
lifulinghanhello anyone08:16
Mandrewhave you guy been thinking of adding conky to the distro as an default feature?12:23
knomeMandrew, as a default feature... probably not going to happen12:24
knomeisn't it in the repositories anyway?12:24
micahgwhy not switch to unity then?12:24
Mandrewknome, it is indeed12:25
micahgah, sorry, I was thinking of docky :-/12:25
* micahg hasn't really slept in ~21 hours12:25
Mandrewdocky is not in ubuntu/ unity by default ;)12:26
micahgMandrew: right, but it's a similar idea to unity, nevermind my comment :)12:26
knomeMandrew, lol :))12:26
knomeerr, micahg 12:26
* knome went to bed at 6am as well, and only slept 6 hours12:27
Mandrewmicahg, docky i can understand, but unity is totally different12:27
knomewe're not going for docky nor unity12:27
Mandrewwell that is a relief   ;)12:27
knomei actually think there is some kind of special joke style in the FOSS world, which you need to identify ;)12:28
Mandrewyour thinking of unity and gnome-shell ;)12:28
Mandrewthink that the joke is on me now :D12:29
charlie-tcadesktop cd's are bad today15:08
charlie-tcaalternate should install, though15:08
charlie-tcaI will be running installs this afternoon, got to work on the grass while it is cool (early morning)15:09
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel at 19:00 UTC today. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings16:31
ochosiuh, that's already pretty soon16:41
ochosicharlie-tca: how do you feel about the scrollbars now?16:41
Unit193charlie-tca: You going with 64bit alt? I might be able to do 32bit alt. I also can't make the meeting again :(18:10
charlie-tcaUnit193: yes, I will do 64bit18:20
charlie-tcaochosi: I like them18:20
ochosiok nice :)18:20
charlie-tcaMeeting in about 1.5 hours18:20
charlie-tcaI can't really see the arrows, though18:20
ochosithat's the idea18:20
ochosisince we liked arrow-less scrollbars, i just made them very small and almost invisible18:21
ochosi(at least ff and ooffice don't break like this918:21
GridCubethat was my idea :D18:23
GridCubeand i've updated murrine on my 10.04 and im using this last theme, i like it18:23
GridCubethe arrows aren't "that" invisible, if you lurk for them you can see them, also they are bigger on ff18:24
ochosiyeah, i know, nothing i can do about ff18:24
charlie-tcaYup, I agree, being as close to invisible as possible without removing them is good18:24
charlie-tcaGridCube: depends on eyesight, too18:25
charlie-tcaOn my 22 inch monitor, they are like dots of dirt on the monitor18:25
GridCubeXD on my 17" monitor they are pretty notisable18:26
ochosiyeah, i agree that they look a bit "dirty", but after using them for a while i started to like those dots18:26
ochosiGridCube: screenshot?18:26
GridCubemmm im on windows now :(18:26
ochosiawwwh :)18:27
charlie-tcaGridCube: you are young, too! 18:28
charlie-tcabad eyesight makes it harder to see "tiny" 18:28
GridCubeXD i use glasses 24/718:28
ochosime too, that's not an argument ;)18:30
GridCubewell i actually need them to see far away, not for close viewing :P 18:32
Unit193I could use (but don't NEED)  glasses, but I don't have any18:34
=== GridCube changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Want to get involved? See: http://xubuntu.org/contribute | #xubuntu for support, #xubuntu-offtopic for general discussion | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu
GridCubeochosi, http://imagebin.org/16024018:37
Unit193I don't even remember what the topic was...18:38
charlie-tcawhy is GridCube changing the topic?18:39
knomecharlie-tca, there is no +t in #xubuntu-devel18:40
GridCubewhat did i did?18:40
ochosiGridCube: re:screenshot: ok, that's exactly how it looks for me as well, i guess that's ok18:40
charlie-tcaWhat does having a +t got to do with playing with the topic?18:40
GridCubeoh... i changed the topic...18:41
knomecharlie-tca, if we have +t, unopped users can't change the topic. that's what.18:41
GridCubei'm not even op here...18:41
charlie-tcaThey shouldn't be touching it anyway. Usually we just throw them out for that18:41
GridCubebut i did nothing18:41
GridCubeD: i just logged in18:41
charlie-tcaand, I did not ban you :)18:42
knomecharlie-tca, then add +t, so you don't need to try to remember what the old topic was18:42
charlie-tcaI can see it in weechat18:42
charlie-tcaIt gives me both the old and the new topics18:42
GridCubei have it logged for the last few weeks that i've logged this channel XD18:43
charlie-tcaThat too18:43
Unit193What was the old one? Are there any changes?18:43
GridCubenope its the same18:43
charlie-tcaThere were no changes made, no18:44
GridCubethats really weird i dont see how i changed the topic18:44
GridCubeunless... can i try something?18:44
charlie-tcaMust be a keypress in the IRC client18:44
=== GridCube changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Want to get involved? See: http://xubuntu.org/contribute | #xubuntu for support, #xubuntu-offtopic for general discussion | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule
charlie-tcaLike I said, I see both 18:45
charlie-tcamagic keys, huh?18:45
=== GridCube changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Want to get involved? See: http://xubuntu.org/contribute | #xubuntu for support, #xubuntu-offtopic for general discussion | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu
GridCubeno, apparently on xchat if you touch the topic on the top bar and press enter it changes the topic18:45
GridCubei added the stuff i removed on the previous edition18:46
GridCubeapparently i tabbed and hit return18:46
charlie-tcaAll the months (over 24) I used Xchat, I never did that18:46
GridCubeyou should add +t18:47
Unit193charlie-tca: You might want to do the topic so it's not "Topic set by GridCube (~noneof@ (Mon Jun 27 13:37:26 2011)"18:47
charlie-tcaI don't care who it is set by. That gives a record if something does change18:47
Unit193I noticed it didn't have +t long time ago and kinda liked it in a way (And never touched it!)18:48
charlie-tcaIt hasn't changed, but when you see the name is changed, you know to look at it18:48
charlie-tcaknome: you know how to set +t?18:48
charlie-tcaI never do all this stuff, and would have to research it18:48
knomecharlie-tca, yesm but i don't have operator privileges in #xubuntu-devel 18:49
charlie-tcayou ain't?18:49
charlie-tcahow do I do it then?18:49
knomefirst get ops for yourself18:49
charlie-tcaI thought you were an operatior in all our channels18:49
knomeno, just #xubuntu 18:49
charlie-tcaokay, got that far18:50
knomethen simply try /mode +t18:51
charlie-tcanow you want to be an op in here?18:51
Unit193 /msg chanserv set #xubuntu-devel topiclock on  Might work better...18:51
charlie-tcaokay :(18:51
knomenow only ops can change the topic18:51
knomeUnit193, that's different18:51
knomecharlie-tca, well, i can be, no problem in that ;)18:52
knomecharlie-tca, but as i said, now the +t mode is set18:52
charlie-tcawho are the ops in here? Where would I find the list?18:52
Unit193knome: Bah... Wrong one... From what I know, it was best to set it with ChanServ...18:53
knomecharlie-tca, /msg chanserv access #xubuntu-devel list18:53
charlie-tcahm, I would like to see j1mc and crimsun removed and you added, I think18:54
charlie-tcacody-somerville: you around today?18:55
knomecharlie-tca, as far as i understand it, you have all the access rights18:56
charlie-tcaI will go find how to do this, then. 18:57
Unit193charlie-tca: /msg chanserv help flags    ?18:59
GridCube:) gotta go, sources of information test today, gotta study :D good luck to you all and have a nice community meeting18:59
charlie-tcaknome: done19:06
charlie-tcaThanks for your help19:06
charlie-tcaknome: you are now an op in here19:06
charlie-tcaI didn't make you one in #xubuntu-offtopic, though19:07
Unit193So we can't make fun of him anymore...19:07
knomecharlie-tca, thanks19:07
ochosiUnit193: :D19:07
charlie-tcaknome really does know more about ops and IRC than I do19:11
charlie-tcaXubuntu community meeting in #xubuntu-devel in 15 minutes. Everyone is invited to attend. Agenda is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings19:44
orngjce223Okay, so I heard that the ubuntustudio people are going to move to an xfce-based desktop around 12.04 or so, so I may as well just idle and absorb information by osmosis.19:49
holsteinorngjce223: hey :)19:50
holsteinyeah... im exited about the move19:50
orngjce223Excited? :v If you were exited you'd stop using it19:51
holsteinand watching the xubuntu team in action is quite inspiring19:51
orngjce223So yeah, just going to idle19:51
* charlie-tca waves20:01
* micahg waves in a daze20:03
mr_pouito hai20:03
charlie-tcaheh, don't try a new vertical mouse without a lot of time20:03
charlie-tcaSo, let's have a meeting20:04
charlie-tcaThe full agenda for the meeting is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meeting20:04
charlie-tcaToday's agenda:20:05
charlie-tca* Old business20:05
charlie-tca  * Charlie to dig for the xscreensaver updates, and put in an SRU20:05
charlie-tca* Team updates - Team Leads20:05
charlie-tca  * Packaging & Development20:05
charlie-tca  * Bug Triage & Testing20:05
charlie-tca  * Website & Marketing20:05
charlie-tca  * Artwork20:05
charlie-tca  * Documentation20:05
charlie-tca* Announcements20:05
charlie-tca  * TeamReports need to be updated20:05
charlie-tca* Governance structure - all20:05
charlie-tca* Any Other Business - all/anyone20:05
charlie-tcaSo, I have not dug up the xscreensaver stuff, so let's go to team updates20:05
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Packaging & Development20:06
charlie-tcamr_pouit, micahg : go ahead, please20:06
mr_pouitthe usual round of merges/syncs from Debian (almost finished, should be ok at the end of this week)20:06
mr_pouitI don't think we changed anything in the default package set last week20:07
charlie-tcaHave we added pastebinit?20:07
mr_pouit(might be worth to put file-roller back, now that it won't pull in nautilus anymore)20:07
mr_pouiteh, sorry, I forgot20:07
ochosifileroller +120:07
charlie-tca+1 fileroller and pastebinit20:08
micahgwow, xarchiver is really that bad?20:08
charlie-tcamicahg hasn't had the pleasure of fighting with xarchiver yet20:09
micahgI hope to take a look at the seeds after the platform rally to see if we can get the size down20:09
charlie-tcasize down would be good, too20:09
charlie-tcaThe 64bit alternate install image grew last night20:09
charlie-tcalive desktop is still broken, raised in the release team meeting20:10
charlie-tcamr_pouit: any thoughts on 10.04.3? Do we want to push it or just stay where we are20:11
charlie-tcaThe only thing I see it might do is help with the logout instead of shutdown bug20:11
mr_pouitmmh, we don't have any update at all in it20:11
micahgnope, just a newer Firefox and THunderbird (point releases)20:12
mr_pouityeah, but this fix includes a regression, so it's not really suitable20:12
charlie-tcaThen I won't push that one. We can work on Oneiric instead20:12
charlie-tcaAny questions for development and packaging?20:12
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Bug Triage & Testing20:13
charlie-tcaWe are triaging a few bugs, mostly hitting the oneiric ones. 20:14
charlie-tcamr_pouit seems to be doing more bugs than I am again. 20:14
charlie-tcaTesting is going great! Of course, we lost a couple of volunteers as soon as we said we need them to test.20:14
charlie-tcaWe are running tests almost daily, alternating partition methods and install methods to cover everything20:15
charlie-tcaany questions?20:15
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Website & Marketing20:16
charlie-tcaknome, pleia2 : your turn20:16
pleia2over the weekend I sent a mail to -devel asking for some review of the website content20:17
charlie-tcaYeah! 20:18
charlie-tcaWe are gaining20:18
charlie-tcaWe do need some marketing help still. As Ubuntu builds Unity, we are picking up a lot of users20:18
pleia2I've completed a basic review, but if others with expertise in the other areas could make sure the information is accurate linked from http://xubuntu.org/contribute it would be great20:18
knomeshould check that later that week20:19
pleia2I haven't gotten the page up for displaying our logos for people to use in marketing, I'll add that to my todo list now20:19
pleia2knome: any updates on our wp theme?20:19
knomeno, not right now20:20
knomebut the picslider is a wordpress plugin now20:20
knomeyou can see it in action in http://shimmerproject.org/project/albatross/20:20
knome(you can even ry to navigate the images)20:21
pleia2knome: is the plugin hosted online somewhere?20:21
pleia2we can submit it for review by canonical if it's ready while we finish the rest of the theme20:21
knomepleia2, not yet, i'm still doing a few modifications to it20:21
knomeactually, i'm working with it right now20:21
pleia2ok :)20:22
pleia2charlie-tca: I think that's all we've got20:22
charlie-tcaOkay, everybody please review the website for content20:22
charlie-tcaLet's stay on top of this website change, too. The sooner we get things in for approval, the sooner we get operational20:22
charlie-tcaAny questions for website?20:22
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Artwork20:23
charlie-tcaochosi: you get to be here today?20:23
ochosiso, basically the "big news" is that i think we settled on a new scrollbar style20:23
ochosiat least for now20:24
ochosiwe went through several iterations20:24
ochosiand i fixed it insofar that firefox and libreoffice work with it now20:24
ochosiwe dropped the scrollbar-arrows (at least visually)20:24
ochosiother than that, not many changes to be honest, mainly cleaning up behind the changes we did during the last few weeks20:25
ochosifeedback has been ok so far, but there could be more20:25
ochosiso feel free to test20:25
charlie-tcaFeedback seems to be directly to connected to what is hated most?20:26
ochosihm, up to now it was mainly feedback about the scrollbar20:26
ochosibut actually i think it has become positive (from sceptic in the beginning)20:26
charlie-tcaPlease, if you can test the new theme, do so. It is fully testable in Natty, right?20:26
charlie-tcaYou don't even have to install oneiric yet, so let's get some feedback on this new scrollbar.20:27
charlie-tcaAny questions ?20:27
Mandrewhope i dont intrude. but if you drop me a link to the new theme im glad to be testing it20:28
ochosiMandrew: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird20:28
charlie-tcaanyone else?20:29
charlie-tcaMandrew: thanks for testing the theme.20:29
Mandrewno thank you ;)20:29
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Documentation20:29
charlie-tcaThis is one of the areas that appears the weakest for us. 20:29
charlie-tcaWe had a person in that was looking into the wiki, is he here?20:29
charlie-tcawell, okay then20:31
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Announcements20:31
charlie-tcaThat favorite subject is back again... Team Reports are due for June20:31
charlie-tcaThese can be updated by anyone, not just a select few.20:32
charlie-tcaJust go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/TeamReports20:32
charlie-tcaclick on the edit link for this month, and add your updates.20:32
charlie-tcaWe do a lot of work in Xubuntu, and this is how we get credit for it and track a lot of it.20:32
charlie-tcaImportant dates coming rapidly:20:33
charlie-tcaDebian Import Freeze: June 3020:33
charlie-tca10.04.3 Freeze: June 3020:33
charlie-tcaOneiric Alpha 2: July 720:33
charlie-tcaWe will need a new release for alpha2, and it should give the changes to default apps if we can.20:34
charlie-tcaWe can include the most critical bugs from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs/OneiricOcelot20:34
charlie-tcaWe are trying to track things for the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/OneiricOcelot/AlphaNotes20:36
charlie-tcaAny questions?20:36
charlie-tcaTOPIC - Any Other Business 20:37
charlie-tcaAnything else we need to discuss? Anything we missed?20:38
charlie-tcaoh, yes20:38
jarnosI missed a lot, I suppose.20:38
charlie-tcaknome is now an IRC op in #xubuntu-devel20:38
charlie-tcajarnos: yes, we are almost finished, but there will be minutes posted to the wiki and ML's20:39
jarnosDid you chat about themes/style20:39
charlie-tcaA little, yes. Did you have something specific in mind?20:40
jarnosWell, I have survived by one panel with many releases.20:40
jarnosEven with small screen 1024x600.20:41
charlie-tcaSo, launchers only on the bottom panel make it much easier to remove?20:41
jarnosWell, I think it would be worth thinking, if everything a default user needs can be in one panel. By the way, 20:42
jarnosIn Natty there are many new panel elements.20:43
Mandrewi like the two panels that you guys have now:)20:43
charlie-tcaIn natty, we switched to Xfce 4.8, and that affected most of the components20:43
charlie-tcaThe panels were a complete re-write for Xfce, so it was a good opportunity to change them20:44
jarnosMandrew, sometimes the autoshown bottom panel can be on way, if you e.g. scroll.20:44
jarnosInicator plugin takes unneccessary lot panel space.20:44
charlie-tcaIt has never gotten in my way, even scrolling. We do have full size scroll areas, which helps20:44
charlie-tcaWhat is in indicator panel that would not be on the panel in the notification area?20:45
jarnoscharlie-tca, if you are careful, you don't accidentally unhide the panel.20:46
jarnoscharlie-tca, well, I need currently only network manager, but it has volume control and that letter box and a lot of empty space in between.20:47
charlie-tcabut that is you, personally.20:48
jarnoscharlie-tca, volume control can be handled to some extent by conventional mixer in panel.20:48
charlie-tcaMost of the users really prefer the mixer, and having the chat application.20:48
charlie-tcathe mixer takes the same space, whether in notification area or indicator panel20:49
charlie-tcait is just a speaker icon20:49
jarnoscharlie-tca, no, there is a lot of space between the icons in the indicator plugin.20:49
charlie-tcaTruth be told, looking at my 11.04 and 10.04 side by side at the same resolution, it took more space for network manager applet and mixer in 10.0420:50
jarnosindicator plugin does not offer configuration20:51
Mandrewcharlie-tca, i think he says that there is a lot of space between the icons20:51
charlie-tcaWe must always look at the overall user experience, not a single user. Every user is free to change the defaults20:51
charlie-tcaMandrew: I know, but 10.04 without indicator panel used more space than indicators do20:52
Mandrewi like that it makes it airy so to say20:52
charlie-tcaYou can remove indicator  plugin and use the notification area instead. 20:52
jarnoscharlie-tca, when I removed the indicator plugin, I didn't get network manager in the notification area.20:53
charlie-tcaI think you are correct. Ubuntu has tied network manager to indicators.20:54
charlie-tcaAnd they may even tie more to them. We are not going to rebuild every app to undo what they do.20:54
charlie-tcaAgain, as a individual, you are allowed to make changes that fit your work style.20:55
jarnosBy the way, wouldn't Switch user be a nice default item in panel? Without it you can switch, it you lock screen and make a new login, though.20:56
jarnosI wonder why it is not in the session menu.20:56
charlie-tcaWon't that take even more room in the panel?20:56
charlie-tcaochosi: what do you think of adding the user switcher plugin to the panel by default?20:58
jarnosNo, if it is in Session Menu, which itself may take a lot of space depending on your user name.20:58
charlie-tcaNot sure we can add to the session menu, anyone know the answer?20:59
jarnosIs there any sense of keeping both Session Menu and Log Out Dialog?21:00
Unit193I'm now here and read up :/21:01
charlie-tcaby default you don't have both21:01
jarnosIf I remember right, Ubuntu had switch user in it before.21:01
charlie-tcaDefault is now session menu. If you have both, you probably should delete the old ~/.config and ~/.cache and rebuild things21:02
charlie-tcaUbuntu doesn't use the xfce session menu, it uses gnome stuff, which is different21:02
charlie-tcaSo, not having an answer, and having taken the allotted hour for this now, we could pursue this better on the Mailing List21:03
charlie-tcaI want to thank everyone for participating in the weekly meeting. Your participation is important to us!21:03
Mandrewi can logout under my name in the right corner and in the bottom of my "start menu", and i have a fresh install21:03
charlie-tcaThe next meeting will be Sunday, July 3rd, at 22:00 UTC.21:03
charlie-tcaLet's go update Team Reports!21:03
charlie-tcaMandrew: that's different21:04
charlie-tcalog out dialog is a quit button21:04
charlie-tcawhich the session menu replaced21:04
charlie-tcaYou can see the log out dialogs by using right-click on the panel, panel, logout21:04
charlie-tcawhich is a builtin for Xfce21:05
Mandrewok cool21:05
charlie-tcaNow, I need help...21:11
charlie-tcaAnyone know how to make the Evoluent Vertical Mouse work with a ps/2 adapter?21:11
Mandrewi would have a look in #ubuntu cuz its really alot of ppl there, but dont say your running xubuntu it might get nasty :(21:19
charlie-tcaI never go in there 21:20
charlie-tcaI can always a third keyboard to my desk, so I can bypass the kvm swithc21:21
Mandrewcharlie-tca, what is the tips and tricks part in this menu?    http://img7.imagebanana.com/img/fi6np6l7/1_007.png21:22
charlie-tcaIt's a tip that appears every time you login. They change each time, going through them at random21:23
charlie-tcaThey are tips for Xfce21:23
Mandrewok cool i might just add that to the start then21:24
charlie-tcaMost of them are valid for us, but there will be a couple that don't apply21:24
charlie-tcayeah, it is just one more thing to close though21:24
Mandrewcould be useful as a new user of xfce ;) 21:24
Mandrewill try it and if i get enough its just to remove it21:25
Mandrewi posted you question in ubuntu but there is no reply, so i guess no one in there right now knows21:26
Mandrewnp ;)21:29
charlie-tcaI guess I can make the server headless, too. Then I won't need the third keyboard21:30
ochosicharlie-tca: i've never used the user-switcher before tbh22:59
ochosii'll install it and have a look22:59
ochosicharlie-tca: there are a few problems with that as far as i can see. the main problem is that it's an indicator, not a panel-plugin, which means we can't freely place it where we want (meaning that item will land anywhere among the other indicators installed)23:04
orngjce223I'm still in lucid and the panel-plugin user-switcher is in the package "xfswitch-plugin"23:11
orngjce223Not sure if it still exists in newer versions but it's there23:11
ochosioh right23:11
ochosithanks orngjce223, i'll try that one as well23:11
ochosibut anyway, it sounded a bit like they wanted indicator-session, because it includes user-switching and stuff from the session-menu23:12
orngjce223...Not that it works on my system23:12
ochosiwhat doesn't work?23:13
orngjce223user switching23:13
orngjce223But that's why I'm going to install natty, fresh, on another partition23:13
ochosijust tested it, works for me23:13
orngjce223see if the bug's still there23:13
ochosibut anyway, it's a rather fugly plugin if you ask me23:13
ochosionly a button with an icon and no options at all23:13
orngjce223Could be specific to "hi I have a lowlatency kernel and a bunch of really contrived audio settings"23:13
orngjce223I dunno23:14
ochosihm, prolly, dunno23:14
orngjce223If I had to put money on it I'd say more likely to be the audio fault23:14
ochosii think having the user-switching as an item in the session-menu plugin would make more sense than this tiny launcher23:14
orngjce223the lowlatency kernel does nothing interesting by itself honestly, only when it's called by a program that's aware23:14
orngjce223But yeah23:14
charlie-tcaochosi: thanks for looking at it23:26
ochosino problem23:26
ochosii think that the user-switching should either go in the session menu or not into the panel, at least wrt how things are atm23:26
charlie-tcayup, jarnos wanted it in session menu, but I don't think we can tell it where to go in those terms23:26
ochosiwell, we can file a feature request23:27
ochosiit's not a bad idea23:27
charlie-tcaI have told it a couple of times "where to go", but never there23:27
ochosisame goes for locking the screen23:27
charlie-tcaWell, personally, I think if people want all the pretties and functions of Ubuntu, they should have installed Ubuntu23:27
ochosithat's true in a wa23:28
ochosithough i think as long as a request is meaningful i wouldn't drop it just because ubuntu has it23:28
charlie-tcaNo, but I get tired of hearing "Ubuntu does it"23:29

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