
Unit193I have it here00:26
* Unit193 is annoyed because main flash is gone...01:17
Cheri703hola folks01:18
Unit193Cheri703: Howdy01:18
Cheri703coming on wednesday?01:19
Unit193Maybe. But not to the meeting01:20
Unit193You think you may be able to tell what's going on at the meeting?01:22
Cheri703we'll post logs01:25
Unit193Well, I'm going to have the client running, I was just wondering what might be going on...01:25
Cheri703well, hopefully get some updates on what's going on in the relocos, what the status of the various leads might be, some other stuff01:26
* Unit193 hopes he can recover his flash01:27
Cheri703flash drive or flash player?01:27
Unit193Drive... I had it in when dban started autonuking and removed it VERY quickly...01:28
Cheri703partition find and mount is good01:29
Unit193That's not going to help in this case...01:30
Cheri703ugh, money money03:42
Unit193Always funny in a rich mans world03:42
Cheri703not really03:43
* skellat ponders the reload being done to the Frankenstein box with the Lucid minimal installer04:21
* Cheri703 is staying up late again, had been doing better about actually sleeping like a normal person06:56
Cheri703so much for that06:56
Unit193Oh and I got a laptop (Kinda old) but rather nice with Xubuntu!06:58
Cheri703nice :)07:04
Cheri703how is eric's screen doing?07:04
Unit193Still not well07:05
Unit193Latitude D81007:05
Cheri703I'll talk to my parents about bringing my mom's07:06
gillymani have my buddy computer, and its will not boot past the start up hp screen, can i do a system recovery with out the back up disk??19:30
gillymancanthus 13  can you give me some light on this19:32
Unit193You gotta wait longer...19:44
Unit193He went to #ubuntu-beginners19:55
Unit193#lubuntu: [14:53:59] *** Psilocybin_Elf burps.   (First thing he has said...)19:56
ronnochi all20:18
Unit193ronnoc: Howdy!20:18
ronnocUnit193: What's up?20:18
ronnocAlso the level of your sarcasm! lol20:19
Unit193That's about normal... Howdy doo?20:19
ronnocTook the day off of work. How about you?20:20
Unit193playing on new laptop :D20:20
ronnocnice - what did you get?20:21
Unit193Latitude D810 (It's not new)20:21
Unit193(I've bragged about it enough though...)20:21
ronnocis it one of the ones that was made to run Ubuntu?20:24
Unit193Nope, I don't want to run Ubuntu (And it would be too heavy...)20:25
Unit193Xubuntu is my OS ;)20:25
Unit193_bbb: Dude?20:25
_bbbi put crunchbang on my old thinkpad t4220:26
_bbbeven lighter than xubuntu20:26
Unit193Xubuntu isn't all that lightweight, Ubuntu is just a solid brick. Lubuntu is the lightweight one (Or the one the Ohio LoCo is doing :P )20:27
Unit193And that's great! Seem like new?20:27
_bbbLubuntu is what lxde?20:27
_bbbi dont get those distro20:28
_bbbprefer regular ubuntu then install xfce lxde or whatever20:28
Unit193Lubuntu is LXDE. http://www.spodit.co.uk/USB-Coffee-Warmer-Hub looks sweet!20:28
Unit193[15:28:16] [Freenode] Irssi: howdy has left Freenode         Eh?20:28
canthus13_bbb: we're workign on a crunchbang-ish metapackage... :)20:44
Unit193canthus13: Notice how they said Ohio LoCo? Not just you and SMK20:45
canthus13Silly brits with no idea what an ohio 'accent' sounds like. :/21:06
Unit193Now I really need to find SMK's podcast on it...21:06
ronnocthat's cool that you guys are crunchbang MP. For me, it's KDE for life though ;)21:25
Unit193ronnoc: I'm not all that much for Kubuntu, but I'm on it right now21:31
ronnocUnit193: Just keeping up with KDE?21:37
Unit193This computer dualboots and I like this better than the alt ;)21:39
ronnocahhhh =)21:40
Unit193Guess my alt?21:42
Unit193Holy crap Kubuntu is flashy and really fun to play with the desktop ^_^22:06

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