katmagic | Terabyte: The sed invocation uses a regular expression to remove $BAD_GROUP. | 00:00 |
katmagic | And then to join the groups with commas. | 00:00 |
katmagic | You can do the same thing manually. | 00:00 |
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ebec1983 | leeeeroy, one doesn't identify | 00:00 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: can you give a pastebin of the output of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2 Thanks | 00:00 |
archie | chgroup | 00:01 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: can probably clean some old kernels out and get a tonne of space back | 00:01 |
intrader | ActionParsnip, give me a minute | 00:01 |
katmagic | If you haven't changed which groups $USER is in, running `sudo usermod -G '' $USER` will work. | 00:01 |
xarth | BernardV, i could, but i want to compile gcc without package. It ' s more to learn than to use. | 00:01 |
katmagic | g2g | 00:01 |
mu3en | intrader, i guess you could symlink some folders onto the other disk also? | 00:01 |
niftylettuce | because icing on gedit tastes so much better @ https://github.com/niftylettuce/gedit-icing | 00:02 |
leeeroooy_j | ebec1983: I'm not too sure but so far i only found someone who solved this going on nvidia-settings perhaps you want to have a brief look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1052572 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=794803 | 00:02 |
mu3en | intrader, for example move /var/cache/apt/archives to the other drive and ln -s it back | 00:02 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: you can also run: sudo apt-get clean to claw back a tonne of space | 00:03 |
chad_____ | ActionParsnip: That didn't work | 00:03 |
leeeroooy_j | ebec1983: are you on a laptop by any chance? | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: I also recommend you install bleachbit and run it with gksudo to clean a lot of space, close as many apps as possible and watch settings as well as avoid commands stating they will take a long time | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | chad_____: did you log off and on? | 00:04 |
chad_____ | Yes | 00:04 |
ActionParsnip | chad_____: any reply in #xubuntu ? | 00:04 |
chad_____ | ActionParsnip: No | 00:05 |
josh__ | Dude!! This OS is amazing!!!! | 00:05 |
josh__ | why don't we all proselytize for Linux ??? | 00:05 |
intrader | ActionParsnip, here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/634639/ | 00:05 |
mu3en | we do josh_ but the dark side is strong with the empire. | 00:06 |
tylerCanada | any idea how I can set up two monitors with different resolutions so that each runs in its own native resolution but applications don't get 'lost' above where the smaller resolution monitor can see? | 00:06 |
intrader | mu3en, what do you mean link it back - how would that give me more space? | 00:06 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634640/ | 00:07 |
josh__ | lol mu3en | 00:07 |
josh__ | true, that is | 00:07 |
mu3en | intrader: you move actual data somewhere else and then make a symlink | 00:07 |
vlt | chad_____: | 00:07 |
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ActionParsnip | josh__: you'll look like a fanboy most likely :) | 00:07 |
vlt | chad_____: (sorry) | 00:07 |
ActionParsnip | josh__: you can certainly spread the word, just do it tastefully | 00:08 |
chad_____ | vlt: It's okay | 00:08 |
josh__ | ahh sure | 00:08 |
josh__ | i was telling my bosses about it earlier today | 00:08 |
mu3en | intrader, rather than having a separate /var or /opt or whatever partition, you just have a separate partition containing those folders and link them onto the root partition | 00:08 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: you have a lot of surplus kernels which all take space | 00:08 |
intrader | ActionParsnip, sudo apt-get clean does nothing | 00:08 |
josh__ | i want to try to convince them to convert to linux to save on software licensing costs :D | 00:09 |
vlt | josh__: convert from where? | 00:10 |
mu3en | ActionParsnip, is there a better way for intrader to remove those kernels than simply going into synaptics and searching for linux-##.##-## | 00:10 |
josh__ | convert from microsoft | 00:10 |
josh__ | and adobe | 00:10 |
josh__ | and all those expensive office programs | 00:10 |
mu3en | josh_ the problem always being that it usually makes generations of decisions within a company look totally stupid. kinda like the war on drugs really. | 00:10 |
IdleOne | josh__: This channel is for support discussion only if you wish to chat about Ubuntu and linux in general you can join #ubuntu-offtopic. | 00:11 |
josh__ | ahh i did not know that idleone :O thanks though | 00:11 |
themrwilliams | It seems like upstart isn't invoking mysql with any parameters, leading to my config file not being read, etc. Is this a known "issue" w/ 11.04 and mysql/upstart? It seems like a really stupid default behavior. | 00:11 |
intrader | mu3en, I will study that approach | 00:12 |
ZeZu | i'm on current 11.04? and after putting an ati card in the other day, i boot into the desktop and something is wrong w/ the video ... dirty items not getting cleared, fresh items only partially displayed etc. So I reinstalled nvidia-current and reboot, no luck, reran nvidia-xconfig, no luck ... anyone have ideas on how to fix other than reinstall | 00:13 |
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intrader | ActionParsnip, I am running Bleachbit, and what is available is a Preview and a Delete button. Preview is taking its time | 00:18 |
Starminn | If I made something with Linux Multimedia Studio, used it freely and openly, what restrictions would I have to follow? | 00:18 |
jxhn | is there a standard fix for the 11.04 keyring login issue? | 00:20 |
jxhn | Keyring prompting for password multiple times at startup | 00:20 |
ubuntu12321 | how to change the color of unity lateral menu? even with clearlooks it is black | 00:22 |
sonota | My HP Probook 4430s laptop doesn't resume on lid open. I'm using 11.04, but another laptop that I've used does. Is there any way I can make my laptop resume on lid open? | 00:24 |
ubuntu12321 | i mean, the menu with open applications | 00:24 |
a111 | I need to split a text file into files of 10000 lines, what shall i use? | 00:25 |
ubuntu12321 | i changed the theme to clearlooks but it didn't followed my theme choice | 00:25 |
stew | a111: man split | 00:26 |
a111 | I tried split, but it put spaces between each character | 00:27 |
ubuntu12321 | a111: maybe awk? | 00:27 |
robin0800 | ubuntu12321: think only radiance and ambiance work with unity not sure thou | 00:27 |
neodemi_sleep | does anyone know of a way to fix the "filename too long" errors that occur when downloading torrents with foreign characters to an ext4 drive | 00:27 |
neodemi_sleep | it occurs on rtorrent, deluge, and transmission | 00:28 |
stew | a111: that's quite an exotic bug. it certainly doesn't do that here | 00:28 |
ubuntu12321 | robin0800: i wonder why clearlooks was shipped then | 00:28 |
robin0800 | ubuntu12321: perhaps for classic | 00:28 |
neodemi_sleep | i know the torrents are good because i have previously downloaded them on this machine when it was running 8.04/ext2 | 00:29 |
neodemi_sleep | also google says nothing useful, just lots of people asking the same question with no answer yet | 00:29 |
PythonSnake | anyone know a good torrent downloader ? | 00:29 |
neodemi_sleep | other than "use a different partition type" | 00:30 |
sudokill | PythonSnake, transmission | 00:30 |
PythonSnake | is Deluge better than transmission ? | 00:30 |
sudokill | not in my opinion | 00:31 |
ohzie | neodemi_sleep: It's an unfortunate bug that's unfixed. "Use a different partition type" is probably the best fix anyone knows about right now. :( | 00:31 |
ubuntu12321 | ok radiance with clearlooks window border worked. but it places the window buttons at the left, still. any way to change this configuring radiance? | 00:31 |
sudokill | they all do the same thing just different guis basically | 00:31 |
ohzie | neodemi_sleep: I'm still using ext2 /boot and ext3 / | 00:31 |
sudokill | transmissions has a very clean gui | 00:31 |
ohzie | sudokill: Transmission also has a fantastic API for a web interface. :3 | 00:31 |
PythonSnake | how to get torrents with terminal ? | 00:31 |
sudokill | rtorrent | 00:32 |
neodemi_sleep | ugh, looks like ill have to reinstall to change partition type then | 00:32 |
PythonSnake | :3 | 00:32 |
neodemi_sleep | i was hoping to avoid that | 00:32 |
sudokill | PythonSnake, i use rtorrent | 00:32 |
sonota | neodemi_sleep: Or just make a new partition? | 00:32 |
vlt | neodemi_sleep: usually you don | 00:32 |
marck_ | who was i talking to | 00:32 |
vlt | neodemi_sleep: usually you don't need to. | 00:32 |
vlt | neodemi_sleep: What are you trying to do? | 00:32 |
linuxuz3r | hi PythonSnake | 00:33 |
PythonSnake | hi linuxuz3r | 00:33 |
robin0800 | ubuntu12321: you can move window buttons but not the unity panel ones | 00:33 |
neodemi_sleep | derp, i suppose i could break up the nice contiguous space i have into smaller chunks | 00:33 |
PythonSnake | marck_ : me | 00:33 |
ubuntu12321 | robin0800: the buttons at window title | 00:33 |
ubuntu12321 | ? how? | 00:34 |
PythonSnake | marck: please see my pm | 00:34 |
robin0800 | ubuntu12321: ubuntu-tweak which is unsupported | 00:34 |
jdevel | anyone use VMware and familiar with it a fair amount? | 00:34 |
Strav | He. I'm trying to find the right bug in launchpad for compiz window decoration crash in 11.04, anyone have an idea? | 00:36 |
ohzie | Installation has been stuck at "Creating config file /etc/papersize with new version" for 16 minutes now. :( Any ideas, guys? | 00:37 |
neodemi_sleep | i think ill reinstall again, theres nothing on this machine, and i dont like having a filesystem that doesnt like files i know are good | 00:37 |
neodemi_sleep | switch everything back to ext2/ext3 | 00:37 |
ohzie | neodemi_sleep: Yessir, EXT3 ftw | 00:37 |
Strav | (I should precise: the window decoration seems to "randomly" disappear. | 00:37 |
neodemi_sleep | if it breaks on japanese characters, what else could it break on that i might actually need | 00:37 |
herrcykel | hey | 00:38 |
ohzie | Strav: 772222 has a fix attached to it. | 00:38 |
Strav | god I hope 11.10 is gonna put some emphasis on bug fixes, otherwise I switch to arch. | 00:38 |
Strav | ohzie: thanks :) | 00:38 |
ohzie | Strav: It might be the one you need. | 00:38 |
ohzie | Strav: I have personal problems with Arch. XD | 00:38 |
Strav | ohzie: I'm not an arch advocate, but from what I read, it looks like a good way to get some cutting edge packages while maintaining a stability that's very rare in ubuntu theses days. Seems like every release is just for the fun of deprecating stuff. | 00:40 |
galamar | hello where is the best place to ask wget questions? | 00:40 |
Saik | anyone know freh that won't mind translating something for me? | 00:40 |
Saik | french* | 00:40 |
Strav | ohzie: anyhow, might I ask why you've got problems with arch? | 00:41 |
sudokill | Strav arch is completely different to ubuntu | 00:41 |
galamar | google knows french | 00:41 |
Auriga | Saik, Check google translate. | 00:41 |
Strav | sudokill: yea I know that. | 00:41 |
Saik | I did, the translation it gives me is crappy | 00:41 |
ActionParsnip | intrader: preview shows you what will be deleted | 00:41 |
galamar | saik, it can provide alternate translations aswell | 00:41 |
sudokill | why would you "switch" to arch from ubuntu because of bugs? | 00:41 |
Strav | sudokill: one thing, as a developper, I clearly subscribe to their mantra. | 00:41 |
Saik | galamar: I use freetranslation.com and it provides 2 or 3 | 00:42 |
galamar | saik, I just know google will show alternate translations if you hover your mouse above the translated section. | 00:43 |
vlt | neodemi_sleep: Just create a new partition, format it ext3, move everything from old to new, edit fstab, done. A live cd makes it even easier. | 00:43 |
Saik | galamar: yea, I do too, it's just a senence though | 00:43 |
Saik | sentence* | 00:43 |
sudokill | i know its experimental but does anyone use chromium with --use-spdy ? | 00:44 |
galamar | Saik, what do you need translated? - Message me. | 00:44 |
neodemi_sleep | vlt, cold i completely remove the ext4 partition doing that without having to reinstall | 00:44 |
ActionParsnip | sudokill: not heard of that but I use the daily build ppa | 00:44 |
sudokill | ActionParsnip, spdy is why the google sites load so fast in chromium / chrome its http replacement | 00:45 |
ubuntu12321 | MPEG Layer-3 audio decoding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson. This product cannot be installed in product other than Personal Computers sold for general purpose usage, and not for set-top boxes, embedded PCs, PCs which are sold and customized for mainly audio or multimedia playback and/or registration, unless the seller has received a license by Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson and paid the relevant royalties to them. | 00:45 |
sudokill | ActionParsnip, i want to use it for all sites not just google ones | 00:45 |
sudokill | btut it segfaults with it on | 00:45 |
ubuntu12321 | can't i just install libmad? | 00:45 |
ActionParsnip | sudokill: they load fast because I have a caching proxy :D | 00:46 |
sudokill | so do i, but still its supposed to make almost all sites load 50% faster | 00:46 |
ActionParsnip | sudokill: all I can suggest is try it, see how it goes. It is reversible | 00:46 |
vlt | neodemi_sleep: of course you can | 00:46 |
ubuntu12321 | mp3 is well supported by free software. and i live in a country where software patents aren't valid. how to install mp3 support other than this one offered by ubuntu? | 00:46 |
ActionParsnip | sudokill: also run a local dns on your system, makes dns take 0ms | 00:47 |
frank_ | ubuntu12321: where do you live? I want to immigrate! | 00:47 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntu12321: mp3 is not free (as in speech) | 00:47 |
ubuntu12321 | frank_: brazil | 00:47 |
sudokill | ActionParsnip, im ok i used to have local dns i just use googles now | 00:47 |
frank_ | ubuntu12321: nice one | 00:47 |
frank_ | ActionParsnip: Im quite aware of that | 00:47 |
sudokill | ActionParsnip, i dont have aproblem, at all with speed, i just want it faster lol | 00:47 |
ubuntu12321 | ActionParsnip: it is patent-encumbered, but there is free software that plays mp3 | 00:47 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntu12321: sudo apt-get -y install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 00:47 |
frank_ | ubuntu12321: I envy you. | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | ubuntu12321: maybe but the mp3 decoder is not | 00:48 |
sarkis | hey guys does ubuntu even need a xorg.conf in 11.04? I think I saved changed with nvidia xorg settings and everytime i start up ubuntu it complains the monitors are not set properly | 00:48 |
bazhang | ubuntu12321, install the ubuntu-restricte-extras package | 00:48 |
bazhang | err restricted ubuntu12321 | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: it doesn't ship with one, but if you use video chips like sis or intel you may need one | 00:48 |
frank_ | ubuntu12321: google.com/?q=medibuntu | 00:48 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: I need an xorg.conf for my media system as the display never sets right so I use the file to force settings | 00:49 |
sarkis | ActionParsnip: if i rename/move my xorg.conf it won't freak out? | 00:49 |
JAQK-JOKER | Which is a good internet browser, "Firefox" of "Google Crome"? | 00:49 |
ubuntu12321 | but will it install the free software mp3 decoder bazhang? | 00:49 |
sudokill | sarkis, u can always move it back | 00:49 |
dwarder | could memory upgrade cause "top" to behave weirdly | 00:49 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: no, it will be fine. Its only when the xorg starts | 00:49 |
Jeruvy | !poll | JAQK-JOKER | 00:49 |
ubottu | JAQK-JOKER: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 00:49 |
ActionParsnip | JAQK-JOKER: both are good | 00:49 |
sarkis | hmm | 00:50 |
sudokill | people are losing interest in FF these days... | 00:50 |
JAQK-JOKER | Thank You | 00:50 |
lloowen | Hello all! Just changed the port number for my ssh server on my Ubuntu. After restarting my ssh server I had to run the command ssh-keygen -R but this does not work :-| Have I got the syntax wrong? | 00:50 |
sarkis | also on my additional drivers, i have the proprietary nvidia drivers says its being used but not active? | 00:50 |
ActionParsnip | sudokill: i lost interest ages ago | 00:50 |
sudokill | :) | 00:50 |
SKoua | JAQK-JOKER I prefer FF but Chrome is getting interest because it's fast | 00:50 |
ActionParsnip | arora is sweet too | 00:50 |
sudokill | if only chromium had autoscrolling on linux...... i mean come on | 00:51 |
xarth | see you | 00:51 |
Jeremy3D | how do i get rid of a hotkey in 11.04? looked in system>preferences>keyboard shortcuts but the hotkey i'm looking for isnt there | 00:51 |
ActionParsnip | Jeremy3D: what does the key do? | 00:52 |
Jeremy3D | ctrl alt num 0 : maximizes window | 00:52 |
Saik2 | stupid network.. | 00:52 |
marck | ok | 00:52 |
niftylettuce | sry 4 link earlier, connection dropped while I was attempting to PM | 00:52 |
sudokill | Jeremy3D, do u accidentally press that or something? lol | 00:52 |
marck | who was it again | 00:52 |
Jeremy3D | it's a hotkey for Blender though and would rather use that | 00:52 |
sudokill | ah | 00:53 |
PythonSnake | me | 00:53 |
PythonSnake | marck: me | 00:53 |
Jeremy3D | but when i look in shortcut key list in preferences i dont see that | 00:53 |
sudokill | if blender is maximised doesnt that take prescedence> | 00:53 |
Strav | ohzie: sorry to say this but I cannot see the attached fix to 772222 in launchpad? | 00:53 |
mehwork | to make /home its own partition, i make / the 'primary' partition and /home the 'logical' partition right? | 00:54 |
JAQK-JOKER | Does anyone have "linksys | 00:54 |
Jeremy3D | blender is already maximized but the shortcut isn't doing anything and i know its set. i think ubuntu might be stopping it | 00:54 |
sudokill | JAQK-JOKER, linksys router? | 00:54 |
sudokill | yes i do | 00:54 |
JAQK-JOKER | 'Yes | 00:54 |
sudokill | lots of people do lol | 00:54 |
ubuntu12321 | ... my issue is: can't i install libmad, in a way that programs would be able to play mp3 without fluendo? libmad has no patent issue in my country | 00:54 |
Strav | ohzie: I'm up-to-date so I guess it hasn't been pushed in the main repositories already. Every attachment to the bug in question are either .txt files or screenshots. Honestly I don't quite know where to look for that fix. | 00:55 |
ubuntu12321 | or some programs would play mp3 only with fluendo? (why can't ubuntu offer libmad, especially since it offered it in past?) | 00:55 |
bazhang | libmad0, libmad0-dev, libmad-ocaml, libmad-ocaml-dev, libmadlib ubuntu12321 | 00:55 |
JAQK-JOKER | Should I use "linksys" instead of AT&T? | 00:56 |
sudokill | ubuntu12321, i think the medibuntu ppa sorts all that out i maybe completely wrong | 00:56 |
bazhang | JAQK-JOKER, ask in ##hardware thats offtopic here | 00:56 |
sudokill | JAQK-JOKER, you're asking questions there is no answer to | 00:56 |
ActionParsnip | !info libmad0 | 00:56 |
ubottu | libmad0 (source: libmad): MPEG audio decoder library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.15.1b-5ubuntu1 (natty), package size 69 kB, installed size 152 kB | 00:56 |
bazhang | ubuntu12321, install the ones I just showed you | 00:57 |
ubuntu12321 | bazhang: would it make, say, banshee play mp3s? | 00:57 |
bazhang | ubuntu12321, try it and see | 00:57 |
ActionParsnip | !codecs | 00:58 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 00:58 |
niftylettuce | can anyone tackle this issue? https://github.com/niftylettuce/nifty-web-requests#gist4gedit | 00:59 |
niftylettuce | rather, a gist4gedit | 01:00 |
IdleOne | niftylettuce: How is that Ubuntu related? | 01:01 |
niftylettuce | gedit is ubuntu/deb text editor | 01:01 |
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ubuntu12321 | is there something for cycling between windows of the same program? i ask because at unity bar, related windows are grouped | 01:02 |
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niftylettuce | o_O there is a gedit channel, wowza | 01:02 |
niftylettuce | IdleOne: :) ill post it there, ty | 01:02 |
robin0800 | niftylettuce: don't think so its gnome ? | 01:02 |
ubuntu12321 | (at mac one can click alt+' to solve this) | 01:02 |
niftylettuce | robin0800: gnome2 | 01:03 |
IdleOne | ubuntu12321: try alt+tab | 01:03 |
sudokill | ubuntu12321, i dont think there is.. | 01:03 |
moses | how do you change the account password | 01:03 |
chaddy | thought there was something in ccsm, ubuntu12321 | 01:04 |
sudokill | moses passwd | 01:04 |
Terabyte | is it possible to run a program as a particular user, where that particular user is permissioned but you are not. (not talking about admin privilages here). I want to permission a file to be only executed by 1 user, but i want to allow another user to 'puppet' as that permissioned user and execute the file. can this be done? | 01:04 |
chaddy | various switchers in that, give them a try | 01:04 |
sudokill | moses e.g. passwd moses | 01:04 |
ubuntu12321 | how to not join related windows at the left bar? | 01:04 |
moses | i mean in ubuntu | 01:04 |
bazhang | Terabyte, what app needs that to run? | 01:04 |
Terabyte | ? | 01:04 |
Terabyte | woops wrong channel | 01:05 |
bazhang | moses, yes ubuntu | 01:05 |
moses | my sudo password correct? | 01:05 |
moses | ok | 01:05 |
ubuntu12321 | moses: system settings, about me, change password | 01:05 |
bazhang | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword moses | 01:05 |
ubuntu12321 | or sudo passwd your-username | 01:05 |
sudokill | Terabyte, maybe su | 01:05 |
sudokill | to run it | 01:05 |
ActionParsnip | moses: if not you can always boot to root recovery mode and run: passwd user replace user with your actual username | 01:07 |
ohzie | Strav: I'm sorry. :( | 01:07 |
ohzie | Strav: My problems with Arch are the packages being unsigned and the fact that I actually use my computer for work. I don't have time to configure gdm from scratch and go find my drivers because they don't bother to try to detect them. | 01:08 |
ohzie | This is 2011. If ubuntu can do it, Arch should be able to do it. IMO. | 01:08 |
ohzie | Though I do like the one arch server I have. | 01:09 |
ohzie | bsd init is quite fancy. | 01:09 |
sudokill | geez arch is all about configuring... to ur needs | 01:09 |
jeff__ | hi guys.. | 01:09 |
szal | and most of all, Arch is off-topic here ;) | 01:09 |
ohzie | sudokill: and it fits for my server. It doesn't fit for my desktop. XD | 01:09 |
sudokill | distros like mint are about not having to worry about any of that | 01:09 |
szal | same for Mint | 01:10 |
philipballew | if i am connected to the internet wirelessely. can i share my internet if i hook up a router to my laptop? | 01:11 |
ohzie | philipballew: Yes, but it'll require a lot of manually configuring your routing. | 01:12 |
ohzie | philipballew: Are complicated things 'fun' or 'difficult and annoying' to you? | 01:12 |
ohzie | !routing | 01:12 |
jeff__ | hi guys | 01:12 |
chaddy | HI jeff__ | 01:13 |
ohzie | philipballew: I suggest you look on the linux documentation project for 'internet connection sharing' | 01:13 |
bazhang | !ics | philipballew | 01:14 |
ubottu | philipballew: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing | 01:14 |
jeff__ | when i run pppoeconf from with my modem connected, it seems like my cable is unppluged, but i`m online... although, i cannot connect if i use an rounter (due to unpplugged issue... | 01:14 |
jeff__ | please :/ does anybody have this issue? | 01:15 |
jeff__ | it seems like the cable is unplugged. but it's there :/ | 01:15 |
sudokill | what do u mean? it shows the cables disconnected or something? | 01:15 |
sudokill | but it works? | 01:16 |
jeff__ | it works | 01:16 |
jeff__ | creepy | 01:16 |
Berto | Hi - is there a way to go directly from 10.04 to 11.04? | 01:16 |
sudokill | nothing to do with ur connection then | 01:16 |
jeff__ | well, i'm connected right now | 01:16 |
sudokill | maybe some network manager thing | 01:16 |
iceroot | Berto: not a supported one | 01:16 |
robin0800 | jeff__: you could try gnomeppp which uses wvdial | 01:16 |
sudokill | icon or something | 01:16 |
szal | Berto: yes, reinstall | 01:16 |
sudokill | Berto, the update manager does it | 01:16 |
jeff__ | well, connecting is not my problem | 01:16 |
mscott | so i have a usb block device that i want to send and receive data from but it doesnt mount automatically im reading the mount man pages but do i want a named pipe instead? any help would be appreciated | 01:17 |
Berto | Hmm, guess i'll stay on 10.04... not worth my time for two upgrades. double the risk of garbage happening :( | 01:17 |
galamar | how do I wget multiple files with one command? (wget http://www.web.com/pics/4290). Idea being to grab all pics from 1-5000 in a given url? I need to know how the express ranges. | 01:17 |
Berto | sudokill, the update manager wants to go to 10.10 first | 01:17 |
jeff__ | here it is : i have a LG modem, and a d-link router | 01:17 |
iceroot | Berto: never touch a running system | 01:17 |
iceroot | Berto: there is a way to go directly to 11.04 but not with update-manager but that is not a supported way | 01:17 |
sudokill | Berto, yea or stay on 10.10 if ur happy with it | 01:17 |
jeff__ | i need to use the router... but since i ran pppoeconf, it doesn't reconise when i plug the cable anymore... | 01:17 |
sudokill | unless ur dying to use unity | 01:18 |
intrader | mu3en, the disk utility show me a partition after NTFS of 18GB (reiserfs), then an extended partition with 1.3 Swap, 8.8 GB reiserfs (not mounted), 9.0 GB mounded as /root, 6GB mounded as /home, and 4.gb as /usr | 01:18 |
jeff__ | but if i plug again directly to my LG modem and run it, i'm surfing arround the web again | 01:18 |
Berto | I'd like a newer version of Xorg is really what I want out of 11.04 | 01:18 |
Berto | Maybe there's a fresher repository for 10.04? | 01:18 |
iceroot | Berto: not an official one | 01:19 |
sudokill | Berto, ud be bettter off reinstalling and saving ur config files | 01:19 |
iceroot | Berto: within an ubuntu-release you will only get security updates, not major updates for packages | 01:19 |
Berto | right. Thanks guys! | 01:19 |
jeff__ | any ideas? | 01:20 |
iceroot | Berto: you can have a look at the backports but i cant imaging there is a newer x-server for 10.04 | 01:20 |
sudokill | jeff__, maybe the settings in ur router? | 01:20 |
jeff__ | both, my notebook and my desktop | 01:20 |
jeff__ | nope, it can't be | 01:20 |
Berto | iceroot, yeah cool. I just have a few weird issues occasionally | 01:20 |
iceroot | Berto: can you explain the problems with the x-server? | 01:21 |
sudokill | Berto, they can probably be sorted | 01:21 |
Berto | iceroot, I'd like to change my resolution from 1920x1080 to 1680x1050 on my two monitors. Nvidia driver doesn't listen | 01:21 |
iceroot | Berto: tried with xrandr? | 01:22 |
sudokill | Berto, is 1920 not ur native res then? | 01:22 |
szal | Berto: unless that's a CRT, that's pretty pointless, since everything that's not the native resolution looks like cr*p on a flat screen | 01:22 |
smw | Is it possible to use a directory of deb files as an apt-repo? | 01:22 |
Berto | sudokill, 1920 is native. I think it's giving me headaches | 01:22 |
ActionParsnip | Berto: run: sudo nvidia-xconfig; gksudo nvidia-settings then set the resolutions to something, then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and set the resolutions in the file manually | 01:22 |
Berto | Oh i see | 01:23 |
iceroot | Berto: yes and why change to 1680? if 1920 is the resolution from your monitors you cant change them (without a strange result) | 01:23 |
sudokill | Berto, anything but native will give u more headaches it will look blurry | 01:23 |
Berto | hahhaa | 01:23 |
Berto | ok well thanks! | 01:23 |
surskitty | Every once in a while, the sound goes all tinny on my netbook. Restarting pulseaudio fixes it temporarily, but I'd rather it not happen. What should I do? I'm still using 10.10, btw. | 01:23 |
iceroot | Berto: also, that is not an x-server issue | 01:23 |
ActionParsnip | smw: you can use aptoncd and make a CD based repo (or just mount the ISO). You can manually install deb files with: sudo dpkg -i * | 01:24 |
szal | Berto: and if viewing a monitor gives you headaches, you should rather think about increasing font size and/or seeing an ophthalmologist to check your eyes | 01:24 |
spasysheep | can anyone here help me with making my custom ISO bootable? | 01:24 |
iceroot | szal: yes, you just have to create the packages-file for it and then it is a normal repository. you can create the packages-file with apt-ftparchive | 01:25 |
iceroot | smw: yes, you just have to create the packages-file for it and then it is a normal repository. you can create the packages-file with apt-ftparchive | 01:25 |
szal | iceroot: ? | 01:25 |
iceroot | szal: sorry, wrong nick | 01:25 |
yokobr | well, i've plugged my brothers notebook and seems ok | 01:25 |
smw | iceroot, thanks | 01:25 |
iceroot | !remaster | spasysheep | 01:25 |
ubottu | spasysheep: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility | 01:25 |
yokobr | still, ubuntu doesn't reconize anymore when i plug network cable | 01:25 |
Hilikus | hey guys | 01:26 |
sudokill | hi | 01:26 |
spasysheep | iceroot: ive got all the files sorted out, I'm trying to use mkisofs to compile the ISO and it's not working properly | 01:26 |
=== dmb is now known as ]dmb[ | ||
Hilikus | hey guys. is it possible to "burn" several cd ISOs into a hard drive and create a menu a la grub that asks me which one to boot? | 01:27 |
yokobr | please... does anybody knows why my ubuntu doesn't reconize when i plug my network cable since i ran pppoeconf?? | 01:27 |
Terabyte | what are groups dialout adm cdrom plugdev lpadmin sambashare? | 01:27 |
spasysheep | Hilikus: yes | 01:28 |
minimee | is there any way to get the proprietary nvidia geforce go 7300 drivers to work? | 01:29 |
iceroot | spasysheep: that is not the correct way | 01:30 |
Hilikus | spasysheep, perfect, thank you | 01:30 |
mu3en | intrader, not sure i understood the question on your layout. looks like you have 18gb reiserfs and 8gb resierfs that are not used? either way if your 6gb and 8gb /home and / partitions are full, the approach might be to mount the 8gb reiserfs (maybe foramtted to match the other filesystems) (and add it to your /etc/fstab so it mounts at startup) then copy a home folder off /home or a large folder off / to the 8gb drive, then symlink (ln -s) that | 01:30 |
mu3en | folder where it was originally. | 01:30 |
spasysheep | iceroot: what do you mean, 'correct way'? | 01:31 |
deww | minimee: pretty sure it works, but i'm not using the latest version of ubuntu. stil on 10.10 | 01:31 |
iceroot | spasysheep: i am looking at my script to build custom-cds and there is a lot more then just mkisofs | 01:31 |
iceroot | spasysheep: apt-ftparchive, grub-stuff and so on | 01:31 |
minimee | deww | 01:31 |
minimee | deww excellent | 01:31 |
spasysheep | Hilikus: you should be able to use dd to turn the ISOs into partitions on the disk, then install grub | 01:31 |
iceroot | spasysheep: best way is to use the link from ubottu about remastering | 01:31 |
minimee | deww is there a way to downgrade? | 01:31 |
minimee | i have 11.04 | 01:32 |
iceroot | minimee: no | 01:32 |
Hilikus | spasysheep, just dd the iso? no mounting or extracting or anything?? | 01:32 |
iceroot | minimee: if you mean to downgrade to a lower ubuntu-version like 10.10 | 01:32 |
minimee | yes i do | 01:32 |
minimee | that's what i mena | 01:32 |
minimee | mean | 01:32 |
iceroot | minimee: not possible | 01:32 |
deww | man that's a good thing i didn't upgrade. just reearching that issue | 01:32 |
spasysheep | iceroot: I did a very minimal edit of an existing livecd, and everything I've read tells me that I should be able to mkisofs it into an ISO again, but I can't get the syntax right because I don't understand how livecds work | 01:33 |
minimee | deww yeah its really a mess | 01:33 |
spasysheep | Hilikus: I think so, but don't blame me if you accidentally all your data | 01:33 |
intrader | mu3en, I don'y quite understand the linking part, please explain | 01:33 |
iceroot | spasysheep: ah ok so you are remastering an existing iso instead of building a complete new cd | 01:33 |
spasysheep | iceroot: yes | 01:33 |
ActionParsnip | minimee: you will need t clean reinstall | 01:33 |
iceroot | spasysheep: as i said, use the link from ubottu, its exactly what you are trying to do | 01:33 |
yokobr | guys... it's not my router... when i plug on my brother's notebook it works... | 01:33 |
minimee | ActionParsnip: is that the only way to get it to work with the geforcego7300? | 01:34 |
yokobr | my ubuntu just stopped from seeing that my network cable is plugged | 01:34 |
spasysheep | iceroot: I know, but the command syntax it gives is not quite right for me, and I need help figuring it out | 01:34 |
iceroot | spasysheep: use pastebin to show what you tried and what the errors are | 01:34 |
spasysheep | iceroot: ok, hang on. basically, I don't think I'm pointing it at the .img file for booting properly | 01:35 |
ActionParsnip | minimee: if you install nvidia-current it will work | 01:35 |
minimee | ActionParsnip: that does not work. | 01:36 |
szal | minimee: define "does not work" | 01:36 |
minimee | the driver doesnt work. it goes back to generic | 01:37 |
mu3en | intrader, a symlinked folder or file is like a marker that points to a file or folder that is actually somewhere else | 01:37 |
szal | minimee: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo nvidia-xconfig - then reboot | 01:37 |
ActionParsnip | minimee: can you expand on that. Simply saying "It doesn't work" helps nobody, most of all you | 01:37 |
minimee | ActionParsnip: i DID expand on it | 01:38 |
minimee | it wont function defaults back to the generic driver | 01:38 |
ActionParsnip | minimee: keeping stuff on one line makes things clearer | 01:38 |
ActionParsnip | minimee: use nvidia-xconfig to generate an xorg.conf file, it should make the driver load | 01:39 |
ActionParsnip | minimee: if not then you can run: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log and read the x server log to see what's going on | 01:39 |
minimee | ActionParsnip: is there a site that describes how to do it? | 01:39 |
minimee | ActionParsnip: take a look at my forum post. one second... | 01:39 |
szal | minimee: how to do what? | 01:39 |
nomada | Hi... | 01:40 |
minimee | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1791019 | 01:40 |
nomada | does anybody had ever tried Ubuntu 11.04 on a MacBookPro 8.2 | 01:40 |
stercor | How do I upgrade to the latest version of Ubuntu? "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade" didn't do the trick. | 01:40 |
intrader | mu3en, In the 18 GB this a reiserfs /home wtih 9gb of free space, the 8.8 reiserfs has two folders /intrader and /interder.alt. I would like to not touch the 8.8; can I format the 18 to match my currently running system? | 01:40 |
crazybrain | I am not able to adjust my screen to 1024*768 resolution as i could do in windows | 01:41 |
crazybrain | ? | 01:41 |
mu3en | intrader, so for example i move the folder from /var/cache/apt/archives to /media/bigdisk/archives/ then i go to /var/cache/apt and issue the command 'sudo ln -s /media/bigdisk/archives'. if you look in /var/cache/apt/, you will see afolder called archives, and you can go into it as usual, but, the folder is Actually at /media/bigdisk/archives | 01:41 |
nomada | I have read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro8-1 but wireless seems to not work... | 01:41 |
xangua | !upgrade | stercor | 01:41 |
ubottu | stercor: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 01:41 |
szal | [02:37:54] <szal> minimee: sudo apt-get install nvidia-current && sudo nvidia-xconfig - then reboot | 01:41 |
stercor | xangua: tHANKS! | 01:41 |
minimee | szal: nvidia-current is already installed | 01:42 |
sqiush102 | raid-1: i have 2tb drive with 2 partitions and a LVM. I bought a 2nd 2tb drive now. Can I get raid1 going with no additional disk? | 01:42 |
cpgo | how would I mount a windows partition where I could change the permissions of certain folder. Every time I try to change a folders owner it reverts back to root | 01:42 |
szal | minimee: then run nvidia-xconfig & reboot | 01:42 |
crazybrain | I am not able to adjust my screen to 1024*768 resolution as i could do in windows....I am using intel 945g integrated video card | 01:42 |
mu3en | intrader, sorry i think i'm confused. maybe you could paste the result of sudo fdisk -l to pastebin for me? | 01:42 |
OerHeks | minimee i run the 173 driver on nvidia 7025 | 01:43 |
spasysheep | iceroot: pastebin.com/CZ6xkLx the iso I'm remastering is an arch ISO, but noone on the arch cahnnel could help me so I came here. that command outputs an ISO fine, but it's not bootable | 01:43 |
szal | OerHeks: the 173 is only for FX | 01:43 |
OerHeks | minimee, i changed it in classic | 01:43 |
mu3en | intrader, sorry seems like http://goo.gl/ixcN9 is the place to paste it | 01:43 |
minimee | szal it says it's unable to locate that file | 01:44 |
OerHeks | szal only fx, no go ? | 01:44 |
szal | minimee: what file? | 01:44 |
minimee | OerHeks: what is "classic"? | 01:44 |
minimee | WARNING: Unable to locate/open X configuration file. New X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' | 01:45 |
OerHeks | minimee classic is the old gnome menu, not unity | 01:45 |
minimee | OerHeks: i'ver tried classic. compiz doesnt work and flash videos are still choppy and flicker | 01:45 |
mu3en | cpgo, if it's a fat32 partition, it cannot actually have permissions, you have to set those when you mount the drive, it is documented with examples in the ubuntu community documentation. | 01:46 |
OerHeks | minimee that is due to the current driver, i guess | 01:46 |
cpgo | mu3en, ntfs | 01:46 |
minimee | OerHeks: i even tried the old driver (173) | 01:46 |
szal | OerHeks: indeed, the Go 70xx series should run on -current | 01:46 |
cpgo | mu3en, I mounted via /dev/sda2 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults 0 2 | 01:46 |
intrader | mu3en, linking is clearer. Here is the paste http://paste.ubuntu.com/634686/ | 01:47 |
szal | minimee: perfectly OK, that msg, that's what it's supposed to do.. now did you reboot? | 01:47 |
sqiush102 | raid-1: i have 2tb drive with 2 partitions and a LVM. I bought a 2nd 2tb drive now. Can I get raid1 going with no additional disk? | 01:47 |
mu3en | cpgo, i don't know for ntfs so it would be dangerous for me to say. i assume that you need some kind of gid uid in that command (but i think that's in the community docs too) | 01:48 |
minimee | szal: should i activate the driver first (nvidia-current) | 01:48 |
sje46 | please tell me how to mount a filesystem so I dn't need root to access it? | 01:48 |
szal | minimee: no, just reboot | 01:48 |
sje46 | Nautilus does it just fine. but I wnt to do it via the command line | 01:48 |
cyperbg | hi guys, is there a complete backup facility in Ubuntu 11.04. Something similar to Norton Ghost or Acronis TrueImage | 01:48 |
spasysheep | cyperbg: dd | 01:48 |
cyperbg | I want to make a mirror copy of my entire disk and save it on a USB flash drive | 01:48 |
Jeruvy | !backup | cyperbg | 01:49 |
ubottu | cyperbg: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 01:49 |
mu3en | okay intrader, is /dev/sda7 the empty partition? | 01:49 |
cyperbg | can you recommend the most user friendly, suitable for a linux newbie | 01:49 |
spasysheep | cyperbg: dd is the simplest way if you just want to create a perfect 1:1 image, but it is also dangerous | 01:49 |
spasysheep | cyperbg: I don't know about the others | 01:50 |
cyperbg | spasysheep why is it dangerous? | 01:50 |
maco | cyperbg: because one of the meanings of DD is Disk Destroyer | 01:50 |
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andregabriel | I have a drive (G: at windows) called HD NOVO (/media/HD\ NOVO at Ubuntu). The problem is that everytime I reboot my links to this media on ubuntu are lost. Then I have to go to the ubuntu explorer and click on the computer icon then double click on the hard drive. Only by doing this Ubuntu recognizes this hard drive (I have to it every reboot). What can I do? | 01:50 |
spasysheep | cyperbg: dd directly accesses the disk, and if you get the command wrong you can accidentally obliterate your data | 01:50 |
maco | cyperbg: its very easy to screw up such that you write the blank backup drive over the drive you were intendng to backup | 01:50 |
mu3en | cyperbg - get the command wrong and bye bye everything... | 01:50 |
sqiush102 | cyperbg: I used clonezilla to make an image | 01:51 |
maco | cyperbg: i tend to use rsync on the command line, but one of the graphical tools is probably new-user-friendliest | 01:51 |
Jeruvy | cyperbg: with great power comes great responsibility :) | 01:51 |
andregabriel | any help? | 01:51 |
cyperbg | sqiush102 I'll have a look at it, it sounds promising :) | 01:51 |
maco | cyperbg: bacula maybe? | 01:51 |
intrader | mu3en, sda2 has a /home that is empty, sda6 has two compies in reiserfs of some old /intrader home | 01:51 |
mu3en | cyperbg: partimage seems to work good too | 01:51 |
maco | cyperbg: sbackup-gtk? | 01:52 |
cyperbg | maco, wow so many, it's even harder to know which one to choose | 01:52 |
maco | cyperbg: well, the s in sbackup is "simple" so thats why i named that one | 01:52 |
maco | cyperbg: but yes, there are like 20 tools at least for this | 01:52 |
crazybrain | How to configure resolution of monitor to 1280*768 and i am using intel 945g | 01:53 |
mu3en | intrader, so what you need is to choose a partition with lots of empty space and make sure you're mounting it permanently using /etc/fstab | 01:53 |
maco | !resolution | crazybrain see the wiki page linked | 01:53 |
ubottu | crazybrain see the wiki page linked: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 01:53 |
cyperbg | maco I see sbackup in included in my installation, so I will have a look at it | 01:53 |
mu3en | intrader, seems like you said there was an unmounted (and maybe empty) partition that you could use? | 01:53 |
cyperbg | thanks you | 01:53 |
spasysheep | iceroot? | 01:53 |
andregabriel | anyone ? any help ? | 01:54 |
robin0800 | minimee: classic is gnome 2.x | 01:54 |
jeff__ | well... i see nobody can help me :( | 01:54 |
steven_ | hello | 01:54 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: you need to make the drive mount on boot | 01:54 |
spasysheep | !fstab | andregabriel | 01:55 |
ubottu | andregabriel: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 01:55 |
intrader | mu3en, the 18 has a large empty /home in reiserfs. As far as I know I could reformat that one as extd, then it get unclear what else to do | 01:55 |
Terabyte | given that the root account is disabled, will this cron script work? : http://shapeshed.com/journal/auto_update_an_ubuntu_server_with_aptitude/ | 01:55 |
Hilikus | hey guys. is it possible to "burn" several cd ISOs into a hard drive and create a menu a la grub that asks me which one to boot from? | 01:56 |
Terabyte | specifically the 2nd black box that moves it to cron | 01:56 |
aeon-ltd | Hilikus: probably but why it seems kinda useless | 01:57 |
spoon456gh | irc://chat.freenode.net/cad | 01:57 |
Hilikus | aeon-ltd, do you know how? | 01:57 |
mu3en | intrader: so, assuming you can format a nice partition into whatever you want (ext4), you then add it to your /etc/fstab (with a mount point such as /media/bigdisk), then you copy one or more folders that are taking up space on the other drives. if you are sure those are copied properly, you can then delete the original folders and create a symlink in the same place that points to the folders on the new partition. | 01:58 |
Hilikus | aeon-ltd, i know it is technically possible, but i don't know what its called tosearch for it | 01:58 |
aeon-ltd | Hilikus: why? | 01:58 |
jeff__ | well, if anybody knows why my ubuntu doesn't reconize eth cable anymore, let me know :( | 01:58 |
crazybrain | ubottu: the command you told giving an error warning: output VGA1 not found; ignoring | 01:58 |
ubottu | crazybrain: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 01:58 |
andregabriel | tks spasysheep and ubottu, my drive is mounted right now (as I have entered the ubuntu browser), how can I check the mounted command so I only copy & paste to the /etc/fstab ? | 01:59 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: just run mount with no arguments will give you a list of currently mounted systems | 01:59 |
monokrome | Does anyone know how to import music from iPhone? | 02:00 |
mu3en | intrader: so for example, you copy the folder /var/cache/apt/archives to /media/bigdisk then you delete /var/cache/apt/archives and then finally you go to /var/cache/apt/ and issue the command 'sudo ln -s /media/bigdisk/archives' this way the folder appears to be in /var/cache/apt/ but is actually in /media/bigdisk | 02:00 |
szal | OerHeks: the 173 has, according to its supported hw list, no support for GeForce Go cards, though it will run on up to GF9 and even some newer models | 02:00 |
spasysheep | monokrome: there's a ritual. you'll need 5 red candles and a toad | 02:00 |
OerHeks | thnx szal | 02:00 |
andregabriel | tks spaysysheep, I got this line for the device: /dev/sdc5 on /media/HD NOVO type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions) can I just copy and paste everything to the last line at /etc/fstab ? | 02:01 |
weefee | any way I can jam my wifi drivers into an ubuntu server iso? | 02:01 |
spasysheep | umm, not quite | 02:01 |
mu3en | intrader, and you can do this with any large folders except those that are really necessary to boot i think. that way you free more space on / or on /home partitions by moving the data somewhere else. make sense? | 02:01 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: what file system is the HDD formatted with? | 02:02 |
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intrader | mu3en, I will copy your instrucciones and follow. Thanks so much. | 02:02 |
andregabriel | I don't know how to answer you that question. Should I run a command for you ? | 02:02 |
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mu3en | weefee, there's a fair number of tutorials on creating custom ubuntu discs, you could load them up with whatever you feel like | 02:03 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: Umm, I can't remember how you check the file system of a drive | 02:03 |
solayagim | hello guys | 02:03 |
mu3en | intrader, sure, but please be careful to understand where you are moving data to. and that you're not deleting anything important. and i hope i don't have to say make sure you have backups anyway! | 02:04 |
mu3en | intrader, if you are not sure you can find out more about symlinking and the ln command. man ln can be helpful. | 02:04 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: ok, I've worked it out. the next thing I say will be the line you need to add to /etc/fstab | 02:04 |
andregabriel | tks spasysheep I will take a look here then: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html if I can't find the answer I'll come back :) tk you! | 02:05 |
mu3en | intrader, and the link andregabriel just gave for fstab will help you make sure the new partition is mounted via fstab if ever | 02:06 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: /dev/sdc5 /media/HD\ NOVO ntfs-3g rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096,default_permissions 0 0 | 02:06 |
martian | I installed ubuntu desktop on a system that I have since decided to dedicate as a small server; is there a way to just remove all GUI components to leave the system akin to ubuntu server? | 02:07 |
andregabriel | tks spasysheep I'll try that line and see what happens at my next reboot! thank you! | 02:09 |
andregabriel | very much! | 02:10 |
spasysheep | andregabriel: no problem | 02:10 |
mu3en | martian: if you look on the left of this page you will see some "getting back to pure gnome" and so on http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php probably those command could be edited to remove all the gnome or kde or whatever components | 02:10 |
ActionParsnip | martian: remove the xorg package and it will strip out all the gui stuffs | 02:12 |
ActionParsnip | martian: you can use server apps on the desktop without any issue | 02:12 |
weefee | are there any core differences between desktop and server? | 02:12 |
edbian | weefee: The server does not have a GUI, that is the biggest difference. | 02:13 |
msav | is there a way to stop 11.04 from installing unity? I don't care much for the new interface | 02:13 |
bazhang | weefee, the gui | 02:13 |
bazhang | msav, no, just use classic | 02:13 |
bazhang | !classic | msav | 02:13 |
ubottu | msav: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". | 02:13 |
intrader | mu3en, always something goes wrong. In pasting from xchat to a new tomboy note, the tomboy notes is hung up. I have to reboot. Thanks for help | 02:14 |
mu3en | pleasure intrader. hope you work it out | 02:15 |
msav | thank you bazhang | 02:15 |
spasysheep | does anyone here know the syntax of mkisofs well? | 02:15 |
martian | ActionParsnip: Ahh of course, pull the weeds up by the root :) | 02:15 |
mu3en | ActionParsnip. wow, do the dependencies for gnome.gtk all get zapped by removing xorg? that's an awesome approach if so, could have saved me a bunch a time more than once! | 02:16 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, what are you trying to do? | 02:17 |
spasysheep | ZykoticK9: I extracted a livecd ISO, edited a file, and now I want to rebuilt the files into a bootable ISO. The command I have makes an ISO, but it's not bootable | 02:18 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, perhaps try something like "mkisofs -o image.iso -b images/boot.img -c boot.cat -R -J -T /my/file/tree" | 02:19 |
ActionParsnip | mu3en: yes as they are xorg based, so pull out xorg and yell Jenga! | 02:19 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, i've never used it to create bootable images before sorry, the above is just in my ISO notes. | 02:19 |
spasysheep | ZycoticK9: what does the -c do? | 02:20 |
ZykoticK9 | !tab > spasysheep | 02:20 |
ubottu | spasysheep, please see my private message | 02:20 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, i'm really not sure - i'm still working on installing it ;) | 02:20 |
mu3en | ActionParsnip, beautiful, so in fact all that extra is unnecessary: something like 'apt-get remove xorg | apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' would switch you almost perfectly from gnome to kde (or vice-versa of course! | 02:21 |
spasysheep | ZykoticK9: I typed Zyc and was wondering why tab-complete wasn't working >.< | 02:21 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, thus, i have no man page - it's like i'm blind | 02:21 |
afaty | Hello | 02:21 |
spasysheep | ZykoticK9: http://linux.die.net/man/8/mkisofs | 02:21 |
ActionParsnip | mu3en: well you'd need to reboot to unload the ap as its still in RAM | 02:22 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, what did you install to get mkisofs? | 02:22 |
spasysheep | ZykoticK9: I don't know, when I started trying to do this it was already there. try iso-tools or something? | 02:22 |
afaty | When I use evince opened the pdf file in gnome-terminal, the terminal putout "** (evince:9077): WARNING **: Unable to register window with path '/com/canonical/menu/5A00004': Timeout was reached". Anyone know that why? | 02:22 |
mu3en | ActionParsnip, but hell, it's a lot cleaner than the alternative i suggested (and used in the past more than once)! | 02:22 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, i was surprise it's not in dvd+rw-tools | 02:23 |
mu3en | ActionParsnip: Jenga indeed! thanks for that. | 02:23 |
spasysheep | ZykoticK9: packages.ubuntu.org says it's in genisoimage | 02:23 |
weefee | I have ubuntu desktop installed on a small hard drive, there is also a 5 disk softraid array, if I replace the small drive (not part of the array) and put a fresh copy of ubuntu on it, will it detect the raid? | 02:23 |
weefee | if ont, is there any way I can back up some settings to restore it just in case | 02:24 |
weefee | if not* | 02:24 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, i already have that installed - sorry i can't help sorry. | 02:24 |
robin0800 | weefee: think you need the alternate cd for raid | 02:24 |
ActionParsnip | mu3en: could make a VM and try it, see what happens | 02:25 |
sarkis | hey guys is it a bad idea to install the nvidia drivers? | 02:25 |
spasysheep | ZykoticK9: damn :( | 02:25 |
weefee | is there any chance of the installation destroying the raid if I don't tell it to mess with those drives? | 02:25 |
smw | how can I do a partial disto upgrade from the commandline? | 02:25 |
sudokill | sarkis no | 02:25 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: if you want them then install them | 02:25 |
sarkis | sorry | 02:25 |
sarkis | i meant from the nvidia site | 02:25 |
sudokill | yes | 02:26 |
sarkis | i downloaded the shell script that installs it | 02:26 |
sudokill | its a bad idea | 02:26 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: why bother the drivers are in the repos | 02:26 |
sarkis | k | 02:26 |
sarkis | ActionParsnip: i dont think so.. the ones in the ubuntu repos are outdated :/ | 02:26 |
ActionParsnip | !info nvidia-current | sarkis | 02:26 |
ubottu | sarkis: nvidia-current (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel module and VDPAU library. In component restricted, is optional. Version 270.41.06-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 27828 kB, installed size 81488 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia) | 02:26 |
sudokill | sarkis, they work though | 02:26 |
sarkis | my GeForce GT 420 | 02:27 |
sarkis | seems that was added in the newer drivers that are only on the nvidia site? | 02:27 |
ZykoticK9 | spasysheep, mystery solved - Debian uses genisoimage instead. Sorry I'm REALLY no help to you - good luck! | 02:27 |
sudokill | sarkis, unless u need them for anything specific the standard drivers have less problems imo | 02:27 |
mu3en | ActionParsnip: got an old server with an unused ubuntu/gnome install on a separate drive, so i'll just give it a go for real tomorrow! for now, i'm out...but a little wiser! | 02:28 |
sarkis | need it for games.. | 02:28 |
sarkis | i guess i should wait | 02:28 |
sudokill | nah install the ubuntu ones | 02:28 |
sarkis | the current ones on ubuntu will catch up | 02:28 |
sudokill | newer ones wont make anything faster i doubt | 02:28 |
weefee | would there be any harm in using the server install cd then installing mdadm later, would it pick up the softraid that was created on another installation? | 02:28 |
spasysheep | sarkis: i've always found installing the drivers through the 3rd party drivers app thing works fine | 02:28 |
sarkis | sudokill: i installed the ones from ubuntu and i have a message in my additional drivers... it says it's installed but not being used? | 02:28 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/27 shows how to get the 275 nvidia driver | 02:29 |
sarkis | i cant do anything but remove | 02:29 |
szal | sudokill: the 275 fixes a bug that has been on status 'undecided' for 2 months in Launchpad | 02:29 |
sudokill | ok | 02:29 |
ZykoticK9 | sarkis, if your driver ARE working - ignore the message in additional drivers. That's IF they are working. | 02:30 |
sudokill | sarkis, have u rebooted ? | 02:30 |
sudokill | stupid question | 02:30 |
sarkis | yes | 02:31 |
sarkis | ZykoticK9: i cant know for sure if they are working? | 02:31 |
ZykoticK9 | sarkis, open nvidia-settings it will tell you | 02:31 |
ZykoticK9 | sarkis, i have some more complicated methods to know if the kernel is using the driver or not, but nvidia-settings is MUCH easier | 02:32 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: you may need to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig then restart X | 02:32 |
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sarkis | 48584 frames in 5.0 seconds = 9716.609 FPS | 02:32 |
sarkis | glxgears -_- | 02:32 |
sudokill | glxgears dont really tel u ... | 02:32 |
sudokill | lol | 02:32 |
ZykoticK9 | sarkis, glxgears is a terrible non-benchmark - but with that FPS i'd say they are working! | 02:33 |
jc319 | Hi, I just did a default installation of lastest Ubuntu and everything works fine, I just want to copy current X11 config file, where can I find it? locate xorg.conf does not return anything and I can't seem to find it under /etc/X | 02:33 |
ActionParsnip | sarkis: glxgears is a poor test | 02:33 |
ZykoticK9 | sarkis, my non-3d nvidia is currently "3342 frames in 5.0 seconds = 668.262 FPS" | 02:33 |
sudokill | do glxinfo | grep render | 02:34 |
sudokill | see if it says opengl yes | 02:34 |
sudokill | i think that means ur using nvidia.. | 02:34 |
Newman_ | How would I go transfering all my files and configurations from one laptop to another. Both have the same type of hardware more or less. They have the same onboard graphics card, same processor (i3) and same architecture (x86_64), not sure about the wireless card though | 02:34 |
ActionParsnip | Newman_: backup the hidden files in $HOME | 02:35 |
ZykoticK9 | ActionParsnip, +1 | 02:35 |
Newman_ | and what about my applications ActionParsnip | 02:35 |
sarkis | sudokill: direct rendering: Yes | 02:35 |
ZykoticK9 | !clone | Newman_ | 02:35 |
sarkis | thats what it says | 02:35 |
ubottu | Newman_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 02:35 |
Newman_ | and repo's i've installed | 02:35 |
sudokill | sarkis, looks like ur using nvidia | 02:35 |
sarkis | cool | 02:35 |
sarkis | just a technicality then | 02:36 |
sarkis | thanks gys | 02:36 |
Newman_ | hmm | 02:36 |
Newman_ | now what about the repositories i'm synced with | 02:36 |
Newman_ | i have a few github repos i have synced on my machine | 02:36 |
sudokill | Newman_, basically if u back up home ud have to reinstall ur programs but ud keep ur settings | 02:36 |
jc319 | On a default install where is X11 configuration file? | 02:36 |
Newman_ | will that carry over when i copy my home directory | 02:36 |
Newman_ | hmm | 02:36 |
ActionParsnip | jc319: udev is used but you CAN use: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 02:36 |
ZykoticK9 | Newman_, if you added PPAs/Repos you should probably manually add those to the new machine before trying the above !clone steps | 02:37 |
Newman_ | ok | 02:37 |
rogeriocam31415 | Can anyone help me? | 02:37 |
ZykoticK9 | !ask > rogeriocam31415 | 02:37 |
ubottu | rogeriocam31415, please see my private message | 02:37 |
Newman_ | so it's just a matter of copying the contents of my home directory, adding my ubuntu/canonical repos/ and installing all packages | 02:37 |
jc319 | ActionParsnip: I just want to dump/export current config, how can I do that? | 02:38 |
sudokill | newman yea | 02:38 |
Newman_ | will this carry over themes | 02:38 |
Newman_ | my issue though is with android repos i have synced and android kernel repos | 02:38 |
bkalinga1 | Facing problem while booting Ubuntu10.04 kernel panic - not syncinc : VFS : Unable to mounr root fs on unknown-block (2,0) Pid: 1, comm: swapper Not tainted 2.6.32 | 02:38 |
Newman_ | doesn't some symlink go on between that and the github repo | 02:38 |
bkalinga1 | any clue to it | 02:38 |
Newman_ | copying it would cause errors or no? | 02:38 |
ZykoticK9 | Newman_, if you want an extra step you could move /var/cache/apt/archive/*.deb to the new machine as well - saves downloading | 02:38 |
sudokill | Newman_, what i usually do is write everything down, by hand, on a notepad, then do a clean install | 02:39 |
rogeriocam31415 | what is the best compiler for python? | 02:39 |
sudokill | backup any config files | 02:39 |
mrdeb | how long is 1004 gonna be supported and is it worht to install it now | 02:39 |
Newman_ | ZykoticK9: good idea | 02:39 |
Newman_ | give me a sec guys i'm gonna write these all down in an email | 02:39 |
Newman_ | i'd rather get this right the first time | 02:39 |
Newman_ | i've took a lot of time setting up my dev laptop | 02:40 |
Newman_ | i hate having to re do things | 02:40 |
ActionParsnip | jc319: copy the hiodden folders in home as that is where user settings are kept | 02:40 |
ZykoticK9 | mrdeb, 10.04 is LTS so supported for 3 years on desktop - so until 2013 | 02:40 |
rogeriocam31415 | can i use the GCC compiler for python files? | 02:40 |
mrdeb | ZykoticK9: until wha month | 02:40 |
ActionParsnip | mrdeb: Natty support dies 1 day after Hardy desktop support dies | 02:40 |
sudokill | rogeriocam31415, yes | 02:40 |
szal | !10.04 | 02:40 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 | 02:40 |
ZykoticK9 | mrdeb, not sure... | 02:40 |
ActionParsnip | mrdeb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases | 02:40 |
mrdeb | is it april | 02:41 |
ActionParsnip | rogeriocam31415: no, its python, not c | 02:41 |
mrdeb | please tlel me if i shuld install lts | 02:41 |
ActionParsnip | mrdeb: check the link, it tells you | 02:41 |
Newman_ | so sudokill what should my steps be do you suggest | 02:41 |
bkalinga1 | mrdeb:i have 11.04 but for MeeGo project related activity i need this 1004 | 02:41 |
szal | ActionParsnip: hasn't Hardy desktop support already died? | 02:41 |
Newman_ | and is there any particular order to restoring these? | 02:41 |
ActionParsnip | mrdeb: I'd install natty, the release dies at the same time | 02:41 |
mrdeb | bkalinga1: 32 bit? | 02:41 |
ActionParsnip | szal: 8.04 yes desktop is dead, server is still going | 02:41 |
cane99 | I need to reset my password in freenode can anyone help? | 02:42 |
bkalinga1 | yes | 02:42 |
rogeriocam31415 | anyone know a good book for python studies? | 02:42 |
ActionParsnip | cane99: ask in #freenode | 02:42 |
sudokill | Newman_, its up to you, id back up any config files / important files and clean install and write stuff down you need to remember to do / add in the new install | 02:42 |
ActionParsnip | rogeriocam31415: the guys in #python may know some stuff :) | 02:42 |
bkalinga1 | mrdeb:actually after installing it was not listed in grub list | 02:42 |
cane99 | bkalinga1: what do I kneed to do. | 02:42 |
Newman_ | i have bunch of compiz settings too | 02:43 |
ZykoticK9 | cane99, you might want to try #freenode channel | 02:43 |
bkalinga1 | so i booted in 1104 | 02:43 |
Newman_ | i'm guessing they are stored in the .compiz hidden folder at home | 02:43 |
bkalinga1 | then do a grub-update | 02:43 |
Newman_ | so all the home directory with hidden files should suffice | 02:43 |
sudokill | im not sure about compiz | 02:43 |
Newman_ | ah | 02:43 |
Newman_ | and themese | 02:43 |
cane99 | ZykoticK9: thanks | 02:43 |
bkalinga1 | then 1004 shown in the grub list | 02:43 |
Newman_ | *themes | 02:43 |
sudokill | Newman_, yea ur home dir stores ll ur user settings | 02:43 |
Newman_ | they are in a diferent area? | 02:43 |
ActionParsnip | Newman_: sure, there are more files in $HOME/.config too | 02:43 |
sudokill | Newman_, but u might have some root settings idk | 02:44 |
Newman_ | right that i know ActionParsnip | 02:44 |
Newman_ | root settigns? | 02:44 |
Newman_ | i don't believe i do | 02:44 |
sudokill | ok | 02:44 |
Newman_ | i do have some paths exported in .bashrc | 02:44 |
Newman_ | but that's in HOME | 02:44 |
Newman_ | so no worries with that | 02:44 |
sudokill | just backup ur home | 02:44 |
ZykoticK9 | Newman_, have you made any changes to /etc files? If so, you might want to back those up as well. | 02:44 |
jc319 | ActionParsnip: I can't seem to find X11 settings in ~/.*. Do you know where is the resolution setting 'stored'? | 02:44 |
sudokill | entre home | 02:44 |
bkalinga1 | but when choosing that it shows Ubuntu10.04 kernel panic - not syncinc : VFS : Unable to mounr root fs on unknown-block (2,0) Pid: 1, comm: swapper Not tainted 2.6.32 | 02:44 |
ZykoticK9 | jc319, it's done automajically now. What are you trying to do exactly? | 02:45 |
cyperbg | guys, I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 with just one video card connected to the system, but plan on adding 3 more - can that lead to a crash? | 02:45 |
sudokill | Newman_, u must have used sudo to change some settings sometime? its hard to back it all up randomly | 02:45 |
Newman_ | ZykoticK9: i guess what my real question should have been is what can i copy over to another computer with out having to worry about if hardware is the same | 02:45 |
sudokill | home will do most of ur settings tho | 02:45 |
Newman_ | my main issue is having the parition become unbootable | 02:45 |
sudokill | ? | 02:45 |
Newman_ | eh i'm not quite sure | 02:45 |
sudokill | grub settings? | 02:45 |
Newman_ | right | 02:46 |
Newman_ | i have burg | 02:46 |
Newman_ | that i can copy the config | 02:46 |
Newman_ | for just the theme part | 02:46 |
ZykoticK9 | Newman_, it' would "probably" work fine - but i wouldn't "recommend" it. Good luck. | 02:46 |
Newman_ | that's not an issue | 02:46 |
FloodBot1 | Newman_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:46 |
sudokill | Newman_, if i was u id write stuff down if u have alot | 02:46 |
sudokill | then do it from clean | 02:46 |
ActionParsnip | jc319: x11 settings arent stored in $HOME | 02:46 |
cyperbg | guys, I've installed Ubuntu 11.04 with just one video card connected to the system, but plan on adding 3 more - can that lead to a crash? | 02:47 |
ActionParsnip | jc319: the display is probed and detected at boot and setup | 02:47 |
Newman_ | i'm going to do that | 02:47 |
ZykoticK9 | ActionParsnip, really, do you know where? | 02:47 |
ActionParsnip | cyperbg: should be fine | 02:47 |
ActionParsnip | ZykoticK9: where what? | 02:47 |
sudokill | Newman_, i write list like grub settings, sudoers settings, program config files remmeber to do this and that etc ll | 02:47 |
sudokill | then just go through it all again | 02:47 |
ZykoticK9 | ActionParsnip, where Xorg files are stored in ~ | 02:47 |
cyperbg | ActionParsnip thank you :) | 02:47 |
jc319 | ActionParsnip: Last time I used linux we had to define by hand 1200x768 etc. Quite a way. Thanks | 02:48 |
ZykoticK9 | ActionParsnip, SORRY "aren't" | 02:48 |
Newman_ | yeah | 02:48 |
Newman_ | i'm going to do that, i guess main things are HOME w/ hidden files, all ubuntu repositories, and packages | 02:49 |
ActionParsnip | jc319: indeed and you can still do it that way, in some cases it's NEEDED | 02:49 |
ActionParsnip | ZykoticK9: as far as I know its all simply detected and setin | 02:49 |
ZykoticK9 | jc319, what graphics card are you using? Can't you just use the GUI Monitors to set your resolution | 02:49 |
ActionParsnip | *setup | 02:49 |
sudokill | \' '/ ^_^ \' '/ night | 02:49 |
ActionParsnip | ZykoticK9: on the fly | 02:49 |
ZykoticK9 | ActionParsnip, ya - sorry i totally misread your reply | 02:49 |
ActionParsnip | ZykoticK9: no problem bro | 02:49 |
jc319 | ActionParsnip: Basically I have this lovely Ubuntu setup, everything works OOB, however I want to 'export' it now to an xorg.conf file so that I can relatively easily setup/re-use this in other distros/OSes I will be installing soon. Is it possible to export the results of this udev probe? | 02:50 |
szal | jc319: do you have files in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/? | 02:51 |
jc319 | szal: There's no such directory. There is /etc/X11 but it has no .confs inside | 02:52 |
szal | jc319: then it's indeed a case of on-the-fly autoconfig | 02:52 |
jc319 | Yes it autoconfig's I understand but at some point (possibly just before drawing the initial windows on screen) system becomes aware of the capabilities right, I just want to dump it - if possible? | 02:53 |
john_rambo | is there any windows mm player available which I can install using wine & then use vdpau ? | 02:54 |
szal | does vdpau work in Wine at all? | 02:55 |
soreau | john_rambo: You don't want to use any windows player on linux when there's mplayer | 02:55 |
john_rambo | szal, I don't know | 02:55 |
john_rambo | soreau, mplayer is giving me issues with certain files that the problem | 02:55 |
soreau | john_rambo: And, there's mplayer ;) | 02:55 |
pksadiq | john_rambo: anyway I have once used klm codec pack, I don't know whether it works or not now | 02:56 |
john_rambo | soreau, 1 sec please | 02:56 |
soreau | john_rambo: If you're having issues with mplayer, it's likely actually your graphics driver | 02:56 |
pksadiq | john_rambo: anyway I think there is some issue with .mid and .3gp files with mplayer and vlc | 02:56 |
szal | pksadiq: you don't need dubious Windows codec packs when there's w32codecs from Medibuntu | 02:56 |
john_rambo | soThis is the problem ...http://pastebin.com/Mrcwk7sM | 02:57 |
pksadiq | szal: sorry, I just answered for what he asked | 02:57 |
spasysheep | I seem to have irrevocably made my usb stick believe it's a cd... | 02:57 |
szal | pksadiq: no, you didn't.. a codec pack is not a player ;) | 02:57 |
allie1 | ahh...i wish i had more time to learn all of this...am having trouble with the scanner in my 3in1 | 02:58 |
allie1 | i hate to say im still a newbie | 02:58 |
pksadiq | szal: I think you have not used that, use it, it's gpl ;) codec+player | 02:58 |
semitones | hey could anyone help me troubleshoot a network connectivity issue? I enabled remote desktop on my laptop, but my desktop can't see it | 02:59 |
john_rambo | soreau, | 02:59 |
szal | pksadiq: I have used it actually, years ago on Win.. back then I think it came w/ Media Player Classic, which is dead now | 02:59 |
Nobgul-bnc | Could someone help me with setting up a cron job? I haven't done one in years and forget how | 03:00 |
bkalinga1 | Using gparted I formatted the partition on which i had installed ubuntu1004 | 03:00 |
allie1 | helloo?? can someone help allie1 :) | 03:00 |
bkalinga1 | now will it show in my grub list? | 03:00 |
qin | semitones: on desktop: ping <laptop ip> | 03:00 |
bkalinga1 | should i do any kind of refresh/update to invalidate the old operation | 03:01 |
qin | Nobgul-bnc: scontab -e (use absolute paths) | 03:01 |
Nobgul-bnc | doesnt that use vi qin? | 03:02 |
Nobgul-bnc | fails at vi needs to use pico =P | 03:02 |
qin | Nobgul-bnc: If you using it first time it should ask what editor to use, otherwise man crontab, there is option to change default editor | 03:03 |
Nobgul-bnc | yer i just did the export thing thanks lets see if i can figure this out | 03:03 |
Nobgul-bnc | qin, any help on the time setting thing? | 03:05 |
Tekk_ | linux-image is both the kernel and the init right? | 03:06 |
qin | Nobgul-bnc: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata | 03:06 |
semitones | qin: ping is unreachable | 03:06 |
qin | Nobgul-bnc: Sorry, for cron? | 03:07 |
Nobgul-bnc | I ment * * 7 * * command would run it ever 7 hours? | 03:07 |
fdeiam | are there sata to ide adaptors ? | 03:07 |
Nobgul-bnc | I have seen some yes. | 03:07 |
UbuntuLily | Is there a shortcut key for switching to an external display on a laptop? my display is cooked and i have an external hooked it but cant seem to get it to come up | 03:08 |
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ActionParsnip | Nobgul-bnc: you can use gnome-schedule (if you have an X server) it's a nice gui for cron | 03:08 |
qin | semitones: Is your laptop firewalled? try on desktop: nc -l 3333 and no laptop nc <desktop ip> -p 3333> | 03:08 |
Nobgul-bnc | ActionParsnip, i do but i think I got it. Ill know if it cleans up the user files tomorow =) | 03:09 |
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semitones | qin: nc: cannot use -p and -l | 03:12 |
semitones | hold on | 03:12 |
semitones | qin: both commands just sit there on an empty line | 03:13 |
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qin | semitones: Sorry, on laptop nmap desktop_ip -p 3333 | 03:14 |
qin | semitones: What should discover open port, and nc should reset (on desktop) | 03:15 |
semitones | "what"? | 03:15 |
semitones | nmap discovers the open port? | 03:16 |
qin | Well see | 03:16 |
semitones | kk starting nmap | 03:16 |
semitones | Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -PN | 03:17 |
qin | semitones: So, on desktop nc still listens? | 03:17 |
semitones | yes | 03:17 |
semitones | but hasn't heard anything | 03:17 |
qin | semitones: What firewall are you using? and what are ip of both machines? | 03:18 |
semitones | i didn't think I was using any firewall | 03:18 |
semitones | laptop, desktop | 03:19 |
UbuntuLily | Is there a shortcut key for switching to an external display on a laptop? my display is cooked and i have an external hooked it but cant seem to get it to come up | 03:19 |
cn28h | UbuntuLily, easiest way might be to boot with the external display attached | 03:20 |
allie1 | trouble with an 3in1 | 03:21 |
qin | semitones: On both machines, sudo iptables -L, sudo netstat -tulp, ps aux | grep firestarter | 03:21 |
babalu | best prossesor to build a ubuntu pachine AMD or INTEL? | 03:22 |
babalu | machine | 03:22 |
qin | semitones: and ping google.co.uk | 03:22 |
allie1 | my scanner isn't sending info back to my computer | 03:22 |
Erik500002 | Hey guys any natty aircrack users in here? | 03:22 |
bazhang | Erik500002, #aircrack-ng | 03:24 |
LoOoD | Is there a way to prevent apt-get/dpkg from install certain package names? | 03:24 |
Erik500002 | thanks bazhang for reply, but I just came from there and they actually told me to join this channel :/ | 03:25 |
bazhang | !pinning | LoOoD | 03:25 |
ubottu | LoOoD: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 03:25 |
Jeruvy | LoOoD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 03:25 |
Jeruvy | yep I'm lagging :) | 03:25 |
ohzie | Hey guys. Are there any quick go-tos for when sound doesn't work on ubuntu 10.04? It's a fresh install. It seems to see my sound card, I've got the volume cranked all the way up, and the microphone thing in sound properties even can 'hear' me talking and tapping on it, so I know the soundcard is being recognized at least somewhat properly. The speakers worked fine this morning before I reinstalled. | 03:27 |
semitones | qin: from the laptop http://paste.ubuntu.com/634731/ (looks like firestarter is enabled) | 03:27 |
semitones | qin: desktop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634730/ | 03:27 |
axisst | ive been searching gnome-look, ubuntuthemes, and other theme sites, but i havent found a nice dark, minimalistic, elegant theme yet. anyone here willing to offer a suggestion? perhaps one they have used or currently use? | 03:30 |
BluesKaj | ohzie, run this in the terminal, alsamixer -V all , then to check if you have audio run , speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav | 03:30 |
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qin | semitones: No its not, it is just grep... Can you ssh into laptop? | 03:31 |
IdleOne | Where does chromium-browser store bookmarks? | 03:31 |
ohzie | BluesKaj: alsamixer sees my stuff | 03:31 |
semitones | hold on let me try | 03:31 |
ohzie | BluesKaj: no sound on speakertest | 03:31 |
ZykoticK9 | IdleOne, is if there is anything useful in ~/.config/chromium/Default | 03:32 |
semitones | qin: no route to host | 03:32 |
ZykoticK9 | IdleOne, s/is/see/ | 03:33 |
semitones | qin: google.co.uk can be pinged fine | 03:33 |
qin | semitones: Does, both machines can ping google.com | 03:33 |
qin | ;) | 03:33 |
semitones | hmm,mm | 03:33 |
ActionParsnip | IdleOne: ~/.config/chrome I believe | 03:33 |
soreau | IdleOne: .config/chromium/Default/Bookmarks.bak ? | 03:34 |
semitones | IdleOne: good question -- have you tried #chromium-support | 03:34 |
skilz | hey how can I change my hostname? | 03:34 |
ActionParsnip | IdleOne: I thoroughly recommend speeddial2 as well :) | 03:34 |
qin | skilz: Edit /etc/hostname | 03:34 |
skilz | isnt there some program to do it | 03:34 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: run: gksudo gedit /etc/hostname AND gksudo gedit /etc/hosts | 03:34 |
IdleOne | Wow! thanks EVERYBODY | 03:34 |
skilz | where I just write what I want | 03:35 |
ActionParsnip | qin: you need to change hosts too, so that the hostname resolves to | 03:35 |
qin | semitones: Did you chnaged any settings in your router? | 03:35 |
android | hello | 03:35 |
semitones | qin: i set up port forwarding for bittorrent but that's all I've done | 03:35 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: edit BOTH files at the same time and save them, you need BOTH open after using gksudo so that localhost resolves properly | 03:35 |
qin | ActionParsnip: Noted | 03:36 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: once the names are changed (case sensitive), save the new files and close gedit | 03:36 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: you can then run: sudo service hostname stop; sudo service hostname start | 03:37 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: or you can run: sudo sysctl kernel.hostname=NEW_HOSTNAME | 03:39 |
skilz | sudo: unable to resolve host elaina-Dimension-2400 | 03:39 |
skilz | stop: Unknown instance: | 03:39 |
skilz | sudo: unable to resolve host elaina-Dimension-2400 | 03:39 |
skilz | hostname stop/waiting | 03:39 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: just reboot then, should be ok | 03:40 |
=== derp|gone is now known as derp | ||
ActionParsnip | derp: please don't away like that. Just physically leave | 03:41 |
dimas_ | !hello | 03:41 |
dimas_ | !help | 03:41 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 03:41 |
ohzie | Hey guys, I found this thread that looks to clearly be my problem(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1560973) but I'm getting warnings on the 'make' and errors on the 'make install' Using ubuntu 10.04 | 03:41 |
qin | semitones: Hmm, nast -i eth0 -m (need to instal nast to have a look on lan, also would look in router for internal broadcast settings) | 03:41 |
ActionParsnip | ohzie: what is the output of: lsb_release -d please | 03:43 |
ohzie | Description:Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS | 03:43 |
ActionParsnip | ohzie: http://monespaceperso.org/blog-en/2010/05/02/upgrade-alsa-1-0-23-on-ubuntu-lucid-lynx-10-04/ | 03:43 |
dimas_ | xchat seens to cratch with in few minutes...dont know why | 03:43 |
ActionParsnip | dimas_: run it in a terminal, the output may be useful | 03:44 |
Luxe | Hey. I'm having some trouble using themes in Ubuntu. | 03:44 |
Luxe | None of the methods I've followed is working and I'm not sure what to do.l | 03:44 |
hacktotopo | hola | 03:44 |
dimas_ | isactionparsnip thank you...good idea | 03:44 |
dimas_ | i need help to configure an specific application(idjc) on ubuntu 10.04 | 03:45 |
semitones | qin: in the router port forwarding section, the laptop has VNC: TCP Any -> 5902 | 03:46 |
ohzie | ActionParsnip: Thank you | 03:47 |
semitones | qin: all the laptop sees with nast is itself and the router. hold on i'll try the desktop | 03:48 |
ActionParsnip | ohzie: np man | 03:48 |
semitones | qin: and all the desktop sees is itself and the router. hmm | 03:49 |
blowson | I've never seen so many helpless crybabies in my life. | 03:49 |
dimas_ | ActionParsnip do you know anything about qjackctl and idjc? | 03:49 |
Corey | blowson: Please remain civil. :-( | 03:49 |
blowson | I'm sorry... | 03:49 |
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ | ||
blowson | ...did I ask you anything. | 03:49 |
Corey | blowson: No, but I asked you to remain civil. | 03:49 |
qin | semitones: For machines on same lan there no need for port forwarding, but router can block internal communication on lan, this is option you want to enable, what router is it? | 03:49 |
Corey | Insulting folks who are new to Ubuntu isn't really constructive. | 03:49 |
semitones | qin: it's a verizon actiontek something | 03:50 |
blowson | this is my first day using ubuntu | 03:50 |
blowson | i have a question? | 03:50 |
Corey | blowson: Congratulations and welcome. :-) | 03:50 |
blowson | how do i dvd? | 03:50 |
Corey | !dvd | blowson | 03:50 |
ubottu | blowson: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:50 |
IdleOne | Thanks for your help semitones ZykoticK9 soreau ActionParsnip :) | 03:51 |
semitones | IdleOne: lol what was the answer? | 03:51 |
dimas_ | !idjc | 03:51 |
IdleOne | semitones: you all pointed me more or less in the right sirection :) | 03:51 |
IdleOne | d* | 03:51 |
ActionParsnip | dimas_: not sure what they are so I'll say no. Sorry | 03:52 |
ActionParsnip | semitones: probably went 50/50 ;) | 03:53 |
semitones | heh | 03:53 |
semitones | :p | 03:53 |
blowson | yes, ok, here's the thing...my lucid has grown to about 15gb, with all unnecessary files removed. I do bare metal backups on an external drive, but i'd really like to make an installable liveusb or something. 15gb is too big for an iso, so... | 03:53 |
ActionParsnip | blowson: remove old kernels and use bleachbit :) | 03:54 |
Corey | blowson: Not if you mount it from a 16GB USB drive. :-) | 03:54 |
blowson | how do i make a bootable .img file from my system | 03:54 |
blowson | the .iso standard allows 8gb | 03:54 |
GNUdog | blowson, .iso with blu-ray could extend to 50GB | 03:55 |
dimas_ | ActionParsnip qjackctl is a grapphical interface to administer the multiple use of your sound card and idjc is a aplication to stream music over the internet with other features like been able to irc interact, phone calls and mics....ut i am just want to hear about the possible reason why the application behave the way it does as couple of years ago i used to manage with no problem on hardy | 03:56 |
update | sup nerds | 03:56 |
bazhang | update, ubuntu support issue? | 03:57 |
update | yeah everytime i start up ubuntu my computer freezes and i have to hit a keyboard shortcut to unfreeze it | 03:58 |
knightrage | hey guys. something is wrong with my opengl... when i run any opengl apps (glxinfo, glxgears) i get a segfault... any idea? | 03:58 |
update | any ideas? | 03:58 |
blowson | you are useless turds | 03:58 |
bazhang | update, what keyboard shortcut would that be | 03:58 |
blowson | quit | 03:58 |
blowson | QUIT | 03:58 |
update | control space | 03:58 |
update | opens terminal for me | 03:58 |
qin | semitones: Can you check your router log, for blocked connection with lan ip. | 03:59 |
afed | yes hello | 03:59 |
afed | i see that prelinking is not standard on ubuntu | 04:00 |
Tekk_ | I have a p54usb wireless card and I can't get it to connect. iwconfig method always ends up wiht dhclient getting no offers | 04:00 |
afed | is there any reason it might not be a good idea to install and enable prelink? | 04:00 |
Tekk_ | on natty | 04:00 |
bazhang | Tekk_, what chipset | 04:00 |
Tekk_ | bazhang: p54, lsusb says "Dell Computer Corp. TrueMobile 1300 USB2.0 WLAN Card" | 04:01 |
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Tekk_ | bazhang: I got it working a few weeks ago, but since did some distro hopping and went back to natty because it was the only one that worked, but I don't remember what I did for that, apparently | 04:02 |
semitones | qin: I don't see any blocked connections in the lan | 04:02 |
IdleOne | mikevPussyboy Please change your nick to a family friendly one | 04:02 |
IdleOne | or /part :) | 04:03 |
enko_ | he is just a kittyboy... | 04:03 |
enko_ | no harm there :) | 04:03 |
afed | he goes to MIT why don't you tell him what to do | 04:03 |
ZykoticK9 | knightrage, CRYSTALBALL - i bet you are using ATI/AMD Graphics right? | 04:03 |
Tekk_ | IdleOne: stupit MIT guys seeing how long they can idle and get away with it :p | 04:03 |
qin | semitones: Did you ever used ssh (or any other connection in lan) on this lan? | 04:03 |
jeff__ | hey guys | 04:04 |
knightrage | ZykoticK9: yeah, i recently switched from proprietary to opensource ati driver... following one of the guides online now for removing it | 04:04 |
enko_ | How can i get my transparent terminal to show just the background behind it and not applications ? | 04:04 |
jeff__ | my ubuntu wont reconize when i plug the ethernet cable anymore | 04:04 |
ZykoticK9 | knightrage, sorry i don't have a solution - i just know that's common with ATI | 04:04 |
Tekk_ | enko_: what terminal? | 04:04 |
enko_ | stock ubunut | 04:04 |
Tekk_ | enko_: so gnome-terminal | 04:05 |
jeff__ | since i ran pppoeconf on a router | 04:05 |
knightrage | k, just removed it. going to restart x now. cya | 04:05 |
enko_ | Tekk_: indeed | 04:05 |
Tekk_ | enko_: sec ;P | 04:05 |
semitones | qin: yes I used to use ssh all the time in this lan | 04:05 |
semitones | it always worked before | 04:05 |
DanaG | Odd: when I log into Gnome, I get no panel. | 04:05 |
DanaG | I have to switch to terminal, and run DISPLAY=:0 gnome-panel. | 04:06 |
jeff__ | hey guys... my ubuntu wont reconize when i plug the ethernet cable anymore, since i ran pppoeconfig on a router | 04:06 |
Riberty | someone help me with my headset... i get sound but the mic doesnt work | 04:07 |
enko_ | jeff__: I don't think changing a router setting will stop ubuntu from seeing if your line is connected | 04:07 |
enko_ | jeff__: have you done anything else? | 04:07 |
cpgo | I'm trying to install curl extension. I've done apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl and restarted apache. Is there anything else that needs to be done? | 04:07 |
jeff__ | nope | 04:07 |
jeff__ | it was working well. | 04:07 |
bkalinga1 | after successful installation of ubuntu1004 i restarted my system but it does not show Ubuntu1004 in the grub menu | 04:07 |
jeff__ | so i took it off from the router, plugged on my modem, ran pppoeconf and it went ok. | 04:08 |
qin | semitones: Is any of machines wireless? | 04:08 |
bkalinga1 | any hint to this problem | 04:08 |
semitones | qin: all of them are | 04:08 |
jeff__ | then i removed it again, and plugged back to my router | 04:08 |
jeff__ | and now it doesnt reconize anymore | 04:08 |
bazhang | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDell#USB Tekk_ | 04:08 |
enko_ | jeff__: why did you switch them in the first place ? | 04:08 |
qin | semitones: Sorry to ask, do they use same access point? | 04:08 |
jeff__ | well.. let me explain, so | 04:09 |
bazhang | Tekk_, looks like it uses the broadcom43xx | 04:09 |
bazhang | !enter | jeff__ | 04:09 |
ubottu | jeff__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 04:09 |
enko_ | i've had problems with bc43. | 04:09 |
semitones | qin: yes they all connect via | 04:10 |
semitones | on the same Wireless LAN | 04:10 |
jeff__ | i have an lg router, wich was set as router (hehe), and another dlink router, wich was connected to that LG. So i've plugged the lg router directly to set as bridge. | 04:10 |
enko_ | bazhang: I hated my bc43 so bad i just bought a $5 card from newegg to solve all my issues. | 04:10 |
bkalinga1 | hello experts there ...do i need to do anything to make the Freshly installed OS to appear in the Grub List | 04:10 |
Tekk_ | bazhang: uhh...no, it uses p54, I've gotten it to connect in debian using that driver :P | 04:11 |
enko_ | jeff__: What's with the "hehe" and why are you bridging these routers? | 04:11 |
Tekk_ | bazhang: also that information doesn't help. I have the firmware and stuff, it's just that it can't get an IP address | 04:11 |
Tekk_ | not getting any offers | 04:11 |
bazhang | Tekk_, the link says either bcom or ndiswrapper for that | 04:12 |
jeff__ | well, i have 2 pcs. One of them is a webserver. The Virtual Server function wasn't working well on the lg rounter... so i set it as a bridge, and enabled the virtual server setting on the dlink router | 04:12 |
DanaG | Just connected my Magic Trackpad... it doesn't even move the cursor. | 04:13 |
qin | semitones: No clue, hmm, apart of reseting device by device (what would be poitless), nothing comes to my mind. | 04:13 |
jeff__ | another reason is that the other pc is a notebook, and the lg router has no wireless.. | 04:13 |
semitones | qin: sounds like I need a new router | 04:14 |
caminomaster | hello | 04:14 |
caminomaster | i need to share my eht1 connection to eth0, how can i? | 04:14 |
enko_ | jeff__: Do you have money issues? :) if not why don't you buy exactly what you need :) | 04:15 |
jeff__ | but is not a router problem. Doesn't metter if i plug on the lg router, nor the dlink router... | 04:15 |
caminomaster | i got 2 examples of iptables based scripts, but they are different | 04:15 |
enko_ | jeff__: thats a linux firmware linksys with some "modified" firmware and you will get all the options you need. | 04:15 |
jeff__ | my brother's notebook seems to work well with it | 04:15 |
jeff__ | the problem isn't in the router | 04:16 |
bazhang | !ics | caminomaster have a read | 04:16 |
ubottu | caminomaster have a read: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing | 04:16 |
jeff__ | and it's not just in home... at work, it doesn't reconize as well | 04:16 |
jeff__ | completely different networks, etc | 04:17 |
bazhang | jeff__, its hard to read with you using the enter key so often. please dont | 04:17 |
qin | semitones: I would test it on wires first. | 04:17 |
mrdeb | hi guys | 04:17 |
bazhang | mrdeb, hi | 04:17 |
=== derp is now known as derp|gone | ||
pythonirc1011 | where is this stored in ubuntu+apache2 => http://paste.pocoo.org/show/423126/ ? | 04:18 |
pythonirc1011 | which file? | 04:18 |
cyperbg | guys, remote desktop shows localhost and my windows VNC viewer says Connection refused | 04:19 |
coco | I wonder if anyone here can help me with a problem installing ubuntu onto my mac | 04:19 |
cyperbg | I found that: vino-preferences says that your system is reachable using 'localhost' | 04:19 |
cyperbg | but I can't make it work | 04:20 |
cyperbg | any ideas? | 04:20 |
DanaG | Say, how do you force Xorg to reload xorg.conf files? | 04:20 |
DanaG | You used to be able to simply restart HAL... but that no longer works. | 04:20 |
DanaG | er, or even is possible. | 04:20 |
mrdeb | does it work in debian | 04:21 |
jeff__ | i think i've found a solution : erase all /etc/network/interfaces info and reboot. Is that safe? | 04:21 |
DanaG | Oh, I see.. the thing isn't even connecting reliably. | 04:21 |
coco | I tried many of the tuturial but I have been unable to install Ubuntu no matter how many things I do. Can anyone guide me through and help | 04:21 |
dr_Willis | jeff__: move or rename them . eill be safer | 04:22 |
DanaG | g-p-m also used to show the battery. | 04:22 |
DanaG | Now it doesn't. | 04:22 |
DanaG | Magic Trackpad won't even connect. "Host is down." | 04:22 |
jeff__ | sudo rm -rf /* seems safer | 04:22 |
dr_Willis | coco: tell the vhannel how it fails | 04:22 |
enko_ | jeff__: indeed :) | 04:22 |
MrCleaWithHair | jeff__: ....that doesn't seem safe at all | 04:22 |
DanaG | jeff__: would you advise somebody to smash their hard drive with a hammer? | 04:22 |
bazhang | jeff__, dont do that. not even in jest | 04:23 |
coco | who is the Vhannel? | 04:23 |
bkalinga1 | is there any way i can manually add recently installed Ubuntu 1004 to the Grub Menu List | 04:23 |
mneptok | jeff__: unfunny. and that's the last warning you will receive. | 04:23 |
caminomaster | thank you, bazhang | 04:23 |
dr_Willis | channel | 04:23 |
MrCleaWithHair | bkalinga1: have you tried grub2-update | 04:23 |
coco | well the failure is that when I restart the system it just reboots back to my regular mac operating system | 04:24 |
bkalinga1 | i have another installed Ubuntu1104.. shall try grub2-update there?? | 04:24 |
jeff__ | oh, is the first and the last. Sorry about that... it was meant to be just a joke. | 04:24 |
MrCleaWithHair | bkalinga1: you should do it in the last distro you installed that installed grub | 04:24 |
=== imperfec1- is now known as imperfect- | ||
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: update-grub on the os you want to manage grub with | 04:25 |
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: what all do you have installed | 04:25 |
bkalinga1 | dr_Willis: if i am not able to see Ubuntu1004 then how can i get inside to do this update?? | 04:25 |
jeff__ | bazzinga | 04:25 |
MrCleaWithHair | bkalinga1: or use LILO instead of grub. | 04:25 |
xp0nyte | wurd up | 04:26 |
bkalinga1 | i have Windows7 Ubuntu1104 | 04:26 |
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: you can edit grub configs to add whst you want | 04:26 |
imperfect- | Anyone know of something what replaces FreeNX | 04:26 |
bkalinga1 | just now installed 1004 which is not being shown in the Grub list | 04:26 |
imperfect- | that might also might give me some Detach capability | 04:26 |
DanaG | I also wish somebody would give me multi-finger detection on my touchpad, just like EXACTLY ONE Windows driver does. | 04:26 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: what do you do on the remote system? | 04:26 |
imperfect- | ActionParsnip: Use it? | 04:26 |
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: so just 2 os are installed? | 04:26 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: sure but in what way? what do you do? | 04:26 |
imperfect- | ActionParsnip: I use screen for most things, but I'd like a graphical version of screen ;) | 04:26 |
DanaG | People keep insisting that it's impossible (for a driver to patch firmware)... | 04:26 |
coco | What I think my problem with it is that the DVD is not bootable. So I was trying to change the DVD to bootable and that was quite a task | 04:27 |
bkalinga1 | 3 Windows 7 Ubuntu11.04 and just now installed ubuntu1004 | 04:27 |
DanaG | To which I say: Try removing /lib/firmware, and see how well it works when drivers "can't patch firmware". | 04:27 |
imperfect- | ActionParsnip: Spreadsheets, vmware stuff etc | 04:27 |
bkalinga1 | dr_Willis: totally i have 3 OS | 04:27 |
imperfect- | Also | 04:27 |
imperfect- | Unrelated question | 04:27 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: not thought about using SSH to give SFTP and SSHS? | 04:27 |
bkalinga1 | but when i restart my system i can see only 2 | 04:27 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/546697 | 04:27 |
nit-wit | bkalinga1, one of the easiest ways to get in is supergrub, once inside two commands to reload grub2 to the mbr and update http://www.supergrubdisk.org/super-grub2-disk/ it | 04:28 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 546697 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "enable multitouch support on older touchpads, as supported by driver v15.0.9.0" [Medium,Confirmed] | 04:28 |
imperfect- | SSHS ? | 04:28 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: vmware has a VIC which you can control remote systems with | 04:28 |
dr_Willis | covo you just burn the ios right and it dhould be bootable. | 04:28 |
imperfect- | you mean X forwarding? | 04:28 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: sorry SSHFS | 04:28 |
jeff__ | well... rebooting and hoping to work | 04:28 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: no, SSHFS is like samba, but secure | 04:28 |
imperfect- | I'd just like to have my desktop available remotely | 04:28 |
coco | Dana do you mean to update the patch firmware | 04:29 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: so you can use the LOCAL apps to the client system and open the files over a secure share, rather than slow accessing over a full screen | 04:29 |
bkalinga1 | nit-wit: once inside means ...Inside ubuntu1104?? | 04:29 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: this is why I asked what you do | 04:29 |
imperfect- | Unrelated question: can someone think of a -really- slimmed down linux distro for which I could use like open/flux/blackbox as the window manager so I could run only Wireshark for network troubleshooting? | 04:29 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: its very often not needed and there are much sleekr options available | 04:29 |
bazhang | imperfect-, lubuntu | 04:29 |
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: run update grub. and see if it ads the other os. what is the 3rd os | 04:29 |
sjuxax | brad-figg in room, or someone else with knowledge of Ubuntu Audio Dev PPA? | 04:29 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: you could install ubuntu minimal then install lxde and lxdm for a super tiny punchy OS :) | 04:30 |
bkalinga1 | Ubuntu 10.o4 | 04:30 |
torturedsoul | sigh | 04:30 |
torturedsoul | still cant get ubuntu to run from my usb stick | 04:30 |
imperfect- | lxde? | 04:30 |
bkalinga1 | update grub should be run inside ??? | 04:30 |
imperfect- | I basically just need blackbox+wireshark | 04:30 |
bazhang | torturedsoul, using unetbootin? | 04:30 |
jeff__ | and it worked like a charm !! | 04:30 |
torturedsoul | i use the pendrivelinux software to install the iso | 04:30 |
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: yes.. where else can you run it from.. :) | 04:31 |
mrdeb | should i set any options in fstab other than defaults | 04:31 |
torturedsoul | fails on several laptops so its not my laptops fault | 04:31 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: sure, check it out. Its super light. Its an alternative to kde or gnome | 04:31 |
DanaG | Okay, I made a more coherent comment on my bug report. | 04:31 |
DanaG | Now, what do I do about my gnome panel not starting? | 04:31 |
DanaG | At login, that is. | 04:31 |
DanaG | It starts fine if I switch to console and launch it manually. | 04:31 |
dr_Willis | torturedsoul: tried other distros | 04:31 |
torturedsoul | yes | 04:31 |
tiox | I came to ask what's up with compiz blur; Why in god's green earth won't it work for my installation of Ubuntu now? | 04:31 |
bluelabrat | oh noes the irony | 04:32 |
coco | Anyone here knows why would the Ubuntu operating system does not show up when rebooting on a mac. and what would I do to fix this problem? | 04:32 |
torturedsoul | is there any other way to install it | 04:32 |
bluelabrat | bluelabrat> Hi everyone! I have a problem, my internet connection is very poor (switching provider soon). I need to set up an IRC BNC as my internet goes out frequently :\ | 04:32 |
bluelabrat | [23:31:41] * Disconnected | 04:32 |
torturedsoul | i also have FlashBoot | 04:32 |
dr_Willis | torturedsoul: tried installing grub2 to it by hand? | 04:32 |
torturedsoul | i'll try that now | 04:32 |
torturedsoul | Flastboot can do that i think | 04:32 |
torturedsoul | i just install grun2dos then put the 'boot' folder from the iso on there? | 04:32 |
dr_Willis | delicious.com/dr_willis i got some links to do it torturedsoul | 04:33 |
bkalinga1 | dr_Willis: shall i ruun this update inside Ubuntu11.04? | 04:33 |
dr_Willis | torturedsoul: i do it all by hand in ubuntu. no extra progs. | 04:33 |
=== linux_probe is now known as coff | ||
dr_Willis | bkalinga1: yes yes yes... | 04:33 |
torturedsoul | thanks dr thats very helpfull | 04:34 |
* bluelabrat hopes his wifi will stay connected a while more | 04:34 | |
=== coff is now known as coffs | ||
imperfect- | Ourty! | 04:34 |
imperfect- | lubuntu | 04:34 |
bluelabrat | adding this channel to my auto join :) | 04:34 |
torturedsoul | you have 100 pages of bookmarks lol, how can i find the correct tut | 04:34 |
dr_Willis | torturedsoul: some times those friendly tools break on ma also | 04:34 |
bkalinga1 | i can see /dev/sda13 8831 11668 22782976 83 Linux which is my Ubuntu10.04 partition | 04:34 |
dr_Willis | tor | 04:34 |
dr_Willis | torturedsoul: tags... | 04:35 |
dr_Willis | sda13 you got a lot of partitions | 04:35 |
dr_Willis | why so many | 04:35 |
cyperbg | guys I have 4 video cards and my cursor goes off screen as there is more screen than I can see | 04:36 |
cyperbg | how how I disable that? | 04:36 |
=== coffs is now known as coff | ||
dr_Willis | cyperbg: you have 4 monitors? whats the chipset? | 04:37 |
cyperbg | just one monitor | 04:37 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: its made to be super light and fast. It rocks and is official status as of Oneiric :D | 04:37 |
coco | dr_Willis: I was wondering would you know steps I should take to fix my problem of being unable to install linux on my mac. I installed the operating system on the CD without any problems and follow the steps of all the tutorial I saw but when I got to the step of restarting the computer the only program that boots is my MAC OS x. | 04:37 |
cyperbg | North Bridge: AMD 770 | 04:37 |
cyperbg | South Bridge: AMD SB710 | 04:37 |
coco | I changed the setting for boot so I made it a priority to boot of the DVR | 04:38 |
torturedsoul | ach its over my head | 04:38 |
torturedsoul | i just installed grub4dos on the usb | 04:38 |
dr_Willis | coco i dont use macs. so no idea other then say ckeck forums and askubuntu.com | 04:38 |
torturedsoul | now i have GRLDR file in it only | 04:38 |
torturedsoul | can i just put the iso in there now | 04:38 |
dr_Willis | cyperbg: video card chipset | 04:38 |
cyperbg | dr_Willis 4x Ati 5870 | 04:38 |
coco | Is there any mac user here that install a linux program in there computer | 04:38 |
=== bluelabrat- is now known as bluelabrat | ||
DanaG | coco: I've heard that "rEFIT" is the thing to use. | 04:39 |
DanaG | Install it from within OS X. | 04:39 |
coco | I used it | 04:39 |
bazhang | coco, ask in a mac channel? | 04:39 |
coco | but it does not work | 04:39 |
DanaG | hmm, you may also need to run the "enable-always.sh" | 04:39 |
coco | that was the first thing I installed | 04:39 |
DanaG | That'll "bless" it as the boot loader. | 04:39 |
coco | Mac people I spoke to told me to ask in a linux channel | 04:39 |
coco | I guess most people who use linux dont use mac computer | 04:40 |
dr_Willis | cyperbg: that must be a large case and desk. :) ati has some monitor tool perhaps in their drivers. or check the default monitors tool | 04:40 |
ActionParsnip | coco: mac people 9 times out of 10 don't know a lot | 04:40 |
coco | lol | 04:40 |
bluelabrat | Can someone recommend a good BNC to use? Bad internet here until I switch :\ | 04:40 |
dr_Willis | 999 out of 1000 :) | 04:40 |
coco | then where or who should I ask? | 04:40 |
ActionParsnip | bluelabrat: when it drops, run: dmesg | tail may give clues | 04:40 |
cyperbg | dr_Willis - I will check :) | 04:41 |
ActionParsnip | bluelabrat: you may need to disable ipv6 | 04:41 |
cyperbg | I use it for bitcoin mining | 04:41 |
bluelabrat | ActionParsnip: done | 04:41 |
bluelabrat | its actually my phone lines are old and corroded (Att) | 04:41 |
dr_Willis | no idea what bitcoin even is.. | 04:41 |
bluelabrat | i'm just switching to cable 30mbit since its $200 to replace lines, they dont maintain them | 04:41 |
dr_Willis | dont want to know really.. heh | 04:41 |
cyperbg | dr_Willis :) | 04:42 |
ActionParsnip | bluelabrat: i'd relpace the cables then | 04:42 |
DanaG | oh yeah, you know what we had to do to get Charter to fix our dang sucky (turned out to be completely rusted) cable run to our house? | 04:42 |
DanaG | We had to get Charter Telephone. | 04:42 |
DanaG | Apparently, then they were legally required to make it work reliably. | 04:42 |
bluelabrat | i dont have the option to have the cables replaced (phone)... though i'm getting cable internet which wont have a problem | 04:43 |
bluelabrat | but in the mean time that will take some days and am desperate for a good BNC that i can use for IRC :P | 04:43 |
dr_Willis | im ircing from my cellphone | 04:44 |
mrdeb | wow | 04:44 |
ActionParsnip | dr_Willis: gotta be done :) | 04:44 |
dr_Willis | ordered a bt keyboard today | 04:44 |
coco | Another question to DanaG and Dr Willis: I also tried the ubuntu DVD on my Window Vista and Window 7 home premium and on both the operating system does not work. I installed refit and infrarecorder but still no luck | 04:45 |
axscode | hi guys | 04:45 |
coco | would it be easier to help me install it on a window computer | 04:45 |
coco | ? | 04:45 |
dr_Willis | coco why the dvd. and how did you burn ut. what did not work | 04:45 |
axscode | just wondering, if im using unity my system bell is gone. any thoughts? but without unity the system bell is there.. | 04:46 |
coco | THe operating system does not load, I just get the regular operating system loading | 04:46 |
dr_Willis | burn cd iso. boot cd. install.... :) | 04:46 |
=== bluelabrat- is now known as bluelabrat | ||
dr_Willis | coco you mean the cd dosent boot ir what exactly | 04:46 |
bluelabrat | sorry guys got disconnected again | 04:46 |
_schulte_ | any idea how to disable network manager on startup, I purged it from /etc/rc* but still it starts on every boot | 04:47 |
coco | when I try on the CD I get the message that says that I need at least 1.4 GB even thought the UBUntu os is 699MB | 04:47 |
bluelabrat | i cant pay to replace my dsl cables and am getting cable later this week | 04:47 |
bluelabrat | its much cheaper at the end to bundle | 04:47 |
coco | dr_willis: yes the DVD does not even show up as a choice when rebooting | 04:47 |
bluelabrat | but until thne its near impossible to keep the flow of conversation on irc | 04:47 |
dr_Willis | axscode: x sort of disables the normal old beep alert. | 04:47 |
coco | but when I check the DVD it shows that it has the linux program installed | 04:48 |
dr_Willis | coco how dud you burn it | 04:48 |
axscode | using unity? or? | 04:48 |
bluelabrat | i'm looking but if anyone can suggest a BNC server... | 04:48 |
bluelabrat | :) | 04:48 |
axscode | is there anyway i can enable it ? my ping -a (audible) which i im used to is not working anymore | 04:48 |
dr_Willis | coci HOW did you make the dvd | 04:49 |
dr_Willis | coco. | 04:49 |
coco | dr_willis: I go to the Ubuntu.com and downloaded to the mac or the window os and then burn it onto the dvd fromt from there | 04:49 |
mrdeb | why is ubuntu 1104 not at kernel 39 yet | 04:49 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: ubuntu doesn't upgrade its kernels like that | 04:50 |
dr_Willis | reget the cd not the dvd. use windowd and check/reburn it | 04:50 |
mrdeb | aroma, 39 is out and its faster | 04:50 |
dr_Willis | !burn | 04:50 |
ubottu | CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 04:50 |
DanaG | coco: did you use Wubi? I'll bet you can't chainload to wubi very well with it. | 04:50 |
axscode | 11.10 is using lk 3 but of course alpha dev. | 04:50 |
DanaG | It probably wants a native install. | 04:50 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: I'm well aware. In fact i'm running 3.0. Regardless, Ubuntu policy is not to ship a whole new point release of the kernel to stable systems. | 04:50 |
DanaG | Not sure of that, though. | 04:51 |
DanaG | I wonder if there's an "ubuntu-mac" channel. | 04:51 |
coco | should I burn it using infrarecorder? | 04:51 |
bazhang | DanaG, ubuntu-ppc | 04:51 |
aroman1 | coco: you trying Mac+Ubuntu? | 04:51 |
mrdeb | aroma, can you tell me how to intsall 3 then | 04:51 |
dr_Willis | axscode: its an x bug i recall. you may want to check the forums | 04:51 |
bazhang | mrdeb, in 11.04? thats not supported | 04:51 |
torturedsoul | got it working | 04:51 |
torturedsoul | :) | 04:51 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: upgrade to 11.10, use a different distro, build it yourself, or find a PPA | 04:51 |
dr_Willis | coco: i use that tool a lot. its good | 04:51 |
aroman1 | those are your options | 04:52 |
coco | I tried both the Mac 32 bit and the window | 04:52 |
torturedsoul | is there any program for linux that is same as winhex? | 04:52 |
axscode | oh sad.. i think still not fixed. | 04:52 |
torturedsoul | i need to view/edit a physical hard disk | 04:52 |
dr_Willis | torturedsoul: yea.. | 04:52 |
ActionParsnip | !find hex | 04:52 |
ubottu | Found: libconvert-binhex-perl, fetchexc, ghex, ghextris, hex, hex-a-hop, hexalate, hexcurse, hexdiff, hexedit (and 9 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=hex&searchon=names&suite=natty§ion=all | 04:52 |
mrdeb | aroman1: are you on 1110 | 04:52 |
ActionParsnip | !inf ghex | torturedsoul | 04:52 |
ActionParsnip | !info ghex | torturedsoul | 04:52 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: nope | 04:52 |
ubottu | torturedsoul: ghex (source: ghex): GNOME Hex editor for files. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.0-1 (natty), package size 919 kB, installed size 2856 kB | 04:52 |
dr_Willis | axscode: use beep command. :) | 04:52 |
mrdeb | ... | 04:52 |
caminomaster | I had some files in 3 partitions. Now i've changed physical disks, creating equivalent partitions. How is better to copy the files to maintain permssions as before? with my user or as root? | 04:52 |
coco | dr_WIllis: when I try to burn it using infrarecorder I was not even allowed, it said that function was not allow | 04:53 |
torturedsoul | its for files, is it also for physical hdd? | 04:53 |
dr_Willis | coco: no idea on that. try other tools i guess | 04:53 |
torturedsoul | i.e /dev/sda | 04:53 |
axscode | i installed beep command.. | 04:53 |
axscode | whats next? | 04:53 |
MadGirl | somebody said next was clerical :) | 04:53 |
coco | dr_Willis: Which other tools would you recommend? | 04:54 |
dr_Willis | axscode: i use beep in scripts normally | 04:54 |
axscode | ah thats sad again | 04:54 |
axscode | :D | 04:54 |
dr_Willis | !burn |coco | 04:54 |
ubottu | coco: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 04:54 |
axscode | :( i mean | 04:54 |
torturedsoul | anyone know if ghex can view/edit /dev/sda, or is it only for files | 04:54 |
torturedsoul | winhex can edit physical disks | 04:54 |
dr_Willis | beep can play music if done right | 04:54 |
gry | axscode: On one line would be easier to read | 04:55 |
aroman1 | torturedsoul: why not try it out and find out? | 04:55 |
coco | ubottu: thanks, I'll give them a try hopefully I have better luck | 04:55 |
ubottu | coco: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:55 |
imperfect- | is openbox available on lubuntu | 04:55 |
imperfect- | ? | 04:55 |
torturedsoul | because i already donwloaded like 5 and tried | 04:55 |
gry | imperfect-: yes | 04:55 |
torturedsoul | none can | 04:55 |
bazhang | imperfect-, its part of it yes | 04:55 |
dr_Willis | imperfect-: yes | 04:55 |
torturedsoul | so instead of wasting hours i decide to ask here | 04:55 |
axscode | gry? means? | 04:55 |
ActionParsnip | torturedsoul: you get the idea, just search software centre | 04:55 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: openbox is the default WM of LXDE | 04:55 |
gry | axscode: you said a few lines, say it in one please so I don't have to read it split | 04:55 |
imperfect- | Good | 04:56 |
axscode | oh, that. well. amm. ok... i will... | 04:56 |
imperfect- | needs to be fast and wiresharky | 04:56 |
imperfect- | ;) | 04:56 |
imperfect- | thanks | 04:56 |
gry | axscode: :) | 04:56 |
mrdeb | aroman1: what ubuntu are you on | 04:56 |
wildbat | is it possible to put ISOs in partitions in a USB HDD and boot with grub2 ? anyone know? | 04:56 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: I'm not running Ubuntu on the box that has 3.0 | 04:56 |
mrdeb | aroman1: what are you running | 04:57 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: you can just run openbox on its own, without LXDE, makes it faster | 04:57 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: gentoo | 04:57 |
mrdeb | is that fast | 04:57 |
aroman1 | extremely | 04:57 |
mrdeb | k | 04:57 |
ActionParsnip | wildbat: yes, grub2 can boot ISO files | 04:57 |
mrdeb | i have not tried genttoo maybe i should | 04:57 |
dr_Willis | wildbat: should be doable. but i keep them on a single partition | 04:57 |
ActionParsnip | mrdeb: its not as simple as ubuntu | 04:57 |
mrdeb | i know its not simple b ut it doesnt matter | 04:58 |
Medjai | if i've made changes to unity like taking off that hover scroll and removing the global menu and i'm transfering my HOME folder from one computer to another do those changes reside in the HOME folder or should there be something else I should be copying | 04:58 |
imperfect- | What' LXDE? | 04:58 |
mrdeb | i cna figure it out | 04:58 |
ActionParsnip | mrdeb: but by using it you will learn a LOT about your OS | 04:58 |
imperfect- | like XDM? | 04:58 |
imperfect- | I"m running this on like a p3 | 04:58 |
imperfect- | er p4 | 04:58 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: lxde is a desktop environment like gnome or kde | 04:58 |
westz | imperfect-, no, it's a desktop environment like GNOME or KDE | 04:58 |
imperfect- | just using it for packet capture | 04:58 |
dr_Willis | !lxde | 04:58 |
imperfect- | gotcha | 04:58 |
coco | ubottu: I tried that website it was helpfull but I got stock on that one. Based on the webpage it seems like the disk needs to have something that says that it is bootable. So how do I know if my DVD can be used as a bootable devise? | 04:58 |
ubottu | coco: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 04:58 |
bkalinga1 | dr_willis: doing grup-update shows my newly installed 10.04 but selecting that kernel panic not syncing vfs unable to mount root fs on unknown-block | 04:58 |
imperfect- | why would I run opebox ontop of lxde/ | 04:58 |
westz | ActionParsnip, HIVEMIND | 04:58 |
mrdeb | aroman1: are you using fox or chrome | 04:58 |
aroman1 | chrome | 04:58 |
Cydd | guys | 04:58 |
mrdeb | k | 04:58 |
gry | Cydd hi | 04:58 |
Cydd | im looking for a linux distro that you recommend and rhymes with choo-chun-too | 04:59 |
dr_Willis | coco the ubunti cd and dvd Are bootable if brun | 04:59 |
Medjai | gentoo? | 04:59 |
MadGirl | gentoo is fun and funtoo is not? | 04:59 |
Medjai | lol | 04:59 |
dr_Willis | burnt right | 04:59 |
gry | Cydd this channel is ubuntu only, try ##linux for that | 04:59 |
ActionParsnip | westz: huh? | 04:59 |
imperfect- | Now if I could only et my GoogleTV to stream videos from my comouter | 04:59 |
Cydd | it was a joke gry | 04:59 |
imperfect- | I'd be happy as a lark | 04:59 |
Cydd | but ily | 04:59 |
westz | we commented almost identical things to him at the same time | 04:59 |
gry | :-D | 04:59 |
Medjai | PSST! anyone Unity experts here? | 05:00 |
gry | Medjai: This channel? Sure. | 05:00 |
aroman1 | Medjai: just ask your question :) | 05:00 |
westz | Medjai, screw unity, gnome FTW | 05:00 |
Medjai | lol | 05:00 |
Medjai | i love gnome | 05:00 |
coco | dr_Willis: oh so there is no label on it that would say that it is bootable. So basically as long as I burned the ubuntu then I should have no problem and is rare to have the problem I have right? | 05:00 |
Medjai | but i'm sure they had a reason why the switched | 05:00 |
ActionParsnip | imperfect-: setup samba shares, if your google tv can read windows shares you are smug. XBMC also can setup a streaming server. Depends what the device can do | 05:00 |
axscode | #unbutu+1 = unity | 05:00 |
Medjai | so i adapted | 05:00 |
gry | !anybody | Medjai | 05:00 |
ubottu | Medjai: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll. | 05:00 |
dr_Willis | coco yep. | 05:00 |
coco | dr_Willis: unless I am doing something wrong | 05:00 |
Medjai | if i've made changes to unity like taking off that hover scroll and removing the global menu and i'm transfering my HOME folder from one computer to another do those changes reside in the HOME folder or should there be something else I should be copying | 05:00 |
ActionParsnip | westz: unity doesn't replace gnome | 05:00 |
ActionParsnip | westz: unity is only a shell, not a DE | 05:01 |
Medjai | um i believe it did replace gnome | 05:01 |
aroman1 | It did not. | 05:01 |
axscode | fight!!!!!!!! | 05:01 |
Medjai | well i thought it was both a shell and a gnome replacement | 05:01 |
bazhang | !ot | 05:01 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 05:01 |
ActionParsnip | Medjai: it doesn't. many think it does. Its funny | 05:01 |
westz | ActionParsnip, i know, i just dont like unity, and its easier to say "gnome vs unity" than "gnome panels and stuff vs unity" | 05:01 |
Medjai | because you can go clasical | 05:01 |
Medjai | or merge | 05:01 |
mrdeb | unity works ok if you get used to it | 05:01 |
aroman1 | mrdeb: that's true of everything in life | 05:02 |
ActionParsnip | westz: its an incorrec comparison | 05:02 |
axscode | yes im loving it | 05:02 |
dr_Willis | its a layer over the gnome3 stuff i guess you can say | 05:02 |
Medjai | hmm | 05:02 |
mrdeb | you can finally easily use the windows key to lauch apps | 05:02 |
axscode | unity + awn so i can still display the menu at awn | 05:02 |
westz | ActionParsnip, doesnt matter really, since i dont like unity | 05:02 |
wiesshund | unity is ok for like small screen laptops, and task oriented setups with few apps, i just dont like it for my desktop | 05:02 |
mrdeb | and screne size is better used | 05:02 |
Medjai | hey ActionParsnip | 05:02 |
skilz | whats the name of the new ubuntu wm? | 05:02 |
mrdeb | screen | 05:02 |
mrdeb | skilz: compiz | 05:02 |
Medjai | quick help with my question? | 05:02 |
skilz | no | 05:02 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: its still compiz and metacity by default | 05:02 |
Medjai | if i've made changes to unity like taking off that hover scroll and removing the global menu and i'm transferring my HOME folder from one computer to another do those changes reside in the HOME folder or should there be something else I should be copying | 05:02 |
aroman1 | skilz: the window *decorator*? | 05:02 |
ActionParsnip | Medjai: ask the channel | 05:02 |
skilz | I mean the gui | 05:02 |
Medjai | i did | 05:02 |
=== coff is now known as linux_probe | ||
ActionParsnip | skilz: gnome | 05:03 |
Medjai | everyone seems to skip over it | 05:03 |
westz | do html tags work here? | 05:03 |
skilz | with the icons on the side | 05:03 |
skilz | like a bar | 05:03 |
axscode | no this is irc. | 05:03 |
Medjai | lol it may be too long that it only shows on my side or did you just see that last question | 05:03 |
aroman1 | westz: nope | 05:03 |
coco | ubutto, dr_Willis and DanaG: alright thanks for the help | 05:03 |
dr_Willis | westz: it depends on how you disabled those things | 05:03 |
westz | any way for me to bolden/strikethrough | 05:03 |
ActionParsnip | Medjai: I believe they do, settings are stored on a per user basis | 05:03 |
bazhang | westz, in this channel? no | 05:03 |
dr_Willis | oops thats for Medjai | 05:03 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: that isnt a WM, its a shell | 05:03 |
westz | aww. oh well then | 05:04 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: its called unity | 05:04 |
Medjai | well | 05:04 |
bazhang | westz, do you have an actual support question? | 05:04 |
Medjai | i don't even remember how i did it dr_Willis | 05:04 |
Medjai | lol it was so long ago | 05:04 |
imperfect- | i i dont like unity at all ;( | 05:04 |
westz | not at the moment, just here to kill time maybe answer a few questions while im installing some stuff | 05:04 |
skilz | ActionParsnip, I thought a shell was something you ssh into | 05:04 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: the WM is still compiz, you just have an extra app running. Its like conky. It just runs and sits there | 05:04 |
Erik500002 | hey guys need some help I accidentally deleted my wireless modules so I have no wifi, how can I restore everything back to default | 05:04 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: thats a different kind of shell | 05:05 |
aroman1 | Erik500002: reinstalling the OS would be the easiest I assume | 05:05 |
DanaG | I figured out my magic trackpad issue: | 05:05 |
robin0800 | axscode: ubuntu+1 is not unity it is ubuntu 11.10 development | 05:05 |
dr_Willis | plug in to wired.. | 05:05 |
Medjai | btw should i install all my applications first and then copy over my home folder | 05:05 |
westz | Erik500002, you can probabloy rip them off your install disc if you have it | 05:05 |
Medjai | or does the order not matter | 05:05 |
DanaG | It's not working with Windows either, so it must be a low battery. | 05:05 |
Erik500002 | aroman1 dont tell me Dx, just reinstalled and having such a hard time with natty :/ | 05:05 |
bazhang | !enter | Medjai | 05:05 |
ubottu | Medjai: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:05 |
dingurt | Lol, reinstall os is your answer? | 05:05 |
Erik500002 | westz i have my install cd here so how do I rip them out browsing the cd and couldn't find the .ko files | 05:05 |
DanaG | Erik500002: try dpkg -S b43 (or whatever the module was) | 05:06 |
aroman1 | Erik500002: I don't see why it would be such a big deal. All you have to do is reinstall the system files -- not your personal stuff | 05:06 |
aroman1 | just tell Ubiquity not to reformat your problem | 05:06 |
DanaG | Reinstall is a big deal for me, because I have system-level tweaks all over the place. | 05:06 |
Erik500002 | aroman1 still, I have such a hard time with grub always have issues when reinstalling | 05:06 |
aroman1 | it's easy, relatively painless, and guaranteed to work | 05:06 |
DanaG | You can probably just chroot in, and reinstall the kernel packages. | 05:06 |
dtchen | Erik500002: did the wireless modules come with Ubuntu, i.e., were they part of linux-image? | 05:06 |
dtchen | Erik500002: ^ what DanaG implied | 05:06 |
axscode | robin0800: well sorry i thought its a good place to ask unity :D | 05:06 |
DanaG | !chroot | 05:07 |
dingurt | aroman1: And completely unnecessary | 05:07 |
ubottu | A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot | 05:07 |
wiesshund | i always copy system tweaks to my home folder, just for reinstalling | 05:07 |
DanaG | Okay, that factoid is overkill. | 05:07 |
aroman1 | dingurt: that depends. if the guy is a total novice, the other options might be impractical | 05:07 |
aroman1 | sometimes the most straightforward and easiest solution is the best | 05:07 |
DanaG | There are just a couple of things you need to do: mount the root. bind mount /proc. bind mount /dev. bind mount /sys | 05:07 |
aroman1 | but sure, if we can help him in a less invasive way, by all means. | 05:07 |
Ibyss | Anyone by any chance manage to sucessfully access server with outside IP? (Using desktop, not server version of ubuntu). | 05:07 |
aroman1 | Ibyss: I have | 05:08 |
ZykoticK9 | DanaG, to see chroot steps check !grub2 link | 05:08 |
ActionParsnip | Ibyss: sure | 05:08 |
dingurt | Ibyss: All the time | 05:08 |
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Erik500002 | DanaG just used dpkg and still got module not found | 05:08 |
wiesshund | Ibyss, yes, if i understand question correctly | 05:08 |
Ibyss | I just can't get this thing to work for the life of me. | 05:08 |
DanaG | sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-whateveritwas | 05:08 |
dingurt | Ibyss: As in ssh or vnc or what? | 05:08 |
ActionParsnip | Ibyss: how do you want to connect to the system? | 05:09 |
DanaG | Ibyss: if you have a home router, you probably need port forwarding. | 05:09 |
Erik500002 | DanaG your a genius totally forgot about the linux-image reinstall xD | 05:09 |
dingurt | ^^ | 05:09 |
Erik500002 | that should do the trick for me :) | 05:09 |
Guest22035 | I did not anything but i could access | 05:09 |
DanaG | I prefer aptitude... | 05:09 |
Ibyss | It's not server ubuntu. It's my own computer. The ports are forward. Online Port checker says I'm doing this right. But I just can't go and see my website with outside IP. I changed port number, still nothing. | 05:10 |
aroman1 | DanaG: good man | 05:10 |
ActionParsnip | Erik500002: it's "you're a genius" 'your implies ownership | 05:10 |
Ibyss | I have firewall disabled. | 05:10 |
DanaG | I'd love to make a site that autocorrects "it's" to "it is". | 05:10 |
babu | how to install tomcat in eclipse | 05:10 |
imperfect- | is there reallt grammernazism afoot | 05:10 |
DanaG | And "you're" to "you are" | 05:10 |
Erik500002 | right, just typing in here fast :) | 05:10 |
ActionParsnip | Ibyss: can you access the site from localhost? | 05:10 |
DanaG | It'd make those mistakes look really stupid even to the person who made them. =P | 05:10 |
DanaG | oh, and "cos" to "cosine" | 05:10 |
Ibyss | YEs. And from another computer on my network too. | 05:11 |
Erik500002 | not really paying much attention to grammar been having such a tough day with ubuntu Dx | 05:11 |
dingurt | Ibyss: If you are 100% sure the ports are forwarded then make sure apache is running | 05:11 |
westz | DanaG, I LOVE IT | 05:11 |
skilz | what should i run unity in? | 05:11 |
ActionParsnip | Ibyss: if you give me the address or IP, I can test port 80 if you want | 05:11 |
DanaG | Too bad you can't do the same to "your" | 05:11 |
skilz | im using xfce | 05:11 |
dingurt | Ibyss: Ports must not be forwarded or firewall is blocking then | 05:11 |
skilz | i tyed unity into the terminal and I got a bunch of errors | 05:11 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: you can run unity on xfce if you wish | 05:11 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: if you dont have 3D accelleration, install unity 2d | 05:12 |
dr_Willis | thats a sick idea..:) | 05:12 |
Erik500002 | well i'll be right back have to restart | 05:12 |
DanaG | I've used Unity on a 915GM. Worked surprisingly well. | 05:13 |
DanaG | One big thing Unity needs: that little not-quite-a-button needs to look like it's pressed when you press it. | 05:13 |
DanaG | Right now, you press it, and get no feedback while it lags. So you press it again. | 05:13 |
dr_Willis | does xfce support compositing? ife not tired xfce in ages | 05:13 |
skilz | how do I install unity 2d? | 05:13 |
DanaG | What it should do: you press it, it looks "pressed". Sure, the thing doesn't appear yet, but at least you know you've actually pressed it. | 05:13 |
bazhang | skilz, the package unity-2d | 05:14 |
Ibyss | dingurt, apache is running, I can reach it through localhost, www.auk.dev, the, and another port number. | 05:14 |
KM0201 | !info unity-2d | skilz | 05:14 |
ubottu | skilz: unity-2d (source: unity-2d): Unity interface for non-accelerated graphics cards. In component main, is optional. Version (natty), package size 7 kB, installed size 124 kB | 05:14 |
axscode | and its not to resize unity icons to 32px and autohide it. | 05:14 |
skilz | E: Unable to locate package unity-2d | 05:14 |
axscode | s/not/nice | 05:14 |
westz | can i update the panel applets to the ones on 11.04 if i'm running lucid? i want the controller for banshee on my volume controller | 05:14 |
dingurt | Ibyss: I read that after I sent the msg | 05:14 |
westz | *on gnome obviously | 05:15 |
Ibyss | ANd my firewall is down. Not on. | 05:15 |
caminomaster | how do you reccomend to move data between partitions to preserve permissions? root or my user? | 05:16 |
wiesshund | westz, i am guessing probably not | 05:17 |
westz | im wondering how its integrated like that... if it's part of gnome-panel or of banshee | 05:18 |
DanaG | Magic trackpad: why the heck does a touchpad need to be wireless? That's like having a cordless drill press. | 05:18 |
digitalfiz | DanaG, that would be AWESOME | 05:18 |
wiesshund | so you can put the touch pad anyplace you like? | 05:18 |
josh__ | hallo all :) | 05:18 |
DanaG | Except when your battery dies. | 05:18 |
wiesshund | and spend money on batteries? | 05:18 |
DanaG | I'd rather have a USB touchpad. | 05:18 |
OerHeks | DanaG, maybe #Ubuntu-touch channel is any help | 05:18 |
Lasers | DanaG: Because you can carry Magic Trackpad to the bathroom and control XBMC from there. Ho ho ho. | 05:19 |
josh__ | so i'm looking how to get rid of docky ... can't find it now .... can somebody help? | 05:19 |
DanaG | Nah, I think my batteries are just dead. | 05:19 |
DanaG | It has enough power to be discovered, but turns off soon after. | 05:19 |
Medjai | !automate | 05:19 |
ubottu | Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning | 05:19 |
DanaG | So they should've made two models. | 05:19 |
digitalfiz | i hate wireless crap i use my pc to much it cost to much or to much of a headache keeping up with batteries | 05:19 |
OerHeks | DanaG, if it fails, remove and insert battery again | 05:19 |
Medjai | !replicate | 05:19 |
Lasers | !battery | 05:19 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, and the WIndows drivers for it suck... they can't even right-click. | 05:19 |
caminomaster | i see it practical to use as a remote control for movies XD | 05:19 |
DanaG | They can only right-RELEASE. | 05:19 |
DanaG | You get nothing on button down! | 05:20 |
Medjai | how can i re-install a package list on 11.04 | 05:20 |
DanaG | And when you let go, you get a down and up. | 05:20 |
DanaG | Imagine if your car did that! | 05:20 |
Medjai | i can't seem to do it correctly | 05:20 |
ActionParsnip | caminomaster: xbmc has a great remote from android phones, as does VLC ;) | 05:20 |
DanaG | dtchen: did you hear how the Airport Express endpoint got its private key extracted? | 05:21 |
Erik500002 | DanaG reinstalling linux-image did nothing :/ | 05:21 |
DanaG | Could we now have a PulseAudio AirPlay endpoint? | 05:21 |
Lasers | DanaG: How? I had to ask. | 05:21 |
caminomaster | what is exactly xbmc? | 05:22 |
Lasers | !xbmc | 05:22 |
DanaG | http://mafipulation.org/blagoblig/2011/04/08#shairport | 05:22 |
Lasers | Wow. We don't have one for it. | 05:22 |
wiesshund | I have totally eliminated the need for remote control for movies etc. Install media hardware, popcorn maker and mini fridge in bathroom near toilet. No need to pause after hitting play. :) | 05:22 |
DanaG | Dumped the ROM. | 05:22 |
caminomaster | media server? | 05:22 |
DanaG | I'll be getting a microserver. | 05:22 |
Lasers | caminomaster: Yeah. Google "XBMC" It's right there. | 05:22 |
DanaG | HP Proliant Microserver. | 05:22 |
DanaG | I'll be putting FreeNAS on it, for the sake of ZFS. | 05:23 |
nikhgupta | can someone help me with a mysql query. I tried #mysql and do not know where else to ask for. | 05:23 |
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nikhgupta | can someone tell me if its better to go with a HABTM relationship structure or storing as serialized strings when around 5-15 rows are created every few hours for this relationship? | 05:23 |
caminomaster | it seems interesting if i can stream media from my desktop to my n810 | 05:23 |
[THC]AcidRain | ubuntu question: what is something i can setup on my servers to help out humanity | 05:23 |
josh__ | hm. can somebody tell me what to do about this message when i try to remove Docky from my system? ... "Check if you are using third party repositories. If so disable them, since they are a common source of problems. | 05:23 |
josh__ | Furthermore run the following command in a Terminal: apt-get install -f" | 05:23 |
caminomaster | it runs Maemo | 05:23 |
caminomaster | that's the point | 05:23 |
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wiesshund | [THC]AcidRain, to help out humanity? Trust me you don't have enough computers | 05:24 |
Lasers | josh__: Check /etc/apt/sources.list (and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*) for any PPA you may added. However Ubuntu do have Software Sources (that you can use to comment out lines -- If any). | 05:25 |
[THC]AcidRain | wiesshund: lol | 05:25 |
[THC]AcidRain | well. perhaps that was the wrong question. what can i do to give back to the community? | 05:25 |
Lasers | wiesshund: You want less computers. More computers will just drain the humanity out of people (and resources). | 05:25 |
wiesshund | [THC]AcidRain, not to mention it gets wasteful to keep using them to bash people upside the head | 05:25 |
ActionParsnip | [THC]AcidRain: folding at home :) | 05:25 |
josh__ | Lasers, i dont know how to check that. i'm totally new to Ubuntu .... can you give me the idiot proof version? Lol | 05:25 |
[THC]AcidRain | i already have a shoutcast stream with uncensored music, a public ftp with 1000s of files, email servers, | 05:26 |
[THC]AcidRain | i just wanna do a little extra | 05:26 |
[THC]AcidRain | and im fresh outta ideas | 05:26 |
Lasers | josh__: I'm not on Ubuntu. Look for "Software Sources" -- And turn off anything that may be in 3rd party. | 05:26 |
caminomaster | how do you reccomend to move data between partitions to preserve permissions? root or my user? | 05:26 |
wiesshund | [THC]AcidRain, set up a "dating" service ? | 05:26 |
nikhgupta | caminomaster, in a .tgz archive while preserving permissions | 05:26 |
caminomaster | nikhgupta, thanks 4 answering | 05:27 |
[THC]AcidRain | wiesshund: i thought about that. but isnt there already enough of those? i also thought about something like myspace or facebook. but they pretty much got that on lock | 05:27 |
caminomaster | but is too much data to move! | 05:27 |
[THC]AcidRain | i wanna do something new, something that hasnt been done before, regardless out crazy and out there it is | 05:27 |
DanaG | oh yeah, and my CM106 sound card is still buggy. | 05:27 |
DanaG | Turtle Beach Audio Advantage SRM. | 05:27 |
DanaG | Now available in cheap knockoff: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16812156033&cm_re=usb_7.1-_-12-156-033-_-Product | 05:27 |
nikhgupta | caminomaster, I only know of this way to do what you are asking.. There must be more ways to do it though, I am sure. :/ | 05:28 |
DanaG | It's a buggy device... claims only stereo input, until I kill pulseaudio. | 05:28 |
DanaG | And then it has only a "speaker" volume. | 05:28 |
DanaG | And it only supports 7.1. No 5.1, not even stereo. Just 7.1. | 05:28 |
caminomaster | nikhgupta, there's no system data... not home nor / | 05:28 |
DanaG | Oh, and if I plug it in and unplug it multiple times, really quickly, the kernel dies. | 05:29 |
caminomaster | nikhgupta, so I wander if it's better to just move files as root or as my user | 05:29 |
k4r1m | I have a file that I own and can change permission of but for some reason I'm not able to remove it.. keep getting rm errors even with -f? any ideas? | 05:29 |
Abhijit | hi | 05:30 |
caminomaster | which option will affect lless my data | 05:30 |
Abhijit | where does rhythmbox stores the saved radio station file? | 05:30 |
wiesshund | k4r1m, what errors? | 05:30 |
skilz | how can I set my system to connect to wifi(internet) and eth0(share) during boot without having to login | 05:31 |
k4r1m | wiesshund: http://pastebin.com/8exPs0vg | 05:31 |
Abhijit | skilz, it will connect to eth0 without login | 05:32 |
skilz | ok but what about wlan0 | 05:32 |
k4r1m | wiesshund: don't really understand, I'm the owner of the file | 05:32 |
ActionParsnip | !ics | skilz | 05:32 |
ubottu | skilz: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing | 05:32 |
nikhgupta | caminomaster, I would say if possible move the two things in separate shifts.. so you know which ones are which and move accordingly. | 05:32 |
nikhgupta | if thats possible. | 05:32 |
wiesshund | k4r1m, if file is not in use by anything did you try sudo rm -f ? | 05:32 |
dtchen | DanaG: that's...awesome? (about the cm106) | 05:33 |
Satisfied | is there a safe way to abort a mv operation ? | 05:33 |
k4r1m | wiesshund: no sudo access :( might be used by something yeah will figure it out | 05:33 |
caminomaster | nikhgupta, separate shifts? | 05:33 |
caminomaster | what do U mean? | 05:33 |
caminomaster | nikhgupta, yo mean depending on owner? | 05:34 |
nikhgupta | as in.. move the files in groups - those belonging to myuser and those belonging to root.. | 05:34 |
nikhgupta | yeah | 05:34 |
shingen | what's the command to kill x in 11.04? ctrl-alt-backspace isn't working... | 05:34 |
caminomaster | nikhgupta, almost all files (maybe all) belong to my user | 05:34 |
caminomaster | so you mean is better as myself? | 05:34 |
Abhijit | shingen, kill -9 -1 | 05:35 |
Abhijit | shingen, that will automatically logout also | 05:35 |
shingen | Abhijit: seriously dude, :P | 05:35 |
Abhijit | ?? | 05:35 |
shingen | Abhijit: I just want to kill the x-session | 05:35 |
Abhijit | shingen, amm ok | 05:35 |
nikhgupta | caminomaster, in that case, you can create a simple script to list out all files which belong to root and mv them at once.. since they are less in numbers the move wont take a lot of time and can also be done with tar help in script.. later you can just move the remaining files as myuser. | 05:35 |
caminomaster | hum, but i don't know how to do such a script | 05:36 |
caminomaster | any, hint-link, nikhgupta ? | 05:37 |
nikhgupta | wait | 05:37 |
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Abhijit | shingen, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 05:37 |
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ntr0py | Is there a way to get system latitude/longitude in a shell script? | 05:38 |
nikhgupta | ntr0py, try finding an api that does it and curl that url afterwards. | 05:39 |
stefan_ | hello! my networkmanager applet disapppeared on U10.10. Can you tell me, how I can get it back. My W-LAN does not work either. I do have LAN though. I use a proprietary Broadcom driver for my W-LAN. | 05:39 |
ActionParsnip | ntr0py: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzIcPHTrtcY | 05:39 |
ActionParsnip | stefan_: press ALT+F2 and run: nm-applet | 05:39 |
ntr0py | thanks | 05:40 |
stefan_ | This has happened after Reboot. (Its a HP 625 with 64bit CPU) | 05:40 |
nikhgupta | stefan_, ^^ yep. if that does not work you can even try: "sudo service network-manager stop && sudo service network-manager start" | 05:40 |
DanaG | dtchen: yeah, I posted comments on those two related bug reports: | 05:41 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/535476 | 05:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 535476 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "CM106 usb sound card incorrectly detected as stereo only" [Undecided,New] | 05:41 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/535476 | 05:41 |
FloodBot1 | DanaG: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:41 |
DanaG | 3 lines is a flood? Really? | 05:41 |
DanaG | =/ | 05:41 |
Abhijit | lol | 05:41 |
DanaG | er, I pasted the same line twice. | 05:41 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/535453 | 05:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 535453 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "USB-Audio CM106 USB Sound card causes weird errors in the logs" [Undecided,New] | 05:41 |
Erik500002 | Guys need some help after reinstalling linux image keep getting a Fatal:Error invalid argument when trying to modprobe | 05:42 |
dtchen | Erik500002: that normally means something's syntactically amiss in /etc/modprobe.d/*.conf | 05:43 |
dtchen | Erik500002: dmesg can shed some light | 05:43 |
Abhijit | Erik500002, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1039016.html | 05:43 |
Erik500002 | dtchen: dmesg shows unknown symbol wiphy_free (err -22) and another one with disagrees about versino of symbol wiphy_new | 05:45 |
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dtchen | Erik500002: which module was attempted? | 05:45 |
Erik500002 | dtchen: ipw2200 | 05:46 |
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MonkeyDust | !at > MonkeyDust | 05:47 |
ubottu | MonkeyDust, please see my private message | 05:47 |
MonkeyDust | !paste > MonkeyDust | 05:47 |
ubottu | MonkeyDust, please see my private message | 05:47 |
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dtchen | Erik500002: please pastebin the output from: cat /proc/version ; modinfo ipw2200|grep ^verm | 05:48 |
caminomaster | I'm more a GUI man than a bash one, nikhgupta; so i'm following your suggestion via nautilus, listing ordered by owner :D | 05:49 |
ntr0py | can i somehow get the value from the gnome clock applet for the system location? | 05:49 |
MonkeyDust | guys, the 'at' command does nothing http://paste.ubuntu.com/634784/ what more info do you need to assist? | 05:49 |
skilz | whats the most lightweight web browser? | 05:50 |
MonkeyDust | elnks | 05:50 |
MonkeyDust | elinks, in a terminal | 05:51 |
Aginor | links is pretty lightweight | 05:51 |
skilz | *graphical | 05:51 |
MonkeyDust | midori | 05:51 |
Tm_T | skilz: mmm, does links2 suffice? | 05:51 |
stefan_ | ActionParsnip, nikhgupta: When I run nm-applet via alt+f2 normally, nothing seems to happen. I also made the long commands. Now I have let nm-applet run in the terminal. It says an instance is already running and "** (nm-applet:4129): WARNING **: <WARN> constructor(): Couldn't initialize the D-Bus manager." | 05:51 |
stefan_ | And I cannot see the applet either | 05:52 |
Erik500002 | dtchen: http://pastebin.com/bDFwGLTq | 05:52 |
MonkeyDust | guys, the 'at' command does nothing http://paste.ubuntu.com/634784/ what more info do you need to assist? | 05:53 |
nikhgupta | caminomaster, private message. | 05:53 |
nerdshell | MonkeyDust: could you clarify your question please ? | 05:53 |
nerdshell | MonkeyDust: it does, it will just not display the "hello" you are asking it to do, in the pts you are using | 05:55 |
dtchen | Erik500002: how about the output from: find /lib/modules/$(uname -r) -name 'ipw2200.ko | 05:56 |
ActionParsnip | stefan_: thats all I know. I use wicd personally | 05:56 |
fredrick | how do i mark a package that I compiled as manually installed in Ubuntu? | 05:56 |
dtchen | Erik500002: oops, I forgot the trailing ' | 05:56 |
fredrick | so that apt doesn't try to overwrite it with the package in the repos | 05:56 |
dtchen | fredrick: see equivs, but be aware of its ramifications | 05:56 |
Abhijit | fredrick, apt will not. if the package you have manually installed it the latest than apt version | 05:57 |
Abhijit | is the* | 05:57 |
MonkeyDust | nerdshell: in the pts i am using? meaning? | 05:57 |
fredrick | Abhijit, I've compiled imagemagick but InkScape depends on imagemagick | 05:57 |
fredrick | When I go to install inkscape, it wants to also install IM | 05:57 |
fredrick | I want to mark IM as installed by myself | 05:58 |
fredrick | manually | 05:58 |
nerdshell | MonkeyDust: it means that you won't see it in the screen of the terminal you are using. | 05:58 |
MonkeyDust | nerdshell: how to make it visible? | 05:58 |
Abhijit | fredrick, how about first install inkscape the regular way and then again install the imagemagick manually? | 05:58 |
fredrick | well, that would be okay if I hadn't already installed IM :( | 05:59 |
nerdshell | MonkeyDust: this is something I always wondered about, I'll be glad to find an answer :/ | 05:59 |
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Abhijit | fredrick, no idea then | 05:59 |
Abhijit | fredrick, try to ask inkscape guys | 05:59 |
stefan_ | ActionParsnip. thanks, I will try a Reboot and might consider installing wicd as well. | 05:59 |
fredrick | Abhijit, this is more of an apt issue than anything :| | 05:59 |
Abhijit | fredrick, ok | 05:59 |
dtchen | fredrick: (see above WRT equivs) | 06:00 |
Bo0m | Greetings All. Am trying to update my linux and am on kubuntu. uname -a gives me this : 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/L | 06:00 |
Bo0m | Can anyone please tell me how to upgrade? Thanks | 06:00 |
bderrly | does anyone know how to help upstart forget what pid it thinks a service is? | 06:00 |
fredrick | dtchen, reading it now :D | 06:01 |
dr_Willis | !upgrade | 06:01 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade | 06:01 |
Erik500002 | dtchen: anything? | 06:01 |
HackNewton | hi all | 06:02 |
HackNewton | good morning | 06:02 |
HackNewton | I have one problem | 06:02 |
HackNewton | can anybody help me here | 06:03 |
ActionParsnip | !eol | Bo0m | 06:03 |
ubottu | Bo0m: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 06:03 |
dtchen | Erik500002: did you run the last find command I mentioned above? (Don't forget the trailing ' that I omitted.) | 06:03 |
Abhijit | HackNewton, ask | 06:03 |
Bo0m | ActionParsnip, : am not sure what that meant..let me read through..newbie here. thanks | 06:03 |
b44 | How to concatenate 2 pdfs with ubuntu ?? | 06:04 |
HackNewton | i have by mistake choosen keyboard layout as USA international | 06:04 |
Abhijit | b44, http://en.pdf24.org/ | 06:04 |
bderrly | b44, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=concatenate+pdf+linux | 06:04 |
HackNewton | but i found that my keyboard is US standard | 06:04 |
HackNewton | now each time i try to change keyboard i changes but after restart it again shows old keyboard layout | 06:05 |
bderrly | HackNewton, go to System > Preferences > Keyboard | 06:05 |
ActionParsnip | Bo0m: if you run: lsb_release -d does it say karmic? | 06:05 |
Abhijit | HackNewton, in preferences->keyboard remove usa internation and only keep us standard | 06:05 |
HackNewton | bderrly, the problem is it does not remain saved | 06:05 |
HackNewton | every time i reboot it again loop back to old keyboard | 06:06 |
Bo0m | ActionParsnip, : please give me a minute thanks | 06:06 |
Abhijit | HackNewton, in preferences->keyboard remove usa internation and only keep us standard | 06:06 |
HackNewton | Abhijit, i have done that also | 06:06 |
HackNewton | same problem | 06:06 |
Bo0m | ActionParsnip, : it just says 9.10 | 06:06 |
ugly_duck | how do i make panel open everytime i start up? | 06:06 |
ActionParsnip | Bo0m: yep thats karmic, it's EOL so you need a different upgrade path | 06:06 |
Abhijit | HackNewton, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867856 | 06:07 |
b44 | ty | 06:07 |
ActionParsnip | ugly_duck: add it in the startup items | 06:07 |
ugly_duck | cheers | 06:07 |
Bo0m | I see... Can I just update all the packages and then try to update to new os? like new version? | 06:07 |
ugly_duck | i'll go dig some info on that | 06:07 |
Bo0m | site says I need to update all packages before new upgrade of os...Also, do I"have" to upgrade to new version? would it be ok to leave what I have here and move on? or a security issue? | 06:08 |
Luxe | Ugh. These stupid themes won't work! :c | 06:08 |
cooldudefreak | hi I fresh installed ubuntu on my dell latitude D400. Wireless doesn't work and don't know where to get drivers. dell utilities didn't help from SC | 06:08 |
ActionParsnip | cooldudefreak: if you run: sudo lshw -C network you will see the chip, you can use that to find guides | 06:09 |
tiox | Can someone give cooldude the stuff to type in with lshw to grep only information for his NIC? | 06:09 |
tiox | lol, one step ahead. :P | 06:09 |
dr_Willis | Bo0m: it depends on your needs if you shiuld upgrade. you should update your system to get any security updates however | 06:10 |
skilz | hey how do I connect to my wifi network, it name is NETGEAR and there is no password | 06:10 |
Abhijit | skilz, is it hidden? | 06:10 |
Bo0m | ah thanks dr_Willis . am downloading all the updates..then I guess I will see if I need this new version of ubuntu | 06:10 |
skilz | no | 06:10 |
Abhijit | skilz, then it will show in the list of the availbe networks. just click on it. | 06:10 |
dr_Willis | Bo0m: what version are yu using now | 06:11 |
skilz | im talking about with iwconfig | 06:11 |
skilz | in terminal | 06:11 |
Abhijit | oh skilz ok | 06:11 |
Bo0m | dr_Willis, : 9.10. | 06:11 |
cooldudefreak | actionparsnip:BCM4306 -> where can I get more info on the driver? | 06:11 |
HackNewton | Well i have big problem with soulution you provided Abhijit | 06:11 |
skilz | so I can use fluxbox | 06:11 |
dr_Willis | !9.10 | 06:11 |
Abhijit | HackNewton, what? | 06:11 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details. | 06:11 |
ActionParsnip | !broadcom | cooldudefreak | 06:11 |
ubottu | cooldudefreak: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx | 06:11 |
HackNewton | it asks for finding keyboard section in file | 06:11 |
HackNewton | But my file does not have keyboard section | 06:12 |
HackNewton | :( | 06:12 |
dr_Willis | Bo0m: eol soon for that | 06:12 |
Bo0m | thanks dr_Willis | 06:12 |
bderrly | soon? ;) | 06:12 |
Bo0m | eol? end of license? | 06:12 |
skilz | hey how do I connect to my wifi network with iwconfig in the terminal, the name is NETGEAR and there is no password and it is not hidden. | 06:12 |
bderrly | life | 06:12 |
Bo0m | oh ok | 06:12 |
dr_Willis | read above | 06:12 |
bderrly | i think "soon" up and went | 06:12 |
tiox | skilz: We saw your question, Google is your friend. | 06:12 |
Abhijit | HackNewton, try this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=813567 | 06:12 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: read: man iwconfig | 06:12 |
skilz | google isnt working | 06:12 |
skilz | I did ActionParsnip I was having trouble understanding it | 06:13 |
Bo0m | thanks dr_Willis | 06:13 |
ActionParsnip | skilz: or you can use /etc/network/interfaces file | 06:13 |
dr_Willis | Bo0m: so a upgrade or reinstall of new version is in order | 06:13 |
skilz | shouldnt I just type something like sudo iwconfig wlan0 NETGEAR DHCP ? | 06:13 |
tiox | How about this skilz? http://www.ghacks.net/2009/04/14/connect-to-a-wireless-network-via-command-line/ | 06:13 |
dgh | hi guys, im using fat32 in my ext hard drive, when i copied a certrain number of files , it gives me error of No space left on device. DO you know how to solve this? | 06:13 |
Bo0m | dr_Willis, : Am just wondering, what do you guys mean by EOL. Would users not get support here if they have 9.10? or is it like no software will be supported? am kinda new, so trying to figure out this all open source thing | 06:14 |
tiox | If you're going to use the terminal, commit. Stop thinking it's simple. :P | 06:14 |
dr_Willis | !eol | Bo0m | 06:14 |
ubottu | Bo0m: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 06:14 |
Bo0m | cool thanks. | 06:14 |
Bo0m | heh you guys have links for every question.. nice | 06:14 |
tk` | anyone has suspend working on an hp elitebook? | 06:14 |
dr_Willis | almost every one | 06:14 |
tiox | Though, skilz, when you figure out how to get stuff working, you can do some amature programming and use an alias for the entire group of actions. | 06:15 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: are the files larger than 4Gb? | 06:15 |
tk` | kacpid goes to 100% on one core | 06:15 |
dgh | err, ActionParsnip, it might be | 06:15 |
dgh | but i dont htink so | 06:15 |
tiox | alias "action1 && action2 && action3" = dowhatiwant | 06:15 |
fredrick | dtchen, I'm not too sure where to put my equivs control file | 06:15 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: max file size for FAT32 is 4Gb | 06:15 |
fredrick | Any specific place? | 06:15 |
dgh | nope. 88MB | 06:15 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: FAT32 also has near zero robustness. NTFS is a much better solution | 06:16 |
Abhijit | brb | 06:16 |
dgh | but i have problem in using NTFS | 06:16 |
Bo0m | ok guys thanks. Am gonna hit bed now. I will update all these packages while sleeping and see what its up to. Thanks again. | 06:16 |
tiox | RATHER, alias dowhatiwant="..." | 06:16 |
Bo0m | Can I just idle here? | 06:16 |
ActionParsnip | Bo0m: absolutely | 06:16 |
Bo0m | thanks. | 06:17 |
dgh | when i copy stuffs, some of the files are not copied and the error "Operation not permitted" eventhough im the root | 06:17 |
=== Bo0m is now known as bo0m_away | ||
dgh | therefore i change to FAT32 | 06:17 |
ActionParsnip | !away > bo0m_away | 06:17 |
ubottu | bo0m_away, please see my private message | 06:17 |
=== bo0m_away is now known as Bo0m | ||
ActionParsnip | dgh: is the partition healthy | 06:18 |
Bo0m | ActionParsnip, : Thanks : ) adios | 06:18 |
dgh | yea ActionParsnip | 06:18 |
dgh | ActionParsnip: I have just formatted them | 06:18 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: when did you last test it | 06:18 |
dgh | few minutes ago | 06:18 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: ok thats cool | 06:18 |
dgh | ActionParsnip: I m runnig out of idea now | 06:19 |
HackNewton | Thanks Abhijit :D | 06:19 |
fredrick | dtchen, oh, I see now, after re-reading the documentation. nevermind :) the idea is to build a fake deb package, not to use the equivs file | 06:19 |
HackNewton | really appreciate your help | 06:19 |
bderrly | does anyone know how to help upstart forget what pid it thinks a service is? | 06:20 |
=== HackNewton is now known as HackNewton_Away | ||
fredrick | dgh, why not format as ext4? | 06:20 |
dgh | fredrick: well, FAT32 is the better format i would say because windows and linux can use/view | 06:21 |
bderrly | NTFS > FAT32 and both OSes can use it too | 06:21 |
dr_Willis | ntfs works well these days | 06:21 |
dgh | well, dr_Willis , i woudl say so but i have trouble in copying files for the past 2 days | 06:22 |
dgh | thats why i gave up and change to FAT32 | 06:22 |
tiox | If you want to really get tricksy, you could compile an open source file viewer using cygwin in WIndows and use that to manage all your ext4 partitions there. | 06:22 |
dr_Willis | dgh: your issues sound like its wanting to set ownership or other permisdions to me | 06:22 |
dgh | dr_Willis: the current issue with FAT32 is the # of files | 06:23 |
dgh | in a directory i suppose | 06:23 |
dr_Willis | how many files you got on it. hiw many in the root of the drive | 06:24 |
dgh | dr_Willis: i m not sure now coz ive deleted them already | 06:24 |
dr_Willis | thete is a max # but its a very high number | 06:24 |
dr_Willis | old dos type limits | 06:25 |
BPower | Hey all. I can't seem to find the package to automatically print a backtrace when PHP ends with a fatal error. Anyone know what I'm talking about? | 06:25 |
dr_Willis | i git ntfs disks with 100000 plus files i inagine | 06:25 |
=== HackNewton_Away is now known as HackNewton | ||
dgh | dr_Willis: im not sure now what to do | 06:26 |
dr_Willis | dgh: write up the details at askubuntu.com and look for a fix. or just use ext4 or ntfs i would say. | 06:28 |
dr_Willis | i gave missed half the problem i imagine | 06:28 |
dgh | ext4 is good? | 06:29 |
Starchaser | no | 06:29 |
coco | dr_Willis: I solved the problem thanks for the help | 06:29 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: if you don't want to share with windows systesm, yes | 06:29 |
dr_Willis | coco burning it wrong? or what | 06:30 |
coco | now, for some reason the DVD has an error that does not allow the whole Ubuntu to load onto it | 06:30 |
dgh | means purely linux? | 06:30 |
dgh | can ext4 copy files from NTFS/ext4 system files? | 06:30 |
dr_Willis | dgh the os does that.. | 06:30 |
ActionParsnip | dgh: Ubuntu has full access to NTFS based partitons | 06:31 |
coco | so, I bought a Cd rom and now the thing is very slow to get started but hopefully I get it working by the end of the night | 06:31 |
dr_Willis | linux can access ntfs. windows is limited in what itcan do | 06:31 |
dgh | so ext4 or ntfs will do? | 06:31 |
coco | I at least now get the installation screen | 06:31 |
dgh | ill try ext4 then in this case since ntfs doesnt give me any hope | 06:31 |
dr_Willis | dgh depends in what you are doing | 06:32 |
dr_Willis | ntfs sould work fine in most cases also. im not clear on the original probmem | 06:32 |
coco | dr_Willis: just wanted to let u know that I felt that infrarecorder was helpful in verifying error on the DVD | 06:32 |
dr_Willis | coco in the future. you may want to use the cd. its smaller | 06:33 |
dr_Willis | dvd version hasmore languages i think is its main feature | 06:33 |
coco | dr_Willis: yes that's what I wanted to use all along but the computer said that I did not have enough space> | 06:34 |
coco | dr_Willis: however it worked out once I downloaded the program into my window OS and burn it using infrarecording and then connecting it on my mac. | 06:35 |
dr_Willis | macs are weird.. :) | 06:35 |
saqueo | hola | 06:35 |
coco | dr_Willis: yeah especially when there is no one there to help | 06:36 |
coco | dr_Willis: good thing people in my house have windows | 06:37 |
dr_Willis | sounds luke the whole issue was hiw to burn the iso on the mac | 06:38 |
toshiba | ? | 06:39 |
dr_Willis | toshiba: ?? | 06:39 |
b44 | What to type answer here: Type the full pathname of a J2SE installation (or Ctrl-C to quit), the path will be stored in ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk | 06:41 |
b44 | ??? | 06:41 |
b44 | if: /etc/alternatives/java -> /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/bin/java* | 06:41 |
dr_Willis | is j2se the same as java or id it an extra program package tlyou install seperatly | 06:42 |
dr_Willis | !j2se | 06:43 |
TrevInc | It's Java standard edition | 06:43 |
TrevInc | Java 4 and 5 are technically "Java 2" | 06:43 |
TrevInc | With the next version they went back to calling it Java 1.6 | 06:43 |
dr_Willis | java gas so many name varatnts and things. i get confused | 06:43 |
coco | dr_Willis: yes, that's correct the whole issue was burning the DVD on the mac but now I should be good | 06:44 |
dr_Willis | so above i wants the path to that jre dir.? | 06:45 |
xz | hello | 06:46 |
dr_Willis | !hi | 06:47 |
Vladislas | apa kabar semua | 06:50 |
Vladislas | apa ada manusia disini | 06:50 |
babu | when i sent message to sql, it says cannot send to channel.. | 06:58 |
babu | wat's the reson | 06:58 |
babu | wat's the reason | 06:58 |
Abhijit | babu, can you read me there? | 07:00 |
babu | yep | 07:00 |
degilnya | hi all i've got some problem in ubuntu natty | 07:00 |
Abhijit | degilnya, ask | 07:00 |
susundberg | !ask | 07:00 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:00 |
degilnya | i've created a website in php and mysql and in windows it works perfectly but in linux ubuntu it got error when i go to the browser | 07:00 |
Abhijit | babu, no idea try to talk to an op of that channel | 07:00 |
degilnya | its said "Error!: could not find driver" | 07:01 |
degilnya | i've installed php5-mysql already | 07:01 |
degilnya | and in php.ini of ubuntu i tried to show some path for it to go for the mysql.so extension=/path/mysql.so | 07:02 |
degilnya | but it still give me error of "Error!: could not find driver" | 07:02 |
susundberg | Google for php mysql installion guide, i am sure there exists such | 07:02 |
ohzie | ActionParsnip: Thank you, again, for referring me to the proper way to rebuild alsa from scratch. That was immensely helpful. | 07:03 |
susundberg | or are you sure that your php+mysql installation is proper? | 07:03 |
=== gry is now known as win2000user | ||
degilnya | emm im not sure its from other people that responsible | 07:03 |
degilnya | should i dpkg-reconfigure something? | 07:03 |
susundberg | degilnya: do as simple as possible script .php to test the installion | 07:03 |
degilnya | oh if a simple script i can connect to the db i created a php simple script connect to mysql db | 07:04 |
degilnya | but in my website its kind of complicated | 07:04 |
degilnya | in windows it works perfectly | 07:04 |
susundberg | One can also find such with google: http://www.wallpaperama.com/forums/simple-php-mysql-connection-test-script-example-t5702.html | 07:05 |
ActionParsnip | ohzie: its on the sound troubleshooting official docs | 07:05 |
remoteCTRL | how bout some visualization plugins for mplayer? | 07:05 |
degilnya | actually what is it mean of "Error!: could not find driver" | 07:05 |
susundberg | degilnya: i do not understand you, did you test the installation with a script or not? | 07:05 |
susundberg | degilnya: No idea. did you google for it? It might be output from the .php script? | 07:06 |
degilnya | yes i created a simple script of php and try to connect to the db with mysql_connect and its successfull | 07:06 |
dgh | dr_Willis: how about ext3? | 07:06 |
susundberg | degilnya: or where do you see that? I do not have even clue what is the real problem here | 07:06 |
dgh | i dont have ext4 option in my gparted | 07:06 |
ohzie | ActionParsnip: I had googled "ubuntu 10.04 hp g72 no sound" and got a forum post with compiling directions for the driver but he had left out all the necessary dependancies so it wouldn't work, and I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaat do I dooooo and then you came along and saved the day. <3 | 07:06 |
degilnya | emm my question is what common problem is when you got an error of "Error!: could not find driver" | 07:07 |
degilnya | :( | 07:07 |
ohzie | degilnya: what is giving you that error | 07:07 |
degilnya | im thinking maybe php.ini has a problem | 07:08 |
susundberg | degilnya: oh google for the error | 07:08 |
degilnya | maybe it doesnt load the extension? :( | 07:08 |
dgh | ActionParsnip: ? | 07:08 |
degilnya | emm okay...i will try again after almost 1 day trying :( | 07:08 |
susundberg | degilnya: you need to troubleshoot little more specific what gives that error | 07:09 |
degilnya | thanks susundberg | 07:09 |
susundberg | degilnya: if it is an php script printing that error, try to figure out what line | 07:09 |
susundberg | degilnya: if its the apache server, try to figure out with what .php file | 07:09 |
degilnya | emm in windows and in my laptop of ubuntu jaunty its works perfectly | 07:10 |
degilnya | but in the server of natty its got problem | 07:10 |
degilnya | the server is managed by other people | 07:10 |
susundberg | degilnya: well then the server installation is not working with your webpage | 07:10 |
degilnya | emmm.... | 07:10 |
degilnya | should i dpkg-reconfigure something? | 07:10 |
susundberg | degilnya: well maybe the server is then missing soma package that is required by your php script? | 07:11 |
degilnya | i think so.. but im not sure what package | 07:11 |
susundberg | Did you try this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2852748/pdoexception-could-not-find-driver | 07:11 |
susundberg | degilnya: I cant help without more info: what line causes the trouble, sorry | 07:12 |
degilnya | its ok thanks | 07:12 |
susundberg | np, good luck! | 07:13 |
=== nut is now known as Guest95614 | ||
morth | hello | 07:22 |
v-himanshu_ | hi | 07:22 |
morth | can someone look at this picture and tell me on the right side is that terminal an actual background and usable? or is that just the theme hes using? http://icedloki.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d139383 | 07:23 |
=== agborkowski is now known as AgBorkowski | ||
sara2010 | hi | 07:26 |
sara2010 | any one there | 07:26 |
dr_Willis | morth: loosk like terminator to me | 07:26 |
xz | hello | 07:26 |
dr_Willis | dgh: you get it figured out? | 07:27 |
Abhijit | sara2010, ask | 07:27 |
sara2010 | Abhijit, what i use for mail check .. like outlook | 07:28 |
dr_Willis | 07:28 | |
ubottu | Mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com | 07:28 |
dr_Willis | heh. wrong factoid | 07:28 |
Abhijit | sara2010, evolution. thunderbird. | 07:29 |
sara2010 | ok | 07:30 |
sara2010 | Abhijit, ! | 07:30 |
Abhijit | ?? | 07:30 |
sara2010 | Abhijit, kuch nahe . ok dekhti hon! | 07:31 |
dr_Willis | another happy customer i guess. | 07:31 |
sara2010 | dr_Willis, who me :) | 07:31 |
dr_Willis | mail icon at top right has some neat features also | 07:32 |
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Abhijit | sara2010, this is english channel. yoou may want to come in #ubuntu-in | 07:32 |
sara2010 | wow | 07:33 |
sara2010 | really | 07:33 |
nexace | anyone use ptunnel? | 07:34 |
=== fairuz_ is now known as fairuz | ||
wsagent | nexace me too really like to know about tunneling | 07:36 |
dr_Willis | !tunnel | 07:42 |
=== win2000user is now known as gry | ||
sara2010 | !tunnel | 07:44 |
sara2010 | hmmm | 07:45 |
sara2010 | !remote desktop | 07:45 |
hamnegga | Anyone here know if it's possible to connect my Actiontec router to my linux box via usb or RJ45 in order to extract and or modify the builtin firmware? | 07:45 |
nexace | ptunnel is giving me a headache | 07:45 |
nexace | i always seem to get this [err]: Dropping duplicate proxy request | 07:46 |
nexace | and ssh will not return a request for password | 07:46 |
nexace | anyone know what is going on? | 07:46 |
nexace | !tunnel | 07:47 |
nexace | !ptunnel | 07:48 |
morth | is there a way i can shortcut my terminal to open when i do a keyboard combo? | 07:48 |
tonyyarusso | morth: Sure. Some releases have it as Ctrl-Alt-T by default. | 07:48 |
preecher | anyone know if ubuntu will detect & work with builtin cam on a acer netbook? the only time i would use the cam would on skype | 07:50 |
morth | question, this guide shows sudo aptitude and when i try that in my termainal it says its not a command. | 07:50 |
morth | im using 11.04 | 07:50 |
tonyyarusso | morth: aptitude isn't installed by default. | 07:50 |
sara2010 | !RDC | 07:54 |
bronaugh | Tm_T: should be fine. | 07:56 |
sara2010 | !rdesktop | 07:57 |
=== andih is now known as Guest57879 | ||
bronaugh | anyhow, question is: how, in ubuntu 11.04 on an IBM T23 with a Ralink wifi card, do I end up with Hard blocked: yes in the output of rfkill after a resume from suspend to RAM? | 07:59 |
bronaugh | it isn't hard blocked before suspend to ram, and there's no wifi on/off switch. | 07:59 |
Firefishe | I'm using Ubuntu/Kubuntu 10.04 LTS. I'm experiencing a weird graphic artifact: kde desktop: after locking the screen, and the screen goes black, I move my mouse or trackpad to get the login box to display. Instead of the dialog box displaying its contents properly, all I get is a solid rectangle with nothing showing in it. | 08:08 |
hdon | hi guys :) i cannot switch users from xscreensaver. choosing "switch user" button returns me to screensaver. WTF. this is an intermittent problem i first noticed about a week ago. fuck-up in xscreensaver or gdm? | 08:09 |
bronaugh | Firefishe: which gfx chip, which driver? | 08:09 |
Firefishe | I need to know how to get to a default desktop with a new X configuration | 08:09 |
tonyyarusso | !ohmy | hdon | 08:09 |
ubottu | hdon: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others. | 08:09 |
Firefishe | bronaugh: nvidia propritary | 08:09 |
Firefishe | proprietary | 08:09 |
hdon | Firefishe, do you want to keep your old setup? | 08:09 |
Firefishe | hdon: no, it's not that important. | 08:10 |
hdon | Firefishe, easy thing to do then is blow away config files in your home dir. with .gnome though there might be more in there than just desktop setup stuff | 08:10 |
bronaugh | hdon: any idea how that actually works? ie, does it start up gdm on vt8 or what? | 08:10 |
bronaugh | hdon: how does the signalling work? dbus? | 08:10 |
dgh | anyone does partition ext4? | 08:11 |
hdon | bronaugh, good question | 08:11 |
hdon | dgh, ext4 is a filesystem format. a partition is merely an extent of space on your storage media that has been defined in your partition table. do you need help partitioning your hard disk and setting up an ext4 filesytem? | 08:12 |
dgh | yeah. | 08:12 |
hdon | tonyyarusso, i'm not sure what part of that credo i may have violated. apologies. | 08:12 |
dgh | hdon: I tried to use gparted to create partition of ext4 filesystem format | 08:12 |
hdon | dgh, how did that go? :) | 08:12 |
dgh | but after ive done that, there is a "lock" symbol on it | 08:12 |
Firefishe | hdon: this is on the kde desktop, just to let you know. | 08:12 |
bronaugh | hdon: you used a dirty wordy. | 08:13 |
dgh | and actually im trying to copy data on UBuntu 6.01 LTS | 08:13 |
hdon | bronaugh, that's ok, i was being friendly, and i'm 12 | 08:13 |
Firefishe | hdon: I just checked .gnome, and it's got something I want to keep, although that's not the chief configuration file for this box. It's actually .gnome2/ | 08:13 |
bronaugh | dgh: heh; I wouldn't really -recommend- ext4 on a crusty distro. they've fixed a -lot- of bugs. | 08:13 |
hdon | dgh, you may not have to copy that data. do you know you can still mount other filesystems and access them even after you install a new os on another partition? | 08:14 |
bronaugh | dgh: anyhow, no matter what filesystem, it's partition type 83 or 82 when using MSDOS partitions. don't recall which; fdisk has them all listed. | 08:14 |
bronaugh | dgh: detection of actual filesystem happens by the first few bytes in the filesystem. | 08:14 |
Firefishe | bronaugh/hdon: So should that do it? Should I also trash the .config/ directory, as well? | 08:14 |
hdon | bronaugh, he's using gparted. he has some sort of gui problem. a "lock" icon he said. | 08:14 |
bronaugh | should say, device or file. | 08:14 |
sara2010 | http://pastebin.com/NKVqQ02r | 08:14 |
bronaugh | Firefishe: I think there may be a .kde dir? | 08:15 |
hdon | Firefishe, i recommend not removing them, but just renaming them to something else in case you decide you want something in them later | 08:15 |
bronaugh | hdon: oh; ok. | 08:15 |
Firefishe | bronaugh: already gone, but it didn't solve the dialog box problem | 08:15 |
hdon | Fireblasto, there are easier ways to get to a clean X desktop though | 08:15 |
hdon | Fireblasto, if you only need to do it once, that is | 08:15 |
bronaugh | Firefishe: it could be unrelated to that. could be a graphics driver bug or other fun screwup. | 08:15 |
bronaugh | Firefishe: how did you install your nvidia drivers? | 08:15 |
hdon | Firefishe, sorry, said Fireblasto meant Firefishe | 08:15 |
wildbat | dgh: lock in gparted usually mean mounted so you can modify | 08:15 |
Firefishe | bronaugh: Considering I've been playing around with e17 and compiz.... ;) | 08:15 |
bronaugh | Firefishe: heh. | 08:16 |
Firefishe | hdon: I used the gui hardware installer. It just started doing this tonight. Everything's been working without a hitch. | 08:17 |
Firefishe | hdon: it's just that one thing, all other dialogs are fine. gtk-sudo, etc. | 08:17 |
Firefishe | it's just *annoying* | 08:17 |
sara2010 | any one help me | 08:17 |
sara2010 | http://pastebin.com/NKVqQ02r | 08:17 |
Firefishe | I can't see myself type. | 08:17 |
hdon | Firefishe, sorry, what is this dialogue you're having a problem with? | 08:18 |
bronaugh | sara2010: without more information, no one will be able to help there. | 08:18 |
=== insomnia1alt is now known as insomniaSalt | ||
hdon | sara2010, have you other means of access to the system at are you sure it's on your network/vpn? | 08:19 |
Firefishe | hdon: When I use the kde desktop lock-screen system, it locks it okay. It displays a black screen, and when you move the mouse or touch the trackpad, a login dialog box usually appears, with a text-input box in it. All I'm getting is a blank rectangle with nothing in it. | 08:19 |
Firefishe | hdon: some type of visual artifacting | 08:19 |
Firefishe | bad rendering | 08:19 |
hdon | sara2010, use nmap -PN -sT -p 3389 # -PN is not necessary, remove it if it fails for you | 08:19 |
BlackDalek | How do I stream webcam over LAN with the current version VLC? Online instructions for doing this apparently don't exist. There are only instructions for doing this with the old version of VLC, which has a totally different GUI or using a windoze wizard... How do I do this using the current version GUI? | 08:20 |
hdon | Firefishe, what a horrible bug :( | 08:20 |
BlackDalek | in the old VLC it was like you could just open a capture device and tick the "stream" box and choose a protocol and you were away.... Now you have to go to streaming and fill out multiple pages of forms and questions which no human could ever understand except the programmer who made it. So.. does anyone here know how to stream webcam over a LAN in VLC? | 08:20 |
morth | i cant find a guide out on how to keybind terminal to mod4 key | 08:20 |
hdon | morth, i had no luck binding to mod4, i used mod4+space instead. | 08:20 |
Firefishe | hdon: Well, it's probably something particular to my setup, and not a bug, per se. I think it's a compiz/kwin rendering issue. | 08:20 |
bronaugh | hdon: there's a simpler way to test that. telnet 3389 | 08:21 |
bronaugh | hdon: nmap is, unsurprisingly, not always installed on people's machines :P | 08:21 |
morth | hdon ill try that | 08:21 |
dgh | hdon: im nto sure what you meant | 08:21 |
dgh | you meant ext4 is not recommended? | 08:22 |
dgh | i tried with ntfs and fat but they both fail | 08:22 |
pratz | hey guys i am uisng ubuntu 11.04 and using vim, but crt+ww is not working now , any ideas ?? | 08:22 |
hdon | Firefishe, still a bug ;) but i understand your methodology. are you able to access other vts? i recommend renaming all everything matching ~/.* and then putting them back until you encounter the bug again. you can use sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart if you are unable to utilize the broken/badly-rendered unlock dialog | 08:22 |
Firefishe | I use kdm, but I get ya | 08:22 |
hdon | dgh, someone else's comment was that ext4 was not recommended with an older kernel. i said nothing to that effect. another person said that in gparted, the lock icon means that the filesystem has been mounted on your system, and therefore gparted cannot modify it until it is unmounted. run the "mount" command to see all mounted filesystems. | 08:23 |
Firefishe | Also, I just logged in to my wife's side. It works normally, so this is my own desktop-specific bug. | 08:23 |
dgh | hdon: oh, so what would you reckon? | 08:23 |
hdon | bronaugh, you have no idea how angry it makes me that a basic version of nmap isn't installed by default. for that matter, the host(1) command isn't either | 08:23 |
hdon | dgh, run "mount" read output. see if your ext4 filesystem is mounted. if it is, umount it | 08:23 |
Firefishe | hdon: So, ideally, I just need to start with a tabula rasa. So how do I completely set up my kde desktop to default parameters? | 08:23 |
hdon | Firefishe, easy way is probably to mv ~/.kde ~/.kde-backup or something like that | 08:24 |
bronaugh | hdon: host, yeah, that'd bug me. good reasons not to have nmap ;) | 08:24 |
hdon | bronaugh, why good reasons not to have nmap? i would accept not dragging in lua etc. | 08:24 |
sara2010 | hdon, ya i m sure its my network | 08:25 |
Firefishe | hdon bronaugh, I need to reboot....brb. | 08:25 |
hdon | Firefishe, wait | 08:25 |
hdon | Firefishe, are you sure you don't need to just /etc/init.d/gdm restart ? | 08:25 |
bronaugh | hdon: well; if it's there, naughty people will use it. :) | 08:25 |
bronaugh | hdon: I agree in principle; most of hmy machines have nmap installed because it's really useful. but yeah. not the best thing to put in a default install. | 08:25 |
hdon | bronaugh, i don't understand what can go wrong using nmap... what ports are open to me is like index.html | 08:26 |
pratz | any one using vim, i can not switch windows with crtl+ww, i think ctrl+w mapping is wrong , any ideas are appreciated ?? | 08:26 |
nkh | Hi Friends, anybody had problem runing pidgin on Lucid lately? | 08:26 |
morth | hdon how do i keybind it? | 08:26 |
hdon | sara2010, what did nmap/telnet say? | 08:26 |
* hdon checks for morth | 08:26 | |
morth | thanks | 08:26 |
hdon | morth, System menu, Preferences, Keyboard Shortcuts | 08:27 |
sara2010 | hdon, Host is up (0.00013s latency). | 08:27 |
sara2010 | PORT STATE SERVICE | 08:27 |
sara2010 | 3389/tcp closed ms-term-serv | 08:27 |
Luxe | How do I change wine icons on Ubuntu. | 08:27 |
BlackDalek | How do I stream webcam over LAN with the current version VLC? Online instructions for doing this apparently don't exist. There are only instructions for doing this with the old version of VLC, which has a totally different GUI or using a windoze wizard... How do I do this using the current version GUI? | 08:27 |
Luxe | ? | 08:27 |
nkh | when I run pidgin on Lucid, it's process takes too much of my CPU percentage and it does not run ! I should just kill it ! what's the problem ? | 08:27 |
hdon | morth, i believe under the Desktop section, there is something called "Run a terminal" that will open a new gnome-terminal window | 08:27 |
bronaugh | sara2010: ok so brass tacks here. what are you trying to do? | 08:28 |
Luxe | nkh, how much memory do you have? | 08:28 |
hdon | sara2010, that port looks closed from your vantage point. do you have other access to this system to diagnose the reason the port is closed? | 08:28 |
nkh | Luxe: 4 Gig! | 08:28 |
hdon | bronaugh, she just wants to rdp but it's not open to other LAN computers | 08:28 |
nkh | Luxe: I't was runing till 6-7 days ago! | 08:28 |
morth | hdon i keybound it to the terminal but when i use the shortcut it doesn't pop up?... :s | 08:28 |
Luxe | OH man. | 08:28 |
Luxe | Try uninstalling then reinstalling. | 08:29 |
hdon | morth, what key did you bind? | 08:29 |
bronaugh | hdon: or she's trying to use the wrong tool for the job. | 08:29 |
nkh | Luxe: Tried , not working , Purged and installed again , no effect! | 08:29 |
sara2010 | hdon, i hav't close this port.. | 08:29 |
hdon | Luxe, wut r u doing | 08:29 |
morth | windows key + space bar | 08:29 |
hdon | bronaugh, ah, good question. i just assume if someone wants rdp, that's what they want. | 08:29 |
sara2010 | hdon, how i can open this port | 08:29 |
Luxe | Eh? | 08:29 |
nkh | Luxe: nothing usefull found with pidgin --debug , too :( | 08:30 |
yunosh | hi, is anybody else getting 404s for changelogs from natty-proposed? | 08:30 |
hdon | sara2010, if your remote desktop configuration listens on the wrong address, then it will appear closed port to some computers. are you able to access this remote system another way? we must take the next step. we need another way to access this system | 08:30 |
nkh | Luxe: This is end lines of debug : (12:03:27) Session Management: Connected to manager (gnome-session) with client ID 10efeb7cf317711dc413093328071861000000019860104 | 08:31 |
nkh | (12:03:27) Session Management: Using pidgin as command | 08:31 |
morth | hdon windows key + space | 08:31 |
bronaugh | sara2010: do you have local access to the computer at | 08:31 |
sara2010 | hdon, which way ? | 08:31 |
hdon | nkh, i have heard of this problem popping up in the past. temporary solution: mv ~/.gaim (or ~/.pidgin) to ~/.gaim-backup and run pidgin again. it should run fine, but all your pidgin data will appear to be gone. | 08:31 |
hdon | morth, oh... hmm... | 08:32 |
bronaugh | sara2010: if you do, check whether the port is open locally using netstat. | 08:32 |
hdon | sara2010, does the system have a keyboard and mouse? | 08:32 |
hdon | (and display) | 08:32 |
sara2010 | bronaugh, ya i have access | 08:32 |
nkh | Luxe: it stucks after these lines ! | 08:32 |
sara2010 | hdon, yes system have keyboard mouse display | 08:33 |
nkh | hdon: mmm, cool solution , i'll try it soon , tnx | 08:33 |
bronaugh | sara2010: what OS does the machine run? | 08:34 |
sara2010 | bronaugh, ubuntu 10.10 | 08:34 |
hdon | sara2010, ok, do you have root access on that system? | 08:34 |
hdon | bronaugh, good eye.. i would have never thought it wasn't ubuntu for some reason... | 08:35 |
sara2010 | hdon, yes i have root access | 08:35 |
Firefishe | bronaugh, hdon: Apparently, logging in and out and rebooting seems to have cured the artifact. | 08:35 |
bronaugh | Firefishe: yeah. driver screwups. | 08:35 |
Firefishe | bronaugh: Well, it appears to be fine, now. I'm going to rebuild my deskltop now...sheesh! ;) | 08:36 |
Firefishe | desktop even | 08:36 |
bronaugh | sara2010: so both the machine you're trying to log into the other machine with, and the machine you're trying to log into, are running ubuntu? | 08:36 |
Firefishe | Thanks for the help | 08:36 |
Firefishe | :) | 08:36 |
oberon4mine | Hello everyone | 08:36 |
oberon4mine | I'm using Lubuntu right now | 08:36 |
Firefishe | lxde? | 08:36 |
morth | hdon i got it working, had to add a new keyline and add gnome-terminal, the default didn't work. | 08:36 |
oberon4mine | what us lxde? | 08:36 |
sara2010 | bronaugh, yes both are ubuntu 10.10 | 08:37 |
hdon | lsof -i4TCP:3389 # trying to help sara2010 see if her remote desktop daemon is listening on the correct address, but i can't remember how to get lsof to only give processes that are listening for incoming tcp connection requests | 08:37 |
oberon4mine | oh yep, I am using lxde | 08:37 |
Firefishe | Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment...it's a window manager/desktop based on QT, similar to xfce | 08:37 |
hdon | morth, haha, very weird! thanks for the tip :) | 08:37 |
Firefishe | but more similar to kde | 08:37 |
bronaugh | hdon: ok, so is there any rdesktop -server- for ubuntu or a reason to use one on ubuntu? | 08:37 |
morth | hdon thanks for the effort. | 08:37 |
hdon | bronaugh, dunno, scarcely ever used rdp | 08:38 |
bronaugh | yeah. seems like she's trying to use rdp to a ubuntu host. | 08:38 |
bronaugh | seems like wrong way to do it. | 08:38 |
morth | hdon actually, is there any way i can make it so i only hae to use mod4 (win key), rather than mod4+space? | 08:38 |
morth | hdon it doesn't do anything if i only click mod4, but if i do a combo it works :s | 08:39 |
hdon | sara2010, on, run as root: lsof -i4TCP:22 -sTCP:LISTEN | 08:39 |
hdon | sara2010, sorry | 08:40 |
hdon | sara2010, on, run as root: lsof -i4TCP:3389 -sTCP:LISTEN | 08:40 |
hdon | sara2010, that command will output all processes listening for port 3389 (remote desktop) TCP connections. give us the output | 08:40 |
hdon | sara2010, the output will tell us if it is listening on the correct address to allow you to connect | 08:40 |
hdon | morth, i've tried that many times on ubuntu :( never got it to work | 08:40 |
sara2010 | root@ubuntumgc:~# lsof -i4TCP:3389 -sTCP:LISTEN | 08:41 |
sara2010 | root@ubuntumgc:~# | 08:41 |
morth | hdon okay, if i figure it out ill be sure to tell you. | 08:41 |
sara2010 | hdon, i hav't got any output | 08:41 |
hdon | morth, ok, but /msg it to me or i will miss it! | 08:41 |
hdon | sara2010, that implies that no process is listening on port 3389 at all! is an ubuntu system? | 08:42 |
hdon | anyone know how i can download a package, list the files in it, but not install? | 08:43 |
sara2010 | hdon, yes its ubuntu 10.10 | 08:43 |
yesitisjustme | can you use unbuntu with 256mb ram? | 08:43 |
hdon | sara2010, can you pastebin the output of dpkg -L xrdp | 08:44 |
sara2010 | ok | 08:44 |
hdon | yesitisjustme, i wouldn't recommend the gnome desktop environment, but yes you can | 08:44 |
hdon | yesitisjustme, when i had that much RAM i used fluxbox | 08:44 |
arvut | yesitisjustme: lxde should work, possibly also xfce. haven't tried it tho. got no pc with less than 512 ram | 08:44 |
* hdon prefers fluxbox over other lightweight WMs | 08:44 | |
hamnegga | gnome is the best, don't know what the hell hdon is talking about. | 08:44 |
hdon | hamnegga, we're talking about desktop environments that work well with low memory footprint | 08:45 |
wildbat | hamnegga: use gnome with 256 mb ram you will know XD | 08:45 |
sara2010 | hdon, http://pastebin.com/cqTzGwwW | 08:45 |
hamnegga | yeah, and gnome is deinitely lighter than any kde release | 08:45 |
hdon | sara2010, ok, xrdp is the package a user would typically install to run a remote desktop server. have you done this yet? | 08:46 |
Firefishe | hdon: flux is a great wm. :) | 08:46 |
hamnegga | I have, with compiz also | 08:46 |
hdon | Firefishe, i wrote a bunch of patches for it but never submitted them :( | 08:46 |
Firefishe | hdon: Well, is the project still going? | 08:46 |
hdon | Firefishe, dunno | 08:46 |
Firefishe | hdon: Do they work on your system? | 08:46 |
hdon | Firefishe, fluxbox? | 08:46 |
Firefishe | the patches for flux that you wrote: do they work on your system? | 08:47 |
yesitisjustme | ok | 08:47 |
sara2010 | hdon, http://pastebin.com/WFpygmu6 | 08:47 |
hdon | ah, have no idea! where is that machine i was doing that on anyway... | 08:47 |
Firefishe | hdon: heh | 08:47 |
hdon | sara2010, did you just install xrdp? | 08:47 |
hdon | Firefishe, that was a dark time in my life, when i had my machines taken away and had to work on a 100mhz pentium 1 D: | 08:48 |
hdon | Firefishe, but i learned way more about Linux APIs in that period than any other period in my life | 08:48 |
hdon | i wrote this whole server-generator framework in C preprocessor macros... | 08:48 |
sara2010 | hdon, done thankssssssss alot | 08:48 |
hdon | sara2010, ok great :) have a good one | 08:49 |
sara2010 | hdon, means we were missing xrdp ? write ? | 08:49 |
Firefishe | hdon: I see. Quite the 'nix fellow, eh? :) | 08:49 |
hdon | sara2010, indeed | 08:49 |
hdon | Firefishe, well these days i work on solaris as much as linux, though anywhere i go i expect the modern conveniences of GNU extensions | 08:50 |
sara2010 | hdon, well thanks alot! | 08:50 |
hdon | sara2010, np have a good one | 08:50 |
hdon | sara2010, don't go remote-desktop-eavesdropping now | 08:50 |
Firefishe | hdon: I'm not really much of a *doze person, anymore, save for eve online ;)...can't get away from it for that, but I digress. I want to learn more about gnu/linux-in-general, to the point of wanting to set up comps for desktop linux. | 08:50 |
Firefishe | hdon: I've played with Solaris 6/06 and OpenSolaris | 08:50 |
morth | anyone know a nice dark theme for ubuntu? | 08:51 |
sara2010 | hdon, why its not good to use remote desktop ? | 08:51 |
hdon | Firefishe, for linux experience... as a desktop experience, i think i have learned less than as a server experience. try renting a shell server someplace cheap and use linux that way :) | 08:51 |
hdon | sara2010, i'm sorry if i was unclear.. i only meant you should not use remote desktop to spy on people :) | 08:51 |
Azrael91 | irc://freenode/ChanServ,isnick d | 08:52 |
hdon | wat | 08:52 |
Firefishe | hdon: I remember shell accounts. ;-) I started my UNIX experience on an old freenet using telnet. I remember using ircii as my very first irc experience, and pine as my email client. | 08:52 |
Firefishe | and that login said System V ;) | 08:53 |
hdon | Firefishe, heheh | 08:53 |
hdon | System V was way before any *nix experience i had | 08:53 |
hdon | computer experience, even | 08:53 |
Firefishe | hdon: Well, perhaps it was BSD, I don't remember. | 08:53 |
sara2010 | hdon, i want support to my client by remote ! | 08:54 |
Firefishe | hdon: All I know is I'm not 45, enamored with linux--and want to make a living using it somehow. | 08:54 |
hdon | sara2010, ah, good :) | 08:54 |
Firefishe | not=nwo | 08:54 |
Firefishe | not-now (/etc/init.d/typodaemon set off) | 08:54 |
ttiicc | Im fine with apt but just wonder why aptitude is not included from the start with ubuntu | 08:54 |
hdon | Firefishe, you're new world order 45! | 08:54 |
sara2010 | hdon, i m not going to spy on users :) | 08:55 |
Firefishe | not=now....I can't type tonight | 08:55 |
hdon | sara2010, good :) have a nice day | 08:55 |
hdon | Firefishe, :P | 08:55 |
Firefishe | hdon: I stopped aging when I turned 18 ; | 08:55 |
Firefishe | ;) | 08:55 |
cantor | anyone able to answer a tor question? | 08:55 |
Erik500002 | Hey guys anyone here have issues with the ath9k driver in ubuntu? Can't seem to connect to any network | 08:55 |
hdon | Firefishe, i was very intensely dedicated to cross-platform development circa 2000, but then Apple stabbed the community in the back several times, and i just got tired of trying to unify the computer community | 08:55 |
hdon | cantor, good nick. i can try. | 08:56 |
hdon | also: don't ask to ask | 08:56 |
hdon | ?ask | 08:56 |
hdon | !ask | 08:56 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 08:56 |
hdon | there we go | 08:56 |
wizard42 | Hi #! Got a problem with gdm - since update to natty gdm doesnt store session type per user -- thus it tries to login everyone with Ubuntu->Unity ... | 08:56 |
hdon | ?ask cantor | 08:56 |
hdon | !ask cantor | 08:56 |
FloodBot1 | hdon: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:56 |
Firefishe | hdon: Are you someone of note, hdon? You seem very well structured in 'nix-in-general. | 08:56 |
hdon | Firefishe, not really | 08:56 |
ttiicc | could someone answer the question I just asked? | 08:56 |
Firefishe | hdon: I'm also a former os-x user. | 08:56 |
cantor | thx, Question: I setup a tor box on my local network (10.04). Can I proxy through tor that machine from a laptop on the same local network? | 08:57 |
hdon | ttiicc, about default package installation? good luck | 08:57 |
Firefishe | hdon: hell, I'm a former Mac SE/30 user ;) hee | 08:57 |
hdon | Firefishe, i owned an Apple IIc+ growing up | 08:57 |
ttiicc | hdon: what do you mean? | 08:57 |
hdon | ttiicc, sorry i thought your question was about aptitude not being installed by default or something | 08:57 |
Firefishe | hdon: I used an Apple IIc, and IIe in high school my senior year. That was 1984. ;) | 08:57 |
cantor | in other words, I do not want to run tor on each of my machines, I want a tor server on my local net work that I can hit from inside my local net | 08:58 |
hdon | Firefishe, (nobody remembers the IIc+ so i'd be understanding if you told me you didn't think it exists!) | 08:58 |
Firefishe | hdon: Right alongside the C64s and the one TRS-80 | 08:58 |
ttiicc | hdon: yeahh I wonder why aptitude dosn't come default installed with ubuntu | 08:58 |
hdon | cantor, 1s.. | 08:58 |
hdon | ttiicc, you will not really be able to get that sort of question addressed here, IMHO | 08:58 |
cantor | hdon, ls..?? | 08:58 |
hdon | cantor, 1s = one sec | 08:58 |
Firefishe | hdon: Oh, I believe you. Just like people might not remember the Commodore 128 (C128) | 08:58 |
cantor | ah, thx | 08:58 |
hdon | cantor, the answer is yes. first question: have you tried? | 08:59 |
ttiicc | hdon: hehehe okej, do you know why? | 08:59 |
hdon | ttiicc: pure speculation: apt-get is more basic, less things can go wrong. aptitude is a bigger package, more complex, more things could go wrong. idk just guessing | 09:00 |
Firefishe | hdon: I prefer apt-get to most anything. Easy to use, nice and simple. | 09:00 |
cantor | hdon, yeah, I have tor and polipo installed at the moment, they both start. I looked in the /etc/torrc and it looks like there is a config I set to do it, but nothing I have tried works. | 09:00 |
hdon | Firefishe, some people prefer to use aptitude, even without its TUI, because it has better dependency resolution or something. | 09:00 |
cantor | correction: /etc/tor/torrc | 09:01 |
ttiicc | hdon: okej thanks | 09:01 |
hdon | i have found once in a while that, magically, aptitude accomplishes with grace what apt-get could not | 09:01 |
hdon | but that has been rare | 09:01 |
ttiicc | hdon: thought that ubuntu maybe never installs per default twp packages that does the same job | 09:01 |
hdon | cantor, you'll want to configure tor on your one machine to accept connections incoming from other addresses on your LAN. to do this, you'll want to bind to your LAN address. does your tor server system have a static LAN IP? | 09:01 |
Firefishe | hdon: I've used aptitude on occasion. I usually use synaptic to find things if I need to read the descriptions a bit easier, but mostly I do updates/upgrades/installs using apt-get. | 09:02 |
hdon | ttiicc, that probably also | 09:02 |
szal | hdon: nah, because it tracks what pkgs it installs & removes pkgs installed as dependencies automatically if they're not needed by anything else | 09:02 |
szal | hdon: when you uninstall stuff, that is | 09:02 |
hdon | szal, apt-get can do that | 09:02 |
ttiicc | hdon: okej thanks, Im new with ubuntu, Im used to use debian. there both apt and aptitude comes as default | 09:02 |
cantor | hdon, technically Im using dhcp, but i have tomato on my router and it fixes the local IP so that it does not change | 09:02 |
hdon | but, i won't argue because, i've *seen* aptitude with my own eyes perform where apt-get wouldn't | 09:02 |
leex_ | hello | 09:03 |
hdon | cantor, ok, easy solution then: set the SocksListenAddress to your LAN IP | 09:03 |
Firefishe | hdon: it does offer a lot of useful scenarios to get your system at least working; I do like that feature. | 09:03 |
hdon | cantor, then /etc/init.d/tor restart | 09:03 |
cantor | the tor servers lan IP? | 09:03 |
hdon | cantor, yes, in the torrc of your tor proxy server | 09:03 |
cantor | or whatever, k | 09:04 |
hdon | cantor, then nmap -PN -sT -p 9050 lan.ip.addr.here | 09:04 |
hdon | ttiicc, i recommend going back to debian. i dont' like ubuntu. | 09:05 |
hdon | but i'm also afraid that the debian community may have collapsed now that ubuntu exists | 09:05 |
ttiicc | I've switched company and will be forced to use ubuntu | 09:05 |
torturedsoul | i can't for the life of me get ubuntu to boot from a usb stick | 09:05 |
hdon | ttiicc, ah ok. hope you enjoy it then :) | 09:05 |
Firefishe | brb | 09:05 |
austin_ | sorry to eavesdrop but why not just use the nmap gui | 09:05 |
torturedsoul | any1 know how to do it? | 09:05 |
hdon | torturedsoul, some USB sticks will NEVER be bootable. it's a fact of USB sticks. | 09:05 |
austin_ | which allows you to set up the scanning techniques | 09:05 |
hdon | austin_, idk, what's the nmap gui? | 09:06 |
ttiicc | why have you been trying ubuntu? and what's the annoyng with it? | 09:06 |
hdon | austin_, just to check if one port is open... seems a GUI is asking too much | 09:06 |
cantor | hdon, should I comment out SocksListenAddress and put SocksListenAddress lan.ip.addr? | 09:06 |
hdon | cantor, if you wish | 09:06 |
torturedsoul | hdon its a new stick... 4gb | 09:06 |
torturedsoul | surely it is bootable | 09:06 |
synthesist | Any Thunderbird help available? | 09:06 |
austin_ | graphical user interface. If you installed it through package manager there are guis for it that also install nmap and config just how you need it to work with that gui | 09:07 |
austin_ | if you want to check one port I recomment | 09:07 |
hdon | torturedsoul, unfortunately i am not very knowledgeable about the technical limitations of non-bootable USB sticks, so i can't help, only offering you the possibility that it is crapstick :( | 09:07 |
torturedsoul | its brand new | 09:07 |
austin_ | nmap -sS -PN -p 80 IPADDRESS | 09:07 |
torturedsoul | from a big brand name | 09:07 |
whowantstolivefo | hi people , i use ubuntu 11.04. i lost applications menu on menubar of natty, how can i get back this ? | 09:07 |
torturedsoul | i doubt it is the stick's fault | 09:07 |
hdon | austin_, does the GUI show you the command-line equivalent of the GUI? i would find that to be awesome :) | 09:07 |
austin_ | the PN will immediatly test that port without first seeing if it's an alive host | 09:07 |
austin_ | yes it does | 09:07 |
austin_ | in fact it helps you create commands lol | 09:08 |
thangam_arun | Hello | 09:08 |
torturedsoul | if there is some tut on the internet i can try again | 09:08 |
hdon | torturedsoul, i have found that big brand names mean nothing for obscure feature incompatibilities like this, but i am disinclined to have an argument about speculation | 09:08 |
austin_ | PN is helpful I happen to know because it tests that one port and doesn't see if the host is alive | 09:08 |
austin_ | which many hosts drop packets | 09:08 |
hdon | austin_, that's awesome ) | 09:08 |
hdon | :) | 09:08 |
torturedsoul | so you've personally heard of new flash sticks that just wont boot | 09:08 |
austin_ | not to get bashed but I use windows as my main OS khem | 09:09 |
ttiicc | hdon: As Im going to do what you already have done, wonder which parts of ubuntu do you think is not good compared to debian | 09:09 |
austin_ | with windows there is a gui with nmap called zenmap | 09:09 |
nexace | how to you determine which video driver you are using from command line? | 09:09 |
austin_ | but there are guis almost identical for linux | 09:09 |
hdon | torturedsoul, one possibility to ease your testing cycle: run an emulator and tell that to boot off your stick. then you don't have to reboot your real machine every time you try again. on the other hand, a positive test in the emulator won't mean a positive result on the real thing,.. but i highly doubt a negative result in a emulator will EVER mean a negative result on a real machine | 09:09 |
torturedsoul | i'll just use a dvd | 09:09 |
torturedsoul | ok | 09:09 |
torturedsoul | where can i get an emulator and an instructions.txt | 09:09 |
hdon | ttiicc, many small issues. it seems they are very negligent of features that coders / "power users" use. i have had problems with ALT+TAB, for instance | 09:10 |
hdon | brb | 09:10 |
austin_ | hdon another option is Metasploit. Check it out lol. I don't know if you have it or not but it allows you to run known exploits and it has nmap built in command line only | 09:10 |
austin_ | lol | 09:10 |
austin_ | but you can actually see if a host is vulnerable. It's script kiddie stuff but it gets the job done for on the surface network security checking | 09:11 |
ttiicc | hdon: ok then I know | 09:11 |
nexace | how to you determine which video driver you are using from command line? | 09:11 |
ttiicc | hdon: which language do you program in? | 09:13 |
cantor | hdon, nmap says 9050/tcp open tor-socks | 09:14 |
hdon | austin_, i'm familiar with metasploit, but i guess i stayed away from it because i don't know ruby :\ | 09:14 |
hdon | cantor, you seem golden then :) | 09:14 |
austin_ | hdon you don't need to know ruby to use it. lol. Also if you want to see if a port is open on your computer to the WAN wide area network there's a site called canyouseeme | 09:15 |
hdon | cantor, for a real test, open firefox network preferences on another system, and set ip.ad.dr.res:9050 as your HTTP proxy. go to any URL and you should get a page telling you that TOR is not an HTTP proxy | 09:15 |
austin_ | but if it's LAN it won't matter | 09:15 |
torturedsoul | well i've managed to boot a distro called tiny linux with it | 09:15 |
cantor | hdon, so, I should be change firefox proxy on the laptop to proxy through tor? | 09:15 |
hdon | austin_, yeah but... i don't really like to use software i can't hack if i want to | 09:15 |
cantor | should be *able to* change | 09:15 |
hdon | austin_, ah yes, but these users didn't want to know if they were internet-visible, just LAN/VPN visible | 09:15 |
austin_ | lol ahh I see ;). MEtasploit free is open source | 09:16 |
austin_ | by the way lol | 09:16 |
cantor | oh, you said that | 09:16 |
austin_ | and has plenty of tools | 09:16 |
torturedsoul | hdon | 09:16 |
torturedsoul | please elaborate on the emulator thing | 09:16 |
torturedsoul | i've never heard of it before | 09:16 |
hdon | cantor, well, there's a little more effort possibly... i do not trust software to ensure my privacy without thoroughly checking it out. in my exploration of tor, i still have yet to see how DNS name lookups happen on Firefox when using TOR configured as a SOCKS proxy. | 09:16 |
torturedsoul | do u mean use a virtual machine? | 09:16 |
torturedsoul | but they dont accept usb sticks | 09:17 |
hdon | torturedsoul, actually i have a question for you: what are you trying to boot? | 09:17 |
torturedsoul | ubuntu | 09:17 |
torturedsoul | latest iso | 09:17 |
hdon | cantor, so, cantor, i think your connections will all be encrypted over tor, but i think DNS requests will NOT be routed through TOR using the technique i described. is that a problem? | 09:17 |
austin_ | hdon it's almost impossible to see who you are using tor. IF you know about tor it's a huge mix where you don't know the source etc. routed through like 3 ip's as a chain | 09:17 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
whowantstolivefo | hi people , i use ubuntu 11.04. i lost applications menu on menubar of natty, how can i get back this ? | 09:18 |
austin_ | an encrypted chain at that I believe... | 09:18 |
hdon | austin_, i'm familiar. what remains a mystery to me is whether Firefox resolves DNS names through a SOCKS proxy | 09:18 |
hdon | whowantstolivefo, do you still have the panel where the menu appeared? | 09:19 |
austin_ | hmmmm....I think it would have too. | 09:19 |
torturedsoul | hate restarting my laptop 20 times | 09:19 |
austin_ | that's done via another computer which isn't a big deal at all | 09:19 |
hdon | torturedsoul, sorry for the late responses... | 09:20 |
cantor | austin_, I think the security concerns for tor are fears of a government agency seeing what you are doing... | 09:20 |
hdon | torturedsoul, yeah ok, so do you have a gnu/lniux system already? | 09:20 |
austin_ | another thing you might find interesting I happen to know of a small open source too that allows you to drop straight to a tor exit node | 09:20 |
torturedsoul | no, just windows 7 | 09:20 |
austin_ | it isn't as secure as normal tor | 09:20 |
austin_ | but it's faster | 09:20 |
austin_ | it's always a balance of security vs usability | 09:20 |
hdon | cantor, if your ISP sends you fraudulent DNS responses, TOR will not protect you | 09:20 |
cantor | hdon, I agree | 09:20 |
cantor | ISPs usually do not do that unless the government asks them to | 09:21 |
hdon | austin_, what do you mean about "straight to a tor exit node?" | 09:21 |
austin_ | mmmm instead of using a route a chain of 3 or more ip's it only uses 1 as a proxy | 09:21 |
austin_ | i.e. an exit node :) you're still proxied | 09:21 |
torturedsoul | my eset antivirus/firewall software keeps saying 'dns poisning attack'... hope its not my isp ha | 09:21 |
austin_ | just not proxy chained | 09:21 |
fajri | how install corel x4 in ubuntu 10.10 | 09:22 |
hdon | austin_, ah, yeah, sure | 09:22 |
hdon | austin_, for that matter, a tor node doesn't really need to know where you're coming from (another tor node?) or where you're going (another tor node?) | 09:22 |
cantor | i2p uses three or more if Im not connected | 09:22 |
austin_ | it depends on whom is controlling the exit node for the most part I don't think it would matter no | 09:22 |
austin_ | but it isn't as secure as regualr tor | 09:22 |
austin_ | no matter how you cut it | 09:22 |
austin_ | but | 09:23 |
austin_ | it's way faster | 09:23 |
FloodBot1 | austin_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:23 |
cantor | what isnt as secure, i2p? | 09:23 |
austin_ | not having to route through a bunch of ip's.. mmm no there's a program I know a guy developed you compile it yourseld I've used it works fine that on linux drops you straight to an exit node so you're only proxying through 1 ip instead of many ip's | 09:23 |
austin_ | it isn't as secure as using tor normally but it is faster hence it only has to pass through 1 node vs's many nodes to get to you | 09:24 |
hdon | austin_, if you are running a Tor node, eavesdroppers cannot really be certain *any* connections from your system are *yours* | 09:25 |
hdon | austin_, similarly, going through one tor node is anonymizing | 09:25 |
torturedsoul | soooooooooo hdonnnn | 09:25 |
austin_ | probably not at this point no :). There's not enough people using this tool. | 09:25 |
austin_ | Hence moxy marlin | 09:25 |
torturedsoul | emulation.. | 09:25 |
austin_ | made a good tool which uses tor only faster | 09:25 |
Luxe | How do I see all my system information? (like about my Computer) | 09:25 |
hdon | austin_, the purpose of routing through multiple nodes and negotiating encrypted channels within each other is to prevent any one node from knowing who you are | 09:26 |
Luxe | Like a sysinfo thing. | 09:26 |
hdon | austin_, if you trust a particular tor node a lot, sure, proxy into it | 09:26 |
Luxe | Is there a terminal command? | 09:26 |
austin_ | hdon true again it isn't as secure but it makes the job easy. you also don't HAVE to use it you can just turn it on if you want to | 09:26 |
hdon | torturedsoul, sorry i am.. having a bit of a physiological problem right now... did you say you have gnu/linux system already? | 09:26 |
torturedsoul | ;) just windows 7 | 09:26 |
austin_ | if you want faster tor service that's less secure | 09:26 |
* hdon lols | 09:27 | |
hdon | not so much :P | 09:27 |
hdon | however | 09:27 |
hdon | i have been researching how easy or hard it is | 09:27 |
hdon | to maintain an anonymous persona on the net using tor | 09:27 |
hdon | i've found many websites block known tor nodes | 09:27 |
austin_ | yes they do. Hdon are you farmiliar with freenet? | 09:27 |
hdon | austin_, no what's that | 09:27 |
torturedsoul | in my opinion there is no need to do all that bouncing around in tor | 09:28 |
torturedsoul | just get a vps in Iran, setup openvpn... enjoy | 09:28 |
torturedsoul | iran would never comply with any isp requests or whatever | 09:28 |
hdon | torturedsoul, lol... the point of tor is that you do not trust a single administrator to protect your anonymity. a vps will not do that. | 09:28 |
hdon | i mean, a vpn | 09:28 |
torturedsoul | if you own the vps, you can trust it | 09:28 |
austin_ | it's about as anonymous as you can get It's generally used on windows but I think it DOES work with wine. BAsically it's all encrypted it uses a small part of your computer (the size you choose) that holds encrypted information not even you know what it is | 09:28 |
hdon | s/single administrator/single point of failure | 09:28 |
torturedsoul | im in china i have one in california | 09:28 |
austin_ | it's an entire network seperate from the rest of the inernet you use your browser etc. | 09:29 |
torturedsoul | running centos | 09:29 |
hdon | torturedsoul, it's difficult to trust your own computer, let alone a VPS that isn't even in your home! | 09:29 |
torturedsoul | works good | 09:29 |
hdon | torturedsoul, awesome :) | 09:29 |
hdon | torturedsoul, who is your provider in cali? | 09:29 |
austin_ | the longer you are on Freenet the faster it goes. IT's impossible to trace anything you're doing on freenet | 09:29 |
hdon | i also have a vps in cali | 09:29 |
torturedsoul | ubiquity | 09:29 |
hdon | austin_, this is beginning to sound familiar... encrypted chunks of files on a p2p network? | 09:29 |
austin_ | hdon so to speak. There's a huge readup on freenet you could look at. It's worth it in my opinion. | 09:30 |
torturedsoul | the only problem is internet is so slow here that its just alnost not usable for anything but text websites | 09:30 |
hdon | torturedsoul, ubiquity networks? | 09:30 |
mac_nibblet | is it possible to reset the cryptpassowrd on the harddrives somehow? | 09:30 |
hdon | ubiquiti? | 09:30 |
austin_ | you can even start your OWN freenet web site that's untraceable lol | 09:30 |
torturedsoul | yea | 09:30 |
hdon | mac_nibblet, it better fscking not be | 09:30 |
austin_ | viewable to others on freenet but hosted in tiny bits encrypted all accross the world | 09:30 |
torturedsoul | i chose them because they have good networks between usa and asia on the mimsa network or whatever it is called | 09:30 |
austin_ | your own truly anonymous web page :) | 09:31 |
cantor | truly anon using what? | 09:31 |
mac_nibblet | hdon, the morron who installed our local server has forgotten the password | 09:31 |
cantor | lol | 09:31 |
hdon | austin_, if you have any whitepapers on using/developing freenet and its capabilities, please link me :) | 09:31 |
torturedsoul | so hdon about that emulation... | 09:31 |
cantor | freenet=/=i2p? | 09:31 |
torturedsoul | and i wouldnt trust tor, its actually shrinking | 09:32 |
austin_ | freenet has nothing to do with conventional proxies like i2p or tor :) | 09:32 |
austin_ | http://wiki.freenetproject.org/CreatingFreenetWebsites | 09:32 |
torturedsoul | used to be alot more routers | 09:32 |
hdon | mac_nibblet, i don't know much about ubuntu encrypted filesystems, but probably there is a file on the disk that contains the key for the encrypted filesystem, and that file needs to be decrypted with a user's password or something | 09:32 |
austin_ | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freenet | 09:32 |
torturedsoul | now its like 400 nodes and half are probably governmen | 09:32 |
austin_ | wikipedia's article is right on with it too | 09:32 |
hdon | mac_nibblet, i suggest trying to crack the user password | 09:32 |
hdon | torturedsoul, yeah i have been thinking about auditing the exit nodes i come out of on tor | 09:33 |
hdon | torturedsoul, like, write down ip, see who owns it | 09:33 |
austin_ | you can download freenet for free I think it should work through wine. Deff works on windows. Free. You can start browing right away you connect locally to it just like tor hdon. The longer you are on the faster it is as well | 09:33 |
torturedsoul | i wouldnt run an exit, police will show up in no time at all | 09:33 |
cantor | austin_, is freenet IP based? | 09:33 |
torturedsoul | althought i think ubiqutiy doesnt mind running one on their vps | 09:34 |
austin_ | cantor no | 09:34 |
torturedsoul | but why waste my bandwidth to help pedo's ha | 09:34 |
cantor | that sounds like i2p | 09:34 |
hdon | torturedsoul, how much do you pay for your vps? | 09:34 |
cantor | the wikipage sounds like i2p also http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freenet | 09:34 |
austin_ | freenet is it's own network having nothing to do much with the normal internet | 09:34 |
torturedsoul | 28 dollars a month | 09:34 |
austin_ | that tor/i2p is used for viewing even though it's a network too :) | 09:34 |
torturedsoul | 512mb ram, 1000mb port, 500gb month bandwidth | 09:34 |
cantor | austin_, neither does I2p | 09:35 |
hdon | torturedsoul, save a child, run a tor node ? (lol) | 09:35 |
torturedsoul | i'll consider saving a child if u tell me about how to emulate | 09:35 |
torturedsoul | or how to install ubuntu on usb ;) | 09:35 |
austin_ | cantor i2p is similair not the same | 09:35 |
austin_ | is the best I can explain it. | 09:35 |
cantor | i2p does not is not based IP, it has IP based exists, but the addressing is a 512 digit number, not IP | 09:35 |
ubuntu__1 | ok , such a bad design to go mucking with bootloader before the system installs ESPECAILLY on multiboot systems... | 09:35 |
cantor | oh, ok | 09:35 |
=== ubuntu__1 is now known as robeph | ||
robeph | derp | 09:35 |
cantor | it is nice to see another darknet :-) | 09:36 |
robeph | oops ok anyhow.. So the installer crashes and basically wrecked my previous grub install | 09:36 |
hdon | torturedsoul, so, an emulator *can* access your usb stick. you just have to configure your virtual machine to emulate a USB stick, and point it at your /dev/whatever USB stick block device. of course, your USB stick may present itself to your machine as multiple devices. | 09:36 |
austin_ | cantor freenet is essentially a darknet yes | 09:36 |
hdon | torturedsoul, my favorite are usb sticks that present a CD-ROM drive with an autoplay program to run on your computer :| | 09:36 |
cantor | austin_, why pick freenet over i2p? or would you? | 09:36 |
robeph | Anyhow, so heres my question since I don't want to go through and manually rebuild grub... | 09:36 |
hdon | whatever happened to piratebay p2p dns? | 09:37 |
robeph | where the hell does ubuntu install stage files for grub | 09:37 |
austin_ | cantor; because freenet has a lot of unique content and I don't just mean illegal shit which I don't condone but it has a lot of intenreting political pages etc. | 09:37 |
robeph | since it doesn't follow the standard build locations | 09:37 |
austin_ | that you can't get to see normally | 09:37 |
austin_ | it's almost like internet 2 | 09:37 |
austin_ | so to speak | 09:37 |
robeph | #ubuntu-offtopic.... just saying | 09:38 |
cantor | austin_, interesting | 09:38 |
hdon | austin_, screencaps of ONE thing you can't find on Internet plz | 09:38 |
cantor | different content, it would be nice to see something other than kiddie scripting eepsites | 09:38 |
hdon | /join #ot | 09:38 |
=== jthomas_ is now known as jLoth | ||
synthesist_ | What folder should Outlook Express file be placed in Ubuntu for Thunderbird to recognize them for import? | 09:38 |
cantor | https://www.relakks.com is a pnp proxy that works well with the piratebay | 09:39 |
swifty__ | quick q..... i mount a NAS drive every day and it appears in /home/user/.gvfs/ | 09:39 |
swifty__ | however its not there today!!! any ideas??? | 09:39 |
swifty__ | .gvfs folder doesn't even exist! | 09:39 |
robeph | cantor: #ubuntu-offtopic | 09:39 |
Luxe | Any of you lovely gentlemen want to help me set up irssi? | 09:39 |
austin_ | hmmmm there are videos about freenet showing content etc. hdon :). I mean in all seriousness I don't use it | 09:39 |
cantor | austin_, does freenet have IP exits? | 09:40 |
hdon | swifty__, hmm... | 09:40 |
cantor | to hit normal web? | 09:40 |
austin_ | much at all I don't care lol. I'm not no....cantor it's a darknet is the best I could describe it | 09:40 |
robeph | cantor: seriously this isn't ubuntu related, take it to the offtopic channel, not a hard rule to follow | 09:40 |
hdon | swifty__, .gvfs is probably a Fuse FS, so perhaps not unusual for directory to not exist if it hasn't been loaded for some reason.. | 09:40 |
robeph | you're spamming up the support channel with irrelevant stuff, thanks | 09:40 |
austin_ | you set aside memory on your computer as much as you can donate so to speak and not even you know what it is ;) it's just a bunch of encrypted nonsense | 09:40 |
hdon | robeph, wth man. there's been ONE support questio nin ten minutes. | 09:40 |
robeph | hdon: doesn't matter | 09:40 |
swifty__ | i can access the mounted drive in my shortcuts....but as eclipse doesnt recognise the ubuntu bookmarks, i need the mounted path :-/ | 09:41 |
hdon | robeph, talking in this channel makes it easier for me to read real questions when they are asked | 09:41 |
Diverdude | hey. I am trying to access a server using $ ssh serverip but i get the following error: Permission denied (publickey) What am I missing? | 09:41 |
robeph | obviously | 09:41 |
sattu94 | hi | 09:41 |
hdon | robeph, if i go to an off-topic channel, i will not be able to help #ubuntu | 09:41 |
robeph | and you're wrong | 09:41 |
gcube | s | 09:41 |
robeph | I asked something, the guy asked something about thunderbird | 09:41 |
robeph | and then this guy here too | 09:41 |
robeph | none of them have been addressed but one | 09:41 |
cantor | sorry robeph, it was run off from a tor+ubuntu conversation | 09:41 |
hdon | robeph, hyperbole isn't wrong, it's just hyperbole | 09:41 |
robeph | hardly | 09:41 |
hdon | robeph, please take this convo to #ubuntu-rule, you're spamming up the support channel with irrelevant discussion | 09:42 |
cantor | lol | 09:42 |
hdon | swifty__, what protocol NAS? | 09:43 |
bhavesh | Why do I always get "There was a problem loading wineemulator.exe everytime I start a windows app with wine, even winecfg? http://i.imgur.com/iwdSb.png | 09:43 |
swifty__ | hdon, windows share | 09:43 |
robeph | where does ubuntu store grub stage files | 09:43 |
robeph | since it can't follow standards. | 09:43 |
hdon | swifty__, did the change correspond to a change in config or software update? | 09:43 |
synthesist_ | Anyone...What folder should Outlook Express file be placed in Ubuntu for Thunderbird to recognize them for import? | 09:43 |
swifty__ | i'm not sure tbh, it was working yesterday, and since then the only change i have made is to update ati drivers | 09:44 |
hdon | robeph, /boot/grub ? | 09:44 |
robeph | i wish | 09:44 |
robeph | but no | 09:45 |
robeph | basically this is what happened | 09:45 |
robeph | installing via cd, installer botched and failed | 09:45 |
orioni | where can i find the lzma compression fingerprint pattern ? | 09:45 |
hdon | swifty__, doing a bit to figure out what might cause your problem.. not an expert with gnome vfs | 09:45 |
robeph | it already mucked with my bootloader for some reason (SHOULD be last step, always, but *shrug*) | 09:45 |
maedox | orioni: the pattern? the few bytes that correspond to lzma? | 09:46 |
robeph | so now I can't boot to my other OS' since it demanded I install a bootloader with no option to use my already isntalled bootloader...it didn't install stage files | 09:46 |
robeph | I booted to live | 09:46 |
robeph | installed grub | 09:46 |
robeph | but still no stage files for manual setup | 09:46 |
robeph | also not found in /usr/share/grub | 09:46 |
hdon | robeph, yikes... | 09:46 |
ch7r | hi to all | 09:46 |
robeph | where they usually go when building from source | 09:46 |
robeph | I didn't wanna build from source | 09:46 |
austin_ | anyway on a final note lol. It really is kind of irrelevant, but then again no offense so is Linux. EVen though I know more about it than I care too I personally think it's inferior OS that for me is a toy that has SOME GOOD OPEN SOURCE software I can use on vbox. I used to have to use linux for a company I worked for via their web servers and I hated every minute of it. That being said if you want to make things anonymous online the gover | 09:46 |
austin_ | nment can't stop you you could 256 bit AES encrypt something and email with a password only you and your friend knows. I just don't care I'm not doing anything illegal so for me it isn't an issue and I don't have freenet or tor anymore there was a time my curiosity got the best of me and I like to "try things" and see how freenet works etc. out of curiosity years about when I was like 18. Now I don't care and I'm not talking about anomnity | 09:46 |
austin_ | stuff anymore lol. It almost sounds like paranoia. If you're not doing anything illegal I don't think you have anything to worry about. | 09:46 |
robeph | but I can, cos I DO know how to do this =\ | 09:46 |
FloodBot1 | austin_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:46 |
robeph | wow, really? | 09:46 |
robeph | (and that's what I meant about spamming it up with offtopic >:\) | 09:47 |
robeph | any ideas hdon ? | 09:47 |
hdon | god damn austin_ ... are you hoping the FBI will read your IRC chatter and stop trying to hack your computer after reading that all 3 paragraphs you just pasted?? | 09:48 |
robeph | grub-pc (deps on grub-common) so I'd assume the stage files would be built from that | 09:48 |
robeph | but alas | 09:48 |
robeph | :\ | 09:48 |
hdon | robeph, as pathetic as this sounds i haven't dealt with grub in nearly ten years... my new workstation i bought with Ubuntu preinstalled D: | 09:48 |
robeph | It'd be ok, BUT apparently I can't burn a cd (my installer cd is corrupt, shows bad md5 sum) | 09:48 |
robeph | since everything seg faults if I pull the live disc out heh | 09:48 |
avirams | Hi all | 09:49 |
robeph | so I'm in a predicimant | 09:49 |
austin_ | nope just telling it like it is. I'm not worried about the FBI. lol or conspiracies. I mean that whole heartedly. | 09:49 |
hdon | robeph, wait you can't burn a CD because the CD burning software is, on the CD you burned, corrupt? | 09:49 |
qkeen | after putting Ubuntu server 11.04 iso on a flash key with UNetbootin I'm getting 'BOOTMGR is missing' -- how do you do it, guys? | 09:49 |
robeph | no the cd burning software is fine | 09:49 |
robeph | but it deps on libs on the livecd | 09:49 |
robeph | lol | 09:49 |
robeph | I've one drive | 09:49 |
tarzeau | robeph: we boot the live cd via network here :) | 09:49 |
hdon | austin_, well wake up, dude. it only takes one spook with a funny idea to do some seriously scary shit | 09:49 |
avirams | I noticed NetworkManager in Natty does not longer change /etc/hosts to map my hostname to the dhcp IP, is there a way to make it do that or maybe something else that should be doing that (tryed libnss-myhostname, it just return and it is not what i want) | 09:49 |
robeph | can't do that in this situation | 09:49 |
ch7r | just installed Ubuntu 10.04... gnome-panel and others programs give me this error on launching: "gnome-panel: symbol lookup error: gnome-panel: undefined symbol: gtk_widget_get_realized" Any ideas? | 09:50 |
robeph | no pxe + no cd drive on my netbook / set top box | 09:50 |
austin_ | hdon what's that supposed to mean bro? | 09:50 |
robeph | if he told you, he'd have to kill you | 09:50 |
hdon | swifty__, so you're still able to view the windows share using Gnome GUIs but you can't get ~/.gvfs ? | 09:50 |
marvin__ | guys, my laptop with nvidia 8600 won't work with proprietary drivers, so no unity. I've tried lot of solutions, but none works. Thisi is my Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/qp8kN8e9 , someone may try to help me? | 09:50 |
robeph | so does anyone else here know where the grub stages install? | 09:50 |
robeph | hrm lets try the grub installer | 09:51 |
robeph | i forgot that existed | 09:51 |
robeph | coming from lfs / gentoo environments | 09:51 |
austin_ | grub stages install? What the heck does that mean? | 09:52 |
bhavesh_ | iridium: sorry I got disconnected | 09:52 |
austin_ | I don't know what you're asking | 09:52 |
austin_ | grub is a boot loader | 09:52 |
iridium | bhavesh_ ok no prob | 09:52 |
austin_ | it installs into the root of the OS | 09:52 |
synthesist_ | Can anyone help me on this channel? | 09:52 |
hdon | austin_, you don't have to inform someone you don't understand their issue if they're just talking to the channel in general | 09:52 |
hdon | ?ask | 09:53 |
hdon | !ask | 09:53 |
ch7r | maybe he wants to know where are the files? | 09:53 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 09:53 |
swifty__ | hdon, yes that is right.....is it just me or is that really odd?? | 09:53 |
robeph | ok next question | 09:53 |
robeph | grub, how does ubuntus handle grub.conf | 09:53 |
robeph | or does it use menu.lst | 09:53 |
hdon | swifty__, i'm not sure, i've always used smbmount | 09:53 |
robeph | and is it stored (normally) in /boot/grub or in /boot/ | 09:53 |
hdon | but it was never a good experience | 09:53 |
llutz | robeph: theres /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/* to change | 09:54 |
robeph | this isn't related to ubuntu | 09:54 |
robeph | just ubuntu livecd | 09:54 |
synthesist_ | !What folder should MS Outlook Express files be placed in Ubuntu for Thunderbird to recognize them for import? | 09:54 |
ubottu | synthesist_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:54 |
robeph | installing so I can boot to windows | 09:54 |
robeph | to burn a new installer disc | 09:54 |
FloodBot1 | robeph: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:54 |
robeph | since mine is mucked | 09:54 |
hdon | robeph, my shell says that /*/menu.lst, /*/*/menu.lst, /*/*/*/menu.lst do not exist | 09:55 |
stix | Guys, is there any way I can sync my Apple Addressbook with my zarafa-contacts? | 09:55 |
robeph | what about grub.conf? | 09:55 |
hdon | well, ls says it, but the shell tried to expand my wildcards | 09:55 |
llutz | robeph: you might manually change /boot/grub/grub.cfg , but those changes will be overwritten when calling "update-grub" | 09:55 |
stix | sorry wrong chan | 09:55 |
austin_ | ok I'll probably get banned, and I don't mean to be an ass hole...I just have big f****** problems with stupid bull shit lol that's all. I thought Linux users were supposed to be intelligent? Many of these questions can be found via google and would save you time like about the grub instead of asking this hear? | 09:55 |
robeph | llutz: this is temporary | 09:55 |
hdon | robeph, same for grub.conf. but i do not know how my OEM vendor installed my system. | 09:55 |
marvin__ | cmon guys, someone may help me with nvidia drivers trouble? | 09:55 |
robeph | where is grub.conf located | 09:56 |
austin_ | marvin what's wrong with your drivers? | 09:56 |
swifty__ | how does smbmount work? | 09:56 |
robeph | I'm just going to write one up | 09:56 |
hdon | austin_, i think ubuntu seriously disrupted the ecosystem of gnu/linux. we're in a dark age right now. | 09:56 |
robeph | I just need to know where it is located | 09:56 |
MagePsycho | hi guys | 09:56 |
marvin__ | proprietary drivers won't work, this is my Xorg.0.log http://pastebin.com/qp8kN8e9 | 09:56 |
austin_ | hdon.....I know it's like....wow... google first then come here | 09:56 |
robeph | also... I want to stab the guy who decided installing the bootloader before the installation was complete, was a good idea .... | 09:56 |
hdon | robeph, i'd try google https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 09:57 |
robeph | this isn't ubuntu related | 09:57 |
robeph | I understand grub | 09:57 |
marvin__ | austin_ :jockey says that driver is installed but currently ont in use | 09:57 |
MagePsycho | i used this grep -lir "layer_vew" * command to recursively search for files with word = layer_view .. now i would like to extend this so that i can get files with line no and igonring the .svn files n dirs | 09:57 |
robeph | just not ubuntu's handling | 09:57 |
AdvoWork | is there a way to do ls -all but list only entries by a certain date? | 09:57 |
hdon | robeph, yeah that sounds retarded maximum | 09:57 |
llutz | austin_: yo umight be true, but that is how this channel works... | 09:57 |
robeph | they tend to muck around with default locations | 09:57 |
robeph | I just need to know the file locations so I can temporarily make it work | 09:57 |
austin_ | robeph you do know you can just reset the boot loader? | 09:57 |
austin_ | and boot into ubuntu | 09:57 |
robeph | what do you mean? | 09:57 |
robeph | there is no ubuntu heh | 09:58 |
swifty__ | hdon, how do u go about using smbmount | 09:58 |
robeph | the installer failed halfway through after mucking up my bootloader.. | 09:58 |
austin_ | that's what I mean it can be reset | 09:58 |
austin_ | or you can just start from scratch and reinstall ubuntu | 09:58 |
austin_ | http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/ | 09:58 |
hdon | robeph, according to an ubu tut, /boot/grub/ is where menu.lst goes | 09:58 |
robeph | ok | 09:58 |
austin_ | is the terminal commands via the live CD to reset the grub bootloader | 09:58 |
swifty__ | hdon, dw, i found it on google! | 09:59 |
hdon | swifty__, aweosme! can you give me the link? | 09:59 |
MagePsycho | i used this grep -lir "layer_vew" * command to recursively search for files with word = layer_view .. now i would like to extend this so that i can get files with line no and igonring the .svn files n dirs | 09:59 |
austin_ | magepsycho | 09:59 |
austin_ | guess what? | 10:00 |
synthesist_ | What folder should Outlook Express file be placed in Ubuntu for Thunderbird to recognize them for import? | 10:00 |
austin_ | http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-use-grep-command-in-linux-unix/ | 10:00 |
szal | hdon: in modern *buntu installations there is no menu.lst, since Grub 2 has a grub.cfg | 10:00 |
austin_ | that's how to use the grep command via a terminal | 10:00 |
Aerosonic | My Ubuntu self upgraded | 10:01 |
Aerosonic | I was installing updates and it upgraded it to fucking 11.04 | 10:01 |
szal | !language | Aerosonic | 10:01 |
ubottu | Aerosonic: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 10:01 |
austin_ | aerosonic and how is that treating you? | 10:01 |
austin_ | the new 11.04 | 10:01 |
llutz | MagePsycho: find path/ -type f ! -name *.svn | grep -li <pattern> | 10:01 |
Aerosonic | Excuse me for saying this, but "FUCKING AWFUL" | 10:01 |
Aerosonic | Is there ANY way to move that god damn panel to the bottom? | 10:01 |
austin_ | Aer yes can I help you via PM | 10:02 |
hdon | !!! | 10:02 |
austin_ | I have a solution | 10:02 |
Aerosonic | Please. | 10:02 |
hdon | szal, thanks! | 10:02 |
hdon | robeph, ^^ | 10:02 |
szal | Aerosonic: other than that, it doesn't upgrade by itself; if you ended up w/ 11.04 instead of 10.10 (I suppose so), you probably did a dist-upgrade instead of a normal upgrade | 10:02 |
Aerosonic | Probably. | 10:02 |
Aerosonic | I didn't want it though. | 10:02 |
Bo0m | wow my xchat fonts are so messedup | 10:03 |
MagePsycho | grep -lir "layer_view" * | grep -v '\.svn' is this command ? | 10:03 |
Bo0m | heh | 10:03 |
szal | Aerosonic: for user error you can only complain to yourself ^^ | 10:03 |
szal | robeph: what is the problem anyway? | 10:03 |
llutz | without changing sources, a dist-upgrade won't do a version-upgrade | 10:03 |
Aerosonic | This is not a PEBCAK | 10:03 |
hdon | szal, iirc, grub installation failed, can't boot original OS on other partition(s) | 10:03 |
hdon | Aerosonic, you just want to move a gnome panel to another edge of the screen? | 10:04 |
hdon | Aerosonic, is it unity? | 10:04 |
hdon | Aerosonic, alt+click drag to another edge of the screen works for me (a little touchy though. too close to the edge of the panel doesn't work) | 10:05 |
Aerosonic | Yes, Unity. | 10:05 |
hdon | Aerosonic, ah i don't know nothin bout no unity | 10:05 |
austin_ | I pointed Aerosonic to a great article about why he's having that problem | 10:05 |
hdon | Aerosonic, perhaps log out to gdm and choose a regular Gnome desktop session instead of unity if they still have it | 10:05 |
szal | well, as stated, dist-upgrades don't happen automagically, someone or something needs to muck around w/ the pkg sources for that to happen, and the normal upgrade procedure sure doesn't do that | 10:05 |
austin_ | :) | 10:05 |
Aerosonic | Thank you audreyr | 10:06 |
Aerosonic | erm | 10:06 |
Aerosonic | Thank you austin_ | 10:06 |
austin_ | hey at least it's the truth man | 10:06 |
austin_ | lol fuck | 10:06 |
Firefishe | hdon: Hello again :) | 10:06 |
austin_ | oops! *covers mouth* | 10:06 |
austin_ | sorry | 10:06 |
FloodBot1 | austin_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:06 |
synthesist_ | Can anyone help, yes or no? | 10:06 |
hdon | Firefishe, hola | 10:06 |
austin_ | you have to watch your F bombs in here. | 10:06 |
Aerosonic | Anyhow, I don't want that fucking unity on my fucking 4:3 desktop | 10:07 |
llutz | !classic | Aerosonic | 10:07 |
ubottu | Aerosonic: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". | 10:07 |
hdon | i watch my F bombs as they fall into villages of unsuspecting children in an oil-having but otherwise poor nation | 10:07 |
Bo0m | so 11.04 has new interface? | 10:07 |
hdon | "we were just trying to learn ubuntu!" they cry | 10:07 |
Firefishe | hdon: Well, I finally got my desktop back... *phew* | 10:07 |
Aerosonic | Unity is not autohiding properly. It's leaves a white strip on the left instead of disappearing. | 10:07 |
hdon | Firefishe, awesome :) any collateral damage? | 10:08 |
Firefishe | hdon: not that I can see. Tabula Rasas are nice like that :) | 10:08 |
hdon | Aerosonic, dude everything i have heard about unity is that it sucks. you are going to be coming here a lot if you expect it not to suck. | 10:08 |
austin_ | hdon that's a good thing lol. 11.04 has the new interface. They haven't code named 12.04 yet but it's supposed to be completely differnt. Someone told me though pss a bit of inside information though that 12.04's code name is Naughty Nuttgoblin | 10:08 |
hdon | damn ubuntu government telling me what desktop environment i want to use | 10:08 |
Bo0m | Am I the only one who feels fonts on ubuntu are not as good as fonts in windows? or am I doing something wrong? | 10:08 |
Aerosonic | Why the hell did they change it? | 10:08 |
Firefishe | as unity is new, its code is going to need some tweaking here and there | 10:08 |
Aerosonic | It's like a netbook edition | 10:08 |
Aerosonic | It's a 10.10 netbook edition | 10:09 |
Aerosonic | And the netbook edition was decent. | 10:09 |
hdon | austin_, lmao... naughty nuttgoblin | 10:09 |
Aerosonic | Unlike unity piece-of-shit. | 10:09 |
oberon4mine | I don't like unity, at all | 10:09 |
Firefishe | Aerosonic: I dunno, why'd they change kde 3.5.10 to 4.5.x to 4.6.x to 4.7.xRC? Things change | 10:09 |
oberon4mine | do you guys think Ubuntu clone windows and osx? just ask | 10:09 |
austin_ | yes hdon lol. | 10:09 |
qkeen | synthesist_: your question seems too specific. I guess any folder will be ok for thunderbird to import your files (what files? all the files? specific files?) | 10:10 |
hdon | austin_, must be very secret information... google has never heard this phrase before | 10:10 |
hdon | austin_, oh, one less t | 10:10 |
Slart | oberon4mine: this is a support channel.. for those kind of discussions I'd recommend #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:10 |
hdon | brb | 10:10 |
austin_ | lol ;) it's a secret | 10:11 |
austin_ | shhhhhhh | 10:11 |
Aerosonic | Firefishe: So far it's been for the better(or worse). But now it went to "fucking terrible" | 10:11 |
Aerosonic | ok classic is good, but the interface is.. umm.. not that good. | 10:11 |
austin_ | omg another F bomb? | 10:11 |
austin_ | I'm going to wash your mouth out with soup son. | 10:12 |
austin_ | soap | 10:12 |
austin_ | fucking keyboard | 10:12 |
Bo0m | guys, is it common to have font issues in ubuntu? Also, I dont think I see the websites with same clarity when compared to windows..is it a common issue? | 10:12 |
avirams | What is the best way of making my hostname resolve to the network interface inet address ? (network manager used to edit /etc/hosts and it stopped) | 10:12 |
bhavesh_ | I dont think this IRC chat is to discuss your likes and dislikes | 10:12 |
Aerosonic | Nevermind I fixed it. | 10:12 |
llutz | austin_: would you please respect the channel rules and stay on-topic? thanks | 10:12 |
Aerosonic | Thanks. For the classic hint. | 10:13 |
Aerosonic | As for Unity, it sucks donkey cock. | 10:13 |
Bo0m | wow..looks like I dont like any fontsin here.. heh | 10:13 |
Bo0m | fonts* | 10:13 |
synthesist_ | qkeen: Thank you! Just the OE mail files, but TB only offers "Communicator 4.x" and no way to browse for a location. | 10:13 |
jatt | Aerosonic hi | 10:13 |
austin_ | llutz sorry about that....*Sigh* | 10:13 |
jatt | Aerosonic I agree dude Unity sucks | 10:13 |
bazhang | !ot | jatt | 10:14 |
ubottu | jatt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 10:14 |
austin_ | ubottu I love you | 10:15 |
ubottu | austin_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 10:15 |
austin_ | but I want to have kids with you ubottu you're telling me that's impossible? I want you to have my babies.... | 10:15 |
bazhang | austin_, thats enough | 10:15 |
Bo0m | guys, anyone heard of people having font issues in ubuntu? heh I dont like anything I see lol | 10:16 |
vivekimsit | telnet not working in ubuntu..? | 10:17 |
vivekimsit | nor ssh! | 10:17 |
Slart | Bo0m: I can only speak for myself but I felt that web pages and such looked a bit off when I switched from windows to ubuntu.. if that's what you mean with "font issues" | 10:17 |
austin_ | there's no telnet | 10:17 |
austin_ | via the terminal I don't think | 10:17 |
qkeen | vivekimsit: see netcat | 10:17 |
vivekimsit | ok. | 10:17 |
llutz | !ssh | vivekimsit | 10:17 |
Bo0m | yes yes Slart | 10:17 |
ubottu | vivekimsit: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon) | 10:17 |
llutz | vivekimsit: ssh works fine, if installed/configured | 10:17 |
austin_ | or or may I? THere's a program called putty that has a gui for connects like ubottu said | 10:18 |
austin_ | it does work with wine | 10:18 |
MikeDD | Anyone here have experience fuxing audio on a USB sound interface | 10:18 |
llutz | even telnet does, but you don't want that | 10:18 |
vivekimsit | actually i connected two pc via ethernet...and ping is also working.. | 10:18 |
Bo0m | Slart, any work around? | 10:18 |
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano | ||
llutz | vivekimsit: openssh-server isn't installed by default | 10:18 |
Slart | Bo0m: these days I feel the same when I go back to windows.. everything looks a bit off.. I haven't found any work-arounds.. I guess I have just adapted =) | 10:18 |
austin_ | putty is awesome | 10:18 |
Bo0m | aighto..adopting it is then. thnks buddy | 10:19 |
Bo0m | thanks* | 10:19 |
MikeDD | no sound coming out, device was recognized.. and I even disabled the onboard audio in the cmos | 10:19 |
llutz | austin_: theres putty for linux, no need for wine. if you really want putty on linux | 10:19 |
llutz | !pm | vivekimsit | 10:19 |
ubottu | vivekimsit: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 10:19 |
austin_ | hmmm there is? Ok you got me. One thing I didn't know | 10:19 |
szal | why on earth would anyone even want PuTTY on Linux.. | 10:19 |
vivekimsit | ok.. | 10:19 |
austin_ | Putty is awesome it even has default connection for anything like remote command shells, and all kinds of goodies to connect up too | 10:20 |
Slart | Bo0m: I haven't found any work-around.. I haven't really looked that hard, to be honest. | 10:20 |
llutz | szal: ask those "i love my GUI guys" :) | 10:20 |
vivekimsit | actually other commands apart from ping is not working | 10:20 |
MikeDD | I had this working on 10.10, with the same interface (Lexicon Aloha)... been too long, can't remember how I did it on there.. | 10:20 |
vivekimsit | i also confogured iptables | 10:20 |
llutz | vivekimsit: have you installed openss-server? | 10:20 |
austin_ | so does netcat but for most things it takes too long it's shell based screw that | 10:20 |
llutz | openssh-server* | 10:20 |
szal | llutz: PuTTY is not exactly GUI ;) | 10:20 |
vivekimsit | don't know.. | 10:20 |
austin_ | szal the windows one is | 10:20 |
llutz | vivekimsit: then do, you need it | 10:20 |
vivekimsit | i hv to install it on the other machine or mine? | 10:21 |
llutz | vivekimsit: the one you want to access to | 10:21 |
vivekimsit | ok.. | 10:21 |
vivekimsit | i will try..thnkx | 10:21 |
Bo0m | Slart : I see. its just that I find youtube all messsed up and stuff..guess I'll get used to it. | 10:21 |
vivekimsit | but can u give me downloading and config hints for this? | 10:21 |
llutz | szal: tbh, i never had seen putty-linux in action | 10:21 |
Bo0m | no clarity in what I see. | 10:21 |
szal | llutz: I have Irssi for Windows, it starts PuTTY to display itself, and afaics it's sure no more GUI than any Linux terminal emulator ;) | 10:22 |
austin_ | wow geeky.... ok just use what you need to get the job done holy crap if it connect to the port via say port 23 secure shell | 10:22 |
llutz | szal: correct, you can hide the GUI-parts | 10:22 |
austin_ | who gives a crap? | 10:22 |
austin_ | as long as it works and you like it | 10:23 |
Slart | Bo0m: hmm.. it shouldn't be "all messed up".. can you take a screenshot? | 10:23 |
Bo0m | I might be exaggerating, its just not so clear... | 10:24 |
Bo0m | wow how does one take screenshot in here? heh | 10:24 |
Bo0m | got it..one sec | 10:25 |
Slart | Bo0m: there should be a screenshot utility in accessories | 10:25 |
vlt | Bo0m: Just press "PrntScrn" | 10:26 |
SSHKeys1 | hi i have a Debian 6 server with ssh key's setup, i have the private and public key, i know how to connect to it with windows but i have no idea how to connect to it with ubuntu | 10:26 |
bobweaver | hi there I would like to learn about the find command | 10:26 |
vlt | bobweaver: man find | 10:26 |
Slart | Bo0m: here's what it looks like on my computer http://imagebin.org/160527 | 10:27 |
bobweaver | so it goes find then / to seach all files then -name if I want a name of a file | 10:27 |
bobweaver | right | 10:27 |
SSHKeys1 | where would i put the private/public keys in ubuntu? ;o | 10:27 |
llutz | SSHKeys1: man ssh (ssh -i key user@host) | 10:27 |
vlt | SSHKeys1: Open a terminal, write "ssh user@server". Done | 10:27 |
SSHKeys1 | o | 10:27 |
llutz | SSHKeys1: ~/.ssh | 10:27 |
bobweaver | I know how to use the man infl and help page I just dont ubderstand them | 10:27 |
bobweaver | I know how to use the man info and help page I just dont understand them* | 10:28 |
vlt | bobweaver: What exactly are you trying to do? | 10:28 |
bobweaver | learn how to find anything that I am looking for | 10:28 |
bobweaver | say I | 10:28 |
Bo0m | Slart, : it looks just fine.. see mine http://imagebin.org/160528 | 10:29 |
bobweaver | have a dir called test and I have filed named 12345678 and 123456 how would I make find just findd that | 10:29 |
casey | Hey guys, I had a quick question about Grub2. Basically, when you are installing "sudo grub-pc" and you get to the configuring screen. How do you know which partition is the MBR? | 10:29 |
bobweaver | find /test -name 12345* ???? | 10:30 |
Slart | Bo0m: mine looks the same when I just go to youtube.com | 10:30 |
bobweaver | what does the wildcard do ? | 10:30 |
Erik500002 | Guys anyone here having trouble with wifi with the ath9k module? Dx | 10:30 |
Slart | Bo0m: well.. apart from the fonts being a bit narrower. Have you installed the MS fonts? | 10:30 |
avirams | What is the best way of making my hostname resolve to the network interface inet address ? (network manager used to edit /etc/hosts and it stopped) | 10:30 |
hdon | bobweaver, make sure you put a \* instead of a * in case there is something in your PWD that matches the * | 10:31 |
bobweaver | Erik500002, is it just not connecting is all the mods loaded ? | 10:31 |
Bo0m | slart: I dont think so. anyway I can check? | 10:31 |
Erik500002 | its not connecting Dx | 10:31 |
Diverdude | can rsa and dsa key co-exist in the same ~/.ssh/authorized_keys ? | 10:31 |
Erik500002 | bobweaver: tried installing compat to but same results Dx | 10:31 |
Erik500002 | bobweaver: too* | 10:31 |
Slart | Bo0m: install the package called msttcorefonts sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts in a terminal | 10:31 |
Bo0m | aight. let me do that | 10:31 |
MikeDD | rhetorical question: Pulse Audio, why you gotta be such a punk to me right now? You see the device, why are you not making sound come out? | 10:31 |
Slart | Bo0m: that will download arial, times new roman and some others that are commonly used in webpages | 10:32 |
bobweaver | Erik500002, lsmod rfkill list all and lspci -nn | 10:32 |
casey | Hey guys, I had a quick question about Grub2. Basically, when you are installing "sudo grub-pc" and you get to the configuring screen. How do you know which partition is the MBR? | 10:32 |
bobweaver | pastebin | 10:32 |
vlt | bobweaver: find test -name 123456 | 10:32 |
Erik500002 | bobweaver: alright will post back results. | 10:32 |
bobweaver | Erik500002, http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 10:32 |
bobweaver | vlt what if I want it to go up or down one number ? can I do that ? | 10:33 |
Bo0m | Slart, : I believe I have that installed.. | 10:33 |
Bo0m | Reading state information... Done | 10:34 |
Bo0m | Note, selecting ttf-mscorefonts-installer instead of msttcorefonts | 10:34 |
Bo0m | ttf-mscorefonts-installer is already the newest version. | 10:34 |
Bo0m | oops...sorry | 10:34 |
Slart | Bo0m: then I don't really know why it looks that way.. perhaps it's an opera thing | 10:34 |
Bo0m | umnn yeah. will download chrome now and see | 10:34 |
vlt | bobweaver: find test -name "12345[4-6]" | 10:34 |
bobweaver | vlt, Thank you you are awesom just the [] and what are the "" for | 10:35 |
bobweaver | vlt, what if I did not use the "" | 10:35 |
bobweaver | I guesss I could go test :) | 10:36 |
MikeDD | I disabled the onboard audio in the cmos... geez louise, what did I do to get this thing going last time? | 10:36 |
vlt | bobweaver: I could have used the "" in the first example too. It's safer to avoid any parsing of reserved chars by the shell. | 10:36 |
MikeDD | maybe the gt210's audio is overriding it.. don't know how to disable it though.. | 10:37 |
bobweaver | vlt thanks you so much brb | 10:37 |
vlt | bobweaver: If you don't put the brackets in quotes your shell will try to expand the pattern itself. | 10:37 |
MikeDD | If I hadn't burred my hair off the other day then I would pull it out over this.. | 10:37 |
Bo0m | umnn am sorry.. but when you do sudo apt-get install chromium, will it not be in your start menu like in windows? | 10:37 |
PythonSnake | Hi | 10:37 |
PythonSnake | Can anyone tell me how to associate an action with keys ? | 10:38 |
PythonSnake | like activate/desactivate touchpad with fn+f9 | 10:38 |
vlt | PythonSnake: I could tell you for a terminal. | 10:38 |
PythonSnake | for a terminal ? | 10:38 |
vlt | PythonSnake: With the help of the program "screen" (which is great for working on terminals anyway) | 10:39 |
darkenergy | how do you show computer name? | 10:39 |
ikonia | darkenergy: uname -n | 10:39 |
darkenergy | how do you show computer name that will show on network to other computers? | 10:39 |
vlt | darkenergy: It's in /etc/hostname | 10:39 |
Slart | Bo0m: chromium is a game.. I think you're looking for chromium-browser | 10:39 |
Bo0m | Slart, : lol just figured | 10:39 |
Slart | !info chromium | 10:40 |
ikonia | darkenergy: how do you mean "show its self" ? | 10:40 |
ubottu | Package chromium does not exist in natty | 10:40 |
Bo0m | thanks buddy.. did chromium in the run box and this game popped up | 10:40 |
piyush_1414 | hello! Few weeks back I upgraded my dev machine to 5.5. To my utter surprise it is like 3 times slower than 5.1. I am on ubuntu. Can I go back to 5.1 ? | 10:40 |
Slart | Bo0m: to be fair.. it's a good game =) | 10:40 |
PythonSnake | vlt: how to do it with xorg.conf ? | 10:40 |
Bo0m | haha : ) | 10:40 |
darkenergy | ikonia, shows itself to other comps on th enetwork | 10:40 |
vlt | PythonSnake: I don't know, sorry. | 10:40 |
ikonia | shows it self where though ? in what application ? | 10:40 |
PythonSnake | :( | 10:40 |
PythonSnake | vlt: ok thanks | 10:41 |
PythonSnake | anyone know how to associate an action with keys like activate/desactivate touchpad with fn+f9 ? | 10:41 |
Bo0m | slart: Do we need to add any link inorder to download that browser? cause apt-get says it cant find it | 10:41 |
Slart | Bo0m: hmm.. I'm not really sure.. afaik it should install just fine on a default install of ubuntu | 10:42 |
=== bugzor is now known as bugzor2 | ||
MikeDD | what is the most common mistake that people make when setting up usb sound cards? | 10:43 |
vlt | MikeDD: Using USB sound cards. | 10:43 |
Slart | MikeDD: thinking that it will "just work" =) | 10:43 |
darkenergy | MikeDD, forget the sound card | 10:43 |
Slart | MikeDD: apart from that.. forgetting that one, very hidden, volume slider you can only see in some weird alsa mixer-utility | 10:44 |
piyush_1414 | hello! Few weeks back I upgraded my dev machine to 5.5. To my utter surprise it is like 3 times slower than 5.1. I am on ubuntu. Can I go back to 5.1 ? | 10:44 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: 5.5 ? | 10:44 |
vlt | Hello. I#m looking for an audio player I can control from CLI (terminal) that can do crossfades when I skip to the next file. Any idea? | 10:44 |
bugzor2 | hello, is it possible to output audio from my laptop's speakers and through the hdmi cable at the same time ? i want to make something like 2.1 suround and i have no settings | 10:44 |
piyush_1414 | oops | 10:44 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: mysql-server 5.5 | 10:45 |
bugzor2 | vlt try audacious | 10:45 |
bugzor2 | oh terminal | 10:45 |
vlt | bugzor2: Thanks | 10:45 |
Slart | MikeDD: but, all joking aside, usb sound cards have worked for me, without any special configuration stuff | 10:45 |
vlt | bugzor2: Yes, terminal | 10:45 |
bobweaver | IT WORKS the power | 10:45 |
bugzor2 | not sure if it controls from terminal, but research | 10:45 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: what are you doing to measure performance ? | 10:46 |
MikeDD | I know it won't "just work"; however, and it didn't just work under 10.10 either. I can't remember the exact procedure that I went through before either.. ultimately, disabling the onboard fixed it.. but I am forgetting at least one key thing that I did from the last time, before setting the onboard to disabled in the cmos. Compounded by the fact that the Nvidia has HDMI and that may be interfering with the use of the Lexicon A | 10:46 |
MikeDD | lpha... | 10:46 |
little | is internet download manager available for ubuntu | 10:46 |
little | ? | 10:46 |
vlt | little: What does ot dp? | 10:46 |
vlt | do | 10:46 |
vlt | little: What does it do? | 10:47 |
iceroot | little: have a look at "jdownloader" | 10:47 |
little | it boost the download speed | 10:47 |
little | like DAP | 10:47 |
iceroot | little: ah then dont look at jdownloader | 10:47 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: Tests of my project run in 1500 secs on mysql 5.5 compared to ~450 secs on 5.1 | 10:47 |
iceroot | little: dap is not boosting the internet-connection | 10:47 |
AntR2 | Anyone no why ubuntu sucks for picking up my batter its been on 5.5% with 3mins left for 20mins now <.> | 10:47 |
bugzor2 | it boosts on dialup connections | 10:47 |
little | how to install jdownloader | 10:47 |
vlt | little: What exactly does it do to "boost download speed"? | 10:47 |
little | ? | 10:47 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: how do you know that's not mysql and not code not working as well with mysql 5.5 ? | 10:48 |
MikeDD | I set the settings strings for both active-card and sound-card to PlaybackLexiconAlphaAnalogStereoPulseAudioMixer | 10:48 |
little | don't ask me the questions | 10:48 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: have you looked at what's changed in mysql 5.5 ? | 10:48 |
piyush_1414 | same code | 10:48 |
violentk | hello everyone | 10:48 |
little | give me the solutions vlt | 10:48 |
Firefishe | hdon, bronaugh: 'night. Thanks for your help, earlier. Be Well. | 10:48 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: how did you upgrade mysql ? | 10:48 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: yes, same code doesn't mean it's not a problem with the code | 10:48 |
MikeDD | doesn't appear to be muted, or so I think... | 10:48 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: I just want to downgrade to mysql 5,1 | 10:48 |
hdon | Firefishe, goodnight! | 10:48 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: how did you upgrade to mysql 5.5 ? | 10:48 |
little | is internet download manager available for ubuntu ? | 10:48 |
Firefishe | goodnight, hdon: nice to have met you :-) | 10:48 |
ikonia | !info mysql-server | 10:49 |
ubottu | mysql-server (source: mysql-5.1): MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version). In component main, is optional. Version 5.1.54-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 6 kB, installed size 92 kB | 10:49 |
bugzor2 | little why won't you download like normal people ? | 10:49 |
vlt | little: You can't send more data than the line allows to. So what results do you expect from such a tool? | 10:49 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: ask you can see mysql 5.5 is not in the ubuntu repos - so where did you get it ? | 10:49 |
Slart | little: there are some download managers available.. but I don't think any of them will magically increase your download speed | 10:49 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: I followed http://www.ovaistariq.net/490/a-step-by-step-guide-to-upgrading-to-mysql-5-5/ | 10:49 |
AntR2 | little: firefox has a download manager built no need to get another | 10:49 |
PythonSnake | How to run a shell ? | 10:49 |
MikeDD | sound-cards string says empty, with GptArray_GValue_ for all devices listed | 10:50 |
Slart | little: they offer other functionality.. such as resuming downloads, scheduling and such | 10:50 |
little | ok Slart let me know some download managers for ubuntu | 10:50 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: I downloaded mysql binaries | 10:50 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: it was not a .deb install | 10:50 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: ok - so you've got a package from a totally untrusted place, and you're wondering why it's causing you a problem | 10:50 |
little | ? | 10:50 |
darkenergy | What's difference between ubuntu-server and enterprise cloud? | 10:50 |
little | yeah mozilla has it i know it | 10:50 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: then contact the person who told you how to explain and tell him you need help undoing what he's done | 10:50 |
MikeDD | yet, shows the name of the Lexicon Alpha in the list.. since installing 11.04 | 10:50 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: actually I did download it from mysql website | 10:50 |
little | but have you used IDM in windows | 10:51 |
little | Then you know the Speed variations | 10:51 |
piyush_1414 | ikonia: no need to get so antsy...if you have no answer | 10:51 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: I do have an answer | 10:51 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: mysql.com is not a trusted source - their binaries are not setup tuned for ubuntu, they are generic | 10:51 |
vlt | PythonSnake: Try Alt+F2 and type xterm | 10:51 |
vlt | PythonSnake: You should find one in your applications menu too | 10:52 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: please use the mysql-server from the repos | 10:52 |
ikonia | piyush_1414: you've just installed something from a random 3rd party website, from an untrusted source, you claim it's not as good (you're welcome to your opinion) now your asking how to undo this - well, the answer is work throught he guide backwards, or contact the person who guided you through the untrusted upgrade | 10:52 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: its a very very bad idea to download a deb by hand and install it because you dont get security updates | 10:52 |
vlt | PythonSnake: Look for an icon showing a small black screen ;,-) | 10:52 |
little | hello | 10:52 |
little | there ? | 10:52 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: I can do that I am just worried about data corruption as the process involved a data schema migration | 10:52 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: this is for my dev machine so I do not mind that much | 10:53 |
Slart | little: there used to be a factoid about download managers.. but I can't find it now | 10:53 |
ryoohki | how can i install a 32-bit library on a 64-bit machine using apt-get? | 10:53 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: that is not the problem, mysql is offering good migration-functions | 10:53 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: we needing the newest version and not the one from the repos? | 10:53 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: why | 10:53 |
Slart | little: try using synaptic to search for "download manager", that should get you some hits | 10:53 |
MikeDD | vlc not seeing the audio device | 10:54 |
little | Slart good | 10:54 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: mysql 5.5 was "supposed" to be faster so wanted to experiment | 10:54 |
little | thanks :) | 10:54 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: faster? | 10:54 |
Slart | little: here's an outdated list.. might be a good starting point though http://www.ubuntugeek.com/list-of-download-managers-available-in-ubuntu.html | 10:54 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: faster than 5,1 | 10:54 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: and 5.1 is slow for your needs? | 10:55 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: my tests used to take 400 seconds to run...I wanted them to go faster...yes | 10:55 |
piyush_1414 | and now they are 3 times slower :(( | 10:55 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: then not mysql is the problem | 10:55 |
bzil | how can i join the french chat !? | 10:55 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: you and your querys are the problem | 10:56 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: i am using mysql 5.1 with 600 million entrys, 80gb and a good query takes less then 1 second | 10:56 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: how can you come to that conclusion without knowing how many tests I have ? | 10:56 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: because 400 seconds are way to much so the querys are the problems | 10:57 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: I am running about a 100K tests and this is a full scale test suite | 10:57 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: mysql 5.1 runs well on production...5.5 was advertised to go faster | 10:57 |
PythonSnake | how to associate "Disable touchpad" with a function key ? | 10:57 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: i guess you should habe a look at #mysql about tuning your querys | 10:57 |
little | thts awesome | 10:57 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: anyway thanks | 10:58 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: and why test on 5.5 and use 5.1 as production system? | 10:58 |
ryoohki | would you please talk about mysql on a mysql channel? | 10:58 |
iceroot | piyush_1414: test and production system should ALWAYS be the same | 10:58 |
ryoohki | iceroot: not if you plan on upping the prod to the test level | 10:58 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: I use a staging machine to run actual tests...this was my dev machine where I wanted to test 5,5 | 10:59 |
bzil | just a question, where is the french canal for ubuntu !? how can i join him !? | 10:59 |
iceroot | ryoohki: next step should be upgrading the production system to debian sid :) | 10:59 |
piyush_1414 | iceroot: anyway thanks for your help | 10:59 |
ryoohki | iceroot: nice | 10:59 |
Slart | !fr | bzil | 10:59 |
ubottu | bzil: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 10:59 |
bzil | thanks a lot ubottu !! | 11:00 |
ryoohki | how can i install a 32-bit library on a 64-bit machine using apt-get? | 11:00 |
MikeDD | What I believe has to happen, is that I have to disable the HDMI output on the Nvidia somehow | 11:02 |
darkenergy | What's difference between ubuntu-server and enterprise cloud? | 11:04 |
ikonia | totally different | 11:04 |
lolmatic | hi | 11:05 |
ikonia | ubuntu-server is an OS - enterprise cloud is the same server OS with a cloud application stack designed for multiple nodes | 11:05 |
lolmatic | how do i remove compiz and all? | 11:05 |
lolmatic | effects? | 11:05 |
darkenergy | lolmatic, i think you can just tern 'em off | 11:05 |
darkenergy | go to appearence prefereneces --> visual effects | 11:05 |
darkenergy | sudo apt-get remove compiz ?? | 11:06 |
darkenergy | ikonia, multiple nodes?? | 11:06 |
darkenergy | Multiple servers connected to the cloud? | 11:06 |
Bo0m | guys i just downloaded chrome browser using opera. I see it downloaded a .deb package. am not able to find that downloaded package. do you guys know where to look/ | 11:07 |
ikonia | darkenergy: they make up the cloud | 11:07 |
darkenergy | i thought clouds were just networks or the internet itself | 11:08 |
Bo0m | /home/chaitu/.opera/temporary_downloads/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb - is what it says in the download manager..but I cnat find the folder itself :\ | 11:08 |
Slart | Bo0m: folders with names starting with a dot is hidden in nautilus (the file explorer).. I think you can press CTRL+H to see hidden folders | 11:10 |
Bo0m | oh..let me check | 11:10 |
nzo123 | bonjour! | 11:11 |
Slart | !fr | nzo123 | 11:11 |
ubottu | nzo123: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 11:11 |
nzo123 | ok | 11:12 |
Bo0m | Slart, : Ctrl+h isnt working | 11:12 |
violentk | hello everyone | 11:12 |
violentk | I'm currently trying to install windows 7 on an Acer laptop | 11:13 |
Slart | Bo0m: ok, try opening a terminal and type nautilus /home/chaitu/.opera/ that should open a nautilus window where you can find your way | 11:13 |
=== e-anima is now known as e-anima-afk | ||
violentk | i'm running ubuntu 10.0.4 installed to the HDD via CD | 11:14 |
ikonia | violentk: ##windows may be a better channel for you if you're trying to install windows | 11:14 |
Bo0m | awesome! that worked. Thanks a ton Slart | 11:14 |
violentk | sorry | 11:15 |
Slart | Bo0m: you're welcome | 11:15 |
Kios | !seen fretegi | 11:15 |
ubottu | I have no seen command | 11:15 |
Loreley | as an accident, I have given dd the command to cody sda into a textfile on my external harddrive. How can I stop dd? May I just close the terminal? Please help me fast! | 11:15 |
Loreley | To copy, sorry | 11:16 |
Bo0m | slart: am I right in thinking nautilus is like windows explorer? | 11:16 |
Slart | Bo0m: yes | 11:16 |
Bo0m | i see. good I learned few things today | 11:16 |
Slart | Bo0m: I'm not sure if someone with a deeper knowledge of what explorer and nautilus actually does would agree but from a user point of view I would say they do the same thing =) | 11:17 |
morth | hello room | 11:17 |
Slart | Loreley: ctrl+c should work | 11:17 |
Bo0m | ah cool. | 11:17 |
MikeDD | pffff.... ./edid_disable_exts: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected | 11:17 |
Loreley | Slart: Thanks | 11:17 |
Loreley | It did. | 11:18 |
Slart | Loreley: or sudo pkill -9 dd might do it if nothing else works | 11:18 |
morth | someone mind saying my name please?, im trying this irssi script out. | 11:18 |
Bo0m | slart: sites showup much better in chrome. | 11:18 |
Slart | Loreley: ah.. good. You're welcome | 11:18 |
chaddy | morth: | 11:18 |
morth | sweet! | 11:18 |
Slart | Bo0m: so it was opera then.. nice to know | 11:18 |
iceroot | Loreley: ctrl +c | 11:18 |
morth | chaddy thanks a ton, i got it working! | 11:18 |
MikeDD | from me trying sudo ./edid_disable_exts --to-dvi edid.bin /etx/X11 I had got that | 11:18 |
Bo0m | yeah. thanks for your help. nice of you | 11:18 |
chaddy | good, good | 11:18 |
vlt | Hello. Which internet browser will open "file://" links in a file browser? | 11:19 |
Slart | morth: you can join #test .. I think they have lots of bots and stuff for testing nickname highlighting and such | 11:19 |
iceroot | vlt: firefox e.g. | 11:19 |
chaddy | vlt: konqueror can do that, too | 11:19 |
morth | slart okay, noted. | 11:19 |
iceroot | vlt: you can use firefox also as a file-browser | 11:19 |
morth | if anyone else uses irssi and is looking for a nice custom setup, check out http://pcatr.im/E0 | 11:19 |
vlt | iceroot: Firefox? I rather meant a _real_ browser. | 11:20 |
iceroot | vlt: no need for silly flames | 11:20 |
vlt | iceroot: Something like nautilus, not just showing a list of files | 11:20 |
iceroot | vlt: konqueror | 11:21 |
iceroot | vlt: dolphin | 11:21 |
vlt | iceroot: Sorry, I didn't connect "real browser" to "Firefox" as web browser, but to its file browser features. | 11:21 |
iceroot | vlt: ok, then sorry too | 11:22 |
tsimpson | vlt: non will usually open file:/// in a new application, it's supposed to tell the browser to fetch the resource from the local system | 11:22 |
=== e-anima-afk is now known as e-anima | ||
bobweaver | any one know how to search for a line in nano | 11:22 |
tsimpson | bobweaver: Ctrl-W | 11:23 |
bobweaver | then t? | 11:23 |
vlt | tsimpson: Konquerer on KDE did quite well | 11:23 |
tsimpson | vlt: that's because konqueror is also a file browser, not just a web browser | 11:23 |
vlt | tsimpson: I was looking for something on Gnome (w/o having to install a full bunch of KDE libs) | 11:23 |
iceroot | vlt: file:///home/ this is not what you want in firefox? | 11:23 |
tsimpson | vlt: I don't think Gnome has a combined web/file browser similar to konqueror | 11:24 |
tsimpson | iceroot: they want file:// URLs to open a "real" file manager (or a file manager component in the browser) | 11:24 |
janedoe | hey. I'm pretty new to ubuntu. just have one question. how can I adjust skype sounds? I tried everything but cannot find a way to turn up the volume for skype.. | 11:25 |
iceroot | tsimpson: a real filemanager is bash | 11:25 |
vlt | iceroot: No c&p there, no drag&drop, no renaming, no preview icons, permissions ... | 11:25 |
airtonix | has anyone experienced the problem with synergy and google chromium ? where it randomly freezes if you copy text from one machine then paste it into google chromium on another synergy machine? | 11:25 |
iceroot | vlt: why not using nautilus as file-browser and firefox as webbrowser? | 11:26 |
vlt | iceroot: Can I tell Firefox to open file:// links in nautilus? | 11:26 |
vlt | iceroot: ... for every user on the machine? | 11:26 |
iceroot | vlt: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/firefly/ maybe you will find something like this for linux | 11:26 |
Slart | janedoe: are you using pulseaudio? | 11:27 |
iceroot | vlt: http://lifehacker.com/264332/use-firefox-as-a-windows-file-manager | 11:27 |
bobweaver | vlt do you ever use Elinks in the terminal ? | 11:28 |
vlt | iceroot: And yes, a real file manager is bash. But I'm setting up a system for avg users. | 11:28 |
airtonix | vlt: not sure about retrospective, but you can set up a default gconf in /etc/skel | 11:28 |
janedoe | Slart: ummm, I don't think so. can you help me out a little bit, as I said, pretty new.. | 11:28 |
vlt | bobweaver: I did once. Why? | 11:28 |
Slart | janedoe: sure.. let's assume you're using pulseaudio.. it is, after all, default in ubuntu | 11:28 |
airtonix | pulseaudio is awesome | 11:28 |
Slart | janedoe: open a terminal (that's in accessories, terminal) and type sudo apt-get install pavucontrol | 11:29 |
janedoe | Slart: I see.. is it default like I just have to start it or do I have to install it with software center? | 11:29 |
airtonix | janedoe: it's a service that starts anyway | 11:29 |
Slart | janedoe: that will install a volume control application that lets you change the volume for individual programs that use pulseaudio | 11:29 |
janedoe | Slart: oh ok, I'm a try that one, thx so far :) | 11:29 |
bobweaver | vlt, I thought you all where talking about webbrowser in bash is that one ? | 11:29 |
vlt | bobweaver: Yes, but we didn't ;-) | 11:29 |
Slart | janedoe: it is installed with the rest of the system.. and is probably already running | 11:30 |
=== MadSweeney is now known as Guest91402 | ||
bobweaver | vlt is there a list of things that I should learn about bash regexp and what not is there a list that I should follow to learn more | 11:31 |
janedoe | Slart: oh then how come I cannot adjust the volume or am I just not knowing how.. :/ | 11:32 |
vlt | bobweaver: There's a list of punctuation characters that comes handy sometimes. | 11:32 |
Slart | janedoe: ok, lets start that application you just installed.. you either type pavucontrol in the terminal or you find it in the "Sound and Video" section of the start menu, where it's called PulseAudio Volume Control | 11:33 |
MikeDD | finally got it going! | 11:33 |
spc_in_plc | Hello. Does anyone know a program for editing videos like joining different segments, cutting videos, etc... ? | 11:33 |
MikeDD | time to get drunk... | 11:33 |
vlt | MikeDD: How? A hidden volume slider? | 11:33 |
iridium | spc_in_plc, kdenlive | 11:33 |
MikeDD | under vlc.. | 11:33 |
Slart | janedoe: when you run it you should get a small window with several tabs called "Playback","Recording", "Output Devices" etc | 11:34 |
E3D3 | Hi, I installed Kate (text-editor) & placed an extra shortcut on my Gnome-panel. Now it seems that I have 2 Kate's with different configurations. How can I make one thats everywhere the same ? | 11:34 |
MikeDD | I didn't disable anything hdmi related either.. | 11:34 |
MikeDD | checking parole | 11:34 |
janedoe | Slart: ok I put the command in the terminal and it said: ldconfig deferred processing now taking place | 11:34 |
bugzor2 | hello, is it possible to output audio from my laptop's speakers and through the hdmi cable at the same time ? i want to make something like 2.1 suround and i have no settings | 11:35 |
Slart | janedoe: just let it run.. it will finish | 11:35 |
spc_in_plc | iridium, Thanks mate | 11:35 |
janedoe | Slart: so what next? | 11:35 |
MikeDD | ok, so parole doesn't have sound.. but I freaking hate parole anyway.. | 11:35 |
Slart | janedoe: type pavucontrol in the same terminal | 11:35 |
vlt | bobweaver: I learned regexp from the PCRE documentation. Google for "perl regular expressions" | 11:35 |
janedoe | Slart: so I will just open pulseaudio? | 11:35 |
janedoe | Slart: just like that? | 11:35 |
darkenergy | why can't i see my computer on the network? | 11:35 |
Slart | janedoe: well.. pulseaudio is probably already running in the background.. this is just a small application to control volumes | 11:36 |
MikeDD | but under the preferences for vlc, I point it to pulse audio which has NO Nvidia crap enabled for the sound.. and it works | 11:36 |
vlt | darkenergy: Define "see" | 11:36 |
bobweaver | vlt I downloaded the cbt cource before I started linux 8months ago and it is for red hat and I like the the ubuntu family so some things do not work | 11:36 |
darkenergy | i have a box running ubuntu 10.04 and another 11.04 server | 11:36 |
darkenergy | when on 10.04 i can only see window computers on the network | 11:36 |
vlt | darkenergy: Define "see", please | 11:36 |
darkenergy | while i know i have a ubuntu ones..., vlt | 11:36 |
MikeDD | janedoe: are you using onboard sound? | 11:37 |
janedoe | Slart: omg that worked, thx alot :) | 11:37 |
Slart | janedoe: you see the sliders for skype in there? | 11:37 |
MikeDD | janedoe: your audio works now, then? | 11:37 |
janedoe | Slart: umm, no ^^ but I turned the volume all up, I guess I will wait now until I hear a skype sound ^ | 11:38 |
Slart | janedoe: well, they might show up if you start a call.. you'll get one slider for output volume and one for the microphone recording | 11:38 |
janedoe | Slart: oh, cool. well I haven't had any skype call since I'm using ubuntu. Just have had it for 5 days now or sth.. ^^ | 11:40 |
darkenergy | vlt, any idea? | 11:40 |
vlt | darkenergy: Sorry, I don't know "cbt cource" | 11:41 |
shkiper | I use Windows 7 every day and I am happy | 11:41 |
darkenergy | vlt, wth is "cbt cource" | 11:41 |
Slart | janedoe: ah.. well. Good luck with ubuntu then | 11:41 |
darkenergy | shkiper, yes win 7 is nice | 11:41 |
darkenergy | Ubuntu and the linux experience is tenfold better though :D | 11:42 |
janedoe | Slart: I have another question though. I was trying to start an irc, but unfortunately it works only with firefox, I was trying to use it on opera, but it didn't work. the issue is solved, but I wanna know how to get it start with opera.. | 11:42 |
vlt | darkenergy: Ah sorry, wrong nick, that was for bobweaver | 11:42 |
shkiper | darkenergy: there are no problems with it | 11:42 |
janedoe | *started | 11:42 |
darkenergy | are you talking about win7... i mean ubuntu does upgrade every 6 months | 11:42 |
Slart | janedoe: hmm, how do you mean? I use IRC by running a separate program.. I don't use a web browser for that (although you can do it that way too) | 11:42 |
qin | darkenergy: This server, do you have screen hook up to it? | 11:43 |
shkiper | darkenergy: my Windows updates every day | 11:43 |
vlt | darkenergy: What does "see the computer on the network" mean to you? | 11:43 |
darkenergy | qin, yes | 11:43 |
qin | darkenergy: What ifconfig says? | 11:43 |
janedoe | Slart: yeah right now, same here, however, I just like to solve the issue even though the functional part is solved.. just being curious and interested :) | 11:44 |
darkenergy | vlt, be able to see it in the network tab of nautilus | 11:44 |
bobweaver | thanks for being here you guy are Rock Stars | 11:44 |
bobweaver | good night | 11:44 |
darkenergy | nothing unusual | 11:44 |
Slart | janedoe: explain what you did when you used IRC from firefox | 11:44 |
janedoe | Slart: just like to look behind the scenes and understand ubuntu :) | 11:44 |
qin | darkenergy: But it has lan ip? | 11:44 |
darkenergy | qin, nothing unusual ... yes it does | 11:44 |
iljo | hello, i'm back with another question | 11:44 |
vlt | darkenergy: For nautilus is a file manager, you should run some file server (like NFS or samba) on the other machine. | 11:45 |
AdvoWork | ive just seen this in my daemon.log: dnsmasq[3210]: forwarding table overflow: check for server loops. any suggestions? | 11:45 |
MikeDD | I was using Windows 7, I freaking hate how insecure it was... I got fairly quickly used to 10.10, and after using this new computer for less than a month... switched right back to Xub | 11:45 |
qin | darkenergy: sudo netstat -tulp (to see services) and sudo iptable -L to see (hopefully "empty") set of firewall rules. | 11:46 |
iljo | i'm running ubuntu 10.10 and when i stick my usb key in, it says: "error creating mount point: no such file or directory" | 11:46 |
darkenergy | mikedd, same but with 9.04... and i used 8.04/8.10 before though | 11:46 |
iljo | any suggestions? | 11:46 |
qin | darkenergy: By see, you mean no ssh access to? | 11:46 |
janedoe | well there is this website, it's called ubuntu chat or sth, not sure, it is a german chat. and I needed to install java and stuff. first it didnt even work on firefox, but then I figured out a way to run that chat. but it only works on firefox and I'm not using that chat actually | 11:46 |
Slart | janedoe: ahh.. the webchat thingy.. yes.. that probably uses java.. | 11:47 |
janedoe | Slart: bet that was a bad explanation :) | 11:47 |
darkenergy | qin, it's saying connection refused using ssh | 11:47 |
Slart | janedoe: nope.. that was all the explanation needed.. | 11:47 |
janedoe | Slart: cool :) | 11:47 |
darkenergy | qin, first time using it but i typed ssh <ip address> | 11:47 |
DOOD | hi i need some help with installing a wirless network stick | 11:47 |
Slart | janedoe: it probable has something to do with how opera uses java.. if opera can't find java or refuses to work with it, for any number of reasons, it won't be able to use that chat | 11:48 |
DOOD | hello | 11:48 |
Dravekx | why is the desktop version 32bit recommended??? | 11:48 |
Rebas | why does ubunu say i dont have permission to copy files if im the only user? | 11:48 |
Slart | janedoe: I don't really know the specifics of why it didn't work.. I've never messed with opera myself | 11:49 |
MikeDD | I was using linux off and on (mostly off), since slackware.. after my win xp machine got bucked up by spyware, I perm switched to Xubuntu | 11:49 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
qin | darkenergy: On server: nc -kl 3333 , on client: nc <server ip> 3333 (Ctrl-c to terminate any of this commands) | 11:49 |
Dravekx | Rebas, because you aren't the admin. | 11:49 |
Rebas | im trying to add the flash plugin for opera, but irt says i have no permission to copy to /user/ | 11:49 |
Slart | Dravekx: I haven't met anyone that can answer that.. I've had no problems whatsoever using 64bit ubuntu | 11:49 |
MikeDD | Everyone who made Xubuntu 11.04, bravo! | 11:49 |
MikeDD | where-ever and whoever they all are... | 11:50 |
Dravekx | Slart, which version are you running? I'm installing it on a new system | 11:50 |
luky | hi | 11:50 |
janedoe | Slart: I see, well first on opera there was that window opening saying plug-ins missing, read more or so and I hit that link and it said I need to install java, so I did. all of the sudden firefox did but still opera didn't, though that "plug-in-missing"-window was gone, it is now just a bright window :/ | 11:50 |
DOOD | hello | 11:50 |
Slart | Dravekx: currently I'm running 10.04 on my desktop, 11.04 on my laptop and server | 11:50 |
DOOD | can anybody help me | 11:50 |
PythonSnake | How much space does KDE needs ? | 11:50 |
Slart | janedoe: mm, sounds like java needs some special care when it comes to java | 11:50 |
MikeDD | Now I can be on the internet without the vicious butt-rape of Juchecker crap and a bunch of spyware crap.. | 11:51 |
Drake| | Rebas: have you tried to run Opera as root? | 11:51 |
janedoe | Slart: sounds good ^^ | 11:51 |
DOOD | #HELLO | 11:51 |
bazhang | DOOD, hi | 11:51 |
MikeDD | And I am by no means a genius or a moron.. | 11:51 |
shire | hi everyone | 11:51 |
qin | !language | MikeDD | 11:51 |
ubottu | MikeDD: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 11:51 |
MikeDD | sorry | 11:51 |
Dravekx | Slart, how is 11.04 working on your laptop? that's what Im going for, but Im thinking about running it along side windows. :s | 11:51 |
bazhang | MikeDD, watch the language and attitude | 11:51 |
darkenergy | qin, what does those commands do? | 11:51 |
MikeDD | I apologize | 11:52 |
bazhang | DOOD, got an ubuntu support issue? | 11:52 |
darkenergy | qin, oic it looks like they're connected | 11:52 |
DOOD | YEAH | 11:52 |
janedoe | Slart: well thx anyway :) | 11:52 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
qin | darkenergy: Neat! | 11:52 |
bazhang | DOOD, ask it then | 11:52 |
darkenergy | qin, very!! | 11:52 |
MikeDD | Anyway, I am excited to have this up and running.. | 11:52 |
qin | darkenergy: You can chat with yourself! | 11:52 |
DOOD | i need some help with installing a wirless network stick | 11:52 |
darkenergy | qin, with pleasure ;) | 11:52 |
bazhang | DOOD, whats the chipset | 11:53 |
qin | darkenergy: Check if it works both sides, should. | 11:53 |
DOOD | what does that mean | 11:53 |
Dravekx | ? | 11:53 |
Slart | Dravekx: works great.. I'm running it on an asus UL30VT, intel and nvidia gpu (I can only run the intel gpu for now). Everything works out of the box.. wifi, bluetooth, 3d graphics etc | 11:53 |
darkenergy | qin, it does... to learn about servers/networks for ubuntu what do I need? | 11:53 |
Slart | janedoe: you're welcome | 11:53 |
Dravekx | Slart, ah nice. will give it a go. thanks! | 11:53 |
darkenergy | qin, I want to know more cool commands like that :D | 11:53 |
nicofs | Every now and then, I get a pop-up saying than "an application" is requesting to access my keyring. How can I set the notification to show me _which_ application is requesting access (by default)? | 11:54 |
Slart | Dravekx: do that.. come back here if you run into any problems | 11:54 |
DOOD | bazhang,what does that mean | 11:54 |
qin | darkenergy: man pages, nmap and netcat is good start. | 11:54 |
DOOD | bazhang:hello | 11:54 |
darkenergy | qin, definitely | 11:54 |
Dravekx | Slart, will do! | 11:54 |
bazhang | DOOD, usb stick ? lsusb to paste.ubuntu.com | 11:54 |
=== Lukosanthropos is now known as lukosanthropos | ||
E3D3 | How can I let a shortcut to a KDE-app on a GNOME-panel acting like the one in the main-menu ? | 11:55 |
DOOD | what | 11:55 |
qin | darkenergy: Try on your desktop, sudo nast -i eth0 -m (if it does see server ip, but not hostname, your server just do not resolve) | 11:55 |
DOOD | ?? | 11:55 |
DOOD | paste.ubuntu.com | 11:55 |
DOOD | paste.ubuntu.com??? | 11:55 |
darkenergy | qin, I don't have nast | 11:56 |
nicofs | DOOD, open a terminal, type "lsusb" and post the result to paste.ubuntu.com | 11:56 |
Drake| | DOOD: that is a pastebin where you can paste long codes instead of spammign the chat on irc :) | 11:56 |
darkenergy | qin, any other command or will I just have to dl? | 11:56 |
nicofs | DOOD, to copy the text from terminal, mark it and type Ctrl+Shift+C | 11:57 |
Slart | E3D3: hmm.. how does the shortcut work in the gnome-panel? and how does it work from the main menu? | 11:57 |
DOOD | ok then will be online again in 5 min thanks | 11:57 |
darkenergy | qin, I see the server with its hostname | 11:58 |
Rebas | how do i become the admin user so i can install flash player? | 11:58 |
bazhang | Rebas, sudo | 11:58 |
darkenergy | rebas, sudo? | 11:58 |
qin | darkenergy: shh yourserver_ip form desktop? | 11:58 |
Rebas | i know i can do sudo in terminal, but it still dosent let me copy | 11:58 |
bazhang | Rebas, copy what | 11:58 |
darkenergy | qin, saying connection refused. Do i have to allow on my server? | 11:59 |
darkenergy | ... or using command wrong -- ssh <ipaddress> | 11:59 |
Rebas | flashplayer.so into /usr/lib/opera/plugins | 11:59 |
qin | darkenergy: Yes, server need to run ssh server to make connection. | 11:59 |
Rebas | if i just drag and drop, it says i have no permission | 11:59 |
darkenergy | sudo mv flashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugs | 11:59 |
darkenergy | rebas, chmod | 11:59 |
Rebas | oooh | 11:59 |
Triscar0 | i have to write "sudo dhclient eth0" to get ip from my router, but when i restart the router it dosent get ip automatic, how can i fix this a easy way? im a newbeeee | 11:59 |
Rebas | ill try that darkenergy | 12:00 |
darkenergy | rebas, chmod to change permission bits on files etc | 12:00 |
Drake| | Rebas: or even "sudo nautilus" | 12:00 |
MikeDD | the next fun task will be getting the rest of the audio to work, aka firefox (youtube, no sound there yet) | 12:00 |
Drake| | Rebas: "sudo nautilus /usr/lib/opera/plugins" | 12:00 |
darkenergy | 4 - read 2 - write 1 - execute .... add them up to have all 3... in the format chmod 000 0s being user/group/everyone i believe | 12:01 |
MikeDD | I think I will save myself that fun for tomorrow night... | 12:01 |
Slart | Rebas, Dravekx: don't use sudo with gui programs.. use gksudo instead | 12:01 |
Slart | !gksudo | Rebas, Dravekx | 12:01 |
ubottu | Rebas, Dravekx: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why) | 12:01 |
darkenergy | qin, should ssh server just be sshd? | 12:01 |
E3D3 | Slart: Although menu & shortcut have the same commands (kate -b %U) do they have different configurations (session etc). | 12:02 |
Dravekx | Slart, k | 12:02 |
qin | darkenergy: sudo service ssh start | 12:02 |
Rebas | ubottu, then in run i put the " mv flashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugs" yes? | 12:02 |
ubottu | Rebas: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 12:02 |
qin | darkenergy: <foo>d mean deamon of foo | 12:02 |
Rebas | .. | 12:02 |
Rebas | anyone else then? :P | 12:02 |
MikeDD | night guys and gals | 12:02 |
qin | darkenergy: (Or it mean just food) | 12:03 |
Slart | E3D3: hmm.. is the %U supposed to be replaced by the current user? | 12:03 |
PythonSnake | Hi | 12:03 |
darkenergy | qin, doesn't deamon mean server though for apps... | 12:03 |
PythonSnake | I'm trying to disable touchpad with fn+f9 but it doesn't work.. | 12:03 |
PythonSnake | anyone know how to fix it ? | 12:03 |
darkenergy | qin, like the daemon is the main think used for servers so files just filenamed for filname server ? | 12:03 |
qin | darkenergy: Well, in short it can mean "shellless process" | 12:03 |
Drake| | Slart: I don't know if that was ment for me.. but for Nautilus sudo / gksudo is just the same.. but if he is running ex Opera as root "gksudo Opera" is recomended | 12:04 |
darkenergy | qin, cool... like it's connected to kernel by itself? | 12:04 |
darkenergy | not child of any shell | 12:04 |
E3D3 | Slart: I really have no idea what those commands mean, I mostly copy/paste them without problems. Now I will read more, Thanks for your patience for my stupid question. | 12:04 |
AdvoWork | ive just seen this in my daemon.log: dnsmasq[3210]: forwarding table overflow: check for server loops. any suggestions? | 12:05 |
qin | darkenergy: No, it is normall process, but not stated via shell, rather via init | 12:05 |
Slart | Drake|: oh.. I don't really know the specifics.. just figured I would give you two a heads up that gksudo might be a better choice | 12:05 |
darkenergy | qin, oh yeah forgot about init | 12:05 |
daniel__ | hello there is a vconversion program that can covert avi s to a droid screen what program is that ? | 12:05 |
Slart | E3D3: hehe.. no worries, hope you find out what causes the difference | 12:06 |
bazhang | daniel__, handbrake | 12:06 |
daniel__ | bazhang, u are alsoways so helpful thank you so much | 12:07 |
bazhang | !handbrake > daniel__ | 12:07 |
ubottu | daniel__, please see my private message | 12:07 |
bazhang | daniel__, from their site, or the PPA | 12:07 |
daniel__ | ppa? | 12:07 |
Rebas | hm | 12:07 |
violentk | can i boot an ISO without burning it? | 12:07 |
Rebas | gksudo didnt do anything | 12:07 |
Rebas | or rather, it didnt copy the file | 12:08 |
bazhang | violentk, from grub2 off hdd? sure | 12:08 |
qin | violentk: With vbox for example | 12:08 |
violentk | i have virtualbox installed running ubuntu 10.0.4 lts | 12:08 |
violentk | how would i go about doing that | 12:09 |
morth | does anyone know how to make an auntorun command move to a location on startup: ie- i want to set gnome-terminal to bottom left corner on startup under a profile to be transpart for wallpaper. | 12:09 |
qin | violentk: /j #vbox | 12:09 |
bazhang | violentk, the grub2 one? | 12:09 |
violentk | idk im new to this | 12:10 |
violentk | its oravle vm virtualbox | 12:10 |
violentk | oracle** | 12:10 |
bazhang | violentk, you are already using vbox, whats the issue | 12:10 |
=== lukosanthropos is now known as Lukosanthropos | ||
Slart | morth: have a look at devilspie, I think it can do a lot with window positioning | 12:11 |
dimas_ | is there any way to add some parameters in the configure command?...as i am trying to do this as explained in one of the ubuntu tutorials but i am getting this...:~/pulseaudio-0.9.22+stable-queue-24-g67d18$ sudo ./configure --with-jack | 12:11 |
morth | slart will do, as soon as i ask i find a link lol whats the odds. | 12:11 |
dimas_ | configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-jack | 12:11 |
morth | slart thanks | 12:12 |
qin | morth: conky would be lighter than embedded gnome-terminal | 12:12 |
Slart | morth: you're welcome | 12:12 |
violentk | i just don't know how to make it boot the usb | 12:12 |
Slart | !devilspie | morth, here's another link =) | 12:12 |
ubottu | morth, here's another link =): devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning. Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie | 12:12 |
Rebas | not sure who it was who said it, but "sudo mv ~/Desktop/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/opera/plugins/" | 12:12 |
Rebas | seems to work | 12:12 |
violentk | sorry it took so long to answer was tinkering | 12:12 |
bazhang | !grub2 | violentk please have a read | 12:13 |
ubottu | violentk please have a read: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 12:13 |
daniel__ | bazhang, do i want to check handbrake-cli and handbrake-gtk or just gtk ? | 12:13 |
morth | qin okay, ill check that out aswell. | 12:13 |
bazhang | daniel__, gtk is the gui one. thats what I use. depends on you | 12:14 |
morth | any good guides on how to use Awesome WM? | 12:15 |
daniel__ | bazhang, and since im downloading it from synaptic it will auto update or should i keep an eye on the website? | 12:16 |
loloski1000 | join #anonops | 12:16 |
gry | http://compsoc.tardis.ed.ac.uk/wiki/AwesomeWM_guide morth | 12:17 |
bazhang | daniel__, its the PPA right? adding it to your repos will keep it up to date with the latest. no need for the website | 12:17 |
daniel__ | bazhang, ok sweet and thanks for the help again ur like allways on and allways have the right answear thanks | 12:18 |
`Lynx | hello, i've installed 11.4 with a netinstall image and it won't boot but show me a blinking cursor. similar problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/768450 | 12:18 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 768450 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Netinstall broken in Ubuntu 11.04 beta 2?" [Undecided,New] | 12:18 |
`Lynx | any ideas? | 12:18 |
bazhang | awesome, awesome-extra morth installed those from repos? | 12:18 |
bazhang | `Lynx, beta 2? | 12:19 |
`Lynx | no | 12:19 |
`Lynx | regular version from their site described as minimal installation | 12:20 |
`Lynx | it's not beta | 12:20 |
bazhang | `Lynx, thats what the bug says | 12:20 |
`Lynx | bazhang: it doesnt say anything, it won't boot but show a blinking cursor | 12:21 |
`Lynx | Ubuntu 11.04 "Natty Narwhal" Minimal CD 19MB (MD5: cc1591035877c317fdef7f4ebf1662b9, SHA1:d86f78c8343009e57b0ecda14592e76802ce1ec4) | 12:21 |
`Lynx | this | 12:21 |
`Lynx | i dont want to install the server cuz it has kernel modifications, but netinstall doesnt work.. oh god.. | 12:21 |
PythonSnake | Hi | 12:22 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, hi | 12:23 |
PythonSnake | Is Kubuntu Ubuntu+KDE ? | 12:23 |
bazhang | yes | 12:23 |
PythonSnake | oh | 12:23 |
dr_Willis | !kubuntu | 12:23 |
ubottu | kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde | 12:23 |
PythonSnake | ok | 12:23 |
`Lynx | great, no responses. | 12:23 |
bazhang | install kubuntu-desktop to get it choose from login | 12:23 |
DarkKnightCZ | hi, does someone have experience with emulating sound inputs/outputs in integrated soundcard (Realtek ALC888) in MB Gigabyte GA-P43-ES3G, it uses Line In / Front Speaker Out / Mic In for that 3 outputs for 5.1, so i hear only front speakers right now :) | 12:23 |
PythonSnake | bazhang: what do you prefer gnome or kde ? | 12:24 |
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`Lynx | kde wont run well on slow computers PythonSnake | 12:24 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, #ubuntu-offtopic , you know that | 12:24 |
dr_Willis | DarkKnightCZ: you have some actual 5.1 sound source? | 12:24 |
`Lynx | hello, i've installed 11.4 with a netinstall image and it won't boot but show me a blinking cursor. similar problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/768450 | 12:25 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 768450 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Netinstall broken in Ubuntu 11.04 beta 2?" [Undecided,New] | 12:25 |
PythonSnake | 'Lynx: Can a i5 450M 2gb RAM and GMA HD computer handle it ? | 12:25 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, yes of course | 12:25 |
dr_Willis | PythonSnake: install both desktops and try them out | 12:25 |
`Lynx | PythonSnake: i've got the same besides processor which is i3 330m and 4gb ram and it can handle it but not so good, it lags | 12:25 |
DarkKnightCZ | dr_Willis: that soundcard is 5.1/7.1, inputs/outputs are configured in hardware, but it is switched by that Realtek software | 12:25 |
PythonSnake | I've heard that kde can break ubuntu.. | 12:26 |
`Lynx | PythonSnake: i'd suggest you to go for gnome | 12:26 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, not true | 12:26 |
DarkKnightCZ | PythonSnake: even gnome can break ubuntu :) | 12:26 |
`Lynx | even a hammer can break ubuntu | 12:26 |
Triscar0 | how do i set zoneminder to start auto on bootup ? | 12:26 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, any actual support question? | 12:26 |
dr_Willis | end users tend to break ubuntu | 12:26 |
`Lynx | with a hammer | 12:26 |
PythonSnake | bazhang: I've got a problem with function key. | 12:27 |
Rebas | is there a way to set gnome to automatically log in as a user? in system->admin->login screen, i see "log in as" but it dosent show any usernames | 12:27 |
bazhang | `Lynx, thats enough | 12:27 |
PythonSnake | bazhang: I can't disable touchpad with fn+f9 | 12:27 |
`Lynx | it may be, since no one can handle my question | 12:27 |
Drake| | Rebas: do you have more than one user account? | 12:28 |
Rebas | no, just one | 12:28 |
Drake| | then just mark login as.. and press ok | 12:29 |
Rebas | ah | 12:29 |
Drake| | ;) | 12:29 |
Rebas | when theres more than one, you get to choose? | 12:29 |
Drake| | yes thats right | 12:29 |
Rebas | i see | 12:29 |
PythonSnake | Does Ubuntu support multi-touch ? | 12:29 |
Rebas | i was scratching my head for ages | 12:29 |
dr_Willis | gdm has autologin swttings in a gdm config file also. | 12:29 |
Drake| | Rebas: at least it used to be like that.. haven checked in 11.04 | 12:30 |
DarkKnightCZ | PythonSnake: afaik it does | 12:30 |
Rebas | im on 10.04 | 12:30 |
`Lynx | quit lame channel, rage quit | 12:30 |
Drake| | aah oeky.. should be fine there | 12:30 |
dr_Willis | PythonSnake: its a new feature. so nay not work for sll hardware. yet. | 12:30 |
kalib | Does anyone has any idea about how can I callibrate a joystick DragonRise Inc (usb) on ubuntu? | 12:30 |
kalib | 11.04 | 12:30 |
PythonSnake | How to configure touchpad for 3 fingers right click please ? | 12:31 |
dr_Willis | there used to be some jscal tools in the repos kalib | 12:31 |
Rebas | sorta related question.. is there a way to disable the password prompt when installing stuff? or would that be stupid :P | 12:31 |
dr_Willis | Rebas: leave it alone :) | 12:32 |
kalib | dr_Willis, I was trying jscal -s /dev/input/js0 but got no success.. maybe doing something wrong.. :/ | 12:32 |
Rebas | im gunna install ubuntu on a work computer, so instead of having 4 people having to write it down, id rather it gone ^^ | 12:32 |
dr_Willis | security is done in layers. thsts one layer | 12:32 |
dr_Willis | why do all 4 need it | 12:33 |
dr_Willis | sudo uses the users psssword | 12:33 |
PythonSnake | Anyone know how to get 3 fingers right click for elantech ? | 12:33 |
dr_Willis | if they have admin rights | 12:33 |
Rebas | gunna be one user account, and we all use that | 12:33 |
dr_Willis | Rebas: why | 12:34 |
Rebas | thats the master plan, anyway ^^ | 12:34 |
bazhang | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch#The_Wiki PythonSnake have a read | 12:34 |
PythonSnake | bazhang: ok thanks | 12:35 |
Rebas | just trying to save disk space really | 12:35 |
dr_Willis | savings will probrly be minimal | 12:36 |
dr_Willis | unless you are doing somthig spevial i dont see much to gain from it | 12:36 |
anev | is it possible to convert a dmg to iso to burn on ubuntu? | 12:38 |
PythonSnake | How to delete gnome ? | 12:38 |
Lembam | Hiya. :-) | 12:38 |
dr_Willis | PythonSnake: and use what instead | 12:38 |
PythonSnake | KDE | 12:38 |
bazhang | !purekde > PythonSnake | 12:38 |
ubottu | PythonSnake, please see my private message | 12:38 |
dr_Willis | easier to just install both PythonSnake | 12:39 |
sayz | PythonSnake: it's fatal error :-) | 12:39 |
PythonSnake | I don't want to waste space | 12:39 |
dr_Willis | then pick one at thw login screen | 12:39 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, read the link then | 12:39 |
PythonSnake | ok | 12:39 |
dr_Willis | you have how much hd space? | 12:39 |
sveinse | How can I create a debian package without any content (but with dependencies)? I know how to do that for a normal package, but I dont know how to build it without having any software to put into it. Any pointers please? | 12:39 |
PythonSnake | about 98 gb for linux | 12:40 |
dr_Willis | PythonSnake: thats eniugh for every desktop and wm in the repos | 12:40 |
bazhang | most packages as well | 12:40 |
PythonSnake | how much space kde needs | 12:40 |
dr_Willis | i got kde. kxde. gnome. and more on my 60gb | 12:40 |
PythonSnake | ? | 12:40 |
dr_Willis | perhaps 700 mb | 12:41 |
dr_Willis | if that.. orob. much less | 12:41 |
avernos | if i want to install gnome on server edition --> apt-get install gnome? isnt working | 12:41 |
PythonSnake | but I'll get double apps | 12:41 |
PythonSnake | like Konversation and Empathy | 12:41 |
avernos | whats the name of gnome on the repos? | 12:41 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, then read the link I sent you | 12:42 |
dr_Willis | apt will tell you when you install the kubuntu-desktop package | 12:42 |
PythonSnake | ok I'll try :) | 12:42 |
bazhang | avernos, ubuntu-desktop ? | 12:42 |
dr_Willis | you can mixx and match kde and gnome apps | 12:42 |
=== waah is now known as warmek | ||
PythonSnake | Thank | 12:42 |
PythonSnake | mix and match ? | 12:42 |
avernos | bazhang, ty!~~ | 12:43 |
dr_Willis | gnome apps run on kde. | 12:43 |
warmek | ubuntu 11.10 sucks, you cant even change theme | 12:43 |
Pici | warmek : Oneiric/11.10 is not yet released. Please join #ubuntu+1 for further support and discussion. | 12:43 |
dr_Willis | a.nd visa versa | 12:43 |
dr_Willis | its alpha release for a reason. | 12:44 |
PythonSnake | Does KDE offer more functionality than GNOME ? | 12:44 |
warmek | KDE offers every feature you want and dont want | 12:45 |
dr_Willis | PythonSnake: id say yes. its more complex also | 12:45 |
warmek | KDE is pretty, but not very friendly | 12:45 |
dr_Willis | and a different design goals | 12:45 |
warmek | KDE is cluttered with useless shit that devs just add to masturbate | 12:45 |
Rebas | lol | 12:45 |
bazhang | warmek, watch the language and attitude | 12:45 |
warmek | GNOME 2 is the best, GNOME 3 sucks | 12:45 |
Peer1 | hi, i installed the new version, ran updates and the new look desktop went away? | 12:45 |
zamba | how can i test ntp without actually setting the date/time | 12:46 |
Rebas | ima use that quote oneday warmek | 12:46 |
Rebas | ^^ | 12:46 |
warmek | ok | 12:46 |
warmek | unity sucks too | 12:46 |
bazhang | !ot | warmek | 12:46 |
ubottu | warmek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 12:46 |
warmek | gnome2 really is the best ever | 12:46 |
Pici | !language | warmek | 12:46 |
ubottu | warmek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 12:46 |
bazhang | warmek, thats enough | 12:46 |
warmek | ok | 12:46 |
warmek | maybe i need to skip 11.10 | 12:47 |
PythonSnake | !best | warmek | 12:47 |
ubottu | warmek: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 12:47 |
Rebas | im on gnone 2.3, thats the good one right? :P | 12:47 |
warmek | i tried Fedora, but it sucks too | 12:47 |
warmek | yeah, gnome 2.3 is awesome | 12:47 |
bazhang | warmek, stop | 12:47 |
dr_Willis | gnome is lacking in areas also.. but eveeything has its pros and cons | 12:47 |
warmek | gnome is great, you can change themes, you cant do that in unity | 12:48 |
warmek | the only thing worse than unity is unity2d | 12:48 |
johanhar | Hi. The find command, can anyone help making one to remove all files found? :) | 12:48 |
dr_Willis | lubuntu has gotten very well done if you want a more classic type desktop | 12:48 |
Pici | johanhar: add the -delete argument. | 12:48 |
PythonSnake | Does KDE have workspaces ? | 12:49 |
dr_Willis | pyth | 12:49 |
johanhar | Pici: thanks | 12:49 |
dr_Willis | yes | 12:49 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, try #kubuntu | 12:49 |
PythonSnake | ok | 12:49 |
PythonSnake | :) | 12:49 |
dr_Willis | PythonSnake: it has more feathers then wecan list | 12:49 |
dr_Willis | lol typo | 12:49 |
PythonSnake | ? | 12:50 |
Rebas | feathers? lol | 12:50 |
dr_Willis | more features | 12:50 |
dr_Willis | auto soellcheck is fun | 12:50 |
DOOD | bazhang,its me dood | 12:50 |
DarkKnightCZ | so, can someone help me with that 5.1 problem? | 12:50 |
xvilo | hi | 12:50 |
Rebas | fails too, by the looks of it Willis. :P | 12:50 |
xvilo | i dont have ubuntu | 12:50 |
xvilo | but i want ubuntu | 12:51 |
dr_Willis | android phone is lacking in ways as an irc cluent | 12:51 |
bazhang | !install | xvilo | 12:51 |
ubottu | xvilo: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 12:51 |
xvilo | niceee | 12:51 |
xvilo | tnx | 12:51 |
xvilo | !install | comics | 12:51 |
ubottu | comics: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 12:51 |
Comics | i create cool comics | 12:51 |
DOOD | bazhang, i done what u said but when i opened it on windows all comes out in encoded language so now i'm downloading word so b 5mins thnx | 12:52 |
violentk | i'm installing windows on a virtual hard drive, that is installed on a hard drive which windows cannot read | 12:53 |
morth | hello room | 12:53 |
dr0id | is there some kind of forcekill ? kill 5692 aint killing the pid | 12:53 |
yubahaq | http://top-linx.cz.cc | 12:53 |
PythonSnake | how to change theme with gnome ? | 12:53 |
DOOD | bazhang, is that ok | 12:53 |
dau_ | try kill -9 | 12:54 |
morth | how can i understand this --geometry 200x60+80+40 "is 200x60 the size of the window and 80+40 is the resolution? | 12:54 |
Rebas | System->Preferences->appearence, Python. looked in there? | 12:54 |
dau_ | kill -9 5692 | 12:54 |
DOOD | 5mins thnx | 12:54 |
dr0id | dau_: thanks | 12:54 |
PythonSnake | Rebas: Thanks | 12:55 |
morth | how can i understand this --geometry 200x60+80+40 "is 200x60 the size of the window and 80+40 is the resolution? | 12:55 |
PythonSnake | is there a kubuntu software center ? | 12:56 |
dr-willis | x y coords to start then the size from those points morth | 12:56 |
PythonSnake | or anything similar to ubuntu software center for kubuntu ? | 12:56 |
dr-willis | morth 0 0 is top left | 12:56 |
dr-willis | PythonSnake all gnome stuff has kde. equils. | 12:57 |
dr-willis | go try it... | 12:57 |
PythonSnake | ok | 12:57 |
morth | dr-willis is there a way i can calculate? - i want it for my bottom left corner over the menu | 12:58 |
PythonSnake | if I install kde will gnome stuff appear on kde ? | 12:58 |
dr-willis | yea | 12:58 |
PythonSnake | so better remove gnome | 12:58 |
dr-willis | and visa versa | 12:58 |
PythonSnake | :) | 12:58 |
dr-willis | n | 12:58 |
Pici | PythonSnake: no need. | 12:58 |
dr-willis | leave gnome installed | 12:58 |
PythonSnake | I'll get double stuff | 12:58 |
dr-willis | you havent evev trief kde yet.. go use it for a week | 12:59 |
tsimpson | double? only one instance of each application will be installed at any time | 12:59 |
dr-willis | so what.. big deal | 12:59 |
PythonSnake | tsimpson: like emphaty and konversiation | 12:59 |
dr-willis | use gnome app if you like the gnone editor or whatever better | 12:59 |
tsimpson | PythonSnake: what's the big deal? | 12:59 |
Peer1 | did the new look desktop get rolled back in 11.04? | 13:00 |
dr-willis | PythonSnake you are worring way too much | 13:00 |
PythonSnake | lol | 13:00 |
dr-willis | go use kde for a week | 13:00 |
morth | dr-willis which part is the top left the 0x0 or 0+0? | 13:00 |
PythonSnake | !kde | 13:00 |
ubottu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. | 13:00 |
dr-willis | go read some kde guides | 13:00 |
=== lenny is now known as Guest13583 | ||
babu | how to delete the installation history that are showing in ubuntu software center | 13:01 |
dr-willis | x. y. offset x. offset y. i think | 13:01 |
tsimpson | morth: it's <width>x<height>+<x>+<y> | 13:01 |
dr-willis | not all wms follow thise options. | 13:02 |
luxe | haihai. | 13:02 |
tsimpson | it should just pass it along to X | 13:02 |
dr-willis | old scool info heh. | 13:02 |
morth | dr-wililis and tsimpson thankyou. | 13:02 |
dr-willis | some wms have their own rules | 13:03 |
dr-willis | bbl | 13:03 |
van7hu | !funny | 13:03 |
ubottu | You might think your joke is funny, but you may confuse new users who follow your advice or irritate people who attempt to answer your question. | 13:03 |
xro | Hi, is there a reference tutorial about security and apache server on ubuntu server 11.04 64bits ? | 13:05 |
van7hu | !info funny | 13:05 |
ubottu | Package funny does not exist in natty | 13:05 |
Pici | van7hu: what are you trying to do? | 13:05 |
van7hu | Pici, just for fun | 13:06 |
van7hu | !server|xro | 13:06 |
ubottu | xro: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server | 13:06 |
abdoreza | Hi all.Can I move the Unity launcher? | 13:06 |
Pici | van7hu: Please do not play with the bots here. Either /msg ubottu or join #ubuntu-bots | 13:06 |
van7hu | Pici, okay I'll move on | 13:07 |
abdoreza | Can I move the Unity launcher? | 13:07 |
Rebas | <clippy> van7hu, it looks like your trying to be funny.. do you want to [A] get some help with that or [B] give up now? </clippy> | 13:07 |
abdoreza | my ubuntu is large icon in the unity luncher | 13:09 |
BluesKaj | howdy | 13:09 |
xro | van7hu, yes i did a mistake i use 10.04 not 11.04... But there is no apache security recommandations... is there something somewhere or not? | 13:10 |
abdoreza | Can I move the Unity launcher?can I change icon size? | 13:10 |
abdoreza | Can I move the Unity launcher? | 13:12 |
Pici | !patience | abdoreza | 13:12 |
ubottu | abdoreza: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 13:12 |
stefan_ | Hello, How can I check, if my W-LAN driver still works? I cannot see the nm-applet and in system networkwhatever, I cannot see my router either. | 13:12 |
SUMUZHE | Is there a GEANT4 channel? | 13:12 |
stefan_ | I have already rebootet and thsi does not help. | 13:13 |
Pici | !alis | SUMUZHE | 13:13 |
ubottu | SUMUZHE: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* | 13:13 |
aeiou_ | looking for a terminal one-liner to check if a given port is open on a remote machine (without nmap) | 13:14 |
aeiou_ | whats the easiest way? | 13:14 |
stefan_ | I also deactivated the proprietara Broadcom W-LAN driver and reinstalled it, but it does not help either | 13:14 |
podman99 | hey all ... ubuntu 11.04 natty does not have any updates to apache from 2.2.17 - i need 2.2.18 to get past CVE-2011-0419 CVE-2011-1928 ?? any suggestions? | 13:14 |
kkulhavy | aeiou_, telnet machine port | 13:14 |
kkulhavy | aeiou_, i use that one | 13:15 |
SUMUZHE | list geant | 13:15 |
Pici | podman99: let me take a look, one moment. | 13:15 |
G_Unit | quit | 13:16 |
=== luxe is now known as Luxe | ||
DASPRiD | will ther be an official update for thunderbird 5 like there was for firefox 5 or will we have to use the mozilla stable ppa? | 13:17 |
violentk | running windows xp on virtual hard drive | 13:18 |
violentk | which is installed on a hard drive that windows can't recognize | 13:19 |
Pici | podman99: It looks like those CVEs only affected the apr package, not the apache2 package. More info can be seen at the following links (the usn reference links may be informative to you as well): http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2011/CVE-2011-0419.html and http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2011/CVE-2011-1928.html | 13:19 |
liberycrusier | hey is it possible to set a custom resolution with xrandr because my monitor won't display ubuntu properly with any of the provided modes yet xp works fine | 13:19 |
podman99 | Pici: PCI compliance requires apache version change?? | 13:20 |
PythonSnake | liberycrusier: yes | 13:20 |
liberycrusier | PythonSnake: how? | 13:21 |
ikonia | podman99: which alert are you wondering requires an apache update for pci complience | 13:21 |
PythonSnake | liberycrusier: pm | 13:21 |
podman99 | ikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/634984/ | 13:22 |
ikonia | podman99: the two CVE's you posted in this channel don't require an update, the APR issue is isolated to APR which has been patched, ubuntu ships that as a seperate package, so no apache upgrade/update is needed | 13:23 |
podman99 | ikonia, | 13:23 |
podman99 | ikonia, this would suggest that PCI compliance is wrong?/inaccurate? | 13:23 |
darkenergy | hey, any documents that's more definitive than the man pages? | 13:24 |
darkenergy | documents/books/guides etc | 13:24 |
ikonia | podman99: apr is a part of apache, so in essense the "apache" package needs to be updates/patched, however ubuntu ships apr as a sperate package, which complies the the CVE, so falls in with complience | 13:24 |
podman99 | ikonia, this may be the case however pci compliance is not passing on the site, perhaps hide apache version number? would this bypass this check. | 13:25 |
Pici | darkenergy: http://ubuntu-manual.org/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community and http://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ | 13:25 |
ikonia | podman99: no, that would be miss-information, you need to submit an exception to the process detailing the apr version/patch level | 13:26 |
em | darkenergy: I don't know about more definitive but maybe more helpful -- https://help.ubuntu.com/ | 13:26 |
ikonia | podman99: however not advertising the apache version is a valid security process also | 13:26 |
darkenergy | em, i guess not definitive... but maybe more clear :) | 13:26 |
darkenergy | or yeah.. helpful :D | 13:27 |
darkenergy | pici, em, thanks | 13:27 |
em | darkenergy: yeah exactly. I dont really enjoy reading the man pages myself. I don't think they are really made to learn from. | 13:27 |
em | they are easier to read once you already kind of know a lot about what it's talking about. | 13:27 |
darkenergy | em, exactly | 13:27 |
dr-willis | man pages are for referance. | 13:27 |
darkenergy | dr-willis, just what i was about to say. trying to learn how to chroot is quite hard with man page at least for me | 13:28 |
Pici | !chroot | darkenergy this should be helpful | 13:28 |
ubottu | darkenergy this should be helpful: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot | 13:28 |
dr-willis | i used to have a thick thick book of them printed out years ago | 13:28 |
dr-willis | redhat used to sell one. good dry reading | 13:29 |
darkenergy | dr-willis, the man pages? or some other source of commands, etc? | 13:29 |
dr-willis | man pages.. | 13:29 |
em | It would be neat if Ubuntu had a detailed manual that explained everything sort of the way I think FreeBSD does. But I guess that might be hard with every new releaes. | 13:29 |
darkenergy | yeah.. that's what I was thinking. I'm aware of that one. I actually think there's another floating around out there. | 13:29 |
dr-willis | ubuntu changes so much gui wise. but good docs for the underlaying stuff is good for a long time | 13:30 |
podman99 | ikonia, I will call PCI compliance people here and see what info I can squeeze from them | 13:31 |
podman99 | ikonia, thanks for the help | 13:31 |
dr-willis | i saw some ok unity docs online... somewhere.. | 13:31 |
ikonia | podman99: should be a simple exception to raise, just give the APR version against that CVE - the test is flawed | 13:32 |
ikonia | podman99: I've just done the same for an openssh vunerability on redhat that had the fix back ported | 13:32 |
em | If you are an expert helper in here and you see an easy question you should wait 20 extra seconds so that novice helpers have a chance to help. | 13:33 |
tsimpson | em: that's not really helpful | 13:33 |
Skeeter- | how can i determine the size of my md0 in order to make a lvm with the right size | 13:34 |
ikonia | em: anyone can answer if they no the answer, it's not a ..... | 13:34 |
ikonia | sorry, tsimpson got there | 13:34 |
susundberg | em: .. and after that 20s ask the proper question? ;) | 13:34 |
em | susundberg: hehe | 13:34 |
em | ikonia: see if tsimpson had waited 20 seconds you could have felt more useful :) | 13:35 |
ikonia | em: sorry, I half way through typing, it wasn't a double tap | 13:35 |
FrEaKmAn_ | hi, I'm trying to remove old image - 2.6.31-21 but I can find it in Synaptic package manager | 13:36 |
escott | Skeeter-, it should be listed in /proc/partitions. i believe the units there are blocks (4k usually) | 13:36 |
FrEaKmAn_ | cant* | 13:36 |
Core | Can somebody tell me a good place for support with ubuntu server ? | 13:37 |
em | FrEaKmAn_: that is probably in boot | 13:37 |
Pici | Core: Either here or #ubuntu-server | 13:37 |
em | try cd /boot | 13:37 |
Skeeter- | FrEaKmAn_, wats the calcul to get the right number then? | 13:37 |
Core | Well I am having problems getting busybox + dropbear running on my encrypted server | 13:38 |
susundberg | Skeeter-: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/createlv.html | 13:38 |
Klavier | i activated serial ata raid drivers, but after installation finish, ubuntu couldnt boot | 13:38 |
Klavier | i cannot see grub | 13:38 |
FrEaKmAn_ | em, its there yes.. whats the best way to remove it | 13:38 |
FrEaKmAn_ | Skeeter-, what? | 13:38 |
Klavier | i installed grub to mbr | 13:38 |
em | FrEaKmAn_: then when you are in /boot$ do ls and look for it. Then use rm to get rid of the ones you want to get rid of. | 13:38 |
Skeeter- | it doesnt make sense | 13:38 |
Skeeter- | 19524633600 | 13:39 |
FrEaKmAn_ | em, its so simple.. great | 13:39 |
tsimpson | FrEaKmAn_: check if you have linux-image-2.6.31-21-generic, if not then it's will be safe to just rm it | 13:39 |
guiledazimba | Have some program to implement a firewall? some easy to manage and no coding needs? | 13:39 |
tk | ? | 13:39 |
em | FrEaKmAn_: I don't think that will hurt as long as you aren't using the one you want to get rid of. | 13:39 |
Pici | !firewall | guiledazimba | 13:39 |
ubottu | guiledazimba: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist. | 13:39 |
bazhang | guiledazimba, gufw | 13:39 |
=== tk is now known as Guest78711 | ||
em | !-firewall | 13:40 |
ubottu | firewall aliases: firestarter, iptables, shorewall, guarddog, ufw - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 19:46:03 - last edited by tsimpson on 2011-05-18 00:04:47 | 13:40 |
Rebas | So.. i installed KDE... how do i get onto it? | 13:41 |
bazhang | Rebas, choose at login | 13:41 |
Skeeter- | FrEaKmAn_, im suppose to have near 18tb and i get 19524633600 block... | 13:41 |
tsimpson | Rebas: there will be an option in the login menu | 13:41 |
Rebas | nope | 13:41 |
tsimpson | Rebas: how did you install KDE then? | 13:41 |
bazhang | Rebas, installed what package exactly | 13:41 |
Rebas | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 13:42 |
em | Rebas: Did you install kubuntu-desktop ? | 13:42 |
em | Rebas: then there should be an option at your login. | 13:42 |
FrEaKmAn_ | Skeeter-, wrong guy? | 13:42 |
spectacular | after upgrading ubuntu, my monitor seems only able to do 4:3 (1024x768), while it should be 1280x800 (it's a BenQ Joybook laptop). In the displays thing in the drop down menu, it only shows 4:3 options. help? | 13:42 |
bazhang | Rebas, its there, choose a nick then choose it | 13:42 |
Skeeter- | FrEaKmAn_, 19524633600/1024/1024/1024 = 18.18tb, its aight :) | 13:42 |
Rebas | nope, i get the propmt for my password, but nothing else | 13:42 |
Rebas | i just logs into the same place it did before | 13:43 |
Rebas | only change is the mouse is pointier | 13:43 |
PythonSnake | spectacular: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 13:43 |
bazhang | Rebas, bottom panel look there | 13:44 |
tsimpson | Rebas: there should be an option in the menu on the login screen, before login | 13:44 |
Rebas | ill have another look... | 13:44 |
Pici | Rebas: There should be a Session menu at the bottom of the login screen where you can choose whatever desktop environments you have installed. | 13:44 |
Thraspic | I would like my terminal (urxvt) to have a blinking cursor even when its window does not have focus. Using openbox, if that's any help. | 13:44 |
em | Rebas: you can probably just go up to the power icon in ubuntu and select Switch From Rebas.. | 13:44 |
Luxe | 0.0 | 13:45 |
Rebas | ok, i saw it, selected KDE; and ended back up in gnome | 13:45 |
Luxe | Murr :c | 13:45 |
Rebas | nope, just did it again. ended back up in gnome | 13:47 |
Rebas | even though i selected KDE | 13:47 |
rnz | hi all | 13:48 |
rnz | how to install apt-get without extra packages | 13:48 |
rnz | ? | 13:48 |
bazhang | rnz, apt-get is there already | 13:48 |
rnz | apt-get : how to install package without extra packages | 13:49 |
Rebas | any ideas bazhang? 3 times it gone to gnome when i select KDE | 13:49 |
compdoc | dont know what you mean by extra packages | 13:49 |
Rebas | do i have to completely log out? | 13:49 |
Rebas | or can i use "switch user" and use KDE that way | 13:50 |
spectacular | PythonSnake, thanks. i'm trying to follow the instructions there, but running into problems. are you familiar with xrandr ? | 13:50 |
little | how to format xml | 13:50 |
little | ? | 13:50 |
PythonSnake | spectacular: yes | 13:50 |
ikonia | little: you need to read about XML it's just a markup, like html for example | 13:50 |
spectacular | okay, so let me show it to you step by step, | 13:50 |
PythonSnake | spectacular: helping someone with xrandr atm too | 13:51 |
little | hmm ikonia | 13:51 |
PythonSnake | spectacular: pm me | 13:51 |
spectacular | PythonSnake, thanks | 13:51 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, please help here | 13:51 |
PythonSnake | bazhang ? | 13:51 |
Pici | !pm | 13:51 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 13:51 |
rnz | "extra packages" - http://pastebin.com/jpJwasCh | 13:52 |
DOOD | bazhan,need ur help | 13:52 |
spectacular | xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default | 13:52 |
spectacular | Screen 0: minimum 640 x 480, current 1024 x 768, maximum 1024 x 768 | 13:52 |
spectacular | default connected 1024x768+0+0 0mm x 0mm | 13:52 |
spectacular | 1024x768 61.0* | 13:52 |
spectacular | 800x600 61.0 | 13:52 |
spectacular | 640x480 60.0 | 13:52 |
FloodBot1 | spectacular: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:52 |
Rebas | lol | 13:52 |
DOOD | bazhang,on psate.ubuntu.com what syntax should i put it as ?? | 13:53 |
DOOD | paste | 13:53 |
bazhang | DOOD, output from lsusb | 13:53 |
DOOD | ok | 13:54 |
DrManhattan | ok so out of curiosity is ubuntu in classic gnome mode running gnome 2? | 13:54 |
bazhang | yes | 13:54 |
DOOD | bazhang,pasted it | 13:54 |
bazhang | DOOD, give the url | 13:54 |
DOOD | http://paste.ubuntu.com/634994/ | 13:55 |
DrManhattan | so what would be the difference between running ubuntu 11 in classic gnome mode and linux mint? | 13:55 |
Pici | DrManhattan: Yes. | 13:55 |
em | rnz: I wonder if you want to not install the recommended packages. | 13:55 |
sudokill | DrManhattan, mint is a little bit different | 13:55 |
DOOD | bazhang,so what do u say | 13:56 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1748136 DOOD | 13:56 |
em | rnz: that would be apt-get install --no-install-recommends | 13:56 |
Aggaranvoth | Test message | 13:57 |
bazhang | Aggaranvoth, success | 13:57 |
em | rnz: to see if that's really what you want you could try: apt-get install --no-install-recommends --simulate | 13:57 |
Aggaranvoth | Thank you bazhang! | 13:57 |
em | then see if it does what you wanted. | 13:57 |
danie955 | is there a program to sync folders ( i would like to sync the music folder on my droids sd to my music folder on my computer) | 13:57 |
compdoc | DrManhattan, not sure whats in mint, but I doubt it has everything ubunut has, like qemu-kvm, etc | 13:57 |
em | danie955: there's rsync | 13:57 |
jrib | danie955: rsync or unison | 13:57 |
anev | gcc -o dmg2img dmg2img.o base64.o -L. -lz | 13:58 |
anev | /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lz | 13:58 |
anev | -lz flag is for zlib, right? | 13:58 |
violentk | does it being an acer have anything to do with it | 13:58 |
danie955 | jrib, wicth one is more user friendly ? | 13:58 |
em | !info rsync | danie955 | 13:58 |
ubottu | danie955: rsync (source: rsync): fast remote file copy program (like rcp). In component main, is standard. Version 3.0.7-2ubuntu3 (natty), package size 278 kB, installed size 676 kB | 13:58 |
em | danie955: everyone always talks about rsync | 13:58 |
jrib | danie955: rsync is probably a better option for the scenario you described | 13:58 |
droid | unison if more for simpiker user needs | 13:59 |
Rebas | anyone got any ideas on how to get into KDE when it keeps logging into gnome when i select KDE? | 13:59 |
droid | its a handy tool in some cases | 13:59 |
em | Rebas: Im afraid I'm at a loss. Try restarting completely and choosing the KDE session from the start. | 13:59 |
tsimpson | anev: you need the -dev package zlib1g-dev | 14:00 |
DOOD | bazhang i think i need tour help | 14:00 |
em | maybe something needs to be restarted after you install kubuntu-desktop (dunno) | 14:00 |
Rebas | ive already done a restart after installing | 14:00 |
DOOD | ur | 14:00 |
Rebas | but ill try again | 14:00 |
glontu | hi | 14:00 |
em | Well that's probably not it then. Sorry I don't know. | 14:00 |
DOOD | so bazhang | 14:01 |
em | Rebas: maybe you could try asking in #kubuntu they have maybe seen the problem before. | 14:01 |
DOOD | bazhang,hello | 14:01 |
bazhang | DOOD, follow the guide, ask questions if you have issues | 14:01 |
DOOD | bazhang, idont have that model stick | 14:02 |
glontu | i am trying to make a linux router with 2 wan interfaces. i have eth0, eth1 and eth2, eth1 and eth2 are each connected to a wan ( actually both wan gateways are in the same LAN but have different ips and subnets ) | 14:02 |
upside | anyone got any idea how to solve the API mismatch between nvidia and the kernel module??? | 14:02 |
bazhang | DOOD, exact same chipset | 14:02 |
em | upside has a question no one needs to wait 20 seconds to answer. | 14:02 |
glontu | problem is that eth1 dosn't work well. If i plug out the wire from it while pinging some ip it sits there for a while and after that and then i get destination host unreachable | 14:03 |
bazhang | em, no need for the meta-commentary | 14:03 |
glontu | on eth2 if i plug out the wire it waits and when i put it back it just starts responding to pings right away | 14:03 |
glontu | how can i make eth1 be like eth2 ? | 14:03 |
rnz | em: tnx! | 14:03 |
em | rnz: you are very welcome. | 14:03 |
DOOD | bazhang, when i download some software from the internet what operating system do i choose | 14:04 |
bazhang | DOOD, for what | 14:04 |
Rebas | did it | 14:04 |
DOOD | for ubuntu | 14:04 |
gry | http://codepad.org/xB003VC6 ? | 14:04 |
Rebas | restarted and it worked | 14:04 |
Rebas | thanks em | 14:04 |
DOOD | bazhang,for ubuntu | 14:05 |
bazhang | gry, some context please | 14:05 |
bazhang | DOOD, what software, from where | 14:05 |
em | Rebas: that's awesome. I'm glad I could help. | 14:05 |
DOOD | li vnc | 14:05 |
gry | http://codepad.org/xB003VC6 <-- didn't really do anything myself, mysql is misbehaving though, keeps restarting; the paste is the error log | 14:05 |
bazhang | !software | DOOD please have a read | 14:05 |
ubottu | DOOD please have a read: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 14:05 |
DOOD | bazhang,like vnc | 14:05 |
em | I'm glad I could help some people out in here. My meta-commentary not with standing. I don't feel like bazhang wants me to talk though so i'll leave for now. | 14:05 |
Rebas | after all that, i decided i didnt really like the KDE layout, so meh :P | 14:06 |
tilted | In 10.04, on the Appearance preferences, there was a tab for Visual Effects and I would select "None" on this machine. I want to do the same for 11.04 under Ubuntu Classic, but the Visual Effects option isn't there. Is there a way to turn them off? | 14:06 |
Rebas | but thanks for the help there | 14:06 |
gry | tilted, yes - just select classic (no effects) option in login screen | 14:06 |
mobodo | if I am an AMD64 installation of ubuntu, can I expect it to work fine on a new x64 host? Basically, I want to know if I can just swap the hard drive... | 14:06 |
tilted | gry, thanks I'll try it | 14:07 |
gry | ok | 14:07 |
DOOD | bazhang,sorry 4 all the trouble | 14:07 |
compdoc | mobodo, linux often works fine if you swap motherbaords | 14:07 |
gry | compdoc: :) | 14:07 |
bazhang | DOOD, no trouble. software should be installed from ubuntu software repositories (software warehouses of a sort) not 3rd party website, almost without exception | 14:08 |
DOOD | bazhang,thanks man | 14:08 |
mobodo | compdoc: alright thanks! | 14:08 |
Luxe | I need to fap -.- | 14:08 |
Rebas | lol | 14:08 |
bazhang | !manual | DOOD this may help | 14:08 |
ubottu | DOOD this may help: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/ | 14:08 |
bazhang | Luxe, stop that | 14:08 |
Rebas | win ^ | 14:09 |
bazhang | !wiki | DOOD and this as well | 14:09 |
iridium | Luxe, great time to start | 14:09 |
ubottu | DOOD and this as well: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation. | 14:09 |
gry | Nice everyday tasks list :-p | 14:09 |
Luxe | -.- | 14:10 |
bazhang | Luxe, ? | 14:10 |
Luxe | I was being honest :/ | 14:10 |
iridium | Luxe, do you crontab it? | 14:10 |
DOOD | bazhang,thanks a very very very lot | 14:10 |
mobodo | compdoc: do you know if the drives preserve their uid from one motherboard to another? | 14:10 |
Luxe | Of course. | 14:10 |
Luxe | I post it on facebook, twitter, and tumblr as well :P | 14:11 |
bazhang | !ot | Luxe iridium | 14:11 |
ubottu | Luxe iridium: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! | 14:11 |
Luxe | -.- | 14:11 |
compdoc | mobodo, I think drives preserve the uuid until you format them | 14:11 |
sk_ | somebody here? | 14:11 |
gry | yes sk_ | 14:12 |
Rebas | no :P | 14:12 |
bazhang | sk_, yes | 14:12 |
punkinhell | hey, how do i mpunt my drives automatically at bootup instead of manually doing them?????????????? | 14:12 |
rnz | em: sorry but no - "--no-install-recommends" | 14:12 |
Rebas | were all figments of your imagination, sk_ | 14:12 |
bazhang | punkinhell, in fstab | 14:12 |
mobodo | punkinhell: it's in your fstab (/etc) | 14:12 |
bazhang | !fstab | punkinhell | 14:12 |
ubottu | punkinhell: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions | 14:12 |
punkinhell | ok | 14:12 |
sk_ | do the linux in vm need display drives? | 14:13 |
bazhang | sk_, no | 14:13 |
ikonia | sk_: they use a virtual graphics card which is quite generic | 14:13 |
rnz | apt-get: how to ignore unmet packages | 14:14 |
rnz | & | 14:14 |
rnz | ? | 14:14 |
=== kaie2 is now known as kaie | ||
ikonia | rnz: that's not something you want to really do | 14:14 |
ikonia | rnz: what is failing for you ? | 14:14 |
Rebas | we need to make a !apt-get command just for rnz :P | 14:14 |
coz_ | rnz, what does the readout say exactly | 14:14 |
rnz | http://pastebin.com/dLdVp62b | 14:15 |
coz_ | rnz, ok did you try the sudo apt-get install -f command with that...yes? | 14:16 |
ikonia | rnz: I suspect you have a PPA configured that is causing a problem | 14:16 |
ikonia | !info chef-server-api | 14:16 |
ubottu | Package chef-server-api does not exist in natty | 14:16 |
DOOD | bazhag,i forgot to tell u that i had no drivers installed | 14:16 |
ikonia | rnz: what repo did you enable to install chef-server-api | 14:16 |
Pici | ikonia: I see it in Maverick/universe only. | 14:17 |
ikonia | Pici: thnaks, hence why the bot can't see it | 14:17 |
sar_ | hi everyone | 14:17 |
DOOD | bazhag, when iput the cd in it says windows or linux so which one do ichoose | 14:17 |
rnz | i know, but i need install chef-server-api without depens | 14:17 |
Ghost|BTFH | Hey sar | 14:17 |
ikonia | rnz: what repo did you enable to install chef-server-api-#maverick | 14:17 |
ikonia | rnz: oops, sorry | 14:18 |
ikonia | !info chef-server-api-##maverick | 14:18 |
ubottu | Package chef-server-api-maverick does not exist in natty | 14:18 |
ikonia | !info chef-server-api #maverick | 14:18 |
ubottu | '#maverick' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable | 14:18 |
neo21_ | is this the right room for ubuntu server related questions, too? | 14:18 |
sar_ | where can I fined xfree86 file in ubuntu | 14:18 |
duffo_ | hey | 14:18 |
Pici | neo21_: Here or #ubuntu-server | 14:18 |
nerdshell | How to shadow the password file please ? | 14:18 |
ikonia | neo21_: here or #ubuntu-server | 14:18 |
ikonia | nerdshell: it's already done by default | 14:18 |
rnz | http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Package+Installation+on+Debian+and+Ubuntu | 14:18 |
nerdshell | ikonia: sure ? | 14:18 |
duffo_ | trying to install 2.6.39 kernel on 11.04 minimal | 14:18 |
ikonia | nerdshell: %100 | 14:18 |
sar_ | i know | 14:18 |
neo21_ | ok thanks...will check ubuntu-server ;-) | 14:18 |
ikonia | duffo_: not a good idea, | 14:18 |
ikonia | duffo_: why do you ned the .39 kernel ? | 14:19 |
DOOD | bazhang,i forgot to tell u that i had no drivers installed | 14:19 |
nerdshell | ikonia: thanks ;), what does it do exactly, I mean, what's the use of it ? | 14:19 |
old | i do. | 14:19 |
sar_ | because i want to modfy the file | 14:19 |
duffo_ | it supports vaapi on my motherboard | 14:19 |
DOOD | bazhang, when iput the cd in it says windows or linux so which one do ichoose | 14:19 |
Pici | !who | 14:19 |
ubottu | As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:19 |
ikonia | nerdshell: security | 14:19 |
bazhang | DOOD, whats the cd | 14:19 |
=== FiresOut is now known as o0oScoRcHo0o | ||
nerdshell | ikonia: yeah, I guess, could you give more details please ? | 14:20 |
DOOD | bazhang, what do u mean | 14:20 |
duffo_ | anyways im getting package not found | 14:20 |
compdoc | ubottu, marry me | 14:20 |
martian | I'm trying to remove all the packages that were brought in via the ubuntu-desktop meta package, but removing it (and I've tried removing xserver-xorg as well) still won't get apt to remove all GUI stuff from this install. Is there another way? | 14:20 |
bazhang | DOOD, when you put in the cd <--- what cd | 14:20 |
Rebas | lol compdoc | 14:20 |
ikonia | nerdshell: plenty on the internet, if you've done enough research to want to enable it (even though it's enabled) you should know what it does before wanting to enable it | 14:20 |
duffo_ | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa | 14:20 |
duffo_ | works | 14:20 |
DOOD | bazhang, wireless network stick driver cd | 14:21 |
olds | are you like work | 14:21 |
bazhang | DOOD, then you are not following the ubuntuforums link I gave you | 14:21 |
duffo_ | E: Kunde inte hitta paketet linux-headers-2.6.39-0 | 14:21 |
duffo_ | E: Kunde inte hitta något paket enligt reguljära uttrycket "linux-headers-2.6.39-0" | 14:21 |
gry | olds: excuse me? | 14:22 |
duffo_ | when i do : sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.39-0 linux-headers-2.6.39-0-generic linux-image-2.6.39-0-generic --fix-missing | 14:22 |
bazhang | olds, ubuntu support issue? | 14:22 |
DOOD | bazhang,i have just read through them all and i realized that they had the drivers installed | 14:22 |
Rebas | interesting entrance there, olds | 14:22 |
pietr101 | hey, is it possible to run ubuntu from SD card? | 14:23 |
olds | yes | 14:23 |
rnz | people - so, how about - apt-get install package without all depens? | 14:23 |
DOOD | bazhang, i have just read through them all and i realized that they had the drivers installed | 14:23 |
Rebas | if nthe storagr is big enough, it should do, pietr101 | 14:23 |
bazhang | DOOD, so you are set, great | 14:23 |
Rebas | wow, typing fails | 14:24 |
coz_ | rnz, not sure why you want to install this wihtout it's dependencies! even that link you showed suggests with depends | 14:24 |
bazhang | pietr101, yes but slower obviously | 14:24 |
pietr101 | Rabas: what kind of SD card do you recommend? | 14:24 |
olds | learning english | 14:24 |
pietr101 | i need to do it this way, because i don't have enough sata ports for raid and distro | 14:25 |
DOOD | bazhang,they have the drivers installed but i dont | 14:25 |
Rebas | uhm, one with the minimum requirements to run from USB, i believe 2gb space. pietr101 | 14:25 |
coz_ | rnz, however,, if you want to try ##linux channel ,, maybe they have a suggestion | 14:25 |
Rebas | otherwise, no idea | 14:25 |
DOOD | bazhang, they have the drivers installed but i dont | 14:25 |
DOOD | # | 14:25 |
DOOD | ]# | 14:26 |
pietr101 | Rabas: ok, thank you | 14:26 |
bazhang | DOOD, no idea what you mean. there is no CD in the guide I gave you. since you are not following it, I cannot help you further | 14:26 |
DOOD | bazhang, they have already installed the drivers | 14:27 |
Rebas | pietr101: ive seen people have ubuntu installed on USB drives, but never done it myself. bu id imagine having a largeish storage is the only requirment. and that the computer can boot from USB (then have the SD card in a USB reader) | 14:28 |
DOOD | bazhang, and by the way i have to reboot and select ubuntu | 14:28 |
ikonia | DOOD: could you try to clarify your issue a little better | 14:28 |
Loreley | Hello! After leaving my notebook for a few minutes, it got black and I could not restart the monitor. No pressing the power key or the mouse buttons or on the keyboard could help. That is why I had to make a Hardreset. This has now happened a few times and I would like to ask for help concerning this issue. Maybe one can have a look at my /var/log/dmesg.0 and the .xsession-errors.old? The problem happend before my last boot. I do not under | 14:29 |
Loreley | stand these logfiles :( Thank you very much http://pastebin.com/Msnq5WvK http://pastebin.com/Dc6wGxrG | 14:29 |
DOOD | bazhang, bye 4 now | 14:29 |
Syniq | Does anyone in here know how to get 11.04 to boot on an i3 iMac? :/ | 14:29 |
em | DOOD - please no meta-comments. | 14:30 |
pietr101 | Rabas: hmm, I wonder how slower it would run | 14:30 |
Syniq | em: Bit late. He already quit. | 14:31 |
em | Syniq: thank you, but please no meta-comments from you either. | 14:31 |
rnz | coz_ thanks... will seek further... | 14:31 |
gluesniffmonkey | I had a powercut and my computer is now frozen on "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" | 14:31 |
tsimpson | em: please stop | 14:31 |
gluesniffmonkey | How do I get to a terminal? | 14:31 |
ikonia | em: ok - enough now | 14:32 |
Syniq | em: Having a bad day? | 14:32 |
pietr101 | Rabas: actually mdadm (my software RAID) work with partitions too. That kinda solves my probem :D | 14:32 |
Rebas | pietr101: that would depend on the transfer rate of the SD card. higher end card would have better rates, and therefore be faster | 14:32 |
coz_ | gluesniffmonkey, try alt+F2 type in gnome-terminal | 14:32 |
ikonia | Syniq: drop it - it all stops now, | 14:32 |
bazhang | gluesniffmonkey, ctrl alt t | 14:32 |
Syniq | ikonia: "Please"? | 14:32 |
gluesniffmonkey | coz_, need to be logged in for that | 14:33 |
sfdsg | hi, i tried with ntfs and still cant transfer files successfully | 14:33 |
Rebas | cool command coz_ | 14:33 |
sfdsg | it says Operation not supported | 14:33 |
Syniq | Considering I just joined, and have apparently walked into an on-going rant. | 14:33 |
Rebas | ill remember that one | 14:33 |
sfdsg | can somebody help? | 14:33 |
gluesniffmonkey | bazhang, not working | 14:33 |
bazhang | gluesniffmonkey, please give some context | 14:33 |
ikonia | Syniq: it doesn't help to fuel it - it stops now | 14:33 |
Rebas | bazhang: <gluesniffmonkey> I had a powercut and my computer is now frozen on "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" | 14:33 |
bazhang | Rebas, thanks | 14:33 |
Syniq | Anyway. | 14:34 |
gluesniffmonkey | When booting up it freezes at this point | 14:34 |
Rebas | dunno, but that seems like context :P | 14:34 |
gluesniffmonkey | has to do with Nvidia | 14:34 |
Soothsayer | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 14:34 |
Syniq | Anyone tried running 11.04 on an iMac and got a blank screen? | 14:34 |
Soothsayer | why is this happening? | 14:34 |
bazhang | gluesniffmonkey, so install the nvidia drivers yet? | 14:34 |
coz_ | Soothsayer, is synaptic opened? | 14:34 |
bazhang | Soothsayer, another instance of apt | 14:34 |
ikonia | Syniq: when you said i3 earlier did you mean the intel i3 chip, or the mac generation 3 PPC ? | 14:34 |
Syniq | ikonia: Intel i3, sorry. | 14:35 |
ikonia | Syniq: is it the model with the ATI card ? (I suspect it's the old ati bug) | 14:35 |
Rebas | gluesniffmonkey: is this a builtin graphics adapter? (ie on monterboard) or a plug in one ( like in the PCI slot) ? if its built PCI, try disabling it in the bios, and put the cable on the inbuilt one | 14:35 |
Syniq | ikonia: I think it's 32-bit, but both the 32- and 64-bit LiveCDs do the same thing. | 14:36 |
gluesniffmonkey | on an iMac | 14:36 |
Rebas | ah :P | 14:36 |
ikonia | Syniq: no, I mean what model video card is it, I suspect it's an ATI | 14:36 |
LjL | Syniq, no clue about macintoshes, but i don't think it's supposed to require more than inserting the cd and installing | 14:36 |
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Syniq | ikonia: Hmm... Possibly. I'm not actually sure. Its OS was royally buggered, so I've got no ieda what's in it beyond the processor. | 14:36 |
LjL | Syniq: oh sorry i was scrolled up, missed the blank screen thing | 14:36 |
ikonia | LjL: there is a model with the ati card in which falls into the ati black screen trap | 14:36 |
Syniq | ikonia: Yes, I was in the middle of typing that when you responded. ;) | 14:36 |
ikonia | Syniq: what size is it, 15'' or 17'' | 14:36 |
Syniq | 21". :p It's an iMac, not a MacBook Pro. | 14:37 |
ikonia | oops, sorry | 14:37 |
ikonia | Syniq: let me see if I can find the models with the ati's | 14:37 |
Syniq | No worries. :) | 14:37 |
Rebas | gluesniffmonkey: sorry, im not at all familiar with any apple models, so i cant really help more on that | 14:37 |
ikonia | Syniq: it's worth trying to install it from the alternative CD which doesn't use a full on desktop gui for the intstaller | 14:37 |
ikonia | Syniq: it's easier to fix on an intalled system, than a livecd | 14:38 |
Syniq | ikonia: I can imagine... | 14:38 |
gluesniffmonkey | It used to be ctl alt backspace | 14:38 |
ikonia | Syniq: is it possible to try installing with the alternative cd ? | 14:38 |
Syniq | If I can find it, yes. | 14:38 |
Syniq | I've got about 5 blank CDRs left. :p | 14:39 |
Rebas | ^^ | 14:39 |
Syniq | Used three already - 64- and 32-bit, and one duff. :p | 14:39 |
cnf | how do I get a new ubuntu install to install the exact same package versions as my server? | 14:39 |
Rebas | cnf: what version is the server? | 14:40 |
cnf | Rebas: Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS | 14:40 |
gr4viton | zdarec | 14:41 |
CarlFK | cnf: I am guessing your server isn't up to date? | 14:41 |
cnf | and it only gets security updates applied | 14:41 |
gr4viton | i mean hi | 14:41 |
Loreley | Hello! After leaving my notebook for a few minutes, it got black and I could not restart the monitor. No pressing the power key or the mouse buttons or on the keyboard could help. That is why I had to make a Hardreset. This has now happened a few times and I would like to ask for help concerning this issue. Maybe one can have a look at my /var/log/dmesg.0 and the .xsession-errors.old? The problem happend before my last boot. I do not under | 14:41 |
Loreley | stand these logfiles :( Thank you very much http://pastebin.com/Msnq5WvK http://pastebin.com/Dc6wGxrG | 14:41 |
cnf | CarlFK: it's probably not far off atm, but it will run out of date. i'm looking for a way to keep dev environments in sync with the server | 14:41 |
phaidros | hi, am having troubles (since ages) with my intel on board graphics card, (thinkpad x60s, Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller, Ubuntu 11.04), glxinfo says direct rendering is enabled, but no hardware acceleration available o.O | 14:42 |
Rebas | all i could suggest is installing Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS Server edition, if there is one, cnf | 14:42 |
Rebas | only looked in passing when i got 10.04 for my laptop | 14:42 |
Syniq | Aha | 14:42 |
cnf | CarlFK: specifically versions for apache,php and mysql ^^; | 14:42 |
Syniq | ikonia: If I add radeon.modeset=0 nomodeset to the default boot options, it works. | 14:42 |
Syniq | Although that splash screen is really ugly. | 14:42 |
CarlFK | cnf: gotcha. not as bad as I thought - I was affraid you were trying to track down a bug that goes away if you update. | 14:43 |
ikonia | Syniq: that ties in with the ati bug | 14:43 |
torturedsoul | hi | 14:43 |
Syniq | ikonia: Yeah, so it is a horrible mutant machine after all. | 14:43 |
Rebas | lol | 14:43 |
Syniq | I hate ATI hardware. It's all rubbish. | 14:43 |
torturedsoul | any1 know the correct way to boot ubuntu from usb? | 14:43 |
cnf | CarlFK: nono, nothing like that ^^; | 14:43 |
CarlFK | cnf: I guess you can install from cd and apply security updates. | 14:43 |
ikonia | Syniq: easy to fix post install, so hang in | 14:43 |
Rebas | welcome to mac, Syniq? | 14:43 |
Rebas | :P | 14:43 |
torturedsoul | i've tried several times to boot new ubuntu but fail | 14:43 |
Syniq | Rebas: Real Macs have nVIDIA, kthx. | 14:43 |
Syniq | This one's obviously a cheapy one. | 14:43 |
ikonia | Syniq: the higherend ones come with ati | 14:44 |
Rebas | :P | 14:44 |
cnf | CarlFK: is there no way to tell apt to install specific versions in a config file? | 14:44 |
Syniq | ikonia: Lies. | 14:44 |
SuiZiD | hi | 14:44 |
gr4viton | I need to kick a little.. i just read some regex tutors.. but if I for example need to use it with the mkdir, what's the syntax? I mean how to spell $ mkdir "/dir [0-9]/" | 14:44 |
torturedsoul | need bootable ubuntu usb stick | 14:44 |
Rebas | truths :P | 14:44 |
Syniq | The Mac Pros we have upstairs are all nVIDIA. | 14:44 |
torturedsoul | i got a 4gb sandisk and the new ubuntu iso | 14:44 |
Rebas | toturedsoul: on the ubuntu websiet, you can download Ubuntu for USB | 14:44 |
Slart | torturedsoul: I've done it a couple of times.. I used the wizard-thing on ubuntu.com and just inserted the usb stick, rebooted and used the "select which boot device to boot from" menu from the bios | 14:44 |
phaidros | cnf: dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections might help, if I understood your question correctly | 14:44 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, you can also try unetbootin | 14:45 |
torturedsoul | rebas i did download the iso from the website | 14:45 |
Rebas | make sure you bios can boot from removable devices | 14:45 |
Syniq | Oh, FFS. It went black after the splash screen this time. :( | 14:45 |
CarlFK | cnf: i think you can tell apt to pin a version, but I have no idea how to get all the versions installed on the server. sounds like lots of work. ( | 14:45 |
torturedsoul | it can | 14:45 |
cnf | phaidros: lemme read up on that | 14:45 |
Syniq | Right, yet another LiveCD download to do | 14:45 |
torturedsoul | i tried pendrivelinux | 14:45 |
CarlFK | cnf: but I have never dug into it - I just update everything and hope for the best :) | 14:45 |
torturedsoul | didnt work | 14:45 |
Rebas | theres an .exe wizard to install on the ubuntu webstite, torturedsoul | 14:45 |
torturedsoul | then i tried flashboot | 14:45 |
cnf | last time i did this it was with portage, which lets you specify exact version numbers in a config file | 14:45 |
phaidros | cnf: you are interested in specific version? try debtrack, it can create so called package snapshots, I believe including versions, but never used my self yet, tho .. | 14:45 |
Rebas | from there you can configure the USB | 14:45 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, try unetbootin install it | 14:45 |
CarlFK | cnf: just run trunk everything, then you know for sure the results: ka-boom! | 14:46 |
torturedsoul | ok | 14:46 |
cnf | phaidros: also looking into that | 14:46 |
torturedsoul | unetbootin from website | 14:46 |
shomon | hi, on the newest ubuntu, the window manager sometimes dies. So all the window decorations and buttons go... How do you restart it? | 14:46 |
phaidros | any hints on 11.04 and intel graphix with no accel? | 14:46 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, from repository | 14:46 |
shomon | apart from logging out and then back in | 14:46 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, sudo apt-get install unetbootin | 14:46 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, also there is the minimal install cd | 14:46 |
torturedsoul | im not running linux now | 14:46 |
torturedsoul | im on windows | 14:46 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, oh,,, try the mini cd its only 19 megs,, but is NOT alive cd | 14:46 |
new-b | can anybody help, using xubuntu natty, cannot get to desktop with my 1st user account; correct password etc., logged in but somehow sent automatically back to the login screen right away after short blackscreen which look so much like the one after i logout after session; this is my emergency created account; with my 1st i can however get to terminal using ctrl+alt f2 and login from there and do other commands, just no desktop, hints anyone? | 14:47 |
Rebas | which version of ubuntu is it, toturedsoul? | 14:47 |
torturedsoul | do u think i can make it bootable | 14:47 |
cnf | hmm, maybe i need to write a script that does 'apt-get install apache=<version>' | 14:47 |
torturedsoul | newest one | 14:47 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, I believe so https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 14:47 |
brainwave | shomon, its possible | 14:47 |
brainwave | shomon, just let me check, one minute | 14:47 |
Rebas | 11.04? right? | 14:47 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, I know actionparsnip did with unetbootin but I wasnt able to | 14:47 |
Pici | !who | Rebas | 14:47 |
ubottu | Rebas: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 14:47 |
DMKitsch | anybody mind talking through how to set up AWstat, I have no file to load in my WWW directory? | 14:48 |
shomon | thanks brainwave ! | 14:48 |
Rebas | i am pici ;) | 14:48 |
brainwave | sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop; startx | 14:48 |
brainwave | try that | 14:48 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download | 14:48 |
torturedsoul | minimal cd sounds good | 14:48 |
Rebas | it says there about USB installs | 14:48 |
brainwave | shomon, and give me some more time to look for a better solution | 14:48 |
torturedsoul | i just need to use dd to do hdd backups | 14:48 |
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torturedsoul | so minimal install should have all i need | 14:48 |
martian | Is there a commandline version of the tool that will select the fastest ubuntu repo? | 14:49 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, I always suggest it actually,, the only thing to remember is at one point a list of of what you can install shows up,, use the arrows to scroll and the "Space" bar to tick a box | 14:49 |
spectacular | does anybody know what to do about xrandr giving an error of "failed to get size of gamma"? I have a 1280x800 screen but xrandr is only letting me set it to 1024x768, which, obviously, is a waste, and looks rather ugly | 14:49 |
DMKitsch | anybody able to help? | 14:49 |
shomon | :) okay, sure! | 14:49 |
brainwave | shomon, did you try that? | 14:49 |
Rebas | spectacular: are the drivers for your video card up to date? | 14:49 |
torturedsoul | any tips on how to get the mini.iso to boot? | 14:49 |
gertidon | hi all | 14:50 |
martian | DMKitsch: Have you taken a look at this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AWStats | 14:50 |
shomon | brainwave, doesn't that log out of everything? | 14:50 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, well,, I have done it on external HD or cd,, however I have not been successful using unetbootin,., which cd burnning utility are you using on windows? | 14:50 |
shomon | I'm a bit scared of running startx from within X!.. | 14:50 |
brainwave | well it does, not logout of everything, just the window manager | 14:50 |
shomon | I mean, doesn't that close all your open applications? | 14:50 |
brainwave | ok | 14:50 |
brainwave | i | 14:50 |
brainwave | i'll try that | 14:50 |
beef-supreme | heeeelp | 14:50 |
brainwave | wait | 14:51 |
spectacular | Rebas, not sure how to check that. | 14:51 |
FloodBot1 | brainwave: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:51 |
torturedsoul | well i have pendrive linux or Flashboot | 14:51 |
beef-supreme | i get FATAL: Module snd_seq_oss not found. | 14:51 |
torturedsoul | flashboot can install grud4 or syslinux on it | 14:51 |
gertidon | is there a command line tool like "tree|more" but with the possibility to up dans down line by line, select the line and open the file in vim ? (something like "vim ." | 14:51 |
DMKitsch | martian, yes i did, however i have no link in my WWW to goto it | 14:51 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, I get that error too when typing "modprobe snd_seq_oss", that is normal | 14:51 |
shomon | gertidon, maybe mc? | 14:52 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, how can i get it working? | 14:52 |
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coz_ | torturedsoul, are you on windows 7? | 14:52 |
cnf | hmm, there must be a way to config this | 14:52 |
Rebas | spectacular: I would suggest the graphic card manufacturers website, and get the latest, it sounds like thats the problem to me. | 14:52 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, looks like you are using an old tutorial. What are exactly trying to do? | 14:52 |
torturedsoul | yes | 14:52 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, install tuxguitar | 14:53 |
phaidros | cnf: read up on apt pinnning and /etc/apt/preferences .. | 14:53 |
phaidros | debtrack didnt help? | 14:53 |
MoL0ToV | hi to all. I have problem with mdadm. in /dev i cannot find sda1,sda2,sda3, etc... someone can help me? | 14:53 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, installing it or using it? | 14:53 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, I believe if you just right click the iso and choose burn disc image not sure which or any other options are available for that with right click | 14:53 |
cnf | phaidros: as i understood pinning, i pin to a repository? | 14:53 |
beef-supreme | install then use | 14:53 |
martian | DMKitsch: the 'Alias' directive that it tells you to put in your virtual host apache2 config should tell apache that yoursite.com/awstats is an alias for /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ | 14:53 |
torturedsoul | coz: if i wanted to make a dvd then yes | 14:53 |
torturedsoul | but i want put it on usb | 14:53 |
martian | DMKitsch: did you restart apache? | 14:53 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, or download infra recorder http://infrarecorder.org/ | 14:54 |
phaidros | cnf: yes, but afaik you can fix certain versions as well | 14:54 |
cnf | hmm | 14:54 |
torturedsoul | i hate dvd's they always get scratched or lost with me | 14:54 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, if i start it i get /dev/sequencer: No such file or directory | 14:54 |
DMKitsch | <martian> no | 14:54 |
DMKitsch | one second | 14:54 |
coz_ | torturedsoul, try that infra recorder ,, i have not used it but it may have options that the windows 7 buring uitlity does not | 14:54 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ | 14:54 |
torturedsoul | im using that rebas | 14:55 |
torturedsoul | didnt work | 14:55 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, I get the same error, its irrelevant. Could it be, that tuxguitar is working properly but you just don't get sound? | 14:55 |
spectacular | Rebas, i don't think they have a driver for linux | 14:55 |
torturedsoul | i even let it download the iso for me | 14:55 |
torturedsoul | select ubuntu from list | 14:55 |
crooksey | If ive got a laptop running 1200x800, can i tell it to run at 1600x1050 when I connect it to a monitor? | 14:55 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: try getting 10.04 LTS and using that instead | 14:55 |
torturedsoul | ok | 14:55 |
Rebas | its what i used, and it works a charm | 14:56 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, well, the whole point of tuxguitar is to get sound, otherwise it's useless, every once in a while instalation succeds and i get working sound but i don't know why it wont work now | 14:56 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, i'm pretty sure it has something to do with the missing modules | 14:56 |
gertidon | shomon: thanks, interesting. | 14:56 |
phaidros | cnf: I dont get your problem, your cloned system should get the same package versions than your server? | 14:56 |
Rebas | Spectacular: who is the manufacturer? and what version of ubuntu do you use? | 14:56 |
DMKitsch | martian do i have a problem then as i do not have a URL at the moment | 14:56 |
brainwave | shomon, it doesnt work, true. But logging out and relogging in is the fastest way there is. I first thought u had to restart, but u only said re-login. So, that is the way out | 14:56 |
torturedsoul | hmmm or might ubuntu server 10.04 be better | 14:56 |
shomon | yw gertidon - a relic from the 80s! | 14:57 |
brainwave | If it happens many times, probably you might try zeroing in on the cause of the buttons dying out | 14:57 |
torturedsoul | i dont need gui anyway | 14:57 |
phaidros | cnf: so do dpkg get-selections on the server into a file and then do on the clone a dpkg set-selection from that copied file. so you have a clone .. | 14:57 |
shomon | nah, not when you're in the middle of developing stuff and you have 20+ windows and terms open, brainwave | 14:57 |
cnf | phaidros: if the server has not been updated for a while. how will a new dev install get the same version? | 14:57 |
anonymous | anonymous2 | 14:57 |
martian | DMKitsch: you should check your apache log by opening a new terminal and typing: tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.log | 14:57 |
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phaidros | cnf: ah well, dpkg might not be aware of versions. hm, so use debtrack to make a snapshot | 14:57 |
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martian | DMKitsch: then restart apache from another terminal, and you'll see if there are any errors. | 14:58 |
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spectacular | Rebas, i'm using ubuntu 11.whatever. And apparently it's a Sis Mirage | 14:58 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, I dont think so, that issue is usual and also happens to me on every new computer. Start tuxguitar, go in the tuxguitar settings and tell me your settings under "Sound" | 14:58 |
phaidros | cnf: or write all package versions in /etc/apt/preferences | 14:58 |
cnf | yeah, i googled debtrack. all i get is software to managed debt ^^; | 14:58 |
Rebas | toruredsoul: as long as your USB has anough space, either one should work | 14:58 |
cnf | phaidros: well, i only need apache, php, mysql etc | 14:58 |
cnf | the rest i do not much care about | 14:58 |
netspy | want to access my router's serial port using putty client on natty | 14:58 |
cnf | so looking at prefernces, and how to note the versions | 14:58 |
phaidros | cnf: etc means all libs, that might not ne fun doing it by hand | 14:58 |
spectacular | Rebas, VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10) | 14:58 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, tuxguitar sequencer (should have real sequencer in there), midi through port (should have java sequencer in there) | 14:59 |
cnf | phaidros: i'm assuming apt is smart enough to know what lib versions to install if i tell it what apache version i want? | 14:59 |
Rebas | spectacular: it could be that ubuntu 11.04 dosent have a driver for it yet, as its quite new | 14:59 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, "should have"? you are confusing me | 14:59 |
spectacular | Rebas, what would you suggest? | 15:00 |
routh | I am attempting to compile a .deb from source; however the dh_make reruns the ./configure script for the package when it's run. By doing so it removes a required 'options.h' file, causing the make process to fail. Is there a way to tell dh_make to skip the ./configure step, or tell it to run 'make update' before running make install? | 15:00 |
landingonwater | trouble setting up user on proftpd. Is there some guide for idiots ? | 15:00 |
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phaidros | cnf: hope so, if not it will try to solve the deps until it fits somehow and lets you choose :) | 15:00 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, when tuxguitar works, those options are available, the java sound sequencer is included in the installation files, if i run the exact same binaries in puppy linux the real time and java options are available | 15:00 |
brainwave | @all:any place to see which datatype is defined in what way in gtk? a gtk- all terms dictionary sort of | 15:00 |
Rebas | spectacular: if possible, try another graphics card if you have one, downgrade to 10.04 LTS. or google is your friend | 15:01 |
DMKitsch | martain i seem to be getting no where so bye | 15:01 |
Rebas | either one ^^ | 15:01 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, so you can't even start tuxguitar? | 15:01 |
torturedsoul | is there some known issue with the 11.04 on usb... hence the recomendation to try older version? | 15:01 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, i can, but the sound doesn't work | 15:01 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: 10.04 has been out for longer, its possible the usb installer cannot move 11.04 just yet | 15:02 |
Incarus6_ | torturedsoul, the live-usb version is working fine | 15:02 |
landingonwater | so.. when creating a ftp user, first I create the linux user and set homedir at the same time. But how to turn that into an FTP account ?? | 15:03 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, so "tuxguitar-jsa" is installed? Under Midi Port I got the option "Gervill" (I think thats the java thing) which is working fine | 15:03 |
beef-supreme | gervill is not java sound sequencer | 15:03 |
torturedsoul | my usb is a sandisk | 15:04 |
jasonlfunk | Does anyone know where I can get a package to install Apache 2.0? | 15:04 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, and i don't even have gervil on my installation | 15:04 |
Pici | jasonlfunk: The package name is apache2 oddly enough | 15:05 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, so? I don't have any package called Gervill too, but it is working | 15:05 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, i found gervil but if i run it i get error "midi system unavailable" | 15:05 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, javax.sound.midi.MidiUnavailableException: Can not open line | 15:06 |
jasonlfunk | Pici: That is for apache 2.2... I want apache 2.0 | 15:06 |
rxgod | good morning | 15:06 |
Pici | jasonlfunk: Why would you want apache 2.0 instead of 2.2? | 15:06 |
rxgod | Can someone point me toward info on recovery from a failed Natty upgrade? | 15:06 |
jasonlfunk | Pici: In order to test a module that I wrote. | 15:07 |
Milossh | hello | 15:08 |
em | rxgod: try Downloading a Natty ISO image and make a bottable CD (or USB). Boot on it and select "Upgrade". The system files will be updated and the user files will be untouched. | 15:09 |
Milossh | I remember that I had a lot of problems installing ubuntu when downloaded from some mirror | 15:09 |
Milossh | but can't really remember which | 15:09 |
Milossh | does anyone remember anything about it? | 15:09 |
rxgod | ...and what other data loss will take place? | 15:09 |
em | rxgod: s/bottable/bootable/ | 15:09 |
abhijit | how to cross check md5 checksum of any iso from ubuntu? | 15:09 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, what tuxguitar version are you using? would it be an option to you to run tuxguitar over wine? | 15:10 |
em | rxgod: I don't know. | 15:10 |
rxgod | I was in the middle of the dist-upgrade and the box locked up. One hard reboot later and ...well, it' gimped | 15:10 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, i would rather not do that, in the past i've used timidity every once in a while but that lacks a lot of instruments | 15:10 |
em | rxgod: see if this seems related to your issue -- https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+question/155999 | 15:11 |
Pici | jasonlfunk: I don't see that we ship apache2.0 at all. You might want to ask in #ubuntu-server if anyone has a better idea though. | 15:11 |
em | rxgod: to me that sounds pretty similar. If you can make a backup of any of your files first that would be ideal and then try that. | 15:11 |
jasonlfunk | Pici: okay, thanks. | 15:12 |
rxgod | Thanks for the link. What I have is a buttload of broken dependencies and such. | 15:12 |
escott | rxgod, you could try to boot the livecd, then chroot inside and continue the upgrade | 15:13 |
mobodo | my ubuntu loads into busybox, when I type "exit" it then boots fine after displaying a whole bunch of ata2 errors and exceptions - should I be worried? | 15:13 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, whats about: http://community.tuxguitar.com.ar/tuxguitar-live/ | 15:13 |
ikonia | rxgod: if you have broken deps - it's more likley you have external repos causing conflicts, do you have any external repos enabled or ppas ? | 15:13 |
rxgod | I was searching for possible dpkg, apt-get, or aptitude info to solve the problem...unless you think otherwise. | 15:13 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, tried it, it doesn't do anything, it just downloads a jnlp(?) file | 15:14 |
Incarus6_ | rxgod, is it solved yet? | 15:14 |
PythonSnake | Hi | 15:14 |
rxgod | The deps are for core packages (xorg-video-*, eg) | 15:14 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, you need to have java enabled for that | 15:14 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, hi | 15:14 |
PythonSnake | Who was I talking with ? | 15:14 |
beef-supreme | Incarus6_, how is java not enabled? | 15:14 |
Incarus6_ | beef-supreme, do you use firefox? | 15:14 |
rxgod | Incarus, no..still formulating a strategy | 15:14 |
torturedsoul | i've managed to get miniuntuntu on the usb stick, when i restart the computer with usb in, a screen appears asking me to install ubuntu | 15:15 |
torturedsoul | BUT | 15:15 |
torturedsoul | will this install it on my hdd? or on the usb | 15:15 |
torturedsoul | i can't have it whipe my hdd | 15:15 |
ikonia | rxgod: do you have any external repos / ppas on your system ? | 15:15 |
Incarus6_ | rxgod, so it haven't upgraded any packages, the upgrade is failing due to the failed dependency check? | 15:15 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: if you choose install, you can have it install side by side, and not wipe the hard drive | 15:16 |
Rebas | you then have both linux and windows | 15:16 |
torturedsoul | can't i just install it on the usb, its 4gb i think its enough space | 15:16 |
PythonSnake | How to uninstall Unity for KDE ? | 15:16 |
coco | can anyone help me to configure Ubuntu to enable copy and paste using ctl c and ctl v? | 15:16 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: not from the same usb | 15:16 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, kde4 does not have unity | 15:16 |
torturedsoul | ok | 15:16 |
Rebas | youd need a CD, btto from that, and install onto the USB | 15:16 |
ikonia | coco: X doesn't work like that, use hilight and middle mouse button | 15:17 |
Rebas | boot* | 15:17 |
torturedsoul | or a 2nd usb stick | 15:17 |
Rebas | indeed | 15:17 |
jimmy51_ | i've installed ntp (apt-get install ntp) but running ntpdate says no servers can be used. is this a firewall problem? | 15:17 |
PythonSnake | bazhang: I meant uninstall Unity and all its programs for KDE | 15:17 |
morth | coco i agree with ikonia. | 15:17 |
rxgod | Incarus: Natty upgrade was 90% finished downloading, machine locked up needing a hard reboot. | 15:17 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: what servers are you trying to hit ? | 15:17 |
torturedsoul | ok i was just worried to continue going further with installation incase it didnt let me select where i want it installed | 15:17 |
bazhang | !purekde | PythonSnake this is the link | 15:17 |
ubottu | PythonSnake this is the link: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE » | 15:17 |
pythos | what is avahi supposed to be doing, actually? | 15:17 |
PythonSnake | thanks | 15:17 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: i left all the default ubuntu ones in there. i added my active directory domain controller to the top | 15:17 |
PythonSnake | but | 15:17 |
PythonSnake | not gnome unity | 15:18 |
escott | torturedsoul, and rather than install you may want to use the startup disk creator | 15:18 |
PythonSnake | not gnome but unity* | 15:18 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: what country are you in ? | 15:18 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, you dont. | 15:18 |
Rebas | torturedsoul: however installing onto the HDD wont cause any damage or dataloss, aslong as you choose to install "side by side" | 15:18 |
PythonSnake | ? | 15:18 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: United States of America | 15:18 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, ubuntu has unity. you dont remove it | 15:18 |
Incarus6_ | rxgod, ikonia, that wasn't a dependency error. rxgod, try "sudo dpkg --configure -a" | 15:18 |
coco | IKonia: what you mean by using the middle mouse button? | 15:18 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: ok - this won't cause a problem, it's just a test. do don't worry | 15:18 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, if you want to remove gnome, that is the link | 15:19 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: ntpdate 0.uk.pool.ntp.org | 15:19 |
rxgod | Hmm. OK. doing that now | 15:19 |
bil21al | is file manager,dash and launchpad options are present in ubuntu classic????? if so than how could i find them??? | 15:19 |
PythonSnake | bazhang: How to remove unity | 15:19 |
Incarus6_ | rxgod, is the command returning an output? | 15:19 |
kubanc | does anyone have any tutorial how to set printing from virtualbox Windows OS to ubuntu via network? | 15:19 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: what happens with that (it will change your clock) | 15:19 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: without sudo, permission denied. with sudo, the NTP socket is in use, exiting. | 15:19 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: cool, | 15:19 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: so that means it's not running due to ntp is already running | 15:20 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, I just told you, its part of gnome, you dont remove it. choose classic in ubuntu if you dont like or choose kde4 | 15:20 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: ntpdate uses the same socket as ntp | 15:20 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: stop ntpd and then test it | 15:20 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: ah, i thought they were the same thing. | 15:20 |
Rebas | kubanc: in the windows virtual machine, start->printer and faxes->add printer" and browse for a network printer | 15:20 |
morth | --butonbar 0 | 15:20 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: they are, but they are 2 seperate programs, one is a daemon that runs in the background, one is a command to do a date sync "now" | 15:20 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: you can't use both at the same time | 15:20 |
PythonSnake | bazhang ok thanks for the help | 15:20 |
coco | morth: u agree with ikonia to use the middle mouse button and that ctl c an v do not work right? | 15:20 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: make sense ? | 15:20 |
kubanc | Rebas, if only it would be so simple, but it cannot find any printer... | 15:21 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: ok, after stopping the daemon the command worked. yeah, makes sense. | 15:21 |
coco | Ikoni and Morth: my mouse is attached to my computer | 15:21 |
Rebas | kubanc: make sure the virtual machine is on the same workgroup as the network printer | 15:21 |
morth | coco: yes, just hilight what you need and use your middle mouse button, if you think about it thats 1 shortcut faster. | 15:21 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: ok, so now you know it can sync, you can have cofidence ntp works you just need to hit valid servers | 15:21 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: so... theoretically my time was already sync'd by the daemon then. | 15:21 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: quite probable, yes | 15:21 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: oh yeah, that's right. better prove out my servers. | 15:21 |
morth | coco: rather than hilight CTRL+C then CTRL+V your just doing hilight MOUSE button. | 15:22 |
coco | morth: I don't have a middle mouse button though | 15:22 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: when you start ntpd if you look in the syslog you should see it hit the servers then adjust with offet -349875945.234 or something like that | 15:22 |
Rebas | kubanc: and the virtal machine can connect to the web. most virtual machines can use the linux network adaptor, see if thats also the issue | 15:22 |
escott | coco, use both left and right buttons at the same time | 15:22 |
bil21al | is filemanager,dash,and launchpad options are present in ubuntu classic??? if so than any body tell me where are they present??? | 15:22 |
morth | coco: darn no idea then sorry. | 15:22 |
escott | coco, if that doesn't work you can enable 3-button emulation in the mouse preferences | 15:23 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: ok. thanks for the help! | 15:23 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: using ntpdate is a simple way to validate the time servers though | 15:23 |
coco | escott: the left and right button worked thanks | 15:24 |
coco | btw does anyone here use python? | 15:24 |
kubanc | Rebas, my workroup in widnows is named WORKGROUP, so now i need to add printers in ubuntu to WORKGROUP folder (system-config-printer)? | 15:24 |
TrevInc | I do. | 15:24 |
TrevInc | coco: what's your question? | 15:25 |
edbian | coco: yes | 15:25 |
N3rd | t | 15:25 |
Pici | jimmy51_, ikonia: ntpq -p is handy for checking how well and where you are syncing to. | 15:25 |
PythonSnake | what is gedit for kubuntu ? | 15:25 |
spectacular | PythonSnake, Rebas, FYI: I found the solution here: http://hellbunker.blogspot.com I had to tinker with his script a bit, because it was a little bit broken (missing a hyphen here, extra character there), but by looking at it and following the steps, i got it working. thanks for your help! | 15:25 |
PythonSnake | kedit ? | 15:25 |
bazhang | PythonSnake, kate perhaps | 15:25 |
PythonSnake | ok | 15:25 |
edbian | PythonSnake: kwrite is another more complicated one | 15:25 |
coco | Well, I though that ubuntntu made it easy to intall GASP for python but I am having problems installing it | 15:25 |
Rebas | kubanc: in my virtual machine, i just made sure that was on the same workgroup, didnt edi the ubuntu section at all | 15:26 |
Rebas | spectacular: glad to hear it ^^ | 15:26 |
Incarus6_ | coco, "sudo apt-get install python-gasp" | 15:27 |
razmataz | do other distros of ubuntu or linux (aside from ubuntu 11.04) have similar default media controls where i can control playback from anywhere with shortcut keys? and if not how can i add this to a distro? | 15:27 |
kubanc | Rebas, you said:make sure the virtual machine is on the same workgroup as the network printer. and how ca i see in which workgroup is the printer in the ubuntu ? | 15:27 |
PythonSnake | Who was I talking with ? | 15:27 |
PythonSnake | http://hellbunker.blogspot.com/ ? | 15:27 |
coco | nt | 15:27 |
Rebas | kubanc: is the printer installed on another machine? or is it direct to the router? | 15:28 |
moystard | Hello everyone! | 15:28 |
=== PythonSnake is now known as KubuntuSnake | ||
KubuntuSnake | Hi moystard | 15:28 |
moystard | Quick question: I switch super often from a direct connection to a proxy connection and would like to do it quickly without having to go in the Gnome Network Proxy Preferences. Do you know a tool to do that? | 15:29 |
moystard | or at least associate a proxy with a network interface/ | 15:29 |
coco | Incarus6_: so I tried the sudo apt -get install and for some reason this command does not work | 15:29 |
Incarus6_ | coco, define "does not work", any output? | 15:29 |
bazhang | coco, no space | 15:29 |
bazhang | coco, apt-get not apt -get | 15:29 |
kubanc | Rebas, the printer is installed on other machine, and not direct to the router. I can print from another PC ,on which i have ubuntu OS, but i cannot print from virtualBox, that is installed on this PC | 15:30 |
=== KubuntuSnake is now known as GNOMESnake | ||
escott | moystard, nmcli should be able to load an existing profile | 15:32 |
coco | Incarus6_ the message I get is this password for <myname> and then when I type my password it says command not found | 15:33 |
djkee | hey, how is going everyone :D | 15:33 |
escott | moystard, alternately many programs will respect http_proxy environment variables | 15:33 |
Incarus6_ | coco, make sure you typed the command correctly, use copy paste: "sudo apt-get install python-gasp" | 15:33 |
Rebas | kubanc: i might have got lucky with my ubuntu, as i didnt have to change any workgroups, so im not sure how to find out what one your on inside ubuntu. | 15:34 |
samelco | hey! has anyone figured out how to get audio to work over hdmi on the revo aspire? | 15:35 |
Rebas | kubanc: but the network at my house is MSHOME, and it prints fine.. maybe you could try changing yours to that? | 15:35 |
djkee | did you try different audio drivers ? I had trouble with the default audio drivers. | 15:35 |
=== cooldude is now known as DOOD | ||
DOOD | bazhang, are u there | 15:36 |
samelco | i tried a lot of things discussed throughout the forums, it seems to be a popular problem | 15:36 |
DOOD | hello . bazhang | 15:37 |
bazhang | DOOD, yes. ask the channel your question | 15:37 |
pythonirc101 | It seems i've broken my system. My ubuntu was installed in /dev/sde and I would like to boot into it back. What boot options do i need to do so from the installation CD? | 15:37 |
Osmodivs | Hello. How do I delete a 32bit enviroment? I created one with SCHROOT, but now I want to delet it | 15:37 |
DOOD | bazhang, do u remember me?? | 15:37 |
Core | Hello people i am having problems with remote unlock from my encrypted HDD (ubuntu server), in order to not spam all i've pasted details here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/635087/ | 15:37 |
Rebas | we all do, D00D :P | 15:38 |
coco | Incarus6_ : thanks again for the help. I did work | 15:38 |
bazhang | DOOD, yes, ask the question of the channel please, if someone knows they will answer | 15:38 |
DOOD | could u send me the links again | 15:38 |
coco | Incarus: if I have questions regarding python is this a good place to ask or is this only for ubuntu questions? | 15:38 |
Diverdude | I have an account on a nix system. there is a certain disc quota, however i do not know how much it is, also i dont know how much i have used. Is there a clever command that will tell me this? | 15:38 |
DOOD | bazhang, could u send me the links again | 15:39 |
Pici | coco: this is only for Ubuntu. Use #python for python questions. | 15:39 |
pythonirc101 | is there a way in boot options to tell ubuntu to boot from /dev/sde1 ? | 15:39 |
edbian | coco: Ask python questions in #python | 15:39 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: i'm stuck. i'm tryhing to set up kerberos and samba but i can't get past kinit telling me Lock skew too great while getting initial credentials. | 15:39 |
Rebas | anywho, lunchtime, kubanc: if you still have troubles, and i dont answer in the next ~15-20 mins, pm me, and ill get back to them when i return | 15:39 |
jimmy51_ | i've sync'd NTP on both machines | 15:39 |
moystard | escott, but a lot of them don't | 15:39 |
Incarus6 | coco, you are welcome. is it working now? | 15:39 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: ok - so that means the clock drift is too great to sync | 15:39 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: there are rules with things like kerberos, AD, etc etc that if the client has a clock drift too far out from the server, it won't authenticate | 15:40 |
coco | Incarus: yes, it is | 15:40 |
DOOD | bazhang, !information plz | 15:40 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: but i can look at the clocks and see the time is the same | 15:40 |
bazhang | DOOD, about what? ask the channel your question. if someone knows they will answer | 15:40 |
inashdeen | hi, need a guie, how do i make a ppa package. step by step please... | 15:40 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: but it believes its not. so the question is, what makes it think the clock is out | 15:40 |
razmataz | exactly what is it that allows me to control my audio playback from my default media player without having the GUI for the media player open in ubuntu 11.04 that might allow me to do the same i other distros? | 15:40 |
Rebas | bazhang: he wants the links you sent him before, again | 15:40 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: do a date on the client and the server, and look at the it, does it look the same ? | 15:41 |
DOOD | bazhang, about the links u sent me besore | 15:41 |
inashdeen | by the way, need a friend to perfect my existing project, gui for logkeys, i wrote in buc. anyone interested??? | 15:41 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: one is Windows, one is Ubuntu. Ubuntu shows Wed Jun 29 10:41:06 EDT 2011 | 15:41 |
ikonia | what's windows showing ? | 15:41 |
DOOD | bazhang, so do dont remember me do u | 15:41 |
=== curan is now known as Guest24030 | ||
djkee | anyone else have trouble using the suspend and sleep functions ? Laptop wont come back from suspend. | 15:42 |
DOOD | bazhang, hurry up | 15:42 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: Windows shows the same thing, as far as i can tell. it takes about 5 secondsd to flip between them and then it reports five seconds further (as expected) | 15:42 |
Incarus6 | djkee, is hibernating working? | 15:42 |
=== Worldspice_Will is now known as ZenAdm1n | ||
=== PythonSnake is now known as KubuntuSnake | ||
djkee | Incarus6, both are not working. | 15:43 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: on paper that should be fine, but you need to look (check the logs) to see why it thinks the clocks are out of sync (I think it's 5 minutes is the max drift it can take) | 15:43 |
samelco | there are no results in synaptic after searching for hdmi and the latest nvidia driver is current | 15:43 |
DOOD | bazhang, THE LINKS NOW plz | 15:43 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: is this a kerberos log? | 15:43 |
thorsten_ | Huhu, somebody may be answer one Question, i dont know what it is, but i must know... Does AT funktion with x chat, Auto Trade Skript? | 15:43 |
DOOD | 1 | 15:43 |
bazhang | DOOD, patience please | 15:44 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: that's worth looking at yes | 15:44 |
DOOD | 2 | 15:44 |
DOOD | 3 | 15:44 |
Rebas | win ^ | 15:44 |
edbian | was he counting up? | 15:44 |
Core | seems so | 15:44 |
Incarus6 | edbian, yes, he was probably chinese :D | 15:45 |
Pici | Incarus6: What does that have to do with anything? | 15:45 |
Incarus6 | Pici, nevermind, was just a joke | 15:45 |
thorsten_ | Does somebody know? | 15:46 |
Core | Hello people i am having problems with remote unlock from my encrypted HDD (ubuntu server), in order to not spam all i've pasted details here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/635087/ :) | 15:46 |
DOOD | bazhang, plz links | 15:47 |
Incarus6 | rxgod, did that fix your problem? | 15:47 |
ikonia | DOOD: stop it now | 15:47 |
ikonia | DOOD: ask a questiom, wait for a response, | 15:47 |
KubuntuSnake | ikonia: DOOD has left the room | 15:48 |
inashdeen | hi, is this the right place to ask bout PPA? | 15:48 |
x3__iVaN | inashdeen: maybe | 15:48 |
x3__iVaN | try it | 15:48 |
ikonia | KubuntuSnake: I know, he left after I spoke | 15:48 |
KubuntuSnake | ikonia, ok | 15:48 |
=== helgikrs2 is now known as helgikrs | ||
KubuntuSnake | llol | 15:48 |
inashdeen | x3_iVaN : can someone teach me, step by step how to build a ppa?? | 15:48 |
Syniq | ikonia: I think LjL should just +b *!*@ >.< | 15:49 |
DOOD | ikonia, WHAT | 15:49 |
KubuntuSnake | ikonia 03:47:33 PM | 15:49 |
KubuntuSnake | DOOD: ask a questiom, wait for a response, | 15:49 |
susundberg | Core: i dont know to how to help on that problem, but i would just install some small linux distro there | 15:49 |
KubuntuSnake | !patient | DOOD | 15:49 |
susundberg | Core: i mean i an not sure how the busybox ifconfig should work .. | 15:49 |
kubanc | Rebas, http://funwithlinux.wordpress.com/2009/05/22/sharing-ubuntu-host-printer-with-windows-xp-running-in-virtualbox/ did the trick | 15:50 |
Core | susundberg: thanks but I fear that is not an option :) i really need it done by busybox + dropbear | 15:50 |
susundberg | Core: so you installed with apt-get means that you chrooted there? | 15:51 |
Rebas | kubanc: glad to hear it got solved | 15:51 |
qin | Core: whatis purpose of encripting whole /home on remote server? | 15:51 |
kubanc | Rebas, thanks for help and bon apetit :D | 15:51 |
Rebas | ^^ | 15:51 |
Rebas | cheezburger :D | 15:51 |
Core | It is an remote server and the entire HDD is encrypted from the setup , however if it needs to reboot i can't get to it instantly and need to enter the pass to decrypt it from distance | 15:51 |
KubuntuSnake | Bonjour Rebas, kubanc | 15:51 |
Core | susundberg: i fear i am an noob and have no idea what chrooted is :) | 15:52 |
djkee | in irssi how do you ignore the join and quit system messages ? | 15:52 |
jrib | !quietirssi | djkee | 15:52 |
ubottu | djkee: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi: /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS | 15:52 |
jimmy51_ | ikonia: i'm not seeing a kinit log. this is a crazy thing. every reference i can find to that error says sync'ing the clocks within 5 minutes of each other fixed it. | 15:52 |
susundberg | Core: eah that is quite problematic, i would leave root partition / boot partition un-encrypted | 15:52 |
susundberg | (as they are anyway available from www) | 15:52 |
ikonia | jimmy51_: that's as I understand it also 5 minutes is the limit | 15:53 |
susundberg | And just encrypt home directory, that would be mounted/un-encrypted when ssh login is done | 15:53 |
Core | i followed the official readme but it is failing on me :) (/usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/readme.remote.gz) | 15:53 |
KubuntuSnake | !noob | 15:53 |
ubottu | Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 15:53 |
Rebas | fail | 15:54 |
djkee | haha | 15:54 |
Rebas | ...*googles jfgi* | 15:54 |
Core | even if you call yourself one KubuntuSnake ? ;) | 15:54 |
KubuntuSnake | ? | 15:54 |
susundberg | Core: did you google for instructions? | 15:54 |
susundberg | I googled that file and it gave me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1648319 | 15:55 |
sereal | How do I put a running process into the background? when I do ctrl-z it freezes my process | 15:55 |
Core | yes i googled a bit but i am not even getting the network connection up so that isn't my problem (yet) | 15:55 |
Core | it are the instructions that i followed though | 15:56 |
djkee | You cant just use screen to keep the process running ? | 15:56 |
Core | first the apt-get busybox, dropbear and next update-initramfs | 15:56 |
sereal | Well I just want to put something into the background as if I did program & | 15:57 |
Osmodivs | !google | Rebas | 15:57 |
ubottu | Rebas: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 15:57 |
Pici | sereal: type bg after you've pressed ctrl-z. | 15:57 |
sereal | thanks pici | 15:57 |
sereal | is there no way to do it in one go? | 15:58 |
nucc1 | if i want to turn my ubuntu 10.10 desktop into an ubuntu server instance, what do i need to remove/add? | 15:58 |
Osmodivs | !google | susunberg | 15:58 |
ubottu | susunberg: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 15:58 |
De|ta | hi all, just done apt-get dist-upgrade on my 10.04 LTS Server box and it's stopped on "Setting up grub-pc (1.98-1ubuntu12) ..." any ideas? | 15:58 |
De|ta | oh, I tell a lie - it's just gone to Installation finished. No error reported. | 15:58 |
petgin | hi & got by | 15:59 |
De|ta | but I don't have the prompt back | 15:59 |
lordb | ubuntu 11.04 dual display issues | 15:59 |
susundberg | Core: how about the networking parts that? Can you ping that machine -- no i guess? | 16:00 |
Incarus6 | De|ta, have you rebooted since then? | 16:00 |
Core | if i boot up (so unlock local so it can boot up) yes | 16:00 |
De|ta | no, I haven't | 16:00 |
susundberg | Core: I guess you should try to find some document how to set up the network on the initramfs if its not working, and after that try to figure out what is going wrong with ssh-server | 16:00 |
susundberg | Core: oh well you said it yourself there | 16:01 |
The_Pugilist | hello, i am trying to setup my iptables firewall and after adding some rules and running iptables-save everything works... after i restart the computer however all of the rules get errased what am i doing wrong? | 16:01 |
Core | well that is what i tried but for some bloody reason it then says it can't purge it | 16:01 |
Core | (forgive the swearing) | 16:01 |
sudokill | The_Pugilist, you need to add iptables to startup | 16:01 |
doood | hi | 16:01 |
Osmodivs | Hello. How do I delete a 32bit enviroment? I created one with SCHROOT, but now I want to delet it | 16:01 |
Core | Not exactly susundberg, normally i should get an IP in the initramfs but that isn't working | 16:02 |
Rebas | win ^ | 16:03 |
* mneptok has utter tab-complete fail | 16:03 | |
susundberg | Core: by normal dhcp client? -- i really dont know that well, maybe somethign like this can help: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Initramfs | 16:03 |
Rebas | indeed you did :P | 16:04 |
Core | susundberg: tried DHCP as well | 16:04 |
Core | have seen the file too but i don't find that file ( /usr/src/initramfs/init) | 16:04 |
susundberg | I would go for static ip -- that gentoo doc has separate part for networking | 16:04 |
susundberg | oh ok | 16:05 |
susundberg | I would guess its just either installed in different named directory or merged with some other file | 16:06 |
D-coy | m4v, priv. | 16:06 |
susundberg | Core: check the files that came with the initramfs source package -- or what ever is ment for building that thing | 16:07 |
susundberg | Core: i guess that works with dpkg* something .. i myself use apt-file as its easier to remember ;) | 16:07 |
Core | susundberg: apt-get is my way, i don't remember installing initramsfs though it came with the install | 16:08 |
susundberg | Here is something also: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/initramfs-with-decrypting-a-luks-root-partition-questions-881096/ | 16:09 |
=== matt_ is now known as Guest18392 | ||
susundberg | Core: did you install http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man8/initramfs-tools.8.html | 16:10 |
Core | susundberg: i haven't done that yet | 16:10 |
ivaylov | hi guys, do you know any proxification software for ubuntu? | 16:11 |
dimas_ | i cant see my volume control anymore | 16:11 |
sudokill | ivaylov, privoxy polipo tor | 16:11 |
sudokill | most common ones | 16:11 |
Rebas | proxification, thats a word? lol | 16:11 |
bazhang | ivaylov, what does apt-cache search proxy turn up | 16:11 |
=== DOOD is now known as COOLDOOD | ||
ivaylov | 2 sec | 16:11 |
Core | susundberg: it is already on my system (like initramfs preinstalled) | 16:11 |
susundberg | Then i guess you should look for the hook scripts (?) but i am really guessnig here, never done that | 16:12 |
ivaylov | bazhang, lots of stuff | 16:12 |
dimas_ | hello everyone, i want to know if you can help me get my volume control back | 16:12 |
COOLDOOD | hi i have aproblem with my ralink wireless network stick | 16:12 |
LjL | COOLDOOD: just explain the problem (in one line) | 16:12 |
Rebas | dimas_ have you looked in System->admin->sound? | 16:13 |
Rebas | dimas_ sorry, system->preferences->sound | 16:13 |
Rebas | my bad | 16:13 |
ivaylov | i got it sorted, thanks :) | 16:13 |
Rebas | dimas_ right click it, and press "add launcher to panel" | 16:14 |
dimas_ | Rebas says waiting for the sound systen to answer | 16:14 |
Rebas | hm | 16:14 |
djkee | sound driver, i had the same problem. | 16:14 |
dimas_ | the sound works perfect but no volume control | 16:15 |
pietr101 | Hello, what do you recommend for remote access to my ubuntu box. So I can listen to my music/watch movies? | 16:15 |
COOLDOOD | LjL, everytime i plug in the stick it dosent detect it and i dont have a driver for it | 16:15 |
ikonia | pietr101: over the internet ? | 16:15 |
pietr101 | ikonia: yes | 16:15 |
Core | susundberg: i am afraid the script is ok | 16:15 |
Core | pietr101: i would say SSH in and over the tunnel use VNC or the builtin remote desktop | 16:16 |
ikonia | pietr101: watching movies over the net.........not something I'd suggest doing, you could just serve the files on a web server simple enough | 16:16 |
LjL | COOLDOOD: please insert the stick, type "lsusb" in a terminal and post the output to the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ | 16:16 |
dimas_ | Rebas when i tryed to launch from System>Preferences it says is waiting for the sound system to respond and then dont open | 16:16 |
djkee | @dimas, try to install pulseaudio from the terminal. | 16:16 |
COOLDOOD | but i also have a usb mouse | 16:16 |
COOLDOOD | LjL, is that ok | 16:16 |
LjL | COOLDOOD: worst that will happen is that i will be able to see what mouse model you have. | 16:16 |
pietr101 | Core: you mean like with X11 port forwarding? | 16:16 |
Rebas | dimas_: have you right clicked it, and pressed "add the launcher" ? | 16:16 |
COOLDOOD | ok | 16:17 |
Rebas | add launcher to panel* | 16:17 |
Core | pietr101: yes that is indeed possible if i am not mistaken | 16:17 |
pietr101 | hmm, i'll try it right now | 16:17 |
Core | For the people who know about my issue, googling atm but all help is welcome | 16:18 |
upside | i installed ubuntu 11.04. I have two monitors and want to setup the dual screen. it can detect only one monitor. how do i setup? | 16:19 |
dimas_ | Rebas a launcher is just a launcher...if it doesnt open from where it is doesnt make any sence to create launcher in another location | 16:19 |
COOLDOOD | LjL, done and here is the link:http://paste.ubuntu.com/635111/ | 16:19 |
COOLDOOD | http://paste.ubuntu.com/635111/ | 16:19 |
Rebas | worth a shot ^_^ | 16:20 |
Core | susundberg: is it possible i need to load an network module in initramfs ? | 16:20 |
dimas_ | Rebas that is just a trigger | 16:20 |
COOLDOOD | ^ | 16:20 |
pietr101 | Core: i get no sound :-( | 16:21 |
LjL | COOLDOOD: which Ubuntu version are you running? | 16:21 |
dimas_ | what is the name of the pulseaudio volume so i can try open from terminal? | 16:21 |
Core | pietr101: i don't know if sound is possible that way :) i never tried that :D | 16:21 |
a-l-e | is there any way to make a "usb livecd" persistent? | 16:22 |
COOLDOOD | the latest one whatever it is | 16:22 |
pietr101 | Core: ok,thx. btw, what is your issue you need help with? | 16:22 |
Core | Hello people i am having problems with remote unlock from my encrypted HDD (ubuntu server), in order to not spam all i've pasted details here : http://paste.ubuntu.com/635087/ :) | 16:22 |
Core | i pasted it fast :D i am after all a lazy person | 16:22 |
LjL | COOLDOOD: with the card inserted, try typing "ifconfig -a" and pastebin that | 16:23 |
COOLDOOD | ok | 16:23 |
KubuntuSnake | Anyone have heat problem with kde? | 16:24 |
angus | I just installed the CUDA development drivers on my laptop. In the process I had to remove the drivers found in System->Admin->Additional Drivers, but this also removed ability to underclock the GPU. Is this possible with CUDA drivers? | 16:24 |
Slart | a-l-e: I think there is an option for that when/if you create your live usb thingy using the howto on ubuntu.com | 16:25 |
Odisha1 | hello.. | 16:25 |
Slart | a-l-e: at least that should work for when you create a new live usb stick. I'm not sure if you can make an already existing live usb stick persistent | 16:25 |
Odisha1 | i hv a back-light problem.. plz help me | 16:25 |
Odisha1 | i m using ubuntu 11.04 | 16:26 |
susundberg | Core: The initramfs should have afaik the network module loaded | 16:26 |
Rebas | could have sworn he said "im missing ubuntu 11.04" :P | 16:26 |
susundberg | Core: did you take look at the scripts hooks mentioned at initramfs-tools manual? | 16:26 |
LjL | COOLDOOD: ok so the card is recognized, at least... try typing "iwlist scan", see if it scans for networks | 16:27 |
Rebas | howd ya lose it? :P | 16:27 |
susundberg | Core: i think you need to set up the network somewhere there to get it working .. | 16:27 |
Core | susundberg: yea i tried it in /etc/initramfs/initramfs.conf as well static as dhcp but not really working | 16:27 |
Odisha1 | hey.. i m new to ubuntu.. plz tell me in full details.. | 16:28 |
a-l-e | Slart: ... didn't work here... | 16:28 |
lduros | hello, whenever trying to use ssh and a key, I get prompted with "Enter password to unlock the private key" | 16:28 |
compdoc | Odisha1, a laptop? | 16:28 |
ikonia | lduros: yes, you need to use the key password | 16:29 |
a-l-e | i used unetbootin to create the image and didn't see any option for it | 16:29 |
Odisha1 | compdoc yes | 16:29 |
lduros | ikonia: so that's the password that was set when the key was set? | 16:29 |
susundberg | Core: But the initramfs.conf manpage has no mention about manpage there? | 16:29 |
compdoc | Odisha1, whats wrong with the backlight? | 16:29 |
ikonia | lduros: correct | 16:29 |
susundberg | ... mention about network there? | 16:29 |
lduros | ikonia: hmm, not sure anymore what it is pain. On another of my computers I only have to enter my regular user password for some reason | 16:29 |
Odisha1 | compdoc hmm yess | 16:29 |
compdoc | hmm yes what? | 16:30 |
Sighter | Trying to set up VSTs (i) on Ubuntu any help? | 16:30 |
Slart | a-l-e: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 16:30 |
ikonia | lduros: that means you're not using an ssh key on your other computer | 16:30 |
lduros | ikonia: I am | 16:30 |
Core | susundberg: no fear not, tried it but didn't get me out of my issue either | 16:30 |
ikonia | lduros: you're not - unless your normal password is the same as your ssh key | 16:30 |
a-l-e | Slart: thanks... i'm going to read it... | 16:31 |
susundberg | Core: i mean those ifconfig stuff needs to be on script, not on configure file that is probably parsed somehow? | 16:31 |
lduros | ikonia: hmmm | 16:31 |
susundberg | (and should give parse error then .. ) | 16:31 |
a-l-e | ... right now... | 16:31 |
susundberg | Core: quite bad instructions are only ones that i found out.. sorry, good luck with it. I am afraid that you have quite a challenge there .. you need to figure out what to do by debugging the scripts or reading some manual (that is probably not written) | 16:32 |
mneptok | lduros: protip: when you first login to your own machine, open a terminal and run "ssh-add" and supply the password for your ssh key. you will never be prompted for a password for the key again during that session. | 16:32 |
susundberg | Core: initramfs manuals would be maybe the place to start reading .. | 16:32 |
Sighter | Trying to set up VSTs (i) on Ubuntu any help? | 16:33 |
Core | susundberg: thanks :) i have been reading through them but like you sad those you find are quite bad :D | 16:33 |
susundberg | Core: that is usually the case with the manuals -- if they are not outdated they are too short to be any use ;) | 16:33 |
cactusbottom | mornin | 16:34 |
greg_72 | hi there, any ubuntu-openvpn expert here< | 16:34 |
greg_72 | > | 16:34 |
cactusbottom | you know how people join just to ask for help :P? | 16:35 |
Sighter | Trying to set up VSTs (i) on Ubuntu any help? | 16:35 |
cactusbottom | I need help setting up my wireless dongle | 16:35 |
a-l-e | ok, thanks Slart... i'll have to reboot and see if i can resize the partition with cfdisk... | 16:35 |
mneptok | cactusbottom: as this is a support channel, such behavior is quite expected. | 16:35 |
cactusbottom | k good :) | 16:36 |
BryanRuiz | hey, i have a windows box with ubuntu running in a virtual box(vmplayer). im trying to ssh to ubuntu from windows yet I keep getting connection refused. any idea what im doing wrong? | 16:36 |
BryanRuiz | firewall is stopped | 16:36 |
BluesKaj | lduros, is this the phrase ? Enter passphrase for key '/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa': | 16:38 |
Sighter | Trying to set up VSTs (i) on Ubuntu any help? | 16:38 |
craigbass1976 | !libreoffice | 16:39 |
craigbass1976 | What's the best way to install libreoffice in lucid? | 16:39 |
Rebas | have you tried sudo apt-get install libreoffice ? | 16:40 |
Sighter | ANYONE? Trying to set up VSTs (i) on Ubuntu any help? | 16:41 |
Sighter | What does sudo stand for? | 16:42 |
emprameen | I'm having trouble getting my natty to boot. Right after BIOS check HDD and monitor go to inactivity, and the OS never boots | 16:42 |
emprameen | any hel pwould be appreciated | 16:42 |
COOLDOOD | hi my USB ralink wireless card, with 148f:3370 identifier, is recognizes (shows up in ifconfig -a) but won't scan because 'the network is down', and trying 'ifconfig wlan0 up' gives a 'no such file or directory' error | 16:42 |
pietr101 | Slighter: super user do | 16:42 |
compdoc | emprameen, ide drives? sata? | 16:42 |
emprameen | IDE drives | 16:42 |
Sighter | pietr101: Thanx ! | 16:42 |
compdoc | is the hdd sharing the ribbon cable? | 16:43 |
emprameen | not sharing a ribbon cable currently | 16:43 |
compdoc | does the drive have a jumper installed? | 16:43 |
Sighter | And what does "bash" mean? | 16:43 |
Dynamit | Hi, I'm running webmin and usermin and change the port on the webmin usermin so will be at 10000 which is of course the default port but virtualmin web interface is not available on port | 16:44 |
emprameen | the drive has a jumper to indicate it's a main drive | 16:44 |
pietr101 | Sighter: how about reading a man page first? | 16:44 |
genii-around | !webmin | 16:44 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. | 16:44 |
pietr101 | Sighter: type "man bash", that will answer your question | 16:45 |
compdoc | emprameen, some drives dont require a jumper when by themselves on the cable. But some do. you checked to see what the jumper setting is for? | 16:45 |
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Dynamit | the webmin is working fine it's the virtualmin Web UI that's not answer on the port | 16:45 |
whosurdaddy | 求救:怎样拓展/home? | 16:46 |
COOLDOOD | hi my USB ralink wireless card, with 148f:3370 identifier, is recognizes (shows up in ifconfig -a) but won't scan because 'the network is down', and trying 'ifconfig wlan0 up' gives a 'no such file or directory' error | 16:46 |
Sighter | piertr101: sorry nubie here. Just trying to learn. Thanx for your patience? BTW... Trying to set up VSTs (i) on Ubuntu any help? | 16:46 |
ruhil | i have just upgraded natty to oneiric but i cannot find the tray. Is it not there in oneiric or have i messed up something? | 16:47 |
qin | ruhil: Is not 11.10 alpha? | 16:48 |
ruhil | qin: yes | 16:48 |
venol | helo,,, | 16:48 |
whosurdaddy | is there any boy who can help me out ? i wanna export my /home how can i do ? | 16:48 |
DasEi | COOLDOOD: followed the .. ? | 16:48 |
Gwar | Hey, When I install Ubuntu, should I point /home to my SSD or to a HDD? Assume space is not an issue :) | 16:48 |
DasEi | !wireless | 16:48 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 16:48 |
COOLDOOD | DasEi, what do you mean | 16:49 |
pietr101 | Sighter: np. i have no experience with VST. if you have any more questions, pm me. | 16:49 |
ruhil | qin: yes i have upgraded to 11.10 alpha. | 16:49 |
DasEi | COOLDOOD: saw the link I triggered few lines above ? | 16:49 |
DasEi | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 16:50 |
Rebas | ok, im off. ill catch you all later | 16:50 |
Slart | Gwar: some prefer having /home on a separate partition for several reasons.. SSD for speed and using less power | 16:50 |
DasEi | !pm | venol | 16:50 |
ubottu | venol: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 16:50 |
COOLDOOD | !wireless | 16:50 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 16:50 |
Slart | Gwar: I don't see a reason not to use the SSD for /home | 16:51 |
venol | anybody can help me with mailgraph ? | 16:51 |
whosurdaddy | is any command that i could use to mount my c: d: e:? | 16:51 |
qin | Gwar: Do not matter, as long both driver are present at boot, a bit more solid is to have all mountpoints on same hd (only in case when other drive is not automounted) | 16:51 |
Slart | whosurdaddy: hard drives created using windows? | 16:51 |
whosurdaddy | yes | 16:52 |
Slart | !ntfs | whosurdaddy | 16:52 |
ubottu | whosurdaddy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 16:52 |
qin | ruhil: That would be #ubuntu+1 | 16:52 |
whosurdaddy | i'll have a try | 16:52 |
ruhil | qin: thanks | 16:52 |
Slart | whosurdaddy: I'm not really sure but I think windows partitions show up automatically these days | 16:52 |
whosurdaddy | tanks | 16:52 |
whosurdaddy | Slart :no ,u shall open a dir creat in win7 then he partions r mounted | 16:54 |
stercor | I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10. There is a box, "Error authenticating some packages" with 1630 entries. Is this troublesome and how can I fix it? | 16:54 |
KM0201 | COOLDOOD: just cuz it shows up in ifconfig, doesn't mean it's got the driver installed. | 16:54 |
Tekk_` | I'm trying to use a dell p54usb device which uses the isl3886 firmware, but I can't connect. nm-applet sees essids and tries to connect, but always fails | 16:55 |
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whosurdaddy | Can i mount /home to a pation created by win7 while the old documents still in the old /home ? | 16:56 |
Tekk_` | whosurdaddy: yeah, you'd unmount your current home then mount the ntfs | 16:57 |
dr_willis | whosurdaddy, you can mount ntfs filesysmtes. but you cant set /home/ to be on a NTFS | 16:57 |
qin | whosurdaddy: You can ease your life with links, man ln | 16:57 |
[THC]AcidRain | im wanting to write a c script to automatically initiate a php script i have written. do yall believe this is the best way to do so? or are there better ways? | 16:57 |
dr_willis | You could link files from the ntfs to a location in your home.. but you have to watch out for permissions | 16:57 |
[THC]AcidRain | this script must be set off every so often. | 16:57 |
Tekk_` | [THC]AcidRain: ....bash? | 16:58 |
dr_willis | [THC]AcidRain, make a cron job? | 16:58 |
[THC]AcidRain | wait. ive heard of cron jobs | 16:58 |
[THC]AcidRain | let me research that | 16:58 |
dr_willis | research.. good idea. :) | 16:58 |
dr_willis | !cron | 16:58 |
ubottu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 16:58 |
penlat_ | whats the repo to update thunderbird to 5.0? | 16:58 |
penlat_ | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/thunderbird-next | 17:00 |
Slart | thunderbird 5.0? I'm still running 3.something .. or they decided to skip a few major versions? | 17:00 |
AceKing | I have an Epson Workforce 610 all in one printer. I have it hooked up USB through my PC running 11.04 32 bit. I cannot get it to scan. I don't remember what config file I had to edit to get it to work when I was running 10.10. Does anyone know how to get this to work? | 17:00 |
dr_willis | !sane | 17:00 |
ubottu | Scanning software: Simple-Scan (GNOME), Xsane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR | 17:00 |
dr_willis | check the SANE homepage for info on that exact model, and the forums perhaps. | 17:00 |
AceKing | Thank dr_willis ! | 17:01 |
stercor | dr_willis: OK to repost a question that I asked just before you logged in? | 17:01 |
dr_willis | CUPS does the printing.. sane does the scanning.. | 17:01 |
dr_willis | stercor, go for it. :) | 17:01 |
stercor | dr_willis: I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10. There is a box, "Error authenticating some packages" with 1630 entries. Is this troublesome and how can I fix it? | 17:02 |
gcristian | Question, how can I see logging on several nodes in the same tail ? | 17:03 |
dr_willis | stercor, i would have to think some gpg keys or other keyfiles are missing. soundsa like every package is having the same issue. | 17:03 |
dr_willis | !info multitail | 17:03 |
neothecat | anybody have issues with Urban Terror after upgrading to 11.04. my it starts fine, but the mouse jumps around everytime i move it. | 17:03 |
gcristian | without seein them in different consoles.... | 17:03 |
ubottu | multitail (source: multitail): view multiple logfiles windowed on console. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.2.2-2 (natty), package size 141 kB, installed size 396 kB | 17:03 |
vcabba | Ubuntu 11.04, video driver (nvidia 173, card gf-8700) active but not in use. Cant turn effects on, into login screen Ubuntu Classic, compiz-settings manager - nothing there, Compiz-fusion icon reloads decoratorm but there is no effects. Dont know why. | 17:03 |
venol | helo, excusme.. | 17:03 |
dr_willis | stercor, i always do clean installs.. i rarely upgrade | 17:03 |
venol | somebody can help me with mailgraph? | 17:04 |
venol | please | 17:04 |
[THC]AcidRain | dr_willis: so let me be sure i have this right | 17:04 |
[THC]AcidRain | 1 * * * * [path_to_php] | 17:04 |
[THC]AcidRain | this will activate the script every first minute of every hour everyday of every month? | 17:05 |
dr_willis | vcabba, ive seen similer questions on the askubuntu.com site 'installed but not in use' for nvidia drivers.. ive not really paid much attention to them | 17:05 |
gcristian | ubottu: thanks, I'll check it out | 17:05 |
ubottu | gcristian: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:05 |
stercor | dr_willis: That would be my preference too. But how can I keep from reformatting the hard drive? | 17:05 |
dr_willis | [THC]AcidRain, i wouls have to look it up on a cron tutorial.. ive not used cron in ages.. | 17:05 |
gcristian | LOL | 17:05 |
dr_willis | stercor, i keep /home/ on its own partition. i dont loose user data that way. Makes reinstalling easier. | 17:05 |
dr_willis | you basically have to format the system part of the hd. | 17:05 |
DasEi | !brain > gcristian | 17:06 |
ubottu | gcristian, please see my private message | 17:06 |
TDJACR | Is there an application that I could integrate with a packet sniffer (like with wireshark's backend) that would map where IP connections are coming from | 17:06 |
TDJACR | Like the map in Vidalia | 17:06 |
DasEi | !info ehterape | TDJACR: | 17:06 |
ubottu | TDJACR:: Package ehterape does not exist in natty | 17:06 |
Sparky- | nmap | 17:06 |
Sparky- | o.o | 17:06 |
gcristian | multitail works via SSH remotely ? | 17:07 |
Tekk_` | DasEi: etherape is the old name for wireshark | 17:07 |
Tekk_` | iirc | 17:07 |
dr_willis | gcristian, you could proberly combine it with sshfs if needed. thers ways to do specific commands over ssh also. | 17:07 |
stercor | DasEi: or Ethereal. | 17:07 |
TDJACR | DasEi: Will try it | 17:07 |
DasEi | TDJACR: was a typo, etherape | 17:08 |
TDJACR | DasEi: Does it map geographically? | 17:08 |
knightrage | hey guys. so i have a 2TB drive ecryptfs partition mounted as /home, but now i need to actually make the partition my root (/) partition and install the OS on there. is there any complications that will arise since the partition is encrypted? | 17:08 |
DasEi | TDJACR: no, graphically just , and kind of connection | 17:09 |
dr_willis | I suggest backing up the /home/ somewhere unencrypted first knightrage | 17:09 |
dr_willis | the installer will want to format / ,. and im not sure you can just 'install' to an encrypted filesystem without some extra work. | 17:09 |
knightrage | i see | 17:09 |
TDJACR | DasEi: Ah, not exactly what I'm looking for, but thank you :) | 17:10 |
dr_willis | or at least resize the /home/ and put a / at the front. | 17:10 |
TDJACR | DasEi: Have you ever used Vidalia, the Tor control panel? | 17:10 |
dr_willis | even then. you should backup. | 17:10 |
knightrage | dr_willis: gotcha... yeah, i had a 500gb hd crash on me that held the OS and now i'm stuck with the 2tb encrypted /home | 17:10 |
DasEi | TDJACR: http://tinyurl.com/6zyvteu | 17:11 |
dr_willis | I hope you know how to mount it from a live cd and unencrypt it.. :) to make backups.. or whatever.. | 17:11 |
emprameen | can anyone help guide me through terminal to save the one most valuable file on a broken OS? | 17:11 |
dr_willis | I sure dont know how. heh | 17:11 |
DasEi | TDJACR: and oc can set it to another input | 17:11 |
dr_willis | emprameen, what filesystem? what file? | 17:11 |
TDJACR | DasEi: No, I know how to use it, I operate a Tor relay and exit node. I was wondering if the map feature could be used with all packets | 17:11 |
TDJACR | By an app that did the same thing using pcap | 17:12 |
TDJACR | Or something | 17:12 |
Dulak | knightrage: if it was me I would mount it, copy off the important stuff then wipe it and install from scratch, with a seperate /home again to make reinstalls easy | 17:12 |
knightrage | i might just buy a new hd, heh | 17:12 |
dr_willis | i found 2TB external USB on sale for $75 the other day. | 17:13 |
dr_willis | emprameen, talk in the channel please. | 17:13 |
* dr_willis may have to leave at any time. | 17:13 | |
Tekk_` | I have a dell wireless nic that uses the p54usb driver and isl3886 firmware. I threw the firmware in /lib/firmware while I'm live, and iwconfig picks up the interface, plus network-manager-applet picks up essids. But it never connects | 17:14 |
venol | helo, somebody can help me please ? | 17:14 |
TDJACR | A lot of OOL customers here | 17:14 |
venol | mailgraph on my server is not updating.. | 17:14 |
TDJACR | !ask | venol | 17:14 |
ubottu | venol: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:14 |
Tekk_` | venol: don't ask to ask, just ask | 17:14 |
COOLDOOD | hi my USB ralink wireless card, with 148f:3370 identifier, is recognizes (shows up in ifconfig -a) but won't scan because 'the network is down', and trying 'ifconfig wlan0 up' gives a 'no such file or directory' error | 17:14 |
emprameen | using natty partition that won't boot, and i'm using natty ubuntu live cd to access it | 17:14 |
Tekk_` | TDJACR: ah, so that's the command :P; | 17:14 |
TDJACR | Tekk_`: Yeah xD | 17:14 |
emprameen | the file is a cover letter | 17:14 |
KM0201 | COOLDOOD: depending on which ralink it is, it might need ndiswrapper. | 17:15 |
Core | I am giving it up people, will be back later | 17:15 |
goltoof | how to reinstall screen? | 17:17 |
TDJACR | DasEi: I'm now cloning Vidalia's source from git to see if I can extract the map feature and plug it in to pcap | 17:17 |
TDJACR | goltoof: apt-get purge screen && apt-get install screen | 17:17 |
goltoof | short story, i uninstalled php5 improperly and it removed all dependencies, screen already installed but won't run | 17:17 |
COOLDOOD | !brain > KM0201 | 17:18 |
ubottu | KM0201, please see my private message | 17:18 |
Tekk_` | I know that the isl3886 usbfw/p54usb driver combo works, since I've gotten it working once before, I just can't get it back to working | 17:18 |
goltoof | oh nvm.. it works in regular term, not in yakuake o_0 | 17:18 |
DasEi | goltoof: sudo apt-get remove --purge screen && sudo apt-get install screen | 17:18 |
goltoof | why wouldn't it work in yakuake | 17:18 |
dr_willis_ | screen in yakuake.. :) thats.. intense | 17:18 |
dr_willis_ | term settings perhaps. | 17:18 |
goltoof | dr_willis me gusta | 17:19 |
dr_willis_ | I just use terminator if in X. | 17:19 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
COOLDOOD | hi my USB ralink wireless card, with 148f:3370 identifier, is recognizes (shows up in ifconfig -a) but won't scan because 'the network is down', and trying 'ifconfig wlan0 up' gives a 'no such file or directory' error | 17:19 |
goltoof | dr_willis, used to terminator, just hitting f12 is less invasive | 17:19 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: use the gnome network manager to configure it | 17:19 |
COOLDOOD | how | 17:20 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: what version of ubuntu are you using ? | 17:20 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: latest | 17:20 |
venol | ok, I'm sory. My problem is mailgraph is not updating on my server. I have sent 2 email from outsite to my server, and for 10 minutes I sent 3 mail again from outside to my server, but graph on mailgraph just count received 2 messages, the result is different with pflogsumm count received is 5 | 17:20 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: exactly which one | 17:20 |
goltoof | maybe need to autoremove yakuake :/ | 17:20 |
dr_willis_ | remove/reinstalling apps.. is sort of a windows mentality to 'fix' things.. | 17:21 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: 11.04 ithink | 17:21 |
COOLDOOD | 1 sec | 17:21 |
dr_willis_ | Unless you messed with the files belonging to that program.. it shouldent get broken that way | 17:21 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: you need to know, can you please show me the output of "uname -a" | 17:21 |
goltoof | removing php5 improperly messed with tons of files for tons tons of programs | 17:22 |
dr_willis_ | php5 messing with yakuake? that would be weird.. | 17:22 |
goltoof | php back up now, but now screen won't work in yakuake, strange indeed | 17:23 |
Pici | !doesntwork | 17:23 |
ubottu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 17:23 |
WdisoiwW | s | 17:23 |
WdisoiwW | hi | 17:24 |
lolmatic | hi | 17:24 |
Tekk_` | !ask | lolmatic | 17:24 |
lolmatic | i uninstalled compiz and emerald and now i dont have any window decorations | 17:24 |
ubottu | lolmatic: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:24 |
Tekk_` | lolmatic: do you have any other window manager? | 17:25 |
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lolmatic | Tekk_`: i have gnome (classic) | 17:25 |
dr_willis_ | screen and yakuake does work here.. 11.04 32bit install. | 17:25 |
Tekk_` | lolmatic: look for metacity in the ubuntu software center, it may have gotten uninstalled at some poyint | 17:25 |
dr_willis_ | venol, chat in the channel please. I may have to leave at any time. and may no tbe back for hrs... | 17:26 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: 11.04 | 17:26 |
goltoof | tried removing yakuake, says it's not installed, but i'm using it o_0 | 17:27 |
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
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=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe | ||
Pici | Krabbe: stop that | 17:27 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/net-wireless-connect.html | 17:27 |
lolmatic | Tekk_`: how can i move windows now? alt and win key dont work. | 17:27 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, Magic! heh.. if you had it running while you uninstalled it.. its in the cache i imagine. | 17:27 |
Tekk_` | lolmatic: no you can't without a window manager | 17:27 |
dr_willis_ | lolmatic, try alt-f2 and run 'metacity --replace' | 17:28 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: thanks | 17:28 |
goltoof | dr_willis, i don't believe in unicorns | 17:28 |
lolmatic | Tekk_`: lol. ok, so which packages do i need to get metacity back? alt+f2 doesnt work either | 17:28 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, Elven magic. | 17:28 |
lolmatic | ill just install via shell | 17:28 |
dr_willis_ | lolmatic, go to the console 'sudo apt-get install metacity' | 17:28 |
goltoof | dr_willis, only dwarves exist, afaik | 17:29 |
Tekk_` | I have a p54usb dell nic that uses the isl3886usb firmware, which I copied into /lib/firmware on my livecd and did a modprobe -r then modprobe. network manager picks up the card and my access point but it can never connect, anyone have any ideas(natty livecd, waiting for the install to happen) | 17:29 |
lolmatic | dr_willis_: it says i already have the latest metacity | 17:29 |
goltoof | where would this cache be? | 17:29 |
zdenek__ | :) | 17:29 |
dr_willis_ | lolmatic, open some terminal somehow.. and run it then. :) | 17:29 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, in ram. | 17:29 |
Snicers | Hey, I want all files I create in a directory from a specific user or group to have permissions of 775, how do I do this and have it automatically do it every time a new file is created? | 17:30 |
warlock | what it is metacity? | 17:30 |
lolmatic | dr_willis_: well when i have it why didn't it get started on boot? | 17:30 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, never noticed that you can be doing system update/ugrades to apps .. while they are in use. | 17:30 |
dr_willis_ | lolmatic, you got it set to use compiz still i imagine. | 17:30 |
dr_willis_ | lolmatic, check the options on the gdm login screen. | 17:30 |
Guest26079 | help me... ! aku mau instal ubuntu versi baru gmn caranya ??? | 17:30 |
dr_willis_ | I cant even tell what language that is... | 17:31 |
goltoof | hmm... i did, but didn't | 17:31 |
=== dark^^knight is now known as new^comer | ||
Guest26079 | i wont to instal ubuntu last version ! how ? | 17:32 |
Snicers | warlock, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metacity | 17:32 |
new^comer | Guest, install ubuntu 10.10 | 17:32 |
dr_willis_ | !install | Guest26079 | 17:32 |
ubottu | Guest26079: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 17:32 |
goltoof | Guest26079, last, or latest? | 17:32 |
new^comer | guest, 10.10 shuld be best | 17:32 |
Guest26079 | i have the file ! | 17:33 |
new^comer | or last LTS 10.04 | 17:33 |
dr_willis_ | Guest26079, what file? | 17:33 |
new^comer | dont go for 11.04 | 17:33 |
Guest26079 | how to burn to cd ? | 17:33 |
goltoof | still no screen in yakuake :( | 17:33 |
dr_willis_ | !burn | Guest26079 | 17:33 |
ubottu | Guest26079: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto | 17:33 |
Dynamit | use an img burner | 17:33 |
new^comer | wht file? | 17:33 |
KM0201 | COOLDOOD, not sure why you sent me that message, I didn't PM you.. | 17:33 |
goltoof | even after purge | 17:33 |
Guest26079 | yes | 17:33 |
Snicers | Hey, I want all files I create in a directory from a specific user or group to have permissions of 775, how do I do this and have it automatically do it every time a new file is created? | 17:33 |
COOLDOOD | soory | 17:34 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, as a test. try it with a newly made user perhaps its a user config issue. | 17:34 |
RA_drc | !bash | 17:34 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | 17:34 |
Tekk_` | okay, what packages do I need to upgrade my kernel and all firmware without internet? | 17:34 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, the umask command i belive.. there was a good post on using it on askubuntu.com themask of 002 Might be what you need.. (ive rarely used the command) | 17:34 |
ikonia | Tekk_`: why do you need to upgrade your kernel ? | 17:35 |
dr_willis_ | !umask | 17:35 |
Tekk_` | ikonia: because I remember that was part of fixing my usb wireless | 17:35 |
Tekk_` | ikonia: I think, it was a while ago | 17:35 |
RA_drc | !brain | 17:35 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | 17:35 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: i dont have the drivers | 17:35 |
escott | Tekk_`, depends on the firmware. at a minimum you need the kernel and the matching initrd. if you have any proprietary drivers you likely want a matching package of that | 17:35 |
COOLDOOD | thats the pron | 17:35 |
ikonia | Tekk_`: if there is a kernel update available, it will be offered to you by update manager | 17:35 |
dr_willis_ | http://askubuntu.com/questions/44542/what-is-umask-and-how-does-it-work | 17:35 |
dasjkl | ¶¹¶¹½øÀ´ | 17:35 |
COOLDOOD | blem | 17:35 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: why do you think that | 17:36 |
Tekk_` | ikonia: which is useless when I don't have internet ;) I need to know the package names for the kernel and init so that I can grab them from packages.buntu and then actually have the internet to upgrade everything else | 17:36 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: ecause i didnt install them | 17:36 |
COOLDOOD | b | 17:36 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: that doesn't mean you need to | 17:36 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: did you follow the guide I gave you | 17:36 |
COOLDOOD | yes | 17:37 |
ikonia | Tekk_`: I advise you not to do that, I advise you to connect to the internet with the machine if possible and update | 17:37 |
RA_drc | Guest26079: turki? | 17:37 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: ok - so what part didn't work ? | 17:37 |
Tekk_` | ikonia: it is impossible. trust me, I wouldn't be doing this if I could avoid it | 17:37 |
ikonia | Tekk_`: the packages are called linux-image-$version | 17:37 |
RA_drc | !umask | 17:38 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia: first step. my usb isnt being recogonised | 17:38 |
Tekk_` | ikonia: just that? | 17:38 |
=== sysdoc_ is now known as sysdoc | ||
ikonia | Tekk_`: yes | 17:38 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: what do you see in the list ? | 17:38 |
Tekk_` | ikonia: okay, thanks. I'll see how that works :) | 17:39 |
COOLDOOD | no networks | 17:39 |
COOLDOOD | at all | 17:39 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: that doesn't mean it's not seen | 17:39 |
COOLDOOD | so | 17:39 |
COOLDOOD | then what | 17:39 |
ikonia | COOLDOOD: could you please pastebin the output of "iwconfig" | 17:39 |
COOLDOOD | ok | 17:39 |
dr_willis_ | bbl | 17:40 |
dasjkl | ¹þ¹þ£¡ÕâÀïºÃÈÈÄÖ£¬¶¼ÔÚÁÄʲôѽ£¿ | 17:41 |
COOLDOOD | !brain > ikonia | 17:41 |
ubottu | ikonia, please see my private message | 17:41 |
Snicers | Can you change the UMask for specific users? | 17:42 |
COOLDOOD | ikonia, isent it to u | 17:42 |
lolmatic | how can i reset my gamma (intel) after some game set it to some weird value? | 17:43 |
enko_ | anyone here suggest a good vpn ? | 17:43 |
Syniq | ikonia: It is with a slight sense of irony that I note most anyone whose nickname contains the word 'cool' is almost certainly the antithesis of the word. | 17:44 |
yunosh | hi, is anybody else getting 404s for changelogs from natty-proposed? | 17:45 |
pythonirc101 | anyone knows what i did wrong: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/423768/ | 17:46 |
pythonirc101 | my /dev/md1 is not supposed to be bootable | 17:46 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: you don't boot the meta devices | 17:47 |
Abhijit | enko_, if you are looking for free anynomity solution try tor. though its a slow option | 17:47 |
melter | does anyone know when libreoffice 3.4 will be available in the ppa? | 17:47 |
KM0201 | melter: i'd suggest asking the maintainer of the PPA? | 17:47 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: should i be worried about killing my boot? | 17:47 |
Paradox_b | pythonirc101 - is currently active, but it is not listed in mdadm.conf. if | 17:47 |
Paradox_b | W: mdadm: it is needed for boot, then YOUR SYSTEM IS NOW UNBOOTABLE! | 17:47 |
Paradox_b | W: mdadm: please inspect the output of /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf, compare | 17:47 |
Paradox_b | W: mdadm: it to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf, and make the necessary changes. | 17:47 |
escott | pythonirc101, do you need it to boot | 17:48 |
hgghjhgj | àË£¡´ó¼ÒºÃ£¡»¶ÓÎÒÂ𣿠| 17:48 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: in what respect ? | 17:48 |
pythonirc101 | escott: I need to boot from /dev/sde -- not from the raid 0 at /dev/md1 | 17:48 |
pythonirc101 | but what i'm worried about is if the boot sequence will use some part of /dev/md1 -- does it? | 17:49 |
Syniq | /30/3 | 17:49 |
Syniq | er... | 17:49 |
escott | pythonirc101, then the warning is not relevant to your boot | 17:49 |
pythonirc101 | should i try to reboot | 17:49 |
escott | pythonirc101, i wouldnt be surprised if the md array doesn't come back up (but you can rescan and reassemble it) if you want it to come up manually you have to add it to mdadm.conf | 17:50 |
pythonirc101 | http://paste.pocoo.org/show/423775/ | 17:50 |
lolmatic | how can i reset my gamma (intel) after some game set it to some weird value? | 17:53 |
hgghjhgj | ´ó¼ÒºÃ£¬ÕâÀïÓÐƯÁÁµÄÃÃÃÃÂð£¿Ç뿪ÎÒС´°¡£ | 17:53 |
maco | hgghjhgj: stop | 17:54 |
goltoof | how do i completely remove yakuake? it won't get rid of the profile, works fine as other user | 17:55 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, you delete the file from the users home dir... | 17:55 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, thing to rember.. apt-get will NOT touch files in the users home. (normaly) | 17:55 |
hgghjhgj | ¶Ô´ó¼Ò˵:¡º #help ¡» | 17:55 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof, at least you are narrowing it down. :) | 17:55 |
goltoof | dr_willis, did that | 17:56 |
maco | hgghjhgj: please stop pounding on the keyboard. if you have a question, ask it in english. | 17:56 |
escott | lolmatic, xrandr does gamma correction | 17:56 |
Slart | !cn | hgghjhgj | 17:56 |
ubottu | hgghjhgj: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk | 17:56 |
maco | Slart: you see what hgghjhgj is saying as chinese? i just see accented latin characters | 17:57 |
escott | lolmatic, so i think you could do xrandr --gamma 1:1:1 or some variant | 17:57 |
TSG | Hello | 17:57 |
Slart | maco: I probably see the same thing you're seeing.. but then I cheated using the whois info =) | 17:57 |
maco | Slart: ooh haha | 17:58 |
lolmatic | escott: thanks but i already found it out | 17:58 |
acelte | Does anyone know when the sun-java package in the repository is going to be updated? It's been sitting at 24 for a while. | 17:58 |
TSG | Just a quick question for anyone using gnome-3 on natty | 17:58 |
Tekk_`` | !ask | TSG | 17:58 |
ubottu | TSG: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:58 |
hgghjhgj | HI LOVE | 17:59 |
deadowl | I'm trying to use find to find all non-hidden files in the present directory, but I don't have -path available | 17:59 |
sbarcteam | hi guys. my college's maverick died after the latest kernel upgrade (2.6.35-30) | 17:59 |
goltoof_ | could the profile settings be in ram | 17:59 |
goltoof_ | ? | 17:59 |
hgghjhgj | HI LOVE | 17:59 |
sbarcteam | s/college/collegue/ | 17:59 |
hgghjhgj | HI ALL | 17:59 |
goltoof_ | there is no profile dir in home | 17:59 |
dr_willis_ | goltoof_, look in the .kde dirs? you could just move them all to some other dir for safekeeping. | 18:00 |
dr_willis_ | if you logged out/back in. then they wouldent be in ram | 18:00 |
TSG | Alright when I try to change my theme I try to place the theme file into /usr/share/gnome-shell/ but it says I am not authorized to do so. But when I login as root the download file is not there | 18:00 |
dr_willis_ | or at least i wouldent think so. :) | 18:00 |
Almegor | #ubuntu | 18:01 |
Almegor | ><" | 18:01 |
=== Ghost is now known as Guest69362 | ||
escott | TSG, $HOME for root is /root not /home/username | 18:03 |
Guest69362 | where can i get help with ubuntu server 11.04? | 18:03 |
jc__ | whats the prob? | 18:03 |
=== Guest69362 is now known as Phantom | ||
Corey | !ask | Guest26079 | 18:03 |
ubottu | Guest26079: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:03 |
Phantom | can't upload a website | 18:03 |
=== Phantom is now known as Guest98744 | ||
dr_willis_ | -rw------- 1 willis willis 112 2011-06-29 13:03 yakuakerc | 18:04 |
Snicers | how do you set a file to have rwx with umask? umask 000 only allows for rw | 18:06 |
dr_willis_ | what # is rwx anyway? | 18:06 |
TSG | escott, how do I access $HOME? | 18:07 |
Tekk_`` | dr_willis_: 777 I think | 18:07 |
Tekk_`` | dr_willis_: though I always use the rwx syntax :p | 18:07 |
TSG | It was much easier when I could right click --> open file as root | 18:07 |
dr_willis_ | n contrast, a umask of 000 will make newly created directories readable, writable and descendible for everyone (the permissions will be 777). Such a umask is highly insecure and you should never set the umask to 000 | 18:08 |
escott | TSG, it is /home/username/whatever | 18:08 |
dr_willis_ | from the URL i pasted a while back... | 18:08 |
dr_willis_ | http://askubuntu.com/questions/44542/what-is-umask-and-how-does-it-work | 18:08 |
TSG | escott, yes but that is not root | 18:08 |
dr_willis_ | desendable dirs are executable... | 18:08 |
TSG | I need to extract a file into /usr/share/gnome-shell/ and it is saying I need to be root | 18:09 |
Guest98744 | trying to create a server using ubuntu server. Have a domain name, 11.04 installed on an independant computer, and a website made ready to be uploaded. Can't connect to server using WinSCP or any other client software and if i search for it in firefox it connects me to our router requesting the loggin information. How can i fix or where can i get help? | 18:09 |
escott | TSG, the point is that when you start that root shell your pwd is changed to /root because that is $HOME for root. you need to specify the full path to the file which is /home/username/whatever | 18:09 |
dr_willis_ | TSG, that makes sence. | 18:09 |
dr_willis_ | TSG, you need to do suich tasks with 'root' priviliges. via sudo normally | 18:09 |
user_ | who can help me? | 18:10 |
graingert | heya | 18:10 |
Tekk_`` | !ask | user_ | 18:10 |
ubottu | user_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:10 |
jimmy51_ | i'm having trouble getting kerberos to work to connect to my AD domain controller. i've installed kerberos, added my realm info, sync'd my servers with NTP, but i still get errors when i run kinit, or i get nothing at all. | 18:11 |
Snicers | I am trying to set the umask as 00# where # is just read and execute. | 18:11 |
user_ | how i can put my Launcher panel active | 18:11 |
user_ | ? | 18:11 |
venusto | hello | 18:11 |
Snicers | but 00 doesn't allow file execution | 18:11 |
jimmy51_ | kinit: KDC reply did not match expectations while getting initial credentials | 18:11 |
venusto | im here. | 18:11 |
=== Guest98744 is now known as Valkiury | ||
Snicers | which is needed for php scripts. | 18:11 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, umask of 000 would set the modes to be 777 | 18:11 |
Odisha1 | hello.. i m using ubuntu install through windows instraller. i m having problem with LCD backlight. plz help me. | 18:12 |
Snicers | dr_willis_, it is not, 000 sets it to -rw-rw-rw- | 18:12 |
TSG | What would be the sudo command to transfer a file from /home/nick/downloads/ to /usr/share/gnome-shell/ ?? | 18:13 |
jimmy51_ | doh. thought i was in server | 18:13 |
dr_willis_ | try 0000 perhaps.. checking for excamples via google | 18:13 |
kevin123 | hey guys, I tried to boot ubuntu using a liveCD and it gets stuck in the prompt i can type. the last thing that i see is stopping system v runlevel compatibility | 18:13 |
graingert | TSG, sudo | 18:13 |
Abhijit | is clamav no more for linux? | 18:14 |
user | ubottu: Huh? I didn't ask a question | 18:14 |
ubottu | user: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:14 |
graingert | Abhijit, no | 18:14 |
user | ubottu: I didn't I simply stated I didn't ask to ask. | 18:14 |
ubottu | user: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:14 |
Abhijit | graingert, any quality alternate? | 18:14 |
dr_willis_ | ahh files and dirs are treated differntly with umask it seems. | 18:14 |
dr_willis_ | Assuming the umask has the value 174, any new file will be created with the permissions 602 and any new directory will have permissions 603 | 18:14 |
graingert | apt://clamav | 18:14 |
Abhijit | ubuntu wiki still contains info abour clamav. | 18:15 |
Abhijit | graingert, amm? | 18:15 |
TSG | I'm not new to linux, I am just having difficulties from the switch from mint11 ->>> natty gnome 3 | 18:15 |
graingert | Abhijit, I am on 11.04 | 18:15 |
Snicers | dr_willis_, correct, but is there no way to get x with umask on files? | 18:15 |
graingert | Abhijit, and it works fine for me | 18:15 |
graingert | Abhijit, just install it at apt://clamav | 18:15 |
Odisha1 | hello.. i m using ubuntu install through windows instraller. i m having problem with LCD backlight. plz help me.. | 18:15 |
graingert | Abhijit, or if you can't you have some issue with your repos | 18:15 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, all i am doing is googling and reading... You are doing this also in addation to sitting here in irc? :) | 18:16 |
graingert | Odisha1, it's wubi, and can you tell us what device you are installing to | 18:16 |
Abhijit | graingert, i currently have clamav installed. but its old version. not updated. | 18:16 |
Abhijit | graingert, i am on lucid btw. | 18:16 |
llutz | Snicers: umask can't do that | 18:16 |
graingert | Abhijit, install apt://clamav-freshclam | 18:16 |
user | Any good programs to record ubuntu screens? | 18:16 |
KM0201 | Odisha1: step 1. dump wubi | 18:16 |
Snicers | dr_willis_, several tabs of reference, youtube videos, and an hour into it before I came here. | 18:16 |
graingert | Abhijit, ah, update to 11.04 for latest packages | 18:16 |
Abhijit | graingert, what is that? is it the orifinal clamav? | 18:17 |
KM0201 | user: desktop recorder | 18:17 |
Pici | !screencast | user | 18:17 |
ubottu | user: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts. | 18:17 |
KM0201 | !info gtk-desktop-recorder | 18:17 |
ubottu | Package gtk-desktop-recorder does not exist in natty | 18:17 |
KM0201 | hmm | 18:17 |
graingert | Abhijit, that's the clam updater | 18:17 |
kevin123 | is there a way to force the gui to come up? | 18:17 |
Abhijit | graingert, ok | 18:17 |
graingert | kevin123, no | 18:17 |
dr_willis_ | so 000 does it for dirs.. but not files. | 18:17 |
Abhijit | graingert, its already installed here | 18:17 |
kevin123 | so if it doesnt boot how do i troubleshoot it | 18:17 |
Snicers | dr_willis_, yup, why the hell did they do that? | 18:17 |
graingert | kevin123, it? | 18:17 |
KM0201 | user: are you wanting screenshots, or to record what happens on screen (for a video) | 18:17 |
llutz | Snicers: why do you want executable files by default? | 18:17 |
graingert | kevin123, what is it? | 18:17 |
kevin123 | tried to boot ubuntu livecd and the computer wont boot | 18:18 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, security and you normally DO want dirs executable.. | 18:18 |
dr_willis_ | or else you cant cd into them | 18:18 |
kevin123 | it gets stuck at stopping system v rnlevel compatibility | 18:18 |
escott | TSG, sounds like you are new to unix (or at least new to the command line -- which is fine just ask the question directly) sudo cp /home/nick/Downloads/theme-whatever.tgz /usr/share/gnome-shell. then sudo chown root:root /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme-whatever.tgz; cd /usr/share/gnome-shell; sudo tar -xzvf theme-whatever.tgz | 18:18 |
user | KM0201: I want to record a webcam session | 18:18 |
graingert | kevin123, odd, google the device or try the alternate install disk | 18:18 |
KM0201 | hmm, not sure on recording just the webcam session. | 18:18 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, your task of 'making every new file executable by default' is a much 'stranger' thing to be doing. :) | 18:18 |
Tekk_`` | oh! | 18:18 |
Tekk_`` | what's the updated kernel ppa? | 18:18 |
KM0201 | !info recordmydesktop | 18:19 |
ubottu | recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB | 18:19 |
kevin123 | should i try a 64 bit disk? | 18:19 |
KM0201 | i knew i wasn't crazy | 18:19 |
Tekk_`` | that's why I can't get it working, the official ubuntu kernel was too old | 18:19 |
Tekk_`` | memory is a great thing when it works.. | 18:19 |
graingert | kevin123, no idea what device are you using | 18:19 |
dr_willis_ | by default, a directory is created with 777 and a file 666. | 18:19 |
Snicers | dr_willis_ that makes sense of course, but I need php scripts executable otherwise visitors to a site can't use them. | 18:19 |
graingert | Odisha1, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computer_Hardware | 18:20 |
escott | user, try cheese | 18:20 |
graingert | Odisha1, okay | 18:20 |
graingert | Odisha1, what model? | 18:20 |
kevin123 | i am just using an old demsnsion 5150 PC it has data that i need to recover, the processor is compatiable with 64 bit os ( i know because i have a 64 bit freeBSD system running on another pc that is the same) | 18:20 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, you have to do it some other way.. basicakky its a security feature.. | 18:21 |
dr_willis_ | Snicers, http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/newbie/64956-umask-files.html | 18:21 |
llutz | Snicers: php-scripts to be run by a webserver? they don't need to be executable | 18:21 |
escott | kevin123, in the live cd run the following command "grep flags /proc/cpuinfo" it will list processor capabilities. see if "lm" is in that list | 18:21 |
dr_willis_ | llutz, i was thinking that also.. but i dont do web servers. :) | 18:21 |
graingert | escott, can you do that from the live cd boot loader? | 18:21 |
Snicers | dr_willis_ I just came across that site myself lol | 18:21 |
llutz | dr_willis_: at least none of my _working_ php-files are exec | 18:21 |
kevin123 | nothing happens | 18:22 |
escott | graingert, no sorry didn't realize kevin123 was stuck at the bootloader | 18:22 |
Odisha1 | graingert, i m using Emachines E727 | 18:22 |
graingert | Odisha1, what is the problem you are having with the LCD? | 18:22 |
Odisha1 | whn i boot to ubuntu then backlight turns off | 18:23 |
edgarpoe | Hi until today my Ubuntu was working fine. It's a Wubi installation with Ubuntu inside Win Vista. When I booted it now I get a Error cannot find GRLDR in all devices Press ctrl+alt+del to restart | 18:23 |
Odisha1 | & in windows it runs well | 18:23 |
graingert | Odisha1, second hit on google: http://pointelement.blogspot.com/2010/09/installing-ubuntu-1004-on-acer-e.html | 18:23 |
graingert | Odisha1, Change GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="" to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="acpi_osi=Linux" in /etc/default/grub | 18:24 |
graingert | Odisha1, you will need to have installed it first though | 18:24 |
raven | hi | 18:24 |
graingert | Odisha1, I don't know if you can change boot options in wubi - I assume one can hack it | 18:24 |
graingert | anybody? | 18:25 |
escott | Odisha1, check to see if anything exists in /sys/class/backlight. if there are no files there the kernel is not recognizing the backlight, in which case you need to try a newer or older kernel | 18:25 |
kevin123 | graingert: would you like my specs of the computer? | 18:25 |
raven | mount gives me no-block-device-error... | 18:26 |
raven | mount gives me no-block-device-error. what could be wrong? | 18:26 |
graingert | kevin123, no just the serial number, but if you built it yourself... | 18:26 |
graingert | kevin123, model number* | 18:26 |
kevin123 | i didnt build myself i can give you the model num | 18:27 |
graingert | kevin123, basically anything other than "the live cd didn't work *cryface*" | 18:27 |
llutz | raven: what do you try to mount? | 18:27 |
graingert | kevin123, :P | 18:27 |
Odisha1 | escott, how can i check? i m new to linux | 18:27 |
kevin123 | its the dell Dimension 5150, lol | 18:27 |
raven | mount gives me no-block-device-error. what could be wrong? | 18:28 |
llutz | raven: what do you try to mount? | 18:28 |
raven | llutz /dev/null | 18:28 |
llutz | raven: why? | 18:28 |
graingert | Odisha1, have you got it installed yet? | 18:28 |
Snicers | How do you control FTP users permissions? | 18:28 |
escott | Odisha1, if you can open a terminal you can type "ls /sys/class/backlight" thats the easiest way. you could also just use the file browser to go to that folder | 18:29 |
graingert | escott, the solution is here for Odisha1 http://pointelement.blogspot.com/2010/09/installing-ubuntu-1004-on-acer-e.html | 18:29 |
kevin123 | graingert: dell dimension 5150, wish there was a way to give you more like an error nuimber but it just hangs | 18:29 |
llutz | Snicers: read documentation for your ftp-server | 18:29 |
llutz | of* | 18:29 |
raven | llutz, perhaps i could use a device whitch contains only "nothing" as mass-storage with neverending capacity ......... | 18:30 |
raven | llutz no its only a joke ;) | 18:30 |
graingert | kevin123, try booting the livecd with nosplash and getting rid of quiet | 18:30 |
graingert | kevin123, know how to do that? | 18:30 |
kevin123 | nope lol | 18:30 |
Nisstyre | yes | 18:30 |
graingert | kevin123, I believe it's F6 and then you press left | 18:30 |
llutz | raven: do you want help or just to be funny? | 18:31 |
graingert | kevin123, and you get a line of text with some options | 18:31 |
kevin123 | graingert: ok ill try. so as soon as it boots off the press f6 | 18:31 |
graingert | kevin123, and it should say quiet splash -- | 18:31 |
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker | ||
graingert | kevin123, remove quiet and change splash to nosplash | 18:31 |
graingert | kevin123, removing both also works | 18:31 |
raven | llutz, bit funny should be ok also here | 18:32 |
kevin123 | graingert: will try now | 18:32 |
w30 | raven, would a link to dev/null work for you? like: ln -s | 18:32 |
scud | i'm using ubuntu 10.04. is there a cooler/better looking gdm then the default? | 18:33 |
raven | w30 it was a joke | 18:33 |
escott | scud, you can get gdm themes. google for gnome look and i think that will take you to the main theme website | 18:34 |
Tekk_`` | does anyone have a link to the .debs for the updated linux repo? I can't seem to find them | 18:35 |
Abhijit | linux repo? | 18:35 |
kirk | Anybody know how to add an LPD network printer using command line? I want to make a script to deploy printers to computers remotely over ssh, and so I want to know how to do it CLI. | 18:35 |
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graingert | kevin123, good lucks | 18:37 |
kevin123 | graingert: i have a screen now that says shows ubuntu and it has several options 1)try ubuntu w/o install 2) install ubuntu 3)check disk for defects 4) test memory 5)boot from first hd... when i hit F6 i get another menu | 18:38 |
w30 | raven /me cat chuckle > /dev/null | 18:38 |
Corey | k1rk: I'd do it via cups. | 18:38 |
llutz | k1rk: man lpadmin should help | 18:38 |
Corey | !print | k1rk | 18:38 |
ubottu | k1rk: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 18:38 |
kevin123 | graingert: this menu contains 1)acpi=off 2)noapci 3)nolapci 4)edd=on 5)nodrmraid 6)nomodest 7)free software onl | 18:39 |
graingert | kevin123, I think if you press left | 18:39 |
graingert | kevin123, you get to the string you need to edit | 18:40 |
dr_willis_ | !nomodeset | 18:40 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 18:40 |
kevin123 | graingert: got it now i remove quite and splash? | 18:40 |
dr_willis_ | has how to enable nomodeset with screen shots. | 18:40 |
PythonSnake | !edubuntu | pythonsnake | 18:40 |
ubottu | PythonSnake, please see my private message | 18:40 |
dr_willis_ | not seen a site with a video of it yet. :) | 18:40 |
graingert | kevin123, yep | 18:41 |
graingert | kevin123, that way you get to see what happens before a crash | 18:41 |
graingert | kevin123, see/read | 18:41 |
kevin123 | graingert: sweet thanks! | 18:41 |
Tekk_`` | can someone link me to the current stable linux-image deb? not the one in natty, but the updated on | 18:42 |
olskolirc | how do I make an inch space on each side of my pico page please - the same way you would see the indentation in an office writer? | 18:42 |
graingert | kevin123, it should help you debug | 18:42 |
ki__ | How do I start developing i-phone apps and android apps? | 18:44 |
kevin123 | graingert: stuck in the same place stopping system v runleevel compatibilty | 18:44 |
Zzarkc-20 | ki__, I believe you have to be running a Mac OS with Developer tools. | 18:44 |
llutz | ki__: #android-dev | 18:44 |
Tekk_`` | ki__: iphone apps require a mac to develop, you can develop android ones with google's sdk | 18:44 |
Zzarkc-20 | ki__, As far as the iPhone apps. | 18:44 |
ki__ | I can't develop iphone apps on linux? | 18:45 |
trism | Tekk_``: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+package/linux-image-2.6.38-10-generic (that's the one currently in proposed) | 18:45 |
ki__ | wtf mate | 18:45 |
mobodo | anyone knows a channel to discuss PC hardware? I'm having trouble with a new motherboard and I don't want to pollute this channel... | 18:45 |
k1rk | Sorry, did anyone answer my question about LDP printing? | 18:45 |
k1rk | Can't scroll up on irssi and am at work so I had to step away. | 18:45 |
dr_willis_ | ki__, thats not supriseing really. | 18:45 |
kevin123 | ki__: no you need a mac to develop iphone apps | 18:45 |
llutz | k1rk: man lpadmin should help | 18:45 |
DasEi | mobodo: #hardware , gg | 18:45 |
Tekk_`` | k1rk: pgup/pgdn ;) | 18:45 |
kevin123 | ki__: xtools only runs on the mac os x | 18:45 |
k1rk | Tekk_``: Doh. | 18:46 |
Zzarkc-20 | ki__, It's a bit annoying, I know. Not sure why Apple does that, but I've never known anyone to develop for iOS on another OS. | 18:46 |
k1rk | Tekk_``: I normally use konversation but I had to hop on a server to get around websense to get on here. hah. | 18:46 |
Tekk_`` | Zzarkc-20: they do it because they're apple | 18:46 |
mobodo | DasEi: thanks :) | 18:46 |
Tekk_`` | k1rk: ah | 18:46 |
DasEi | mobodo: ##hardware , but the upper info brings you there | 18:46 |
k1rk | llutz: Thanks I'll take a look. | 18:46 |
kevin123 | graingert: i have a feeling its the video driver, because my video is all messed up is there a way i can boot in safe video mode ? | 18:47 |
Zzarkc-20 | Tekk_``, lol. I still love Mac though. And if you like Linux, they both still run on a unix base. | 18:47 |
graingert | kevin123, hmm - okay try using the alternate install cd | 18:47 |
scud | escott: where is the login window so I may choose the gdm theme gz file? | 18:47 |
Tekk_`` | Zzarkc-20: I'd rather use a real bsd ;P | 18:47 |
scud | or gdm theme chooser app | 18:47 |
Zzarkc-20 | Tekk_``, Haha. I'll just say "alright" to prevent a flame war. | 18:48 |
escott | scud, that part i don't know. you might try sudo gdmsetup after logging in. otherwise during login look for a config button | 18:48 |
Blah | hey guys, I have a raid 0 setup with 2 x 1TB drives, I had windows 7 installed and partioned the windows drive to leave free space to install ubuntu, chose the install side by side option, everything went ok until i restarted the pc, now i get a grub rescue screen with "error: no such device: e196......" | 18:48 |
jimmy51_ | is there a quick way to toggle iptables on/off for debugging purposes? | 18:49 |
dr_willis_ | GDM in 11.04 isent really themeable.. you can change the wallpaper and a few other tweaks.. but its not as thamable as the old gdm. | 18:49 |
scud | n/m | 18:49 |
dr_willis_ | actually i think it lost the feature in the release befor 11.04 :) | 18:49 |
scud | escott: system > preferences > appearance | 18:49 |
Tekk_`` | Zzarkc-20: to be more on topic, I'd rather use hurd. it actually has the gnu tools(hurd is based on the mach microkernel, which NeXT hybridized for NeXTSTEP which became OSX ;P) | 18:49 |
orchata | Hi guys, is there an alternative to windows "hosts" file in ubuntu? I need to redirect a program from going to domain of a site to its different ip adress | 18:49 |
dr_willis_ | orchata, ubuntu has a hosts file | 18:49 |
escott | orchata, /etc/hosts | 18:49 |
orchata | OK. thanks guys | 18:50 |
orchata | That was very fast :) | 18:50 |
kevin123 | orchata: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_%28file%29 | 18:50 |
Zzarkc-20 | Tekk_``, oooh. I haven't heard of hurd before. I'll have to check it out. A little bit of history I didn't know about. | 18:50 |
kevin123 | orchata: good to have as a refrence its a fav of mine lol | 18:50 |
Tekk_`` | Zzarkc-20: it's the GNU kernel. not ready for daily use at all yet, but it'll be awesome when it is :D; | 18:50 |
kevin123 | graingert: its so strange though because i have off the spash screen and no errors | 18:51 |
Blah | anybody? or is it more of a forum question? | 18:51 |
orchata | kevin123: thanks | 18:51 |
kevin123 | orchata: np | 18:51 |
genii-around | Blah: As I understand, if you have a Windows RAID setup, Wubi cannot be installed onto it | 18:52 |
escott | Blah, what kind of raid? | 18:52 |
Blah | i didn't install wubi, i installed ubuntu from CD onto a partition | 18:52 |
Blah | raid 0 | 18:52 |
escott | Blah, no i mean what kind of raid controller | 18:53 |
Blah | im not using a third party controller, so mobo i guess :S | 18:53 |
celestica_- | Hey guys, I'm having some trouble changing my sources.list to use rsync instead of http. I keep getting an error that rsync isnt showing up in /usr/lib/apt/methods/, any guesses guys? Here is the test sources.list that I used: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635215/ | 18:54 |
kevin123 | graingert: new cd... new error: cannont mount dev/loop0 | 18:54 |
Blah | but ubuntu did pick it up as one drive, i didn't have any problem with it being detected as 2 seperate drives, it listed the windows MBR and the windows partition, i simply resized the windows partition and installed ubuntu onto that | 18:55 |
graingert | kevin123, is that the alternate CD? | 18:55 |
kevin123 | graingert: yep fresh burned ... its 64bit though | 18:55 |
Blah | onto the free space i mena | 18:55 |
graingert | kevin123, not being able to mount loop is odd | 18:55 |
kevin123 | graingert:any suggestions or ways taht i can give you moreinfo? | 18:56 |
stephanmg | mh ubuntu natty seems to lack "ri". how do i get ri? | 18:56 |
Cerrdor | How can I generate RSA key for SSH? | 18:56 |
graingert | kevin123, I am afraid I am out of my depth | 18:56 |
celestica_- | Cerrdor, check out 'man ssh-keygen' | 18:56 |
stephanmg | Cerrdor: that's really well documentated! | 18:56 |
graingert | Cerrdor, ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 10000 | 18:56 |
escott | Blah, if you google for "soft-raid" you will see some of the comments. some "soft-raid" is supported through device mapper dmraid, but the preferred linux solution is pure software implementation known as mdadm. likely your grub or initrd is not loading the required dmraid modules and cant find the system. if you can put the boot partition outside of the raid that may help | 18:57 |
kevin123 | graingert: thanks for your help anyway | 18:57 |
Cerrdor | there it is I missed the -b | 18:57 |
link_ | Can anyone tell what the memory feature on kubuntus' okular is called? | 18:57 |
graingert | Cerrdor, ssh also defaults to RSA | 18:57 |
oCean | !info ri | stephanmg | 18:57 |
ubottu | stephanmg: ri (source: ruby-defaults): Ruby Interactive reference (ri). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.5 (natty), package size 5 kB, installed size 44 kB | 18:57 |
Blah | escott, by outside the raid you mean on a seperate drive? | 18:58 |
stephanmg | oCean: ty | 18:59 |
escott | Blah, or in a partition at the front of the disk that is not raided (you can do that with mdadm, may not be possible with "soft-raid") | 18:59 |
escott | Blah, generally the boot partition is no included in the raid array, if it is then it is included only as part of a raid 1 mirror and is booted as if it were not in the raid. | 19:00 |
stephanmg | oCean: mh do i need another PPA for that? | 19:00 |
oCean | stephanmg: nope, it is in universe repository | 19:00 |
Blah | escott, so how exactly should i go forward? is there any documentation? I'm utterly new to raid, I've installed ubuntu before but only on single HD systems | 19:00 |
celestica_- | Is there anyone who can help configure apt to use rsync instead of http? | 19:01 |
graingert | celestica_-, no | 19:01 |
stephanmg | strange oCean aptitude search ruby-defaults, does not find it | 19:01 |
adubzz | what is the best console based irc client | 19:01 |
oCean | stephanmg: ruby-defaults? package is called 'ri' sudo apt-get install ri | 19:02 |
stephanmg | oCean: ouch thx | 19:02 |
oCean | stephanmg: welcome | 19:02 |
genii-around | adubzz: Most swear by irssi | 19:03 |
ghostnik11 | hi i am having problems with samba sharing when it comes to the password prompt | 19:04 |
escott | Blah, if possible i would recommend disabling the raid in the bios. but that will screw up windows. since the installer was able to identify the raid array thats a good sign that dmraid should support it if you can get the kernel and initrd loaded | 19:04 |
ghostnik11 | is there a way i can get around the password promt and i put in the password but it doesn't work | 19:04 |
stephanmg | mh strange, ri show various [ESC strings pretty ugly | 19:04 |
Blah | escott, so what now? boot into linux off the disc and reinstall grub? or what? | 19:05 |
escott | Blah, the big question mark here is "can grub bootloader see the raid array to load the boot partition" my guess is that may be unsurmountable, and you may need to get another disk for a boot sector at which point I would dispense with soft-raid on that disk and go direct for it | 19:05 |
escott | Blah, figure out exactly what kind of bios soft-raid you have, and either ask here or in #grub if it is supported | 19:06 |
Blah | escott, thanks :D much appreciated, I will investigate and return :P | 19:06 |
wildbat | grub can boot soft-raid ~ but only in raid1 | 19:10 |
FishEee | no idea why the only version i can install is 9.10 | 19:11 |
Blah | escott, intel rst raid 0 | 19:11 |
dr_willis_ | FishEee, if you have video issues. try the nomodeset option for newer releases. | 19:12 |
dr_willis_ | !nomodeset | 19:12 |
ubottu | A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 19:12 |
w30 | My firefox home .mozilla directory got mangled with a power failue so I renamed it it and started a new to make firefox work. What files do I need to move to the new one to get my bookmarks back? bookmarkbackups is not enough, *sigh* | 19:12 |
Blah | escott, apparantely that's the type of softRaid it's using, I have been able to find guides describing raid 1 and raid 5 installation, I haven't been able to find anything about someone in the same situation as me, with the same error | 19:12 |
olskolirc | how do I make an inch space on each side of my pico page please - the same way you would see the indentation in an office writer? | 19:13 |
FishEee | dr_willis_, how do i do that.. i do have video issues | 19:14 |
FishEee | i put the CD in and then what | 19:14 |
dr_willis_ | !nomodeset | FishEee | 19:14 |
ubottu | FishEee: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 19:14 |
orchata | I want to divide my flash drive into 2 partitions and use second partion as a live usb/cd (ubuntu). But I still want to be able to use it as flash drive and don't want the second partion to be affected anyhow by windows formating. I know there is a way to do, I just cannot find it | 19:14 |
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Slart | olskolirc: are we talking about the text editor pico or something else? | 19:15 |
FishEee | i load into the ubuntu wallpaper and never get install wizard | 19:15 |
olskolirc | yes pico Slart | 19:15 |
gisli | fishee: you have to click the install icon on the desktop | 19:15 |
Slart | olskolirc: and you want the margin to show up on the screen? or when you print it out? | 19:15 |
fabiano | hi | 19:16 |
gisli | oh sorry...I might be jumping into a conversation that was before I came | 19:16 |
olskolirc | i want to set an inch margin on both sides Slart before I even start pico and write that to alias | 19:16 |
dr_willis_ | FishEee, so the system does boot to the desktop then... you have a normal desktop with icons and stuff? | 19:16 |
TSG | Okay I got my theme installed, sorry I was too used to the #pacman. Had to learn ubuntu's language | 19:16 |
TSG | Thank you for the help | 19:16 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, text editors normally dont work that way. unless you set up auto-tab/indenting features. | 19:16 |
olskolirc | ty dr_willis_ | 19:17 |
FishEee | no.. i do not even have it installed yet.. i put the CD in.. it does the Ubuntu loading bar with dots.. ubuntu wallpaper appears... then nothing.. this is for 10.04+.. 9.10 works as its supposed to | 19:17 |
trism | w30: instead of copying over anything, you may want to try going to Bookmarks/Show all bookmarks then Backup and Restore/Restore/Choose a file... and select the most recent backup to restore | 19:17 |
FishEee | dr_willis_, i can install 9.10 and then upgrade to 10.04 and everything works fine | 19:17 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, why are you even wanting to do this? | 19:17 |
TSG | But during the installation I have ran into a problem... The gnome-shell itself has the theme, but the windows borders do not... | 19:17 |
gisli | fishee: no install icon on the desktop or anything? | 19:17 |
dr_willis_ | TSG, using gnome-3 ? | 19:17 |
FishEee | nope | 19:18 |
chriswr | anyone know if there is a way to turn off the idle on a computer cause mine seems to crash 50% of the time when it goes into idle | 19:18 |
TSG | yes | 19:18 |
gwelymernan | does ayone else have problems using skype in 10.10? | 19:18 |
gisli | chriswer: power settings | 19:18 |
FishEee | gisli, on 10.* i get just wallpaper... on 11.04 i get wallpaper and top panel bar | 19:18 |
TSG | @ dr_willis_ | 19:18 |
Cerrdor | so once the rsa key is loaded to the server how do I ssh to it? | 19:18 |
dr_willis_ | TSG, with the new changes to gnome 3 stuff - you have to use a theme thats gtk2 and gtk3 compatiable. (or so i read at the webupd8 blog site) | 19:18 |
dr_willis_ | TSG, or else you can get into some odd situatuiions. | 19:18 |
chriswr | gisli, where would i find the power settings on ubuntu 11.04? | 19:18 |
olskolirc | because I like pico/nano dr_willis_ i can't get the hang of vi/vim or have the patience for it | 19:19 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, why are you word processing in a text editor? | 19:19 |
TSG | Ah.... Well i'm sure I can pull some edits to get it working. Ex: mess with the default colors of the windows | 19:19 |
dr_willis_ | learn vi/vim. its worth the effort. :) | 19:19 |
dr_willis_ | gvim helps you learn vim also. a little :) | 19:19 |
olskolirc | ok :-( doing it now :-( | 19:19 |
gisli | chris: power management in the system-preferences | 19:20 |
rypervenche | vim is very good :) | 19:20 |
olskolirc | which one should i learn dr_willis_ vi or vim | 19:20 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, i still wonder why you wanted margins in a text editor. | 19:20 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, vim is 'vi' | 19:20 |
dr_willis_ | !vim | 19:20 |
ubottu | Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs, ed - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 19:20 |
dr_willis_ | install the vim package also. if your system is using the vim-tiny, it will have color and other features. | 19:20 |
chriswr | gisli, alright i found it thnx | 19:20 |
olskolirc | because i want an inch on each side of my nano - i can set the end column with -r 105 but that doesn't give me a left margin | 19:20 |
dr_willis_ | is vim-tiny the default on 11.04? i never noticed. | 19:21 |
gisli | np | 19:21 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, a margin for what> just so you can see it better? or for printing? | 19:21 |
escott | Blah, yeah i don't know enough to say if grub can handle intel rst. i think stripping was probably a bad choice here. if the personality were raid 1 mirrored then grub could load the boot partition on sda and start the initrd at which point the kernel modules for dmraid could take over and support the fs as mirrored once the partitions are mounted rw. but with stripping the bootloader may not even be able to find the initrd and kernel | 19:21 |
olskolirc | so i can see it better dr_willis_ | 19:21 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, so you are doing word processing in nano? what are you writeing? | 19:21 |
olskolirc | im learning bash scripting in nano and its highlighted too :-) | 19:22 |
Cerrdor | if I want to see the contents of a file in terminal whats the command? cat? | 19:22 |
mneptok | Cerrdor: yes | 19:22 |
Slart | Cerrdor: cat, more, most | 19:22 |
dr_willis_ | olskolirc, check out Geany - if you want a really good editor to do scripting work in. its also avail for windows. | 19:22 |
rypervenche | olskolirc: You should do "cp /etc/vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc" then open it up and uncomment most of the lines so you'll have options that you want. | 19:22 |
Blah | escott, what's the easiest way for me to setup the PC to boot into windows 7 again and ignore the ubuntu partition for now? so i can use the PC again and perhaps look for a solution on the forums and investigate more? | 19:22 |
Cerrdor | ok so cat most will print the whole thing? | 19:22 |
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
dr_willis_ | cat 'concatcates' the data. :) spits it out to stdout. | 19:23 |
Zzarkc-20 | Cerrdor, I believe it's just cat. $~ cat <file> | 19:23 |
Slart | Cerrdor: yes, cat just prints out the entire file | 19:23 |
dr_willis_ | more/less/most are 'pagers' that help you read files easier. | 19:23 |
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=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
Cerrdor | ohhh ok | 19:23 |
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=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe | ||
dr_willis_ | cat file1 file2 file3 > file123 :) | 19:24 |
dr_willis_ | is common ussage for cat also. | 19:24 |
Cerrdor | right | 19:24 |
Cerrdor | been way too long away from linux | 19:24 |
Cerrdor | lol | 19:24 |
Cerrdor | forgot most of it | 19:24 |
escott | Blah, this link has various information but i cant really guide you in getting the existing system working. my recomendation would be either (a) get a disk exclusively for ubuntu, and if you want to strip some of your data you can selectively do so by mounting partitions on the stripped disks or (b) do away with the soft-raid bios raid config, reinstall windows and figure out a different raid solution for it, and use mdadm to raid only t | 19:25 |
escott | he partitions you need raided on linux. but do ask the channel maybe someone knows more about intel soft-raid | 19:25 |
escott | Blah, forgot the link http://kerneltrap.org/mailarchive/linux-raid/2010/8/18/6885997 | 19:25 |
tuxlon | my systems always crashes when i watch video | 19:25 |
rypervenche | run "vimtutor" to learn how to use vim. | 19:25 |
gisli | tuxlon: dont watch flash videos ;D | 19:25 |
tuxlon | would it be the videocard? | 19:25 |
Blah | escott, thanks for the help, so there isn't any way to get the system to simply boot into windows and ignore grub and the ubuntu installation? | 19:26 |
olskolirc | i just installed geany and started it with geany at the command and it seg faulted on me :-( | 19:26 |
buzzkill | howdy all.. I have an issue I am trying to track down. Google did not provide a clear enough result for me. I am getting this in dmesg every 5 seconds... actually, 10 of these every 5 seconds. | 19:26 |
buzzkill | non-matching-uid symlink following attempted in sticky world-writable directory by sabnzbdplus (fsuid 1003 != 1000) | 19:26 |
escott | tuxlon, full system crash or gui crash? | 19:26 |
tuxlon | full system | 19:26 |
tuxlon | after 5 minuts | 19:26 |
=== introuble is now known as KubuntuSnake | ||
tuxlon | i checked everything | 19:26 |
usr13 | tuxlon: What exactly does it do? Just power off? | 19:27 |
tuxlon | power off | 19:27 |
usr13 | tuxlon: Is it a laptop? | 19:27 |
tuxlon | yes | 19:27 |
escott | tuxlon, its most likely something with your video card, what exactly i don't know. you could try dropping to gnome-classic and disabling the gl effects to see if that makes it more stable | 19:27 |
usr13 | tuxlon: Does it need cleaning? | 19:27 |
tuxlon | i cleaned it | 19:27 |
escott | tuxlon, as usr13 suggested it might just be overheating. check the sensors output | 19:28 |
usr13 | tuxlon: Or do you need to set the temprature shut off point (in bios) to higher degree? | 19:28 |
escott | tuxlon, and if its an acer throw it in the trash and get something else :) | 19:28 |
tuxlon | unfortunately its an acer and i'm thinking of throwing it in the trash | 19:29 |
youmee | i run Ubuntu 11.04 on virtualbox, but why I don't see unity? | 19:29 |
Hans_Henrik | been desperately trying to install g++-3.4, they are not in the last LTS's distro (strangely g++-3.2 is tho o.0), managed to install gcc-3.4 (cus its in the default repos), but tried to install g++-3.4 from.. debian lenny? now whenever i run aptitude, or apt-get, or update-manager, it just says this, and exit. apt-get: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.11' not found (required by /usr/lib/libapt-pkg-libc6.10-6.so.4.8) | 19:29 |
youmee | and how to turn it on? | 19:29 |
Hans_Henrik | how do i fix apt-get? | 19:29 |
FishEee | youmee, you install guest addons? | 19:30 |
youmee | yes | 19:30 |
gisli | hans:what do you mean? | 19:30 |
youmee | FishEee: yes | 19:30 |
usr13 | When you tax your system with video or other processor/display-adapter intensive tasks, some systems will overheat. Thermal greas may need replacing. etc.. | 19:30 |
escott | tuxlon, do whatever you can to keep the thermal load down, but you and i aren't alone in having had overheating problems with acer laptops | 19:30 |
BluesKaj | tuxlon, my acer works fine on ubuntu ,and it's 3 yrs old and still working well | 19:30 |
tuxlon | in xfce it also crahes and it doesn't get really hot | 19:30 |
Cerrdor | sudo apt-get omfg I broked it | 19:30 |
Cerrdor | jk | 19:30 |
escott | tuxlon, you might play around with powertop to see if you can get it cooler that way | 19:30 |
okokok | anyone ever run into openvpn starting twice on boot in 10.04? i'm not super sure where to start looking on why it is started twice; everything's pretty much stock onthis machine | 19:30 |
xelister | so, http://pl.archive.ubuntu.com seems down | 19:31 |
tuxlon | it's 4 years old | 19:31 |
Soothsayer | I installed ubuntu without creating any swap partition | 19:32 |
smckdwn | howto install skype on ubuntu 10.04 | 19:32 |
youmee | FishEee: oh now it works! I just set checkbox on 'Enable 3D acceleration' in virtualbox | 19:32 |
Soothsayer | I want to create a swap partition now, do I need the live cd ? | 19:32 |
Slart | !swap | Soothsayer | 19:32 |
ubottu | Soothsayer: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info | 19:32 |
rypervenche | smckdwn: Go to www.skype.com and get it there. The one in the repos isn't up-to-date I don't think. | 19:32 |
FishEee | yeah.. youmee make sure you give it enough video memory too | 19:32 |
FishEee | close to the max would probably be a good idea | 19:33 |
youmee | FishEee: yeah thanks | 19:33 |
Slart | Soothsayer: you don't need a live cd.. you can do it on a live system.. unless you need to resize the root partition.. then you'll need a live cd | 19:33 |
rypervenche | !info skype | 19:33 |
ubottu | Package skype does not exist in natty | 19:33 |
Slart | Soothsayer: you can use a swap file too.. that might be easier | 19:33 |
Soothsayer | Slart, so just install gparted and run it from the present system itself ? | 19:33 |
Slart | !skype | 19:33 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 19:33 |
Slart | Soothsayer: yup.. you need a swap partition and then you use the swapon command, iirc | 19:33 |
Soothsayer | Slart, will this also allow me to hibernate ? | 19:34 |
Slart | Soothsayer: but check the link ubottu sent you.. it has lots of good info | 19:34 |
thegladiator | which is a good ipod manager for ubuntu | 19:34 |
Soothsayer | ye ive been reading on that page itself. | 19:34 |
Slart | Soothsayer: it should | 19:34 |
escott | Blah, sorry didn't see your message. you can run fixmbr from a windows rescue disk to reinstall the windows bootloader. im not familiar with the process myself though | 19:34 |
tuxlon | is there any program to check my videocard? | 19:34 |
mneptok | Soothsayer: hibernate is hit-or-miss. but swap is definitely required, and in greater capacity than physical RAM | 19:34 |
Soothsayer | ok, swap partition or swap file? | 19:35 |
usr13 | tuxlon: lspci |grep -i vga | 19:35 |
Soothsayer | I can't seem to find any good articles on creating a swap file | 19:35 |
w30 | trism, U da man, trism, that worked just fine. Thank You. | 19:35 |
mneptok | Soothsayer: i always recommend partition. | 19:35 |
Blah | escott, i've just booted the live cd and opened gparted, it's not showing any linux partitions, in fact there's just the windows and the MBR | 19:35 |
Slart | Soothsayer: I use a swap file myself | 19:35 |
Cerrdor | Anyone here have success in configuring paros in Ubuntu running tor? | 19:35 |
Cerrdor | or i2p? | 19:35 |
thegladiator | which is a good ipod manager for ubuntu | 19:35 |
=== Cain` is now known as Cain | ||
usr13 | Soothsayer: Do you have a swap partition? sudo fdisk -l | 19:36 |
* mneptok and Slart take it outside for a good old-fashioned geek preference duel | 19:36 | |
Slart | hehe | 19:36 |
Soothsayer | usr13, No, i dont | 19:36 |
mneptok | *muah* | 19:36 |
escott | tuxlon, it could just be a function of your video card that isn't working correctly. so if for instance you have nvidia and installed the nvidia drivers you could drop back to the nv drivers. or you could disable the desktop effects and use !classic to avoid touching gl functions in case one of those is crashing the system. if it still crashes then its more likely just a thermal limit | 19:36 |
usr13 | Soothsayer: Having a swap partition is best. | 19:37 |
tuxlon | usr13: thanks, but i'm looking for something to check if it's broken etc | 19:37 |
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=== BashSnake is now known as JavaSnake | ||
escott | Blah, is it still showing the resized windows or is the windows partition now showing as using the full disk | 19:38 |
usr13 | Soothsayer: But if you really want to use a swap file.... you can... | 19:38 |
Blah | escott, using the full disk, no unused space at all, i just resized it again and im going to install ubuntu again, perhaps it was just a glitch | 19:38 |
tuxlon | escott: but it happened on xfce as well | 19:38 |
escott | tuxlon, have you installed sensors? it could easily be thermal limits | 19:39 |
Cerrdor | how do I configure a static IP? | 19:39 |
Cerrdor | ifconfig down eth0 | 19:39 |
tuxlon | escott and how can i install gnome classic, i'm using gnome without compiz | 19:39 |
escott | Blah, thats very worrying. i would be afraid your windows partitions is being trashed | 19:39 |
Cerrdor | then ifconfig eth0 | 19:40 |
escott | Blah, because if the partition table writes are not going through, but the disk writes are.... | 19:40 |
mneptok | Cerrdor: PM? | 19:40 |
genii-around | Cerrdor: If it will be permanent, better to just edit the /etc/network/interfaces file for it | 19:40 |
escott | tuxlon, gnome without compiz is what i mean by classic (ie not unity in 11.04) | 19:40 |
Blah | escott, yeah this is weird, I'm just going to recover windows 7 and wait until i can properly sort this out, I've already posted to the ubuntu forums | 19:40 |
Blah | escott, thanks for all the help :) | 19:41 |
escott | Blah, no problem. goodluck | 19:41 |
Cerrdor | genii-around, thanks | 19:41 |
olskolirc | I tried vi and HOW ANNOYING! geeze im trying to learn bash not learn how to manipulate a program before i can program - vi is STUPID | 19:42 |
tuxlon | escott: but if it's the temperature normally you wouldn't be able to restart the laptop imediately? | 19:42 |
dgags | olskolirc: gedit | 19:42 |
escott | tuxlon, another thing you can do is use mplayer. it will allow you to specify the drawing path for video with the -vo option. so try mplayer -vo help to list output methods and mplayer -vo x11 filename to draw with straight x11 | 19:42 |
olskolirc | I just want to write and go within my pretty little format in nano | 19:42 |
usr13 | Soothsayer: Something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635251/ | 19:42 |
maco | olskolirc: its just a text editor. use nano if you like. it's ubuntu's default terminal editor | 19:42 |
escott | tuxlon, perhaps. if the thermal violation is on only a small segment of the cpu it could cool off enough to be able to boot within a few seconds | 19:43 |
usr13 | Soothsayer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635254/ | 19:45 |
knightrage | you smell | 19:46 |
knightrage | :o | 19:46 |
mipo | hi | 19:46 |
knightrage | jk kj | 19:46 |
tuxlon | escott: ok'll keep on checking and i'll try mplayer but as i've been struggling with this problem for half a year now i just think it could be the videocard, the laptop is 5 years old now | 19:46 |
DannyButterman | Hi there. I can't connect to a vpn from an ubuntu client when using wireless, but it works when using ethernet. Does someone have any idea ? | 19:46 |
Pici | knightrage: Lets try to stay on-topic here. | 19:46 |
Slava1 | hello | 19:46 |
mipo | I want to change language of all parts in ubuntu | 19:47 |
knightrage | wrong window | 19:47 |
mipo | please help me | 19:47 |
zeroedout | Dannybutterman, it might be your iptables settings.... | 19:47 |
usr13 | DannyButterman: Could be that the wireless and wired networks use two different subnets | 19:47 |
zeroedout | You can try to use something like firestarted to config it easy... or just disable it completely | 19:47 |
w30 | olskolirc, you should be able to do some simple editing in vi because it is always "just there" on unix,bsd,solaris, recovery disks, etc. How ever it comes with a lot of baggage like being able to do it all with the keyboard and speed if and only if you have all 10,000 commands memorized. | 19:48 |
Slava1 | please tell me, where I may find non technical chat? only speaking, chat, etc | 19:48 |
wildgoose | mipo, To what language? | 19:48 |
zeroedout | usr13: if he's vpn'ing in somewhere, does the ip he connects from matter? | 19:48 |
mipo | Persian | 19:48 |
thegladiator | any goood user friendly ipod managing software like itunes | 19:48 |
DannyButterman | zeroedot, usr13: It could be, but there are error in the log about eth9k which is the driver for the wireless interface | 19:48 |
mipo | wildgoose , Persian | 19:48 |
Pici | zeroedout: firestarter is deprecated, gufw is what we are recommending now. | 19:48 |
wildgoose | !persian > mipo | 19:48 |
mipo | wildgoose , Persian(Farsi) | 19:49 |
mipo | yes | 19:49 |
zeroedout | pici: i'll have to check that out, thanks! I prefer shorewall on my server, but something gui is always sweet | 19:49 |
usr13 | DannyButterman: It also could be the way you have the vpn tunnel setup. As zeroedout points out, the IP address difference could be very well the issue, (even if both wired and wireless are on same subnet). | 19:49 |
Pici | zeroedout: ufw is the cli equivalent, they both interface with iptables though. | 19:49 |
olskolirc | wow w30 | 19:49 |
Slava1 | how show all channels on this irc-server? | 19:50 |
w30 | olskolirc, worst of all backspace doesn't delete what you just typed *sigh* | 19:50 |
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DannyButterman | usr13, zeroedout: I'm about to post the log, you'll see what I mean | 19:50 |
aiwe | hi | 19:51 |
guntbert | Slava1: you don't, they are too many, but ask in #freenode for further assistance please | 19:51 |
tuxlon | mipo: language-pack-gnome-fa - GNOME translation updates for language Persian | 19:51 |
usr13 | DannyButterman: Okey dokey | 19:51 |
aiwe | help pls how install .bin file | 19:51 |
usr13 | aiwe: What exactly is it? | 19:51 |
aiwe | googleearth. bin | 19:52 |
usr13 | aiwe: chmod +x file-name.bin ; ./file-name.bin or sh file-name.bin | 19:52 |
poshisfat | im new to xubuntu...how do i start a source tree to install something | 19:52 |
thegladiator | any one knows any good ipod software other than gtkpod ? | 19:52 |
mipo | tuxlon , s | 19:52 |
aiwe | usr13: thanks | 19:52 |
DannyButterman | unbelievable. it works now. This makes no sense at all | 19:53 |
mipo | tuxlon , and then | 19:53 |
usr13 | aiwe: NP | 19:53 |
Pici | poshisfat: a 'source tree'? | 19:53 |
Polah | aiwe: There's a .deb package of Google Earth? | 19:53 |
usr13 | DannyButterman: What did you do? | 19:53 |
poshisfat | yeah....im trying to install a program | 19:53 |
mneptok | aiwe: you'll want to use "sudo ./googleearth.bin" so the installer has rights to write stuff | 19:53 |
guntbert | aiwe: no need to install it this way, it is in the repos | 19:53 |
usr13 | aiwe: Yes, as Pici says, you should use Ubuntu's package manager when ever possible. | 19:53 |
guntbert | !googleearth | aiwe | 19:53 |
ubottu | aiwe: Google Earth is available as the package "googleearth-package" in !Multiverse. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GoogleEarth | 19:53 |
poshisfat | ok thank you | 19:54 |
Pici | usr13: I didn't say that, but it would be something that I would say. | 19:54 |
thrillERboy | Hi, I cannot uninstall anything from Ubuntu. I get this error everytime :( http://pastebin.com/bF53xxgB | 19:54 |
Pici | !apt | poshisfat | 19:54 |
ubottu | poshisfat: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) | 19:54 |
usr13 | Pici: Sorry, that was Polah | 19:54 |
usr13 | !googlearth | aiwe | 19:55 |
ubottu | aiwe: Google Earth is now available, for free (as in price), for Linux. To download it see http://earth.google.com/download-earth.html - A package for Ubuntu is available in the !Medibuntu repository. - If Google Earth crashes on start, download version 5.1 instead of 5.2 from the website. | 19:55 |
civixier | Hi! One of the first things I do when I install ubuntu is to get rid of all of the gnome-panels. Usually I fire up gconf-editor, goes to desktop > gnome > session > required_components and delete the panel key. However, this doesn't seem to work in 11.04 because it isn't there. How do I get rid of the last gnome-panel now? (Note that I still want to be able to start it by simply enter gnome-panel in a terminal). | 19:55 |
DannyButterman | usr13: the only thing I did is to try a vpn connection in ethernet, which worked flawlessly. And now, some days after that, I boot up this netbook, try the vpn connection in wifi, and bam, it works.... | 19:55 |
poshisfat | well i cant find the files i want in there.im trying to install pysoulseek its a p2p client that allows you to share with the windows program called soulseek | 19:55 |
mipo | Thanks so much | 19:55 |
usr13 | DannyButterman: Shazam! | 19:55 |
thrillERboy | Even If I try to install from Terminal I get an error like crossplatformui failed. | 19:55 |
tuxlon | mipo: check ist in controlcenter there you can easily change the language | 19:56 |
penlats | How do you import an Openvpn config file into Network Manager | 19:56 |
poshisfat | what does this mean 'To install pysoulseek from the source tree run the following: | 19:56 |
poshisfat | python setup.py install --prefix=<dir> | 19:56 |
poshisfat | ' | 19:56 |
tuxlon | mipo: and for the console with dpgk-reconfigure locales | 19:56 |
poshisfat | where do i type this?...terminal? | 19:56 |
DannyButterman | usr13: yes, I wish sometimes there could a little less magic in computer science :s | 19:57 |
thrillERboy | Hi, I cannot uninstall anything from Ubuntu. I get this error everytime :( http://pastebin.com/bF53xxgB | 19:57 |
* PythonSnake is away: Gone away for now | 19:58 | |
Pici | PythonSnake: disable that. | 19:58 |
civixier | maybe if i create a panel key and leave it empty... | 19:58 |
Pici | !away > PythonSnake | 19:58 |
ubottu | PythonSnake, please see my private message | 19:58 |
* PythonSnake is back. | 19:58 | |
BBop | Plop | 19:58 |
BBop | Est-ce que quelqu'un connaîtrait Ekiga ? | 19:58 |
Pici | !fr | BBop | 19:59 |
ubottu | BBop: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. | 19:59 |
BBop | Et m'expliquerait pourquoi mon inscription ne marche pas | 19:59 |
BBop | le message : "l'inscription a échoué" | 19:59 |
PythonSnake | Pici: It was automatic. Sorry. | 19:59 |
BBop | Ok sorry, :) | 19:59 |
mneptok | BBop: Anglais seulement ici, STP. | 19:59 |
PythonSnake | Salut BBop | 19:59 |
usr13 | thrillERboy: sudo apt-get install -f | 20:00 |
chris_99 | hi, is there anyway to stop ubuntu moving the selected window to the next workspace | 20:00 |
peepsalot | how does commercial software get listed in ubuntu software center? is there some application process or a contact to get software in there? | 20:00 |
Slart | chris_99: you mean if you drag it to an edge? | 20:00 |
usr13 | thrillERboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1641387.html | 20:00 |
chris_99 | Slart, i mean whenever i change workspace | 20:01 |
DannyButterman | usr13: by the way, how can I set up the client vpn so that I can reach www.google.com and a distant network like 192.168.0.x ? | 20:01 |
Pici | peepsalot: See http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/programme | 20:01 |
jpds | peepsalot: http://www.canonical.com/engineering-services/oem-services/isv-services | 20:01 |
Slart | chris_99: oh.. then I don't really know.. it doesn't do that for me | 20:01 |
usr13 | !nonfree | peepsalot | 20:01 |
ubottu | peepsalot: When we use the term 'non-free', we mean that it is not Open Source. Software that is not open source cannot be fixed or improved by anyone except the software authors -- which is not us :( | 20:01 |
Grav | can anyone help me with sed for removing text between <!--[if gte mso 9]> and <![endif]--> with those tags? | 20:02 |
chris_99 | this is on ubuntu 11, seems to have just started doing it | 20:02 |
peepsalot | usr13, i know what nonfree is, and i didn't ask you | 20:02 |
jpds | peepsalot: https://forms.canonical.com/partners/ | 20:03 |
Slart | chris_99: I'm running 11.04 on my laptop and I haven't seen that behaviour there either | 20:03 |
thrillERboy | thanks usr13 -f is for force install?? | 20:03 |
usr13 | peepsalot: See Enabling Multiverse Repository https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu | 20:03 |
chris_99 | i'm really confused why its doing it, as 'only on this workspace' | 20:04 |
chris_99 | is selected | 20:04 |
jpds | usr13: That's not what he wants. | 20:04 |
peepsalot | thanks Pici, jpds | 20:04 |
mipo | tuxlon : yes, that's worked! Thank you | 20:04 |
usr13 | jpds: peepsalot Ok. sorry. | 20:04 |
usr13 | chris_99: Do you know what "workspace" means? | 20:06 |
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV | ||
usr13 | chris_99: You porbably have at least 2 workspaces. You can have a GUI window showing on one or more workspaces. | 20:06 |
chris_99 | usr13, i hope so | 20:06 |
chris_99 | yeah, what i don't want is the currently selected application | 20:07 |
chris_99 | to move to the next workspace | 20:07 |
mranima | is there a PPA for gnome 3 for ubuntu 10.10? | 20:07 |
usr13 | chris_99: To move to the next workspace is what it says. If it is on workspace1 and you move to next workspace, it will go to workspace2 | 20:07 |
chris_99 | it never used to do that | 20:07 |
Polah | mranima: Yes, but it's unsupported and may not work very well. | 20:08 |
chris_99 | is there no way to stop it from doing that, usr13 | 20:08 |
usr13 | chris_99: Well, it is just an option. You don't have to use it. | 20:08 |
mranima | polah: is it the testing one? right. | 20:08 |
chris_99 | what i'm saying is, it always moves that window usr13 | 20:08 |
jpds | peepsalot: Welcome. | 20:08 |
chris_99 | there doesn't seem to be an option to stop it | 20:08 |
chris_99 | from doing that | 20:08 |
usr13 | chris_99: Well, I don't know about that. Sorry. | 20:09 |
usr13 | chris_99: I suppose if you were using workspace2 during your last session, you'll start out on workspace2 on next one. | 20:10 |
danharibo | hi | 20:10 |
danharibo | I'm trying to instal mongodb, but aptitude wants to install a whole load of unrelated packages | 20:10 |
chris_99 | thats not the issue though, usr13, its the fact the selected application is moving with me, when i move workspace | 20:10 |
danharibo | like parts of X11 and gtk | 20:10 |
usr13 | chris_99: But does it really matter? (Does it matter which workspace you use for any particular GUI application?) | 20:10 |
chris_99 | yes, its very annoying | 20:11 |
aiwe | #ubuntu-lt | 20:11 |
usr13 | chris_99: Then just use one workspace | 20:11 |
jpds | chris_99: Try asking in #ayatana, that's where the developers are. | 20:11 |
chris_99 | i need to use many workspaces though | 20:11 |
mranima | how many? | 20:11 |
mranima | sheesh. | 20:11 |
jpds | mranima: I use 9. | 20:12 |
chris_99 | 4 at least mranima | 20:12 |
chris_99 | thanks jpds | 20:12 |
chris_99 | will try that | 20:12 |
mranima | i only use 2. | 20:12 |
usr13 | jpds: I use 1. I have 2 enabled but rarely use second one. | 20:12 |
mranima | same usr13 | 20:12 |
jpds | One for IRC, one for Firefox, one for Thunderbird, and the rest for whatever. | 20:12 |
noaki | hi, my keyboard layout always switches back to us, but i want the german one. i deinstalled the us, but after every reboot it is back again :Q also i only have the german system locale | 20:13 |
usr13 | I almost always use Alt-Tab to switch between GUI windows. | 20:13 |
TannerH | i installed ubuntu 10 but when i tried to start it i got a _ blinking in the top right corner of my screen. i have had this happen before and i have fixed it before but i dont remember how | 20:14 |
DasEi | noaki: sudo dpgk-reconfigure console-setup | 20:15 |
brylie | TannerH, see if this helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1484694 | 20:17 |
noaki | DasEi thx i try to reboot and see if it worked | 20:18 |
Soothsayer | asd | 20:18 |
Soothsayer | I got disconnected earlier. | 20:20 |
Soothsayer | Is it recommended that I make my swap partition on the a hard drive that does not run the operating system? | 20:20 |
Soothsayer | in my case, I have two hard disks sd0 (OS) and s1( mounts /var and /home ) | 20:20 |
Soothsayer | sda and sdb* i meant | 20:20 |
guntbert | !enter | Soothsayer | 20:20 |
ubottu | Soothsayer: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:20 |
Slek | NickServ identify poephooft | 20:21 |
Slek | ouch | 20:21 |
sindile | wired network is greyed even though i am on a network | 20:21 |
guntbert | Soothsayer: in my opinion it doesn't matter on what disk you create it | 20:21 |
Dbl_Tap | slek: lol | 20:21 |
Kog|Work | Slek: don't worry, only 1500 people know it... | 20:21 |
Slek | Yea | 20:22 |
Soothsayer | excuse that. | 20:22 |
Dynamit | http://pastebin.com/Y6gGzr4F but when try install virtualmin base i get http://pastebin.com/vv1b0RNL | 20:22 |
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Slek | And how do I change my password? | 20:24 |
TannerH | brylie, no matter what i do i can not get the grub menu to be pulled up. the only os i have on my machine is linux but pressing shift during boot has not brought up anything. | 20:25 |
guntbert | Slek: /msg nickserv help set passord | 20:25 |
Slek | guntbert: Thx | 20:25 |
guntbert | *password | 20:25 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: you perchance having an issue with Ubuntu providing a blank screen after boot? | 20:25 |
pythonirc101 | I created a /dev/md1 -- raid 0 -- 4 drives...when i rebooted, it showed me a warning and now it mounted it on /dev/md127 instead of /dev/md1 -- anyone knows what i'm doing wrong and how to fix this? | 20:26 |
TannerH | yes i do. | 20:26 |
pythonirc101 | if i now reboot, it mounts automatically on /dev/md127 instead of /dev/md1 | 20:26 |
guntbert | Slek: you're welcome :-) next time better identify in a private window with nickserv - or still better configure your client to do it automatically | 20:26 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: is this your root file system ? | 20:26 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: ah, me too... very annoying | 20:26 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: nope | 20:26 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: have you configured it in the mdadm.conf ? | 20:26 |
Kog|Work | Slek: you can get your client to pass your nick/pass as part of the connection... you should do that | 20:26 |
Finw3 | Hi, will be possible to make a gnome classic desktop installation in future releases of ubuntu for people that don't like Unity? | 20:27 |
ikonia | Finw3: it's being removed | 20:27 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: I did ... used mkconf output in mdadm.conf | 20:27 |
Slek | ok | 20:27 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I don't know what mkconf does, manually look at /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf check if it looks sane | 20:27 |
Slek | Kog|Work: I'll look it up | 20:27 |
Finw3 | ikonia thank you. I know but I mean some way to make a manual installation of gnome classic | 20:27 |
[THC]AcidRain | i am not understanding at all why cron is not working properly... | 20:27 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: so far I've been messing with /etc/default/grub, but I don't seem to have any progress... what's even more strange is I can't grab a TTY via ctl+alt+f1 | 20:27 |
[THC]AcidRain | * * * * * php -q /var/www/AcidShower/420/420ToCell.php | 20:28 |
[THC]AcidRain | this is my cron job | 20:28 |
ikonia | Finw3: depends if there is a package available in the repos | 20:28 |
[THC]AcidRain | is there something wrong with that? | 20:28 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/423940/ | 20:28 |
pythonirc101 | These are the definitions i had | 20:28 |
Kog|Work | [THC]AcidRain: uh, yeah... | 20:28 |
Finw3 | ikonia ok, thank you | 20:28 |
skutr34 | i heard that Ubuntu 11.04 had a lot of problems..... can anyone confirm this? | 20:28 |
guntbert | [THC]AcidRain: put the full path to php in there | 20:28 |
dom_ | whats the easiest way to run a bash script every time you login | 20:28 |
Kog|Work | [THC]AcidRain: you might try writing a valid cron expression | 20:28 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I don't need to see it, I asked if it looks sane for your config | 20:28 |
Soothsayer | I created a swapspace partition using gedit but in /etc/fstab, there is no entry for it ? | 20:28 |
[THC]AcidRain | lol | 20:28 |
pythonirc101 | it still goes automatically to /dev/md127 -- but i do remember entering /dev/md0 and /dev/md1 instead of /dev/md/0 -- is taht sane? | 20:29 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: or the * * * * *... | 20:29 |
[THC]AcidRain | the full path? cron documentation said i didnt have to | 20:29 |
[THC]AcidRain | but ill try it | 20:29 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: except for that, it does look ok | 20:29 |
okokok | bleh openvpn starts twice on ubuntu server 10.04 i can't figure out why; killing the two, and starting via init results in only one running | 20:29 |
=== Slek is now known as Sleknerps | ||
ikonia | pythonirc101: no, that won't be sane | 20:29 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: if you look at that config it looks like it's creating /dev/md/1 | 20:29 |
Pici | [THC]AcidRain: the manpage for php leads me to believe that you need php -f -q /path/to/file | 20:29 |
Kog|Work | [THC]AcidRain: you might also read syslog | 20:29 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: i dont have alot of linux experience with linux so i have no idea what that is. i have had it boot up perfect once or twice on different installs but i also have a graphics card that is unsupported out of the box. that doesnt help much | 20:30 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: then why is it that in my /etc/fstab, I've to refer to /dev/md127 and mount it at /raid1 | 20:30 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: I was wrong anyway :-/ | 20:30 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: I have experience with linux, but I haven't a clue what would cause you not to get a TTY | 20:30 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yeah, but what the hell would * * * * * evaluate to heh | 20:30 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I don't know why it's in your fstab, just remove it if it's wrong | 20:30 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: for the other raid, i can just do : /dev/md0 -- mount it on /raid0 -- no problems there | 20:30 |
Pici | Kog|Work: That runs every minute | 20:30 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: every minute, all the time ? | 20:30 |
Kog|Work | Pici: interesting | 20:30 |
=== Sleknerps is now known as slek | ||
Kog|Work | Pici: fair enough, my dumb mistake | 20:31 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: and neither do i which is probably part of the problem... | 20:31 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: if i try /dev/md1 - /raid1, it doesnt detect it and the raid is invisible...it automatically creates /dev/md127!? | 20:31 |
Battlepope | I am trying to use some of the texlive-fonts-extra fonts in latex, but i am getting a file not find error: '! LaTeX Error: File `emerald.sty' not found.' | 20:32 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: so all of the stuff I could find via google suggested modifying /etc/default/grub and changing what it passes as the options | 20:32 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: possible because your raid config is not sane, so it's creating a meta device (127) out of what it thinks is correct, look at the blkid's does it match up to whats in the mdadm.conf | 20:32 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: then running update-grub and rebooting ... (which I obviously am doing over SSH) | 20:32 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: ok this time i didnt mount /dev/md127 and rebooted have an error lemme read it to you | 20:32 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: but seriously weird, how the hell can it not give you a TTY on ctl+alt+f1... | 20:32 |
=== JoshOvki is now known as Guest19038 | ||
pythonirc101 | ikonia: the disk drive for /dev/ssd is not ready yet or not present. Continue to wait or press S to skip | 20:33 |
pythonirc101 | this is fsck | 20:33 |
Battlepope | any ideas regarding the mystery of the missing font gentlemen? | 20:33 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: it may be a stupid question but what is a TTY? | 20:33 |
tom719co | hello | 20:34 |
tom719co | i am trying to update with apt-get on a ubuntu 9.04 box | 20:34 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: you're supposed to be running 6 virtual teleterms you can hit from f1->f6 | 20:34 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: that device is missing - but not important at this moment. Does the block id of the 127 meta device , match the block id of the device in the mdadm.conf | 20:34 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: f7 will shunt you back to X | 20:34 |
tom719co | and i had to change the links to "old-releases" because "archives" woudln't work | 20:35 |
tom719co | but still having a lot of trouble with it | 20:35 |
slek | Kog|Work, lucky it was the wrong password | 20:35 |
tom719co | does anyone have a working sources.list file or know where I can find one for ubuntu 9.04? | 20:35 |
ikonia | tom719co: 9.04 is dead - so no config is working | 20:35 |
ikonia | tom719co: take up to 10.04 | 20:36 |
tom719co | k not sure if i can do that atm.. no way to work around it? | 20:36 |
[THC]AcidRain | Pici: i have the full path, which is what was written down before | 20:36 |
ikonia | tom719co: why can't you do that ? | 20:36 |
tom719co | i'm just trying to install webmin but dependancies are failing | 20:36 |
[THC]AcidRain | i added the -f | 20:36 |
[THC]AcidRain | but i thought that was only for 'more information' | 20:36 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: okay. it may be that i have a bad install or something?? i can reinstall off another source and see if it fixes | 20:36 |
ikonia | tom719co: webmin is not in the ubuntu repos or supported, so you've messed up your sources.list and possibly your system with 3rd party software | 20:36 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: honestly, I don't know... I was considering upgrading the box to 10.04 | 20:37 |
Pici | [THC]AcidRain: Thats not what the manpage says. | 20:37 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: erm, 11 | 20:37 |
[THC]AcidRain | grrr let me check it out again | 20:37 |
tom719co | i know.. i added their respositories.. but there are dependancy problems | 20:37 |
tom719co | also tried the dpkg method | 20:37 |
ikonia | tom719co: yes, because it's "not supported" | 20:37 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: I'm not so sure what the root cause is yet - and I've never encountered this on any of the Ubuntu installs I've had | 20:37 |
Kog|Work | apparently it's quite common though | 20:37 |
tom719co | ok thanks | 20:38 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: i have tried that but i got the longest list of errors i have ever seen. it went on for over 10 minutes before stopping | 20:38 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: installing 11 i mean | 20:38 |
Kog|Work | haha, awesome | 20:38 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: I'm sure someone in here actually knows the answer... like I said it seems to be a fairly common occurance | 20:38 |
dravekx | 11.04 is weird | 20:39 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: I know my hardware is supported because it was displaying gnome yesterday | 20:39 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: (it's a work computer... my second day using it) - guessing some sort of update was run | 20:39 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/423952/ -- is that the problem? | 20:39 |
pythonirc101 | are these the uuid's from /dev/disk/by-uuid i should put in mdaadm.conf? | 20:39 |
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TannerH | Kog|Work: yes i have been given several different answers none of them seem to work. im using a dell 1537 and one of my freinds has put it on his using the same exact machine but i dont know what it is | 20:40 |
JoshOvki | yay finally got my name back | 20:40 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: look at the output - the device you created as md1 no longer exists, the blockid is missing, which suggests something has changed (disk size/partition/missing disk/etc) | 20:40 |
[THC]AcidRain | Pici: * * * * * php -f -q /var/www/AcidShower/420/420ToCell.php this is currently what i have. it appears its still not running | 20:40 |
[THC]AcidRain | let me check the logs | 20:40 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: is he fairly adept? | 20:40 |
Kog|Work | [THC]AcidRain: syslog is your friend | 20:40 |
Pici | [THC]AcidRain: What if you run that command manually? Does it work? | 20:41 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: when i boot, fsck tells me that /dev/sdd is missing, but fdisk -l tells me that /dev/sdd is there | 20:41 |
pythonirc101 | i'm confused what is missing | 20:41 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: yes but he is unfortunately not in the same country as me anymore. | 20:41 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: and that's what skype is for | 20:41 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: stop doing fsck - that's not going to magically change anything | 20:41 |
brahmana | Hi all | 20:41 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: i don't -- ubuntu does it automatically when i reboot | 20:41 |
brahmana | Is there a way to find out if a particular group already exists? | 20:41 |
[THC]AcidRain | how exactlly do i run this command manually? | 20:41 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: how can i figure out what is going wrong? | 20:42 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: listen to what I'm saying, you've built an array called md1 - you've put that devices id into mdadm.conf - that device has changed, you need to find out what has changed or re-create the array | 20:42 |
Pici | [THC]AcidRain: Open a terminal and type it there. | 20:42 |
[THC]AcidRain | and im looking at the logs.... no cron | 20:42 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: the problem you have is you've made raid0 so the slightest change will corrupt the array's id | 20:42 |
[THC]AcidRain | when i ran that manually i get: bash: Android_Development: command not found | 20:42 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: yes it is. he is doing some research on why my machine is so special but he said it will probably take a while | 20:42 |
brahmana | Basically a command similar to *id* - which can tell me if a user group exists. | 20:42 |
Pici | [THC]AcidRain: so... what did you expect it to do? | 20:42 |
ikonia | brahmana: id will do that | 20:42 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: can i do mdadm --assemble? | 20:42 |
llutz | brahmana: getent groups | 20:43 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: if you want to | 20:43 |
[THC]AcidRain | well.... i kinda expected it to execute the php code... | 20:43 |
Pici | brahmana: getent groups $groupname | 20:43 |
=== JoshOvki is now known as JoshOvski | ||
llutz | brahmana: getent group | 20:43 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: the funny part is that the /dev/md127 works perfectly! | 20:43 |
[THC]AcidRain | what does android development have anything to do with what im doing is my next question | 20:43 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: that is possible, it depends on what's change | 20:43 |
ikonia | changed | 20:43 |
genii-around | pythonirc101: posts 6 onwards at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1764861 might be relevant for your situation | 20:43 |
* brahmana looks up the manpage for getent | 20:43 | |
brahmana | thank you llutz and Pici | 20:44 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: examine the 127 array, see if it's as you expect in terms of disk layout and config | 20:44 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: yeah, honestly I don't know enough about what's going on to even help myself | 20:44 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: i am actually trying to liveboot 11 right now but it just stays on the purple screen with the 4 dots and does nothing for a while and then gives me a ton of errors | 20:44 |
[THC]AcidRain | well i found syslog | 20:44 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: but the symptoms I see seem to be that it hits grub, displays the Ubuntu splash screen and then bam... blank screen | 20:44 |
Pici | [THC]AcidRain: I don't know what android has to do with that, but I don't know what that file is, or why you'd want to run it in your crontab. | 20:45 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: oh, nevermind then... thought you were getting a blank screen heh | 20:45 |
[THC]AcidRain | its a file that will send information to cell phones locally. its a personal thing that a small business is wanting to do | 20:45 |
[THC]AcidRain | it will just send the numbers over | 20:46 |
Soothsayer | I created a swap partition | 20:46 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: the errors on 11 remind me of the matrix... but i am getting black screen on anything i install. but liveboot works fine on 10 | 20:46 |
Soothsayer | but it does not appear in my /etc/fstab file | 20:46 |
Soothsayer | do I have to manually add it there? | 20:46 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: heh | 20:46 |
ikonia | Soothsayer: yes | 20:46 |
ikonia | Soothsayer: fstab is not automatic | 20:46 |
brahmana | ikonia: How would id help me determine if a given group exists or not? | 20:46 |
teja | hey guys | 20:46 |
ikonia | brahmana: sorry, I thought you where asking if a user belonged to a group | 20:47 |
Soothsayer | ikonia, I just separate the columns with spaces (any number) right? | 20:47 |
Pici | brahmana: getent will tell you that, check for the return code after you run it | 20:47 |
brahmana | ikonia: Ok. :) | 20:47 |
[THC]AcidRain | Jun 29 07:35:41 acidrain-desktop anacron[18043]: Job `cron.daily' terminated | 20:47 |
ikonia | Soothsayer: yes, use what's there as an example | 20:47 |
brahmana | Pici: Yup. Just read the manpage. It is precisely what I want. Thanks again | 20:47 |
Pici | brahmana: getent group doesntexist ; echo $? | 20:47 |
ubuntu_noob | can anybody help me regarding python?. im still a noob and my questions are so easy | 20:48 |
brahmana | Got it.. :) | 20:48 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: really fast i want to know if i am trying to get to grub right. i turn on machine and the press shift madly and then get the black screen with blinking cursor | 20:48 |
pythonirc101 | genii-around: that link was the solution to my problem! | 20:48 |
Pici | ubuntu_noob: For programming, you'll want to ask in #python . You'll need to be registered and identified to join though. | 20:48 |
Pici | !register | ubuntu_noob | 20:48 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: sudo update-initramfs -u -> This is what fixed it! | 20:48 |
ubottu | ubuntu_noob: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 20:48 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: honestly, I prefer lilo | 20:48 |
pythonirc101 | how am i supposed to guess this! | 20:48 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: because GRUB is such an annoying pain in the ass | 20:48 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: does the block id now match up ? | 20:49 |
guntbert | !language | Kog|Work | 20:49 |
ubottu | Kog|Work: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional. | 20:49 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: it does show md0 and md1 | 20:49 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: I don't really see how that qualifies as un family-friendly, impolite or unprofessional | 20:49 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: but the numbers in the uuid are different than the ones in mdaadm.conf | 20:49 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: no - please listen to the questions I'm asking and answer them rather than making up your own question | 20:49 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: unless you work/live/breathe in the vatican or KSA | 20:49 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: where is the mdadm.conf file | 20:49 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: what is a block id and how do i get it? | 20:49 |
Soothsayer | This is the example format given, # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 20:50 |
Soothsayer | UUID=17c371ff-b12c-43a4-93e7-9072d347d36f none swap sw 0 0 | 20:50 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: would there be a way for me to get lilo without being able to boot? | 20:50 |
Soothsayer | and that is my line, is it correct? | 20:50 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | 20:50 |
ubuntu_noob | !register | 20:50 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode | 20:50 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: erm, no, you're not going to be using lilo... you're using grub | 20:50 |
ubuntu_noob | !register | 20:50 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: ok - so if you do "sudo blkid" you need to see if those blkid's match what's in the config | 20:50 |
ubuntu_noob | lol :) | 20:50 |
Kog|Work | TannerH: I just mentioned it because I don't really ever use GRUB if I can avoid it, so I'm probably the wrong guy to ask | 20:50 |
Kog|Work | holding shift should bring up the menu, even in "quiet" mode | 20:50 |
guntbert | !guidelines | Kog|Work look for "Language and Subject" | 20:51 |
ubottu | Kog|Work look for "Language and Subject": The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines | 20:51 |
shockrates | hey | 20:52 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: oh. well it still doesnt work so im just going to keep sifting through infromation off google until i find something helpful | 20:52 |
shockrates | i want to upgrade just one package (kmess) to that in the next ubuntu. how do i do it? | 20:52 |
ikonia | shockrates: you don't do that | 20:52 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: the blkid command gives me the same output as the ls -la /dev/disk/by-uuid output, but that does not match the /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf UUIDs of /dev/md? | 20:52 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: no thanks | 20:52 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: ok, so your config is no longer sane | 20:52 |
richardjprice | hello, is it possible to dual boot ubuntu and windows 7, if i install windows after ubuntu | 20:52 |
ikonia | richardjprice: sure | 20:53 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: how do i make it sane? | 20:53 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: I used to argue with lilo about the stupidity of censorship daily | 20:53 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: you need to find out why the block id has changed | 20:53 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: nothing new | 20:53 |
DannyButterman | Kog|Work: yep this emphasis on bad words is annoying at best ridiculous at worst. you're not alone... | 20:53 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: lets drop it please | 20:53 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: what does /usr/share/mdadm/mkconf do? It outputs the uuid's that are there in my mdadm.conf file | 20:53 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: fine be me, you're the one linking me things ;) | 20:54 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I have no idea, I've never used that command | 20:54 |
Kog|Work | DannyButterman: yeah... you never win that argument ;) | 20:54 |
=== Krabbe2 is now known as Krabbe | ||
pythonirc101 | is there anyone who understanda mdadm/mkconf here by any chance? | 20:54 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: on the other hand, if you know why on earth I'm in runlevel3 and I can't grab a TTY that'd be good to know | 20:54 |
ikonia | Kog|Work: you're not at run level 3 | 20:54 |
Kog|Work | ikonia: 4? | 20:55 |
ikonia | Kog|Work: run level 3 is no longer used on ubuntu machines | 20:55 |
Kog|Work | oh | 20:55 |
shockrates | ikonia: ok the thing is the version of kmess in 11.04 doesnt work. i need to get the next one in ubuntu oneiric | 20:55 |
Slart | !runlevels | 20:55 |
ikonia | Kog|Work: no, you're at run level 2 | 20:55 |
ubottu | In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 20:55 |
Kog|Work | ikonia: wow, awesome.. ok, well I can ssh to the machine, but not grab a tty | 20:55 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: as far as i understand the output of mkconf's uuid should match the uuid in mdadm.conf | 20:55 |
Kog|Work | Slart: ah, thanks | 20:55 |
ikonia | shockrates: then upgrade to the OS you need | 20:55 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I'm sure it should, but I don't use that command so don't know | 20:55 |
shockrates | ikonia: i dont get what you mean | 20:55 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: the machine is remote? | 20:55 |
cmnajs | Hi, I am unable to boot windows 7 after installing ubuntu 11.04, can I get help | 20:55 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: naw, physically sitting next to me | 20:56 |
Krabbe | sorry for any incovience regarding nick change spam, BNC had to be restarted. Some BUG I guess. | 20:56 |
ikonia | shockrates: if you need to use a package that's in the next version of ubuntu - you need to upgrade your ubuntu version to the correct version | 20:56 |
shockrates | ikonia: i told you in need the version of that package in oneiric ubuntu (the dev-next version)\\ | 20:56 |
Pici | Krabbe: Thanks for fixing it. | 20:56 |
Slart | cmnajs: you've installed ubuntu after windows 7? | 20:56 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: new work machine that I moved into the new office... boots to a lovely blank screen, can't ctl+alt+fn for a tty | 20:56 |
Krabbe | dunno what suddenly happened over there | 20:56 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: very bizarre | 20:56 |
ikonia | shockrates: you can't have that | 20:56 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: ok, try to boot in into text only mode | 20:56 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: nothing in the x logs or dmesg or syslog | 20:56 |
cmnajs | Slart:yes | 20:56 |
guntbert | !nox | Kog|Work | 20:56 |
ubottu | Kog|Work: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode | 20:56 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yes, but how on earth would I not be able to grab a TTY | 20:57 |
Slart | cmnajs: and there's nothing in the grub menu when you reboot? or you don't get a menu at all? | 20:57 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: thats what I want to test | 20:57 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: it's 10.04.2 LTS, if it matters... and it looks like grub/plymouth were just installed yesterday | 20:57 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: musta been the systems guy | 20:57 |
Soothsayer | in my /etc/default/'grub' file, what does GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=" vga=792" mean ? | 20:58 |
cmnajs | Slart: i get Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda1 | 20:58 |
Slart | cmnajs: ok, and that doesn't work? | 20:58 |
cmnajs | Slart: yes | 20:58 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: so try what I suggested please, then you should have a terminal and be able to investigate further | 20:58 |
Kog|Work | yeah, working on it | 20:58 |
shockrates | !skype | 20:58 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 20:58 |
Slart | cmnajs: was that a "yes, it works" or "yes, it doesn't work" ? =) | 20:59 |
Soothsayer | presently it is that and I'm expected to change it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="resume=UUID=41e86209-3802-424b-9a9d-d7683142dab7" for hibernation to work. Will removing the vga=792 affect anything ? | 20:59 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: like I said, I can ssh to the mahine just fine heh | 20:59 |
cmnajs | Slart: it does not work | 20:59 |
Slart | cmnajs: any error messages? or just a blank screen? | 20:59 |
ikonia | shockrates: it's a display line | 20:59 |
cmnajs | Slart: just blank screen | 20:59 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: my idea was that you have a problem with the video drivers | 20:59 |
bsg_kwolf | I'm trying to make a repo accessible over http that I created with dpkg-scanpackages. What's the correct format for adding that to sources.list? | 21:00 |
bsg_kwolf | if that's possible. | 21:00 |
bsg_kwolf | does there need to be a specific dir structure for it to be in sources as http:// and not file://? | 21:00 |
Slart | cmnajs: hmm.. but ubuntu works? | 21:01 |
cmnajs | Slart: yes ubuntu works fine | 21:01 |
maco | bsg_kwolf: you'd need a webserver and then put it under the webserver's root directory (wherever you've configured that to be) | 21:01 |
Pici | bsg_kwolf: Take a look at man 5 sources.list | 21:01 |
Slart | cmnajs: you haven't moved any hard drives around? changed boot order or such? | 21:02 |
bsg_kwolf | I have it being served fine,but I'm getting an error when I do aptitude update. | 21:02 |
cmnajs | Slart: no, everything in place and order | 21:02 |
pgavin | anyone have any idea why my natty machine might be resuming immediately after suspending? | 21:02 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: should i just hand edit mdadm.conf with the new uuids and then run update-initramfs -u? | 21:02 |
bsg_kwolf | E: Malformed line 67 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) | 21:02 |
pythonirc101 | still cant find why that mismatch happens and how to fix it -- /dev/disk/by-uuid mdadm.conf mismatch | 21:02 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I have no idea why you are running update-initramfs -u | 21:03 |
Slart | cmnajs: odd.. never had grub fail to boot windows.. or rather.. it always manages to spit out some kind of error messages when it fails | 21:03 |
shockrates | ikonia: i am gonna get kmess source and compile it myself. just to inform you though kmess that you have in ubuntu 11.04, doesnt work AT ALL because it cant connect to the ms server, which is fixed in the next version. Please do something for the ubuntu community, not me. | 21:03 |
cmnajs | Slart: :( | 21:03 |
=== BlouBlou_ is now known as BlouBlou | ||
pythonirc101 | ikonia: what do you do when there is a mismatch between mdadm.conf and /dev/disk/by-uuid? | 21:03 |
ikonia | shockrates: no need to | 21:03 |
shockrates | ikonia: why not? | 21:03 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: if you do "sudo mdadm --examine --scan" you should get a real time config that you can use to re-create your mdadm.conf | 21:04 |
ikonia | shockrates: I don't need to do anything | 21:04 |
shockrates | ikonia: upgrade the version you have in ubuntu 11.04. YOU DELIVER BROKEN SOFTWARE FOR GOTS SAKE | 21:04 |
shockrates | GODS^ | 21:04 |
bsg_kwolf | Pici: The tutorial I found had me at it to sources.list as "deb http://slam.backstoptest/local/ ." which is wrong, I believe. | 21:04 |
ikonia | shockrates: "I" don't do anything | 21:04 |
cmnajs | Slart: is there any error log maintained, that i can check | 21:04 |
ikonia | shockrates: if there is a bug - log it and it will be addressed if possible, | 21:04 |
TheRedOctober | Hi all. What is a better (prettier) way to send a message notification to a gnome workstation through ssh (other than xmessage)? | 21:04 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: it gives me the same uuid's that are currently there in my mdadm.conf? | 21:04 |
shockrates | ikonia: *you* suck mister | 21:04 |
ikonia | shockrates: I am not responsible for ubuntu's software repos | 21:04 |
MoL0ToV | hi to all | 21:04 |
ikonia | shockrates: if you believe there is a bug - log it | 21:05 |
Kog|Work | shockrates: he's the reason we can't have nice things | 21:05 |
ikonia | Kog|Work: stop it please. | 21:05 |
Kog|Work | ikonia: touchy touchy... only meant to be a joke | 21:05 |
diki | i'd like to ask how to increase the buffer size of the terminal in 11.04 | 21:05 |
chaddy | TheRedOctober: ytalk, gtalk and xphone | 21:05 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: ok - so there is a problem with your raid array | 21:05 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: both of them? | 21:05 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: you can either try to debug it, or rebuild your array/mdadm.conf | 21:05 |
shockrates | ikonia: to be honest i dont care, i use mostly arch. i just wanted to inform ubuntu mainteners, i am not reporting any bug | 21:05 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: are both of them different ? | 21:05 |
shockrates | have a nice day | 21:05 |
ikonia | shockrates: ok - byue | 21:06 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: and both of them are different raid's (5 and 0) working ... wierd... | 21:06 |
TheRedOctober | chaddy: not a messaging client, a message, notification...im guessing notify-send | 21:06 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: sorry, it's really hard to catch the grub menu in silet mode | 21:06 |
Pici | shockrates: you haven't informated any Ubuntu maintainers | 21:06 |
Slart | cmnajs: not that I know of.. you're sure windows is still in sd** (whatever the drive letters were in grub) ? | 21:06 |
nerdshell | how to boot directly to a terminal, but only for on boot, not every time ? | 21:06 |
Pici | shockrates: thats what the bug reporting system is for. | 21:06 |
shockrates | Pici: are they on the irc? | 21:06 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: i can reboot without any problems...work on them without any problems...just the uuids wont match | 21:06 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: especailly when I can't see the POST heh | 21:06 |
MoL0ToV | someone that can help me with software raid ? | 21:06 |
shockrates | Pici: i am informing you know. i am not familiar with ubuntu bug reporting system | 21:06 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: that's a pretty major issue, but it's up to you how you want to progress | 21:06 |
Pici | shockrates: Its rather easy. | 21:07 |
Pici | shockrates: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | 21:07 |
diki | i'd like to ask how to increase the buffer size of the terminal in 11.04 | 21:07 |
cmnajs | Slart: yes it is.. the situation is little complex, i got two drives | 21:07 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: how do i rebuild the raid? --assemble? or --create? | 21:07 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: assemble will re-assemble an existing array, -create will create a new array | 21:07 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yeah, that works as expected: get a TTY | 21:07 |
Slart | cmnajs: and windows is still installed to the .. first partition on the first drive, right? | 21:07 |
=== spacebug is now known as spacebug- | ||
Kog|Work | guntbert: that doesn't surprise me, what surprises me is I can't get a term from GDMm or whatever is running | 21:08 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: so i should try reassembling first? | 21:08 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: or, that killing GDM has absolutely 0 effect heh | 21:08 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: if it was me - I'd re-create it and get a sane config, your call though | 21:08 |
cmnajs | Slart: I installed windows xp at sda1 and then installed windows 7 on sdb1 whos loader override xp's loader at sda1 | 21:08 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yup, and as soon as I startx I'm back to exactly the same spot... but again, nothing in the Xorg logs | 21:08 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: can you tell me the commands i need to execute? help me with one of the raids (raid 0), and i'll do the other one myself? | 21:09 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: I can't tell you the command as the config is specific to your system | 21:09 |
nerdshell | how to boot directly to a terminal, but only for on boot, not every time ? | 21:09 |
pythonirc101 | its on /dev/sd[abcd] -- 40GB each -- /dev/md1 | 21:09 |
sindile | how do i enable wired network in 11.04 | 21:09 |
Slart | cmnajs: ahh.. that might be why grub is having problems.. try restarting the machine and when you're at the grub menu you edit the windows boot line (press 'e', I think) and make it boot to sdb1 instead.. perhaps that'll work | 21:09 |
ikonia | pythonirc101: back shortly | 21:09 |
pythonirc101 | ikonia: this is what i used to create it the first time -- mdadm --verbose --create /dev/md1 --level raid0 --raid-devices 4 /dev/sda /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd | 21:09 |
adnc | hello, I'm looking for an application which I can use to construct some woodwork. specially giving measures would be interesting for me. | 21:09 |
adnc | is there something for ubuntu? | 21:10 |
Slart | cmnajs: note that I'm basically guessing now.. I've never had a situation like yours | 21:10 |
cmnajs | Slart: i tried that .. but no luck | 21:10 |
ZykoticK9 | !text > nerdshell | 21:10 |
ubottu | nerdshell, please see my private message | 21:10 |
Kog|Work | adnc: is there a woodworking application for windows/osx? | 21:10 |
Kog|Work | adnc: if so, I'd go google to see if there's a linux alternative | 21:10 |
cmnajs | Slart: going to try it again... will get back | 21:11 |
adnc | Kog|Work, not woodworking app. an app to construct! | 21:11 |
Slart | cmnajs: do that | 21:11 |
cmnajs | Slart: thanks for your help | 21:11 |
MoL0ToV | someone here that can help me with software raid ? one disk is damaged and now the system don't boot | 21:11 |
Slart | cmnajs: you're welcome | 21:11 |
Kog|Work | adnc: whatever, the advice still applies | 21:11 |
nerdshell | ZykoticK9: thanks :) | 21:12 |
adnc | Kog|Work, good that you told me this. good advice is expensive | 21:12 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: sorry, was away. I seem to remember some issue with certain graphic cards, but only faintly. Does /var/log/syslog have anything to say? or dmesg? | 21:12 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: I didn't see anything | 21:12 |
* diki will ask for the last time | 21:13 | |
diki | i'd like to ask how to increase the buffer size of the terminal in 11.04?? | 21:13 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: so, the machine was running X just fine yesterday, moved it into a nother room in the office... looking at the dpkg logs I see plymouth and grub were both updated yesterday | 21:13 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: did you se http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html ? | 21:14 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: did a fair amount of googling about it, and none of the suggestions seem to do anything beneficial... and I of course can't grab the old .list out of /boot/grub | 21:14 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yeah, tried that with /etc/default/grub | 21:14 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: then I'm sorry to say I have no idea :-( | 21:15 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: I think that the guy who had the box before me probably did something to get it running... I have to find him, and ask him | 21:15 |
guntbert | Kog|Work: might be a sensible idea ... Good luck :-) | 21:16 |
confoocious | Laptop overheats on Ubuntu (not so on Win7). The comparison is something like 40C (on Win) as to 60+ cotinuously on Ubuntu. I run suepr lightweight stuff (ratpoison, mutt, mcabber) excepting Firefox. | 21:16 |
confoocious | Suggestions? | 21:16 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yeah... woulda done it already if he was easier to find. also, second week on the job heh | 21:16 |
Jasonn | My comp fails to connect to a VPN, this is the error: Failed to connect to VPN connection "(null)" because the VPN service failed to start | 21:17 |
bsg_kwolf | I'm trying to host a couple packages in a local repo, and I'm having trouble adding the repo to sources.list (via http). Apache is configured and serving up the files fine, but I'm not sure if I can do this over http w/o some type of structure in the directory. | 21:19 |
bsg_kwolf | I added to sources.list with "deb http://slam.backstoptest/local /.", but I'm getting an error when when I run aptitude update of "E: Malformed line 67 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)" | 21:19 |
bsg_kwolf | Do I need a specific directory structure to host it over http? | 21:19 |
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FloodBot1 | bsg_kwolf: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:19 |
Jasonn | bsg_kwolf: Dont you think this is more of a #ubuntu-server question? | 21:19 |
cmnajs | Slart: no luck | 21:20 |
Jasonn | My comp fails to connect to a VPN, this is the error: Failed to connect to VPN connection "(null)" because the VPN service failed to start | 21:20 |
guntbert | !repeat | Jasonn | 21:21 |
ubottu | Jasonn: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 21:21 |
Slart | cmnajs: hmm.. not really sure where to go from here.. I suspect that your windows 7 install might need to boot from the windows xp boot area in some way.. perhaps grub can't handle that.. I just don't know what to try | 21:21 |
io | !info network-manager-pptp | 21:22 |
ubottu | network-manager-pptp (source: network-manager-pptp): network management framework (PPTP plugin). In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.1+git.20110207t142407.7e1d989-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 34 kB, installed size 204 kB | 21:22 |
io | Jasonn: try that | 21:22 |
cmnajs | Slart: i have the output of "Boot Info Script 0.60" can that help | 21:22 |
Slart | cmnajs: I don't recognize that.. but why not.. can you pastebin it? | 21:23 |
pythonirc101 | how do i add a user to sudoers group -- commandline? | 21:24 |
llutz | pythonirc101: sudo adduser youruser admin | 21:25 |
cmnajs | Slart: dont know whats patebin? how to do it | 21:25 |
Slart | !pastebin | cmnajs | 21:25 |
ubottu | cmnajs: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:25 |
Doff3n | how do you deploy a web project with git, any tips? I try using hooks in gitosis | 21:25 |
io | Jasonn: did that help? | 21:25 |
pythonirc101 | llutz: thanks | 21:25 |
llutz | pythonirc101: "youruser" needs to relogin after that | 21:26 |
escott | Doff3n, depends on what your deployment process is, but i would say that deployment is somewhat distinct from committing. i would just have an external script you use to deploy and call that | 21:26 |
pythonirc101 | llutz: it worked, thanks | 21:26 |
Wantstolearn | Hi.I have dual monitor, is there any way to att an "OFF" label in the monitor applet.Ubuntu 11.04 | 21:27 |
Wantstolearn | add | 21:27 |
cmnajs | Slart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/635321/ | 21:27 |
escott | cmnajs, i would recommend installing grub to both sda and sdb. having different versions in the mbr could be confusing things | 21:29 |
Doff3n | escott, thanks for your reply | 21:30 |
cmnajs | escott: how can i do that.. | 21:30 |
escott | follow the !grub instructions but do it twice once for /dev/sda and once for /dev/sdb | 21:30 |
Kog|Work | guntbert: yeah... booting the last kernel also doesn't seem to help... awesome heh | 21:31 |
escott | !grub | cmnajs | 21:31 |
ubottu | cmnajs: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 21:31 |
wildbat | cmnajs: your sda1 boot sector is overwritten with grub ~ you need to do bootsec from windows CD to fix it | 21:31 |
Wantstolearn | Anyone. :/ | 21:31 |
rawfodog | I installed a wifi manager for fluxbox. When I log into gnome classic that wifi manager by default is in the indicator. What file do I need to edit to make sure it doesnt appear on start u p | 21:32 |
rawfodog | ? | 21:32 |
Jasonn | io: It was already installed... | 21:32 |
escott | cmnajs, the other thing that is strange is the first bit of the boot info summary. why is grub 1.99 using sda7 as the boot partition and grub 1.97 using sdb5. | 21:32 |
Jasonn | io: Sorry, was afk for a min | 21:32 |
aod | hi | 21:32 |
wildbat | Wantstolearn: your best bet is write the applet yourself ;p ~ | 21:32 |
io | Jasonn: ok, no idea then sorry :-) | 21:32 |
Slart | cmnajs: well.. that was an impressive amount of information.. I still don't know how to fix it though, didn't see anything obvious in grub settings etc | 21:32 |
Jasonn | io: thanks :) | 21:33 |
Jasonn | io: What if the problem is server side? | 21:33 |
Slart | cmnajs: but keep asking around and hand out that pastebin-link.. it was very good info. I'm sure someone cleverer than me will come around =) | 21:33 |
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io | Jasonn: is that the whole of the error message? there used to be another line below it | 21:34 |
cmnajs | Slart: thanks, i got couple of inputs .. | 21:34 |
io | Jasonn: is MPPE enabled? | 21:35 |
cmnajs | Can I access chat log at any web url | 21:36 |
=== pothos_ is now known as pothos | ||
io | !logs | cmnajs | 21:37 |
ubottu | cmnajs: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/ | 21:37 |
sivang | hi all | 21:38 |
sivang | has right click on ideapad been fixed? | 21:38 |
sivang | (a kernel patch, actually) | 21:38 |
Kartagis | hello | 21:39 |
shire | hi | 21:39 |
Kartagis | I have upgraded to 11.04 a while ago, and I can't view .avi files since. any ideas? | 21:40 |
cmnajs | !grub | cmnajs | 21:40 |
ubottu | cmnajs, please see my private message | 21:40 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: which model? | 21:40 |
ActionParsnip | Kartagis: reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras may help | 21:40 |
shellclear | I'm having problems with the networkmanager pptp vpn connection, the vpn server and microsoft | 21:41 |
ActionParsnip | Kartagis: or good bad and ugly gstreamer packages | 21:41 |
io | shellclear: explain your problems | 21:41 |
shellclear | I'm having trouble connecting to the PPTP VPN NetworkManager, VPN Server Microsoft | 21:42 |
jpds | !repeat | shellclear | 21:42 |
ubottu | shellclear: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/ | 21:42 |
io | shellclear: when I said explain your problems, I meant "explain your problems" not repeat them | 21:42 |
io | ie. error messages etc. | 21:42 |
Kog|Work | hah, apparently copying the default xorg.conf worked... oh man, not so awesome | 21:42 |
em | Does anyone have any medium-easy questions? | 21:45 |
io | em: #ubuntu-meta is a good place to look for unanswered questions :-) | 21:46 |
HydrogenWS | How do i remove trash from panel unity? | 21:49 |
n20 | Hello, a friend of mine has an http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/DriverDownload.jsp?prodNameId=1839154&taskId=135&prodTypeId=321957&prodSeriesId=1839146 and I've gotten him to install wicd. He can't however *find* any wireless networks, leaving me thinking that his drivers need to be installed. | 21:49 |
duckx0r | i just installed ubuntu 11.04. how do you view the open windows? | 21:49 |
LjL | duckx0r: the panel on the left. open windows have a tick near them | 21:50 |
ActionParsnip | duckx0r: you can enable the expose plugin | 21:50 |
n20 | He's using 11.04 :-) | 21:51 |
ActionParsnip | duckx0r: it shows all windows like in mac os | 21:51 |
duckx0r | ActionParsnip, I'm not familiar with mac os, unfortunately | 21:51 |
duckx0r | LjL, it doesn't work for all windows. For example chromium. | 21:52 |
ActionParsnip | duckx0r: sorry, scale: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHesPRMTTSg&feature=related | 21:52 |
LjL | duckx0r: that sounds like a bug, it should work | 21:52 |
TrueColors | When you install ubuntu after windows, it uses grub to boot, right? | 21:52 |
ActionParsnip | TrueColors yes | 21:52 |
LjL | duckx0r: can you provide a screenshot with chromium visible but no icon for it in the panel? then you can append it to a bug report | 21:52 |
duckx0r | LjL, It's a fresh install. Chromium is there, but clicking on it opens up a new window | 21:52 |
=== ayo is now known as ho | ||
okokok | duckx0r: that's not my experience currently | 21:53 |
=== ho is now known as ok | ||
haxx0r | is it a bad practice to install multiple programs simultaneously ? | 21:53 |
LjL | duckx0r: oh it opens a new window, hmm. that's weird as what people usually complain about is the opposite, i.e. that they can't open new windows. i'm not using Unity at the moment, but maybe try right-clicking and see if there is an option to show | 21:53 |
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ActionParsnip | haxx0r: not at all | 21:53 |
LjL | haxx0r: you simply can't, APT won't let you | 21:53 |
TrueColors | Ok, basically ubuntu shows up first on the boot menu - I'm needing to show Windows 7 first. | 21:53 |
haxx0r | im installing ruby gems .. and id like to install a few MYsql items along while i wait | 21:53 |
ActionParsnip | haxx0r: you can install loads at once | 21:53 |
=== ayo is now known as OMG | ||
TrueColors | I found instructions for windows xp but it sounded quite technical. So I need someone to noob talk to me through it. | 21:53 |
=== OMG is now known as pop | ||
=== pop is now known as weare | ||
TrueColors | I can't use Ubuntu exactly because it's not liking my belkin wireless adapter. | 21:54 |
LjL | duckx0r: i can't receive DCC, please upload it to imageshack.us or your favorite image host | 21:54 |
TrueColors | but later on, i will end up ethernet connecting, so it should be alright after that. | 21:54 |
duckx0r | LjL, ok | 21:54 |
ActionParsnip | TrueColors: run: lsusb use the 8 character hex id to find guides | 21:55 |
frank__ | hi | 21:55 |
duckx0r | LjL, http://img51.imageshack.us/i/screenshotvqv.png/ | 21:56 |
frank__ | i installed kernel 2.6.39 on ubuntu 11.04, now my update manager wants to install kernel | 21:56 |
Jasonn | ActionParsnip: Perhaps you can help me... | 21:56 |
Jasonn | ActionParsnip: My comp fails to connect to a VPN, this is the error: Failed to connect to VPN connection "(null)" because the VPN service failed to start | 21:56 |
frank__ | anybody knows how to fix this? | 21:56 |
LjL | duckx0r: well it doesn't show up as open. but it should. let me see if i can find an existing bug report about it, otherwise you should file one | 21:56 |
ActionParsnip | Jasonn: I don't use vpn, sorry | 21:57 |
penlats | Whats a good email client for exchange with calendar? | 21:57 |
penlats | thats not zimbra desktop | 21:57 |
ActionParsnip | frank__: let it install, should be fine | 21:57 |
Jasonn | ActionParsnip: But do you know why it thinks that the client is not started, when in fact it is, and it cant connect? | 21:57 |
duckx0r | LjL, I clicked on the ubuntu logo, searched for chrome, then dragged it to the "panel" or whatever that thing is called now and clicked on it to open it. | 21:58 |
frank__ | ActionParsnip: Wouldnt it overwrite the newer kernel? | 21:58 |
LjL | duckx0r: that sounds correct | 21:58 |
duckx0r | oops, sorry for white space. | 21:58 |
ActionParsnip | Jasonn: check your logs. not sure otherwise | 21:58 |
LjL | duckx0r: maybe you could just try removing it and doing it again, though | 21:58 |
Jasonn | thanks :) | 21:58 |
duckx0r | LjL, good idea | 21:58 |
ActionParsnip | frank__: no, you can have multiple kernels installed. You probably have a tonne of kernels installed doing nothing and takig space | 21:59 |
frank__ | ActionParsnip: Ah thanks | 21:59 |
duckx0r | LjL, lol, removed it. chromium is open and no icon is in the launcher | 21:59 |
duckx0r | LjL, i closed chromium and reopened it too | 21:59 |
LjL | duckx0r: close chromium, add the icon again, then launch chromium and see | 21:59 |
ActionParsnip | duckx0r: if you kill chromium off then rerun it, is it ok then? | 21:59 |
frank__ | ActionParsnip: Im going to reboot now, wish me luck:P | 22:00 |
LjL | duckx0r: i didn't seem to find an existing report on this by the way | 22:00 |
ActionParsnip | frank__: if you run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2 | 22:00 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: hmm the ST101 ? | 22:00 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: makes sense? | 22:00 |
ActionParsnip | frank__: you can see the installed kernels, you can remove the old ones to get the space back | 22:00 |
duckx0r | LjL, ActionParsnip let me try relogging | 22:00 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: ST 10-3t | 22:00 |
LjL | duckx0r: ok | 22:00 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: let me search | 22:01 |
TannerH | Kog|Work: you wouldnt happen to still be on would you? | 22:02 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: sure, thanks | 22:02 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: I just need to know right click has been fixed and I can install 11.04 on it | 22:02 |
Truecolor | Ok, how do I change boot order again. I'm on mobile so can't use google or anything. | 22:03 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: add the boot option: acpi_sleep=nonvs may help | 22:03 |
stefan_ | franTruecolor use the Startup manager | 22:04 |
duckx0r | LjL, ActionParsnip it's working now. Must have been a computer fart. | 22:04 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: you may also want to add the boot option: nohpet | 22:04 |
Truecolor | How do I get to that. I'm in ubuntu | 22:04 |
Mathieu_Du_ | anyone ? | 22:05 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: do you want windows to be the first option? | 22:05 |
stefan_ | Truecolor, it is in system administration Startup-manager | 22:05 |
gbcvccvgg | . | 22:06 |
stefan_ | Or something like this. My Ubuntu is in German... | 22:06 |
EDinNY | need to make audio CD from mp3's. Brasero says it can't do it from an mp3...suggestions? | 22:06 |
em | Truecolor: try: grep "menuentry" /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 22:07 |
em | Truecolor: does that give you a list of choices? | 22:07 |
Mathieu_Du_ | Hi sorry for this classical question,but I have a problem with an ubuntu 10.10, want to downgrade it to 10.04 and can't find a satisfying answer with google (one of the problems is that Internet is pretty erratic so it's quite difficult to search) | 22:07 |
maco | Mathieu_Du_: reinstall | 22:08 |
LjL | Mathieu_Du_: you can't, you need to reinstall | 22:08 |
stefan_ | EDiNY Sound Converter? | 22:08 |
eoeas | Greetings everyone, my problem (Ubuntu 10.04): Every time I start Empathy, or get a notification from Empathy, my top gnome-panel freezes .. any ideas why? | 22:08 |
Mathieu_Du_ | OK tnx | 22:08 |
EDinNY | stefan_: is there an easy one to use? or which gstreamer can I install? | 22:08 |
Truecolor | Sorry. I'm on mobile. Getting spam. There is no startup manager or whatever. Just startup disk creator | 22:08 |
phlux | I've been using Arch for quite some time now, but recently I put Ubuntu on my wife's laptop, and despite all of my griping about it in the past, I actually like it. I migrated to Linux from FreeBSD several years ago, so I've always refrained from the "easier," distributions. Would it make me a traitor if I threw Ubuntu on our desktop as well? :P | 22:08 |
ActionParsnip | Mathieu_Du_: you will need to reinstall | 22:09 |
=== PythonSnake is now known as KubuntuSnake | ||
Truecolor | Pm me to help, it'll be easier. | 22:09 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: this will enable right click? | 22:09 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: do you want windows to be default in grub2? | 22:09 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: maybe | 22:09 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: its easy to reverse | 22:09 |
Corey | phlux: It's an OS, not a political movement. | 22:09 |
Truecolor | Yeah. I want it to be first on boot menu. | 22:09 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: I was sure it got fixed already | 22:09 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: but how an acpi kernel arg would affect right click? | 22:10 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: not sure, hardware can be weird if its wired up in some dumb way | 22:10 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/06_os-prober; sudo update-grub | 22:10 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: please address whom you are talking to, the room is busy and text gets lost | 22:11 |
sivang | ActionParsnip: okay thanks | 22:11 |
stefan_ | EDiNY, you need soundconverter and.... gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse | 22:12 |
EDinNY | stefan_: which program will actually do the burning and will it find the others? | 22:13 |
codex84 | how u add the theme | 22:14 |
codex84 | to usr/theme | 22:14 |
codex84 | in command prompt | 22:14 |
Truecolor | Ok. It generates it, then says found windys 7- linux image, initrd image them memtest. @ whoever suggested sudo mv. | 22:14 |
Truecolor | Should be done now, right? | 22:15 |
em | that sounds pretty good | 22:15 |
em | it was ActionParsnip who suggested sudo mv | 22:15 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: the update grub applys the change | 22:15 |
stefan_ | EDinNY, soundconverter only converts. You can convert to waves | 22:15 |
stefan_ | Brasero should be able to handle these. | 22:15 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: the order is governed by the numbers at the beginning of the filename | 22:16 |
=== hart is now known as korben | ||
Truecolor | So, restart and see, actionparsnip | 22:16 |
stefan_ | EDinNY, Do you have the normal mp3 Codecs installed? | 22:16 |
em | Truecolor: starting with 0 | 22:16 |
EDinNY | stefan_: not sure. what do I apt-get? | 22:16 |
intlkleinblue | How do I set http://lpthw to point to a specific html file on my computer? Like how http://localhost points to /var/www/ ? I know I have to edit my /etc/hosts file but not sure after that. | 22:16 |
Truecolor | 0? What for | 22:16 |
ActionParsnip | Truecolor: yes, reboot to test | 22:17 |
em | Truecolor: oh never mind I thought you were looking at the menu list. | 22:17 |
Truecolor | Ok lol, em | 22:17 |
Truecolor | Nice, it worked. Thanks :) | 22:17 |
Truecolor | Be back on in a sec | 22:18 |
em | If all you wanted to do was make windows the default you could go: sudo grub-set-default X where X is the number of the windows choice in the list, starting from 0 | 22:18 |
delinquentme | nom? | 22:19 |
delinquentme | YAR! | 22:19 |
edbian | om nom nom | 22:19 |
stefan_ | EDinNY: You have two choices 1) apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly (let brasero do all the stuff) or apt-get install soundconverter gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse and convert first and burn the wave files | 22:19 |
delinquentme | >_< | 22:19 |
nixbox | hi all | 22:19 |
em | Hello | 22:19 |
stefan_ | EDinNY, so with gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse brasero should be able to do it alone | 22:19 |
edbian | hello | 22:20 |
EDinNY | stefan_: thanks | 22:20 |
nixbox | i have two monitors and want to do a vertical twin monitor configuration in ubuntu, how do i do that, i cannot find any option to rotate the display | 22:20 |
em | Hi EDinNY | 22:20 |
em | oops edbian | 22:20 |
edgy | Hi, my page up key is not working, how can I solve this? even xev doesn't show any key code | 22:20 |
edbian | ha | 22:20 |
TrueColors | thanks actionparsnip. | 22:20 |
Osmodivs | Hello. I do not even have any removable media in my PC, but my system detects some of them. How can I acces them? I can't acces them in the GUI, EOS_DIGITAL I can, but it has nothing, since there is no memory card in my PC, but wwhat about the others? root@Djiin:/media# ls | 22:20 |
Osmodivs | Ȕ Data disc (12 May 11) EOS_DIGITAL | 22:20 |
Osmodivs | root@Djiin:/media# cd Data\ disc\ (12\ May\ 11) | 22:20 |
Osmodivs | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 22:20 |
TrueColors | I have another issue, uhm | 22:20 |
TrueColors | Any idea how to get my Belkin F7D1102 weireless adapter to work? There are no linux drivers and it does't recognise the device. | 22:21 |
TrueColors | put it this way, it can't find it. | 22:21 |
edbian | TrueColors: does it show up in sudo lspci ? | 22:21 |
em | nixbox: what is your video card? | 22:21 |
TrueColors | uh. | 22:21 |
TrueColors | i got to restart again to boot in. | 22:21 |
TrueColors | ill be back on my mobile. | 22:22 |
edbian | TrueColors: wait | 22:22 |
TrueColors | okay. | 22:22 |
edbian | TrueColors: Can you get the target machine on LAN internet? | 22:22 |
EDinNY | stefan_: works. thanks | 22:22 |
TrueColors | What do you mean? | 22:22 |
stefan_ | EDinNY nice | 22:22 |
sam_ | hi | 22:22 |
em | hi sam | 22:22 |
rxgod | argh, Natty is some frustrating stuff | 22:23 |
edbian | TrueColors: The machine with the belkin dongle. CAn you get it online using a wire? | 22:23 |
ActionParsnip | TrueColors: glad it worked dude :0 | 22:23 |
edbian | TrueColors: please use my name when talking to me :) | 22:23 |
stefan_ | EDinNY You are my first supported users | 22:23 |
TrueColors | I'm not sure, I don't have a long enough cable ebdian, I'm guessing yes o.O | 22:23 |
edbian | ActionParsnip: ? His wifi isn't working/ | 22:23 |
Osmodivs | How can I acces this memory stick? root@Djiin:/media# ls | 22:23 |
Osmodivs | Ȕ Data disc (12 May 11) EOS_DIGITAL | 22:23 |
Osmodivs | root@Djiin:/media# cd Data\ disc\ (12\ May\ 11) | 22:23 |
Osmodivs | bash: syntax error near unexpected token `(' | 22:23 |
stefan_ | EDinNY -s | 22:23 |
ActionParsnip | edbian: i was on about the boot order shizzle | 22:23 |
rxgod | off to read more on the web | 22:23 |
edbian | TrueColors: You should get that machine online using the wire. Get on IRC on there on Ubuntu | 22:24 |
edbian | ActionParsnip: oh :) | 22:24 |
edbian | the shizzle | 22:24 |
edbian | of course | 22:24 |
rhin0 | I think you have to change the directory after doing ls /media Osmodivs | 22:24 |
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: | 22:24 |
TrueColors | that would be nice, uhm... I'll do that tomorrow. it's a little late here. It's apparentlyt 22:24 or 00:24 depending on if my mobile or windows is correct. | 22:24 |
Osmodivs | ActionParsnip, Yes? | 22:24 |
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: cd Data\ disc\ \(12\ May\ 11\) | 22:24 |
edbian | TrueColors: :) | 22:24 |
TrueColors | I'll be back here tomorrow edbian :) | 22:24 |
edbian | TrueColors: ok | 22:24 |
llutz | Osmodivs: cd "Data disc (12 May 11)" | 22:25 |
=== Shade_Tornado is now known as ShadeTornado | ||
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: you needed to escape the brackets too | 22:25 |
Osmodivs | ActionParsnip, Thank you | 22:25 |
sam_ | I want to know where is the x1186config exactly located in ubuntu the latest version | 22:25 |
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: easier just to press TAB | 22:25 |
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: doesit all for you | 22:25 |
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Osmodivs | ActionParsnip, How do I unmount this folders? | 22:26 |
Psydoll | oh gawd not ActionParsnip ! | 22:27 |
sam_ | I want to know where is the x1186config exactly located in ubuntu the latest version | 22:27 |
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: cd; sudo umount /media then press TAB | 22:27 |
sam_ | no body knows? | 22:28 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_, x1186config - i think your a couple years too late. Do you mean xorg.conf? It's not there by default. | 22:28 |
ActionParsnip | sam_: try waiting more than 60 seconds for a reply | 22:28 |
edbian | sam_: I think you're asking about etc/X11/xorg.conf | 22:28 |
sam_ | yes | 22:28 |
sam_ | this is what i mean thanks | 22:29 |
Psydoll | edbian: i would take his advice he knows what he is talking about! | 22:29 |
em | what if he did sudo find / x1186* | 22:29 |
edbian | Psydoll: :P | 22:29 |
em | would that find it, if it existed? | 22:29 |
ZykoticK9 | sam_, it's not there by default - but you can create one. | 22:29 |
ActionParsnip | sam_: http://pastebin.com/JrSjmErY it doesn't exist in a default install | 22:29 |
ActionParsnip | em: see my pastebin ;) | 22:29 |
sam_ | many thanks man | 22:30 |
ActionParsnip | sam_: do you mean xorg.conf like edbian said? | 22:30 |
sam_ | yeb | 22:30 |
em | ActionParsnip: kind of on the right track then. | 22:30 |
em | What does the -inname do? | 22:31 |
em | -iname | 22:31 |
ZykoticK9 | em, case insentive name search | 22:32 |
em | okay | 22:32 |
Osmodivs | I just do not know whatś wrong with my SONY usb Walkman. Ubuntu does not detect it | 22:32 |
ZykoticK9 | s/insentive/insensitive/ | 22:32 |
em | does sudo find . -iname do the same thing as sudo find / -iname if you hadn't already cd / ? | 22:33 |
ActionParsnip | em: its like name but case (i)nsensitive | 22:33 |
sivang | is there a way to install proper gnome instead of unity ? | 22:33 |
ZykoticK9 | !classic | sivang | 22:33 |
ubottu | sivang: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". | 22:33 |
=== Shade_Tornado is now known as ShadeTornado | ||
ActionParsnip | em: exactly,. '.' means from pwd, I changed to / | 22:33 |
yaaar | sivang: you can just choose the classic session type from the login screen | 22:33 |
edbian | sivang: It already is installed. log out, click your name, change the session to ubuntu classic, log in | 22:33 |
em | ActionParsnip: okay cool so pretty much i had the right idea. | 22:34 |
sivang | cool folks, thank yo | 22:34 |
cet | Anyone here using natty with a Radeon HD 5860, and have -great- performance? I'm having serious trouble performance-wise, and proprietary drivers does not do the trick.. :( PM me please if you have a solution.. | 22:35 |
ActionParsnip | em: you were right on the money | 22:35 |
=== IT_GUY is now known as Guest85697 | ||
duffo_ | im trying to install a ubuntu live usb | 22:35 |
duffo_ | i cant get further than identify cdrom and mount part | 22:36 |
ActionParsnip | duffo_: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? | 22:36 |
delinquentme | sooo my brand spanking new installation of ubuntu just froze ... what should i look to as the culprit ? | 22:36 |
bazhang | duffo_, using unetbootin? | 22:36 |
ActionParsnip | duffo_: how did you put the ISO on the USB stick? | 22:36 |
duffo_ | i used unetbootin | 22:36 |
ActionParsnip | delinquentme: reboot and use memtest in grub2 to make sure the RAM is healthy | 22:37 |
duffo_ | im using usb why is does it want cdrom drivers | 22:37 |
ActionParsnip | duffo_: did you MD5 test the ISO? | 22:37 |
aleprovencio | hello everyone, is there a command to access directly the 'open with other application' dialog ? | 22:37 |
duffo_ | there was no md5 | 22:37 |
ActionParsnip | !md5 | duffo_ | 22:38 |
ubottu | duffo_: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 22:38 |
delinquentme | ActionParsnip, can that be run from the grub boot manager .. or do i need an additional disk? | 22:38 |
duffo_ | yeah but there was no md5 provided | 22:38 |
ActionParsnip | delinquentme: its an option in grub. memtest is part of a default install | 22:38 |
duffo_ | its ubuntu 10.10 with xbmc compiled with vaapi enabled | 22:38 |
Psydoll | can i ask why compiz is such a hard program to get working especially with the box feature? | 22:38 |
Osmodivs | ActionParsnip, Is there a way to see hidden files in the terminal? | 22:38 |
ActionParsnip | !hashes | duffo_ | 22:38 |
ubottu | duffo_: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs. | 22:38 |
ActionParsnip | Osmodivs: la instead of ls | 22:38 |
vlt | Hello. Is there a lightweight tool to view an OpenOffice presentation? | 22:39 |
duffo_ | ActionParsnip: i didnt get it from ubuntu | 22:39 |
duffo_ | its a custom | 22:39 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: ls -a | 22:39 |
ActionParsnip | duffo_: not sure how support works for custom ISOs | 22:39 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: oh...or what ActionParsnip said...didn't see that, but it's an alias to the same thing | 22:40 |
ActionParsnip | yaaar: ls -a gets aliased to la in ~/.bashc ;) | 22:40 |
yaaar | yeah, just didn't see you had said it | 22:40 |
duffo_ | ActionParsnip: i understand :) | 22:40 |
cyperbg | guys I have 4 video cards. Can you tell me how the machine gives them numbers? | 22:40 |
Psydoll | cyperbg: just open a terminal and type ls pci | 22:41 |
sivang | is libraoffice open office? | 22:41 |
v12 | hi, i'm having trouble using the alternate installer from USB. i have grub installed and launch the installer from USB via loopback. it fails with "searching for Ubuntu installation", and more specifically "cdrom mount failed". | 22:41 |
ActionParsnip | duffo_: gimme a sec :) | 22:41 |
valadares | how i can make ubuntu11.04 initialize with 3D effects and unity? | 22:41 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | Hey all | 22:41 |
Osmodivs | yaar The thing is, I have these file names in /media, I do not even have any memory sticks in the USB or CF media slot, but they are there, and they have nothing, I can't even unmount them. root@Djiin:/media/Ȕ# ls -a | 22:41 |
Psydoll | cyperbg: lspci | 22:41 |
sivang | or better in M$ format support? | 22:41 |
Osmodivs | . .. | 22:41 |
Osmodivs | 22:41 | |
ActionParsnip | duffo_: unfortunately not | 22:41 |
ActionParsnip | sivang: libreoffice is a fork of openoffice | 22:41 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | I have win 7 64 bit and was trying to install from live cd/dvd | 22:41 |
gisli | sivang: libreoffice is a open office fork | 22:41 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | I have NIS 2010 installed. | 22:42 |
yaaar | sivang: libreoffice is a fork of openoffice created in response to oracle's purchase of sun. now that oracle is giving OO to apache, hard telling what the real separation will be | 22:42 |
gisli | damn you actionparsnip | 22:42 |
cyperbg | Psydoll I meant how can I find out if Adapter 0 is the one closer to the processor or farther? | 22:42 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | the Ubuntu 11.04 would not install. | 22:42 |
bazhang | gisli, stop that | 22:42 |
gisli | what? | 22:42 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Might be the reason Ubuntu won't read my Sony WNZ USB Walkman, | 22:42 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | would not bring up option to install along side existing install. | 22:42 |
plandoll12 | I'm having problems with internet.. I get random "invalid URL" messages for websites. Help? | 22:42 |
Psydoll | I dont cyperbg easiest way is to look inside the case | 22:42 |
bazhang | gisli, that language and tone is not acceptable | 22:42 |
ActionParsnip | gisli: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LibreOffice | 22:42 |
gisli | excuse me...didn't know that was a bad thing to say | 22:43 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | reduced partition then restarted since ubuntu would not install no new unused space. | 22:43 |
cyperbg | Psydoll, I can look inside the case, but how would I know which one corresponds to Adapter 0 | 22:43 |
Osmodivs | !help | plandoll12 | 22:43 |
ubottu | plandoll12: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:43 |
gisli | what's your point ActionPar...? | 22:43 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | any ideas ? | 22:43 |
ActionParsnip | gisli: "is a free software office suite developed by The Document Foundation as a fork of OpenOffice.orgis a free software office suite developed by The Document Foundation as a fork of OpenOffice.org" | 22:43 |
gisli | yeah that's what I said | 22:43 |
Osmodivs | ¡help | plandoll12 | 22:43 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | i even went back into win7 and formated to ntfs so ubuntu would see this. | 22:43 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: not sure i completely understand. are you saying you have a bunch of empty directories under /media? | 22:43 |
ActionParsnip | gisli: oh, I misread, thought you said it WASN'T | 22:43 |
Psydoll | cyperbg: the closet one to the processor is 0, then the next closest 1 etc etc | 22:43 |
ActionParsnip | gisli: sorry | 22:43 |
Psydoll | cyperbg: normally | 22:44 |
Cheri703 | just did a fresh installation on an hp computer (installed 10.10) and after boot, it gives a whole bunch of text and boots to a command line, then gives an error about initializing intel_agp something. If we type startx, it just hangs on a black screen. we have installed twice with the same result. Any thoughts on what is going on? or suggestions on things to try? | 22:44 |
gisli | hehe no problem | 22:44 |
cyperbg | Psydoll, thank you :) | 22:44 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | boot back to ubuntu and it does not read partitions correctly now. | 22:44 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Yep | 22:44 |
ActionParsnip | Cheri703:what model HP? | 22:44 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Did you see the output of ls- a? | 22:44 |
Cheri703 | g42 (laptop) | 22:44 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | So anyone here an expert at this? | 22:44 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | hp g62 | 22:44 |
gisli | at what exactly? | 22:44 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | ubuntu | 22:44 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | installs | 22:45 |
gisli | not an expert but I know my way araound the system... | 22:45 |
bazhang | !enter | d1g1t4l_nrg | 22:45 |
ubottu | d1g1t4l_nrg: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 22:45 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | this 1104 does not seem to have the same inteligence as past installs. | 22:45 |
Cheri703 | ActionParsnip: g42 laptop | 22:45 |
ActionParsnip | Cheri703: try adding the boot option: nomodeset | 22:45 |
gisli | intelligence? | 22:45 |
Cheri703 | ok | 22:45 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: oh are you just talking about the two files "." and ".." that show up from ls -a ? because those "files" will show up in *every* directory. the "." file refers to the current directory, and the ".." file refers to its parent | 22:45 |
Cheri703 | when do we add that ActionParsnip? | 22:45 |
gisli | *inteligence? | 22:45 |
ActionParsnip | Cheri703: you may want to connect to a wired connection and get fully updated | 22:45 |
ActionParsnip | !nomodeset | Cheri703 | 22:46 |
ubottu | Cheri703: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 22:46 |
Cheri703 | awesome, thanks :) | 22:46 |
ActionParsnip | gisli: i thought the same | 22:46 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | when i reboot to live cd/dvd it only has 2 options | 22:46 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, I thought that was only on DOS systems, but anyway... So, there is no way to delete those ghost folders? | 22:46 |
SpAc | can someone point me in the direction of where I can find out the specific difference between a regular server install and "minimal" server install? | 22:47 |
gisli | what options do you have? | 22:47 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: what ghost folders? | 22:47 |
=== michael is now known as Guest16907 | ||
Osmodivs | yaaar, Ȕ Data disc (12 May 11) EOS_DIGITAL | 22:47 |
yaaar | oh | 22:47 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, I mean, look at that "U", it looks like a BUG | 22:48 |
yaaar | so that's at /media/Ȕ ?? | 22:48 |
westz | UPDATES! | 22:48 |
sohrab | Testing | 22:48 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, And Datadisc, I dont remember having a memory stick called like that | 22:48 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: how many directories do you have within /media ? | 22:48 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, EOS_DIGITAL, well yes, I have a CF card for a SLR camera | 22:49 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: and do they correspond with anything in the output of 'mount' and or 'cat /proc/mounts' | 22:49 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Just one | 22:49 |
yaaar | ok | 22:49 |
SpAc | I can't seem to find any documentation on specifics between the install modes | 22:49 |
Guest16907 | i have a thinkpad thats been updated to the latest 11.04 when turned on all I get is a purple screen with the ubuntu progress dots. Any suggestions? | 22:49 |
yaaar | then you should be able to type 'rmdir <tab>' and it should complete it for you | 22:49 |
szal | Guest16907: press Esc & observe error msgs, if any | 22:49 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | replace windows and the something else option | 22:49 |
Guest16907 | ok trying now | 22:50 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | I just want to dual boot | 22:50 |
Loneclock | how do i update grub and remove old versions or linux? | 22:50 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: otherwise my recommendation would be trying cut/paste and/or the AltGr key if you have one | 22:50 |
ActionParsnip | !nomodeset | Guest16907 | 22:50 |
ubottu | Guest16907: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter | 22:50 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, I tried to umount them, but i got a "not mounted" messsage, I have not tried any of those optios you are telling me right now | 22:50 |
ActionParsnip | Loneclock: if you run: uname -a you can see the CURRENT kernel | 22:50 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: but the first thing i'd try is the 'rmdir /media/<tab>' | 22:50 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, The thing is, they are root only, I cant just send them to the trash bin | 22:50 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | problem is the installer does not give you any options that are of any use in the something else option | 22:50 |
gisli | digital: huh sorry...I've never dualbooted so someone else has tro help you | 22:51 |
Psydoll | My n00b question for the day, what is the difference between a dependency and a repository, i understand that a repos is where programs are stored | 22:51 |
gisli | are you using the Wubi installer? | 22:51 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | hmm i have always dual booted | 22:51 |
ActionParsnip | Loneclock: if you run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image-2 you will see the INSTALLED kernels. you can remove installed kernels but NOT the running kernel. It will clean up grub for you | 22:51 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: ok, try 'sudo rmdir /media/<tab>' and see if it completes that directory name. otherwise you could use 'sudo rmdir /media/*' | 22:51 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | any one had any experience with dual boot on HPg62 64bit with NIS 2010 installed ? | 22:51 |
FergusonTG_ | d1g1t4l_nrg: have you looked for the alternative install CD instead of the live CD? Gives much better options gnerally | 22:52 |
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d1g1t4l_nrg | nope but i will now. | 22:52 |
aleprovencio | hello everyone, is there a command to access directly the 'open with other application' dialog ? | 22:52 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, No, that's cool, I deleted them, i'm root. But i thought that was gonna be the solution so Ubuntu could see my Sony-nwz USB mp3 player, but still, it does not detected | 22:53 |
Loneclock | how do i check the grub menu without rebooting? | 22:53 |
ActionParsnip | d1g1t4l_nrg: could use the minimal install if your NIC works out of the box | 22:53 |
ActionParsnip | d1g1t4l_nrg: your NIS 2010 is of no interest to us :) | 22:53 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, I belive it was because I unplugged the player when it did not was fully ready, | 22:53 |
szal | Osmodivs: does that thing work as USB mass storage anyway? | 22:53 |
SpAc | Is there a way I can find the difference between the install modes? Perhaps at a package level? | 22:54 |
[THC]AcidRain | i need a little help with crontab. | 22:54 |
szal | SpAc: "install modes"? | 22:54 |
Loneclock | Can I pm someone about grub? | 22:54 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: have you looked at dmesg and/or /var/log/messages for what happens when you plug it in? one of my favorite tricks for unknown usb devices is to start with it not plugged into the computer, run 'tail -f /var/log/messages' and then plug it in and watch the messages roll by | 22:54 |
Guest16907 | szal the error is: process 373 failed dur to unknown user id | 22:54 |
[THC]AcidRain | but my issue i dont believe has anything to do with crontab | 22:54 |
[THC]AcidRain | when i type a command, i get this error: bash: Android_Development: command not found | 22:54 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | found the location of the alternative cd install location on other pc. | 22:54 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | will download that version now. | 22:55 |
SpAc | szal: yeah, when booting from the install CD and hitting F4 | 22:55 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | thanks for the help. | 22:55 |
vlt | !here | Loneclock | 22:55 |
ubottu | Loneclock: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | 22:55 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | laterz | 22:55 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | laterz | 22:55 |
FergusonTG_ | d1g1t4l_nrg: good luck! | 22:55 |
FloodBot1 | d1g1t4l_nrg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:55 |
szal | Guest16907: sounds like corrupted install medium and/or hard disk | 22:55 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | just hitting enter at end of line --- no pasting. | 22:55 |
MK`` | How can I check if ASPM is enabled? | 22:55 |
[THC]AcidRain | does anyone know why my terminal is giving me this error? | 22:56 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: also, have you looked at this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=866297 | 22:56 |
d1g1t4l_nrg | so how do you reply without enter in here? | 22:56 |
Osmodivs | szal, It's a MP3 player, But at that moment I was using it as a "file trasnsfer" device, i was downloading some files from a game, I clicked on the "safely remove" option, but as I was taking out, it "connected" again, and... I think there is when it messed up | 22:56 |
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Loneclock | I am trying to update ubuntu to the newest version and remove old versions that I don't need...I have been told before I should always keep the base version as well as the newest...after updating and removing old versions from my computer I would like to update the grub menu to reflect these changes | 22:56 |
Guest16907 | ok thanks szal at least i know where to start | 22:56 |
szal | Loneclock: you mean old kernels? | 22:57 |
Loneclock | yes | 22:57 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, tail: cannot open `/var/log/messages' for reading: No such file or directory | 22:57 |
szal | Loneclock: just uninstall them | 22:57 |
Loneclock | how | 22:57 |
sarkis | hey guys anyone elses github.com code unreadable on 11.04? :( | 22:57 |
sarkis | looks like its using Bitstream Vera Sans Mono? | 22:57 |
SpAc | szal: or would you call those boot options? | 22:57 |
szal | Loneclock: from whatever software management application you use | 22:57 |
Loneclock | szal i am using synaptic package manager | 22:58 |
szal | SpAc: no idea what you're talking about, I don't know the live CDs (I installed Natty w/ the alternate CD) | 22:58 |
ActionParsnip | Loneclock: removing old kernels using software-centre or apt-get will clean it up good | 22:58 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: oh, i see. i thought it had never worked. but it used to work and has stopped after a problem removing the device? in that case i'd turn the device off, reboot the machine, turn the device back on and plug it back in. simplistic, i know, and no you probably don't have to reboot (you really almost never should have to in linux) but still...looks like a state issue, and that would... | 22:58 |
yaaar | ...reset just about anything | 22:58 |
szal | Loneclock: then search for 'linux' & see what you have installed there, you can remove every kernel version on its own | 22:58 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: oh, are you on 11.04? i think they got rid of /var/log/messages. also WHY!!!!??? | 22:58 |
Loneclock | ActionParsnip, is it sudo apt-get autoremove | 22:58 |
kion | anybody using ubuntu with an Alienware M15x , nvidia GTX260M???? | 22:59 |
Daekdroom | kion, it's better if you instead tell your issue. | 22:59 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Really? | 22:59 |
Loneclock | szal, I have done that...I think...is there a way I can check grub menu without rebooting to be sure? | 22:59 |
Daekdroom | Or ask your question, if that's the matter. | 22:59 |
[THC]AcidRain | what should the bash path be? | 22:59 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Is there another folder where they moved the log files? | 22:59 |
trism | MK``: it is on the ubuntu kernels: grep CONFIG_PCIEASPM /boot/config-$(uname -r); | 22:59 |
kion | I am experiencing random x server crashes and it will take me back to the login screen | 22:59 |
szal | Loneclock: you can view /boot/grub/grub.cfg in a text editor, or better, in a pager on the terminal (e.g. less) | 23:00 |
kion | happens most when using flash | 23:00 |
ActionParsnip | Loneclock: its a bit more than that | 23:00 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: honestly i don't know. i am still on 10.04 where it counts (this work machine i'm typing on now, all my servers) and just threw 11.04 on a laptop to see what it was like (turns out i hate unity), and happened to notice that was missing. never found out why or where the equivalent was | 23:00 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, The thing is, this problem has been like this for quiete a while, I was thinking that maybe letting the USB player to drain its energy could reset it (I reset it manually too), but, no | 23:00 |
yaaar | certainly seems crazy to get rid of the go-to log file that everybody has used forever | 23:01 |
ActionParsnip | kion: can you give a pastebin of: lsb_release -a; uname -a; dpkg -l | grep flash; dpkg -l | gnash ; dpkg -l | grep swf | 23:01 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Can an USB mp3Player be damaged by unpluging it before time? | 23:01 |
mtaylor | zomg. why has making a grub menu.lst file gotten so weird? | 23:01 |
mtaylor | what the heck do I run to re-generate menu.lst if I edit /etc/default/grub? | 23:02 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: i think it's very unlikely that it was actually damaged. but it could get awfully confused, which is why i suggested turning it off/on | 23:02 |
itaylor57 | Osmodivs, i have /var/log/messages and am on Natty | 23:02 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: note that "very unlikely" != "impossible" | 23:02 |
mtaylor | and/or more to the point - if I want to add a kernel command line opt - is there a better way than adding it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX in /etc/default/grub ? | 23:02 |
mtaylor | (this is on natty, btw) | 23:02 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, I can't even turn it off, I think it really got damaged | 23:03 |
yaaar | hmmm | 23:03 |
Osmodivs | perhaps a virus? | 23:03 |
Osmodivs | It is a SONY | 23:03 |
trism | mtaylor: you run: sudo update-grub; after making edits to /etc/default/grub | 23:03 |
[THC]AcidRain | can anyone help me with my bash issue? | 23:03 |
[THC]AcidRain | perhaps help me remove the android_development environment | 23:03 |
mtaylor | trism: I tried update-grub - it didn't seem to drop the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX into the entries | 23:04 |
Tekk_ | I'm using natty and for some reason I can't mount -o loop. it always complains about a wrong fs type, bad option, or superblock on /dev/loop0 | 23:04 |
yaaar | [THC]AcidRain: my $PATH = /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games | 23:04 |
Tekk_ | I KNOW I'm using the right options, it's a script I moved over from my debian install which works perfectly fine. anad it worked fine before too, just stopped seemingly randomly | 23:04 |
emprameen | i need to get these files off this ubuntu file system that won't boot... onto this drive with a working ubuntu...I need permissions to access the mounted drive... | 23:04 |
MK`` | trism: how can I check if it is enabled and functioning properly tight now? | 23:04 |
trism | mtaylor: are you checking the right file? if you installed any ubuntu since 9.10, it will be grub2 which uses /boot/grub/grub.cfg (if it is an upgrade from older versions it may still use menu.lst) | 23:05 |
mtaylor | in fact - update-grub doesn't seem to be updating /boot/grub/menu.lst at all | 23:05 |
mtaylor | AH | 23:05 |
mtaylor | well, hrm | 23:05 |
trism | MK``: I do not know, I just know it is built directly into the kernel (it isn't a module) | 23:05 |
yaaar | Osmodivs: hard telling man. i'd say damage is more likely than a virus...not too many viruses target mp3-players plugged into linux boxes. maybe the fs got corrupted. but i'd say most likely it just got hung somehow and doesn't respond to the off button. maybe take the batteries out or something | 23:05 |
trism | !grub2 | mtaylor for more info | 23:05 |
ubottu | mtaylor for more info: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10) | 23:05 |
mtaylor | trism: well - it's in neither menu.lst OR grub.cfg | 23:05 |
ActionParsnip | mtaylor: grub2 doesn't use menu.lst | 23:06 |
ActionParsnip | mtaylor: update-grub generates /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 23:06 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, hm.... there is no way to open this thing, It recharges via USB,. Oh well, it died, I'll just move on. | 23:06 |
MK`` | trism: I ask because I was having those power problems since upgrading to Natty, so I added a command line option to force it to enable, but I ended up getting conflicting messages from dmesg and aspm is not listed in lspci | 23:06 |
trism | mtaylor: I always add it to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, which version of ubuntu is this? | 23:07 |
astory_ | I'm noticing that gnome session restoration works for some applications but not others. Notably, it works for Firefox, but not for Chrom{e,ium}. Is there somewhere I can go for more info? | 23:07 |
mtaylor | trism: it's natty - lemme try GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT | 23:08 |
astory_ | this is in Lucid, at least | 23:08 |
trism | MK``: sorry, I wish I could help but I don't have any further details | 23:08 |
MK`` | Alright, thanks trism. | 23:08 |
[THC]AcidRain | how do i remove a sourced file from bash? | 23:09 |
Osmodivs | yaaar, Please, tell me about the dmesg trick | 23:09 |
=== K4k is now known as Guest39042 | ||
codex84 | bisigi theme | 23:14 |
codex84 | does not remove | 23:14 |
ActionParsnip | codex84: which did you install? | 23:14 |
codex84 | the theme all of it | 23:15 |
ActionParsnip | codex84: really, there's 15 in there. You installed them al? | 23:15 |
codex84 | lol | 23:15 |
ActionParsnip | codex84: did you install all 15? | 23:16 |
codex84 | idk if is 15 in there | 23:16 |
codex84 | the site if u want to install all themes | 23:16 |
ActionParsnip | codex84: http://www.bisigi-project.org/?page_id=8&lang=en | 23:16 |
codex84 | i install the theme,but when i want to install a specific | 23:17 |
codex84 | it says unable to locate package | 23:17 |
ActionParsnip | codex84: run: sudo apt-get update first | 23:18 |
Snakkah | Hello. When trying to install ZSNES from source, and when I run ./configure it says sdl-config isn't installed and that SDL version > 1.2 isn't installed, but I can't find either of these in the repos. What do I need to get this error to go away? | 23:18 |
codex84 | alright | 23:19 |
codex84 | did thatt | 23:19 |
=== geekboy_ is now known as VooDooStevie | ||
kion | ActionParsnip I already pasted in pastebin as Alienware M15x | 23:20 |
Fleck | i need some removable storage thing down there near clock - to remove safely removable storage - suggestions? media-applet did not work here... :( | 23:20 |
codex84 | idk if it was meant to work on natty | 23:21 |
codex84 | im on classic mode... | 23:21 |
Tekk_ | Snakkah: sudo aptitude install libsdl-dev | 23:22 |
myk_robinson | good evening, all. in Ubuntu Natty, how do I get the grub menu to show? | 23:23 |
trism | MK``: might want to check out: http://smackerelofopinion.blogspot.com/2011/03/making-sense-of-pcie-aspm.html has several options to try (unless it is just older hardware, seems disabled for mine) | 23:23 |
ActionParsnip | kion: that's nice, can you give the link to your pastebin please | 23:23 |
renan | #hacker.Ate | 23:23 |
Jasonn | I am getting this error: iptables service not started because of error (SVC_RUN_EXCEPT) | 23:23 |
kion | i think it is this: http://pastebin.com/egc7A97L | 23:23 |
vlt | An OpenOffice presentation I want to just view uses a few animated transitions. Is there an image file format with more than 256 colors for animations? Then I could use a tiny image viwer for the task instead of installing hundreds of MB for a full OpenOffice. | 23:23 |
ActionParsnip | codex84: yes it has natty http://ppa.launchpad.net/bisigi/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ | 23:24 |
VooDooStevie | Greetings. I am trying to find a resolution to an issue that is basically making it impossible for me to upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10. I use an Acer 5720 which has an Intel GM965/GL960 graphics card. The Svideo port will not work under 11.04 for Ubuntu or any of its derivatives. It works under 10.10 fine. | 23:24 |
Fleck | !applet | 23:24 |
sarkis_ | hey guys i installed the restricted-extras, anyway to remove Courier New? | 23:24 |
ActionParsnip | kion: you should run commands as given, the output is good just remember to run commands on one line if they are given as such | 23:24 |
sarkis_ | or actually, I'd like to remove all the microsoft fonts | 23:24 |
ActionParsnip | kion: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-installer; sudo add-apt-repository ppa:sevenmachines/flash; sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplugin64-installer | 23:25 |
ActionParsnip | kion: gives 64bit flash for your 64bit OS | 23:26 |
myk_robinson | how do i make my grub menu options display on boot? | 23:26 |
kion | Great!!! | 23:26 |
kion | thanks a lot | 23:26 |
ActionParsnip | kion: is it ok now? | 23:27 |
kion | I will test it tonight at home | 23:27 |
myk_robinson | i think there is a key i need to press to make it display, but it seems to be missing | 23:27 |
=== MrSmurf is now known as xSmurf | ||
kion | right now i only have an open ssh connection to the computer | 23:27 |
Milossh | hey. I just bought dell inspiron n5110. I have sound out via headphones, but not for the speakers | 23:27 |
Milossh | can someone please help me diagnose the prob? | 23:27 |
kion | but the command you gave me ran perfectly :) | 23:28 |
renan | someone speak portuguese | 23:28 |
ActionParsnip | kion: do you have an x server on the client PC? | 23:28 |
szal | !audio | Milossh | 23:28 |
ubottu | Milossh: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !players and !mp3. | 23:28 |
szal | !pt | renan | 23:28 |
ubottu | renan: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 23:28 |
kion | yes it is also an ubuntu os | 23:29 |
Jasonn | I am getting this error: iptables service not started because of error (SVC_RUN_EXCEPT) | 23:29 |
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renan | brigado | 23:29 |
ActionParsnip | kion: sweet, connect with: ssh -X username@server then run the browser in the new session. You can then test flash remotely | 23:29 |
ActionParsnip | kion: it'll run like a dog but will work | 23:29 |
kion | is it that simple? just type in the terminal ssh -x ..... | 23:30 |
kion | and how do i change from my actual x session to the ssh session? | 23:30 |
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vlt | kion: Your X session is the same | 23:31 |
ActionParsnip | kion: capital X not lowercase | 23:31 |
kion | Here I go... | 23:31 |
ActionParsnip | kion: the graphical commands you run in the new session will appear onn the client X server but be processed on the server side | 23:32 |
=== MrSmurf is now known as xSmurf | ||
kion | Ok logged in, now what? should I type firefox ??? | 23:34 |
Fleck | anyone knows some media-applet alternative? | 23:34 |
ActionParsnip | kion: i'd suggest: firefox & | 23:34 |
ActionParsnip | kion: that will give the terminal back and alow you to run other apps :) | 23:34 |
Anorion|Aurora | I am having a very weird grub issue. The line in grub.cfg that reads "set gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode" causes X not to be able to start, and also corrupts the text mode terminals. Any advice? | 23:36 |
bsmith093 | do i need tobe root to use cron | 23:36 |
kion | ActionParsnip: it gave me Error: no display specified | 23:36 |
BigDaddyDuergar | in the 10.x release of Ubuntu, I had to jump through hoops to get my geforce mx 330 video card to work properly. Does anyone know if you can now use the updated drivers in 11.4? | 23:42 |
Tekk_ | I can't mount -o loop on my natty install, it complain about wrong fs type, bad option, or bad superblock on the /dev/loop that gets used. But the .flp image and the command work perfectly on my debian wheezy machine. anyone have any ideas what may be up? | 23:42 |
ActionParsnip | kion: what command did you use to connect to the server? | 23:42 |
kion | ssh -X user@host | 23:43 |
ActionParsnip | kion: is the server side ubuntu as well? | 23:43 |
kion | yes | 23:43 |
cmaxwell | wheres the best site to get a shell from? | 23:44 |
ActionParsnip | kion: strange X forwarding is default enabled in Ubuntu | 23:44 |
ActionParsnip | cmaxwell: how do you mean "a shell" | 23:44 |
kion | ActionParsnip I am pretty shure that I have X forwarding enabled... | 23:44 |
cmaxwell | vhost | 23:44 |
cmaxwell | bnc | 23:44 |
ActionParsnip | kion: you can check in /etc/ssh/sshd_config | 23:45 |
BigDaddyDuergar | Anyone know of a version of VMWare for Ubuntu? I know of Crossover and Wine, but those don't work on the programs I need to run... | 23:46 |
ActionParsnip | !vmware | BigDaddyDuergar | 23:46 |
ubottu | BigDaddyDuergar: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware | 23:46 |
rhin01 | virtualbox works well BigDaddyDuergar | 23:46 |
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rhin0 | just as vmware | 23:46 |
Anorion|Aurora | what is he next LTS release? | 23:47 |
reseph|away_ | Hey all, I installed Ubuntu 10.10 just now. How can I enable SSH access to it on the LAN? I tried to SSH to it via LAN IP and didn't work | 23:47 |
Tekk_ | Anorion|Aurora: 12.04 | 23:47 |
gsf1200s | Hey what's the ubuntu off topic room? | 23:47 |
kion | ActionParsnip: you were right, no X forwarding... | 23:47 |
Anorion|Aurora | thanks, Tekk_ | 23:47 |
ActionParsnip | kion: ;) | 23:47 |
Anorion|Aurora | anyone have any idea about my grub issue? | 23:47 |
ActionParsnip | kion: you will need to restart the service to enable the option | 23:47 |
Taha | Is this the same Tekk_ from rscheating? | 23:47 |
rhin0 | reseph|away_: on the server if the package openssh-server is installed then also enable it through your firewall ("sudo ufw allow ssh") | 23:47 |
Tekk_ | Anorion|Aurora: remember, next-lts-number = current-lts-number + 2.0 ;) | 23:48 |
kion | ActionParsnip: ok let me first change that setting to yes | 23:48 |
Tekk_ | Taha: no, not that I know of at least | 23:48 |
Tekk_ | Taha: problem with being tekk is that a lot of the time the username is already taken ;P | 23:48 |
kion | ActionParsnip: jajajaja I was just about to call gedit !!! | 23:48 |
Taha | Tekk_: Ah, I see. What makes Tekk so common? | 23:48 |
Tekk_ | Taha: I have no idea | 23:49 |
BigDaddyDuergar | will virtualbox run windows xp/7 without any issues? I need to make sure i can still use my SQL, Visual Studio 2008, and Dreamweaver for school | 23:49 |
kion | ActionParsnip: interesting, i thought that if you called ssh with the -X switch, and had configured no forwarding, you would get some sort of warning. but no | 23:50 |
Tekk_ | BigDaddyDuergar: you do realize that the main platform for sql is unix, right? | 23:50 |
aleprovencio | hello everyone, is there a command to access directly the 'open with other application' dialog ? | 23:50 |
frank_ | what block size is recommended for an ext4 partition on a iscsi lun? | 23:50 |
kion | ActionParsnip: I am about to take off now, but I really apreciate all your help!!! :-D | 23:50 |
rhin0 | BigDaddyDuergar: i have had it running windows xp fine -- it even connects to the internet through your ubuntu configured wireless -- not sure about windows 7 -- but would be reasonably sure that it does | 23:51 |
ActionParsnip | kion: no worries duder | 23:51 |
ActionParsnip | BigDaddyDuergar: why not run mysql and bluefish instead of SQL and Dreamweaver ;) | 23:52 |
pooltable | help installed a .rpm file the easy why? | 23:52 |
Tekk_ | !alien | pooltable | 23:52 |
ubottu | pooltable: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 23:52 |
ActionParsnip | pooltable: what is the RPM for? | 23:52 |
pooltable | what about yum? | 23:52 |
claw | i moved a module to /lib/modules/... | 23:52 |
BigDaddyDuergar | thanks rhin0. Tekk_ I have to have use SQL in windows for school. ActionParsnip: I'll play with it, but for class I need to have Dreamweaver. Otherwise I'd use Gimp instead of Photoshop | 23:53 |
claw | but now when using insmod it is not been found | 23:53 |
ActionParsnip | !yum pooltable | 23:53 |
claw | do i have to update anything | 23:53 |
ActionParsnip | !yum | 23:53 |
ubottu | Uh, don't you mean !apt ? | 23:53 |
claw | ? | 23:53 |
pooltable | actionparnip the newest flash player | 23:53 |
pooltable | !yum | 23:53 |
ActionParsnip | pooltable: grab the tar.gz and copy the .so to your plugins folder | 23:53 |
Tekk_ | claw: yum is the package manager for fedora ;P | 23:53 |
pooltable | action ok where the plugin folder? | 23:54 |
claw | Tekk_, i was not talking about yum | 23:54 |
ActionParsnip | pooltable: what browser? | 23:54 |
Tekk_ | pooltable: /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins | 23:54 |
Tekk_ | ActionParsnip: doesn't matter what browser, everything looks there | 23:54 |
ActionParsnip | Tekk_: i see, I always put mine in /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins | 23:55 |
Tekk_ | anyone had issues with mount -o loop saying that /dev/loop* has wrong fs type, bad option, etc. when the command is right? | 23:55 |
ActionParsnip | Tekk_: does the image MD5 test ok? | 23:56 |
Trand578 | I'm new to ubuntu and have questions about compatability with my Win Xp. Yahoo answers told me to come here. I want to know if Ubuntu is compatable with my Win XP computer and if so which version i should use. | 23:56 |
[THC]AcidRain | bash: Android_Development: command not found | 23:56 |
ActionParsnip | Trand578: grab natty and it will be fine | 23:56 |
[THC]AcidRain | how do i stop this error from happening? | 23:56 |
Tekk_ | ActionParsnip: yeah, it's a fine image, mounts and runs fine in my debian | 23:56 |
pooltable | action main one is firefox but have chrome and opera | 23:57 |
ActionParsnip | Tekk_: what is the file name and/or type? | 23:57 |
ActionParsnip | pooltable: apparently they al use one folder where Tekk_ said | 23:57 |
Tekk_ | ActionParsnip: vfat, I'm messing with a small OS called Mikeos, which needs to mount a loopback to put the user programs on | 23:57 |
pooltable | tekk and action thanks | 23:58 |
Tekk_ | ActionParsnip: the exact command is mount -o loop -t vfat disk_images/mikeos.flp tmp-loop | 23:58 |
Tekk_ | and mikeos.flp is a FAT12 image ;P | 23:58 |
ActionParsnip | Tekk_: gotcha | 23:58 |
ActionParsnip | Tekk_: let me search | 23:58 |
[THC]AcidRain | bash: Android_Development: command not found how do i stop this error from happening? | 23:58 |
Tekk_ | ActionParsnip: thanks. I tried looking on duck duck go but I couldn't find anything relevant | 23:59 |
Tekk_ | [THC]AcidRain: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/Android_Development | 23:59 |
[THC]AcidRain | Tekk_: i dont have android development on my comp. how do i remove it compeltely? | 23:59 |
pooltable | tekk i have mozilla folder and moxilla-firefox what one? | 23:59 |
[THC]AcidRain | what file contains all of these paths? | 23:59 |
Tekk_ | [THC]AcidRain: what are you using that's trying to run Android_Development? | 23:59 |
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