
BUGabundoit was nite01:32
Fudgehi jsut updated to thunderbird-trunk today and the gnome-orca issue with reading inbox items is still present06:16
micahgFudge: which Ubuntu release?07:25
Fudgeon natty08:11
Fudgemicahg  thunderbird-globalmenu                           3.1.10+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.2 thunderbird-trunk                                7.0~a1~hg20110627r8020+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~natty08:12
micahgFudge: :(, I have to run right now, I'll be back in a couple hours08:25
Cradamupgraded from Fx5 to Fx7 cant see any difference lol09:07
synthesistHello all.  Any Thunderbird help available?09:10
Cradamsynthesist: what is wrong?09:11
synthesist_Trying to import Outlook Express mail to TB in a Ubuntu Wubi install.  TB only gives option for Communicator 4.x, I even moved OE files to home folder?09:16
synthesist_Is there anyway to direct TB to a folder for import?09:19
Cradamwell short answer You are trying to port MS stuff to Mz never will give good results especially if they are different formtas09:21
synthesist_I've done it before in XP and TB with acceptable results.  But now I can't direct TB to the proper folder in Ubutntu/XP dual system.09:23
Cradamsynthesist_: /mnt/sda1 not work?09:24
Cradamwubi mounts the xp partition as home im not sure where it mounts it as home09:25
synthesist_the host (XP) drive is accessible by Ubuntu, but TB is not scanning it or giving me the option to direct it to the OE file.  Like I said, I even copied the OE files to the Ubuntu home directory, but still TB only offers Communicator 4.x as an option.09:27
Cradamcan you import the files from another TB install?09:28
synthesist_Unfortunately, no.  They got botched in my migration.  So my old OE files are the latest backup files I can recover from.09:30
Cradamtry google09:31
Cradamor perhaps you could re-import from your pop3 server09:31
synthesist_So, I guess I need to do the import in XP with TB and then again import them to the Ubuntu TB?09:32
synthesist_Nope, the messages far exceed any pop3 restoration.09:33
synthesist_If I could just get TB to offer me the option to direct it to the proper folder in Ubuntu I would be set.09:34
synthesist_Or rather, do you know what folder the OE files should be in for TB to recognize them as an option?09:35
Cradam[09:37] <+Cradam> .u parents [09:37] <+eggbot> Cradam: parents: the chains around your ankles until you've managed to a) runaway b) obtain a stable job and stable income c) die d) turn 18.09:41
Cradammaybe i should do a or c09:42
micahgFudge: do you have a bug filed for gnome-orca w/thunderbird issue already?10:23
Fudgeno micahg  i wasnt sure how to describe it11:06
Fudgefigured if it was just me maybe it wasnt actually a bug11:07
reign2has the daily ppa failed to build the 64bit nightlies since june23rd? for some reason Ive been stuck on that version12:10
chrisccoulsonreign2, yes12:39
chrisccoulsonthe builder hangs, so i've stopped running it for now12:39
chrisccoulsonand i don't really have any time for firefox stuff atm12:39
reign2ah I see; will uninstalling the ppa for now so I can manually install the nightly kill my settings?12:44
reign2the pkg I mean*'12:44
micahgchrisccoulson: I guess I can try to look at that next week12:47
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ftahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/12.0..112~r90304-0ubuntu1/+build/2598708742  so slooooow16:35
micahgshould be another 8 hours16:37
ftai wonder why we use native builders..16:39
ftawe should cross build those16:40
micahgwe're going to be getting faster native builders soon, should cut the build time to something reasonable16:40
chrisccoulsonm_conley, https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisccoulson/messagingmenu-extension/less-notifications/+merge/66358 ;)18:03
m_conleychrisccoulson: oh, nice!18:03
chrisccoulsonm_conley, there will be some more improvements coming there tomorrow18:07
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to figure out how to get it to stop requesting attention for my bug mail, which are explicitly addressed to me ;)18:08
m_conleychrisccoulson: I think we need a way for users to indicate what folders they want to indicate.  Or tags.  Or bothl.18:08
chrisccoulsonm_conley, yeah, possibly. although, i'd like to try and make it a bit more intelligent first, which the evo indicator is not ;)18:09
chrisccoulsoni can use that for filtering out bug mail18:09
chrisccoulson"Precedence=bulk" ftw :-)18:09
m_conleychrisccoulson: oh awesome, yeah, do it.18:09
chrisccoulsoni wonder if that would work for bugzilla too?18:09
ftamicahg, damn, another missing symbol18:51
fta /usr/bin/ld.bfd.real: out/Release/obj.target/chrome/../sync_notifier/chrome/browser/sync/notifier/chrome_system_resources.o(.text._ZN12invalidation20OneArgCallbackRunnerIN13sync_notifier21ChromeSystemResourcesEP14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple1IbEEED0Ev[_ZN12invalidation20OneArgCallbackRunnerIN13sync_notifier21ChromeSystemResourcesEP14CallbackRunnerI6Tuple1IbEEED5Ev]+0xc): unresolvable R_ARM_THM_CALL relocation against symbol `operator delete(void*)@@GLIB18:52
ftathe joy of C++..18:52
ftamicahg, looking at the code, i have no idea what's wrong and why noone else reported it.19:51
ftamicahg, could be one of our arm flags, like the tcmalloc=019:51
micahg:(, I'll try to show it to an arm guy tonight or tomorrow to see if they know offhand what the issue is19:51
ftai wonder if chromium needs that "OnlyShowIn=GNOME;Unity;"20:41
ftait doesn't have OnlyShowIn at all atm20:41
micahgfta: no, otherwise KDE users wouldn't get it20:45
ftai wondered about OnlyShowIn=Unity; for the quicklists20:59
micahgfta: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apb.html21:01
ftayeah, i know that page, but it doesn't clarify the quicklists21:03
ftawell, if it's ever needed, i guess someone will file a bug21:03
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
BUGabundofta: micahg: what do we do when this happens23:07
BUGabundotheir root cert must have been revoked23:07
BUGabundoso any browser doesn't accept it23:07
micahgBUGabundo: tell the website to fix their server?23:08
BUGabundomicahg: they really revoked the root cert23:09
BUGabundocheck it out23:09
BUGabundo06/23/2011 13:54:3623:09
BUGabundothey are back23:18
micahgah, right23:18
BUGabundohow long does it take to creat a 4096 cert in the browser?????? #StartSSL23:56

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