shauno | wildly off-topic, anyone ever click the accessibility 'feature' on capatchas hoping it'll be more useful than the alphabet soup, and marvel at the results? | 00:21 |
BigRedS | haha, no | 00:25 |
* BigRedS looks for a captcha | 00:25 | |
shauno | the one on the signup for a google account hurts my head | 00:26 |
directhex | | 00:29 |
shauno | oh boy | 00:33 |
shauno | that could be interesting in multiplayer | 00:33 |
shauno | my best attempt at making sense of google's capatcha - | 00:34 |
MattJ | :) | 00:49 |
Azelphur | If you have hyperthreading turned on, and top says it's using 50%, does that mean your using 50% of the physical core, or 50% of the HT core? | 01:13 |
directhex | Azelphur, top treats hyperthreads as physical cores | 01:15 |
Azelphur | cool | 01:15 |
directhex | i.e. quadcore with ht shows as 8 cores | 01:15 |
directhex | but will likely never go over 50% load, due to HT | 01:15 |
Azelphur | so if I've got 4 processes using ~60% I'm pretty much ok to add another 4 processes also using 60% :P | 01:15 |
shauno | not sure about google's new look. funny feeling it's going to 'mesh' well with some of the ubuntu themes tho (eg, those that have dark toolbars) | 01:20 |
Azelphur | shauno: that's why I don't use firefox, it tries to skin the web with my gnome theme, doesn't work very well | 01:21 |
Azelphur | I use chrome instead, it doesn't do that \o/ | 01:21 |
shauno | oh, not as well as I thought | 01:24 |
shauno | | 01:24 |
shauno | what on earth is "apps available for download" in the bfb? | 01:31 |
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet | ||
shauno | I'm not entirely sure why it's offering me "kde collectd database-viewer". that's a pretty odd list | 01:43 |
dragonkeeper | things that happen during a recession : women are having sex with there husbands because they cant afford batteries | 04:36 |
Pendulum | dragonkeeper: I really don't think that's an appropriate comment for this channel. | 04:40 |
dragonkeeper | it was quiet | 04:42 |
Pendulum | dragonkeeper: it was a sexist, in appropriate comment | 04:42 |
Pendulum | *inappropriate | 04:43 |
AlanBell | it was indeed | 06:35 |
AlanBell | morning all | 06:35 |
AlanBell | need 21 more people to like this then it can have a vanity URL | 07:37 |
ali1234 | shauno: did you only just install unity or what? | 07:47 |
shauno | I don't use guis on linux very often | 07:48 |
ali1234 | "apps available for download" is a search function. try typing in the name of a program you don't have installed | 07:48 |
shauno | because they make me want to throw my shoes at my screen | 07:48 |
ali1234 | it's not supposed to show up unless you start searching | 07:48 |
shauno | interesting. I don't believe I was searching for anything | 07:48 |
ali1234 | yes. it's a bug | 07:49 |
ali1234 | JGJones: i got jabber-terminal working but it isn't very good | 07:50 |
ali1234 | doesn't really work with apps that move the cursor around | 07:50 |
ali1234 | it's really simple anyway though | 07:51 |
AlanBell | I don't like that apps available for download stuff | 07:53 |
ali1234 | i do | 07:53 |
AlanBell | makes it harder to find the stuff you actually have | 07:53 |
ali1234 | it's a lot better than having to use software centre | 07:53 |
ali1234 | unity already made it impossible to find stuff you already have :( | 07:53 |
ali1234 | if you want it to be easy switch back to gnome classic | 07:53 |
ali1234 | or put that stuff on the launcher | 07:54 |
AlanBell | yeah, have done on my main laptop as unity broke because I dared to change something in ccsm and because it doesn't do multi-monitors | 07:54 |
ali1234 | "available apps" doesn't show up in the main dash anyway | 07:54 |
ali1234 | not unless you click "more apps" first | 07:55 |
ali1234 | it should do though | 07:55 |
ali1234 | it's just another way in which unity is inconsistent with even itself | 07:55 |
ali1234 | i don't know why i'm even still using it tbh | 07:55 |
AlanBell | if you click the bfb, then use the categories dropdown that doesn't look like a dropdown | 07:56 |
ali1234 | what's a bfb? | 07:57 |
ali1234 | best friends button? | 07:57 |
AlanBell | then you find all your old friendly categories | 07:57 |
AlanBell | big button top left | 07:57 |
ali1234 | oh you mean the big button that's smaller than all the buttons on the launcher? | 07:57 |
AlanBell | yes | 07:57 |
AlanBell | thats the one | 07:57 |
AlanBell | it is called the BFB | 07:57 |
ali1234 | you mean shortcuts? | 07:58 |
ali1234 | i don't see categories | 07:58 |
AlanBell | top right of the dark brown window is a dropdown, gives you an unthemed grey list of categories | 07:58 |
JGJones | ali1234, it's a first release so expected crappiness ;-) - how does it work with line by line output (ie as I would expect from something like cu)? | 07:58 |
ali1234 | it doesn't | 07:59 |
ali1234 | JGJones: it doesn't work with any app that keeps on outputing actually | 07:59 |
ali1234 | it seems to wait for the program to exit first | 07:59 |
ali1234 | AlanBell: dark brown window?? | 07:59 |
JGJones | ah pity - guess it still need more work - no idea if it's in active development | 07:59 |
ali1234 | AlanBell: you mean: click "more apps" then click the "v" on the right end of the search box? | 08:00 |
AlanBell | maybe, I don't have it in front of me right now | 08:01 |
JGJones | ali1234, it say "All Applications" and a down-arrow in a circle to the right of it - click on this to get categories | 08:03 |
JGJones | sorry...memory failed me - no circle, just a V | 08:04 |
AlanBell | sounds about right | 08:05 |
AlanBell | then it shows you a small selection of stuff you might have, then an equal amount of stuff you don't have | 08:05 |
ali1234 | well yeah | 08:06 |
ali1234 | i mean, why are you guys just noticing this now? | 08:06 |
ali1234 | i've been saying this for two months | 08:06 |
ali1234 | the available apps thing *is* good when you searcht hough | 08:06 |
ali1234 | because you don't have to know if the app is installed or not | 08:06 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: except it also lists uninstalled apps if you don't have admin-rights | 08:07 |
MartijnVdS | ali1234: complaining about that gets you a "BUT IT'S A FEATURE!!!!" reply | 08:07 |
ali1234 | it just shouldn't show up until you search, and this is a known bug, one of the few problems that are actually acknowledged | 08:07 |
ali1234 | MartijnVdS: well ok i'll add that one to my list of things to complain about | 08:08 |
AlanBell | ali1234: I did know about that a while back | 08:08 |
ali1234 | no point showing it if the user isn't in sudoers | 08:08 |
ali1234 | AlanBell: so you're just complaining now that the shiny has worn off? | 08:08 |
ali1234 | i guess now we know exactly how long that takes :) | 08:09 |
AlanBell | no, I complained at the time | 08:09 |
AlanBell | then it broke | 08:09 |
AlanBell | the default lens should just be apps installed grouped by category | 08:10 |
ali1234 | no, the default lens should be what it is now except you should be able to replace the 8 default icons with anything you want | 08:10 |
AlanBell | the thing with 6 *huge* buttons does nothing that I want to do | 08:11 |
AlanBell | 8 then | 08:11 |
ali1234 | 8 huge icons | 08:11 |
ali1234 | and yeah it literally has nothing i want on it | 08:11 |
ali1234 | and i did say this tw months ago too | 08:11 |
ali1234 | but again nobody listened | 08:11 |
ali1234 | actually it's probably longer than two months now | 08:12 |
AlanBell | yeah, echo chamber stuff | 08:12 |
AlanBell | I listened | 08:12 |
ali1234 | none of the bugs have been fixed either | 08:13 |
ali1234 | and i don't mean design bugs | 08:15 |
ali1234 | i mean stuff like firefox rejecting user input, the window not having a title bar, menus that disappear when you move the mouse over them | 08:16 |
MartijnVdS | Try running calibre on oneiric | 08:17 |
ali1234 | what's calibre? | 08:17 |
MartijnVdS | "itunes for ebooks" | 08:17 |
ali1234 | oh yeah that | 08:17 |
ali1234 | why, what happens? | 08:17 |
MartijnVdS | Sometimes you get the app/window | 08:18 |
MartijnVdS | but un-maximize it, and it'll disappear | 08:18 |
MartijnVdS | nothing will react to clicks | 08:18 |
MartijnVdS | gtk-window-decorator crashes | 08:18 |
ali1234 | ah yeah, get some of that on natty with certain apps | 08:18 |
MartijnVdS | and STDERR of the app will complain about 16777216x16777216 window size being max | 08:18 |
MartijnVdS | I wish I had a 16777216x16777216 screen ;)_ | 08:19 |
ali1234 | it seems like annoying existing customers in order to attract a different user base is all the rage at the moment | 08:19 |
ali1234 | everyone is doing it | 08:19 |
ali1234 | replace the existing UI that mostly works with something new written from scratch that is incredibly annoying, buggy, and needs much higher hardware requirements to run | 08:20 |
ali1234 | and also don't bother to fix any of the older bugs in the stuff that you do keep | 08:21 |
ali1234 | and at the same time introduce an app store or some other kind of shop the extract more money from users | 08:21 |
=== daubers_ is now known as daubers | ||
daubers | Morning | 08:32 |
diplo | Morning all | 08:39 |
MartijnVdS | howdy | 08:41 |
Myrtti | hola | 08:41 |
daubers | Must be coffee time | 08:53 |
Gary | COFFEE!!! | 08:53 |
daubers | I know, shocking behaviour isn't it | 08:53 |
Gary | I've managed to get our newbie to go get coffee, woo | 08:54 |
gord | thunderbird with the conversation plugin really is nice | 08:59 |
popey | Morning all | 09:02 |
gord | morning | 09:02 |
Gary | morning popeypet and gord | 09:03 |
* popey tickles Gary | 09:03 | |
MooDoo | morning all | 09:07 |
bigcalm | Good morning peeps :) | 09:07 |
MooDoo | morning | 09:07 |
bigcalm | Hullo! | 09:07 |
Myrtti | when all this is over, Ill go on a road/train/biketrip with constantly changing scenery | 09:11 |
diplo | Guys and Girls, 11.04 running here, want to run 4-5 VM's on desktop.. thoughts on Virtualbox or using KVM ? | 09:12 |
popey | i would use virtualbox personally | 09:13 |
popey | others swear by kvm | 09:13 |
bigcalm | VirtualBox works for me | 09:14 |
bigcalm | Though I have no experience of KVM | 09:14 |
TheOpenSourcerer | KVM works well on servers but lacks some of the UX features of VirtualBox. Conversely VBox lacks some of the server features of KVM ;-) | 09:16 |
diplo | Cool, thanks guys, virtual box it is | 09:22 |
diplo | Anyone know how it takes having a different amount of ram added later ? | 09:22 |
diplo | Boss is upgrading memory in my PC so i can run more VM's | 09:22 |
bigcalm | You can configure each VM to have a different amount of memory | 09:23 |
bigcalm | And this can be altered later | 09:23 |
bigcalm | Same goes for any of the virtual hardware | 09:23 |
diplo | nah I mean the host, doesn't mind having different memory allocated later | 09:23 |
bigcalm | No, it won't care | 09:24 |
hoover | morning all | 09:26 |
diplo | cheers | 09:26 |
MooDoo | :) | 09:35 |
MooDoo | if you didn't know [or couldn't get to the meeting last night] we have an approval pad you can add stuff too - | 09:42 |
MooDoo | ooo oanother quiet day | 09:50 |
danfish | MooDoo: boo! | 10:07 |
MooDoo | danfish, aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhh | 10:08 |
MooDoo | :) | 10:08 |
danfish | "aaaaaarrggghhhh" - is it national talk like a pirate day again? | 10:09 |
bigcalm | No, 19th September that be | 10:09 |
* AlanBell is on a train | 10:10 | |
danfish | bigcalm: aye aye | 10:10 |
nigelb | AlanBell: where are ya headed to? | 10:10 |
AlanBell | cabinet office first, then Home office in the afternoon | 10:11 |
danfish | AlanBell: good luck - you might need it :/ | 10:12 |
MooDoo | danfish, no you said boo and i was scared | 10:12 |
MooDoo | AlanBell, don't shout at them too much | 10:13 |
danfish | MooDoo: sorry - and after the donner und blitzen yesterday | 10:13 |
MooDoo | lol | 10:14 |
AlanBell | convincing Sir Humphrey of the value of Software Freedom | 10:18 |
bigcalm | :D | 10:19 |
AlanBell | I will also be telling them of the danger of Open Source increasing the risk of zombie invasions | 10:19 |
AlanBell | 4 people like this | 10:27 |
AlanBell | maybe facebook isn't the answer! | 10:27 |
MooDoo | maybe people didn't know about the page. | 10:28 |
BigRedS | Is that all of us who were in the meeting yesterday having now liked it? | 10:28 |
BigRedS | and everyone who didn't see its inception still hasn't? | 10:28 |
AlanBell | probably | 10:29 |
AlanBell | I don't know how you are supporsed to see these things | 10:29 |
diplo | 7 people now | 10:29 |
MooDoo | I've just shared it and asked people to like it so we hit the 25 we need for a vanity url | 10:29 |
diplo | :) | 10:29 |
BigRedS | I think it relies on people seeing their friends liking things | 10:30 |
MooDoo | diplo, 9 :) | 10:30 |
shauno | grumble. making me log into facebook twice in one month. | 10:31 |
AlanBell | shauno: yeah, I know what you mean | 10:32 |
BigRedS | ach, you'll be won over yet :) | 10:32 |
MooDoo | #stopwhining ;) | 10:32 |
MooDoo | pmsl even my boss has liked the page ;) | 10:32 |
BigRedS | #wrongsocialnetworkingsite :) | 10:32 |
AlanBell | it doesn't seem to be the right tool for middle aged blokes with no social life | 10:33 |
shauno | that's just doubled your likes. perhaps irc is the more effective networking ;) | 10:33 |
AlanBell | IRC works fine | 10:33 |
MooDoo | IRC works and so does facebook | 10:33 |
BigRedS | Ah, I have many friends who wont even email :( | 10:33 |
AlanBell | my teenage cousins use it loads | 10:34 |
shauno | BigRedS: that's the main reason I use facebook at all. I've far too much family who have forgotten how to email | 10:34 |
AlanBell | they say things like "aww, I feel crap" and they get 20 comments on it | 10:34 |
diplo | I started on facebook as 75% of people I used to chat on MSN only use FB now | 10:34 |
shauno | last time I tried to ignore it, my mother got a new surname without me noticing | 10:34 |
diplo | And only put images on there now | 10:34 |
MooDoo | well i'm getting all my friends likeing the page, we'll get that decent URL yet :) | 10:35 |
AlanBell | diplo: but not with KDE | 10:35 |
diplo | lol AlanBell :) | 10:36 |
BigRedS | nobody uses kde anyway | 10:36 |
AlanBell | I don't get stuff like this | 10:37 |
AlanBell | why would 1.8 million people like intel on Facebook | 10:37 |
BigRedS | they've got a clip with the madagascar penguins in it! | 10:37 |
AlanBell | if you are not an employee or parter | 10:37 |
* BigRedS likes intel | 10:37 | |
shauno | 14yo girls must be a growth market for them | 10:38 |
AlanBell | come to think of it, I am a partner and I don't like them on Facebook | 10:38 |
diplo | AlanBell, a lot of these companies do a like us and you get entered to a competition | 10:41 |
X3N | I wonder how facebook would look if dislike was ever implemented | 10:41 |
X3N | like you could go round disliking evil companies etc | 10:41 |
X3N | -like | 10:42 |
AlanBell | diplo: ok, intresting | 10:44 |
shauno | can you make content only available to people who like you? | 10:45 |
BigRedS | yeah | 10:47 |
BigRedS | there was a whole spate of 'like this to see the rest' a while ago | 10:48 |
shauno | well, I'm sure intel feels better now that it has more friends than me | 10:49 |
BigRedS | haha | 10:51 |
AlanBell | buy computer, unbox, yay it works, must go make friends on facebook wtih the manufacturer of the CPU | 10:51 |
BigRedS | well, we are asking them to do that with their OS :) | 10:51 |
AlanBell | call me odd, but I don't get how that is a mainstream thing to do | 10:51 |
AlanBell | BigRedS: kind of, but more a community | 10:52 |
AlanBell | an intel user group of PCB hdesigners I could totally understand | 10:52 |
* MattJ wonders at the nonsensical prices of 2.5" HDDs on the Maplin website | 10:54 | |
shauno | I'm happy to just admit I'm too old for this and carry on with my life :) | 10:54 |
BigRedS | I think sometimes maplins price for amusement rather than competetiveness | 10:55 |
MattJ | 120GB - £49.99, 160GB - £54.99, 320GB - £39.99, 640GB - £54.99 | 10:56 |
MattJ | I think you may be right | 10:56 |
Ng | MattJ: I don't think I would ever buy a disk from maplin ;) | 10:57 |
MattJ | The one I have now has been working fine for 3 years :) | 10:58 |
BigRedS | I just don't view maplin as a computer bits shop | 11:01 |
BigRedS | so I'd be concerned about warranties | 11:02 |
BigRedS | well, custoemr service, especiall wrt warranties | 11:02 |
dwatkins | Maplin are extremely expensive - I consider it paying for the convnience of being able to walk there to get components. | 11:02 |
MattJ | Ok, you know somewhere cheaper for good laptop HDDs? | 11:03 |
dwatkins | MattJ: Tesco were selling 250 GB external disks for about 20 GBP recently. | 11:03 |
MattJ | Heh | 11:03 |
hamitron | Maplin do replace dead parts :) | 11:04 |
dwatkins | I'd just look up a particular size on froogle and compare various shops, assuming they were compatible, or choose a model number which is compatible and find the cheapest. | 11:04 |
hamitron | but I wouldn't use them still :D | 11:04 |
dwatkins | hamitron: yeah, but the manufacturer warranty should allow for that also | 11:04 |
hamitron | yeh, I just took it into the shop and they shipped another to me | 11:05 |
BigRedS | yeah, the issue is going to the shop you got it from and persuading them to talk to the manufacturer | 11:05 |
hamitron | in some ways it was easier, because I didn't have to repackage it | 11:05 |
exobuzz | finally got my z68 + sandy bridge gfx working on ubuntu. horrible crashing thing it was. | 11:06 |
exobuzz | worked fine with h67 + sandy bridge.. something with the z68 and gpu power saving | 11:06 |
hamitron | exobuzz: nice | 11:06 |
hamitron | :) | 11:06 |
exobuzz | | 11:06 |
dwatkins | ace, exobuzz | 11:06 |
lubotu3` | bug 38492 in Video(DRI - Intel) "sandy bridge gpu crash on z68 chipset (related to power saving)" [High,New] | 11:06 |
exobuzz | nasty comment out code hack ;-) | 11:06 |
exobuzz | hopefully a proper fix can be found. i wonder though. is it a) kernel bug b) mb bug or c) another intel chipset bug | 11:07 |
dwatkins | reminds me of the issues I had with USB-attached disks | 11:07 |
dwatkins | still no actual fix, I just had to stop it idling | 11:08 |
exobuzz | got timeouts/disconnects ? | 11:08 |
dwatkins | exobuzz: yeah, details at | 11:08 |
dwatkins | oops, forgot to include the link to the comment | 11:10 |
exobuzz | dwatkins, could also try which solved it for me on my server with usb and disconnects. | 11:10 |
exobuzz | there is a new patch on usb mailinglist instead of this manual revert also, but im still currently using this as ive not tested the new thing | 11:10 |
dwatkins | thanks exobuzz :) I corrected the link to the comment also | 11:10 |
dwatkins | I'm guessing I'd need to recompile the driver for that fix. | 11:11 |
exobuzz | dwatkins, yeh. heres it on bugzilla. it fixed similar problems for other people also | 11:12 |
lubotu3` | bug 32432 in USB "USB Disconnects / resets after commit b963801164618e25fbdc0cd452ce49c3628b46c8" [Normal,New] | 11:12 |
dwatkins | cheers exobuzz | 11:12 |
X3N | Is there no way to download a directory from the ubuntu one website? | 11:14 |
dwatkins | "doesn't stay idle for long" suggests it doesn't let the drive sleep much | 11:14 |
exobuzz | dwatkins, the launchpad bug you reference, i posted there and a couple of people told me it fixed it then | 11:14 |
dwatkins | nice, exobuzz | 11:14 |
exobuzz | dwatkins, one more thing sorry. this is a patch from one of the usb kernel guys in replacement of my revert that fixes it also for at least one person. ive not tested myself | 11:18 |
dwatkins | exobuzz: no worries, I'll take a look - thanks again | 11:19 |
popey | WAKE UP EVERYONE! | 12:55 |
* JamesTait yawns | 12:55 | |
JamesTait | No. Don't want to. | 12:55 |
* JamesTait goes back to sleep. | 12:55 | |
MooDoo | popey, YESSIR!!!! | 12:57 |
bigcalm | popey: it's all rather futile | 12:57 |
* MartijnVdS snores a bit louder | 12:57 | |
bigcalm | But then, that's life in general | 12:57 |
JamesTait | bigcalm: Here's me, brain the size of a planet.... | 12:58 |
* bigcalm goes to stick his head in a pig | 12:59 | |
Laney | oink | 12:59 |
* popey gets a diamond sword | 12:59 | |
MartijnVdS | | 13:07 |
directhex | i wonder if kataminey damacraft works in multiplayer... | 13:07 |
popey | heh | 13:08 |
popey | thats quite bonkers, i had never heard of that game before this week | 13:09 |
daubers | which game? | 13:09 |
MartijnVdS | kd | 13:10 |
popey | kataminey damacraft | 13:10 |
daubers | Oh dear | 13:10 |
directhex | katamari damacy is an institution! | 13:11 |
Dave2 | Na, na na na na na, na na na na na na... | 13:11 |
directhex | and thanks to Dave2 for a useful non-goat interjection! | 13:12 |
daubers | directhex: It certainly is cool | 13:16 |
daubers | Blasted SORBS database | 13:17 |
directhex | Na, na na na na na, na na na na na na... | 13:17 |
* bigcalm resists queuing up some Katamari Damacy | 13:21 | |
* daubers wonders what would happen if he made his backup mx server the primary mx server | 13:21 | |
daubers | will it relay correctly, or will it fail | 13:22 |
directhex | ARGH | 13:23 |
BigRedS | depends what you've told it to do :) | 13:23 |
directhex | i have the katamari damacy soundtrack in my head | 13:23 |
bigcalm | directhex: bwuhahaha | 13:23 |
daubers | BigRedS: It was some time ago I set it up, it should just relay | 13:23 |
directhex | bigcalm, they won't leave! my brain is populated by John the Dog, Bigmouth the Duck, Yuuhi the Crow, Pe the Goat, Booby the Pig, Sexy the Cat & Nyuu the Cow | 13:24 |
bigcalm | Heh | 13:24 |
bigcalm | The sound track is fun fun fun | 13:25 |
directhex | | 13:25 |
bigcalm | Damn you | 13:26 |
bigcalm | It does not mix well with | 13:26 |
directhex | is that the complete list of participants? i thought there was an elephant | 13:26 |
MartijnVdS | directhex: nellie the elephant? | 13:28 |
bigcalm | Packed her trunk and said good bye to the circus | 13:29 |
popey | of she went with a trumpety trump | 13:29 |
bigcalm | Tump trump trump | 13:29 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS, one of my sons favourite songs that is......:) | 13:33 |
MooDoo | toy dolls version | 13:33 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: reminds me of lots of drunk nights | 13:33 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS, the other song is the blitzkrieg bop by the ramones, he loves singing hay ho lets go hay ho lets go | 13:34 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: hah, a real music lover then :) | 13:35 |
MooDoo | MartijnVdS, lol it's the only two proper songs he really likes, although he sometimes in keen on iron maiden lol | 13:36 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: do you have him wear dirty leather jackets as well? :P | 13:37 |
MooDoo | Martinp23, only when we go to rock concerts......2.5 years isn't to young for that is it? | 13:39 |
MooDoo | lol | 13:39 |
MartijnVdS | MooDoo: haha :) | 13:39 |
danfish | afternoon all | 13:57 |
danfish | I've had a google,but doesanyoneknow of a way to rsync to mutiple destinations in parallel? | 13:57 |
andrewebdev | how do I know what version of ubuntu (32 bit or 64 bit) I'm using? | 13:57 |
directhex | andrewebdev, "uname -m" | 13:58 |
andrewebdev | thx :0 | 13:58 |
andrewebdev | :) * | 13:58 |
andrewebdev | erm no idea what i686 means | 13:59 |
danfish | andrewebdev: 32bit | 13:59 |
andrewebdev | ok thx | 13:59 |
hamitron | ubuntu is i686 now? | 14:01 |
MartijnVdS | 32-bit Ubuntu, yes | 14:01 |
hamitron | damn | 14:01 |
hamitron | :( | 14:01 |
hamitron | most my machines are i586 | 14:01 |
ali1234 | i686 doesn't even mean anything anyway | 14:01 |
MartijnVdS | hamitron: you're still using first-generation Pentiums? | 14:01 |
MartijnVdS | hamitron: or Pentium MMXes? | 14:01 |
danfish | hamitron: post 10.04 it was dropped iirc | 14:02 |
hamitron | or K6-2 | 14:02 |
hamitron | or VIA C3 | 14:02 |
hamitron | or SiS 550 | 14:02 |
hamitron | or AMD Geode | 14:02 |
MartijnVdS | modern VIA C3s are i686 minus SSE2-3 | 14:02 |
MartijnVdS | afaik | 14:02 |
hamitron | my VIA C3 won't run i686 only code | 14:03 |
ali1234 | so in other words not i686 | 14:03 |
MartijnVdS | Time for 21st century hardware | 14:03 |
TheOpenSourcerer | My VIA C7 does run 10.04 server | 14:03 |
hamitron | oh well, my mind is made up now | 14:03 |
hamitron | haha | 14:03 |
hamitron | no ubuntu :/ | 14:03 |
ali1234 | time to drop ubuntu | 14:03 |
hamitron | yeh | 14:03 |
MartijnVdS | | 14:04 |
MartijnVdS | or whatever it was called | 14:04 |
hamitron | it has moved on to be something I don't need for my stuff | 14:04 |
MartijnVdS | | 14:04 |
TheOpenSourcerer | LinuxFromScratch FTW! | 14:04 |
hamitron | TheOpenSourcerer: that is my last option | 14:04 |
ali1234 | holy false dichotomy batman | 14:04 |
hamitron | well, not last | 14:04 |
hamitron | :) | 14:04 |
ali1234 | if you don't want to use ubuntu clearly the only choice is LFS | 14:04 |
TheOpenSourcerer | | 14:04 |
ali1234 | because nobody else could possibly make an easy to use distro | 14:05 |
ali1234 | and certainly not without compiling it for i686 | 14:05 |
ali1234 | and requiring everyone to have 3d hardware | 14:05 |
hamitron | slackware is easy to use, think it is i486 | 14:05 |
ali1234 | such a thing would be unthinkable | 14:05 |
ali1234 | even considering it would drive any programmer mad | 14:05 |
hamitron | 10.04 runs on i586 ok then? | 14:06 |
TheOpenSourcerer | My VIA C7 does run 10.04 server | 14:06 |
hamitron | C7 is i686 | 14:06 |
ali1234 | i bet newer versions do too | 14:06 |
ali1234 | gcc sucks so much it hardly ever uses i686 instructions even if you tell it to | 14:06 |
hamitron | hehe | 14:06 |
hamitron | I know CentOS 5.x won't run | 14:06 |
hamitron | :/ | 14:06 |
hamitron | or Arch | 14:07 |
ali1234 | for example meego is "compiled" for only core2+ | 14:07 |
ali1234 | but the only places where those instructions turn up is where they are hand coded in assembly | 14:07 |
ali1234 | in the whole distro | 14:07 |
hamitron | hehe | 14:07 |
ali1234 | and i know because i wrote a tool to disassemble every single binary in the whole thing and scan for them | 14:07 |
hamitron | ali1234: CentOS just fails to boot | 14:07 |
hamitron | dunno if it was an instruction, or just a cpu check at startup | 14:08 |
ali1234 | one of the only packages that uses c2 instructions on meego is glibc which has hard cded assembly | 14:08 |
ali1234 | and of course without glibc you can't run anything at all | 14:08 |
ali1234 | none of the high level stuff uses it | 14:08 |
ali1234 | it's almost like they want to force people to buy intel hardware if they want to use meego | 14:08 |
hamitron | "coded by a coder from intel" | 14:09 |
hamitron | ;) | 14:09 |
ali1234 | well yeah | 14:09 |
ali1234 | nearly all of meego is coded by coders from intel | 14:09 |
ali1234 | the rest is coded by coders who used to work for nokia :) | 14:09 |
hamitron | I think I'd better get busy | 14:09 |
hamitron | got a distro to design | 14:10 |
hamitron | ;/ | 14:10 |
hamitron | but I'm open to any suggestions, for other options | 14:11 |
hamitron | because I am lazy | 14:11 |
hamitron | ;/ | 14:11 |
ali1234 | debian | 14:11 |
ali1234 | fedora, opensuse | 14:11 |
ali1234 | that's about it | 14:11 |
hamitron | slackware | 14:11 |
hamitron | ;/ | 14:11 |
ali1234 | fedora and opensuse are probably i686 | 14:11 |
ali1234 | not checked | 14:11 |
hamitron | but even with all these, I need a custom | 14:12 |
ali1234 | i don't really care about that :) | 14:12 |
MartijnVdS | The world is moving on | 14:12 |
hamitron | MartijnVdS: and I shall let it | 14:12 |
hamitron | so let me be boring, and use old junk | 14:12 |
hamitron | ;) | 14:12 |
ali1234 | i noticed earlier that ubuntu no longer holds the number 1 spot on distrowatch | 14:12 |
MartijnVdS | hamitron: I won't stop you :) | 14:12 |
ali1234 | for the 3 month and shorter charts | 14:12 |
ali1234 | it's been overtaken by mint | 14:13 |
hamitron | MartijnVdS: until I feel this old hardware here is useless, it will live to see another day :D | 14:13 |
ali1234 | will be interesting to see what happens on the longer term charts | 14:13 |
hamitron | mint? :/ | 14:13 |
hamitron | bah | 14:13 |
ali1234 | yeah tbh i would not touch it | 14:13 |
directhex | <ali1234> the rest is coded by coders who used to work for nokia :) <-- plus subcontractors. | 14:14 |
hamitron | is it not just ubuntu really, with fancy graphics? | 14:14 |
ali1234 | but they seem to have gotten all the people who dumped ubuntu when natty came out | 14:14 |
hamitron | ;) | 14:14 |
ali1234 | directhex: yeah i include subcontractors as "working for nokia" since nokia does SO MUCH subcontracting that whole companies exist basically working for nokia and nothing else | 14:14 |
directhex | ali1234, i believe elop vowed to stamp out their number of subcontractors | 14:15 |
ali1234 | yeah hence "used to" | 14:15 |
JGJones | Mint - isn't that based on Ubuntu or is that the distro that plan to migrate to Debian? | 14:21 |
directhex | they keep flitting between debian and ubuntu | 14:22 |
JGJones | ah. Never used it - never seen the need to really, so far ubuntu works for me. | 14:23 |
MooDoo | mint is nice, just installs everything that you'd normally do with ubuntu-restricted-extras | 14:26 |
=== silverballer47 is now known as oracology | ||
=== silverballer47 is now known as oracology | ||
hamitron | is there any reason there can't be 2 superusers, 1 with more power than the other? | 15:16 |
hamitron | say give "admin" UID=1, without write access to everything | 15:18 |
hamitron | then have root with UID=101 | 15:19 |
hamitron | with traditional root powers | 15:19 |
hamitron | admin would have UID=0 sorry | 15:22 |
directhex | hamitron, so many things hardcode checks for uid=0 | 15:24 |
directhex | hamitron, i mean, sure, selinux could probably do it. but bleh | 15:24 |
hamitron | my reasoning is so could have a seperate OS filesystem in place, with power over ubuntu packages installed | 15:24 |
hamitron | I suppose another option is a chroot jail for ubuntu | 15:25 |
hamitron | in say /usr/ubuntu | 15:25 |
=== RaycisCharles is now known as OmNomDePlume | ||
hamitron | idea been so could have an OS for all my machines, but the option to use ubuntu "stuff" on the machines that can handle it | 15:27 |
hamitron | could make the base slackware, then call it slackuntu | 15:31 |
hamitron | no harm in my trying, be good fun ;) | 15:31 |
brobostigon | afternoonings everyone. | 16:02 |
MooDoo | brobostigon, hullo :) | 16:05 |
brobostigon | MooDoo: hello,:) | 16:05 |
em | afternoon brobostigon | 16:06 |
* brobostigon has just got a first, the first person to respond this afternoon. | 16:06 | |
brobostigon | em: afternoonings. | 16:06 |
brobostigon | ie, MooDoo . | 16:06 |
brobostigon | the first was MooDoo, | 16:07 |
* brobostigon gets MooDoo a beer. | 16:08 | |
* TheOpenSourcerer coughs in brobostigon 's direction | 16:12 | |
MooDoo | brobostigon, :) | 16:12 |
* brobostigon gets one for TheOpenSourcerer also. | 16:13 | |
TheOpenSourcerer | :-D | 16:13 |
brobostigon | :) | 16:13 |
brobostigon | hook norton, haymaker, ok? | 16:13 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Old Hooky if you have it. | 16:24 |
* brobostigon looks, | 16:24 | |
brobostigon | TheOpenSourcerer: only one bottle :( | 16:24 |
directhex | apparently TheOpenSourcerer likes local banburyish ale | 16:25 |
brobostigon | hook norton-ish real ale* | 16:25 |
Laney | fake ale mmm | 16:25 |
TheOpenSourcerer | "bottle"? You mean you don't have a barrel of 'bright' lying around then? | 16:25 |
brobostigon | TheOpenSourcerer: not of, old, no, sorry. | 16:26 |
directhex | brobostigon, if they can call oxford airport "london oxford airport", i'm pretty sure hook norton can count as banbury | 16:27 |
brobostigon | directhex: quite, oxford is nowhere near london, peoplewould get a rather huge shock. | 16:28 |
tombrough | why is it when I ask a commercial enterprise a straight question like "How much would it cost to rent your venue for a day?" they come back with an enthusiastic and interested tone email that tells you everything BUT how much it would cost to rent the venue for a day. | 16:28 |
directhex | tombrough, they want to play the haggling game | 16:28 |
directhex | brobostigon, stanstead is pretty far from london too... | 16:29 |
MartijnVdS | brobostigon: so are Luton and Gatwick... ;) | 16:29 |
brobostigon | directhex: true, also, yes. | 16:29 |
directhex | ... as is gatwick. ffs! | 16:29 |
brobostigon | MartijnVdS: also, yes. | 16:29 |
MartijnVdS | brobostigon: they have this "problem" here as well. Maastricht Airport is now "Maastricht/Aachen" (which is an hour away) | 16:29 |
tombrough | hey its a linux event run by local volunteers who are not a registered charity .... how much money do you think we have to spend? | 16:29 |
MartijnVdS | brobostigon: Rotterdam became Rotterdam/Den Haag | 16:30 |
directhex | however, simcity taught me to always locate your airport far from your city, due to pollution and decreased land values! | 16:30 |
MartijnVdS | etc. | 16:30 |
MartijnVdS | directhex: tell that to San Diego | 16:30 |
directhex | MartijnVdS, polluted & with low land values! | 16:30 |
MartijnVdS | directhex: hm, true true | 16:30 |
Laney | london schiphol airport | 16:30 |
directhex | i'm waiting for london manchester airport. | 16:31 |
MartijnVdS | Laney: well.. from 2013 you can take a 4-hour train ride from Schiphol to St Pancras | 16:31 |
MartijnVdS | Laney: so it's not THAT far-fetched | 16:31 |
brobostigon | MartijnVdS: ouch, yes, reminds me of lubeck airport, no more than a tent, and ryanair, call it hamburg/lubeck, even though, it is several hours drive away. | 16:31 |
directhex | or london birmingham? it's not much slower taking the train from gatwick to london as birmingham to london | 16:31 |
DJones | directhex: It should be London Ringway Airport (going back to its old name) | 16:31 |
Ng | lubeck isn't *that* bad, or at least it isn't these days :) | 16:31 |
brobostigon | Ng: it was,lasttime i was there. | 16:32 |
TheOpenSourcerer | Sounds like Good Old Microsoft's Cloud based Office 365 is neither cloudy or simple: | 16:33 |
MartijnVdS | brobostigon: also, Girona/Barcelona | 16:34 |
brobostigon | MartijnVdS: i dont know that one, | 16:34 |
MartijnVdS | Brussels/Zaventem | 16:35 |
brobostigon | MartijnVdS: you are more welltraveled in airports it seems, compared. | 16:35 |
MartijnVdS | brobostigon: I've been to some conferences ... :) | 16:36 |
brobostigon | MartijnVdS: i can imagine, :) | 16:36 |
directhex | i don't remember last time i used msoffice | 16:37 |
directhex | i definitely never *paid* for it | 16:37 |
directhex | wifey bought it for a special discount rate in 2008ish, i think | 16:37 |
MartijnVdS | I can get it at a discounted price | 16:39 |
MartijnVdS | and then I can use it as long as I work for my current employer | 16:39 |
MartijnVdS | strange licenses | 16:39 |
directhex | MartijnVdS, the new version of their "ultimate steal" license is much worse than the old one | 16:45 |
directhex | i.e. previously you needed to be eligible at purchase time, and got office ultimate. now you get office academic, which expires when you are no longer | 16:45 |
directhex | wow, they also increased the price of windows 7 to £71 academic. i paid half that. | 16:46 |
MooDoo | i've got ms technet so i get it for a yearly fee | 16:46 |
MooDoo | well not that i'm renewing this year :) | 16:47 |
popey | MooDoo: you personally pay for technet? | 16:47 |
directhex | what's technet? | 16:48 |
MooDoo | popey, i did, but not renewing this year as i have use for it now | 16:48 |
MooDoo | directhex, a subscription to their products..... | 16:48 |
MooDoo | directhex, 120 a year for windows 7, office, server etc etc etc and you get 2 licnsed per product | 16:48 |
popey | golly | 16:48 |
popey | didnt think anyone paid for it | 16:48 |
popey | thought everyone got their employer to | 16:49 |
MooDoo | popey, i was feeling poorly at the time, had a brain fart :) | 16:49 |
bigcalm | Indeed. Horay for the MS Partner Pack | 16:49 |
MooDoo | now i don't have any use for it, especially don't want to renew with baby due in 2 months | 16:49 |
bigcalm | Miss-read as: MooDoo> now i don't have any use for it, especially don't want to renew with baby | 16:53 |
MooDoo | lol | 16:54 |
MooDoo | *chuckle* | 16:54 |
brobostigon | lol | 17:22 |
MattJ | Funny, I was wondering exactly that the other day :) | 17:27 |
MattJ | 1) whether such things were allowed [apparently not] 2) who gets to decide 3) how to automate the decision | 17:27 |
BigRedS | that's alarmingly close to the DVLA not viewing itself as infallible | 17:30 |
BigRedS | good work | 17:30 |
AlanBell | afternoon all | 17:54 |
* AlanBell has been having a good afternoon in the Home Office | 17:56 | |
AlanBell | warning them of the danger of open source in the event of a zombie invasion | 17:57 |
brobostigon | afternoonings AlanBell | 17:57 |
brobostigon | lol | 17:57 |
BigRedS | haha | 18:02 |
AlanBell | need 8 more people to like that for a vanity URL | 18:36 |
AlanBell | so if you are a facebook fetishist then please help us out :) | 18:37 |
brobostigon | AlanBell: i had a thought, for our achievement list, mumble, and vnc'd live system, from global jam. | 18:38 |
AlanBell | ah, mentioned that for the quiz night, but not the global jam, good point | 18:39 |
brobostigon | :) | 18:39 |
brobostigon | global jam, was the test, to see if it worked. | 18:39 |
AlanBell | how did people cope with trains before mobile broadband? | 18:40 |
brobostigon | douglas adams, | 18:40 |
bigcalm | I used to read books | 18:50 |
DOOD | hi can i have some help please | 19:25 |
DOOD | hello | 19:26 |
directhex | don't ask to ask. just ask. | 19:26 |
brobostigon | what is the issue? ottherwise how do we know if we canhelp, or not. | 19:26 |
directhex | ARGH | 19:28 |
directhex | not just mibbit, it seems | 19:28 |
brobostigon | hmm, | 19:28 |
brobostigon | new ubuntu one, android file app- | 19:40 |
Rafz^ | Evening all | 19:59 |
brobostigon | evening Rafz^ | 20:00 |
Rafz^ | Quite amusing evening for me, someone from work has got the lovesan worm and trying to get rid ^_^ | 20:07 |
MartijnVdS | lovesan? that's very old, right? | 20:08 |
Rafz^ | yeah it's really old, some people don't run windows update for years and years though | 20:08 |
MartijnVdS | ah, yes, it's the same as "Blaster" | 20:08 |
Rafz^ | yes | 20:08 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: did you point and laugh? :P | 20:08 |
Rafz^ | yes | 20:08 |
Rafz^ | I was going to lecture but I thought it best to just smile and enjoy the bottle of wine I got for the trouble | 20:09 |
MartijnVdS | also, set up automatic updating | 20:10 |
Rafz^ | certainly | 20:10 |
MartijnVdS | 8 years worth of updates.. that must take a week to install, right? | 20:10 |
Rafz^ | its hilarious, she said "I just close that box when it asks me to update" to which i replied "for the past decade?" | 20:10 |
brobostigon | lol | 20:11 |
Rafz^ | quite, well the issue is at the moment is im trying to get the updates on another system so I can move them without connecting to my network but then again i think i dont have storage big enough | 20:11 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: just get the service packs | 20:11 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: they include every update up to that point | 20:12 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: and are ~300M-1G each I think | 20:12 |
MartijnVdS | I think they fit on CDs | 20:12 |
Rafz^ | oh well that isn't so bad, let me try and dig out a couple of DVDs (afk 2mins) | 20:12 |
Rafz^ | re | 20:13 |
popey | hehe | 20:13 |
popey | a virus... | 20:13 |
popey | from the past! | 20:14 |
MartijnVdS | popey: "Blaster from the Past(er)" | 20:14 |
popey | heh | 20:14 |
Rafz^ | infact i dont really understand because it's a netbook; it can't even be that old | 20:15 |
Rafz^ | lol QQ | 20:15 |
Rafz^ | Thank you for your interest in obtaining updates from our site. | 20:15 |
Rafz^ | To use this site, you must be running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or later. | 20:15 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: check which version of XP it has, with which Service Packs | 20:15 |
popey | o_O | 20:16 |
popey | retro | 20:16 |
Rafz^ | sp3! | 20:16 |
MartijnVdS | popey: | 20:16 |
Rafz^ | Erm, last updates installed on 16 june | 20:18 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: this year? | 20:18 |
MartijnVdS | Rafz^: there's an SP4 and 5 | 20:18 |
Rafz^ | yeah! | 20:18 |
MartijnVdS | (for XP) | 20:18 |
MartijnVdS | well maybe not 5 | 20:19 |
MartijnVdS | but 4 | 20:19 |
Rafz^ | dling now, the issue is that no matter what I tried to do whilst at work offline: edit registry; end process; search, it was all stopped by the worm so I'm not too sure now. I think perhaps it may be a virus that has installed some dodgey anti-virus program and is "faking" finding the worm and demanding monies to get rid of it. | 20:22 |
MartijnVdS | could be | 20:22 |
MartijnVdS | best option is: backup files, reinstall | 20:22 |
MartijnVdS | you never know what's "safe" in cases like that | 20:22 |
Rafz^ | Yeah, figures - was afraid of that. | 20:22 |
dwatkins | Malware Bytes is pretty good at finding trojans | 20:30 |
AlanBell | yay, blender should be installable in oneiric today | 20:38 |
MartijnVdS | AlanBell: installable != running properly :P | 20:38 |
nigelb | MartijnVdS: step by step :P | 20:38 |
AlanBell | it will be perfect | 20:38 |
AlanBell | and work with openshot | 20:38 |
AlanBell | I appear to have sneezed near that box or something so unity doesn't start of course | 20:39 |
nigelb | lol | 20:40 |
Rafz^ | Why did you guys first install Unbuntu? | 21:00 |
MartijnVdS | because it sucked less than Debian at the time :) | 21:00 |
dutchie | spinny compiz cube! | 21:02 |
dutchie | and wobbly windows | 21:02 |
Rafz^ | And what languages can you gice code in? | 21:02 |
JGJones | um...I installed warty fact I actually replaced windows with it - decided the best way to learn linux was to go cold turkey - no dual boot etc. | 21:03 |
MartijnVdS | JGJones: 4.10 \o/ | 21:03 |
daubers | lo | 21:03 |
brobostigon | becaue i undertood its installer, unlike debians properly at the time, and halittle energy, and couldnt dealwith debian's installer. | 21:03 |
JGJones | prior to this, I've played with mandrake and redhat so I can't remember why I installed Ubuntu or even how I heard of it :) | 21:03 |
* MartijnVdS went to the first "UDS" in Barcelona in 2004-12 :) | 21:04 | |
Rafz^ | "learn linux", how far have you got with that JGJones:? | 21:04 |
MartijnVdS | it wasn't called that back then | 21:04 |
JGJones | Rafz^, Well I'm still using ubuntu exclusively, now on 11.10 not 4.10! :) The original PC that I installed 4.10 on is now a 10.04 server in the garage. I also work with linux servers in jobs etc so it was a worthwhile jump :) | 21:05 |
brobostigon | my first was debian,late 90's, thenn suse, the freebsd, then debian, then a mixture, as now, between ubuntu and debian. | 21:05 |
daubers | Anyone know how I can contact the Lightning devs? | 21:05 |
MartijnVdS | daubers: sa in Thunderbird calendar thingy? | 21:05 |
JGJones | I even replace OSX with Ubuntu on my macbook. | 21:05 |
daubers | MartijnVdS: Yeah, that one | 21:05 |
MartijnVdS | daubers: probably in the Mozilla bugzilla | 21:06 |
daubers | MartijnVdS: I'm trying to modify it, hence was after a dev I could ask a question :) | 21:06 |
Rafz^ | Sorry, I only installed a week ago & i am going cold turkey too, I just am struggling to remember why I did it. | 21:06 |
MartijnVdS | daubers: use the lazyweb (twitter) :) | 21:06 |
JGJones | Rafz^, don't be honest I think you're probably getting it easier ;-) I learnt a LOT about editing xconf files! | 21:07 |
MartijnVdS | JGJones: which you don't need anymore ;) | 21:07 |
Rafz^ | Well, I just sit here looking at IRC and using the mp3 player and that's about all I know how to do. I isntalled python in some vein hope that I'd actually manage to learn some after watching hours of tutorials and im sure for just a few seconds someone said how it was better to learn to code on an OS like this...perhaps that's why I swapped. | 21:08 |
JGJones | Rafz^, but cold turkey is best way to learn. It'll be annoying, you'll have the "Windows" way of doing as an automatic reflex etc - it's just a matter of unlearning that and doing it the linux way. | 21:08 |
JGJones | Rafz^, well...I still can't code - you don't need to code :) | 21:08 |
* MartijnVdS writes Perl for money, python for fun | 21:09 | |
Rafz^ | What's the difference in the linux way? I mean I am just using is like a mac with the applications on the side instead of bottom :o | 21:09 |
JGJones | although I do keep telling myself I gotta learn to code...I did enjoy it back in uni (Pascal(!) and I think perl...not sure, been years) | 21:09 |
JGJones | Rafz^, you coming to Ubuntu from Windows or OSX? | 21:10 |
Rafz^ | Windows | 21:10 |
JGJones | Why did you want to learn to use linux - ie going cold turkey? | 21:10 |
Rafz^ | I liked the literature that I read; I liked the fact that it was open-source; I liked the fact that many great things have come from it; i like the morality in it | 21:11 |
JGJones | My reason for doing it was that I wanted to expand my IT skills to include linux and I can't work with linux if I don't use it myself - ie break my own system, fix it etc. I learnt about open source etc afterward :) | 21:11 |
Rafz^ | Do you think that now it is just too user friendly to command some of that investigation that you had to put in? | 21:12 |
JGJones | Rafz^, although with 4.10 - I used command line a lot, even with no X. With 11.04 - when I tell people how to fix something - I tell him how to do so using GUI methods (which for me is a sure sign of how much ubuntu have improved...I avoid telling people how to use the terminal | 21:13 |
JGJones | Rafz^, so I guess...if you wanna learn linux, it's a good idea to play with the terminal. Start with the basics - ie if you want to move a file, using mv, cp, ls etc | 21:13 |
JGJones | as well as a few others like apt-get install app etc. | 21:14 |
JGJones | keep it simple until you're more comfy with that and expand from there perhaps. | 21:14 |
Rafz^ | that's a nice idea | 21:15 |
* StevenR hrrms and wishes the installer would progress (it's a VM, with a usb disk and a local-disk iso of natty... but it won't progress beyond the "make sure you have some disk space" phase | 21:15 | |
* Rafz^ smiles | 21:15 | |
Rafz^ | Community is good also! Wouldn't get this with windows. | 21:16 |
JGJones | Ah that's the other reason that got me stuck on Ubuntu...the community. | 21:16 |
JGJones | The folks in here does smell a bit, but they're friendly ;-) | 21:16 |
JGJones | The forums was fantastic in the early days for me too. | 21:17 |
JGJones | Ubuntu's Code of Conduct is another appeal too. | 21:19 |
Rafz^ | Yeah I had a look at that | 21:19 |
Rafz^ | brb smoke | 21:20 |
Rafz^ | re | 21:26 |
Safiyyah | popey did you make it to the post office? | 21:30 |
czajkowski | hmmm | 21:35 |
czajkowski | there is a fedora sticker on Gorgamon | 21:35 |
czajkowski | one of them sticky icky ones that does not like to come off | 21:35 |
AlanBell | how could that possibly have got there I wonder | 21:36 |
Rafz^ | Just took an IQ test got 117 is that bad or good? | 21:48 |
bigcalm | That's 17 points above average | 21:49 |
Rafz^ | oh | 21:49 |
Rafz^ | thats not great | 21:49 |
* brobostigon is in the mid 140's. | 21:50 | |
jpds | Rafz^: Better than being below? | 21:51 |
Rafz^ | 140-160 is genius right? | 21:51 |
brobostigon | no idea, i dont know, nor care. | 21:52 |
brobostigon | Rafz^: 180's 200+ is genius. | 21:52 |
Rafz^ | ahh ok | 21:53 |
AlanBell | no, 200+ is breakdown of the scale | 21:53 |
brobostigon | ok, sorry, i misunderstood then. | 21:53 |
AlanBell | | 21:54 |
brobostigon | Rafz^: according to those scales, you are above normal. | 21:56 |
AlanBell | or in more detail | 21:56 |
brobostigon | thank you AlanBell. | 21:56 |
AlanBell | "You can see why presently nobody should be able to get a deviation IQ higher than 195 (or 201 on the 16 SD scale). There are not enough people in the world to 'beat'." | 21:56 |
brobostigon | lol, quite, | 21:57 |
AlanBell | there is a facebook IQ app which is I think supposed to be fairly good | 21:58 |
AlanBell | did it when facebook was very very young and all the Lotus business partners were trying out this fangled social networking thing | 21:59 |
brobostigon | they did an IQ, within the forms theygave me, for info on me, for my doctors, for aspergers diag. | 22:00 |
Azelphur | I never did an IQ test for my diag, must have changed \o/ | 22:00 |
brobostigon | Azelphur: maybe. | 22:00 |
AlanBell | my cleverest friend is now maco | 22:00 |
brobostigon | AlanBell: how brainy is he/she ? | 22:01 |
AlanBell | she | 22:01 |
Azelphur | afaik unless you have an IQ test specifically tailored for aspergers the results are totally invalid btw | 22:02 |
Azelphur | speak of thed evil :P | 22:02 |
AlanBell | hi maco | 22:02 |
AlanBell | was just talking about you but you were not here :) | 22:02 |
AlanBell | you are my cleverest friend on facebook | 22:03 |
AlanBell | we were discussing IQ tests | 22:03 |
brobostigon | Azelphur: that is probebly wht they did, | 22:03 |
maco | oh dear | 22:03 |
Azelphur | yea :) | 22:03 |
Azelphur | I'm seriously thinking about buying a second dedicated server | 22:04 |
maco | those were just created to draw dividing lines for mental disabilities. beyond that it's not really so meaningful | 22:04 |
Azelphur | I optimized my first one and added 25% extra capacity, it filled within an hour | 22:04 |
AlanBell | maco: you thrashed me with your jolly clever 142 | 22:04 |
maco | (the creator of the first IQ tests said they shouldn't be used to try to extrapolate beyond that) | 22:04 |
maco | AlanBell: hmmm? | 22:04 |
maco | and where did i get a 142? | 22:04 |
brobostigon | Azelphur: it was around a hundred pages, for me too fillout.and then some for my mum and dad. | 22:04 |
AlanBell | I scored a measly 141 | 22:04 |
Azelphur | ouch \o/ | 22:05 |
AlanBell | maco: facebook IQ app, it shows you the IQ of all your friends who have taken it | 22:05 |
AlanBell | bit odd, but there you go | 22:05 |
maco | i dont recall taking it, but ok | 22:05 |
brobostigon | Azelphur: quite, a few i mrked as invalid stupid questions though, as unanswereable. | 22:05 |
maco | when i was actually tested in person it was a bit lower than that (testing to get into school's gifted program) | 22:05 |
AlanBell | | 22:05 |
maco | SRSLY? | 22:06 |
maco | We can't display this content while you're viewing Facebook over a secure connection (https). | 22:06 |
maco | Would you like to temporarily switch to a regular connection (http) to use this app? | 22:06 |
maco | You will have a secure connection upon your next login. | 22:06 |
AlanBell | hmm, I thought I had checked the always use https box | 22:06 |
bigcalm | You did, that's why you're seeing the message | 22:07 |
bigcalm | Apps are hosted by 3rd parties, not by Facebook | 22:07 |
AlanBell | "You have temporarily turned off secure browsing in order to access an unsupported application. To enable secure browsing again, please log out and log in again." | 22:07 |
AlanBell | bigcalm: yeah, I understand the architecture | 22:07 |
maco | AlanBell: wondering why you didnt get prompted though? | 22:07 |
bigcalm | Ah, ok. Then my text is for maco :) | 22:08 |
AlanBell | dunno, I don't recall being asked if I wanted to temporarily turn it off | 22:08 |
brobostigon | and i explained my logic behind not being able to answer some of the questions they gave me. and they asked me again, rephrased. | 22:09 |
directhex | not much point to adult iq tests | 22:30 |
xapel | is it possible to migrate from windows mail to evolution? | 22:40 |
directhex | xapel, i don't know. possibly if you export your windows mail to something else like eudora format. generally, pop3 sucks for this | 22:47 |
brobostigon | good night, sleep well, everyone. | 22:53 |
xapel | directhex, the email is a gmail account. I just need to export the folders. Any ideas? | 22:55 |
directhex | xapel, if it's a gmail account, then your mail is still stored on google's servers, not in windows mail. right? | 22:55 |
brobostigon | yes, you could just point evolution at google's imap server? | 22:56 |
directhex | brobostigon, assuming he was using gogle's imap support and not their pop3 support | 22:57 |
directhex | | 22:57 |
brobostigon | directhex: true, hmmm. | 22:57 |
brobostigon | good night eveyone, | 22:58 |
xapel | directhex, yes the mail is still on google's servers, but the person has created some folders in her mail client and copied mails there. I want the same folders in evolution with the same contents | 23:04 |
ubuntuuk-planet | [Paul Mellors] Tweetdeck + Ubuntu Natty + 64bit - | 23:07 |
Laney | Just had to drop everything and dash across Nottingham on our bikes at top speed | 23:24 |
Laney | isn't geocaching fun? :-) | 23:24 |
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