
=== gpc is now known as IdleOne
kim0dholbach: jcastro dpm I'm with the server guys09:44
dholbachkim0, in the pool?09:44
dpmkim0, have fun! ;)09:44
jussidholbach: did the irc thing get sorted?09:45
dholbachjussi, I have no idea, but I think some time in the evening somebody still complained about not being able to get on09:45
dholbachlet me ask elmo09:45
jussioh, seems like it did09:45
dholbachoh ok09:45
jussi(see ara's hostmask on entry)09:45
jussi[11:27:08] --> ara (~ara@conference/canonical/x-pqfpdyjdiovxwcbh) has joined #ubuntu-community-team09:45
jussiSorry for the ping ara09:46
dholbachoh yeah, it got09:46
arajussi, no worries :)09:46
* jussi has 4d ultrasound tomroow. exciting stuff! :D09:46
* popey enters the fourth dimension09:51
* popey leaves the fourth dimension, one minute older09:52
czajkowskiso feckin' sleepy10:19
nigelbpopey: heh10:32
dholbachcjohnston, I can't remember what we said the last time we talked... who do you think I could talk to about rebranding the packaging guide?11:11
dholbachcjohnston, also I got the /meetings/team/X/agenda error mail again (unicode error)11:46
duanedesignmorning all11:52
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
AlanBellmorning jono11:55
AlanBelljono: can you pimp this on facebook please http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=15652809441855211:56
dholbachnigelb, I had a chat with bdmurray about "talk to Nigel and Brian about removing the patch flag of attachments instead of tagging as patch-needswork"11:58
dholbachhe said that making a almost-solved bug less findable is probably a bad idea, and I agree11:59
dholbachmaybe we should even mark those as 'bitesize' tasks, if there's not too much that needs doing11:59
cjohnstondholbach: I took a look at the branch that you showed me, and im not really familiar enough with the code.. if you have someone who is familiar with sphynx and willing to do it, I can help them out12:12
dholbachcjohnston, ok - no worries12:13
nigelbdholbach: cool, I think I told you earlier that I'd defer to his opinion on this :)12:19
dholbachnigelb, where do we best document/announce this?12:20
dholbachnigelb, just add "mark as bitesize if it's just a few simple changes" in the docs?12:20
nigelbdholbach: I'd suggest docs + -devel12:20
dholbachnigelb, I do docs, you do -devel? :)12:21
nigelbdholbach: Yeah, sure!12:21
dholbachwill also get us more bitesize bugs :)12:21
* AlanBell is being teased by the design team blog12:23
dholbachAlanBell, I just heard about it here at the sprint - it was just an accident :)12:24
nigelbAlanBell: what?12:25
* nigelb didn't get it12:25
dholbachnigelb, "If it does not work properly or needs more work, add the '''patch-needswork''' tag.  Give the patch submitter some guidance on the rationale for the tag, and ask whether they are willing to update it to resolve outstanding issues. Consider adding the '''bitesize''' tag if it's a simple task, especially if the patch contributor hasn't reported back for some time."12:25
dholbachI hope that's clear enough12:25
AlanBelloh, it is gone now12:25
nigelbYeah, it is12:25
AlanBellnigelb: http://twitter.com/#!/planetubuntu/status/8566392940514508812:25
nigelbAlanBell: was that somewhere in south america?12:26
AlanBellwe might never know12:26
nigelbIf it is that, I think I saw that picture before12:27
nigelbAlanBell: did you see the picture?12:27
dholbachjcastro, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages14:34
czajkowskipleia2: when yer about pm me please15:01
czajkowskijono: say hello to http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/15:30
czajkowskijono: can you FB it when you get a chance please and tweet it15:33
czajkowskiThank you15:33
nigelb*Great* job post title: "Sony Electronics is looking for a talented Sr. Application Security Analyst for our HQ in San Diego. You know why."15:59
paultagnigelb: ahahahahahahahahahaha16:02
nigelbpaultag: that's so full of awesome16:02
paultagnigelb: I love it when companies can make fun of themselfs16:03
paultagI was going to post something in here, but them I rememberd that I should be polite16:11
paultaghttp://devianteles.deviantart.com/art/Stallman-Guevara-Wallpaper-212777506 ← YES. THIS.16:15
mhall119paultag: awesome16:16
paultagmhall119: so good, so good16:16
nigelbpaultag: https://sony.taleo.net/careersection/2/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=2268116:22
mhall119nigelb: the tweet was better16:43
nigelbmhall119: true :)16:43
czajkowskilifesavers taste like deepheat and are soo addictive17:06
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
Technoviking/msg NickServ identify Th0ctmtcj17:25
PiciTechnoviking: :(17:26
Technovikingdamn it17:26
Technovikingtrying out znc, and can pass nickserv to it17:26
PiciUse your accountname:password  as the freenode server password.17:27
nhandlerTechnoviking: Also be sure to change your password if you haven't already (/msg nickserv help set password)17:39
=== gpc is now known as IdleOne
=== daker is now known as daker_
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
* popey pokes jcastro 19:18
=== Technoviking is now known as technoviking

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