
ChinnoDogsome of you peeps look awfully familliar. Who here is actually in DC?19:27
dtchenmost of us are. Presently I am not.19:27
macoatm, i'm in columbia, md19:29
macowhen im at home, i'm only about 50 feet into i-can-have-a-senator territory19:29
maco(i live on the dc border)19:29
* ChinnoDog googles Columbia19:31
ChinnoDogmaco: Isn't that a long commute?19:32
dtchendepends on time of day and direction19:33
dtchenit's rarely a long commute for me, but I'm almost always going against the flow of traffic19:33
macoChinnoDog: 25 minutes19:33
dtchen(I also take the train to/from work most days, so I don't drive)19:34
macoi tried taking the train home from work before i got a car. a coworker was about to drop me off at a rally shady MARC station when we found a decapitated dog and decided against that19:34
maco*really shady19:34
macoit was just a bus-stop-like hut next to some tracks and a sign warning to be careful when crossing the tracks to get to the hut19:35
dtchenhmm, the one on the camden line?19:35
macono building, nothing to buy a ticket...just the backend of a parking lot for a bunch of warehouses19:35
dtchenheh, that sounds like most marc stations :-)19:35
macototally not like the marc station chuck picked me up at for CALUG meetings!19:36
macothat had a building with benches and stuff19:36
dtchenodenton? yeah, I go there19:36
macoyeah odenton sounds right19:36
dtchen<3 public transportation benefit19:36
dtchenunlimited metro and marc for $230 not out of my pocket19:37
macooh yeah i heard your car got totalled19:37
macothe guy at peregrine mentioned it19:37
dtchenyep, that was lovely19:37
dtchenat least DC DMV dismissed the citation, towing and storage fees19:38
dtchenI wasn't about to pony up $3400 + damage19:38
macoer, not the guy that works there that was babysitting it. the guy who uses linux and went to Wooten19:38
dtchen(yeah, Cliff)19:38
ChinnoDogWith some luck I will be in the DC area soon.19:51
dtchenChinnoDog: neat. Might you be in DC proper or "just" in the metro area?19:52
ChinnoDogMetro area. Virginia on the orange line.19:54
dtchenI'm in NW DC, but work is (roughly) in Baltimore.19:55
macoChinnoDog: GMU?20:01
ChinnoDoguh.. lets see.. where is that..20:03
ChinnoDogNo, further west. Dunn Loring.20:03
dtchenwell, at least you wouldn't be too far from a MicroCenter20:04
macooh yeah, one metro stop and a 10 minute walk20:05
ChinnoDogI noticed that!20:05
ChinnoDog<3 Microcenter20:05
ncweberOh man, I am so glad they put one in Rockville.  I was getting tired of having to go all the way out to Vienna. :P20:29
dtchenthe funny thing is that I haven't had a need to go to MicroCenter in ages; my laptop is working (FSVOI), and I just popped 8 GB RAM into it20:31
dtchenthere's a lot of sand and dust in this thing, but that goes with the territory20:31
ncweberI do have to say, I am not loving the chicklet style keyboard on my new netbook.  I kind like to feel where my keys are.20:32
dtchenI'd love a real Model M in a laptop :-)20:34
ncweberModel M?20:34
dtchenthe greatest keyboard20:35
ncweberAh, not familiar with it.20:35
maconcweber: big clicky ibm keyboard from the 80s20:35
ncweberOhhhh, those things. :)20:36
macouse it to knock on a steel firedoor with it, and you'll the dent the door but leave the keyboard unharmed20:36
ncweberI remember them.  Yikes, I was accidentally hit in the head with one.  You don't forget an embarrassing injury like that.20:37
ChinnoDogThere is a company that makes those for the nostalgic.20:45

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