
niemeyerOkay, some great code reviewed, and now it's really time for bed.00:18
niemeyerNight all00:18
ivoksidea: does it make sense to use micro for example?09:51
niemeyerivoks: You mean the micro instance type?10:17
ivoksfor bootstrap10:17
niemeyerivoks: It's too small10:17
niemeyerivoks: Well.. maybe for bootstrap it's not10:17
niemeyerivoks: But in general it's too slugish10:17
ivoksi know10:18
niemeyerivoks: We actually used it across the board until very recently10:18
ivoksbut for learning and playing with ensemble...10:18
niemeyerivoks: But we had complaints about it being extremely unpredictable in terms of performance10:18
ivoksamazone gives two micro instances for free for 1 year10:18
niemeyerivoks: So we gave up on the idea to avoid burning the project image just because the instance is unreliably slow10:19
ivoksfor someone that wants to try and play with ensemble (no production), those would be enough10:19
niemeyerivoks: Yeah, it's a bit of a pity, but there's a reason why they give it for free :-)10:20
ivoksi know :)10:23
=== daker_ is now known as daker
_mup_ensemble/expose-provision-machines r267 committed by jim.baker@canonical.com11:25
_mup_Add test re assigning a machine to a service unit with opened ports, opens ports on that machine11:25
=== koolhead11|afk is now known as koolhead11
* hazmat waits for the coffee to kick in14:55
niemeyerhazmat: ping16:13
hazmatniemeyer, pong16:14
niemeyerhazmat: Yo16:14
niemeyerhazmat: All good there?16:14
hazmatjust chatting with bcsaller about the config-set branch and orchestra16:14
hazmatniemeyer, all good.. wimbledon on in the background16:14
hazmatniemeyer, working on security doc, and upstart today16:14
niemeyerhazmat: Ah, awesome16:14
hazmatniemeyer, ready for the meeting anytime 16:15
niemeyerhazmat: How's the image stuff?16:15
hazmatniemeyer, in review16:15
bcsallerhazmat: I expect to have a draft doc of the co-located services proposal out soon too, so you can hear our thinking on that 16:15
hazmatniemeyer, looking good, start time for the bootstrap node is a little longer, but the rest seems quite workable16:15
niemeyerhazmat: Can I trow something else on your table without you falling down?16:15
niemeyerthrow even16:15
hazmatniemeyer, shoot, we'll see if it sticks ;-)16:15
niemeyerhazmat: Juan had difficulties with peer relations16:16
niemeyerhazmat: It's my understanding that they were supposed to work already, is that right?16:16
hazmatniemeyer, hmm.. how so.. i've been using them a little for the mongodb stuff, but we don't have many formulas that use them16:16
bcsallerhazmat: the peer events didn't seem to fire, we haven't looked into it yet16:16
hazmatactually any16:16
niemeyerhazmat: Hah, sweet16:16
hazmatniemeyer, i'll dig into that16:16
niemeyerhazmat: So it's likely something minor16:16
niemeyerhazmat: Let me send you his formula16:16
hazmatniemeyer, which formula .. thanks16:16
hazmati can prioritize that, its probably a minor one16:17
niemeyerhazmat: Should be in your inbox16:18
hazmatniemeyer, not seeing it yet16:20
hazmatniemeyer, got it16:21
niemeyerhazmat: Sweet16:21
hazmatniemeyer, no attachment though16:22
niemeyerhazmat: Meeting in 1:40.. will try to dial you in a little earlier16:22
niemeyerhazmat: The branch is there16:22
hazmatniemeyer, ah right.. regular phone or skype?16:22
niemeyerhazmat: What phone number should I dial?16:22
hazmatniemeyer, in priv msg16:22
niemeyerhazmat: Thanks16:23
=== bcsaller1 is now known as bcsaller
hazmatnegronjl, so the problem with the tomcat formula is that its using relative addressing to files16:39
hazmat2011-06-29 11:38:28,105 unit:tomcat6/1: hook.output ERROR: sed: can't read /usr/lib/ensemble/txzookeeper/../templates/tomcat-server-xml-top.tmpl: No such file or directory16:39
hazmatthat output is from the debug-log which is very useful for debugging problems..  as is the debug-hooks cmd16:39
hazmatnegronjl, there's a branch in review to ensure that formula hooks are always executed from the formula dir16:40
hazmatbut it hasn't landed, atm the hook PWD isn't something that can be relied on by hooks16:40
hazmatand addressing paths from there should be absolute16:40
hazmatnegronjl, i guess in this case your trying to get to some formula included config?16:40
hazmatnegronjl, which will become more easier once bug 761015 is fixed16:41
_mup_Bug #761015: FORMULA_DIR should be available to hooks <Ensemble:In Progress by hazmat> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/761015 >16:41
* hazmat grabs some food16:41
=== koolhead11 is now known as koolhead11|afk
niemeyerhazmat: ping?18:06
hazmatniemeyer, pong18:06
niemeyerhazmat: Ring.. ring.. ring..18:06
niemeyerhazmat: Ring.. ring.. ring..18:06
hazmatniemeyer, no ring here18:06
hazmatniemeyer, phone or skype?18:06
niemeyerhazmat: We just talked to your answering machine18:06
hazmatniemeyer, hmm.. my phone is low let me plug-in and see if works better18:07
niemeyerhazmat: Again18:07
hazmatniemeyer, bcsaller, jimbaker, anyone.. i dropped.. pls callback18:19
niemeyerhazmat: Calling18:20
hazmatniemeyer, thanks18:20
hazmatniemeyer, bcsaller, jimbaker, anyone.. i dropped again.. pls callback19:05
niemeyer hazmat Calling19:05
hazmatniemeyer, bcsaller, jimbaker, anyone.. argh! i dropped again.. pls callback19:16
* hazmat kicks his phone company where the light don't shine19:17
hazmatniemeyer, bcsaller, jimbaker, anyone.. argh! i dropped again.. it might be time to give up.. 19:19
hazmatniemeyer, i've been curious while looking at zeromq go bindings, how the general problem of thread local resources is handled in go, since there isn't any easy way of distinguishing thread from a goroutine (ie their mapped m to  n to threads)20:03
hazmatseems like its also relevant in the context of gui apps where typically only one thread is managing interacting with the gui run loop20:04
hazmatthe only thing variant i've seen for this seems a bit like overkill (runtime.LockOSThread etc)20:06
niemeyerhazmat: We have exactly the same problem with zk20:07
niemeyerhazmat: It's handled by giving it its own thread20:07
niemeyerhazmat: But the zeromq Go author wasn't very clever at that20:07
niemeyerhazmat: Which means it will blow up on people's face20:08
hazmatindeed, it looks experimental at best20:08
hazmatinterestingly the erlang for (zeromq) version does much the same (separate thread allocation)20:08
hazmatniemeyer, thanks, i'll take a look at the gozk impl for ideas20:08
niemeyerhazmat: Haven't seen that, but it's the only option that makes sense.. goroutines with free threading is a feature which we shouldn't undermine20:09
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