
tumbleweedmicahg: it was regular FTBFS from nigelb and iamfuzz's list of linker-failure bugs worthy of jamming (nigelb blogged about the jam)00:06
tumbleweed(and I was playing with svammel)00:06
micahgwhat is svammel?00:06
tumbleweedmicahg: automated bug filing script (doko used it to file most of the linker related ftbfs bugs in launchpad)00:07
micahgah, cool00:07
alegomasterI am sort of confused01:24
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samdhi, how could i make a deb package to pop a "do you want to reboot?" dialog after installing the deb05:24
RhondaScottK: Yes, that's one of those three.06:30
arandWhen's the last Automatic sync from Debian happining, still time for a package just accepted in Debain to sync over without specific request?10:21
micahgarand: should be tomorrow according to the release schedule10:21
arandmicahg: Yeah, I guessed there would be one last sync on the 30th, just making sure :)10:25
ScottKRhonda: Application endorsed.13:32
tumbleweedI wibblymat started ftbfs jamming :)15:17
tumbleweedwibblymat: sagan uses 3.0 (quilt), I think you should make that change with a quilt patch15:18
Rhondatumbleweed: I thought dpkg-source does create a quilt patch automatically when it finds modified upstream sources15:19
RhondaFrom my understanding that's one of the core features of v3?15:19
tumbleweedRhonda: it does, but unless one tidies those up, they are ugly (even lintian complains about them these days)15:20
RhondaYour wording sounded differently, thanks for the explenaition.15:22
tumbleweedthanks for making me explain then :)15:22
tumbleweedanyway, as this is wibblymat's first upload (that I can see), I'll take care of it15:22
nigelbI forgot how much I liked looking at pbuilder terminal output scroll by ;)15:23
wibblymattumbleweed: I'm pretty new to packaging and I'm nto really sure what quilt is... is there a primer somewhere?15:24
RhondaIs it in green on black in strange hyroglypehes, nigelb ?15:24
tumbleweedwibblymat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Ninjas/QuiltMagic15:24
nigelbRhonda: No :)15:25
wibblymatYep, saw the notice about the jam the other day, saw the bugs go in last night, just dived in. Didn't see any activity about it in here though so was thinking it was just me :)15:25
nigelbI'm just about to start :)15:25
nigelbwell, actually I'm building one of the packages I was working on15:26
nigelbHopefully, I'll get help to finish this one today15:26
tumbleweedwibblymat: it *was* just you, but we had to start somewhere :P15:26
Rhondanigelb: Do you understand the reference, or are you too young for that?15:27
nigelbRhonda: Matrix wasn't that long ago :)15:27
RhondaIt feels like :)15:27
nigelbRhonda: *gasp*, 13 years.15:27
RhondaThere were all harry potter movies since.15:28
tumbleweedeek, I'm feeling old now15:28
RhondaThere is this youngster from over here who back then worked on nmap which shortly was seen in the movie15:29
Rhonda… and he is far from a youngster these days.15:29
nigelbnmap is the port scanner right?15:29
highvoltagethere are kids who do homework assignments on 9/11/2001... and it happened before they were born!15:29
nigelbOk, out with nostalgia!15:30
LetoThe2ndhello! I just noticed that the gsoap package is heavily outdated. any chances of bumping the version a bit?15:35
tumbleweedwibblymat: I think LDFLAGS should also have gone before LDADD and LIBS15:35
RhondaLetoThe2nd: Given that the package has been uploaded twice so far by someone else than the maintainer in Debian - I guess it might be looking for someone new to look after it.15:37
* Rhonda . o O ( And it is the same since the lenny release in Debian, yuck )15:38
LetoThe2ndRhonda: yea, thats what i also suspected reading between the lines :-/15:38
* Rhonda . o O ( uh oh, I know the maintainer personally ..... )15:38
LetoThe2ndRhonda: poke him/her with a sharp stick! :-)15:38
RhondaHaven't heard or seen him since a long time though. He's just also from Austria like me.15:38
LetoThe2ndhm, if the stick is long enough i can poke myself ... (bavaria)15:39
RhondaThere is this strange thing in Austria with DDs, they seem to fade away without a trace at some point.15:39
wibblymattumbleweed: I'm not really a C developer so I just did what worked. Is putting the LDFLAGS just tidier or does it make a difference to the output?15:40
nigelbcdbs: ping15:41
jtaylorhas somebody already looked at cppcheck?15:41
tumbleweedwibblymat: LDFLAGS should come before the shared objects (LIBS and LDADD). gcc + ld didn't care about this in the past, so many C developers don't know this :)15:41
LetoThe2ndRhonda: sorry?15:41
nigelbRhonda: You're in Austria, for some reason I had it my head that you're in Germany :)15:41
tumbleweedyes, some LDFLAGS, like --as-needed act on things that come after them15:42
tumbleweedwibblymat: Here's what I did: lp:~stefanor/ubuntu/oneiric/sagan/ftbfs-jam15:42
tumbleweedwibblymat: what's left now before uploading to Ubuntu is to forward the bug to Debian and/or upstream15:43
Laneyanyone know how to make sbuild honour http_proxy?15:43
tumbleweedLaney: you can tell it what environment variables to pass through (I thought)15:43
Laneyin schroot.conf maybe15:46
Laneynope :/15:48
jtaylorcppcheck fixed, forwarding patch to debian15:50
nigelbcdbs: ping15:51
nigelbcdbs: I'm setting up tarmac for community web projects. Let me know if you want it done for hof.15:52
* tumbleweed needs to stop getting distracted15:53
nigelbokay, buildign scratchbox15:54
jtaylorany specific usertags that should be used for as-needed bugs?15:56
tumbleweedas-needed sounds good15:58
jtaylorhm debian-gcc and ld-as-needed exists15:58
jtaylorI'll use that15:58
tumbleweedthey weren't auto-tagged, because they aren't the only thing that can create undefined references, I think15:58
LaneyUser: debian-gcc@lists.debian.org15:58
jtaylorsee http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=60583915:58
LaneyUsertags: ld-as-needed15:58
ubottuDebian bug 605839 in fontforge "FTBFS with ld --as-needed" [Normal,Fixed]15:58
tumbleweedneither one already exists16:00
tumbleweed(in ubuntu)16:00
wibblymattumbleweed: Ok, had a play with quilt. Looks like there is no (easy) way to do it retrospectively if you've already changed the code though?16:01
tumbleweedyeah, no easy way16:01
jtaylorshould the forwarded patch be registered somewhere in ubuntu?16:02
wibblymatOk, will just have to remember to what-patch before I start :)16:02
tumbleweedwibblymat: also, Makefile.in is an auto-generated file, one wants to fix configure.in and regenerate it16:02
wibblymatAs my old maths teacher used to say: You only learn from your mistakes, and boy are we learning today!16:04
tumbleweedwhich gets a little more complicated16:04
jtaylorah there is a bug in ubuntu I can use16:04
nigelbokay, so I moved things around the makefile for scratchbox2, but it still fails.16:04
jtaylorwhen stupid launchpad would react! ._.16:04
nigelbBuild log http://paste.ubuntu.com/635102/, and the diff of what I did http://paste.ubuntu.com/635103/16:04
nigelbIf anyone can help figure out, that'd be rad16:06
tumbleweedwibblymat: excuse me, I must have had my head in the clouds. The issue here is that configure is being called with a LDFLAGS containing libraries. That's wrong. So, change that to LIBS in debian/rules16:09
tumbleweedno need for any patches16:09
wibblymattumbleweed: lp:~wibblymat/ubuntu/oneiric/sagan/ld-as-needed more like it16:16
tumbleweedyes, looks good16:17
tumbleweedbut aim it at natty rather that oneiric16:18
tumbleweederr other way around :)16:18
nigelbtumbleweed: could you look at my scratchbox build failure?16:18
tumbleweedcan do, one minute16:18
* jtaylor doing sslsniff16:23
wibblymatOk, new merge proposal for sagan (#803194). I'll look at the other two pacakges I did and check I haven't made the same mistakes!16:24
tumbleweedwibblymat: Thanks for your contribution to Ubuntu (uploaded)16:27
nigelbwibblymat: \o/ Congrats!16:27
tumbleweedwibblymat: I also added a space between LP: #XXXX (otherwise it won't close the bug)16:27
wibblymatWoo :)16:28
tumbleweedwibblymat: verified that my xfe suggestions work16:28
wibblymattumbleweed: Ok, working on that now16:30
tumbleweednigelb: that's a weird amkefile16:31
nigelbtumbleweed: yeah :|16:31
nigelbIts also weird package16:32
nigelbpackaged natively, then made non-native, no orig.tar16:32
tumbleweedthat's probably uploader-error16:32
jtaylorwas there some change in launchpad?16:33
jtaylorit does not work with opera anymore :/16:34
jtaylorand firefox also has some weird artefacts16:34
tumbleweednigelb: you want -I in CFLAGS16:35
ruhili just upgraded natty to oneiric and could not find the tray. Is it not there in oneiric or have i messed up something?16:36
nigelbtumbleweed: ah, move all the -I flags back to CFALGS?16:37
jtaylorsslsniff patch forwarded16:37
* micahg thanks jtaylor for doing sslsniff16:38
tumbleweednigelb: yeah16:38
tumbleweedwibblymat: would you mind forwarding the sagan patch to debian, as it was a bug in the packaging? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs#Using_submittodebian_to_forward_patches_to_Debian16:41
jtaylorhm sslsniff is in the archive  but not sslstrip :(16:41
nigelbhrm, now the debuild -S -sa fails.16:46
wibblymattumbleweed: Sure thing16:46
tumbleweednigelb: looks like a syntax errro16:47
* jtaylor alienblaster16:47
nigelbtumbleweed: doh, right.16:47
nigelbEverytime, I type my GPG key password, I remember james_w's really really long password that he tried to type at UDS :)16:48
Laneysome of my passphrases include compose key sequences16:49
tumbleweednigelb: -uc -us ftw16:49
Laneythey take a few attempts usually :-(16:49
nigelbtumbleweed: Got too used to signing it :)16:50
nigelbbuild failed again16:51
jtayloralienblaster forwarded16:52
nigelblatest build failure http://paste.ubuntu.com/635135/, and my smaller patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/635136/16:54
jtaylornigelb: can you post the compiler line that produces that error16:56
nigelbjtaylor: the makefile line?16:57
jtaylorno the expanded line when executing the makefile16:57
jtayloryou can probably get it with make VERBOSE=116:57
nigelbjtaylor: manually?16:59
nigelblike without pbuilder?16:59
jtayloryes, but maybe the makefile line helps me too16:59
nigelbthis is the makefile line17:00
jtaylorthat line has no libraries linked17:00
jtaylorare they placed in LDFLAGS?17:00
nigelbI dont see LDFLAGS defined17:00
jtaylordo you know where that symbol is defined?17:01
nigelbprobably in the parent makefile17:02
jtaylorno I mean the undefined reference17:03
jtaylorurg that package ahs no orig.tar17:05
jtaylorbut its not native17:05
nigelbjtaylor: yeah17:06
nigelbjtaylor: its a messed up package17:06
nigelball I see is "LDFLAGS += $(MACH_CFLAG)"17:06
jtaylorthe fix is to reorder the dependencies in that makefiel17:10
jtaylorthe .o before the .so17:10
nigelbjtaylor: the makefile in utils?17:12
nigelbokay, I don't see .so files17:12
jtaylor- $(D)/sb2-interp-wrapper: preload/libsb2.$(SHLIBEXT) $(D)/sb2-interp-wrapper.o17:13
jtaylor+ $(D)/sb2-interp-wrapper: $(D)/sb2-interp-wrapper.o preload/libsb2.$(SHLIBEXT)17:13
nigelbfurther proves that I need to learn more about gcc and make :(17:13
jtaylorthe .o file needs the symbol in the library (.so)17:14
jtayloras-needed is positional, so when a so comes before the objects needing it it will drop the library17:14
jtaylorthe .o needing the symbols must come before thy library providing them17:14
tumbleweedwibblymat: it's "ld --as-needed" or "-Wl,--as-needed" rather than "--ld-as-needed"17:18
nigelbjtaylor: thanks for the quick help and the lesson :)17:18
nigelbscratchbox fixed \o/17:19
wibblymattumbleweed: Ugh, where did I write that?17:22
* jtaylor pads17:23
tumbleweedwibblymat: xfe17:23
tumbleweedwibblymat: I'd also mention that you had to use dh_autoreconf17:23
tumbleweedwibblymat: and $@ comes before the --with (yes, dh is weird)17:24
wibblymatAh, now thats interesting. When I put it before $@ I got errors17:24
wibblymatAbout "options before sequence" or somethign similar17:25
tumbleweedwibblymat: that's exactly the error it gives now17:25
wibblymatOh, wait, you're agreeing with what I said. I think you just have an old branch17:26
wibblymatI've been working on that one17:26
hyperairum $@ comes after the --with.17:26
wibblymatold revision of the same branch, rather17:26
hyperairthat's how i've always done it.17:27
tumbleweedhyperair: compat 8 or later doesn't allow that17:27
hyperairtumbleweed: oh seriously, wtf for?17:27
wibblymatOh, hang on, I may have accidentally regressed17:27
tumbleweedstylistic reasons? :)17:27
hyperairmeh =\17:28
wibblymattumbleweed: Ok, it was me after all, I hadn't committed that change after all17:28
tumbleweedwibblymat: btw, did you submit the sagan patch to debian? (or did you run into trouble with reportbug?)17:30
jtaylorpads forwarded17:30
wibblymattumbleweed: It should be forwarded17:32
jtaylorall so simple problems, it takes longer to write the email than to write the patch :/17:33
wibblymattumbleweed: I used jtaylor's cppcheck report as a template :)17:34
nigelbokay, scratchbox forwarded17:37
tumbleweedwibblymat: oh, I see it now17:37
nigelband debdiff uploaded17:39
jtayloroO interesting a new problem17:39
jtaylortenance needs -fopenmp17:39
jtaylorweird it worked before17:40
tumbleweedwibblymat: OK, xfe patch looks good. This one should be sent all the way upstream (and to debian, if possible)17:40
jtayloranyone know what fopenmp does besides linking gomp?17:41
jtaylorhm nevermind its a classical as-needed problem afterall17:43
jtaylortenance forwarded17:49
tumbleweedwibblymat: vacation needs a space between LP: and #17:50
tumbleweedjtaylor: you are picking these off rediculously fast :)17:50
jtaylorits all just library reordering17:50
tumbleweedyeah, that is a fair number of them17:51
nigelbpicking up opencity17:51
jtaylorstill ought to forward the patches upstream though17:51
tumbleweedlooks like upstream already dealt with cppcheck, that's a start17:53
jtaylorso forwarded bugs which have bug trackers wher eI have an account18:07
tumbleweedjtaylor: yeah, that's generally what I do (or mail the upstream). I expect the Debian package maintainer to have a relationship with upstream, so I'm happy to just report there if the upstream isn't easy to contact18:08
wibblymatI've created a bug in sourceforge for xfe. Does it need linking to LP in some way, or is it fire and forget?18:08
tumbleweedwibblymat: I'd mention it in th LP bug. One can't link unless the project is registered in LP18:08
tumbleweedwibblymat: if you do a quilt patch, mentioning where you've forwarded it in the patch header is a good idea: http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/18:10
jtaylorand mark it forwarded in the debian bug18:12
jtaylorso last one for now: mooproxy18:16
tumbleweednigelb: seeing that scratchbox2 has no patch system, I think a far more descriptive changelog entry is required (and wouldn't have been a bad idea anyway)18:22
tumbleweednigelb: also, please link the LP bug to the Debian one :)18:23
nigelbtumbleweed: waiting for BTS to give me the bug number18:23
nigelbtumbleweed: suggestions on what needs to go in?18:24
tumbleweedah, it's debian bug 63210318:24
ubottuDebian bug 632103 in scratchbox2 "scratchbox2: Fails to build from source" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63210318:24
nigelbwhy didn't BTS mail me :\18:25
tumbleweedprobably just e-mail being slow...18:25
nigelbhow does this sound? "Fixed FTBFS. Changed the ordering of libs in the Makefile in utils folder."18:26
tumbleweedand it should mention the LP bug18:26
tumbleweedthis isn't ordering of libs, so much as libs in CFLAGS18:27
james_wchanging the order of libs is what you did, but anyone can see that from the diff, the changelog should explain *why* you did that18:28
james_wwhy did that order cause the build failure? why doesn't the new one?18:28
micahgtumbleweed: unfortunately, I can't help much on the FTBFS jam today, but I can help with syncing from Debian for the fixed packages if you like18:31
tumbleweedmicahg: np. I haven't actually fixed any myself today, just been reviewing18:31
nigelbmicahg: if you're aroudn toe help minions like me fixing, that helps too ;)18:32
micahgnigelb: nope, sorry, busy with other updates ATM18:33
nigelbnp :)18:33
nigelbtumbleweed: I think we can announce that the jam is going to continue for a week.18:37
tumbleweedyeah, I kind of said that in the e-mail18:39
nigelbI'll post a status update onto planet and announce that18:40
nigelbtumbleweed: Updated the patch18:40
tumbleweednigelb: that's better, although I'd still say "FTBFS with ld --as-needed" instead of toolchain change18:41
nigelbtumbleweed: hang on, updating :)18:43
nigelbtumbleweed: done :)18:45
nigelbok, so now I'm dealing with opencity which uses autotools18:48
Rhondanigelb: Don't become insulting  :P18:48
tumbleweedautotools packages usually have the mistake in configure.ac (or sometimes one of the Makefile.am s)18:48
RhondaLetoThe2nd: I meant that I'm going offline. :)18:49
jtaylorusually LDFLAGS where it should be LIBS18:49
jtaylorbut its a little problematic to patch when they don't use autoreconf :/18:49
tumbleweeddh_autoreconf to the rescue :)18:49
tumbleweednigelb: uploaded, thanks18:51
nigelbRhonda: :D18:51
* tumbleweed looks at a concice but ugly jtaylor patch, and decides its time to go home18:52
nigelbThis is going to be tricky.18:52
nigelbI don't see anything problematic18:52
jtaylorugly in which respect?18:52
jtaylordon't we want to wait for debian maintainer reaction?18:53
tumbleweedjtaylor: ugly in that it's a workaround rather than an upstreamable patch18:53
jtaylorwhich one?18:54
jtayloryeah that one is ugly18:54
jtaylorpackage does not use autoreconf and I think it is up to the maintainer to do that18:54
nigelbis the maintainer Rhonda ? ;)18:54
tumbleweedAlso, isn't there a difference between -pthread and -lpthread?18:55
jtayloryes, I just pasted what is in the Makefile.am18:56
nigelbtumbleweed: do you know of an autotools-related package fixed so I could take pointers on how to/where to look18:56
jtaylorlook for LDFLAGS first18:56
tumbleweednigelb: today's xfe patch18:57
nigelbjtaylor: not there in any of the makefile.am18:57
tumbleweedprobably in configure.ac then18:58
* tumbleweed will look when I get home, brb18:58
Rhondanigelb: pah!  I'll tell manoj!18:58
jtaylorthats wrong18:58
nigelbRhonda: :)18:58
nigelbjtaylor: ah, configure is full of that :|18:59
nigelbmove all of that to LIBS?18:59
jtaylorjust a note on my patches, they are intentional minimal, just showing whats wrong18:59
jtaylorMy intention is that the debian maintainer will adapt it to its needs, the bug usually contains information on what I consider a better fix18:59
jtaylornigelb: if there are only libs then yes19:00
nigelbjtaylor: mostly. ran into one fugly situation now.19:01
jtaylorI'm not sure if it has consequences when you put a linker flag in the LIBS variable19:01
nigelbLDFLAGS="-L$with_gl_prefix/lib $enable_gprof $LDFLAGS"19:02
nigelbis this real linker flag?19:02
jtaylor-L should be fine in libs19:02
nigelband there is this19:03
jtaylorshould also be fine19:03
jtaylorgood pkg-config --libs should not have any positional ldflags in it19:03
jtaylorexpands to something like this: -L/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu -lpng1219:04
tumbleweedjtaylor: the problem with that approach is that when the package doesn't FTBFS on Debian, the maintainer often doesn't care. We'd like the upstream to include the right fix as soon as possible, so it makes sense to prepare it19:15
jtaylorlets see if a maintainer reacts19:41
jtaylorif its to slow I might provide proper patches19:41
aonyxtumbleweed: I am officially poking you.19:44
aonyxit is David btw19:44
tumbleweedaonyx: hi19:44
tumbleweedyay for a south african presence :)19:45
aonyxI was wondering if you could point out a particularly easy package for me19:46
tumbleweedsure, let me find one. In the meantime, here's some background: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-June/033619.html19:46
tumbleweedthings have just started quieting down, we had a relativly busy last few hours19:47
tumbleweedaonyx: ok, xbill is quite easy to fix but it uses autoconf, which makes things a little more complicated. Let me see if I can find something easier20:02
tumbleweedaonyx: ah, even easier, tabix, bug 80320220:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 803202 in tabix (Ubuntu) "tabix version 0.2.5-1 failed to build on i386" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80320220:11
aonyxawesome, thanks tumbleweed.20:11
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nigelbopencity done, forwarded to debian and upstream.22:25
nigelbbug 771091, if anyone wants to sponsor (its on the queue anyway)22:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 771091 in opencity (Ubuntu Oneiric) "opencity version failed to build on amd64 with GCC-4.6/oneiric" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77109122:25
Laneynigelb: you shouldn't use RC severity unless the FTBFS actually happens in Debian too22:26
nigelbLaney: argh. Wrong key. I was sending them with important.22:27
jtayloras-needed failures are more minor or even wishlist as debian does not use that default22:27
nigelbI thought debian was also transitioning with us22:27
nigelbLaney: changing it now22:28
jtaylorno, only --no-copy-dt-needed22:28
jtayloralthough its probably possible that that will change22:28
jtaylorespecially when everything builds in ubuntu22:28
tumbleweedbut generally speaking, if you haven't verified that the package won't build on debian, don't file an RC bug :)22:30
nigelbtumbleweed: I used submittodebian, so I think I pressed the wrong number.22:31
tumbleweedfair enough :)22:31
Laneyyou can downgrade it22:31
nigelbAnyway, just mailed control to downgrade it22:31
Laneybts severity xxxxxxx minor22:31
Laneynice one22:31
nigelbLaney: thanks for pointing it out.22:32
nigelbIts 3 am, fine details are escaping me :P22:32
Laneysomeone moaned in #debian-devel22:33
jtaylora python guy, but with good reason, python apps break easily thanks to as-needed22:34
jtaylorthere are several still broken in natty due to the phase with as-needed22:34
jtaylorthey don't ftbs but instead break at runtime thanks to dlopen ._.22:35
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nigelbphew, severity downgraded to normal.22:38
* tumbleweed tends to use minor for these22:42
nigelbnext time!22:47
wibblymatOops, I put the wrong bug number in the changelog for xfe so it hasn't auto closed :s23:05
* tumbleweed isn't good about checking such things23:06
jtaylorthe .pc file is in the debian patch23:10
jtayloryou should avoid that in future23:10
wibblymatAh, ok23:12
tumbleweedthat sounds like bzr + 3.0 (quilt) which is messy...23:12
wibblymatA lot of things I've seen in my first week of digging in to Ubuntu has been messy or complicated :)23:15
nigelbI'm staying away from bzr when quilt is involved23:18
* tumbleweed wonders about tweaking submittodebian to unapply patches and filter .pc23:22
Laneydoes it present the diff to you for review?23:25
tumbleweedthe problem I have with it is that the patch it prepares never gets to my mutt, so I always attach a patch I prepared myself23:26
tumbleweederr yes it does let you edit the diff, IIRC23:27
hakermaniaHello, till when can we post in REVU?23:41
hakermaniaAnd please can anybody explain me how this was advocated? it looks so crazy with so many errors: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plymouth-manager23:44
micahghakermania: it's not in the archive23:50
micahghakermania: and until feature freeze23:50
tumbleweedoh, btw jtaylor: BTS doesn't allow usertags for two users to be set by pseudo-headers, so your origin-ubuntu usertag wouldn't have been applied23:54
jtaylorsaw it in a different bug and copied it23:55
jtaylorwill fix later23:55
tumbleweedI assume you want to wait for debian maintainter responses, rather than having anyone sponsor them in ubuntu yet?23:55
jtaylorunless there is reason for haste?23:56
tumbleweednot particularly for most of those packages23:57
jtaylorhow do I clone a github pull request? :/23:57
tumbleweedclone the source repository?23:57
jtaylorI can't find a link on the page23:57
tumbleweedIIRC github pull requests have links to the source and destination23:58
* jtaylor to stupid to find it23:59
jtaylorjust edited to url to get to the source23:59

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