
jwashany of you have experience with x11rdp?00:00
westzjwash: i've never used remote so i cant really help00:00
jwashhehe, that's all i do00:00
clrhow do I roll back todays updates?00:00
clrthe new intel driver ihas made my system unusable00:01
dovjwash: as a server or a client?00:01
jwashx11rdp as a server00:01
dovjwash: no, sorry.  the only thing i did was x11 over ssh00:02
jwashspecifically i'd like to bind x11vnc to x11rdp rather than xvnc being bound00:02
jwashI'd be in a world of hurt without ssh though00:03
THIS_IS_INSANEso It worked. by default, does ubuntu use a generic graphics driver for nvidia onboard cards?00:03
dovjwash: i think that rdp is implemented as a plugin in vino00:03
jwashvino, never heard of that, i'll have a look now. thanks for the tip00:03
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dovjwash: vino is the remote desktop implementation server of ubuntu's vnc00:03
* drahst scratches his eyes00:04
FloodBot1thirteen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:04
bazhang!cn | thirteen00:04
ubottuthirteen: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk00:04
dovjwash: but the only support that i found in it for rdp is for connecting as a client to an rdp host00:04
bazhangthirteen, /join #ubuntu-cn00:04
dovjwash: a quick google search found me xrdp.  i have never seen it before, though, so i have no idea if it's any good or even still being actively developed00:06
THIS_IS_INSANEwestz: it worked. does ubuntu use generic graphics by default?00:06
jwashdov: that's what i've been using00:06
jwashbut it uses xvnc rather than x11vnc00:07
coz_dov,  last update for that was  2010-11-2400:07
jwashanyway, i broke it somehow00:07
bazhangjwash, #ubuntu-cn00:07
jwashhehe, i just let him know00:08
westzTHIS_IS_INSANE: no idea, i just know that when you first install ubuntu, there are four entries in grub (excluding windfows)00:08
THIS_IS_INSANEokay, thanks00:08
dovno one here uses evolution?00:08
MarqeauxYes, me...00:09
bazhangdov, whats the real question00:09
dovhow to create a calendar event from a task00:09
MarqeauxNo idea Dov, but I'm trying it now. Just a sec...00:11
dovMarqeaux: ok, thanks00:12
bazhangPythonSnake, hi00:12
Hamburgerwhat would happen if i installed a package with apt-get for an older release of ubuntu than what i have? https://launchpad.net/~slicer/+archive/ppa only has packages up to maverick and i'm running natty00:13
PythonSnakeI can't get on unity only terminal alt+ctrl+f1 f2 ... I have this error for f7 EE FBDEv 0 fbioputcmap invalid argument00:13
PythonSnakesomebody help me please..00:13
PythonSnakethis hapened after updaute00:13
bazhangHamburger, might work. have had done so in the past. PPA are completely unsupported in any event you realize00:13
THIS_IS_INSANEhow do I edit the GRUB boot list?00:14
bazhangPythonSnake, please dont hit enter two words, coupled with help me00:14
MarqeauxDov, I tried to export the task as a iCalendar-file, and imported it back into the calender. I didn't work (unfortunately)....00:14
bazhang!grub2 | THIS_IS_INSANE please have a read00:14
ubottuTHIS_IS_INSANE please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)00:14
HamburgerTHIS_IS_INSANE, edit /etc/boot/grub/menu.lst00:14
bazhangHamburger, thats not correct00:14
dovMarqeaux: that's what i found, too00:15
dovMarqeaux: i guess it can't be done yet00:15
dovMarqeaux: thanks for trying, though00:15
Autoclesiswhen I right click to open a file with other application, why does it have like Krita or Gimp listed several times?00:16
Autoclesiswhy not just once?00:16
MarqeauxDov: You're welcome. But it still is strange this couldn't be done in Evolution. Have you ever tried the same thing with Thunderbird? And did it work there?00:16
Hamburger/boot/grub/menu.lst sry00:16
bazhangHamburger, no. please check the wiki00:16
THIS_IS_INSANEbazhang: ubottu: I didn't lose grub, I am unable to see the selection menu when I hit the shift key, and I want XP as the default.00:16
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 Hamburger00:16
THIS_IS_INSANEHamburger: thanks, I'll try that00:17
dovMarqeaux: I didn't try it with tbird.  I know that tbird uses the lightning plugin, but that's about the extent of my knowledge of it00:17
drahstwhich runs better on ubuntu, Xen or KVM?00:17
bazhangTHIS_IS_INSANE, thats not the correct info00:17
drahstor is it zen00:17
oohupursfortheprhi thanks got desktop toolbar back but it is very different to one i left. there is simply toolbar at top with applications, places and system no sidebar. how do i get back to the one i love (sob)00:17
MarqeauxDov: Ah, okay....00:17
Hamburgerok i didn't realize grub2 changed so much00:17
dovMarqeaux: i don't have time to switch apps now anyway00:17
bazhangHamburger, it did00:17
Autoclesiswhat do I do about an update that never updates and cannot be deleted from the update list?00:17
MarqeauxDov: I understand! ;-)00:18
oohupursfortheprupdate it00:18
THIS_IS_INSANEbazhang: thanks.00:18
AutoclesisI did00:18
HamburgerTHIS_IS_INSANE, /etc/default/grub is what you want00:18
AutoclesisIt never does anything00:18
MarqeauxDov: Good luck anyway.... ;-)00:18
Hamburgerhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 read that THIS_IS_INSANE00:18
Autoclesisit's for Krita00:18
oohupursfortheprne ideas im stuck in ubuntu classic00:18
Hamburgerwhat would happen if i installed a package with apt-get for an older release of ubuntu than what i have? https://launchpad.net/~slicer/+archive/ppa only has packages up to maverick and i'm running natty00:18
bazhangHamburger, I answered that already00:19
oohupursfortheprsee previous crash thread00:19
Autoclesisi chose classic i can't handle unity00:19
PythonSnakeno one can help me ?00:19
Hamburgerbazhang, where?00:19
bazhangoohupursforthepr, you are in classic? whats the issue00:19
oohupursforthepri love unity classic hurting my poor brain00:19
bazhang<bazhang> Hamburger, might work. have had done so in the past. PPA are completely unsupported in any event you realize00:19
oohupursforthepri was in unity it crashed was told to restart in classic00:19
oohupursfortheprwhich i did00:19
Hamburgerthis channel scrolls too quickly :\00:19
oohupursfortheprnow want to get back to corrupted unity00:20
THIS_IS_INSANEHamburger: true dat...00:20
bazhangoohupursforthepr, easy on the enter key, its impossible to follow your posts00:20
oohupursforthepri had downloaded wrong gnome app that made sidebar and toolbar disappear00:20
bazhangoohupursforthepr, what "wrong gnome app"00:20
oohupursfortheprand nothing worked.00:21
oohupursfortheprsomething to do with changing desktop graphics and all that00:21
bazhangoohupursforthepr, answer my question please00:21
oohupursfortheprg somthing or other. then suddenly everything went 'gnome' on me00:21
Corey!enter | oohupursforthepr00:21
ubottuoohupursforthepr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:21
bazhangoohupursforthepr, exact name please00:21
oohupursfortheprhold on then00:22
bazhangoohupursforthepr, gnome3 then00:23
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THIS_IS_INSANEbazhang: how do I open a command line?00:24
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ziin gnome alt-f2 and gnome-terminal00:24
bazhangTHIS_IS_INSANE, alt ctrl T00:24
THIS_IS_INSANEbazhang: thanks.00:24
westzTHIS_IS_INSANE: or ctrl+alt+T by default (depends if you've messed with your keyboard configs00:25
oohupursforthepropen gl or summin00:26
RD_1542anyone have a spare minute or two to help with what seems some internet connection problems, helping someone get their connection back.00:26
bazhangoohupursforthepr, this is ughtt from earlier, right?00:26
oohupursfortheproui monsinour00:26
bazhangoohupursforthepr, opengl or summin? whats the exact package name00:27
THIS_IS_INSANEbazhang: westz: and the command is edit /etc/default/grub right?00:27
westzRD_1542: ETHERNET OR WIRELESS?00:27
bazhangTHIS_IS_INSANE, please read the wiki before proceeding.00:27
oohupursfortheprcompiz. my full name is oohupyoursforthepriceoffish (dont ask) by the way but thats a diff story. compiz open gl00:28
RD_1542ethernet, just dissapeared on her, did to mine a week or so, but reappeared00:28
THIS_IS_INSANEbazhang: I was00:28
oohupursfortheprthe problem is i am getting commands off linux mag with different cd to one installed00:28
oohupursfortheprboth say ubuntu 11.04 though but noticed differences in tabs etc00:29
westzRD_1542: try doing it in command line. the Arch wiki has good documentation on doing it00:29
bazhangTHIS_IS_INSANE, you need an editor, edit wont do anything00:29
RoC_MasterMindis there documentation of the post-install iSCSI on root process and what's needed?00:30
bazhang!info compiz-opengl | oohupursforthepr00:30
ubottuoohupursforthepr: Package compiz-opengl does not exist in natty00:30
oohupursfortheprnow i installed this desktop graphics app and it all went downhill. alt f2 didnt work. now sidebar or toolbar. now in classic and wondering how to get home must be something you can do like system restore surely00:30
oohupursfortheprwell it does in linux mag00:30
bazhangoohupursforthepr, was it gnome3?00:31
oohupursfortheprits called linux magbook published by computer shopper pcpro and micromart00:31
THIS_IS_INSANEoh okay. I thought I could edit it from a command line.00:31
bazhangsudo nano THIS_IS_INSANE00:31
westzbazhang: dammit i had that all typed out.... you stole it!00:31
bazhangoohupursforthepr, being a magazine wont change the ubuntu software00:32
RD_1542trying to see if she has ethool installed, at least, so trying 1 other thing brb00:32
RD_1542have been on command line, though eth cards would be listed in interfaces, hers is not, just auto lo, but same on mine00:32
lapagawhere does ubuntu download updates to and is it safe to delete them?00:32
bazhangoohupursforthepr, sounds like you installed the gnome3 PPA.00:33
RoC_MasterMindanybody got iscsi on root working?  it installs fine, but how to boot from it?00:33
bazhangoohupursforthepr, there is no system restore, unless you have full backups00:33
oohupursforthepron page82. the ubuntu version i installed was from linux format mag00:34
oohupursforthepri mean they could talk to each other....same version numbers should be exactly the same surely00:35
bazhangoohupursforthepr, whats the name of it00:35
RD_1542no luck on ethool, was not in her install set, not sure where else to look if her card is even being seen,00:35
westzRD_1542: ifconfig00:35
RD_1542ifconfig only shows loopback00:36
westzthen it's not seeing eth00:36
oohupursfortheprthe program that messed me up was from linux magbook a sort of handbook mag bought at stanstead airport :)   the other i like more and that it corrupted was from linux format mag by future publishing00:36
RD_1542is a dual boot machine, and has internet in windows00:36
taraduffycan anyone have a go with helping with a fstab mounting error?00:36
oohupursfortheprboth say ubuntu 11.04 on mag and disc00:37
oohupursfortheprgonna sue ha00:37
bazhangoohupursforthepr, whats the linux distro name.00:37
ohirlapaga: /var/cache/apt. Its better to let apt apt-cache take care of ot00:37
oohupursfortheprjust says ubuntu 11.04 on both00:38
lapagaohir, thank you00:38
bazhangoohupursforthepr, and the name of the "desktop app" that you installed?00:38
ohirlapaga: open your terminal and type man apt-cache to know how00:38
oohupursfortheprtheyve c***ked  up somewhere methinks. the name is compiz open gl i was told to install from linux magbook page 8200:38
ohirlapaga: also you may learn a bit about apt apt-get et consortes00:39
bazhangoohupursforthepr, no package by that name00:39
oohupursfortheprbought it a week ago aboout00:39
oohupursforthepryes there is00:39
brigWhy cant I cat /dev/video0?00:39
rhin0because its  a device brig00:40
brigrhin0: ok well what should I use to get the contents?00:40
brigI want to get at the raw data in my webcam from java, how/where should I start?00:41
oohupursforthepri ran it on my computer. someone  should tell them bcause im sure it will happen to someone else when u install systems that have EXACTLY same name you expect advice to be same and everying00:41
rhin0well  i'd start by googling /dev/video0 libraries / read etc / java00:42
oohupursfortheprpeople tend to buy lots of diff mags when they install new operating systems and it advertised itself as bloomin mag manual but there u go dont hold grudges00:42
brigrhin0: did that, and everything seems to point to cat /dev/video0 but it says I cant do this00:43
wangjianwangjian@ubuntu:~$  java -version00:43
wangjian[07:41] <wangjian_> 程序“00:43
brigrhin0: invalid argument00:43
oohupursfortheprneway ne ideas as to how to get back to unity from classic or am i stuck now00:43
oohupursforthepri know the answer00:44
rhin0last time I looked at something like this -- was the frambuffer -- some way you could get /dev/fb0 to be used like a file (cat it pipe it etc) -- I reckon /dev/video0 just has to be regarde by the OS in a different way?  brig00:44
rhin0won't be that simple brig I don't think00:44
rhin0maybe try cp (copy) with it brig? Oo00:44
oohupursfortheproh heck oh well gotta go gfriend screaming ha. computer divorce soon ta for now x00:45
wangjiani have some questions about java00:45
wangjianwhich channel can i choose00:45
lapaga  /msg alis list #java*00:46
itaylor57wangjian, ##java00:46
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.00:46
westz_!ping | ubottu00:47
ubottuwestz_: Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.00:47
RoastedWhen trying to run gksu nautilus I get - Nautilus could not create the frequired folder /root/.config/nautilus. create the following folder or set permissions such that nautilus can create it. Problem is, I cant create it.00:47
RoastedHow can I fix?00:47
Coreywestz_: Yes?00:47
CoreyRoasted: Stop running as root.00:48
CoreyRoasted: Failing that, sudo mkdir -p /root/.config/nautilus00:48
westz_Corey: did i message you? im just messing with !***00:48
RoastedCorey, I need to run nautilus as root though because I dont have permission to usr/share/themes00:49
RoastedI want to install a new theme00:49
westz_Roasted: install it to ~/.themes instead?00:50
OY1Rdont run nautilus with sudo use gsudo or what ever it's called i dont remember00:50
phuxOY1R: its gksu00:50
Roastedwestz_, I suppose. ist hat best practice? .themes doesnt exist by default in 11.0400:50
OY1Rthere it was gksu thanks00:50
Roastedwestz_, none the less I want the ability to use root nautilus....00:50
phuxRoasted: mkdir ~/.themes00:50
westz_Roasted: odd, its there in 10.04...00:50
Roastedwestz_, yes, but not in 11.04 :(00:51
Roastednor is .icons00:51
westz_create them then00:51
Roastedwestz_, I can. but tha doesnt SOLVE my issue.00:51
RoastedI should be able to use root nautilus.00:51
phuxRoasted: gksu nautilus in terminal00:51
westz_why? you risk screwing up a lot of stuff00:51
Roastedwestz_, I work in IT with linux. It's just eaiser sometimes.00:51
westz_and what phux  said00:51
Roastedphux, I get an error with that.00:51
phuxme not00:52
=== dakun is now known as sfpace
phuxtell me the error00:52
RoastedNautilus could not create the required folder.00:52
westz_odd, it works for me00:52
Roastedmaybe my install is borked. some of my themeing looks weird.00:53
westz_try gksu gnome-terminal, then run gksu nautilus in that00:53
phuxRoasted: sudo /root/.config/nautilus -p00:53
phuxforgot that mkdir00:53
Roastedphux, command not found00:53
phuxRoasted: sudo mkdir /root/.config/nautilus -p00:53
Roastedphux, that fixed it00:53
Roastedphux, whats with the -p though?00:53
phuxmake path to directory, if it doesnt exist00:54
westz_Roasted: so it creates the .config too00:54
westz_why am i still westz_ when i've identified for Westz?00:55
phuxactually this wasnt the best way, should have put that -p direct behind mkdir to be able to recall the last argument. just for correct workflow :)00:56
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.00:58
=== mpanos2003 is now known as RmX
THIS_IS_INSANEwestz_: for future reference, when the monitor won't display the grub screen, use startupmanager and go to the advanced tab, and then bootloader menu resolution, and set it to the max screen size of the monitor this will eliminate any "out of range" type errors. also, startupmanager can set the default OS that boots.01:01
ray24Hi, I'm having trouble getting QTstalker to draw up stock quotes. I think it may be an update issue01:05
ray24any help would be great!01:07
captainkrtek_hi, I installed gnome 3 in ubuntu 11.04 and in the middle of reverting back to gnome 2 I had a kernel panic, then when i booted up again I only got a recovery console. I was able to install the gnome panel but now its not a login option01:10
Muffin-Manok, my wife is on my linux box atm, what command from root can i make an xwindow popup on her system remotely? ive tried wall and xmessage to no avail01:10
rhin0captainkrtek I would guess your system can't run gnome3 your graphics card isn't capable of it?01:11
captainkrtek_rhin0, well it ran it for a bit, but then had issues01:11
captainkrtek_I decided I wanted to revert back01:11
rhin0log in using classic mode -- download all updates all proprietary graphics drivers and try again if you want to01:11
captainkrtek_I cant login to class mode01:11
captainkrtek_when I boot I get two options, user defined session and recovery console01:11
rhin0I don't understand that when you click on the user upon loggin in you should have a menu with desktop selection on it -- one of them being ubuntu classic one being ubuntu classic without effects -- (not using compiz)01:12
captainkrtek_I dont01:12
captainkrtek_I just have two options now01:13
captainkrtek_the rest are gone01:13
rhin0did you see them initially captainkrtek01:13
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captainkrtek_rhin0 yeah when I had the system running fine01:13
captainkrtek_after I installed gnome3 some where still there01:13
allureHello. I can't access my compactflash card inside my nikon that is connected by USB. I can only use F-Spot but I would like to mount it... >> Bus 002 Device 005: ID 04b0:0425 Nikon Corp.01:13
captainkrtek_but removing gnome3 got rid of everything01:14
rhin0I would re-install - try to get the classic desktop (no effects) then completely update the system and get all the recommended proprietary graphics card drivers to try again captainkrtek -- which may get it working01:14
captainkrtek_yeah im trying to reinstall all gnome from synaptic01:15
RD_1542think i found issue, problem is with networkmanager.state, though can;t edit it from false to true in vi01:15
rhin0well good luck with that -- would prefer to start with a plain install again myself captainkrtek01:15
captainkrtek_rhin0: me too but I cant afford that on this machine :/01:16
ActionParsnipRD_1542: use sudo and you will get full access to the file, you may need to kill network manager01:16
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:16
allureHello! I deleted some pictures from my camera (Nikon 300S) but I have to get it back. I know how to recover pictures but my ubuntu won't read my compact flash... does anyone know how to make this work?01:16
RD_1542how do i kill network manager?01:16
ActionParsnipcaptainkrtek_: http://www.ajopaul.com/2011/04/26/ubuntu-11-04-uninstall-gnome3-and-revert-to-gnome-2-x/   I found that but haven't used it01:17
ActionParsnipcaptainkrtek_: may help you (I'm guessing you used the gnome3 ppa and want to revert)01:17
rhin0if you know the program name of network manager you can then ps | grep for the pid then type kill -9 pid RD_154201:17
captainkrtek_ActionParsnip: I was using that, then halfway through (after the second step) I had a kernel panic, then when I rebooted all I had was a recovery console01:17
slack-m35-2 betty01:18
captainkrtek_ActionParsnip: I then continued, removed it, and installed gnome panel, but its still not working 100%01:18
ActionParsnipallure: you may be able to use scalpel or foremost to recover data if the drive can be accessed01:18
slack-mwrong window01:18
RD_1542i am nt sure of the name rhin0,01:18
ActionParsnipcaptainkrtek_: I'd just reinstall. It will give a more stable OS01:18
captainkrtek_ActionParsnip: Im trying to do that :/01:18
rhin0ps -ef gives you the latest processes you have run RD_154201:18
captainkrtek_ActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install gnome-panel?01:19
rhin0otherwise google for it I suppose RD_154201:19
ActionParsnipcaptainkrtek_: possibly, depends what the script has done to your packages01:19
captainkrtek_I opened synaptic, searched gnome, saw it was not installed, so trying that01:19
AdisHello, Im having trouble getting any game to work with WINE01:21
=== Chris_ is now known as Guest41690
ActionParsnipAdis: did you check the appdb?01:21
Adisyeah i was trying to play TF201:21
Adiswhich has a platinum rating01:22
ActionParsnipAdis: do you have the same wine version as the rating?01:22
ActionParsnipAdis: tried using playonlinux to help?01:22
=== botus_ is now known as GNUcat
gjgjdgsorry does anyone know what a file is it looks like a spring with a board on top01:22
gjgjdgah desktop config file whatever that is01:24
AdisHow do I install IE6 and gecko?01:24
gjgjdgneone know how to run it01:24
rhin0i think that is the icon for just "an app" -- you see it when you create new application on the desktop -- application - undefined gjgjdg01:24
allureActionParsnip: Yes... the problem is that I don't know how to access my compactflash when inside my nikon 300s camera :(01:24
aTypicalHi, all.  Is there any special trick to getting an Intel wireless nic to work with ubuntu?01:24
CaptainkrtekActionParsnip, Im back up and running :D01:24
CaptainkrtekActionParsnip, thanks for the help01:24
Captainkrtekalso thanks rhin001:24
CaptainkrtekaTypical, try ndiswrapper01:24
AdisDoes anyone here play Champions Online? or played01:25
gjgjdgoh ok thanks then01:25
CaptainkrtekAdis, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic01:25
ActionParsnipallure: if you run:  sudo fdisk -l   do you see an extra disk which would be the camera?01:25
aTypicalCaptainkrtek, I thought the intel drivers were open source now and didn't need additional helper files?01:25
PythonSnakehow to show hidden files ?01:25
AdisI can't figure out how to install it01:25
PythonSnakeand explorer them ?01:25
CaptainkrtekaTypical, not sure, maybe check for additional drivers?01:25
allureActionParsnip: nope.. I think that's the reason: http://blog.arcanedomain.com/2009/10/nikon-d300s-wont-mount-as-a-usb-drive/01:26
Adisok thanks01:26
MadGirlhi is probably there a reason why games don't work on vbox or am I doing something wrong?01:27
Will123456MadGirl: installed the guest additions stuff?01:27
MadGirlWill123456: i don't know01:27
PythonSnakeHow to explore hidden folder ??????01:27
emPythonSnake: try ls -a01:28
PythonSnakewith inteerface..01:28
eossi want to search for a file that ends with bmp if it does i want to move it to another directory how i do that01:28
Will123456MadGirl: woah, that was quick. i blinked! okay, well make sure you've done that.01:28
emPythonSnake: or in nautilus go to view > show hidden files01:28
PythonSnakeem: Thanks a lot for your help01:29
rhin0what should I use in a dual monitor setup -- "separate X screen" or "twinview" -- configuring nvidia x server settings for dual monitors (10.04) -- anyone?01:29
ActionParsnipallure: it doesn't have to mount, nor do you want it mounted if you intend to use scalpel or foremost on it01:29
emPythonSnake: then you should see it with a .dot-like name. And you can browse like any other folder.01:29
emPythonSnake: okay sure. If you have any more easy ones like that keep em' comin :P01:29
rhin0ok -- twinview -- plainer01:30
PythonSnakeem: is it normal that I removed partitions, remade them and reinstalled ubuntu and files are still there ?01:30
emPythonSnake: It's not impossible that you could reinstall ubuntu and still see old files if the installer did not format some old partitions. In fact many people do that intentionally with a separate home directory.01:31
PythonSnakeHi edbian01:31
PythonSnakeem: Where can be old files so I delete ?01:32
emPythonSnake: that way they can reinstall Ubuntu but their /home is on its own partition and does not get formated so they have a fresh Ubuntu but with their old files intact.01:32
emPythonSnake: That I don't know.01:32
PythonSnakeem: I installed with live01:32
emIf you installed and still see old files it must have not formated some partition. That's all I can tell you.01:33
KanocXhey, does someone know, why I always get a 530 error (login incorrect), although I set the anonymouse-ftp access? (proftpd) http://pastebin.com/EadwDTGw01:34
PythonSnakeHow to see how much space is free ?01:34
emPythonSnake: in a folder ?01:34
YankDownUnderPythonSnake, "df -h"01:34
PythonSnakein partiton01:35
YankDownUnderPythonSnake, "df -h"01:35
PythonSnakeem: can drivers break my interface ?01:36
PythonSnakegraphic drivers01:36
emWhat do you mean by interface?01:36
PythonSnakelike gnome won't run only terminals01:37
PythonSnakeI just got that01:37
PythonSnakethat's why i reinstalled01:37
emGnome won't run only terminals?01:37
YankDownUnderPythonSnake, Console? you're at the console?01:38
emI don't understand what you have in mind?01:38
emGo to applications > Accessories > Terminal01:38
PythonSnakeThat ctrl+alt+f1 to f6 works and f7 no01:38
emtype: df -h01:38
PythonSnakeconsole not terminal sorry01:39
zenithdkany chan to ask C coding questions? :)01:39
emzenithdk: try ##c01:39
zenithdkem: thanks01:39
PythonSnakeem: I meant xorg broken01:39
nownothow do i create a blu ray iso?01:39
YankDownUnderPythonSnake, Right, what you need to do is this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg => make sure you choose the proper graphics driver for X, then you should be set mate.01:40
emPythonSnake: Oh well that's a tricky one. Modern Ubuntu does not work with xorg.conf anymore.01:40
PythonSnakeok I reask: Can drivers update break Xorg ?01:40
YankDownUnderYes, driver updates can break your Xorg - however, follow the instructions I gave you, reconfigure your Xorg, and you're all set mate.01:40
PythonSnakehow ?01:41
emPythonSnake: I am not qualified to answer that question. I would think that drivers could mess up a lot of things. I don't think Modern Ubuntu even uses xorg.conf to deal with your drivers anymore though. It's supposed to just somehow recognize it.01:41
PythonSnakeso I wont need driverS?01:41
ActionParsnipem: ubuntu doesnt ship with xorg.conf but if one is present ot will be used01:41
YankDownUnderI'll just talk to the wall. More responsive.01:42
emYou need drivers.01:42
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: which video chip do you use01:42
rhin0em -- if there is xorg.conf/ settings in it -- it will be used01:42
PythonSnakeGMA HD01:42
emWell I don't think that his drivers are breaking something that's not there by default.01:42
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: they are in a default install then, you may need xorg.conf to make them run well. What is the output of:  lsb_release -d01:42
emthirteen: try #ubuntu-cn01:42
nownothow do i create a blu ray iso?01:42
PythonSnake!cn | thirteen01:42
ubottuthirteen: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk01:42
emthirteen: maybe #ubuntu-ko01:43
THIS_IS_INSANEI just got a "the package system is broken" error, how would I fix this?01:43
emlooks more like cn to me01:43
PythonSnakeActionParsnip: 11.0401:43
dimas_i was fallowing some instructions to configure pulse to be able to use jack and now the sound control in the desktop is gone...what should i do?01:43
rhin0sudo apt-get update?  THIS_IS_INSANE?01:43
allureActionParsnip: sorry I took long. It is my birthday and the phone never stops01:44
emdimas_: was it in the gnome-pannel?01:44
dimas_em no01:44
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: can you give a pastebin of: sudo apt-get update01:44
emsorry don't know then.01:44
ActionParsnipallure: merry birthday :)01:45
rhin0dimas_:  alsamixer from a terminal will give you control over sound - if you are desperate01:45
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: what is a pastebin?01:45
PythonSnakeActionParsnip:Description:Ubuntu 11.0401:45
ActionParsnip!paste | THIS_IS_INSANE01:45
ubottuTHIS_IS_INSANE: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:45
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: cool, and the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga01:45
PythonSnake00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)01:45
dimas_rhin0 i want to know if if any way to recovery the system the way it was01:45
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com01:46
PythonSnakeem: Do you know a good interface or file manager ?01:46
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: does the system have a make / model?01:46
PythonSnakeyes sure01:46
PythonSnakeAsus A42F01:46
rhin0dimas_ volume control will be a gnome panel applet -- right click on the panel and select add applet -- then if you find it install it -- then type in a terminal 'killall gnome-panel' to reset01:46
rhin0if the applet isn't there dimas_ - install it from synaptic01:47
rhin0("volume control")01:47
itaylor57shouldn't need an xorg.conf for that vga01:47
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: ubottu http://paste.ubuntu.com/633937/01:48
itaylor57PythonSnake, I am running the same vga as you and have no problems,and no additional driver is needed01:49
PythonSnakeitaylor57: GMA HD or GMA HD 2000/3000 or GMA 4500MHD ?01:49
dimas_rhin0 i got it...thank you...for somereason it wasnt working but i had the volume option available and when i click on it just came on01:49
rhin0great dimas_01:50
dimas_thank you01:50
itaylor57PythonSnake, that vga driver is built into ubuntu01:51
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: http://pastebin.com/NGAyXLfU  may help01:52
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: what about after that?01:52
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: you may need to define resolutions ni the screen section01:52
PythonSnakeWhat is that ?01:52
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: that was the last of it. I'll do that now01:53
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: my resolutions are fine01:54
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: sorry, crossed wire01:55
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: its a sample /etc/X11/xorg.conf file from the link in the pastebin. You can use that to define your display. It may help01:56
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: the command had no effect, I closed the error message about the broken package system, and the same error message popped up again. it says to disable third party repositories (idk wtf they are) and to run the command  apt-get install -f. I'll pastebin the results of running that command01:57
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: ok try:   sudo apt-get --reinstall install nano01:57
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: does it install ok?01:57
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: it seemed to install okay.01:58
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: ok does:  sudo apt-get -y upgrade    run ok?01:59
=== bdonohue is now known as BrianCelery
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: seemed to. it doesn't really say if it was succesful or not.02:00
PythonSnakeCan anyone tell me a good interface or file manager ?02:00
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/633944/02:01
ActionParsnipTHIS_IS_INSANE: you'd see some blatant errors and such02:01
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: nautilus is default in ubuntu and is fine02:02
THIS_IS_INSANEoh, well no errors except for unknown media types02:02
delargehi there02:02
PythonSnakeActionParnsip: Is GNOME better than Unity ?02:02
PythonSnakeor XFCE is a better choice ?02:02
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: unity is a shell which runs in gnome, unity doesn't replace gnome02:02
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: you can run unity in xfce, you can run unity in lxde02:03
delargehow i can know what device (/dev/*) is a pendrive that i plug in ?02:03
ActionParsnipdelarge: sudo fdisk -l02:03
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: oh, well no errors except for unknown media types02:03
crazybrainhow to install windows graphics in Ubuntu 10.0402:03
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu02:04
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: how do you mean "windows graphics"?02:04
delargeActionParsnip: just appear the hard disk's partition02:04
phuxi think he means the appearance02:04
aTypicalHmm... Still no wireless love on this laptop.  It's a ThinkPad X41 with an Intel IPW2200 running 11.04.  Anyone have experience with that?02:05
crazybrainactionparsnip: i have Intel 945 Graphics02:05
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: yes, but what do you mean by "windows graphics"?02:05
crazybrainactionparsnip; but it isnt working here02:05
THIS_IS_INSANEActionParsnip: still getting package system broken error messages.02:05
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: ok the driver is part of the default install. You don't use windows drivers for video in ubuntu as is is a distribion of linux, not windows02:06
phuxcrazybrain: just a hint for irc, you can type the first letters of a nickname and press TAB to complete it02:06
BrianCeleryAnyway, I'm having a GRUB issue. I installed Ubuntu to an external hard drive. Grub seems to have installed to my primary internal. Computer won't boot without the external. External has been formatted. I don't have an optical drive. Need to fix my mbr. Any clues?02:06
crazybrainActionParsnip: actually problem is graphics arent working in Ubuntu02:07
ActionParsnipaTypical: should be in the default install. try:  sudo modprobe ipw220002:07
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: does the system have a make and model?02:07
edbianBrianCelery: Do you have an OS on both hdds ?02:07
ActionParsnipcrazybrain: can you also give the output of:  lsb_release -d02:07
aTypicalActionParsnip, thanks.  It appears to have loaded normally.02:08
BrianCeleryedbian: I have Ubuntu on the external.. HAD... It's been formatted in an attempt to create a boot disk. Windows 7 is on the internal02:08
PythonSnake /clear02:08
edbianBrianCelery: What do you mean a boot disc?02:08
aimtrainerHey guys. I'd like to have an ubuntu 3-screen setup with two nvidia cards. Can anyone of you tell me if this is possible without sli?02:09
BrianCeleryI have no optical drive. I was intending to try and create something I could boot off of in order to repair grub.02:09
BrianCeleryI failed.02:09
ActionParsnipaTypical: does it now work?02:09
BrianCeleryIf I could throw in a disc, I'd just run bootrec02:09
edbianBrianCelery: Apparently grub was broken to begin with.  Do you have an Ubuntu liveCD or liveUSB ??02:10
ActionParsnipaTypical: try:  sudo modprobe -r ipw2200; sudo modprobe ipw220002:10
BrianCeleryedbian: Negative. Haven't been able to get a booting ubuntu USB working.02:10
ActionParsnipBrianCelery: you can use unetbootin and make a live usb OS to repair with02:10
aTypicalActionParsnip, still nothing.02:10
ActionParsnipBrianCelery: be sure to MD5 test the ISO you use02:10
edbianBrianCelery: How did you install Ubuntu in the first place?02:11
BrianCeleryActionParsnip: Okay. I'm assuming I can use... Anything? I don't have a Ubuntu ISO02:11
ActionParsnipaTypical: can you give a pastebin of:  sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; rfkill list02:11
BrianCeleryedbian: There WAS an optical drive. It's getting replaced.02:11
ActionParsnipBrianCelery: anything in what way?02:11
edbianBrianCelery: It's broken now02:11
BrianCeleryActionParsnip: A smaller ISO of another distro.02:11
BrianCeleryedbian: correct.02:11
edbianBrianCelery: Did you create a liveUSB and you just can't get it to boot?02:11
ActionParsnipBrianCelery: as long as it can do what you need, sure why not02:12
BrianCeleryedbian: a while ago. That was my first idea for solving the issue.02:12
edbianBrianCelery: Can you boot Ubuntu on the external right now?02:12
BrianCeleryActionParsnip: I might as well get another Ubuntu iso, so that when I come back in here after I reboot with it, the instructions are the same.02:12
ActionParsnipBrianCelery: makes sense02:12
aTypicalActionParsnip, yeah, one second please.  I have to switch over to that workstation02:12
m_fulderhello I want to put a script to be run on bootup but I don't want it to be run as sudo is this possible?...I've tried this method but it starts up my scripts with sudo http://embraceubuntu.com/2005/09/07/adding-a-startup-script-to-be-run-at-bootup/02:12
BrianCeleryedbian: No.... Maybe... I DID format the windows partition (the NTFS partition I was using for storage) I didn't delete the Linux partitions... So I'm sure I could.02:12
PythonSnakeIs GNOME 3 good02:13
BrianCeleryBut... If I do reboot and it doesn't work, I'm euchred.02:13
edbianBrianCelery: You formatted the window partition?  That means it's erased.  What is the goal here?  Sounds to me like you have Ubuntu and grub installed on the external and windowboot loader but no windows at all installed on the internal02:13
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: good is subjective to opinion. It however is not stable02:14
BrianCeleryedbian: Give me 2-5 minutes. I'm gonna boot up the Macbook Air and get on IRC there.02:14
BrianCeleryedbian: Here is a partition map for you02:14
ActionParsnip!gnome3 | PythonSnake02:14
ubottuPythonSnake: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.02:14
edbianBrianCelery: ok02:14
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: your choice, I don't recommend it due to your clear newness with the OS02:14
BrianCeleryInternal: Windows External Blank NTFS drive reformatted to FAT because I needed to move stuff from a mac + Linux Partitions02:14
PythonSnakeActionParnsip: So it was GNOME 3 who broke my ubuntu..02:14
yuikeHi, I am having an issue when reattaching a screen, the text wrapping is all crazy. I tried doing ctrl-a r, but it didn't help. this is what it looks like: http://d.pr/CIWu02:14
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: possibly02:14
BrianCelerySo I am IN windows now, on the internal drive. but if I reboot the computer without connecting the external, the computer will give me a grub rescue error02:15
edbianBrianCelery: Ahhh, so you can boot windows or linux but you must have the external plugged in.  Is that it?02:15
edbianBrianCelery: Which drive is /dev/sda  ?02:16
edbianBrianCelery: is that the internal?  (probably)02:16
BrianCeleryAnd because I formatted that NTFS partition and changed it to FAT, I don't know if I can boot from that hard drive at the moment... And I haven't tried as I didn't want the computer to reboot.02:16
BrianCeleryI don't know off hand, I'm in Windows. Should I log into IRC on the Macbook and then see if it boots?02:16
BrianCeleryBecause if I get into Ubuntu we can fix it from there, can we not?02:16
BrianCelery(Macbook == second computer) so I can stay on IRC while we fix this one02:17
edbianBrianCelery: I'm confused about which machine is which and what the partitions are on the target machine.02:17
edbianBrianCelery: Can you lay it all out for me in one giant response?02:17
BrianCeleryEverything is on the target machine.02:17
RoastedDoes the MS Zune work with Ubuntu?02:17
edbianBrianCelery: I am confident I can find / fix the problem02:17
CoreyRoasted: Does the MS Zune work at all?02:18
RoastedCorey, yeah. I'm just curious if it works so I know whether it's worth my time to troubleshoot why this zune I just got doesnt mount. I get errors.02:18
KM0201Roasted: no, it doesn't...02:18
RoastedKM0201, really?02:19
CoreyRoasted: It does not.02:19
KM0201Roasted: really.02:19
Roastedbut the ipod does?02:19
KM0201Roasted: you really expected a Microsoft device, to work w/ Linux?02:19
KM0201Roasted: ipods are a total different ball of wax02:19
RoastedKM0201, I chose to be optimistic.02:19
aTypicalActionParsnip, here's the paste - http://pastebin.com/rM0YnQkQ02:19
KM0201Roasted: unfortunately it bit you.02:19
SlidingHornRoasted:  from what I've read, it might work in a vbox02:19
RoastedKM0201, well, I didnt buy the thing, so02:19
Corey!ipod | Roasted02:19
ubottuRoasted: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:19
RoastedSlidingHorn, I refuse to use virtualbox.02:19
RoastedIt either works in Linux, or I don't use it.02:20
CoreyNote the lack of factoid.02:20
PythonSnakewhere is synaptic ?02:20
PythonSnakegnome 202:20
KM0201Roasted: i just plugged my zune in (hadn't tried it w/ 11.04)02:20
KM0201it mounts, i can browse it, but thats it.02:20
icerootCorey: its not a lag but if ubottu doesnt have an answer there is no public message02:20
RoastedKM0201, can you see music files?02:20
RoastedKM0201, cause that's all I want02:21
m_fuldercan I somehow run a command with an anti-sudo02:21
Coreyiceroot: There's a PM though.02:21
Coreyiceroot: I'm vaguely aware of how ubottu works. ;-)02:21
KM0201Roasted: yes, i can see them, but i cannot play them02:21
RoastedKM0201, my problem is, mine doesnt even mount. It just errors out02:21
RoastedKM0201, can you format these things?02:21
=== BrianCelery_ is now known as BrianCelery
iceroot[03:20]     Corey | Note the lack of factoid.02:21
KM0201Roasted: not to work w/ Linux.02:21
Coreyiceroot: Yes.  Lack.  Not lag.02:21
icerootCorey: ok02:21
PythonSnakeWhere is Synaptics on gnome  2 ?02:21
RoastedKM0201, no, format as in, return to factory settings02:21
RoastedKM0201, this zune was my gf's, so it has all her stuff on it.02:21
RoastedI figured I could do it in banshee or something.02:22
KM0201Roasted: umm.. i think you need zune marketplace to do that02:22
BrianCeleryedbian: Good to go02:22
KM0201Roasted: unfortunately not02:22
edbianBrianCelery: hi02:22
RoastedKM0201, can I add/remove music as I wish on these things or do I need to use the marketplace entirely for that?02:22
KM0201i take it you don't have windows at all?02:22
BrianCeleryedbian: okay, so the external still boots to grub02:22
aTypicalDid I lose you ActionParsnip ?02:22
PythonSnakeI got to go soon02:22
RoastedKM0201, I do, I just dont have enough space to put music on it to sync like that.02:22
KM0201Roasted: the only way to sync a zune, is to use Zune Marketplace (it can be music you've gotten from other places, thats just the name of the software)02:22
BrianCelerydoes that mean I should just boot to recovery environment and fixmbr? Or are we going to rebuild grub02:23
PythonSnakeWhere is synaptic..02:23
crazybrainActionParsnip: how to install intel 945g02:23
CoreyPythonSnake: We shall be here when you get back.02:23
RoastedKM0201, then I think I'll give this back to my girlfriend. :P02:23
Roastedand get a REAL music player.02:23
Corey!synaptic | PythonSnake02:23
ubottuPythonSnake: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto02:23
crazybrainin ubuntu 10.0402:23
edbianBrianCelery: BrianCelery So the internal hdd only has windows on it?02:23
edbianBrianCelery: Was Ubuntu on that hdd at one time?02:23
BrianCeleryedbian: correct02:23
KM0201Roasted: can you put XP in vbox, then keep your music on the "host" OS, and sync the Zune in the Guest OS, off the host drive? (thats what i do)02:23
PythonSnakeThanks ubottu :)02:23
RoastedKM0201, no offense, but no.02:23
TrDhi all02:23
RoastedKM0201, it either works in Linux, or I don't use it.02:23
KM0201Roasted: ok.. well, you'll get no joy there.. for sure.02:24
RoastedIf a company is going to be naive and/or self righteous enough not to support Linux, then I won't support them. Even if it is a free gift from my lady friend.02:24
BrianCeleryedbian: I'm logged into Ubuntu.02:24
edbianBrianCelery: Grub doesn't git in the MBR.  part of it goes there and the other part goes in /boot/grub.  I think /boot/grub is on the second hdd but grub is on the internal hdd MBR.02:24
TrDis psad compatible with Ubuntu natty ?02:24
RoastedHowever, this thing is acting weird. I almost wonder if the hard drive is okay in it.02:24
CoreyRoasted: This is a support channel, not an advocacy channel.  Please take it elsewhere.02:24
BrianCeleryedbian: how to verify?02:24
CoreyRoasted: Zune isn't supported here at all.  Try another channel?02:24
RoastedCorey, no thanks.02:24
edbianBrianCelery: which is the internal drive?  /dev/sda or /dev/sdb  ?02:24
RoastedCorey, no thanks.02:24
KM0201Roasted: i dunno.. i got a great deal on an 80gig zune a few years ago, and i love it.02:24
AlphaPsiHow big should a swamp partition be?02:24
KM0201its been flawless for me02:24
BrianCeleryedbian: I should be using grep to find that out?02:25
RoastedKM0201, It's just weird, some google results are returning some users having success. Weird.02:25
edbianBrianCelery: sudo fdisk -l02:25
edbianBrianCelery: :)02:25
CoreyRoasted: Again, it's unsupported here.02:25
RoastedKM0201, it sounds entirely hit/miss, though. You have to wonder if playlists even work, etc.02:25
KM0201Roasted: i guarantee you, nobody has had success syncing it under Linux, guarantee...02:25
KM0201Roasted: only way to et it to work under Linux, is w/ a virtual OS...02:25
RoastedKM0201, well you at least had success mounting it. I did not. :P02:25
AlphaPsiHow big should a swap partition be?**02:25
RoastedKM0201, do you know of any Linux-friendly devices that are like an ipod/zune?02:26
KM0201Roasted: yeah.. :) (and honestly, i'd never gotten that far before..)02:26
BrianCeleryedbian: sda is internal, sdb is external02:26
RoastedKM0201, learn something new then, eh? :P02:26
Corey!ipod | Roasted02:26
ubottuRoasted: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod02:26
ChaosSaberAlphaPsi, atleast 2GB02:26
RoastedCorey, I got it. Thanks.02:26
RoastedCorey, that didn't help, but thanks.02:26
RoastedCorey, I was asking for something LIKE an ipod, not an ipod.02:26
KM0201Roasted: the archos devices are popular.. kind of expensive, but they apparently work w/ Linux, and most Ipods work w/ Linux (although the Linux IPOD tools suck)02:26
AlphaPsiWhat do you mean by at least?02:26
CoreyRoasted: You just asked for something ipod like that works.  How is an ipod not useful? :-)02:26
RoastedCorey, it's made by Apple. Self explanatory there.02:26
RoastedCorey, but thanks.02:26
ChaosSaberAlphaPsi, you can make it any size you want but nothing under 2GB02:27
CoreyRoasted: Go check out Rockbox then?02:27
CoreySurely they have an HCL.02:27
RoastedKM0201, I never heard of archos... hmm...02:27
RoastedCorey, I have RockBox on my Sansa. I wasn't too sure how much I liked it.02:27
AlphaPsiChaosSaber: I got that, haha, but how big do people usually do them? 2gb? or more?02:27
RoastedCorey, in fact, once I put RockBox on my Sansa, it screwed up my default user interface that came with it. I actually prefer it to RockBox, and now I'm stuck with it. :(02:27
RoastedCorey, I just want a half decent feature packed device that can sync music without a hassle.02:27
edbianBrianCelery: dd if=/dev/sda1 of=internalMBR bs=512 count=102:27
ChaosSaberAlphaPsi, it really just depends on the person, I have mine at 2.5GB02:28
edbianBrianCelery: Then file internalMBR02:28
CoreyRoasted: You're going to have some kind of hassle no matter what you pick, unfortunately.02:28
edbianBrianCelery: The first command reads the bytes from the MBR, the second translates them to human readable form and prints to the screen02:28
KM0201Roasted: unfortunatley corey is right there02:28
edbianBrianCelery: It will tell you if you have grub installed on that hdd or not02:28
RoastedKM0201, this saddens me :(02:28
KM0201Roasted: yep.. ..02:29
RoastedI wonder if I can get this Sansa back to factory settings without rockbox... off to therockbox chat...02:29
RoastedI just hope I can get back the default user interface...02:29
PythonSnakeI've got a problem I was downloading wine with software center system froze and i reboot now it won't download anymore but it install..02:29
PythonSnakeso how to fix that?02:30
BrianCeleryedbian: so how to I tell?02:30
edbianBrianCelery: Read it using file.  Does it say 'Grand Unified Bootloader?'02:30
edbianBrianCelery: I have to go.  There are other people here :)02:31
DrDuckHow can I find out what the standard for tabstops are in the Ubuntu terminal?02:31
BrianCeleryBut no, it doesnt say that02:31
=== guest is now known as wechat
pie__does anyone have a logitech.xml file in   /etc/udev/data/046d/logitech.xml02:33
hyliani hate xterm but want to be able to log in to just a terminal window, any way i can log into gnome-terminal?02:33
pie__I need it for uvcdynctrl so I can get my webcams pan/tilt working >.>02:33
chaddyhylian: openbox is close to that02:35
wechatHello. What is the price in english-speking countries of used IBM Thinkpad on which I could install linux?02:35
PythonSnakeBye guys02:35
PythonSnakeThanks for the help !!!02:35
hylianchaddy, i would like to use what is already on the system, i am familiar with gnome-terminal, not so much openbox.02:36
crazybrainE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  what does that mean???02:36
ZykoticK9crazybrain, did you try running "sudo dpkg --configure -a" in a terminal?  it means something isn't configured properly.02:37
=== Pilif12p is now known as Brunette
chaddyhylian: I could be wrong, but isn't it in your login menu?02:38
BrianCeleryActionParsnip: were you following/ are you available/ need a recap?02:38
hylianchaddy, it is now because i just sudo apt-get install'd openbox. openbox does not come with ubuntu vanilla.02:38
chaddymust have been on the verge of sleep when I snuck that one past myself, then ;)02:39
hylianchaddy, i want to log into a terminal, not another version of gnome on a hunger strike. but i hate xterm with a passion.02:39
ZykoticK9hylian, FYI openbox is a windows manager.  Why do you want only a terminal?02:39
chaddyhylian: configure openbox to open a terminal02:40
cpgoWhich setting in ccsm was it that allowed you to move a window via keyboard shortcut to fill up half the screen on left/right or top/bottom02:40
chaddygnome-terminal he wants, ZykoticK902:40
hylianZykoticK9, actually the option to boot to xterm already exists. I just find it lacking in easy access to controls. That's why I like gnome-terminal02:40
ZykoticK9hylian, buy WHY do you want only a terminal?02:40
chaddyand an xserver, presumably02:40
hylianchaddy, if that's what i wanted, i would have set up gnome to do so on my own. I don't want (windows manager) then terminal, just want terminal. thanks though02:41
hylianZykoticK9, well, i do a  lot of stuff cli, but now and again i use an x app, like xlinks.02:42
chaddyctrl + alt F1-F602:42
DriversFixedCan someone explain how to mute a sound source02:42
chaddyhylian: you can't get away from the fact that gnome-terminal needs an x server02:42
hylianchaddy, no. ctrl-alt f1 through f6 has no x draw capability. thanks for the idea though!02:42
hylianchaddy, exactly. I do want x running.02:42
chaddyhmm, cross purposes02:43
chaddyso you want a bare x session, but instead of xterm, gnome-terminal?02:43
hylianso how do you add an option to log into something like gnome-terminal. in windows, if i wanted to, i could make notepad the kernel, why i would want to i don't know, but i could. should be able to log into gnome-terminal...02:44
RD_1542am fighting a network manager issue, changes to false on shutdown, think this time because of power failure, is it easier to disable network manager, and configure manually in etc interfaces file ?02:44
DriversFixedHow do I mute a sound source02:44
hylianchaddy, exactly!02:44
trismhylian: you can't run gnome-terminal without x, you can create a new .desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions copying the xterm.desktop and replace the references to xterm with gnome-terminal and log into that02:44
hyliantrism, i want to run x. please read the entire stream, thank you.02:45
trismhylian: oh sorry, I misread that02:45
hyliantrism, great idea! i think i'll try that!02:46
hylianok y'all, brb, perhaps loggin into gnome-terminal!02:46
DriversFixedHow do I mute a sound source?  The nonexistence of an obvious utility to mute a sound source makes Ubuntu nearly unusable for me and is inexcusable02:47
DriversFixedBah good day.  http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/25140/ suggests that one does not exist.02:49
OerHeksDriversFixed, open terminal: alsamixer, then use m for mute02:49
rhin0driversfixed alsamixer from a terminal gives  you complete control over sound02:49
smsfailwhats the best email client for ubunutu?02:50
DriversFixedHow do I mute an application02:50
DriversFixedWithout muting everything02:50
KM0201!best | smsfail02:50
ubottusmsfail: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:50
rhin0if the application has its own volume control -- that is down to the application02:50
DriversFixedrhin0 - what if the application does not, or if it's broken02:50
rhin0for isntance mplayer has its own volume control -- you can mute mplayer and still have firefox etc playing sound02:51
DriversFixedwell, aside from mplayer, what should I do02:51
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OerHeksyou could make a short key Volume mute02:52
KM0201!rootirc | root02:52
ubotturoot: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.02:52
DriversFixedOerHeks:  How do I do that for a given application?02:53
Guest95428not if using read-only live cd isn't it?02:53
OerHeksif the application has no mute, only mute left is systemwide02:54
KM0201Guest95428: still not the best of ideas.. but i see your point.02:54
DriversFixedOerHeks:  So basically you're saying that this basic functionality does not exist in Ubuntu.02:54
bk_can someone tell me if there is a size limit to a tar.gz file?  I got this message,02:55
bk_gzip: stdout: File too large02:55
bk_tar: /media/ULTRA TD/06.27.11.tar.gz: Wrote only 8192 of 10240 bytes02:55
bk_tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now02:55
dr_willisits a function of the pulse audio sound system. not all programs support pulse audio fully.02:55
hoopyfreudis halp to be found here?02:55
OerHeksDriversFixed, no that is not what i am saying.02:55
OerHeksopen alsamixer, and you can mute02:56
rhin0bk_ I think it means too large for the device you are writing it onto -- /media/ultra td -- is that a usb key (or something)02:56
DriversFixedI don't see anything but a system-wide mute in alsamixer02:56
rhin0need to write it onto your hard disk bk_02:56
rhin0yes driversfixed -- alsamixer just gives you more controls -- won't mute your application02:56
bk_rhin0, it's an external hard drive.  it says it still has 37 GB of freespace, which should have been more than enough.02:56
DriversFixedSo.... I should go to windows then.02:57
rhin0driversfixed I am sure there is a way of doing it -- just that nobody here knows -- keep asking or research it using google or on ubuntu forums02:57
dr_willisPulse Audio does has perapp volume control. - if the apps are written to use pulse audio i belive.02:58
ZykoticK9rhin0, FYI it's not possible with ALSA but it's "slightly" possible with Pulse02:58
hoopyfreudMangler won;t install on 11.04... help! Repo cannot be added... terminal gives message "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mangler/mangler02:58
hoopyfreudcan't find signing_key_fingerprint at https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~mangler/+archive/mangler02:58
dr_willisI never use the feature either. :) rarely ever use it under windows either. - theres some other neat pulse tricks i do use.02:58
dr_willissudo apt-get install pavucontrol             <------------------ use pavucontrol03:00
CibortcikAlguien me ayuda a instalar mis controladores03:00
CibortcikDe Audio y Video03:00
ZykoticK9!es > Cibortcik03:00
ubottuCibortcik, please see my private message03:00
rhin0there you got driversfixed  -- its possible03:01
hoopyfreudcan I get dome help installing Mangler on 11.04?03:01
rhin0driversfixes -- "pavucontrol" application03:01
dr_willis!info mangler03:01
ubottuPackage mangler does not exist in natty03:01
hyliantrism, works like a charm, or should i say "working" like a charm, thanks!03:01
dr_willishoopyfreud,  whats the exact command you are using to add the ppa ?03:01
DriversFixedI admit that perapp volume isn't too useful since most include volume control, but I have an app that is broken03:01
anadonHey, I noticed that one of the packages in synaptic package manager missed a major revision to a program.  How do I get the more recent version in the repository, or who do I tell?03:01
hylianthanks all, much better that xterm.03:02
DriversFixedthanks for the pulseadio tip03:02
dr_willishoopyfreud,  talk in the channel.. i am leaving for work in like ..err... NOW... bye..03:02
hoopyfreudsudo add-apt-repository ppa:mangler/mangler03:02
hoopyfreudcan anyone else help me install mangler on 11.04?03:03
DriversFixedIt doesn't work in 11.04?!!!!!!!!!!103:03
DriversFixednot talking about mangler03:04
DriversFixedI'm talking about pulseadio03:04
anadonHey, I noticed that one of the packages in synaptic package manager missed a major revision to a program. How do I get the more recent version in the repository, or who do I tell?03:04
ZykoticK9!latest > anadon03:04
ubottuanadon, please see my private message03:04
xangua!latest | anadon03:04
ubottuanadon: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.03:04
hoopyfreuddownload source code, ./configure, make, make install03:05
anadonIt went from beta to a stable release!03:06
ZykoticK9!checkinstall > hoopyfreud might help.03:06
ubottuhoopyfreud, please see my private message03:06
DriversFixedok, can anyone suggest a replacement for ALSA03:07
hoopyfreudcan anyone help me install mangler in 11.0403:07
ZykoticK9DriversFixed, you don't replace ALSA - even Pulse still uses ALSA03:08
ivanBliminseHello IRC... does anyone know if in unity you can have a stack apps in the launcher??03:08
DriversFixedZykoticK9:  Which appears to be why it doesn't work anymore:  the only sound source it sees is "ALSA Plugin"03:08
ivanBliminseOr does anyone know how to keep every application from opening fully maximized in unity?03:09
ivanBliminseOr how if you running 11.04 in virtual box in full screen mode how to get the bottom VB menu to not go away...03:11
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BrianCeleryHello. Does anyone have a solution for Ubuntu locking up on an external hard drive? I cannot connect a seperate power source as it's a travel drive. Is there anyway to disable the sleepping?03:13
ivanBliminseBrianCLerey: you want to disable ubuntu from sleeping so your external hardrive doesn't shut off?03:14
hoopyfreudjust go to power options in preferences03:14
hoopyfreud(to Brian)03:14
hoopyfreudsorry, power options03:15
kaStevieHello everyone :), just wanted to check that #ayatana is the right place to ask questions about the software center?03:15
ivanBliminseBrianClerey: ^ that and also make sure you get the screen saver as well, the blank screen looks like a power options standby :-)03:15
hoopyfreudcan anyone help me install Mangler in11.04?03:15
ZykoticK9kaStevie, is it a "support" question?  If so, you should be asking here.03:16
kaStevienope, I was looking for the design research on the software center03:16
ZykoticK9kaStevie, then I have no idea.  Good luck.03:16
ivanBliminseDoes anyone know how to keep applications from opening up fully maximized in unity?03:16
marksandshello all. I borked my nginx install on my ubuntu server. whenever I try removing/installing it gives me this: dpkg: warning: files list file for package `nginx-common' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed.03:16
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kaStevieZykoticK9: thanks for trying to help ^_^03:17
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ActionParsnipmarksands: could reinstall nginx-common to square off the packages03:19
HabeebHi everyone, could someone help me. I'm having issues with flash videos in firefox under ubuntu 6403:19
marksandsActionparsnip: wow, should have been obvious to me.. i think that worked03:21
ActionParsnipHabeeb: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | grep gnash; dpkg -l | grep swf      thanks03:22
ActionParsnipmarksands: Linux is simple :)03:22
alex86hello, i want to install php+mysql on my ubuntu. on windows i am using Wamp. Is there any alternative for wamp on linux? so i won`t needto install php and mysql separately03:22
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:22
ZykoticK9alex86, run "sudo tasksel" in a terminal - then select LAMP03:23
alex86ZykoticK9: but i need php and mysql03:23
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alex86ZykoticK9: command tasksel is not found03:25
ZykoticK9Did 11.04 remove tasksel?03:26
itaylor57ZykoticK9, seems so03:27
alex86The program 'tasksel' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:03:27
alex86sudo apt-get install tasksel03:27
ActionParsnip!info tasksel natty03:27
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is optional. Version 2.88ubuntu3 (natty), package size 32 kB, installed size 236 kB03:27
ZykoticK9alex86, sorry, looks like i gave you outdated info.03:27
ActionParsnipalex86: seems its available, just optional :)03:27
lapagain U,X,L,buntu does changing to a more current graphics card do the same or more than increasing system ram?03:27
ActionParsniplapaga: depends what you use the OS for03:28
ActionParsniplapaga: if all you do is email and word process then no03:28
ActionParsnipJora: please don't paste that here03:29
HabeebActionParsnip, Here you go.  http://pastebin.com/9Qi4debz03:29
Jorawrong window sorry03:29
alex86is seems that there are a lot of work to get LAMP to live: http://www.lamphowto.com/03:29
ZykoticK9Habeeb, what problem are you having with Adobe Flash?03:30
lapagaActionParsnip, well this is a very low ram system (256M) was wondering if a more current video card would take off the slack.  not I never email or use it for word process03:30
HabeebActionParsnip, My issue is that on certain websites such as Gametrailers.com, all flash content has these grey flickering areas03:30
ActionParsnipHabeeb: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y install flashplugin64-installer03:30
ActionParsniplapaga: if you want to run compiz and junk then it will make it smoother, I'd go for more RAM, it will make a bigger difference03:31
ActionParsnipHabeeb: gives 64bit flash for your 64bit OS03:31
lapagaActionParsnip, so would I but new ram for this would cost much more than a new video card.  RambusRam is very expensive03:31
HabeebActionParsnip, I thought 64bit flash for linux was terrible.03:32
HabeebActionParsnip, oh wow, that fixed it.03:32
hyliantrism: this is working perfect! :)03:33
ActionParsniplapaga: oh jeez I thought that stuff died out properly03:34
ActionParsnipHabeeb: no it s sweeeeeet03:34
AlphaPsiWhat are the benefits of having a /home partition?03:34
ActionParsnipHabeeb: theres a ppa with 64bit java, no need for nspluginwrapper :)03:34
ActionParsnipAlphaPsi: backups are easier and if you reinstall you can simply mark the root partition for formatting and your user data will be untouched03:35
uabn93hello, is there a way to hide files between separate users accounts?03:35
ActionParsnipuabn93: do you mean not even allow them to see the filenames etc?03:35
AlphaPsiuserdata as in wordfiles, music, etc.? Does it also include programs?03:35
ActionParsnipAlphaPsi: just settings and photos etc, anything which is in your home folder currently#03:36
lapagaActionParsnip, yes it did but my computer did not:) oh well...will wait until my vacation checks come in03:36
HabeebActionParsnip, Thanks again.03:36
ActionParsniplapaga: that stuff is real pricey, damn03:37
ActionParsnipHabeeb: np :)03:37
ActionParsniplapaga: 105 GBP for 1Gb 400Mhz RAMBUS, that's not steep. It's vertical03:37
AlphaPsiThe root and home partitions are Ext4 right?03:38
trismhylian: glad to hear it03:38
ActionParsnipAlphaPsi: by default yes, but you can change them if you use custome partitioning03:38
AlphaPsiWhat are the differences from Ext4, Ext3, Ext2, etc.?03:38
uabn93ActionParsnip: yes. Can a limited user account see the files of an admin account?03:38
lapagaActionParsnip, yup and that is not actually making sure it will work...just the price of hoping someone will send you the right one.  Well guess I can wait to get a new computer03:39
ZykoticK9AlphaPsi, ext2 didn't use journalling03:39
ActionParsnipuabn93: by default, yes. If you set the group and other access to zero then ONLY the owning user will have any access :)03:39
ZykoticK9uabn93, FYI by default all Ubuntu users' home directories are READABLE by anyone -- this default is uncommon in the gnu/linux distro world.03:40
uabn93ActionParsnip: ahhh. that was simple. thanks for the help, buddy03:41
uabn93ZykoticK9: good to know. thank you03:41
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subimageanyone know why after installing 11.04 from USB without downloading packages or 3rd party tools I can't get the GUI to boot?03:43
ActionParsnipuabn93: np man03:43
fathom_greetings all, I am trying to install Ubuntu onto an IBM thinkpad and the thing will not boot off the install disc. I set the boot device priority as DVD, but it still will not. Any ideas?03:43
AlphaPsiWhen I set the windows partition to mount /windows , will it slow it down? Just setting it to mount /windows will allow me to access the file within it correct? Any other things I need to know about doing that?03:43
roasted__Where sould Chromium's font preferences be stored at? The text in the tabs seem to be a little weird to me.03:43
ActionParsnipsubimage: what video chip do you use?03:43
TrevIncsubimage: are you hanging at the ubuntu logo screen?03:43
subimagei can get to terminal fine if i alt-ctrl-f1 but if i just let it boot my monitor gets no signal. this is on an ati radeon 5xxx03:44
subimagei think its a 567003:44
subimage5760...somethin like that03:44
TrevIncThat's odd.03:44
TrevIncdoes the 5670 have multiple outputs?03:44
subimagelike i see it begin to go through its little dot splash screen03:45
TrevIncare you connected to the DVI output?03:45
subimagethen the monitor just loses...and yes dvi03:45
subimagelike i said, i can see terminal on same output just fine03:45
subimageis it because 11.04 is "beta" or is that just a fluke?03:45
ActionParsnipsubimage: try the boot option: nomodeset03:45
subimageActionParsnip: how do i do that?03:45
ActionParsnipsubimage: 11.04 isn't beta, its released and stable03:45
subimageActionParsnip: ok03:46
ActionParsnip!bootoption | subimage03:46
ubottusubimage: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.03:46
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:46
subimageActionParsnip: is that "safe graphics mode" then?03:47
josh__what up peoples03:47
subimagenmind /me reads forum03:47
hoopyfreudso whoknows how to destroy the nasty pink grub background in 11.04? I dint want a picture, just the old black/white color scheme03:49
ActionParsnipsubimage: it will give you a deskto, you  can then install updates and/or the ati proprietary driver if you wish which should then fix things03:50
josh__so i just put ubunto on my comp this weekend :D03:50
josh__i think im lovin' it!03:50
morthme too hehe03:50
morthguys, i have a problem.03:51
AlphaPsiWhen I set the windows partition to mount /windows , will it slow it down? Just setting it to mount /windows will allow me to access the file within it correct? Any other things I need to know about doing that?03:51
ZykoticK9hoopyfreud, if it's really Grub you are talking about check /etc/default/grub -- you need to run "sudo update-grub2" if you make any changes03:51
ActionParsniphoopyfreud: has some insight into how colours are set: http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/archive/index.php/t-1243.html03:51
morth/dev/loop0 says available 14.4gb and /dev/sda3 (/host) shows 51.7gb03:51
morthhow do i make it so i can use that 51gb?03:51
hoopyfreudin my grub.cfg file, the colors are still black/white, but it appears pink on boot03:52
morthbecause when im trying to install my game it says im running out of space03:52
ActionParsniphoopyfreud: you dont touch grub.cfg03:52
ZykoticK9hoopyfreud, did this start after you install a propritary graphics driver?03:52
ActionParsnipmorth: run:  ln -s /host ~/Windows\ Files             and you can save stuff on your NTFS partition03:53
hoopyfreudnope it seems to be the default on 11.0403:53
ActionParsniphoopyfreud: to edit grub you change its files, then run: sudo update-grub    this generates grub.cfg03:53
ZykoticK9hoopyfreud, yet another reason 11.04 has caused Ubuntu to drop from the #1 spot on distrowatch ;)03:54
hoopyfreudyes, I know i have looked at grub.cfg and it says the colors are black and white03:54
josh__is there a specific room for specific apps?03:55
ActionParsnipmorth: run the command I gave in a terminal and you will get a new folder in $HOME  when you save stuff in there it will go onto your NTFS files03:55
josh__i.e., Sribus?03:55
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morthokay so i just open terminal and do  ln -s /host ~/Windows\ Files and it'll work?03:55
ActionParsnipjosh__: sure, try #scribus    I gues you typo'd03:55
josh__yeah i typoed sorry03:56
hoopyfreudgrub.cfg DOES contain the lines03:56
hoopyfreud### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###03:56
hoopyfreudset menu_color_normal=white/black03:56
hoopyfreudset menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray03:56
hoopyfreudif background_color 44,0,30; then03:56
hoopyfreud  clear03:56
FloodBot1hoopyfreud: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:56
needwifihello, i'm my wireless isn't working. i see "wireless is disabled by hardware switch"03:56
TrevIncneedwifi: press the wireless button/toggle switch. Have a nice day!03:57
ActionParsnipneedwifi: do you have a switch or shortcut to turn wifi off and on?03:57
ZykoticK9needwifi, does you laptop have a Wireless hot-key combination, perhaps with a FN key?  If so, turn it on.03:57
kevinhey all. so i recently changed my vidcard and but i'm not using the proper opengl libraries anymore (switched from proprietary/binary fglrx driver to opensource ati driver) -- running any opengl apps segfaults (glxgears, glxinfo). i remember there is a command to change which files the opengl symlinks point to, but i cant remember. anyone?03:57
hoopyfreudneedwifi: if that doesnt work, sudo rfkill unblock all03:57
morthActionParsnip i just typed in " ln -s /host ~/Windows\ Files" and it didn't do anything.. atleast i dont think it did03:57
ActionParsnipmorth: open your home folder ;)03:58
needwifii'm not sure if there is a hot-key combination with the fn key. my computer's switch doesn't change from orange (off) to blue (on)03:58
hoopyfreuduse sudo rfkill unblock all...03:58
needwifididn't do anything03:58
hoopyfreudunless its n actual switch on the side of your machine it should03:58
* ActionParsnip hates those stupid switches when they don't work 03:58
needwifiit is an actual switch03:59
hoopyfreudthen flip it to on03:59
morthokay noob question what did that do?03:59
morthit shows Windows files now03:59
needwifibut it doesn't do anything03:59
TrevIncneedwifi: something in your BIOS settings might be to blame03:59
needwifiit stays orange03:59
morthwell the folder atleast03:59
needwifitrevinc: how can i tell?03:59
morthActionparsnip okay so this allows me to put files into that folder using that leftover space i wanted to use?04:00
rhin0needwifi its a switch on your machine -- hardware switch means just that -- either a mechanical switch or a keyboard function key/wireless key04:00
ActionParsnipmorth: it made a link which is like a windows shortcut but a tonne more powerful. It just makes things easier when you want to access your windows data04:00
needwifirhin0, the mechanical switch isn't working04:01
rhin0to manually disable your wireless completely from the machine -- (without ubuntu)04:01
TrevIncneedwifi: I guess hard restart your machine and hold the BIOS setup button and then look through your switches to see if anything mentions wifi04:01
rhin0you broke the switch needwifi?04:01
needwifirhin0, haha it just stays orange04:01
josh__You broke it!?!? Oh godz04:01
morthActionParsnip will it let me use my files? ie- i want to play a game from my windows partiton will Wine let me? - i was going to just copy the folder over to Ubuntu.. :s04:01
needwifitrevinc, i'll try that an i'll be back04:01
ActionParsnipmorth: you can also write data there too so you can save your goat porn/justin beiber MP3s/glee episodes to your windows files and use that space04:01
TrevIncneedwifi, good luck04:01
rhin0on some laptops its a function key and the wilress symbol   *)))04:01
needwifithank you04:01
rhin0to enable it needwifi04:02
ActionParsnipmorth: games will not work, you will need to install them in wine04:02
needwifirhin0, mine doesn't have the fn key combination, as far as i know, i'm going into the bios to check it out04:02
morthActionParsnip sweet, because i have alot of goatporn.04:02
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hoopyfreudoooh me too04:02
hoopyfreudit reminds me of my mother04:02
morthActionParsnip well how can i install games with/to wine?04:03
morthActionParsnip i can just use the folder we've created?04:03
hoopyfreuddepends on your system04:03
roasted__Where sould Chromium's font preferences be stored at? The text in the tabs seem to be a little weird to me.04:04
lapagaRoasted, chrome://settings/fonts04:05
needwifi_i went into bios and restored everything to factory defaults and it's working now04:06
needwifi_thanks for the help04:06
bsmith093how do i make gwibber show tweets from people im following as notification bubbles, like everything else in gnome04:11
ActionParsnipmorth: you will need to run the installer, then more the ~/.wine folder to the ntfs partition, the symlink the .wine folder so that it looks like it is stored in the original place but its merely a link04:11
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phluxWhat is the program that lets you choose what ISP you're using for 3G/4G wifi cards? Is it just an Ubuntu thing, or can I use it on my Arch system?04:14
ubuncan you connect a game controller to play the snes emulator? (zsnes)04:15
ActionParsnipubun: sure04:17
hoopyfreudanyone happen to know where chrome extensions are stored in ubuntu?04:17
ubunActionParsnip, any controller from walmart? or is there a specific brand thats supported?04:19
pie_I someow got my logitech webcam working with uvcdynctrl and cheese but i can only use  one or the other and after i do i have to reload the uvcvideo kernel module if i want to switch04:24
pie_I would like to be able to change the pan/tilt and view the video at the same time04:24
madpropswhats the name of the volume slider applet?04:25
^Mikewhen I do `sudo update-alternatives --config x-www-browser`, it doesn't actually change the browser that opens when I click links in documents etc - what am I doing wrong?04:28
CarlFKhow can I set the wallpaper with a script ?04:28
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BlackFlaghow to select text on console without a mouse?04:29
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Coded1hello all04:30
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CarlFKBlackFlag: looks like Edit/Select All is all you can do04:31
pocoyoBlackFlag: try emacs shell.04:31
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robin0800CarlFK: look at crebs perhaps04:33
BlackFlagI am using console by tty1, and i am without "/" on keyboard, so i want to copy and past it04:34
dominickHey there - I am getting very poor performance out of a network card I just installed and looking for help04:35
morthActionParsnip i have got it working thank you, i just copied my Game folder into the folder we've created it booted up properly im running around ingame zero lag.04:35
dominickIs compatability an issue? I used Windows Wireless Drivers to install the Windows XP driver but it's still slow04:36
dominickShould I try Vista version or Windows 7? Thanks for your time.04:36
morthi would say use Win7 over vista anyday.04:37
morthbut i mean thats my personal opinion04:37
ChaosSaberdominick, I have been useing Win7 since the beta days and I have never had a prob with it04:37
dominickOk I'll try it04:38
dominickThanks for the response04:38
ChaosSaberdominick, np04:38
arooni-mobilehow do i change the keyboard shortcut for the workspace switcher on unity?  i've already gone to keyboard shortcuts but i dont see an option04:38
escottdominick, are you saying you are using ndis wrapper04:41
dominickyes escott04:41
OerHeksarooni-mobile, itś located in ccsm , unity tab04:42
escottdominick, i would expect lower performance with ndiswrapper, as it is not a native driver. i cant say how substantial that performance impact would be04:44
arooni-mobileOerHeks, thats only for the launcher.  id like to leave the launcher starter as it is04:44
dominickIs that right escott? Is there a better way to do this?04:44
dominickAbout to load up Win 7 driver .inf to see if any difference04:45
kaw_Hi there04:45
dominickhmmmm, it's say they're all the same04:45
dominickthat's not good04:45
escottdominick, (a) according to wikipedia you cannot use anything but win xp .inf files (and maybe some vista) (b) see if your hardware is supported by a native driver/try different hardware04:46
dominickgot it escott, will do04:46
robin0800dominick: are you sure there is no linux driver for your nic?04:46
kaw_Can someone tell me whats the difference between ubuntu AMD and i38604:47
dominickUnfortunately, there are only drivers for Windows XP, Vista and 7 on their site robin0800 :(04:47
kaw_i have an core i7 in this deskto04:47
kaw_and im using ubuntu AMD04:47
coolpyrofreakdominick: Which nic do you have?04:47
escottkaw_, amd64 is for 64bit processors like yours04:47
cpruittI hate to ask what might be a completely annoying questions but can anyone point me to any really comprehensive info on Ubuntu disk quotas and how to identify a problem?  quotacheck -avugm is returning "quotacheck: Cannot find filesystem to check or filesystem not mounted with quota option."  - I'm still way too new to understand the problem, I just know it's preventing me from using a took I'm trying to set up for our web serve04:47
cpruittIt's a physical server, not a VPS04:47
dominickencore electronics enlwi-nx204:47
robin0800dominick: what nic is it?04:47
kouche_hi there04:48
coolpyrofreakdominick: paste your lspci output please04:48
dominickGot it after reading a review from someone who said it worked with their linux system04:48
kouche_i have an inspiration 460004:48
dominickwhat is lspci output coolpyrofreak?04:49
Polahkaw_: That's just the name of the ISO to designate 32 or 64-bit, 32-bit is i386, 64-bit is amd64.04:49
kouche_and wireless won't work04:49
coolpyrofreakdominick: Open your terminal and type lspci.  then copy the output, go to pastie.org and paste it there.  then post the link in here04:49
escottdominick, open a terminal and type "lspci" then copy and paste that into paste.ubuntu.com04:49
dominickok cool04:49
kouche_I Used this manuall04:49
kouche_But nothing changed04:50
pie_oops wrong chan04:50
kaw_Polah: Thanks04:50
kouche_any idea?04:50
kaw_i have the same problem im trying to install RT287004:51
kaw_poor support on USB adapters really04:51
escottcpruitt, don't know anything about quotas but check that the partition is mounted with the quotas turned on04:51
kaw_they should include it in the build04:51
cpruittescott: Sounds great.  Any quick tip on how to do that?  LOL  Not trying to skip a google search but it's late and I've pressed the "search" button way too many times tonight...  lol04:52
escottcpruitt, run "mount" in a terminal it will show mount options04:52
escottdominick, your network card is nforce204:52
kouche_No one can help me?04:52
dominickthat's one of the on board nics04:52
escottdominick, you also have a realtek 819004:52
cpruittescott: Pretty much just echos my fstab info: /dev/mapper/linhost01-root on / type xfs (rw,grpquota,usrquota)04:52
dominickthere's a 3com too I believe04:53
dominickthose are not wireless though04:53
coolpyrofreakdominick:   Wireless card is the Realtek 8190.  Wired is The 3Com card.04:53
escottdominick, yes there is a 3com04:53
dominickrealtek 8190... I think that was one of those plug in usb wireless nic things that I don't currently have with me04:54
coolpyrofreakdominick: no, lspci lists motherboard hardware04:54
dominickwow no kidding coolpyrofreak04:54
dominickso what should I do from here?04:55
dominickI had no idea I had a wireless nic.. wtf04:55
rhin0anyone know a quick fix to somehow speed up ssh?04:55
escottkouche_, what does rfkill list outpu04:55
ActionParsnipdominick: sudo lshw -C network    will show the network hardware and you can websearch for the product line to find guides04:55
ActionParsnipdominick: if you want wireless to work you may find its just disabled by hotkey / switch04:56
dominickhmmmm wow04:56
ActionParsnipdominick: rfkill list   will show the devices and their states with bering 'blocked' by switches etc04:57
dominickokay ActionParsnip plugging those commands into terminal now04:58
kouche_‫1: dell-wifi: Wireless LAN04:58
ChaosSaberanyway to watch netflix on ubuntu or do I need to switch to windows when I do04:58
kouche_Soft blocked: yes04:58
kouche_Hard blocked: no04:59
kouche_2: dell-bluetooth: Bluetooth04:59
FloodBot1kouche_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:59
kouche_Soft blocked: no04:59
kouche_Hard blocked: no04:59
knoppiesIf I add some *.deb files to /var/cache/apt/archives/ is there a way that I can get apt to realize that I have them in my cache so that it doesnt try download them? (is that what "apt-get check" does?)04:59
escottkouche_, thats the problem it is hard blocked meaning a hardware switch is turned off05:00
escottkouche_, sorry rather it is soft blocked05:00
escottkouche_, try rfkill unblock 105:00
escottkouche_, or rfkill unblock all05:01
escottChaosSaber, dual boot or use a vm05:01
dominickhere's what i got actionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634004/05:01
ChaosSaberescott, thanks, I dual with 7 but was just wondering05:02
Nobgul-bncWhat does netflix use silverlight?05:02
klaNobgul-bnc, yes05:02
kouche_escott I did it before05:02
kouche_but nothing05:02
dominickAny thoughts ActionParsnip? On http://paste.ubuntu.com/634004/05:03
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PolahNobgul-bnc, have you tried Moonlight? http://www.mono-project.com/Moonlight05:05
Nobgul-bncPolah, I have not. I was just about to ask if there is a silverlight alt. but im stuffing my face. Thank you for th elink05:06
ActionParsnipdominick: so it's the 3com you want working?05:06
dominickit's the encore I'm currently using (as far as I know)05:07
dominickbut is ridiculously slow05:07
ActionParsnipdominick: the wireless curently has an IP of
dominickI'd like to use whatever works ;-)05:07
ActionParsnipdominick: are you using the wifi now?05:08
GridCubedoes anyone here uses a 32bit ubuntu whit more than 4GB of ram? does the PAE mode work fine? im wondering about adding more ram to my machine but i don't want to move to a 64bit install05:08
dominickyes actually05:08
dominickbut I am getting 14 k/sec download speed - oy05:08
escottGridCube, PAE should work fine, there are other advantages to 64bit beyond just ram though05:08
canthus13GridCube: No, I have 4GB ram.. but I get more usable ram with PAE than I do with the regular kernel.05:09
ActionParsnipdominick: is it a usb wireless or an adapter which is part of a system?05:09
Nobgul-bncGridCube, i have 32 gigs f ram in my 32 bit server and it uses and sees it all05:09
ActionParsnipGridCube: 32bit + PAE can access 12Gb RAM05:09
PolahOut of curiosity, what is the limit on RAM with PAE enabled?05:09
dominickI'm trying to get the adapter to work05:10
dominickto work better that is05:10
dominickthe usb wireless I'm trying to ween off ;)05:10
ActionParsnipsorry 64Gb limit05:10
escottPolah, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension05:10
AlphaPsiHello I installed ubuntu, and I clicked on encrypt the homefolder05:10
AlphaPsiWhat does that mean?05:10
dominickbecause this adapter should be way faster, yes?05:10
AlphaPsiHello I installed ubuntu, and I clicked on encrypt the homefolder. What does that mean?*05:10
ActionParsnipdominick: i see, the wired connections should be ok. the wireless hould be faster. Is there no native driver for it?05:11
escottAlphaPsi, without your password your home directory is encrypted (unreadable)05:11
GridCubeNobgul-bnc, really :D thats awesome05:11
PolahAlphaPsi: Your home folder will be encrypted and only accessible to your user account. You should've gotten a generated key to use in the event that you can't access your account.05:11
ActionParsnipAlphaPsi: if you take the drive out and put it in another system it wil be gibberish without your key to decode it05:11
Nobgul-bncGridCube, yea we have another server with 64 gigs but i don't use that one much its not mine I just do upkeep on it. But it seems to run fine05:11
dominickI can download a Windows 2000, XP, Vista or 7 driver only ActionParsnip05:11
AlphaPsiI got the key and wwrote it down05:11
ActionParsnipdominick: there are often native drivers for wireless chips05:12
AlphaPsihow can I get rid of the encrpytion? Unless that's a bad idea05:12
ActionParsnipdominick: what is the output of:  lsusb05:12
dominickthat would be great - one sec05:12
GridCubeok, thanks, i will buy the ram sticks then :D05:12
escottAlphaPsi, it can be disabled but its probably easier just to create a new user who is not encrypted05:12
PolahAlphaPsi: Being a bad idea would depend on whether or not your want your data in there encrypted and what kind of data you're storing.05:12
klaAlphaPsi, how bad it is only depends on your needs05:12
Nobgul-bncAlphaPsi, not really a bad idea persay. If your doing bad things and want to try and hide it then yes encrypt otherwise meeh05:12
dhruvasagarI am unable to open the software sources. Synaptic -> Repositories, it tells me that things have change and I need to reload but even after reload it doesn't fix it. Reload gives me a GPG error05:12
dominickHere you go ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634007/05:13
AlphaPsiBecause I'm worried if I forget/lose the key and I need to access my data, is that a problem?05:14
Nobgul-bncYes it will be gone forever05:14
Nobgul-bncWell unless your interested in crypto and cracking the encryption05:14
ActionParsnipdominick: strange its not listed, you sure it's usb based?05:14
Nobgul-bncif you even can? its 1024 bit or something05:15
Fudgeanyone running phpbb05:15
dominickthe current one I'm using is not usb based05:15
Nobgul-bncFudge, got a few installs running. not very popular sites but yea.05:15
dominickthe slow one - the encore - is an adapter05:15
ActionParsnipAlphaPsi: if you want to access your data from live CD or another distro you will need to decrypt the data first05:15
AlphaPsiSo how do I get rid of the encrpytion? I think I'd prefer just encrypting certain files with a password I choose05:15
ActionParsnipdominick: what is the ful make and model of the device please05:15
FudgeNobgul-bnc  mind if i pm u05:16
ttiiccIm a java developer who's been using debian for 2 years. Im switching to a new company right now and they are using ubuntu! I know that ubuntu is based on debian, but wonder how big the differences are? what would look new for me?05:16
Nobgul-bncAlphaPsi, you may want to look into truecrypt.05:16
Nobgul-bncfudge go for it05:16
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AlphaPsiHow do I get rid of the current encryption on my homefolder first though?05:16
dominickEncore Electronics Wireless N300 PCI Adapter - ENLWI-NX205:16
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KM0201what log would i look in to see why my machine shuts down when the screensaver comes on?05:17
dominickI WAS using: Rosewill RNX-G1W IEEE 802.11b/g Wireless USB adapter (I think that's what the Realtek is?) - Just trying to get the Encore to work.05:17
escottAlphaPsi, the easiest thing for you is to create a new user, copy what files you need over and then delete the encrypted user account. alternately you can copy the decrypted contents out to another folder, then logout (so that the ecryptfs fuse mount will be unmounted and copy the files back)05:17
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ActionParsnipdominick: "PCI Adapter" ?05:17
ActionParsnipdominick: you said it was usb..05:18
ttiicccould anyone please answer my question05:18
escottAlphaPsi, the problem with the second approach is that some things will still think that the encrypted files should be mounted so that would require some cleanup...05:18
ActionParsnipttiicc: for teh java development, not much at all05:18
ActionParsnipdominick: can you pastebin the output of:  lspci   thanks05:18
blackshirtttiicc: i think no big differences between them05:18
KM0201ttiicc: if you can use debian, you shouldn't have any issues adapting to Ubuntu.05:18
ttiiccok thanks guys!05:18
kouche_anyone can help me with my wlan driver?05:18
AlphaPsiThis user is completely new05:18
AlphaPsiSo I don't have any files, since it's completely new05:19
blackshirtkouche_: what's the problem ?05:19
MadGirlhmmm... the problem is , after I installed unbuntu, when I click on the Windows 7 option, it won't boot into windows..05:19
rypervenchettiicc: Pretty much the same. They screwed up some things in Ubuntu, but you should be fine. You'll miss Debian though :/05:19
kouche_i have inspirion 460005:19
AlphaPsiSo I don't have any files, since it's completely new. I can just create a new user with no encryption right? Can it have the same username?05:19
dominickActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634012/05:19
blackshirtkouche_: what's your wifi chipsets ?05:20
dominickActionParsnip: I am not using the 3com or the nvidia because they are not wireless.05:20
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dominickThey show up as disconnected in the Wifi icon on my top panel05:21
kouche_and i used this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#Installing%20b43%20drivers05:21
escottAlphaPsi, if you have no data to save you might be able to get away with rm -rf /home/username/.ecryptfs and then recopying from /etc/skel into /home/username05:21
kouche_blackshirt BCM431105:21
cvalerocomo estan por aca05:21
cvaleroa que se dedican05:21
wiesshundAny reason not to update firefox to 5.0?  aside form ubuntu plugin seems to not be compat05:22
escott!es | cvalero05:22
ubottucvalero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:22
KM0201kouche_: are you sure its a 4311?... and not that 4311-lpphy or something like that?05:22
ttiiccyes I liked that debian was rock stable and that things didn't change that mutch between releases!05:22
KM0201ttiicc: wait till you use unity..lol05:22
AlphaPsiescott: might get away with it, not 100% sure though, I'll just make a new user05:22
Polahwiesshund, Firefox 4.0 is no longer supported.05:22
ttiiccKM0201 is it buggy?05:22
KM0201ttiicc: it's a matter of opinion.05:23
wiesshundPolah,  i meant ff 5.0, ubuntu still comes packed with 3.x05:23
ttiiccKM0201: if it crashed then I would say it's buggy!05:23
blackshirtkouche_: i think you are right ...05:23
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ttiicchow mutch work does it take to switch unity for gnome3 ?05:24
ActionParsnipdominick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1041141205:25
blackshirtttiicc: just remove it and install another05:25
KM0201ttiicc: gnome 3 is kind of a mess w/ ubuntu 11.04, i wouldn't do it.. wait till it's official for 11.1005:25
Polahwiesshund, 3.0 isn't supported by Firefox either. I haven't noticed the Ubuntu pack not working on 5.0, at least I've had no mention of it now working05:25
ChaosSaberMadGirl, what does it say when you click on windows on the boot menu? and is this dual boot with 2 drives or just 1?05:26
MadGirli wish i knew, ChaosSaber05:26
KM0201blackshirt: if only it were really that simple... quite a few reports of bricked systems after removing gnome 3 ( i had the same issue)05:26
ttiiccThanks for the gnome 3 with ubuntu information!05:26
ChaosSaberMadGirl, are you useing 2 diff drives for dual booting or just 1?05:27
MadGirlChaosSaber: i don't know05:27
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ChaosSaberMadGirl, who installed ubuntu?05:27
MadGirlno idea, ChaosSaber05:27
kouche_KM0201 http://paste.ubuntu.com/634014/ it is my network driver05:27
kouche_blackshirt what do you mean?05:27
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KM0201kouche_: did you install the b43 driver?05:28
blackshirtKM0201: not too difficult, with internet connection and deep knowledge aboout APT system05:28
ActionParsnipttiicc: there is a ppa for gnome 3 but gnome 3 is not stable in Ubuntu yet05:28
KM0201blackshirt: whatever you say...05:29
dominickActionParsnip: any final thoughts?05:29
dominickjust easier to get a new card?05:29
KM0201kouche_: which driver did you try, STA or b43?05:29
dominickor a whole new puter ;-)05:29
blackshirtKM0201: just a little jokes :d05:30
kouche_KM0201 yes, and look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634017/05:30
KM0201kouche_: dunno, it's bedtime for me.. good luck w/ it.05:31
ActionParsnipdominick: for the sake of a wireless card, no way05:31
KM0201i'd suspect you didn't install the driver correctly, but that is strictly a guess.05:31
ActionParsnipdominick: how much RAM does the system have?05:31
ChaosSaberMadGirl, are you on ubuntu?05:31
MadGirlbugger all, i dunno, ChaosSaber05:31
dominickActionParsnip: Currently 512 :[05:31
dominicksad really05:31
ActionParsnipdominick: thats enough for ubuntu :)05:32
yuikeHi, I am having an issue when reattaching a screen, the text wrapping is all crazy. I tried doing ctrl-a r, but it didn't help. this is what it looks like: http://d.pr/CIWu oh, almost forgot to mention, whatever I type doesn't visibly show at that point.05:32
kouche_KM0201 thank you05:32
ActionParsnipdominick: ive got systems with less05:32
ChaosSaberMadGirl, ok let me see if I can get this right, you're on linux and now you're win 7 wont boot?05:32
MadGirli wish i knew, ChaosSaber05:32
dominickActionParsnip: Can you run the new interface?05:32
dominickUnity is it?05:32
ChaosSaberok I am starting to think that MadGirl is a bot?05:33
pat201how can i tell if the architecture i have is i386 or AMD64?05:33
Polahpat201: uname -i05:33
ActionParsnipdominick: I use LXDE + Unity2D, works well05:34
yuikeno one knows eh :\05:34
knoppiespat201, if that doesnt work, then do an apt-cache search (and pick some package, I should find one that states)05:34
ActionParsnipyuike: considering you only waited 100 seconds, I suggest you wait just a little longer05:34
dominickActionParsnip: Is there a write up on how to do that? Have a link?05:34
pat201thank you good person05:35
ActionParsnipdominick: i simply installed Lubuntu, You can then install unity 2D from repos and make a startup item to kill lxpanel off, looks like regular unity but uses a fraction of the resources05:35
linuxhello i was wondering if someone would be so kind as to help me. I'm pretty new to linux and would like to know how to view my usb hdd files from the home folder. Thanks05:36
knoppiespat201, sorry, apt-cache wont tell you, you could try: ls /var/cache/apt/archives05:36
dominickActionParsnip: Sounds cool! I might try this. Maybe it'll solve some probs?05:36
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linuxanyone? lol05:37
rhin0whats up linux05:38
blackshirtyeah linux05:38
dominickActionParsnip: Thanks for your time and good night05:38
ChaosSaberlinux, you should have the drives on the side when you open your homefolder up05:38
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tripelbhow can i te;; how ;png since boot05:38
linuxwell for some reason my laptop hdd wont start up windows with all my files so i am using BT 4 live cd and i took out my hdd and put it in a usb/ converter hooked up and it can see my files on my friends laptop05:39
linuxbut i go to homefolder and cant see anything there05:39
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tripelbhow can i tell how long since boot?05:39
linuxall i see is install.sh05:39
caminomasterdoes anybody knows if theres any repo for Feisty?05:41
Logan_!feisty | caminomaster05:41
ubottucaminomaster: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.05:41
linuxok i think i see it in /dev/disk/by-id05:41
tripelbhow can i tell how long since boot?05:41
linuxbut when i try to open it it ask what program i want to run it with05:42
Polahtripelb: uptime05:42
ActionParsnipdominick: unity is just a shell, its stil gnome underneath (if you use ubuntu)05:42
Polahtripelb: You'll get <current time> up <uptime>05:42
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:42
Logan_tripelb: Wrong window. ;)05:42
Heinz_L_Maennche hello, when i use recordmydesktop and close a window while recording, later in the video it will still be open (desktop is not redrawn) how can i fix that?05:43
tripelbsomething seems wrong. it took 9 minutes to boot, and to stat xchat with 2 servers, -6 channels hre, 5 there.  (top showed xchat using 97%)05:45
yuikeActionParsnip: is there a ticket I can take to get in line? lol05:45
wiesshundhoping in 11.10 they get full compiz functionality back, so i can have the same desktop setup i have in 10.10. probably put 11.04 on the notebook though, since it uses netbook anyways05:45
ActionParsnipyuike: i dont attach / reattach screens so cannot help you dude, sorry. Maybe others can advise. If not then try a little later05:46
ActionParsnipwiesshund: how does it "use netbook"?05:46
klatripelb, cpu thermal throttling, mismatched software/library versions are a few i can  think of05:46
BlazedSenseihello everyone05:47
knoppiesyuike, what is your problem?05:47
wiesshundActionParsnip,  ubuntu netbook edition (UNE)05:47
ActionParsniphi BlazedSensei05:47
Polahwiesshund: There is no netbook edition after 10.1005:48
BlazedSenseidoes anyone know why it asks me what application i want to open a hdd with?05:48
wiesshundPolah,  did not say there was05:48
Coreyyuike: ctrl a+ d, then screen -d -r05:48
Coreyyuike: That'll force a resize.05:48
ActionParsnipwiesshund: Ive not seen a netbook edition iso for natty. Do you have a link?05:48
BlazedSenseishould i mount it?05:49
ActionParsnipwiesshund: or do you mean unity?05:49
yuikeCorey: oh cool, i'll try that now, thank you05:49
Coreyyuike: The -d forces detatch from its old settings05:49
wiesshundActionParsnip,  hmm maybe i typed that bad, was saying i'd just put 11.04 on the netbook. it already uses UNE  the unity works for that little screen05:49
PolahActionParnsip: There isn't one, Canonical stopped with putting "edition" in the names, there's just 11.04 now, no specific editions for netbook and so on05:49
tripelbk;a, how can I check the thermal stuff? 2004 dell. 10,04 pretty vanilla (xcaat all that is running, just booted up after days. been noticing the slowdown_05:50
knoppiestripelb, when you say thermal stuff do you mean temperatures?05:51
Logan_!lm-sensors | tripelb05:51
ubottutripelb: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.05:51
pat201if i check MD5 and SHA1 have i completed an entire checksum check?05:51
ChaosSaberLogan_, does that monitor GPU also?05:51
knoppiespat201, there are others but those should be sufficient, yes.05:52
=== head_ is now known as Guest26667
Logan_ChaosSaber: I'm not positive.05:52
=== Guest26667 is now known as head_v
ActionParsnipif you have the old netbook interface then maybe but 11.04 by default uses unity, not netbook interface05:52
ChaosSabermy cpu temp is ok but my GPU is what scares me05:52
Logan_ChaosSaber: Is it NVIDIA?05:53
ChaosSaberyeah but its got a dead internal fan05:53
pat201what are the other parameters i could check? and if so what programs could i use to check them?05:53
Logan_!info nvidia-tools | ChaosSaber05:53
ubottuChaosSaber: Package nvidia-tools does not exist in natty05:53
Joe123anyone familiar with ch (a c interpreter)?05:53
Logan_ChaosSaber: Er, oops.05:53
ChaosSaberLogan_, I hotglued a fan to it lol05:53
Logan_ChaosSaber: Try nvidia-settings - it apparently gives you the GPU temps.05:54
ChaosSaberLogan_, thanks for that, it does05:54
ChaosSaberI never even thought to look05:54
Logan_ChaosSaber: cool :)05:55
yuikeCorey: hmm that didn't seem to work, still not getting line breaks on reattach05:57
BlazedSenseidoes anyone know why it asks me what application i want to open a usb hdd?05:57
stefan_Hello, after a "successful" (the program told so) Remastering of my system, I cannot see an ISO file in /home/remastersys/remastersys. Onluy custom.iso.md5 with 0kb. What has happened? have pasted the remasterlog: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634025/05:58
Coreyyuike: Works fine here, and on every machine I can easily touch; what's running within screen?05:58
_cbusing ubuntu can I deploy a 'kiosk machine' that only runs firefox and only to a certain web site? If yes, how?05:59
Corey_cb: Sure, strip it way down.05:59
_cbeven stripped down I would have to disable closing firefox, minimizing windows,etc,etc06:00
Corey_cb: But restricting firefox would be interesting.06:01
Corey_cb: I didn't say it'd be easy. :-)06:01
tripelbLogan_ knoppies or kla I installed it, answered yes.... got told this sudo sensors-detect ran it, found I dont have drivers. Looked at the web page for drivers, am baffled. STOP.06:01
Corey_cb: Could slap it onto its own vlan, and the only thing it's allowed to hit is a very restrictive squid proxy.06:01
Logan__cb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/kioskGnome06:01
tripelbdell dimension 460006:01
Corey_cb: That being said, it's the sort of thing I'd probably outsource. :-)06:02
Logan__cb: or: http://calvinsohk.blogspot.com/2011/05/making-ubuntu-1104-as-kiosk-using.html06:02
Logan__cb: but that second one is for Chrome, if that matters06:03
_cbLogan thanks. That is what I may be looking for. Did something like that on XP/Windows. Browser does not matter I just prefer Ubuntu over XP/IE06:04
Logan_can't blame you06:04
ChaosSaberthis is my 4th day runnin ubuntu and it seems to be alot better then windows06:05
Funkmaster7Is there an equivalent of CTRL-F  in Ubuntu for man pages or module documentation in terminal?06:06
Funkmaster7I need to search for a particular text.06:06
CoreyFunkmaster7: /pattern06:06
yuikeCorey: well my situation is I ssh into my ubuntu machine, then screen -d -r and my issue arises06:07
Funkmaster7Corey, for /patter do I need to do a regex or use keywords?06:08
CoreyFunkmaster7: Play with it and see.06:08
chaGuhey hoo06:08
CoreyFunkmaster7: After you've found the first instance, n is the next one, p is the previous one.06:08
cpgoI've moved my mysql data dir and changed the conf in /etc/mysql/my.cnf to reflect the new path (applied same ownership and permissions as the original dir). Now when I try to access phpmyadmin it gives me #2002 Cannot log in to the MySQL server06:15
katzenklavierHey all.  I'm having some weird trouble.  I switched keyboards to a PS2 keyboard from a USB one I'd had that broke, and now my (USB) mouse refuses to work.06:17
katzenklavierAny idea what I can do to fix it?06:17
cmaxwelldoes it work in other usb ports?06:18
katzenklavierLet me check right now.06:18
katzenklavierIt does not.  I did, however, get some exciting error mesages.  "unable to read config index 0 descriptor/start: -62"06:20
cmaxwellhave you rebooted?06:20
katzenklavierI've not.06:20
katzenklavierThis was a bit of a surprise - it worked fine before the keyboard switch.06:21
katzenklavierI'll go ahead and reboot.  brb06:21
=== Funkmaster7 is now known as KingFisher
cmaxwellhello again06:24
katzenklavierI hard-booted and it works like a champ now.  I think it may not have liked softbooting from Windows.06:24
katzenklavierThank you so much for your kind help.06:24
ShapeshiftrI'm having installation issues with ubuntu 11.04. i loaded the iso onto a usb flash drive and when i try to install ubuntu onto my freshly wiped server, it just beeps and nothing happens.I'm literally at the install menu, and I hit enter on "Install Ubuntu on a Hard Disk." Anyone know?06:24
cmaxwellnp, if you ever need help again come back and ill be happy06:25
katzenklavierthanks again :)06:25
cmaxwellshapeshiftr:you went to boot options and what?06:25
Beta0x64shapeshifter does the screen turn black?06:26
ShapeshiftrI literally plugged in the flash drive06:26
Shapeshiftrturned on the computer06:26
ShapeshiftrThe Install Ubuntu menu appeared, as normal.06:26
ShapeshiftrI scroll down to Install, and hit enter, and it just beeps and quickly flashes.06:26
Al-Bawihi , the wine cannot install applications06:27
ShapeshiftrIt's like it can't recognize my HDD06:27
Beta0x64can you run the livecd?06:27
cmaxwelldo you have any dvds06:27
ShapeshiftrThe CD drive is broken, so I'm stuck with flash drives.06:27
Beta0x64but run it live06:28
Shapeshiftrit doesn't recognize the CD drive for some reason.06:28
ShapeshiftrNah, running live on the USB doesn't work either.06:28
ShapeshiftrI'm memtesting right now.06:28
Al-Bawianyone have experience with wine?06:28
Al-Bawithe wine cannot install exe applications , why  is that?06:29
wildgoose!wine | Al-Bawi06:29
ubottuAl-Bawi: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:29
canthiswaiti'm using Ubuntu server 10.04, I'm able to use smbclient to mount //hotname/sharename but when I try that in fstab is tells me "couldn't resolve" address. how do I get fstab to recognize smb names?06:30
ZykoticK9canthiswait, can you "ping hostname" successfully?  You could use IP addresses instead.06:31
canthiswaitZykoticK9, I'm trying to avoid IP addresses since they are dynamic. smbclient //hostname works just fine but that same hostname in fstab says it couldn't resolve it.06:32
stefan_May I simply delete directories in /home/me:)/.cache especially tracker, Mendeley Ltd. and Chromium, or is this a bad Idea? Will those programs be able to remake those directories "out of the box" later?06:33
wildbatcanthiswait: i don't think network is up while fstab is running06:33
ZykoticK9canthiswait, can you "ping hostname" successfully?06:33
stefan_(I want to share my nearly unpersonel Installation using remastersys)06:33
canthiswaitno, they are windows machine names06:33
stefan_sorry: unpersonal06:33
canthiswaitthere is no way to to use those in fstab?06:34
canthiswaitsmbclient seems to deal with them fine06:34
ZykoticK9canthiswait, i think if you had DNS working for hostnames then you could, but if you can't ping by them, they aren't gonna work in fstab06:35
MrBushidois there some key combo to stop the unity bar auto hiding? i have it stuck on my screen atm :<06:35
canthiswaitZykoticK9, thanks, I'm guessing I'll have to assign static IPs on those machines06:36
MrBushidohmm, must be a bug. fix = drag an icon from desktop to bar and then remove it >.<06:36
Fishhhhhhy           _06:41
Fishhhhhhy          /\) _06:41
Fishhhhhhy     _   / / (/\06:41
Fishhhhhhy    /\) ( Y)  \ \06:41
Fishhhhhhy   / /   ""   (Y )06:41
FloodBot1Fishhhhhhy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:41
Fishhhhhhyidk what that means :(06:42
noisewaterphdone day floodbot will be smart enough to recognize a penis drawing06:42
noisewaterphdand auto ban06:42
Fishhhhhhyactually, there's 506:42
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:43
wildgoose!ops Fishhhhhhy06:43
kikayin opensuse, there is a shortcut ctr+up in the terminal to show the previous command entered with a specified string, how to do that in ubuntun?06:45
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:45
=== sm is now known as Guest33972
Guest33972I'm running Lubuntu on my old-ass laptop!06:45
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:45
wildgoosekikay, Just the "UP" key?06:45
pksadiqkikay: type the string you need to search and ctrl+R06:46
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:46
Heinz_L_MaenncheGuest33972, congrats!06:46
kikaywildgood: thanks06:46
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:46
ActionParsnipGuest33972: that's what it's made for :). Lubuntu rocks06:46
Guest33972I run Debian on my main machine, though.06:46
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:46
ubuntuguyI want to make livecd of my current operating system so I can boot it up on another computer and instal it and still have all of my applications. How do I do this?06:46
enko_what is lubuntu ?06:46
MadGirlsomebody said lubuntu was a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:46
OerHeks!ot | BlueProtoman06:46
ubottuBlueProtoman: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:46
pksadiqkikay: sorry, actually fist ctrl+R, then string06:47
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:47
kikaypksadiq: thanks a lot :)06:47
=== incubus is now known as Guest68366
ZykoticK9!clone > ubuntuguy not a livecd but.06:47
ubottuubuntuguy, please see my private message06:47
Guest33972OK, we get it - "In bed.".06:47
wildgooseOk script kitties, take your bots elsewhere06:47
BlueProtomanIn bed.06:47
ActionParsnip!lubuntu | enko_06:47
ubottuenko_: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.06:47
ActionParsnipthat factoid will need changing real soon :)06:47
ubuntuguyTO lke transfer my homefolder to another machine06:48
kikaypksadiq: is there anyway I can know the other commands using CTRL+R, for sample I want to now all the commands I entered with a "vim"?06:48
Guest33972What OS is everyone here running?06:48
noisewaterphdubuntuguy, you can do remote home folders06:48
ubuntuguyHow do?06:49
noisewaterphdim still on 10.1006:49
kikayGuest33972: let me guess.. ubuntu?06:49
Trollololol                        _,-%/%|06:49
Trollololol                    _,-'    \//%\06:49
Trollololol                _,-'        \%/|%06:49
Trollololol              / / )    __,--  /%\06:49
Trollololol              \__/_,-'%(%  ;  %)%06:49
FloodBot1Trollololol: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:49
wildgoose!poll | Guest3397206:49
ubottuGuest33972: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:49
Guest33972Lubutnu: Ubuntu with LXDE.06:49
Heinz_L_Maennchekikay, history | grep vim06:49
pksadiqkikay: might be   history | grep vim06:49
ActionParsnipGuest33972: various, xpud, lubuntu, puppy06:49
noisewaterphdubuntuguy, you use ssh mount06:49
kikaythanks Heinz and pksadiq06:49
incidenceI have two public IP's, is it possible to set other IP as "default"?06:49
Guest33972But I'm running it on my old-ass laptop from '04.06:50
noisewaterphdso store your home folder in the cloud, and then sshmount on all the machines you want to use it06:50
ActionParsnipincidence: sure, look into the route command06:50
incidenceLike when I connect with SSH to some box, I'd see hostname AAA.com, not BBB.com06:50
=== karrot is now known as karrot2
=== KingFisher is now known as wutlol
Heinz_L_Maennchepksadiq, too slow^^06:50
noisewaterphdubuntuguy, here is the first hit on google http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-mount-a-remote-folder-using-ssh-on-ubuntu/06:50
kf7nnzHow do I revert to 10.10? Or at least make the GUI in 11.04 like 10.10?06:51
Guest33972What are your thoughts on Unity?06:51
pksadiqHeinz_L_Maennche: my network , always disconnecting :(06:51
Jordan_U!classic | kf7nnz06:51
ubottukf7nnz: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".06:51
incidenceActionParsnip: What about route command in particular? Any pointers? But thanks, I'll look into it06:51
noisewaterphdubuntuguy, I used to do the same thing, it worked great06:51
Jordan_U!ot | Guest3397206:51
ubottuGuest33972: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:51
karrot2does anyone know a good way to get screen caps of a video using a command line command?  I've been googling for a while and I can't really find any good answers... I can't figure out the mplayer -vo command06:51
wildgoose!ot > Guest3397206:51
ubottuGuest33972, please see my private message06:51
noisewaterphdkarrot2: xuggle06:51
ActionParsnipincidence: you use the route command to specify the default gateway and the interface used to reach it06:51
karrot2noisewaterphd: thank you very much06:51
noisewaterphdkarrot2: just google it, install it06:52
kf7nnzThanks ubottu I'll try that!06:52
Heinz_L_Maennchekarrot2, recordmydesktop06:52
noisewaterphdkarrot2: way cool program06:52
karrot2Heinz_L_Maennche: I don't want to capture my screen, I want to get preview pictures for a movie06:52
incidenceActionParsnip: Thanks06:52
wildgoosemuman613,  /exit /help06:52
ActionParsnipkarrot2: also xvidcap06:52
Heinz_L_Maennchemy mistake^^06:52
noisewaterphdrecordmydesktop is really crap compared to xuggle06:53
karrot2noisewaterphd: I don't think this is quite what I wanted06:53
karrot2ActionParsnip: I will try that06:53
karrot2ActionParsnip: this looks like what I've been searching for THANK YOU!06:53
noisewaterphdkarrot2: it does exactly what you asked for?06:54
green_sorry for the caps06:54
Heinz_L_Maennchenoisewaterphd, can u record the desktop with xuggle?06:54
noisewaterphdkarrot2: but whatever, ya if xvidcap speaks to you, then give it a shot06:54
pksadiqmy mistake too :)06:54
noisewaterphdkarrot2: absolutley06:54
ActionParsnipgreen_: what video chip do you use?06:55
green_intel onboard06:55
noisewaterphdkarrot2: but with all of its coolness and flexibility comes a bit more complexity, xvidcap may be a lot quicker to set up if that is your only requirement06:55
ActionParsnipgreen_: can you pastebin the output of: sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; xrandr      Thanks06:56
karrot2noisewaterphd: yea, I just need simple funcationality... don't feel like learning a whole new thing06:56
green_sure can06:56
karrot2noisewaterphd: although it looks like that could be useful for capturing netflix movies...06:56
karrot2wait xvidcap is not what I want either, this is my problem with googling it too... I can't figure out the wording for what I am trying to do.  I want something to take a .avi file and every 5 minutes take a screencapture06:57
soujihi i am trying to install ubuntu but its stopping in middle and saying that instalation cd-rom cannot be mounted06:59
babu__which is the best irc client for ubuntu genome env06:59
administratorhello everyone06:59
babu__i need auto looging feature and more updated07:00
=== administrator is now known as Guest34365
Guest34365where are you come from07:00
ActionParsnipbabu__: there is no single best IRC client for any OS.07:00
cskkxljnew bird07:00
totemgreen_: please don't play compiz to much. need best gpu for that. :)07:01
soujihi i am trying to install ubuntu but its stopping in middle and saying that instalation cd-rom cannot be mounted  i m new in linux plz help i searched all forum but i was not able to fix it07:01
babu__recommandable irc client atleast07:01
ActionParsnipgreen_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Lucidi945Freezes07:01
ActionParsnipgreen_: that chip with lucid is a real pain.07:01
=== trey is now known as yertalert
noisewaterphdbabu__: Konversation and Xchat are both nice. Konversation even looks good in gnome07:02
totemgreen_: don't tick plug-in to much :)07:02
ActionParsnip!irc | babu__07:02
ubottubabu__: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:02
yertalertI'm playing with smuxi at the moment07:02
yertalertkinda hard to read stuff on it though07:02
green_totem it doesn't make any sence i haven't had any problem with compiz b4 on previous installs on the same pc07:02
pksadiqyertalert: not caps07:03
soujihi i am trying to install ubuntu but its stopping in middle and saying that instalation cd-rom cannot be mounted  i m new in linux plz help i searched all forum but i was not able to fix it07:03
ActionParsniptotem: compiz can be quite light, the intel chip green_ has is just a pain and too touchy with timings, causing freezing07:03
yertalertwhen did I use cpas, pksadiq?07:03
noisewaterphdgreen_: I've got a killer graphics card, and I didn't get any animations to work when trying out Unity, which I hated anyway07:03
noisewaterphdgreen_: maybe in 11.1007:04
ActionParsnipsouji: are you using a CD or a USB device to install?07:04
firstIRCtestI have a machine (the one I'm on) on which I have ubuntu 8.04 on one partition...this has been there for some time. I just installed ubuntu 11.04 on a new partition, and I have no sound on that partition. Any help? I figure that having one partition working ought to be of some use.07:04
pksadiqyertalert: I mean from the img url, :) sorry07:04
green_this was with 10.04 and 10.10 on this pc before07:04
yertalertsorry, from another network thats more lax on displaying a link related to the topic07:04
wildgoosesouji, Try burning the disk at the lowest speed you can.07:04
firstIRCtestIt's my first time on IRC, hence the username.07:04
ActionParsnipfirstIRCtest: can you give the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh      Thanks07:04
soujiActionParsnip: noo07:05
ActionParsnipsouji: then what are you using?07:05
noisewaterphdfirstIRCtest: install alsamixer and then check that everything is unmuted and such07:05
susundbergOr pavucontrol07:05
soujiwildgoose: i installed on one system it went perfect07:05
soujiActionParsnip: dvdrom07:05
ActionParsnipsouji: ok did you check the disk for defects when it starts to boot? Have you tested your RAM?07:06
bronaughso question. why would the keyboard  stop working after logging in to KDE in X11?07:06
noisewaterphdfirstIRCtest: the few times I've had no sound with an ubuntu install, alsamixer was the only remedy. must be certain audio hardware07:06
firstIRCtestActionParsnip, the link is http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=1c16d487065668a0a3f93ce804b5c41397cc2a6007:06
bronaughubuntu 8.0407:06
bronaughand I haven't touched the install at all.07:06
ActionParsnipbronaugh: hardy desktop support has ended07:07
firstIRCtestOkay...lots of comments. Thanks. Let me try to catch up.07:07
ActionParsnipfirstIRCtest: are you using a desktop OS?07:07
green_I guess this is just a weird thing on some installs07:07
soujiActionParsnip: no i will check right now07:07
bronaughActionParsnip: so has your mom's sex drive.07:07
ActionParsnipbronaugh: hardly appropriate07:07
bronaugh*shrug* and care, why?07:08
bronaughI don't have anything to lose.07:08
ActionParsnipbronaugh: I suggest you upgrade to Lucid for support. Hardy is ONLY supported on the server07:08
bronaughActionParsnip: I suggest you try running modern Ubuntu and KDE4 on a machine with 256MB RAM07:08
chalcedonyLucid is nice after hardy07:08
morthwhat do you guys use for IRC?07:08
bronaughoh, hey chalcedony - fancy seeing you here.07:09
chalcedonybronaugh, hi *hugs*07:09
ActionParsnipbronaugh: try using NOT Gnome, there are more desktops than just gnome and kde07:09
noisewaterphdmorth: xchat, konversation07:09
firstIRCtestActionParsnip, I am logged into the 8.04 partition. Yes, it's a desktop. I think I initially installed xubuntu, then added ubuntu-desktop.07:09
ActionParsnipbronaugh: you could run fluxbox on 256Mb and it would run amazingly07:09
bronaughActionParsnip: I'm quite aware of that. having used most of them.07:09
chalcedonymorth #xchat07:09
totembronaugh: join #ubuntu-offtopic07:09
ActionParsnipfirstIRCtest: Hardy desktop is no longer supported07:09
morthxchat seems pretty common hmm07:09
chalcedonythere are reasons for that07:10
soujiActionParsnip: its giving the same error cant mount cdrom07:10
ActionParsnipbronaugh: so you CAN run the latest Ubuntu releases on 256Mb RAM. 256Mb RAM is the minimum requirement07:10
firstIRCtestI know. I put 11.04 on the new partition. I'm going to blow this away when I get sound on the new partition. Hence, the question. I have sound working here.07:10
ActionParsnipsouji: sounds like a bad burn or dodgey optical drive07:10
firstIRCtestSorry, the las post was at ActionParsnip.07:10
fugabronaugh: from #linuxhelp undernet ?07:10
ActionParsnipfirstIRCtest: the newer versions use newer ALSA versions, should be ok07:10
babu__my emapthy crashes whenever i try to add a new account in irc..pls help07:10
chalcedonyfuga, and other places07:11
bronaughmostly there afaik.07:11
noisewaterphdbabu__: empathy sucks07:11
noisewaterphdbabu__: sudo apt-get install xchat07:11
morthyou guys may be asked this alot but, just curious why do YOU use ubuntu?07:11
firstIRCtestActionParsnip I have run sudo alsamixer, and upped volume. No results.07:11
noisewaterphdbabu__: sudo apt-get install pidgin07:11
kroq-gar78@morth:its fast07:11
noisewaterphdbabu__: sudo apt-get remove --purge empathy07:12
ActionParsnipmorth: I chat and web browse, ubuntu does that, why pay for an OS?07:12
bronaughmorth: I run Debian or Ubuntu depending on what I want to do. Ubuntu is a great OS in a can -- you pretty much spray it at computer, and it works.07:12
kroq-gar78morth:a LOT faster...07:12
bronaughmorth: I like Debian more where I want something robust.07:12
chalcedonybabu__, pidgin is the best of them from what i've seen - but for irc xchat07:12
firstIRCtestActionParsnip: Should I boot to the new partition to do some diag there?07:12
bronaughthat'll hold up and I can upgrade for year after year.07:12
bronaughUbuntu... fails, there.07:12
babu__sudo apt-get remove --purge empathy ---> what's that mean?07:12
bronaughhaving to step through each version to upgrade is a joke.07:12
ActionParsnipbronaugh: its not a rolling release distro07:12
kroq-gar78babu__: remove empathy07:12
morthhm makes sense07:12
noisewaterphdmorth: im a developer, everywhere I've ever worked used some flavor of nix07:13
Heinz_L_Maennchemorth, because it is just what i want...and far better than windows07:13
babu__i'm using empathy for chat...07:13
bronaughanyhow, the machine I'm typing on is Ubuntu; so are the two laptops here.07:13
ActionParsnipfirstIRCtest: burn the MD5 tested natty ISO as slowly as possible and you can boot and install from that, you will need to format the current partitions so that you can install Natty to the free space#07:13
bronaughmachines I install for people to use at work are invariably ubuntu.07:13
noisewaterphdmorth: I've had to use windows a few times, and it is incredibly frustrating how bad it really is07:13
bronaughservers are invariably debian.07:13
wildgoose!ot | bronaugh07:14
ubottubronaugh: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:14
babu__i wish to continue to use empathy for chat07:14
morthim more of a Windows user but i want to get more into using linux, i actually prefer ubuntu over win7 already and im a n00b at it i mean i get aggravated when i don't understand something but its quite enjoyable.07:14
ActionParsnipbabu__: what is the output of:  lsb_release -d    Thanks07:14
kroq-gar78morth: that's what happened to me a little more than one year ago :)07:14
kroq-gar78babu__: why can't you?07:14
noisewaterphdbronaugh: I see just as many, if not more, CentOS servers as Debian07:14
morthany tips i should learn now so i don't have to trial and error like you guys did when you guys were learning linux?07:14
babu__ubuntu 10.1007:14
ActionParsnipmorth: you'll learn with time07:15
Heinz_L_Maennchemorth, always look for good tutorials and screencasts...they help a lot when u r new to linux/ubuntu07:15
wildgooseot | noisewaterphd07:15
kroq-gar78babu__: so? what's the problem with ubuntu 10.10?07:15
noisewaterphdbronaugh: but I would agree it is almost always one of the 207:15
ActionParsnipbabu__: and apt-cache policy empathy   what version is installed?07:15
bronaughnoisewaterphd: #ubuntu-offtopic?07:15
susundbergmorth: i would recommend read to a book about linux07:15
ActionParsnip!manual | morth07:15
ubottumorth: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/07:15
morthi should prob start with (dual screen) a firefox on 1 screen and only use the terminal to learn the commands rather than using the UI.07:16
noisewaterphdi didnt bring it up, i was commenting on a conversation that stemmed from someone asking why to use ubuntu07:16
babu__empathy:   Installed: 2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1   Candidate: 2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1   Version table:  *** 2.32.1-0ubuntu1.1 0         500 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates/main i386 Packages         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status      2.32.0-0ubuntu2 0         500 http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick/main i386 Packages07:16
noisewaterphdand he got a lot of good opinions i think07:16
wildgoosenoisewaterphd, Still offtopic.07:16
tanathafter upgrading to 11.04 my wifi no longer works...07:16
morththat'll get me some practice forcing me to learn the commands to just use it.07:16
firstIRCtestActionParsnip: Thanks for the responses...So don't know if I've been clear. I have ubuntu 11.04 alread installed on the other partition, and sound is not working. Are you recommending re-downloading the natty ISO, md5 checking the burned iso, and re-installing?07:16
noisewaterphdyep, but i was singled out07:16
tanathi get 'bad password' even though it hasn't changed. all i've done was upgrade to 11.0407:17
Heinz_L_Maennchemorth, yeah...actually you will prefer the shell over everything else after some time on linux^^07:17
bronaughnoisewaterphd: to me debian's better because of the breadth of packages available in the repositories without frigging around.07:17
Heinz_L_Maenncheand you will start getting aggressive when forced to use windows^^07:17
noisewaterphdtanath: it may have to do with your keys07:17
tanathnoisewaterphd, only thing that changed was distro upgrade07:17
morthunfortuantly i play World of Warcraft and im serious on arenas that would prob draw me back to play my Win7 lol07:17
noisewaterphdtanath: delete the connection and then set it up again07:17
morthother than that im trying to make linux my primary OS07:17
morththough... i do have WoW working on linux right now haha07:18
ActionParsnipfirstIRCtest: ahh i see, then boot to natty and run the same command there07:18
firstIRCtestOkay, thanks.07:18
morthyou know what, F--- IT im gunna be a fulltime linux user lol07:18
noisewaterphdbronaugh: I agree totally, I'm a Deb guy too, I was just pointing out what I see day to day07:18
morthits so much faster, smoother and no viruses.07:19
bronaughnoisewaterphd: no disagreement here.07:19
firstIRCtestActionParsnip: I'll be back in a while.07:19
tanathnoisewaterphd, still not working :-/07:19
bronaughanyhow, aside from Ubuntu 8.04 being "unsupported" -- anyone else run across this problem?07:19
noisewaterphdmorth: the great thing about Linux is that you can really take control of your machine07:19
bronaughwhere logging in results in keyboard no longer working?07:19
babu__i hope someone help07:20
tanathnoisewaterphd, spoke too soon... seems to have finally connected07:20
noisewaterphdtanath: great!07:20
morthnoisewaterphd i agree, i feel win7 is holding me back.07:20
noisewaterphdbabu__: I did help you, I even gave you the exact commands to paste07:20
morthi also believe win7 has way to many things running in the background i find linux problem free so far.07:21
Jordan_Ubronaugh: "unsupported" means just that.07:21
bronaughJordan_U: right because I'm sure this -never- happens on modern Ubuntu *snort*07:22
morthare outside links allowed here? (youtube)07:22
noisewaterphdmorth: there is a really great book that I always recommend to new *nix folks called Unix Power Tools. That book is a great start to learning the power of your new OS of choice07:23
morthits topic related.07:23
noisewaterphdmorth: ya if its on topic07:23
morthnoisewaterphd sweet, ill write that down.07:23
Jordan_Ubronaugh: 8.04 is not supported on the Desktop. This is not going to change. Please don't ask for support for an unsupported release.07:23
bronaughJordan_U: can I verbally abuse you? please?07:24
morthis that a boot screen? if so.. i want that lol07:24
Jordan_U!guidelines | bronaugh07:24
ubottubronaugh: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:24
morthdid anyone check that link out?07:26
morthis that a boot screen?07:26
morthi wouldn't mind that if it is07:27
morthnoisewaterphd are you here?07:31
noisewaterphdi put an ssd in my macbook pro running ubuntu and boot time is almost non existant07:31
ubottuHere I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to respond to factoid requests. Call that job satisfaction? Because I don't.07:31
caminomasterhi, i'm trying to install ntfs-config for an old feisty installation07:31
Jordan_Umorth: No, as far as I know that's just an animation made for the ad.07:31
caminomasteri've added old-releases.ubuntu.com to my src.lst, but i can't find that pack07:31
noisewaterphdmorth: ya I watched it, I've never seen that boot screen, but you can totally customize the boot screen to do whatever you want07:31
westzalright, so i'm wondering if anyone else can install tor? i try installing vidalia and it cant find the tor executable (it's not in the default /usr/bin i checked)07:31
Jordan_Umorth: It might be possible to make a plymouth theme similar to that but it would likely be a lot of work.07:32
morthnoisewaterphd im looking up Unix Power Tools, and there are 3 editions does it matter which?07:32
noisewaterphdwestz: I had no trouble installing vidalia07:32
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noisewaterphdmorth: i'd go for the latest07:32
morthjordan_U true enough, would be nice to have though heh07:32
morthnoisewaterphd cool thanks07:33
westznoisewaterphd, what release? (of ubuntu)07:33
noisewaterphdwestz: in the bin folder of vidalia there is a startup script that launches a preconfiged firefox along with tor and vidalia07:33
noisewaterphdwestz: 10.1007:33
morthas for torrents.. which would you recommend?07:34
morthprogram wise07:34
widewakeHello, ive recently downloaded BeneathASteelSky , Its old DOS game, how would i go about removing music? I though i could do it, went digging through files and folders but cant find anything. ?07:35
AlephHazrtorrent if you like your CLIs07:35
noisewaterphdwestz: App directory, not bin, sorry07:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro07:35
westzbut i cant find the actual tor executable07:35
westzor is that in the vidalia app directory to? (that'd be retarded)07:36
noisewaterphdwestz: so just download, extract, put it wherever you want it, and launch the vidalia script from the comand line07:36
morthactually thats what i was looking for - but for an IRC07:36
morthany CLi IRCs?07:36
noisewaterphdwestz: the tor executable is in the same directory, so launch from in that dir07:36
AlephHazirssi, morth :)07:36
noisewaterphdwestz, or put that dir on your path07:37
morthAlephHaz ty07:37
westzsetting the path in vidalia is no problem, it's just really weird that it didnt do all this automatically07:37
morthdo you think there is such thing as too much CLi progrmas?07:38
widewakeHello, ive recently downloaded BeneathASteelSky , Its old DOS game, how would i go about removing backround music? I though i could do it, went digging through files and folders but cant find anything.07:38
firstIRCtestActionParsnip: You still here?07:38
AlephHazthere's no such thing as too many, morth :P07:38
firstIRCtestOkay, well, I am trying to troubleshoot sound problems on 11.04. I ran a diag script that ActionParsnip sent. I think he's gone. Anyone want to help?07:40
ubottuirssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen07:41
firstIRCtestAnyone takers?07:41
susundbergfirstIRCtest: did you check with alsamixer that your channels are not muted?07:42
susundberg(or pavucontrol will do afaik as well)07:42
ZimskyHow do I find out what service is running on a specific port?07:42
firstIRCtestsusaunderberg: yes, I ran alsamixer and adjusted the volume. That has been the problem for me before, but it's not doing it this time.07:43
widewaketrying to remove backround music from a dos game , need help ^^07:43
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susundbergZimsky: lsof07:43
uragand2i am waked up already07:43
fugaZimsky: netstat07:43
widewakeheh, thats good07:43
pksadiqfirstIRCtest: if you had sound before, try to do the same after a soft restart :)07:44
firstIRCtestpksadiq: I have an ubuntu 8.04 partition on this very same machine that has sound. This 11.04 partition has no sound. I'm not sure what the difference could be.07:45
firstIRCtestpksadiq: I just restarted.07:45
susundbergfirstIRCtest: lots of things has changed, starting from kernel and stopping to pulseaudio07:45
susundbergdid you have sound at some point with this 11.04 =07:45
firstIRCtestI have never had sound on 11.0407:46
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:46
sharat87Trying to compile imapfilter, when I run `make` in the git repo, I get the error "lua.h not found". I did a "locate lua.h" and saw that it is present at "/usr/include/lua5.1/lua.h". Any ideas on what I might be missing?07:47
firstIRCtestsusunderberg, pksadiq: The output from the script is at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=eead788180f10793b83a851722c94f7ab9a34baf07:47
fugafirstIRCtest: clean /tmp then check ps -aux and kill evrything not needed then check lsmod etc07:47
pksadiq!find lua.h07:47
ubottuFile lua.h found in autoconf-archive, conky-all, conky-std, gnuplot-doc, ipe, liblua40-dev, liblua5.1-0-dev, liblua50-dev, libluabind-dev, libluajit-5.1-dev (and 15 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=lua.h&mode=&suite=natty&arch=any07:47
westzanyone who has vidalia working properly tell me the path for their tor executable?07:47
susundbergfirstIRCtest: that link that pksadiq pasted is good, check that. Also, if you have several outputs you might want to try 'pavucontrol' program to specify what to use07:47
teknovadoes anyone know much about dual screening?07:48
noisewaterphdwestz: hang on, I'll pastebin some instructions for you07:48
jbuHi all, I realize I can modify fstab, but I remember ubuntu having a GUI utility to manage mount points and even a dialog that would ask if I wanted a partition mounted every startup - anyone know where I can find this?07:48
susundbergfirstIRCtest: i am not too keen to check the script output as if the card worked on 10.04 it should by all means work also on 11.04 if this is not regression, that i do not belive it is.07:48
sharat87pksadiq: I have both liblua5.1-0-dev and liblua5.1-0 installed (am running maverick)07:48
pksadiqfirstIRCtest: tried running /usr/bin/esd  ?07:49
jbu<- using 10.1007:49
firstIRCtestsusunderburg: Okay.07:49
firstIRCtestpksadiq: let me try.07:49
Jordan_Usharat87: Why are you compiling imapfilter from source?07:49
westznoisewaterphd, i know how it works, something's got an error somewhere. if your tor is in /usr/bin then something borked when i installed vidalia, if its not, i just need the tor executable07:49
westz*i just need to redirect vidalia07:50
sharat87Jordan_U: to use it? wait, is there a package?07:51
firstIRCtestpksadiq: what is /usr/bin/esd, and how is it run?07:51
babuevery time when i boot ubuntu, it says "Error loading Drive /.Press I to ignore".... But after booting, it mounts all drives..07:51
noisewaterphdwestz: tor and vidalia executables are in the same directory together in the extracted folder from the archive you downloaded. there is nothing in usr/bin. I am pastebin you directions on how to set up your path07:51
babui dunno the problem07:51
Jordan_Usharat87: Yes. Named "imapfilter".07:51
noisewaterphdwestz, but if you dont want it, ive got other stuff to do07:51
fugafirstIRCtest: that is it kill it07:51
westzarchive i downloaded from? i didnt download it myself, i used the USC07:51
sharat87Jordan_U: yes found, it sorry. Its at 2.2.2, latest is at 2.2.3. it has a change I'd like to have... so I have to compile it :)07:52
Jordan_U!prevu | sharat8707:52
ubottusharat87: prevu is an automated, personal backporting utility. Check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Prevu for more details07:52
babuwhat shld i do for this pblm07:52
noisewaterphdwestz, well that is wrong07:52
westzi'll check out what you pastebin, but i dont think we're on the same page07:53
noisewaterphdwestz, are you running 64bit or 32?07:53
noisewaterphdwestz: download it here: https://www.torproject.org/dist/torbrowser/linux/tor-browser-gnu-linux-i686-1.1.11-dev-en-US.tar.gz and extract it to wherever you want it07:53
westzi thought i left compiling from source when i left Arch.... oh well......07:54
Jordan_U!tor | westz07:55
ubottuwestz: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is not in Ubuntu's repositories. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl07:55
noisewaterphdwestz, you arent compiling anything07:55
firstIRCtestubottu: Checking links...07:55
noisewaterphdwestz just extract the archive07:55
westzJordan_U, dude, i know what tor is07:55
Jordan_Uwestz: If you read the entire factoid it has a link with repositories containing tor packages.07:56
uragand2archive Gzip , how extract files simply?07:56
rastavalhello.. I a musing ubuntu10. i would like to know how to change back my alsa to its default settings. only musicbox has audi output and i can hear audio from youtube or other music softwares07:58
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o2oohi, who knows programming GTK ?07:59
morthokay sorry was in a boss fight on WoW lol - did someone say they didnt have sound on 11.0407:59
dr_Willisthats a broad topic o2oo07:59
pksadiqmorth: firstIRCtest08:00
dr_Willisask a more spevific question helps08:00
morthokay noob question but, i just downloaded rtorrent tar.gz08:00
morthafter i extract it how do i "install" it?08:00
o2ooI put a button in a gtk window, but the button full fill the entire window! why and how could I control the button's size ?08:00
o2oodr_Willis,  do you know that?08:01
zer01coud you someone help me with lvm?08:01
zer01I need set up init.d start after boot08:01
noisewaterphdwestz: here follow these directions: http://pastebin.com/ajJBgReX08:02
teknovaQuestion regaurding using two GPU'S Any HElp08:02
dr_Williso2oo:  most lanhuages use some sort of layout managers thedt days. id hav to say check some tutorials08:02
noisewaterphdteknova: two graphics cards?08:02
dr_Willisteknova:  what chipset08:03
noisewaterphdteknova: what brand?08:03
teknovaim trying to get two graphics cards to run two monitors08:03
waldo__hi, could someone help me with an internet connection problem in ubuntu?08:03
teknovaati and nvida08:03
noisewaterphdteknova: most cards support two monitors from one card08:03
teknovaati hd4200 onboard and nvidia gs8300(?)08:04
noisewaterphdteknova: good luck getting those two to play nice! I can't help08:04
teknovano dvi r hdmi08:04
dr_Willismixing an ati and nvidia was impossible with the propirity drivers last i tried it ages ago08:04
teknovatwo vga monitors08:04
babusomeone help to solve my pblm08:04
noisewaterphddr_Willis, same here08:04
teknovawell if windows can do it i dont see why linux cant08:05
dr_Willisthe gpl drivers might work. but would lack some features08:05
waldo__no one?08:05
noisewaterphdbabu: what is your problem still?08:05
morthi just downloaded rTorrent.tar.gz and extracted the folder how do i install it? lol08:05
noisewaterphdbabu: we cant help if we dont know08:05
pratzhey guys i am trying to connect to one of my computers in lan with ssh, but it says permission denied, any ideas ??08:05
dr_Willisteknova:  becasue the vomanies suppert windowd. linux is an afterthought08:05
babuevery time when i boot ubuntu, it says "Error loading Drive /.Press I to ignore"..i'm pressing i all the time.... But after booting, it mounts all drives..how to prevent this08:05
noisewaterphdpratz: permission denied, or connection refused08:05
firstIRCtestpksadiq, susundberg, ubottu, I checked the links ubottu sent, and I'm finding something about IRQ channels. I did a diff on the output of /cat/proc/asound/cards and the IRQ channels are different. Does this mean anything?08:05
teknovamostly i need help getting ubnut to reconize them08:06
pratznoisewaterphd: permission denied08:06
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dr_Willisrtorrent is in the repos morth08:06
noisewaterphdpratz: is this after multiple attempts at entering your password?08:06
noisewaterphdpratz: cause that means it's the wrong password08:06
waldo__hum, i only need some tips for troubleshooting why my connection stopped working all of sudden. Someone?08:07
trevorjPlease, please tell me: WHY in the world does the ubuntu pastebin require me to login to download the contents (that I can already plainly see in front of me) as text?08:07
trevorjThis is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.08:07
pratznoisewaterphd: thanks dude08:08
noisewaterphdtrevorj: because they sell your personal data to china08:08
susundbergtrevorj: dont know, use other pastebin?08:08
westzwhy must mcdonalds use b-band routersband routers are much cheaper now :(? g and n08:09
trevorjsusundberg: I do, I'm just wondering what thought was involved in such a decision08:09
waldo__hum, is anybody seeing what I type or am i also having a problem with irc client on mac?08:09
susundbergtrevorj: yeah me too.. i decided to change my pastes to elswehere ..08:10
waldo__can you read this?08:10
susundbergwaldo__: no08:11
trevorjsusundberg: lol, good enough then. ty.08:11
pratzhey guys any good app to share screen between windows and linux ??08:11
waldo__haha, thanks. I thought it wasnt working08:11
trevorjpratz: oss?08:11
knoppiespratz, vnc? (or even RDP?) What do you mean by share screen?08:12
trevorjpratz: I haven't tried it but it looks really cool and is OSS, but I can't remember the name.. I think it's winswitch?08:12
noisewaterphdpratz: vnc08:12
trevorjpratz: http://winswitch.org/index.html08:13
waldo__so, if someone could help me with a strange problem in internet connection i would be grateful08:13
morthnoisewaterphd i just downloaded rTorrent .tar.gz and extracted it to my desktop how do i install it :s08:13
cpgohas anyone successfully setup a dual boot with windows and a shared mysql data folder. I had mysql installed on windows already with tables made. Now in ubuntu I changed the datadir to the windows mount, I log into phpmyadmin and I see no databases listed08:13
noisewaterphdmorth: I don't know08:14
trevorjpratz: it's like VNC (uses VNC on the backend) but for starting, sharing, displaying, and moving applications from one computer's desktop to another from windows/linux/mac08:14
morthnoisewaterphd okay, thanks anyways08:14
noisewaterphdmorth: i recommend: sudo apt-get install tramsmission08:14
firstIRCtestAnybody on the question about IRQ? What does this mean, and is it significant if the channel is different on this partition?08:15
noisewaterphdmorth: better client, easier install08:15
morthtransmission bittorrent client?08:15
noisewaterphdmorth: transmission, sorry i spelled it wrong up there08:15
susundbergcpgo: are you sure installed windows and linux mysql servers are compatible?08:16
noisewaterphdmorth: or, transmission is also just in the Ubuntu Software Center under Internet>File Sharing08:16
susundbergit might be that they work on very different basis because of efficiency issues or similar ..08:16
noisewaterphdmorth: yes its a bittorrent client08:16
noisewaterphdcpgo: permissions, permissions, permissions08:17
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kelvinellahow to install backend for empathy?08:19
kelvinellai install empathy on my netbook which is running ubuntu8.04, but i can not connect because it said i need to install backend.  How to do that?08:19
cpgonoisewaterphd, I set to owner and group to mysql08:19
knoppieswhat does "apt-get check" do? If I add *.deb to /var/cache/apt/archives/ will "apt-get check" make apt aware that it doesnt have to download them?08:19
trevorjcpgo: the binary format is the same across OSes?08:20
cpgonoisewaterphd, also added the new dir to apparmor, restarting everything08:20
cpgotrevorj, that I don't know08:20
noisewaterphdcpgo: what filesystem is the datadir on08:20
widewaketrying to turn off music to a DOS game, need help please, i tried locating it couldn't find any sound files.08:20
trevorjcpgo: I guess it would depend on the engine08:20
cpgonoisewaterphd, ntfs08:20
cowboy_danthis distro blows08:20
pratzhey guys but VNC free edition does not provide the feature to share on windows 708:21
trevorj^ intelligent08:21
trevorjpratz: did you see the link I sent you08:21
noisewaterphdcpgo: cause that is where the issue lies. there is some problem with mysql on linux reading from ntfs08:21
noisewaterphdcpgo: dont remember the specifics08:21
susundbergcpgo, noisewaterphd wel googling gave me: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3524203/linux-mysql-how-to-use-a-mysql-databases-on-a-mounted-ntfs-as-mysql-database-in08:22
cowboy_danwill ubuntu ever release an Arch based spin instead of the lame debian based ones?08:22
cpgonoisewaterphd, ok I just copied the datadir to my desktop (in Ubuntu)08:22
cpgosame issue08:22
noisewaterphdwhat is the error08:22
pratztrevorj: hold a sec i am installing it08:22
cpgophpmyadmin shows no tables08:22
Jordan_U!ot | cowboy_dan08:23
ubottucowboy_dan: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:23
cowboy_danyou could make an ext3 in the ntfs?08:23
noisewaterphdcpgo: your datadir should be portable, but trying to read it from the ntfs system is a road I wouldnt travel08:23
noisewaterphdcpgo: if you look in the datadir are they there?08:24
cowboy_dancpgo: you can make a ext3/4 in the ntfs to store the data08:24
stefan_Hi, my pc does not boot from a SD Card, I have brought a Remastersys ISO on in with the startmedium creator. He boots from Harddrive instead. My PC can boot from SD and 30 minutes ago, it did. Then I had a "normal" Ubuntu 10.10 Iso on this SD Card. What can I do to find out, what the problem is?08:24
kelvinellaanyone know how to make empathy work?08:24
cpgonoisewaterphd, yea my tables are in the datadir08:24
kelvinellain ubuntu8.0408:24
noisewaterphdcpgo: permissions then08:24
cpgothe datadir is now on a ext4 filesystem08:24
noisewaterphdcpgo: get a verbose startup log and pastebin it08:25
cpgook let me go through it all again08:25
balaji_when login as "ubuntu classic",title bar for windows is not coming. what may be the problem?08:25
noisewaterphdcpgo: also, you should take this to #mysql, I'll meet you over there08:25
cpgonoisewaterphd, ok08:25
Starminnbalaji_: Do you have Compiz setting in effect, and/or Emerald themes?08:26
cowboy_danhow to install TWM?08:26
noisewaterphdbalaji_: that question needs to be rephrased, it does not make sense08:26
knoppiesbalaji_, you need to have a WM (I assume its your WM) running. I use emerald (with compiz) on 10.10, not sure what to use on 11.0408:26
cowboy_danJordan_U: how to install TWM?08:26
knoppiesnoisewaterphd, I think the question was fine. Do you understand what a title bar is?08:26
kelvinellahello, anyone knows how to install a backend for each protocol for empathy?08:26
noisewaterphdno man, I have no idea08:27
noisewaterphdwould it be a bar where titles are?08:27
knoppieskelvinella, if you "apt-get empathy" doesnt it resolve dependencies?08:27
knoppiesnoisewaterphd, yes, and the 3 buttons minimize, maximize, and close.08:27
cowboy_danHOW TO INSTALL TWM?!!!08:27
balaji_starmin: i installed faenza theme, when using "ubuntu classic(no effects)" menu bar displays correctly08:28
balaji_noisewaterphd:sorry its menu bar08:28
noisewaterphdtitle bar for windows are not coming? coming from where? title bars for what windows? all windows?08:28
Starminnbalaji_: Oh, you mean the one with "File, Edit, Tools," etc?08:28
Jordan_Ucowboy_dan: Please don't use all caps.08:28
noisewaterphdaha, see now we make sense08:28
knoppiescowboy_dan, relax, You could do yourself a favour by googling it, if twm is a package, then you could try "apt-get install twm" but idk what twm is.08:28
cowboy_danJordan_U: please help08:28
cpgonoisewaterphd, how would I get a verbose startup?08:28
cowboy_danknoppies: tittled window manager08:29
Jordan_Ucowboy_dan: I don't use TWM.08:29
knoppiesbalaji_, then my help with compiz/emerald would probably be of no use to you.08:29
noisewaterphdcowboy_dan: http://tinyurl.com/3vl9q9u08:29
cowboy_danJordan_U: what? is something wrong with it?08:29
balaji_noisewaterphd:sorry for my wrong phrase.08:29
Jordan_Ucowboy_dan: Not that I know of. I just haven't had any interest in it myself.08:30
sgo11hello, how to change encoding in gedit? I failed to find this option. thanks. I used to using kate/kwrite, encoding change is very easy in kate/kwrite.08:30
balaji_knoppies:no problem08:30
noisewaterphdbalaji_: no worries man. I was going after whoever it was passively insulting me by pretending the question was crystal clear. You are perfectly good man, and the question is now clear08:31
cowboy_dannoisewaterphd: you very kind08:31
noisewaterphdand funny08:31
thrillERboyHi, I've setup conky on startup, but it appears on top of all windows, its quite annoying, how do I fix it? Thanks :)08:32
cowboy_danthrillERboy: change you conkyrc08:32
thrillERboycowboy_dan, what exactly should I change? I'm new to this stuff08:32
cowboy_dancat ~/.conkyrc | grep window08:33
cpgonoisewaterphd, hey its 1 in the morning here, gonna call it a day. I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks for the help.08:33
cowboy_danthrillERboy: should see own window type somewhere08:33
cowboy_danchange it to desktop, or overridde, or something that it isn't right now08:33
noisewaterphdcpgo: good luck, good night, were in the same time zone, MST?08:34
thrillERboyI don't see .conkyrc in user directory, I only have .conky directory under user directory08:35
Jacek1988hey guys. Every time I try to boot my ubuntu I get "failed to get i915 symbols". I've googled for the last hours and I found a few solutions but they all assume I can boot ubuntu, unfortunately I cant ...08:35
noisewaterphdJacek1988: do you have multiple window managers installed08:35
cowboy_danthrillERboy: pastebin it for me mate08:35
noisewaterphdlike kubuntu and gnome and windowmaker?08:36
cowboy_dan.conky lets take a look at it08:36
Jordan_UJacek1988: What version of Ubuntu? Have  you tried booting into recovery mode? (hold shift during boot to get the grub menu with recovery mode option).08:36
Jacek1988the newest one08:36
Jacek1988ok, I will try with shift08:37
cowboy_danthrillERboy: bro....pastebin whatever your conky config file is08:37
cowboy_danit should be conkyrc08:37
thrillERboycowboy_dan, I've found own_window desktop in my config file and set it to desktop, Now My icons on desktop are gone :D should I do something with "own_window_type override" Now?08:37
cowboy_danyeah try that08:38
thrillERboywhat options does own_window_type take?08:38
cowboy_danthrillERboy: i use openbox so i don't have to worry about eating desktop icons08:38
* thrillERboy googles openbox08:38
Jacek1988@noise. I haven't installed any windowmaker myself, but maybe that was installed by default ?\08:39
cowboy_danthrillERboy: own_window_type08:39
cowboy_dan    if own_window is yes, you may specify type normal, desktop, dock, panel or override (default: normal). Desktop windows are special windows that have no window decorations; are always visible on your desktop; do not appear in your pager or taskbar; and are sticky across all workspaces. Panel windows reserve space along a desktop edge, just like panels and taskbars, preventing maximized windows from overlapping them. The edg08:39
cowboy_dane is chosen based on the alignment option. Override windows are not under the control of the window manager. Hints are ignored. This type of window can be useful for certain situations.08:39
FloodBot1cowboy_dan: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:39
cowboy_danfuckoff FloodBot108:39
Jacek1988@Jordan I am currently in GRUB\I can choose: ubuntu-gener, ubuntu-generic (recovery), windows7 (loader08:39
Jordan_U!language | cowboy_dan08:39
ubottucowboy_dan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:39
Jordan_U!guidelines | cowboy_dan08:39
ubottucowboy_dan: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:39
cowboy_danJordan_U: do you not want me to help people?08:40
Jordan_UJacek1988: Choose The Ubuntu recovery option.08:40
Jacek1988already tried08:40
Jacek1988get the same error08:40
Jordan_Ucowboy_dan: I do not want you to swear, or be offtopic, or otherwise disrupt the channel by not following the channel guidelines.08:41
somestrangerinanhello guys!08:41
somestrangerinanis anyone here that can help me with servers and clusters?08:42
cowboy_dansomestrangerinan: whats you issue08:42
=== D_N_X is now known as DNX
sgo11hi, how to change encoding in gedit? is that possible? I can not find the option. thanks.08:42
somestrangerinanthanks cowboy_dan for replying so quickly08:42
cowboy_dansgo11: what do you mean encoding?08:42
somestrangerinancowboy_dan: I have 3 servers running ubuntu and i would like to make them into render farms, what are some good options I can pick from that will support 3d rendering08:43
sgo11cowboy_dan, utf-8, utf-16 etc...08:43
thrillERboycowboy_dan, Here my theme config http://pastebin.com/Erup0r4J08:43
cowboy_dansomestrangerinan: pastebin your hardware specs08:44
somestrangerinancowboy_dan: sure08:45
pratzhey guys i just need to share machine between two machines, i want to show my friend something on my screen, but should not be able to manupilate (take control)  my screen08:45
Jacek1988@Jordan_U Is there any way to change boot options in GRUB and start only the linux shell instead of X ?08:45
cowboy_dansgo11: you probably don't need to do that?08:45
Jordan_UJacek1988: That is what recovery mode does.08:45
cowboy_danpratz: ask google08:45
topriddymy colleague at work messed up his windows partition boot sector after installing ubuntu 11. I cant remember the way to boot windows manually from grub. anybody help me pls?08:45
cowboy_danthrillERboy: give me a second08:45
somestrangerinancowboy_dan: we have 3 of theses08:45
thrillERboynp :)08:46
Jordan_U!google | cowboy_dan08:46
ubottucowboy_dan: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.08:46
pratzcowboy_dan: if every thing is google then what the hell are we doing here ??08:46
somestrangerinancowboy_dan: same specs08:46
sgo11cowboy_dan, I have many files with different encodings. if I don't do that, I can not open them. gedit will open everything in utf-8 only. in kate/kwrite, it's very easy, just tools-->encoding--> choose one. in gedit, I can not find such option. thanks.08:46
Jordan_U!language | pratz08:46
ubottupratz: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:46
ejvJordan_U is having far too much fun with ubottu08:47
topriddyi know it has something to do with grub and initrd08:47
cowboy_danthrillERboy: try this http://pastebin.com/index/Erup0r4J08:47
cowboy_danthrillERboy: save the old conky config as conky.old08:47
ejvpratz: i'd try researching VNC08:48
ejvpratz: or a locked down 'screen' session (also known around here as byobu)08:48
AFDis it possible to remove avg on a mounted windows hdd using ubuntu?08:48
Jordan_Utopriddy: If the Windows PBR is broken the only way to boot Windows from grub is by fixing the Windows PBR (*There is an undocumented work around as well if you really need it but fixing it properly is a better option).08:49
knoppiesAFD, you mean other than just deleting the files?08:49
ejvwhats avg...08:49
AFDyeah - I think there's more to it than that08:49
knoppiesejv, its a windows based antivirus.08:49
cowboy_dansgo11: than install kate08:49
soonWould someone try to reproduce a bug for me? I open LibreOffice Base, create a table and a form and when editing the form, I'm not able to select Controlelements as a visible toolbar08:49
ejvantivirus? we dont need no stinkin antivirus!08:50
cowboy_dansomestrangerinan: do you want this to be a linux based set up still?08:50
knoppiesejv, he was trying to 'remove' it08:50
Jordan_Utopriddy: For restoring the Windows PBR: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/bootinfoscript/index.php?title=Boot_Problems:Boot_Sector08:50
cowboy_danpratz: what are you trying to do again?08:50
knoppiesAFD, could you not boot up the partition and then uninstall it using the traditional means?08:50
ejvit was a joke, s/antivirus/badges/g08:50
somestrangerinanyes cow08:50
AFDejv: I'm a linux user (ElementaryOS) but the doofus I'm trying to help isn't (yet)08:50
balooohi, does anyone know of a good light rss reader for ubuntu, that can be partially transparent and just float on top of your other applications with out getting in the way?   yarssr is the least intrusive rss reader i've been able to find so far.08:50
somestrangerinanyes cowboy_dan08:50
sgo11cowboy_dan, thanks for the suggestion. actually, I just did. the bad thing is to install kate, actually i install kde. it's too much for me just because I want to use a better editor......08:50
AFDknoppies: avg is the reason I can't boot that hdd08:51
knoppiesAFD, what is elementaryOS like? It looked like it had lots of potential.08:51
cowboy_dansomestrangerinan: you'll have better luck with this in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org --> not as noisy08:51
somestrangerinanthanks cowboy_dan08:51
AFDknoppies: it's stopping (even when trying in "safe mode") on a file that looks like it's avg08:51
AFDknoppies: eOS is great :) give it a whirl on liveUSB sometime... and look out for the new release Luna08:52
cowboy_danpratz: http://digg.com/news/story/Remote_Desktop_for_Linux08:52
soonAnyone care to try and reproduce my bug? ...it'll take a minute or so..08:52
knoppiesAFD, interesting, didnt know it could prevent you from booting. Try move (as in cut) the files from their installed location, and keep them somewhere else. Then see if it will boot. Normally un-installing makes a few changes to the registry, I am not sure if there are any linux registry editors, but you could try search for AVG (and other related keywords) in that registry.08:53
cowboy_dansomestrangerinan: #pimpmymint might be even better08:53
Starminnsoon: If you walk me through how I'd be mroe than happy to do so. I have created a table and a form, but what about controlelemnts? I know nothing about Base.08:53
CajunTechieHey everyone. Anyone know of a way to sync Chromium bookmarks with Ubuntu One?08:53
AFDknoppies: I'll give it a go - thanks - good advise08:53
somestrangerinaninteresting room name cowboy_dan08:53
furibondoxI have a folder containing a lot of debs and I'm looking for a way to know the license of each one, can you help me?08:53
soonStarminn : try to get it to display a toolbar for control-elements08:54
cowboy_dansomestrangerinan: linux mint has a sense of humor08:54
Jacek1988@Jordan_U: thanks anyway for  help. It seems that without access to recovery mode I cannot even run the console so the only way is to reinstall the system ... next time I will have to use GIT to my ruby projects08:54
soonStarminn: Click View, the toolsbars and wing-off control-elements08:54
cowboy_danCajunTechie: Vous de la Louisiane?08:54
CajunTechiecowboy_dan: Non, je ne suis pas là aujourd'hui. Mais je suis né et a grandi là-bas. Que diriez-vous?08:55
soonAny luck?08:55
ejv!fr | CajunTechie08:55
ubottuCajunTechie: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:55
andrew_46balaji_:  Try /quit :)08:56
ejvsurprised that worked ha08:56
cowboy_danCajunTechie: Je suis de la Nouvelle-Orléans. Je suis allé à l'école à Baton Rouge.08:56
jfcaronWhenever I run apt-get, I get an error message: "WARNING: /usr/share/pyshared/papyon-0.4.6.egg-info is linked but does not belong to any package."  I tried apt-get --reinstalling python-papyon, with no luck.  Any suggestions on how to get rid of this error message?08:56
morthchecking for OPENSSL... no08:56
morthconfigure: error: Package requirements (openssl) were not met:08:56
morthNo package 'openssl' found08:56
morthConsider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you08:56
morthinstalled software in a non-standard prefix.08:56
morthAlternatively, you may set the environment variables OPENSSL_CFLAGS08:56
FloodBot1morth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:56
morthand OPENSSL_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.08:56
CajunTechiecowboy_dan: Very cool. Good to meet another Louisianian :D08:56
Jordan_UJacek1988: You can use chroot from a LiveCD to run commands as if you were booted into the installed system.08:57
HansimatI am looking for an unattended Ubuntu installation. I found preseed and FAI. FAI sounds more interesting, especially preseed does not seem to support reusing of partitions. On the other hand the preseed method is easy to setup.  Does FAI work well with Ubuntu?08:57
cowboy_danCajunTechie: yeah few and far between, saw someone on #! forums from covington and laughed my but off08:57
firstIRCtestNo sound. No joy. No sleep. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow.08:57
Starminnsoon: I don't see that as an option: http://imagebin.org/16036208:57
jfcaronEr, should I re-ask my question since it was spammed up twenty lines?08:57
knoppiesjfcaron, maybe. You could wait a little while if you want.08:57
stefan_Hi, my pc does not boot from a SD Card, I have brought a Remastersys ISO on in with the startmedium creator. He boots from Harddrive instead. My PC can boot from SD and 30 minutes ago, it did. Then I had a "normal" Ubuntu 10.10 Iso on this SD Card. What can I do to find out, what the problem is?08:57
ejvi still see it jfcaron :p08:57
cowboy_danCajunTechie: looks like they want us in #ubuntu-fr08:57
Jacek1988Jurdan_U: even if I installed ubuntu using wubi ? (or sth called like that)08:58
soonStarminn - must be the one called Form controls ... my interface is in danish :-)08:58
knoppiesstefan_, I have never managed to boot from an SD card (I mainly got IO errors I think).08:58
Starminnjfcaron: Wait a little longer. This channel moves fast so don't worry about it being that far up. Wait until it jumps again of equal distance08:58
morthcould someone help? i'm trying to install rtorrent and im getting an error when i try to ./configre "http://paste.ubuntu.com/634097/"08:58
CajunTechiecowboy_dan looks like it doesn't it?08:58
furibondoxanyone knows how to extract the license from a deb package?08:59
ejvmorth: do you have openssl installed?08:59
thrillERboycowboy_dan, That worked perfectly, wondering what you changed, I didn't want you to bug you asking that, So, I tried diff conkyrc_lunatico conkyrc_lunatico.old. The output is not what I expected. How can I view diff between two files in terminal, Kinda like diff in Git. Thanks08:59
stefan_knoppies, well, should  I give it a try on DVD? I have  a dozen here08:59
thrillERboydidn't want to bug you*08:59
morthejv im new to ubuntu, so im assuming i don't08:59
cowboy_danthrillERboy: all i did was change the window type to override and deleted the line for own_window_hints08:59
ejvmorth: sudo apt-get install openssl08:59
knoppiesfuribondox, no, but I assume that there might be something in dpkg (you could also try apt-cache). I recommend you man them both and see if there is something that will give you 'more info'09:00
thrillERboyoh great, thanks a ton cowboy_dan09:00
morthReading package lists... Done09:00
morthBuilding dependency tree09:00
morthReading state information... Done09:00
morthopenssl is already the newest version.09:00
morth0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:00
FloodBot1morth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:00
knoppiesfuribondox, alternatively, you could try open it up using an archive viewer (I am not sure what a .deb package really is)09:00
furibondoxtnx knoppies, I try with apt-cache09:00
goodjoy1003Hi all09:00
Starminnsoon: That option does nothing09:00
ejvmorth: show some respect to the channel, don't flood for christ's sake lol09:00
knoppiesmorth, PLEASE, learn how to use a pastebin.09:00
morthejv seems i already have that installed09:00
cowboy_danthrillERboy: no problem if you ever need help find MrCleanWithHair (thats the me when I'm not trolling in #ubuntu)09:00
soonStarminn .. thats what I'm finding .. weird.09:01
soonNot just my installation then - thanks!09:01
knoppiesstefan_, you mean ubuntu, yes, go for it. Before you do, Is the ISO on your SD card just a .iso file, or has it been unpacked onto the root of the partition?09:01
ejvmorth: if you are compiling and it's complaining about openssl, then it wants developer libraries, $ sudo apt-get install openssl-devel09:01
morthE: Unable to locate package openssl-devel09:02
knoppiesmorth, ejv has a point. I have recently learnt that you should install the -dev of the package. try openssl-dev (or use apt-cache search openssl)09:03
pksadiq!find openssl-dev09:03
ubottuFound: libglobus-openssl-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev09:03
ejvit might be called openssl-dev not openssl-devel, i really have no idea, i don't use ubuntu09:03
thrillERboyHi, How Do I view Diff between two text files in Terminal?09:04
morthknoppies & ejv E: Unable to locate package openssl-dev09:04
ejvjust learn to troubleshoot09:04
knoppiesmorth try  libglobus-openssl-dev09:04
jfcaronWhenever I run apt-get, I get an error message: "WARNING: /usr/share/pyshared/papyon-0.4.6.egg-info is linked but does not belong to any package."  I tried apt-get --reinstalling python-papyon, with no luck.  Any suggestions on how to get rid of this error message?09:04
ejvi think he has a repo problem09:04
ejvwhat repo's do you have enabled morth09:04
knoppiesjfcaron, you could try purge and then install it again, but tbh, I have no idea.09:04
ejvif you can't answer that, fire up synaptic, and located openssl dev that way ;)09:04
morthknoppies that worked09:05
knoppiesmorth, come back if it does not solve your ./configure problem.09:05
ejvoh so knoppies gets all the credit huh? fine! :p09:05
knoppiesejv, you didnt highlight his name. THANK YOU.09:05
knoppiesand thank you pksadiq for finding the package.09:06
ejvhighlighting is overrated :p09:06
pksadiqjfcaron: try sudo dpkg --configure -a09:06
ejvim willing to bet rtorrent is packaged into a nice pretty .deb somewhere... which begs the question... why on earth is he bothering to compile it...09:07
pksadiq!find rtorrent09:07
ubottuFound: rtorrent09:07
jfcaronknoppies: After apt-get purging python-papyon, I still got the error afterwards, and the file mentioned still exists (along with some dpkg scripts).  Do you think I can just rm the leftover files?09:07
pksadiq!info rtorrent09:07
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent from rakshasa. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.6-1build1 (natty), package size 449 kB, installed size 1200 kB09:07
morthknoppies & ejv http://paste.ubuntu.com/634101/09:08
knoppiesjfcaron, I recomend you move them, so that you can move them back in case something goes wrong.09:08
jfcaronpksadiq: Running that command seemed to do nothing, there was no output.09:08
morthejv you get credit too :p09:08
pksadiqjfcaron: k, also try sudo apt-get install -f09:08
ejvmorth: ok install that09:08
knoppiesmorth, now you need to find the -dev of sigc++09:09
darkenergyhow can I print my server name on cli?09:09
ejvmorth: if it says "$DEPENDENCY not found' locate it and install it09:09
knoppiesdarkenergy, hostname09:09
pksadiq!find sigc++09:09
ubottuFound: libsigc++-2.0-0c2a, libsigc++-2.0-dev, libsigc++-2.0-doc, libsigc++-1.2-5c2, libsigc++-1.2-dev09:09
dr_Williswhat we compuling?09:09
ejvrtorrent apparently09:10
knoppiesdr_Willis, you mean morth? rtorrent I think.09:10
pksadiqmorth: try asking ubottu for the packages, mostly its better to get the compiled thing you need09:10
stefan_knoppies, I made a Startmedium with the Startmediumcreater. That should "transform" the CD Card to a bootable Medium. Well, it should :D09:10
knoppiesmorth, unless you HAVE to compile it, it might be easier to do apt-get install rtorrent09:10
pksadiq!info rtorrent > morth09:10
dr_Willisits in the repos.. or use the build-deps option to pull in all needed devs09:10
ejvthat would be too easy09:10
knoppiesdr_Willis, what build-deps option?09:11
dr_Willisapt-get build-deos rtorrent09:11
dr_Willisoopd typo09:11
dr_Willisapt is fun09:11
knoppiesdr_Willis, thank you. I learnt something today.09:11
balaji_when using "ubuntu classic",menu bar is not displaying.. what may be the problem? if it was the problem in my system,how can i reinstall gnome09:11
dr_Willisthe fact iys in the repos makes life easier09:12
knoppiesdr_Willis, I have been trying to create a local repo of some files I downloaded from a server and then copied to my machine. Little luck. apt is very fun.09:12
morthokay, sorry what?09:12
sgo11hi, for photo browser, I used to gthumb. I am wondering if there is any better one now? thanks.09:12
dr_Willisrtorrent ppa ptobrly exisys also09:13
knoppiesmorth do you HAVE to compile rtorrent from scratch? If yes, then try apt-get build-deps rtorrent09:13
morthlmao, im new to ubuntu i installed it this morning, and the "guide" from the net says to do ./configure and such but fails lol09:13
jfcaronknoppies, pksadiq: After doing some unremembered combination of commands (including moving the offending file to a temporary location), the error message is now gone.09:14
knoppieshow do I ping an ip range (to find all machines online (or at least all IPs online). sudo nmap -sP doesnt seem to do anything.09:14
knoppiesjfcaron, glad we could help. I hope we haven't broken anything else on your machine.09:14
jfcaronI think the egg-info file was leftover from an old version (4.6) while the current version is 4.8, so reinstalling did nothing, because it just reinstalled the new version. =p09:14
morthknoppies stupid question but how do i KNOW if i HAVE to compile it or not?09:14
lonixmorth: then you dont09:15
morthwhat do i do then?.. :s09:16
lonixmorth: you need to compile from source if you are useing a non default build, i.e. inserting anything into rtorrent09:16
knoppiesmorth, if you dont know, then you probably dont have to. Reasons for compiling (over just installing a pre-compiled binary) would be things like: newer version, or a plugin, or some functionality that they did not include in the compiled binary. I think you should try apt-get install rtorrent09:16
dr_Williswhy havent you just used the version in the repos.09:16
lonixmorth: sudo apt-get install rtorrent09:16
lonixknoppies: you forgot sudo :P09:16
jfcaronmorth: The only times I've ever had to compile something were when there was no package available in the repositories.09:16
knoppieslonix, thanks.09:16
dr_Willisits not like a new version has a lot of new features09:16
lonixmoslty the precompiled bin will work just fine...09:17
morthlols... rtorrent is already the newest version.09:17
morthdoes that mean its already installed? :s09:17
dr_Willismorth:  so run it..09:18
dr_Willisread its docs first09:18
dr_Willisyou do relize rtorrent is a cli app09:18
lonixi dont know rtorrent in particular, but i presume the docs will help you create a config file for later use ?09:19
dr_Willisrtorrent is not very beginner frienfly. why are you even wantint it?09:19
morthdr_willis yes i do realize rtorrent is a CLi app, even though my skills are beginner im hoping its going to improve my overall skills with ubuntu etc.09:20
lonixis this a ubuntu server or desktop ?09:20
dr_Willistorrent some bash guides.. heh..09:20
Starminndr_Willis: By the way, my Banshee issue lately with the errors? It was solved using what's on the bottom of this page (for future reference if other people experience the same)09:20
pksadiqdr_Willis: YOU are having *alot* of experience, but still along many typos :-O09:20
morthactually my first torrent was going to be Unix Power Tools09:21
dr_Willispksadiq:  im on my android phone09:21
dr_Willisstill not found a good bt keybord for it09:21
morthdr_willis how do i run it?09:22
lonixIm still waiting for Ubuntu 11.04 Phone Edition09:22
dr_Willisor even an affordable one09:22
lonix"the Ultimate replacment for android"09:22
dr_Willismorth:  man rtorrent09:22
morthnevermind figured it out lol "rtorrent run"09:22
dr_Williswith rtorrent you Will read the docs. or give up using it. heh..09:23
dr_Willisits homepage hss guides also09:24
dr_Willisill stick with transmission09:24
noisewaterphdhp touchpad is 1080p after all.  Ill get one and give the Xoom to the wife. WebOS is seriously so cool, it will be very serious competition for Android and iOS09:25
mortheveryone, thanks for the help :p09:25
fajriada orang indo nya ga ni09:25
lonixNo problem morth09:26
lonixhow can i use " in sed ?09:27
Jordan_Ulonix: sed 's/"/that was a quote/g'09:28
dr_Willis /" \"09:28
dr_Willisi get them backeards09:28
lonix sed 's/$/\"/'09:29
lonixshould work ?09:29
darshani was wondering where Empathy puts the conversation logs in the last ubuntu09:29
Jordan_Ulonix: Yes, though the '\' is redundant.09:30
lonixJordan_U: do you have a few mins to check out a simple script, im having troubble with ?09:30
Jordan_Ulonix: I need to leave in about 2 minutes but post a link to a pastebin of the script and someone else will likely be able to help.09:31
epzil0ndarshan: what do you mean by in the last ubuntu?09:31
fajrisee http://goo.gl/TAyvJ09:31
vivekimsitany one here working on openerp?09:32
fajriPastes to http://goo.gl/ixcN909:32
lonixJordan_U: kk09:32
darshane mean 11.0409:32
epzil0ndarshan: can't you see that in settings?09:32
lonixThis script seems to work perfectly untill it encounters folders with " " space in its name09:32
jussivivekimsit: working on? or using?09:32
jussivivekimsit: what is your real question? :)09:32
OssNassrI'm trying to install ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop09:33
vivekimsithm..actually i want technical assistance09:33
vivekimsitin coding part..09:33
lonixOssNassr: what seems to be the problem ?09:33
darshanepzil0n, no, i did not find it09:33
jussivivekimsit: do they not have a channel?09:33
OssNassrwhich is ASUS X61SL with Intel Core 2duo p8400 processor09:33
ejv!enter | OssNassr09:33
ubottuOssNassr: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:33
OssNassrbut i can't make it run after the  installation is complete09:33
vivekimsitthey have but i can hardly 9 people09:34
epzil0ndarshan: ok, should be there.. i'm not in ubuntu now so can't check but i can log into ubuntu and have a look09:34
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kiichirois there a way to view the processes that are running09:34
jussivivekimsit: its probably wrong place to ask here, this is really for ubuntu support.09:35
Jordan_Ulonix: 1: It should be "#!/bin/bash" not "!/bin/sh". 2: Use find's -exec feature to completely replace the for loop.09:35
darshankiichiro, ps ax09:35
epzil0nkiichiro: type top in a terminal09:35
vivekimsithmm..i know09:35
Jordan_Ulonix: You can get more help in ##bash as well. Good luck.09:35
lonixOssNassr: what do you mean it wont work ? can you be any more spesific09:35
lonixJordan_U: cheers ;)09:35
OssNassrinorder to make the live CD starts or to run the installtion I had to use the advanced option acpi=off but I can't tell the system after being installed to work09:35
kiichirois there a way to stop a process than?09:35
epzil0nkiichiro: yes by it's PID you see it with top09:36
kiichirolike is it stop #####09:36
OssNassrinorder to make the live CD starts or to run the installtion I had to use the advanced option acpi=off but I can't tell the system after being installed to work09:36
kiichiroor is it kill09:36
epzil0nkiichiro: then type: kill 123409:36
kiichiromkay thank you very much09:36
lonixacpi=off was set in the boot loader for the live cd ?09:37
darshanany idea?09:38
epzil0ndarshan: looking..09:38
lonixOssNassr: In that case, tyr booting Ubuntu with the same option, in the bootloader for the local driver where you have ubuntu installed09:38
brezHi, I installed 'eggrop' via apt-get... where would this of installed, so I can locate the .conf? thanks.09:38
darshanepzil0n, thanks09:39
lonixOssNassr: Same way you did for livecd, or am i missing something here ?09:40
epzil0ndarshan: can't see it in settings, only that you can enable/disable the logging09:40
morthwoot using rtorrent like a pro ;)09:40
lonixmorth: good...09:40
glaksmono_how do you change folder's permission to: drwxrwxr-x  33 nobody     nobody  1122 Jun 27 17:20 templates_c ???09:41
darshanepzil0n, foud it! /home/darshan/.local/share/TpLogger/logs/09:41
glaksmono_it's chown?09:41
epzil0ndarshan: hehe, i was just digging in the home dir.. great =)09:41
lonixglaksmono_: chown = change owner chgrp = change grou chmod = change mod09:41
OssNassrIn live CD I clicked the arrow keys and a menu appeared there I found the other option choice (key F6) and I used it ,I tried with the system after it got installed by pressing 'e' inorder to modify the booting options but It didn't work09:42
lonixglaksmono_: chown can cange group as well i.e.: chown user:group file/folder09:42
darshanwhat a awful format! xml...09:42
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epzil0ndarshan: yeah i'm looking at it ;)09:43
lonixglaksmono_: chmod root:admin templates_c09:43
jtannenbaumokay, so in my /etc/hosts file I have a bunch of lines [domain name]. Now, the domain name of the topmost line of that type is reflected in my POST data when I visit websites it seems09:43
jtannenbaumaccording to django at least09:44
jtannenbaumthis makes my POST["TZ"] as Chicago for some reason09:44
lonixOssNassr: what happend when you presed e09:44
darshanok, i also need a decent dictionary utility (not a spellcheck) there was a good one some version ago09:45
LegGnomЕсть кто на русском бачит?09:45
epzil0ndarshan: elementary uses purple09:45
knoppiesI have installed ubuntu server (the LTS version, Im not sure if its 10.04) on an old machine. the hostname of the machine is safn. I cannot seem to do safn.local (but typing in the IP works). Does anybody know how to fix this (I have apache installed, if that makes a difference)09:45
lonixknoppies: how does you /etc/hosts look like09:46
knoppieslonix, let me check.09:46
epzil0ndarshan: but they will move to Lingo.. anyways elementary os builds upon ubuntu so they probably work09:46
lonixknoppies: check /etc/hostname while your at it09:47
knoppieslonix, I almost pasted it in here, let me pastbin it.09:47
OssNassrafter the installation was compeleted I restarted the laptop as instructed the when it came to boot it didn't  and I wated for ours ,so I used the power button to shutdown the laptop and then started it again then it gave me a menu with for option : normal startup ,recovery mode,and two options about memory testing so I selected the first option and pressed 'e' to edit the boot parameters and inserted acpi=off then I pressed 'F10' b09:47
morthanyone know if its possible to convert your cookies/history/saved passwords from Windows Firefox to Ubuntu?09:48
Starminnmorth: Just use Firefox Sync..09:48
knoppieslonix, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/634126/09:49
lonixOssNassr: What next ?09:49
morthstarminn is that just Firefox inmport/export?09:49
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ypkhi, my pc is restarting after loading the initrd / ramdisk file, any clue how to fix that?09:49
OssNassrnothing just black screen with flashing white pointer and it didn't go or change09:50
lonixknoppies: you are trying to mage safn.local refer to self right ?09:50
Starminnmorth: Mozilla gives you all your bookmarks, history, and probably saved passwords (though probably not cookies) from your other account, yeah. From there of course you can export to Chrom/ium or whatever you like09:50
knoppieslonix, I dont know what you mean by mage, I want to be able to type in safn.local on a machine on the LAN and get that machine (I can do it for my two laptops)09:50
lonixknoppies: make*09:51
amitI accidently deleted my movie files09:51
knoppieslonix, that way I can ssh username@safn.local or type in safn.local into a browser and get the apache web server (at port 80 by default)09:51
amitcan I recover them anyway09:51
amitit happened just now09:51
FloodBot1amit: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:51
knoppieslonix, yes. let me see what the /etc/hosts file looks like on my laptop, maybe changing to safn might help.09:51
darshanepzil0n, ?09:52
lonixknoppies: no09:52
epzil0ndarshan: software center got a bunch of them, just search dictionary.. donno which one is good tho, i use purple in elementary os ;)09:52
knoppieslonix, my laptop has this at the top of the /etc/hosts file: Added by NetworkManager09:52
knoppieslonix, klap being the hostname. It also has these:
epzil0ndarshan: didn't find it software center, purple that is09:53
lonixknoppies: so lets se you have 2 hosts, klap and safn right ? and you want to type safn.local from klap ?09:53
amitcan I recover them anyway09:53
knoppiesepzil0n, you might be looking for libpurple?09:53
knoppieslonix, yes.09:53
knoppieslonix, I can type in klap.local on safn.09:54
lonixknoppies: on safn edit /etc/hosts and add this line09:54
lonixknoppies: ip.of.safn safn.local09:55
epzil0nknoppies: no, purple is a dictionary in elementary os.. but if you check their site it says Lingo09:55
zeroedoutamit depends on your filesystem09:55
OssNassrlonix: are you there?09:55
zeroedoutamit: what filesystem were those movies on? ext4? ntfs? fat32?09:55
lonixknoppies: arrgh to much noise here...09:56
epzil0nknoppies: so i'm guessing that they will move to Lingo with future release09:56
lonixOssNassr: sorry, yes...09:56
epzil0nknoppies: http://elementaryos.org/discover09:56
lonixOssNassr: Try useing the recovery feature09:56
knoppieslonix, if the IP is set by DHCP, is there a way to make sure that the IP stays with my DHCP lease?09:56
OssNassrlonix: it didn't start either09:56
knoppieslonix, or would I be forced to set a reserved IP in the DHCP server (or whatever they call them, kinda like a static IP)09:57
MagePsychohow to search the .svn files and delete them?09:57
zeroedoutamit: check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery I like foremost my self, but photorec is supposed to be good as well09:58
amitzeroedout: they were on ext409:58
epzil0ndarshan: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/01/install-purple-dictionary-elementary-project-ubuntu-ppa/09:58
zeroedoutamit: foremost is probably your best bet then09:58
knoppiesMagePsycho, I know many people create scripts using find | grep .svn and then have that stored into a variable that they do rm on, Im not so good at bash scripting though.09:59
zeroedoutamit: just don't write anything else to the drive until you have recovered your files09:59
lonixknoppies: and OssNassr i have to go im really sorry, but repost your questions, i promise someone will help you out.09:59
MagePsychohey knoppies can yougive me the exact command for the purpose please09:59
zeroedoutamit: like, stop using the harddrive now and plug into another machine for recovery if possible09:59
amitzeroedout: how can I use foremost? I have it09:59
knoppieslonix, thank you. You have been such a help.09:59
epzil0ndarshan: the PPA is for Maverick but it should work in Natty09:59
=== EvilOne is now known as KindOne
morthstarminn will firefox sync work if from windows to ubuntu?09:59
darshanepzil0n, thank you09:59
Starminnmorth: worked for me10:00
epzil0ndarshan: np ;)10:00
morthstarminn do i have to go on my windows atall or can i do this all by ubuntu10:00
zeroedoutamit: I don't have time right now to hold your hand through it. you'll have to read the guide and the man pages, they are very detailed and instructive. also check out google for more step by step type guides10:00
knoppiesMagePsycho, I meant to imply that I do not know the exact command. You could try something like: rm -R path/to/directory *.svn10:00
Starminnmorth: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/what-firefox-sync10:01
knoppiesMagePsycho, WAIT.10:01
amitzeroedout: ok10:01
amitthank you10:01
knoppiesMagePsycho, dont do that, I made a mistake.10:01
abstrusenickwhy doesnlt /bin/sh -l execute .profile file?10:01
abstrusenickwhy doesn;t /bin/sh -l execute .profile file?10:02
knoppiesMagePsycho, cd into the parent directory of your .svn files and then try: rm -r *.svn10:02
morthstarminn ty10:02
MagePsychook knoppies10:03
MagePsychorm -r or rm -rf ?10:03
knoppiesMagePsycho, do you know how to use manpages?10:03
knoppiesMagePsycho, if you want it to just delete them and not bother about asking you, then do -rf, but if you want it to prompt you (or warn you that the file does not exist) then do -ir CAREFUL with -rf, you might end up deleting files you never meant to.10:05
knoppiesMagePsycho, you could also do -rfv and it will tell you everything that it does.10:05
MagePsychothanks knoppies10:05
knoppiesMagePsycho, pleasure. Do you know how to use man pages? try: man rm10:06
morthStarminn will this be able to work if my other OS is not on?10:06
MagePsychoman = manual?10:06
Starminnmorth: Your settings/history/bookmarks are stored on a server over at Mozilla.10:07
morthstarminn OHH okay, makes perfect sense thanks10:07
Starminnmorth: So if you do something on Ubuntu, then next time you sign on with Windows it will carry over. Do something on Windows, and it will reflect on Ubuntu (and any mobile devices oyu have it on)10:07
morthstarminn cool brb to sync on windows10:08
stefan_Hello, may I change the name of the default user from stefan to markus? And if yes, how can I do so? I want to rename the user and change the password. Is this possible?10:12
tarvidHow do I get mounted NAS drives to show up in file selection lists?10:12
ahmtfthcan i ask somethin?10:13
totem!ask | ahmtfth10:14
ubottuahmtfth: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:14
epzil0ntarvid: bookmark it10:15
darshanwrote a dirty ruby script to convert empathy xml log to htm10:15
jtannenbaumanyone know why the timezone of the POST data in my browsers America/Chicago when it's supposed to be New York?10:16
epzil0ntarvid: then you can change the name of the bookmark10:16
gryjtannenbaum: Can you check your IP whois? Get the IP at www.whatismyip.com and it would likely display what country it's in. Sometimes you can find yourself using a proxy in another area.10:16
epzil0ndarshan: nice =)10:19
weefeehow can I stop gnome but stay connected to wifi?10:20
yunoshhi, is anybody else getting 404s for changelogs from natty-proposed?10:20
epzil0nweefee: huh, don't understand what you mean?10:21
weefeeok I'm trying to install nvidia drivers10:21
weefeeand it tells me I can't be running X10:21
epzil0nweefee: mm10:21
weefeewhen I kill X, it drops to a black screen with no console10:22
weefeeI could do it remotely, but apparently it kills the connection to wifi when gnome dies10:22
epzil0nweefee: ok, but why do you need wifi when you are installing graphic drivers?10:23
keithbweefee: does ctrl-alt-F1 give you a login screen?10:23
weefeeso I can run the command10:23
weefeeI'll try10:23
Starminnepzil0n: To download the drivers or update them, perhaps? *shrug*10:24
nadhi, when doing 'bzr launchpad-login <myUsername>' from the terminal I get the following error regarding proxy auth:'bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: curl connection error (Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT)'. New to ubuntu dev, using natty. Added my ssh key to launchpad successfully. Any ideas? http_proxy env variable is set10:24
weefeeok that worked but the driver installation failed10:24
epzil0nStarminn: :D10:25
keithbweefee: try rebooting into single user mode, nvidia won't let you install if the nvidia module is loaded10:25
weefeegtx295 work on ubuntu?10:26
weefeesingle user mode how?10:26
nadi am able to authenticate in my browser etc, so proxy credentials and setup are correct10:26
keithbweefee: at the boot screen you should get a second line which is your current krnel but in maintenance mode10:27
weefeeI have recovery mode10:27
keithbweefee: that's it10:27
keithbweefee: you will boot as root so be careful10:28
MagePsychocan anyone tell me how to delete all tables within a db10:28
weefeeno worries10:28
MagePsychofyi, my db has 400 tables10:28
shane_MagePsycho: DROP (table); CREATE TABLE (table);10:28
StarminnMagePsycho: Maybe DROP * ?10:28
nadMagePsycho: drop database10:28
weefeeI'm ignorant but not unbearably so10:28
MagePsychoi am unable to create database so.. drop database wont work10:29
MagePsychoonly i need to drop tables10:29
shane_MagePsycho: Sorry, like this:   DROP TABLE (table); CREATE TABLE (table);10:29
MagePsychohow to drop all the tables10:29
MagePsycholike using wildcard :) DROP * TABLES10:29
shane_MagePsycho: Then like this:   DROP DATABASE (table); CREATE DATABASE (table);10:29
nadMagePsycho: you will have to grant access to the user you are using on the schema you are using, maybe with your root user. This is how it would work in mysql10:30
MagePsychosince user is associated with that table10:30
nadhi, when doing 'bzr launchpad-login <myUsername>' from the terminal I get the following error regarding proxy auth:'bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: curl connection error (Received HTTP code 407 from proxy after CONNECT)'. New to ubuntu dev, using natty. Added my ssh key to launchpad successfully. Any ideas? http_proxy env variable is set10:30
StarminnMagePsycho: Only way wild card would make sense is DROP TABLE * I think but I don't know if that would work.10:30
StarminnBeen awhile and my DB stuffz is rusty.10:31
weefeebleh, failed10:31
weefeesaid to get out of runlevel 1 and telinit 310:31
weefeedid that and script still failed10:31
shane_Starminn: I tried that, which didnt work.10:32
shane_MagePsycho: Just drop then recreate the database10:32
nadMagePsycho, Shane: sounds like a privileges issue. You cannot drop/create if you dont have the correct privileges10:33
bob77I have two identical ssh sessions opened. one is very slow (in the sense of char echo) and one is normal. how can this happen?10:34
shane_MagePsycho: Sorry I missed the issue with priveliges. What method are you using to run your SQL?10:34
speakmanhow do I remotely re-mount an SD-card just being manually umount'ed?10:40
lonixmount -a ?10:41
speakmanlonix: doesn't it require it being mentioned in /etc/fstab?10:41
jpdsspeakman: Yes.10:41
lonixthat is if it is in fstab10:41
speakmanI want it to be mounted as the user10:41
speakmanas if you just put the card back in the machine10:42
speakmanubuntu will auto-mount it10:42
speakmanwith the current user's ownership10:42
jpdsspeakman: Reopen it from the File Manager.10:42
jpdsOh, remotely.10:42
speakmanssh :p10:43
jpdsspeakman: ssh -X and run nautilus.10:43
dodinoguys, exist a simple method to have an USB stick with Ubuntu bootable in a macbook? i tried more ways but the result it's always the same "no bootable device found" (with rEFIt of course) ...10:43
shane_dodino: Are you booting as USB-HDD?10:43
speakmanjpds: it's not visible in natulius when umounted once10:44
dodinotell me that someone has done it because I find many howto online which unfortunately do not work10:44
dodinoshane_: it's an USB stick, a corsair voyager gt 16GB10:44
shane_dodino: When you boot, do you select USB-HDD as your boot option? It should be something along the lines of USB-HDD to boot operating systems from a USB10:45
speakmanany ideas?10:45
speakmanisn't ubuntu using pmount or something?10:45
jpdsspeakman: No.10:45
speakmanor can I re-trigger the "pluggin in the SD-card" event?10:45
dodinoshane_: with rEFIt i can see my USB stick but when I try to boot it, the result it's "no bootable device"...10:46
jpdsspeakman: Run palimpsest and see if it's been powered off.10:46
GreenNerdI've been up all night with WGET.  Can someone please tell me how to go to a website that has a search engine, input my parameters, and then pass them through WGET?  I have to download a file, and can't seem to get it to work if I request too much data, but the problem is... I need that data to download as an excel spreadsheet or an access database.  Either way, the site is http://www.vip.vetbiz.gov/general_user/search  .  I can d10:47
GreenNerdownload the spreadsheet when I use the default parameters, but if I add any new ones, I get an error 500.  I have no idea what to do.  I truly need this info,and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help.  I will do my best to refrain from spamming this, but I truly need this file in the next two hours...  :'(10:47
FloodBot1GreenNerd: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:47
dodinoshane_: i think it's a problem relative the partition table and/or partition's filesystem..10:47
MagePsychohi guys..10:48
shane_dodino: I can not be sure. I do not use macs. If it was not that then I can not help you any further sorry10:48
speakmanjpds: trying "Mount Volume" which gives me "Not Authorized"10:48
shane_MagePsycho: Any luck?10:48
MagePsychorm -rf *.svn only works for current directory10:48
GreenNerdThe problem happens when I click "Export to Access".  The whole freakin site is .asp and .js!  I can't get anything to function in a conventional manner.  Can someone learn me to hack?10:48
MagePsychoi want it to look and delete from all dirs10:48
MagePsychoi used phpmyadmin for the shane_10:49
shane_MagePsycho: Ok :)10:49
speakmanand by the way -- it looks like my systray is lost. At least it doesn't show my Skype icon any longer10:50
weefeeGreenNerd: don't have access to a windows machine to get the file?10:50
speakman...which makes me unable to open Skype when all windows are closed10:50
=== incubus is now known as Guest16497
GreenNerdThe file I want is public on a .gov server.10:51
kubancanyone familiar with this error: gimpshop: maintainer-address-missing giuliastro10:51
shane_MagePsycho: What is the output of rm?10:51
GreenNerdweefee, the file is on a .gov server.  The data I am pulling is all public, but the .js and .asp is mucking everything up, bad.10:51
weefeecan't you just get it from a windows machine?10:51
shane_speakman: Just add notification area back to your panel :)10:52
GreenNerdIt won't even DL.  I get an 500 error.10:52
GreenNerd500 Internal10:52
GreenNerdIt is bizzare10:52
MagePsychothere was no any output10:52
weefeewhat are your search parameters?10:52
MagePsychorm -rf *.svn10:52
MagePsychono output10:52
MagePsychohow to search and delete recursively from all fodlers10:53
shane_rm -f -r *.svn10:53
shane_MagePsycho: Try that10:53
susundbergyou need to use find10:53
susundbergfind . -iname "*.svn" | xargs rm -rf10:54
susundbergto get recursive find and remove of .svn named directories, if thats what you want10:54
veek-type d10:55
GreenNerdweefee, if you go to http://vip.vetbiz.gov/general_user/search/ then click on CUSTOMIZED SEARCH, it makes a larger form.  Down at the bottom, you can shift+click the "Step 3 - Specify Fields(s) to Display:" box.  I want all of the options selected.  The data works, because I can see a preview screen once I click "search", but I just can't download the appropriately formatted files.  This is complicated.  Thx for being paitent.  :)10:55
MagePsychorm -f -r *.svn no luck :(10:59
=== helgikrs2 is now known as helgikrs
DroidAgentHi, I'd like to create a bootable USB install for Ubuntu server... http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/download has instructions for Win, Mac and Ubuntu but not for Linux distros other than Ubuntu... do I need to convert the .iso to .img on Linux and if yes, how?10:59
weefeeGreenNerd: I don't think you'll be able to make that work, looks like a big problem on your end, I think your best bet is to parse the html somehow11:00
weefeeon their end*11:00
GreenNerdweefee, I've tried lots of stuff.  What do you specifically suggest?11:00
shane_MagePsycho: Try rm -fr *.svn - I dont know if it will do anything but you can try :) It can either work or not11:00
weefeethat's beyond my scope, but I bet there are some ubernerds that could whip up a script that will whip that data into shape right quick11:01
speakmanshane_: notification area?11:02
speakmanfound it, but no differencs11:02
shane_speakman: To recover your skype icons and all :)11:02
pRoV7x DroidAgent: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/, this might help you.11:03
speakmanshane_: nothing different - all blank :(11:03
MagePsychofind . -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \;11:03
MagePsychowill this work: find . -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \;11:03
shane_speakman: Do you have skype up?11:03
speakmanshane_: yes11:03
shane_MagePsycho: Possibly11:03
MagePsychofind . -name ".svn" -exec rm -rf {} \; works like a charm11:05
morthi came across something nifty, if you're a irssi user you might wanna check this out http://pcatr.im/E011:06
shane_speakman: Do you have anything else that should have icons? For example network manager?11:08
shane_MagePsycho: Glad to hear :)11:08
sidd_makhow to integrate a media player in gnome sound panel...??11:09
speakmanshane_: i believe network manager uses the Notification Applet, right?11:10
shane_speakman: Yes11:10
shane_iljo: Hello11:12
iljoi have a question, i am looking for software, which would let my mouse clicks simulate keyboard buttons11:13
iljoanything like that out there?11:13
phuxiljo, check orca11:14
iljothanks phux, will check it out11:14
phuxthink its default in ubuntu11.0411:15
NephroHi! Anyone had this trouble: when I start up skype, the pc starts working very slowly, everything is tearing, lagging etc... This continues for about a minute, then everything is back to normal11:15
HyperiHi, I'm wondering why default installation of Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS isn't doing logrotate even as cron.daily/logrotate aswell all the configurations are in place11:15
glontuanyone know how to disable the network manager thing ?11:15
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shane_glontu: The default network manager? To end the process run pkill nm-applet however this will kill your connection as well.11:16
Hyperilogrotate -v says "does not need rotating" yet the files are 4Gigs+ and way older. I've already tried to remove /var/lib/logrotate/status file, but the response is the same :/11:16
=== Abhijit is now known as Guest17393
glontushane_, i am trying to set up a router from my box and i think network manager keeps interfereing11:16
sabgentonwhats a good ext reader for windows11:16
iljosorry phux, i think you misunderstood me...11:17
=== Abhijit_ is now known as Abhijit
sabgentonext2explore sucks it's not reading sparse files11:17
shane_glontu: I removed network manager ages ago for wicd and have had no problems since11:17
sabgentoncopys only a couple of k then gives up11:18
glontushane_, how do i remove it ?11:18
shane_sabgenton: This is ubuntu IRC not windows. I suggesn you google *.ext11:18
iljoi need software, that would simulate Ctrl + Alt + Left when i click my "go back" button on mouse, and Ctrl + Alt + Right, when i click my "go forward" button on mouse11:18
e-DIO-tapt-get purge network-manager && apt-get install wicd ?11:18
shane_glontu: Download WICD and install it then purge network-manager11:18
shane_e-DIO-t: You cant just install wicd, it required daemons and the interface11:19
sabgentonshane_: well wubi is suported which is  a ext image on windows11:19
pRoV7x glontu: Software Center, write the name of the software, click on it, then you see remove bottun, after removinngou better restart your pc11:19
e-DIO-tshane_: tought they'd come as dependencies11:20
shane_glontu: apt-get install wicd; apt-get install wicd-daemon;apt-get install python-wicd;apt-get purge network-manager11:20
shane_e-DIO-t: Good point :)11:20
shane_But just to be safe11:20
e-DIO-tshane_: ^_^11:21
shane_However, I only have wicd-daemon and python-wicd installed and it works perfectly.11:21
glontuok so moving on ... does anyone have any ideea why i keep getting errors when trying to do this:  ip route add table 100 default via $E1_GW11:21
shane_glontu: Just get wicd-daemon and python-wicd and you should be set to purge network-manager11:21
glontui get the stupid no suck process message from RTNETLINK11:22
shane_glontu: Paste your errors11:22
dydhi all11:22
glontushane_,  RTNETLINK answers: no such process11:22
glontunot verry helpful11:22
MagePsychohow to list all files recursively11:23
shane_glontu: Not wrong! I guess youo are trying to modify iptables?11:23
glontushane_, i am just trying to add a default route for a table11:23
littlehow to take pictures in laptop webcam in ubuntu11:24
glontusometimes even ip route add default dev eth1 via ... fails with the same message11:24
glontucan this be because of the annoying network manager ?11:24
shane_glontu: You are trying to make your box into a router?11:24
Michiellll-laptostupid question..... how do i switch desktops again?11:24
littlehow to take pictures in laptop webcam in ubuntu11:24
glontushane_, yes, a router with 2 wan's11:24
littlehow to take pictures in laptop webcam in ubuntu11:24
glontulike here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52736511:25
szal!repeat | little11:25
ubottulittle: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:25
littlehow to take pictures in laptop webcam in ubuntu11:25
shane_glontu: Interesting :) I shall look into that, one moment11:25
littleubottu,  okay11:25
glontuthey should really do something about the stupit RTNETLINK messages which don't say anything really11:26
pRoV7x What is this Xorg11:26
shane_pRiV7x: It is your GUI (in a nutshell)11:26
dydi'm trying to use foremost to recover some files that have been deleted for mistake, i don't know how to use the HD. The command is $ foremost /dev/device -T how do i know what's the device?11:26
pRoV7x !Xorg11:26
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:26
shane_glontu: First of all I would start of by removing network-manager all together rather than disabling it.11:27
pRoV7x !GUI11:28
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)11:28
glontushane_, and should i install the one you recomended ?11:28
shane_pRoV7x: A GUI is everything on your screen that you can see. Your windows, the mouse, everything. The other alternative to a GUI is CUI, which is command line interface (Text).11:29
babuin windows normally we would type //ipaddress to see the shared items..11:29
babuhow to do the same in ubutnu11:29
babuhow to do the same in Ubuntu11:29
arucreidi`ve a question11:29
shane_glontu: Well there is WICD or editing the OS's networking files.11:29
tonyyarussobabu: Places > Network11:29
pRoV7x shane_: i see, god man this Xorg uses a lot of CPU sometimes11:29
arucreiddoes anybody know, how to check in which domain/workgroup is my PC?11:29
shane_From a ease of use pov I would suggest WICD. From a stability point of view, edit the OS's files. However I have not had a problem with WICD.11:30
JdGordondoes anyone know how to find out which dhcp leases were given out by ubuntu when you use the network managers "share this connection" option?11:30
tonyyarussolittle: Applications > Sound and Video > Cheese Webcam Booth11:30
shane_pRoV7x: Yes that is to be expected. It has a massive job :)11:30
babuin Network it shows the user name.. i dunno it..11:30
babui ki know only ip addr11:30
babui know only ip addr11:30
antiheroI get an annoying buzzing in my speakers whenever I use my mouse, also sometimes when I scroll on a webpage.11:30
tonyyarussodyd: 'mount' will tell you your current device to mountpoint associations.11:31
antiheroNone of the topics I've found through google on the forums have solved it / are recent.11:31
antiheroI'm using a M-Audio Delta 2496 that otherwise works great.11:31
tonyyarussoarucreid: It should be in your Samba config file.11:31
arucreidthe config of samba file is really enought to know which workgroup is it?11:32
babudo u get my qn?11:32
arucreidi mean i`ve 2 computers linux and windows11:32
pRoV7x shane_: is WICD a software that manges Networks?11:32
tonyyarussoarucreid: well, that's where you would define it.11:33
phuxiljo: what do yoou mean by misunderstood?[D11:33
arucreidi want to know that workgroup has importance to configuring it?11:33
pRoV7x shane_: how about SWscanner11:33
shane_pRoV7x: WICD is like network-manager, It allows you to connect to networks (provided you have the password).11:34
iljoi don't think orca does what i need done11:34
jwtiyarthe firefox will damage or stop when going from tab to other tab for a while11:34
babuin windows normally we would type //ipaddress to see the shared items..i know only ip addr11:34
pRoV7x shane_: i see, sweet11:34
babuits workin in windows11:34
iljowhen i start orca, all it does is start reading things on my screen11:34
shane_pRoV7x: Yes and no. From what I saw, SWscanner only manages wireless networks.11:34
shane_And it depensd on something else.11:35
tonyyarussobabu: You can also use Places > Connect to Server and use "Windows Share" as the type.11:35
babuthere is lot of options..11:35
arucreidok so I guess, it depends of what I type in smb.conf, and the name of workgroup must be the same11:36
pRoV7x shane_: i see, just wonder how come Swscanner's file is 60 Mb, i was about to get it but changed my mind, lol11:36
jwtiyarany solution?11:36
arucreidthe same in windows machine11:36
phuxiljo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Accessibility11:36
phuxiljo: oh sorry11:37
phuxyoure right11:37
tonyyarussoarucreid: yes11:37
phuxiljo: if you are on ubuntu 11.04 you have to press ALt + F2 type onboard and press enter11:39
pRoV7x yeah what i wanted to ask, now whenever i run update manger i t sya no new updes, though im using Ubuntu 10.10, is that natural or not11:39
phuxi dont know if its installed in previous versions11:39
OerHekspRoV7x, depends on your preferences, does ubuntu download + install security updates in background ?11:40
Kurdistanhey guys. do any body know how I know if I can use "pcie_aspm=force"?11:40
pRoV7x OerHeks: ho do i know that11:41
pRoV7x how11:41
OerHeksgoto update manager and check preferences ?11:41
pRoV7x OerHeks: from the settings in the update manger11:42
pRoV7x !python11:43
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python11:43
pRoV7x OerHeks: alright11:44
pRoV7x =S11:46
* gry asls for Perl help here.11:47
screwednoobQ - Would gparted on ubuntu liveCD  see a prev ubuntu installation on ext4 partition as unallocated space ?11:47
screwednoobthats what i thought. would an mbr screwup make it disappear like that ?11:48
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gryHi. :-)11:54
mejohow do I mark a bug as found in another ubuntu release? I'm talking about bug #419143 and would like to mark it as found in Ubuntu Natty.11:54
AxanDoes anyone know about video edition software "Kino" ? I got a simple question to ask about11:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419143 in cairo (Ubuntu Karmic) "Printing from evince (and perhaps other GTK apps) to PostScript printers is broken ("0a" bytes inserted into PostScript output)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41914311:54
shane_ok see ya all later :)11:55
grymejo try #ubuntu-bugs if I'm not mistaken11:55
mejoI already changed status from Invalid back to Confirmed, but I don't find the option to mark it as found in Natty.11:55
mejogry: thanks11:55
gryyou're welcome11:55
gryAxan: please ask away.11:56
Axan^^, I wonder how to delete an applied effect (and get back the original video portion) (with KINO video edition software)11:57
ethnoadm_need ubuntu help?11:58
DJones!ask | ethnoadm_11:59
ubottuethnoadm_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:59
strkevince: symbol lookup error: evince: undefined symbol: ev_get_locale_dir # got this on upgrading evince to 2.30.3-0ubuntu1.212:00
ethnoadm_i am having trouble installing avira antivir on ubuntu 11.1012:00
ethnoadm_how do i install dozuko when i can't find a .deb12:00
ethnoadm_Altenatively any good recommendations for antivir programms in ubuntu?12:02
ethnoadm_Primarily to scan ext hds in safe environment12:02
DJonesethnoadm_: You said installing on 11.10, did you mean 11.10 which isn't released until October & is just for testing, or 11.04 which is the current version12:02
gryethnoadm_: many places suggest "m-a a-i dazuko"12:03
ethnoadm_how do i implement m-a a-i dazuko?12:03
BlackDalekDoes anyone know how to stream a webcam over network using VLC in ubuntu?12:03
gry!antivirus | ethnoadm_, gry wants you to know - this lists useful suggestions as well:12:03
ubottuethnoadm_, gry wants you to know - this lists useful suggestions as well:: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:03
gryethnoadm_: run 'm-a a-i dazuko' in Terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)12:04
ethnoadm_i aim to clean virus infected drives with a "safe" ubuntu version. ps i just installed the new ubuntu and frankly everything looks different. got its from ubutnu.com12:04
gryWelcome. :)12:05
BlackDalekdoes anyone know how to stream webcam in VLC?12:05
SomelauwHi, I am still using ubuntu 10.1012:05
gryethnoadm_: Just read lines prefxed with your nickname and check the links and suggestions.12:06
SomelauwWhen starting update-manager, it says: Not all updates could be installed.12:06
SomelauwIs there some way I can figure out what the problem is?12:06
ethnoadm_gry_ yes12:06
DJonesSomelauw: With you using 11.10, you're probably better asking in #ubuntu+1 which is the channel for the development version, there may be a specific issue affecting things at the moment12:08
B|2hey guys,12:08
B|2how do i stop ubuntuone from my startup?12:08
jiohdipreferences startup applications12:10
jiohdiuncheck it12:10
tjiggi_foSomelauw, run: sudo apt-get update then try updating again12:10
SomelauwDJones: I use 10.1012:10
DJonesSomelauw: Sorry, I misread 10.10 as 11.1012:11
xroHi, what is the best location to put website source code? (some people said me that /var/www isn't a good choice)12:12
gryxro: That's Apache's default web files location, yes.12:13
xrogry, but some people said that is not a good place to store source code (web python code) because apache could show it to users...12:15
SomelauwDJones: I tried, but I am still having the same problem.12:15
tsimpsonxro: it doesn't matter where, it's completely arbitrary12:15
gryxro, it's the default location - if you find permissions wrong, just ask in here and people would help you to set it up.12:15
tsimpsonxro: apache only needs to be able to read the files, other that that it can be anywhere12:15
gryxro, permissions do /not/ depend on files location in this case.12:16
xrook... thanls for your advices!12:16
SomelauwDJones: Also, it says there are updates for linux-generic, but I am not able to select those.12:17
tonyyarussoxro: It depends entirely on how you configure your web server.  No location is "good" or "bad" by reasons of apache showing it to users.  /var/www is however correct under the FHS.12:17
SomelauwI think my system is completely messed up.12:17
ejvI prefer /home/$USER/public_html/12:17
* ejv shrugs12:17
tonyyarussoejv: If it's user-specific that makes sense as well.12:18
gryejv, depends on whether you intend to have a site for all users, or just for one, I suppose.12:18
tonyyarusso/home/$USER/public_html/ is better than /var/www/$USER/, but /home/nobody/public_html as your only site is a bit silly.12:19
ejvi tend to find it more natural to navigate to my home dir, than /var/www, seems awkward to me :D12:19
szalSomelauw: try 'sudo apt-get upgrade' on the terminal instead12:19
gryThough we can vhost it to any location, e.g. hve global site domin point to one user's files - that'll work as well!12:19
SomelauwAlso it says that firefox can't be updated, but that is probably because I have a firefox ppa added.12:19
SomelauwDo I need to make a backup first?12:19
ejvalso my home tends to reside on an encrypted disk, whereas the contents of /var do not :)12:19
grySomelauw: run what szal said in Terminal, we'd see the error text.12:19
SomelauwBefore aptitude upgrade?12:20
gryUpdate first, then upgrade.12:20
szalSomelauw: if you use aptitude, then use that & scrap apt-get12:20
grySo it would be: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade12:20
rhin0xro you have got python working through a web server?  just wondering how -- I even with lighttpd still have to use php to interface with python12:20
gryjacks_: Welcome.12:21
iljohello again, can anyone recommend a good virtualization software for ubuntu 10.10, such as Daemon Tools or PowerISO or MagicISO12:21
xrorhin8, i use wsgi to interface python and apache12:21
Somelauwsudo aptitude upgrade works12:21
rhin0ok thanks xro12:21
B-r00tiljo: mount xD12:21
szaliljo: what's that got to do w/ virtualization?12:22
SomelauwIs it a problem with the update-manager gui.12:22
gryhttp://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-virtualization-software.html iljo12:22
SomelauwI will never trust ubuntu gui's again.12:22
grySomelauw: interesting12:22
SomelauwOr maybe I will see the same error again later :-(12:22
ejvthose apps in windows land create a "virtual" disk, pardon his terminology ;)12:22
iljoyeah, sorry about that12:23
gryiljo: Brasero disk burner, if you want to copy disks and similar12:23
gry(make disk images too)12:23
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
knoppiesgry, daemon tools is for mounting .iso to a virtual DVD drive.12:23
iljoi have a cd image on my hard drive, and i want to run it as if it were in a cd-rom drive12:23
ejvi prefer k3b, haven't tried brasero yet12:24
knoppiesiljo, I know that you can mount using a loop or something, should I try google it for you?12:24
iljoi can google myself, thanks, just wanted to know if anyone has a software like that at hand12:24
knoppiesiljo, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/mount-and-unmout-iso-images-without-burning-them.html12:25
szaliljo: what for?12:25
ejviljo: if you want the full documentation, fire up a terminal and type `man mount`12:25
jacks_i recently using ubuntu12:26
jacks_may i know recomended software12:26
jacks_for ubuntu natty12:26
szal!enter | jacks_12:26
ubottujacks_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:26
vltHello. What do I need to do to make evolution re-read the file I saved my email signature in?12:27
knoppiesjacks_, do you have anything in particular you are looking for? I recommend VLC, qmmp (for playing music) compiz config settings manager (if you are into tweeking your UI (not sure if it is in natty))12:28
grygmountiso seems to do the thing, iljo12:28
jacks_oh ok thanks12:28
ooxihi i'm using the most recent apache2 package from ubuntu (hardy). Are all known vulnerabilities patched (changelog on httpd.apache.org shows many vulnerabilites affecting 2.2.8)12:28
knoppiesooxi, I think you should try see what version you are running, you can either try use apt (not sure how) or ls /var/cache/apt/archives | grep apache2 (or even try synaptic, that should be able to tell you)12:29
szalknoppies, ooxi: apt-cache show pkgname12:30
pRoV7x what's the best system cleaner for Ubuntu12:30
gryooxi: a delay before a version appears in linux repositories is not umcommon12:30
szalpRoV7x: define 'system cleaner'12:30
grypRoV7x: define 'system cleaner'12:30
thamHow can i install a screenlet that's not in the repos?12:30
knoppiespRoV7x, you see that, you get it in stereo.12:31
pRoV7x szal, gry: i need the OS to be faster a bit12:31
knoppiestham, Im not sure about screenlets, but I know with software you can either download a .deb (or some other package) or compile it yourself.12:31
szalpRoV7x: buy a faster machine12:31
gryhttps://launchpad.net/~screenlets-dev/+archive/ppa tham12:31
ooxiknoppies, szal, gry i'm running 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.1912:31
pRoV7x szal, gry: any other options12:32
jwtiyarthe firefox will damage or stop when going from tab to other tab for a while12:32
knoppiesooxi, ok good, now try find out what security vulnerabilities that version of apache2 has. (I dont know them, Im sorry)12:32
thamknoppies, gry, The thing is, I got a source of a screenlet and changed it (the python file) a bit. I want to install this changed version now. Any idea?12:32
pRoV7x ok how can i configure BleachBit the best way12:32
grytham: then you have to compile yourself12:32
ooxiknoppies, according to the changelog on httpd.apache.org quite many12:33
thamgry, um.. how do I compile it? Using python?12:33
grytham: Does it have a setup.py file in main project directory?12:33
knoppiestham, if its a python file then the chances are that it is a script and so doesnt need to be compiled. You need to find where the original is installed, and then swap out the python files. (I hope this helps, its rather vague)12:33
SomelauwOkay, I managed to install the kernel updates.12:34
SomelauwFirefox is still bitching, probably because I added a custom ppa.12:34
grySomelauw: Sounds awesome.12:34
grySomelauw: I would delete the ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list and re-add it.12:34
thamknoppies, Thanks, I may be able to do it that way. Thanks again12:34
thamgry, Nope, but knoppies gave me an idea. Thanks both of you12:35
grytham: Great.12:35
dr_Willisbetter to use /etc/apt/siurces.list.d/files12:35
tonyyarussopRoV7x: You don't need a "system cleaner".  Such things are more likely to be scams than real software anyway.  Just learn how to manage your system.12:36
dr_Willisbleachbit rarely finds much here to clean12:37
kamididoes anyone know if problems with ATI/FGLRX and Gnome3 have been resolved in Catalyst 11.6 drivers?12:37
Somelauwgry: Can I just delete the files there directly? One of the files ends on .list and the other one ends on .list.save and there content is exactly the same?12:37
pRoV7x tonyyarusso: thank u12:37
dr_Willisa few cache files. thats about it12:37
pRoV7x is there any thing that works as a restore point for Ubuntu12:38
tonyyarussoooxi: Yes, apache2 will get security updates in hardy until spring of 2013.12:38
knoppiesSomelauw, I would not delete the .list file, but the .list.save sounds like somebody backed it up previously, that should be safe (in terms of the system not falling apart) to delete.12:38
=== TrevelyanInc is now known as TrevInc
dr_WillispRoV7x:  not really. theres ways to do it. but its rarely needed12:39
knoppiesDoes somebody know if "apt-get check" will inform apt that I have added .deb files to the /var/cache/apt/archives folder. So that it doesn't try to download them.12:39
pRoV7x dr_Willis: i see12:39
HansimatI am looking for an unattended Ubuntu installation. I found preseed and FAI. FAI sounds more interesting, especially preseed does not seem to support reusing of partitions. On the other hand the preseed method is easy to setup.  Does FAI work well with Ubuntu?12:39
dr_Willisknoppies:  ive added them thete befor i dont recall them getting redownloaded12:40
pRoV7x dr_Willis: what's the best one12:40
SomelauwThanks helping me gry and szal12:40
Somelauwknoppies: so how to remove a repository?12:40
knoppiesSomelauw, remove? Im a little lost.12:41
dr_Willisbummer my irc client crashed.12:41
Somelauwknoppies: how to remove a ppa I don't need anymore?12:41
knoppiesthanks dr_Willis maybe I should just try that. As things stand now I managed to create a local repository with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14742012:41
SomelauwWhere is this documented?12:42
szaleasiest way: comment or delete the respective line(s) in /etc/apt/sources.list or sources.list.d/whereverItIsInThere12:42
knoppiesdr_Willis, It took me 3hours to realize I had a spelling error in my sources.list file.12:42
pRoV7x wb dr_Willis12:42
dr_WillisSomelauw:  theres a ppapurge command12:42
knoppiesSomelauw, Im not sure about ppa, I normally just comment out the repo from /etc/apt/sources.list (as szal stated above)12:42
dr_Willisknoppies:  normally the error msg is a clue. B-)12:42
* szal wouldn't count on such fancy commands having been around in Hardy already, most of the fancy stuff was introduced in Jaunty and Karmic12:43
dr_WillisSomelauw:  move the file to some other dir  is one way12:43
Somelauwokay, thanks dr_Willis, knoppies and szal12:43
knoppiesdr_Willis, I thought the error message was telling me that it could not find the relevant file in my repo (because I had to generate a Packages.gz file, it was complaining about that, not the file path), I also started wondering if it was a permissions issue.12:44
szalmoin BluesKaj12:44
Molfarhi guys. help me to build e-texteditor on ubuntu 11.04 please12:44
MHA_how to upgrade gnome 3 in lucid?12:44
dr_Willismore text editirs are needed? heh.12:45
BluesKajmornin' szal , dr_Willis12:45
SomelauwI assume # is the comment character still here.12:45
ubottuGnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.12:45
szalMHA_: iow, no dice for Lucid12:45
dr_Willisfind ppas for other releasrs if they exist12:45
dr_Willisi bet they would break even worse.12:46
MHA_i'm remastering backtrack 5, and i want to upgrade gnome 3, is it possible12:46
szal!backtrack | MHA_12:47
ubottuMHA_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition12:47
dr_Williswe dont do bscktrack here.12:47
szalbscktrack..  lol12:47
MHA_oh, ok, thank's all12:47
dr_Willisi bet its possible12:47
Molfarcould you help me to build e-texteditor at ubuntu 11.04 pls?12:48
glontui have set up an ubuntu router with 2 wans12:48
dr_WillisMolfar:  how far have you progresssed in doing that?12:48
glontuso i have a multiplath route in there. Question is ... how do i make my router not use the dead link anymore12:48
SomelauwDoes anybody by the way know the difference between firefox and firefox-gnome?12:48
glontuwhen one of the links goes down ?12:49
szalMolfar: afaics, e-texteditor is a Windows program12:49
glontuif i do ip route flush cache then it finds the live link again but is there a way that wont require me to do this manually ?12:49
Molfardr_Willis: I have already cloned sources from github https://github.com/etexteditor/e . I hope it is oficial repository12:49
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)12:50
dr_Willislast i used git. i just copy pasted a few comands from the programs docs.12:50
dr_Willisonce i had the dev stuff installrd that is.12:51
dr_Willismy git fu is low.12:51
gryJust cloning should be neough to download the program. To install it, however, you would be likely expected to read the 'README' or 'INSTALL' file.12:51
MolfarI see readme file there. No commands to install are there.12:52
epzil0nMolfar: what are you trying to install?12:53
gryMolfar: section = Building e = in the readme, please. :-)12:53
Molfarepzil0n: e-texteditor from sources12:53
epzil0nMolfar: ok12:53
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Molfargry: thanks12:54
gryGuest85845: Salut12:54
szalMolfar: also see line 5 in the readme.txt ^^12:54
gryMolfar, you're welcome.12:54
=== kefir_away is now known as kefir
lonixi cant seem to get rid of a folder...12:55
Molfarafter sudo ./get-packages-ubuntu.sh bakefile I got an error bakefile : Depends: python2.5 but it is not installable12:56
szallonix: --verbose please12:56
knoppieslonix, yay you are back.12:57
knoppieslonix, I tried adding the hostname.local to my hosts file, didnt work (even after a restart)12:57
lonixguys, I tried sudo rm -rf a folder and gets "File/folder" not found, however if i ls the parent folder, i get the folder in the listing12:58
knoppieslonix, try rm -rf .12:59
knoppiesnotice the dot12:59
lonixwhat for ?12:59
speciesI always move files to a junk folder rather than deleting them13:00
froeshi guys i am using ubuntu 10.10 ... i have tried to set up sudo with""  froes   ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/bin/boblightd  "" but running sudo boblightd, it still asks for my password13:00
lonixwont i risk lossing other stuff in parant folder13:00
froeswhat can i do ?13:00
speciesmv <foldername> ~/Junk/<foldername>13:00
pRoV7x anyone know what the Debug logs X1113:00
gryfroes: add a space after colon maybe13:00
gryfroes: have the user log off and log in again ?13:01
MolfarI've got an error http://pastebin.com/6J3DzUEy13:01
Molfarwhile installing bakefile13:01
froesgry, yea-13:01
gryMolfar: say 'n' to it when it prompts and see if it has other suggestions, please.13:02
froesthis is how i have it now:    froes   ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/boblightd13:02
Molfargry:  http://pastebin.com/fvWZqJEU13:02
_johnnyhi, anyone who've used google maps api js v3? i have an issue of streetview that i find mildly annoying13:03
gryfroes: log off, log on, it should work13:03
gry_johnny: ask #google about that13:03
froesgry, i`ll try13:03
_johnnygry: thanks13:03
_johnnydidn't know where to ask :)13:03
Skeeter-wats a good chunk size for mdadm?13:03
gryMolfar: Try `sudo aptitude install python2.5` perhaps?13:04
Molfargry: it says No candidate version found for python2.513:05
gryMolfar: Although I'd find that dependency odd, you might try to `sudo aptitude update` and the install bakefile one more time - I'd not really expect it to run on outdated Python.13:05
^MikeWhen I change the mouse pointer in Appearances, the mouse pointer doesn't change. Is this a known issue? Should I be doing something else to change the pointer?13:05
frostschutzSkeeter-: depends on your use case. run your own benchmarks and find out. personally, I just use the default chunk size...13:05
Skeeter-frostschutz, k thanks13:06
gry^Mike: Does it change for another user on the system? Try creating a new user and checking there.13:06
zombieSLAYERis it possible to run chrome or chromium standalone from a usb stick?13:07
^Mikegry: No, it doesn't work for other users either.13:07
^MikeThis is a fresh install of Natty, btw13:07
Ntemisi have a big problem with my server13:07
AbhijitzombieSLAYER, look portableaps.com13:07
Ntemisi have installed os on usb13:08
gryzombieSLAYER: http://crportable.sourceforge.net/13:08
Ntemisevery 1 or some days my server is down13:08
AbhijitzombieSLAYER, website says its possible with chrome13:08
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zombieSLAYERportableaps.com is spam13:08
Ntemisi have to force shtdown and re-power on to be back13:08
gry!bugs | ^Mike, gry thinks you should file a bug, including your full hardware details13:08
ubottu^Mike, gry thinks you should file a bug, including your full hardware details: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:08
Ntemisis there any remedy on this?13:08
^Mikegry: What package?13:09
gryzombieSLAYER: What do you mean?13:09
gry^Mike: Hrm. I don't know what package it's about. Maybe select something general, as people find what it's a problm with, they'll edit the bug information.13:10
gry^Mike: may be worth asking at ubuntuforums.org about it first - including your hardware details13:10
zombieSLAYERportableaps.com ----> portableapps.com lol13:10
Molfar gry: apt-get update didnt help13:11
zombieSLAYERhttp://crportable.sourceforge.net/  <-- is an exe in on ubuntu13:11
gryzombieSLAYER: I'm not sure what you're trying to do, I'm trying to give genuine help about your question.13:11
gryzombieSLAYER: Ah I see. Failure, I'll search a bit more13:11
zombieSLAYERim trying to run chrome or chromium from an external usb13:13
zombieSLAYERon linux13:13
gryzombieSLAYER: I see http://jaxov.com/2009/09/download-portable-google-chrome-for-ubuntu-linux/ but it seems to be outdated - Firefox Portable seems to be better maintained13:14
dr_Willisyou can get binary tar.gz packages and extract and run  for sime apps13:14
dixsonhoeppah look at you phone as a modem connected on ubuntu??13:14
dixsonhoeppthe thing is that I get tutorials talk ttyACM013:14
dixsonhoeppBut the file or file does not exist. I have to do?? help13:14
grydixsonhoepp: What is your native language?13:14
dixsonhoeppgry: Spanish13:15
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:15
_johnnygry: got any other chan suggestions? google is very dead, and topic is ambigious as to help and wether i'm in the right chan for api help13:16
dixsonhoeppI've already tried, but why not get help from here13:16
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RedNeriumwhit what you need help dixsonhopp?13:17
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The_ExplorerDoes anyone know a resource off hand that will teach me how to boot multiple linux derivative + kernels via chroot or any non repartitioning method?13:17
dixsonhoeppI need to connect a cellular modem13:18
blarggI'm trying to disable subpixel rendering in my ~/.fonts.conf file via <edit name="rgba" mode="assign"><const>none</const></edit> but it's not affecting it. Does Ubuntu override this elsewhere?13:18
dr_Willisnon repartitioning.. will make it qiite a bit harder13:18
Skeeter-i got 2500 minutes of resync with mdadm, there is no data on it, can i make it faster?13:18
dr_Willisid just do it all in vbox13:18
Abchi...my address bar has disappeared in firefox....how to bring it back ?13:18
The_Explorerdr_willis, I simply dont want to slice my drive into 50 pieces13:18
ducchhi, im doing some C coding, and fork() fails with error 11; its supposed to be some kind of memory/process limit, but it all looks kind of "unlimited" on my fresh installed ubuntu.13:19
ducchany ideas?13:19
RedNeriumdoes anyone see what i write??13:19
PiciRedNerium: yes sir.13:19
bob_is there a way to make the libwriter use American spelling rather than Brittish?13:19
gryhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetHowto Mobile Phone section -- dixsonhoepp13:19
The_Explorerdr_willis, vbox will not allow me the resources of a low-lat kernel or the running of a H-visor13:19
RedNerium:D i had litte problem , ppl did`t see what i write i solve it now13:19
dr_WillisThe_Explorer:  i dont recall ever seeing seversl distros on a single fs.13:19
_johnnyRedNerium: people can be so mean ;)13:20
The_Explorerdr_willis, I know that i can create a new working root in ubuntu. I know that i can use that I can start a nested Xserver in that. I want to learn how to boot that from grub13:20
_johnnyducch: i saw your paste, but i don't know13:20
dr_Willisbut i dont  use lvm or other fancy thingd eithe13:20
gryducch: What can we help you with?13:21
admgy22hi guys.  newbie here... how would I go about removing someone else from sudoers and removing their ssh key?  (the previous admin)13:21
admgy22what else shoudl I be doing when I take over a server from someone else?  (I'm just a coder, really, not a sys admin...)13:21
ducchfork() fails with err 11, and i pastebin'ed my ulimit -a and free output (both look reasonable)...13:21
^MikeHow can I tell what package provides an executable?13:23
gryadmgy22: System > Administration -> Usera & Groups13:23
Pici^Mike: dpkg -S /path/to/exec13:24
Pici^Mike: If you don't have it installed, you can either use apt-file, or http://packages.ubuntu.com13:24
^MikePici: thanks13:24
Piciadmgy22: Check if their user is in the admin group, and if so, remove them from that group.13:25
knoppiesPici, admgy22, would you not have to remove their username from the sudoers config file too?13:25
gryknoppies: There is GUI for this.13:26
Picigry: Most servers don't have guis.13:26
gryPici: Hm. I don't know if admgy22 is a server or desktop user.13:26
knoppiesgry, he kind of implied server by saying that he took over a server from another admin.13:27
gryMy apologies if I was turning them in wrong direction, then.13:29
shockratesPLEASE HELP13:32
Picishockrates: Hey. You need to ask a question frist.13:32
admgy22I'm a server user guys - sorry I was scrolled up, didn't see the responses13:32
sipiorPici: must be the Shockratic method13:33
jribsipior: hahaha13:33
Picisipior: *groan*13:33
D-DalusGood morning, someone could explain to me, what kind of things may produce that in a DSL conection there is only acces to google, youtube, and other especific pages?13:33
jribD-Dalus: is it OS-independent?13:33
Kartagishi. I've done a wget -m and it saved to a directory. however, when I look at the source and click on a link, dirname is omitted. how come?13:34
admgy22can you guys help me on this step by step.  I'm not really an admin.  So, in #freenode, someone suggested I look at the sudoers config file.  Where is this locatd on ubuntu?13:34
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jribKartagis: can you give a specific example of what you expected and what you found?13:34
knoppiesD-Dalus, either filtering by IP/domain name, or DNS filtering, DNS filtering is easy to get around, IP/domain is a bit harder, but not impossible.13:34
=== ducch is now known as dch_ub
jribadmgy22: read « man sudoers ».  To edit, use « sudo visudo ».  What do you want to do exactly?13:34
shockratesthe idiot who packaged wine for ubuntu, has included some source links for servers that dont work/respond. as a result i had to stop the apt-get install wine, which fucked up my dpkg and gives me problems when i install any package. i did apt-get purge wine but i still get the problem. how do i undo the wine installation? like it never happened? and please fucken fix wine already13:35
knoppiesD-Dalus, is this a work or school or library network we are talking about?13:35
shockratesi cant stand this13:35
bazhangshockrates, no cursing13:35
jribadmgy22: I've found your original question.  Can you pastebin the contents of your /etc/sudoers?13:35
D-Dalusnothing of that13:35
D-Dalusknoppies, it's my home conection13:35
admgy22jrib: okay... to do that, I shoudl do "sudo visudo", right?13:35
jribadmgy22: if you want.13:35
knoppiesD-Dalus, then probably a DNS issue, what happens if you try something like youtube? or even some low traffic site?13:35
moystardHello everyone, I have a question :) I actually use my laptop on a dock, and switch really often between single and dual monitors configuration. It is not well managed by the nvidia driver natively as I have to manually change the configuration through nvidia settings which is quite painful. Is there out there an utility that could automate the process?13:36
jrib!bugs | shockrates, to file a bug:13:36
ubottushockrates, to file a bug:: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots13:36
D-DalusKnoppies, youtube and the result of the google searches works, but you can't acces to the results of the searches13:36
knoppiesD-Dalus, give me the domain name of a site that you cannot access.13:37
shockratesjrib: its not a bug13:38
shockratesjrib: the idiots just uploaded their sources on servers that fail everytime13:38
dch_ubany ideas about fork()  returning err 11?13:38
Kartagisjrib: I went on to localhost/fass and saw the site. then I looked at the source and saw /sites/fass/whatever.css. I clicked on that line and I got the message http://localhost/sites/fass/whatever.css not found. however it should have been localhost/fass/sites/fass/whatever.css13:38
shockratesi had this problem when installing wien in any distro13:38
jribshockrates: how is it not a bug.  You claim that the package relies on servers that do not respond.  It's a bug, i.e. an issue that needs to be fixed.  Also please stop calling people names, that's not necessary nor helpful13:38
D-DalusKnoppies, www.hackforums.net13:39
jribmoystard: I may have something for you but my memory is failing.  One second...13:39
jwtiyarthats my problem ,http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyy9p6tUvjo , ubuntu 11.0413:39
moystardjrib, thank you.13:39
knoppiesD-Dalus, try put this in your browser:
bazhangjwtiyar, please provide a synopsis here13:40
D-DalusKnoppies, It doesn't work13:40
knoppiesD-Dalus, then I dont think it is a DNS issue. Could your ISP be filtering that site?13:40
admgy22is this an unusual sudoers setup?13:41
BluesKajD-Dalus, what kind of network are you working from ?13:42
jribadmgy22: it's usually the "admin" group in ubuntu afaik.  Maybe there's some alternative setup that makes it "sudo" by default.  Anyway, the way /etc/sudoers is now, anyone in the "sudo" group can sudo.  So if you want to remove sudo access for USER, just remove USER from the "sudo" group (use the « deluser USER sudo » command13:42
D-DalusKnoppies, no i don think so.13:43
admgy22oh okay13:43
jribmoystard: I know there exists a 3rd party tool to allow control from the command line and you could probably write a udev rule for it.  Still trying to remember its name and google-fu is not strong atm13:43
admgy22this makes sense, as I know that the way it was added was with "adduser"13:44
Kartagisjrib: so, any solution for me?13:44
jribmoystard: found it! http://willem.engen.nl/projects/disper/  Kept thinking "whisper"13:44
knoppiesD-Dalus, I am not sure what to try next.13:44
admgy22there was also something about /etc/passwd, about /etc/group, about useradd -G sudo, usermod -a -G sudo,13:44
D-DalusBlueskaj, well the problem is that i conncet to internet through a router (ZXV10 W300) and i wanted direct acceso to the net, so i configured it in "Bridge Mode" and created a DSL conection in Ubuntu, and it doesn't give me full acces and i don understand why13:44
admgy22so I wonder what the steps are to reverse those...13:45
moystardjrib, cheers, I will definitely have a look at that :)13:45
jribadmgy22: « deluser USER sudo » will remove USER from sudo.  The commands you listed, add a user to the sudo group13:45
jribKartagis: don't know13:45
jribKartagis: you might see if httrack does a better job, I suppose13:46
knoppiesD-Dalus, if you can create an SSH tunnel, then try use that, alternative try use a proxy site, or even give the tor network a try. That might solve your issue. Otherwise I am not sure how to fix your router problem.13:46
knoppiesadmgy22, is it not a good idea to format/re-install the server, seeing as you are assuming that the previous admin did not leave any backdoors for himself open.13:47
ZesturianI'm a bit confused, why is there no curl.so in this: http://pastesite.com/2449113:47
jribZesturian: me too :D13:48
jribZesturian: what ubuntu version?  On 11.04 apt-file lists /usr/lib/php5/20090626/curl.so13:49
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knoppiesIs there a way to get apt (or something similar) to list all the available packages similar to the way ls does files? (I have a small local repository, we are not talking about thousands of packages).13:49
Zesturianjrib, maverick13:50
jribknoppies: aptitude search '.'    maybe?13:50
D-DalusKnoppies, thanks for the ideas. but what really bothers me is that i don't understand why it it doesn't work. It should! It's not a DNS issue.13:50
glenncan some one help me with thunderbird and languages13:50
jribknoppies: or apt-cache search '.'   too :D13:51
Abhijitis there any way to import radio name and address stored in xml format to rhythmbox?13:51
cyberbobis the number of packages in a debian repo equal to the number of packges in ubuntu repo ?13:52
tsimpsonZesturian: /usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/curl.so should be in the maverick version too13:52
Tyrnisplop all13:52
Zesturiantsimpson, strange, I'll try an apt-get update13:53
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szalcyberbob: there tends to be even more pkg'd software for *buntu than for Debian..  though that's hardly a support question & belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic13:53
BluesKajD-Dalus,  were the original router settings ,not connecting with NM, most routers use ppoe and bridgedLLC for dsl ..I'm curious what the defaults on the router were previous to the changes you made13:53
cyberbobszal: got that :)13:53
Odisha1i m using ubuntu 9.10. problem with WiFi, that Unable to see if hardware is present...13:54
ubottuUbuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.13:54
bazhangOdisha1, upgrade, that's end of life13:54
AdvoWorkhi there, on an old server: Ubuntu 6.06.2 LTS, i need to upgrade apache, from version: Apache/2.0.55 to the latest. is this possible, I cant find much about it on the net?13:55
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.13:55
Odisha1hmm yes.. bt i cant use net in my pc13:55
szalAdvoWork: see, about one month too late ;)13:55
jrib!recover | admgy2213:56
ubottuadmgy22: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:56
nicolas__join irc://irc.freenode.net/symfony13:56
tsimpsonAdvoWork: upgrade to 8.0413:56
bazhangnicolas__, /join #symfony13:56
knoppiesD-Dalus, Im sorry i cannot help you there, wish I could. I was hoping it was DNS, thats an easy fix.13:57
knoppiesthank you jrib.13:57
aarHello, someone's sent me a link to a Windows intranet network, in the following format: \\blah\blah\blah . I have VPN access to the network, but I'm running Ubuntu 10.04. Is it possible to open the link they sent me, or is it a case for Samba servers, etc etc?13:57
D-DalusKnoppies, many thanks anyway. :)13:58
leo777It is interesting using IRC....new bird here13:58
szal!irc | leo77713:58
ubottuleo777: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines13:58
D-DalusBlueskaj, give me a minute and i'll get you an screenshot.13:58
leo777what kind of mechine you use to chat?pc?mobilephone?13:59
bazhangleo777, chit chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:59
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D-DalusBlueskaj, http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/7335/snapshot2m.png13:59
AdvoWorktsimpson, how easy is it to upgrade? this is on a dedicated server13:59
leo777what should i do ,i got no idea how to do?14:00
glennho can help me with thunderbird14:00
szalleo777: how to what?14:00
tsimpsonAdvoWork: it should be relatively easy, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Dapper specifically14:00
bazhangleo777, /join #ubuntu-offtopic14:00
D-DalusBlueskaj, i just changed the bridge interface option to "activated" then i created a DSL conecction with network manager.14:00
DMKitschdoes anybody know how I (tha administrator) can give myself access to the var/www folder?14:01
bazhangglenn, ask your real question14:01
azv4sudo -i14:01
glennbazhang, ok14:01
azv4then change the permissions on it14:01
Pici!who | azv414:01
ubottuazv4: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:01
Molfartrying to install e-texteditor. help me pls to understand this: "Linux builds do not have this header available, and must explicitly include "wx/wx.h"."14:02
BluesKajD-Dalus, my question is why ? if it's an ethernet conn , it should just work from the start...modding the router isn't a good idea , the problem can be usually solved more easily in the NM or network interfaces and resolv.conf files14:03
DMKitschazv4 how do i change the permissions on it?14:03
EtheraelAnyone know what's up with flash not working in 11.04 in firefox or chrome both?14:03
glennthe problem is that i have a shared profile for thunderbirds that i can read in xp en in ubuntu. So far no problem. But when i have read my mails in xp and later in ubuntu tb in ubuntu is set to en-uk en not anymore in dutch why ?14:03
Etheraelis installed in software center.14:04
admgy22what should I type to find out what filesystem the server is running?  Or is it definitely going to be ext3 if it's ubuntu?14:04
bazhangEtherael, it works fine in firefox in 11.0414:04
Molfartrying to install e-texteditor. help me pls to understand this: "Linux builds do not have this header available, and must explicitly include "wx/wx.h"."14:04
szal!repeat | Molfar14:05
ubottuMolfar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/14:05
Etheraelbazhang: I just keep getting "You need to upgrade your flash player " on every piece of flash content in both chrome and firefox.14:05
bazhangEtherael, did you install gnash, swf and some of the others?14:05
Etheraelnope, just the actual official package in the repo14:05
Lemuelglenn: what's wrong with your thunderbird?14:05
Etheraelplugin finder service is coming up with "no suitable plugins were found"14:05
shomonhello, does anyone know a way of comparing two directories, recursively even?14:05
szalMolfar: also, I already pointed you to line 5 of the readme14:05
bazhangEtherael, how was it originally installed,and did you ever go outside package management for it14:05
Etheraelbazhang: Originally was installed as part of 10.04 and was working fine.14:06
Etheraelseems the upgrade to 11.04 has broken it.14:06
Molfarszal: if you mean irc channel, I have checked it, there are nobody exept me. I cant talk to myself there)14:06
Etheraelbazhang: the package installed in package management is called "flashplugin-installer"14:07
glennLemuel, shroll up and read what i wrote14:07
laarhello, does anyone ahve a problem with GHC, as mine is panic-ing14:08
D-DalusBlueskaj, I wanted a direct connection to the ADSL server to sniff through the net, and actually ,i can do it in windows... I just created a DSL Conection with Internet explorer and i get direct acces to all websites (without passing through the router)14:08
bazhanglaar, ghc6?14:09
glennLemuel, did you find it14:09
laarbazhang ghc6 (6.12.1)14:09
PythonSnakeHi all14:09
bazhangPythonSnake, hi14:10
LemuelI'm also a jackaroo.14:10
PythonSnakebazhang: I resolved the problem14:10
blarggAnyone familiar with fonts-conf?14:13
admgy22can you run foremost on the same drive you're recovering from?14:15
mads-I'm trying to run a command copying the stuff from one folder to another, but it tells me: cp: cannot stat `/home/[shortened]/*': No such file or directory14:16
mads-It is because it does not recognize the '*' when I execute the command from within java?14:17
Dbl_Tapmads: probably I'd use the ascii code for *14:17
PythonSnakeWhere can I find programs like in unity ? I want to find gpointing14:18
mads-Dbl_Tap, how so?14:18
glenn Why is my tunderbird in ubuntu in englisch when i have read my mail in xp tb he was befor in dutch tb ubuntu. I shared that profile between xp and ubuntu14:18
bazhanggpointing-device-settings PythonSnake14:18
Dbl_Tapmads: i'd google it; should give you all the info you need.14:19
mads-Not that I don't know what an ascii code is, but how would you use it in this context?14:19
PythonSnakebazhang where to type this?14:19
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bazhangPythonSnake, where to type what?14:19
fedeHi! How can I fix a broken usb key?14:20
PythonSnakelike in unity search bar14:20
PythonSnake!details | fed14:20
ubottufed: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:20
bazhangPythonSnake, apt-cache search gpointing revealed that14:20
Picimads-: How did you install this newer version of java? you could use sudo update-java-alternatives if you installed it via apt.14:20
dydhow can i make an advanced search for files bigger than 1gb?14:21
PythonSnakebazhang: is there an application search bar for gnome ?14:21
lietuso.. any good guides on samba tuning? I just installed ubuntu 11.04 server, set up samba, and get 1.1MB/s transfer speeds while iostat says my disks are practically idling (and they're using udma)14:22
sabgentonanybody use UDF partitions?14:22
glenn Why is my tunderbird in ubuntu in englisch when i have read my mail in xp tb he was befor in dutch tb ubuntu. I shared that profile between xp and ubuntu14:23
AdvoWorkif i need to upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04, whats the best method of backing up my server?14:23
sabgentonare they an ok replacement for ext314:23
BluesKajD-Dalus, direct connection to the ADSL server ? ...must be beyond my scope14:23
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sabgentonor dogey as14:23
klasabgenton, sure to back my stuff up on optical media14:23
Picidyd: find /path/ -size +1G14:24
dydPici: thank you14:24
klasabgenton, they normally aren't14:24
klasabgenton, ext4 is14:24
sabgentonkla: no as in on HD14:24
sabgentonext4 is good by I want to use UDF14:25
sabgentonif it's reliable14:25
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mads-Dbl_Tap, could you tell me how to insert an ascii character to the command line? My google searches seems to find nothing14:25
stephanmgis wine that's what used in ubuntu if i need to start a simple .exe (sadly)14:27
frostschutzmads-: the * is expanded by the shell. so if java runs cp directly without shell, that's your problem there. you either have to do the globbing in java or run a shell that does it for you14:27
frostschutzmads-: also the dir might be empty14:27
mads-the dir is not empty. Can't I execute the command from java and still get the shell to expand the *?14:28
hulowaany one can shed light on patch a file like this?https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71387234/01elantech_2.6.38.patch14:28
frostschutzmads-: you can execute a shell from java which in turn then executes a cp command. ask in a java channel for the best method14:29
D-DalusBlueskaj, it's simpler than you think. But my english is not good enough to explain exactly what i want to do =(  . Anyway i appreciate your help a lot.14:29
hulowafrostschutz: hi, dude.14:29
anevshould a cd mount itself?14:30
ldldllli had installed unity but it got corrupted and am using classic version from boot. when i lookup 'about' it says i am using gnome 2.32.114:30
mads-frostschutz, thanks14:30
hulowahow to patch this file to make PS/2 driver working? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/71387234/01elantech_2.6.38.patch14:30
ldldllli want to download skype but i am not clear which version to download14:30
ldldlllwould it be debian still14:30
TrevIncI think Skype has a Ubuntu specific one14:30
ldldlllit doesnt say gnome the options are ...hold on...14:31
klaldldlll, and if it doesn't have one for ubuntu debian is good enough14:31
TrevIncit has separate 32 and 64 bit versions for Ubuntu14:31
TrevInchave fun :314:31
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ldldlllubuntu 10.4   or debian 5 open suse dynamic static or fedora14:32
ldldlllwhich one for me pls14:32
rengoi got ubuntu from http://1.ooskar.com adn is not work14:32
anevshould i be able to see my cdrom from the dmesg output?14:33
ldldlllwould it be debian 5 or ubuntu 10.4 for gnome14:33
BluesKajD-Dalus, I'm just curious how you bypass the router and connect to ADSL server ...what do you mean by ADSL server ?14:33
rengosorry caps14:34
jpdsrengo: It is international caps lock day, you are forgiven.14:34
sudokillrengo, what is tha site?14:35
jpdsrengo: Download ubuntu from ubuntu.com14:35
ldldlllok heres entire question. i have gnome desktop v 2.32.1 and want to download skype. would the version i need be ubuntu 10.4 or debian 5 please14:35
rengojpds, unity version or gnome version???14:35
TrevIncldldlll, use the Ubuntu one14:35
TrevIncit looks the same either way14:35
jpdsrengo: Whatever you prefer.14:35
ldldlllok thanks14:35
Atritasrengo: this site immediately gets blocked by the company virus scanner here as a Virs/Trojan. So better stick to official sources for downloading.14:35
ldldlllwould they both work14:35
BluesKajrengo, site is a gay porn site14:36
sudokilltrolling then14:36
ldldlllok thanks anyway14:36
azv4if I use apt-get install phpmyadmin, can I do something like apt-get remove phpmyadmin?14:36
ldldlllneone recommend a good bash manual14:37
sudokillman bash?14:37
jpdsldldlll: http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/index.html14:37
PythonSnakeI'm trying to sudo apt-get update but i got that error :14:37
PythonSnakeFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/do-core/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found14:37
ldldlllalso thanks.14:37
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On_gacs_kaOla bruederz14:38
On_gacs_kaikonia brueder, Pici brueder ola!14:38
sudokillPythonSnake, it means its not there14:38
glenn Why is my tunderbird in ubuntu in englisch when i have read my mail in xp tb he was befor in dutch tb ubuntu. I shared that profile between xp and ubuntu14:38
jpds!en | On_gacs_ka14:38
ubottuOn_gacs_ka: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:38
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PythonSnakesudokill: :(14:38
ldldllllast question. firestarter tells me python is connected to internet. what is python likely to be14:38
sudokillib4 firestarter obsoleteness14:39
jpdsglenn: Install thunderbird-locale-nl.14:39
jpdsldldlll: ps aux | grep python14:39
glennjpds how can i do that14:39
ldldlllis that  a command jpds14:39
jpdsglenn: From the package manager or sudo apt-get install thunderbird-locale-nl14:39
jpdsldldlll: Yes.14:39
ldldlllright thanks. is it ok for python to be connected14:40
jpdsldldlll: Depends on what it is, but usually, yes.14:40
glennjpds did i have to remove the tb dad i have installed now14:40
ldldlllok thanks again.14:40
jpdsglenn: If it's the ubuntu one, no.14:41
glennjpds, it's ubuntu 10.1014:41
jpdsglenn: If it's the Thunderbird package that came in Ubuntu, no.14:41
jynxhi guys, is it possible to share my internet connection via my wireless card?14:42
glennjpds, what version is thunderbird-local-nl14:42
jynxi mean sharing my LAN connection14:43
jpdsglenn: None, it's the Dutch translation for Thunderbird in Ubuntu.14:43
fajrihow tu intall ubuntu 10.10 for duel boting?14:43
BluesKaj!dual boot | fajri14:43
ubottufajri: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot14:43
szalduel booting?  one OS shoots the other? ;)14:44
BarryBfunny but embarrassing query... anyone know of any available live reporistories for 9.04 jaunty?? Updatign to to latest is not an option...thanks14:44
glennjpds, i did what you say14:44
chrubbleI have a problem with DVD/CD burning in Ubuntu 11.04. Previously it  worked, but I installed Kubuntu 11.04 because of other issues - and  although the burning software (DVD Styler, Brasero and K3B tried) goes  through the motions (up to 'Success') it is not writing correctly and  the discs are destroyed - Then disc read error occur if I insert a  previously burned disc. Disc read OK after re-boot. I tried Linux Mint,  PCLi14:44
jpdsBarryB: No, Jaunty's not supported anymore, you have to upgrade.14:44
szal!9.04 | BarryB14:44
glennjpds, the installer say that i have the last version14:44
ubottuBarryB: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.14:44
PythonSnakewhere is search bar on gnome 2 ?14:44
BarryBi know its decomised14:45
BarryBjust wondering if any live reps out there14:45
PiciBarryB: old-releases.ubuntu.com is available, but you will not get any udpates from there.14:45
jpdsglenn: Cool, do you have the other Dutch translations installed? You can install them with System → Admin → Language Support ?14:45
pRoV7x does anyone know what this folder for, Thumbnails14:45
BarryBok...ill manyually install .deb ...thanks14:45
glennjpds in now that. That is not the problem the problem is when i use tb in xp with my share profile and go back to tb ubuntu it's not in dutch any more14:47
jpdsglenn: Yes, I know.14:48
jpdsglenn: You probably have to log into a Dutch Ubuntu session to have Thunderbird in Dutch.14:48
jpdsglenn: I do that with the languages I have installed.14:48
glennjpds ubuntu is dutch14:48
TaZeRsup guys14:49
LoreleyHello, I installed my system from a remastersys backup and now I have a ubiquity-gtkui.desktop file on my desktop. What is this thing? Can I delete it?14:49
pRoV7x does anyone know what this folder is for, Thumbnails?14:49
TaZeRis it cool if use xubuntu instead of ubuntu or is that different?14:49
TaZeRi like the interface better14:49
TaZeRwill i be like judged or something?14:49
szalTaZeR: Ubuntu = Gnome, Xubuntu = XFce (for the eye; under the hood it's the same thing)14:49
TaZeRso no bad will twords me?14:50
PythonSnakewhen will ubuntu support gnome 3?14:50
PiciPythonSnake: 11.1014:50
TaZeRi like the xfce unity thing not classic xfce14:50
TaZeRwith the cool black menu and dock no botton panel14:50
TaZeRand how did they make the fonts look as good as on windows 7?14:50
jpdsTaZeR: That's http://unity.ubuntu.com/ , not XFCE.14:50
TaZeRi cant do that on any other of my distros14:51
glennjpds, how can i remove tb by command line14:51
glenni think i have to versions of tb on pc14:51
jpdsglenn: sudo apt-get remove thunderbird14:51
TaZeRits like xfce though with a touch of unity14:51
TaZeRnot unity like in ubuntu where ur stuff is on the side14:51
TaZeRhas regular menus and all14:51
TaZeRits still fast for slow systems14:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:52
TaZeRi switched from debian recently to try it out14:52
glennjps i removed tb by the software center14:52
TaZeRim on a netbook so im looking for speed14:52
TaZeRand i hate those netbook distros that make it like a smart phone lol14:53
glennand i try also to remove it by the command line but he told me that tb is not installed14:53
glennbut in the application menu i see still tb14:53
TaZeRi just need windows 7 installed for one program =/14:53
TaZeRstreets & trips14:54
FloodBot1PythonSnake: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:54
TaZeRthat thing is nice14:54
Pici!ot | TaZeR14:54
ubottuTaZeR: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:54
TaZeRyea yea yea14:54
TaZeRbetter than dead silence14:54
TaZeRso enlighten me is there a program for linux that rivals microsoft streets & trips?14:55
TaZeRor well "ubuntu" to kep it on open14:55
RenaKunisakiGoogle Maps? :p14:55
TaZeRhas to be offline not using flash14:55
pRoV7x !Thumbnails14:56
jpdsTaZeR: Google Earth?14:56
RenaKunisakiI don't think Google uses Flash?14:56
TaZeRthat can search down addresses?14:56
TaZeRi think i tried google earth in the past14:56
TaZeRbut it was too slow on my machine it was some 3d kinda thing14:57
TaZeRu guys are familiar with streets & trips how it looks and behaves?14:57
chrubbleAnyone help with DVD & CD burning issue in Ubuntu 11.04?14:57
dr_Willisgoogle maps.14:57
szalchrubble: define 'issue'14:57
dr_Willisis similer TaZeR14:58
whyameyecomputer boots to blank screen even in recovery mode. Ubuntu lucid.14:58
TaZeRgoogle maps is online though and its slow14:58
rypervencheTaZeR: Use Google Maps. If you want to have it in an interactive program, use Google Earth.14:58
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chrubbleRead ok. But write goes through motions. Says 'success' but then discs unusable.14:58
sf_hi all14:58
dr_WillisTaZeR:  ive seen no offline apps similer for linux. getting rare for windows also14:59
sf_how can i set, ubuntu to install a python package in different python versions (2.6 and 2.7) ? , its only installing in one14:59
dr_Willisi got googlemaps on my cellphone  :-D14:59
evenflowhello, anyway to unlock the screen using xscreensaver-command?14:59
sf_install in both at same time14:59
whyameyeis there a way to force ubuntu not to use any video driver besides VESA or something? My computer is booting to a blank screen even in recovery mode. So it's going to a blank screen before it even runs X. What to do?14:59
sipiorsf_: using the package manager, or easy_install/pip?15:00
glennhow can i install thunderbird to the last version 3.1.11  in dutch and not to 3.1.1015:00
sf_sipior, apt-get install15:00
sipiorsf_: the python packages are coded with the python interpreter version.15:01
alex86hey, i can`t manage to install PHP on my machine. apt-get update doesn`t help. here: http://pastebin.com/wA6D0d5v15:01
sipiorsf_: "sometimes"15:01
dr_Williswhyameye:  ive seen some kernel boot option for that. at askubuntu.com  but lost the url.15:01
Piciglenn: 3.1.11 doesn't exist in any of the official Ubuntu repositories for any release.  You'd have to find a PPA or find an installer from Mozilla.15:02
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dr_Williswhyameye:  the nomodeset option can help also15:02
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:02
pRoV7x does anyone know what this folder is for, Thumbnails?15:02
CycovinceHey ppl15:02
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Cycovinceis anyone using Miro ?15:02
PicipRoV7x: I'd guess it was for thumbnails.15:03
sf_sipior, so its not possible to install by default in more than one python version, right?15:03
jimmy51_i've just brought up an ubuntu server to be my NFS server for netbooting.  I'd also like to share my NFS root with Samba.  Is this a bad idea for any reason?15:03
DMKitsch Hi, at the moment a user called user 'dave' has no permission to write to the folder /Var/WWW I wish to give him this so he can make a website but i do not know how to, can anybody help?15:03
glennhow can i install thunderbird dutch 3.1.11 and not 3.1.1015:03
DMKitschi am logged in as root15:03
sipiorsf_: not by default, but most packages are available via setuptools. simply run the installer with the desired python interpreter.15:03
pRoV7x Pici: what are those, do you know?15:03
glennPici, where can i find the ppa15:04
dr_WillisDMKitsch:  i think the proper way to allow that is to use groups. but ive not done thst stuff in years15:04
Pici!ppa | glenn15:04
ubottuglenn: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.15:04
DMKitschdr_willis ok, is there any documentation on it?15:04
PicipRoV7x: Thumbnails are tiny images that give you a preview of what is contained in a file. GNOME Nautilus uses them for pictures.15:04
sf_sipior, it means i cannot use the package manager ?15:05
dr_WillisDMKitsch:  its such a faq  probly dozens of guides. check askubuntu.com and the forums15:05
JoupiDMKitsch: You create a new group in which you add the users you want to have write permissions and then allocate the WWW (or whatever folder) new group's name so people in this group will be able to write providing the chmod correspond to for the group users15:05
sipiorsf_: if the package is not available for your desired version, no.15:05
iridium!es | loculinux15:05
ubottuloculinux: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:05
pRoV7x Pici: thank you.15:05
sipiorsf_: maintaining multiple python interpreters is generally a bad idea anyway. are you migrating from 2.7 to 3 or something?15:06
sf_sipior, ah thanks, ill try to install from source those packages15:06
DMKitschJoupi, dr_Willis thank you for the help15:06
sf_sipior,  2.6 to 2.715:06
HansimatI am looking for an unattended Ubuntu installation. I found preseed and FAI. FAI sounds more interesting, especially preseed does not seem to support reusing of partitions. On the other hand the preseed method is easy to setup.  Does FAI work well with Ubuntu? Any experience?15:06
jc-dentonmy ubuntu doesn't boot any more15:06
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jc-dentongrub ssems to be ok, but it stops when trying to mount the root fs15:07
lietuah, my samba is slow, because the interface is at 10Mbit.. need to get a better NIC15:07
rhin0jc_denton you will always get your files back -- you can mount the corrupted (if it is) ubuntu from the live cd15:07
jc-dentonfirst it complained that the uuid is not correct15:07
jc-dentonthen i booted using a cd and then I commented somehting out in /etc/default/grub telling grub not to use uuid for root15:08
jc-dentontried again15:08
jc-dentonand now it's complaining that it cannot find /dev/sdb115:08
jc-dentonwhich is the root of my ubuntu installtion15:08
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:08
rhin0                Charlie Parker and Coleman Hawkins, Lester Young, et al 1950) - 1 of 2         http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZ5eGEest0g15:08
dr_Willisyou did run update-grub?15:08
rhin0oops wrong channel15:08
jc-dentonwhy these uuids?15:09
Pici!enter | jc-denton15:09
ubottujc-denton: please see above15:09
Picijc-denton: and mind your language please.15:09
jc-dentonand why are they suddenly wrong?15:09
dr_Willisuuids shoulndet be chabgeing unless you resize or repartition15:09
jc-dentonnow i'm in that initramfs thing and typing mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt tells me that sdb1 is not there15:10
* szal suggests fsck'ing the partition in question15:10
jc-dentonfdisk: command not found15:10
dr_Willischeck  sudo fdisk -l jc-denton15:10
jc-dentonid: command not found15:11
dr_Willisnot found.. thats weird15:11
sriramomansiva: to join another channel, type "/join #linux-india"15:11
jc-dentonbut i think i'm root, what's that initramfs anyways?15:11
sriramomansiva: in the chat area itself15:11
dydguys i have to recover some deleted files from a hd with windows. what's a good software to do that?15:11
jc-dentongrub/lilo used to be that simple, the uuid mess is just a disappointment15:11
dydi'm trying with scalpel now15:11
dr_Willisgrub can use uuid also15:11
sivasriramomen : done15:12
dr_Willisfstab can use uuid15:12
maheshmmfolks, how to install acroread mozilla plugin in ubuntu natty? it's not in medubuntu repo and canonical partner repo15:12
jc-dentonso what can I do to make my system boot again?15:12
dr_Willisjc-denton:  it could be a hd died if youcant mount it. ckeck with fdisk a d  gparted and in the bios15:13
jimmy51_anyone know of a good tutorial on setting up samba shares to use active directory permissions?15:13
jc-dentoni highly doubt that15:13
jc-dentoni can mount it15:14
jc-dentonfrom a cd but not from that initramfs thing i land into after boot fails15:14
dr_Willisjc-denton:  you said you coukdent earlier15:14
szaljc-denton: did you fsck the partition already?15:14
dr_Willissdb1 not there you said15:14
jimmy51_i've found this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto15:15
jc-denton@dr_Willis yes in that initramfs thing in which u land when boot fails15:15
jc-dentonwhatever that is15:15
davidck dlublink15:16
jc-dentonwell i had to add a boot flag to the first hd which is for windows15:16
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jc-dentonbut it seems that gparted changed something15:16
jc-dentonnow the uuid is not valid or so15:16
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:16
jc-dentonwhat I don't understand is why simply using /dev/sdx doesn't work15:17
jc-dentonyes I saw this page15:17
maheshmmfolks, how to install acroread mozilla plugin in ubuntu natty? it's not in medubuntu repo and canonical partner repo15:17
BarryBwould using 9.10 repository work for 9.04?15:18
sriramomanmaheshmm: for me, it got installed automatically when i installed acroread itself15:18
dr_Willisive seen hard drives change sdXX numbers if i select the bios to boot from diffrent hds.15:18
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)15:19
IdleOneBarryB: 9.04 is no longer supported and mixing repos is not a good idea anyway.15:19
PythonSnakeUbuntu FTW !!!15:19
jc-dentonCould anybody answer my question?15:19
dydhow can i make an image of a secondary hd i have connected?15:19
dr_Willisadobe home page perhaps15:19
dr_Willisdyd:  use of dd command can do that15:19
sriramomandyd: dd if=<ur hdd> of=myhd.img bs=51215:20
BarryBIdleOne: I know its not supported, thanks...how is it not a good idea?15:20
dydthank you guys15:20
tam_linhiya: software-center isn't starting up properly for me, and just gives a blank window. Any idea how I could get a log of what it's (not) doing?15:20
dr_Willisbe carefull with dd15:20
glenn_i have installed thunderbird for ubuntuzilla no problem so far. it is thunderbird 3.1.11 and when i go than to tb xp and back than is tb ubuntu change from dutch to englisch why ?15:20
sriramomandyd: ensure that u perform this command in a directory where u have sufficient free space. it should ideally have at least a few MB's more than the capacity of ur secondary HDD15:21
dydi'm doing it on /media/LaCie15:21
dydsriramonan:  dd if=/dev/sdb of=/media/LaCie/myhd.img bs=51215:22
dr_Willisdyd:  ddrescue and dd_rescue are good for failing hd imageing15:22
glenn_i have installed thunderbird for ubuntuzilla no problem so far. it is thunderbird 3.1.11 and when i go than to tb xp and back than is tb ubuntu change from dutch to englisch why ?15:22
ohirdyd: wrong. You need to use /dev/hddevice15:22
ohirdyd: lag. Yep you got it right15:23
jimmy51_i'm trying to follow this:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto  but it seems like a spaghetti reference to several outdated articles.15:23
dydohir: good ;D15:23
jimmy51_does anyone know of an up to date active directory / samba tutorial?15:23
sriramomandyd: ensure u have enough free space in /media/LaCie15:23
sriramomandyd: otherwise command is perfect15:23
ohirdyd: while coping many data you may use larger block size15:23
dr_Willis jimmy51_  thats not uncommon. you could post the q. to the askubuntu.com site15:24
dydsriramonan: it's ok, hd = 40gb LaCie has 300 gb free15:24
dydohir: what block size should i use?15:24
ohirdyd: usual bs=1M or so is good.15:24
dr_Willisjimmy51_:  domeone may kbow a better.guide15:24
dydohir: ok i'll try with 1M15:24
ohirdyd: you may test it before copying some 50MB with bs=1M count=50. man time will tell you how to measure time of running15:25
glenn_where is the config file of thunderbird stored15:26
maheshmmsriramoman: okay. i am installing acroread. lets see15:26
Jimmy_umm google IME is not released for ubuntu15:26
dydohir: it copied 50mb instantly15:26
dr_Willisi slways use other pdf tools these days.15:26
WLUnvidia-settings does not correctly set the resolution for the screen. the refresh rate on one monitor is 50 while the other is 75. They are two monitors of the same make and model Any ideas. This is 11.04 ubuntu  2.6.38-8 x86_64. I installed the latest nvidia driver15:27
dydohir: i think 1M will be fine15:27
tam_linSoftware-center isn't starting up properly for me, and just gives a blank window. Any idea how I could get a log of what it's (not) doing?15:27
dydcan i use dd also to make an image of the hd where i have installed the so i'm using?15:28
dr_Willistam_lin: run it from a terminal15:28
tam_linI have15:28
dr_Willisdyd:  you can but that disk is inuse.. so that can get weird15:28
dr_Willisdyd:  best to use a livecd to do that dd trivk15:29
tam_lindr_willis: it seems to run without any text output, returning control of the cmd line to the user15:29
dr_Willistam_lin:  i never use the center. try a update. upgrade from the cli and see if that fixs things15:30
tam_lindr_Willis: I've tried that, several times15:30
dyddr_Willis: livecd means to start from a cd and run the command from there?15:30
tam_linapt-get still seems to work fine15:30
tam_linthough it doesn't seem to be able to properly remove mpd15:30
dr_Willisdyd:  yea15:30
dyddr_Willis: ok thank you15:31
theorifice1I've got a kernel module that crashes my machine when loaded. Is there a way to view the dmesg logs post-mortem?15:31
theorifice1Ah ok. It looks like the previous logs are available in /var/log/dmesg.{0-9}.gz15:33
LinSkyratehi :) Is there a stable client for skype usage? The beta gives me bad audio i think15:33
austinbvis it possible to create a full image of a remote machine15:36
Razor11excuse me15:37
Razor11why can't i enable visual effects?15:37
austinbvWhat have you tried15:37
Razor11i try compiz and all15:37
Razor11still I got nothing15:37
LinSkyratehello :) Skype alternative? Please :)15:37
dr_Willis  Razor11  what video card15:38
edbianRazor11: compiz is visual effects15:38
jimmy51_dr_Willis: ok... stupid question but how do you actually ask at askubuntu?  i just signed up and can't find an ask button.15:39
AbhijitLinSkyrate, ekiga softphone15:39
Razor11nvidia gforce 21015:39
LinSkyrateAbhijit: noted, thnx15:39
AbhijitLinSkyrate, http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority-projects/15:39
jimmy51_dr_Willis: nevermind... just found it.  i didn't realize the text was a link. :(15:40
dr_Willisjimmy51_:  i just recall a post ask button.  i tend to just read it from my android phone15:40
dr_WillisRazor11:  chat in channel plz15:40
dr_WillisRazor11:  you did install the nvidia drivers.15:41
Razor11how do i install it?15:41
Razor11its windows base..15:41
Razor11I have the cd with me15:42
dr_Willisaskubuntu.com has some neat android apps15:42
dr_WillisRazor11:  run jockey-gtk15:42
Razor11in the terminal?15:42
dr_Williswhere else... :)15:42
Razor11can you gave me a tutorial on this?15:42
Razor11im new to ubuntu15:42
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto15:43
hwildethat tutorial was outdated years ago @ dr_Willis15:43
Razor11Ok i'll give it a try15:44
dr_Willisit sould also ask  to  install them on first boot15:44
dr_Willisjust run jockey-gtk as root.  and see15:44
Cycovincewhy is jockey-gtk exclusively in ubuntu ?15:45
CycovinceI'd love to have that kind of tool on suse or fedora15:45
Cycovinceinstalling drivers is such a pain in the neck15:45
dr_Willisthey got their own ways i think15:45
dr_Willisbye all bbl15:46
preetamcan anybody tell me how to recover data from my SD card in ubuntu 11.04.15:48
BluesKajpreetam, does it show in nautilus/ places ?15:50
preetamBluesKAj: the data are accidentally deleted15:51
BluesKajpreetam, was the card connected when the data got deleted?15:52
xtr3m3preetam: u from india?15:52
preetamyes I am from india15:52
twinggyI have installed Ubuntu 10.10 and then now I installed windows 7; Now when I boot the machince, windows 7 booting automatically. How to solve this? Now I'm running on Ubuntu live CD15:52
preetamyes the card was connected with the laptop15:53
BluesKajpreetam, maybe it wnded up intrash, if  so then just right click and recover15:53
genii-aroundpreetam: Probably to make an image of it first to a file with ddrescue, then mount the image, use some stuff like photorec. There are also some tools for undeleting from ext2/3/4 like e2undel  and extundelete15:53
szal!grub2 | twinggy15:53
ubottutwinggy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:53
alex86i have some problems with repo, i guess i have added some repos which are not working anymore. how to remove bad ones and install repos which work properly. the issue is that i can`t instal php 5 on my machine ubutntu10.1015:53
BluesKajeerr restore preetam15:54
preetamBluesKaj: I checked in trash but it is not there..Can u tell me any recovery tool for ubuntu 11.04.15:54
BluesKajpreetam, genii-around has a good suggestion posted above15:54
supercabbage_ukI'm having a nightmare, I've got an FTP server set up. I want to upload to /var/www. When I do it makes the user and group myusername, I want the group to be www-data. myusername is in the group www-data. I also need the uploaded file to be chmod'd to 77515:55
supercabbage_ukAny ideas?15:55
FloodBot1supercabbage_uk: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
=== anuvrat_ is now known as anuvrat
razcan someone recommend a netbook with 3G that runs linux flawlessly?15:57
BluesKaj!polls | raz15:58
ubotturaz: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:58
kubanchow do i turn my wireless card back ON, right now i have  Tx-Power=off, but my wireless card light status on notebook is ON15:59
razBluesKaj: that was not a poll. i was asking if there's one netbook that works flawlessly. i doubt there's more than one. :)15:59
rumpe1kubanc, check "rfkill list all"16:00
kubancrumpe1, dell-wifi: Wireless LAN16:00
kubancSoft blocked: no16:00
kubancHard blocked: no16:00
kubancrumpe1,  phy0: Wireless LAN16:00
kubancSoft blocked: no16:00
kubancHard blocked: yes16:00
noakihi i've got a strange problem with my keyboard layout. i want the german one, but it always switches back to us theme after a while which is strange since i removed the us layout (uninstalled it) i also just have the german language theme installed16:01
noakithis problem often occurs when using thunderbird (where i also just have installed german locales). and thunderbird is in autostart16:01
BluesKajraz, maybe do some research /linux reveiws on the net of various netbooks16:01
Razor11how about built in video cards on motherboards? where can i get the drivers?16:01
razBluesKaj: been there. it's really hard to find definitive info.16:02
dydis there a way to use foremost and recover also filenames?16:02
noakiand when i remove the us layout its comes back after a reboot tt16:02
Razor11excuse me, how about built in video cards on motherboards? where can i get the drivers?16:03
BluesKajraz, well I doubt you'll find definitive info here , ppl come here with problems,  not positive opnions about computers :)16:03
razBluesKaj: well, i was hoping for something like "hey yes, i'm typing this from asung eeepc 4711 and it's perfect" ;)16:03
Razor11how do i know the model of the video cards if it is built in with the motherboards???16:07
veekRazor11: dmesg16:07
Razor11ok thanks16:07
genii-aroundRazor11: Also sudo lshw -C video      and lspci -mm  then look up the vendor:device code16:08
Razor11thanks, i'll give it a try..16:09
Abhijitis ubuntu wiki down?16:11
Abhijitlogin and editing?16:11
Terauncecan someone here tell me if the 128mb Integrated Sys 760 card is supported?16:14
Teraunceand did I kill everyone or something?16:14
preetamhow to make an image of all sectors of SD memory card in ubuntu 11.04.16:16
=== lhavelun1 is now known as lhavelund
Jordan_UTeraunce: SiS is the worst brand of graphics card as far as Linux support goes.16:18
Razor11excuse me again.. how do i run ubuntu on vmware?16:19
genii-aroundpreetam: If sdcard is for instance at /dev/sdc   and you want to make an image of it into a file in your home directory called file.img then:  cd && ddrescue /dev/sdc file.img16:19
Terauncesadly it's what my 6-year old crappy black friday walmart emachine came with Jordan_U16:19
=== fairuz is now known as fairuz_
kz_I need help migrating my home folder from my old computer to my new computer.  Both computers are on a LAN and I am a sudoer.  I need to transfer about 75gb.  My main problem is preserving usernames. The bulk of the files belong to my old userid, but there are files belonging to root.  I want to bring my old home directory over, including the files that are owned by root without forcing all files to be owned by root. How do i do this?16:20
kz_a blind cp -Rp doesn't seem to work16:21
kz_all files end up belonging to root16:21
kz_also, are there any other tools i should consider using instead of cp? rsync is not good for a first time copy, right? I've got a huge amount of small files, so cp is slow.16:22
Loreleyhello, I want to use sbackup. I want to backup some directories including /media/win7/Users but want to exclude /media. Can sbackup handle this?16:22
sipiorkz_: "cp -a" is an option. also, look into using "pax -rw"16:23
kz_are those options to cp?16:23
sipiorkz_: pax is an archiver program, like tar and cpio.16:23
kz_I see16:24
kz_is there an easy way to remap uid and gids ?16:24
Pici!ru | natasha_16:24
ubottunatasha_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:24
sipiorkz_: the -a switch to cp will preserve them, if that's what you want.16:24
MPXHi! I'm having a stationary PC and a Laptop PC hooked up in a cable-network through a router. Problem: They can not see each other in nautilus, under network. Sometimes it works if I reboot the computer enough times. Anybody else have16:25
kz_well, i don't have the same uid on my new system16:25
MPXthe same problem?16:25
kz_what are my options?16:25
sipiorkz_: recursive chown (-R)16:25
BluesKaj kz_ what about cp -r to copy folders16:25
twinggyI reinstalled the grub; but now it's coming in shell mode; not a graphical one; how to solve this pls?16:25
iridiumchown your new user16:25
kz_kz_: ok,16:25
kz_BluesKaj: I need to copy a mix of files owned by root and my user16:26
sipiorkz_: another option is to simply set your account's new uid to your old one.16:26
BluesKajkz_, ok16:26
kz_sipior: ok, thanks. i'll try and do a cp -a16:26
Triscar0im installing ubuntu now and have booted up cd, but there have been a blue and yellow sign up in the left corner for a while, is that supposed to happen ?16:27
pri88hi there16:28
BluesKajTriscar0, have you started the install ?16:28
MPXIs there a channel that specifies within networking issues?16:29
pri88I have re-installed grub; but now when I boot the machine, I get the shell prompt. not a graphical interface; How to solve this?16:29
Triscar0no just booted the cd, and i got a "ubuntu screen" and then it got black with the sign in the corner, havent pushed any buttons16:29
BluesKajdescribe the sign Triscar0 ..I've never heard of it before16:30
DMKitschplease can someody tell me why i get a 403 error on my apache server16:30
jpdsDMKitsch: → #ubuntu-server16:30
DMKitschi think i messed around with the ownership too much?16:31
jpdsDMKitsch: Ask there. ;-)16:31
DMKitschjpds i do not understand?16:32
Triscar0BluesKaj, a 1,5cm x 1,5cm blue\green sign with a yellow "+" singn and something that looks like an "n" upside down :D16:32
jpdsDMKitsch: It's a server question, best to ask in the server channel.16:32
=== Guest21031 is now known as krish
DMKitschthere is a server channel?16:32
krishguys, my wi-fi is logging too much16:32
Triscar0tryed to take a picture of it but dident see it16:32
krishabout transmission power etc16:32
krishon 3 log files16:33
krishhow'd i disable that16:33
=== AndIrc is now known as Guest12333
MPXHi! I'm having a stationary PC and a Laptop PC hooked up in a cable-network through a router. Problem: They can not see each other in nautilus, under network. Sometimes it works if I reboot the computer enough times. Both LAN ports are blinking on the router and the firewall within the router is down. Also, both computers connects to the router successfully and I am able to login on to the router from both Computers. Shares are enabled on both. I'm using16:33
Triscar0BluesKaj, i have slackware installed on it, maby i have to remove that before i boot on cd? or ?16:33
BluesKajTriscar0, no don't do that if want keep slackware , that should not present a problem16:35
Triscar0i tryed to reboot now, and its the same16:35
Triscar0cd runs for a while and then i stops...16:36
BluesKajok , do you have a open partition to put ubuntu on , Triscar0 ?16:36
Triscar0hmm no, have one linux, and one linux swap16:37
A_Lashenis someone knw how can i make my remote control work on hp dv616:37
Triscar0i read that i had to burn the iso cd with 8x speed, i burnd it with 24x can this be the problem? broken cd ?16:38
Triscar0shuld not the cd boot so i can format my disks ?16:39
pri88I am getting the grub shell at boot after installing grub; can you please tell me how to solve this?16:40
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )16:41
L551So I have an issue with an Ubuntu 10.10 laptop. When it is booted up, and a user signs in, it doesn't connect to the wireless network unless I sign into my own account and unlock the "keyring". Is there a way to fix this so I don't have to sign in and unlock it so other users can go online?16:41
BluesKajTriscar0, dunno , I prepartitonand format my hdds , ot I'll use the alyernate install which has more options than the liuve cd16:41
BluesKaj!alternate | Triscar016:42
ubottuTriscar0: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal16:42
LasersL551: I have no idea -- but one way is to delete keyring profile -- and create a new one -- leave it blank so it'll use unsafe storage.16:42
LasersLeave the passwords blank*16:42
Triscar0BluesKaj, im burning a new cd, and if that dont work i will format my discs and try16:43
=== Inkognito is now known as sadk
Razor11719excuse me again,,i have this message on the hardware... "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system." any help?16:44
BluesKajTriscar0, I recommend gparted live cd , partition editor ..even your slackware cd might do it16:45
Razor11719I'm running ubuntu on vmware to try it out but unfortunately I cant enable any desktop effects...T_T16:46
Razor11719any suggestions??16:46
genii-around!md5 | Triscar0 .. you might want to also make sure the ISO is good by checking the md516:46
ubottuTriscar0 .. you might want to also make sure the ISO is good by checking the md5: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:46
L551Lasers: How exactly do I delete the keyring profile? I don't want it do delete a bunch of other things too,16:47
LasersL551: Well, if you delete keyring profile, you're going to delete all stored passwords in it too. Let me look it up.16:48
LasersL551: http://nullroute.eu.org/~grawity/gnome-keyring-autologin.html -- This occurs because you use auto-login? :)16:48
chad____When I enter my home folder, there is no longer a link to "Desktop". Any help?16:49
Laserschad____: "mkdir ~/Desktop"16:49
chad____Lasers: I attempted to do that, but all the folders in my home folder are still appearing on my desktop.16:50
chad____Funny, as they aren't located in the desktop folder16:51
Michiellll-laptois it possible that when i was using the software driver for graphics my battery lasted longer?16:51
Lasers!paste | chad____16:51
ubottuchad____: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:51
Laserschad____: Paste -- "ls -al ~/"16:51
=== usa is now known as Guest71358
beachbuddahhello room - I recently reinstalled 10.10 and found that my system no longer recognizes my usb thumb drive16:53
Guest71358anybody there16:53
insomniaSaltnoone is here.16:53
beachbuddahany ideas on how to fix?16:53
chad____Lasers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634379/16:53
BluesKajbeachbuddah, does,' lsusb ' in the terminal show the drive when connected16:54
Laserschad____: I don't see Desktop directory? :)16:54
beachbuddahlsusb notes the presence of the drive16:54
Laserschad____: Try "ls -al ~/Desktop"16:54
Laserschad____: You want to create one -- "mkdir ~/Desktop" --16:54
chad____Lasers: I know you don't see it now, but I already did it! I'll do it again, haha :)16:55
BluesKajbeachbuddah, what about nautlius > places ?16:55
beachbuddahBluesKaj - one sec lemme check16:56
beachbuddahbluesKaj - no16:56
insomniaSalthi all: buntu 11.04 @ lenovo s12 w/ broadcom bcm4312 LP-PHY, wireless broken, any ideas apart from 'rmmod acer-wmi' before I go back to archlinux?16:56
chad____Lasers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634388/16:57
nucleushey, how do I open port 25?16:57
Laserschad____: You could nuke gconf settings -- Not sure how I can do it -- but I recall it was possible to put ~/ on your Desktop.  Maybe that's what you tried to do?16:57
dr_willisnucleus,  by default theres no locked ports. unless you are using some firewall rules.. its open16:58
dr_williswhats port 25 anyway? i forget.16:58
insomniaSaltnucleus: usually by browsing to your routers NAT configuration interface16:58
BluesKajbeachbuddah, look at the lsusb  output for lsusb of the drive and try this : sudo mount -o remount,rw /path/to/drive16:59
chad____Lasers: I was doing a backup via BackInTime when it occurred. I'm uncertain how it happened.16:59
beachbuddahBluesKaj- ty will do16:59
Laserschad____: Right now, you're seeing lot of folders, hidden folders and files on your desktop? (Assuming you have nautilus toggled on).17:00
Lasersnautilus hidden mode*17:00
chad____Lasers: Yes. However, I'm using the XFCE DE.17:01
Laserschad____: Meh. I don't know. I don't use XFCE. Sorry about the headaches you're having. :\17:03
Laserschad____: I'm still googling.17:03
guest1987hi all, i have a question... Im not sure if anyone in here has but i just started to get ubuntu back on my PS3, i have followed the guide for building the kernel and getting petitboot working however the site i was following is down and wondered if anyone might be able to assist ?17:04
beachbuddahBluesKaj, the lsusb output for the drive is very long - which/what would the 'drive' look like?17:04
chad____Lasers: It's okay! I really thank you for attempting to help me. I think it switched to use your home directory as the desktop directory17:04
Laserschad____: Right. In Gnome, it should be in gconf -- but I don't know if XFCE utilize the same thing.17:04
guest1987this is the site, but as i say its down at the moment :- http://wiki.gitbrew.org/index.php/PS3:Linux#Ubuntu17:04
BluesKajbeachbuddah, could you pastebin the output of lsusb17:05
beachbuddahBlueskaj - okey dokey17:05
dr_willisguest1987,  i seem, to recall some sort of google-cache service that might let you get to a cache of the site.. but ive never used it.. trying the site now.17:05
slowerneti have a server with several IPs assigned in interfaces as eth0, eth0:0, eth0:1, etc. how do i set which of those is the canonical IP for outgoing traffic? they changed after an emergency reboot.17:06
StickboyI need help setting up my wireless internet in Ubuntu 11.04...17:06
reyesHi, i need help. from version 10.04 I have problems with Ubuntu (I think) my graphics card. This problem arises especially when working with graphics or CPU usage much. The problem is that it breaks the GUI as you see in the image and the entire computer is very slow: I'm running Ubuntu http://imageshack.us/f/90/pantallazo1mb.png/ 11.04 and Intel graphics card ® 945G x86/MMX/SSE217:06
dr_willisseems to be down here also guest1987  -17:06
Faustus2how does one "open" a file in nautilus with a bash-script? eg: if i make a script "play" containing 'mplayer' that wount work17:06
guest1987dr_willis, i got the guide :- http://pastie.org/2134792 if your interested but its not working as i expected and im left with a built kernel but no way of booting it,17:06
beachbuddahBluesKaj - http://pastebin.com/MrRwKS2N17:06
dr_willisguest1987,  i dont own a ps3. so no idea17:07
ubottuAside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )17:07
Stickboyit says that the firmware is missing17:07
chad____Lasers: It's no problem, hah.17:07
guest1987its more petitboot i think than ubuntu its self as all you are left with is a base system with apt and a kernel.......17:07
dr_willisFaustus2,  nautilus has some sort of scripting feature and directory. its not too hard to use. but its not that well documented17:07
dr_willisFaustus2,  check out http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/17:08
BluesKajbeachbuddah, it should be listed in /media in nautilus17:09
reyesany person know that i can make for resolve the problem?17:09
Faustus2dr_willis: thanks doc :)17:09
beachbuddahok lemme check17:09
rostayobHow do I list the files installed by some package?17:09
dr_willisFaustus2,  i seem to recall some python-nautilus script addon also that was very well done.17:09
BluesKajbeachbuddah, gotta go for about 10 mins ...bbl17:11
beachbuddahBluesKaj - the only things listed in my /media are an external drive and a DVD that happens to be in THAT drive - no Toshiba stick17:11
beachbuddahk ty for your help17:11
sagatboa tarde17:12
Pici!br | sagat17:12
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:12
sagateu gostaria de saber se existe algum canal onde posso saber mais sobre o natty 2d17:12
=== JustMe is now known as Guest14513
guest1987!ubuntu from scratch source17:16
ubottuguest1987: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:16
LasersFaustus2: "xdg-open ~/Documents/sillyDoc.doc"17:16
ubottuLFS is Linux From Scratch (www.linuxfromscratch.org) - not to be confused with !LTS, which is the long term support release of Ubuntu (currently 6.06, 8.04 and 10.04)17:17
dr_willisthe xdg tools are sort of a neat set of tools.17:17
guest1987anyone got info on building a ubuntu from scratch ? source etc .... like LFS only UFS lol17:17
chad____No luck, unfortunately17:18
PythonSnakeHi all17:18
Lasersguest1987: Why? We have binaries. What is it that you want to achieve?17:18
sagatboa tarde17:19
ubuncan anyone help me install a logitech GamePad?17:19
guest1987i have a custom kernel for a PS3 and i want to build it upto a full X ubuntu with minimal desktop / base apps...17:19
sagatalgue ai fala portugues17:19
PythonSnake!details | ubun17:19
ubottuubun: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:19
sagatalcuna persona parla italiano ?17:19
guest1987compiled for PPC6417:19
Pici!pt | sagat17:19
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:19
Pici!it | sagat17:19
ubottusagat: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:19
sipiorguest1987: might just be simpler to remix the ubuntu installer with your custom kernel.17:19
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList17:20
Lasersguest1987: You well want to start with !mini -- then from there, you have to figure out how to compile your own kernel.17:20
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD17:20
sipiorguest1987: might be a place to start: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization17:20
guest1987thanks brb17:20
sagatalguem do brasil ai17:21
ubunI dont know how to find or enable drivers for a logitech gamepad.17:21
PythonSnake!bs | sagat17:21
Picisagat: ubottu has told you 3 times already17:21
stbainI have Ubuntu 11.04 installed. Is there an easy way to install the packages I need to try out Xubuntu to see if I like it?17:21
Picisagat: #ubuntu-br17:21
sagatma amici , nessuna persona parla come , io prendo molto sobre mirc ,capicci17:22
PythonSnakeubun: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33845717:22
xanguastbain: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop17:22
Michiellll-laptoi was wondering, if i use one of the opensource driver instead of the nvidia one for graphics will my battery last longer?17:22
stbainxangua, yup, just saw it right as you typed it... thank you!17:23
PythonSnakeis kde supported by ubuntu ?17:24
xanguaPythonSnake: yes17:24
Laserschad____:  xfconf, xfce4-settings-editor.  Try this first --> xfce4-settings-manager.17:24
chad____stbain: In the terminal, enter "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-extras17:24
Laserschad____: You should look around.  You should find something like /home/chad/  (or ~)17:24
SlartMichiellll-lapto: I haven't done any real testing on this but I don't think so.. if anything I think the propriatary driver knows more secret tricks to keep energy consumption down..17:24
PythonSnakeDoes GNOME or KDE offer more functionality ?17:24
Laserschad____: Look for something that would indicate that you're using /home/chad/ as desktop.17:24
chad____Lasers: Okay, 1 second :)17:25
SlartPythonSnake: kubuntu runs KDE by default.. you can install it and use it from regular ubuntu as well17:25
ikoniaPythonSnake: they are both similar, you've been told about 10 times now, try them and see what YOU like17:25
BajKhow can I edit keyboard layouts in ubuntu?17:25
BajKi want to add some special characters17:25
stbainchad____, will do that, too... thank you17:25
* insomniaSalt rages @ broadcom17:27
chad____stbain: If you disklike XFCE, it can be installed. Go here for more info: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome17:27
tuxx-how can i change my default browser in ubuntu 10.10?17:27
Laserstuxx-: System --> Something --> Preferred Applications.17:27
chad____stbain: Oops, I meant xubuntu-desktop, not extras :|17:27
buttonsis there a command line tool that will give output similar top but only for a given pid?17:29
ikoniabuttons: you can do that within top17:29
ikoniabuttons: also ps can do something similar17:29
reyesHi, i need help. from version 10.04 I have problems with Ubuntu (I think) my graphics card. This problem arises especially when working with graphics or CPU usage much. The problem is that it breaks the GUI as you see in the image and the entire computer is very slow: I'm running Ubuntu http://imageshack.us/f/90/pantallazo1mb.png/ 11.04 and Intel graphics card ® 945G x86/MMX/SSE217:30
Razor11I'm running ubuntu on vmware to try it out but unfortunately I cant enable any desktop effects...T_T17:30
buttonscan you tell me how to do it with top?17:30
Razor11any suggestions?17:30
chad____Lasers: Perhaps xfce4-desktop?17:30
josbornei am needing a little help17:31
Picibuttons: top -p PID17:31
PythonSnake!ask | josborne17:32
ubottujosborne: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:32
josbornei am trying to use ardour and it is telling me need to configure peramiter17:32
chad____Lasers: I have to go. Thank you for everything, though. I appreciate it :)17:32
Laserschad____: Try "mv ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf-old" -- and log in/out of XDM.17:32
buttonsis it possible to also make top show process that the PID supplied spawns?17:32
PythonSnake!kde > pythonsnake17:32
ubottuPythonSnake, please see my private message17:32
Abhijit_Blue1, ping17:32
=== ron is now known as Guest7362
Slartreyes: I have a laptop with an intel gpu.. I think it's the 945G but I'm not sure.. I've never seen it do that no matter how much abuse I've put it through.. could it be overheating? memory corruption?17:33
Guest7362hi, what is the best flash player here and how to download?17:33
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josbornehow do i add @auido-rtprio  100 to secutity/limits and config17:33
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xanguaGuest7362: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer17:33
Picialansymmonds: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?17:34
reyesSlart isn't a laptop17:34
josbornebeen all day tryin to figure it out17:34
stbainhere goes! (ty for your help, all)17:35
Laserschad____: You're leaving! I must know if the last solution worked!17:35
Slartreyes: ah.. my bad.. but my suggestion about overheating still applies.. have you tried cleaning out fans and such from the computer case?17:35
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper. The printer is in a different room, so I didn't notice and a while later I turned the netbook off. Now natty (on the netbook) still thinks the printer is out of paper. I have reloaded it with paper and printed to it via USB from the same computer.17:36
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper. The printer is in a different room, so I didn't notice and a while later I turned the netbook off. Now natty (on the netbook) still thinks the printer is out of paper. I have reloaded it with paper and printed to it via USB from the same computer.17:36
FloodBot1OwenLA7QZ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:36
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper. The printer is in a different room, so I didn't notice and a while later I turned the netbook off. Now natty (on the netbook) still thinks the printer is out of paper. I have reloaded it with paper and printed to it via USB from the same computer.17:36
josborneskrew it i'll just hav to get my cousin to help since i don't meet the edu standers of this room17:36
Guest7362xangua, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:38
Guest7362E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:38
xanguaGuest7362: close synaptic/software centre17:38
genii-aroundOwenLA7QZ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/559331  suggests that deleting "Reason media-empty-error" in file /etc/cups/printers.conf and restarting CUPS  might work17:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 559331 in cups (Ubuntu) "Permanent "Printer-out-of-paper" message. " [Undecided,New]17:39
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper. The printer is in a different room, so I didn't notice and a while later I turned the netbook off. Now natty (on the netbook) still thinks the printer is out of paper. I have reloaded it with paper and printed to it via USB from the same computer.17:39
ikoniaOwenLA7QZ: can you please stop repeating the same thing over and over17:40
FloodBot1OwenLA7QZ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:40
ikoniaOwenLA7QZ: if someone knows the answer, they will respond, if not, try to leave it a little time before repeating the same question over and over17:40
DiverdudeI read somewhere that redhat is more frequently used for webhosting than e.g. debian. Why is that?17:40
Pici!ot | Diverdude17:40
ubottuDiverdude: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:40
dr_willisDiverdude,  redhat as a company focuses on selling server/service/support... businesses like that... Ubuntu is also   targeted at a similer market in ways.17:41
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper. The printer is in a different room, so I didn't notice and a while later I turned the netbook off. Now natty (on the netbook) still thinks the printer is out of paper. I have reloaded it with paper and printed to it via USB from the same computer.17:42
ikoniaOwenLA7QZ: can you please stop repeating the same thing over and over17:42
Diverdudedr_willis, but afar from customer support, debian/ubuntu is cabable of the same as red hat?17:42
BajK„ahhhh… say something bad to me!“ - „gnome“ - „worse!“ - „unity“ nerds having sex … oh wait, female nerds?17:42
Triscar0i have formated my hd, and trying to boot ubuntu 10.04 from cd, the cd starts but then the screen turns black and nothing happens, have tryed downloaded iso from different sites and burn new cd, nothing works!17:42
OsmodivsHello. Why can't I see my HDD contents in DosEmu program? I Cant't see my folders or other stuff in home, heck, I can't even acces home17:42
dr_willisDiverdude,  most all disrtos can do the same basic tasks17:42
Picidr_willis: This is not on-topic for this channel. Please do not respond to questions that have been requested to move to another channel.17:42
genii-aroundOwenLA7QZ: I already gave you something to try17:42
genii-aroundOwenLA7QZ: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/559331 suggests that deleting "Reason media-empty-error" in file /etc/cups/printers.conf and restarting CUPS might work17:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 559331 in cups (Ubuntu) "Permanent "Printer-out-of-paper" message. " [Undecided,New]17:43
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper.17:43
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper.17:43
OwenLA7QZHi. I've got a problem with our wireless network printer. The other day I was printing and it ran out of paper.17:43
FloodBot1OwenLA7QZ: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:43
nimrod10`Diverdude, you also have on top of that third parties like Vmware that will only offer support if you're running RedHat17:43
IdleOneBajK: you feeling ok?17:43
subz3r0To secure my samba-share on my netbook a bit, ive addet: interfaces = ip.of.the.netbooks, bind interfaces only = yes, und hosts allow = ip.of.the.client, addet to smb.conf. now when i try to do a share, ill get the error msg : "net usershare gives the error 255 back, net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused.maybe smbd is not running" Does any1 know how i can fix this?17:43
Diverdudenimrod10`, hmm vmware....i can just use vbox if i want to use something virtual?17:44
dr_willisVirtualbox is a very very handy tool for many ussage cases.17:44
dr_willisIts worth playign with at least. :)17:44
subz3r0dr_willis, w0rd!17:44
Diverdudedr_willis, sure is...i just said i can use that instead of vmware if thats the only reason one should choose redhat17:45
guiledazimba___what i can do if one printer do not have a driver to linux?! printer: Sharp AL-1645CS17:46
ikoniaguiledazimba___: contact the vendor for a driver17:46
guiledazimba___ikonia: dont have support to linux.. :/17:46
dr_willisI dont use vmware any more..  it got to much for my minimal needs. :)17:46
nimrod10`Diverdude, ofcourse you could just use vbox , but know you understand why redhat might be more widespread / used  then other flavours17:47
reyesSlart my fans are clean. I make this time ago17:47
dr_willisBiggest thing i do in virtualbox  = test new live cd's17:47
ikoniaguiledazimba___: buy a printer that does have support17:47
Triscar0i have formated my hd, and trying to boot ubuntu 10.04 from cd, the cd starts but then the screen turns black and nothing happens, have tryed downloaded iso from different sites and burn new cd, nothing works!17:47
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  you did check the linuxprinting.org and cups.org sites?17:47
dr_willisTriscar0,  whats yoru video chipset?17:47
Picidr_willis, Diverdude: you were asked to take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic as it is not related to Ubuntu support. Please do so.17:47
dr_willis!nomodeset | Triscar017:47
ubottuTriscar0: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:47
guiledazimba___ikonia: but that is the printer in the bussines.17:48
DiverdudePici, cal down. it is relatd to ubuntu. i am considering to use ubuntu or redhat17:48
guiledazimba___ikonia: no way to print?17:48
ikoniaguiledazimba___: what do you want me to do ? it doesn't have linux support ? I can't make it have linux support, only the vendor can17:48
ikoniaguiledazimba___: if it's not supported, no17:48
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  you have checked those 2 sites?17:48
guiledazimba___what sites?17:49
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  you did check the linuxprinting.org and cups.org sites?17:49
guiledazimba___ikonia: yeap17:49
codex84to shirnk wii iso17:49
guiledazimba___ikonia: i read something about a virtual machine17:49
ikoniaguiledazimba___: what about it ?17:50
=== mimico_afk is now known as mimico
dr_williscodex84,  any archiver tools can compress the iso into a zip or rar. or tar.gz17:50
guiledazimba___ikonia: install the printer in virtual machine with the native drivers and later share the printer with the main system ( in the case, linux )17:50
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ikoniaguiledazimba___: ok, but that's not printing in linux17:51
guiledazimba___ikonia: make sence?17:51
dr_willisi have to wonder how linux would havce drivers for a shared network printer in that case.. unless its a PLC5 printer or similer..17:51
ikoniaguiledazimba___: not really no, but it's up to you if you want to do that17:51
codex84alright thanks17:51
dr_willisbut if that was the case.. you could use plc5 on linux directly anyway.17:51
codex84dr lol17:51
dr_willisGuess you could use the Print-to-pdf type feature of ubuntu.17:52
Slartreyes: then I don't really know.. keep asking, perhaps there's someone out there who recognizes the problem17:52
reyesi send my problem to askubuntu. thx Slart :)17:52
Slartreyes: you're welcome17:52
guiledazimba___i try use PL5 but when i send a document to print, nothing hapens.. the solicitation appears in the spool but no pages printed17:53
guiledazimba___i tried pl3,4,5 and 6..17:53
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  you proberly need to research the priner more and figure out exactly what sort of drivers/alternative drivers it can use.17:53
helios91i upgraded to 11.04 thru update manager17:53
helios91can't boot17:53
helios91someone plz help17:53
helios91plymouth disconnected17:54
PuuksIs it possible to use my Ubuntu (a bit older than 11>04 version), simultaneously as a work machine (just for music, surfing and stuff) and as a web server for simple website, like http://ithrowtoilets.space.lv/ ??17:54
PuuksI mean, it`s not too "heavy" of something like that17:54
ikoniaPuuks: yes17:54
ikoniaPuuks: depends on your hardware specificaion, but yes17:54
PuuksHow can I PM someone? :D17:54
dr_willisdepemnds on your irc client17:55
ikoniaPuuks: /msg $username hello17:55
sbarcteamhi guys.17:56
PuuksDoesn`t work for me, I`m using DMDirc17:56
pksadiqAbhijit: check pm17:56
dr_willisthats an irc client ive never heard of.. check its docs I guess.17:56
jdevelhas anyone run into an issue with ubuntu 10.04 server with the console and the keyboard layout being off?17:57
IdleOnetry /query  and yeah check the clients docs17:57
PuuksI`m sorry guys17:58
PuuksGoing to look for some tutorials17:58
dr_willisjdevel,  off as in 'not working' ? or off as in 'messed up' :)17:59
fajrihow to install google SketchUp 8 in ubuntu 10.1017:59
dr_willisor off as off position.17:59
Slartfajri: you'll have to use wine.. there is no native linux client for Sketchup17:59
dr_willisfajri,  if its the windows installer. download it. install wine.. 'wine theinstaller.exe'17:59
jdevelmessed up, I dropped the OS as a VM and SSH into it is fine, as I'm using the connecting configuration rather than the server18:00
PuuksIf someone can answer my question or give me some link to any tutorial, send ir to M332-almp4@mailinator.com [let them eat spam ;D]18:00
PuuksQuestion:  Is it possible to use my Ubuntu (a bit older than 11>04 version), simultaneously as a work machine (just for music, surfing and stuff) and as a web server for simple website, like http://ithrowtoilets.space.lv/ ??18:00
fajrihow install wine...18:00
jdevelPuuks: yes18:01
jdevelPuuks: very easy18:01
helios91hey guys, I upgraded to 11.04 from 10.10 through the update manager. When I restarted it for the first time, it doesn't boot to the login screen after I select the ubuntu version. THere is a screen with 'mountall:disconnected from plymouth'. However if I restart my computer again and select a previous version 11.04 runs smoothly. What is my problem here?18:01
xanguafajri: sudo apt-get install wine18:02
thrillERboyfajri, you can also install it from software center, If you want to go the GUI route18:03
tyoc213I there, a little offtopic, but can I connect 2 infiniband cards without a switch in the middle?18:03
Diverdudejust give me a shell18:03
Picityoc213: try ##networking or ##hardware18:03
fajrifajri@fajri-Aspire-4736:~$ sudo apt-get install wine18:04
fajriE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)18:04
fajriE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?18:04
BluesKajbeachbuddah,  check this out , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB18:04
IdleOnefajri: do you have Software Center or Synaptic open?18:04
subz3r0To secure my samba-share on my netbook a bit, ive addet: interfaces = ip.of.the.netbooks, bind interfaces only = yes, und hosts allow = ip.of.the.client, addet to smb.conf. now when i try to do a share, ill get the error msg : "net usershare gives the error 255 back, net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. The connection was refused.maybe smbd is not running" Does any1 know how i can fix this?18:04
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
tyoc213thx Pici I will try there18:06
helios91Also, does anyone know how to do a 'clean install of 11.04 on the root partition of 10.10'?18:07
Successhey guys i want to use the internet on my laptop to broadcast internet via bluetooth to my phone18:08
Successhow do i do this18:08
subz3r0check the wiki18:09
AbhijitSuccess, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBsQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.ubuntu.com%2Fcommunity%2FInternet%2FConnectionSharing&rct=j&q=internate%20sharing%20ubuntu&ei=2goKTvfpO-qNmQXynfSXAQ&usg=AFQjCNFfzWd21tiFbhuoQkobgax4svTvXw&sig2=TACSvS5WMqDM71oyQbagCw&cad=rja18:09
AbhijitSuccess, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:10
Successnice link18:10
Abhijitgoogle links sucks18:10
ajacmacI'm trying to install python 2.7.2 and 3.1.4 on ubuntu netbook (10.04, if it matters), and apt-get can't seem to find them. Is this the correct channel?18:10
subz3r0no1 got an idea how i can fix my samba issue? ;(18:11
Piciajacmac: python3.1 is available on 10.04, but 2.7 is not.18:11
ajacmacah, ok thank you18:12
Pici!info python3.1 lucid18:12
ubottupython3.1 (source: python3.1): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 3.1). In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.2-0ubuntu3 (lucid), package size 3463 kB, installed size 12292 kB18:12
Successi have 1104 though18:12
Pici!who | Success18:12
ubottuSuccess: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:12
dr_willissubz3r0,  with samba - i often find it best to start with a simple config and work your way up. I never bother with those security settings18:12
subz3r0dr_willis, i followed the german wiki, but it says when i use sometimes not secure connections (usb-stick, internet caffee etc. ) i should add those three lines to the smb.conf. but after that i cannot make a share within nautilus, thats weird18:14
subz3r0interfaces = ip.of.the.netbooks, bind interfaces only = yes, und hosts allow = ip.of.the.client18:14
subz3r0when i uncomment them and restart the server everything works fine again18:15
dr_willissubz3r0,   if connecting in such places. i would just make sure samba is off.18:15
dr_willissubz3r0,  make your shares in the samba config file. not the user created shares perhaps? how often do you need to make a share on the fly like that?18:15
subz3r05-6 times a week. maybe u could tell me how i can stop samba from autorunning?18:16
subz3r0just need it to share documents to my netbook. thats why im using the share over nautilus18:16
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dr_willissudo service samba stop    to stop it as needed.. or remove/rename the /etc/init/  script that starts samba18:17
dr_willissubz3r0,  you could use winscp and ssh to get files back/forth if you wanted to..18:17
=== pksadiq_ is now known as pksadiq
dr_willisyou can also setup a 'home' share - and let the netbook get to your entire home directory.18:17
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selvakumarandoes any1 have installed Komodo Edit?18:19
subz3r0dr_willis,  when i remove the script with mv from /etc/init/.... to /home/user and want it back that the autostart works again, its no problem to move it back?18:19
subz3r0never moved something from /etc/init to somewhere18:20
dr_willisyou can just rename ot to /etc/init/whateveritscalled.conf to  whatever.DONTRUN if you wanted to in the same dir18:20
dr_willisThere may be a better way to disable/enable it on the fly.. but ive never really seen a better way18:20
fajriwhy after i'm install ubuntu 10.10. smart status : disk failure immminent18:20
dr_willis sudo mv /etc/smbd.conf  /etc/init/smbd.DONTRUN18:21
Slartfajri: might be that one of your hard drives thinks that it's going to die soon18:22
Jorl17Hello, I am looking for some help on install 32-bit binaries of the nvidia binary package installed by apt. I have a 64-bit machine and have the nvidia files in /usr/lib/nvidia-current, but not in /usr/lib32/nvidia-current. I need these 32 bit files for Wine.18:22
dr_willisfajri,  the smart monitoring tools see a set # of failures in the smart info. and is warning you.  ive found the 10.10 suggestions to be a little bit.. over zelous and paranoid..18:22
dr_willisfajri,  but you may want to chck the disks with some other smart tools, and be sure to do proper backups18:22
dr_willisJorl17,  why do you need them for wine?18:23
Jorl17I would simply like to know how to install these lib32 files.18:23
Jorl17Because wine is a 32-bit application and it needs the 32-bit libraries.18:23
dr_willisive never needed to install  them for wine to work forme on my 64bit systems18:23
dr_willisIm not sure why wine would need the nvidia drivers at all.18:23
Jorl17For 3d18:23
dr_willisive ran 3d games without doing this stuff.18:24
Jorl17D3D. But there's some *extra* thing I haven't said18:24
Jorl17And it becomes very important in fact18:24
dr_willisfor direct3d tweaking you have checked out the winetricks tool? and the wine app database?18:24
Jorl17I own one of those optimus prime-suckers.18:24
RenieriusAny idea why there would be a big red square in the left corner of my screen with a "1" on it? There's no extra screen plugged in or such.18:24
guest1987Q). is there a server i can pull sources.list files from for Ubuntu PPC ? ie the default one for your LANG ?18:24
dr_willisRenaKunisaki,  the monitors 'settings tool' can get stuck ive seen.. saw that question asked once in here befor.. the guy had to check/kill some process to get it to vanish.. 'gnome-monitor-settings' or somtjhing named like that18:25
Jorl17Winetricks for d3d isn't needed nowadays. I'm quite experience with Wine and Linux, but this is indeed the first 64 bit machine I have, let alone one for which I need bumblebee.18:25
selvakumarani couldn't install Komodo Edit as well as Aptana Studio , can one help me?18:25
* RenaKunisaki headtilt18:26
dr_willisDual GPU setups - are such a 'cutting edge work in progress'  all i can say is good luck.18:26
dr_willisHope the 2  video card laptop stuff gets all smoothed out in time for the next release.  There must be 4+ people in here a day asking about them/bumblebee/otehr issues with them18:26
Jorl17Still, I didn't ask for help about that, I just asked out how to install the 32bit packages.18:26
Triscar0i have tryed boot with usb stick, but the lilo slackware boot screen just came up... any ideas why i cant boot ubuntu ?18:27
dr_willisTriscar0,  bios is not set to boot it.. or the usb stick is not made properly. so it goes to the HD.18:27
Jorl17Following discussions such as http://osdir.com/ml/hybrid-graphics-linux/2011-06/msg00039.html I see that there is some package nvidia-current-3218:28
Jorl17I mean lib32-nvidia-utils18:28
Jorl17but that's for arch. What about ubuntu?18:29
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories18:29
rahinHiya guys18:30
Triscar0dr_willis, but i have tryed cd and usb stick. and the cd booted but then the screen just got black.18:30
Jorl17Yes, but I'd like to know what the equivalent to lib32-nvidia-utils is18:30
Jorl17Pointing me to a repository without me knowing the name of the package isn't that much of a help. I've used Ubuntu for 4 years, I'm ok with that, honestly. I'd just like to know which package has these 32-bit libraries18:30
BostXHi all18:31
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BostXguys can anyone tell me how to make all the window borders and window titles smaller. I use gnome18:32
Jorl17Is there really nobody around here that can simply tell me how to get those 32bit libraries in my 64bit machine?18:33
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CoreyJorl17: Patience is a virtue.18:34
Jorl17Well, one thing is patience, the other is, as has happened in all 3 times I've been here for 4 years, being treated as an ignorant and an idiot. We're not there yet now, but we've been further away.18:35
dr_willisTriscar0,  have you tried the nomodeset option to see if its a video issue?18:35
CoreyJorl17: If you're looking for a specific file, apt-file is your friend.18:35
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:35
Ervin89Before I ask this question its kind of long. About 7 to 9 lines. Is that a problem? or do I need to put it in that note thing online (I forget the website now)18:35
dr_willisBostX,  that would be a theme/window decorator setting/option.  easy way wouldbe find a theme with smaller title/borders18:36
Jorl17Corey, thanks, I will try that.18:36
Pici!floodbot | DOOD18:36
ubottuDOOD: FloodBot1,2,3, and 4 are all bots, please direct your questions to the channel.18:36
dr_willis!pastebin | Ervin8918:36
ubottuErvin89: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:36
Ervin89ty dr_willis18:36
CoreyJorl17: apt-file update first, then apt-file search /path/to/file/in/question, it spits out which package contains it.18:36
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DOODcan anybody help plz18:37
dr_willisDOOD,  tell the channel your problem/question/issue.18:37
Jorl17yeah I figured it out already by reading through the manual, thanks.18:37
Ervin89Hello all. I need some quick help (Hopefully). I am using Fuduntu basically a cross between Ubuntu and Fedora. It seems like it is more Ubuntu though. Anyway back to the point. I am trying to use unetbootin. I need to run it as root. Here is my problem when I try to in terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/634447/18:37
dr_willisErvin89,  to run an app as root use gksudo.18:38
dr_willisErvin89,  and i suggest just using the normal ubuntu.18:38
dr_willissicne getting support for Fuduntu is not here...  no idea where it would be supported at.. check its homepage.18:38
DOODi have ubuntu installed on my pc but when i want to put cd's in for my networkstick i dont know wheather i should use the windows version or what18:39
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:39
PiciErvin89: They have their own channel here: #fuduntu18:39
dr_willisDOOD,  if you mean use windows drivers for a usb-network-adaptor.. they dont work in linux.18:40
Ervin89Well I was usinng rgular ubuntu. But the new 11.04? Number correct? Does not like me whatsoever. So I have to use 10. And Skype ruins my internet connection on it for some reason. So I tried Fedora and it was great for my skype. But It had some issues So i thought Fuduntu. But Now i want to dual Boot fedora hence why i need to use unetboot18:40
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CoreyDOOD: What model of "network stick" are you referring to?18:40
Ervin89Thanks dr_willis and Pici no one is ever there18:40
sarkishey guys, anyone using urxvt or xterm? if so, how are you starting this up in gnome?18:40
DOODnot a bramdded one18:40
sarkiskind of sucks that i start up gnome-terminal to start urxvt or xterm :P18:40
CoreyDOOD: There a part number on it somewhere?18:40
dr_willisErvin89,  sounds like a good reason to use normal ubuntu then.18:40
Ervin89But skype then wont work18:41
DOODone min18:41
Jorl17Corey Nope, I don't find any package that installs 32 bit NVIDIA packages. Any idea?18:41
CoreyDOOD: Let's take this another way.  dmesg | tail -f in a terminal window, and then plug in the "network stick."  It should spit out what it is.18:41
dr_willissarkis,  make an icon on the desktop for it? use gnome-do? set it to be the default-terminal emulator? :)18:41
Jorl17I do find http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/amd64/nvidia-current/filelistbut that's for AMD6418:41
Jorl17http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/amd64/nvidia-current/filelist *18:41
dr_willisErvin89,  skype is breaking on everything these days it seems...18:41
sarkisdr_willis: thanks18:41
sarkisyou guys using urxvt or xterm over gnome-terminal on buuntu?18:41
DOODi dont understand u18:42
qinsarkis: urxvt18:42
CoreyDOOD: Nevermind. :-)18:42
DOODwhat do u mean18:42
Triscar0ubuntu 10.04.2 dont boot, slackware 13.1 dont boot, slackware 13.37 boots up with cd, think my pc lives it own life.18:42
dr_willissarkis,  personally i perfer 'terminator' these days18:43
Ervin89dr_willis: might be the noobest question ever but I guess gksudo does not work for me. I am guessing use that command in place for sudo correct?18:43
Corey!pm | DOOD18:43
ubottuDOOD: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:43
dr_willis gksudo = is sudo for running gui apps.18:43
Ervin89yah command not found18:43
dr_willisErvin89,  its a standard ubuntu command on gnome at least....18:43
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:43
eoeasDOOD: Accessories -> Terminal, then type: dmesg | tail -f18:44
eoeasThen plug in your USB device.18:44
oalGaaah! That stupid new left-side bar in 11.04 gets stuck all the time. Either above all my windows unable to hide, or the app starter is stuck behind my windows, unable to get to the front. Wtf is happening?18:44
noisewaterphduse gnome18:44
dr_willisoal,  Unity is so flakey for me and my nvidia system here.. i cant even use it...18:44
Dulakoal: welcome to hell18:44
BluesKajTriscar0,  I did suggest the alternate live cd, looks like you have a HW problem which the alternate might solve18:44
Dbl_Tapoal: just select ubutnu classic interface from login page.18:44
dr_willisI have to run 'unity --replace' like 10+ times a day18:44
DOODok i'm using windows to connect to the internet so try it in a few min18:45
Triscar0BluesKaj, what is the exact name of it? so i can find an url to download18:45
oalDbl_Tap: thanks, that just saved my life :P18:45
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal18:45
Dbl_Tapoal: np I realy like cairo-dock, although a little off-topic.18:45
DOODco' its on same computer18:46
Noxhey guys, can anyone give me some help in locating a "read me file" or anything usefull in getting started with backtrack4?18:46
sayzhi guys18:46
Dbl_Tapnox: do they not include a man page for the package?18:46
BluesKaj !backtrack | Nox18:47
ubottuNox: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:47
Triscar0BluesKaj, thnx i found it18:47
Noxnope just individual mans for exploits which sounds usefull but really un organized which becomes frustrating18:47
DOODand online what operating system do i use for downloading18:47
sayztoday, after updating, i can't open chromium-browser18:47
DOODdo i select18:47
dr_willisErvin89,  fuduntu is 'fedora' based.. so you proberly should be asking in there..  it seems to have little if any ubuntu in it.. other then the name.18:48
oaldr_willis: now, unity --replace does not unstuck the left bar. This really is hell.18:48
sayzerror is that: [1:1:10947628597:FATAL:rand_util_posix.cc(26)] Check failed: fd_ >= 0 (-1 vs. 0)Cannot open /dev/urandom: 218:48
eoeasDOOD: Also try connecting via CAT5 cable to your modem, plug in the wireless, goto Administration -> Hardware drivers, chances are that is will get installed the easy way ;)18:48
DOODbut i also have its cd18:48
Ervin89yah I am there now dr_willis just trying ubuntu first. I seem to get better and more responses from here18:48
BluesKajDOOD, you use windows to download then burn the ubuntu live iso18:48
DOODit has linux or windows as choices18:49
DOODso what do i choose18:49
dr_willisoal,  yep. ive basically given up on unity for now.  Im rolloing my own little desktop :)   openbox  + xcompmgr + docky18:50
DOODcan i have some help18:50
CoreyDOOD: You're going to have to unfortunately be a little bit more descriptive.  Nobody here has the slightest clue what this network adapter actually is. :-)18:50
sandyridgeracerDOOD if u have a 2gb pen drive u can boot from pen drive itself...18:50
DOODa network one18:50
CoreyOH WELL THEN...18:50
oal DOOD, usb wifi dongle?18:50
CoreyDOOD: Hang on.18:51
CoreyDOOD: http://www.askmebetter.com/18:51
CoreyDOOD: Fill that out and pastebin the result please.18:51
Ervin89hahahah Corey that is awesome18:51
eoeasCorey: Nice one :P18:52
Ervin89WOW see the Fedora people still have not even said anything in there18:52
Dbl_Tapervin89: you'll have better luck later today in the fedora channel; there are quite a few that get on later.18:52
Ervin89Ahhh ok18:52
oCeanEvixion: let's stay on topic, ok?18:52
oCeanEvixion: sorry18:53
guiledazimba___can i install a virtual machine to host a printer (without drivers to linux) that can be shared with ubuntu??18:53
oCeanErvin89: let's stay on topic, ok?18:53
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  how is the printer hooked to the pc?18:53
guiledazimba___dr_willis: network18:54
fajrifajri@fajri-Aspire-4736:~$ sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa18:55
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  so its a printer that is just connected to the network..   dosent need to be hooked to a pc at all.18:55
fajriError reading https://launchpad.net/api/1.0/~ubuntu-wine/+archive/ppa: <urlopen error [Errno 8] _ssl.c:490: EOF occurred in violation of protocol>18:55
ferrobye bye all i go to eat18:56
riyasmphi guys i am trying to install flash player plugin on ubuntu 11.04 64 bit from synaptic, i am getting this error message , Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/f/flashplugin-nonfree/flashplugin-installer_10.3.181.22ubuntu0.11.04.1_amd64.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]18:56
riyasmp, can any one help18:56
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  you did check out the printer at the linuxprinting.org and cups.org site?  most printers have basic drivers that can at least do somthing.18:56
guiledazimba___dr_willis: the printer is conected in other computer via USB18:56
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  so its a 'shared printer'       - shared from a differnt pc.18:57
dr_willisvs. a 'network printer' like i have here.. that goes straight into the router via cat-518:57
guiledazimba___dr_willis: yeap.. is a shared printer18:58
torturedsoulis there any live cd that is ONLY a linux terminal18:59
torturedsoulso i can run commands18:59
guiledazimba___but do not exist driver sto this printer18:59
torturedsouli want something lite i can put on a usb and boot with18:59
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  so you have PC #1 - windows - shared printer....                   PC2 - UBuntu - wanting to access pc1/printer18:59
torturedsouli dont need a gui18:59
eoeasriyasmp: Download it manually and use: dpkg i [package name]18:59
torturedsouljust a terminal...18:59
oCeanriyasmp: that's a slightly older version than in the repositories. Run  sudo apt-get update  then apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree18:59
guiledazimba___dr_willis: yes18:59
tertl3torturedsoul, just kill gnome18:59
dr_willistorturedsoul,  theres disrtos like that.. see  the disrtowatch.com site.. check out tinycorelinux. most have options to do a console. or desktop. ubuntu has the 'text' optioon to go to console.19:00
eoeasriyasmp: The link does not work, server issue or incorrect repository entry.19:00
torturedsoulthanks dr willis19:00
dddbmthey guys, could anybody take a look at these errors for me? It's occuring when I try to run update manager.19:00
oCeaneoeas: no, the version is older than available19:00
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  windows has some sort of generic 'pdf' type printer driver. and linux can do a 'print to pdf'  feature. you can proberly get going.  it may depend on the exact printer..19:00
rtyuivery hot here19:00
torturedsoul'micro tiny core' only 6mb19:00
oCeanrtyui: do you have a support question?19:01
dr_willistorturedsoul,  multicore 35mb is handier. :)19:01
guiledazimba___its a Sharp 1645CS19:01
lnb_trying to get rid of links in /tmp with a script. find -L /tmp -type l -atime +2 -exec '{}' /bin/rm -f \;19:01
eoeasoCean: or that, yes.19:01
rtyuii host cms on my server19:01
malik_bI try to install Ubuntu 11.04, but the instalation failed to continue, please can someone help me?19:01
lnb_running it as root produces stuff like: find: `/tmp/4e08a5fbe928f': Permission denied19:01
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  and you ahve checked the cups.org and linuxprinting.org sites?19:01
lnb_any idea how I can make this work?19:02
rtyuiwhat i have to install to able to submit email form to a mail id ?19:02
oCeanrtyui: try to describe your issue (detailing your ubuntu version, steps taken sofar etc) in single line please19:02
guiledazimba___yeap.. do not have suport19:02
riyasmpeoeas, oCean thanks a lot guys, its working now19:02
guiledazimba___dr_willis:  do not have support to19:02
rtyuii got ubuntu lucid oCean19:02
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  a quick google search for that printer and 'ubuntu' mentions ------> http://www.stat.tamu.edu/~henrik/GSPSprinter/GSPSprinter.html19:03
g0thwhat is a good program to do scripting with scalable vector graphics?19:03
dddbmtI get these errors when trying to run Update Manager in ubuntu 11.04; http://pastebin.com/YRNR2eSj - I guess i need to edit sources.list ?19:03
g0thlike: "take this figure, rotate it, scale it and put it there"19:03
guiledazimba___dr_willis: http://www.openprinting.org/printers19:03
Slartg0th: imagemagick might be able to do that19:03
Slartg0th: not sure if that's just bitmaps though..19:04
Slart!imagemagick | g0th19:04
Slartoh.. no factoid about that.. sorry g0th19:04
g0thI know imagemagick19:04
g0thI guess you mean the api?19:04
oCeanrtyui: the installation manual of your cms should describe what you have to install (prereqs) to use mail (and other) options19:04
g0thfor programming?19:05
joshuaLI want to use PulseAudio as DLNA server. I already installed rygel but I eccounter errors when I connect to it with my PS3..19:05
joshuaLAny suggestions?19:05
Slartg0th: or use bash for your programming.. or python with the api.. depends on how much "programming" you have to do19:05
dr_willisguiledazimba___,  also i think win7 has some sort of 'virtual pdf' printer. you could print to from linux and it converts to pdf, then could print.. you will have todo some work to get  that thing going it seems19:05
dr_willisDLNA is such a neat idea.. that works.. so poorly at times. :(  some times it works very well19:06
Triscar0BluesKaj, it boots up, but now my keyboard dont work! lol19:06
torturedsoulmaking it into usb bootable thingy magig19:06
torturedsoulshould i select convert isolinux based bootable dvd or wrapt bootable dvd19:06
torturedsoulim using flashboot19:06
dr_willisnever heard of flashboot.. I reccomend the tools at the pendrivelinux web site.19:06
torturedsouli have that tool19:06
torturedsoulit failed me for ubuntu19:06
dr_willisor just set up a grub2 setup to boot the iso.. pendrivelinux has tools to automate that also.19:07
torturedsouldownloaded latest ubuntu iso, used pendrive linux... wont boot from my new usb stick19:07
dr_willisI have had specific stick/some machine issues.. that then work on other machines... older USB sticks/machiens seem more problematic.19:07
torturedsoulnew laptop, new stick (limited edition even lol)19:07
g0thSlart: can imagemagick handle complicated image compositions through command line?19:08
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dr_willistorturedsoul,  does the stick not boot.. or does ubuntu boot but fails to boot properly to desktop?  (2 very difffent problems)19:09
torturedsoulthe stick boots and says something along the lines of19:10
torturedsouliso not found19:10
Slartg0th: I haven't really used imagemagick beyond some simple scripted resizes.. but from what I've heard it is very powerful.. I'm afraid I can't really help you with specifics.. not sure if there is a channel dedicated to imagemagick.. #imagemagick perhaps?19:10
torturedsoulits a sandisk cruizer blade 4gb stick19:11
torturedsoulthe one made of plastic that is so light u lose it after 1 week19:11
dr_willistorturedsoul,  theres unetbootin, and lili, and like 3 other tools at pendrivelinux, and proberly 5+ other tools taht can put the iso on a flash drive.. try some other one i guess..19:12
adasAnyone using ccextractor or know how to compile it?19:12
dr_willisthen theres the ubuntu usb-disk-creator tools.19:12
rhin0converts most image formats to other formats in most sizes and shapes (imagemagick convert command)19:12
torturedsoulim no expert, probably i did something wrong19:12
dr_willistorturedsoul,  just dont try dding the iso to the flash.. that wont work19:12
torturedsoulyea of course19:12
dr_willisit CAN work for some disrtos. :) not ubuntu however19:13
torturedsouli just used pendrivelinux to put microlinux on it19:13
torturedsoulselected use new syslinux19:13
torturedsoulas it wasnt in the list19:13
torturedsoulnot i have ldlinux.sys and a folder called boot on the stick19:13
torturedsoulhopefully will work need restart to find out though19:13
dr_willisI use some Multi-iso tool from pendrivelinux. it puts the isos on the pendrive. and lets you have several disrtos at the same time ont eh same pendrive19:14
sysdoc_I've read that gnome-shell from the repos breaks Unity is this still the case? Is the gnome-shell in the repos maintained by ubuntu or is it being ignored completely?19:14
dr_willisIts being focused on for the next release I belive sysdoc_19:14
dr_willisNot much work in getting it going on the current release that ive heard of.19:15
yaaarso at some point the keyboard layout switcher changed behavior. used to be you'd select a layout and it would take effect globally (i.e. in all apps) until you chose a different one. now if you change your layout it takes effect only for the current application, and all the others continue to use whatever they were using before. is there any way to go back to the old behavior?19:15
xanguasysdoc_: gnome 3 is not currently supported on 11.0419:15
rtyuii prefer to ask my question here oCean19:15
yaaarit makes absolutely no sense to me why you would want two different keyboard layouts active for different applications at the same time. the typical use case is two users who want different layouts. i can't imagine someone really wanting a different layout for his terminal than he uses for email19:16
yaaaroh and btw i'm on 10.0419:17
yaaar(but this is the same in 11.04)19:17
dr_willisyaaar,  sounds like a good question for askubuntu.com    (or it may allready been asked there)  -  I never use layouts. :)19:17
yaaardr_willis: yeah, i use colemak...but occasionally somebody will want to sit at my computer and do something, so i have a standard qwerty layout available for them19:18
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simchan5005hi guys, how can i get my touchpad work. i intalled 11.04 and it cant work anymore19:20
sysdoc_dr_willis, thanks19:20
trismyaaar: are you talking about ibus? if so, 11.04 added a new setting to make the input method global to all applications, IBus Preferences/Advanced Tab/Share the same input method amoung all applications19:20
trismyaaar: scim used to have that setting as well, but the earlier versions of ibus didn't have it19:21
shreymech@ all - i have downloaded a mozilla version 5 , but i don't know that how to install a tar.bz2 .. can any one help,,19:23
yaaartrism: sorry, i don't know what ibus is (and googling it turned up stuff that doesn't seem to be related). i'm talking about the little thing in the notification area that i can click on to switch between keyboard layouts. i have two, one which is labelled "USA" (which is colemak) and one labelled "USA2" (which is qwerty).19:23
Dbl_Tapshreymech; in nautilus open in archive manager then extract files to location. should have setup scripts in there.19:24
macoyaaar: ibus is for input method stuff, like to type in japanese. you're just looking at the keyboard indicator i think19:24
shreymechDbl_Tap; i checked but can't see any...19:25
macoyaaar: used to be there was a keyboard setup thing in the preferences menu. im sure its still around somewhere but i dont know how to find it in unity19:25
Picishreymech: Which release of Ubuntu are you using?19:25
yaaarmaco: i'm on 10.04, so (thankfully) i'm not dealing with unity19:25
trismyaaar: ahh, alright, sorry, I know what you mean now, that's controlled by gnome-settings-daemon19:25
shreymechPici; currently using a 3.6 release..19:25
yaaaroh for pete's sake. sorry guys, i'm just blind19:25
Picishreymech: Thats not what I asked you.  What version of *Ubuntu* are you using?19:25
shreymechPici; now i have downloaded a version 5 few min. back19:26
shreymechPici; i am using 10.0419:26
Dbl_Tapshreymech: should be a readme file in the location you extracted to. Does anything exist there? or is the .tar.gz file empty19:26
=== Technoviking is now known as technoviking
Picishreymech: there is a PPA available for firefox5.19:26
yaaari had previously looked at the keyboad prefs, but somehow had completely missed the checkbox labeled "separate layout for each window" ....duh.19:27
shreymechDbl_tap; in that read me file only the link path from where i downloaded mozilla 5 exist19:27
xangua!fx5 | shreymech19:27
ubottushreymech: Firefox 5 is available in Natty/11.04 as an automatic update. If you would like to install it in an earlier release, you will need to use the following !PPA: http://pad.lv/ppa/mozillateam/firefox-stable/19:27
Picishreymech: That will allow you to upgrade via apt, and will take care of all security patches as they become available.19:27
Picishreymech: In a terminal, just write: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable19:28
ssbr_Are there some packages that are in Ubuntu Server Edition but not Ubuntu/Kubuntu/etc. ? "sudo apt-get install alfresco-community" doesn't work here19:28
ssbr_(unlike as implied on http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/alfresco )19:28
jribssbr_: no19:28
ssbr_jrib: so how do I find out what a package was renamed to?19:28
Picissbr_: The partner repository is not enabled by default.19:28
jrib!partner | ssbr_19:29
ubottussbr_: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »19:29
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shreymechPici; after that ?19:29
Picishreymech: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:30
ssbr_I did that command and an apt-get update , still can't install alfresco-community :(19:30
jribssbr_: what ubuntu version19:31
ssbr_kubuntu 11.419:31
shreymechPici; i need one more suggestion.. currently i am on ubuntu 10.04 and it is showing an update of 650 MB .. so is it better to download and install a new 11.04 fresh or should i go for an upgradation.. i am confused..19:32
Picishreymech: It sounds like you haven't been upgrading your packages regularly. regularly19:32
shreymechPici; from many days internet connection was not available to me.. now i am back19:32
Picishreymech: You can try doing just an: apt-get upgrade, but that is not gauranteed to pull in the new firefox package(s).19:33
shreymechPici; but then i need to go through 2 upgrades.. one from 10.04 - 10.10 and than 10.10 - 11.04 ...19:33
Picishreymech: Alternatively, just do: apt-get install firefox19:33
Picishreymech: yes.19:33
gillymani have my buddys computer, and it will not boot past the HP start up screen, can i do a system recovery with out the back up disk19:34
shreymechPici; But as i am in india so net connectivity here is not very fast thats why i m thinking of downloading and installing a fresh 11.04 instead of going through long upgradation19:34
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jribssbr_: one second.  I see the packages, but they don't seem to be in the index19:35
Picishreymech: You can just use the last command I gave you to just install Firefox, so you can do an upgrade to 11.04 at your convenience.19:35
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shreymechPici; yes it is getting installed .. thanks.. Hmm i have decided to install a fresh 11.04 .. but will it be worth .. is it far far better than 10.04.. if not than i can skip 11.0419:36
Picishreymech: If you'd prefer to stay at the LTS release, you can wait until 12.04 comes out.19:38
shreymechPici; ohkk.. yes i usually prefer a LTS release..19:38
Picishreymech: But you should do an apt-get dist-upgrade to ensure that you have the latest security packages.  (this will not upgrade your Ubuntu release)19:38
shockratescan someone please add those 2 deb packages in ubuntu repository? http://pcsxr.codeplex.com/releases/view/50048 Thanks19:39
shreymechPici; ok i will run that command to.. and in between my firefox 5 is installed... hey by security do u mean by protection against virus.. but i knw that linux are free from viruses so no security is needed19:40
Picishreymech: I mean any security update. Sometimes bugs are found that expose vulnerabilities in software.19:40
xangua!packaging > shockrates19:41
ubottushockrates, please see my private message19:41
jribssbr_: seems like it was only built for jaunty19:41
Monotokohmmm...since the debian room are being asses...can I post a debian server related question in here, since it's all based on debian?19:41
shreymechPici; oh ok.. hey even that dist-upgrate is showing around 640 Mb's of download.. :(19:41
ssbr_jrib: Oh. how would I file a bug report to get that page taken down, then?19:41
Jan\is there a way to access the app repository from a browser?19:42
jribssbr_: if I recall correctly, you can file bugs against the website at launchpad.net19:42
oCeanJan\: sure, http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/ for example19:43
Jan\ah, is there a way to list it similar the way ubuntu lists it?19:45
oCeanJan\: ?19:45
Jan\i'm looking for a faxing app19:45
penfold_99is there a command to install ubunut-desktop but with the attional software packages19:45
PiciJan\: http://packages.ubuntu.com might be what you're looking for.19:45
oCeanJan\: or just  apt-cache search fax | less19:45
Jan\thx Pici oCean19:46
ssbr_jrib: I'm not seeing it. THe bug link takes you to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs which is for bugs in the software19:46
jribssbr_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-website19:46
penfold_99sorry meant without the additional software packages?19:46
ssbr_jrib: oh, alright, thanks19:47
somekoolhi there19:48
somekoolseems like make-kpkg is missing in Natty19:48
BlackDalekHow do I stream webcam over LAN with the current version VLC? Online instructions for doing this apparently don't exist. There are only instructions for doing this with the old version of VLC, which has a totally different GUI or using a windoze wizard... How do I do this using the current version GUI?19:48
trismsomekool: it is there, install kernel-package19:49
trism!info kernel-package | somekool19:49
ubottusomekool: kernel-package (source: kernel-package): A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.. In component universe, is optional. Version 12.036+nmu1 (natty), package size 394 kB, installed size 2316 kB19:49
PythonSnakeHi again19:50
kalvinis there any way to reload the network/interfaces? I append a new interface and I wanna put it in work19:51
kalvinubuntu 10.04 server19:51
PythonSnakeWhy do people use 10.04 ..19:51
Pici!lts | PythonSnake19:51
ubottuPythonSnake: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)19:51
kalvinPythonSnake: LTS19:52
PythonSnakeAnd 11.04 is not lts ?19:52
PiciPythonSnake: No.19:52
PythonSnakeHow many years it'll be supported ?19:53
PiciPythonSnake: LTSes are released every two years. 12.04 will be the next LTS.19:53
PiciPythonSnake: 18 Months.19:53
PythonSnakeWhy does it matter ?19:53
PythonSnakeI can update version ..19:53
BlackDalekin the old VLC it was like you could just open a capture device and tick the "stream" box and choose a protocol and you were away.... Now you have to go to streaming and fill out multiple pages of forms and questions which no human could ever understand except the programmer who made it. So.. does anyone here know how to stream webcam over a LAN in VLC?19:54
vividshockI need help19:54
guntbertkalvin: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:55
Dbl_Tapvividshock: just ask your question19:55
vividshockOk uhh19:55
kalvinguntbert: it will restart all interfaces19:55
vividshockTrying to install lubuntu on my laptop19:55
kalvinguntbert: and it's deprecated way19:55
Shinydanwhat's the easiest way to check CPU temperature? x86 architecture, Natty.19:55
vividshockbut the thing is it has only 224 MB of ram19:55
kalvinguntbert: I want in a upstart way19:55
vividshockSo I let it run on a live cd i burned and tried to run it off disc to check if it can even start on my laptop but its stuck at loading screen19:56
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guntbertkalvin: you asked for "reload the network/interfaces"19:57
BlackDalekI have to go............ if anyone at all knows how to stream webcam over a LAN using the current VLC user interface, then please PM me. I will be back in about 2 hours19:58
joshbuntuhey guys.  sadly, I type his from my tablet, because gnome-panel won't start for me.  I cleared the. gconf/2 and,.gnome/2 dies, no change.19:59
Terabytei want to install java runtime on a server. any advice other than just sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre20:03
Terabytei don't want the dev kit, just the ability to run jars20:03
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photonlet's say I want to backup my file system to DVD storage. I'll need to archive my files and split them into chunks that fit on DVDs. probably something like this: tar -cvpz <put other options here> / | split -d -b 3900m - /name/of/backup.tar.gz  .... is there any way to make sure that ‘split’ waits for a pressed key or something after each created chunk? so that I can burn it to disk and delete it before continuing, thus not requiring a whole lot20:04
photonof disk space for the backup archive?20:04
Terabyteto put it another way, that sun-java6-jre is obsolete, where's the new one20:05
ohirphoton: dumping nowadays' file systems on dvd makes no sense. For system backup all you need is list of packages you frequently use, your /etc and /home/you20:09
ohirphoton: for gui backups search ubuntu forums20:10
ohir!backup | photon20:10
ubottuphoton: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:10
Triscar0i have just installed ubuntu 10.04.2, and when im going to start it up for the first time i get this error "sis630_smbus 0000:00:02.0: SIS630 comp. bus not detected, module not inserted." what the f.. is wrong now then ?20:16
Triscar0i changed video card and its now up running, finaly20:21
mimicohi, does anyone have any experience using skype video chat with Ubuntu?20:22
TrevIncI do! It didn't really work20:22
mechoaa yea it dooo i vedeo skype every night20:22
mimicomecho: how is the video quality?20:23
mimicoI have it in a virtual machine using the LTS and it is very choppy...20:24
mimicoI am wondering if it's because it's a vm...20:24
TrevIncmimico: undoubtedly20:24
TrevInctry Wubi20:25
mimicoBeing able to set up skype well is the deciding factor here.20:25
mimicowhat's Wubi?20:25
PythonSnake!wubi | mimico20:25
ubottumimico: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe20:25
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mimicohmmm.  Just want to get rid of the Vista all together.  So the decision is between Ubuntu LTS or Windows 7.20:27
PythonSnakemimico: Ubuntu20:27
mimicoI just put it on my vm as a demonstration for the person...20:27
tertl3mimico, why not dual boot?20:27
mimicotertl3: Because she hates the Vista.20:28
neo21mimico if you are on intel you should be safe switching to ubuntu20:28
mimiconeo21: So the skype will work well on intel in Ubuntu?20:28
tertl3well, ok20:28
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neo21mimico: do you have a notebook or desktop?20:29
GaveUptrying to set ulimit -c unlimited on a non-root account but the setting doesn't take ... is there some file/other setting that needs to be changed to enable core dumps?20:30
stowodacan I rename /home/luk/Dokumente/ to .../EigeneDateien/ ?20:38
stowodabecause in /home/luk/.. there are two directories named: Dokumente & Downloads20:38
MK``Ok, I need help. On occasion I get this strange bug where it doesn't seem my clicks register in windows I have open. The keyboard works fine, and when I switch to another workspace everything works as normal, but when I return to the affected workspace this continues seemingly randomly. It's not the touchpad, any idea what the problem is?20:39
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photonstowoda: sure, you can do that, just make sure you don't rename your home folder /home/luk/20:39
stowodaevery time I want to autocomplete after just typing a "D" i have to add the next letters20:39
stowodaphoton, will all the software notice that change?20:39
stowodahmm or maybe I just rename the Download dir..20:40
stowodaand tell firefox to store downloads elswhere..20:40
Dbl_Tapstowoda: just touble tab it will list available options. There are multiple folders or files that start with D is all.20:40
photonstowoda: software will probably not notice it, but with most software the download directories won't be hardwired, but can be set somewhere in preferences.20:40
Triscar0when i installed ubuntu 10.04.2 i configuered the network, but now when i booted up for first time, i can not ping a network ip or anything? cant update20:41
guntbertstowoda: rename it to downloads ... (linux is case sensitive)20:41
stowodayeah, thought about that too20:41
jiltdilstowoda:make softlink20:41
photonor that, yes20:41
aquarathas anyone had an issue where they've been playing music or watching flash under Ubuntu and pitch has changed ?20:41
stowodabut thats not the perfect way.. one dir will begin with capital and the other one with small letters20:41
aquaratas in, the pitch changes every 30 seconds or so20:41
stowodajillsmitt, softlink?20:42
stowodawhats that?20:42
photonstowoda: ln -s20:42
photonstowoda: man ln20:42
porchmonkeymy browser will only play youtube audio when i launch it from a root shell. how do i fix it20:42
aquaratsymbolic link20:42
stowodaok, will look in that direction20:42
porchmonkeyjillsmitt: you mean symlink don'tcha20:44
stowodaln -s  is a perfect solution20:44
stowodathank You20:44
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Salt_waternot sleeping?20:45
oCeanSalt_water: do you have a support question?20:46
Salt_wateryes :)20:46
oCeanSalt_water: this channel is about ubuntu, not knoppix20:46
Salt_waterI know :(20:47
oCeanSalt_water: so this is not the right place to ask20:47
Salt_waterbut everybody is sleeping in the knoppix channel20:47
starsinmypocketsGreetings.. I just opened a linode VPS running under Ubuntu - what directory is served to the web?20:47
oCeanSalt_water: and in #ubuntu-bg ?20:47
adubhow on earth can i run a command to setup a hidden ssid connection for wpa2 i have tried most everything i know20:48
Salt_waterI will try there20:48
adublike i assume i have to iwconfig wlan0 essid nameofssidforap20:48
oCeanSalt_water: actually, it is offtopic there too, but they might point you to a better suited channel than this one. Thanks for understanding20:49
adubthen beyond that im lost i have tired to use wpa_supplicant i can bring my ap up on linux via other ways20:49
adublike if ssid is not hidden it is no problem for me to connect20:49
porchmonkeywpa_supplicant AFAIK handles all that20:49
Salt_waterI see, thank you anyway20:49
adubya i have tried20:49
Salt_waterand have a good night20:49
Triscar0what is the command to get ip on my ubuntu box ?20:50
porchmonkeySalt_water: your plugins for flash ought to be in the mozilla plugins directory, whereis mozilla20:50
Triscar0ifconfig shows that its not connected to network20:50
edbianTriscar0: ip addr20:50
edbianTriscar0: If you're not connected you don't have an IP address...20:51
Salt_waterI am using iceweasel actually20:51
porchmonkeySalt_water: and you can have more than one and choose it in update-alternatives --config20:51
johnadamwhat's a good channel to ask visual studio questions?20:51
porchmonkeySalt_water: i use the mozilla-plugin-gnash package20:51
oCeanporchmonkey: it's knoppix, it's offtopic here20:51
Triscar0edbian, i want it to get ip from the router20:51
edbianTriscar0: wired or wireless ?20:51
photonI have a list of hundreds of URLs which I intend to use with ‘wget -i’. Is there any way to find out the total amount of bytes of all those files before hand? something like wget, but which does not download the file, but only checks its size?20:51
Triscar0i configed it on install but dont work now?20:52
edbianTriscar0: plug the cable into the router.  It should work.20:52
edbianTriscar0: does it not?20:52
stowodaphoton, just one question.. are the links permanent?20:52
LoreleyMy ubuntu cannot see the built in webcam. At least it looks like.20:52
photonstowoda: yes20:52
Salt_waterI am trying to install it now20:52
porchmonkeyTriscar0: which ip are you looking for20:53
photonstowoda: depends on what you mean by permanent, though.20:53
photonstowoda: it's just an entry that says "if you enter this directory, really enter my target"20:53
LoreleyI have a second HP 625, where I can use my webcam in cheese and Skype. What can I try to make it work?20:53
photonstowoda: if you move the target directory/file, the link is broken20:53
Loreley(Both computers shall be the same)20:53
Triscar0i want to get the computer online and connected to the network20:53
TheMatrix3000is it possible to do a "sudo cp /home/defaultuser/Desktop/* /home/$USER/Desktop/20:54
dimas_i installed idjc-0.8.4 that come with ubuntu 10.4 but i a having problems to connect to the jack so i have been reading around and i found in the source project that is a new version but when i try install it from the same page it tell me that a file is missing...anyhow i want to know if there is a way i can get the package update to my available programs so i use the installer from ubuntu20:54
porchmonkeyTriscar0: did you try ip ro20:55
aquaratyou'd want to add in -r (for recursive) and -v (verbose)20:55
stowodaphoton, permanent in means of presistent after a reboot20:55
photonstowoda: yes20:55
aquaratand there's an argument for preserve attributes too20:55
edbianTheMatrix3000: yes, why not?20:55
stowodaok thats fine20:55
Triscar0porchmonkey, tryed now, nothing happend20:55
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olewolfHi. I'm having problems setting up an LDAP directory in Evolution. On the command-line, ldapsearch -x -h crtdir.certifikat.dk -b "c=DK" "(mail=wolf@blazingangles.com)" shows that I can indeed query the directory. Evolution won't search the database, however; how can I trouble-shoot it?20:55
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olewolfI should perhaps add that Thunderbird is able to search the directory.20:56
aquaratcp --help : "-a, --archive                same as -dR --preserve=all"20:56
porchmonkeyTriscar0: well what you want to do from what i know is ask dhcp to give you a random ip and then note the nameservers if from what i understand you are setting up static20:56
porchmonkeydhclient <device>20:57
pillowricei have an old macbook pro (2005 vintage). Anyone tried installing ubuntu on such a machine, or know how well the hardware is supported?20:59
Salt_water<porchmonkey> I installed it but it is not ok20:59
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Salt_waterblinking and loading20:59
oCeanSalt_water: please drop the discussion here20:59
Triscar0porchmonkey, dhclient eth1 ?21:00
Salt_waterthank you guys21:00
Triscar0im soo tired of this now, the pc will go out the window in seconds...21:00
Triscar0have been trying to get linux on this pc all day, always something...21:00
porchmonkeyTriscar0: take it easy big fella21:01
djr013Any ideas how I can get boinc to be scheduled as low (idle) priority? Even at nice 19 it's taking up half the processor time.21:02
porchmonkeyTriscar0: why dont you just move the router and modem in near your linux box and wire21:02
TheMatrix3000is it possible to do a "sudo cp /home/defaultuser/Desktop/* /home/$USER/Desktop/" and have it copy data to all users21:02
TheMatrix3000or how would i copy from one Desktop folder to everyones desktop folder21:02
porchmonkeyTriscar0: wireless is always a pain in the ass21:02
edbianTheMatrix3000: You'd have to make a script to do more than one user21:02
djr013Someone mentioned something on processing grouping before but no idea how that works.21:02
somekooltrism: thanks ! maybe thats because I started from a bootstrap. I will run apt-cache update again21:03
porchmonkeyTriscar0: but basically you want to put the device up, ifconfig <device> up21:03
tripelbhow do I tell what version of adobe flash I have?  I should know how.. but I dont.21:03
porchmonkeyTriscar0: configure it and then get dhclient to give you an ip which you can set dynamically or static in /etc/network/interfaces21:04
whitehathello group.  i'm having difficulty restarting ssh.  sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart   returns...  Rathaer than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d.......  I"m running 11.0421:04
porchmonkeyor just issue commands until you get it21:04
djr013tripelb: Adobe has a version check on their site...somewhere.21:04
BloodboilHey hey, finally got this Ubuntu up and running, now as I'm using ubuntu for the first time, (in fact it's my first linux ever) could anyone recomend me some kind of security stuff etc?21:05
djr013tripelb: Otherwise you could check the package version with a package manager. You /might/ also have a Flash config utility installed automatically with Flash that you could check.21:05
edbianBloodboil: What do you mean 'security stuff' ?21:05
Triscar0porchmonkey, now it got ip, but now i tryed to connect to it wit putty from my windows computer, and it refuses my conection ?21:05
guntbertwhitehat: it is sshd21:06
BloodboilAs in firewalls, anti-virus etc etc. Mainly firewall thought21:06
edbianBloodboil: You don't need them :)21:06
BloodboilO.o you're kidding me?21:06
whitehatguntbert: yes,  however in /etc/init.d  is is ssh i.e. /etc/init.d/ssh21:06
edbianBloodboil: Most people on linux do not run either.21:06
porchmonkeyTriscar0: open your router panel and open the port on the ip it assigned u21:06
edbianBloodboil: This might start a flame war21:06
guntbert!av | Bloodboil21:06
ubottuBloodboil: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:06
vashI only use an anti-virus to scan my windows partition21:07
edbianBloodboil: Some people do run a firewall and will argue it is necessary but it is much less necessary on linux (arguably not at all) then it is on Windows21:07
pillowriceif i want to install ubuntu on a macbook pro, do i need boot camp?21:07
porchmonkeyTriscar0: if you ip ro, you will have the gateway = your router panel and the other number is the ip dhclient assigned you which you need to go into the gateway address by connecting to it from a browser on port 80.. then go to port triggering21:07
BloodboilI see, well thanks for that edbian. Now I just need to get myself rid of this number 1 caused by ccc... Wonder how this super user stuff works.21:08
edbianBloodboil: The difference is you're running almost 100% open source software.  All of your software comes from repos with trusted moderators.  This means malicious software is extremely rare21:08
edbianBloodboil: ccc ?21:08
porchmonkeyand input the number it issued you.. ssh ought be port 22 if i'm not mistaken21:08
edbianBloodboil: superuser (root) is the account that can do everything.  In Ubuntu you access super user using sudo21:09
guntbertwhitehat: try sudo restart ssh21:09
porchmonkeyTriscar0: but you can open them all just to be safe and you will in the future want to make your linux boot up with a static address as opposed to having dhclient issue you whichever is next in line21:10
Triscar0porchmonkey, when i use sudo apt-get update. does it install the updates also or only download them? it whent soo fast. 132 packeges can be updated.21:10
whitehatguntbert: sudo service ssh restart returns the error "restart: unknown instance:21:10
whitehatis upstart the current sysV utility in ubuntu?21:11
guntbertwhitehat: no,  not the "service..." way, yes upstart is on the way...21:11
Sidewinder1Bloodboil, You might find this of particular interest: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33821:12
porchmonkeyTriscar0: you've got the carriage before the horse, update will update what is available and then compared to what is on your system tell you what is available for upgrade21:12
porchmonkeyTriscar0:you can use apt-get to download packages only and do dry runs or simulated runs etc. you basically have is a note saying here is what is available to upgrade.21:13
whitehatguntbert: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634532/21:13
Triscar0i have the server in dmz mode on the router so all the ports are open, but can still not putty with port 22 in putty21:14
ttiiccI just installed ubuntu 11.04 and would like to have windows 7 as the default boot option in the splash screen! how could I fix this?21:14
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TheMatrix3000i want to create a desktop link when a user logs in, how can i do that21:14
TheMatrix3000i just want to copy a file to every users directory21:15
TheMatrix3000every users home directory21:15
djr013ttiicc: Google "configure grub2 default boot".21:15
porchmonkeyTriscar0: not positive but i belive you should go into port triggering and tell it specifically where to send the signal, dmz i vaguely remember isnt going to get you all the way there. look under gaming21:15
tripelbdjr013, I dont know how to check a package version or what a package manager is.I have this Adobe Flash Player plugin version 1021:15
jiltdilwhitecat: did you tried at the first time sudo service ssh  start21:15
edbianTheMatrix3000: Do you want to copy it once or make them all the same?21:16
guntbertwhitehat: strange, what does status ssh  tell?21:16
ttiiccdjr013 thanks21:16
whitehatguntbert: i don't have "status" as a command21:16
whitehatguntbert: status ssh -> ssh stop/waiting21:17
guntbertwhitehat: then it is not running, try sudo start ssh21:17
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jiltdilwhitecat:look i have  told you above21:18
TheMatrix3000i want to copy it once21:18
whitehatguntbert: sudo start ssh -> ssh stop/pre-start, process 304121:18
tripelbdjr013, sorry that line was trash. I found it. "That is the first time I've done anything useful with Synaptic in all the year/s I've been using Ubuntu" finally. (I use apt-get)21:18
TheMatrix3000i just upgraded to 11.04 and have to change everyones desktop link from openoffice to libreoffice21:19
djr013tripelb: Also this might help, not sure if it's right though: http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/21:19
TheMatrix3000i did a find -name and removed all the openoffice links21:19
TheMatrix3000edbian: i just need to copy the libreoffice links to everyone now21:20
edbianTheMatrix3000: You can copy them once and be done with it?21:20
monokromeHey. Does anyone here know how to sync your iPhone to Ubuntu 11?21:20
edbianTheMatrix3000: How many users you got?21:20
guntbertwhitehat: and now sudo status ssh?21:20
TheMatrix3000edbian: yes21:21
whitehatguntbert: sudo status ssh -> ssh stop/waiting21:21
TheMatrix3000edbian: basically i just need to put the new shortcut in everyones desktop21:21
TheMatrix3000edbian: i already modified /etc/skel/ for new users21:21
Triscar0porchmonkey, dident work. connect with ftp port 21 dont work either21:21
Waylandhey, how can i bring up the ubuntu update window again?21:21
edbianTheMatrix3000: How many users you got?21:21
TheMatrix3000edbian: just need to change the current users21:21
jiltdilwhitehat:sudo service ssh start21:21
TheMatrix3000edbian: 70 users21:21
guntbertwhitehat: strange, here it works as expected, did your sshd run before?21:22
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whitehatjiltdil: sudo service ssh start -> ssh stop/pre-start, process 335421:22
jjovereatshello. I am having backup woes again. I am earmarking files for short term DVD backup, to transfer to the PBell.21:22
edbianTheMatrix3000: That's a lot.  Hang on while I figure out the bash script we need to write21:22
jiltdilwhitehatnow  :sudo service ssh restart21:22
whitehatguntbert: yes.  i think it may have to do with some of the upstart/sysv /etc/int.d issues and thus the error21:23
jiltdilwhitehat  :now what it tellssudo service ssh restart21:23
jiltdilwhitehat  :now what it tells sudo service ssh restart21:23
djr013Any ideas how I can get boinc to be scheduled as low (idle) priority? Even at nice 19 it's taking up half the processor time.21:23
TheMatrix3000i wish i could do a /home/*/Desktop but that does not work21:24
whitehatjiltdil: sudo service ssh start -> ssh stop/pre-start, process 354421:24
djr013TheMatrix3000: No symlinking, either?21:24
dimas_could someone help me with this?...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1792197&highlight=idjc+unable+connect+jack+server21:24
jiltdilwhitehat: this one now sudo service ssh restart21:24
whitehati only have ssh-agent running21:24
edbianTheMatrix3000: for file in /home/*; do echo $file/Desktop; done     get it?21:24
whitehatsshd is not running21:24
TheMatrix3000so put that in bash or create a .sh21:25
guntbertwhitehat: that "pre-start" looks suspicious, check with  ps aux|grep ssh   if it running or not21:25
whitehatand log files are not working for sshd21:25
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whitehatguntbert: yes21:25
guntbertyes, what?21:25
whitehatguntbert: the only ssh process that's running is ssh-agent21:25
=== Farmer is now known as Farmer_
jjovereatsReally, I hate these messages. Should I take the main backup D2D2T and get over it using an overlay of Disk-to-DVD-to-Disk-to-Tape?21:26
edbianTheMatrix3000: you could do either but it's just a demo.  It doesn't do quite what you want.21:26
edbianTheMatrix3000: But I think it's clear how to get what you want out of it.21:26
TheMatrix3000not quite21:27
edbianTheMatrix3000: Did you get it to run?21:27
BloodboilIs there a way to change the display settings easily. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.21:27
whitehatother ideas?21:27
TheMatrix3000edbian: i want to basically do a cp /etc/skel/Desktop/* /home/(All Users)/Desktop/21:27
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edbianTheMatrix3000: ... ?21:28
TheMatrix3000what if i use gconf-editor21:28
reborn3i have a qBittoorrent question21:28
edbianTheMatrix3000: I don't think that will help. hang on I'm writing something more in a pastebin21:28
reborn3i cant sort torrent lists based on columns other than name21:29
guntbertwhitehat: start it directly: sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d  (full path is required, and -d is debug)21:29
Waylandi accidentely closed the ubuntu window asking me to upgrade to the new version. how can i open it again?21:29
edbianTheMatrix3000: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634541/21:29
emprameenI'm having trouble getting Ubuntu to boot; any assistance would be most appreciated..21:29
edbianTheMatrix3000: You put that in a .sh and run it21:29
reborn3wayland applications system admin update-manager21:29
jjovereatsI really do need help on this situation. Should I take the backup, take an overlay, and run an fsc(hec)k21:29
edbianTheMatrix3000: throw a -v on the cp to get more output while it runs21:30
whitehatguntbert: says "Missing privilege separation directory: /var/run/sshd21:30
Waylandreborn3, great thanks!21:30
whitehatguntbert: directory /var/run/sshd doesn't exist21:31
edbianTheMatrix3000: makes sense?21:31
reborn3you bet :)21:31
jjovereatsTo all in this channel, I really do need help on this situation. Should I take the backup, take an overlay, and run an fsc(hec)k?21:32
guntbertwhitehat: that might be the reason for the strange behaviour, but I have no idea what the reason for this misconfiguration might be - sorry21:32
emprameenI'm having some trouble getting my natty os to load. The BIOS reads the HDD (details show up) and then after what has always been the last verification message for the BIOS the HDD ceases activity21:32
whitehatguntbert: yes.  i created the directory and it got further. received "address already in use"  i think it is ssh-agent21:32
jjovereatsemprameen: You may have unrecoverable bad sectors. Only solution is to back up and replace the HDD.21:33
guntbertwhitehat: I doubt it, but I have to leave - Good luck :-)21:33
whitehatguntbert: k21:33
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emprameenhow  can i salvage some files?21:34
jjovereatsemprameen: There's this wonderful thing you can install into a live session called testdisk.21:34
TheMatrix3000it is only getting the last user21:35
TheMatrix3000it is not hitting any other profiles21:35
edbianTheMatrix3000: but none of the others?21:35
edbianTheMatrix3000: Did you put the -v on?21:35
edbianTheMatrix3000: What errors do you get?21:35
TheMatrix3000no errors21:35
edbianTheMatrix3000: What did -v say about things?21:35
TheMatrix3000it copied from like 3 people's desktops to his21:35
TheMatrix3000it was wierdd21:36
TheMatrix3000i had a -r21:36
=== guiledazimba___ is now known as guiledazimba
timroesHi, i have a problem with udev and hope someone can help me. The following is my udev rules file: http://pastebin.com/V2pTeCf5 Somehow when the usb device is plugged in, the script is called. But when the usb device is removed, the script isn't called. I checked with udevadm monitor --property and both (the plugin and plugout) seem to send the right signals with the needed Property (idVendor == 067b). Has anyone an idea, what might21:36
jjovereatsAm I weird to be taking a backup, only to copy it to miniDV tape afterwards?21:36
edbianTheMatrix3000: -rv is fine  (yeah -r is probably needed)21:36
oCeanjjovereats: ok, enough. You've repeated your question (without giving any detail) several times. You know that such repeat is not acceptable.21:37
TheMatrix3000if I do a sudo cp -v /etc/skel/Desktop/* /home/*/Desktop/ then i get a "cp: omitting directory"21:37
jjovereatsI understand. But you know I can lose control of myself.21:37
DiverdudeTheMatrix3000, use cp -r21:37
edbianoh I think I see21:37
oCeanjjovereats: and you know what you should do in that case, and the consequences if you don't21:37
TheMatrix3000edbian: http://screencast.com/t/nK2Jm0nB521:38
edbianTheMatrix3000: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634546/21:38
jjovereatsoCean, now everything's just being weird. Should I go the earmark, DVD, PC, DV Tape route? Or should I exclude those files?21:38
edbianTheMatrix3000: Well you can't use a *  :P21:39
edbianTheMatrix3000: I think I fixed the script.  See what my error was?21:39
oCeanjjovereats: I really don't see how such a general question (still without any detail) would be an ubuntu specific issue. I ask you now kindly to stop this discussion in this channel21:39
jjovereatsoCean: It says the the file shrank. I will be taking overlay backups as a precaution.21:40
oCeanjjovereats: you continue, I quiet you21:40
jjovereatsI'm out then! You quiet me, I quit XChat!21:40
BloodboilArgh! has anyone encountered a problem where the display is underscaled by a small margin. And to top that all of there seems to be a huge 1 with a red background stuck to the top left corner ^^ Assistance throught /msg is appriated21:42
TheMatrix3000yea i see it now21:43
TheMatrix3000let me try it21:43
edbianTheMatrix3000: cross your fingers!  I can't test this thing.  Just give it to you to run21:43
Toph2i'm running Firefox under Ubuntu. When I look for a recent site in Firefox Cache, the Cache folder has subfolders 1,2.... A,B,etc. What is the organizational structure they are using?21:44
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edbianToph2: IDK but I hate it21:45
Toph2edbian,,, so where do I find a site i visited 10 minutes ago?21:45
hiexpolook in history21:46
kv102tHi, anyone know if you can use truecrypt to encrypt the fill partition. I know this can be done in windows... but i have a pure ubuntu install.21:46
edbianToph2: I suggest looking up the site in firefox history or recently closed tabs21:46
skegeekWhy is bsd-mailx in Ubuntu's repositories?21:46
Toph2edbian,,, ok,, actually, i was wanting to capture a utube,, will history allow me that?21:46
updatecan anyone help me with gdb?  Says ambiguous set command21:46
edbianToph2: Yeah.  I don't know.  I used to do the same thing. The new structure is annoying.  I suggest getting one of those download helper add-ons21:47
Python1320Linux says I have "Pentium 4 CPU 2.40GHz" but cpuinfo claims it's running at 1813.168 MHz21:47
Toph2edbian,,, yes,, i have those,,, just confused on the cache thing,, thanks21:47
Python1320Any ideas why?21:47
edbianToph2: Yeah.  It's annoying21:47
TheMatrix3000edbian: im working on it now, i am fixing the script21:47
TheMatrix3000thanks for your help21:48
TrueColorsLivecd can't find a live file system, I amanged to boot... after 5 months of working out how... from usb21:48
=== RobinJ is now known as ROBINJ
TrueColorsgoing by bios didn't work21:48
TrueColorsi had to go by boot device F8..21:48
TrueColorsThe problem I face with ubuntu.21:48
edbianTheMatrix3000: It's broken still!  (sure)21:48
TrueColorswhen going to install21:48
SupaYoshiI've an question21:48
TrueColorsit finds my seagate external.21:48
TrueColorsbut it states tehre is no operating system isntalled21:49
TrueColorsit can't find my Hard drivew.21:49
TrueColorsbut I do have an OS on it.21:49
TrueColorsI'm on it now21:49
SupaYoshiI am planning to setup, apache, phpmyadmin and xampp? for ubuntu21:49
SupaYoshion an xbmclive device21:49
updateDoes anyone know how to edit .gdbinit21:49
TrueColorsany ideas why ubuntu can't find my internal hd?21:49
SupaYoshiand I want to know if there is any way to change ports or to get this working21:49
oCeanTrueColors: you should really try to describe your issue in a single line. It is really hard to follow/understand otherwise21:49
TrueColorsSorry. I think with my enter but yeah basically ubuntu cannot find my Hard drive.21:49
TESTBEi need help21:51
edbianTESTBE: with what?21:51
TESTBEwith ubuntu21:51
edbianwell duh21:51
robin0800TESTBE: what all of it?21:52
edbianTESTBE: What's the issue?21:52
XyxI need help too.... after doing an "apt-get upgrade" and installing some other stuff, my X server refuses to start21:52
TESTBEno i have a question21:52
Xyx"intel(0): no kerneö modesetting driver detected"21:52
DarkEraTESTBE, get to the point then :)21:53
Xyxand it tries to load the module "kbd" which doesn't even longer exist as there's evdev21:53
TheMatrix3000can i do a chown in a bash?21:53
Xyxany idea?21:53
TheMatrix3000and it work21:53
edbianTheMatrix3000: yes   (the terminal is bash)21:53
ScottR4How do I modify the commands that are executed with the gnome key bindings?21:54
Xyx_I tried Xorg -configure, I tried it with no xorg.conf at all, I simply can't get it working and I'm about to do a reinstall21:54
Testbe_i need help21:54
TrueColors_So... any idea as to why ubuntu can't find my hard drive?21:54
Xyx_any help?21:54
Terabytedoes x11 come with ubuntu server?21:55
edbianTerabyte: no21:55
edbianTestbe_: What is your question?21:55
Testbe_my question is21:55
Testbe_can you help e21:55
edbianTestbe_: on one line please21:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:55
Testbe_my question is can you help me21:55
jwtiyarhow to create new partition for windows tob install it after ubuntu?21:55
oCeanTestbe_: ask a real question21:56
Terabyteis it safe to install X11 on a server?21:56
ScottR4Terabyte: why do you need X11?21:56
genii-aroundTestbe_: That is not a question which contains a specific example of your current problem that requires help21:56
Testbe_i have a problem with my ubuntu21:56
oCeanTestbe_: describe your issues (detailed) in one single line21:56
edbianTerabyte: It's less safe because it means there will be more things running and therefore more potential vulnerabilities.  In the grand scheme it is linux so it is very secure with or without  a GUI21:56
Testbe_can i get the microsoft windows desktop in ubuntuz ?21:56
Testbe_the environment21:57
TerabyteScottR4 I want to run a java application on that server, the application has a front end, i am ssh -X'ing into it from another linux machine. I have no idea what is required on either the server (where the java app is installed) or what is installed on the client to make this happen.21:57
edbianTestbe_: no21:57
Testbe_i need the taskbar at the bottom21:57
Azrael91hey everyone21:57
Azrael91can anyone help me with some git instructions on ubuntu ?21:58
Testbe_Azrael91 no21:58
ScottR4Terabyte: gotcha; I don't have much experience in that area, sorry!21:58
ScottR4Azrael91: Sure, what's up?21:59
guest1987Azrael91, what you after21:59
Terabyteanybody familiar with the requirements of running a java applicataion (with a front end) via ssh -X on a server that's headless. what needs to be on the server and what needs to be on the client21:59
Testbe_Azrael91: i need help so we cant help you21:59
oCeanTestbe_: stop that immediately21:59
Testbe_but i need help now22:00
Testbe_it is my question22:00
Terabytei have java on the server, and i can ssh into the server from the client, but when i run the application i get this error: http://www.solong.co.uk/gdi.png22:00
geekeasyHi.  I need to install sqlite on an ubuntu 10.10 server and am running into trouble.  Can someone help?22:00
Azrael91well ... i need to compile a pdf from a git22:00
geekeasysudo  apt-get install php5-sqlite22:00
BluesKaj!ops > Testbe_22:00
geekeasyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:00
ubottuTestbe_, please see my private message22:00
geekeasy php5-sqlite : Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.5) but 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 is to be installed22:00
Testbe_BluesKay ?!22:01
DynamicFailAny idea why my no matter what wall connection I connect to my internet is super slow22:01
Azrael91sorry if it doesn't make any sense22:01
TheMatrix3000edbian: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634562/22:01
TheMatrix3000would that script work22:01
DynamicFailbut my ping time to google ( seems to work22:01
yaaar!ops > yaaar22:01
ubottuyaaar, please see my private message22:01
Testbe_BluesKaj ?!22:01
ScottR4Azrael91: using what?22:01
TheMatrix3000basically copy from a mount then change permissions then remove files then copy files22:01
Testbe_please stop all talking and listen too me22:01
TerabyteAzrael91 what's a git?22:01
pythoslooking for reason I can't shut down mysqld with /etc/init.d/mysql stop, or service mysql stop ???22:01
Azrael91ScottR4 not sure ... i'll be back when i am :)22:01
Testbe_i need help22:01
ubottugit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)22:01
Testbe_how to get kde on it22:01
yaaarhmm. sorry ops, just wondered what that ops command told him. didn't realize it alerted all of you22:02
updatehow do i unjoin a channel?22:02
TerabyteAzrael91  so the revision control, so presumably it's a set of latex files22:02
Coreyyaaar: Yes.  Yes it does.22:02
pythosupdate: /part22:02
Azelphurupdate: /part #channel22:02
Logan_update: /part22:02
Xyx_update: /part22:02
Coreyupdate: /part22:02
BluesKaj!op | Testbe_22:02
ubottuTestbe_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, bilalakhtar, Jordan_U, or rww!22:02
CoreyBluesKaj: Not helpful.22:02
CoreyAt all.22:02
TerabyteAzrael91 if it's a set of latex files then you need the latex compiler (or texmike)22:02
Testbe_BluesKaj: stop trolling.22:02
chris_99hi, does anyone know how to stop the currently selected window moving to the next workspace when you switch.  this is on ubuntu 11.22:03
Azrael91Terabyte: oh ok22:03
chris_99i've also only got 'only on this workspace' ticked22:03
LjLTestbe_: no you stop. this channel has 1500 people and you're not the center of it, please wait patiently for an answer like all the others22:03
TerabyteAzrael91 that's assuming it is what you said.. a latex set22:03
Testbe_BluesKaj: stop trolling.22:03
jpdsTestbe_: Hello.22:03
BluesKajCorey, so what do you suggest ?22:03
CoreyBluesKaj: /ignore if it bothers you so.22:03
pais there a way to prevent that Ubuntu modifies the file 70-persistent-net.rules  , after i edited by hand?22:03
LjLTestbe_: please join #ubuntu-ops if you want to be able to speak in this channel again22:03
Azrael91Terabyte i think it is22:03
SupaYoshiI am planning to setup, apache, phpmyadmin and xampp? for ubuntu on xbmclive, any way to do this? or not possible?22:04
robin0800Testbe_: can you use classic?22:04
TerabyteAzrael91 then use pdflatex whatever.tex22:04
Terabyteyou will need to find out how to install pdflatex first.22:04
TerabyteAzrael91 and you will also need to obtain the contents of the git repository22:04
BluesKajLjL, thanks22:05
Azrael91Terabyte yeah22:05
TerabyteAzrael91 http://book.git-scm.com/3_getting_a_git_repository.html22:05
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Azrael91thank Terabyte22:05
skegeekrepost: Is bsd-mailx a port to Ubuntu?22:05
kingofswordsi cant load into winxp since i joined 2 partitions together..can i edit my boot.ini through ubuntu?22:05
edbiankingofswords: yes you can edit boot.ini22:06
prowerhello :> the version of java currently provided by canonical's "parter" repository (oracle's java, that is) is vulnerable to a number of security issues, including a rather severe one for the browser plugin...is there a way that i could track the latest version for updates or would i have to install it manually?22:07
edbiankingofswords: Just mount your windows partition and edit it :)22:07
kingofswordsedbian,  its says partition(2) in boot.ini do i just change it to partion 1?22:07
kingofswordsedbian, yeh ive edited it but still xp doesnt load up22:08
edbiankingofswords: I am not familiar with the file.  Is it on partition 1 now?  Worth a shot IMO22:08
edbiankingofswords: Does windows xp show up in your grub menu?22:08
kingofswordsedbian, yeh xp is i my boot screen22:09
ScottR4kingofswords, just so we understand what's going on, you joined two partitions together? is that right?22:09
kingofswordsi dont know what grub menu is22:09
ScottR4kingofswords: so two separate partitions are now one? or is my reading comp suffering from caffeine withdrawal22:09
edbiankingofswords: i don't know what a boot screen is22:09
Terabyteany advise on my x11 issue?22:10
kingofswordsScottR4, yeh i had a fat2gb and 35gbntfs for xp....i formatted that fat 2gb in order to join to 35gb one22:10
msavwhile trying to configure two monitors I've unfortunately disabled the monitor which has the desktop. I only have one screen which has nothing but a background. How can I get the other working22:10
ScottR4Terabyte: still googling, have you tried just installing x11 and ssh'ing in?22:10
TerabyteScottR4 i have considered it, but i'm not sure if it's safe now reading around..22:11
ScottR4kingofswords: Windows does not like you moving anything around, you may have to repair the installation22:11
TerabyteScottR4 just looking to see if there's a secure alternative22:11
edbiankingofswords: You should put windows xp on NTFS partitions22:11
Terabyte^ this22:11
kingofswordsScottR4, i was gonna join them once i got back into xp....2gb fat(now ntfs thru ubuntu) is partiion 1 and 35gb is partition 2 i think22:11
ScottR4Terabyte: you could always just start x11, connect, do your thing, and then stop x11... no?22:11
tonyyarussoskegeek: Yes, the bsd-mailx package provides the version of the mail command found in BSD, as opposed to the GNU version in the mailutils package or the older BSD version in heirloom-mailx.22:11
rtyuiafter following this tutorial http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/serveur_mail_avec_postfix_et_courier-imap?s[]=mail&s[]=server can't able to send mail22:11
pdtpatrickHas anyone noticed in 11.04 as a regular user.. tab completion does funky things? for instance if i wanted to cd into /home/something/where .. and if i type /home/somewhere and press tab.. it would create a space rather than show available folders or files22:12
ScottR4kingofswords: where was XP originally installed?22:12
rtyuii don't know where the probleme came from22:12
rtyuianyone can help ?22:12
kingofswordsedbian, yeh i did...i have ssd drive and its funny about installing xp from usb...it create 2gb fat partition in order to copy files to....then installed onto different partition22:12
kingofswordsScottR4, xp is on partition 2 the 35gb ntfs22:12
edbiankingofswords: ooooo k22:12
kingofswordsits confusing i know lol22:13
TerabyteScottR4 yes that would be fine too, but i'd like to fully understand exactly what the vulnerabilities are. i mean it's just forwarding graphical data over ssh, if you're logged in over ssh that should be the only way to compromise the server.22:13
edbiankingofswords: :)22:13
ScottR4kingofswords: okay. so you currently have partition 1: blank NTFS, partition 2: windows NTFS, right?22:13
ScottR4kingofswords: not yet merged, and you can't boot into partition 2?22:13
kingofswordsScottR4, correct22:13
kingofswordsScottR4, correct too22:14
kingofswordsrepair console in xp doesnt work for me either22:14
edbiankingofswords: I recommend running sudo update-grub   which should re-find your windows partition.  I think this is the problem, not boot.ini22:14
Terabytestill don't quite understand which way round it is either, the server has the xclient, and the client has the xserver?22:14
ScottR4kingofswords: Before you mentioned you didn't know what the grub menu is... grub shows up right after your computer POSTs and gives you a list of installed operating systems22:14
edbianScottR4: If you press the shift key22:14
rtyui? anyone22:14
kingofswordsScottR4, ok..i thought this was boot menu...yeh xp and ubuntu both show up fine in this22:15
rtyuianyone there ?22:15
ScottR4edbian: depends on your install, most default ubuntu setups go straight to grub menu22:15
martianWhen I double cick on a php script in gnome, it asks if I want to 'run in terminal', 'display', 'cancel', or 'run'. Is there a way to have it default to 'display' (which will in turn open it in my default editor)?22:15
ScottR4kingofswords: and selecting windows xp doesn't boot properly?22:15
edbianScottR4: Not since 11.04   now the default is to not show the menu (unless I think, you have 2 or more OSs)22:15
kingofswordsScottR4, correct22:15
ScottR4kingofswords: I agree with edbian then, sudo update-grub should probably fix everything22:15
kingofswordsScottR4, well it doesnt boot at all22:16
edbiankingofswords: :)22:16
edbianScottR4: thanks22:16
kingofswordsok..ill do this and reboot brb thx22:16
ScottR4edbian: didn't know that, thanks for the update... I'm avoiding 11.04 for now after a bad upgrade experience -_-22:16
edbianScottR4: ouch22:16
leftinessI want to use my Android phone as a bluetooth microphone. I have an app that routes the audio from my phone's microphone to the stereo sound. I have Bluez and Blueman. My phone is connected and paired. However, it's coming up as a filesystem - not an audio device. I know my phone supports A2DP streaming, but information is scarce on this subject. With what I've provided, is someone capable of helping me stream the audio output o22:16
kingofswordsedbian, thx22:16
edbiankingofswords: hopefully it works22:16
kingofswordshope so =)22:17
phillyji tried to reinstall ubuntu-desktop using "apt-get reinstall ubuntu-desktop"22:17
phillyjI got the error "E: Invalid operation reinstall"22:17
phillyjWhat did i do wrong?22:17
tonyyarussophillyj: install --reinstall22:17
ScottR4Alright, back to the original reason I joined here: Where on earth are the sound commands from the gnome keyboard shortcuts menu stored, and how can I change them (from, say, rhythmbox to banshee)22:17
kingofswordsback...didnt reboot but now xp has disapeared from from grub menu according to terminal22:18
ScottR4kingofswords: did you modify boot.ini by hand at all?22:18
BajKhmm, if I spend 1 Milliard Euro and buy canonical, do you think I can make Ubuntu use KDE? :)22:18
kingofswordsScottR4, i did22:18
kingofswordsbut changed it back22:18
Connor_Hi there guys. I have a few questions about ubuntu linux22:18
ScottR4kingofswords: oh, well that takes care of that. and no windows xp?22:18
phillyjtonyyarusso: now the error is "E: Invalid operation ubuntu-desktop"22:18
Connor_Can I have some help?22:18
ScottR4Connor_: just ask away :)22:19
leftinessConnor_: Just ask your question. =D22:19
kingofswordsi had xp disapear from grub menu last timei change partition thou and only got back when i reinstalled windows22:19
tonyyarussophillyj: err, what did you type?22:19
ZykoticK9phillyj, "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop"22:19
kingofswordsScottR4, no xp still just not in grub22:19
phillyjtonyyarusso: sudo apt-get --reinstall ubuntu-desktop22:19
Connor_Is there any way to boot ubuntu so I can use my wireless keyboard and mouse? I can't find my wired mouse. I am running ubuntu from a cd on a mac22:19
tonyyarussophillyj: You forgot the install part.22:19
ScottR4kingofswords: Yikes. It sounds like that little 2gb partition was kind of important...22:20
leftinessConnor_: Wireless bluetooth, or with a usb receiver?22:20
Connor_Wireless bluetooth22:20
phillyjtonyyarusso: got it22:20
kingofswordsScottR4, yeh it was empty thou just for copying xp install files22:20
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leftinessConnor_: I'm unfamiliar with your Mac. Does it support bluetooth?22:20
tonyyarussoConnor_: You'll need either a wired mouse or a wired keyboard to pair them the first time.22:21
geekeasyCan anyone help me install sqlite?  It should be trivial, but I'm running into problems.22:21
Connor_Erm.... poop22:21
kingofswordsi had this problem b4 and someone here found solution but i had already reinstalled xp22:21
Connor_I have a wired keyboard, but no mouse that's wird :-(22:21
tonyyarussogeekeasy: apt-get install sqlite322:21
Connor_So if I have one but not the other, what do I do?22:22
bugzillaand php-sqlite if you use a php script22:22
ScottR4kingofswords: I hate to suggest it, and maybe someone has a better idea, but it sounds like it's time to manually tamper with /boot/grub/menu.lst :-/22:22
Connor_leftiness. I have a wired keyboard, and wireless mouse22:23
kingofswordsScottR4, i think that was prob b4.....but didnt know how to edit it...any sugesstions?22:23
tonyyarussoConnor_: I'm not sure how it works in 11.04, but in 10.04 you can do Alt-F1 to select the main menu, then use the arrow keys to go to System > Preferences > Bluetooth and a combination of arrows and enter to step through the pairing.22:23
martianWhen I double cick on a php script in gnome, it asks if I want to 'run in terminal', 'display', 'cancel', or 'run'. Is there a way to have it default to 'display' (which will in turn open it in my default editor)?22:23
Connor_Thank you very much22:23
ScottR4kingofswords: sadly, this is beyond my experience... sorry!22:23
Connor_Wait. Macintosh alt or PC alt22:23
ScottR4so, no one knows how to modify the commands executed with gnome keybindings?22:24
leftinessConnor_: There is certainly a way to use a bluetooth mouse and keyboard in Ubuntu. It just comes down to whether your system supports bluetooth.22:24
kingofswordsScottR4,  i can find where menu.1st22:24
tonyyarussoScottR4: System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts ?22:24
tonyyarussoleftiness: His issue is that he needs to pair it first.22:25
VCooliomartian: right click > properties > open with, set default there for all php; or in nautilus (the file manager) edit > preferences > behavior, set behavior for executable files22:25
geekeasytonyyarusso: Is that for php5?22:25
ScottR4tonyyarusso: I'm binding my media player key to "Launch media player", but it wants to run rhythmbox, not banshee( which I just installed)22:25
leftinesstonyyarusso: I think he has a Macbook, so he's using a touchpad and the built-in keyboard. How else would he get to an IRC chat?22:25
tonyyarussogeekeasy: I didn't say anything about PHP.22:25
VCooliomartian: not sure if php is reckoned among executables22:26
ScottR4kingofswords: shoot, grub2, not grub... I recommend google, you'll get more information there than from me :(22:26
leftinessWhoa... I was obviously lagging behind the chat. I just got a whole screen of chat...22:26
tonyyarussoleftiness: another computer?  I didn't see where he said what the machine was.22:26
geekeasyI need sqlite for php5.  The command i was given to get it is -- apt-get install php5-sqlite22:26
geekeasyBut that's failing.22:26
VCoolio!grub2 | kingofswords did you check this?22:27
ubottukingofswords did you check this?: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:27
tonyyarussogeekeasy: failing how?22:27
martianVCoolio: ahh, the nautilus setting is what I was hoping to see. Thanks!22:27
phuxgeekeasy: apt-cache search sqlite22:27
kingofswordsVCoolio, nah thx...illl take a look22:27
genii-aroundgeekeasy: Perhaps try then: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install php5-sqlite22:28
BajKis there a way to keep recordmydesktop synchrone?!22:28
BajKor a better Screen Cast program?22:28
BajKwhen I use it always my video is 20 seconds shorter than the audio22:28
BajKand this just sucks22:28
FloodBot1BajK: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:28
kingofswordsdont think grub is my problem..its bootmgr22:28
geekeasyHere's my error.22:28
geekeasyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:22:28
geekeasy php5-sqlite : Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.5) but 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.3 is to be installed22:28
j3rothCan someone point me in the right direction. I am trying to set up Ubuntu Server to accept multiple remote desktop sessions simultaneously.  Thanks! :)22:29
tonyyarussogeekeasy: what version of Ubuntu?  Does an apt-get update help?22:29
PythonSnakeHi i'm using gnome if a add workspace 16x16 the squares are too small how to fix thay22:29
TerabyteScottR4 sorted22:29
geekeasyI'm 90% sure it's ubuntu 10.1022:29
ScottR4Terabyte: What's that now?22:29
Terabytewell xclient was already installed, no need to install a server, all that was needed to fix my issue was apt-get install libxtst622:30
belali run the bluedevil (bluetooth gui) and it says didnt find any bluetooth adapters.. whats going on? do i have to install something extra? last time i installed ubuntu it worked out of the box22:30
ActionParsnipbelal: if you run:  sudo hcitool scan     doit scan ok?22:30
AerosonicOh hai22:31
geekeasyNope, update doesn't seem to help.22:31
belalActionParsnip: belal@ErebusPC:~$ sudo hcitool scan22:31
belal[sudo] password for belal:22:31
belalScanning ...22:31
tonyyarussogeekeasy: Well, 5.3.3-1ubuntu9.5 is what is in the repos, so you either need to just do an update first, or fix a repo problem.22:32
ActionParsnipbelal: looks good, is the bluetooth scanning?22:32
ActionParsnipsorry, flashing22:32
BajKman recordmydesktop is so a shitty program -.-22:32
tonyyarussogeekeasy: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/php5-common22:32
BajKcould be a GTK applicationm22:32
belalActionParsnip: i have no light for bluetooth on the laptop22:32
belalActionParsnip: but its activated22:32
geekeasyI did the update.  Should sudo apt-get upgrade php5 move me to a newer version of php5?22:32
ScottR4geekeasy: whatever's available in the repos as a newer package22:33
ActionParsnipbelal: cool, do other bluetooth softwares work ok22:33
belalActionParsnip: how do i check this?22:33
nmbnbkok, I know it's not for this channel, but. How is that google service called that when you enter two words it returns you ten words just like it. So "Kobe bryant", "Mochael Jordan" would return "Shaquille o'neal", "Ray allen", etc.22:33
belalActionParsnip: i have bluedevil at the tray, when i press it it says no adaptor found22:33
belalthe last time i installed ubuntu it worked fine22:33
belalis there any other bluetooth software to try/22:34
ActionParsnipbelal: try a different bluetooth manager22:34
tonyyarussogeekeasy: Do you have the security and updates repository sections enabled?22:35
ActionParsnip!info bluez22:35
ubottubluez (source: bluez): Bluetooth tools and daemons. In component main, is optional. Version 4.91-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 503 kB, installed size 1556 kB22:35
ActionParsnipbelal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup22:35
belalso bluez it is22:35
ActionParsnipbelal: there are others22:37
jzblnmbnbk, google sets in is in the lab section22:37
StarminnIf I make something in LMMS, what are the restrictions I have to abide by in order to release it (for free, openly)?22:37
jzbls/is in/22:38
nmbnbkjzbl thank you!22:38
belalActionParsnip: ty anyway22:38
PythonSnakecan kde break unity or something like gnome 3 ?22:39
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.22:39
Terabyteis root disabled by default on ubunut server?22:39
Terabyteand does this still apply to ssh login?22:39
tonyyarussoTerabyte: Yes, and yes.22:39
ZykoticK9Terabyte, yes22:39
tonyyarussoTerabyte: By default root has no password AND the default sshd config disables root login, so even if you set a password for root it won't be allowed via SSH.22:39
Terabytein general does the state of an account always get mirrored for ssh access?22:39
Terabyteok cool22:40
tonyyarussoTerabyte: Not exactly.  In the case of root it's a separate option.22:40
PythonSnakeCan kde break unity or something like gnome 3 do ?22:40
IdleOnePythonSnake: no, it will install kubuntu and you will have the choice at login in the session manager between Ubuntu and Kubuntu.22:40
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: i can't see kde breaking unity personally but I haven't used KDE in about 8 years22:41
PythonSnakeIdleOne: so I need 2 gb more ?22:41
IdleOnePythonSnake: not sure how much more space it will require22:42
LoonaticAnyone have a choppy/synch issue with video using vlc with a nvidia card ?22:43
jzblLoonatic: what sound output do you use?22:43
ActionParsnipLoonatic: what is the output of:  lsb_release -a; apt-cache policy vlc    please use http://pastebin.com to give the output. Thanks22:44
PythonSnakeHow to install KDE without installing Kubuntu ?22:45
Loonaticjzbl: very good question how can i know ?22:46
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: just install kde-plasma-desktop and it will give barebones kde22:46
ActionParsnipPythonSnake: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE22:46
pieroHi! I use KTorrent in Gnome Desktop. How can I change the visual preferences of qt based interfaces? The hint bar is dark-gray over a black background, unreadable.22:49
jzblLoonatic: VLC -> Tools -> Pref. -> switch from Simple to All (Advanced) mode -> choose Audio and |> Output modules22:49
neonkidhell I'm having trouble installling ubuntu 10.04 lts, onto a vaio non stock computer.22:49
philipballewhow can i take a folder owned as root and make the foldr and all its files owned to me22:49
jzblLoonatic: try setting Alsa instead of "Default or Pulseaudio" , restart VLC and check22:49
jzblphilipballew: why would you like to do that? Is it a system folder (like /bin) ?22:50
Loonaticjzbl: will try that right away here the paste bin for the output : http://pastebin.com/Lphd8bRS22:50
philipballewjzbl, no. i copied music files from my external drive and since the drive mounted as root i guess the folders i coppied are root22:51
neonkidI'm having some trouble installing ubuntu, could someone help?22:52
VCoolioneonkid: explain where you're stuck, what error messages are etc.22:52
Terabytedoes ubuntu server do encryption of home directories? how do i check if it's enabled?22:52
jzblphilipballew: sudo chown -R youruser:yourgroup <directory>22:52
fpuI have problem with screen22:52
rhalff_hi what is the command to install all -dev package dependencies for a package ? I want to compile the latest version for some app from source22:53
fpuafter having bad session and wiping it (screen -wipe)22:53
rhalff_build-dep or something ?22:53
fpuI can't start screen anymore22:53
trismrhalff_: sudo apt-get build-dep package_name;22:53
philipballewjzbl, sorry for being an idiot but what do i pit for my group22:53
trismrhalff_: yes, exactly22:53
CombatjuanI'd like to know what the pwd of a process was when it was started.  If I look at it with top I can see it was started with the command "python ./some_file.py" but I have 100 some_file.pys in the system.  I'd like to know which it was.22:53
rhalff_trism, thanks :-)22:53
CombatjuanIf I go to /proc/<the_pid> there is a symlink called cwd but it seems to go to '/' and that definitely doesnt seem right.22:54
jzblphilipballew: or use the chmod command to add permissions22:54
jzblphilipballew: group is usually the same as username22:55
arosenHow do i get the kernel source for the kernel i'm running?22:55
ActionParsnipLoonatic: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html22:55
Connor_Hello? Is the person helping me before still on?22:56
ActionParsniparosen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile22:56
Connor_I still need help22:56
spasysheepis it possible to mount a .sqfs file as read-write, or do I have to extract it, edit, the recompress?22:56
arosenConnor_: whats wrong?22:56
Connor_Oh. \22:56
Connor_Ill tell yu22:56
PythonSnake!ask | Connor_22:56
ubottuConnor_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:56
CombatjuanIndeed, if I go to "/proc/<the_pid>" and I cat cmdline, I get "python ./some_file.py".  But if I ls "cwd" it clearly shows the root directory and there is no some_file.py there.  So I'm confused.22:56
aaarh_i_hate_thixvilo is er net aangekomen! xvilo is de Owner van deze bot.22:58
Connor_I tried going into the bluetooth preference pane, and It said that my wireless mouse (apple standard) had connected, but when I moved the mouse, nothing happened. I am running ubunu 11.04 from a cd on my mac. What do I do?22:58
oCeanxvilo: remove that bot please22:59
xviloooh yes22:59
Connor_I tried going into the bluetooth preference pane, and It said that my wireless mouse (apple standard) had connected, but when I moved the mouse, nothing happened. I am running ubunu 11.04 from a cd on my mac. What do I do?22:59
Connor_I tried going into the bluetooth preference pane, and It said that my wireless mouse (apple standard) had connected, but when I moved the mouse, nothing happened. I am running ubunu 11.04 from a cd on my mac. What do I do?23:00
Connor_I tried going into the bluetooth preference pane, and It said that my wireless mouse (apple standard) had connected, but when I moved the mouse, nothing happened. I am running ubunu 11.04 from a cd on my mac. What do I do?23:00
tjiggi_foConnor_, so you said23:00
pwnushi ubuntu croud, is there a way in unity to change the location of the dock?23:01
CombatjuanUpdate: I suppose the /proc/<some_pid>/cwd confusion probably has to do with how python starts itself.  If I ls -la /proc/<the_pid>/fd then I can see that it has a file descriptor open to a particular some_file.py so I figured it out that way.23:01
Connor_what did you say tjiggi_fo?23:01
Connor_I tried going into the bluetooth preference pane, and It said that my wireless mouse (apple standard) had connected, but when I moved the mouse, nothing happened. I am running ubunu 11.04 from a cd on my mac. What do I do?23:02
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:02
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tjiggi_foConnor_, I said we heard you the first time, soon as someone who can help you comes along they will23:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:02
Connor_ok. sorry then23:02
ActionParsnipConnor_: if you run xev, do the mouse buttons create events?23:03
tjiggi_fopwnus, not yet23:04
PythonSnakehow to get fn+f9 disable my touchpad ?23:04
Connor_firstly, I got on ubuntu about half an hour ago, and second, I have no mouse. that is why I am trying to connect m wireless apple one, actionparsnip....23:04
Connor_All I need to do is connect my apple mouse23:05
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LoonaticActionParsnip: thanks fro the link i updated VLC and testing as we speak23:06
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Connor_Arg. I really do not like the linux user interface. Not enough guidance. Don't insult me for this.23:07
ActionParsnipLoonatic: sweet23:07
neonkidinit: Failed to spawn mountall post-stop process: unable to execute : input/output error. what does this mean?23:10
josh__yo yo peoples23:10
josh__so i gots a question about nmap. but there ain't be nobody in the nmap room. can somebody here help me?23:11
mehworki have a 1 TB drive with 8 GB of ram. How much space should i dedicate to my /home partition and how much swap space?23:11
tonyyarusso"there ain't be nobody"?  Really?23:11
josh__lol yeah. that's my ghetto voice23:12
tonyyarussoThat's your stupid voice.23:12
Rehanif i setup two hard drives on my PC to be in raid 1 and then later decide i don't want mirroring and want to double my available disk space, is it easy to go back to a non-raid state without any data loss?23:12
josh__Ok, i shall speak proper english23:12
ActionParsnipmehwork: 8Gb swap if you need hibernate, otherwise you can get away with none if you want.23:12
josh__Would you prefer for me to use prescriptivist rules?23:12
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ActionParsnipmehwork: set about 20Gb for / and the rest for /home is how i'd do it23:13
robin0800neonkid: I take it that google dosen't know23:13
jzblmehwork: If you are not sure on the /home just use LVM23:13
josh__howdy frank23:13
jzblmehwork: If you are not sure on the /home just use LVM23:14
frank_can someone help me interpret the output of smartctl? Looks like /dev/urandom to me that has been put through a formater that inserts some tabs :)23:14
neonkidwell, Considering I've been fighting this vaio for for about 6 months and been through 4 cd's and 2 dvd's I figured it was about time I got help.23:14
valdynfrank_: read the specs or try gsmartmontool23:15
ActionParsnipneonkid: what is the issue?23:15
MadGirli guess the issue is i thought i bought professional, but when I entered the serial for that it didn't work23:15
frank_valdyn: I wouldn't ask if i didnt already tried to understand the output23:15
valdynfrank_: you can ask specific things23:15
frank_valdyn: is this disk failing? http://nopaste.info/e4889e6723.html23:16
valdynfrank_: but its all on the spec, and in googles hd statistics23:16
neonkidwell my computer refuses to have linux put on it.23:16
ActionParsnipneonkid: what happens when you try?23:16
valdynfrank_: can you see all tests completing with no error?23:16
Combatjuanneonkid: When do you get this error?  During normal startup?  When booting from the install disk?  When waking up from hibernation?23:17
frank_valdyn: I don't see any tests ("not_testing")23:17
neonkidit say's the disc is bad, my optical drive may be dirty, it was a bad burn, that I should burn at a slower speed, it never even loads, or it stops putting out video23:18
valdynfrank_: test was done at some point in the past23:18
TravisDIf I want to install things using ./configure; make; make-install, is there a good way to keep things separated from the packages managed by apt?23:18
josh__so can someone answer a simple question about nmap for me?23:18
neonkidand i'm trying to install it23:18
valdynfrank_: its failing a few times on powerup. If thats happening ever time thats bad, if its not happening again thats not a problem23:18
mu3enneonkid, could you use some usb based media?23:18
neonkidnope, I wish.23:19
mehworkjzbl: does ubuntu have LVM options in the installer or what?23:19
valdynfrank_: s.m.a.r.t. isnt really smart, its just showing whats happening23:19
basix-is there a way to sync ipod touch on ubuntu?23:19
josh__derp. i guess not :(23:20
frank_valdyn: ok thanks. I think it's not reliable anymore. I see this messages in dmesg: http://nopaste.info/ffa2d75427.html23:20
mehworkbasix-: i wouldnt trust anything but itunes for true ipod syncing,you can use ipod to 'transfer' though23:20
basix-k thx mehwork23:20
jzblTravisD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall or PackagingGuide on the same page at the bottom. You can always look for a PPA for your application or use designated directory like /opt/local for your hand-compiled apps.23:20
mehworkfrank_: i install windows in a vbox and use that for itunes23:20
valdynfrank_: thats a result of one such powerup error I assume23:20
valdynfrank_: now, you wouldnt really need smart to detect this error23:21
valdynfrank_: but thats how it is..23:21
TravisDjzbl: thanks23:21
neonkidI know it has something to do with my hardware though.23:21
ActionParsnipneonkid: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?23:21
neonkidno, I downloaded it from ubuntu it self23:22
mu3enstill neonkid, i seem to remember there is usually a test install media option when you first boot the cd? if not, you can run an MD5 check on the cd from within your other OS.23:23
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mu3enat leasy will tell you that the cd is valid.23:23
ActionParsnipneonkid: doesn't matter, it can be garbaged in transit23:23
frank_valdyn: sure. I'm looking for a OS drive for my nexenta, since this drive hasn't to  be big I tried drives from my old media center pc, that's the background23:23
=== pedro is now known as pedrosk
ActionParsnipneonkid: where you download it from its completely moot, if it passed MD5 test then the image is goof23:24
ActionParsnipneonkid: you have not tested the ISO you hacve downloaded so you have no real way of knowing if the data you downloaded was complete or consistent23:24
neonkidI think it's my hardware that's causing the problem.23:24
ActionParsnipneonkid: well you never tested your ISO, good place to start diagnosing23:24
mosesdo you think ubuntu 10.10 is better resource wise than windows vista?23:24
ActionParsnipmoses: that  is offtopic here23:25
moseswhat why?23:25
frank_because it isn't friday23:25
valdynmoses: thats a silly question everywhere23:25
mosesi need advice on what linux i should run on this laptop instead of windows vista :(23:25
PythonSnakemoses: ubuntu23:26
neonkidunless I'm the most unlucky guy in the world I doubt it's the iso. ive downloaded different version multiple times and they all fail I think it's my hard ware.23:26
ActionParsnipmoses: this is for people with OS issues, everything else is entertained in #ubuntu-offtopic23:26
frank_moses: as you're asking in23:26
leeeroooy_jmoses: try ubuntu 10.04, if you like it then stick with it23:26
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:26
frank_#ubuntu, I'd recommend ubuntu.23:26
ActionParsnipneonkid: it still needs doing, you are having issues so you need to isolate what is good to remove it as a possible cause23:26
frank_try asking in #gentoo or #suse or #redhat ;)23:26
mu3enor #arch23:27
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ActionParsnipor #xpud23:27
PythonSnakeor #debian23:27
frank_or #fedora23:27
neonkidwell I came on here to get help about this not the darn iso thing as I said before I think it's my hardware23:27
katmagicHi. I'm having some issues with gksudo, namely that it doesn't work. I don't seem to actually have a .Xauthority file. Is this normal?23:28
leeeroooy_jneonkid: checking your iso should be the first thing you do after downloading it, always23:28
frank_katmagic: tried gksu?23:28
pingvenoHow do I remove the need to have a password for sudo. What is the best way to do that?23:28
katmagicit doesn't work any better.23:29
pingvenoThis is a test VM, so I'm not worried about security.23:29
neonkidcan we get off the iso thing. I think the problem is with the hardware on the computer23:29
leeeroooy_jneonkid: whats the problem?23:29
marckremmeber me23:29
MadGirli think the problem is , after I installed unbuntu, when I click on the Windows 7 option, it won't boot into windows..23:29
ActionParsnipneonkid: well you havent tested the ISO. If the image is bad it will cause all sorts of issues and make all efforts be for nought23:29
frank_pingveno: %admin ALL= NOPASSWD: ALL although i wouldnt recommend it23:29
ActionParsnipneonkid: it takes literally seconds. Why don't you just do it and we can progress23:29
tonyyarussoneonkid: If you think it's a hardware problem, why are you asking about it in a software support channel?23:29
mu3enpingvenoL using the command visudo23:29
marckcan anyone help me23:29
katmagicLike I said, I don't seem to have an .Xauthority file. Is that normal?23:29
marckopen the xorg file23:29
pingvenofrank_: What do I need to worry about? Is there something beyond security?23:29
marckfor me to put this Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "DCLLCD" ModelName "DCL20AT" HorizSync 24 - 82 VertRefresh 50 - 75 EndSection  Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "intel" VendorName "Intel 945GM" EndSection  Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Device0" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 16 SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1680x1050" EndSubSection EndSection23:30
leeeroooy_jneonkid: i can only agree with ActionParsnip23:30
PythonSnake!details | marck23:30
ubottumarck: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:30
frank_pingveno: no, just _security_...23:30
neonkidbecause I might need boot parameters.23:30
leeeroooy_jneonkid: are you on windows right now?23:30
ohzieHey guys, I started installing 11.04 and it dropped from the gui install into what looks like my dmesg output. :(23:30
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:30
pingvenoThe only thing I'm running in this is scripts that I've written and scripts that my company has written. No security issues there.23:31
neonkidno i'm on ubuntu.23:31
leeeroooy_jneonkid: do you have the iso on your pc?23:31
phluxWhat is the program that lets you choose what ISP you're using for 3G/4G wifi cards? Is it just an Ubuntu thing, or can I use it on my Arch system?23:31
leeeroooy_jphlux: no programs let you choose your isp as far as i know as it depends on your sim or card23:32
katmagicphlux: NetworkManager, to which nm-applet is the graphical interface.23:32
ActionParsnipneonkid: then all you have to do is run:  md5sum filename    then compare to the hashes23:32
ActionParsnip!hashes | neonkid23:32
ubottuneonkid: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.23:32
mu3enphlux, and yes it's available on arch23:32
katmagicI believe it supports most Linux versions, however you should be aware of https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/5331 when using any sort of wireless with Arch.23:33
neonkidit's not the iso. i'm sure. I think it's the hardware.23:33
marckubottu ur a bot23:33
ubottumarck: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:33
phluxleeeroooy_j: With my wife's Ubuntu system, I just plugged my 3G card in, went to the nm-applet in the panel, and clicked "Connect." It had a list of ISPs (Verizon, Sprint, etc) and automagically connected me to the correct one.23:33
marckyea sure23:33
phluxmu3en, katmagic: Ah, I use NetworkManager and my wifi works fine, though I've never tried the 3G portion.23:33
phluxI thought it was some other tool23:33
CheckMate7how can I make a .Bat file in ubuntu ?23:33
leeeroooy_jphlux: yes, that is used to set up your connection, not to let you choose an isp like "today i want verizon tomorrow at&t"23:33
leeeroooy_jwith the same usb dongle or card or whatever you re using23:33
BernardVneonkid: Try downloading the Debian installer, If that works.....23:33
tonyyarussoCheckMate7: BAT files are for Windows.23:34
phluxleeeroooy_j: I suppose I could have worded it better (g)23:34
neonkidis that  a boot loader or something?23:34
ActionParsnipCheckMate7: you can create bash scripts in Linux23:34
katmagicCheckMate7: .bat files are just text files with Windows line endings. Though you can create them on Linux, they won't run.23:34
ActionParsnip!bot | marck23:34
ubottumarck: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots23:34
leeeroooy_jphlux: well i dont mean to offend anyone (dont get me wrong please) but i thought you wanted to switch isp's which would be kinda hard :)23:35
CheckMate7So how can I run some Ms-dos command on linux ?23:35
tonyyarussoCheckMate7: First, why do you want to?23:35
ActionParsnipCheckMate7: what do you want to achieve?23:35
BernardVCheckMate7: What kind of commands?23:35
phluxleeeroooy_j: aye, understood. No offense taken :)23:35
CheckMate7I just want to compile a .py file23:35
leeeroooy_jphlux: I'm glad23:35
mu3enneonkid, i think BernardV is suggesting to install debian instead of ubuntu. just to see if it likes your hardware more.23:35
tonyyarussoCheckMate7: Err, what for?23:35
CheckMate7like this ; python Configure.py23:35
tonyyarussoCheckMate7: That will run the .py file, yes.23:36
ZuhaitzCheckMate7, sudo apt-get install dosbox23:36
CheckMate7dosbox !! ???23:36
BernardVneonkid: Nope, "Debian is the Rock Ubuntu is build on..":P Debian is a linux distro, but de base is fairly similar to Ubuntu.23:36
katmagic(p.s. DOS sucks. A lot.)23:36
ActionParsnipZuhaitz: that won't work. user is using python which won't run in dosbox very well23:36
tonyyarussoCheckMate7: What is your real question?23:37
neonkidI need ubuntu on the computer though.23:37
ZuhaitzI didn't know what he wanted for23:37
marcki need to put this Section "Monitor" Identifier "Monitor0" VendorName "DCLLCD" ModelName "DCL20AT" HorizSync 24 - 82 VertRefresh 50 - 75 EndSection  Section "Device" Identifier "Device0" Driver "intel" VendorName "Intel 945GM" EndSection  Section "Screen" Identifier "Screen0" Device "Device0" Monitor "Monitor0" DefaultDepth 16 SubSection "Display" Depth 24 Modes "1680x1050" EndSubSection EndSection can u help me23:37
KedsHi All23:37
xarthsomeone can help me about an error during a gcc compilation ? (sorry for my english)23:37
ActionParsnipmarck: please use a pastebin for large pastes, it will be more readbale and it won't scroll the channel23:37
chad___My home directory is recognized as being the Desktop directory. How can I fix this?23:37
axisysi lost few of the applets earlier today.. I think I got most of them added back except I am missing the left bottom button that minimizes all active windows.. which applet gives that?23:37
BernardVWhy neonkid ? You can install Debian in almost the same way Ubuntu runs.. If you install a base Debian system I think you could even add the Ubuntu repositories and upgrade to Ubuntu23:38
KedsI'm trying to get client side single signon working with SSH keys using pam_ssh23:38
axisysi am not using unity23:38
Go7enKshey anybody can help me? I did un update today and now my Ubuntu slows down so much is unusable23:38
CheckMate7how can I get command.com ?23:38
marcki need the comman that open the xorg.conf file23:38
Go7enKshow can I undo it?23:38
tonyyarussoBernardV: No, adding Ubuntu repos to Debian is not a good idea.23:38
KedsThe info out there is fairly thin on the ground and I haven't had much luck so far23:38
mu3enneonkid, and it's more as a way to test if your hardware is actually working?23:38
BernardVtonyyarusso: ok! Never tried it ;)23:38
tonyyarussoCheckMate7: You can't.  command.com is a Windows program.  What are you actually trying to achieve?23:38
leeeroooy_jaxisys: that one is called "show desktop"23:38
ActionParsnipchad___: in gconf-editor  go to Have a look in /apps/nautilus/preferences and check that desktop_is_home_dir is not checked23:39
katmagicKeds: You may be interested in the 'ControlMaster' option.23:39
mu3enineonkid, ie. if you can't boot the debian install it's an indication that your hardware has some issues full stop23:39
neonkidI know the hard ware is working, it runs windows fine. It just dosent like ubuntu23:39
KedsHas anyone got pam_ssh working for single signon?23:39
CheckMate7well , can I get that on my ubuntu and let wine run it ?23:39
axisysleeeroooy_j: let me look for it.. thanks a lot23:39
leeeroooy_jaxisys: you re welcome23:39
ActionParsnipneonkid: have you tested the RAM using the liveCD?23:39
chad___ActionParsnip: How would I go about doing this in the XFCE DE?23:39
BernardVneonkid: That doesn't say anything if it runs windows. I have a board that runs linux just fine, but can't install windows :)23:40
ActionParsnipCheckMate7: command.com is for windows. If you are working with python you do NOT need command.com23:40
katmagicSo no one knows why I wouldn't have a .Xauthority file?23:40
axisysis there a way to reset all the applets to default setup ? i think i might be missing another applet23:40
ActionParsnipchad___: hmmm, not sure could install gconf-editor I guess23:40
leeeroooy_jaxisys: one way would be make another account and use it, I'm not aware of any other23:40
robin0800marck: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:40
xarthi m trying to compile gcc but i have this error: size of array 'off_t_is_large' is negative during the check of FILE_OFFSET_BITS. any idea about this ?23:41
ActionParsnipkatmagic: you should have one by default, if you run:  cd; la    do you not see it23:41
chad___ActionParsnip: Okay, I'll try it.23:41
fffffffuuuuuuuuunoob here. Is this the right channel to beg for help?23:41
* BernardV is happy to have a stable DVB-C setup with a Smargo+ smartcard reader :D23:41
marckthx robin23:41
leeeroooy_jfffffffuuuuuuuuu: yes23:41
katmagicI *do not* have one.23:41
neonkidyup and I tested the ide hard drives, the grafics ard and the processor, all are in  good working order. and I had it on there before but it had a failure and now it wont go back on.23:41
katmagicThis is my problem. :323:41
BernardVneonkid: It could be some bios config.. like a setting vor OS/2 or something23:42
axisysleeeroooy_j: right.. and then I could just cheat from it.. thanks23:42
mu3enneonkid are you using a live cd?23:42
leeeroooy_jaxisys: you're welcome23:42
ActionParsnipneonkid: set your BIOS to failsafe, may help23:42
neonkida live dvd. and it isnt the bios23:43
josh__omg i think i'm in love with ubuntu <3 <3 <323:43
fffffffuuuuuuuuuWhat does it mean when mount hangs trying to mount a LUKS volume contained in an LVM volume? With the -v option it hangs on "you didn't specify a filesystem type ... I will try ext4"23:43
fffffffuuuuuuuuuPlease tell me it doesn't mean my hard drive is dead.23:44
BernardVneonkid: Do you want to try some suggestions or are you waiting to get an answer of which you think could be the answer. If that's the case you will have to tell everything you have tried... like bios settings etc..23:44
xarth Is this the right channel to beg for help about the gcc compilation ?23:44
tonyyarussofffffffuuuuuuuuu: It means you didn't specify a filesystem type.23:44
fffffffuuuuuuuuuadded a -t ext4 (which is the correct file system type). It's just hanging. Is there no way of getting an even more verbose output from mount?23:46
StarminnIf I made something with Linux Multimedia Studio, used it freely and openly, what restrictions would I have to follow?23:47
arosenfffffffuuuuuuuuu: dmesg?23:47
katmagicxarth: Possibly. What are you trying to compile?23:47
neonkidwell I have tryed a few different live cd and dvd's (installed on other computer's), tryed wubi, tryed the f6 options and different bios configurations.23:47
jzblfffffffuuuuuuuuu: dmesg and strace...23:47
xarthkatmagic, a cross compiler for arm23:47
ActionParsnipneonkid: tried booting usb?23:47
xarthi tried to compile gcc for my native without problems but for arm i have a problem23:48
neonkidThe bios wont let me.23:48
katmagicYou're trying to compile a compiler that compiles for ARM, or you're trying to compile something for ARM?23:48
BernardVneonkid: What kind of resolution and graphical interface does the vaio have?23:48
ActionParsnipneonkid: do you have a floppy drive?23:49
mu3enwhat's floppy drive?...23:49
xarthi m trying to compile a compiler for gcc23:49
ActionParsnipmu3en: takes a 3.5" disk23:49
xarthsorry for arm23:49
tman_tmanwhat command do i run to find the chipset of my wireless card so i can use that info to configure kismet?23:49
xarthbut i have this error: checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files .....   error: size of array 'off_t_is_large' is negative23:50
leeeroooy_jtman_tman: id try lshw  first23:50
neonkidit has a standerd resolution, 1024x786 or something23:50
Terabytewhat's the opposite of sudo adduser username admin23:50
Terabyte(to de-admin them)23:50
mu3engrin... as in not a 3.5" SATA drive i guess Action Parsnip...23:50
tman_tmanok i'll try that23:50
ActionParsnipTerabyte: rmuser     you can use -p to remove their home too23:50
Terabytei don't want to delete the user23:50
Terabytei just want to unadmin them23:50
ActionParsnipmu3en: no, they take disks like this http://img.ehowcdn.co.uk/article-page-main/ehow-uk/images/a04/m7/a1/floppy-drive-save-information-800x800.jpg23:51
ActionParsnipTerabyte: ahh, then its not that23:51
leeeroooy_jtman_tman: to just focus on your card you may want to put sudo lshw -c network23:51
tman_tmanone more thing do you know what information i put under the kismet source line in kismet.conf23:51
BernardVxarth: You want to compile a compiler for ARM to compile for arm on a x86 CPU?23:51
ActionParsnipTerabyte: look into usermod to remove them from the admin group23:51
xarthBernardV, yes23:51
KindariHey guys. Just got a new mouse with extra buttons (buttons 6 & 7 I guess). Wondering how I can change what keys they emulate.23:51
chad___ActionParsnip: I couldn't get to the gconf settings you mentioned23:51
leeeroooy_jtman_tman: sorry i don't use kismet23:51
BernardVThen google for "gcc arm toolchain"23:52
mu3endamn...that must hold what..at least a mb and a half ActionParsnip23:52
tman_tmanok thats cool thank you very much23:52
tman_tmanthat helped alot23:52
ActionParsnipchad___: sudo apt-get install gconf-editor23:52
ebec1983Does anybody have experience making multiple monitor support for a video card that doesn't automatically register the second display?23:52
leeeroooy_jtman_tman: you re welcome :)23:52
neonkidthe only floppy drive I have is on the coputer in question23:53
xarthBernardV, thx, but i will already tried. I followed this tutorial: http://gcc.gnu.org/install/index.html .23:53
chad___ActionParsnip: I already downloaded it and ran it, but I can't get to /apps/nautilus/preferences.23:53
leeeroooy_jebec1983: sadly that is sometimes common, what video card are you using?23:53
BernardVxarth: What's the target? Something like the Mini2440 board?23:53
chad___ActionParsnip: Those directories are missing23:53
ebec1983GeForce 8400 GS. Thanks btw for any help23:53
xarthBernardV, my target is an arm23:54
KindariI tried following this guide for mapping more buttons, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto but when I execute "imwheel -c" I get "configuration terminated by signal 11"23:54
BernardVxarth: Maybe you can find some usefull info on http://www.friendlyarm.net something like: http://www.friendlyarm.net/forum/topic/158223:54
leeeroooy_jebec1983: you re welcome, I'll do my best to help you , could you please tell me/us what version of ubuntu and nvidia drivers you re using?23:54
moseshow come when ubuntu installs it doesnt take longer to format the disk???23:54
xarthBernardV, I compiled different tools used by gcc. (mpfr gmp cloog ppl mpc)23:54
xarthok i will check23:54
BernardVxarth: I have a few ARM boards here, but didn't have the time to test them, so I don't know exactly how to get it working.23:55
ActionParsnipchad___: i see, hmm23:55
ebec1983latest desktop and nvidia drivers sorry i'm on windows right now. should i check and come back?23:55
ActionParsnipchad___: do you have the folder $HOME/Desktop    ?23:55
mu3enthere is #ubuntu-arm too xarth23:55
chad___ActionParsnip: YEs23:55
leeeroooy_jebec1983: did you install  those drivers from jockey? using proprietary ones?23:55
ActionParsnipchad___: I'd ask in #xubuntu too, let me websearch23:56
ebec1983proprietary from drivers settings in admin23:56
Terabytestill haven't figured it out23:56
ebec1983the "typical" way23:56
chad___ActionParsnip: I did earlier today, but unfortunately it's not nearly as active23:56
=== sysdoc_ is now known as sysdoc
ebec1983sorry i wish i had more23:56
leeeroooy_jebec1983: it would be rather hard to provide you help if you re not on Ubuntu but lets see, do both monitors work with windows in the first place?23:56
xarthBernardV, my idea is to compile a cross compiler for arm and use qemu to test it23:57
xarthmu3en, ok i will test23:57
ebec1983not without nvidia drivers. should i check x.org configuration settings and manually add the second monitor?23:57
ActionParsnipchad___: mousepad ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/xfdesktoprc23:57
leeeroooy_jebec1983: so with nvidia drivers the 2 monitors work under windows?23:57
ActionParsnipchad___: change show-home=true   to show-home=false23:57
BernardVgcc can compile for arm with the right toolchains, I don't know if you can compile gcc for arm...23:58
vltHello. How can I run a program and tell it to always stay on top of the other X windows?23:58
ActionParsnipvlt: i believe its a setting in ccsm23:58
chad___ActionParsnip: This file is empty. Sjust input that?23:58
katmagicTerabyte: Probably `sudo usermod -G "$(groups $USER | sed -e "s/$BAD_GROUP//;s/ /,/g; s/^,//; s/,$//; s/,,//")" $USER`23:58
chad___ActionParsnip: So*23:58
ActionParsnipchad___: http://richs-lxh.com/howto-hide-or-show-xfce-desktop-icons/#comment-800623:58
Starminnvlt: Or after it's running just set "Always on top" by right-clicking on the title bar23:58
ebec1983leeeeroooy, yes they do with nvidia drivers under Windows.23:58
tylerCanadais there anyway to set up Twinview so that using two different monitors (with different resolutions) I don't have a 'single virtual desktop' that is taller than one of my monitors can display?23:59
Terabytekatmagic is there a better way that's slightly more verifiable?23:59
leeeroooy_jebec1983: did you try look for a "dual monitor" option under nvidia control panel? (under Ubuntu)23:59
Terabytegod knows if that code works23:59
vltStarminn: I'm looking for a way to _run_ it on top from the very beginning.23:59
BernardVxarth: You could also install ubuntu-arm in qemu and install gcc :P23:59
Starminnvlt: Then as someone else said, ccsm is likely what you want23:59
tylerCanadaideally I would like both monitors to run at native resolutions and for the window manager to just stop windows from appearing where I can't see them23:59
intraderHello, I have the need to provide more disk space to root and home. I have an 8.8 GB unmounted reiserfs which I believe I could use. How do I do this?23:59

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