
chewyTreecontatced upstream and the dev refuses to fix it, what should i do?02:15
chewyTree**this is about a bug. lol jeez im tired02:16
bil21alcan we report the bugs of oneirics?? ??04:34
charlie-tcayes, of course04:36
charlie-tcaplease use ubuntu-bug to report them, so they get tagged correctly04:36
bil21ali want to report the bug of movie player what command should i use in terminal???05:34
dtchenbil21al: ubuntu-bug totem05:35
bil21althankx bro05:36
bil21alafter some time this is written in above and blank window appers.*Debconf on bil21al-thinkpad-t60* any one knows what is this???????07:17
bil21althis come again and again and vanished07:17
bil21althese words are written on the top and window is blank is any body knows?07:20
bil21al*debconf on bil21al-think pad-t60*07:21
yofelbil21al: Debconf is a configuration system for Debian packages, that shouldn't run by itself as long as you're not running and package management operations08:40
yofel(someone correct me if I'm wrong)08:40
AlanBellat the moment in oneiric blender is uninstallable due to dependencies on libswscale being a bit broken, how do I report this, and do I need to?09:13
hggdhAlanBell: if blender was updated today, wait a bit to see if the dependencies get provided. By tomorrowish, if still unresolved, open a bug against blender pointing to the install failure09:18
AlanBell5 weeks ago09:20
AlanBellbug 80286309:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 802863 in blender (Ubuntu) "not installable on oneiric (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80286309:25
wagafoWhen a bug is marked as "Fixed released", what is the procedure to close it? Does the reporter have to mark it as "Invalid"?09:29
jpdswagafo: No, it's already closed.09:30
wagafojpds: thanks!09:30
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mejohow do I mark a bug as found in another ubuntu release? I'm talking about bug #419143 and would like to mark it as found in Ubuntu Natty.11:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 419143 in poppler (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 5 other projects) "Printing from evince (and perhaps other GTK apps) to PostScript printers is broken ("0a" bytes inserted into PostScript output) (affects: 77) (dups: 17) (heat: 418)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41914311:56
mejoI already changed status from Invalid back to Confirmed, but I don't find the option to mark it as found in Natty.11:56
micahgmejo: why did you change the status from invalid to confirmed?  the bug isn't in cups apparently11:58
mejobut it still happens to me.11:58
mejoi guess it's in cairo or poppler11:59
micahgmejo: right :)11:59
mejook, will change status for cups back to Invalid, thanks for the hint11:59
mejobut do you know how to mark it as found in Natty?12:00
micahgmejo: I already changed the statuses back12:00
micahgbecause a regular user can't set the triaged state, only a bug control member12:01
mejoI do discover the bug in Natty now. So it is not fixed. You may  be right, that the bug is not in cups (printing works from okular), but it still exists somewhere12:01
mejomicahg: the status should be changed to confirmed for cairo and poppler12:01
micahgmejo: a triaged state on the untargetted task means it's not fixed in the devel release yet12:01
hggdhmejo: actually, from Karmic to Natty there is a long list of fixes12:02
micahgmejo: no, triaged is more confirmed than confirmed :)12:02
hggdhso this maybe a regression, or a new bug -- but most certainly *not* the _same_ bug12:02
mejook, so you suggest to report a new bug?12:03
mejoagainst which package? cairo? poppler?12:03
micahgmejo: you might want to look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingPrintingProblems12:07
mejothanks. but this page suggests to report the bug against cups.12:08
mejoI'll do so, and add a link to bug #419143 in the description (suggesting to reassign the bug to another more appropriate package).12:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 419143 in poppler (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 5 other projects) "Printing from evince (and perhaps other GTK apps) to PostScript printers is broken ("0a" bytes inserted into PostScript output) (affects: 77) (dups: 17) (heat: 418)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41914312:09
mejofirst, I need to find a non-private PDF that my system fails to print ;-)12:10
mejoall right, submitted: #80294212:43
mejobut I fear that this will simply be marked as duplicate of #41914312:45
yofellp 80294212:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 802942 in cups (Ubuntu) "printing PDFs (and other complex documents) from GTK applications fails (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80294212:49
chewyTreeanyone ssh into a server?15:14
chewyTreethis seems like a pretty big bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sudo/+bug/80299715:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 802997 in sudo (Ubuntu) "sudo login cache is retained even after user logs out (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:14
mdeslaurchewyTree: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Sudo15:16
chewyTreemdeslaur, Thanks, ill mark it invalid15:17
mdeslaurchewyTree: thanks for reporting it, it can be surprising when it's not what we expected15:17
chewyTreemdeslaur, Now this "ticket" is retained even after the user logs out?15:20
chewyTreei would think it would wipe the cache of it15:20
mdeslaurchewyTree: yes, the ticket is retained15:21
chewyTreemdeslaur, o wow, interesting.  Thanks for the help15:21
mdeslaurchewyTree: np15:22
zombie_Bug#801931 Which package should I choose for this bug? Rite now I have set it to linux but I am confused.15:55
yofelbug 80193115:56
ubot4Launchpad bug 801931 in linux (Ubuntu) "ubuntu won't shutdown/reboot/suspend/hibernate (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80193115:56
bdmurrayzombie_: linux is the correct package for that bug16:13
chewyTreeWould adobe flash plugin tools = Flash player?16:27
chewyTreefor reference: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/80301816:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 803018 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Tab that contains Flash Player leaves artifacts on other tabs. (affects: 2) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New]16:27
chewyTreethis bug has been a pain for a while now, glad to see it got reported16:27
chewyTreebut it happens in google chrome which i use, so its not which broswer you use16:28
chewyTreeand the only thing coming up is adobe-flash-plugin-tools16:30
chewyTreeso im guessing thats flash16:30
charlie-tcachewyTree: the actual package would be flashplugin-nonfree for that16:32
chewyTreecharlie-tca, woops sorry.  thanks for clarifying16:33
charlie-tcaflashplugin-nonfree includes adobe-flash-plugin-tools16:33
micahgcharlie-tca: huh?16:33
charlie-tcaThanks for trying.16:34
charlie-tcamicahg: did a search16:34
charlie-tcahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+search for it16:34
micahgcharlie-tca: the multiverse package doesn't have that16:34
chewyTreeya no items were matches16:34
chewyTreewhen searching to add the project16:34
charlie-tcasearch on text, it comes up with flashplugin-nonfree16:35
micahgcharlie-tca: Your search for “adobe-flash-plugin-tools” did not return any results.16:35
charlie-tcacorrect, which makes that an invalid package16:35
charlie-tcanow tell it to continue, searching for the text itself16:35
charlie-tcait will then tell you that:16:36
charlie-tcaAll packages with sources matching your query "adobe-flash-plugin-tools"16:36
charlie-tca1 -> 2 of 2 results First o Previous o Next o Last16:36
charlie-tca    flashplugin-nonfree16:36
charlie-tca    pyjamas16:36
charlie-tcaTherefore, the correct source package will be flashplugin-nonfree16:37
micahgcharlie-tca: what I'm saying is that's not in flashplugin-nonfree16:37
charlie-tcaThat's wrong16:37
micahgno, launchpad is wrong "_16:37
charlie-tcaI just pasted it to show it is16:37
charlie-tcaSo what would you report the bug against? since the package is wrong16:38
chewyTreeso if launchpad isnt showing up with any results for flashplugin-nonfree should i just put the text in anyway?16:38
micahgchewyTree: where did you come up with adobe-flash-plugin-tools16:38
chewyTreemicahg, just went to select a project, typed in flash16:39
chewyTreeand its the third one down16:39
chewyTreeand i assumed that was it16:39
micahgchewyTree: heh, ok, so, flash doesn't have an upstream project16:39
micahgadobe uses a JIRA instance that we can't link to in launchpad yet due to missing functionality16:40
chewyTreemicahg, so should i leave the project i selected or remove it?16:41
micahgchewyTree: here's the bugtracker: https://bugs.adobe.com/flashplayer/16:41
micahgchewyTree: no, you can remove it16:41
micahgchewyTree: change project to null, status to invalid16:42
micahgcharlie-tca: idk, probably launchpad and saying the search is wrong16:42
micahgcharlie-tca: maybe just ask a question against launchpad16:43
chewyTreemeh, no bugs that can relate to ours.  So i have to make an account with them now so i can submit this with them?16:49
micahgchewyTree:are you using the same video driver as the user in the bug report?16:52
chewyTreemicahg, i cant seem to find what video driver he is using. would it be someone in the scripts he uploaded? and as for me, what can i type into terminal to find out my driver16:55
micahgchewyTree: well, apport shows it's fglrx, do you have an ATI video card?16:56
chewyTreemicahg, ya i do16:57
micahgchewyTree: on natty?16:57
chewyTreeim using the proprietary fglrx driver, and yes16:57
micahgchewyTree: ok, I'd maybe throw it to the fglrx-installer package and see what they say since I don't see this behavior16:59
chewyTreeya this behavior doesnt happen all the time.  Just sometimes with mutiples tabs when you are switching back and forth, the image will get distorted on all of them17:00
micahgI have an nvidia chipset with proprietary drivers on natty17:00
chewyTreemicahg, this is the closest thign i see on their bug tracker17:04
chewyTreemicahg, https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/FP-355917:04
chewyTreebut i dont think its the same thing, escept the ati video card17:05
micahgchewyTree: yeah, that's not very specific, I'd punt to the video driver to see if they think that's the cause, if not, then go ahead and open a new bug on Adobe's tracker17:06
chewyTreemicahg, ya, and as for the fglrx project.  They dont use launchpad to track? cause it wants me to provide an upstream url17:07
micahgchewyTree: no upstream that we can access AFAIK17:08
chewyTreemicahg, one more thing.  think you can put this as wishlist? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/80302317:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 803023 in software-center (Ubuntu) "For Purchase Apps: Console description should be authoritative (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:11
micahgchewyTree: yeah17:13
chewyTreethanks for all the help17:13
micahgchewyTree: done17:13
micahgchewyTree: for the flash bug, you wanted to change the firefox task to fglrx-installer, not add a new task17:16
chewyTreemicahg, i really butchered this bug, sorry.  changed17:18
micahgchewyTree: don't worry about it, you're learning how things work :)17:20
chewyTreemicahg, you can say that again lol. as for the fglrx i put in, it wont allow me to add another null project, so should i just mark it invalid?17:21
micahgchewyTree: no, leave it new for now I think, it's the appropriate upstream for the current Ubuntu task17:22
chewyTreemicahg, im talking about the fglrx, not the fglrx-installer i just put in17:23
chewyTreemicahg, or they both stay?17:24
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micahgchewyTree: they can both stay17:38
micahgchewyTree: when you make changes to a bug, it's usually good to comment on why you're making the change17:40
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envygeeks1Afternoon, Evening or Morning depending on where you are.  I was wondering if somebody could tell me bug policy on closing bugs that are almost 3 years old and not updated.19:49
Ampelbeinenvygeeks1: hi, try to reproduce yourself or ask the reporter to test with the latest release/development version.19:50
micahgenvygeeks1: depends on what you mean by not updated19:50
envygeeks1I was working on patching my ndiswrapper install this morning and was looking through ndiswrapper bugs, somebody reported a bug 3 years ago, and hasn't updated it since, nothing has gone into the bug either other then somebody reporting it as an upstream bug. So I was thinking if the author didn't think it was important enough to check up on perhaps it should be closed as nobody has updated it at all, it's still new...19:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 3 in mono (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Custom information for each translation team (affects: 1) (heat: 3)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/319:51
micahgenvygeeks1: bug #, please?19:52
envygeeks1micahg: sure, let me go track it down real quick19:53
ubot4Launchpad bug 267715 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "ndiswrapper -r should check its argument (heat: 3)" [Undecided,New]19:53
envygeeks1I could not reproduce the problem as I was able to do $var on my own ndiswrapper19:53
micahgenvygeeks1: ugh, that looks like a security bug actually19:54
envygeeks1micahg: So I assume I should take the effort to test it a little bit more and update it myself and push it? I mean I don't mind since I'm already diving into ndiswrapper19:55
micahgenvygeeks1: well, the bug is unconfirmed, if you can confirm it exists then it should probably be upstreamed and marked as a security bug as well19:58
envygeeks1micahg: alright, I shall test it after I compile ndiswrapper again from it's source and update the bug and report it upstream.19:59
micahgenvygeeks1: thanks!20:00
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chris_99the currently selected window moves to another workspace, when i change workspace, even when 'only on this workspace'22:06
chris_99is selected22:06
chris_99while running ubuntu 1122:06
chris_99anyone got any ideas why it's doing this, seems like unwanted behaviour22:06
AlegomasterI am new here22:17
envygeeks1Is there somebody who can triage and flag bugs as security problems?22:35
dtchenenvygeeks1: sure. Which ones?22:37
envygeeks1dtchen: earlier I mentioned a bug that I was checking to see if it should be closed, I was told to validate and confirm it first, but it turned out it was worse than the original submitter thought22:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 267715 in ndiswrapper (Ubuntu) "ndiswrapper -r should check its argument (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:37
envygeeks1I was literally able to plaster my entire test system with ndiswrapper >.<22:38
dtchendid you need to be privileged to create the symlink(s) or whatnot inside /etc/ndiswrapper ?22:41
dtchen(I've marked it as a vuln)22:41
envygeeks1Yes, at the time I was elevated22:41
dtchenyeah, thought as much. If you need to be privileged already, that somewhat lessens the severity22:42
dtchenstill pretty ugly, however22:42
envygeeks1I'm still doing more testing to see if I can't inject too so I'll test to see if I need to be elevated22:42
envygeeks1last night I noticed that even if a driver fails to install it still adds it, so I'm wondering if you can't inject data too22:42
dtchentrue, it's clearly unintentional behaviour. IIRC one still needs to be privileged to attempt to install a driver.22:44
envygeeks1very true22:44
envygeeks1after I restore my test system I'll continue to report and update the bug, back to work on restoring it after destroying it22:46
envygeeksdtchen: So, you do not need to be elevated to delete a directory, but you do need to be elevated to delete anything in /etc because of the system permissions, it does attempt to delete it though, I was able to delete my home dir using non-elevated -r on ndiswrapper23:50

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