ubuntu help channel :) without girls..gg20:04
DMKitschfairuz THANKS! i got it working now20:05
fairuzDMKitsch: no problem20:05
ravenhow to record soundcard output?20:05
DMKitschfairuz i have 3 databases, are they all mandatory (i just set it all up)20:06
faz_is there a way i can get info on the packages in apt-get w/o having to install them first? (for instance: there are 24 mysql-* packages, how do i know which i want to install?)20:06
fairuzDMKitsch: I normally just let them20:06
LjLfairuz: apt-cache show packagename20:06
DMKitschfairuz ok thank you for the help :)20:06
escottnestea, i think what you need is dhcp-server on ubuntu serving 192.168.2.*. samba on ubuntu serving folders, maybe also dnsmasq if you want ps3 to connect to the internet through the ubuntu20:06
fairuzLjL not for me =)20:07
LjLfairuz: oh sorry20:07
xmdcan anyone help me as to why i cannot boot ubuntu off my external hdd?20:07
LjLfaz_: apt-cache show packagename20:07
nesteayeah i dont want my ps3 on the inet through this machine20:07
nesteaI could just connect it to the inet through the hotspot if i wanted it on the inet20:07
Manorieanyone software programmer living in London, need advice?20:09
oCeanManorie: if you have an ubuntu support question, just ask20:09
DMKitschbye bye everyone20:10
ravenhow to record soundcard output?20:10
mguyI'm trying to install Ubuntu 11.04-destkop-amd64.iso in VirtualBox 4.0.8, and the installer tells me I don't have a 64-bit chip20:10
jjovereatsMy Tgz backups aren't working, should I use md5 to test? It says /home/me/Videos/somefilename.dv-avi: File shrank by "apparently whole size $(\`)", padding w/ zeros.20:10
mguyI have 64-bit virtual machines running so I don't know why it would say that20:10
nesteaescott: dhcp is being handled by the router which I have setup for the area20:10
mguyjjovereats: why woudl you gzip an AVI file20:11
jjovereatsBackup to miniDV tape using dvbackup20:11
jjovereatss/woudl/would/g Correction contributed by Jack J20:11
nesteaim just trying to set up my laptop to handle the eth0 connection to talk to my ps3 so I can stream movies/music to it and then still get on facebook w/o having to go into my network manager, interrupting said movies/music just to check up on my FB20:12
nesteabut getting on the internet requires a constant connection to my wireless internet connection20:12
jjovereatsnestea: the setup should ALREADY be working.20:12
wiggmpkcan someone tell me how to regenerate the default /etc/default/grub or pastebin an untouched copy so I can compare my changes (trying to work backwards and lost some info in the process)20:12
nesteabut its not20:12
oCeanmguy: you need to check whether your cpu has VT capabilities. Run   egrep '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo20:13
jjovereatsmguy: I am backing it up to another PC20:13
nestearight now, cause im using my wireless i can't get my ps3 to read that I have my eth0 hooked up to my laptop too20:13
mguyoCean: I didn't select Ubuntu (64-bit) when I created the VM20:13
escottnestea, right ps3 --eth0--> ubuntu --wlan0--> router. you need dhcp on the ubuntu binding to eth0 to serve ips to ps3 (or you configure both ubuntu and ps3 as static on a different subdomain than the one served by router)20:13
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nesteathink I just got confused lol20:14
escottnestea, so if router serves 192.168.1.* serve 192.168.2.* between ubuntu and ps320:14
oCeanmguy: even if your host os runs 64 bit, that does not mean your guests can20:14
oCeanmguy: oh wait, other guests do run 64 bit?20:14
xmdcan anyone please help me with my i cant boot ubuntu from my external HDD20:14
jjovereatsxmd: NEI: Not Enough Info. The opposite of TMI.20:15
mguyoCean: Yes I have other 64-bit VMs running, I fixed the problem20:15
nesteabut my mobile hot spot is different than my router20:15
oCeanmguy: oh, nice20:15
wiggmpkxmd: does your bios recognize the external HDD? what media are you using to connect said HDD?20:15
LuxeDo you guys know of any way I could get all of my music off my iPod touch via Ubuntu?20:15
nicofsIs there someone around who is familiar with the Diagram Editor?20:15
nesteainstalling the server20:15
jjovereats600ms lag here! Need help with t3h backup I'm doing. It's erroring.20:16
xmdjjovereats:  I have installed ubuntu to my external (usb) HDD... I installed it from a live boot on another 4GB flash drive.  The installation on the external HDD was successful, but now the external HDD will not boot20:16
xmdwhen i boot it gives me error: file not found grub rescue>20:16
* Luxe sits.20:16
mguyWhat's the error?20:16
escottnestea, the important bit is to make sure your gateway is always the router20:16
jjovereatsInteresting. Have you tried installing grub?20:16
LuxeDo any of you guys know how I could sync my iPod with Ubuntu?20:16
xmdyse, i just spent an hour isntalling grub20:16
xmdwith the help of a very knowledgable member20:16
xmdthe installation of grub on the external hdd did nothing20:16
xmdeven when i go to my boot menu and pick the external HDD, it still give me the error20:17
nesteabut thats not changing the problem that KNetwork manager isn't letting me have two active connections at once instead of just one20:17
xmdthe hdd had no problem booting a live verison las night20:17
xmdbut now cannot boot the full installed version20:17
mguyjjovereats: what is your error20:17
xmdthis is very frustarting20:17
wiggmpk!enter | xmd20:17
ubottuxmd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:17
xmdI am a new user and am interested in using ubuntu20:17
azv4anyone ever setup a helpdesk program?20:17
xmdok sorry,20:17
jjovereatsmguy: It's that the file shrunk by it's full size. WT?20:17
wiggmpkxmd: LIVE CD's do not use HDD to operate20:17
RichardSexternal HDD arn't meant to run operating systems, their meant for storage. Maybe you should use a internal HD instead.20:18
xmdwiggmpk: what do you meant?20:18
xmdi dont have any internal hdds20:18
RichardSyou dont have a internal hard drive?20:18
wiggmpkxmd: when you boot a live CD, it is totally operating from RAM and the CD, doesnt ever touch the HDD untill you install it20:18
xmdRichardS: so your solution is to totally just forget i ever tried using an external HDD?20:18
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ravenhow to record soundcard output?20:18
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nesteamy mobile hotspot is not connected to the router in any way shape or form20:19
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xmdwell i installed it on the external HDD20:19
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wiggmpkxmd: how is the external HDD connected? External SATA / USB ?20:19
jjovereatsThe archive is UNCOMPRESSED. how do I specify DO NOT COMPRESS on the CMD line.20:19
* Luxe was totally ignored.20:19
* jjovereats was ALSO ignored.20:19
wiggmpkxmd: what type of installation? Basic? Raid? All information given can help anyone better diagnose the problem.. what were the results of the GRUB installation when you installed it?20:20
antiheroAny idea why my DVD drive isn't showing up?20:20
mguyjjovereats: I bet your script is bad, can you pastebin it along with your error?20:20
nestea k, well I got dhcp-server installed..20:21
LuxeDo any of you have any idea how I can get my music off my iPod touch via Ubuntu?20:21
antiheroMy /dev/cdrom seems to be symlinked to /dev/sr020:21
jjovereatsmguy: it's no script. it's a 1liner.20:21
mguyLuxe: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone20:21
mguyjjovereats: What's the line?20:22
wiggmpkLuxe: there are several media players that support ipod or ipad syncing plugins20:22
xmdwiggmpk: everything went perfect witht he grubinstalltion, it says installtion successful.... as for what type of instalation... I installed ubuntu 11.04 onto my external HDD from the smaller live usb20:22
LuxeI'm not looking to sync them per say.20:22
LuxeI'm looking to actually get the music OFF.20:23
jjovereatstar -c -f any-name@any-pc-can-go-here-desktop.local:/home/$HOME/backup27062011.tar /home/$HOME/ /website/ /gopher/ /etc/squid/ /etc/pygopherd/ /etc/apache2/ /etc/havp/20:23
wiggmpkLuxe: unless you previously sync the ipod to the computer, doing so would be illegal20:23
Picijjovereats: tar has no compression.20:23
sysop-workhow can I mount a perc5 from the boot cd?20:23
jjovereatsPici: But it says it shrank the files.20:23
xmdwiggmpk: everything went perfect witht he grubinstalltion, it says installtion successful.... as for what type of instalation... I installed ubuntu 11.04 onto my external HDD from the smaller live usb20:24
wabimhhh.. is there someone please that can help me out.. on /nickserv and recovering password ?20:24
mguyjjovereats: it's just a notification message20:24
Picijjovereats: What exactly did it say?20:24
LjLwabi: ask #freenode20:24
wiggmpkxmd: how did you install grub? terminal via the livecd? are you sure you installed it to the right /dev/sda or /dev/hda20:24
jjovereatsThings like: tar: /home/jack/Year 6 backup/Jack J/PAc/PortableApps/FocusWriterPortable/Data/FocusWriterData/Themes/Images/1d41b584f4f46d103c284457ef44e25c0e5fdff2.bmp: File shrank by 1366326 bytes; padding with zeros20:24
wabithanx, LjL20:24
oCeanjjovereats: I've seen that when tar'ing files in corrupted filesystems, sparse files (such as virtual machine disks with space reserved) and pseudo filesystems as /proc20:25
jjovereatsShould I remount R/O and run an FSCK?20:25
Luxewiggmpk, -.- I bought all the music from CDs -.-20:25
wiggmpkluxe: then re-rip them to your hard-drive..20:25
wabiand i still like to say "pussy" LjL ;) even if its not topic of this channel ;).. grin20:26
wiggmpkluxe: transfering music from a portable device to another PC without the music already being on that PC is file sharing and illegal and wont be helped here20:26
* Luxe laughs.20:26
xmdterminal via the live CD  yes i installed it to the correct /dev/sdb20:26
LuxeLike anything in Ubuntu it legal -.-20:26
wiggmpkluxe: is FOSS why dont you google it20:26
DMKitschwhat permissions are attached to ///var/www20:26
PiciDMKitsch: What does ls say? ls -ld /var/www/20:27
DMKitschdrwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-06-27 19:53 /var/www/20:27
DMKitschdoes that mean my current user has no access?20:27
wiggmpkLuxe: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open_source_software so you can understand what ubuntu is and stands for20:28
DMKitschuser of 'Dave'20:28
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PiciDMKitsch: Correct.20:28
DMKitschok so how do i use chmod to set permissions to full for me20:28
HamsterLord|AwayI have an ubuntu flash drive20:28
jjovereatshow do i correct these weird errors i am getting20:29
HamsterLord|AwayCan I run ubuntu inside windows from an ubuntu flash drive?20:29
escottLuxe, if it doesn't present itself as usb mass storage accessible in the file browser, then you have to rely on the apple sync protocol which requires that your computer have a key to that device20:29
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DMKitschpici i am the administrator20:29
DMKitschpici how do i set my permissions to full if i log into root20:29
mbeierlcan anyone point me to a good place for help on recovering trucated files on a VFAT filesystem?  (think echo "" > file.mp3, not rm file.mp3).  fsck.vfat is finding chains of dangling data, and files whose chain length is >0 bytes, but it keeps wanting to truncate the files, not chain them back20:29
LuxeTrue escott. Thank your for your help.20:30
escott!undelete | mbeierl20:30
ubottumbeierl: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel20:30
PiciDMKitsch: Some may say this is a security risk, but I tend to set ownership to www-data:www-data and then put myself in the www-data group.20:31
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DMKitschpici ah ok that makes sense :)20:31
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aquaratTo Everyone : Has anyone ever had audio regularly shifting pitch on playback ?20:31
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DMKitschpici thank you for the help20:31
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Picijjovereats: Don't do that ever again.20:32
IdleOnejjovereats: Please don't nick spam like that20:32
jjovereatsI am weird :S.20:32
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mbeierlescott: thanks, but i need something a little deeper, and specifically for an external usb compact flash card, which would be vfat, not ext20:32
jjovereatsim tired of this.20:33
escottmbeierl, yeah i had hoped it would recommend a vfat undelete command20:33
escottmbeierl, try testdisk20:34
mbeierlescott: that's the problem.  This is not a case of undelete, the file does exist, just with no content anymore20:34
mbeierlescott: urg.  testdisk wants to work with the raw device, not the image of the device I took...20:35
escottmbeierl, its the same principle though. finding file chains and joining them together. you could use dd to image the disk, loop mount it, and then delete the file, and then see if undelete can get it back20:35
jjovereatsI'm trying to make use of what little bandwidth (11MB/s) I have over Ethernet. And I have to back up my files SOON.20:35
jjovereatsWhy are the files shrinking like that?20:36
PythonSnakeI switched to gnome20:36
PythonSnakenow my touchpad wont disable when my ms plugged20:36
guntbert!enter | PythonSnake20:36
ubottuPythonSnake: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:36
PythonSnakeI checked that option..20:37
gagani need help in back track20:37
gaganhow do i connect my usb modem in bt20:37
io!backtrack | gagan20:37
guntbert!backtrack | gagan20:37
ubottugagan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition20:37
VCoolioI only find netbook edition for 10.04; does that mean I should use desktop iso's for notebooks too?20:37
popeyVCoolio: yes20:37
popeyVCoolio: netbook and desktop versions are rolled together now20:37
VCooliothat's quick :) ok, thanks20:37
guntbertVCoolio: its just opposed to "server"20:37
VCoolioI see, no server for me20:38
popeyVCoolio: you want 10.04?20:38
popeyor something newer20:38
VCooliono, not really; newer I think, it's for my sister, quite old laptop, what would you recommend popey? no unity I think20:38
popeyVCoolio: i generally recommend new users have 11.04 and unity20:39
VCooliomy sis is going to be first time user20:39
popeyVCoolio: try a few and decide for yourself / herself20:39
VCoolioI could boot both live cds and let her choose, no biggy20:39
iogagan: please don't message me20:39
PythonSnakeVCoolio: Go to gnome 3 like me20:39
VCoolioPythonSnake: I did for myself, I'm not going to break 11.04 like that for a first time user, I'm no 24h helpdesk20:40
invlpg[1]how i view all the open windows on ubuntu unity, like the task bars in gnome? no one knows? o:20:40
gaganhow do i connect my usb modem in bt20:40
Picijjovereats: hi20:41
iogagan: you've been told multiple times that we don't provide support for backtrack in this channel20:41
jjovereatsPici: Why is it doing what it is doing?20:42
Picijjovereats: What was wrong with the response that oCean gave you?20:42
jjovereatsIt was weird.....20:42
Picijjovereats: You didn't ask him to explain or anything, it looks like you just ignored it.20:43
jjovereatsOk. then.20:43
escottPythonSnake, you can disable it with xinput20:43
jjovereatsoCean, could you please explain your weirdness about FSCHK and the shrank file?20:44
PythonSnakeescott: I want to disable it when my mouse is plugged in20:44
escottPythonSnake, xinput list to find the device id, xinput list-props to find the enabled property then try to set-prop to 0 for "Enabled"20:44
escottPythonSnake, not sure how to make it happen automatically on mouse hotplug though20:44
PythonSnakeescott: Configuring it..20:45
oCeanjjovereats: I was just sharing my experience. I've seen such messages when making (tar) backups of for example sparse files. Those are files with 'reserved' space20:45
oCeanjjovereats: but I've also seen that when trying to backup a corrupted file, actually a file on a corrupted filesystem20:45
ice9I'm trying to file share between windows (xp, vista, and/or win7) with ubuntu, but when I go into the "windows network" it says it can't mont20:45
ice9can't mount*20:46
spc_in_plcPythonSnake, Under system settings >> Mouse and Touchpad20:46
jjovereatsoCean, I don't get it. Explain in a PM.20:46
IdleOnejjovereats: Could you please drop the sarcastic attitude and ask a proper question with details so as to make it easier for you to get the help you need.20:46
oCeanjjovereats: no thank you20:46
jjovereatsoCean, is it indicative of a problem, on a server that has been running for yonks?20:49
PythonSnakeHow to set gnome as default ?20:50
econdudeawesomehowdy all. I'm installing Matlab (32bit student version R2010A) on 64 bit Ubuntu 11.04. I cannot seem to figure out how to get the graphical installer to work. (files downloaded from Mathworks website, NOT CD)20:50
oCeanjjovereats: that *could* be, I'm just sharing what I've encountered. It also happens when performing tar backup of /sys and sometimes of already-tarrred-and-gzipped files.20:51
spc_in_plcecondudeawesome, mmmm did you check permissions?20:51
hail2hello all20:52
jjovereatsoCean, and it happens to AVI's and BMP's.20:52
econdudeawesomespc_in_plc: I'm installing via sudo20:52
oCeanjjovereats: see if you can restore the file(s) and if they're fine or not. That's really all I can give you right now20:53
jjovereatsWell i'll restart and do an md5summer of the restored file and the original.20:54
spc_in_plcecondudeawesome, go to matlab folder20:55
muszekhi... I need to find out make/model of my cd/dvd drive... how do I do it?20:55
econdudeawesomespc_in_plc: k20:55
spc_in_plcecondudeawesome, type ./matlab20:56
th0rmuszek: lspci?20:56
econdudeawesomespc_in_plc: the problem is in the installation, not in running it20:56
muszekth8r: it doesn't show anything containing either "cd" or "dvd" (lower and uppercase)20:57
anuraaghi new to ubuntu... youtube not working on fierfox or chorme what to do20:57
spc_in_plcecondudeawesome, oh okay. did you search iin the MATLAB forum?20:58
D-F3NShi folks, tried to update my ubuntu 10.10 today, it found some updates and a new kernel. but it was not possible to install the new kernel (grey..)20:58
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th0rmuszek: I found mine using lshw20:58
ConcurssiI was just installing the ubuntu-restricted-extras thing, now it's asking me to configure kerberos authentification. What do I do?20:59
io!info ubuntu-restricted-errors20:59
ubottuPackage ubuntu-restricted-errors does not exist in natty20:59
io!info ubuntu-restricted-extras20:59
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 43 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB20:59
PythonSnakeHow to change themes ?20:59
xanguaD-F3NS: wait and try update later, next day maybe20:59
robin0800_muszek: disk utility can do that20:59
econdudeawesomespc_in_plc: yes20:59
ioD-F3NS: any error?20:59
xanguaPythonSnake: system>prefs>appearence21:00
oCeanmuszek: try  sudo lshw -C disk21:00
D-F3NSno error, just greyed out. tried to update my 11.04 too, but no new kernel was available21:00
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PythonSnakexangua: I don't find that21:01
rymousing a trackpad under Natty with twinview display (3200x1200), horizontal mouse movements way more sensitive than vertical - can this be fixed?21:01
robin0800_D-F3NS: there is a new kernel in proposed if you enable it21:01
Tyrnisplop all21:02
D-F3NSrobin0800_, mhh?21:02
ConcurssiSo can21:02
ConcurssiSo can somebody help me?21:02
muszekth8r: plain lshw helped.  robin0800_, oCean: thanks :)21:02
oCeanmuszek: welcome!21:02
th0rConcurssi: no one knows anything about that problem21:03
rypervencheConcurssi: What exactly did it show you?21:03
D-F3NSrobin0800_,  im using Linux version 2.6.38-8-generic. guess its not the newest?21:03
ConcurssiIt's just asking me to configure kerberos authentification. Specifically it's asking me specify a "default kerberos version 5 realm"21:04
bittin_i use 26.38.1021:04
guntbert!latest | D-F3NS21:04
ubottuD-F3NS: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:04
sveinseAnyone else who has recently got problems with chromium and facebook? My new post tab (the world next to the fb logo, upper right corner) isn't clickable any more. Just inverts the symbol21:04
robin0800_D-F3NS: no 10 is you enable proposed in software sources21:04
rypervenchesveinse: Are you using your neighbor's connection? lol21:05
sveinseeh? sorry?21:06
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jimcooncatrypervenche: not everyone knows the old upside-down-graphics-transparent-proxy trick21:06
D-F3NSguntbert,  well i was wonderin coze my 10.10 can be upgraded but my 11.04 not21:07
jjovereatsRe: my error: And even --sparse had an error. Woop.21:07
rypervenchejimcooncat: No, but it would still help us to narrow down the problem.21:08
ChrisSeifriedI have a problem with Oneiric after installation.  It hangs on "Checking for running unattended-upgrades:" while booting up.21:08
xanguaChrisSeifried: not supported here21:09
sveinseIt seems none of the pop-up menus next to the facebook logo is working in my chromium. It does in firefox. (I'm on Natty, amd64)21:09
ChrisSeifriedWoops I'm sorry!  Would the Bug Squad be of any help?21:09
PiciChrisSeifried : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion.21:10
rymo"xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is already the newest version" so why are my circles looking like squashed ovals?21:10
guntbertD-F3NS: then I don't know, I am running 2.6.38-8 as well21:10
ChrisSeifriedAlright thankyou!21:11
ConcurssiWell, I just pressed return on all the kerberos prompts. I hope it works21:11
BluesKajChrisSeifried, join #ubuntu+1 for Oneiric support21:11
bluezoneanyone know if i can futhur reduce mouse sensitivity and acceleration beyond 0? (it is still too fast at 0)21:14
bluezoneanyone know if i can futhur reduce mouse sensitivity and acceleration beyond 0? (it is still too fast at 0)21:17
bluezonebelow 0 *21:17
PythonSnakeis GNOME 3 slower than Unity ?21:18
TrfsrfrWhy do the apps on my task bar just randomly disappear?21:18
PythonSnakeIt slows down a bit when I switch window/workspace21:19
kajakajoTrfsrfr, because they hate you.21:19
jjovereatsNo errors so far with my current backup pipeline (tar cvf - somefileshere | ssh me@somepc --command "cat > /home/me/somefilenamehere.tar"21:19
Trfsrfrkajakajo, I figured that!21:19
bluezoneTrfsrfr, on gnome?21:19
rypervencheTrfsrfr: try "killall gnome-panel"21:19
bluezoneTrfsrfr, there was a command to fix that but i don't recall which one... i lost my notes :(21:20
Trfsrfrrypervenche, what does that do?21:20
jjovereatsNotice how I genericified my pipeline.21:20
bluezoneit kills your gnome taskbar21:20
kajakajoTrfsrfr, it commands your computer to do something.21:20
rypervencheTrfsrfr: I had that problem when I used Gnome, about 50% of the time I had problems when I first started my computer. I made a little shortcut to do that whenever I needed it. It kills and restarts your panel.21:20
demonekanyone familiar with picard?21:20
ddnhi all21:21
ddnhow can I find with ubuntu version am I using?21:21
ice9I'm trying to file share between win7 and ubuntu 10.04, can anyone assist? I'm getting an unable to mount error.21:21
rypervencheddn: lsb_release -a21:21
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:22
w30ddn cat /etc/issue21:22
ddnrypervenche: 10.04 lucyd, cool, ty21:22
ddnany idea why I can not find the volume control again after the last update. It is not available when I try to add an element to the bar21:23
Trfsrfrrypervenche, is gnome: no process found panel: no process found a bad thing?21:23
MandrewAnyone know how to make the Evoluent Vertical Mouse work with a ps/2 adapter?21:23
rypervencheTrfsrfr: "killall gnome-panel"21:23
trismddn: it is part of the indicator applet now, so add that back to your panel. also make sure indicator-sound is installed21:23
Trfsrfrrypervenche, I did that, what I typed above was the response21:23
rypervencheTrfsrfr: You must have put a space or did not type it correctly.21:24
Chasernoob question. When I do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, I get informed that some packages are kept back from upgrading. From what I can understand, I need to use apt-get dist-upgrade as well. I read the man page but just want to confirm that dist-upgrade does not upgrade the distribution to next version. Is that correct ?21:24
rypervencheChaser: That is correct.21:24
Trfsrfrrypervenche, youre right, i forgot the dash21:24
Chaserrypervenche, thanks !21:24
rypervencheChaser: You have to do that for things like kernel upgrades.21:25
PythonSnakeHow to install theme ?21:25
iivvooomg why do people write such terrible, buggy software21:25
iivvooattempting to rip and encode using k9copy21:25
iivvooI'm afraid I'll have too boot my macbook in stead21:25
ddnrypervenche: so not I begin to be worry, both programs are installed, but not available when try to add to the panel21:26
andantinobuggy just means it has character21:26
iivvooor it means total nonfunctioning failure21:26
Chaserrypervenche, cool. yes I see that now. Is there some other command that does all three for me  i.e., update && upgrade && dist-upgrade ?21:26
iivvooanyone have other tips for convenient ripping+encoding of dvd's?21:27
demonekdoes devede do that?21:27
rypervencheChaser: No, just do all 3. I have made an alias that does that as well as removes old packages, removes orphans, and purges all programs that have left their configuration files behind.21:27
w30iivvoo, if t breaks you get to keep both pieces also21:28
Chaserrypervenche, ok. Thanks for the help.21:28
demonekis anyone familiar with picard?21:28
BluesKajiivvoo, try dvd::rip21:28
anischezI want to change the cimputer name had selected a long name hoe can this be done21:30
RenieriusCould anyone please help me with getting my S/PDIF out to work with a speaker that I have here?21:30
lemminghi guys, quick question: how can i run gnome-screensaver-command from the virtual terminal? i.e. ctrl+alt+f121:30
Finw3Hi, I need to edit a .fla file as a text file to modify some settings, but gedit can't open it. How can I open this as text file?21:31
BluesKaj!dvd::rip  |  iivvoo21:31
BluesKaj!info dvd::rip | iivvoo21:31
rypervencheFinw3: Use another text editor, there are many out there. nano and vim are good editors that you can use in a terminal.21:31
ubottuiivvoo: dvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.11-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1319 kB, installed size 2952 kB21:31
Finw3rypervenche ok I will try, thank you very much :-)21:32
trismlemming: it may work if you specify the DISPLAY, such as: DISPLAY=:0.0 gnome-screensaver-command --lock;21:32
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lemmingtrism: tried that, doesnt work unfortunately21:32
craigbass1976If I never set up a root user password (the OS root), where would I find root's .mysql_history file?21:33
trismlemming: did it error?21:33
lemmingtrism: yes, "failed to connect to the dbus daemon //bin/dbus-launch21:34
ddnmy ubuntu based linux4one has no element on the desktop, no icons nor I can right click to change wallpaper for example, any idea how to revert this situation?21:34
lemmingtrims: "... Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed"21:34
Nobgul-bncCraig_Dem, the root users pass is yours for the system.21:35
Nobgul-bncas far as the mysql file what are you lookinf for exactly21:35
craigbass1976Nobgul-bnc, someone is about to start work on a box.  My password is in a grant statement issued by mysql's root.  I'd like to delete just that one command from the file21:36
trismlemming: did the session lock up on you? that may be why it isn't working (seems to work here). may also be the wrong DISPLAY21:36
Nobgul-bnccraigbass1976, ah got ya 1 sec21:36
lemmingtrism: currently not. its my sisters laptop and sometimes the screensaver freezes and she cannot unlock it. tried locking it as a test21:37
craigbass1976Nobgul-bnc, forget it.  I just found it in my own home directory21:37
craigbass1976That's odd...21:37
Nobgul-bncThe default path for the mysql history file is $HOME/.mysql_history .21:37
craigbass1976Nobgul-bnc, and it's owned by root21:37
Nobgul-bncyou beat me to it lol21:37
Nobgul-bncso sudo pico file21:37
Jon--I recently had my monitor replaced on my laptop and the screen is now has a bright white tinge to it and the text is a bit unclear. How can I ensure this is a hardware issue and not a software one? Ubuntu 10.1021:38
jfroebe99% sure hardware21:38
rypervencheJon--: Try it on another computer.21:39
rypervencheJon--: Or run it using a live CD of a different distro.21:39
Jon--rypervenche, It's a laptop21:39
Nobgul-bncI would say hardware as well. But if you want to double check you could run a linux distro off cd a live cd and see if it happnens21:39
craigbass1976Nobgul-bnc, now what happens when they set up their own user account?  Does it still write to /home/me/.mysql_history, or /home/them/.mysql_history ?21:39
Jon--rypervenche, I'll try a livecd21:39
Nobgul-bncrypervenche, copy cat =P21:39
rypervencheNobgul-bnc: Great minds think alike :)21:40
Nobgul-bncthem craigbass197621:40
Nobgul-bncrypervenche, too true21:40
craigbass1976Nobgul-bnc, MMMM-kay.21:40
lemmingtrism: okay, had an idea. a simple kill works21:40
WarodI have a problem with boot time mount of multiple NFS filesystems on Ubuntu 11.04. It mounts the first NFS filesystem and the mount defuncts before getting to mount the second one.21:41
trismlemming: what did you kill?21:41
WarodIf I mount them by hand, it works.21:41
iivvooI thought dvd::rip was some obscure perl module but it looks good so far..21:41
lemmingtrism: gnome-screensaver21:41
rhizmoewhere is the info for deciphering the @ sign at the end of my file mode: -rw-r--r--@21:42
rhizmoepretty please21:42
sysop-workne1 have any tips for getting a perc4 to work with the 64bit live cd?21:42
sysop-workI just need to modify the sudoers21:42
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guntbertsysop-work: what is a perc4?21:42
Nobgul-bncrhizmoe, never seen a @21:43
sysop-workdell raid controller21:43
sysop-workguntbert, dell raid card21:43
PythonSnakeWhy I don't have any permissions ???21:43
guntbertsysop-work: I see ... what has that to do with sudoers? (that threw me :-))21:44
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, with what.21:44
rhizmoeoh duh, sorry. this is osx. nevermind.21:44
PythonSnakeI cant extract to usr folde21:44
sysop-worknothing really21:44
Nobgul-bnc!question | PythonSnake21:44
ubottuPythonSnake: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:44
PythonSnakeI cant extract to usr folder..21:45
sysop-workguntbert,  I need to mount the raid drives with the live cd so I can change the messed up sudoers21:45
Nobgul-bncBecause it is owned by root21:45
Nobgul-bncyou need to do it in a terminal21:45
Nobgul-bncand make sure you use sudo21:45
jjovereatsOne error here: Part of my project for Mum so she can watch something she loves to watch.21:45
guntbertsysop-work: thx for telling me - I was really curious - no help from me, sorry21:45
jjovereatsOne error here: It says File shrank by 99661100 bytes; padding with zeros21:45
trismlemming: may want to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingScreenLocking if you haven't already21:46
Nobgul-bnc!question | jjovereats21:46
ubottujjovereats: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:46
Larozgood point21:47
PythonSnakehow to be owner ?21:47
PythonSnakeI'm owner but cant set permissions..21:47
lemmingtrism: thanks, Ill have a look at it21:47
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, You can't you need to use sudo to extract the file to a locked system directory21:47
PythonSnakeHow to extract a zip ?21:48
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, what is the file extension .tar.gz?21:48
Nobgul-bncsudo unzip file.zip21:48
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, you may need to sudo apt-get install zip21:48
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, not that it is my business but what exactly are you placing in the /usr/ folder?21:49
PythonSnakeBut where will it be extracted ?21:49
lemmingtrism: thanks for your help. bye21:49
jjovereatsI am not asking to ask a question. I'm saying: the error occured, please help.21:49
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, where ever you put it so if the file is at /home/python/file.zip it will extract there. so you need to move the file to the /usr/share/themes/  then extract it21:50
Nobgul-bncjjovereats, i have no idea what program your using. I saw the error. But for what program, what were you doing when it happneed etc.21:50
lnbhow can one reboot to text mode to get root access21:52
Dave888lnb ROX!21:52
nesteawhere does the apt repository located (like to add and remove stuff)21:52
Dave888nestea ROX!21:52
Nobgul-bnclnb, reboot into it you need to interupt the boot.21:52
Dave888Nobgul-bnc ROCKS!21:52
jstooneHi everyone, can you recommend a package to record the screen?21:53
lnbhow to get into text mode ... rebooting just goes back to gui interface21:53
Dave888jstoone ROCKS!21:53
jjovereatsNobgul-bnc, I'm using TAR over SSH and CAT in the SSH session.21:53
lnbor boot single user21:53
Nobgul-bnclnb, you can use a terminal?21:53
PythonSnakeHow to get root permissions ?21:53
Dave888jjovereats ROX!21:53
jstooneDave888: is the package named "rocks"?21:53
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, type sudo command21:53
Dave888PythoneSnake is AWESOME!21:53
Nobgul-bnc!help | dave21:53
ubottudave: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:53
jjovereatsWhat a fail. My backup systemm sucks.21:53
lnbi messed up sudoers and need to change it21:53
Dave888ubottu ROX!21:53
Nobgul-bncerrr anyway Dave888, do you need ubuntu help?21:54
PythonSnakehow to get root perm forever?21:54
Nobgul-bncDave888, this is a help chanel if you need help ask otherwise take offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic21:54
PythonSnakewithout sudo21:54
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake sudo -i   will last until you log out21:54
Nobgul-bncOtherwise there is no way21:54
lnbso there is no way to boot single user mode?21:54
Dave888Nobgul-bnc you rock! you're awesome!  -goes to #ubuntu-offtopic -21:55
ddnhow can I eliminate old versions of kernel from my system?21:55
Nobgul-bncYes but if you messed up the sudo file that you can't edit it even drping into ah text at boot won't help you21:55
Nobgul-bncUnless i misunderstood you.21:55
PythonSnakeI still cant extract to usr21:56
PythonSnakesomeone to assist me through remote please ?21:56
lnbwell i figured that like other OS i use, I can boot -s (single user) and if root has no passwd, just get in as root21:56
Nobgul-bncNot that i know of.21:56
Nobgul-bncPythonSnake, not a chance in the world would i ever.21:56
lnbis there a way to interrupt boot to get into text mode?21:57
E3D3Hi, I installed & run a FTP file server as gEdit-plugin but don't no how to stop/exit it ?21:57
Nobgul-bnclnb, yes21:57
Nobgul-bncyou can edit the grub and at the end of the boot line put "noquiet"21:57
Nobgul-bncI think21:57
Nobgul-bnci would good it really though21:57
lnbi'll try that21:57
Nobgul-bncgoogle it first lol21:57
Nobgul-bncyour swelcome21:57
palhmbshow do I find the Network Connections GUI in lubuntu?21:59
Golgo007Hello - I am having wireless connection issue with ubuntu 11.0421:59
Golgo007So atm I am using wired21:59
ubuntu__hi. I installed xubuntu with wubi, why is there an icon on desktop that says install xubuntu21:59
Dave888Golgo007 IS AWESOME21:59
Golgo007I can't connect as it kept saying the wireless key/pass is wrong but I know it is correct info I keyed into21:59
eiriksvinum, in Ubuntu, my Mozilla asks for a Security Password every time i start it, how do I get rid of that?21:59
Dave888Even Warod is Awesome!22:00
Nobgul-bncDave888, please stop the room is busy enough without your chit-chat22:00
nesteacan someone post their /etc/apt/sources.list ?22:00
Dave888Okay.. but know that you're awesome!22:00
vltHello.  Can I attach my physical keyboard to a linux console (the one one ctrl+F1) while showing a running X server on video out?22:01
Nobgul-bncpalhmbs,  in terminal run nm-applet22:01
Nobgul-bncnestea, for desktop or server?22:01
E3D3Is someone familiar with the FTP-server gEdit-plugin ?22:01
VCoolionestea: why? if you lost yours, try this http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/22:01
w30lnb, interrupt the boot process with esc and then e for edit and put text at the endo of your kernel line for a one time  text boot22:01
eiriksvinCan someone help me figure this out: in Ubuntu, my Mozilla asks for a Security Password every time i start it, how do I get rid of that?22:01
nesteaits not that i lost mine but im using a fork of lubuntu but its grabbing from repositories that have 3-4 versions of the same thing22:02
nesteaso im trying to set mine up only to grab say, from like the ubuntu archives22:02
Nobgul-bnceiriksvin, its a addon called startupmaster disable it and you will be set22:02
kbrosnaneiriksvin: do you know the master password?22:02
eiriksvinNobul-bnc thank you22:02
jstoonehow do i add things to my top panel in Natty?22:02
Nobgul-bncNO worries.22:02
nesteathink that would fix my problem ?lol22:02
Nobgul-bncnestea, no i think it would be bad.22:03
eiriksvinoops: I meant Nobgul-bnc22:03
Nobgul-bnceiriksvin, its ok i have been called worse =)22:03
nesteathought so22:03
palhmbsthanks Nobgul-bnc22:03
Nobgul-bncpalhmbs, your welcome22:03
nesteabut that also means im still stuck22:03
nesteacant even install gnome properly cause of broken dependencies lol22:04
w30jstoone, left click on the panell and choose add22:04
jstoonew30: I'm using Unity 3D and I cannot right click the top bar22:05
Flecksmy xorg eats 1.4GB ram22:05
Nobgul-bncnestea, Not really. are none of the files inatalling?22:05
Flecksis this ok?22:05
Nobgul-bncFlecks, yikes!22:06
w30jstoone, I could not add to mine either in Unity sorry no advice from me on Unity22:06
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jjovereatsIt happens to Bzipped tarballs and C++ files.22:06
jstoonew30: Thanks anyway )_22:06
Nobgul-bncnestea, i just asked a m8 who uses lubuntu he said you can use the reg ubuntu sources list...22:07
Nobgul-bncjjovereats, thank you now i have a place to start with. Let me look over your questions and ill see if i can help you.22:07
nesteaokay, sigh22:07
nesteaits broken dependency hell22:07
nestealike i install one22:07
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nesteaand i gotta install the other, but it has to delete the one i just installed22:08
PythonSnakeDo you guys use gnome ?22:08
nesteasorry, my keyboard is stucking like a mofo22:08
lnbok, here is what i did to gain root access after screwing up sudoers file. boot to install cdrom, try it as demo, find UID for / partition, open shell, vi /media/somelongnumber/etc/sudoers  fix line, save/exit/reboot.22:08
lnband it worked just fine :)22:08
Nobgul-bnclnb, nice info I will have to remember that for later.22:08
lnbsudo su #22:08
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PythonSnakeIs there a gamr channel ?22:09
nesteadependency hell, i install one thing it says i need like swfdec-gnome, and it'll uninstall epiphany and a whole list of things from it that it'll say i need when I do it again22:09
Nobgul-bncnestea, let me ask my m8 see what he says.22:09
Dulaklnb: 'sudo -i'22:09
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lnbi had just reinstalled because package manger coulld no longer update and and I changed sudoes so no passwd for those in group of admins22:09
lnband messed up the line22:09
lnbbut thank you for your kind responses. :)22:10
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Nobgul-bncnestea, i gave him your name he said he will be on a bit later if your around he will try and help22:10
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LABcrabHey everyone!  Sound Juicer is misbehaving!  It won't rip MP3s!  :'(22:11
mneptoknestea: explain the problem, please?22:12
nesteadependency hell, i install one thing it says i need like swfdec-gnome, and it'll uninstall epiphany and a whole list of things from it that it'll say i need when I do it again22:13
skrewleri googled a bit but couldnt' find the answer.  running 10.04.02 on ec2.  mail.info and mail.log keep growing to 2GB a piece.  they're being rotated, but I don't see an entry in logrotate.d .. anyone know where I can adjust this22:13
nesteathats really the best way i can think of to put it...22:13
mneptoknestea: what was it you tried to install?22:13
JudeQuinnI got a problem I can't seem to solve.22:13
nesteai'd rather build it22:13
nesteabut i cant find a svn for 3022:13
JudeQuinnCould someone help me?22:14
nesteabut im trying to use 2.30.2 and no luck22:14
mneptoknestea: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:14
escott!help | JudeQuinn22:14
ubottuJudeQuinn: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:14
nesteaoh shit22:14
edbianno worries22:14
FloodBot1nestea: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:14
m_message to jahman22:15
m_message to everton22:15
nesteai'll have to remember this when i get on my other inet22:15
JudeQuinnWhen I go to Customize the appearance in CCSM the top bar gets distorted, any clue as to why?22:15
LABcrabHey everyone!  Sound Juicer is misbehaving!  It won't rip MP3s!  :'(22:16
mneptoknestea: please stop with the profanity.22:16
LABcrab!language > nestea22:16
ubottunestea, please see my private message22:16
mneptokLABcrab: i have experienced similar problems. despite setting the mp3 profile, SoundJuicer insists on ogg22:17
mneptokLABcrab: i have yet to file a bug, but have found Rhythmbox honors the selected mp3 profile, so i have been ripping with that instead22:17
JudeQuinnCould I get an older version of ubuntu to run along side windows xp?22:18
JudeQuinnIf I'm correct the current is still in beta, right?22:18
AzelphurJudeQuinn: yep22:18
AzelphurJudeQuinn: the current is the current, it's not in beta.22:18
JudeQuinnAh, my mistake.22:18
VCoolioJudeQuinn: no, either 10.04 (long term support) or 11.04, both released; 11.10 is development version now22:19
AzelphurJudeQuinn: Ubuntu does releases every 6 months, the version numbers are their release dates, 11.04 is April 2011. It's the current release and it's not beta :)22:19
LABcrabmneptok: Why doesn't Ubuntu have a solid alternative to iTunes?22:19
milehighDoes Ubuntu go from Sleep to Hibernate automatically at some point after a few hours of sleep?22:19
eiriksvinHas anyone had any problems with Flash not acting right on a 64bit system?22:19
mneptokLABcrab: because you haven't written it yet? this is Free software, dude ...22:19
JudeQuinnOk, Thanks.22:20
eiriksvinmy mouse hovers over some flash things, and the whole thing disappears22:20
LABcrabFLAC, Vorbis, Wave and PCM are the Banshee import options.  How do i add MP3?  What is good for Android?22:20
eiriksvinthen as I move my mouse it comes back22:20
LABcrabMouse in the house!22:20
WantstolearnHas anyone any good reccmonadtion for must have chat irc room for medicin programing and electroinc.Thanks22:21
mneptokLABcrab: mp3 support cannot be shipped by default, as it is a codec that requires licensing22:21
Wantstolearnand linux also22:21
Wantstolearndevelopment mainly22:21
kunguzcan anyone explain me how to connect to wireless network with ubuntu-arm headless image?22:21
tycelalright, installing ubuntu-desktop..22:22
tjiggi_foeiriksvin, https://launchpad.net/~sevenmachines/+archive/flash22:22
escottLABcrab, mp3 cannot be legally distributed in the US22:22
LABcrabescott & mneptok: How can it be added?  What about Canada?22:22
escottLABcrab, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats22:22
escottLABcrab, just install restricted-plugins for gstreamer and install lame22:23
LABcrabescott: i think i have Fluendo/VLC already though.  How do i add it to Banshee?22:23
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escottLABcrab, you will need the gstreamer plugin for lame. not sure what its name is22:25
escott!es | kawsay22:25
ubottukawsay: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:25
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Craven1254I'm unable to get onto Moonlight's IRC channel.  What is the current status of DRM-integration for Moonlight?22:27
LABcrabNah it's Sunlight detergent.22:27
escottCraven1254, afaik the basic infrastructure is there, but none of the crypto or keys ie you can't and won't be able to do netflix22:27
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Craven1254escott, Would you recommend an install of XP in VirtualBox to handle Netflix?22:29
escottCraven1254, vm/dual boot is your only really good option. some have tried using wine, but you have to pull so much of the windows core in that i just don't see the point22:30
LuxeHow do I find out if I have a 32bit or 64bit ubuntu installation?22:31
escottLuxe, uname -a22:31
LuxeThanks :)22:31
LuxeLinux Luxe 2.6.35-22-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:34:50 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux22:32
LuxeSo wut's that? ;o22:32
Luxei686. i assume 64?22:32
escottLuxe, 32bit22:32
Luxeoh -.-22:32
RenieriusWould anyone perhaps know how I could use my S/PDIF out?22:32
Craven1254escott, Thank you.22:32
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LuxeThanks escot <322:34
escottRenierius, if jack plugin detection is working (and you have intel hda sound) you can play around with hda_analyzer (its not a good solution though)22:34
w7nz7kis there a way to check which program is using the most of my connection?22:34
tjiggi_foLuxe, you can also cat /proc/cpuinfo22:34
escottw7nz7k, ntop might work22:34
LuxeWut? ;o22:34
escottLuxe, if you need to know if your cpu supports 64bit check /proc/cpuinfo and check if "lm" is listed in the flags22:35
JoshOvkicoz_, its all good fun22:36
JoshOvkiI have a month off work starting on Friday and I cant wait!22:36
RenieriusExcuse me, escott?22:36
LuxeOh it is.22:36
escottRenierius, http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Help_To_Debug_Intel_HDA22:37
Flash_JordanIf i want to install windows 7 32 bit alongside my ubuntu partition, how  can install windows while in ubuntu? because i dont have blank CD's to hold the amount of data that is windows 7 32 bit22:38
RenieriusThanks, escott!22:38
john_ramboCant open files with Smplayer ......http://pastebin.com/nfnCK5W0  ...........drag n drop works22:39
escottFlash_Jordan, you might (and thats a big might) be able to install win 7 to a raw partition with virtualbox, but win7 doesn't like that the entire system is changed when you boot outside the vm on the real hardware22:39
sweetestI want to squeeze 1024x600 resolution onto 800x480 screen; I realize fonts won't be as sharp, but I want software to think it's 1024x600 resolution screen22:40
Coreysweetest: If the screen won't support it, you're kinda hosed.22:40
escottsweetest, you might be able to do that with xnest or vnc, but a better choice would be to set the virtual size to be larger and then pan22:41
Flash_Jordanwell i just found out that al i need is a 4GB USB stick which i have, now to just hope the torrent i have works, if all fails, will install in ubuntu back!22:42
sweetestIf I am not mistaken, you're talking about configuration when mouse cursor will scroll screen when I arrive with it at it's edge22:42
coz_Flash_Jordan,  what are you doing with the flash drive?22:42
sweetestthere was once a UMPC, OQO - it had 800x480 display but had option to "look" like bigger one22:42
sweetest1024x600 or 1280x720, if I remember right, but that's secondary22:42
m_calling jahman22:43
sweetestis it possible to do something like that at software level?22:43
Flash_Jordancoz_ , http://www.intowindows.com/how-to-install-windows-7vista-from-usb-drive-detailed-100-working-guide/22:43
coz_Flash_Jordan,  ah ok22:43
sweetestI don't need hardware acceleration on this22:43
sweetestImagine zooming web page; I want to "zoom" 1024x600 xorg onto 800x480 screen22:44
coz_sweetest,  out of curiosity,, what is the read out of this command    glxinfo -l |grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE    ?22:44
Flash_Jordanhave a gateway 560GE (got it for free from a friend) and am gonna (hopefully) get windows 7 on it, and then play some WoW cata private servers like i do on my laptop!22:44
Flash_JordanNERD FEST NERD FEST22:44
AlphaPsi What are the differences for wubi and the full install with the partioning?22:45
coz_AlphaPsi,  not sure,, I have never used wubi22:45
sweetestI don't have linux right now at the device we're talking about22:45
westzFlash_Jordan: you're in a linux chatroom, "NERD FEST " is a given22:45
coz_sweetest,  ah ok22:45
rypervencheAlphaPsi: Wubi creates a virtual partition on your windows partition. It is not a real installation.22:45
sweetestwhat it's supposed to show? I'm not fluent in glxinfo output :-)22:45
coz_sweetest,  copy th at command ,, that will tell you the video card's hardware limitationi for resolution22:46
escottAlphaPsi, wubi installs ubuntu as a file inside ntfs. so its slower, and a bit less stable, but easier to remove22:46
Flash_Jordani dont believe there is one, but i still dotnt use wubi, i like going through the install and partitioning there because i know it works!22:46
m_calling jahman22:46
AlphaPsiHow would you uninstall the partitioning of ubuntu if I did a full install?22:47
sweetestAlphaPsi: you mean remove ubuntu?22:47
edbianAlphaPsi: Why would you unistall the partitioning if Ubuntu was installed>22:47
escottsweetest, ill bet xnest can do what you want. its even possible that xorg does larger virtual than physical without panning, but its and odd thing to want22:47
AlphaPsiYeah removing ubuntu22:47
westzAlphaPsi: just do a full install and select "erase the entire disk"22:48
elevenpointfiveWhat exactly are you trying to do?22:48
sweetestxnest, let me see :-)22:48
westzAlphaPsi: or do you want to keep files/a windows installation?22:48
sweetestit's odd thing, yes - want to try using phone as replacement for netbook :-)22:48
escottAlphaPsi, you could use gparted to repartition over the ubuntu partitions, and make them into ntfs for windows or expand the adjacent partitions22:48
edbianAlphaPsi: I would boot a live CD and erase the partitions using gparted.  Then there is some command fixmbr that you run on window to get the bootloader back22:48
escottAlphaPsi, if you just want to try it out I would use a live usb22:49
edbianAlphaPsi: Yeah, don't install until you're sure22:50
elevenpointfiveI agree with escott, just try it out with a livecd or liveusb.22:50
eiriksvinholy cow, I didn't realize how awesome Skype in Ubuntu is now, I wish they had open chat rooms like IRC, but where you could just skype right in22:50
westzAlphaPsi: i agree with them22:50
sweetestif xnest works, I guess I can try it now22:50
escottAlphaPsi, the cds are slower, and can't preserve data over reboots, but a large usb stick (a couple gigs) will allow you to keep files and install additional programs22:50
sweetestbecause it should work everywhere, heh22:50
AlphaPsiI tried it over the boot22:51
AlphaPsiusing a usb22:51
AlphaPsibut I feel like I want to do an install but not sure either with wubi or full22:51
edbianAlphaPsi: Don't use wubi.22:51
smithzvSomething seems to be intercepting the ctrl-alt-b key sequence, is there a way to find out what is doing that?22:51
elevenpointfiveJust do the full.22:51
escottAlphaPsi, almost nobody will recommend wubi22:51
eiriksvinAlphaPsi: I have Ubuntu on a 4gb USB, and its my portable ubuntu22:51
edbianAlphaPsi: Full install is less dangerous and easier to configure than wubi22:51
AlphaPsieasier to configure?22:52
westzAlphaPsi: wubi installs are slow and dont give you the feel of the OS. a live CD is better22:52
permehave a question about the rdesktop brute force patch: How i make it work?22:52
permeI keep getting Retrieved connection termination packet. Retrieved connection termination packet. [error] User "ADMINISTRATOR" Password "". Connection terminated due to unknown error.22:52
permeHow do I brute force RDP passwords with the rdesktop brute force .diff file22:52
perme'm using rdp-brute-force-r805.diff and rdesktop-1.5.0 from sourceforge22:52
permecome on I want to break into a server!22:52
AlphaPsiHow would I remove the full install if I wanted to?22:53
AlphaPsifrom a partition22:53
PythonSnakeHi I switched from unity to GNOME 3 now when I try to run a game it shows Failed to execute child process "TeeWorlds"(no such file or directory) error22:53
permeif the full install's hard drive is hda1, type dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/zero22:53
westzAlphaPsi: just remove the partitions and resize the windows partition later22:53
permeThis will start the Ubuntu uninstall process22:53
mneptokPythonSnake: GNOME3 is not included in Ubuntu, and is thus not supported here.22:54
permeoh windows22:54
sweetestperme: haha22:54
permejust type dd if=/dev/hdc1 of=/dev/zero for example if sdc5 was your linux partition22:54
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wiggmpkanybody using Gnome3 on Ubuntu 11.04 with Unity?22:58
sweetestfirst it't not channel for black hat hacking, second good luck with bruteforcing over internet22:58
AlphaPsiI can just format/remove the parittion that contains ubuntu??22:58
AlphaPsiAnd it'll leave without a trace/22:58
westzAlphaPsi: it's not all that hard to remove if you understand how partitions and bootloaders work. if you get the basics you should be able to do it in a few minutes to an hour22:58
permeok I'm not brute forcing at all, I just wanted to try compiling the program and making it work against my own machine22:58
permeI just want to get it to work th at's all22:58
spc_in_plcwiggmpk, yes22:58
bluezoneanyone know if i can futhur reduce mouse sensitivity and acceleration beyond 0? (it is still too fast at 0)22:58
coz_AlphaPsi,   it should be wiped that way   ...yes22:58
wiggmpkspc_in_plc: im running x64 with nvidia drivers.. you running into any issues? any conflicts after install?22:58
escottbluezone, try xinput22:58
westzAlphaPsi: pretty much. you'll have to resize your windows partition again if you shrunk it to make room for ubuntu, and you'll have to reinstall the windows bootloader, but windows does that second part pretty easily22:58
oscurochuI have a Intel 865g video card that doesnt seem to play nicely with ubuntu. Any suggetions on running  live CD?22:58
AlphaPsiWhat do you mean I would have to install the windows bootloader again?22:58
coz_oscurochu,  you may want to use the  minimal install cd  to install it22:58
Dirushow can I make one upstart script start before another? do I just put it in the Required-Start list?22:58
spc_in_plcwiggmpk, first time I installed it, it gave me an error in logging in. But after I rebooted the second time, it's worked fine.22:58
coz_oscurochu,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD22:58
oscurochucoz_: i wouldnt wanna waste my time. if the CD doesnt work, then what makes you certain it will work once its installed?22:58
wiggmpkspc_in_plc: im reading mixed results online, and I really really wanna give it a try.. But I would like Unity to stay as in for now, until I more comfortable with gnome3 and slowly disable redudant unity features22:58
coz_oscurochu,  cant be sure,, you say the live cd doesnt work>?22:58
comptekkii installed ubuntu 11.04.  I assumed the firewall was active to start - it doesn't seem to be.22:58
westzAlphaPsi:  windows bootloader will only boot windows... so when you install ubuntu, you get grub (usually)  but that erases the windows bootloader (but grub will boot windows too, so it's okay) but if you remove ubuntu, you remove grub, so you have to fix the windows bootloader22:58
comptekkiI installed sshd and posgresql and I was able to get to them without and fw change22:58
coz_oscurochu,  the minimal install cd is not a live cd it is a text install  and only 19 megs22:58
spc_in_plcwiggmpk, you can restore unity with "purge ppa"22:58
coz_oscurochu,  it downloads the system from the net22:58
comptekkifrom remote22:58
westzAlphaPsi:  * actually it doesnt _erase_ the windows bootloader, it just changes the config a little. but it'll fix itself pretty easily (almost automatic)22:59
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oscurochuthe live CD boots, but its unusable because the video card doesnt wanna play nice. if you click on a menu, it appears for a second, and the entire menu turns black. the splash screen shows up on the desktop (as if it had trouble transitioning).22:59
AlphaPsiHow would I fix the windows bootloader if I did that22:59
comptekkiI then installed ufw and then they were blocked22:59
AlphaPsiOh okay22:59
wiggmpkspc_in_plc: right, I understand that, but what I'm asking, will unity work with gnome3 without issue?22:59
AlphaPsiSo I dont really have to worry about it?22:59
comptekkiI then made rules to allow them again22:59
sweetestescott: can't find the option I need with xnest, you sure it can do it?22:59
spc_in_plcwiggmpk, Nope. the unity-shell won't work anymore.22:59
oscurochucoz_: i dont care how it installs the system, i need to know how to get it working. the minimal install CD will only get it installed, not get it working.22:59
wiggmpkspc_in_plc: k thanks =)22:59
comptekkiwhy isn't a firewall on by default? or have active block all rules?23:00
jahmanm are ready for spme linux23:00
coz_oscurochu,  are you on linux right now?23:00
spc_in_plcwiggmpk, no problem.23:00
oscurochucoz_: before i go that route, i need to figure out how to get it working on the CD, even if that means typing in commands in the terminal23:00
westzAlphaPsi: when you booted up after removing ubuntu, windows would fail to start (then tell you it failed to start) then it'll ask if you want to repair the bootloader, say yes and it'll fix it. almost automatic, just have to tell it "yes"23:00
escottAlphaPsi, a windows rescue cd (can be downloaded online) will allow you to reinstall the windows bootloader. you could also create a small boot partition at the front of the disk and keep grub but remove the ubuntu root partition23:00
oscurochucoz_ i could be.23:00
coz_oscurochu,  well I just want to know the exact intel chipset with    lspci | grep -i vga23:00
AlphaPsiI also had/have a small problem with ubuntu when I tried it23:01
westzescott: you're gonna confuse him. i'm pretty sure windows will fix it without the rescue cd anyway23:01
AlphaPsiAll the text was too small23:01
AlphaPsiand I couldn't read it23:01
oscurochucoz_: ok ill fire it up, give it a minute to load.23:01
AlphaPsiand it was really blurry23:01
trismDirus: might be of interest: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#start-must-precede-another-service23:01
AlphaPsiwell blurrier than I was used to like in windows23:01
westzAlphaPsi:  you can change the DPI to fix that23:01
bluezoneescott, mhmm, which command with xinput?23:01
AlphaPsiOh okay, oh I remember now, I heard that your hardrive could get corrupted or something if something goes wrong with the full install23:02
westzAlphaPsi: and the fonts are pretty "ech" in most linux distros until you customize them.23:02
AlphaPsiis that true?23:02
escottbluezone, xinput list-props #device-id#23:02
scribble837636Is anyone loving Unity?23:02
rypervenchescribble837636: Nope.23:02
Dave888everyone hates it23:02
AlphaPsiWhat would you recommend westz, which fonts?23:02
bazhangDave888, thats not helpful23:02
onetwothreethen why mopve to higher version and not stick to lts 10.04?23:02
escottAlphaPsi, the only major worry would be resizing the ntfs partition. its possible something could go wrong there23:03
westzAlphaPsi: of course, just like your harddrive could get corrupted if you saved a file in word: it's highly unlikely, just a possibility23:03
scribble837636I can't find anything now!23:03
rypervenchescribble837636: Ubuntu seems to have lost a lot of users because of it. Almost everyone I know who used Ubuntu before has now left it for something else.23:03
* bluezone gasps23:03
AlphaPsiHmm I think there my harddrive already has 2-3 partitions23:03
scribble837636Is there anyway to get back to gnome?23:04
AlphaPsiBut I'm not sure, the C drive and the D drive, are those partitions?23:04
westzAlphaPsi: ???23:04
bluezonescribble837636, you should be able to switch that at the login screen23:04
escottAlphaPsi, yes they are23:04
westzAlphaPsi:  is D your cd drive?23:04
bazhang!classic | scribble83763623:04
ubottuscribble837636: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".23:04
scribble837636k...I'll give it a go23:04
AlphaPsiI don't think so23:04
`Lyni've own a domain and a vps with ubuntu installed, ip is static. i want to add a vhost so i could use it on irc, how can i do it on ubuntu?23:04
bluezoneYES i was right!! xD23:04
AlphaPsiACER (C:) drive, and the DATA (D:) drive23:04
bazhangPythonSnake, hi23:04
PythonSnakeafter an update I can't run any games..23:05
=== grekkos is now known as Guest20968
bazhang!details | PythonSnake23:05
ubottuPythonSnake: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:05
westzAlphaPsi: yeah those are partitions, one is probably a recovery partition for windows23:05
PythonSnakeIt just doesn't show anything23:05
DirusI put the provides from the other script in the "Required-Start" of the dhcp server script but it didn't seem to change the execution order23:05
`Lyni've own a domain and a vps with ubuntu installed, ip is static. i want to add a vhost so i could use it on irc, how can i do it on ubuntu?23:05
PythonSnakeFailed to execute child process "game" (No such file or directory) under gnome23:05
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AlphaPsiBut the DATA drive has almost nothing in it23:05
Dirusdo I have to run something to reprocess the start up script info?23:06
westzAlphaPsi:  how big is it? (right click the drive, properties)23:06
AlphaPsi145 GB23:06
westzhow big is the other one?23:06
AlphaPsiSo I think my harddrive is split23:06
westzyeah it is23:06
westzthats really weird23:07
AlphaPsiTheres nothing in the DATA (D:) drive though, and stuff is in the ACER (C:) drive23:07
westzi wonder if they're partitions or sep[erate drives....23:07
sweetestbump: escott, any idea how can I scale 1024x600 onto 800x480 with xnest?23:07
AlphaPsiWait whats the difference?23:07
sweetestman page wasn't helpful23:08
esing0how do I install a program in linux which has a "makefile"23:08
westzone way, you have two harddrives, the other, you have one thats chopped in half23:08
sweetestesing0: you have to type "make" in the directory with Makefile23:08
mneptokAlphaPsi: the difference between "a pie" and "a slice of pie"23:08
esing0sweetest ive done this, but i get 2 errors23:08
westzesing0: google "compiling programs in ubuntu"23:08
esing0i wanted to install "tctool"23:09
bluezoneescott, how do i get the mouse id :O its not appearing in lspci :(23:09
sweetestesing0: most often even before you run "make", you have to type "./configure"23:09
sweetestalso, with most programs there is included "INSTALL" file with instructions23:09
sweetestI advise to look for it and read it23:09
mneptokbluezone: you have a mouse connected via PCI? really? try "lsusb"23:09
bluezonemneptok, no i don't know what pci is lol i just always use it23:10
mneptokbluezone: Peripheral Compenent Interface23:10
* kimico Miauuuuuu online23:10
westzbluezone: lspci lists pci devices, lsusb lists usb devices, get it?23:10
bluezonemneptok, i should really get a degree in computers :(23:10
bluezonei guess, time to put that in notes lol23:10
AlphaPsiSo can I format my DATA (D:) drive/ can I install Ubuntu on my D: drive23:11
westzif it's a seperate drive, absolutely23:11
mneptokAlphaPsi: is it a drive, or a partition of a drive?23:11
escottbluezone, xinput list23:11
mneptokAlphaPsi: if you don't know, it's time to find out.23:11
AlphaPsiHow do I find out?23:11
westzAlphaPsi: go to your device manager23:12
westzAlphaPsi: i believe you can get to it in control panel23:12
westzAlphaPsi: or by going to "system properties"23:13
AlphaPsiOkay got to it23:13
westzAlphaPsi: (right click "my computer)23:13
bluezoneescott, alright i got the id and did this: xinput list-props 046d:c041 but it outputs unable to find device23:13
escottsweetest, vnc?23:13
westzAlphaPsi: now scoll down it til you find something that says "storage devices" or "hard drives"23:13
escottbluezone, no first run xinput list the id number is internal to x23:13
AlphaPsiDisk Drives?23:14
westzi havent run windows in months so i cant quite remember23:14
westzyeah thats it23:14
westzexpand that23:14
bluezonei see :)23:14
AlphaPsiOkay I did23:14
westzwhat all is there?23:14
AlphaPsi4 Readers of some type, a USB device,  and an ATA device23:14
AlphaPsiMaybe this isn't it?23:15
mneptokAlphaPsi: you have one physical hard disk that has been partitioned.23:15
westzthats it, unless your cd drive is ata23:15
sweetestescott: and that's when it becomes dirty ]:-> doing regular work in vnc seems very unclean to me23:15
westz*thats a joke23:15
btAlphaPsi, asus netbook?23:15
sweetestwell, will look some more :-) will find it sooner or later23:15
AlphaPsibt, no23:15
escottbluezone, the annoying thing about xinput set-props is it needs a field width (8bit/16bit/32bit) and i have no idea where one figures out the correct field width23:16
westzAlphaPsi: ok, you have one harddrive that's split in half23:16
AlphaPsiOh okay23:16
westzso you'll have to do a little partitioning23:16
AlphaPsiWhat do you mean?23:16
Gangrelanyone can help on gnome 3?23:16
westzwell sorta, not really23:16
bluezoneescott, trial and error lol23:16
bazhangGangrel, its not supported here, so no23:16
AlphaPsiI don't think theres anything in my DATA (D:) drive23:17
bazhang!gnome3 | Gangrel23:17
ubottuGangrel: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.23:17
westzAlphaPsi: do you already have a cd or usb drive with the installation media?23:17
AlphaPsiWait, strange I opened the DATA drive and theres these files I dont recognize23:17
coz_there is also UGR  but it should be a fresh install of 11.04  completely updatd23:17
AlphaPsiSome install and text documents that says eula23:17
westzwhat are they named?23:18
mneptokAlphaPsi: i would strongly suggest that before you investigate alternate OSes further you learn the difference between disks and partitions. otherwise you could really hose your system.23:18
AlphaPsitext documents named eula*23:18
westzuela is "User End License Agreement"23:18
westz*End User23:18
AlphaPsiHmm alright, still not sure what it is23:19
AlphaPsitheres an install23:19
westzits that thing you have to agree to before you install something23:19
westzwhat's the filename of the installer?23:19
westznot "install.exe"?23:20
westzwait can you see file extensons for known filetypes?23:20
AlphaPsiWell it's an Application file according to windows explorer23:20
AlphaPsiSo I'm assuming its .exe23:20
drahstredhat ownz23:20
westz*facepalm* i recommend you learn more about computers before you try installing ubuntu23:21
AlphaPsiOh theres another installer too: "VC_RED"23:21
AlphaPsiWait what do you mean?23:21
drahstwhat are you installing?23:21
westzfirst, go read up on what partitions are, and disk drives (RAID might be worth your time too)23:22
AlphaPsiNot sure just trying to figure out what's in this random partition on my harddrive23:22
westzthen, go read up on what a botloader is23:22
bluezoneescott, i tried all format(x) and it says sytanx error near '(' for: xinput set-int-prop 10 255 format (8) 0.523:22
neoncamouflageCan you run modify the partition you're currently using? Like delete a 2nd and expand the one you're on to the whole disk?23:22
AlphaPsibootloader is boots up the/an OS right?23:22
pelohablas en español23:22
westzbut it's a little more complex than what you're giving it credit for23:23
mneptok!es | pelo23:23
ubottupelo: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:23
|Long|hi, i need to manually update my new DNS where do i go from ssh screen?23:23
pelono entiendo mucho23:23
peloel ubuntu23:23
AlphaPsiWhat do you mean?23:23
mneptokpelo: Ingles solamente aqui, jefe.23:23
westz!wikipedia | AlphaPsi23:23
ubottuAlphaPsi: wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, you can find it at http://wikipedia.org23:23
westzread up buddy23:24
mneptokpelo: de nada23:24
rypervencheThis is like watching a movie. I need popcorn.23:24
AlphaPsiBut do I really need to know it?23:24
escottbluezone, its just a number xinput set-int-prop 0 "scroll speed" 8 323:24
PythonSnakeHi I just rebooted now I can't go to ubuntu it says *Starting things like VirtualBox.. [ok]23:25
gl-hi, I have really bad 3d performance with natty and intel embedded graphics23:25
mneptokAlphaPsi: this is like you asking for directions on the highway, and when we tell you to steer left, you answer "STEER?! What the heck is 'steering'?!"23:25
gl-I read a bit of stuff on the net23:25
westzAlphaPsi: not if you're going to install and use ubuntu, simply because you'll figure it out yourself over time, but if you want to uninstall iubuntu later, yes you need to know23:25
PythonSnakethe last one was Stopping anac(h)ronistic cron23:25
gl-but there doesn't seem to be anything consistent23:25
mneptokAlphaPsi: you have to walk before you can run.23:26
Madara`any one installed coova chilli on ubuntu 9.10 server or above and working fine ?23:26
AlphaPsiHmm, but then what types of things do I even need to know?23:26
westzAlphaPsi: precisely what mneptok  said. dont think this makes linux/ubuntu difficult, its not really, but if you want to know whats going on, go search this stuff23:27
westz!bootloader | AlphaPsi23:27
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AlphaPsiLike what type of stuff? I have understood so far, it's just I need a few clarifications?23:27
ziWhat do I do now: http://ompldr.org/vOTlkMA ?23:27
mneptokAlphaPsi: what is a partition? how many primary partitions can an MSDOS disklabeled machine have? what is an extended partition? what is a swap partition? do i need one? how do i delete an existing partition in Windows and free the space for another OS?23:27
mneptoketc etc etc23:27
westzAlphaPsi: all the questions he posed, you should be able to answer if you want to be able to uninstall ubuntu later23:28
AlphaPsiHmm, the thing I dont know is what an extended partition is and what a swap partition is23:29
PythonSnakeGuys I really need help..23:29
mneptokAlphaPsi: so ... how many primary partitions can be on a disk with an MSDOS disklabel?23:29
westzmneptok: i know, i know, ask me! :P23:30
=== PythonSnake is now known as introuble
* mneptok senses a Google search occurring23:30
westzwhat does windows call the file that acts as swap again? i forgot what the term is23:31
hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 10.04 and im having a problem with my dell 15'' monitor.The display has this zig zaggy heat wave effect and I dont know how to correct this or whats even wrong I cant change the refresh rate on the monitor whats going on and how do i fix it?23:31
westzi know they have a file instead of a partition though23:31
AlphaPsi4? That's what I'm guessing23:31
mneptokwestz: pagefile23:31
westzAlphaPsi: you're right, but how did you get that answer23:31
westzaaah thanks mneptok23:31
mneptokAlphaPsi: do you really want to be guessing as Linux formats huge portions of your hard drive? i wouldn't.23:32
westzand also, that shouldnt have been a guess23:32
AlphaPsiResearch, although I'm not sure the importance of that answer so it's useless I guess23:32
AlphaPsiDefinitely 4 then.23:32
=== introuble is now known as PythonSnake
bazhang!enter | AlphaPsi23:32
ubottuAlphaPsi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:32
escotthellhammer, what kind of display is this? crt?23:32
westzlol AlphaPsi  pissed off the bot23:33
hellhammerits an LCD monitor23:33
PythonSnakehelp !!!!23:33
PythonSnakeI can't boot on linux23:33
bazhang!helpme | PythonSnake23:33
ubottuPythonSnake: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude23:33
PythonSnakeit shows a black screen23:34
westzalso, AlphaPsi : if you type my name before your comments, it's easier for me to see your questions/comments23:34
PythonSnakewith things like Starting Virtual box    [OK]23:34
tiox1I'm chatting from Finch, because for some odd reason or another, gdm won't come back(?) and I was trying to figure out how to revive it and log in with my lovely GUI.23:34
PythonSnakelast line was Stopping anac(h)ronistic : cron23:34
PythonSnakehelp !!!!23:34
westzall you really have to type for me is "w" and press tab, it'll autocomplete23:34
bazhangPythonSnake, we saw. no need to repeat so quickly nor ask help!!23:34
ohzietiox1: sudo service gdm stop, sudo service gdm restart23:35
tiox1PythonSnake: Please. People need help, not some madman screaming it.23:35
bazhangPythonSnake, stop that23:35
AlphaPsiwestz, mneptok: Oh okay thanks, although I'm still not sure the signifence for those questions/answers23:35
Madara`i install coovachilli using this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/CoovaChilli on ubuntu 9.10 Server everything is working, but! coova after that redirect me coova logo at right top without login screen any one solved this issue ?23:35
THIS_IS_INSANEI'm running a dual OS system w/ ubuntu 11.04 and XP SP3. when I boot up, there's no OS selection screen, and ubuntu boots. How do I boot back into XP23:35
westzAlphaPsi: it's basically general knowledge stuff that would come into play if installing another OS23:35
mneptokAlphaPsi: it's the same as knowing every road sign shape before you get your driver's license. there are just some things you should know.23:35
ohzieTHIS_IS_INSANE: You have to modify your boot list23:36
bazhangTHIS_IS_INSANE, hit shift at boot to get the grub menu23:36
westzAlphaPsi: trust me, its not that difficult a concept, and you'd rqather know before hand23:36
ohzieTHIS_IS_INSANE: Or that23:36
THIS_IS_INSANEk thanks23:36
AlphaPsiwestz, mneptok: Can you guys give me examples? I'm really just trying to learn now23:37
westzbe back in a few...23:37
|Long|hi, i need to manually update my new DNS where do i go from ssh screen?23:37
bazhang!partition | AlphaPsi have a read please23:37
ubottuAlphaPsi have a read please: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap23:37
hellhammerI'm running ubuntu 10.04 and im having a problem with my dell 15'' monitor.The display has this zig zaggy heat wave effect and I dont know how to correct this or whats even wrong I cant change the refresh rate on the monitor whats going on and how do i fix it?23:37
bazhang!manual | AlphaPsi this may help too23:38
ubottuAlphaPsi this may help too: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:38
=== will is now known as Will123456
Will123456hey guys. my super button doesn't work anymore. none of the unity dash shortcuts work, even though they're still assigned when checking compiz config settings manager. how can i fix it?23:38
tiox1I prefer Partedmagic as  partitionmanager for some reason.23:40
tiox1It's great. Uses LXDE, WICD for wireless connections, pre-configured Conky, and tools using various interfaces to toy around with. System maint stuff, hard disk eraser, cool stuff like that.23:41
westzbtw mneptok i just saw that PM. nice23:43
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.23:44
pdtpatrickQuestion .. my bluetooth on macbook stopped working recently. I have installed ubuntu on the laptop. How do i reconfigure bluetooth? i've done sudo dpkg-reconfigure bluez  ... that does nothing. I've stopped and started bluetooth daemon. Is there a module that needs to be loaded first? I seeing hidraw0 and hiddev0 in dmesg when the IR part starts23:44
THIS_IS_INSANEso I tried hitting shift, and I saw "GRUB loading" and then my screen went black and my monitor said "Out of Range" and I couldn't see anything. I then hit the enter key, and ubuntu booted up...23:44
westzi didnt realize ubottu had a sense of humor23:45
=== green91` is now known as green91
westzTHIS_IS_INSANE: is it an lcd monitor?23:45
westzvideo card problems then23:45
marsfligthHi, does exist in 'RSYNC' a way to make the same that does '-z' in ms 'xcopy'?23:45
THIS_IS_INSANEhow do I fix that?23:46
westzmake sure your video card is in the slot fully, and if it is, and its still doing it, buy a new video card23:46
THIS_IS_INSANEI have onboard graphics only.23:46
WXZanyone ever use pinta?23:46
velofillemarsfligth, what does -z do in xcopy?23:46
westzTHIS_IS_INSANE: that sucks23:47
AlphaPsiWhen full installing do I need to partition my harddrive before or after? or does the installer have an option to modify the partitions?23:47
westzAlphaPsi: you do it in the installer23:47
AlphaPsiOh okay, can you delete partitions from the installer, I plan to delete/remove my DATA (D:) drive23:48
westzgo for it23:48
rypervencheAlphaPsi: Yep.23:48
elevenpointfiveAlphaPsi: Yes, you can.23:48
THIS_IS_INSANEwestz: yeah it does. what is the order for the boot menu? cause If I have the order, I can select it in the dark...23:49
westzAlphaPsi: its a partition, not a drive.23:49
lddddleoohi have serious problem. have windows ubuntu 11.04 partition. ubuntu has become corrupted after downloading gnome app to change desktop themes etc. i have no toolbar of side widget.23:49
westzTHIS_IS_INSANE: it's probably the last one in the list. is this an old installation?23:49
pdtpatrickQuestion .. my bluetooth on macbook stopped working recently. I have installed ubuntu on the laptop. How do i reconfigure bluetooth? i've done sudo dpkg-reconfigure bluez  ... that does nothing. I've stopped and started bluetooth daemon. Is there a module that needs to be loaded first? I seeing hidraw0 and hiddev0 in dmesg when the IR part starts23:49
lddddleooif i use the boot recovery partition for ubuntu will it wipe all my files23:49
lddddleooor is there another way23:50
westzpdtpatrick: sounds like your bluetooth is shot honestly23:50
AlphaPsia drive is short for harddrive right?23:50
lddddleooif i right click on desktop can get app launcher is there nething i can use that wont wipe files to recover ubuntu23:50
westzAlphaPsi: no, there are multiple types pof drives. disc drives, disk drives, harddrives, flash drives etc23:50
THIS_IS_INSANEwestz: kinda. my last secondary HDD died, and it messed up my primary, so I did a repair installation two days ago, and got a new secondary drive and installed ubuntu on half of it.23:50
=== tiv is now known as samtron
marsfligthvelofille:   /Z   Copy files in restartable mode. If the copy is interrupted part  way through, it will restart if possible. (use on slow networks)23:50
westza hard drive is a type of drive23:50
lddddleooeverything has changed to bloomin gnome23:51
AlphaPsiSo my machine only has 1 hard drive with two partitions (that I know of, there may be a recovery partition I think) the (C:) partition and the (D:) partition?23:51
westzTHIS_IS_INSANE: try hitting down 4 times and enter23:51
lddddleoone suggestions23:51
THIS_IS_INSANEokay. brb23:51
westzAlphaPsi:  correct. but i dont think you have a recovery partition23:51
lddddleooif i use boot recovery option will it wipe my files23:52
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velofillemarsfligth, ahh . i think it does that by default,23:52
drahstso which virtualization platform runs the best and is most reliable on ubuntu?23:52
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=== petersk is now known as dentonsvk
velofillemarsfligth, but i could be wrong. alternatively just run the same rysnc again, it resumes where it left off23:52
* drahst eyes dentonsvk. 23:52
drahstIdentity crisis?23:52
lddddleoone brains here how to get back toolbar and sidebar]23:53
lddddleooand recover corrupted ubuntu23:53
dovanyone here know how to convert a task to a calendar event in evolution?23:53
robin0800_lddddleoo: alt+f2 and type unity23:54
lddddleooi could put files on web storage and then just reinstall i suppose. think its ubuntu one innit23:54
marsfligthvelofille: thanks23:54
lddddleooalt f2 not working23:54
lddddleoodoes boot recovery option wipe everything23:54
AlphaPsiwestz: Okay I checked Computer Manger and it shows three partitions on my drive23:54
westzlddddleoo: does your terminal work? (ctrl alt t)23:55
robin0800_lddddleoo: must have crashed then23:55
lddddleoojust have desktop23:55
lddddleoorestart but still no luck23:55
lddddleooi only have app launcher by right clicking desktop23:55
lddddleoonething i can use23:55
mneptokdrahst: both my wife an the COO of our company swear by the VirtualBox installs i gave them23:55
westztry using a different login mode (at the bottom it should say "unity" click it and change it to "classic"23:56
AlphaPsiwestz: A nameless one, the (C:) one, and the (D:) one.23:56
robin0800_lddddleoo: reboot and choose classic instead of unity at logon23:56
dovanyone here using evolution tasks? or know the right channel to ask in?23:56
lddddleooah ok23:56
lddddleooy did that app corrupt it23:56
westzAlphaPsi: okay so maybe you DO have a recovery partition. its not a big deal really, doesnt change your install much23:56
SomelauwHi, can I change the save / open file dialogs somehow?23:57
AlphaPsioh okay so I won't have to worry about it?23:57
lddddleooi will try and save my photos of doggy first just in case23:57
westzi dont think so. it means your install will use logical partitions, but idk if it'll actually ask you about it...23:57
jwashhi everyone, can someone assist me getting my workspace situation corrected? i have enabled 4, but I can't switch between them. I do have the workspace switcher enabled and showing, but it only shows one workspace.23:57
sweetestescott: just wanted to say it works23:58
sweetestit's actually very simple to say it with xrandr23:58
westzjwash: ctrl+alt+(directional button) not working?23:58
sweetestthanks nevertheless for good will :-)23:58
jwashi'm using x11vnc23:58
jwashnot working via remote23:59
kingofswordsim getting 4mbps internet but for some reason my firefox is taking ages to load...is there anyting i can do to fox or check for virus....23:59
AlphaPsiwestz, mneptok: Oh okay, I have to go now. Thanks for the help though23:59
westzjwash: no idea then. configure compiz to use edge switching?23:59
westzAlphaPsi: no p[roblem23:59

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