
mhall119AlanBell: nope, but I can ask karound00:04
AlanBellI would like to do a per-country page so I can promote it better in the UK00:04
mhall119AlanBell: turns out my team runs that03:17
mhall119but it's old code, and not open sourced03:17
mhall119newz2000 is gonna setup an LP project for tracking bugs against it though03:17
cjohnstoncall is m$?03:18
* newz2000 looks03:18
cjohnstonits newz200003:18
* newz2000 lives03:18
* newz2000 now leaves03:19
=== daker_ is now known as daker
* cjohnston needs a nap15:01
dakercjohnston, mhall119 we hall a call with jono today right ?15:03
cjohnstonyes.. 2 hours15:03
nigelbphew, for the first time at a sensible time15:04
daker17h for me and i don't have a mic :/15:04
cjohnstonmhall119: are you going to see about getting django-openid-auth patched today?15:05
* nigelb kicks cjohnston 15:21
nigelband my inbox is full again...15:22
cjohnstonnigelb: is tarmac setup for all projects now?15:30
nigelbcjohnston: should me.  let me check.15:31
nigelbcjohnston: could you list out the projects so I can confirm I didn't miss any15:33
nigelb(the ones apart from summit and LD)15:33
cjohnstoncommunity web themes15:33
cjohnstonthats all i know of for now15:33
nigelbcjohnston: also, do you want to set it up for hof now?15:34
cjohnstonthat one too15:34
cjohnstonmight as well15:34
nigelbbecause I think bilal is working on the truck directly15:34
cjohnstoni dotn care15:34
mhall119cjohnston: I'll ping achuni, he had some other changes he wanted made to id15:34
cjohnstonmhall119: sweet15:34
nigelband there are multiple branches in community web themes15:34
cjohnstonnigelb: yes.. all15:35
nigelblight base, light django, and the like15:35
mhall119nigelb: ask cdbs about using it for hof15:35
nigelbah okay15:35
nigelbmhall119: will do15:35
nigelbmhall119: Twidenash?15:35
cjohnstonmhall119: can you look in -isd and tell me if im in the correct place or not and who in specific to ping if i am15:35
mhall119nigelb: ask daker about twidenash15:36
nigelbdaker: do you want me to setup tarmac for twidenash?15:36
dakernigelb, ask Ronnie hahaha :D15:38
dakernigelb, as you like15:38
nigelband if Ronnie says ask mhall119, I shall have achived circular dependency :P15:38
cjohnstonPendulum: coming to fix more bugs?15:39
nigelbcjohnston: all of the lp: branches in https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-django-foundations?15:40
cjohnstoni say yes...15:41
* cjohnston points mhall119 back to https://dev.launchpad.net/Contributions ;-P15:43
Pendulumcjohnston: I should, but today is a fight with health insurance to cover my surgeries now that they're scheduled day15:45
Pendulummeh. it's the story of my summer15:45
cjohnston16 new emails15:46
cjohnston4 of them i didnt do15:46
nigelb16 new emails. ALL OF THEM FROM cjohnston15:47
cjohnstonLooking for feedback.. bug 714030 - I say invalid.. I think it's a good idea to point out that the LC has access to edit things as a last resort. Plus its more work for *us* to remove it than to just leave it the way it is.15:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 714030 in loco-directory "unnecessary informations in error messages (affects: 1) (heat: 1)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/71403015:52
nigelbcjohnston: Is it better to just say, "You don't have access to edit that resource"?15:53
cjohnstonNo.. I think it should define who does have access15:54
cjohnstonthat way you know who to contact if needed15:54
nigelbsure, that works15:55
cjohnstonI personally vote to leave it the way it is as changing it would require work by us, and I think work by the translators since they would have to remove the part about the LC15:55
cjohnstonmaybe not invalid but wont fix15:55
cjohnstonmhall119: thought15:55
mhall119cjohnston: I agree with you, it's good to let them know who can change it16:02
cjohnstonwe should create a quick import-live-data that skips like country and lang and stuff like that16:09
nigelbits at Rebecca Black dislikes now :p16:22
mhall119cjohnston: are you going to be around for the call today?16:25
mhall119cjohnston: if we can figure out how to make import-live-data only import the users that are used in a ForeignKey somewhere, that would speed it up16:26
nigelbcjohnston, mhall119, daker: Tarmac all set and running every 30 minutes.  if you want to debug, add a project, etc. Let me know :)16:27
mhall119awesome nigelb16:27
nigelbmhall119: For extra points, the last commit to tarmac is mine. The docs were wrong, I fixed it :D16:28
cjohnstonmhall119: ya, it takes forever and sucks16:36
cjohnstonunless i get a call ill be around, but im waiting to hear from jono on how to get me in.. not a good enough connection to skype16:37
mhall119I think he had an 800 number last time16:37
cjohnstonya, but i think he got away from that in favor of skype16:40
nigelbcjohnston: that's probably because he's in Dublin16:47
mhall119nigelb: Ronnie daker call?17:03
nigelbim on skype17:03
dakermhall119, i don't have a mic :/17:04
cjohnstonRonnie: ping17:05
cjohnstonhey jono17:05
dakeryo jono sorry :/17:05
jonodaker, no worries!17:05
mhall119czajkowski: I've got a present for you17:13
mhall119czajkowski: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/loco-directory/speed-up-teams-list/+merge/6634217:13
mhall119on local testing, it gives a 5x-10x decrease in load time17:14
cjohnstonsweet mhall119.. thats a good start and we can see how it goes17:14
mhall119cjohnston: are you on a truck right now?17:22
mhall119nigelb: you're not coming through17:23
Ronniecjohnston: late pong17:24
mhall119Ronnie: can you join the call?17:25
mhall119on skype17:25
jonoRonnie, ring ring17:26
mhall119Ronnie: pick up17:26
nigelbRonnie: pick up :)17:26
nigelbwow, neat17:28
nigelbRonnie: if you can get the layout up, we could get help to code the other bits17:30
dakerhave to go :/17:30
Ronniebye daker17:31
nigelbciao daker17:31
mhall119bye daker17:31
nigelbI should actually set up that web-team meeting :|17:31
nigelbBeeen busy with other stuff17:31
dakeralready finished ?17:34
mhall119daker: yup17:35
nigelbdaker: are you free around this time on friday?17:35
nigelbRonnie: ^^17:36
nigelbcjohnston: ^^17:36
nigelband mhall119 ^^17:36
Ronnienigelb: no :(17:36
mhall119nigelb: as far as I know17:36
nigelbRonnie: what time are you free?17:38
Ronnieon friday its different each week, but usually around 3 hours from now17:39
Ronniei can on tuesdays, wednesdays and thirsdays17:39
Ronniearound this time (not much sooner)17:39
nigelb3 hours from now is fine by me17:39
nigelbI'll mail the list with that time17:39
Ronnienigelb: is there an agenda for that meeting?17:40
nigelbRonnie: mostly status update, figuring out what all of us are doing, that needs help.17:41
nigelbRonnie: but I'll set an agenda page up17:41
mhall119Ronnie: daker: https://tbe.taleo.net/NA3/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CANONICAL&cws=1&rid=29417:41
mhall119not sure if you guys would be interested or not17:42
Ronniemhall119: not anymore, got a new job since a month. I think im staying there for a while.17:44
mhall119Ronnie: cool, congrats on the new job too17:44
Ronniemhall119: is there any news about switching to django1.3?17:47
mhall119Ronnie: I think we'll be able to switch individual sites over to 1.3 by putting a local copy of it into the PYTHONPATH17:48
mhall119we're working that out with IS17:48
Ronnieit seems that the vritualenv isnt working correctly, because i got an error when starting ./manage.py runserver17:49
Ronniedjango.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: You must define a 'default' database17:49
Ronniepython -c "import django17:50
Ronnieprint django.get_version()"17:50
nigelbRonnie: did you use --no-site-packages before creating the virtualenv?17:52
Ronnienigelb: no17:52
Ronniei pasted the commands listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/Development17:52
nigelbokay, so when you don't use --no-site-packages, it will use whatever is in your system too17:53
nigelbI recommend using the --no-site-packages17:53
mhall119I'd recommend it too17:53
mhall119there's actually a requirements.txt now17:54
Ronnienigelb: where do i need to put the --no-site-packages17:55
nigelbRonnie: virtualenv .env --no-site-packages17:55
Ronnieafter the .env17:56
nigelbI don't think it matters17:56
nigelbit just has to be there17:56
Ronniecan i put the folder elsewhere so i can use it for multiple branches?17:57
mhall119Ronnie: I'd recommend using this setup: http://micknelson.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/sharing-your-development-environment-across-branches/17:57
mhall119then put your .env in the lightweight "work" directory17:57
Ronnienigelb, mhall119L can you explain this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635184/18:07
nigelbRonnie: what version of django did you isntall inside that?18:08
nigelbI see that the instructions said 1.1.118:08
Ronniemy non env version is the django-svn, but inside the .env i installed 1.1.118:09
Ronniehmm if i change #!/usr/bin/python to #!/usr/bin/env python in manage.py it works but gives an error on python-tz18:19
nigelbright, install pytz18:20
nigelbinside the virtual env18:20
Ronnienigelb: how?18:20
nigelbRonnie: pip install pytz18:21
Ronniethan pip install vobject18:23
Ronnienigelb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635195/18:24
Ronniewhy am i the only one with this problem?18:24
nigelbwe probably all faced it at some point :)18:26
nigelbRonnie: who wrote the requirements.txt?18:27
Ronnienigelb: probable a very smart person18:31
nigelbits missing a few :/18:32
Ronnieits running18:38
mhall119vobject depends on dateutils, which you'll need a specific version of, IIRC18:46
cjohnstonnigelb: no18:55
nigelbcjohnston: when are you free?18:55
Ronniemhall119: how far is the code of the blog entry working19:18
Ronniecss is finished here19:18
cjohnstoni thought he said the back end was done19:22
mhall119Ronnie: it's working19:33
mhall119Ronnie: there are some changes I want to make to stabilize and optimize it, but what's there works19:34
Ronniemhall119: ill upload my code in a moment. i hardcoded the text in index.html for testing19:34
mhall119ok, I can merge it into my branch then, and just submit it to trunk all together19:34
Ronniemhall119: you first need to put in the HTML classes19:36
Ronniethis is the branch lp:~ronnie.vd.c/loco-directory/blog-css (do not merge because index.html is changed)19:37
Ronniejust look for the css changes19:37
Ronnie.minor-content.blog css i need to rename to something more common19:37
Ronnie2/3 width will be used more on the site i guess19:37
Ronniemhall119: better version online now19:44
Ronniei have to go19:44
mhall119Ronnie: ok, I'll work on it later, thanks19:51
=== daker is now known as daker_
cjohnstonHow can I add a ForeignKey to an event, and make it required, without having a default to provide it?22:32
mhall119yes, but you can't make a migration script in South 0.6 that way22:51
mhall119you can make null=True, blank=False to require it in the form, but not the DB22:51
cjohnstonmhall119: so how do i add a required field to the team event22:59
mhall119the Model or the Form?\23:00
mhall119cjohnston: I think you'll need null=True on that field, or the migration will cause DB contraint violations23:03

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