
shaunowildly off-topic, anyone ever click the accessibility 'feature' on capatchas hoping it'll be more useful than the alphabet soup, and marvel at the results?00:21
BigRedShaha, no00:25
* BigRedS looks for a captcha00:25
shaunothe one on the signup for a google account hurts my head00:26
shaunooh boy00:33
shaunothat could be interesting in multiplayer00:33
shaunomy best attempt at making sense of google's capatcha - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ssm4RVw8MOo00:34
AzelphurIf you have hyperthreading turned on, and top says it's using 50%, does that mean your using 50% of the physical core, or 50% of the HT core?01:13
directhexAzelphur, top treats hyperthreads as physical cores01:15
directhexi.e. quadcore with ht shows as 8 cores01:15
directhexbut will likely never go over 50% load, due to HT01:15
Azelphurso if I've got 4 processes using ~60% I'm pretty much ok to add another 4 processes also using 60% :P01:15
shaunonot sure about google's new look.  funny feeling it's going to 'mesh' well with some of the ubuntu themes tho  (eg, those that have dark toolbars)01:20
Azelphurshauno: that's why I don't use firefox, it tries to skin the web with my gnome theme, doesn't work very well01:21
AzelphurI use chrome instead, it doesn't do that \o/01:21
shaunooh, not as well as I thought01:24
shaunowhat on earth is "apps available for download" in the bfb?01:31
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
shaunohttp://cl.ly/3E0s3t0f1b0U392h1P2d   I'm not entirely sure why it's offering me "kde collectd database-viewer".  that's a pretty odd list01:43
dragonkeeperthings that happen during a recession :  women are having sex with there husbands because they cant afford batteries04:36
Pendulumdragonkeeper: I really don't think that's an appropriate comment for this channel.04:40
dragonkeeperit was quiet04:42
Pendulumdragonkeeper: it was a sexist, in appropriate comment04:42
AlanBellit was indeed06:35
AlanBellmorning all06:35
AlanBellhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-UK/237328659623076 need 21 more people to like this then it can have a vanity URL07:37
ali1234shauno: did you only just install unity or what?07:47
shaunoI don't use guis on linux very often07:48
ali1234"apps available for download" is a search function. try typing in the name of a program you don't have installed07:48
shaunobecause they make me want to throw my shoes at my screen07:48
ali1234it's not supposed to show up unless you start searching07:48
shaunointeresting.  I don't believe I was searching for anything07:48
ali1234yes. it's a bug07:49
ali1234JGJones: i got jabber-terminal working but it isn't very good07:50
ali1234doesn't really work with apps that move the cursor around07:50
ali1234it's really simple anyway though07:51
AlanBellI don't like that apps available for download stuff07:53
ali1234i do07:53
AlanBellmakes it harder to find the stuff you actually have07:53
ali1234it's a lot better than having to use software centre07:53
ali1234unity already made it impossible to find stuff you already have :(07:53
ali1234if you want it to be easy switch back to gnome classic07:53
ali1234or put that stuff on the launcher07:54
AlanBellyeah, have done on my main laptop as unity broke because I dared to change something in ccsm and because it doesn't do multi-monitors07:54
ali1234"available apps" doesn't show up in the main dash anyway07:54
ali1234not unless you click "more apps" first07:55
ali1234it should do though07:55
ali1234it's just another way in which unity is inconsistent with even itself07:55
ali1234i don't know why i'm even still using it tbh07:55
AlanBellif you click the bfb, then use the categories dropdown that doesn't look like a dropdown07:56
ali1234what's a bfb?07:57
ali1234best friends button?07:57
AlanBellthen you find all your old friendly categories07:57
AlanBellbig button top left07:57
ali1234oh you mean the big button that's smaller than all the buttons on the launcher?07:57
AlanBellthats the one07:57
AlanBellit is called the BFB07:57
ali1234you mean shortcuts?07:58
ali1234i don't see categories07:58
AlanBelltop right of the dark brown window is a dropdown, gives you an unthemed grey list of categories07:58
JGJonesali1234, it's a first release so expected crappiness ;-) - how does it work with line by line output (ie as I would expect from something like cu)?07:58
ali1234it doesn't07:59
ali1234JGJones: it doesn't work with any app that keeps on outputing actually07:59
ali1234it seems to wait for the program to exit first07:59
ali1234AlanBell: dark brown window??07:59
JGJonesah pity - guess it still need more work - no idea if it's in active development07:59
ali1234AlanBell: you mean: click "more apps" then click the "v" on the right end of the search box?08:00
AlanBellmaybe, I don't have it in front of me right now08:01
JGJonesali1234, it say "All Applications" and a down-arrow in a circle to the right of it - click on this to get categories08:03
JGJonessorry...memory failed me - no circle, just a V08:04
AlanBellsounds about right08:05
AlanBellthen it shows you a small selection of stuff you might have, then an equal amount of stuff you don't have08:05
ali1234well yeah08:06
ali1234i mean, why are you guys just noticing this now?08:06
ali1234i've been saying this for two months08:06
ali1234the available apps thing *is* good when you searcht hough08:06
ali1234because you don't have to know if the app is installed or not08:06
MartijnVdSali1234: except it also lists uninstalled apps if you don't have admin-rights08:07
MartijnVdSali1234: complaining about that gets you a "BUT IT'S A FEATURE!!!!" reply08:07
ali1234it just shouldn't show up until you search, and this is a known bug, one of the few problems that are actually acknowledged08:07
ali1234MartijnVdS: well ok i'll add that one to my list of things to complain about08:08
AlanBellali1234: I did know about that a while back08:08
ali1234no point showing it if the user isn't in sudoers08:08
ali1234AlanBell: so you're just complaining now that the shiny has worn off?08:08
ali1234i guess now we know exactly how long that takes :)08:09
AlanBellno, I complained at the time08:09
AlanBellthen it broke08:09
AlanBellthe default lens should just be apps installed grouped by category08:10
ali1234no, the default lens should be what it is now except you should be able to replace the 8 default icons with anything you want08:10
AlanBellthe thing with 6 *huge* buttons does nothing that I want to do08:11
AlanBell8 then08:11
ali12348 huge icons08:11
ali1234and yeah it literally has nothing i want on it08:11
ali1234and i did say this tw months ago too08:11
ali1234but again nobody listened08:11
ali1234actually it's probably longer than two months now08:12
AlanBellyeah, echo chamber stuff08:12
AlanBellI listened08:12
ali1234none of the bugs have been fixed either08:13
ali1234and i don't mean design bugs08:15
ali1234i mean stuff like firefox rejecting user input, the window not having a title bar, menus that disappear when you move the mouse over them08:16
MartijnVdSTry running calibre on oneiric08:17
ali1234what's calibre?08:17
MartijnVdS"itunes for ebooks"08:17
ali1234oh yeah that08:17
ali1234why, what happens?08:17
MartijnVdSSometimes you get the app/window08:18
MartijnVdSbut un-maximize it, and it'll disappear08:18
MartijnVdSnothing will react to clicks08:18
MartijnVdSgtk-window-decorator crashes08:18
ali1234ah yeah, get some of that on natty with certain apps08:18
MartijnVdSand STDERR of the app will complain about 16777216x16777216 window size being max08:18
MartijnVdSI wish I had a 16777216x16777216 screen ;)_08:19
ali1234it seems like annoying existing customers in order to attract a different user base is all the rage at the moment08:19
ali1234everyone is doing it08:19
ali1234replace the existing UI that mostly works with something new written from scratch that is incredibly annoying, buggy, and needs much higher hardware requirements to run08:20
ali1234and also don't bother to fix any of the older bugs in the stuff that you do keep08:21
ali1234and at the same time introduce an app store or some other kind of shop the extract more money from users08:21
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers
diploMorning all08:39
daubersMust be coffee time08:53
daubersI know, shocking behaviour isn't it08:53
GaryI've managed to get our newbie to go get coffee, woo08:54
gordthunderbird with the conversation plugin really is nice08:59
popeyMorning all09:02
Garymorning popeypet and gord09:03
* popey tickles Gary 09:03
MooDoomorning all09:07
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)09:07
Myrttiwhen all this is over, Ill go on a road/train/biketrip with constantly changing scenery09:11
diploGuys and Girls, 11.04 running here, want to run 4-5 VM's on desktop.. thoughts on Virtualbox or using KVM ?09:12
popeyi would use virtualbox personally09:13
popeyothers swear by kvm09:13
bigcalmVirtualBox works for me09:14
bigcalmThough I have no experience of KVM09:14
TheOpenSourcererKVM works well on servers but lacks some of the UX features of VirtualBox. Conversely VBox lacks some of the server features of KVM ;-)09:16
diploCool, thanks guys, virtual box it is09:22
diploAnyone know how it takes having a different amount of ram added later ?09:22
diploBoss is upgrading memory in my PC so i can run more VM's09:22
bigcalmYou can configure each VM to have a different amount of memory09:23
bigcalmAnd this can be altered later09:23
bigcalmSame goes for any of the virtual hardware09:23
diplonah I mean the host, doesn't mind having different memory allocated later09:23
bigcalmNo, it won't care09:24
hoovermorning all09:26
MooDooif you didn't know [or couldn't get to the meeting last night] we have an approval pad you can add stuff too - http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/reapproval09:42
MooDooooo oanother quiet day09:50
danfishMooDoo: boo!10:07
MooDoodanfish, aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhh10:08
danfish"aaaaaarrggghhhh" - is it national talk like a pirate day again?10:09
bigcalmNo, 19th September that be10:09
* AlanBell is on a train10:10
danfishbigcalm: aye aye10:10
nigelbAlanBell: where are ya headed to?10:10
AlanBellcabinet office first, then Home office in the afternoon10:11
danfishAlanBell: good luck - you might need it :/10:12
MooDoodanfish, no you said boo and i was scared10:12
MooDooAlanBell, don't shout at them too much10:13
danfishMooDoo: sorry - and after the donner und blitzen yesterday10:13
AlanBellconvincing Sir Humphrey of the value of Software Freedom10:18
AlanBellI will also be telling them of the danger of Open Source increasing the risk of zombie invasions10:19
AlanBellhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-UK/237328659623076 4 people like this10:27
AlanBellmaybe facebook isn't the answer!10:27
MooDoomaybe people didn't know about the page.10:28
BigRedSIs that all of us who were in the meeting yesterday having now liked it?10:28
BigRedSand everyone who didn't see its inception still hasn't?10:28
AlanBellI don't know how you are supporsed to see these things10:29
diplo7 people now10:29
MooDooI've just shared it and asked people to like it so we hit the 25 we need for a vanity url10:29
BigRedSI think it relies on people seeing their friends liking things10:30
MooDoodiplo, 9 :)10:30
shaunogrumble.  making me log into facebook twice in one month.10:31
AlanBellshauno: yeah, I know what you mean10:32
BigRedSach, you'll be won over yet :)10:32
MooDoo#stopwhining ;)10:32
MooDoopmsl even my boss has liked the page ;)10:32
BigRedS#wrongsocialnetworkingsite :)10:32
AlanBellit doesn't seem to be the right tool for middle aged blokes with no social life10:33
shaunothat's just doubled your likes.  perhaps irc is the more effective networking ;)10:33
AlanBellIRC works fine10:33
MooDooIRC works and so does facebook10:33
BigRedSAh, I have many friends who wont even email :(10:33
AlanBellmy teenage cousins use it loads10:34
shaunoBigRedS: that's the main reason I use facebook at all.  I've far too much family who have forgotten how to email10:34
AlanBellthey say things like "aww, I feel crap" and they get 20 comments on it10:34
diploI started on facebook as 75% of people I used to chat on MSN only use FB now10:34
shaunolast time I tried to ignore it, my mother got a new surname without me noticing10:34
diploAnd only put images on there now10:34
MooDoowell i'm getting all my friends likeing the page, we'll get that decent URL yet :)10:35
AlanBelldiplo: but not with KDE10:35
diplolol AlanBell :)10:36
BigRedSnobody uses kde anyway10:36
AlanBellI don't get stuff like this http://www.facebook.com/Intel10:37
AlanBellwhy would 1.8 million people like intel on Facebook10:37
BigRedSthey've got a clip with the madagascar penguins in it!10:37
AlanBellif you are not an employee or parter10:37
* BigRedS likes intel10:37
shauno14yo girls must be a growth market for them10:38
AlanBellcome to think of it, I am a partner and I don't like them on Facebook10:38
diploAlanBell, a lot of these companies do a like us and you get entered to a competition10:41
X3NI wonder how facebook would look if dislike was ever implemented10:41
X3Nlike you could go round disliking evil companies etc10:41
AlanBelldiplo: ok, intresting10:44
shaunocan you make content only available to people who like you?10:45
BigRedSthere was a whole spate of 'like this to see the rest' a while ago10:48
shaunowell, I'm sure intel feels better now that it has more friends than me10:49
AlanBellbuy computer, unbox, yay it works, must go make friends on facebook wtih the manufacturer of the CPU10:51
BigRedSwell, we are asking them to do that with their OS :)10:51
AlanBellcall me odd, but I don't get how that is a mainstream thing to do10:51
AlanBellBigRedS: kind of, but more a community 10:52
AlanBellan intel user group of PCB hdesigners I could totally understand10:52
* MattJ wonders at the nonsensical prices of 2.5" HDDs on the Maplin website10:54
shaunoI'm happy to just admit I'm too old for this and carry on with my life :)10:54
BigRedSI think sometimes maplins price for amusement rather than competetiveness10:55
MattJ120GB - £49.99, 160GB - £54.99, 320GB - £39.99, 640GB - £54.9910:56
MattJI think you may be right10:56
NgMattJ: I don't think I would ever buy a disk from maplin ;)10:57
MattJThe one I have now has been working fine for 3 years :)10:58
BigRedSI just don't view maplin as a computer bits shop11:01
BigRedSso I'd be concerned about warranties11:02
BigRedSwell, custoemr service, especiall wrt warranties11:02
dwatkinsMaplin are extremely expensive - I consider it paying for the convnience of being able to walk there to get components.11:02
MattJOk, you know somewhere cheaper for good laptop HDDs?11:03
dwatkinsMattJ: Tesco were selling 250 GB external disks for about 20 GBP recently.11:03
hamitronMaplin do replace dead parts :)11:04
dwatkinsI'd just look up a particular size on froogle and compare various shops, assuming they were compatible, or choose a model number which is compatible and find the cheapest.11:04
hamitronbut I wouldn't use them still :D11:04
dwatkinshamitron: yeah, but the manufacturer warranty should allow for that also11:04
hamitronyeh, I just took it into the shop and they shipped another to me11:05
BigRedSyeah, the issue is going to the shop you got it from and persuading them to talk to the manufacturer11:05
hamitronin some ways it was easier, because I didn't have to repackage it11:05
exobuzzfinally got my z68 + sandy bridge gfx working on ubuntu. horrible crashing thing it was.11:06
exobuzzworked fine with h67 + sandy bridge.. something with the z68 and gpu power saving11:06
hamitronexobuzz: nice11:06
dwatkinsace, exobuzz11:06
lubotu3`bugzilla.kernel.org bug 38492 in Video(DRI - Intel) "sandy bridge gpu crash on z68 chipset (related to power saving)" [High,New]11:06
exobuzznasty comment out code hack ;-)11:06
exobuzzhopefully a proper fix can be found. i wonder though. is it a) kernel bug b) mb bug or c) another intel chipset bug11:07
dwatkinsreminds me of the issues I had with USB-attached disks11:07
dwatkinsstill no actual fix, I just had to stop it idling11:08
exobuzzgot timeouts/disconnects ?11:08
dwatkinsexobuzz: yeah, details at http://rowla.dyndns.org/blog/2011/04/28/usb-attached-disk-hangs/11:08
dwatkinsoops, forgot to include the link to the comment11:10
exobuzzdwatkins, could also try http://malus.exotica.org.uk/kernel/0001-reverted-b963801164618e25fbdc0cd452ce49c3628b46c8.patch which solved it for me on my server with usb and disconnects.11:10
exobuzzthere is a new patch on usb mailinglist instead of this manual revert also, but im still currently using this as ive not tested the new thing11:10
dwatkinsthanks exobuzz :) I corrected the link to the comment also11:10
dwatkinsI'm guessing I'd need to recompile the driver for that fix.11:11
exobuzzdwatkins, yeh. heres it on bugzilla. it fixed similar problems for other people also https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3243211:12
lubotu3`bugzilla.kernel.org bug 32432 in USB "USB Disconnects / resets after commit b963801164618e25fbdc0cd452ce49c3628b46c8" [Normal,New]11:12
dwatkinscheers exobuzz11:12
X3NIs there no way to download a directory from the ubuntu one website?11:14
dwatkins"doesn't stay idle for long" suggests it doesn't let the drive sleep much11:14
exobuzzdwatkins, the launchpad bug you reference, i posted there and a couple of people told me it fixed it then11:14
dwatkinsnice, exobuzz11:14
exobuzzdwatkins, one more thing sorry. this is a patch from one of the usb kernel guys in replacement of my revert that fixes it also for at least one person. ive not tested myself http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.linux.usb.general/4830411:18
dwatkinsexobuzz: no worries, I'll take a look - thanks again11:19
* JamesTait yawns12:55
JamesTaitNo. Don't want to.12:55
* JamesTait goes back to sleep.12:55
MooDoopopey, YESSIR!!!!12:57
bigcalmpopey: it's all rather futile12:57
* MartijnVdS snores a bit louder12:57
bigcalmBut then, that's life in general12:57
JamesTaitbigcalm: Here's me, brain the size of a planet....12:58
* bigcalm goes to stick his head in a pig12:59
* popey gets a diamond sword12:59
directhexi wonder if kataminey damacraft works in multiplayer...13:07
popeythats quite bonkers, i had never heard of that game before this week13:09
dauberswhich game?13:09
popeykataminey damacraft13:10
daubersOh dear13:10
directhexkatamari damacy is an institution!13:11
Dave2Na, na na na na na, na na na na na na...13:11
directhexand thanks to Dave2 for a useful non-goat interjection!13:12
daubersdirecthex: It certainly is cool13:16
daubersBlasted SORBS database13:17
directhexNa, na na na na na, na na na na na na...13:17
* bigcalm resists queuing up some Katamari Damacy13:21
* daubers wonders what would happen if he made his backup mx server the primary mx server13:21
dauberswill it relay correctly, or will it fail13:22
BigRedSdepends what you've told it to do :)13:23
directhexi have the katamari damacy soundtrack in my head13:23
bigcalmdirecthex: bwuhahaha13:23
daubersBigRedS: It was some time ago I set it up, it should just relay13:23
directhexbigcalm, they won't leave! my brain is populated by John the Dog, Bigmouth the Duck, Yuuhi the Crow, Pe the Goat, Booby the Pig, Sexy the Cat & Nyuu the Cow13:24
bigcalmThe sound track is fun fun fun13:25
bigcalmDamn you13:26
bigcalmIt does not mix well with http://soundcloud.com/ninja-tune13:26
directhexis that the complete list of participants? i thought there was an elephant13:26
MartijnVdSdirecthex: nellie the elephant?13:28
bigcalmPacked her trunk and said good bye to the circus13:29
popeyof she went with a trumpety trump13:29
bigcalmTump trump trump13:29
MooDooMartijnVdS, one of my sons favourite songs that is......:)13:33
MooDootoy dolls version13:33
MartijnVdSMooDoo: reminds me of lots of drunk nights13:33
MooDooMartijnVdS, the other song is the blitzkrieg bop by the ramones, he loves singing hay ho lets go hay ho lets go13:34
MartijnVdSMooDoo: hah, a real music lover then :)13:35
MooDooMartijnVdS, lol it's the only two proper songs he really likes, although he sometimes in keen on iron maiden lol13:36
MartijnVdSMooDoo: do you have him wear dirty leather jackets as well? :P13:37
MooDooMartinp23, only when we go to rock concerts......2.5 years isn't to young for that is it?13:39
MartijnVdSMooDoo: haha :)13:39
danfishafternoon all13:57
danfishI've had a google,but doesanyoneknow of a way to rsync to mutiple destinations in parallel?13:57
andrewebdevhow do I know what version of ubuntu (32 bit or 64 bit) I'm using?13:57
directhexandrewebdev, "uname -m"13:58
andrewebdevthx :013:58
andrewebdev:) *13:58
andrewebdeverm no idea what i686 means13:59
danfishandrewebdev: 32bit13:59
andrewebdevok thx13:59
hamitronubuntu is i686 now?14:01
MartijnVdS32-bit Ubuntu, yes14:01
hamitronmost my machines are i58614:01
ali1234i686 doesn't even mean anything anyway14:01
MartijnVdShamitron: you're still using first-generation Pentiums?14:01
MartijnVdShamitron: or Pentium MMXes?14:01
danfishhamitron: post 10.04 it was dropped iirc14:02
hamitronor K6-214:02
hamitronor VIA C314:02
hamitronor SiS 55014:02
hamitronor AMD Geode14:02
MartijnVdSmodern VIA C3s are i686 minus SSE2-314:02
hamitronmy VIA C3 won't run i686 only code14:03
ali1234so in other words not i68614:03
MartijnVdSTime for 21st century hardware14:03
TheOpenSourcererMy VIA C7 does run 10.04 server14:03
hamitronoh well, my mind is made up now14:03
hamitronno ubuntu :/14:03
ali1234time to drop ubuntu14:03
MartijnVdSor whatever it was called14:04
hamitronit has moved on to be something I don't need for my stuff14:04
TheOpenSourcererLinuxFromScratch FTW!14:04
hamitronTheOpenSourcerer: that is my last option14:04
ali1234holy false dichotomy batman14:04
hamitronwell, not last14:04
ali1234if you don't want to use ubuntu clearly the only choice is LFS14:04
ali1234because nobody else could possibly make an easy to use distro14:05
ali1234and certainly not without compiling it for i68614:05
ali1234and requiring everyone to have 3d hardware14:05
hamitronslackware is easy to use, think it is i48614:05
ali1234such a thing would be unthinkable14:05
ali1234even considering it would drive any programmer mad14:05
hamitron10.04 runs on i586 ok then?14:06
TheOpenSourcererMy VIA C7 does run 10.04 server14:06
hamitronC7 is i68614:06
ali1234i bet newer versions do too14:06
ali1234gcc sucks so much it hardly ever uses i686 instructions even if you tell it to14:06
hamitronI know CentOS 5.x won't run14:06
hamitronor Arch14:07
ali1234for example meego is "compiled" for only core2+14:07
ali1234but the only places where those instructions turn up is where they are hand coded in assembly14:07
ali1234in the whole distro14:07
ali1234and i know because i wrote a tool to disassemble every single binary in the whole thing and scan for them14:07
hamitronali1234: CentOS just fails to boot14:07
hamitrondunno if it was an instruction, or just a cpu check at startup14:08
ali1234one of the only packages that uses c2 instructions on meego is glibc which has hard cded assembly14:08
ali1234and of course without glibc you can't run anything at all14:08
ali1234none of the high level stuff uses it14:08
ali1234it's almost like they want to force people to buy intel hardware if they want to use meego14:08
hamitron"coded by a coder from intel"14:09
ali1234well yeah14:09
ali1234nearly all of meego is coded by coders from intel14:09
ali1234the rest is coded by coders who used to work for nokia :)14:09
hamitronI think I'd better get busy14:09
hamitrongot a distro to design14:10
hamitronbut I'm open to any suggestions, for other options14:11
hamitronbecause I am lazy14:11
ali1234fedora, opensuse14:11
ali1234that's about it14:11
ali1234fedora and opensuse are probably i68614:11
ali1234not checked14:11
hamitronbut even with all these, I need a custom X.org14:12
ali1234i don't really care about that :)14:12
MartijnVdSThe world is moving on14:12
hamitronMartijnVdS: and I shall let it14:12
hamitronso let me be boring, and use old junk14:12
ali1234i noticed earlier that ubuntu no longer holds the number 1 spot on distrowatch14:12
MartijnVdShamitron: I won't stop you :)14:12
ali1234for the 3 month and shorter charts14:12
ali1234it's been overtaken by mint14:13
hamitronMartijnVdS: until I feel this old hardware here is useless, it will live to see another day :D14:13
ali1234will be interesting to see what happens on the longer term charts14:13
hamitronmint? :/14:13
ali1234yeah tbh i would not touch it14:13
directhex<ali1234> the rest is coded by coders who used to work for nokia :) <-- plus subcontractors.14:14
hamitronis it not just ubuntu really, with fancy graphics?14:14
ali1234but they seem to have gotten all the people who dumped ubuntu when natty came out14:14
ali1234directhex: yeah i include subcontractors as "working for nokia" since nokia does SO MUCH subcontracting that whole companies exist basically working for nokia and nothing else14:14
directhexali1234, i believe elop vowed to stamp out their number of subcontractors14:15
ali1234yeah hence "used to"14:15
JGJonesMint - isn't that based on Ubuntu or is that the distro that plan to migrate to Debian?14:21
directhexthey keep flitting between debian and ubuntu14:22
JGJonesah. Never used it - never seen the need to really, so far ubuntu works for me.14:23
MooDoomint is nice, just installs everything that you'd normally do with ubuntu-restricted-extras14:26
=== silverballer47 is now known as oracology
=== silverballer47 is now known as oracology
hamitronis there any reason there can't be 2 superusers, 1 with more power than the other?15:16
hamitronsay give "admin" UID=1, without write access to everything15:18
hamitronthen have root with UID=10115:19
hamitronwith traditional root powers15:19
hamitronadmin would have UID=0 sorry15:22
directhexhamitron, so many things hardcode checks for uid=015:24
directhexhamitron, i mean, sure, selinux could probably do it. but bleh15:24
hamitronmy reasoning is so could have a seperate OS filesystem in place, with power over ubuntu packages installed15:24
hamitronI suppose another option is a chroot jail for ubuntu15:25
hamitronin say /usr/ubuntu15:25
=== RaycisCharles is now known as OmNomDePlume
hamitronidea been so could have an OS for all my machines, but the option to use ubuntu "stuff" on the machines that can handle it15:27
hamitroncould make the base slackware, then call it slackuntu15:31
hamitronno harm in my trying, be good fun ;)15:31
brobostigonafternoonings everyone.16:02
MooDoobrobostigon, hullo :)16:05
brobostigonMooDoo: hello,:)16:05
emafternoon brobostigon16:06
* brobostigon has just got a first, the first person to respond this afternoon.16:06
brobostigonem: afternoonings.16:06
brobostigonie, MooDoo .16:06
brobostigonthe first was MooDoo,16:07
* brobostigon gets MooDoo a beer.16:08
* TheOpenSourcerer coughs in brobostigon 's direction16:12
MooDoobrobostigon,  :)16:12
* brobostigon gets one for TheOpenSourcerer also.16:13
brobostigonhook norton, haymaker, ok?16:13
TheOpenSourcererOld Hooky if you have it.16:24
* brobostigon looks,16:24
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: only one bottle :(16:24
directhexapparently TheOpenSourcerer likes local banburyish ale16:25
brobostigonhook norton-ish real ale*16:25
Laneyfake ale mmm16:25
TheOpenSourcerer"bottle"? You mean you don't have a barrel of 'bright' lying around then?16:25
brobostigonTheOpenSourcerer: not of, old, no, sorry.16:26
directhexbrobostigon, if they can call oxford airport "london oxford airport", i'm pretty sure hook norton can count as banbury16:27
brobostigondirecthex: quite, oxford is nowhere near london, peoplewould get a rather huge shock.16:28
tombroughwhy is it when I ask a commercial enterprise a straight question like "How much would it cost to rent your venue for a day?" they come back with an enthusiastic and interested tone email that tells you everything BUT how much it would cost to rent the venue for a day.16:28
directhextombrough, they want to play the haggling game16:28
directhexbrobostigon, stanstead is pretty far from london too...16:29
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: so are Luton and Gatwick... ;)16:29
brobostigondirecthex: true, also, yes.16:29
directhex... as is gatwick. ffs!16:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: also, yes.16:29
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: they have this "problem" here as well. Maastricht Airport is now "Maastricht/Aachen" (which is an hour away)16:29
tombroughhey its a linux event run by local volunteers who are not a registered charity .... how much money do you think we have to spend?16:29
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: Rotterdam became Rotterdam/Den Haag16:30
directhexhowever, simcity taught me to always locate your airport far from your city, due to pollution and decreased land values!16:30
MartijnVdSdirecthex: tell that to San Diego16:30
directhexMartijnVdS, polluted & with low land values!16:30
MartijnVdSdirecthex: hm, true true16:30
Laneylondon schiphol airport16:30
directhexi'm waiting for london manchester airport.16:31
MartijnVdSLaney: well.. from 2013 you can take a 4-hour train ride from Schiphol to St Pancras16:31
MartijnVdSLaney: so it's not THAT far-fetched16:31
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ouch, yes, reminds me of lubeck airport, no more than a tent, and ryanair, call it hamburg/lubeck, even though, it is several hours drive away.16:31
directhexor london birmingham? it's not much slower taking the train from gatwick to london as birmingham to london16:31
DJonesdirecthex: It should be London Ringway Airport (going back to its old name)16:31
Nglubeck isn't *that* bad, or at least it isn't these days :)16:31
brobostigonNg: it was,lasttime i was there.16:32
TheOpenSourcererSounds like Good Old Microsoft's Cloud based Office 365 is neither cloudy or simple: http://www.zdnet.com/blog/google/complexity-of-office-365-is-a-good-thing-for-google-apps/305516:33
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: also, Girona/Barcelona16:34
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i dont know that one,16:34
brobostigonMartijnVdS: you are more welltraveled in airports it seems, compared.16:35
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: I've been to some conferences ... :)16:36
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i can imagine, :)16:36
directhexi don't remember last time i used msoffice16:37
directhexi definitely never *paid* for it16:37
directhexwifey bought it for a special discount rate in 2008ish, i think16:37
MartijnVdSI can get it at a discounted price16:39
MartijnVdSand then I can use it as long as I work for my current employer16:39
MartijnVdSstrange licenses16:39
directhexMartijnVdS, the new version of their "ultimate steal" license is much worse than the old one16:45
directhexi.e. previously you needed to be eligible at purchase time, and got office ultimate. now you get office academic, which expires when you are no longer .ac.uk16:45
directhexwow, they also increased the price of windows 7 to £71 academic. i paid half that.16:46
MooDooi've got ms technet so i get it for a yearly fee16:46
MooDoowell not that i'm renewing this year :)16:47
popeyMooDoo: you personally pay for technet?16:47
directhexwhat's technet?16:48
MooDoopopey, i did, but not renewing this year as i have use for it now16:48
MooDoodirecthex, a subscription to their products.....16:48
MooDoodirecthex, 120 a year for windows 7, office, server etc etc etc and you get 2 licnsed per product16:48
popeydidnt think anyone paid for it16:48
popeythought everyone got their employer to16:49
MooDoopopey, i was feeling poorly at the time, had a brain fart :)16:49
bigcalmIndeed. Horay for the MS Partner Pack16:49
MooDoonow i don't have any use for it, especially don't want to renew with baby due in 2 months16:49
bigcalmMiss-read as: MooDoo> now i don't have any use for it, especially don't want to renew with baby16:53
brobostigonhttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/29/number_plate/   lol17:22
MattJFunny, I was wondering exactly that the other day :)17:27
MattJ1) whether such things were allowed [apparently not] 2) who gets to decide 3) how to automate the decision17:27
BigRedSthat's alarmingly close to the DVLA not viewing itself as infallible17:30
BigRedSgood work17:30
AlanBellafternoon all17:54
* AlanBell has been having a good afternoon in the Home Office17:56
AlanBellwarning them of the danger of open source in the event of a zombie invasion17:57
brobostigonafternoonings AlanBell17:57
AlanBellhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Ubuntu-UK/237328659623076 need 8 more people to like that for a vanity URL18:36
AlanBellso if you are a facebook fetishist then please help us out :)18:37
brobostigonAlanBell: i had a thought, for our achievement list, mumble, and vnc'd live system, from global jam.18:38
AlanBellah, mentioned that for the quiz night, but not the global jam, good point18:39
brobostigonglobal jam, was the test, to see if it worked.18:39
AlanBellhow did people cope with trains before mobile broadband?18:40
brobostigondouglas adams,18:40
bigcalmI used to read books18:50
DOODhi can i have some help please19:25
directhexdon't ask to ask. just ask.19:26
brobostigonwhat is the issue? ottherwise how do we know if we canhelp, or not.19:26
directhexnot just mibbit, it seems19:28
brobostigonnew ubuntu one, android file app-19:40
Rafz^Evening all19:59
brobostigonevening Rafz^20:00
Rafz^Quite amusing evening for me, someone from work has got the lovesan worm and trying to get rid ^_^20:07
MartijnVdSlovesan? that's very old, right?20:08
Rafz^yeah it's really old, some people don't run windows update for years and years though20:08
MartijnVdSah, yes, it's the same as "Blaster"20:08
MartijnVdSRafz^: did you point and laugh? :P20:08
Rafz^I was going to lecture but I thought it best to just smile and enjoy the bottle of wine I got for the trouble20:09
MartijnVdSalso, set up automatic updating20:10
MartijnVdS8 years worth of updates.. that must take a week to install, right?20:10
Rafz^its hilarious, she said "I just close that box when it asks me to update" to which i replied "for the past decade?"20:10
Rafz^quite, well the issue is at the moment is im trying to get the updates on another system so I can move them without connecting to my network but then again i think i dont have storage big enough20:11
MartijnVdSRafz^: just get the service packs20:11
MartijnVdSRafz^: they include every update up to that point20:12
MartijnVdSRafz^: and are ~300M-1G each I think20:12
MartijnVdSI think they fit on CDs20:12
Rafz^oh well that isn't so bad, let me try and dig out a couple of DVDs (afk 2mins)20:12
popeya virus...20:13
popeyfrom the past!20:14
MartijnVdSpopey: "Blaster from the Past(er)"20:14
Rafz^infact i dont really understand because it's a netbook; it can't even be that old20:15
Rafz^lol QQ20:15
Rafz^Thank you for your interest in obtaining updates from our site.20:15
Rafz^To use this site, you must be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later.20:15
MartijnVdSRafz^: check which version of XP it has, with which Service Packs20:15
MartijnVdSpopey: http://i.imgur.com/OpAho.jpg20:16
Rafz^Erm, last updates installed on 16 june20:18
MartijnVdSRafz^: this year?20:18
MartijnVdSRafz^: there's an SP4 and 520:18
MartijnVdS(for XP)20:18
MartijnVdSwell maybe not 520:19
MartijnVdSbut 420:19
Rafz^dling now, the issue is that no matter what I tried to do whilst at work offline: edit registry; end process; search, it was all stopped by the worm so I'm not too sure now. I think perhaps it may be a virus that has installed some dodgey anti-virus program and is "faking" finding the worm and demanding monies to get rid of it.20:22
MartijnVdScould be20:22
MartijnVdSbest option is: backup files, reinstall20:22
MartijnVdSyou never know what's "safe" in cases like that20:22
Rafz^Yeah, figures - was afraid of that.20:22
dwatkinsMalware Bytes is pretty good at finding trojans20:30
AlanBellyay, blender should be installable in oneiric today20:38
MartijnVdSAlanBell: installable != running properly :P20:38
nigelbMartijnVdS: step by step :P20:38
AlanBellit will be perfect20:38
AlanBelland work with openshot20:38
AlanBellI appear to have sneezed near that box or something so unity doesn't start of course20:39
Rafz^Why did you guys first install Unbuntu?21:00
MartijnVdSbecause it sucked less than Debian at the time :)21:00
dutchiespinny compiz cube!21:02
dutchieand wobbly windows21:02
Rafz^And what languages can you gice code in?21:02
JGJonesum...I installed warty warthog...in fact I actually replaced windows with it - decided the best way to learn linux was to go cold turkey - no dual boot etc.21:03
MartijnVdSJGJones: 4.10 \o/21:03
brobostigonbecaue i undertood its installer, unlike debians properly at the time, and halittle energy, and couldnt dealwith debian's installer.21:03
JGJonesprior to this, I've played with mandrake and redhat so I can't remember why I installed Ubuntu or even how I heard of it :)21:03
* MartijnVdS went to the first "UDS" in Barcelona in 2004-12 :)21:04
Rafz^"learn linux", how far have you got with that JGJones:?21:04
MartijnVdSit wasn't called that back then21:04
JGJonesRafz^, Well I'm still using ubuntu exclusively, now on 11.10 not 4.10! :) The original PC that I installed 4.10 on is now a 10.04 server in the garage. I also work with linux servers in jobs etc so it was a worthwhile jump :)21:05
brobostigonmy first was debian,late 90's, thenn suse, the freebsd, then debian, then a mixture, as now, between ubuntu and debian.21:05
daubersAnyone know how I can contact the Lightning devs?21:05
MartijnVdSdaubers: sa in Thunderbird calendar thingy?21:05
JGJonesI even replace OSX with Ubuntu on my macbook.21:05
daubersMartijnVdS: Yeah, that one21:05
MartijnVdSdaubers: probably in the Mozilla bugzilla21:06
daubersMartijnVdS: I'm trying to modify it, hence was after a dev I could ask a question :)21:06
Rafz^Sorry, I only installed a week ago & i am going cold turkey too, I just am struggling to remember why I did it.21:06
MartijnVdSdaubers: use the lazyweb (twitter) :)21:06
JGJonesRafz^, don't worry...to be honest I think you're probably getting it easier ;-) I learnt a LOT about editing xconf files!21:07
MartijnVdSJGJones: which you don't need anymore ;)21:07
Rafz^Well, I just sit here looking at IRC and using the mp3 player and that's about all I know how to do. I isntalled python in some vein hope that I'd actually manage to learn some after watching hours of tutorials and im sure for just a few seconds someone said how it was better to learn to code on an OS like this...perhaps that's why I swapped.21:08
JGJonesRafz^, but cold turkey is best way to learn. It'll be annoying, you'll have the "Windows" way of doing as an automatic reflex etc - it's just a matter of unlearning that and doing it the linux way.21:08
JGJonesRafz^, well...I still can't code - you don't need to code :)21:08
* MartijnVdS writes Perl for money, python for fun21:09
Rafz^What's the difference in the linux way? I mean I am just using is like a mac with the applications on the side instead of bottom :o21:09
JGJonesalthough I do keep telling myself I gotta learn to code...I did enjoy it back in uni (Pascal(!) and I think perl...not sure, been years)21:09
JGJonesRafz^, you coming to Ubuntu from Windows or OSX?21:10
JGJonesWhy did you want to learn to use linux - ie going cold turkey?21:10
Rafz^I liked the literature that I read; I liked the fact that it was open-source; I liked the fact that many great things have come from it; i like the morality in it21:11
JGJonesMy reason for doing it was that I wanted to expand my IT skills to include linux and I can't work with linux if I don't use it myself - ie break my own system, fix it etc. I learnt about open source etc afterward :)21:11
Rafz^Do you think that now it is just too user friendly to command some of that investigation that you had to put in?21:12
JGJonesRafz^, although with 4.10 - I used command line a lot, even with no X. With 11.04 - when I tell people how to fix something - I tell him how to do so using GUI methods (which for me is a sure sign of how much ubuntu have improved...I avoid telling people how to use the terminal21:13
JGJonesRafz^, so I guess...if you wanna learn linux, it's a good idea to play with the terminal. Start with the basics - ie if you want to move a file, using mv, cp, ls etc21:13
JGJonesas well as a few others like apt-get install app etc.21:14
JGJoneskeep it simple until you're more comfy with that and expand from there perhaps.21:14
Rafz^that's a nice idea21:15
* StevenR hrrms and wishes the installer would progress (it's a VM, with a usb disk and a local-disk iso of natty... but it won't progress beyond the "make sure you have some disk space" phase21:15
* Rafz^ smiles21:15
Rafz^Community is good also! Wouldn't get this with windows.21:16
JGJonesAh that's the other reason that got me stuck on Ubuntu...the community.21:16
JGJonesThe folks in here does smell a bit, but they're friendly ;-)21:16
JGJonesThe forums was fantastic in the early days for me too.21:17
JGJonesUbuntu's Code of Conduct is another appeal too.21:19
Rafz^Yeah I had a look at that21:19
Rafz^brb smoke21:20
Safiyyahpopey did you make it to the post office?21:30
czajkowskithere is a fedora sticker on Gorgamon21:35
czajkowskione of them sticky icky ones that does not like to come off21:35
AlanBellhow could that possibly have got there I wonder21:36
Rafz^Just took an IQ test got 117 is that bad or good?21:48
bigcalmThat's 17 points above average21:49
Rafz^thats not great21:49
* brobostigon is in the mid 140's.21:50
jpdsRafz^: Better than being below?21:51
Rafz^140-160 is genius right?21:51
brobostigonno idea, i dont know, nor care.21:52
brobostigonRafz^: 180's 200+ is genius.21:52
Rafz^ahh ok21:53
AlanBellno, 200+ is breakdown of the scale21:53
brobostigonok, sorry, i misunderstood then.21:53
brobostigonRafz^: according to those scales, you are above normal.21:56
AlanBellor in more detail http://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/IQtable.aspx21:56
brobostigonthank you AlanBell.21:56
AlanBell"You can see why presently nobody should be able to get a deviation IQ higher than 195 (or 201 on the 16 SD scale).  There are not enough people in the world to 'beat'."21:56
brobostigonlol, quite,21:57
AlanBellthere is a facebook IQ app which is I think supposed to be fairly good21:58
AlanBelldid it when facebook was very very young and all the Lotus business partners were trying out this fangled social networking thing21:59
brobostigonthey did an IQ, within the forms theygave me, for info on me, for my doctors, for aspergers diag.22:00
AzelphurI never did an IQ test for my diag, must have changed \o/22:00
brobostigonAzelphur: maybe.22:00
AlanBellmy cleverest friend is now maco22:00
brobostigonAlanBell: how brainy is he/she ?22:01
Azelphurafaik unless you have an IQ test specifically tailored for aspergers the results are totally invalid btw22:02
Azelphurspeak of thed evil :P22:02
AlanBellhi maco22:02
AlanBellwas just talking about you but you were not here :)22:02
AlanBellyou are my cleverest friend on facebook22:03
AlanBellwe were discussing IQ tests22:03
brobostigonAzelphur: that is probebly wht they did,22:03
macooh dear22:03
Azelphuryea :)22:03
AzelphurI'm seriously thinking about buying a second dedicated server22:04
macothose were just created to draw dividing lines for mental disabilities. beyond that it's not really so meaningful22:04
AzelphurI optimized my first one and added 25% extra capacity, it filled within an hour22:04
AlanBellmaco: you thrashed me with your jolly clever 14222:04
maco(the creator of the first IQ tests said they shouldn't be used to try to extrapolate beyond that)22:04
macoAlanBell: hmmm?22:04
macoand where did i get a 142?22:04
brobostigonAzelphur: it was around a hundred pages, for me too fillout.and then some for my mum and dad.22:04
AlanBellI scored a measly 14122:04
Azelphurouch \o/22:05
AlanBellmaco: facebook IQ app, it shows you the IQ of all your friends who have taken it22:05
AlanBellbit odd, but there you go22:05
macoi dont recall taking it, but ok22:05
brobostigonAzelphur: quite, a few i mrked as invalid stupid questions though, as unanswereable.22:05
macowhen i was actually tested in person it was a bit lower than that (testing to get into school's gifted program)22:05
macoWe can't display this content while you're viewing Facebook over a secure connection (https).22:06
macoWould you like to temporarily switch to a regular connection (http) to use this app?22:06
macoYou will have a secure connection upon your next login.22:06
AlanBellhmm, I thought I had checked the always use https box22:06
bigcalmYou did, that's why you're seeing the message22:07
bigcalmApps are hosted by 3rd parties, not by Facebook22:07
AlanBell"You have temporarily turned off secure browsing in order to access an unsupported application. To enable secure browsing again, please log out and log in again."22:07
AlanBellbigcalm: yeah, I understand the architecture22:07
macoAlanBell: wondering why you didnt get prompted though?22:07
bigcalmAh, ok. Then my text is for maco :)22:08
AlanBelldunno, I don't recall being asked if I wanted to temporarily turn it off22:08
brobostigonand i explained my logic behind not being able to answer some of the questions they gave me. and they asked me again, rephrased.22:09
directhexnot much point to adult iq tests22:30
xapelis it possible to migrate from windows mail to evolution?22:40
directhexxapel, i don't know. possibly if you export your windows mail to something else like eudora format. generally, pop3 sucks for this22:47
brobostigongood night, sleep well, everyone.22:53
xapeldirecthex, the email is a gmail account. I just need to export the folders. Any ideas?22:55
directhexxapel, if it's a gmail account, then your mail is still stored on google's servers, not in windows mail. right?22:55
brobostigonyes, you could just point evolution at google's imap server?22:56
directhexbrobostigon, assuming he was using gogle's imap support and not their pop3 support22:57
brobostigondirecthex: true, hmmm.22:57
brobostigongood night eveyone,22:58
xapeldirecthex, yes the mail is still on google's servers, but the person has created some folders in her mail client and copied mails there. I want the same folders in evolution with the same contents23:04
ubuntuuk-planet[Paul Mellors] Tweetdeck + Ubuntu Natty + 64bit - http://paulmellors.blogspot.com/2011/06/tweetdeck-ubuntu-natty-64bit.html23:07
LaneyJust had to drop everything and dash across Nottingham on our bikes at top speed23:24
Laneyisn't geocaching fun? :-)23:24

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