
kaStevieI was just wondering if the design research on the software centre was available at all?02:56
kaSteviewell, given I might be waiting a while for a response I may as well be m ore specific03:18
kaStevieI was currently looking for exactly who you are designing the software center for03:19
hichamfor mere mortals03:19
kaSteviehicham: :) yes ofcourse03:20
kaSteviebut more than mere mortals, is there some kind of archetype that is being designed for?03:21
hichamgeneral users, not geeks :)03:28
hichambut I doubt this is the appropriate place to discuss that03:29
hichamsoftware center isn't part of ayatana03:29
kaSteviewould you know what it is part of?03:34
hichamI think #ubuntu will help you more than me03:37
kaStevieno one knows there, think I might just leave a note on the wikipage asking who owns the project / where I can get research if indeed any has been done and stuffs03:40
kaSteviethanks for your help03:40
hichamsorry, i am wrong03:45
hichamit appears that software management is part of ayatan03:45
hichamcheck out its page03:45
kaStevieis research done under the umbrella of ayatana usually made available?03:50
hichamyes, of course04:23
hichamit is open source :)04:23
MrGoodbyteThere is a problem in Unity. It doesn't update menu of an application even if it has changed. For example, MySQL Workbench's menu changes when you create an empty project09:25
MrGoodbytebut in Unity, it stays as it started09:26
andyrockgood morning10:01
hichamthere are at least two rocks in ayatana : andyrock and didrocks10:02
andyrockhicham, didrocks has the copyright ;)10:03
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andyrockcompiz use glib main loop right?11:47
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lamalexandyrock, yah i believe so12:26
andyrocklamalex, thx12:26
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zniavregood afternoon12:54
zniavreany chance to get notify-osd with border ?12:54
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zombie_Bug#801931 Which package should I choose for this bug? Rite now I have set it to linux but I am confused.15:53
zombie_sry wrong channel15:55
thumperjcastro: ping?15:57
kenvandineronoc, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/indicator-sound/ifdef/+merge/6616316:11
kenvandineronoc, i am applying that as a distro patch16:11
ronockenvandine, ah thanks, I'll make sure its in 0.7.316:12
om26ercould anyone confirm bug 803029 in Oneiric ?16:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 803029 in unity (Ubuntu) "there is a dead indicator after network icon" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80302916:31
om26erscrub slowly (incase you are trying to reproduce)16:33
om26ercompiz is eating more than 10%cpu consistently on my revived-from-death netbook, Is there anything else I could do except for reporting the bug? like some logs etc?16:36
om26erOk, its now back to normal after something like 15mins of cpu hog.16:39
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agent00taihi everyone, we'd like to use the unity panel service in our panel, is there any documentation on it?20:11
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jtnAnyone got time to give me some pointers on how appmenu-gtk works?23:02
jtnI'm from Freeciv upstream. appmenu-gtk seems to be stealing some of our menubars in Unity, making the game unplayable. We'd like them back ;)23:03
ajmitchjtn: you can disable it per-application with 'export UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0' before running it23:04
ajmitchthough that's probably not the best option compared to having them just work :)23:04
jtnSure -- we have this workaround. I'm after something more subtle, that will allow the main menubar to be indicator-ified while keeping the embedded ones where they belong.23:05
jtnAll the gory details are at <https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/freeciv/+bug/743265>.23:05
ubot5Ubuntu bug 743265 in freeciv (Ubuntu) "when using unity, the cities menu is not shown" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:05
jtnIn the appmenu-gtk source, I found it looking for a property "ubuntu-no-proxy". Perhaps I can decorate our menubars with this? Can anyone tell me how it's intended to be used?23:06
jtnThe other thing that seems odd is that appmenu-gtk is suppressing the secondary menubars, but they don't show up in the output of "dbusmenu-dumper". Which suggests that something knows somehow how to distinguish the two kinds of menubar, but is losing one of them. Is that a bug in the appmenu stuff? (I could easily have missed something.)23:08
ajmitchI suspect that most people who could help are in the wrong timezone this week23:10
jtnOh rats, are they all in Dublin?23:12
jtnDarn, we've got a release scheduled and I was hoping to put any workaround in.23:12
ajmitchI think a number of them are23:13
ajmitchHave you tried asking on the mailing list?23:13
jtnNot yet. I'll try that next.23:13

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