=== daker_ is now known as daker === koolhead11|afk is now known as koolhead11 [11:45] How would i go about customizing the Canonical Ubuntu AMIs so there is no ubuntu user, instead key is copied to root and ssh only allows connections of sysadmins group of which root is a member. There are other things as well like doing an apt-get update, changing specific pattern, say host-name-here, to something else and etc. [13:39] Error404NotFound: answered in #aws [16:17] hi all === flaccid_ is now known as flaccid === koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk [18:59] RoAkSoAx, ping [19:01] smoser: pong [19:02] so i have a cobbler server... [19:02] smoser: ok [19:02] and can boot install pxe [19:03] how can I preseend to use the cobbler as a caching apt proxy [19:03] idea is that i want the cobbler server to have downloaded the stuff once and then not again [19:03] smoser: is the cobbler server using squid-deb-proxy? [19:03] it has it installed [19:04] but i've not configured anything [19:04] smoser: ok, hold on a sec. Cause the preseed file needs to be changed a bit [19:05] right [19:06] RoAkSoAk, so, just fyi what i'm chasing is having a cobbler server in a vm [19:06] that runs on a libvirt network [19:06] and then i can develop some tools that interface with it [19:06] and not have to worry about network or anything [19:07] smoser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635227/ [19:07] smoser: check the mirror part [19:07] that should use squid-deb-proxy cache [19:08] RoAkSoAx, thanks. [19:08] smoser: mirror/http/proxy string --> this is obvioysly the cobbler server [19:08] yeah, and i can use dns there. [19:09] yeah basically whenever it needs to access the archive, it will do it through the proxy === daker is now known as daker_ === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates