
uvirtbotNew bug: #802770 in ocfs2-tools (main) "can't use ocfs2 with cman clustering" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80277000:22
=== Jasonn is now known as JasonnAWAY
twbAnybody ever seen a "isw_dfabidfjfa_Volume0" device in /dev/mapper before?02:53
twbpvscan is finding my LVM on it instead of sda (where it actually is)02:53
patdk-laptwb, that would be the intel soft-raid stuff02:59
patdk-lapyou must have raid enabled in the bios02:59
twbThanks, that's what I thought, but I couldn't google for the randomized string03:01
twbStupid hardware vendor.  He was specifically told not to ship with RAID on03:01
patdk-lapatleast he already mirrored the drives for you :)03:09
twbLemme show you03:20
twbSo it's set up with a single one-disk RAID0 or RAID1 array of only the first disk.03:24
=== gpc is now known as IdleOne
sparcHey there.  Are there compatibility libraries, like Redhat has, for programs that require older versions of libstdc++ ?03:44
sparcfor instance Vertitas Netbackup wanting libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.303:45
sparci tried symlinking that to libstdc++.so.6, but i get missing symbols03:45
sparcsad panda03:46
twbsparc: NFI, but you have my sympathy :-(03:49
sparchaha :) thanks03:49
twbsparc: there are obsolete versions of packages in IIRC archive.ubuntu.com03:49
sparcVeritas was nice enough to drop 32-bit support in version 7, so i'm stuck with a 6, that doesn't work on ubuntu03:49
twbYou could try pulling shit out of there and dropping it in $PWD, then adding LDPATH thingies in front to deal with that03:50
sparccool, good deal03:50
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uvirtbotNew bug: #802797 in amavisd-new (main) "package amavisd-new-postfix 1:2.6.5-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80279704:31
ShapeshiftrAnyone there?06:22
ShapeshiftrI'm having installation issues with ubuntu 11.0406:22
Shapeshiftri loaded the iso onto a usb flash drive06:22
Shapeshiftrand when i try to install ubuntu onto my freshly wiped server, it just beeps and nothing happens.06:23
ShapeshiftrI'm literally at the install menu, and I hit enter on "Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk"06:23
Shapeshiftranyone know?06:23
ChmEarlShapeshiftr, which installer did you use? the ISO isn't bootable via USB?06:29
Shapeshiftrthe Universal USB installer that the official site linked to.06:29
ShapeshiftrChmEarl: ^06:30
ChmEarlShapeshiftr, never tried that... I would debootstrap it06:30
ShapeshiftrWhat would that entail, ChmEarl?06:31
ChmEarlyou booted from bios?06:31
ShapeshiftrI guess so, because it doesn't recognize my HDD, apparently.06:32
ChmEarlmaybe change in the bios to legacy SATA06:32
ShapeshiftrThat might work, yeah.06:33
ShapeshiftrI've installed ubuntu on this computer before, but I might've reset some BIOS options at one point or another.06:33
ChmEarlShapeshiftr, if the disk controller has ahci set, that caused me trouble before06:35
ShapeshiftrYeah, when I was installing windows that was the big issue for me.06:35
ShapeshiftrIt's an IDE drive, and it looks like its recognizing it in bios.06:36
ChmEarlthen maybe the drive has meta data still there06:36
ChmEarlfrom raid06:36
Shapeshiftrnever raided it.06:37
Shapeshiftrit's a microatx setup, no room for 2 HDDs :\06:37
Shapeshiftrso bios recognizes it fine, but the only thing that the installer can do is go into rescue mode, where it stops at the disk choosing menu, not picking up an IDE HDD06:38
ChmEarlI would stare at the bios settings more06:38
Shapeshiftrhaha, bios is old and simple.06:38
ShapeshiftrI think I'm gonna try using 10.1006:40
Shapeshiftror 10.04, whatever the LTS is.06:40
twbBetween old/simple/broken and new/complicated/broken I will have the former, thanks :-{P06:43
twbIME linux doesn't work correctly *unless* AHCI is enabled.06:44
overrider_id like to setup xorg and fluxbox, then give a few users on my LAN access so they can connect to the Machine via VNC, are greeted by a Login Screen (slim, gdm, ...,) and can login using their Username and Password. How to get started?07:06
overrider_Just get a VNC Server such as x11vnc or are there better methods...07:06
uvirtbotNew bug: #802827 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess installiertes post-installation-Skript gab den Fehlerwert 1 zurück" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80282707:22
twboverrider_: X is network transparent07:22
twboverrider_: why use VNC when you can just use X?07:22
overrider_twb: i guess because i dont know how or using which client to connect to a remote x11 box - reading up07:25
twbLTSP is the easiest way to do it, unless you need stuff on the local workstations, too07:30
twbIn which case, "ssh -X server program"07:31
SyriaPlease help me with this problem. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10989367#post1098936707:46
SyriaI want to protect one of the folders in my VPS which is running under Ubuntu server 10.04 LTS I've tried doing this using .htaccess and I am being prompted for a user name and a password but when i enter the user name and the password I get the same window again and I am sure that I am entering the correct information.07:49
greppySyria: first off, I don't normally keep .htpasswd files in a web directory, but what if anything is showing up in the apache log files?08:17
Syriagreppy:  Is this normal? http://paste.ubuntu.com/634058/08:22
Syriagreppy:  This is apache error log.08:22
zer01Hello somebody help, I have problem with LVM after boot.08:24
SyriaHELP ME.08:28
amelinzer01: maybe you should tell your problem :-)08:31
greppySyria: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634084/08:32
zer01OK, I have problem with LVM after boot, I can't set up vgscan in init.d08:32
Syriagreppy:  Thank you, I have to change the name of the user right?08:33
greppynope, you need to add the <limit > </limit> stuff08:33
Syriagreppy:  This is what I have done. http://paste.ubuntu.com/634087/  !! I am not sure about it but the problem is still existed.08:36
greppySyria: does "/var/www/folder/.htpasswd" exist?08:38
Syriagreppy:  Yeah I am sure about this.08:38
Syriaw00:  allowoverride I am sure that allowoverride is activated. because i can user permalinks in wordpress.08:39
RoyKallowoverride authconfig08:39
greppySyria: what errors are showing up in your apache logs now that you made the change? before it was complaining that there wasn't a limit section.08:40
SyriaRoyK:  What is that?08:40
RoyKSyria: iirc permalinks doesn't require authconfig08:40
RoyKauthconfig is authentication configuration, as in .htpasswd etc08:40
w00RoyK, yeah but he probably has 'all'08:40
greppy*nod* permalinks are rewrite08:40
RoyKw00: that's not good ;P08:40
Syriagreppy:  This is the final error log http://paste.ubuntu.com/634090/08:42
SyriaHow can I make sure that Allowoverride is activated?08:46
greppyaccess to /folder/1.png failed, reason: user 'user' does not meet 'require'ments for user/valid-user to be allowed access08:47
greppythat's what is relevant to your problems.08:48
greppychange "require user" to "require valid-user"08:48
Syriagreppy:  Please tell me what should I do regarding this!08:48
w00He just did..08:52
SyriaI am too stupid to understand what has he just said. :(08:53
w00Paste your htpasswd08:54
SyriaIt works!!!08:54
SyriaYou guys are awesome thanks.. greppy  w00  RoyK08:56
Syriaw00:  I am trying to add a new user and a new password but i am getting this: "htpasswd: unable to update file /var/www/folder/.htpasswd "09:19
uvirtbotNew bug: #802876 in nova (universe) "nova_sudoers should take into account new location for brctl" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80287610:21
kirklandRoAkSoAx: ping, cobbler_web still not working10:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #802882 in python-novaclient (universe) "/usr/bin/nova in both python-novaclient and simh" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80288210:26
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kirklandRoAkSoAx: zul fixed it12:00
uvirtbotNew bug: #802956 in exim4 (main) "package exim4-base 4.74-1ubuntu1.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80295613:17
CharlieSuIs there a way to have <Location> use X-Forwarded-Host as the IP addresses used in 'Allow from'?13:38
sommer1morning all13:47
RoAkSoAxkirkland: yeah told you yesterday... :) the problem was the timezone14:06
airtonixFilename: pool/main/m/mod-wsgi/libapache2-mod-wsgi_3.2-2_amd64.deb14:08
airtonix^ 3.2-2 is version of the application? -2 is the variation made by ubuntu ?14:09
uvirtbotairtonix: Error: "3.2-2" is not a valid command.14:09
baffleAnyone here have any experience with IPMI on (cheapo) Dell PE210 II servers? The BMC seems to reboot on system reboot..14:34
patdk-wkbmc reboots on reboots on all my ipmi machines14:36
bafflepatdk-wk: Hmm, how do you get to your BIOS via SOL then?14:37
patdk-wknever bothered14:39
patdk-wkI have never needed to get into the bios via ipmi14:40
bafflepatdk-wk: Aha. I'd like to change boot from HD -> PXE.14:41
bafflepatdk-wk: Maybe it's just me, but I think it is a normal thing to want. :-/14:41
patdk-wkdunno, for mine, I would never need to or have a purpose to do that14:45
patdk-wkthe machines that I sometimes reinstall remotely, are all hp ilo2 blades14:45
baffleYeah, a proper ilo/drac sure beats this.14:46
ssureshotis there a way to see what options cups was compiled with? I'd like to compile the newest version with the same options14:48
joschissureshot: you can look into the debian package spec. you can get it with `apt-get source [packagename]`14:55
bau-hi all, i have this issue: i have a php page on my server, which should send an email to an address. The problem is that i have to configure postfix, but i can't do it, even reading the wiki... can anybody help me?14:57
ssureshotjoschi: ah,, thank you,,, this is good info I wasn't aware apt was capable of..14:57
ssureshotjoschi: where does that unpack to?15:02
joschissureshot: the current working dir15:03
ssureshotha!! and here I am looking everywhere but15:04
RoAkSoAxzul: ping?15:05
zulRoAkSoAx: whats up?15:21
RoAkSoAxzul: so I have started looking into replacing the grubby thingy for koan15:24
zulRoAkSoAx: ok15:24
RoAkSoAxzul: so, what do you think is best? ship a script under /etc/grub.d/<whatever> to everytime we use cobbler --replace-self someohow detects it15:25
RoAkSoAxzul: or just create the file during execution15:25
zulRoAkSoAx: umm...check with cjwatson he goes grub ;)15:26
RoAkSoAxzul: ok ;)15:26
raubvogelWhy is when I tell my 10.04LTS box to remove ssmtp it wants to remove request-tracker3.8 rt3.8-clients ssmtp?15:33
Jcook_5xDataanyone here know the about spf records? I add one but I am unsure if I should create separate record one for google apps and one for my local ip?15:34
joschiraubvogel: probably because rt requires some mta installed. see `aptitude why ssmtp`15:34
Jcook_5xDataor combine them like this "v=spf1 ip4: include:_spf.google.com +all"15:35
joschiJcook_5xData: do you ever send out mail from your own server?15:35
raubvogeljoschi, interesting. I tried to install msmtp and it did not replace ssmtp15:35
joschiJcook_5xData: then you need to add its IP address15:35
joschiraubvogel: if you take a close look at the dependencies of request-tracker3.8, you'll see that it depends on mail-transport-agent (http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/mail-transport-agent)15:37
raubvogelBut it does not consider msmtp, which has more features than ssmtp, a valid mail-transport-agent15:37
joschiraubvogel: look at the link I provided15:38
Jcook_5xDatajoschi, I did that the 173.162.. address. I look on openspf.org but it does not say how to handle multipliable address that send on my behalf. do I need to create a separate record every address I have to get access to or have one record and string them together like above.15:39
joschiJcook_5xData: your syntax for the SPF record is correct as far as I see15:42
joschiJcook_5xData: just that +all is "disabling" spf effectively (see http://www.openspf.org/SPF_Record_Syntax#all)15:43
Jcook_5xDatacool thank. I was unsure and I did not want to disable our email. I will change it -all when i am done testing :)15:45
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DMKitschhi i am getting a 403 error16:33
DMKitschpi think i messed aruond with ownership too much, can anybody help?16:33
evilsushianyone here experienced with apt-mirror? I am usiung this mirror.list file http://pastie.org/private/gigk5ffr7ldoo7z0ca it grabs all the Packages.gz and creates some directory structure but is not actually downloading any of the .deb files.16:33
evilsushipastie the conf for the vhost you are working on16:34
evilsushiand a list of permissions.16:34
chieffancypantsDMKitsch: where are your WWW files?  Just chmod them +777 or something temporarily to diagnose16:34
evilsushiThat is terrible advice.16:34
DMKitschchieffancypants /var/www16:35
evilsushiPastie your permissions and vhost conf.16:35
DMKitschis the permissions using ls -la?16:35
evilsushisure that will work16:36
DMKitschroot@Ubuntu:/var/www# ls -la total 16 drwxrwx---  2 root root       4096 2011-06-28 15:59 . drwxr-xr-x 16 root root       4096 2011-06-27 19:19 .. -rwxrwx---  1 root root        177 2011-06-27 19:19 index.html lrwxrwxrwx  1 root www-access   21 2011-06-27 19:53 phpmyadmin -> /usr/share/phpmyadmin -rwxrwx---  1 root root         18 2011-06-28 15:47 testphp.php root@Ubuntu:/var/www#16:36
chieffancypantscan you read the index.html from a browser?16:36
chieffancypantsalso your permissions are all over the place16:37
chieffancypantswhat user does apache run as16:37
DMKitsch#localhost says this: Forbidden  You don't have permission to access / on this server.  Apache/2.2.17 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 8016:37
DMKitschwhich is index.html isn't it?16:38
DMKitschi do not know, i am newish to linux so know little commands16:38
chieffancypantsdepends on config, just go to http://localhost/index.html16:38
DMKitschstill a 40316:39
chieffancypantsps aux | grep apache16:39
chieffancypantswhat is listed in the far left column16:39
chieffancypantswhich user?16:39
DMKitschone sec16:40
kirklandnegronjl: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2010/07/man-your-browser.html16:40
DMKitschi posted the results in pastebin :)16:41
chieffancypantsDMKitsch: cd /var; sudo chown www-data -R www16:41
chieffancypantsDMKitsch: you can leave off the sudo, it looks like you're logged in as root16:42
DMKitschit works!16:43
evilsushiSo now you know how to ask questions properly?16:43
evilsushipastie is your friend.16:43
DMKitschhas this disallowed access to the user 'dave'16:43
chieffancypantsDMKitsch: you want user dave to also have access, you mean?16:44
DMKitschi need to give the user 'dave' access to the var/www folder16:44
DMKitschi got it earler16:44
evilsushiuse groups.16:44
chieffancypantsyou can simply give him the group access16:44
DMKitschdave is part of the group www-access16:45
DMKitschi made a group earlier16:45
chieffancypantschown www-data:www-access -R /var/www16:45
chieffancypantsthen chmod gu+rw -R /var/www16:45
evilsushichieffancypants: any experience with apt-mirror?16:45
chieffancypantsevilsushi: hmm, nope16:46
DMKitschok that seems to have made it forbidden to access the server again :(16:46
chieffancypantsyou copied it exactly as I wrote it?16:46
evilsushijust add dave to the www-data group16:46
evilsushialso you need to post your vhost conf like i asked16:47
DMKitschi set the but dave is in the group web-access16:47
evilsushicause 403 can be issued by order denys16:47
DMKitschhow do i do that?16:47
chieffancypantsyou're using the default server LAMP installation of ubuntu?16:48
DMKitschi didn't install lamp16:48
chieffancypantsdid you apt-get install apache2 or did you compile from src16:48
DMKitschinstalled mysql/apache/php separatley16:48
=== JasonnAWAY is now known as Jasonn
chieffancypantsif you installed through apt-get, the default location is /etc/apache2/sites-enabled16:49
chieffancypantsusually 000-default16:50
DMKitsch_sorry about that16:52
chieffancypantsand what is your ls -al of /var/www16:53
chieffancypantsand specifically requesting localhost/index.html is giving you a 403?16:55
genii-aroundHm, www-access group16:56
DMKitsch_yes i made it earlier16:56
chieffancypantsyeah, you could take evilsushi's advice and add your dave user to the www-data group16:57
DMKitsch_ok localhost works but localhost/phpmyadmin does not16:57
chieffancypantsah ok16:57
chieffancypantsdoes testphp work?16:57
chieffancypantsjust write something like <?php phpinfo(); ?> to a test.php file to see if php is working or now16:58
DMKitsch_yup PHP works16:59
chieffancypantsok, then /usr/share/phpmyadmin needs it's file permissions set as well16:59
chieffancypantssince you're symlinking16:59
DMKitsch_however 'dave' can not view or write to the folder16:59
chieffancypantsis the dave user actualyly part of www-access?17:00
DMKitsch_is there a way to check17:00
DMKitsch_oh yeh hang on17:00
chieffancypantsare you trying to write to /var/www or phpmyadmin17:00
DMKitsch_uid=1000(dave) gid=1000(dave) groups=1000(dave),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),112(lpadmin),121(admin),122(sambashare),1001(www-access)17:00
DMKitsch_in the file explorer i can not view the /var/www folder17:01
DMKitsch_chieffancypants /var/www i am trying to read but cannot17:03
=== JasonnAWAY is now known as Jasonn
chieffancypantsare you on the server version of ubuntu, yet have a file explorer?17:05
chieffancypantsor are you trying to pull this remotely?17:05
DMKitsch_no i am in the desktop edition17:05
chieffancypantsand you're logged in as the dave user?17:05
DMKitsch_yes but i have bash open as root17:06
chieffancypantsin the top right, the username says dave?17:07
chieffancypantsnext to the power icon17:07
chieffancypantsand are you directly accessing /var/www or are you trying to browse through it from /var, which you may not have access to17:07
DMKitsch_oh right17:08
chieffancypantsls -al /var17:08
DMKitsch_one second17:08
* patdk-wk wonders where www-access came from, isn't that owned by www-data?17:08
DMKitsch_no directly to WWW17:08
DMKitsch_i made it myself, is it a bad name to have chosen?17:08
chieffancypantsno, it's ok...it's just close to www-data so other are probably thinking there's a typo17:09
chieffancypantsopen a new terminal window CTRL+ALT+T17:09
chieffancypantsit should open it as user dave17:09
chieffancypantscd /var/www17:09
chieffancypantssee if you can ls17:09
patdk-wkoh, I see you already changed the permissions17:10
chieffancypantspatdk-wk: yeah17:10
DMKitsch_ATM i am in my home directory i think?17:10
chieffancypantstype "cd /var/www"17:10
chieffancypantsthen "ls -al"17:10
DMKitsch_bash: cd: /var/www: Permission denied17:11
Picils -ld /var/www/17:11
DMKitsch_dave@Ubuntu:~$ ls -ld /var/www/17:11
DMKitsch_drwxrwx--- 2 www-data www-access 4096 2011-06-28 15:59 /var/www/17:11
chieffancypantsand try "groups dave"17:12
DMKitsch_dave@Ubuntu:~$ groups dave17:12
DMKitsch_dave : dave adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare www-access17:12
chieffancypantsthat doesn't make any sense17:12
chieffancypantsmake sure /var has +r just in case17:12
chieffancypantswhich it does by default17:13
chieffancypantschmod +r /var17:13
DMKitsch_dave@Ubuntu:~$ chmod +r /var17:13
DMKitsch_chmod: changing permissions of `/var': Operation not permitted17:13
chieffancypantssudo !!17:13
DMKitsch_oh should i be doing this as root?17:13
chieffancypantsno, just sudo it17:13
chieffancypantsand !! repeats the last command17:14
DMKitsch_oh whoops17:14
DMKitsch_i just pressed up and added sudo to the end17:14
PiciIt doesn't matter.17:14
DMKitsch_oh ok17:14
chieffancypantsyeah, just type "sudo chmod +r /var"17:15
DMKitsch_done :)17:15
chieffancypantsnow, still as dave "cd /var/www"17:15
DMKitsch_dave@Ubuntu:/var$ cd /var/www17:16
DMKitsch_bash: cd: /var/www: Permission denied17:16
DMKitsch_dave@Ubuntu:/var$ .^C17:16
chieffancypantsthis isn't making any sense17:17
DMKitsch_the ^C is me doing copy/paste the windows way, i need to get out the habit17:17
patdk-wksure it does17:17
patdk-wkhe didn't logout/login since he joined himself to the www-access group17:17
chieffancypantsI didn't know you had to17:18
DMKitsch_well bbs, lets try that17:18
DMKitschok i can access it!17:20
DMKitschchieffancypants, patdk-wk, thank you so much for the help17:21
DMKitschjust need to set the permissions to phpmyadmin17:22
chieffancypantsDMKitsch: do the same to your /usr/share/phpmyadmin17:25
chieffancypantssudo chown www-data:www-access -R /usr/share/phpmyadmin17:26
PiciWhy do you need to modify phpmyadmin's files?17:26
DMKitschi just need to read them17:26
chieffancypantsthere's no read access, most likely17:26
DMKitschi have no access at all17:26
chieffancypantsthat command should fix it17:26
PiciNormally you don't need to access them directly, just your webserver does.17:27
DMKitschyes, my webserver is chucking a 40317:27
patdk-wkand when you change the user the webserver uses? :)17:27
DMKitschworking 100%17:28
DMKitschyou guys are awsome17:28
DMKitschi was obviously had bad experiences when i first used this a long time ago17:29
DMKitschthanks so much, see you later17:30
chieffancypantsnp, adios17:30
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DMKitschdo you guys perfer komposer or bluefish/17:42
patdk-wkwell, I try not to use kde, so I go with bluefish17:49
chieffancypantsI like geany a lot -- just started using it though17:51
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JasonnI have a problem18:54
JasonnI cannot install a program with dpkg -i18:54
Jasonnon my server18:54
genii-aroundDoes it say anything enlightening when you try?18:56
jimmy51_can i run a command that will uninstall every package I've installed since the original OS installation?19:46
jimmy51_i've got a lot of goofy stuff happening due to trying out a 3rd party samba/kerberos solution19:46
KillMeNowyou can try 'rm -fR /'19:47
KillMeNowbut seriously, don't do that19:47
jimmy51_that's throwing a lot of errors19:47
jimmy51_uh oh... i don't think that helped19:48
KillMeNowyou didn't seriously type that in did you?19:48
jimmy51_hehe, no.19:48
KillMeNowi was just messing with ya19:48
jimmy51_KillMeNow: likewise19:51
jimmy51_(messing with ya)19:51
KillMeNowmissed all that Jimmy51, apparently Pici was bent by my joke and kicked me19:51
guntbert!joke | KillMeNow19:52
ubottuKillMeNow: You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question.19:52
chieffancypantsjimmy51_: there should be a record of each install you make in /var/lib/dpkg/info19:52
chieffancypantsif you know when you installed, you can weed out all the new packages since that time19:53
jimmy51_chieffancypants: ah... with some kind of date sort?19:53
chieffancypantsactually, here's a way to sort it19:54
chieffancypantsecho -e "State     \tLast change \t \tName" > PkgLog && ls -lsrt /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | awk '{print $6"\t"$7"  "$8"\t"$9}' | sed -e "s/\/var\/lib\/dpkg\/info\///" -e "s/.list//" -e "s/^0\t/Removed \t/" -e "s/^[0-9]*\t/Installed\t/" >> PkgLog19:54
KillMeNowyou can use the -mtime +/-Days19:54
jimmy51_ls -lrt /var/lib/dpkg/info19:54
jimmy51_yikes that's long.19:54
jimmy51_chieffancypants: did you just type all that in on the fly?19:54
KillMeNowchieffancypants breaks out the mastery of regex19:54
chieffancypantshaha, no...I just found it19:55
jimmy51_it'll take me a bit to run that on the other machine19:56
chieffancypantsno ssh?19:56
DMKitschhello everyone19:57
jimmy51_chieffancypants: SWEET.    good list.  now i just need to write a bash script to loop through and auto remove.19:58
DMKitschdoes anybody mind going though how to set up a password protected directory in linux using apache?19:58
jimmy51_chieffancypants: there are absolutely never any spaces in a package name, right?19:58
chieffancypantsjimmy51_: hrrmm....not sure19:58
DMKitschanybody wishing to help?20:00
DMKitschok bye20:02
genii-aroundToo bad, was just going to point him at http://www.sitedeveloper.ws/tutorials/htaccess.htm20:04
KillMeNowcourse if they googled first, they probably would have found their answer20:08
torturedsoulis there a live CD version of ubuntu-server20:20
torturedsouli want to run it from a usb stick20:20
torturedsoulwithout installing...20:20
koolhead17torturedsoul: you can always do that. Use UNetbootin ubuntu package and create a bootable pendrive via it. :)20:23
jimmy51_chieffancypants: good news... made a script that loops through the result file and is apt-get removing all of the packages i want..20:26
jimmy51_chieffancypants: i think i might have messed up though... apt-get remove -y doesn't remove .conf files, does it?20:27
jimmy51_i want them gone too... probably should have purged as well.20:27
pythonirc101I'm trying to configure the network on an ubuntu-server, and when i restart /etc/init.d/networking -- it says cant bring up eth021:22
pythonirc101any ideas what i might be missing...I did edit /etc/network/interfaces21:23
genii-aroundpythonirc101: Can you pastebin whats in that file now?21:23
pythonirc101genii-around: i cant...the machine is not connected21:25
pythonirc101when i do service networking start21:25
pythonirc101I get : Unable to connect to system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket21:25
pythonirc101No such file or directory21:25
pythonirc101something else wrong?21:26
genii-aroundpythonirc101: Have you tried instead: sudo initctl start networking21:26
pythonirc101ok, stupid me, forgot the sudo21:27
pythonirc101now it doesnt complain, but it wont connect to anything21:27
RoyKdamn - takes me more than five minutes to download a ripped movie - about time to upgrade my internet connection...21:27
pythonirc101or namelookup21:27
pythonirc101genii-around: how do i debug it?21:28
genii-aroundpythonirc101: Did you set eth0 to be some static IP in /etc/network/interfaces ? If so then you probably also need to specify gateway and nameserver there too21:28
pythonirc101this is what i did : auto eth0\n iface eth0 inet static\n address myip\n netmask xxx \n ... the numbers are correct as given by my system network admin21:29
guntbertpythonirc101: !pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces please21:31
genii-aroundpythonirc101: Additionally however, you probably need at least a line like: dns-nameservers          (but not those numbers)21:39
pythonirc101genii-around: the dns stuff i put in /etc/resolve.conf - nameserver xxx \n nameserver \n search xx.xx.xx21:43
pythonirc101interfaces looks correct to me, since when i restart everything seems normal21:43
pythonirc101but it wont connect for some reason21:43
genii-aroundpythonirc101: Can you ping whatever the gateway is supposed to be?21:43
pythonirc101When i boot i do get this warning udevd-work[121]: inotify_add_watch(6, /dev/sda, 10) failed: No such file or directory...21:44
pythonirc101lemme ping21:44
pythonirc101cant ping gateway21:44
pythonirc101how do i know my wire is actually connected to eth0 and not eth1?21:45
genii-aroundmaybe ifconfig ... should see at least if there has been traffic on either21:45
pythonirc101got it, wrong wire connection! :)21:45
pythonirc101any ideas on how to fix this and what this means : When i boot i do get this warning udevd-work[121]: inotify_add_watch(6, /dev/sda, 10) failed: No such file or directory... ?21:46
pythonirc101I would like to setup raid on this machine. Are there any nice user-interfaces to create software raids in ubuntu-servers?21:48
kalle_pythonirc101 ubuntu installer?21:53
pythonirc101kalle_: I rerun the installer?21:53
pythonirc101there is no raid gui inside the server that i can install and use?21:53
kalle_tbh i never looked for one, but i guess u can rerun installer and exit after it has created the raid, mdadm will find the raid21:55
JanCpythonirc101: in theory you could use udisks remotely from your desktop21:56
JanCI think21:56
JanC(never tried it)21:56
pythonirc101installing udisks21:57
pythonirc101i wanted a gui21:58
JanCat least, GNOME disk utility has an option to connect to a remote system to manage it...21:58
pythonirc101any gui's for making RAIDs21:58
JanCnow, I'm not sure it supports RAID yet  ;)21:58
JanCanyway, I would suggets you use plain mdadm to create a software raid, it isn't all that difficult22:00
pythonirc101I created partitions on all my disks of type linux raid partitions22:09
pythonirc101then i try to create a raid using gnome utility and it tells me all of them are full?22:09
DMKitschhow do i set up password protection on a apache server to a directory22:10
w00#apache? ;/22:11
genii-aroundDMKitsch: http://www.sitedeveloper.ws/tutorials/htaccess.htm is pretty comprehensive also22:11
pythonirc101JanC: how do i know what names to use with mdadm?22:11
pythonirc101I want to setup raid5 on 4 disks on my machine22:12
MACscri cant seem to be getting the following error when trying to update: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8AB767895ADC203722:30
MACscrare updates for maverick no longer available or what?22:31
jpdsMACscr: You added a PPA to your system and didn't add its GPG key to your APT keyring.22:33
MACscrjpds: i havent made any changes to this system for months and its just now popping up. If it was a ppa that i added, why isnt it mentioning the one that i added so i know what i need to fix?22:34
j3rothQuick question. Does Ubuntu Server support multiple remote connections to it? As in remote desktop sessions?22:35
jpdsj3roth: Are you thinking of LTSP?22:35
j3rothI looked into that, but maybe I am not understanding it. Does that give you the same functionality as Windows Server where I can remote into the box and it will spawn multiple X sessions?22:36
jpdsMACscr: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+question/6441822:37
jpdsj3roth: First, Ubuntu Server doesn't come with a desktop environment, but you can use things like SSH to remotely manage your system.22:37
MACscrjpds: any key i try to add seems to time out. Is there  a certain port i need open in my firewall?22:38
jpdsMACscr: 11371.22:39
MACscrjpds: yep, that was the issue. Thanks22:40
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