
Sekmhow can i find out user information on command line?04:15
holsteinSekm: what are you looking for?06:09
philipballewIf I wanted to Configure my computer's local lan ethernet address to, subnet, gateway how would i do that?06:12
holsteinphilipballew: theres this way06:22
holsteinphilipballew: but, you can do that in the GUI as well06:22
philipballewim needing to do it to flash ddwrt tonight on a router. linksys wrt54g for 3 dollars at thrift store i found today06:23
holsteinyeah, i did that in the GUI06:23
holsteinphilipballew: from gnome, i should say06:23
holsteinnot sure what that looks like from unity06:24
philipballewi am using unity. still getting used to it06:24
holsteinjust right click on the net applet, and to to edit connections06:24
philipballewi have my web browser and my terminal. what else do i need.06:24
philipballewokay. edit connections06:24
holsteingo to *06:24
philipballewi just need to set my local ip from dynamic to static holstein  i think but im not sure i wanna do that with my laptop06:28
holsteinphilipballew: yeah, do what you feel comfotable with06:30
holsteini do it with my netbook all the time06:30
holsteinin the GUI... to maintain routers06:30
philipballewi always just log onto my typing the ip of the router into my url bar06:31
philipballewi might just do it with my desktop for the heck of it06:31
philipballewthanks holstein !!!06:33
holsteinphilipballew: :)06:33
philipballewholstein, hey! thinks for the help, that worked perfectly!08:38
EdCompSciHI, new to the chat, I don 't understand the /msg as explained at the instructions for getting an account, thought maybe it was done in terminal but terminal doesn't recognize it of course, it sees it as a name of a directory. Can someone help?09:00
Unit193EdCompSci: What IRC client are  you using?09:01
Unit193Buddies > New Instant Message and type NickServ09:03
Unit193It should open a new window, when it does, type   help register09:04
EdCompScithanks will try now09:05
Unit193You can also type  /msg nickserv help   into this window09:06
E3D3Hi, opening Kate (text-editor) on a file with rightclick opens a un-configurated app , not when I open it from the menu. How can I repair that ?12:36
E3D3The commands are the same (kate -b %U) ?12:37
coalwaterbye E3D312:56
coalwateri hate it when i think of an answer then find out at the end that they left12:57
kristian-aalborganyone know it the "wireless network falling out" problem has been solved for 10.04?13:30
binarybinhey guys, is anyone else having trouble with ssh?  I try to connect to a server but it fails with "Connect reset by peer".  It never asked me to allow the RSA sig.  Isn't supposed to do that?13:43
binarybinwait a minute, why is .ssh/ empty, shouldn't there be files in there?13:46
binarybinHere is ssh -v  http://pastebin.com/ULbe3ux113:50
kristian-aalborgoh hai14:45
kristian-aalborgcan I make it so that a symlink points to several places14:45
kristian-aalborgmy music dir is running full... I was thinking of spreading it to several disks14:46
geirhakristian-aalborg: Nope14:47
holsteinyou could make a bunch of simlinks :)14:48
kristian-aalborgyeah, I guess14:48
binarybinhey guys, is anyone else having trouble with ssh? I try to connect to a server but it fails with "Connect reset by peer". It never asked me to allow the RSA sig. Isn't supposed to do that? why is .ssh/ empty, shouldn't there be files in there?17:52
binarybinHere is ssh -v http://pastebin.com/ULbe3ux117:52
escottbinarybin, check your firewalls it sounds like something is blocking. the .ssh will be populated with known hosts after succesful connection or you could generate your own ssh rsa key (with ssh-keygen) if you want an id_rsa but its not required from the client18:07
binarybinescott: I have a friend at work with the same problem.  I found a website talking about some problem with connecting to older Redhat servers.  I am not sure if this applies to me in this case.18:35
binarybinwe both have ubuntu 11.04...his mac os x partition seems to work fine18:36
binarybinweird huh?18:36
escottbinarybin, maybe there is some openssh protocol compatibility. maybe your client thinks the redhat server can do talk a protocol it cant. you could try downloading and compiling the redhat version of the ssh and using that, if you can confirm the issue bring the attention to your sysadmin18:38
binarybinescott: the website I saw said to downgrade ssh on ubuntu 11.04 to work, I would give you the link; but I've started looking up downgrading.  I think maybe you are right about the compat issue18:40
Abhijitwhere is silver fox?20:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
Core_UKi need a quich and easy way to share files from ubuntu to windows :)21:07
Core_UKon windows it would be right click share folder21:08
Abhijit!samba | Core_UK21:09
ubot2Core_UK: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:09
Core_UKsudo apt-get install samba ?21:09
Core_UK@ Abhijit21:10
Abhijitread the docs21:10
Core_UKquick and easy :)21:10
Core_UKwill use pen drive for now and research that later, thank you very much :)21:10
coalwaterCore_UK, just share any folder ( ~/public for example ) and it will prompt you to install the required packages22:15
Sekmwhat version rpm do i get for an i386 install, i686 or x86_64?23:56
kristian-aalborgwhich panel is y'all using?23:57
charlie-tcaSekm: we don't use rpm's23:58
charlie-tcaIf you want to know which image to use, I would use the i386 image for an i386 install23:59

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