
ArchangelSe7enwhat ?00:09
LINKSWORD2Boring day.00:10
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LINKSWORD2Anybody know if there's a widget/app to specify a time for the system to shutdown?01:06
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: You can write a bash script, or you can run 'sudo shutdown -r "number of minutes/hours" m/h01:08
Linkmaster*well, drop the -r part that is, that restarts it01:08
IdleOneor sudo shutdown hh:mm01:09
IdleOneto set at what time you want to shut down01:09
IdleOneor install kshutdown ^^01:10
IdleOnedidn't know about that :)01:10
OerHeksme 2, just googled it01:10
OerHeks'advanced'sounds cool01:11
OerHeksi found this @ http://www.linuxnov.com/how-to-schedule-shutdown-the-system/01:12
OerHekskshutdown <> gshutdown01:12
LINKSWORD2Very cool.01:20
OerHeksthunderbird 5 is out :-)01:59
LINKSWORD2That's fine, but not exceptional...02:03
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IdleOneWhere do I add startup applications?03:10
SnowhogIdleOne: System Settings > Startup and Shutdown03:10
IdleOneSnowhog: thank you03:12
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IdleOneWhat an amazing thing it is to have a default music player with a lyrics plugin that actually works04:26
IdleOneI may have to get a new tattoo04:26
knobhello all04:29
SIR_TacoIdleOne: of what a wolf? haha04:33
IdleOneSIR_Taco: nah04:34
LinkmasterSIR_Taco! :D04:34
IdleOnethere is someone I know who already has that04:34
LinkmasterIdleOne: Perhaps...a wolf in a circle?04:34
SIR_TacoIdleOne: thought you were talking about Amarok haha04:34
SIR_Tacohi Linkmaster04:34
IdleOnebut maybe the Kubuntu logo to match my Ubuntu logo04:34
SIR_TacoI only have one, but I'm happy with it04:35
IdleOnehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/idleone so you know what I mean04:35
SIR_TacoIdleOne: very nice, I like it04:36
SIR_Tacomine's not linux related I'm afriad, so it'd be off-topic haha04:37
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IdleOneSIR_Taco: thank you04:46
SIR_Tacoyou're welcome04:47
Bo0mGreetings All. Am trying to update my linux and am on kubuntu. uname -a gives me this : 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:57
Bo0m. Can i update to the latest? if yes, how? Thanks05:57
Bo0mwhen I try to use kpackagekit, it says cant upgrade. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks05:57
Bo0mumnn am I in? lol this is funny..05:59
OerHekswb Bo0m06:00
Bo0mthanks OerHeks  : )06:01
OerHekswhat ubuntu version are you on ? 9.10 ?06:01
Bo0mam not sure..sorry. any command to findout?06:01
Bo0mam kinda new..sorry06:01
Bo0mumnn site indicates we need to update all the packages before going for the latest..guess thats what I should be doing06:02
OerHekscat /etc/issue06:03
OerHeksah correct, update first, then distro upgrade06:03
Bo0mcoolio thanks buddy. will do06:04
Bo0mOerHeks, : just wondering, do I need to update? I mean, cant I just leave what I have and move on? would it be a security issue or something?06:05
Bo0mI just dont want to mess up what I have...and am kinda tired of my windows boot looping on me for some damn reason...06:05
OerHeksi'm not sure what could happen if you won't..06:06
Bo0mah. thanks anyways.06:06
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ocshi. is there a multitouch pad linux-compatible?10:22
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faLUCEhi. is there a multitouch pad linux-compatible?10:23
valorieboom, which kubuntu version?10:33
valoriescroll fail10:34
valoriewhat do you mean by multitouch pad?10:34
faLUCEvalorie: something like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQpr3W-YmcQ  but thiner10:38
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valorielooks like an interesting summer project for young geeks10:44
valoriethey are rather uninformative on the software though10:45
valoriepeople are hacking the Kinect though10:45
valoriei'm sure it's possible in linux10:45
BATifaLUCE: you may also look here: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Multitouch/HardwareSupport and do your own research by searching google for "kubuntu multitouch" as I did...10:51
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chilmaasterhi guys13:16
chilmaastercan pls someone tell me how dangerous a "master update" from one Kubuntu release to another.Respectiv, I'm runing 10.04 with Kernel 2.6.32 and plan to update in sooner future. Think I'll wait till 11.10 will be released. So now the acctual question: How dangerous is this process (especially if missed out one or two  releases) and will my Desktop (modified with Docks and other stuff) still be the same. U see i'm a lil scared to do this step13:26
alvinchilmaaster: Your desktop will probably remain the same, but you'll have to go from 10.04 to 10.10 first. Then go from 10.10 to 11.04.13:29
alvin'safe' depends on the bugs you're suffering from now.13:29
alvin(10.04 is known to have problems with ATI cards, nvidia/nouveau, Intel and Matrox. Other than that, you're safe.)13:30
BluesKajchilmaaster, if you intend to upgrade , a clean install is aleays safest , and save/backup your data first, and as alvin says you'll have to got thru 3 upgrades unless you do a clean install13:30
alvinHmm, I meant 11.04 for the video card issues. 10.04 only has troubles with Intel and Matrox.13:31
chilmaasterthank you. well, doing all those steps 10.10,11.04,11.10 sucks  a bit13:32
BluesKajnvidis is the most relaible , but still not perfect13:32
alvinThen again, it might work. It all depends on what you need. I had major trouble with mounting NFS drives on 10.04. That is better now, but now Ubuntu panics when unmounting NFS. You can't have everything I guess.13:32
chilmaaster"will probably be the same" is also a lil fuzzy13:32
alvinYes, take nvidia! I dare you to resize your konsole when using the nvidia driver. ;-)13:33
yofelchilmaaster: the next release you'll be able to directly upgrade to is 12.0413:33
yofelfor the ones before you need to go through all of them13:33
chilmaasterwill that be the next LTS?13:33
yofelit will13:33
BluesKajchilmaaster, if you decide on a clean install, put the OS on / partition and crate a /home partition for your data , that way the next time you want to do a clean install or upgrade all the configuration files for your apps are still saved along with all your data and mediua files13:34
alvinIn KDE3, kate had a html tidy plugin. Does anyone know where I can find that now?13:35
BluesKajchilmaaster, the next LTS is 12.0413:35
BluesKajoops ...too busy typing and not reading again13:36
chilmaasteri mean u guys have experiences in doing Ubuntu upgrades. Just wana have some experiences, what was good and what didn't work afterwords. I know, nobody can and will say everything is def going to work. Just wana find out a tendence whether i'll do a fresh install or a uprade. Thx guys13:37
alvinchilmaaster: It all depends on what you use now and the problems you're having. There will most definately be new bugs, but they might not hinder you. I have daily kernel panics on 11.04, but you might not have them.13:39
BluesKajalvin, really , daily ones ?13:40
chilmaastermy system is just running great :) no problems except hibernating. And i like to keep it that way  ;)13:40
* BluesKaj wonders how that could be13:40
yofelthe only way to get my notebook to need a frequent reboot would be to use nouveau, but the kernel is fine lately13:41
alvinBlaXpirit: Yes, I reboot daily, so it panics. (bug 769927). The reboots are because of some kded4 processes that start consuming 100% cpu after a while and slow things down (bug 333944)13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 769927 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Oops : Dentry still in use (1) [unmount of nfs4 0:1d]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76992713:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333944 in kdelibs "Kubuntu jaunty: kded4 at 100% of CPU load" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33394413:41
BlaXpiritwhat, sorry? :P13:42
alvinI'm also using a Kolab server, and akonadi crashes everytime I change something in korganizer.13:42
yofelyou could kill -s 9 $(pidof kded4) and then just re-login13:42
yofelwell, that would be akonadi's fault :/13:42
alvinYes, I'm curious about the new kmail? Wondering whether it will be more stable.13:43
alvinOh, and Amarok just hangs again. (can be killed) -> bug 77763913:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 777639 in amarok (Ubuntu) "Amarok hangs while holding down of next/previous track hotkey" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77763913:44
alvinThere are the KDE bugs and the Ubuntu bugs. Generally speaking, the Ubuntu ones are worse.13:44
alvinkded4 consuming 100% cpu can be anything. I have no idea what causes it. Just booting the system and letting it logged on for a few hours without doing anything will show the symptoms.13:45
BluesKajhavent gotten kmail to connect to my ISP's mail server since kde4.013:46
alvinWell, that'll change. Akonadi will do the connection. Bad news, I tested this with the current version. (you can't see the mail in kmail, but akonadi will fetch it). It crashes akonadi on regular intervals.13:46
yofelalvin: kmail 4.6.0 is in ppa:kubuntu-ppa/experimental13:47
alvinTempting, but I'll pass :-)13:47
yofel4.7 will probably not be much different, except I hope some bugfixes13:48
alvinIt doesn't have to be different. More stable would be welcome.13:48
alvinNot that it's too bad on the KDE side. Minor annoyances.13:49
yofeltrue, maybe I'll see if they help a bit later, got the first rc1 draft packages for kmail done yesterday13:49
alvin(Still, I can't find HTML tidy. New functionality might be welcome here. It was there in KDE3)13:49
alvinAs soon as it's in a ppa, not named 'experimental', I might update my production machine.13:50
yofelright, but we didn't feel well putting it anywhere else :/13:50
yofelfor me it didn't crash, but for example it simply didn't list any mails in some of my folders :(13:51
BluesKajkmail mdoesn't work with pophm , the hotmail contracter my ISP uses13:51
alvinA sound decision :-) Has it been tested with very large IMAP folders?13:51
yofelmy IMAP account is like ~40k mails13:51
yofel~works~, but as I said, not reliably13:51
selvakumaranhi there, any 1 using KOMODO or Aptana Studio?13:52
alvinHmm, I have more mails. I might add that the 'not seeing some mails' is the case in the current kmail also. I then move the mail back and forth with Thunderbird. Then it'll magically reappear.13:53
alvinselvakumaran: I have Komodo edit installed. It works.13:54
alvinselvakumaran: It's not in the repositories though. Here's the packaging bug: 18349213:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183492 in Ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Open Komodo Edit" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18349213:54
selvakumaranhi alvin, but i couldn't13:55
chilmaasterdoes any1 also have problems with hibernating?13:56
selvakumaranubottu: then, i can't get installed now huh?13:56
ubottuselvakumaran: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:56
chilmaasterit's just bad and sucks13:56
BATialvin: AFAIK html-tidy "plugin" is history, nobody cares about tidying html, obviously... :) cannot stop you from installing html-tidy commandline and steal old script, tough :)13:56
Incarus6chilmaaster, yes, I think my nvidia driver was blacklisted after the distribution upgrade13:57
selvakumaranubottu: :-P ok., does Aptana Studio supports?13:57
ubottuselvakumaran: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:57
Incarus6selvakumaran, it's a machine, it cannot answer questions yet13:57
yofel!me | selvakumaran13:58
ubottuselvakumaran: Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots13:58
alvinBATi: That's bad news. Yes, it was a script. I'll try to find it.13:58
BluesKajIncarus6, which nvidia card , havent heard of the need to blacklist any nvidia drivers , btw.13:59
selvakumaranIncarus6: :P i don't knw that,13:59
selvakumaranyofel: u  r using Aptana huh?14:00
BATialvin: or you can run html-tidy from kate's konsole from time to time to tidy files you are working on...14:00
alvinNo, the nvidia driver is not blacklisted. Maybe it should have been done though: bug 76063214:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 760632 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Resizing Konsole crashes the whole system" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76063214:01
alvinBATi: No, not on remote files.14:01
* alvin is looking for the KDE3 source14:01
Incarus6BluesKaj, "cat /etc/hibernate/blacklisted-modules | grep nvidia" returns, that the nvidia module is black listed since the latest release. I comment it out but it is still not working, so I think there was a reason to black list the module ;)14:03
BluesKajIncarus6, ok ,let s take a simpler approach , which driver is recommended on your machine ?14:05
BluesKajand why would it blacklisted in hibernate?14:06
Incarus6BluesKaj, recommended? I'm using the latest proprietary driver from the nvidia website ;)14:06
BluesKajIncarus6, aha ..some of those drivers are the wrong ones ...whoever setup those recommends is mistaken over 50% of the time14:07
BATialvin: use git repo and local clone ;)))14:09
alvinBATi: That's the thing. It's KDE3. Was that ported to git?14:09
BluesKajIncarus6, believe me I've tried several of those proprietary drivers ...I have 3 nvidia cards , which i have tested14:10
BATialvin: oh... nope, don't think so... I was talking about your work files...14:10
Ddpbfalvin: KDE3 is not ported to git14:10
Ddpbfit is discontinued in KDE14:10
alvinBATi: I see :) It's a good idea, but I'll try to find the script first.14:11
Ddpbfyou could check on trinity-project14:11
alvinDdpbf: Thought as much. But it's ok, the source can be downloaded as tarballs here: http://www.kde.org/info/3.5.10.php14:11
Incarus6BluesKaj, so that issue is related with the nvidia proprietary driver in your opinion? but why was it blacklisted then, I cant find sth. to that topic on the internet?14:11
Ddpbfit could be downloaded trough kde svn i think14:12
alvinYes, I was thinking about searching the repo online, but I keep hitting dead links. This'll work as well. Let's see...14:12
Ddpbfalvin: do you know how to use SVN?14:13
alvinUsed it a few times. Not much14:13
Tm_Talvin: for maintained KDE3-sources (for Qt4), you might be best served by using trinity sources: http://websvn.kde.org/branches/trinity/14:14
Tm_TDdpbf: timing (:)14:14
BluesKajIncarus6, did you not try additional drivers in kmenu>apps>system ?..that's where you'll find the recommended driver. As far as black listig is concerned this the first I've come across that bug.14:15
Ddpbftrinity is in stage kde 3.5.1214:15
alvinTm_T: Thanks. I know of the trinity project, but I'm only looking for a kate script that is missing from kate in KDE4.14:15
Ddpbfalvin: #trinity-desktop14:16
alvinMight as well use that link. Thanks!14:16
Ddpbfyou could ask there14:16
Incarus6BluesKaj, jockey recommends me an earlier version of that driver (270.41.06). Due to the fact, that nothing happens after I pressed the suspend button in kmenu I dont think that this is related to the graphic card driver itself, because it should do something after i comment out the blacklist line.14:18
Ddpbfis there git web ui for kde?14:18
yofelIncarus6: what does 'upower --dump' in Konsole say for can-suspend: ?14:19
Incarus6yofel, thank you for that command. Returns "can-suspend: yes" and "can-hibernate: yes"14:20
Ddpbfwhat is this aki thing?14:20
yofelnot sure what's wrong then. You could try to ignore the KDE buttons and directly run 'sudo pm-suspens' or 'sudo pm-hibernate'14:20
Ddpbfi see it is irc klient14:20
BluesKajIncarus6, commenting out may need a reboot when dealing with X drivers14:22
Incarus6BluesKaj, yeah, I rebooted a lot between I did that and today ;)14:22
Incarus6yofel, let me try that. hopefully it will create a log file14:23
yofelthere's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume too, haven't tried anything from there in a long time though14:24
* BluesKaj files Incarus6 nvidia situation on the 'to research " list14:25
BluesKajdamn laptops ..bloody pita14:25
Incarus6yofel, the commands are working great, thx. I'm going to ignore the kmenu buttons but Im not sure why they aren't working14:26
yofelyeah, except that I can suspend fine here...14:26
yofelwell, at least something14:26
Incarus6yofel, it could be that kmenu is using the command "sudo echo mem > /sys/power/state" to suspend. When I try this in terminal it returns "No authorisation", even with sudo.14:30
yofelyou can't echo + sudo like that14:30
yofelecho mem | sudo tee /sys/power/state14:31
yofelshould work14:31
Incarus6oops, greenhorn mistake. yeah, that is working too. strange, I think im going to open a bug report. thx for the command at least I can hibernate and suspend now14:32
Incarus6_yofel, BluesKaj, thx, I fixed it. After a really annoying bug I disabled "Power Management" in the system settings (it consumed 100% CPU), I haven't realized that it was still disabled ;)14:50
BluesKajIncarus6_, glad you were able to fix it :)14:53
pidusI have a mobile broadband device that used to work fine on kubuntu 10.10 but since I upgraded to 11.04 the device refuses to connect but does get detected. What's more surprising is when I try connect the device on windows, hosted on a virtual machine it works and when its ejected from windows it starts working in linux as well. Any clue how I can avoid starting windows in VM every time15:07
Ddpbfpidus: kde-network manager does have some problems with 3g internet15:09
pidusDdpbf: in 10.10 it worked fine! is it likely to work better in say wicd?15:09
Ddpbfwicd is primarily for wireless15:10
Ddpbfwait a sec15:10
Ddpbfi believe i can find solution15:10
pidusand what could be changing when trying to connect it on windows through VM and then ejecting that starts making it work on kubuntu?15:10
Ddpbfjust i need to search right thread15:10
pidusDdpbf: it'll be great if you *can* find the solution.....or tell me some pointers15:11
BATipidus: try something as basic as KPPP if it works... network manager still have some problems and/or regressions when it comes to 3G...15:12
pidusBATi: ok15:13
Ddpbfyou could also install gnom applet15:13
Ddpbfit seem it have less porblems than plasmoid15:13
BATipidus: eg I had the same problems like you BEFORE I've upgraded to 11.04 :)15:13
Ddpbf(gnome aplet for nm)15:13
BATipidus: yeah, gnome network applet works fine too...15:14
pidusBATi: and was it resolved on KPPP?15:14
pidusDdpbf: ok i'll give that a try15:14
BATipidus: kppp is just a frontend to ppp not dependant on netwok-manager... if it works everytime, then you can use it to "get your connection going" without need to boot VB windows... and wait for networkmanager 0.915:17
pidusBATi: oh ok...sounds great......hope it works15:17
BATipidus: should be... networkmanager-kde is unfortunately... how to say it politely... uncomplete :)15:19
BATipidus: and I agree with Ddpbf, that installing networkmanager-gnome stuff may be easier solution...15:21
pidusaha......good that i have multiple options to try15:22
rdallarmihi, how do I configure a ps printer that is at a given ip address?15:34
genii-aroundrdallarmi: It already is set up and printing, or is new?15:36
rdallarmigenii-around:  it is there and printing, just first time I configure it from kde15:37
alvinrdallarmi: lpadmin -p <name> -m <driver> -v socket://<ip-address>:9100 (or LPD)15:38
rdallarmitx all I found a way to install it with the printer configuration dialog, not too difficult, just I was puzzled as I thought none of the options let me  specify an ip address15:40
genii-aroundrdallarmi: Usually IPP printer, then Generic Postscript  works15:42
genii-aroundApologies on lag, work is very busy15:42
alvinHmm, if you want to do it the graphical way and choose AppSocket/HP JetDirect, ipp or LPD/LPR it should be possible. I broke the graphical wizard too much and use command line. (but mind long-standing bug 482547)15:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 482547 in cups (Ubuntu) "lpadmin / cups-driverd : wrong ppd path , Unable to copy PPD file!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48254715:43
KubuntuSnakeHi I switched from gnome to kde now I have fan problem my model is a42f any fix pleasE?15:43
soeeis it possible to set dynamic size to desktop panel?15:43
rdallarmioops spoken too soon, the printers goes as far as printing the test page but it does not print anything else :((15:44
KubuntuSnakeHelp my laptop is heating15:47
thoegerHi folks; I've recently migrated from U- to Kubuntu, and am attemting to migrate from Thunderbird to KMail as my mail application., but I have a few problems. One is: sent messages are only saved in the sent-mail folder sometimes, and I cannot find any settings to regulate that behaviour.15:54
macothoeger: you're using imap and want them to be stored on the server's sent mail folder?15:54
thoegermaco, yes exactly. Disconnected imap to be precise.15:55
thoegermaco, but as of now, it seems to use the local sent-mail folder, and only sometimes - sometimes the mail just disappears.15:56
thoegerDoes it mean anything that I'm using sendmail rather than smtp?15:57
macothoeger: the kmail settings have an "identity" section16:06
macothoeger: i think if you edit the identity, it should have an option for what dir to treat as "Sent"16:06
macoin my case i set it to GMail/Sent16:06
thoegermaco, thanks that worked! Only, it was set to the local folder but replies to mails wasn't stored there it seems. Is that a feature or a bug?16:09
macothoeger: i dont know...i send enough emails that i dont end up bothering to check whether they went into the folder16:12
maco(cuz itd be a lot of checking :P)16:13
thoegermaco, I only noticed because I have some reallly important conversations going on, in which I wanted to check what exactly I'd written and figured it wasn't where it was supposed to...16:13
thoegerAnd one more thing... It keeps saying KDEWallet isn't available so it won't store my passwords in encrypted form... But KDE Walet is working fine with other apps. Known problem?16:18
macooh good thats not just me16:18
macoive been getting that since reinstalling to 11.0416:19
macoi figured i got my backup wrong or something16:19
thoegermaco, the KDEWallet issue?16:19
BluesKajto me kwallet is useless , wish it wasn't default ...no need for it in my situation16:19
DdpbfBluesKaj: it is very usefull16:26
KubuntuSnakeAnyone have heat problem with kubuntu ?16:26
Ddpbfno need to remember thousands of passwords16:26
BluesKajDdpbf, for you , but not for me16:27
BluesKajI don't use or need thousands of pws16:27
Ddpbfde gustibus non disputandum est16:27
KubuntuSnakeAnyone have heat problems with kubuntu and know how to ifx ?16:28
DdpbfKubuntuSnake:  no need to ask twice16:29
KubuntuSnakeAnyone have heat problems with kubuntu and know how to fix ?16:35
OerHeksheat problems, good start is checking the bios, are the values of your ACPI control correct ?16:39
BluesKajKubuntuSnake, describe your computer and it's environment16:39
DdpbfKubuntuSnake: du you configured cpufreq16:41
KubuntuSnakeDdpbf: cpufreq ? no what is it ?16:42
James147KubuntuSnake: "heat problems" is very vague... we cannot really help you much unless you give us more details16:54
KubuntuSnakeJames147: like what16:56
svakshaKubuntuSnake: the heat problem is not because of kubuntu, most likely chipset issue, lack of ventilation on your laptop, etc..16:56
genii-aroundWell, there have been issues with GPU fans on Nvidia cards for instance.16:57
James147KubuntuSnake: mostlikly cause is in sufficient cooling combined with abnormally high resource usage (ie, is your cpu at 100% constinatly)16:57
svakshagenii-around: yeah, nvidia is famous for that16:59
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BluesKajI already asked him describe your computer and it's environment..but there's no response..dunno how we can help if we don't know the situation17:04
KubuntuSnakeBluesKaj: What do you mean ?17:05
BluesKajexactly what I just said17:05
KubuntuSnakeand I didn't had that problem with gnome17:05
KubuntuSnakeBlueKaj: It's a laptop on a desk.17:06
James147KubuntuSnake: As i suggested check your resource usage..17:07
James147KubuntuSnake: see if anythings hogging the cpu17:07
BluesKajopen the system monitor , checj the cpu/process table , check what using cpu process..that could be the reason17:08
James147KubuntuSnake: Though it is an indication that your laptop cannot cool itself fast enough under load... which isnt a good thing :(17:08
* BluesKaj shrugs ....heh ..he left17:09
BluesKajback again17:09
James147BluesKaj: spoke too soon :p17:09
BluesKajlol? ...uhmm ok17:10
KubuntuSnakeHow to check resource usage ?17:10
James147KubuntuSnake: System Monitor17:10
BluesKajbbl ...gonna check some things17:10
James147(search for it in the menu or by alt+f2)17:11
KubuntuSnakecpu 4 100%17:11
KubuntuSnakewhat should i do ?17:11
James147KubuntuSnake: what process is using it?17:11
* James147 has never heard of that program before ^^17:12
KubuntuSnakewhat to do?17:13
James147KubuntuSnake: Close it ^^17:13
KubuntuSnakeis it safe ?17:13
James147KubuntuSnake: I dont know what it is... dont think it part of the default kubuntu desktop so it should be safe to close17:14
KubuntuSnakethaks it worked17:14
DdpbfKubuntuSnake: just type top in konsole and paste outpu somewhere17:14
Ddpbfah i was to slow17:15
KubuntuSnakehow to change kubuntu theme ?17:19
James147KubuntuSnake: theme of what exactly?17:20
KubuntuSnakeof desktop17:20
James147KubuntuSnake: System settings > Workspace appearence17:21
James147> desktop theme17:21
James147KubuntuSnake: desktop widget themes are set at System settings > Workspace appearnce > desktop theme.... stylesheets are used for window widget themeing in qt apps17:23
Fifty-one50Is there a way to set a different wallpaper for different desktop screens?17:56
James147 Fifty-one50: if you configure it to use a differnt widget set for each desktop then yes17:57
Fifty-one50James147: How do I do that?17:57
James147^^ System settings > Workspace Behaviour > Virtual desktops - Check "Different widgets for each desktoP"17:58
Fifty-one50found it. Thank you!17:58
amichairisn't the dolphin-right-click samba share feature supposed to finally be fixed in Natty?18:14
amichairhas anyone managed to use the gui samba shares?18:18
yofelit was, at least the fixes for 4.7 were backported to natty18:21
amichairother than adding a little globe icon to the folder, it seems to do nothing18:22
amichairand folders that were manually configured in smb.conf (and do work properly) don't appear to be shared as far as the gui is concerned18:22
amichairmaybe someday...18:22
PythonSnakegot some computer problems18:23
James147amichair: I have a feeling it dosnt use smb.conf for setting up the shares18:23
amichairwhat does it use?18:23
PythonSnakeHello I  installed ubuntu now how to switch to kubuntu ?18:25
PythonSnakehow to uninstall gnome programss ?18:25
yofelPythonSnake: install kubuntu-desktop, then follow18:27
PythonSnakeplease help rekonq keep crashing with Segmentation fault18:27
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:27
PythonSnakeoh thanks yofel18:27
James147amichair: I think it uses sambas usershares (a newer way let users add shares to samba without needing root "net usershare XXX" is the command line utils for it) ^^ though I do not know for sure... I am mostly guessing18:27
genii-aroundyofel: Is that guide updated for unity?18:28
yofelgood question, probably not18:28
PythonSnakeyofel: sudo: aptitude: command not found18:29
yofeluse apt-get18:29
yofelouch, that was last updated for karmic o.O18:29
yofelgoogle around a bit, there should be an updated list somewhere18:30
yofelhaving gnome installed shouldn't break KDE anyway18:30
PythonSnakeyofel: just using one desktop manager for nt wasting space and having doule applications18:30
yofelsure, I don't have an updated list at hand though. maybe someone else knows one18:31
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!18:34
PythonSnakeok ubottu thanks18:34
=== ryancivey is now known as ryani
=== Wojtulas_ is now known as Wojtulas
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkI need help for configuring konversation19:11
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkksorry for my nick19:11
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkcuz the one I use is not accepted.19:11
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkhelp ?19:11
esmirlinhey guys how can i completly reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source?19:20
=== christopher is now known as creichertr
=== creichertr is now known as christopher
introubleI'm trying to configure Konversation with my username PythonSnake19:25
introubleBut it says it's already in use19:25
introublehow to fix it ?19:25
=== introuble is now known as KubuntuSnake
tsimpsonyou can't use a nick someone else is using19:26
gene_can anyone tell me where the volume control incremental value is storede? presently its about 6 db/step, too much19:27
KubuntuSnaketsimpson: It's my nick19:27
KubuntuSnaketsimpson: I registered it19:27
KubuntuSnake[19:27] [Notice] -NickServ- You are now identified for PythonSnake.19:28
tsimpsoneither you have another connection, or someone is using it19:28
tsimpsonthen you should identify to the account, and /ns release PythonSnake  to get the nick back19:28
KubuntuSnakeanother connection ?19:28
tsimpson2 clients/sessions19:28
BluesKajKubuntuSnake, if you're still logged in as the pythonsnake even tho you swtiched nicks , you have to logoff and reconfigure the nick settings before reconnecting19:28
BATiPythonSnake is ~PythonSna@ (Snake)19:28
KubuntuSnakeI released PythonSnake19:29
KubuntuSnakenow what ?19:29
tsimpson/nick to it19:30
KubuntuSnake[19:30] [Error] PythonSnake is currently unavailable.19:30
tsimpsonyou need to release twice19:31
tsimpsononce to force the other connection off it, and once to release the protection on it19:31
=== KubuntuSnake is now known as PythonSnake
=== ryancivey is now known as ryani
PythonSnakeWhat was that ?19:31
PythonSnakeWhat is releasing ?19:31
tsimpsonsee /ns help release19:31
=== angel is now known as Guest32243
PythonSnaketsimpson: Thanks for the help19:33
jwashhi, i'm using an intel scsi hotswap backplane with a adaptec 29320. the backplane has a i2c connector which is not present on my motherboard or 29320 card. I'm having problems with termination, is this due to the lack of i2c support on my 29320/motherboard? what is the function of the i2c cable?19:33
genii-aroundjwash: You may want to ask in ##hardware19:35
PythonSnaketsimpson: How to group another nick for my account ?19:36
tsimpsonPythonSnake: /nick to it then /msg NickServ group19:37
PythonSnakeI tried /msg NickServ group BashSnake but it says [19:37] [Notice] -NickServ- Nick PythonSnake is already registered to your account.19:37
=== PythonSnake is now known as BashSnake
tsimpsonno... /nick to it then /msg NickServ group19:37
tsimpson"group" takes no arguments19:38
=== BashSnake is now known as JavaSnake
tsimpsonand try not to nick spam too much please19:38
JavaSnakejust wanting to register all snake nicks19:38
tsimpsonwould have been easier just to open another connection to do the grouping, but /parting all channels works too..19:39
Unit193Why would you take all the *Snake nicks? That may not be nice to others...19:40
tsimpsonpeople are greedy I guess19:41
tsimpsonI'm pretty sure there is a limit to the number of nicks you can group anyway19:41
Unit193And they do timeout...19:41
tsimpsonnot automatically19:42
genii-aroundI think 30 days no login, someone else can request it gets freed up again if they want to use it19:43
PythonSnakeWhat is default torrent downloader for kde ?19:43
tsimpsonthere isn't a default, but ktorrent or kget19:44
PythonSnakehelp rekonq keeps crashing with Executable: rekonq PID: 15153 Signal: Segmentation fault (11)19:48
* PythonSnake is away: Gone away for now19:58
* PythonSnake is back.19:58
esmirlinhey i'm having problems trying to install broadcom 4311 driver on kubuntu 11.04, any help?20:01
James147!afk  | PythonSnake20:02
ubottuPythonSnake: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:02
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:02
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:02
PythonSnakeJames147: It was automatic. Sorry20:03
soeeany progress with kde 4.7rc packages ?20:16
PythonSnakeanyone know a fast internet browser ?20:25
briandw1969hello world20:25
briandw1969what r u using right now?20:25
PythonSnakerekonq keeps crashing20:25
PythonSnakefirefox freeze20:25
briandw1969u get firefox thru kpackage install?20:26
yofelfirefox works fine here, chromium (package chromium-browser) is nice too20:27
briandw1969i havent had probs with FF or chromium20:27
briandw1969rekonq crashes lil bit on me20:28
yofelsoee: please track https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging - we're making progress, but shorthanded as we are it's not going as fast as we would like20:28
genii-aroundI have current firefox, plus firefox-trunk, both work nicely. Although npviewer.bin does freeze on occasion20:28
briandw1969how does seamonkey do in kubuntu?20:28
jmuthi. I have issue with my lenovo T520. My video card seems ok...have installed nvidia-current driver after disabling OPTIMUS from BIOS...have 3d, good resolution and all. but after I disabled OPTIMUS and had all running...I cannot change brightness anymore...it's always on max. If I try the nvidia-settings GUI..the brightness slider..it does changes ..but last only couple seconds and back to max. any clue howto diagnose the issue? Would be perfect20:29
jmutif I can change brighness even with console command20:29
yofeljmut: sec, I've the same issue on my t51020:30
yofeljmut: add20:31
yofelOption "RegistryDwords" "EnableBrightnessControl=1"20:31
yofelto the Device section of /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:31
yofelworks for me20:31
* genii-around makes a note20:31
jmutyofel: this should allow my function key to work for brighntess?20:32
jmutinteresting..my xorg.conf is 6 lines :) first time I see such conf20:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
yofelwell, by default there isn't one, jockey just creates one so the nvidia driver gets used20:34
jmutyofel: works like a charm. thanks A LOT20:35
yofelfound it somewhere in the nvidia forums, somewhat of a known issue :/20:38
=== PhilRod_ is now known as PhilRod
PythonSnakeWhat is telepathy-logge process ?21:50
nerdI can't help you there, sorry.21:50
nerdI am not as computer savvy as some people.21:50
PythonSnakeit's ok21:51
nerdYou don't want me alive.21:51
gene_can anyone tell me where the keyboards volume control incremental value is stored? presently its about 6 db/step, way too much...21:57
=== dator is now known as Freze
excognachi all22:01
excognaccould a swap twice as big as RAM cause anz trouble_22:02
James147excognac: generally upgrading ram shouldnt cause any issue, assuming the ram is compatable with your mother board22:05
=== PythonSnake is now known as KubuntuSnake
excognacJames147: no, I mean I installed kubuntu with 4gb ram and 7.45gb swap partition, no ram has been added22:09
James147excognac: then no... but that much swap isnt generally needed22:09
James147excognac: you only need as much swap as total memory you are going to use ^^ with 4 gigs of ram you dont really need much swap... the only exception is if you need to hybernate... then you need as much swap as the memory beeing used when you hybernate22:10
excognacok, so why is that kde often slows down whil running 6-7 applications, and once could not restart or turn it off only using the power button on this laptop?22:11
James147excognac: the old rules that are floating around the internet of "use 2xram as swap" or 1.5x or what ever where really created when ram was expensive and small... they dont really apply anymore22:11
excognacJames147: thank you22:12
James147excognac: when it starts to slow down check your system resources... see whats causing the problem (high cpu or high ram can both do that)  ^^ if it constinaly high on either then you probally have a miss behaving program thats eating up your resouces22:13
excognacok, so now i will make both visual on the panel...22:13
James147excognac: generally incraesing the amount of swap just gives you more time untill the system is compltly unresponsive ^^ and normally it isnt much time (depending on the problem with the program)22:14
James147excognac: thus its better to find the problem program and fix it before the system crashes :)22:14
KubuntuSnake!es | tommy_22:15
ubottutommy_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:15
excognacso how do i find it?22:15
James147excognac: resource usage? System Monitor can tell you that...22:16
KubuntuSnakeexcognac: I have the same problem.22:16
excognacskype uses 25% cpu22:17
James147excognac: hmm, seems quite high if its not doing anything ? single core or multicore cpu?22:18
excognaci3 2310M22:18
excognacso quite multicore22:18
KubuntuSnakehow to remove rekonq ?22:18
excognacsudo apt-get remove rekonq22:19
excognacor rmove22:19
James147excognac: then I would say skype is misbehaving (assuming your not in a video call or something)22:19
James147excognac: close and open it again should fix it for now ^^22:19
excognacwell does not wanna be closed22:20
excognacso i kill it22:20
James147excognac: then click skype in the system monitor and click end process22:20
excognacdoes not wanna be ended22:21
James147excognac: in a terminal type  "killall -9 skype"22:22
James147^^ or right click it in system monitor > send sig > kill22:22
excognacfor now it behaves well after restart but i can confirm it was usually clicking on it slowed down the entire system22:23
=== Maniac is now known as Guest23351
* James147 notes that the default signal is TERM... which asks the program to exit gracefully... most should respond to this if they dont then its likly they have lost control -9 or thee KILL signal termintes a program without question22:24
Guest23351is here somebody from UK22:24
James147Guest23351: That should not matter...22:24
KubuntuSnakeis konqueror or firefox faster ?22:25
excognacfor me konqueror but i use firefox with a no script option22:25
KubuntuSnakeno script ?22:26
James147excognac: if you think skype is always the problem program then its possible there is something wrong with your version ... best steps then are to reset its settings (by renaming its config files in your home) and seeing it that fixes it22:26
KubuntuSnakewhat is the "best" browser for you ?22:26
KubuntuSnakejust opinion22:26
James147!best | KubuntuSnake22:26
ubottuKubuntuSnake: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:26
James147KubuntuSnake: try them all see which one YOU like the best22:26
* genii-around prefers firefox22:26
KubuntuSnakeexcognac: What is the script ?22:29
excognaccant find my skype directory lol22:30
James147excognac: try ~/.Skype22:31
James147( ~ means your home, and . means its a hidden file/folder)22:31
excognacKubuntuSnake: it is an add that makes your browser supersafe but you cant watch youtubue without allowing temporarly22:31
KubuntuSnakesupersafe ? :D22:32
KubuntuSnakehow to do that ?22:32
James147KubuntuSnake: it stops scripts that are found on websites from executing on your computer22:32
KubuntuSnakethat can stop some flash and other stuff22:33
James147^^ these normally provide extra funcionality to the website, but some can be malicious22:33
excognacthat is a more accurate definition22:33
excognacgot skype, yes, it was hidden22:33
excognacso now?22:33
James147excognac: if you rename it (closing skype first) then that will effectivly reset skype to its default settings... restart skype then reconfigure it and see if it continues to missbehave22:35
James147excognac: if you want to restore the old settings delte the newly created .Skype dir and move the old one back again (again, close kype first) that will restore the settings22:36
excognacJames147: so rename .Skype? to wjat?22:36
James147excognac: ^^ thats generally the best method to test if there is a problem with the program your your configs for the program (generally its the configs casing a problem with the program)  ^^22:37
James147excognac: it dosnt matter... generally i add .bak or .ori  to the end of the name so i can easaly rename it again22:37
excognacok, I see22:37
BugsbaneAny word on the street when we're going to see KDEPIM 4.6 in the repos (not the experimental ppa) or see kde 4.7 rc hit some ppa?22:47
yofelkdepim 4.6 will never hit the repos, haven't yet seen a user where it works perfectly fine, and 4.7 has kdepim bundled again. 4.7 is being worked on (https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging) so "soon" in a PPA22:50
Bugsbaneyofel: k. Thanks for the info. Is Kdepim 4.6 really less stable than 4.4x that already comes in the repos though? I thought it was meant to be more stable...22:55
yofelwell, I can't say that 4.4 wasn't buggy, but 4.6 isn't that perfect either. Although I don't use it too much personally.22:56
yofelFeel free to try it. From what I know you can downgrade back to 4.4 again, although it's a bit fiddly to get the package deps right again (ppa-purge should work I guess)22:56
Bugsbanelol. No. I don't think anyones expecting it not to be buggy. Just seems odd to not replace something *more* buggy with something *less buggy* where available... even if the later is still fairly buggy.22:57
xelisterhow to turn off the fucking annoying KDE sounds?22:58
Bugsbanexelister: With a hammer (or go to notifications in system settings iirc )22:58
yofelsys sett. -> application and system notif. -> player settings22:58
* Bugsbane installs experimental ppa.... upgrades... and prays...22:59
* Bugsbane is such a sucker for the latest crack...23:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:01
xelisteryofel: how to acess system settings?23:01
xelisterhow to run the system settings from terminal23:01
xelisterIm on gnome23:02
xelisteryofel: meh. It should be named perhaps more like kde... something.23:02
xelisteryes quite at last \o23:04
SIR_Tacostupid regular expressions and javascript... blah23:13
LINKSWORD2Hmm..... Is there a way to configure which applications can run through the firewall in Kubuntu?23:23
PythonSnakehelp my taskbar have black strips on it23:23
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: just by port # I believe23:23
LINKSWORD2So no way to configure it by listing applications and setting whether they're allowed or denied?23:24
LINKSWORD2PythonSnake: You may be experiencing a low resolution on your graphics card. What type of card is it?23:25
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: not that I know of.... doesn't mean it doesn't exist though I guess23:26
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: GMA HD23:27
LINKSWORD2Intel Graphics Media Accelerator....23:28
LINKSWORD2Desktop or laptop? :/23:28
lcbany good image to pdf converter? (for kde)23:28
LINKSWORD2lcb, I saw something the other day that might help.23:29
LINKSWORD2But I'm busy at the moment.23:29
lcbhi SIR_Taco, LINKSWORD2 & all not mentioned due to space limitations23:29
SIR_Tacohi lcb23:29
* LINKSWORD2 pokes lcb with a sharp stick.*23:30
lcbgeeez, where LINKSWORD2?23:30
LINKSWORD2Hehe. Relax. It's only a poke in the arm.23:30
LINKSWORD2PythonSnake: May I query?23:31
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: what program(s) are you trying to block from internet access?23:31
LINKSWORD2I'm not. Just a random curiousity.23:31
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: haha ok, well I just researched it a bit... and then general answer is "no"23:32
lcbSIR_Taco: i believe he's trying this for months - probably all 'networking'23:32
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: It might be some icon corrupted23:32
SIR_Tacolcb: haha ok23:33
LINKSWORD2.... It's a Dell, isn't it? :/23:33
lcban icon on LINKSWORD2 system  is accessing the internet:? :o23:33
lcbLINKSWORD2: is that the icon for Trojan package?23:34
* LINKSWORD2 slaps lcb with a rolled-up newspaper.23:34
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: you can close ports that certain programs use and thus making them non-internet-functional.... but you can't specify a certain program23:34
SIR_Tacocan't JUST specify a certain program... I meant23:34
lcbLINKSWORD2: CSI Networking, a partner of CSI Miami. they discover everything.23:35
LINKSWORD2.... Fail.23:36
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: without knowing what you're up to, I can't really recommend anything haha23:38
SIR_Tacoor maybe I don't want to know23:38
PythonSnakeneed help for chromonium : Segmentation fault23:38
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: installed through your package manager?23:39
LINKSWORD2PythonSnake: What is the manufacturing company of your computer?23:39
PythonSnakeSIR_Taco: Get and remove programs23:39
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: Asus23:39
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: so you typed in a console/konsole "sudo apt-get install chromium"?23:40
SIR_Tacosorry... "sudo apt-get install chromium-browser"23:41
PythonSnakeI need to uninstall it first?.23:41
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: no... I'm just trying to figure out how you got the package to begin with. Did you download it from the Google Chrome site? or did you install it from the command-line (like I showed)? or did you use Packagekit, or some other packaage manager?23:43
LINKSWORD2Python, I can't find an answer for your graphics issue.23:43
PythonSnakeSIR_Taco: I installed with Get and Remove Programs KDE COntrol Module23:44
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: so what can I do ?23:44
LINKSWORD2Hang on a sec. :/23:44
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: ok... does it only Seg-Fault on certain sites? or all the time?23:45
PythonSnakeSIR_Taco: all time.23:45
PythonSnakesame error as rekonq.23:45
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: same site too?23:45
PythonSnakeSIR_Taco: All time23:46
lcbLINKSWORD2: preventing programs to access net -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118809923:46
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: Do you need a screenshot ?23:46
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: they both use webkit.... so that could be an issue... what version is Chrome and rekonq?23:47
PythonSnakerekonq 0.7.0 and Chromium 12.0.742.9123:48
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: Oh. I've found the solution.23:51
LINKSWORD2Python, this is about the only thing I can find for you.... https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switchi...-hardware.html23:51
LINKSWORD2.... D'oh!23:51
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: It was themes23:51
PythonSnakeLINKSWORD2: Thanks anyway :)23:52
SIR_TacoPythonSnake: I do believe, from looking at the specs of your WebKit version, that it's segfaulting because of your lack of hardware accelleration... which brings us back to your first question23:52
PythonSnakeNow the Segmentation Fault one.23:52
PythonSnakehow to check ?23:53
SIR_Tacotrying to figure that out23:54
SIR_TacoPythonSnake:  try "chromium-browser --disable-gpu-rendering" in a terminal?23:57
PythonSnakehuh ?23:57
PythonSnake~$ chromium-browser --disable-gpu-rendering23:58
PythonSnakeSegmentation fault23:58
SIR_Tacojust says segmentation Fault? nothing else?23:58

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