
micahglifeless: as you'll probably see this first, I don't seem e-mails from bzr branches, another user reported the same issue about 12 hours ago, the branches were scanned and show up in the web interface00:21
micahg* to be getting00:21
lifelessyou're subscribed to changes ?00:21
micahglifeless: yes, I've gotten them on those branches before, I'll verify00:22
wgrantsendbranchmail is broken.00:22
wgrantProbably regression in ndt.00:22
wgrantI guess r1329200:23
micahgok, at least it's known, is it worth updating /topic00:23
wgrantKnown as of 90 seconds ago...00:23
micahgwgrant: heh..., are you in Dublin?00:24
lifelesswgrant: you're seeing errors in the log on carob?00:24
wgrantmicahg, lifeless: Yes.00:24
lifelesswe were expecting isolated errors00:26
lifelessnot a stall00:26
lifelessmicahg: what is one of the branches you were expecting mail on ?00:26
micahglifeless: https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.6.lucid00:27
lifelessI see a failure on 2011-06-27 22:44:34 DEBUG   Running <REVISIONS_ADDED_MAIL branch job (2874018) for ~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-trunk.head>, lease expires 2011-06-27 22:49:34.172157+00:0000:28
lifelessand then we handle the failure oddly I tihnk00:29
lifeless    self._runCallbacks()00:29
lifeless--- <exception caught here> ---00:29
lifeless  File "/srv/bzrsyncd.launchpad.net/production/launchpad-rev-13299/eggs/Twisted-11.0.0-py2.6-linux-x86_64.egg/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 542, in _runCallbacks00:29
lifeless    current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)00:29
lifeless  File "/srv/bzrsyncd.launchpad.net/production/launchpad-rev-13299/lib/lp/services/job/runner.py", line 432, in update00:29
lifeless    if response['success']:00:29
lifelessexceptions.TypeError: 'NoneType' object is unsubscriptable00:29
lifelessmicahg: so, given its firefox this may be deliberate - we ulimited bzr00:29
micahglifeless: these are debian only branches00:29
micahg*debian dir00:29
lifelessits odd that it would OOM then00:30
wgrantlifeless: No jobs have suceeded since 2011-06-27 18:4700:30
wgrantWhich is right around the time of the rollout.00:30
lifelessok, we need to rollback then00:31
lifeless-> -ops00:31
abentleylifeless: it's a two-line change to switch back to the synchronous job runner.00:33
micahglifeless: do you need anything else from me?  about to head to sleep00:33
lifelessmicahg: shoo00:33
lifelessabentley: we don't know which part of the change is the problem AFAIK00:33
lifelessabentley: you guys need to sleep soon AIUI :)00:34
abentleylifeless: Sleep?  What's that for?00:36
micahgI've been up since before 5 :)00:37
* micahg will leave this to the experts...00:37
fmarieri've got a question about automatic po file imports01:08
fmarieri've organised my bzr branch according to the documentation, but it seems like the automatic import only works for the .pot file, not for the .po files01:09
fmarieri suspect someone has to manually review my po files whenever they change01:09
fmarier(because it takes a day or two usually)01:10
mhall119lifeless: can you help me setup a proprietary project, or do I need matt revell?03:34
lifelessmhall119: mrevell indeed03:51
lifelessmhall119: we're not all that automated,a nd I wouldn't want to miss a step03:51
mhall119ok, thanks04:04
dokojelmer: did the gcc import succeed?09:48
jelmerdoko: see #ubuntu-devel - currently at 12k/26k revisions09:49
micahgwgrant: should I have expected all the branches I was subscribed to to send the new bzr commits?10:07
wgrantmicahg: Most of them should have sent around 1am, but some jobs need to be retried.10:10
micahgwgrant: okay, I got one out of 310:10
micahg1 out of 410:11
ibirishello folks I have a project registration question: there is a Linaro workgroup project (https://launchpad.net/linaro-graphics-wg/). I want to register to it a team project which already exists (https://launchpad.net/glmark2/). However when I try to register it seems that it guides me to create a new project as opposed to just connecting the existing glmark2 project to the linaro-graphics-wg10:47
ibirisI do not want to create a new project :-) just want to connect an existing one to the workgroup list of projects10:48
ibirishow can I do it?10:49
benonsoftwareis it possiable for a launchpad admin to rename/delete a empty PPA?11:23
bigjoolsno, that is not possible.11:24
benonsoftwareWell I need someone to kindly do that for me11:24
bigjoolsas I said, it is not possible11:24
benonsoftwareCould you have a look? https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/16277411:25
benonsoftwareIs it possiable to undelete a PPA then?11:27
benonsoftwareOr un-archived it?11:28
benonsoftwareWhy is it impossiable to un-archive it?11:30
bigjoolsI explained that on the question you asked11:30
maxbNo one has written the code to make it happen11:30
bigjoolsthis is also why it warns that PPA deletion is permanent on the deletion page itself11:31
benonsoftwareI only want to re-use the name of it again.11:32
bigjoolscan you make a Test1?  it's cheap to make new ones11:32
benonsoftwareI want to make a proper one for my projects use and the name for it suits11:33
bigjoolsthe answer is to make a new one11:34
bigjoolsthere is no other way11:34
benonsoftwareBut I would like to use the same URL name11:34
lifelessbenonsoftware: we understand, but its a limitation of the system.11:34
lifelessbenonsoftware: partly because the system is federated across the millions of users *using* it11:35
lifelessbenonsoftware: and partly because noone has spent the time to remove the bits of the limitations that could (in principle) be removed11:35
benonsoftwareI found out how to un-archive it11:35
bigjoolslifeless: we tried - it's quite difficult :)11:35
benonsoftwareRead the last comment at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/11485211:36
benonsoftwareIt's easy11:36
bigjoolsbenonsoftware: yes but don't rely on being able to reupload the same files, they will be rejected11:36
benonsoftwareWhat do you mean?11:36
bigjoolsit remembers files that you previously uploaded11:36
benonsoftwareIt was empty11:37
bigjoolsthen you're good to go11:37
benonsoftwareSo sorry. But where is the rename link?11:37
bigjoolswhat do you need to rename?11:38
benonsoftwareI want to rename the Test PPA URL to something different11:38
bigjoolsyou can't change the URL11:39
bigjoolsyou have to make a new PPA11:39
benonsoftwareOh ok thanks11:39
benonsoftwareBut can I change the PPA title?11:39
benonsoftwareThanks for that. Sorry if I sounded rude.11:40
bigjoolsbenonsoftware: not at all, we're here to help11:40
benonsoftwareThanks again.11:40
benonsoftwareI know where to go for Launchpad help again :)11:41
bigjoolsbenonsoftware: if you look in the topic there will often be a "help contact" listed.  Ping that person directly so they see your question.11:41
bigjoolsthere is nobody listed this week as the team is sprinting11:42
benonsoftwareHow do I ping in PChat?11:42
bigjoolsjust type their name in the message11:42
benonsoftwareOk thanks11:42
ams_csjelmer: and news on the svn import issue?12:49
jelmerams_cs, the gcc import, or something else?12:49
ams_csjelmer: yes, gcc12:50
jelmerI'm doing the one-time import atm, pushing to lp at lp:~jelmer/gcc/gcc-4.6-import12:50
ams_csjelmer: this will be identical to what the automatic import would have done?12:52
ams_csBTW, I also need a gcc-4.5 import12:52
jelmerams_cs, ok12:54
simon-oHi, I tried to build a oneiric package for natty using a build recipe: https://code.launchpad.net/~simono/+recipe/scala-natty but this didn't work: https://code.launchpad.net/~simono/+archive/personal/+recipebuild/55045 Any ideas why it failed?14:09
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komputeswho is very knowledgeable about lp's mailing system17:51
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* micahg looks for someone that can tell if an OOPS has a related bug filed22:09
jpdsmicahg: https://lp-oops.canonical.com/22:09
micahgjpds: it'll do it for me?22:10
jpdsmicahg: Yes.22:10
micahgcool, thanks :)22:10
jpdsmicahg: If the OOPS is in the DB, there should be a related bug link on the left.22:12
micahgjpds: I see no bug22:12
jpdsThen a bug for it may not have been filed.22:12
micahgbug 64133822:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 641338 in Launchpad itself "Archive:EntryResource:syncSource timeouts" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64133822:13
lifelessjpds: that related bug thing does not work22:19
lifelessjpds: it matches poorly, so its best to ignore it22:20
lifelessjochensp: hi?22:20
micahghi lifeless, any chance we can get the above fixed, I think it's getting worse, but I'm waiting on the latest oops to appear22:20
lifelessmicahg: if you can see the oopses, get the page id from the oops and look in the bug report for timeouts matsching that page id22:20
jochenspMy PPA doesn't want to install the new VTK on oneiric, is this known?22:21
micahglifeless: right, did that, that's how I got the above bug, it's from the first oops, waiting on the second to see if it's the same or not22:21
lifelessmicahg: not trivially, but we may have made it worse - link your new oops into the bug22:21
micahglifeless: k, will do after the second one syncs22:21
lifelessjochensp: I don't know; #ubuntu-devel might be more likely to know.22:22
jochensplifeless: thanks, will ask there22:22
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