[00:02] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/svgpart] Rohan Garg * 3 * debian/changelog More changelog fixes [00:06] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/svgpart] Rohan Garg * 4 * debian/control Add libsvgpart to libsvgpart-dbg depends [00:07] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/gwenview] Rohan Garg * 2 * debian/control Make gwenview suggest libsvgpart [00:11] Might be worth to make svgpart enhance gwenview, not sure if that would make any difference in this case [00:11] i'll look at the policy manual [00:12] yeah sounds ok [00:15] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/svgpart] Rohan Garg * 5 * debian/control Make svgpart 'Enhance' gwenview [00:17] ok i'm taking a bit of a break now, have to do some GSoC stuff :) [00:17] will be back in a couple of hours [00:18] gah, ouch, libkdeedu has a lgpl-2.1/gpl-3 file too [00:18] or rather, why does nokia like things complicated? http://paste.kde.org/89347/ [00:18] darn i have a typo in svgpart [00:19] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/svgpart] Rohan Garg * 6 * debian/control Fix typo [00:22] I totally don't get what I'm required to add to meed that license requirements. LGPL + exception, GPL, both? [00:23] *meet [00:23] apachelogger: ^ ? [00:24] that's libkdeedu/qtmmlwidget/qtmmlwidget.* btw. [00:25] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/gwenview] Rohan Garg * 3 * debian/control Set Section as graphics [00:26] do not compute [00:26] for some reason lintian doesn't complain about the section being uknown in the Source: part of the control file [00:26] apachelogger: hmm? [00:26] yofel: both, if ther eis gpl involved [00:26] also I am drunk [00:26] apachelogger: here's the license text http://paste.kde.org/89347/ [00:27] if you were finished with 4.7 I'd just upload it neverminiding the stupid licenses [00:27] also if we got ScottK drunk he would let em in :P [00:27] yofel: tldr; [00:27] ^^ [00:27] .. [00:27] well, can wait till tomorrow [00:28] this is a mess -.- [00:38] apachelogger: does cmake take relative paths? like set( foo_SRCS ../me.cpp) ? [00:59] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Philip Muškovac * 3 * debian/ (changelog patches/series) disable smokegen_load_system_defines.diff to fix smokekde build failure [00:59] this breaks apart just looking at it [01:10] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokekde] Philip Muškovac * 2 * debian/ (changelog control libsmokekate3.install) add libsmokekate3 package and enable libsmokeakonadi3 again [01:12] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokegen] Philip Muškovac * 4 * debian/control fix Vcs links [01:15] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/smokeqt] Philip Muškovac * 2 * debian/control fix Vcs links [01:16] good night [01:16] night yofel [04:44] apachelogger: It's Riddell you want for that. [08:41] shadeslayer: .. is a kaput way of writing your cmake stuff [08:42] apachelogger: best to use cmake vars? [08:43] is it just me or does dolphin only pretend to be done copying files [08:44] shadeslayer: hmmm, there's no disk sync done yet? [08:44] dunno, don't see it in KDE Trunk anyways [08:45] well, open konsole and run "sync" [08:45] well thats the manual method [08:45] indeed it is [08:45] which i've been doing for the past 2-3 months [08:46] morning === hunger_ is now known as hunger [08:48] morning bambee [08:48] shadeslayer: yo! ;) [10:16] o/ [10:16] bah, I made smokdekde depend on kate forgetting that's not done [10:16] * yofel wonders how that built in pbuilder [10:17] iirc i uploaded kate [10:17] shadeslayer: any ETA on that? [10:17] lemme look [10:17] ah [10:17] maybe i simply forgot to upload it [10:17] because of licensing issues [10:17] *sigh*, a 56k mobile connection *is* horrible :( [10:17] yofel: welcome to my world :> [10:18] uh [10:18] yofel: kate 4.6.90-0ubuntu1~ppa2 Rohan Garg (2011-06-26) [10:18] its there [10:20] uh... k [10:26] shadeslayer: smokekde failure: kate-dev : Depends: kate (= 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed [10:26] did you drop the -dev package? [10:27] nope [10:27] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate/view/head:/debian/kate-dev.install << [10:30] wtf then... [10:30] even LP shows that kate-dev was built [10:31] shadeslayer: on another note: why is -dev arch any? [10:32] or are there non-link .so's in there [10:33] non-link so's ? [10:38] well, any so's that aren't versioned so you have actual binaries in -dev [10:38] smoke-dev-tools has such a case for example [10:38] there are un versioned so's in there [10:39] k [10:39] i should probably fix those VCS links too [10:41] hm, kate-dev might be built it seems, but it's not published [10:41] whaaaattttt [10:41] it hasn't been published for 3 days? :O [10:41] well, I get the same failure in my servers pbuilder just now [10:41] and apt-cache policy kate-dev doesn't list 4.6.90 [10:42] er now [10:42] er no [10:42] shadeslayer: may I hit you [10:42] and remind you that 4.6.90 << 4:4.6.3 ? [10:42] ffffffuuuuuuu [10:42] darn epoch [10:42] :P [10:42] fixing [10:43] i think i made that mistake 2-3 times in the first few packages, but noticed them when i was about to upload them [10:43] this one slipped through [10:43] well, problem found, so nvm ^^ [10:44] * shadeslayer fixes [10:45] this dep graph is becoming a mess [10:45] what's there besides graphviz? I can't say I like dia [10:45] inkscape? :P [10:45] too complicated :P [10:46] not really, but for such a huge dep graph, it might become complicated and too difficult to maintain [10:59] * yofel tries dia again [11:05] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kate] Rohan Garg * 5 * debian/ (changelog control) Fix epoch's [11:06] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdelibs] Philip Muškovac * 360 * debian/ (changelog control) Fix Vcs lines [11:09] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/gwenview] Rohan Garg * 4 * debian/ (changelog control) Fix Epoch's [11:14] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kdepimlibs] Philip Muškovac * 129 * debian/ (changelog control) Fix Vcs lines [11:15] yofel: fixed kate in ppa [11:16] :) [11:16] thanks for noticing that [11:17] took me a while, since I didn't expect to find 4.6.90 at the BOTTOM of the policy list ^^ [11:18] yeah, my stupid mistake [11:18] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkipi] Rohan Garg * 2 * debian/control Fix Vcs entries [11:20] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kruler] Rohan Garg * 5 * debian/control Fix Vcs entries [11:22] * shadeslayer takes up kdegames [11:39] !find kajongg [11:39] Found: kajongg [11:45] debfx: around? [11:45] debfx: is kajongg still built if we don't set python-kde4/sqllite/some other deps in the build deps [11:47] looks like a runtime dep to me [11:48] shadeslayer: we don't have those in kdegames build-deps [11:49] -DINSTALL_KAJONGG:BOOL=TRUE overrides the useless runtime dependency checks [11:50] right [12:16] uh at some point I need to learn how to sponsor udd merge requests :/ [13:25] debfx: That or tell people to do it the normal way if they want to get sponsored by you. [14:21] normally dh_strip should move all debugging symbols into kde-userconfig-dbg with this debian/rules http://paste.kde.org/89605/ ? [14:21] (kcm-userconfig-dbg is present into debian/control) [14:21] the result is: an empty kcm-userconfig-dbg [14:21] (the package is built but nothing is installed except a changelog.gz and a copyright) [14:22] the plugin is built with debugging cflags... so what's wrong? [14:22] I *think* $(overridden_command) is dhmk specific. Replace it with dh_strip [14:22] mhhh... [14:22] I try [14:25] yofel: same thing ^^ [14:25] give me the build log [14:27] yofel: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635025/ [14:28] * yofel remembers when Quintasan was fighting with project-neon-qt to get debugging symbols out of it ^^ [14:28] man, that was like a year ago... [14:28] ohh: [14:28] W: kcm-userconfig-dbg: empty-binary-package W: kcm-userconfig: empty-binary-package [14:28] ^^ [14:29] aah [14:30] found [14:30] ah yeah, that would be a good reason ^^ [14:42] ScottK: I don't want to discourage contributors by such formalities [14:42] OK. Your call. === Riddell_ is now known as Riddell [15:01] ScottK: Mark was asking me if the kde-unity seed had made any progress, can I assume it hasn't? [15:01] Riddell: No. We're completely jammed up on getting the KDE 4.7 package splits and oversized CDs. [15:04] agateau: would you be interested in doing that since unity-qt is your area? [15:06] Doing what? [15:13] bug #800857 is what made our cd images explode (again) [15:13] Launchpad bug 800857 in firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/800857 [15:13] ScottK: could you bring that up in the release meeting if it's not fixed by then? [15:15] debfx: Sure. Please let me know on Friday. [15:17] ok [15:35] [lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/libkdcraw] Philip Muškovac * 1 * (14 files in 3 dirs) New upstrem release candidate === tazz_ is now known as tazz [17:13] Riddell: not much interested actually... quite busy already [19:51] Is http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/wiki/baseg.jpg the finalised mockup of the wiki? [20:01] should be, sheytan would know best since he created it. Riddell_ ^ === yofel_ is now known as yofel === tazz_ is now known as tazz [22:14] apachelogger: poke poke [22:34] i think grantier was dropped from kdegames [22:35] *granatier [22:35] ah ... nope, nvm [22:44] ryanakca: yes [22:45] feel free to change the links in the black bar and other bits to make it sensible