
xarthi m trying to make a cross-compiler but i have a problem during the compilation. could somebody help me ?00:07
xarthsee u00:31
=== MrCurious_ is now known as MrCurious
MrCuriousdoes Bryan Wu come here?01:54
prpplague^2MrCurious: yea03:42
lilstevieogra_: did you see the nvidia linux4tegra stuff08:44
lilstevielike the new stuff that is08:44
infinitylilstevie: We did, yeah.09:17
lilstevieshame it is only for harmony though09:17
infinityMeh.  It's progress.  Vaguely.09:18
lilstevieheh, well at least it is no longer for just some obscure abi09:19
jeremiahOoo, new linux4tegra stuff?10:03
lilsteviejeremiah: video accel for harmony10:08
jeremiahI wonder if that natty root file system they've released will work on my AC 10010:08
lilsteviejeremiah: heh, if not though they have released the binary drivers10:09
jeremiahOh nice. :)10:15
jeremiahGood to know, thanks!10:15
ogra_jeremiah, we're trying to package them for the ac100 image10:21
jeremiahThanks for doing that!10:23
Spider-Porksorry, what is it AC 100?10:29
Spider-Porkah cool10:32
Spider-Porknice one ogra_10:32
lilstevieogra_: now I just hope they release something for ventana soon10:37
ogra_well, we'll see :910:37
Spider-Porkogra_: finally got my input sound working11:13
rsalvetiGrueMaster: http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=boot/u-boot-linaro-stable.git;a=blob;f=doc/README.pxecfg12:19
rsalvetiogra_: ^12:19
rsalvetithere you can find all the info on how to run pxe12:20
rsalvetihere you'll find the x-loader and u-boot12:20
rsalvetionce we know it works we'll be uploading the packaged version12:20
ogra_mahmoh, http://people.canonical.com/~rsalveti/pxe/ and http://git.linaro.org/gitweb?p=boot/u-boot-linaro-stable.git;a=blob;f=doc/README.pxecfg12:44
mahmohogra_: thx12:44
cooloneyogra_: any url for new packages working on my 10z12:54
lilsteviesuihkulokki: tabuntu is what I used to call my project :p14:01
lilsteviebut seriously, that is just a chroot14:02
suihkulokkiso it seems.. I thought from engadget report that it was someething else14:02
lilsteviesuihkulokki: yeah the news always reports the chroot and never the real deal14:08
lilsteviemaybe if I posted a video showing native boot on my 7" SGT engadget would report on it14:10
kunguzI can see my wlan0 under ifconfig and I configured /etc/network/interfaces14:22
kunguzbut wlan0 did not connect and did not reserve any ip14:23
kunguzcan anyone please help me?14:23
kunguzI do sudo ifdown wlan014:23
kunguzsudo ifup wlan0 several times but did not succedd14:23
kunguziface wlan0 inet dhcp14:36
kunguz        wireless-essid ANY14:36
kunguz        wireless-mode managed14:36
kunguzI used this one as my interfaces file14:36
kunguzbut cannot connect :(14:37
kunguzifconfig returns no it address :(14:37
kunguzplease guys can anyone help me?14:37
Spider-Porkkunguz: ar you using a crypted wifi?14:39
kunguzSpider-Pork: no, an open one14:39
kunguzSpider-Pork: I configured my interfaces as in14:39
kunguziface wlan0 inet dhcp14:40
kunguz        wireless-essid ANY14:40
kunguz        wireless-mode managed14:40
kunguzSpider-Pork: I do sudo ifdown wlan0 and sudo ifup wlan0 but ifconfig returns with no ip address :(14:40
Spider-Porksudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?14:40
kunguzSpider-Pork: I did that several time14:40
kunguzSpider-Pork: I am using ubuntu-arm headless by the way14:41
Spider-Porkwith that version i hadn't problems14:41
Spider-Porkso, paste to ideone your interface and ifconfig14:41
kunguzSpider-Pork: ok doing it right away14:42
kunguzSpider-Pork: http://sudrap.org/paste/text/14974/14:44
kunguzSpider-Pork: I can also add lsusb if you like to14:45
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
kunguzSpider-Pork: http://sudrap.org/paste/text/14975/14:47
kunguzSpider-Pork: this is my lsusb14:47
Spider-Porkkunguz: i'm not an expert, i'll try anyway to help you14:48
kunguzSpider-Pork: thank you very much, incase it helps and this is my dmesg: http://www.sudrap.org/paste/text/14976/14:48
Spider-Porkiwlist wlan0 scan?14:50
kunguzSpider-Pork: unfortunately there is now iwlist installed in ubuntu-arm headless14:51
Spider-Porkyou can't temporally have an ethernet cable?14:51
Spider-Porkjust to download wireless-tool14:52
kunguzSpider-Pork: sorry, this is a beagleboard :(14:52
kunguzSpider-Pork: best I can do is to connect it to some host via USB, but do not know if I can share internet via USB14:52
kunguzSpider-Pork: or I can try to install iwlist offline by downloading it into an usb memory and then dpkg it to the system14:53
kunguzSpider-Pork: let me try to install wireless-tools14:53
Spider-Porki'm not so skilled about wifi14:53
kunguzSpider-Pork: after that I will try to update the situation14:53
Spider-Porki'm reading some posts on google14:53
kunguzSpider-Pork: thank you very much for your replies, where does ubuntu-arm hold it's packages on the web?14:54
kunguzSpider-Pork:  http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/pool/ ?14:54
Spider-Porki dunno :(14:54
Spider-Porkkunguz: wait14:56
Spider-Porktry this http://www.susegeek.com/wireless/iwconfig-wireless-interface-configuration-utility-in-linux/14:56
kunguzSpider-Pork: this I can try once I install the wireless-tools, I will keep this in my mind.14:57
Spider-Porkbefore install wireless-tools try this link14:57
Spider-Porkmaybe you'll get connection up without any tool14:57
kunguzSpider-Pork: I installed wirelesss-tools15:02
kunguzSpider-Pork: when I do iwlist wlan0 scan15:02
kunguzSpider-Pork: it return no scan results15:02
kunguzSpider-Pork: strange because a computer 10 cm away can find a wireless lan15:02
Spider-Porkiwconfig return?15:02
kunguzSpider-Pork: http://sudrap.org/paste/text/14978/15:03
kunguzSpider-Pork: I am rebooting the system now, to see if anything changes with the reboot after I install wireless-tools15:04
kunguzSpider-Pork: isn't all these a strange behaviour or am I missing some part?15:04
Spider-Porki dunno, i have a pandaboard and works perfectly15:05
Spider-Porktry to reboot and then we will use iwconfig15:05
kunguzSpider-Pork: I rebooted it and again iwlist wlan0 scan return no scan results.15:06
Spider-Porktry with iwconfig15:06
Spider-Porkiwconfig wlan0 up essid ?your essid?15:06
Spider-Porkiwconfig wlan0 up essid "your essid"15:06
kunguzSpider-Pork: http://www.sudrap.org/paste/text/14979/15:08
kunguzSpider-Pork: access point: not -associated :(15:09
Spider-Porktry without ""15:09
kunguzSpider-Pork:  ok, it is the same result unfortunately :(15:11
kunguzSpider-Pork:  iwlist wlan0 scan return something now: http://www.sudrap.org/paste/text/14980/15:13
kunguzSpider-Pork: it sees the wireless, right?15:13
Spider-Porkyep :)15:14
kunguzSpider-Pork: and how do I connect to it? :D15:15
Spider-Porktry with sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode managed channel 11 essid "KU"15:15
kunguzSpider-Pork: ifconfig's RX bytes increases but still there is no ip :(15:16
kunguzsignal quality is 16/100, is it too low to connect?15:16
Spider-Porkis not good15:17
Spider-Porkyou has an antenna?15:17
Spider-Porkos is without it?15:17
Spider-Porkmy god15:17
kunguzSpider-Pork: let me see then, I do not have any antenna but I can move the beagleboard in a better place15:17
Spider-Porkis not a good idea to use a wifi without an antenna15:18
kunguzSpider-Pork: yes15:19
kunguzSpider-Pork: finally15:19
kunguzSpider-Pork:  I got an ip15:19
kunguzSpider-Pork: thank you very very much15:19
kunguzSpider-Pork:  let me see if I can ping anywhere15:19
kunguzSpider-Pork: I can ping and I am so happy !!!!15:20
kunguzSpider-Pork:  thank you very much15:20
Spider-Porkkunguz: glad to see this :)15:23
Spider-Porkanyway is better to use an antenna with your wifi chip15:23
kunguzSpider-Pork: now I can install lxde desktop and have fun with my beagleboard15:23
kunguzSpider-Pork: finally15:23
kunguzSpider-Pork: this I will keep in mind15:23
Spider-Porkbe careful15:24
Spider-Porkis a remote possibility but you can damege it15:24
kunguzSpider-Pork: there is this strange behaviour now, usb hub stops working after a while15:27
kunguzSpider-Pork: it may require more power, I will energize it to see if this is the case15:27
kunguzduring using internet usb wifi element disappears all of a sudden15:37
kunguzthis is the tail of dmesg http://www.sudrap.org/paste/text/14983/15:38
kunguzlet me see if this is caused by any metal dust on beagleboard...15:40
dschuckerping ogra_16:06
Spider-Porkkunguz: link an antenna to your beagle16:13
Spider-Pork(if there isn't one present)16:13
lagprpplague: Hey Dave16:28
ogra_dschucker, yes ?16:30
=== MrCurious_ is now known as MrCurious
prpplaguelag: hey bud18:32
prpplaguelag: what's cookin?18:32
=== MrCurious_ is now known as MrCurious
lagprpplague: Dude!20:48
lagprpplague: What you doin' with yourself lately?20:49
prpplaguelag: working like a slave21:09
lagprpplague: Aren't we call21:09
lagprpplague: Was it you that owned Tin Can Tools?21:10
prpplaguelag: i'm partners in can TinCanTools21:10
lagprpplague: What's the difference between the Flyswatter and the AmontecTiny2?21:12
prpplaguelag: i;m not familiar with the amontectiny2, let me have a look21:13
prpplaguelag: not seeting anything for tiny221:15
prpplaguelag: you got a url?21:15
lagSorry, it's not called that at all21:16
lagIt's called the JtagKey2.21:16
lagprpplague: http://www.amontec.com/jtagkey2.shtml21:16
prpplaguelag: ahh right, the jtagkey2 is based on the ft2232h which has a higher bandwidth, up to 30MHz21:17
lagprpplague: ... and what's the Flyswatter?21:17
prpplaguelag: tincantools will be introducing the flyswatter2 which will be similar to the jtagkey221:17
lagprpplague: Price?21:18
prpplaguelag: flyswatter is based on the earlier ft2232d which can only do around 3MHz, similar to the original jtagkey21:18
prpplaguelag:  price will be slightly less than the jtagkey2, but flyswatter2 won't be available for a few more months21:19
lagprpplague: Does the FlySwatter work with Snowball?21:19
lagprpplague: I need to shoot, it's 21:20 here21:21
lagprpplague: Perhaps speak tomorrow21:21
prpplaguelag: snowball is cortex-a9 based, similar to the pandaboard. openocd has early support for A9 and can use the flyswatter21:21
prpplaguelag: later21:21

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