
Cheri703\o/ another unexpected customer tomorrow :)02:43
* skellat ponders 03:09
skellatThe fallacy of the part equals the whole03:13
skellatI have to go drive my sister to work so I'll probably be back in an hour03:14
* canthus13 drools.03:35
Cheri703anything in particular canthus13? or just lack of muscle control...03:53
canthus13Cheri703: Just feeling a bit braindead...05:05
Cheri703I know the feeling05:06
canthus13Cheri703: I've been helping the wife with her algebra homework.. It's making my head hurt.05:06
Unit193That's not what it's supposed to feel like? ;) (And I know that feeling all too well...)05:06
Cheri703ah, I was helping husband with math homework the other night, yeah, math hurts05:07
Unit193canthus13: If you wanted to know, the demo did go well (Speach thing) If you didn't want to know, then just ignore this...05:07
Unit193ronnoc: No -offtopic? You get coffee...05:14
* ronnoc gets some strong java05:14
Unit193I'm making some tea for the night...05:15
EricR2427I've downed about a liter of root beer if that counts...05:16
Unit193I would go for pop, but the others wouldn't like that...05:26
Cheri703yeah, because it's SODA05:27
Unit193I have no idea what soda is... Is it like pop?05:27
Cheri703nope, way better05:28
Unit193We will never agree on this... How about Coke or Pepsi?05:28
skellatMeeting is in less than 20 hours, right?05:29
Cheri7038pm tomorrow05:29
Cheri703well, 8pm wednesday05:29
skellatWhich is 20 hours from now05:29
skellatWell, 19.5 technically :-)05:30
Unit193Excess Flood...05:54
Unit193Still awake?07:27
Unit193(Jurassic Park here...)07:27
thafreakMorning Ohio14:31
thafreakdeejoe: sorry, was away for a few days...regarding the carrying case for drives, I was envisioning external drives, so ones in their own enclosure.14:32
deejoeah, ok14:34
deejoethanks for clarifying, thafreak14:34
thafreakdeejoe: you ever transport drives?14:35
deejoenot as a going thing, no14:35
deejoeI mean, I carry external drives around sometimes, so I suppose that counts a bit.14:36
thafreakcurrently, I just tend to be very careful...14:36
thafreakbut I've not had to transport more than one so far14:36
deejoewith SATA and the hotplug open sleds there are now, I've been interested in cases for bare drives for transport and storage.14:36
thafreakI thought about those too...and I may build something like that in the future...but currently, I don't think my customer needs more than 2TiB of storage for backups14:37
thafreakso the cheaper route is a couple of external disks that I rotate frequently14:38
deejoesure, makes sense14:38
deejoeI'm just shocked and disappointed at how expensive and hard-to-find the other kinds of cases are.14:39
deejoeseems like a plastic box with some sort of anti-static coating or foam really shouldn't be more than a couple of bucks each, cheaper in bulk.14:40
thafreakyeah, they seem to be for "server" class hardware only...which makes them cost more14:40
deejoeserver-schmerver, it's just a box14:40
deejoeyou know?14:40
thafreakoh I thought you were talking about the drive tray backplane14:40
deejoeno, just "here, let me put this drive in something more robust than the anti-static bag, and more tractable than the bulky and awkward original packaging to keep it clean and protect it a little bit while it sits on a shelf.14:41
thafreakah, gotcha..yeah, I'm surprised those don't exist either14:42
thafreakthe only things I've seen out are basically the same thing I posted a link to...a carrying case with custom foam configuration14:42
deejoethis isn't mine, and I don't have nearly the capacity need as this, but here's an example use-case http://www.flickr.com/photos/chrisdag/4668538789/in/set-72157600938800182/14:43
thafreakholy crap14:46
thafreakyeah, I don't have quite that need either :)14:46
thafreakcourse with 2TiB drives now around $60...I may :)14:46
deejoethose guys use EC2 for a lot of their client's work.14:49
deejoethe big downside is bandwidth--getting massive chunks of data to and from Amazon.14:49
deejoeSo, they just ship drives, apparently.14:49
deejoe"Never underestimate the bandwidth of a ${VEHICLE} loaded with ${STORAGE_MEDIA} . . . "14:50
thafreakyep, I was just thinking about that the other day14:51
thafreakwhen I was thinking about, the fact that it matters more what your latency is, than your bandwidth...well for most things14:52
deejoewell, for some things14:53
deejoegiven that considerations of bandwidth vs latency occur all the way from the processor registers on out, things shift considerably depending on where your talking about and what the task is.14:54
thafreakif you've got enough bandwidth to suite your needs...more bandwidth isn't necessarily better...but lower latency is14:56
thafreakthe example being that the truck/train full of disks is about as high of bandwidth as you can get...but the latency sucks :)14:58
deejoeyup.  this is something of a hobby horse for me because for a long time I was stuck in thinking of the typical PC architecture's components as givens, and the separations between them as being very clear.  But when one starts to look at networked storage and clustered computing with concerns about message-passing over interconnects and the role of cache and so on, it all really starts to blur considerably.14:59
thafreakyeah...but there are some interconnects which blur the difference between internal and external too :)15:00
thafreakyou get the top end infiniband, and the interconnect is faster than the bus between two cpu sockets in some cases15:00
deejoeyeah, that's exactly the sort of thing I mean.15:01
thafreakmulticore/multisocket stuff is odd15:01
deejoewell, even the idea that the network is faster than the disk throughput15:01
thafreakHPC stuff is really not something that's easy to do15:01
thafreakyeah, now a days, it can easily be15:01
deejoeso, you can have a single spindle in the box being "slower" than a network-available set of striped disks.15:02
thafreakeven with fast disk bus, the drive usually can't saturate it15:02
thafreakyup...that's why I'm typically content with 30MiB/s or so...15:02
thafreakmost of my internal disks can barely do that...hell even some on hardware raid don't get that much better15:03
thafreakand I know I can get about the same over simple gigabit ethernet15:03
thafreakeven with my cheap switches15:03
thafreakthat's in my basement mind you...15:04
thafreakI'd expect better than that from better hardware :)15:04
deejoehttp://xkcd.com/691/ <- this was before 32GB microSD was available, even15:10
deejoethe mouseover text, as usual, is the good part15:10
jacoboops :P22:18
Unit193Yeah... Saying your own name...22:18
jacobdisregard the seemingly insane person22:18
jacobanywho, is there a meeting tonight?22:19
Unit193Telling them to ignore me?22:19
Unit193Yep! 8pm22:19
Cheri703o/ jacob22:20
jacob'ey Cheri70322:20
Cheri703how's it going?22:20
jacobhow goes it22:20
Cheri703alright, sitting here at ubuntu hour, Unit193 is here, as is EricR242722:20
jacobsounds fun22:21
Cheri703oh yes, 5 people, 5 laptops, good times ;)22:21
Cheri703o/ glyphrider, how are you?22:44
* Cheri703 is being nosy and noticed your neo.res.rr.com22:44

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