
static_music34hey guys/gals I'm a really new user to both ubuntu and Studio, I just upgraded to Ubuntu Studio from a plain install of Natty, only problem I have right now is the color of the text in the task bar, its black on a grey background01:53
static_music34I've tried using GNOME Color Chooser, but it hasn't changed anything01:54
static_music34any help is appreciated01:54
philipballewcan you guys recommend a good dj program?05:02
holsteinphilipballew: hey :)05:05
holsteintheres a few actually, but im not into DJ'ing, so i cant say...05:06
philipballewholstein, hey!05:06
holsteinthere idjc05:06
holsteinthere is idjc **05:06
philipballewme either. its for a friend who decided ubuntu studeo is better for his mac a few weeks ago05:06
holsteinmixxx is quite popular05:06
holsteinthose are both in the repos05:07
holsteinive used idjc to stream to my icecast server05:08
philipballewso its streams music as well?05:10
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fornextUbuntustudio is nice, but I ask me, how to save an enviroment that is build with many different applications.10:39
holsteinmsu320: o/15:53
msu320I've been getting some odd errors trying to install ubuntu studio 11.04 from a usb stick- syslog says: "Depends (multiple items) But is not installable." anyone encounter this before?15:56
holsteinmsu320: if you would, add yourself to this bug15:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 697774 in Ubuntu Studio "cant install ubuntustudio from USB stick" [Undecided,New]15:57
holsteinthere are a couple suggestions there too, however, i say...15:58
holsteingo download http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/ or http://releases.ubuntu.com/natty/15:58
holsteinand just install what you want from the ubuntustudio metapackages, or do a full conversion following15:58
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation15:59
msu320I understand the install works from a burned dvd correctly though?16:03
holsteinmsu320: maybe16:03
holsteinthose task selections??16:03
holsteinlike 'audio whatever' and 'video editing'??16:04
holsteinyou know the step that im talking about?16:04
holsteinive had errors there that when i have *none* of the tasks selected, the installer completes without error16:04
holsteinthen, i end up with basically just ubuntu with the ubuntustudio theme16:05
holsteinthats why i usually just use the normal LIVE cd these days, and im lobbying to get ubuntustudio over to a live style installer16:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 695892 in Ubuntu Studio "no live CD for ubuntustudio" [Wishlist,New]16:06
holsteinmsu320: if you have the time, try selecting no tasks with the ubuntustudio iso, and see if the installer completes without error, and let me know...16:07
msu320I've tried that- same error.16:08
msu320it's failing on ubuntustudio-desktop16:08
holsteinhmmm... then thats not the error ive seen16:08
holsteini say, get the live cd, and convert16:09
holsteincould be a bad iso download or a bad disc i suppose16:09
holsteinbad virtual disc16:09
msu320hmm- I tend to forgot to check the md5 >.>16:10
holsteinmsu320: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/11.04/release/16:11
holsteinis that where you got it??16:11
msu320wait- by iso you mean burned? i haven't burned a disk16:12
holsteinis this the 32 or 64 bit??16:12
holsteinmsu320: yeah, thats why i qualified my statement with 'virtual disc'16:12
holsteinthe fake DVD you made on the USB stick16:12
holsteinmsu320: 32 or 64 ??16:13
holsteinwell... it'll take a while for me to DL that image and test on my end16:14
msu320I understand that ^^16:18
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vltHello. I'm looking for a CLI audio player that can do crossfades between audio files. Any idea?16:55
vltI tried moc which looks very fine but I don't find any crossfade options.16:56
holsteinvlt: ask over in #opensourcemusicians16:57
holsteinim not sure if mp3blaster does crossfading16:57
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msu320  /msg NickServ identify gurgle20:11
msu320\msg NickServ identify gurgle20:11
holsteinouch :/20:12
vltHas anyone here used liquidsoap and could answer some basic questions?21:28
holsteinvlt: i would say, see if that project has a channel.. or a mailing list21:45
holsteinthe ubuntustudio mailing list is actually quite active as well21:45
vltholstein: Thanks.21:53
holsteinvlt: its nice to have some activity in this channel though :)21:54
vltMy first question would have been: When I start it with 'out(playlist("list.pls"))' why on earth doesn't it start with the very first audio file?22:00
holsteinmaybe its idea of what is first is not yours22:01
holsteinis it alphabetical?22:01
holsteinis it my size?22:01
holsteinis it random22:01
holsteinwe dont know22:01
vltThe answer: You have to playlist("list.pls",mode="normal"), because the default value for mode is "randomize" ... mog22:01
vltliquidsoap, btw, looks VERY interesting :)22:02
vltWow, I just connected (via telnet) to a running liquidsoap instance playing my files ...22:05

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